The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, December 22, 1922, Image 4

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THE CHEROKEE ADVANCE, CANTON, GEORGIA FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22. l'»22 iiimMiiUmiiMiMMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiitiiiiMiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiim.Mit’MMMtmimiimmMMiMmiiiiMmmiMiiiihi iitiiMMimiiiiiiiimitmiiiMiMiimniMiiiiiiiitii LOCAL NEW By MISS CLEVA RUDASILL Telephone No. 10 The Telephone service will 1>t dis connected Christmas Day from 10 till 2 just the same as on Sum. >.vs. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Henne't of Waleska were recent quests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Durham. . ANNOUNCEMENT Hrs. Carter Brooke anrouno-s ;hc opening: of a Gift Shop it hei he .1 e on Main Street. l?ev. J. F. Barton of Mercer Uni- ' civity will preach at M ice Ionia December the fifth Sunday, wh ! eh is ;be thirty-first, at eleven o'clock. at Jones Mercantile Company for he makes frequent visits there. Bro. Hudson preaches at Ball tir m. d on next Sunday morning, but there will be a splendid Christ ians Cantata at the Methodist church at 10:45 A. M. ’’oni Kctcffings left last week to accept a position i n Florida. For the mM year he has been with the Ad* var. c force and while ere mnda a mi liter of close friends thiP regret t(. i.aVe him leave, however, w: wirri 1 im much success in his new caicir >{cv. F. S. Hudson comp'imonted h hoard of Stewards with a supi i at Hotel Canton, on last Tims U * i ght. The brethren all say tout Mis Co b. ns hostess knows exact'v hov r <o serve such feasts in elegant 4vle. i'i rr Santa ! am Bob Rudasill and live up on Ma." Street. I wrote you ,» 'otter last week and you didn't re id . irht. I want a stopper gun and a flivver instead of a fling. I am tryng to be a good li le boy and I hope you are going to h >vo a ■' ic Christmas. Good Bye. LOOK, CHILDREN LOOK. Dear Old Santa is sure in Canton •It week. Children and grown mo- pic too like to see him in his nri}.h‘ red suit with snowy hair, and he ha Uu'iled to far that the snow -toM ’ennins on hip custome. So he an lb, watch for he is on our stiv As le/eral times during the day end is .coking for good little children so r,- ,i .ice the hour that you cun ec h in MISS MINNIE DELAY DEM) L.ust Thursday Miss Minnie D< Lay died after n protracted illness of several years. She was bro ight to Canton Friday afternoon and was nuried at Holly Springs cemetery. ID v. F. S. Hudson conduct'll;; ih“ funeral services. , C.tgle-Barron. Last Sunday the seventeenth at the home of Mr. K. N. Barron in ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Stated meetings held in Hall, on fourth Monday night of each month, at 7 P. M. All duly qualified Sisters and Pro 'hers cordially invited to meet with us. Katheen Thomas, Sec. Mulinda Roberts, W. M Cart/Tsville Georgia, Mr. Anhui j Cagle and Miss Susie Barro i were | happily married in the prose; ee of | the immdiate family and a few close friends of the contracting parties Shi is a young lady posseitein«r many charms and sweet personality. Mr. Cagle is a young man of minj fine qualities and balds a position with the Jonos Mercantile Compnn”. Setting Party. Miss Lucile Kilby entertaimd the S’ wing Club which is composed o, twelve of the young ladies of Ccn- i'oi. at her home Monday o 1 citing. The prettily decorated purl ir with suggestive of the Yuletide season was carried out in the decorations throughout, both the attraetivness of the room and manipulating of t rettv garments attested the- h,*au- tiful art these young ladies posses-. Mrs. Wilson Kilby assisted in eery- ir.g the good things to cut which were carried out in the red and greer with Santa as Christum? greetings and favors mf miniture L’takets of nutis added genial cheer and hospitality was enjoyed l>.\ «:ll Those present were: Mary Barton,. Annie Maude Miller Jj.I.u Thomas, Kathleen Thomas, Inez Doss Amanda Perry, Berta Perrv, Eunice Coker. th: color scheme of red an I green Canton, Gu., Dee. 18 1922. i'« ■ ’• Santa Claus:- I want n doll carriage piano some • nndy and apples nuts and oranges. Luella Phgt. Clinton, Ga., Dec. 13, 1922. Dear Santa Claus:- 1 i m in the second grade, please 1 ring me a sled a doll and some candy. Eddie M ae Fountain \ hW4 ►S«H : Holiday Gift Suggestions SoLd Ivory Hand Mirrors $ r .0(.’ Solid Ivory Hair Brushes __ $2.50 Sol’d Ivoy PulF Boxer. -. $2 00 Solid Ivory Hair Receivers _ ._$•; 00 Solid Ivory Manicure Implements f<0 Solid Ivory Trays . . .t.t.CJ Solid Ivory Nail Polishers .. $1 .">o Solid Ivory Hande Scissors _ $1 fo Solid Ivory Combs . 75c Solid Ivory Jewel Cases _$2 60 Solid Ivory Bud Vasts _ __ $i,b r . Solid Ivory Perfume Bottles _$..50 Solid Ivory Photo Frames $?.0G Solul Ivory Cream Boxes 7f>c Solid Ivory Cloth Brushes _. .$2.50 Solid Ivory Hat Brushes __ Solid Ivory Military Sets ....$5 0' Cigars All the well known brands of Hava na Cigars packed 25 to the bj\ price $ 125 Norris Delicious Candn,s Fancy Xmas Baskets filled wkh Norris best Candy $1.50 to $5.00 Fancy Xmas Boxes containing 1 to ,‘t pounds of best Can V $1.50 to $7.50 Perfumes . i-., Fancy Xmas Combination Pa: cages of Colgates Caranome Houbig >. .t and Hudnuts famous Extnacts p.nvd- ers and Toilet Waters 76c to $7.60 Fountain Pens I’laui and Gold Mounted Pries $2.75 to $-j 00 ‘Service That Satisfies’ Phone 1 - Get It Quick HMIIIMMMI BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW We have on display the following packed in Special Holiday Boxes. MEN LADIES TIES GLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS *HOSE f SUPPORTERS BATH ROBES PAJAMAS SUSPENDERS BELTS BELT BUCKLES SILK MUFFLERS SMOKING STANDS* LEATHER LEGGINS SHIRTS, COLLARS CUFF LINKS COLLAR PINS BED ROOM SUPPERS COLLAR BAGS SWEATERS BATH ROBES HOSIERY HANDKERCHIEFS HOUSE ST JPPERS V. EATERS DRESSES, POIRET TWILL OXFORDS COLONIAL PUMPS COATS BOYS SUITS HOSIERY TIES SHOES CUFF LINKS SILK MUFFIKR8 All ol the above mentioned packed in Special t Christmas Boxes. Drop in and make your selection now. O. G. Glover & Co The Home of Florsheim Shoes A CHRISTMAS CREED. By Martha B. Thomas , 1 believe i’h Santa Cluus. I believe :t'. hair Is snowier, no cheeks redder, no rmile merrier and no eyes more i" inkling than his. I believe the heart of him is big enough to the world—if people wou’d let it. I believe in chimneys, big bread, deep-throated chimneys thut will not cramp the Merry Gentlemn i with h i ~ bulging pack. I believe in rev s i f ‘tockings hanging by the rii e- - Cither’s short one, mother' 1 ng o i» and the dangling ones of c»e • Inhlren, all waiting and expvtnnt. ! believe in the invisible blossom of Lrppiness that Santa Claus leaves at t .•’.‘iy houfo and 1 believe that it will gr-.w through all the year if people try to keep the spirit of Christmas c'tiy day.—The Herald Journal. Canton, Ga., Dec. 12, 1922. Dear Santa Claus:-- I want you to please bring a ■ loll. Don't forget to bring me some nutr, candy, apples and some orange* .i’.d a story book. Louise Ammon. Canton, Ga., Dec. 18, 1)22 Dear J^unta Claus:- f I hate been a good little gir!, I am i;i the second grade and I study hurd. Please bring me u doll trunk 'I’M” fruit and a pair of skates. Dont forget Mother and Daddy. Mar y J ires Canton, Ga., Doc. 18, 1922. Deni- Santa Cluus:- I want you to please bring me a tri ycle pony and some oranges Milford Moore Canton, Ga,, Dee. 18, 1922. Dear Santa Claus:- i want you to bring me a wrist wateh and a doll carriage a:iu some apples. Mattie Rogers. Canton, Ga., Dee. 18, 1922. Dear Santa Claus:- ! want you to please bring .» wa gon oranges and skates. Howard Chambers. Canton, Gn rf , Dee. 18, 1922. I «*» i Santn Claus:- I want you v to bring me a drain a « igon a story book a cap pi«tol an aii run some oranges unii applet. Dean Smith. Canton, Ga., Dee. 18, 1925 I'e i Santa Claus:- I want you to pleuse bring rre wagon a monkey some apples an candy. Cecil Preslej Canton, Ga., Dec. 18, 1922. Dear Santa Claus:- I want you to please bring me a big sleepy doll a carriage some ap ple- and oranges. I will be a good girl. • Nora Mae Baker. . Canton, Ga., Dec. 18, 192 Dear Santn Claus:- I want you to bring me son books, a doll table and some frui Pleuse don't forget to leave my 14,t : istor and brother something. Sarah Jone Canton, Ga., Dee. 18, 1922. Dear Santa Claus:- J am iu the second grade and studv lard. Please bring me a cowboy suit some sky rockets, nuts and candy. Harold Floyd. Canton,'Ga., Dec. 18 1922. Dear Santa Claus :- bring me a train and a track, building blocks, a cowboy suit and a foot ball. Edward Thomason, j! — I want you to bring ipe me a hiny- ■ie. r wagon, n cap pistol a link”! toys oranges and apples and some (candy and nutsa ball a story 1 o'k, Broad us Wallenhaup. Jbr. S, li. Hat-bin ✓ ANNOUNCESJTHE REMOVAL OF HIS OFFICE TO •Xcui (Knit building OVER JOHNSTON’S DRUG CO. SECONB FLOOR. ROOM NO. 200 OFFICEIPHONE 159 RESIDENCE PHONE 15$ ! . .Canton, Ga., Dec. 18. l')22. | Dear Santa Claus I want you to bring me a oil ihai wiil say mama, a tarn a car*’ a„ a | piano. a Kvt,, y» Young. I r I I I I I 1 I 1 1