The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, September 15, 1922, Image 2

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* A* * , •t ^ V V \i \\ V* : V* P^v v- v> v^v * v V^^v-s ! PAGE T^O \ —--- ■ > "t "^vV • * < t * <■*. w . \ -T- r ff I V\X > THE CHEROKEE ADVANCE, CANTO&, GEORGIA FniDA'Y SEPTEMBER 19:^ Chr 0iti*okrr .\ CANTON, GEORGIA .. 4. P. Rjdaiill Editor Official Organ fhc Cherokee Advance is the Official tutfan or the County of Cherokee *n<i th.> municipality of Canton, Ga. Rale of Sub*< riritiOB One Year SI.GO 6 Months 75e Invariably in Advance The Cherokee Advance is entered at the Canton Po«toffice ns muil mat ter : the second class under Act of Congress. STRIKE ( . i mbei I I•»' temporary injunction against ruil- ’ *4 ton mi ker wits eontinued in to for ten days by District Judge James H. Wilkerson, Monday wh. n nn taken • aftci '.he l, d, . !u . ; inj on the motion .f i u u v- ■ il linn v M. l)-uigh- ing to obr t tu be labor boat d vi reilroad said, the < ir.powered to stop *i court had no power to •Uch it!i injuactio.’. u.v.;..a U >- : .j. to strike was rtu v ,. :/.ed; and that tbi i ant accusation because of the lawful net • . wi ,■it", then all ‘her’ is left is to enjoin criminal acts o r ur . ,n! i >• one and ,io‘ of the ikhr- nt in this bill. In refusing to dismisa the injunc I ,m, Ik er.or'- . rite ’ 4 hnt " iva • inking Richluirg’s argument undoi permanent. The coili i soil ind\ates a long and bitter fight by the government to its eliai. es that violence and .. in the rail strike ha bre.t due to eonspiiae.' , in the opinion of authorities. Hundreds of affidavits advisement. The government iv • depositions and statements will he then ordered to proceed, introduced in the attempt to prove The government first introduced that the conduct of the strike h»a depositions enumerating the alleged been responsible for alleged murders murders in shop disorders. A state- property destruction, crop losses and ment from Postmaster-General delay of the mails. Work regarding the reported delay i Blackburn Esterline, assistant at- L> the mails was then introduc'd fo] in r ".’l, cpioted hundreds of • uch alleged cases Monday when the government was ordered to proco-d ii'tir Judge Wilkerson had declined •i <•’ mb' thi riermnnent injunction motion on arguments of Donald R Ri.chberg, attorney for the strikers. While these arguments were being l .rnl in federal courts, nearly f 00 l trike leaders were in session consid-i ‘Piracy < T "■ nroposnls to end the strike. At adjournment Bert M. Jewell, proa* d- nt of the hop men said that “‘he . liminary ground lias been covered no definite action taken.” tie led that it was “entirely probable ' >t some action would be taken Tuesday. “Wc arc taking our time and go- : '• over things carefully” he added. It was admittei shop craft leaders men are as badv lowed by statements regarding do -(ruction of railroad property, ii -r losses from hindred transportation and other points. This part of tin government’s case is apt to consurm another clay, ns thousands of case, arc fo be brought before the court. This evidence, Blackburn Esterlin 1 - dared, is nrcdiminnry to the con charges. No attempt win mailp Monday to hang any disordci on any strike lader. Corn and T:? odder Wanted FOLLOW'NT, AT DELIVERED PLACES. INDIAN KNOLL ORCHARDS, SH !>.v “iime of the JOHN R. PAYNE, tlmt the anion t ’N’VETER ORCHARDS, plit on .vhat BILL CLINE. SEP. to take in .-a ting for peace pr for ti-iku- on roads I. i .' immediate action on the fl :u!v;..;ivd by Dnn- Willard, president of the Balti more and Ohio. Refusal of Judge Wilkerson to dis- mi s the permanent injunction mo- t > - followed a spirited nrgument by \ttorney Richbeng, in which ho charged that Attorney-Gen. era I Jougerty “had impo-.ed on the court -hen he pursuaded it to grant vh' ‘raining order.” Richberg suited that the strikers had not broken a legal duty in re- TROUD ORCHARDS, SEE RL-NO ^ CL.INE. BREEDLOVE ORCHARDS, JOHN BR-. -DI OVE. HICKORY LOG ORCHARD®, . H. FOWLER. KEITHBURG ORCIiAi . l. TEASLc.',. 1G27, Cherokee Super;/" I The foregoing petition read and December Term 1922. JNO. jconsidered. Let copy of this petition and order be published for two aue- ccpsive weeks in the Cherok> e Ad vanee, and if no legal claim Is fi’ed, or legal defense i = made, with'’ 1 thirty days after the tiling of sum- 1 ordered that said automobile be e >n- demned and sold, after being duly -.(b'ert’ i d as providr., by lav.-. This the Gth ay of September 192 john d. Humphries, judge Atlanta Circuit No. Court. S. WOOD. Solicitor General, R. R. C., vs. One 5 Passenger Ford An omobilt. Motor No'. 6322520. Filed in office 7, day of Septem ber, 1922. MACK SANDOW, Clerk Supt in- Court, JNO. R. WOOD, Solicitor General B. R. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, OEM COTJNTY OF CHEROKEE. j Superior Courts i‘o thi Superior Court of s/sid Conn Presiding. •y and to Honrnble D. W. Blai. I '' r O. S. WOOD. 5-ol. Gm., P. R. f ledge of said Court. 'h r-ni One Five Passenger Ford Au- Thc State of Georgia, by and i tomohile. ‘hrough Jno. S. Wood, Solictor Gen J STATE OF GEORGIA, CHEROKEE i 1‘ nf the Bbie < Ridge Circir 1 .. n COUNTY. ■'Inlor, brings this petitiorf against To the Sheriff of said Coui tv •• Om Ford Five Passenger automobile 1 J' gal Deputies. d alleges the following facts:- Til ILL 1 nt On,. F' -e 1st. get- Ford Automobile, N--. That on 1h - i t day of Sept. 1922 6322520, is hereby required, oerson- u the County of Cherokee, said -By ■ • b- ,i ; \“ -r - «„ 1 , Stale, W. L. Rusk, nn arresting of- near at 1 Fi< next — Superior Court, tu 0c r. f i’/.vil a i tain Five pn »n;-,- be bolden in and for said Count-- • Ford automobile, motor No. 6322521 the 2nd Monday of December next 1' i-nse No. 55864, said autoirob'l*- then and there to answer <b ■ PI--’ being owned, opcrnte/1 by .and in th ( l iff comnlnint. r in default, tin -it n-> '-ns«ion of Parties unknown :it thi - Co-i-t will ni->ceed as to jnsti lime of said seizure, and eontap-t ball appertain. CASTORIA APPLES—Ni w at the time of said seizure 80 eniloi ot intoxicating liquor, corn whi-kev ♦he sale or possession of which > prohibited by law, and said aut <rr>i b 1 wni being used nt the time of. Superior Court, “aiiil seizure on the public highways | in, and of, the County of Cherokee : said State. 2nd. That said automobile above r- red to is now in the possession o r the said W. L. Rusk, an arre.-'b'p officer as aforesaid, who has the same in his control at Woodrtik. Georgia, the same ( belng held bv lum pending the disposition thereof In the manner provided by law. 3rd. That the foregoing facts were by the said W. L. Rusk, and arresting aforesaid, on the 6th day of S pt. la-2, m pm ten in writing to )r.>. H. Wood, Solicitor General of the Bine “id Circuit, ;is required by law. WHEREFORE, Petitioner brin; this petition as required Py Section 20, of the Act of the General Assim hly of Georgia, approved March 28, 1917, and being- a part of the’Gener- 1 Prohibition Act, and prays:* (A) That .aid automobile he sold • c : 1 authority of said Proh -4- tion Act. Witness the Honorable D. W Blair, Judge of said Court, ibis th • 7, day of September 1922. MACK SANDOW, Clerk Ch-'reki For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Thereby Promoting Cheerfulness andRestContaJ neither Opium,Morphlnenor Mineral. NotNahc° tic Pumplin Jkchellt Satt9 Anisr toff*’ /•»;rm flarifatl SvgfT VhfrKtTtn namr ,\ helpful Remedy fof ConitipnlionandDiaiThoea anil revcrlshncss and Loss of Sleep result i^Ht^fro^ lInfancy racSitnitC Si^nature° f JjtTceVTA^ 100 ^^ KTTW VOR^rt Bears the Signature of the time to have us send your sweetheart and l ’ | friends a box of our beautifull- packed apples. CHEROKEE HEIGHTS ORCHARDS Canton, Georgia -ex Copy pf Wrapper. •vrtv. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPART, NEW TORN CITY. I.. A D : t.riet Court of the Unit-.d States, For the Northern District of Georgia. In re Fenton II. Turner, Ban! rupt. In Bankruptcy No. 644 f h A petition for discharge h- «'in been filed in conformity with la- bankrupt, a th, (B) SF.F. That a copy 'if this politic- h-r be published as vequir/ i i’/iul in tin; event no leg.- I - I gal ilefv- is filed ” Hhin ■x. all, i- tl:«. ft)' >g oi ■said automobile be duly advertised ac- and petitioner will Happiness For All Women.-—“For some time I have been using Hagan’s Magnolia Balm and now my friend- are asking what has happened to me, above-named that I look so well. I have been Court having ordered tlm afflicted with freckles, blemishes and ing upon saiti petition sallow complexion for the last four or five years, hut now my complex ion is wonderfully improved. Mag-; t olin Balm means happiness in r j lovely complexion. Respectfully. (signed) Nonie Bentey. Kankipoo. 1 Tenn. * All women should use thi. liquid face and toilet powder- Bru nette, white, pink, rose-red. 75 cents at druggists or by mail. Lyon 1T fg. Co.. 42 So. Ffth St. Brooklyn, N. Y.—Adv. thi the 1. ITHACA Captain Paul A. Curtis Shooting Editor ot Field and Stream says: ‘‘The first, q u n I ever bought v/as an Ithaca. It Is just as strong ■ind -.hoots Jurt as hard as .1 did when I was a t ry.' \nmvj< r: i -v d in be hne 1922, at ton M., at th- U-.ited State- Di-i-v- Court room, in the city of Atlanta Georgia, notice is hereby given 1 I credito- and other perron tercst i r.pp’ear at said rtm ->,• ’ place an/1 show cause, if any , w\ have, why the prnyer of th b.- rupt for discharge should no' granted. \ ■ 4 ..w A M i Double viui s tor c;amc SS7. r iO lip. J ? \ma & 'MAC A. H x a ‘J it! CO. f. ITHACA. N. Y O. C. FULL th ' Cherokee Height Orchards this pcti ’old, aft cording to 1 ever pray. JNO. S. WOOD, Solicitor Ge Blue Ridge Circuit. At Chambers, Marietta, Ga. t ral The Baking Powder that Gives the Best Service in Your Kitchen FOR OVER 40 YEARS HAI.IV9 CATARRH MEDICINE has t-oen used successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous 9ur- fni-os, thus reducing the Inflammation. Hold by all druggists. ’. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Queer Feelings WANTED “Some time ago, I was very Irregular,” writes Mrs. Cora Robie, of Pikeville, Ky. “I suffered a great deal, and knew I must do something for this Condition. I suffered mostly with my back and a weakness in my limbs, I would have dread ful headaches. 1 had hot flashes and very queer feelings, and oh, how my head hurt! I read of 1 he present prices are goon on oak cross ties until December, follows: (AMI No. 5 7x9 8 feet 6 inches _ S 1 ,.00 No. 4 7x8 8 feet 6 inches __ __ _ pp c No. 3 7x8 or 7x9 8 feet 6 inches degrade 70c The Woman's Tonic No. 2 6x8 8 feet 6 inches . pp c Ties to be stocked on L. & N. nilroad right of way, and tagged. Good inspection. Cash pain on re eipt of inspection ticket. Etowah Tie & Lumber Co. L. & N. R. R. CONTRACTOR® F.TOWAH, TENN. and of others, who seemed to have the same troubles l had, being benefited, so l began to use it. I found it most bene- ficial. I took several bottles Kj .... and was made so much belter l didn’t have any more W\ trouble of this kind. It reg- uiaied me.” Cardui has been found very *0 helnful in the correction of many cases of painful female dis- K>j orders, such as Mrs. Robie mentions above. If you surfer tjij as she did take Cardui —a rjfl purely vegetable, medicinal yt\ tonic, in "se for more than 40 years. It should help you. to? Sold Everywhere. E 90 CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER GUARANTEES Pure and Wholesome Foods No Failures When a “Big and Cheap” can of baking powder is offered you—LOOK OUT. Every can of Calumet is the same—keeping Qual ity Perfect — last spoon ful good as the first. L. No Waste The moderate cost of Calumet combined with the highest merit estab lishes the greatest of baking powder economy. You save when you buy it. You save when you use it. BEST BY TEST The World’s G-eatest Baking Powder