The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, February 10, 1922, Image 1

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DEVOTED TO THE MAT ERIAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHEROKEE, THE BEST COUN TY IN NORTH GEORGIA. VOLUME XLV1I CANTON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1922 _ _ . . ft , NUMBER (*>’* BILL LUSK To tfu* people of Cherokee Co: HERF ON 13TH Homey U’Muin "The Invincible" debrated Irish Baritone will ap pear in the school auditorium Mon-1 T am "now in the Fulton Co. Tower, • coning F« 'uai\ te L ,r1 '- Hi* r nifWnt* voicr. full of power : the 1st dav. *ol Fehuav; unlit.'. 1 ire t’l’Fl im accused of, Twill admit xvnnt, to Mote to the people I have . d ,.hpv<‘ i.e \\ r tmrrt* S r.n anybody’?' property. T am conti uteri ffu't .i. is hard to be confuted "here after receiving such' 'infftrtui "t< news as I have just re- i eived a note .from my brother tcll- ng me that our house and barn was ) hurried dowh; it almost breaks my, heart to think 1 have such an enemy in the world.'- I trust that whoever j he may he lie will stop at. what he ! has done, and I trust that he will j makrupeaeo with Clod before it is too | late. Dear hoys of (rood old Chero-1 keo I want to give you a little advice j in the whiskey line there is nothing j to it hut sorrow and trouble, it; makes no difference how you do if ] you handle whiskey you are looked down on as a thief. Yon will lose friends, you will misti'cat your fel low man and most of all yc u will forget there is a hereafter, you don’t stop to think what you are coming to until you ’and in prison cell. , All You can do then is to look to the one friend that you have for saken and forgotten and that Is the blessed Savior, it makes no differ ence what kind of trouble you are in he is always ready to cheer you, we sometimes get the idea that we do not need him, hut friends the day is coming to every one of us when we will call on him for help. Let us ask ourselves the question if we hre living a life that is pleas ing to our Father in Heaven are we ready to face the judgement bar of God. I Listen, boys hero is what whiskey will do for you. It will ruin your health, it will cause you to loose '*tho all V Wake id- last and ynu "Tnrgftt ml. Just let me -how you how’much i>i of if a eallon \vfii. key, contains. : Tlie farmer' gets.JSlle, The miller 1 ">c. The wholesaler The re tailer $1.50. The lawyer $2.00. The man that manufactures it gets in prison, his wife gets lonesome and j ragged, his little children hun- j gry, the consumer gets _ drunk •heats his wife and gets murder in his heart. You will think to yourself you can break the laws and get by with it, hut let me tell you that is the wrong idea to have about it, you will start out doing little things and they will finully grow to be large ones. Just think of Frank Dupree that drank one half pint of whiskey to stimulate his nerve so he could rob the Kaiser jewelry store. That one-half pint of whiskey was a costly .ape. lust lojk at the hearts that nrc in sorrow over a little whiskey it haR taken the husband and father from the home of Mrs. Irby C. Walker and her dear little girl. Now he is in his death cell await- in the 10th of March when he will meet his fate, he is a nice intelligent looking boy hut that little whiskey has brought him to ruin, no Ifcubt some one will make light of my ex pression, hut let me tell you self ex perience is the best teacher in the world. Nine-tenths of the crime that is committed this day and time Tax Receivers j First Round: 1 will be at the following places on the dates named for the purpose of receiving State and County Tax Returns. Monday Feb. 13th. Salacoa in A. M. Harbins in P. M. Tuesday Feb. 14th. Claytons A. M. Ball Ground P. M. Wed. Feb 15th. Conns Creek A. M. Cross Roads P. M. Thursday Feb. 16th. Mullins A. M. Little River P. M. Friday Feb 17th. Hickory Flat A. M. Lickskillett P. M. Monday Feb. 20th. at Woodstock All Day Tuesday Feb. 21st. Fair Play A. M._ Wild Cat P. M. Wednesday Feb. 22nd. Bells A. M Sixes P. M. This Feb. 8th. 1922 W. -T. WHITE, Tax Receiver. AND PETIT w mu THF DIES HERE OR 15TH g ° Third I yeeum Attraction The Fell Kinging .Male Qu, ill he 'the next numbci v yeeum Course, appearing v. ud'.iovlum on next - Wcdn Ga., Febru tan F. C. Ti i it# N’nth Gi P. Bo Me Sr. 0 loco • * r>. Luther Cline. P. B. Latimer, John R. Nix J. V. Keith Chats. W. Lathoni W. F. Wood W. W. Fincher M. J. Wood Thus. J. Ponder Cail F. McWhorter Gribbs N. Harbin. Geo. W. Lewis Jas. It. Powell Chas. C. Worley L. L. Spence W. A. Hill J. It. Payne Joe P. Hogan Homer Milford J. 15. B. Lyons Noah Weeks J. O. Gilmer 4 — - j.. ■“Grand Jury Jno. W. Cline Roy Crisler L. F. Ingram J. J. Groves ■* W. A. Watson J. Warren Chamlce Clint Forrister W. L. Sturdivant Jas. W. Gay E. E. Fields A. W. Ridings Carlile Worley Jno. M. Morris E. P. Redd Jno. II. Cook J. H. Johnston Olin Fincher W r . S. Dick A. J. Garrison T. W. Price E. M. Goddard A. W. Green Jno L. Tippens P. S. Kemp Lewis Poor Gus Coggins Carl W. Grover W. L. Blackwell Oscar Lyons N. A. Thomason O. D. Perkinson W. W. Ingram W. M. Dorn W. F. Ponder A. V. Jones Mr. Vedict Met lin e spent Saluv- J L night with hi- uncle Mr. W. J. jfru'lh and family. Gome m cold weather, we don’t ufcro how cold you get if you kill Mr. Boll Weevil. Little Mallno Kukykendoll has ,Seim on the sick list hut we are Iglad to know ho is better. School at this plpco is progressing nicely under the care of Miss Min- nje TMum and Miss \nnic Lou Ben nett. ■. Mbs Lnurn AbeYcrumbie was the Attest of Miss Dewel and Jewel Poor Sunday. Miss Leona Mohr spent Sunday ''.with Miss Alta Freoman. / i Mr*, Abbie Poore is’vViting her . 'son Mr. Hdgar Poore. Air. Mae Gfegi In Absence, Attion l’opulni I leadings, Mr. Johnson. Bell of Shandon Arr Bells. Winter Song, Numb 01< . Buck 1 "Ema-1 Cook Selected Novin Ballard I weeding?. He v the time of hi ,u cd by an ;• 11■ 'stion. Mr. Tirte is u It, itnd roniinent •us 05 ver s death, \ iek of act ltd!' wifi While ’ll pure in ! tie .his ihdi- wife. Mis» who before her marriage v/ns Julia Bell, of Camming, a inter of , Jiidg. George L. Bell hf Atlanta; ; Colonel Howard Tate, his toil, and Keep on a Rollin. (Spiritual Song) ... ... , , 1 1 ]Mi V irgimn Fate and Mrs. Andrew Musiinl Reading: On The Road to Mandlay, Speaks I Quartett Ace. and °Mi Mae Gregor. Tenor Solo Little Mother O-ilinc ► ... Burli Ii^h Mr. Sbugert. Dramatic Action Song: Casey Jones Went Down On The I Robert JJ. Lee. V baby are visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Smith. * * * Miss Malinda Galt of Atlanta is expected to visit Miss Malinda Roberts at an early date. ♦ * * The friends of Mrs. G. M. Jones will regret to learn that she has been quite sick, we are glad to say that she i rapidlyi mprovjng and will soon be well again. Her daughter Mrs. Webb Shndburn of Atlanta is with her • * * The Basket Ball game played here Friday evening between the Ball Ground hoys and Canton hoys J was a real live and interesting game from start to fini.-h. The score was j 20 to 21 in favor of Canton, May I we have another real soon. * * * I The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. A. P. Bobo on |Tuesday January the 31st with n I large attendance. Some of the L. T. L. children rendered very creditab ly; a shrt program to be carried | next meeting at the home of Mrs. I Frank Palmer. * ♦ * The Missionary Auxiliry of the Methodist ^hurch met with Mrs. ‘ J. R. Boring Monday afternoon of j The Daughters of The Confedern i this week with the president Mrs. cy wish to return cordial thanks' <o | Will Fincher presiding. Mrs. Roy; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brown of Hotel Crisler was elected recording secre- j Mne Ifjowell Sgt. Cliff Smith and wife and Speciality for Quartette featuring Mr. Shugert with banjo. When Uncle Joe Play A Rag On Ilis Old Bnnjo. Tenor Solo Mother O’Pearl, Ball Mr White. Quartette: Smilin Thru, Penn Boys Of The Old Brigade, Parks Comedy Number Wal I Sway Rube Song Geurtt, of \ hevllfe, V. C, daughters Clarence Bell, of Atlnnftfi, Is a nep hew of the deceased. 1 . The funeral will he held hwe Thursday. Arrangements have not' yet been completed. —1 l_x if— Tanlae will <>ve come (lint run dawn debilitated ••audition and ru^ki you foul just like your old muT ainun. Otinton Drug’Co. hand, for they hsvr found out the class nf entertainment the Lyceum Course is offering Those who have not been cannot nffonl to miss this number, and if ’oe see this you will see the rest. The community is deeply indebt ed to the promotei of this Lyenum course, and should giveit better Hells and Vocal “Still, Still, With | patronage than h;i. been given at Thee” Old C’hant. ! the other performances. Clean <*T1- Those who have been to the other tertainment is tin nssof to nnv corn- two humbers will certainly he on munity and should be•.encouraged. Canton, and all of those who made possible the success of the Rook party given on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Zebulon Walker, Ses. Helen Plane Chapter U. D. C. whiskey is the cause of it. I’will close hoping that everybody that sees this will take warning. Bill Lusk, Fulton County Jail 'Atlanta, Ga. tnry, Miss Cleo McClure -econd vice- president and Miss Rochelle Mc- Cliure leader of the Jr. department. Committees on Local work, Legisla tive, Jail, Convict camp, County Home and visit the sick and strang ers were appointed for the insuing year. Seven new names were added to the rolL At close of the meeting the members went to the Court House to register. Suppose ail the business of the country had to be transacted with currency. There isn’t money enough in the world to make it possible. Banks simplify transactions. Millions pass from one firm to another every day by U3e of bank checks and New York drafts. One clerk can handle millions in checks and drafts in the hours of a business day that a force of a hundr id clerks could not handle in currency. When you become a depositor in our bank you join this magic circle, simplifying your business, saving your self money and gaining business prestige at the same time. Bank of Cherokee Canton, Ga, INDISTINCT PRINT