The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, August 04, 1922, Image 2

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1 - <aJ»4 PAGE TWO » c-*T—r JCs ^ VC./ 1 V~"t 4^ all.wwi .’i'wpii^ivi^r w •* *-- i Che CheVekre Jkduaucr CANTON, GEORGIA -- REINHARDT BOW DONG! Tf.II CHEROKEE ADVANCE, CANfON, GEORGIA RA,L , heads. REPLY TO HARD- *.NG €)F*-ER IS FIRM REFUSKL |. P. Rudaatll Editor JUNIOR COLLEGE WORE ; Official Organ jfhe Cherokee Advance ia the Official Organ of the County of Cherokee apd the municipality of Canton, Ga. Rate of Subscription One Year...$1.60 6 Months..-7*e Invariably in Advance The Cherokee Advance » entcrai at the Canton Postoffice as mail mat ter of the second clasi under Act of Congress. Reinhardt College Waleskn^ , r . gia. is now doing Junior CVdetto work. Students may ent^^ any cla^s from first grade thror^ ■wphon’Otc at oollogo. All d apartments under the manngc/,t of (experienced teachers. ' Reinhardt gnud-antes will he ad mitted to j'jnior class in college a'd HOWARD TO SELL 6 STATES’ COTTON will be g'lve* credit for two ye ws’ college work leading towards an A. B. or "B. S. degree. Clu^lev H. Howard, of Atlanta. A1 > dormitories are being 'mprov- one of the ablest cotton merchants! *<> «"'> wil) be «"«»«• ^control ° f in the entire country, who early Inst month was elected salesmanager for the co-operative eottongrawers’ asso ciation of Georgia, Alabama North Carolina, will, in all probabil ity, assume charge of the sale of three additional states. members of the faculty and the'.r wives, who will live in the dormit wy In this way the school offers to each ,,, ( l student a real home where health conditions are the best and Christian influence supreme. As to proper care and training This was indicated Tuesday whan Christian influence, health cond - Associated Press dispatches to The tions, and reasonable terms you Constitution from Little Rock, Ark., could not do better than place your stated that Arkansas, Oklahoma and hoy or girl at Reinhardt. Texas members of the hoard of trus-l Our faculty Is as strong as that tees of the American Cotton Gran- of any other Junior College in i hej queRt ' on sen '°''ty was made ers' exchange, meeting there Tues- South. 'known to the white house by *e,e- dny, endorsed Mr. Howard for the School opens Scpte.mber 5th 1922 R, ' K P b alter the rail heads had listen- position of general selesmanager >f Write for catalogue. 1 e< * *" H “ ll m ' nu ^ e address by Secro- the exchange. R. C. SHARP, President ,Hry of Commerce Hoover - wh ' \s saiesmanairer of co-operattve direct ripfutstitlvt of the prill it cottongrowers, of Georgia, Alabama told them in effect that the admin!• and North Carolina, Mr. Howard state cotton organizations Into one stratum held the seniority question represented approximately 50,000 body. j»f minor importance in comparison New York, August 1.—Railway executives of the nation today firmly but courteously rejected the pro gram advanced by the Harding ad ministration for settlement of the rail strike. Willing to accept conditionally two are suggestions put forward by the whit- house that both sides abide by wage decision of the railroad labor board and that law suits springing out of the strike be withdrawn the heads of 148 roads declared emrlu,- tieally (hat it was impossible to ro instate strikers with unimpaired seniority rights, the third provision in the president’s plan. After being told by Robert S. Lov ett, of the Union Pacific, that then was no norma! or practical reason for budging from their position, ii,< executives disbanded, caught the first train for their respec tive he id- quarters and indicated thaT t’l \ were going ahead and would operate their roads with the forces hey lie I assembled since the shopmen walked out on July 1. The decision not to yield on the Announcements To the voters of the 9th Con.&rfcss- ionnl District of Georgia: I respectfully announce my candi dacy for the <58th Congress subject to the Democratic Primary of Sept. 13 th 1922, If nominated and elected, it will lie m\ earnest desire and purpose to serve the people worthily and well, and give faithful service to the - best interest of the citizens of the entire district. Thanking you, both ladies ami gentlemen, for your support and suffrage, I am, Respectfully Yours, James H. Crawford. Editor, The Cherokee Advance: Every good man and woman would be glad to see the laws Uniformly observed, would love to live in the best community and County in 'he state, and most, of them would p-dst the authorities in the program if they knew how to go about it. Information of violation of the Prohibition or other laws furnbh the officers direct or through the Georgia I eague, will be acted on and will promote orderly conditions in your county. producers, who in 1920, raised in ex cess of 800,000 hales. In the i vent that he takes charge of sales for tin- three western states, it is expected that he will maintain control of around two million bah this year. Mr. Howard could not be reached Tuesday night due to the fact that he was in Little Rock in attendance at the meeting. It was stated here that he went in order to bring about close affiliation between the Ameri can Cotton Growers Exchange and the co-operative association of the southeastern states. If this move proves to be sucess- ful Mr. Howard, as head of the sales department, will handle by far th<‘ gi'catest number of bales of the staple controlled by nny organization of any kind. Several other states, in cluding South Carolina, have state associations that are not actively affilinted with either the Georgia, Abihamn and North Carolina organ ization or the eottongrawers change. Tt is expected that later on efforts will be made to cement all Mr. Howard is expected to ret 1 to Atlanta tonight. Magnolia Balm —* if ! iSiSfififcj h *•»» ”1 «■ . » ! « ^ 1 Mad* ■« lou' i Ljj f «, dj»’« ■»«'■ i**< e 1 I~7iH£~l | * f V LIQUID Face and Toilet POWDER Urines inatnnl, nat ural henuty to face, neck, arms, ha ml. Simply wonderful I Removes eruptions, freckles, sunburn, Ian, l.nlruncinit,lust- inn fraitrancc. Try il. a colors: Brunette White Pink Rose-Red Proprietors! LYON MFC. CO. 4 2 So. Fifth St, BROOKLYN, N. Y. iiiiimmimimmiii REST for 71 year , marvelous e a u t i • f,y,' n B balm. of that upholding the railroad labor hoard. The only question which arosv in the short period during which the president’s proposal was under ac tive discussion was how emphatically the reply of rejection should be worded. In the balloting each road was giv on one vote for each 1,000 mile.- of track operated. The reply, drafted during the noon recess by the standing commit tec, was adopted by a vote of 165 to 2. This, however, represented unani mous disapproval of the presirenCi plan, tlie two dissenting votes being | east by L. F. Loree, chairman of the eastern conference, representing the Deleware and Hudson and the Kan in a republic like this, a country where the people rule, public senti ment the only tryant and great t power, it is the duty of every goof citizen to contribute what mn; possible to better conditions, create I respect for the courts, reverent- for the law, furnish the officers of the law, through this League or other wise, information that may be nti lized for the common good. There are no mind readers among the officers, and law en fore cm ;> n t in every community it depends on the willingnes* of the law respect ing citizens to assist the officers by furnishing information. The Georgia League or Law En forcement through Constituted au thorities is devoted to the progtum of enforcement and will treat any information entrusted to it inviolate and endeavor to serve any good citi zen or any community where s"ch service ia needed or desired. Write us definite facts. P. O. Box 1802, Jesse E. Mercer sub City Southern, with the explnna- 1 g ecre t ary • ■-• A iirhTiti"'- riii ifrtMirn T ELL your dealer you want to see a Fisk Tire beside any other he offers you. He has it in stock or can get it. See for yourself what tine Fisk Tire has to offer in extra size and strength, how its resilier cy compares when you flex the tire under your hand, how the depth of the non-skid tread looks beside other treads. This is the way to buy tires! There's a Fisk Tire of extra value itt every size. V for car, truck or speed wagon tLon that he wished the seniority pro posal turned down even more deci- I sively. Only two roads operating in the |United States were not reported tep- i resented. They were the Atlanta, 1Jir minghnm and Atlantic, and the Gn'f land Ship Island, both of which were declared to have been unaffected bv the strike. j President A. TL Smith, of the New York Central, apparently crystali'ed the sentiment of the chiefs when dur ing their discussion, he threw on the conference table 100 telegrams frnn foremen and supervisors of the road, announcing they would have to re sign if the seniority ranking of th striking was returned. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Catver spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Talmadge Hillhouse. Miss Beatrice Bennett spent Satur day night with Miss Lesta Lewis Mr. arid Mrs. Johnnie Rutledge spent Saturday night with Mr agd Mrs. John Rice. Mr. and Mrs Levi Llayton spent last wee.k with relatives in Holly Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lewis announce the arrival of p. girl. Several from here attended meet ing Ht Holly Springs last week. Ruby and Rose Hillhouse sp ,i.c Saturday night with Estelle Hill- house. Mp-i. Harriet Miller is visiting re latives here at piesent. Mr. and M’'-i Jim Lewis spen < Wednesday night with H. W. Lewis and family. Don’t be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish Don’t think because you can get a big can of Baking Powder for little money that you are saving anything. GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. Will he sold before the Court County, Georgia on Tuesday, 8th, House Door in Canton, Cherokee day of August, 1922, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bid der for CASH the following des cribed property: “One Buiek Sever Passenger Automobile, Motor No. 515095.” Sold under'order of the Honorable D. W. Blair, Judge Sup erior Court of said County, as con demned under the General Prohibi tion Act. TOM CURTIS, County Police. FUR SALE—Two 60 saw Continen tal Cotter Gins complete system gins double box pre~s, 25 horse power engine. 40 horse power boiler, shaft ings, pulleys for same and complete outfit in every respect. Will sell at a bargain o r exchange for Ford auto- Irn 'ilt-s. Tf forested- communicate with Will "Richards, Jasper, Ga 4tj36 There’s Only One Way to Save on Bake-Day USE CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER ■FT MADE ■» * TSUIT mum V com re nts us | —It costs only a fraction of a cent for each baking. —You use less because it con tains more than the ordi nary leavening strength. BEST BY TEST The World's Greatest Baking Powder . . s