The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, August 11, 1922, Image 2

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. \V "'A V ‘ * PAGE TWO THE CHEROKEE ADVANCE, CANTON, GEORGIA FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1922 i- A ‘r-rgrir- €he €her0kpc v Ariirantt CANTON. GEORGIA .. |. P. Ruda.ill - • Editor Official Organ fhe Cherokee Advance is the Official Organ of the County of Cherokee and the municipality of Canton, Ga. Rata of Subscription One Year...$1.60 6 Month*...7*e Invariably in Advance ing those who resort, to this means of aking money or their living’while you and all pood citizens are derat ing yourselves to useful employ ment. In a republic like this, the people are soverign; there is no higher authority than you and your neigh bor and you cannot escape the res- Announcements GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY To The Voters of said County: T hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination as a Rep resentative from the 39th Senatorial District of Georgia, in the State possibility you owe to your govern- j Senate, subject to the acton of he ment. Every officer is entitled to , r >emocia t* c Primary to be held Sep- The Cherokee Advance ia entered y0 ur sincere support, and every law Member 13th, 1922. at the Canton Postoffice aa mail mat- breaker should understand that you 1 should you see fi t to extend to me ter of the second data tinder Act of aie nQt , n sympathy with hil?x nnA this honor I pledge to the peop'e of ^ ongra ** - hig progral n. I lhe entire District, the same earnest faith and loyal endeavor that has If the press of the state will under _ always controlled my every public Sincerely yours, P. B. Latimer. Editor, The Cherokee Advance: Well meaning people in every par tiake to inform the pu bi ic 0 f the ner-' act of the state interested in the en- osnity> f irst 0 f local interest, and ofj forcement of law, especially in the the import ance of furnishing info-- observance of the Prohibition laws, mation to lawlessness to the law of- seem not to understand that neither fj ct . rS) we should be able to do much xjie CITIZENS AND VOTERS federal officers, nor local officers, more than has been done in the past Qp CHEROKEE COUNTY: are mind readers and that there is t() discoura g e the lawbreakers. It i» ' no detective or spy system available gjmp i e proces8 after the law-abid- , ? j ing citizen in his communty under- j the House of Representatives from U ,s stands that he is responsible and that Cherokee County for the Sessions of not the Practice nor it is practicable he mU st be willing to do something 1 1923 . 192 4, subject to the rules and of a definite nature if the spirit of regulations governing the Stave De- for every community and port of violation of the law. for the officers of the law, especially | I hereby announce my candidacy to succeed myself as a Member of th e Federal officers, to discover vlo-f „ i._ nvnrmmn »ml n 1 .. „ . ' lawlessness is to be overcome and a mocra tj c Primary to tions that occur constantly ir all - i. ... 1 lations that occur parts of the state. Sometimes an officer detects a grime and discovers unaided a still or blindtiger or a bootlegger’s cache, but in ninety per cent °f the cases the information is furnished by un terested local people. There are thousands of them to every officer and it is easier for a private eitizen to get information than it is for an officer of the law. unless the officer l’ uss ' n g la In league with the evil doers. Let me say to you readers: There are no mind readers employed in the state or by the Federal Government, no miracle workers, and if an officer finds a still and detects other crime, it is done on information furnished by people who happtn to know the safe condition established. It is an September 13th, 1922 easy matter to furnish definite in formation to law officers, and f be held on As you already know I am now erving the last session of my first perfectly sale if any information is regu i ar term as your Representative, furnished a federal officer or fur j foel thftt j nm per f ect i y w g iing nished to this office ol the Georgia to stand on the record made during League. this time in advocating and voting While no good citizen should fear *" or * kose things which I conscion- to have his name mentioned in con- , thiusly believe to he for the best in- neetion with any movement for sup- °f the People of my County crime and discouraging an<1 statc - criminals, it is true most of them prej ^ erhaps at this particular time fer not to so expose themselves, and your Legislature is called upon to for that reason we are very careful, d,,,d w '**’ and so ' ve ’Pore complex, not to say or do anything that will difficult and tryin S Problems than at disclose to the outlaw the identity of any olher I )criod of our ontirG his ' the informer, information furnished tory - T do not hesitata t otell you should he of n definite nature. It is tkat ’ on accoun t of he experience GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY Lots for Your Money Should Not Tempt You USE CALUMET Th. Economy BAKING POWDER That*s What Millions of Housewives Do —They know that Good Baking Powder can’t be sold for less; that “More for the Money” means bake-day failures, waste of time and money; that best by test Calumet means economy, c The World’s Greatest Baking Powder not sufficient to say that they are gained during my limied service !n facts and who are willing to give th<M Se,,in * whi " kcy in “ certain comnvl - information to the officers, that can he done either direct or through the office of the Georgia League or other agencies actively interested in the nity or making whiskey on n certain this body, I feel that equipped and qualified I am bettor to serve as creek or in a certain county, can certainly say haw mnny miles north, south, east, or west of the enfotternifiVof thh «W. court house or * he chureb M* 10 ). names Y, n , your Representative than ever be fore, nnd I, therefore, ask tha^ you give me an endorsement of my ’•e- cord byjising your vote and influ ence in my behalf at the approncfiing primary and return me for a second term as your Representative in the The Georgia League is anxious tojl„ wor house of the General Assembly of Georgia. Any assistance you ry of the state. We constantly re- may f ee l juetified in rendering me in would bankrupt the country to do | ceive. and furnish information that this behalf will he Very is valuable to the officers and have predated. Respectfully, Seems to be a general impression I othpr ,and mark ’ und « ive that the government may send aev- Gven ’ if you fail to Rive your own ' oral men into n community to work several days as detectives to secure he of definite service in every count- 1 evidence of violations of the law. It would bankrupt the country to do that. It is much harder for the of- fleers, even if one should he detailed contributed to the cleaning up of to your community to secrue farts, j some very ugly situations. The pro On Tuesdny September the 6th, 1922, will be sold before the Court House Door in Canton, said county, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol- 1 wring described property, to-wit: jray horse mule, about 16 years old, one second hand one-horse wag on, and harness; one single plaw greatly np- and favor of Coleman Welchel against said T. E. Little. This August 2, 1922 F . M. BLACKWELL Sheriff, 1 ho in the Coui-t House, at 10 o’clock, a. m., on the 12 day of Au gust 1922, at which time claims may lc proven, the bankrupt examined, a trustee elected, and such other business transacted as may properly come before said meeting. Marietta, Ga., August 1st, 1922. GEO. D. ANDERSON, Referee in T than it would he for a private citi zen to discover the facts, and it i*^ I their binding on your honor and pressing bn your interests to assist the officer in apprehending lawbreakers, in hacking courts nnd juries in convict- John W. Collins. In The District Court of The United States For the Northern District of Georgia. In Bankruptcy. North ern Division. In the matter of Andy Voyles, stock; one dark red jersey milk cow Bankrupt. No. 8236. In Bankruptcy, with horns, about 6 years old. Notice is hereby given to the Levied upon and to be sold as the | creditors of the above named bank- property of T. E. Little under and rupt of Holly Springs in the county between Canton and by virtue of a Justice Court fl fa of Cherokee, said District, that there j taining issued fi'^m the Justice Court of the j will he a meeting of creditors in srid in case at Marietta, Ga., a* the Sheriff's 792 District G. M., said county LOST—One black leather hand hag on Atlanta road Tuesday, July 11, Atlanta con- young girls clothes. Finder please return to Jones Mercantile Company and get reward. T ELL your dealer you want to see a Fisk Tire beside any other he offers you. He has it in stock or can get it. See for yourself what the Fisk Tire has to offer in extra size and strength, how its resiliency compares when you flex the tire under your hand, how the depth of the non-skid tread looks beside other treads. This is the way to buy tires! There’s a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, truck or speed wagon pie who want the law inforced In j county or community should To the voters of the 9th Congress- not hesitate to write the Georgia ’ ona l District of Georgia: League, P. O. Box 1802, Atlanta. | 1 res P ec tfully announce my caruli- .dney for the 68th Congress subject Jesse E. Mercer, Secretary to the Democratic Primary of Sept. |13th 1922. j U nominated and elected, it will he my earnest desire and purpose to 6erve the people worthily and well, nnd give faithful service to the best interest of the citizens of the entire district. Thanking you, both ladies nnd gentlemen, for your support and suffrage, I am, Respectfully Yours, James H. Crawford. To the people of Georgia: I am a candidate to succeed my self as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia, subject to the Democratic primary of September 13th. My duties are such that I will not be able to make an active campaign for re-election. My entire time taken up by the requirements of my position and therefore I have little time to look after my own interests. 1 will greatly appreciate your in fluence and support, and assure vou if re-elected I will endeavor to give you the same faithful service that 1 have rendered in the past. Being perfect health with my long ex perience I feel that I can do more efficient work than ever before. I will regard another endorsement from you as a crowning honor of a life spent practically in your service. Respectfully, William H. Fish. How The Master Driver Became Master Tire Builder I 999” racing started ms ’N 1903, driving the “ car, Barne^ Oldfield career of victories that later earned him tfib title of “Master Driver of World.” To over come th* tir* weaknesses that ma American tires that have ever taken first place in the Freach Grand Prix. They have won for tive years in FOR SALE <5 orlOO bushels of corn at io cents per bushel, in Salacou District. Arch Collins racing studied