The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, February 04, 1882, Image 1

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VOi/ 8. CANTON, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1882. Hljc <£l)Cvoli«:c ^buancc. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY —: BY N. N. EDGE, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Office Upstairs corner Gainesville and went Marietta Street —over store of O'. M. McClure. «//trial nrgan <7*erohrrCount?/ TERMS: Single copy, 1 year, - - • SI.25 •• “ (.lx months, - - .05. •< " (luce months, 5 PROFESSIONAL AM) HUS]NESS CARRS. W.A.&G.l.TeaBly Attobneyb at Law, CANTON — — — GEO HO IA Will give trompt attention to nil busi ness intrusted to them. Will prncticoiu all the courts of the c».nn'y, and in the Superior courts of the Blue Hidiri* cir cuit. jm7ly. BOB’T. E. CASON DENTIST. Will be in Canton Every Sule Day to remain balance of the week Come for ward:promptly and make jour engage meats. nnvIO-ly. B. F. Taynk. P. P. DuPkkk Payne & DuPrc, ATTORNEYS. AT-L A VV, CANTON, - - GEORGIA• L. J: Oartrell. ATTOItN E Y - AT-L A W, •K WHITEHALL 8T. ATLANTA, GA Wilt practice in the U. 8. Circuit and District Courts at Atlanta, and the Su« prone and Superior Courts of the State, may 5, ly. SPEND OR SPARE. The old man said, and he spoke tho truth, sorry sight is a spendthrift youth. Who seeks iris ease,and who loves display, And has no thought for a rainy day I” The old man said* and his video was hushed: .‘Ah! many a ono in guilt lias rushed, Because with a reckless hand ho da.ed To spend the gold that ho should mi' c spared. "And many a rich man’s son T meet, In my daily rambles along the street, hns his dwelling among tlie poor, And a hungry wolf is beside his door, "The other day l teceived a call From a prodi gal son wlin'd sju nt his all; II js days of frolic and feasting o’er, Lie le gged a pdtance from out my store. •‘Spend or spare! it. is yours „o choose It iis time you : or money y-u lost ; And yoer future depend* very much in truth, On how you have managed in days of youth. "If yon spi nd in you go, you may depen You’! 1 soon huv. nothing at all .u -pinuf Bu to p aident ways if you give good hee I, You'll tuv r lack ill a hue of uied. H« who has never been taught to spare, Will have an m l ago full of want and * rale; While he who earns and is “low lo ,>eud May I've in comfort until Ido’s end." ZEKE SPM l.DING'S BRIDAL TOUR. When E/.okiel Spaulding, (com- iiionK known us Z:ke, in tlie vil Iru-h which lint! tiio honor of his nativi.y.) I say, when Zfi?kS Spul'I* iug iiad attuiued tho ago of 19 and and three-quarters, and the height of six feet arid ono-qharter, Wo F«lf that it was quite time to be looking around for tho Indy do t im’d to be- come Mrs Spalding. Accordingly ho begun to frequent singing school, whore, us Dwell known, the pret tiest git Is are. ul ways to he found, anil after a time, from among the bevy of rustic beauties, he picked out l’hebe Jane Bryant, and <"tn inenced spatking her. Ab for Pnebe June, she found quite u contrast to Zoke in her per. sonal appearance. He was tall and lathy—she was slant and dumpy, lie was six feet three, slio was I mi feet ton. lie laid a thin, hatchet face, and Korrmn nose—she liaii full red cheeks, and the sauciest little pug tu se that you ever saw. However, they say that people al ways choose their direct opposites for husbands or wives. Accord* i ing to that, I think very likolv that when 1 irmrry my husband will be Ail Kinds of Building Houses, Fences, as homely as sin. But that hasu t anything to do with my story/ I have only to say that Zeke’s courting weutou smoothly enough, llis parents and the parents ot Phebe Jane wo-e very well sutiefi- H. W. Nkwman. -Ino. D. Attaway. | NEWMAN & AT 1’AWAY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. CAN’JON, - - - GEORGIA. Will prnctioo In the Superior Court nI Cherokee and adjoining counties Prompt attention giv.-n to nil bnaness placed in thoir bunds. Office in thi Court House. Apr. 22 tf. J. M. HARDIN I ODSE, SIGN, CARHIA( iE ANh ORNAMENTAL I A INTER. FRESCO am) SCENIC ARTIST CAN/ON, GEORGIA Jim. 13 ly. Mil 1 " Bridges, and Every thing el e ever made by a carpenter. all done Promptly. B—t Style, and at tile Ldw>*< Prices. ffSyWill Give Sitisfnction J I* WALLIS, janl4’82-Cin. Canton, Ga. Medical Card. DU N. PL WELL returns tlmniis ti the citizens - I Canton and Vicinity, for their liberal Being peoinmi-ntlv located, will con tinue to practice, im-d-cme, surgery ami ml JIopiVg by indu-try. energy and mrict i t ;J ke place on our hero’s twenty- application to^busi"ess.^timnerit^an in- ; ^irthiht.S', so that ho should, on od, and there seemed to be no ob stacle in their “coufse of true love,” contrary to the expressed opinion oho .e -dr. Shakespeare, who was a very smat t man, but sometimes made mistakes. It was decided on both sides that it would lie best for the marriage ei ensi d nan ontign and i Olifidt nee. Office in Dr W. A. Ore- n’sDnig store. Residence udjoining W. ll.Wurhck. l-iovlD'ly. H. H. McI ntyre, Urtck, Hns/rriiiff and STONE the same day, become a married man and a legal voter. It was expected that immediate- lv afterwards they should go to his grandfather’s place, aud set up housekeeping iu tiie small but com- WORKMAN , foldable house erected upon it But CANTON, (HOAG TA. this was altogether too tame apro- 1 AM FU/A/Y PREP ABED '10 DO i C . eec |ing for our hero. lie felt tliat any kind ot Masonry m 1 last- rn g, ottne jjjm-|.j a gp > especially a first m.irri- LOWEST POSSIBLE RA7m : momentous an occa- Jan. 13 ly. make a little proper more ado about than was proposed by the family. Accordingly, a few days before attaining hia majority, ho announc ed to him astonished parents that he contemplated making a “bridal tower.” “A what. Zc!;o?” exclaimed Mr Spalding. “A bridal tower!” repeated proud of his superior knowledge of tho English language. “And what in the land is that, Zekial ? ’ “Its a journey that folks take just after they uro married. It’s what all stylish people do.” Well, suppose they do, you ain’t stylish, Zeke,” Well, I’m going to bo,” said Zekial. jJR, “Where’ll you go to, Zoke? To Wood -took ?’’ “ l o Woodstock!” repeated Zeke, in a lotto of sovereign contempt. “That would be a tower, I should think. It’s only ten mUes of.'. No, dad, I'm gj*ng further than that. I'm going fust to Merit a, and down tho road to Atlanta, from there to Macon.” “Oh, the land! Why, Zoke, it’ll co«t a mint of money ” “-Veil, dud, suppose it does, I want some fun one* in a wnilo, oven it it docs cost something,” ‘ Where do you expect to got your money ?” “Why, dad, you know you pro mised me $53 when I come to he twenty one.” “You ain’t going to spend all th«ti’u trapse ing round, aud seeing things? Why, Zeke, it would bo enough to buy tsvo heifers, aud maybe a cull besides.” “ i he heifers may go to grass 1” s dd Zeke. “So they will iu the spring,” said Mr. Spdding senior, slyly. Perhaps it was his owu wit that mado him tool more resigned to Z’kos plan, at any rate be made no more objection to the “tower.” which henceforth become a fie.tied thing. Accordingly, no sooner had Zeke Spalding and Pliebe Jane Bryant been united by the Rev. Noah Raich, than they set out for f lie nearest railroad depot, and arrived in duo time at Allauta. They were to proceed to Macon by the day train, which started at about half past 7 o’clock in the morning, ane arrived in Macon sometime iu the afternoon. About half an hour beforehand the twain arrived on hand, and were looking about .hem with ihe liveliest curiosity, when it occur red to them to inquire of one of the employes ou the cars at what time they should arrive at their destina tion. Not finding one of the employes at liberty, however, Zeke accos.ed one of the passengers—a well- dross gentleman, who stood apart from the crowd, quietly nursing a sore hand which ho had suspended iu a sling. “'Pears lute you got a pretty sore band, stranges?” said Zeke. “Very/ answered the traveller. “Ivin you tell mo what time this car reaches Macon ?” was tho next qaes. ion. “About 4 o’clock,” was the re- ph«y. “-Wit'll-ber aU-ttved hungry by O'i.t t'ine,” said Zeke, in alarm. “>>/appcuiiec >mi8 ou reg’iar at twelve, and i can’t stand it no how till foil!’.” “Oh, wo have dinner on trains the best,’’ said the other. “You dew 1” said Zeke, with sat’sf lotion, .^..1 111 .1 a well, that’s good, suppose that's thro wed in, ain’t it?” pit “Tlmnvod in?’’ ropeatod the it. other, doubtfully. “I uu an they don’t charge noth ing e. ra, dew they?” “Ceriainly they do. How do you suppose thay can afford to carry you at tho lore price they charge.' a.ud give you dinner besides.” “llow much :!•> they charge any way? It it ain't more'n ten cents or so. 1 guess I kin s.and it” “ t hey charge sevo by fi o ct*.” “Seventy-arc coiPsI’ rcTouted Zrko, “that's a power'ul juice. Guess they make money. That makes thii.y-seven cents apiece.'' “Noi it don't 1 mean seventy- live cciiis apiece.” “Oh, niu det*! I sliaii t have a ly money left at Just thinly, l nebo June! 1 hat udler says we sha 1 have to pay rc veiny-fivo cents apiece for dinner.’’ .“Wo can wait till wo get to Ma con." “No, we can't. My upper,to comes on reg’lnr at noon." ‘•Couldn't you go out and buy a hunk of gingerbread, Zoko. Yru kin get a whole loaf tor a dime, and l guess two or three would bo enough.” “Just the thing, Phebo .Tuno, you've hit it. I say, mister, how soon are you going to start ? ’ “Not under twenty minutes. “ rhnt'll be time enough for mo to go and got some. Just you stay here, Pliebe Jane, and I'll go and got the gingerbread.’’ {‘Yes, Zeke, y6”'ll fiud naelier^. ^ Accordingly Z.sko aeti ’foraging expedition, and walked somo way expecting to find a ba* ker’s shop. At lengili ho came to one, but. not till ho bad expended a greater amount of t/irao than he was aware of. Ho succeeded making a satisfactory purchase, and with three loavos of ginger bread done up in brown paper, and, for additional security, tied up in a red bandanna handkerchief Zoke set out on his return. Bui on coming out of the baker's shop, bin head was quite turned round, so that ho took precisely the wrong road, and every stop that ho took carried him farther away from the cars and his adored Pliebe Jane. Ho wondered why he didn't come to tho carshed. At longth he asked a passer-by in regard to its situation. “You’re walking away from it ( was tho answer. “It's'about a mile and a quarter from here.” “By hokey 1' exclaimed our ltoro, desperately. “They will carry off Pheba Jane. That chap said they wero going in about twenty min- utos.. “With this direful apprehension to stimulate him, Zeke began to run as fast as his long legs would allow, and thut was pretty fast. He pivs- ented a queer spectacle as lie rushed along at the rate of ten miles an hour, with his blue coat tails straight out behind und an expression of anguish on his features.” “Go it, old hoes!" exclaimed a couple of school boys. “What have you stolen?" demand ed another. “Stop thief!” exclaimed a third, on suspicion, and straightway a policeman joined in the chase. But there was no use in tryi-lg to catch Z; ke. At last he got to the railroad, and there was the train tea rods from the car shed. Pbebe Jana was wringing her hands in dismay. Zeke increased his speed, lie soon xana/a nst a policeman. Well, my man, I’ve caught you last. You couldn't quite fetc :i What I exclaimed Z Ue, for n mom ent forgetting 1-is lost Phebo, what do you mean? ] mean that you have stolen something, and must go to jail. Unfortunate Zeke! llis protesta tion availed nothing. lie was carried away, but only confined an hour or two. But it was sugge t d that lie could telegraph to Pliebe Jane. A- vailing himself of this, he direoted her to (Mine right hack,which she did on Ihe next train. They at once ntotvided homewards, quite disgust ed with their liKIDAt,inw*u, which they had no disposition to extend. ANN0YAN1.’E AVOIDED. Gray Itniis are honorable hut their premature appearance i« annoying. 1‘nrKer’s Ilnir Balsam prevents the innoyauce by promptly restorii g the youthful color, jun14-liji A WOMAN WORTH HA VINO- There is a woman of Uotcheeter, New York, woith having in the house—Mrs Bharlies V’lnoent. One night lately wldle her husband was out, and nobody should have been in but herself and a servant girl, she went into the hall and saw three men coming down sluivs with big bundles She snatch- d the bundle from thn first man, Hung it into u corner, throttled the robber and therw bun luaverly on the floor. She then pushed the second man over the first lie fell, aud she tramped ou him, got his bitndlo anti threw it into the tier down,hut she rallied and got llis bundle away from him. Then all three of the men got frightened and ran, and she kicked the histone get ting out of the djor, and Ihu Lerri- lied servant girl s'oml back in the hall aud lucked on in apt adini'J- thru, in the bundles were tivo seal skin siiiujm s, a seal dulumn, a can) cl'- Mlnur shawl, several dresses and tilings woith in all i 1,200. ■ I!i:nkw Ypun liisASK. . here me limes in every ones, life when energy fails and a miserable feeling comes over them, mistake'll lor laziness. Danger lurks in llitsc symptoms, as they arise from disea ■ ed organs. Parker’s Ginger Tonic will restore perfect activity to the Stomach, L ve.r and Kidneys, purify the blood, and renew vonr Jeuse ol health anil com tort.—Advocate jail 1 -4th ltn. There are some days when you oon’t lay up it cent, and other days when you can't get hold of a cent to. lay up. Don’t Die in the House. Ask druggist for “Rough on Rats.” It clears out rats, mice, bod-hugs, roaches, vermin, flios, ants, insects, 15c. i>or box 1 R Eli Of L Eli Wrk lh:,n I - “ ilfli Olio Why doth the festive Injun squaw. Improve earth shining miontA And Bor itch Iter head from aiv^n to fpight? Bec;msy thero’-MnirUhujs iajft..;: ,) N\ hen a hoy fu*I 1« iu)d peels, the ■’kin on Ids nose, the* first thing he do, a is to g t up u/ut y, |J. 1 When a girl tumbles and huVts hers'lMenlly, the first, thing she fM-i'istd gi't up and look at her dreis. ^‘VVlien 1 w-s nn iMI'uht,” said Pogg, “the Women Wore fwyrver liissifg nie. Ami," lie added, (‘Ihave done aflat 1 could to get fiqn a re wv i tli iht'tu since l have grow* to yoals of disereliou.” ,, ,, ,, [ t An Illinois girl L>ynd that- she must oil her give up licrlqyorn^ her gum, and after one day sjipiit iq re— flecliou she pi'i^ss-d bis hand go->J- bye, and sit'd she. would ulwiiys ben sister to him. f"l I fit •‘Bdllhy, HR llfintiah T 'irPlWAfWg', 11 Yus toll lier to nieetrne nt eight,' The old in ah is oil', on » Loot, / Aud we'll liik’n n grunt l iron at thounte* “Marriage," said aq.j ^fprt^pate huehuud, “is tiiu churchyar4 of love.” “And yqu nj?h,’’ replied /iis wife, , .i i- ” ‘are the grave d'ggers. Once upon a tlintt a ' ’yVottiiur died; and ns the mohnerl^ WeW’fctffrtying her to the grave,they'tljppMl i$lrinnfc a stump and lot the nulRirfaM.''■’"'She revived, having ^eea only- id* /a deep tranod. Tarn- y«atT'iyndfW*irff 1 bBho really 'died; andui thoywkre raarry- 04iL)M»A*— 4 - ,ca TujaotWtiu i 1 ■"*" ■ widower sobbed'^ ft -, : oilr ' ir “Steady, boys-steady, there; Be very—ve-ry careful!” Printer—fool enough, ,. , Pnffs^ihq foiys^sq Tiinny ; II n iloeo nil <M jiiiff ' 1 Ttmy g«t all thfi tnnAeJt!' Dniinga late ciirtlktenOH in Mas- fihellUst’tttr, the foilawiing odiwnrsa- non was overhead botwsen two news boys: ' • sDit ’-vij '»I “l Hay,’Jim, whaf’i thd ineaiting of to many ministers being hero aN together ?’•' *! m! - , “Why,' yiiiswnrod Jfm„6c»»'i»fylly, they always meet once., u yeufi (o swap sermons.\ ( / a T < • ■« ~Tso/i Ypu h)i^J heard,, my ,|uvr^ jtbat Amanda is iihou|, to marry |Artfjur?” “1 know jl; hut wnat I ‘can’t un- derumud is thut woman intelli- as she is can consent to many man stupid enough to marry her.” A Louisville belfe has in her pur- lor n beautiful embroidered motto, “10 Plnr l bus, yam, yum/’ f — -.q It is mouc blessed to give tharu receive, when a kick from a No. boot is the qiistion at issue. There was u little company at Ma Brown’s and the youngest daughte a blight girl of seven, was talking to jjer sister’s beau. “W by, Mr. Syd ney,” she said, loud enough for everybody to hear, “you can talk real plain, can’t you? ’ “Of course I can, Fanny; Did you ihitik I wansn’t aid enough to talk plain?’ “Yes,” she answesgd, “1 thought so, lor I heard i£ou talking to sister the other night, and you kept saying ‘Oo tweet'eing, oo! Oo 'ovey dovetl turn Us oor own tweet fiiddy,’ so much, that I wasn’t sure but you had a impegiment in your speech Funny was excused and Mr, Sidney was carried out ou a shovel. to 10 What flvo let'tor’s ' lornii a sent ence of f'orgivenosH 1 I x qqu. Thirteen lean people commit sutoido to one fat one. Flesh up mil save your life- , ( i Editors and sand paper both scrape for a living, Afc also do barbers and chimney sweeps; " H) GE0RG1 A—Cherokee County: If no gbofl (tfiTUie i» twihJcon- truly, un c rder will be granted ou, the 2k», tit l'V bruury next, cttnmrehlng a Public Road, commencing at tho Pine Log it- ad, at tiie Keith Mill Itoad, by lUo way of Keith’s milU crossing Pole Cut Mountain by Wm. Timmons, inter secting with the CartersviRe Jtosdf near Jamev Jones’ shop, following the line of the Reviewers in the 792 ana 1008 Dist. G.M. a M. MogLUBty Ord’y. . jan2t-1882. r - qi;'w *;i ? or. f .3 .iqipa