The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, January 07, 1882, Image 1

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/T iE!|C CI)crokce IVtoance. UBLI8HE0 EVERY SATURDAY —:BY :— N. N. EDGE, ED [TO ft AND MANAGER. O/fl-e Dpataira corner ^’O i net title cud vert Murietia Street —over alo e oC. M. .VcCIvrt. til .irhilO. fun 1 #»r. oi.TtC'OMttff TERM Single cony, 1 jtmi, - • 81.25 * “ nil IllO'ltll •, • - .95. •' “ ilnee mouths, .!!5 PROFESSIONAL AND HUS 1 NESS CARDS. TV. A. AG.ITeasly Attorney* at Law, CANTON — — — (il OU IIA Will give i rnmpt attention to o 11 Iju^i net-* intrusted to tl cm. Will practice in all the courts of Hie c..un'y, mid in tin Superior court*of tbe Utile Ridge clr eulr- » j>n7-ly. ! Blood Syrup «l .... . i m Complaint, and can recommend it loail afflicted ai a valuablo medi cine. M A Rodgers- Laboratory, 77 West Third St New York city. SATUKD.lYfMORNING, JaNUAKY 7,1882. BOB’I. B. CASON DENTIST. Will be in Clinton Every Sule D iy to r.niiiin Lain nee of the week. Come for wind promptly and make jour engage innati. tiovID-l.y. H. F. Paymk. P. P DcPkkr Payne A DuPre, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, CANTON, - GEORGIA- L JT Caktrell, ATTOttNEY AT-LAW, life Will 1'KHA.LL ST. ATLANTA, GA \ r t I p Hidic i.\ tlo 1'. S. Ciienit ami Di.tricl Coui la at Allan.a, and the Sn» pieme and Superior Court* of the Stiite may a, ly 11. W. Newman. Jno. 1). Attaway. NEWMAN & ATTAWAY, ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW. CANTON, - GEORGIA. Will prnctiec In (lie Superior Court n Cherokee and inljoning cotintie* I'n tupt uttriilion given to all l.usinet* placed in their hands. 0111-i- in tht Ci uit rionae. Apr. 211 tf. J. M. HARDIN HOUSE, SHiiV- CARRIAGE ani> ornamental PAINTER. FRESCO avd SCENIC ARTIST CAN ION, GEO.IG l A .Ian. Ill ly. SC UOOLN OflC 1’. Mi** Duval will r-npen her School on Monday, January 2t' I, 18**2. Shu will teach in tlio llaptiet Chinch until her Now\ wir'd) i to be i-.icled on the Title lot, is lunil.t fur occupancy . S:.c uolicila pair, ling. a.i,I ieii.ui.ta that |)ii|ols utteeil prompt ly on the open 1114 of chooi. i erin tin air rule il.illltt Medical Card. LOCAL DOTS. Corutior, W.T.Kirk hits moved to Canton Major Jesse Bur ze moved to Can- tou in the Maddox house. “Ten N ighss iu n liar Hoorn, ’ will ic acu-xl in Court House, on Fiiday ngltl the 20.h Instant | I’ruf J. Dorman Steele has pres uVed a handsome and valuable ituny to the Dorman Steele Lyceum ol this couuty. Newman A Attaway whose pro- ,1,mill cur stands i-i the Advance promptly intend to n I business en trusted to their management WEA1UEP. IN JANUARY. ' i 1st to (Hit Cool, cloudy, rai*. Till to 11' h Cool, fair, or snow, 15th to 20th Cold.fuir, warmer, 21st to 24th Warm, 25 h la 27th Cold, 28th to 31st Cloudy, warm, rainy I)|!. N. SEWELL re nin., ih.i i.m t the citizens of Cm,tint mnl V".entity, to their liheral patronage. Being permanently located, will e. n tinue to nod cine, surgery ui.o mi twit'. ry. II ipi « by mill-trv, energy and aU'c upplication io liUM".es», to in n it su in- Cieased patron.,gi- and ronli li m e. Offi iu Dr. W. A. Uiu> n'a Ding store lic.iiiencc unjoining W. II Warhck novllMy. J. V. . .) A RV I, JEWELER & PIlOTOORAPflEii CAN ION, GA. ( a , lie t und at Iiib Gallery at any time where he is always ready to do good woi i: »i' low price. July 16 -tf. li. If. Me I illy re. Hr OR, r'nstiritig anti STO |N K W 0 K K M /V N, ( ANTON. GEORGIA. 1 AM FI />I.Y PltEl AH El) TO DO any kind of Masonry or Plastering, a* t LOWES I l’OSSlULIC RAVES. And rolic'w the put lounge of those ■ es iog work in my lin Mrs B. Z Duue.ii will iiuive in (Jan(on in a lew days, and will take Ohaige of tbe D partinent ol Music in the Dormun Steele .School' The tlilog desired lound at lust. Ask Druggists for “Rough on Rats” It rlcHMQMt rats.. inicij, vouches, tli.s, bed-bugs. Iftc.boxes. IIju Joshua Roberts ot this conn iy showed us a sp ertnen of gold last Tuesday n* took Iroin a v.ri. ,ii l^s plaiitu'iot'. ' You could s-e large |»Hi'ticles ol gold attached to the our. This oar is as rich us any we have ever seen in Georgia. 1 * J. L Jordan has located in Can- Lin. He and Mr. Coggins have opened a general store ou Gaines ville St. Read their advertisement in another column. Mrs Tuggle winle gathering soup egg* Iroiu a log crib, she standing ou a plat k,which turned,leaving Let .-land in the crack. Her weight dis located her shoulder, Dr Sowel re placed the joint and we are glad to team she ia doing well. On Thursday the 29'll ub, a freight car was on the track contain mg T acks of suit, near me tin fin s ied Etowah bridge, 3 l 2 miles above Canton on M & N Ga R 1! The storm blew the car ou th bridge The bridge gave way and all vent down the liver, lodging ttbom i| in ties below Can ton . Weils’ Health Renower. Abso lute (tire for nervous debility mid weakness ol tlio geauniiivo lunc- thnss. $1. ul druggists. Go. Depoi Lamar, Rankin A Lamab, Atlanta. Gn. New, quick, complete cure 4 days urinary nffec.ions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kid ney diseases, $1. at druggists. Ga. Depot, Lam ah, Rankin A Lamab Atlanta, Ga. TO OUR READERS We have nad no room this week for news We ask you to bear Mith us a few more issues We will soon have onr new Jinaierial and tlxlures and we promise a p i pes lull of nows and ranking mutter- Remmober, it takes tune to do any thing good MAIL REGULATIONS Office hours for General delivery, for Viegiatering an ct ami Unuing A/ouey order*. From 7 a. j*. Vo 7 r. u. for week ilay.e Office open from 0 to 10 a. m. on Sunday:.. 7, ,il null close* at 0 r. m. W. B. Whitmore, r. m. J..n 7th 1882, tf. Sue law curd of W. A A 0 1 Tousle, in this issue Col W. A- etvslcy is well known as ouo of our most successful lawyers. 0 1 I ouslev i-. a young man who is po- ite, studious attentive, with tine talent and much natural ability. ‘■"■■I ct ion to day Even vo.-roe at the Court Home Tl>> lolloping names are suggested t i C.iupcilmcn 11 1- Our.-lcr, It F P..», I’l-r v, 0. W. 1’uti.Ko), .1 I* ^L 1 tie' 1 , B 1 II. H. McENTYIU Jan. U) ly J.J.MDILAN 14 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. MO MU ME NT S , TOMBS AND HEAD STONES. Call or write to B. F. CrisleR, ( ANTON, GA. For Designs and Prices, novl9-81-ly. ______ iNlpt BONDS 1 wi 1 pay i ; 4 00 a thousand for Con- foiierate Bonds, with c a.pons st- (ached ut'ter January. 1805. Send C. O. D. with right to exatniue. RANDALL U. FOOTE, Bunker 70 Broadway, New York City. dccSl lm, Mr Green Kuig was found deud in the woods near his home at Chero kee Mills on the 20th ult. Having been an imbecile for many years,had * and. red offaud was found frozen I > deutli. Coroner Kirk summoned n Jury as follow,: 1j. F eld, lorm in, J 'h' Rollert, W. Steele, R. L. Kinneit J. Worley, S. W. William* and W. T. Kirk Cor. The'r Virdict was accordance with the above. Miss Vlinnie Dunn, of Spring I ’lace, Mo , who has been the guest of Mr and Mrs. J. M. McAfee has returned home. Miss Fannie Mc Afee has also returned toLaGrangw Their pleasant society will be great It missed bv tbeir many friends in Canton The [class in calisthenics at the enneest gi7en by Mr.J M..Attnway's pupils on the 23rd ult, evinc.-d skil ful trailining and reflected great credit upon thoir fair little instruct ness, Miss Ellea King. A WORD A-ROUT THE CONVITC CAMP, Which is Bear Cole Springs, in Pickens county, Ga. The writer made uis first visit to the Camps last Saturday night, w ith a prisouer, in company with our sheriff. It being lato, we did not have time lor the prisoner to Lave u trial, lie was one who was charged ol abusing the con- viota. It upon iwid, that they were brtdlv beaten with a stick, which I think from the condition of the convicts was incorrect. Two physicians were in our company and present when the tho convicts wore examined i saw nothing indicating cruel treat ment iu any of thorn. I then went into a tent, where I found Iriond Kenney, who looked as well as I ever saw him. lie seemed to bo enjoying himself as well as uny one could in his condition. I also saw David Ellis, the boy it took Mr. Petree’s money and clothes, la^t spring. I asked liitn, how lie was getting' along? lie answered “first rate.” This is no) hull so bad a place as I expected to find, from what I bad heard* about it.” lie was well and health- ly. Tho camps were well arranged and all appeared livi ly and iu fine minor. Tho Guards were all as rood looking men as can be found j anywhere. The appearance of their laces was tuaf of bravo men, who would | do their duty in guards. I was then invited into Gen. Phillip’s j ‘siiauty,” wiioro the guards were gathered around him to receive in- j -.tructioiiH as to their duty, con- \ ducl^ikc., as guards over the con victs. Tho convicts were better cared tor than 1 imd any reason to expect. They were as well treat ed as I ever was any where. I think that the citizens of Cher okee, Pickens, Gilnnr and other counties.'should lay hold and give all tho encouragement iu their power, in uidiug tho completion of this road. 1 say “God speed” to this enterprise. W.A. Kitchens, Cnnton, Jan.'82. Db’ty Sheriff. thanks. The Editor i.f th® Advance re- turns many tliaukato Misses Fan nie Teasley, Bmmtv Ellis, Leoy Putnam aed BUin King, for tho very uice “New Year*’” presents last Sunday. f)ur wi*h is, that their days be a* bright and their lives a* lovely aJ their s.voet faces. —■— IPO ODSTOC^ W GRICL LTURAL SOCIETY. Society nut •anient Paden in the chair. Tlio address of the President, reviewing tho past and insisting upon a moro zealous ol* fort to promote‘lie inlnrnsls of the Soi icty in the future was listened to t.ho nicn.'eors with marked attention. The President announced tho first business in order to he the election of thric delegates to rep. resent the Society in tho Simian- nual Convention, '.to be hold by tho State Agricultural Society in 1 #82. The names of \V. II. Perk, inson, W. W. Hawkins and M. H. Paden were put iu nomination and woro unanimously elected The election of oflicors lor the ensuing year was proceeded, with the following (result: Pre-ident, W. W. Hawkins ; 1st Vice-Presi dent, W. II. Perkinacn; 2nd, W. I. Johnsen; 3rd, ]). B. Medford, Sec rotary, T. N. Delany. Resolutions requesting members to pi epuru statements of their ex periments with crops, soil tests, and improved t«eds, to be presen ted at the nexPraeating on. tho 4th Saturday in January, ware adopted. The Cherokee Advance was re quested to publish the proceedings ot this meetings Adjourned T. N. Dklant. - M. 8. 1’adeni „ *- -- > » R«*»aU^ siybauAeixu and lengavd to TRIBUTE OF RR8PECT EBOM CANTON METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. Whereas, it has pleased out Heavenly Father to remove Irani our Sabbath School and community, by a very sail and unexpected death, our beloved young friend; Bos. Bridges, aged eleven years, therefore be it Resolved, That by his denth our School has lost a bright and exenip lary member, that we teuder onr liuarifelt syuipalhj to tlie father who was away from homo when his lit tle boy was killed; to the mothei who was sick in bed, and unable to .Minister to Iter darling boy iu tho painful hour, and to the little broth- eis and siste-ts, who will sndly misi him from the home circle. May our Father “who doeth all things well," comfort them with ths in- flueuoe of llis Holly Spirit. RssoLVun, That the younger inembeis of the School wear tho us’ it ul badge ol mourning for thirty days Torn Newnsn Guy Moss ( Committee Fannie Teasley Ellen King Wo the committee from the Bap tist Sunday School, of which Bos was also a beloved member, heartily endorse the above resolutions, and offer the bereaved family our sincere sympathy. Our earnest prayer is that God inny give them graoe to bear this heavy afllictiou, and com fort them in their great sorrow. We loo loved him, but Wo would not call him from the bright Above To weary through a life of toil and pain; Our love is weaker than the Father’s love, Our claim 1* nought to Joitt*' claim. May God ia his tuflnite love und compassion, teach us all to hear the trials of life, mid in all things ,to be Uis will. I Cc ORDINATION. On Sunday, tho 25th December, the impressive ceremony of ordain- iug Mr. K. T. Jones to tho ollico ol deuuou, was witnessed by a largo audience in tho Cauton Baptist Church. I’KEHltYTEBY. Kov’s. J. A. McMurry (the Pastor) M. B. Tuggle (absent), N. N. Edge. Deacons, T. Turk, J. L. Coggins and Jubcz Galt. Preaching by N. N. Edge, examination of the can didate aud prayer by the Pastor, laying on ot the hands by the Pres bytery, and charge delivered by N. N. Edge. IION. MARK. A. COOPER. Georgia will always be proud ot the name that head* this paragraph. A name interwoven with the his tory ol our Stale, for two thirds of tho past century. » Major Cooper called tlio liist railroad meeting ever held in the ttyat?, and made the first speech in tho meeting. Cooper M. Edge. Emma Ellis L-cy Putnam. Hattie Hardin. Committee ENTERTAINMENT. Puof Attaway's Pupils. Ou Friday night the 23ed Decem ber we had tho pleasure of witaesi- ing the most graphic and beautiful illustrations of tko advent of the “Babe of Bathlehem,” we have ever •.on. The pupils represented the Giiand Evxnt, from the first ap pearance of the Star iu the Easi to the Trauillgumtion on the mount. The whole whs painted in words, appropriate songs and Tableaux, tha’ made tut impression upon the huge nudieuce, not soon (o lie for gotten Much praise is due to Prof Attaway for his skill in Gaining and to th - gonitis mill industry of all the pupil* in making tho Enter tainment a complete suooess. Thus, much good was accomplished und every one well entertained. Such a celebration of Chrislmas- shows clearly, a “fitness in things,” We give Characters assumed by tlio children: , Aurora—Irene McAfee. Mi un.—Nallie U. Brown. Twiliokt.—Lena McConnell. N iout. -Fannie I’easley, Faith.—Ella Kinnett. Mamma’s Dari,iNo-Mary McAfee Red riding hood.—Muuue Lou Garwood. Pocahontas.—Ellen King. Cherokee Advance-Miss Wille Davis, Powhattan—ll K.Turner. Capt (Smith.—W. 11. Hawks. Indian Chiefs—C. M. Edge. . C. B. Hudson. Hendrick Hudson.—F. P. Garwood. Lady Macbeth—Funeie Teasley. Pet—Authie Terrell. Veiled Nuo—Emma Ellis. Alex bltphens—Carey J. King. Ben Hill—Willie A‘. Teasley. Confederate Congressmeu— Gas Coggins, Ralph Coggins, Guy Moss Willie Ellis, Warren ’ 'tf|mbff—tlnKlT Old Dinah—Fred V. Turk. Old Stiki-v—Emmett Hudson. Importa TO FARMERS. Messrs. Fetvec aud Rogers am selling rights for a new compost. They win rimer chemical* and will save any de ception that might bo practiced in spur- ons articles. See these gentlemen Sind save much money, or address them SB Wood S.ock, O x. )*u7' «» 3m. EXECUTOR SALE OF LAND. By virtue of authority rested ia mss the executor of the last Will end Testa ment of John Hardin, deceased. I will sell at Public outcry, at Woodstock on tho I'Jtli day of Jamisty, 1882, at 19 o'clock, M , a certain Tract or parcel of laud lying situate and being within one- lui t of ouo milo uf Woodstock, Cbero- ki o couuty, in ihc State of Georgia, con taining eighty seres more or leu. And composed of the following Sections, to- . wit: All of Section 1)97; *11 of that l>ortion n( Section 918, Sottdt oT Haney’s Mill t osd. aud West ot Cantos Roodt and nil of Section 917, South of Haney's Mill Bond Terms of Sale one half cash on day of salo, tha Indauce on a credit of twelve mouths, the credit portion t* bo seen Ah! In tm l!md of Purchaser and Mortgage o» the premises, with privilege Jt> the pnrch*>-ev to pay all onsli ou dny of salo. Tho pint baser to p.iy for *1' neoc-'-afT paper*. dec3l-2t. JESSE H. HARDEN, Ex’or. i - <r CATCH I’lllEF. While Mr. William R rto.i w d quietly (.looping In lb. room, l ist Wnduosday mgut—- A sash e i raised aud tho room entered, lii» pocket book taken from Ills pnuU pocket containing souio change, and a ladles largo double case gold watch. A LIDnllAL REWARD. Will bo paid for tho leturn ot the watch, largely iueroasad' fbr watch nad thief, For auy clew, Inform, W BARTON. DeciHth tf Canton, Go, Fubllu Schuvl Notloe. Tonckers in getting up their pti- vate schools for tbe your 1882, neap include the month of Feb. at a pab- 1 io school mouth,The balnnou of tha publio school term to be (night ia PANT AS lies. Saturday ufternoon ou .the 24th tho Funtimtio traitpe muilu its grand Ditnur on Gainesville street, A large number xvitb evc-ry conceiva ble OJitunie, licggHring nil diecrip- non in grotesque liidioronsnees, tod>- out from Evans’ stables, Some on horses, Some oil mules and one little fellow on a cow. This Cavalcade lies led by the oolored brass-band, more luidicrouely dressed thun hors- nten-biind wagon drawn l>y oxen. 'L'lie whole was real fun, disconnect ed with any thing wiong. We like to see the young enjoy themselves ih these innocent, laughable scenes. Thus real life gets a relief, aud inou olumy of labor lias a rest. CHRISTMAS TREE. thattiMMr. Those wishing to tend* public sohools who do not bold a fioans* of me, 1 will examine 21st Jac. 1881 sad will maks oootraots in bthalf ol tha IkMtrd with teacher* 28th Jcc* Nfna will be recognized as • pnba lic»*6hool teacher that does not OOU* tract wish the Board of Education, daeU-di. G. I. TEASLEY, OAO, * ■ ■ A Good UlitckHiiiii li cun get a pnr muncut si mat ion; in a good pay in neighborhood . Tools mid Hliop furnish For particulars cull ou or address l'ost J/asla-r at Hlmrp Top chcrukoo co Ua Juu 7th 4t ed The Christmas Tree ut the Metho dist Church ou the night of the 2-11h was everything that could have been deserved. The arrangements ol the llo made the lirat Suggestion llmt j presents on the large und spreading holly tree, showed u taste in the young ladies not to be excelled. built the first cottku mill iu tlio rituto. Tlio first irpti works were built by bis ugeneyt lie built tlio firHt mercliuut niill&.ihe State ntid whs tlio first nun iu America wL o hud iron converted into steel. IMPROVISED. Tbe Childreu’* Tableaux Mas querade, in the Court House Wed uesdav the 2'Jtb ol December, was tbe most enteitaiuing exbibition of tbe season. Tbe actors were composed mainly ofi’rol. Attaway’s school. They had uo preparation and a notice of only a tew hours. There being uostudied programme, every thing as “natural as real life.” years and i* still spending much of tho powers ot hie giant intellect in Georgia’s industries. A nobler heart, u broader intellect aud moro uutireing energy never were com bined in any one ntan. Thousands are living to-day who bear evi dence that—liia uboDNlHs was grea ter, evon.thau his jJubltc spirit. fhe enjoyment of the little ones in receiving their presents wus worth ten limes the expense and trouble in getting up this Sunday School •. -i- , n-rtaiument. Both Schools joined Helias passed hi* tour score | lt , H1 qj|y j„ the work and its pleasant WS Be made au earnest appeal, in as polite and courteous language us we had at our command, near two months ago to those indebted to us. While borne have p r omptly responded, many others have not. Now See This. When jou find your notes and accounts iu tlie hands of tbe collecting officers, please And no fault with us. We are going to collect. E. B. Holland & Co. Jan 701.1682 tf; results. Thus many little onss were made happy, aud this tmppi- ness »u* natuially communicated to the older, and was made a suc cess, with winch every oue was well pleased. McAFEE HOUSE. Messrs. Holland & DnPree have leased the above hotel. They opened their house on last Motaday with about a dozen regular boar ’ders. The new landlords and landlady make their debi t ns “proferisiouals” ia the art Cuisink and not novices, by any means. Those wishing something good for the “Iuuer muu,” sweet slumbers -and every other convenience for the weary aud hungry, will find them in these polite caterers for the pub lic. A CARD. Subscriptions to tho “Dorman Sleele Society,” for tho oroctiou of n Hchool building in C’nnlou, aro now due, und the money needed. W. F. Barton, jan4-82-tf. Sec’y. D YSl’EPBIA and INDIGESTION Mullock, Tattnall Co., Ga. Dn. Clark Johnson:— Tlio Indian Blood Syrup i» the best remedy I ever used ibr Dys pepsia. 1 take pk.asiiro in giving iny testimony to its great value. Miss Louisa Doson. bick Iloadarbe Cured. .Matlock, Tattnall Co., Ga. Ph, Clark Johnson;- - Your truly excellent Indinn Blood Syrup ha- cured mo of Sick Headache. I take pleasure in rec ommending it to others. tv . J-Thompson, chills and Feavor. M^jbt'k, Tattnall Co., Ga. Da. Clark Johnson: — I had Chills and Fever and tho treatment ol doctors and use of various modiciuos proved useless. At ia.-t, 1 obtained some of your Indian Blood byrup, which speed- ly oured me. Liver Complaint and Dispepsiu. Doraville, DeKalb Co., Ga. Dr. Clark Johnson:— I was troubled with Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia, and procured some of your Indian Blood byrup which acted like a charm. Mrs. Rebecca M.ller. DrE.H.Greene (LATE OF CHARLOTTE, N. 0.) Having located iu ATLANTA* GA., will bo at Marietta. Keuuesaw House, Monday, Junuary 2ad. . Oarteraville, Principal Iletel, Tuesday, Jauuary, 3rd. For the purpose of Consultation with ultd treatment of patieita AI* Aided with CANCER nil othei forms ol' CIIRONIO DIS* EASES. ’ , Dr. Greene is a thoroughly tatt- culed physician. Ilia recommenda tion, Testimonials and ratfarsBOM arc all of the highest character. lie has during the lait 12 yean treuled over 500 cases of UsDmr, with most remarkable »uccem. For lull pariicularu write to him ut At lanta for Pamphlet. CONSULTATION FREE. Cull and see tlie Dooior. Yon will bo dealt with SquARBLY, and will t*t an Honest opinion. dect4-2t. DR. CLARK ■*** JOHNSON'S 1 lib Bid M, M Cares Paralysis. Doraville, DeKalb Co., Ga. Dr. Clark Johnson :— I wa<* struck with Paralysis while at public religious service. 1 could not speak for fourteen days. 1 u.^ed •“*«•*<* a bottle of your Indian Blood Syrup and it cuied me. Rev. W. J. Warbiugton. (TBAOS mabo.1 „ DisMMa/iwrd MMWHs SJft^iSSJS BUiouBMM, Nervous DeEUUg,ete, Th» Boat &11CXD7 OOWH toMua | 12,000.000 Bottles! •«* sixes is**- „ 1 Thit Byrup possesses Varied Proptntu. 1 which c.imerC-lho J**™ rood i“i« : tnuiei Wliitl and Marlu « »(oinuch. Ir the medlcl»el talter **0— ** I sure rented, r It • Sure Cure lor Liver Complaint. Doraville, DeKalb Co., Ga. Dr Clark Johnson:— I have givan your great Indian KcagftifrssSt* Sills It ntattAllMN tftB blood, which »f ‘ muDDor of ukia *