The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, February 25, 1882, Image 1

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CHEROKEE <i|lo thr beat you can; and do right VOL 3. 4Lt)C (Eljcrokie SVbcancc. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY —:BY N. N. EDGE, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Office Upstairs corner Gainesville and vest Marietta Street—over store of C. M. McClure. Official Organ Cherokee County TEliHS* Single copy, 1 year, - - • $1.26 “ “ nix months, * • .66. •* “ three months, .86 PROFESSIONAL AND DUSINESS CARDS. W,AA6.LIeulj Attorneys at Law, CANTON — — — GEORGIA Will give prompt attention to all busi ness intrusted to tbem. Will practice iu •11 the courts of the c«.uniy, and in the Superior courts of the Blue Khluu cir cuit. jin7«ly. BOB’T E. CASON DENTIST. Will be tn Canton Eveqy Sale Day to remain balance of the week. Come for ward promptly and make jour engage ments. norlfl-ly. B. F. Faymb. P. P. DuPbee Payne A DuPre, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, CANTON, - - GEORGIA• L. J. Gabtrell, Ari'OItN KYATft-AW. WHITEHALL ST. ATLANTA, GA Will practice in the U. S. Circuit and District Courts at Atlanta, and the Su preme and Superior Court* of the State, may 5, ly. H. W. Newmas. duo. D. Attaway. NEWMAN & ATTAWAY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. CANTON, - - GEORGIA. Will practice in the Superior Court of Cherokee a> d adjoining counties p r , mpt attention given to all business pliiccd in their hands. Office in tin Court House. Apr. 29 tf. J. M. HARDIN BOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE and ORNAMENTAL . FAINTER. FRESCO ani> SCENIC ARTIST canton, GJ 0 Jan. 13 ly. Gout rae ting. All Kinds of Building Houses, Felices, Mill*. Bridges, and Everything else ever made by n carpi nter. ALL DONE Promptly. Best Style, and at the Lowes Prices I^Will Give Satisfaction. 1 * p. WALLIS, jan 14 82 6m. * Canton, Ga. Medical Card. DH. N. SEWELL returns tbnnKs to tbe citizens of Cut ton und /iciuity, for their liberal patrouage. Being permanently located, will con tinue to practice imd'cine, suigciy and midwifery. .... Hopn g by industry, energy and strict nppl.cation to business, to merit an in creas'd patronage and confidence. Office in Dr. W. A. Green's Drug store. Residenco adjoining W.H.Warlick. kovlD-ly. 11.1L McKntyre, Mirick, K'aatering and STONE WORKMAN, Q ANT ON, GAO AG/A. I AM FULLY PREPARED TO DO any kind of Masonry or Plastering, at toe LOWEST POSSIBLE RA VES. And solicit tbe pationage of those desir ing woik in my line. “ H. H. McENTYIlE. Jau. 13 ly. WAITING. O’er the mantel bangs a picture, And the glowing fire below Throws its light across the framework On a head as white as snow. ’Tis mj mother! and the firelight Plays around her sainted blow, While her ever gentle features Seem to smile upon me now. Often on a peaceful evening When all light from earth had fled, By the fire I sit so lonely Dreaming sweetly of the dead. For I know that when the icebergs On lifo’s ocean I have passed, And am calmly floating onward To that peaceful home at last. • I shall look beyond the waters, Where the landing-place will be, And my mother I’ll see waiting— Wailing thereto welcome me. —Constitution. WON'T NEED THEM ANY MORE. Some days ngo ft dissemiuatai of Chaff, noticed a little boot-black culling Homo bright blossoms Irom a bruised and faded boquet which a chambor maid had thrown irom a wiudow into the alley. “W hot are you doing with that boquet, iny lad?” asked tho dis seminator. “Nawthin’,” was the lad’s reply, as he kept ou at his work. “But do you love flowers so well that you are willing to pick them out of tho mud ?” “I a’nnf m;'*m .lain! o. J it CANTON, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY AN ANGEL'S TOUCH. One ovening, not long ngo, a little gill of nine or tou entered a place in which is a bakery, grocery and a saloon, in ono, and asked tor livo cents worth ol tea. “How is your mother ?” esked tho boy who came forward to wait on her. ‘‘Awful sick, and ain’t had any thing to oat all day 7 .’’ Tho boy was just then called te wait upon some men who entered tho saloon, and the girl sat down. In five minutes she was nodding and in seven she wns sound asleep and leaning her head ngsinst a barrel, whilo sho held her poor nickle in a tight grip between her thumb and fin ger. Ouo of tho mon saw her as ho came from tho bar, and after asking who she was, said: “Say 7 , you drunkards, soo here. Here we’ve been pouring down whisky when this poor child and her mother want bread. Here’s a two dollar bill tlmt says I've got some feeling left.” “And I can add a dollar,” observed ouo. “Aud I’ll give an- 0, * r 1 ,?, 1 ' - evatf'Voda, water fount, and they 1 hoy made up a purse of nil even J wt iafityUNOiu 5^|Tai certainly til five dollars, and ibespokomuu oare* fully put the bill between two of the sleeper’s fingers,drew the nicl* le away, and whispered to his com rades : “Jist look a-tliere—the gal’s dreaming f’ So she was. A big tear had rolled out from her closed eyelid, but the face was covered with a smile. The man walked overaad touched tllbsleep- none o' your'n “O, certainly, but you do not expect to sell those faded flowers?’’ “Soli ’em! who want’s to Bell ’em ? I’m goiti’ to take ’em to Lil.’ “0, 0, Lil is your sweetheart, I tee. 1 “No. Lil is not my sweetheart; she’s my sick si 'ter,’ s lid the hoy, us his eyes flashed aud his lips quivered. “Lil’s boon eick a long timo, an’ lately she talk’s nothin’ hut fl >wers an’birds, but mother tole me tins mornin’ that Lil would die b-b-be- lore the birds an’ flowers would come buck.” And the hoy hurst into tears. “Come with me to the florist’s, and your sister **<iall liuvo a nice boquet.” The little fellow was soon hound ing homo with his treasure. Next day he appeared aud sa'd : “I came to thank you, sir, for Lil. That boquet done her so much good, aud she hugged and hugged it till sho set herself a coughin’ again. She says Bhe’ll come bime by and wotk tor you soon’s she get’s well 7 ” Au order was sent to florist's to give tho boy every other day a bo quet for Lil. It was only tbe day before yes- torday that, the boot-black appear ed again. He stepped inside tbe door and said: “ 1 bank you sir, but Lil—Lil (tears were streaming from his eyes) wont—need—tho flowers any more.” He went quickly away, but briel words had told the story. Lil won’t need the flowers any more, but they will grow above her and the birds will sing around her just the same. ELEGANCE AND PURITY Ladies w lio appeciute elegance and purity are using Parker's Hair Balsam It is the best article sold tor restoring gray hair to its orginal color, beauty and ustre lat* li, and cried out, “ What aboau^p^ 1 ^^^ ihe til'ul dream! Ma wasn’t sick any more, and we bad lots to eut and to wear aud my band burns yet where an angel touched it!” When she discovered that her nickle had been replaced by a bill, a dollar of which loaded her down with all she could carry ; sho innocently said, “Well, now out nm won’t hardly believe mo that- you Hent up to heaven and got an angel to come down and clerk in your gro cery 1” Now the chowder’s in tho pot, andf tho days are getting hot, and all bogin to swelter with a swelt, dwelt,-#welt. While tho crimson lemonade through a straw enchants tho maid, who displays a bunali of flowers at her belt, belt. belt. Now wo wave tho pictured fan, bring tho cooling black-and-tan, und-ave watcli tho periwinkle by the surf, surf, sutf. Atul the tourist happy feels as ho reads his “Fuck ou Wheels,” whilo he rolls with laughter on the turfy turf, turf. Now our tancics, quaint and quusr, lightly turn to thoughts of beefr and the pic nio’s everlasting custard pie, pie, pie. And we set with pretty Noll ’neatli a gingham umbroll, gaily hoomeranged and shipwrecked by bar sigh, sigh, sigh. Now tho cat bogins to scoot lroid the well directed boot, and t-ho AtSodlo wears a kettle on his tail,Bail. tail. Now the Vassal* maidous mount rinf v drin^ Vermillion water until thoy’r pal#; pale, pale. NbW the ice man With a smile slings his haughty summer style, and the plumber hows in solitude his head, head, head. Now the outls and collars molt, nowf the monte-man is felt, and the circus iu tile country does appear, pear, ’pear are written by the joker every, year, year. A WORD TO MOTHERS. Mothers should remember it is a moat important duty at this seaion to look nfter tliu hcultli of their families and cleanse the malaria and impurities from ihijr syst< ins, and that nothing will up the stomach and liver, regulate the bowels and purify too blood so purled ly ns Parker’s Ginger Tonic, advertised in our colunis—Post. Hee other c<duin A CURE FOR DIPHTHERIA. “For a grown person tout* drops of sulphurous acid diluted iu three quarters of a tumbler of water, with a smaller dose lor children. The ett'oot of this treatment is in- utantaneous, tho acid at once de stroying the parasites and the pa tients coughing up the obstruc tion. Sufferers have recovered iu a lew minutes by adopting the Greathead treatment. Children al most previously iu a dying state were declared to he playing about within ten minutes, and at a com putation some forty or fifty of these sudden recoveries have been plac ed on record, with full and satis factory results of the performance of this wonderful, infallible and quick cure for diphtheria. When necessity demands you to arrest this dangerous disease, don’t neg lect to test the virtue of the Great- head treatment.’’ BUFFALO EXPRESS. Rhole Island pays its legislators one dollar a day and a newspaper Thunk heaven there is one state in the union that knows the value ot a legislator AN AFFIDAVIT WANTED. The revolver, according to a London paper, is iu nil probability dectinod to bo shortly discarded from uso in tho army, navy, Irish constabulary, and othor govern ment services iu favor of a new weapon, the mitraillous pistol, in which there are tour barrels, which are loaded at once by a patent quadruple cartridge big enough to afford good hold !o tho fingers. Forty shots per minute cau bo dis charged, and tho empty cartridges ejected automatically. As there is no opening through which uny gas can escape, tho weapon can bo used gun fashion when aiming, and there are no screws, hammers, or projections to catch the cloth ing, reins,or accoutrements. Above ail, there is no fear of a jam or the weapon becoming unserviceable trom overheating. The pistol will take the ordinary government car - tridgo. CRIME IN BOSTON. A Boston young man attended a prayer meeting and heard so inuuy confessions ot crime that lie con eluded it was no place lor him. He felt as though he needed better society. A GOOD JOKE. Tho Weekly Report of R, G. Dun & Co, Nkw York, Fob. 19th.—R. G. Dun & Co.’s mercantile agency re port 154 failures throughout the country for tho week, tv somewhat greater number than lust week, the increase being made up ot specu- lative failures in grain and cotton, principally in New Orleans and Chic ego. In Now York the prin cipal failure was that ol F.Hardy A Co., shipping and commission merchants, which is enveloped in mystery. It is not Known what they ovvo or what their assets will he. Hardy has not put in an ap pearance sineo tho failure. Their debts are mostly ahri ad. Tho distiibution of failures was : Eastern states, 15; Western, 60. Southern, 46; Middle, 21; Pacific coast and territories, 13; New York city, 10. SHE PERMITTED HIM. lie Hut at her fact in quiet peace, lie looked into her luoe mid said soltly. “Ah, dear, I could Hit here forever.” “Gould you love?” answered she. Yes, sweet. You are right suro you could dar ling ?. 1 know it, my own. Very well, then, you con sit there for I huvo nti engagement to go out with young Mr. PitassooutY and won't he buck this eVeuing. _Tuin An amiable editor, A solemn grnve-digger. A temperate speculator. An offloe-seeker who htrt any principle. I A domestic Woman who cArt4 f6t diamonds. ■ • .i 1 > • A f ist young man who doeson't Oome to grief. A merchant who fails without making money by it. \ society woman who really serves to be the neither of twins A girl who will deedva‘hef rtlotlM or who will not afterwards dcGelv# her huftdnnd. A belle who wouldn'e freeste to, ath before she would make her . l < own flie.—Drummer. Don’t Dik in tub IlcliBK. Ask druggist for “jKfr.BflU OB Rata.” It clears out r 0&»# mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin, flies, ants, insects. 16 c. per bo;c j ‘ IT MAE US Up To see adntt rack ofl’. '“ To heaT Pike’s Peak. t # , ff * l * .li 1 l U . . . • l» l To see t|ie hay-slftck arms, i m i To hear a toorhles* man sing M** ' set to. ' ' i: * • * - iO illilUBOfll To know that thd pi£k tick ik^ajott * is ftlmotft'heW. 1 nI ' . / '.ldinovit tiu.q o'jluwjt,7t .... TuffttcMhelittliywWesMVwab t rh the fa imiiMr WYwyi * ♦- To wutoh .the expression or ft d|t« » key when he is invitedjlo a possum r supper. ,v * : -43 *’ • . a I’o hear an old maid singing, 1 “Backward, turn backward, J Oh, ** ’ Time, in your flight,’’—Drummer. lutoh when you go ftway. Ta, tu, deal*. And she went out leaving linn there in the awful solitude ol her goneness and his bitier disap pointment.—Dkumm Kit. WAS HE A CANNIBLE? Old Tope drunk so much bad whisky that if washed all his teeth nut and lie had to get a full set ol false ones. Before he In came fully acquainted with th m, he was on an other jambaive, and it went clear down to the d ptlis of Iiis immoita] a ml, and he tossed up everything ho had eaten six weeks previous. Along with the rest came his teeth, and when tie saw them in the gutter, it startled him into semi-soberness, and he scratched his head a minute n maudlin consciousness and said; “What’s them? (hie) Teeth as I (hie) live! Am I (hie) a Ciiiiiible or ain’t 1? (hie) If 1 am (hie) what man have 1 (hie) et ? And if l ain’t (hie) Where the devil (hie) did them teeth come from ?—Steubenville lleraid, AF,WAYS REFRESHING A delicious odor is imparted bjr iFlor- ersto cologne, wnich In always refresh' ing, no matter how freely used. I have noticed that lie who thinks every man a rogue is very certain to see one when he shaves himself and he ought,in mercy to his neighbors, to surrender the rascul to justice.— Augusta News. The ingenuity ot man comprehension. Dolls There is a vague rumor that David Davis has said: “I am too old for the presidency, and would not accept a noni'outrun if tendered me.’’ We demand that David beeworu. There is talk iu Dallas, Texas of the establishment of a new monthly magazine “after the style of Har per’s of Century." It is a long time since wo have seen a joke us good as this. surpussetb are now made so that when night comes, their little eyes close just like folks. What is universally needed at this particular time is a doll that will sit in the parlar behind the sofa and watch Charles Augustus when he begins to aexamine the spot where darling Alice was vaccinated.— Drummer. The greatest object iu life should be to do good. H ^ 1 WE w ill send the Chkro ^ Pd kkk Advanck and the Stak SrANCiLED IJannkk one year for One Dollir and Thirty cents ($1,30) iu ad vanee. This offer is madr to old, as well as new suhxcrihers. Those who have psid one year in advance for our paper, by adding 30 cents will receive the ban- nku one year, bee “20th Year’’ in anotli •r place iu this paper. HUNGRY FOR SPOILS. 'J ho people of Georgia should b« especially careful whom they Bond to the legislature this y<ur; and especially careful us to the stato house officers whom they will eh-ot. Georgia is rich and there are men who arc hungry for spoils. CUT I ON MARKET. The following is Atlanta’s latoat Mftr ket Report. There is but little or no difference in Ibis und Atlanta market f Good Middlings 10 3-4. Middlings 10 1-2. Strict Low Middlings 10 3-8 Low Middlings 10 1-8. Htrict Good Ordinary 0 5-8. , Tinges 10. btuins 8 3-4 a 9 1-2. A/srkcts weak and tending lower. |T’ho low grades and utains arc accumulating no special de- tnund. GEORGIA—Cherokee County: To all Whom it may Concern: James V. Keith having in proper form applied to me for pormai cut letters of edftiin'stration on tho estate of M. A. Keith, late of sai 1 county, this is to cita all anil singular the creditors and next of kin of M. A. Keith, to p- and appear at my office wiiliin tho time allowed by law und show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be gruuted to James V. Keith, on M. A. Keith’s estate. Witness my band and of'icial »i?n«turo. C. M. MoCLUREi febl-1882. ' Ordinal y, GEORGIA—Cherokee County: If no good cause is shown to the con trary, an < rder wilt be granted on the glut ot February next, eatablishkiijg ft Public Road, commencing at the Pin# Log ltoad, ut the Keith Mill Road, ky tbe way of Keith’s mill, crossing P«fc Cat Mountain by Wm. Timmons, inter secting with the Carlcrsville Road near James Jones' shop, following tire lift* of the Reviewers in the 792 and 1008 Disk, g. m. o. m. McClure, otry. jau‘21-188?. r’nii JL &u0.