The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, September 08, 1922, Image 2

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Official Organ fne Chevokee Advance is the Official virgan of the County of Cherok*** nnd the municipality of Canton, Gn. \ }\L CHEROKEE ADVANCE, CANTON, GEORGIA Announcements Rato «f Subacriptina One Year |1.*0 6 Months—7Ss Invariably in Advance The Cherokee Advance ia sneered at the Canton Postoffide aa mall mat* ter of the second class under Aet of Congress. JUDGE K. t. BELL FOR COll APftOLS former resilient of Canton Cherokee county and who is n > n Congressman from his distrir Florida. Judgc Bell displayed marked ■»’•'- lity as a jurist, because of his know ledge of law before he became Judge and vigo-ou legal mind. He has been highly vein ptimented in various ways for hi- fearlessness and for his far-sighted ness ii\^ the eonduet of his affairs of GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY To The Voters of said County: 1 hereby announce myself a o in- didate for the nomination as a Rep resentative from the 39th Senat iviel District of Georgia, in the State Senate, subject to the acton of he Democratic Primary to be held Sep tember 13th, 1922. Should you see fij to extend tD me this honor I pledge to the peop'e of the entire District, the same earnest faith and loyal endeavor that has always controlled my every publii act. Sincerely yours, P. B. Latimer. J. E. Palmour tor R. R. Commissioner Judge R. C'. Bell, formerly of the /•lbar.y Superior Court Circuit, re cently appointed by the (joverno; as Judge of the Court of Appeals, to A'l j abetted by hi „ cU , nr the unexpired term of the late Judy-* Ben H. Hill, will have opposition in the primary, in Judge Harper Hamii- to.i, of Rome, for the next six-year tirn, which will begin January 1st, nefct. That the app.. : n‘.ment of Jude” it. C. Bell to the Court of Appeal* is what can be termed a splendid n •• >C- nition of a jurist of high rtam'ing with a fine record for service, is shown very clearly by a review of his career. His life from the time he followed a plow on his fathei * fmmt to th have appeared, time of his appointment recentlv i As n ,. itiz<?n judge Bell has a! the office. He has nt all times e .m- mnndeil the respect thnt the court deserves, but he has also been as d end considerate on the bench as in private life. He was one of the five Judges o” the prison farm investigation in J of It ‘ year after which invesMgn ,; on no further controversies -on eernlng the conditions at the r oi T < a story that is very Interesting, ano one that is well worthy of exempli fication. Judge Bell was born on a farm in Webster County on January ‘18th, 1880, and lived there, as he >nvs “with all the experiences of farm lifa as a boy, until he was sixteen.” His career up the ladder of sue cess from u poor country boy, ou ward to teaching country schools, taking collegiate training between been a factor for good in his com munity, and has played an important ipart in the development of his hem • town. Cairo and Grady county and the state at large. Thnt he will demonstrate his enti nent qualifications and discharge t'>. duties of his office in such manner as to win the appreciation and an- proval of the people of Georgia, and lie returned at the completion of *h“ nnexpired term, is the con rid MU hope nnd belief of his friends throa- ,n ' TO THE CITIZENS AND VOTERS !OF CHEROKEE COUNTY: i hereby announce m.v candidacy to succeed myself as a Member of the House of Representatives from Cherokee County for the Sessions of 1923-1924, subject to the rules tnd regulations governing the Stave De mocratic Primary to be held on September 13th, 1922. As you already know I am now s erving the last session of my first regular term ns your Representative, nifil I feel thnt I am perfectly willing to stand on the record made during this time in advocating nnd voting jfor those things which 1 conscien tiously believe to be for the best ir terest of the people of my Cou.ity and state. Perhaps at this particular t:n «■ your Legislature is called upon to deal with and solve more complex, difficult nml trying problems than ut any other period of our entire his tory. I do not hesitate t otcll you thot, on account of he experience gained during my this body, I feel that I am bettor equipped and qualified to serve -is uw iUI UTCI UIUIJ J - on the wrapper icrms, later taking up the profess ion of law, serving as Solicitor Cen- state. il of the Albany Circuit for i number of yenrs nnd then elect \i * Judge of the Albany Superior Court „. .. ... , ... ,, ,. ,ln The District Court of the Unite.’ Circuit without opposition, then nisi'" recent appointment by Governor iStntes lot 'he Northern l)i-.ii< . >> Hardwick to the Appellate f, art |' nt Bankruptcy. Northi,rn bench, has been watched with int *r District. est nnd enthusiasm by his thounnnds In the matter of Arthur Russel! Tc the People of Georgia: I am a candidate for Railroad Com missioner. for the six-year term made Vacant by Hon. Murphy Candler de clining to offer for re-election. 1 hnve served the State for several y uis as Representative from Hall County nnd Senator from the 33rd Dis trict. I am a business mun and thor oughly acquainted with the needs of the business and farming interests of the State. I will appreciate your vote and influence in the coming primary and if elected pledge my best service in your behulf. Respectfully yours. J. E. PALMOUR, Gainesville, Ga. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which haa been in use for over thirty years, haa borne the signature of the wrapper all these yean set the coming generations. Do not be deceived. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnat-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of VOTE FOR JUDGE R. C. REI L for Court of Appeals. Recertly ap pointed, his official record jurtil’.e- n trial. The only former Sup< rioi Court Judge running. Never f.iilc.1 in any trust. His qualification: .-oni- mended by all who know him. Re tain him for the full term. In Use For Over 30 Years The kind You Have Alwayo Bought THU CUNTAUH COMPANY, NOW YORK CITY. In The District Court of the Unit' d States, For the Northern District of Geor eoigm r Fi i ll II. Turner, nipt. In Bankruptcy N< A pet't'on for discharge h: 'i,i fc - been tiled in conformity with iu- 'ey above-named bankrupt, ml tin Happiness For All V.omen.- “For Iimied service ;n| Bom e time • have been using Hagan’s Magnolia Balm and now my friend- are asking what has happened to m ■, your Representative than ever be- 'hat I look so well. I have been Court having ordered that the bear fore, and I, therefore, ask thn t you afflicted with freckles, blemishes and j n>f upon said petition be had or give me an endorsement of my re-, sallow complexion for the last four :uith, 1922, at ten oV k A cord by using your vote and influ-'.or five years, but now my eomplex- once in my behalf nt the approaching '»n is wonderfully improved. Mag- primary and return me for a second nolia Balm means happiness in a Q eorg j ai no tj ce j s hereby given M.. ut the United [Court room, in the States Distr’f city of Atlanta ITHACA WIU: Captain Pau' A. Curtir. Shooting Lditor of Field and Stream says: “The first pun I ever bought was an Ithaca. It I- iuit aa strong .incl shootr jtiti as hard as it did when 1 war a boy.” * - ■ tWWWrf. 1* < J* ' lovely complexion. Respectfully. cre( |it or (signed) Nonie Bentey, Knnkipoo. tvrest ti , of friends throughout fhe State \vl .» have onrtreciated and admired hi- de- ttrmination and t.enflaney to make good. Poor as a lad. and rtoor a- a vnonp- man. he worked and naid for all the education he ever received except that in the public schools in ?-ea<-h i f his home. He made his own wee of every step in his life, excepting of course the support of his friends who were attracted by his own de termination to succeed. January 28th, 1908, Judge was married to Miss Jennie V second daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. C. VGreen, of Mou:* e. They now: ifcave two children, a son, Verier: red 10 and a daughter, Alexandria, 1 ed 7. He is also a brother-in-law lof Hon. John H. Smithwick. a I Ray, Bankrupt. No. 787b. In Bank ruptcy. Notice is) hereby given t< the creditors of the above named bank rupt of Ball Ground, in the county of Cherokee, said District, that tbe.i will be a meeting of creditors i* said case at Marietta, Ga., ut the Sheriff i Office in the Court House, id 10 o’clock, A. M., on the 9th clay o- September 1922, at which time claims may be proven, the bankrupt j examined, a trustee elected, and <,l,n 'such other business transacted a- may properly come before said Tree: ing. (Marietta, Gn., August 28. 1922 GEO. G. ANDERSON, Referee in Bankruptcy. term as your Representative in the lower house of the General Assembly of Geomgia. Any assistance you Tenn. All women should may feel justified in rendering me injBquid face and toilet powder this behalf will be very greatly np-j nett e, predated. Respectfully, John W. Collins. use this Bru- white, pink, rose-red. 73 cents at druggists or by mail. Lyon Mf-. Co,. 42 So. Ffth St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.—Adv. and raid other perrons appear at said time place and show cause, if any iuh have, why the prayer of th” Iuiuk- rupt for di-charge should not be granted. 0. C. FULLIin. • ’'c. V: I - • C.>i,..u(j J'. Free Double nuns for game f37.S0 up. 5 i r (j It I -r a U'uP guns i:5up. ITHACA GUN CO. ITHACA. N. Y. To the voters of the 9th Congress ional District of Georgia: I respectfully announce my candi dacy for the fiSth Congress suhio.-t- to the Democratic Primary of Sept. 13 th 1922. If nominated and elected, it will no my earnest desire and purpose to serve the people worthily and well, ’and gi\ e faithful service to the best interest of the citizens of the entire district. Thanking you, both ladies and gentlemen, for your support and suffrage, I am. Respectfully Yours, James H. Crawford. WANTED The present prices are goon on oak cross ties until December, as follows: No. 5 7x9 8 feet 6 inches $’.00 No. 4 7x8 8 feet 6 inches 90c No. 3 7x8 or 7x9 8 feet 6 inches degrade 7Cc No. 2 6x8 8 feet 6 inches — dO t Ties to be stocked on L. t N. railroad right of way, and lagged. Good inspection. Cash pain on rt eipt of inspection ticket. Etowah Tie & Lumber Co. L. A N. K. IL CONTRACTOR? ETOWAH, TENN. ‘f-; V - :* • -v\; !’<> the peopL of Georgia: . 1 am >a candidate to succeed my self us Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia, subject tc the Democratic primary of September 13th. My duties are such that 1 will not 9 be able to make an active campaign for re-election. My entire time is taken up by the requirements of my position and therefore I have little time to look after my own interests. I will greatly appreciate your in fluence and support, nnd assure you if re-elected I will endeavor to give you the same faithful service that 1 have rendered in the past. Being in perfect health with my long ex- ■ perience I feel that I can do racf efficient work than ever before. I will regard another endorsement from you as a crowning honor of a life spent practically in your service. Respectfully, William H. Fish. LOOK FOR The Baking Powder that Gives the Best Service in Your Kitchen CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER GUARANTEES Pure and Wholesome Foods FOR SALE 75 orlOO bushels of corn /' ’cents per bushel, in Salacoa . Arch Colliks No Failures When a “Big ahd Cheap” can of baking powder is offered you—LOOK OUT. Every can of Calumet is the same—keeping Qual ity Perfect — last spoon ful good as the first. No Waste The moderate cost of Calumet combined with the highest merit estab lishes the greatest of baking powder economy. You save when you buy it You save when you use it The World's Greatest Baking Powder