The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, January 14, 1882, Image 1

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4l)e (gljcroku SUiiance. L'BLISUKD EVERY SATURDAY —: BY N. N. EDGE, EDITOR AND MANAGER. 0 4 ffw Up eta •t Merit corner Street—over etore of tt Jf. MeClure. OtMeieU Organ Vhrrmktt County TERMS; Single eopy, 1 year, - ni* month*, • three month*, *1.215 .08. .05 PROFESSIONAL AND JWSINRS8 CARDS. W.A. AG.LTcasly Attorneys at Law. CANTON — — — GEORGIA Will give prompt attention to all l>n«i- neu intrusted to tLrin. Will pmeiiceiii all the courts of tlie coiiniy, Hint in the Haperior courts of the Blue lti'leu cir cuit. j>in7«ly. BOB’!. B. CASON DENTIST. Will be ib Canton Every Sale Day to remain balance of the week. Come for ward promptly and make your enjmgo- aaeate. novID-ly. B. r. Path a. P. P. DuPfcKB Iijie A Dtfn, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, CANTON, . - GEORGIA L. J. Cartbell, Vim 3. CANTON, GEORGIA, A Magnificent Gift to Cherokee County. Inscribed In Beautiful Letters, “Cherokee County, Pre- neuteil by W.E Nickerson 1881. 8mrltonvn.L*, Oa., Jam. 5th, Editor Advance SATURDil MORNING, JaNUARI 14,1881. TaiiT" OOLBMAN , * tj We repeal to {loos aar I desire to call the attention of, AtTOnN BY AT-L A W, •M WHITEHALL ST. ATLANTA,GA inri District 1'ourts at Atlanta, and the Su» prime and Superior Courts of the State. a*» 6. ly H. W. Nbwmak. Nno. D. Attawat. NEWMAN & ATTAWAT, ATTORffBY8.AT.LAW. C ANION, - GEORGIA. Will practice In the Superior Coart of Cherokee and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given to all business planed in their beads. Office la th« Court House. Apr. 22 if. •J. M. HARDIN HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE Aim ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. FRESCO and SC ENIC ARTIST CANi ON, GEOitGJA Jan.18 ly. Contracting. All Kinds of Building Houses, Fences, Mills, Bridge*, and Everything eLo ever made by n carpenter. ALL DONE Promptly, Best Style, and at the Lowe* Prices. MT’VVill Give Satisfaction. P. WALLIS Jao14 89 flm. * union, Ga. Medical Lard. Dit. N. SEWELL return* thanKs to the citizens of Canton uud Vicinity, for their liberal patronage. Being permanently located, will con tinue to practice medicine, aurgery and midwifery. Hoping by industry, energy and striet application to business, to merit an iu- cres*ed patronage and continence. Office in Dr. W. A, Grei u’M Drug store. Residence adjoining W.H.Warlick uovlU-ly. J. w. Jarvis, JEWELER & PHOTOGRAPHER CANTON, GA. Col. W. E. Nickerson has prc> Bonted to Cltorokee county a large safe, made by W. G. Osgood by & Co., Boffulo and Atlanta. It weighe about thirty-six hundred pounds, nnd noyr graces the oflieo of tho Clerk of the Superior court, and is a “portoct beauty’’ in mechanism, style and iinish, and is doing its best to look ua ploaaiug aa Jaboz Galt has been for the last tit teen or twenty days. Under the new Constitution the Ordinary could not buy a sale without submitting the question to a vote of the people* and it then required a twe-third voto to succeed. So it was a herd road to a safe. But by the magui* licent gilt of Col. Nickerson,we are enabled now to keep our valuable books uud papere out of danger oj lire and robbery. Col. N. is com- para lively a stranger in our midst. I undetstand ho is iuveeting and spending a large amount of money ioCherokee,and has nearly corn pie- ted a dredge -Boat in Psoctoh’s bend, which when completed will coat him about fifteen thousand dollars, w>lb which bo inteuda to work for gold, fhe bod ot the Etowah River, lie is leasing the river bed all up and down the Etowah, and intends bedding more boats. SucceBt to you, Ool. N. may the bowels of Cherokee county re turn you a hundred fold for the costly present you ho generously bestowed on her. Your gilt is ap preciated. Cherokee Canton, Ga., Jau. 10th, 1882. Can tie found nt his Gallery at any time where lie is always leady to do good work at a low price. July 18—tf. H. II. McKntyre, ltrlelty /"'metering an*I STONE WORKMAN, CANTON, QEOROTA. I AM FULLY PREI’ARED TO DO any kind of Maionry or Plasti-ring, at tne LOWEST POSSIBLE RA7TC8. And kolicit the patronage of those tieair- ing work in my linn. II. II. McKNTYRE. Jan. 13 ty. J-J-MULLAN 14 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. MONU MENTS , .' TOMBS AND HEAD STONES. Call or write to B. ¥. CrlsleS, CANTON, GA. For Deiigna and Price*, nuvlft- 81-ly. CONFEDERATE BONDS. Kbv. N. N. Kook, Editor Advance, Dear Sir:— 1 have the pleas ure of herewith presenting you with a‘•genuine Falcon.” Appre ciating your very exalted and «le- psudeut position of Editor of A country newspaper and a Minister of tho Gosp<l,nnd feeling positive that occupying both positions, you must nccissarily feel gaunt ad times, us singularly an Editor or Minister always does. I make this presentation, feeling assured that whenever you may run short, and get entirely out, you can send this • bird of birds” out, ho will return heavily loaded witli the richest and rarest of the season. He oer- taiuly cannot depart from his rais ing. Trusting your appreciation of this bird, and that you will tuke no offence at my seeming interest in your future welfare, and above all wishing you unbounded success in your undertakings. I am sir an ardent admirer ol your paper, the Cberokee Advance, and wish lor it liberal support and patronage of the entire county. Thus, is the in terest and esteem felt by A Subscriber. We leel gratelul to Mr. “Sub scriber" lor the “genuine Falcon” received. Having the honor to be of two classes, neither of which was over known to lay claim to crowded Larder, we heartily ap preciate the present, provided the Falcon has been pioperly educated as a forager. Editors having the reputation ol being leaders in the dead-beat corps, and prea hers more distin guished for manipulating a dish of fried chicken, than abstruse points in Theology ; a well trained Falcon would be a “God send” to either. We would be glad to thank the donor in person, but, there being no name, wo can guess, judging by the handwriting, and some faint resemblance in the expression of the eyes ot the Falcon, and that of the Subscriber as we judge by his chirograply. I wi l pay *4 00 a ihoMHHiid for Con federate Bonds, with onpon* at inched after January, 1885. Send C O D. with right to examine. RANDALL H. FOOTE. Banker . . 70 Broadway, Now York City . dee 2 4 liu. the farming publio, through the columns of your paper, of Bradleyb Patent Chemical Comport fer reno vation of worn oet noil and tor geo oral fertilising purpose. 1 used this Compost on my cotton erop for the year 1881—used it el the iate of 400 lb« per acre, and nt e cost el thirty-four cent* bash per acre, and realised as good results in ths increased yield of my eetton us I sver did from tho use of any standard guauo at the prioe ol from five to seven dollars par sore. The oost of fertilising my orop of forty- four aoroa, was thirteen dollars and fifty cents, the eost ofdoiag the same tbiag with any standard guano would have been one hendred end fifty dollars, the crop being equal the count in favot ot the 'Chemical Compost is therefore $138.50. This Compost was nsed in ray neighbor hood on seven terms, including my own at a oost in money of $66,00, the oost of any standard guana for these farms in oottop at ten eenta per pound would have been $900,00* The CROP be ina equal there, is saved to these formers by the use of this Compost $835,00. Theee facts and figures are the result of a severe and oorreet teat of the merits of ths Chsmieel Compost as compered with those of the beet guanos, end solves whet has been to me a vexed question lor the lest ten yean; vis: bow to increase the meuey vales oft’ my cotton crop and keep the mousy at home. My honest conviction is, that the nee of this Compost will solve the seme problem lor every farmer,who will manipulate and use it according to formula. . I have not one cent in vented in this enterprise—never expect to have—and as much n» I dislike to appenr in a newspaper. I yielded to the impulse to give the benefit of toy humble experience to my brother farmers who like my self, and have beau crushed out by the extravigant rates, we have had to pay tor commercial manors, the ooatinund use of which, can only result in exhausting.their soil, de luding their judgment, tantalising their hopes and depleting their purses. Respectfully, A. S. Bell. LIVING WITNESSES. The hundreds of hearty, and heat thy looking men, women and child ren, that have been resoued from beds of pain, sicknem end well nigh death by Parker’s Ginger Tonic ere the best evidences in the world of its stealing merit and worth. Yon will find snch in almost every oommuni ry. janli-lm. Amkrious, Ga., Jan. 9th, 1882. Editor of Advance : olemaqVae beet i ijrearth end is mi ntissam is Gaaten uch liked worthy it young physician Dr Golsmeo sfoo has totaled in Jas per, Dr Ootoi tor some hy the oitisei He youog ms* leaving say mostly, oouM pert with warmer friend* then Dr With kin politjfeesB, promptness, into entaad pretomonal skill, besomsa n osrtaisty. We oeagrate elate, the gped people of Jasper in this valuable wdditioa to their ussfel mvu. We with him many days of pleasure sudjwdkpsrity. AMNOY^NCX AVOIDED. Gray hairs are honorable hut their premslsrv appearance is annoying. Purser's Hull Balaam prevents the sDseyuass by promptly restoring the youthful eoior. jaul«-l Hawkins Bridge* Jn answer's aa inqairy about the fiutshtng of this bridge* We inter viewed osr (Miaary. Ms ooatrweted with parting jado the work, ahd Hem family affliotOM the parties toiled. Thee ethef from »aaaa»(pafo wa. ureueuu delayed. W» Me alidad the* oar Ordinary kjlduas easeytbiag that could he dads ta torwerd its plettoa. i BRICK*. Mqler J, k. MaAfss while at the Exposition pweehassd the “Common •sense Brick (here oa eihibitiea. This machine s mads in Keokuk lawn. It has the oapuoit* tor making 11000 hriaka per day. Major M.>*ee infersse aa that ha will be able to foriish the best press ed bricks ut $5, per thousand. This is as cheap as common bricks and one thousand are reully worth two of mortar brick. The best brick dirt in Georgia can be found on Major McAfee’s plantation. CAN1 ON LODGE NO. 77 rs 4. Jf. Officers sleeted and metalled. K. B. Holland W. M. Jebrs Galt S. W. H. H. Davis J. W. J. L. Jordan Sec. W, A. Teasley Trees. H. T. Elliott B D. H. A. Terrell J. D. John Hasty H. W . Phi Stewards. H. G. Dsnlis Tylei. Regular meetings 1st and Monday nights in each month. 3rd LOCAL DOT*. Raia and mad. Big sals la Court Honse. A little rooster orows loud. Thorn Fatoou are vary dead Bewatfalmudl Beautiful i IKdtt Tan Nights Ut a Bar Beam mt ths Mr OerWood of Fla, has eswvml to Mr Wartiok is building a new IM Attaway's eehoei bed a* due opeatag. Ws toes* always take heel tor get it Mr MeOeUap.WtoModinto hie ( Loafers mjuse themselves and with Mies Duval’s School a fiat prespeoC .SmTis Used War lick aad^Bre Card la aat aU gaaa yet. Oeggias, Jordaa * Oe eeuttaM to the AMVamou MrJ.P. aa hie new dwelta* Bui Utlli oattoa has heeu la towa Mate New is a feed time to subscribe fer the Auveaaa. to eats of Ooegrees.esa have aocees to •kem kg aalliag la ear offioe. Wslsatw that Mrs Doctor Daahe •f Wsadetatk wee thtewa from her boggy oa Wednesday lest aud both arms were broken Wells' Health Henewer. Abao- Into care for nervous debility and weakness of tba geMrativa tone- tions. $1. at druggists. Ga. Depot Lamam, Rankin a Lama*, Atlanta, jrmtrmtjr T. O. Howe is Poet Master Gen. oral, in place of Jamas. The Star-route cases are to be before the Grand Jury next Weak. Thare hava beau 1,200 oeaee of semll-p«t in New York city, 400 proved total. 1 Church property is subject to tax in Philadelphia. A negro dug up the buried cloth* ing of a small-pox patient in Penn*-^ sylvania, and got *2,400. This only paid his funeral expenses. Hon. 0. C. Clay, of Huntsville, Aln„ is dead. Hon. L. Q. 0. Lamar, of Miss., reosired a unanimous vote for re- nomi nation to the U. S. Senate. Ga. To bottom. A detachment ol soldi ere are on duty ae guards at President Gar- field’s tomb. Why 7 TtebraVsstare theteedmett, The hiccrt, those who t Or promptly p«y the fatsmei' Par even oae week’s dele*. delay. This world wauld be the better, AiW! pay wheeevar bees* - » »d ,<«tll But then we letter, But thee we might *1 eg forever, Al| in till* mir maM stroll— u »• y° a jou-eay you’ll nev* Trade et our store, oaoe aga'u. 8o mw we have concluded, To leave to the Low', deiey, ••“uutjeu owe tie, Which you could eo promptlv mw. B. n. Holla*d A Co/aTit, Town council. The mthipipel eieettou eu Met tolled la the ehetee of U IhatoMawing OaaaeU men— r|eAM.M.lUWMAJL O. W. PUTNAM. J. P. MeOOWBlLIi MF.PBBBT. to P. OIMUML Oaa ton base baaed af Ngetl Cauaaitaea,ae beta selected. They all duty cad hava the willjaud men- hoad to discharge it, wittaal tear arfhvor. Job work done herr, cheaper in any other Job offioe. than COMB. AU the pupils are leaniels* to he promptly at the Baptist Ohuroh aaxt Hpaday sveaiag (ta mmrraw) to get taeeqa papers, cards, etc, Faeo Turk, Sec’y. Large crowds of negroes from lower Georgia, are going to Kan- The trial of Gaiteea has been in program nine weeks Mr Looser was elected to tho Sen ate, last Taaoday. The Arkaeeae negroes want office. A bitter controversy iajast began, between Dr Felton aud Senator Hill. It assess *the Rev Doctor baa been acting something that did not digest. Mr BlalM bn* built the Bneat dwelUuf In Wesiiiogton City. Oar opinion is that Gsitmu’e trial is goMag nnssaraas by a tags Hugh Litataot and kUlod Joa Mnrtyn, in Aagurta, Go., ftth lata Beaak Batter wiU run fer Gov- yda tflia year. Ha is good pH. V Guiteau la acquitted, any man m do u mean, thing nfterwarda Wheeler Si .MoGouuali’a making good family flour till is If there wars mors bosses in Can' tea, they could be rented. Holland A DuPrto am doing n fins business in tbsir Hotel. You can’t tell by the blossoms which apple will be wormy. Ws have probably seta mom rata fall than has fallen, for the last 20 days, bnt ws era satisfied that we have never seen such continuous min. The roads and streets am eeoh one bags mortsr-bed. Ths Exposition .knocked tho bnsg out of the country towns. Tbs Post Office is now st ths dwelling formerly occupied by Dr.t Parker. Waddings have been ro frequent sines tho 26th of December, that we don’t make any record ol them. Wa wish them all, much happiness in ell their future. Socirtt BlLLsS. On account of its rspsrkably delicate and lasting fragrance society belles are loud in .thsir praises of Floreston Cologne. jas 141h Isa. Judge Calhoun, ordinary of At lanta, lias issued uear 400 marriage licenses during lust year. About two-thirds of which were to color ed individuals. Diar Sir :— I have seen nothing in your valuable paper lor some time, about a candi date for Governor. I have been tiaveling over several ot tho ‘‘wire- grass” couuties, since the first ol December, and I find that almost the unanimous voice ef Southwest Georgia is lor Geu. L. J. Gartrell. I saw many troin the mountain couuties, when at the Exposition, and they all agree that be is the only man in the State who can bring the many factions together. I am of tbs opinion that, when the Gubernatorial Convention meets that Lion. L. J. Gartrell will be the roan. We far mors down here think ••* for we know that be has nu superior in tbe State. Yours, etc.,, Long Leaf Pine. LIST OF LBTTE8 rem«’-wiag-unolaimcd im the Post Office, at Ganton, county of Chero kee and State of Georgia, lor the month ended Dec. 31et, 1881. Persons calling for any of these will please say advertised and give date. Brady Dolphus, Black Harrison, Bager Mollie,Crow W. W., Dnncan S. 2, Dean Mies L. E., Dover Mrs. M. M., Harlson W. C., Hill G. 2. Kincaid J. C., Lumkin J. D., Nor ton 8. C-, Pop ham W. T., Rivers Miss C., Sims W. H., Smith R. B., Thornes P. 4J., Wright 8. E., Wil banks, S. D. R., Westbooks S., Wrighy K. W. W. B. WHITMORE Jan. 1st, 18«2. P. M curs 4 Bishop McTyeir says, “I wish there was a skating rink in every village and boardiug school.” We wish lo differ with the Bishop. We can show why it is attended with many more evils than dancing,not withstanding the Bishop’s opinion expressed to the contrary. New, quick, complete days, urinary affections, fmqneabwr MfaaM urination, kid- isy disiMsa, $1. at druggists. Ga. Depot, LaMar, Rankin A Atlanta, Ga, Thu physicians appointed in Atlanta, to VMwnuts all who need ed this proouution against the ■prsad of small-pox, have finished their work. The New Year starts out we! Go to the McAfee bourn end get s geod dinner when yon coses to town. Ths street from our office to tbe Poet Offioe is now, long, . soft and crooked. W.W. Phillips E»q, Cspt of the convict camps on M A N Ga R B called in enr offioe loot week. Copt Phillipsioan snsrgstic, progressive man and a good manager. He report j things in good working order on the rood above thia Call again. The San actually shone in Canton for over a half hour on lest ,Wednss- day Reed tho letter in ibis issue of lion AS Bell, on the Petree & Rogers Bradley Chemical Compost. Those >ho advertise, will make lonsy See the card of Mr P Wal lis in soother column The citizens of Csaton met at the Methodist Cburoh at ^ay-break for prayer, New Years morning. At 11 A. M. sad at might tba new pastor prsscbed interesting aermoas. A good audience (attended all the strvises, notwithstanding tbe ground vas covered with snow. Ws saw s large Bell in oar depo last week, bought tor tho High School at Jasper, Pickens County Jospor is manifesting a progressive Moveaasut worthy af its energetic eitissas. Much older towns will da weii to imitate the pnblio spirit of this risiag town. on failures, u| Thanks to Hon J. G. Clements tor full copies of Congressional, Rbcjorq. We preserve the Escord oa fils. Any one wishing to rsfst Lost in Canton. with la- One Solid Gold Bing, •criptiou, “Maggie Bemb. the vow Howard.” Attached is s 26ctx Gold Coin, California stamp. Ths finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving at this offioe. jsnl4-tf *Rkniw Your Lzabk. There are times in every .ones, life when energy fails'sad a miserable feeling oomes over ;them, mistaken for lasioess. Danger lurks in these symptoms, as they arise from diseas ed organs. Parker’s Ginger Tonio will restore perfeot activity to the Stomaeh, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood, and renew vonr please ol health and comfort.—Ad roosts jsn 14th lm. On# hundred uad forty barrels of rice warn arid in flawa—ah, laat Friday. Thorn ware 17T failures through- eat the eowrtry, during the past week. It is predicted that Coukling will be a caudidate for Governor of New York. The Mgroea hava lied a political convention in Macon. They a- greed to leave all the politico ef Georgia to JofT Lang. The thing desired found at last. Ask Druggists for “Bough on Bats” It clears eat rats, mice, roaehes flies, bed-bags. 15c.boxes. The disgraceful acts nf a young man, helped by some of the po lice, have been tho oocasion of a call of a citizens meeting in Griffin Ga. 1 Gen. J. K. Johnson deniee ever accusing President Jeff Davie of appropriating any part of the con federate treasure. Rumor mid there was a ease of small-pox in Atlanta, last week. It if empnatically denied by tbe Constitution. It is thought that Koifer has done more to disgraee the high po sition he holds, than any men, who hsa ever presided over any respectable body in Washington. William Askew of Foray th coun ty, was sent to jail; laat Saturday, in Atlanta, oa a charge of illicit distilling. Jasper, Pickias Connty sad itsaur- renndiag mountainous region, have been slandered on illicit distilling sad liquor drinking Tbs Jasper muaicipMf tax for letstliog liquors is now $1000 This don't look like these tales are teas. Maty old oonntiea that boost of thsir aroral regulations may look to Piekoas and text an example and do batter than they are now doing Be Bet Deceive!) Important TO FARMERS. Meeen. Petree aud Ragess are aeliii rights for a aew com poet They wi ~>raer chemical* sad a poet. will eave ut de ception that might be practiced in spur on* article!. See theee jwntlemea end ••ve much money, or aaareu them et Wood dtock, Ge. jan7*’89 9m. By Flatten claiming to be aa ta- provement oa ALLOOOK’B POROUS PLASTERS. ALLCOCK'8 is the original and only genuine Poroua Plaster; all other oo-tolled Porous Plastus are imitations. Bnwars of them. See that yon get an ALLCOOK’S PLASTER, which we gnaraatet has effeoted more and quiatar’ cares then any other external Remedy. Sold by all DRUaOM* janl4-6m-eow.