The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, August 25, 1922, Image 2

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ui£* '-u ^ ' • AGE TWO * .vs r a >\A < vVi CflT^ Chfudkrr i^ CANTON, GEORC1A .. ’A V x K C^lor « v ^ THE CHEROKEE ADVANCE, CANTON, GEORGIA — FRIDAY, AUGUST 25. lf*2? 4 P. Riduih For every class of crime. But few law breakers ever r:oe the prison bars and the average •Sentence is for a minimum term of months, then come we to the open scame '■ freedom through the prison board Announcements SILVER ANSWERS CRITICS OF FORD SHOALS PROPOSAL r; Tier. Official Organ ^ . i fftiurii u.: tiir. ii tuir jji i’miii uimi ii fhe C hcrokee Advance is the Official Organ of the County of Cherokee l)ny after ,lnv men ure tl,rn '“' lo ’ Sl „r..* the municipality of Canton, Ga. .in parole or pardon to return bum. - ly to the obi sin. The discouraged ur GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY To The Voters of said County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination as a Rep resentative from the 39th Senat trie! District of Georgia, in the State > Rate of Subscription — „—, ... Wlc ^unc One Year...$1.60 6 Month»...7*e r ‘‘ st,nR <,ff,cer has aboutone chanc 'jSenate', subject to the acton ot he Invariably in Advance • r ot ’ i ropo «.l i to maun-, lacturc nitrogen and other commer ' al fcrt'.lizi rs, mixed or unmixed 15.— -Replv- and with or without filler, according Washington, August i.g- to criticism by Senator Harreld. to demand. Other commercial Tort,’ or Oklahoma, and other members of* lizers must include phosphate or nnt- congre.-s that Henry Ford in his ,,r«- ash fertilizer ingredients, as distin- pose.l contract for taking over the guished from nitrogen commercial Muscle Shoal- project does not gui- fertilizers. Mr. Ford will not fulfill The Cherokee Advance t* entered st the Canton Postoffiee as mail mat ter of the second claa; under Act of Congress. in ten of opv ’'ending, the proseeot ||v_ M1 „_,| A u u l.i i .» u ■ i 1 bmouata Pnmary to he held Sep-, rantee to manufacture fertilizer, his contract if Vm ,i„ r ♦ i .rig attorney about one chance ml. , io,u iqoo ! ns ton tiact if he does not produce , ' - , Iteml,ei 43th, 19.2. | Gray Silver, Washington representa- other fertilizer matn.-i.,, it-n of securing conviction and set, i , , I K mnei leitui/.ei materials, I Should you see fl t to extend to me I tive of the American Pa,™ Bureau potash and pho?phate . Federation, today wrote them caH-r.g -The method of producing ph and sen lence to prison: Then when the t ; n| thia honor { plet%e to thc peop , e Qf per cent of the ten per cent, jfuiUy, the entire District, the same earnest such as one per cent, at least find thems 've iK’hind tin prison liars, the next r:in,\ iiing’i- to find some lawyer-politican raid to have a key to every pri-\>n Editor The Advance: Prison reform in Georgia ha- been delayed, not defeated. It may bo tliat the people .ire not door in Georgia, ready for aconite chuugcs in the The angel that came, t^o the rescue - reent .-y.-Um unt.l they ?ii niu.c of I'aul and Silas was a piker e>m- familar with the new proposal.,, pared to one of these. Certainly they are not satisfied am Thc yi-.icm ir. deplorable and th- will never a go in be satisfied with affect on the criminal element' is po conditions reported by investigator- - , sitivcly aiarming. Legislation pioposed by legislature i The law hreaker snaps his fit charged wit!: that responsibility vu. at the sheriff, looks with contempt deflated by thc prison cornmi ‘don on the court and laughs at thc nr.,so lobby according to the chairman n: cuting attorney, lie has learned that the committee. if he serves more than a fractior of No i!'. in* in tin state Iioidd i lib sentenee he is too stupid to de- d . i ' ■ on attempt to influence -erve freedom in this land of per- n- lej>;. lalion affe the department ;| liberty, where lawbreakers are ' rcept in an open declaration and re better organized than bankers ail commendation to the legislature urd pay etund attorneys better fees, ,i"d he public. Tlv re should be no more of them, rue. on why t ie head of any dcpai! I’i on reform is coming wi'h the ment. or a member of any hoard, ext legislature, and with a statute houhl desire to influence, lefei.t, making it a crime for the per .<»,<•’e propo . d legislation, even if they he- of any state department to attempt lieve it to he harmful, except i 0 influence legilation affecting his l-.iY, bed expression of department, thc object. A department We must start at the top, str'.Kt unthinkable, dangerous, tIn* major difficulties first, in any faith and loyal endeavor that has always controlled my every public act. . Sincerely yours, P. B. iAtimcr. viewr I lobby i Th chairman of the legilativ- committee, charged with the sevioue duty of considering and proposing legislation touching the state.- pon- nal institutions, states frankly lhat all attempt- at reform legislation j thi have been utterly blocked by a de- termined and effective lobby, main- tamed by the prison board. If that i. true thc hoard has overreached itself and public condemnation is ns sure the ultimate reform of the in iquitous system. It may be that the state pnniter- titry Inn not been mismanaged. Ti,e legislative c- remittee and the com missions appointed for the ‘xpri.s purpose and who have investigated to the contrary notwithstanding. Nothing, however, that ha« beer, reported, is so insidious and danjgc rou t - as thc alleged lobby, interfer ence with the legislative iv.i jv. ^ s trongly condemmed by member of I tho legislature, who a t in a iti , to know tho facts, and und rstr.n ’ 1 the far reaching offe.-t of t.h q e 1 tine 11,1 e practice. C ?<■ ' i • ■ v ol.-b’y mo e I'lt v 1 - ed in the mat 1 • of law enforcenv'nt I than ever before in history. T'u-i".' is good reason for it. Every thoughtful citizen is begin I ning to understand the danger of the present lawless conditions, un,!?r the influence of which property values are destroyed and life itself is cheap ened. Convictions for crime have been increasingly difficult, courts in creasingly lenient in the application of penalties. against e, dm. the wave tidal a promise th, program hiwlessiu sucres-. The press am ie dependence nature. e !•’. Me'-cer, Secretary Goor- I I. ‘TOO. vug. 21, 1922. pulpit ui r. i ur a movem-nt of Tefever New Lefever Nitro- Special only $?9.0C ? O. K.'ed and purchased p U " , .j ♦ U | | c • Navy. Well - finished j coosideririQ the prlc». I 'iV built to shoot rigbi u s* and stand as much I -,V\ u* e a* tlw mcit* -s _ r x_p : -;| Vfc M, n. “ duratili j. ,ocl< ever put it ,4- k 1,1 n gun — A ft-st lock Every nun fired over 7 7, 0 0 0 | times. prooftested with an ex- ™ treme load. A ^ <1 standardized pun built only In 2S In., 1(3-gu. 28 in., and 12-na. 28 and 80 In. with 14 in. stock ..nd about 2 7 „ In. drop. A Lefever won world’s championship at Olympic oames in London. . , fever has stood for service and durability, for - over DO vrs WRITE FOR CATALOGUE LeFever Arms Co., Box k, Ithaca, N.l. Bro. Hudson announced on ias Sunday, that there would he no preaching at the Methodist 'huich on next. Sabbath, as he is to Holbrooks Tamp meeting. •it ; : YOU CAN GET IT AT JOHNSON S AT SL(NNY SIDE i i i Beef Steak, Beef Roast, Tan Sousage, all for 15 cents per pound Beef Stew, 2 pound for 15 cents Extra Good Flour $2.26 for 50 potm sack. Everything else in the grocery line in proportion. APPLES APPLES APPLES Want to sell 100 bushels per week from now to October 1st. Fresh apple cider every morning. Everythins else in the vegetable linn goes with it. Gall us or come and tell us what you want. i'O THE CITIZENS AND VOTERS OF CHEROKEE COUNTY: i Hereby announce my candidacy to succeed myself us a Member of the House of Representatives from Cherokee County for the Sessions of 1923-1924, subject to the rules and egulations governing the Stage De mocratic Primary to bo held on ■September 18th, 11^22. As you already know I am now arving the last session of my first regular term ns your Representative, and I feel that I am perfectly willing stand on the record mndc during >his time in advocating and voting for those things which I conscien tiously believe to be for the best in terest of the people of my County and state. Perhaps at this particular time vour Legislature is called upon to deal with and solve more complex, lifficult ami trying problems than at any other period of our entire his tory. I do not hesitate t otell you that, on account of he experience gained during my limied service !n this body, T feel that I am bettor equipped and qualified to servo as your Representative than o.ver be fore, and I, therefore, ask that y° u | give ntc an endorsement or my vc-1 ■on! by using your vote and influ-] attention to section fifteen of ll^ phntr fertilizers are well-known” the Ford offer, which he quotes as >tnt | c , tter concludes, “and the source of ing that “the manufacture, sale and material n within forty miles ,,f the distribution of commercial fertilizer Muscle Shoals plant in the Tonne sci constitute one of the principal con- phosphate fields, and there are great shlerat'on of this offer. possibilities in the production of p.,t- Mi. -liver declared this the mint a , h fertilizer ingredients, ns d -'in- important provision in the contra, and one the violation of which pro- substances.” vides grounds for the institution of proceedings by the attorney-general to cuncd the entire lease. • ‘‘Not only, does Mr. Ford guaran. tee to manufacture fertilizer but he states that Ik- will make 40,000 tons of nitrogen (qua! to one-fifth of our tui annual consumption in fen* er and he will do so with the rm si economical power available, contm ues Mr. Silver’s letter. The failure to make eight per cen' profit, or the failure to make nr.y profit, or the inability to manufnt (lire this fertilizer at le-s than it i •Id is not a oni|fi> beyond its control <1 would not give him the right to a , the manufacture of the full the electric furnace and front o''.) being thinned out, it will not be long until Mr. Harrison's place will be like Ireland, a land free from that kind of reptile.-—Greenville Advo cate. I T he Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of * - on the wrapper all these years just to protect the coming 1 ... o 4 f . generations. Do not be deceived. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but Watch for page 114 of the Sep ember T ndies Home Journal. O. G. Glover and Co. —»iiu jusi-aB-gooo" are Dut experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTOR IA •-•nee in my behalf at the approaching Happincs- For All Women. ‘‘For some time I have been using Hagan’s Magnolia Balm and now my friend- are asking what has happened to m that I look so well. I have been afflicted with freckles, bletpishcc and sallow complexion for the last four or five years, but now my complex ion is wonderfully improved. Mag- Cast or i a is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Paregoric w| 0 ther‘^l„^ 0t « ng k f yr “ P6 ' ? is neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been m constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids Th- S 1 * °c °f F °od; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. P primary and return me for a second J term as your Representative in the lower house of the General Assembly >f Georgia. Any assistance you may feel Justified in rendering me : n this behalf will he very greatly ap preciated. • . t f \ - „ " Respectfully. John W. Collins, ! nolia Balm means happiness in a lovely complexion. Respectfully (signed) Nonie Bentoy, Kankipoo. Tenn. All women should use thi- liquid f-nce and toilet powder- Bru- jnette, white, pink, 75 cents at druggists or by mail. Lyon Mfg. Co., 42 So. Ffth St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.—Adv. ~ GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For'Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE C K NT AU M roMBxsiv •... V To thc voters of the 9th Congress-j ionnl District of Georgia: I respectfully announce my candi dacy for the CRlh Congress subject \ to tho Democratic Primary of Sept, j 13th 1922. If nominated and elected, it wi” ■ i be my earnest desire and purpose to | serve the people worthily and well, j and give faithful service to the best j interest) of the citizens of the entire I district. Thanking you, both ladies I end gentlemen, for your support and suffrage, I am, Respectfully Yours, James H. Crawford. LOOK FOR Remember its Sunny Side where its all -miles and cool. H. C. JOHNSON To tho pooplof Georgia: I am a candidate to succeed my self as Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court of Georgia, subject to the Democratic primary of September 13 th. My duties are such that I will not be able to make an active campaign for re-election. My entire time is taken up by the requirements of my position and therefore I have iittk time to look after my own interests. I will greatly appreciate your In fluence and support, and assure von if re-elected I will .endeavor to give you the same faithful service that 1 have rendered in the past. Eeine in perfect health with my long ex perience T feel that I can do mo' - e efficient work than ever before. I will regard another endorsement from you as a crowning honor of a life spent practically in your service. Respectfully, William H. Fish. The Baking Powder that Gives the Best Service in Your Kitchen CALUMET The Economy BAKING PO WOER GUARANTEES Pure and Wholesome Foods No Failures FOR SALE 75 or!00 busTiels of corn a bushel, ’n Salacoa Di»-j , Arch Collins When a “Big and Cheap” can of baking powder is offered you—LOOK OUT. Every can of Calumet is the same—keeping Qual ity Perfect — last spoon ful good as the first. No Waste The moderate cost of Calumet combined with the highest merit estab lishes the greatest of baking powder economy. You save when you buy it You save when you use it BEST BY TEST The World’s Greatest Baking Powder /■