The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, January 28, 1882, Image 1

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c VOL i. k| COPY ike’ mmd n*« iNil m< Ni« tw rails.” CANTON, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1882. NO. 3. 4l)c tiHjetoluc ^Xbuance. VBUSHED EVERT SATURDAY —lEY:— N.N.UDGE, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Fr*44le ea4 AwaSta. O/let Uv-tUiri etrntr GeintmrilU Mil MmritUaJStrtH-o—r tturt »f tt «nfi MeClurt. Mtdeiai Organ TEEMS. Single copy, 1 year, - - " “ »ix months, • " •• three months, •us .ss. .86 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS. W.A. A&.LTessly Attorney, at Law, CANTON — — — OKOKOIA Will glv* prow pi attention to all bait- aw intrusted to tbaw. Will practice iu All tbe caurU of tha c.uniy, and la tba Baparior caart* of tha Elat HM«t cir cuit. J»a7-lj. MV*. I.OABOI DENTIST. Will ha ta Canton Every Bala Day to remain balaaea of tha week. Coaie for wardpromptly aad waka joar engage - waati. B*YlS-ly. B. r. Pat* a. P. P DuPnaa Faya* •> DaPrn, ATTORNKY8-AT.LAW, CANTON, - GEORGIA L. J. Oartrell, attohmeya •H WHITEHAU^BT JSOmLfrfci preaia aad Superior Court* £ ; a^ H. W. Nbwmak. Jao. D. Attawav. NEWMAN & ATTAWAY, ATTORNEYS. ATI. AW. CANTON, - - -V UkOROlA. Will practice la the Eu patter Court af Cherokee and affirming ‘ Prompt ettealiea atma la 1 placed la thair MM. Oi Coart Haaea. f V hocks, sign, CARRIAGE aed ornament, % p FRESCO ANaUCKKl noN, ; l»ly. % To-day 1 set ia a cer-##*t ob tha Laka Shore road behind a pale, carewora lady, who waa taking a little boy from Clevelaad to Asbta- bnla. Aa the little boy waa of a ▼ery inquiring mind, and aaavtry- thing aeetnai to attract hie atten tion, I could aot help listening to tome of hia questions. “What ia that, aaatia?” tha lit tle boy commenced, pointiag to a heap of yellow core. "O, that’s coin, dear,’* answered tha careworn lady. ,4 Wbat is corn, aaatia T" “Why, corn is eora, dear.” "Rut what ia cora made af?" "Why, corn is mada of dirt aad water and air.” "Who makes it?” “Clod mukes it, dear.” "Does he make it in the daytime or in tha night T” "In both, dear.” "And Sunday a V* "Yea, all tha tima.” "Aia’t it wickad to maka corn oa Sunday, aaatia?” "O, I don’t kaow. I’d keap still, Freddie—that’a a daar. Auatie la tiiad.” And, after remaining qniet a mo ment, little Freddie broke oat : "Where do stare come from, auatie ?” "I don’t know; nobody knows.” "Did thb moon lay ’am ?” "Yea, I guess ao,” replied the wicked lady. "Can Mm nsaou lay Off ,4m»t” "1 aupposa ao. Don't botkar m*!" A abort silauoa, whan Freddie broke out af in: "Fanny Mason aaya oxiua ia a owl, aaatia; ie tbay?” , “O, perbapa ao!” - - "I think a whale couldlay egga —don’t you, auatie?”, "Oyes—I guess so!” said tha shanellMs woman. , “Did yau ever see a whale oa btanast?? J ? t- •%IAr«r t "1 mean no. Freddie, yon must be qalet; I’m (ettiug craay I” **|f flat make* you craxy r auu- "O, dsanptapu,«ik m many quea- Tha tHtta*boy seemed pouled . Fence*, Premptly, Best Style, an<l at the Lowe* Prices. KW"Will Olra Batiifsctinn £. WALLin, JaaU’St-Sm. canton, Ga. Medical Card. UR. N. SEWELL return* thans* to the citizen* of Cajiton and Vicinity, lor their liberal patronage. Being permanently located, will Con- tiaue to practice Medicine, surgery and midwifery. Hop" g by iadu.try, energy aud strict tipplicatiun 10 busine**. to merit au in — ereaod pntroaiige and confidence. Office iii Dr. W. A. Green's Drug store. Ite.idenco adjoining W. II. Wsrlick. sovlt-ly. , as tha care passed a pus- re a aheap and a ** . * auntie? ’ "O! taom the old ekeop. Tba old *hsftp bus them.” '"Can little bo; Feabtannbta tharttp A ragged little girl, la a wall wera gown, * TraMpiag all aloaa, Tbrsegb the pree'pram tewa, Oa sent steps sat daws, Ta rest. BUaded with tears. Warn her eyes of Lrawa, Her heads together pant She beats qaickly passieg Aloag the par'd etraet, Bhe oatebas the sound Qf appraasbiag font Bhe quick I y arisen, Aa If to estreat, 1.. BoMoatdi * * - - Bat kaagty audeadty Agala takas her Mel. Repell'd bp hia look, 9St ho was oa hia wap. ToCanvsatioa that night. Aad lie spoke to tko crowd, That listen'd with delight, W or'ry oaf’s datp, Aad al ell to aolta To do goad. His shook—aftp. tagamadl Payable et tight, Tbe newspapers bad it. All the paper* nut day, Had Mach to say, About tbe goodmg^- . * All bpw be dig dlspley ‘ Mis large, noble taMft V‘~ lo tha»g|riag»tay Baep<l2Slta« -- — * Btsowe ptaleedkat day, * Aad sodid Be tea. __ Tba'Wme papers * 'WentAb to repent A sad, sad story, ■ow oat ia tbe stregt, Tbe polioeMie, wydkiag ' That mors, aa his htat, Posad tba MW Daad,« rap’d la cold snow, Bar oolajeindiagol A H IAHLR TBAQMDY. "Auntie had a littla lamb 1 "O, auntie I auatie I” What is it,- FreddiaT tha poor wontaa, waking up. Did you avar aad a littia fly eta 3 IDA>.IIfl „ Whora ?” ; "Freddie, ait down on th^t,»»ei and ba atHI, or I'll shake you. J woa’t be tormented to death. Now, not another word I” A (> d tbB lady I yblhtad bar linger aharply to tba littla boy, aa if aba waa going >|0 atiok it through him. I! abe bad bean a wiokad awn aba would have sworn; aad still, uotwitbstaadiad wa hare eight million littla boys Uko Freddie in tbo Uoitod Stataa, each ode causing more or leas pro fanity, the Y. M. C. A.’s throagllM aecaped. Tba olddr eon roue- out tho Jooaatry dOBouaoo Begad ed the neighbors, but none were aa a biased tapn, whaB W yiddtad bold enough to enter the house till all the ohildren kUInd—aieept bip> daylight. Wilmot was in good |wircom*tsas#a, but poeaesead of an insane delusion that he aud Mb flun- ij^y would die oi starvation, A RUN A WA Y ENGINE—A BRAKE- MAN BEHEADED. A Kentucky Farmer Biaine His Mother, Wife and Two Daugh ters and Killa Himself. Jamea R. W ilmot, a farmer liv. ing near hare, on the night of tlic 17th killed his mother, aged b2 bis wife, and two daughters, aged 19 and 19, in thetr bads, and thou hung himsalf In hia bam. He hud used a new sharp axe. He had at tempted to shoot a son, aged 20, but the latter escaped and ran for hia life. Another son, aged 8, was rescued hr a young lady named Calvin, who was aroused, and, dis covering the murder’s iutantions, took tha little fellow in her arms A special from Fort Worth aaya; "About twelve o’clock Maaday flight tbe ongiaeer and fireman on a switch angina at a train ahead, , fearing a collision, jrmped flow thair engine after reversing it The engine* atruek, aid there being no one aboard the reversed eugjpe to stop. It, it wee chased six MffiilM before it' ooeld be oeptarod- [Akrnkenmn named M. A. Stevena ►NjvSeKhrowa to tha track by th« collision end completely babaud ad” H.H.McKntyre, . HrUA, r•altering aad STONK WORKMAN, CASTON, otomu. I am fully PREPARED TO do aavfite/lofM -«nrv orPln-».ri if I ( VFPSI phl?f*i , 'M' R Ad<I solicit tlx patronise «i • W •* wm i Urn 18 IT "Certainly, lamb, Freddi home.” "Will it bl "What hu "Yes; did wliwle? “O, Freddie, do NlOJft*- w aek such loolieh qttastmua. I m all worn out.’’ "Did you ever have a lamb, aun tie?’ "Freddie, stop! Don t you speak again lor halt an hour!' Then the poor worn-out woman sighed, and leaued her bead on the back of tbo forward shat, while Krod do bnsi d himstdl placing bis moo tit n.i iiivt the window, and solii q«t zo.; 01 .1 iog song tone : "Mar bad u little lamb! "Sheep bad a ,|i» tie lamb ! ■ ■sar'Ett' 5' -^ ' Thb noble g»od uaa... ’ Wlio-trisa with htagoUt To hay bdfti. Guilty of murder T wJrtUL Demon* grow bold, , And meo preive. Ceotoa, 24tb, IfiBBl, it •FATAL QUARREL. A special from Jonaeboro, Tex. ■ays: "Thera was* shooting scrape oa Monday evening between two young man named Upbeat end Wolff, ia which tba former waa instantly killed and another hari- oasly wounded;" THE SMALL-POX IN RICHMOND ^ -EXCITEMENT SUUSlDlNp. fit report of the Board of Health of Richmond give* tbo number of Oaaths from amall-pox last week at six whites and four cqjored. Tbirtaou n«w casea—savea cejorefi S^okholin, eighteen hour* und *4. and aix white—are three days, oi this wee^ number of deaths from the diapasa wuil ® ska*#* her of new eases occurring daily is about the same. The exoitemeut in the lAfftelature seems to be-flub- siding. * Tbu* resolution adapted iitathe House yesterday* looking to seek ing accommodations ior that body ih' sbfii’di bthei’ eify Hid not come up inurn Senate'to-day. ¥ba pfesitl- iag>oBoeM< a# the City Council have heeuvequaetad to call ataeut- ing to make some urraugemaUlB by whiolrvnytaftaberof the Gen eral AssoUK^flftt tally be stnok- en witl^ tbc disaaip. shall be prop erly carad fee* -11 •>) A O HEAT SI AIK. Few people have a correct idea of the magnitude of Texas. Us bound aries enclose an area of 274,.156 square miles, or 176,087,840 sores. An idea of ita extent may beat l>e formed, perhaps, Jby eompairing it with other countries. For instance, it has 34,000 square miles of area more than the Austrian Empire, 62,000 mors than the German Em pire, about 70,000 more than France, is nearly as large at Sweden and Nerway together, and twice the eise of Great Itritain and Ireland. Com ing to this side of the Atlantio, the oocuparwon ia no Ism startling. The area of all the Eastern and Mid dle Stataa ineluding Maryland and Delaware, is 100,000 sqnare miles lam than Texas. U ie six times aa large as New York, seven times as large a Ohio, four times aa large aa all Nsw England. The area of Ohio, Indiana,. Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan, taken together, falls short •f that of Taxes by some 40,000 sqqprs miles, or ahntber .Htat* as large as Ohio. If you orosa the Mis sissippi, joa mutt consolidate •Kan sas, Nebraska, low* and Minnesota to equal tbe area of Texas. He came out of a sample room wiping his mustache and mot his girl—"I hope you are noV’offe’hded.” “Oh no” She replied "but that room ia a bar-a bar to matrimony! " California baa been in American possession but thirty-four years, and its reports aad imports were last year more than twiee as great aa tboas of tha twvuty-savea (Rates and two Territories whioh oompoee the Maxtoan Republic, though Califor nia's popalation is less than oae- twsirtb, aad ilsarsa not mpra than oaa-fifth •( bars. .1. o . \ ^ • a •*«. 41++ annoyance avoided. Gny bain are honorable bat thair prattatare appsaraaa* is anooyiag, Psraer’s Hair Balsam presents tbs aunffjhnasby promptly restoring the youthful color, jsul4-l States doe^ not amount to the gross income of our people for fire months in the year. In 1866, the debt a- mounted to 178 28 per capita; in 1880, It was $37.74 per cnplta. ! ui LONG DAYS. The days grow longer or shorter as Ike trawler goes north or south of thy Equator. Tbe longest day at London is sixteen boars and a half: Rum burg, seventeen, hours: at reported; tor fe*: ft® ! h * "•’“A " m, Russia, has eighteen hours in the Mongast and live hours in the short est <fiy. In Ipinladti, the diffupsnoe is greater still—tveaty One find a half lor the longest and two and a half for thle shcrteift, while at ‘ Spits bsrgsa MW 1 longest day is «hfhf months sad a hatf. * * * RE BOILED FUN. If you must awear, swear off. A great ink—convenience—the printing press. 'Pap, do tfout bite now?” Said the shoe-maker’s son. "Well,” said tho father—"Suppose they do—You keep nt work and they won't bito yen.” if thsredsnny body that deserves is n II year old boy with a standing collar, as stiff as a deal-board. Boy—“Teach, ther’s ,a gal over there winkm at me.” Tiaou—“Well don't loak at her. Boy—“But if I dou’’ll wink at some other boy.” Social eooaomy is the art af living stylishly off of ( nther people. Poli tical economy is, a I Way» keeping on the right side of the pasty In power Renew Youu Leai^, There are times in svery ones, life when energy falls and a luiserfiblo feeling comes over them, mistaken for lasioess. Danger lurks in theso symptoms, ss they arise from diseas ed organs! Psrker’s Ginger Tonic will restore perfeot activity to the Stomach, Ltyevand Kidneys, purify tbs bland,-and renew voar Jsase of health and comfort.—Advocate jaa 14th tin. Bnooke -ffieot boom druak. He aawjlauhlf. -.Thsm sat hia loving wif^alona, sfaiUng for his return, Snooks gased a moment at her and —^ t iSHldf-“nJ ,bo darned if you two The entiredebt o| the. Uiiinted gals don’t look'itou^b alike twin a” JatL Hdwooi, Bov—"Ibl Pve a better place than laat week,” FaTrkr— "Well what number now Bon?” "I’m 14th.' “Why you iasy boy how is thei? Von was 6th last week—’ "Yea hut now I’m near the atone.” Raid the boy. . . It takes just three to keep a secret but two of this trio must be dead and bufied. inmates being wrw aoiey. the p!*o* wntWpoken of as "s perfect Bedlam. IgdoT in thkTaouth. A Palestine special aaya: "A shooting affray took place her* yesterday between a brak*m%a and a bartender, in which' ike brakeman was shot through the mouth, indicting a mortal ’'Wound. The bartender was placed io jaih Tha affray was the outcome of a quarrel about a woman.” ’Phfittord-"Bedlam” flam* from tbB English. In* 1648 'Ifcbftdfl* (handed bsr first lunatic asytom, sad called* it Bethlehem, i’he earn* watofhortenrd ,|0 .“Bedlam.” The gpctful reply- “Let’y ssa. Ate you A hiiitand 'advertises his wife Thus: My #ih> Majia’, has strayed or been Itoleri, Whoever retinns her,'#i1l'gvt’hi< head brok>. As to trusting Her, any body can do so, if they see fit for, as I -‘Meter pay my ewn debts it darned cut* ious if i paid her’n/ ri—■ em v .44../ «: A sueoeufat > applioantf 1 "Ah, so yoa are . the mah from Bethany who wishes to learn ihe business, are youf ’faid New Raven merchant recently. “Yefosv,” was .the rei- ui asuataaoi .GdXi'fiViaG- jtC a ,U.i J..7CU A remarkable story is told as having oOctirrSd near Meta roe, N C., a Jew days ago. A man named Ferriil waa inolosinp tha grave yard in which bis little child had just boon-buried,aad was carrying two poles, o.i* on aych shoulder, when be tripped aud fell lileless across the little grave, liis neck having caught against one Of tha poles aad bean broken.—Savannah News. ^ ^ ~ rjo ai 1I.30W tiiiL . w(_ gaiift <; kb iiivr i'Oy i-j «•<*■ «-*dv» Don’t^’^ixjg.Tuit itouss. Aslc rivuggist 4or vRnagh on JJats,” ( it clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin, fW, ants, iusectfi. 15c. per box. If.l* — ffWVr— A ltepublwan newspaper has said that "GotoBol kngersoll maf be re tied on to fight tbs Bible (revised or Otherwite) and the Democratic party This statement has the merit of Irauknesa, to say the • least. If the enemies of tbe Bible' are the of the Democratic party, an alliance between the UJ&lfikrfttffTke Atheist ia quite natural. qmok at figures?” “Tylefably.”, “^1 a uiun should buy 160 yards of cal ico lit 13 cents a yard, bow. much wo'dhf it' 'cofire to?' A mqn that would pay 13 cents a Vard fol calico wl en he could'getTtTn market lor 4 cente, 15 off for immediate c;ish, would eome to wnat miglitjr smb’.en. eng agecf GEORG1 A-Clrerokoe'Cou,uty: If no good cause is sbowu to tlie.con- .trory, iurr-rder-wifl be grauAn : i>tt the Xtet ot k'tbrtUrj neat, asublisbing ta Public Road, commencing at tbe fine Log R"»d, »t the Kolth Mill Road, by tna way of Keith’s mith. asossing Pole Cat Mountain by Wm. Tiumryua, inter secting with tire Curtersvlffe Road near JsMVsdoas*’ shop„foUHWihg the tiaaof the Reviewers in the 792 and 1008 Dint. G.M. O. M. McCLURK, Ord^. j0*31-1883. ■•tet ml L' .LbJ (ToMS.v-'U. $ui lo Okies .0 oiiiioiq ■4