The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, September 01, 1922, Image 2

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\ > V* v>Vj V* v\ , *>■ \\ '‘D’-DDKDE ADVANCE. CANTON, GEORGIA (The ChtrnUrr CANTON. (^EdRC,IA .. J. P. K idatill - • Kd.lo. Official Orjnji fhn Cherokee Ail\ .live is the Official urgan of Jho County 'if ChcroV*** ,n<) the municipality of Canton, Cm. Rats of Subtcrirttiou One Yeur $1.60 0 Months—76« Invariably in Advance The Cherokee Advance is entered at the Canton’Postoffice as mail mat ter of the second clnsj under Act of Congress. approve legislation such as I hat be ing reported or permit the nubile to be plundered. iik .senate committee appro.ed an amendment to the bill whi:! would limit the* authority of the con trolling commission to one year. The house’ interstate commerce -omniiil c, in reporting the i'. in-low bill for federal coal control, niu.'Hun- ccd that the proposal for a I'm 'rat ", ■ ! agency had been definitely ab andoned and that, “the president is n , Mi'd with this conclusion.'’ 1.' |,!o cidutivc Anderson, reputdi . Minin ota, announced tonight. Announcements GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY To The Voters of said County: • I hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination as a Rep resentative from the 39th Senatoriel District of Georgia, in the State Senate, subject to the acton ot he Democratic Primary to be held Sop-] tember J 3th, 1922. Should you see fit to extend to me this honor I pledge to the people of the entire District, the same earnest faith and loyal endeavor that bn always controlled my every public act. Sincerely yours, P. B. Latimer. J. E. Palmour for R.R. Commissioner Children Cry for Fletcher’s TO THE CITIZENS AND VOTERS OF CHEROKEE COUNTY: I hereby announce my candidncy i to succeed myself as a Member i: the House of Representative.: from Cherokee County lor the Sessions’ of 1923-1924, subject to the rules and regulations governing the Sta\,o De mocratic Primary to be held on September 13th, 1922. As you already know 1 am nor erring fhe last session of my first regular term as your Representative, and 1 feel that I am perfectly willing MAY GIVE HARDING R‘GHT TO OPERATE ROADS AND MINES Washington, August 20.-—Smould ering official opinion i'l avor oi a preside ntal authorization to take over railroads and coal mines net , ,d at their highest efUcV.ncy’ ved in congress todav when it was made known at the white hoiiM that IT ’ dent Harding Will he’d that so i a grant of power was lb-i'able, hough without any idea of using the authority except in a *c of dir > ublic.necessity. One result of the renewed di cus tnoo of g)- rnm'vnt operation vm the prospect that the house niigh: he <> ]’. d on at In* 'otice to put itself on record in the matter. Representative Johnson, r.'miiii- South D kota announced hia intention to offer tomorrow an amendment to the ndministralio.i coal control bill which would give the president the authority ho was said to desire. Several other i.'pvc m j" 1 rati d that they also would subnet similar amendments. Congressional bailers predicte 1 no such >(>'- ' ’ V, ion ■ nuld be pas "d f >r the present. As hi* explained at the whil house, the president’s attitude is that the administration’s hold on ha situation would he measurably strengthened if it had as a founda tion the power to take over carriers, or mines, which had failed to render full service, white house spoke men emphasizing that Mr. Harding had, no immediate intention of using the suggested power and foresiw no ,j emocrtt p s who contended th W, while term ns your Representative in the i * ovt, *- v prospect that, it would have to be used. T the Peopl ■ of Georgia: I am a candidate f >r Railroad Com missioner, fur the six year t<nn made vacant 1, . i j'! ,\ Candlfer de- " to off r for rv rLitlon. i ha , ral fi m iiaii (Jounty and • nator f 1 «n the 83rd Dis- triit. I a;n la i.liii ss man anil 'thor oughly Mi ainted with the needs of the business and :. rmlng interests of however, that he had prepft eil an amendment i>y which the president | j,*j ; time in advocating and voting 111 ' authorized to for those things which I conseirn coal mine if nece sary and .o e’enta t,ious 1 v believe to he for the best in a national agency loi buying from tcrest. of the people of my County selling direct to tile liy ,i the State. I will appreciate your vote . and influence in the coming primary lain, on toe reco'v. made ilu; >• i and if elected pledge service hi your behalf. Respectfully yours, for buy the mint consumer. Perhaps at this particular time Some leaders declared m igM y 0Ur Legislature is called upon to that both the Johnson and \ ul r-nn ,|cal with and -olve more complex, iiiiu ndment- probably would be difficult and trying problems than at thrown out oi\ points of order, rue any other period of our entire hia- six hours of debate on the bill had tory. I do not hesitate t otell you not been concluded when th'*. house thnt, on account of he experience adjourned tonight. 1'he measure will gained during my limioil service in he taken up again tomnr> w am: this body, I feel thnt I am bettor leaders said they would press for a equipped and qualified to serve as vote tomorrow night. your Representative than over be- The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of yryf — on the wrapper all these years J USt t0 P r °tect the coming generations. Do not be deceived! All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself 1 What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural The Children’s Comfort-rThe Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J. E. PALMOUR, Gainesville, Ga. In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMg CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. .Sep Watch for page 114 of the ■mber Laibe: i .mm Journal. O. G. Glover an ! Co. In The District Court of the Unit'd States, For the Northern District of Georgia. .... ] nipt. Ilappi ’i.- For Ml Worn, i For ] some time I have been using Hagan's •' Magnolia Balm and now my friend- ’een i are asking what has happened to mo, ■ above-' Fenton H. Turner, Bankruptcy N’o. 0! that I look so well. I have been Court Warm support was given 'be .ill fore, and I, therefore, ask that you Hrtllt ' U “ (1 w,th freckles, blemishes and j n(f uptm during the debate today as an n.irr.i- give me an endorsement of my re- sa ^ ow complexion for the last four e lustration measure, and as affordin,. cord by using your vote and infill- ; 01 *'' e Y ears ’ ^ut now complex- j ^ a means of preventing profited ing. ence in my behalf at the approaching j ion *' s v% « ,n ‘lerfully improved. Mng- It was opposed by republican* and primary and return me for a second 1 no *' a ^’ilm means happiness in a uil bankrnp'. a a.| ordered said petition oe had .0 h, 1922, at ten tI'd St at os Di-iri Court room, in th- cily ot At'i complexion. Respectfully, it might deal with a profiteering lower house of the General Assembly i ^ 8 'R ne, h Nonie Bentey, Kankipoo, | ( joperaor, it offered no protection to of Georgia. Any assistance you T enn ' women should use this Mi. Hauling, it was diiluid, In- conmjmwr against the dealer. may feel justified in rendering me in, face and toilet powder Bru- pi ■ on • aal Cm lieved today that the bituminus coal industry was working out its own Thl . , )istrict c * urt of * th problem under the Cleveland agree ' StnteH for the Northel . n D b this behalf will he very greatly ap-1 ne ^ e ’ w hitc, pi”k, rose-red. 751 ment and that the nuthracite str'ke would he settled shortly. The railroad tangle would the bo left a-’ the only major irulu li'.ii knot and in this connection the ad- mini {ration policy was said to bo constructed on a strict enforcem"iit of existing laws which guru.doe cfo and necessary public service. A L- ' optin’.i.iLic vjew of ihe ,'ue! situVition was taken by Chairman Cummins, of the senate interstate commerce committee, in his report on the coal control bill. The report declared that unless i the railroads succeeded in increasing | their facilities for handling eon’, the situation would lie the same as though the bitumiou* strike was till in progress. Some operators “and many dealers,’’ the report .'.mtinued an taking advantage of the .-’-or!age L nite.l stale. of of Georgia. In Bankruptcy. Viet'.iirn District. In the matter of Arthur Russell Ray, Bankrupt. No. 7875. In Bank ruptcy. Notice is hereby given ti the creditors of the above nain "I bank rupt of Bull Ground, in the county of Cherokee, said District, that then will be a meeting of creditors ir said ease at Marietta, Ga., at the Sheriff! i, Office in the Court House, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 9th day <>■ September 1922, at which tune claims may be proven, the bankrupt examined, a trustee elected, and such other business transacted as may properly come before sa'.l me: ing. Marietta, Ga., August 28, 1922 GEO. G. ANDERSON, Referee in Bankruptcy. preciated. Respectfully, John W. Collins. cents at druggists or by mail. Lyon Mfg. Co., 42 So. Ffth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.—Adv. Georgia, notice is hereby given eredito* and othei crest * appear at place and show cause, if an - , \ have, why the prayer of th • !>.-.> nipt for <!i'charge should no* granted. O. C. FULLER, C’erk. ITHACA W"'" m' C.-ipt.iln P.-uil A. Curtis Shooting Editor of. Field and Stream says: “The first pun I ever bought was an Ithaca. It Is just as strong and shoots just #***#* as hard a did when was a boy, X n'tt" ^| Catalogue Double guns for flame $37.60 up. Single barrel trap guns $75up. ITHACA GUN CO. ITHACA, N. Y. Boh Q. To the voters of the 9th Congress ional District of Georgia: I respectfully announce my enndi- dacy for the fi8th Congress subfoet to the Democratic Primary of Rppt. 13th 1922. If nominated and elected, it will bo my earnest desire and purpose to i serve the people worthily and well, I and give faithful service to the best | interest of the citizens of the entire district. Thanking you, both ladies] and gentlemen, for your support and j suffrage, I am, Respectfully Yours, James IT. Crawford. 1OU CAN GET IT AT JOHNSON’S AT SUNNY SIDE ❖ ‘I 4* * 4* | Beef Steak, Beef Roast, Tan Sousage, all for 15 cents per pound ^ Beef Stew, 2 pound for 15 cents Extra Good Flour $2,25 for 50 •V Poun sack. Everything else in the grocery line in proportion. ? J i • j 4* + * APPLES APPLES APPLES l!l! bu-Jul. per week from now to October 1st. Fresh 1 •' morning. Eve'ythins else in the vegetable line with eraemb vfcere its all smiles and cood. To the people of Georgia: I am -a candidate to succeed my self as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia, subject f .c the Dchiocratic primary of Sept amber 13th. My duties are' such that I will not be able to make an active campaign for re-election. My entire time is taken up by the requirements of my [ position and therefore I have little time to look after my own interests, j I will greatly appreciate your !n-| iuenee and support,.and assure you; if re-elected I will endeavor to give ] you the same faithful service that I have rendered in the past. Peine • in perfect health with my long ex-1 •crier,ce I fe 1 that T can do m<cr ’ efficient work than ever before. I will regard another endorsi from you as a crowning honor life spent practically in your so Respectfully, William H. Fi LOOK FOR The Baking Powder that Gives the Best Service in Your Kitchen CALUMET The Economy B/UilNG P&WDER GUARANTEES Pture and Wholesome Foods r® Failures nt When a “Big and Cheap” can of baking powder is offered you—LOOK OUT. I H. C. JOHNSON 4 .• -:-.v v *F ,., .;. v -x- FOR SALE 5 oil 00 busticls of corn >■- ts per bushel, in Salacba Dip-rj Arch Collins Every can of Calumet is the same—keeping Qual ity Perfect — last spoon ful good as the first. Ho Wa The moderate cost of Calumet combined with the highest merit estab lishes the greatest of baking powder economy. ^ You save when you buy it. BEST BY TS’ST ^ ou save when you use it Th© World’s (Neatest Baking Powder