The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, December 29, 1922, Image 2

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r * v*» „ " \ \ "-ife 4. 1||I II il)Wlll 11 )l I llWlll 11 mu m\u mmu; i ui 4< mi \ 11II M X \ LOCAL NEWS ■SC THE CHEROKEE ADVANCE, CANTON, GEORGIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1922 iViiMinminiii «iiiiiiitt(iiMmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!MiimiiiiiiiiiiHiiiMiiiiiiiiiniiiifiiniiiiii Chiiilmli Eve Di n ner Party A very, enjoyable event of the holidays was a dinner Riven by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fincher at their home on Main street last Sunday. Lighted randies, pot Flowers and narcissus were used effectively in the dining room and parlor. At the noon hour a splendid Christmas din ner was served in six coureses to the following guests: Misses LucPe, Wjl- be and Jeffie Fincher and Sarah Elliott of Canton, Messers Alexan der Singleton, ,T. A. Baldwin and Walter Chambers of the Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Georgia, Colo nel Hewitt Chamber^ of Atlnnta. Djring. the afternoon Mr. King i itist and illustrator of The Consti tution delighted those present with vernl sketches; from life. * * * I. W. Hendon spent the holidays i Cordova, Alabama, * * • tr. Arwopd of Marietta spent ’> t Monday with his daughter, Mrs. h. 15. Taylor. Miss Parnell Coker of EaGrangd t , c! Miss Mary Bettie Coker of Bea-' -'<■ Tift College are spending the 1. ilidays with home folks. In the District Court of the United Stater, for the Northern District of <.£o?gin. In Bankruptcy. Northern | By MISS CLEVA RUDASILL it Telephone No. 10 I Division. r * 11 In the matter of William \ White ^ . - «. . I ... « .. - - - - - I Bankrupt. No. 8093 In Bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given to the jireditors of the above named bank- upt of Ball Ground, R. F. i> in the >canty of Cherokee, paid District, Tll , . , , M ... • : " rf there will be a meeting of credit The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tom I . .. ....... „ , ° ,s m said case nt Marietta, Ga. t at Curtis will regret to learn that then , , ‘ cne Sheriff s Office in the will leave here nt an early date to make their home elsewhere Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Jones were dost and hostess to their Christinas •■himer last Sunday and all chiblren and grandchildren were present. • *' • Mrs. G. W. Brooke entertained her children and grandchildren with Turkey dinner last Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E Johns'cti • • • Next Sunday being the last day of the year, Bro. Hudson promises '■> reach a sermon at the Methodist lurch on, The Passing of the Yea ft * * ♦ Mrs. J. J, Pascoe left last «v- <4; •'■■I Americus where she will spend ; "' cr:' 1 week.- with her daughters, .Mrs E Cnurt li use at 10 o'clock a, m. on th» 6tn ay of January 1922 at which time claim; may be proven, the bankrupt examined, a trustee elected and such! nihci business transacted as mav f .properly come before said meeting Marietta, Ga., December 22 102- GEO. D. ANDERSON Referee in Bankruptcy. Ashville, here last ..ante*; Cross of sp> nt several day? v tb borne folks. • * • Mi and Mrs. S. M. Puckett o' At- ' ’ were tin guests of Mr. and . J. P. Rudasill lust Monday. * * ♦ and Mrs. Robert Jonei of At- pent last Sunday w ,h Mr. Mrs. R. T. Jones and family • * * f - • Bennett, week In the District Court of the United States for the Norther,, District of Georgia. In Bankruptcy. North »rn I d vision. In the matter of William C. Wheel • 1 Bankrupt. No.8697 in Bar.k- i upicy. Notice is hereby given to the \\ Horne and Mrs. Twiggs 11 r itors of the above named bank- TO OUR FRIENDS AND i Mi •M Myrtle Brooke of Mont vala Institute is at home for a few ,h,y-. Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Dn-s have re- c■ ■:if 1 y moved into the house icar Mi. V. .’ Ponder o„ Main street. • • • Mr. and Mrs. li. F. McDonald will lie oeated at The Hotel Canton at an early date. In.,-. . f Canton, in the county of 1 tnerok ee, said District that '.here will be a meeting of creditor- in i : ca -e at Marietta, Ga., ,-.t the SI erff s Offide in the Court hous • at In o'clock a. m. on^ the 6th day of] * Lucile. Jeffie and Willie her were tin gue-is of their - * • d pa rents near Waleska last Irs. It. T. Jon is} confinad t > her "*■ I hem: this week with a severe cold. J.'unary 1923, at whieh time claims m: \ be proven, the bankruat w- aminod, a trustee elected and such O'her business transacted r.s may properly come before said mooting, •hrietln, Ga.. December 22. 1922 CKO. D. ANDERSON Ref-woe in Bankruptcy. WE WISH YOU A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR I O. G. Glover The Home ofFlorsheim Shoes : Go • ’' ‘-'*+****++**++++++;' ■■• ■ 4*•• H"Hwmtn ii rii4» “ ^A V RV1C£ BY PUBLICATION Minnie E. OliVer vs. Jennie White- :■ Oliver Ilackftt. N-. 1715. Petition for divorce. In Cherokee uperior Court. February Term We wish to thank Friends and Patrons for the splendid Fall and Holiday business they have given us and to wish for them a happy and prosperous New Year. 'the defendan r Hackett:- :e plaintiff, Joiinni filed his petition :ist Jenni ett, in this Jennie Wi Oliv. for , rav- vorce Whitener ('liver Court, returnable ie court and it be at J. i hit i -j- I ADMINISTRATOR'S SAL-. GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUN'A. By virtue of an order of the c i it "■ * >; di.iary of aid Coiiitv, will be old nt public outcry, on the Tuesday in January, 1923, a. Court House in said Count 1 , tween the usual hour- of sid • following real estate in tin District and 2nd Section o c Cojaty, to-wit: All of lot of land number (8) containing forty acres accord ing to original survey. . A1 o all of lot of land n'jtr <r -even (7) Southeast of Mill Creek, lint the . be- the 2nd said tight thi tract containing fifteen, aero-, mo:- 1 or l Qt . The maker of the d< :d to ibis tract agrees to claim no da- ,r - . ro :r case of back water. Also mill race pr.vllnr-e. c »i : lie North-west side of Mill Creek. This is veil improved and is in o yood Mate of cultivation. All U 1 the above lands are rented for the year 1 r, - :! ’ an d the purchaser will he en titled to the rent, terms of sale cash. This Dec. 4th 1922. (*. 1 hompson, Administvat. *r of • B Th'unp- on Est, - * ! 1 T f ; -j. 1 ! i r It i X < •F - j' tj tit 1 avkett, to be an. ext tei-ni of - aid ’• Court to be heh '•n lav in E’ebruar.v ere to atuswer si\j ■ial divorce. Witness the Hoi lair, Judge of the ha Ridge Circuit. This 19 day of Dt MACK S Jojm W. Collins, ‘.itioner. i-mb DOW ttorn Fourth W. 1922 , CVrk ex To l 7 hr Standard < : : ® m & Storm Service T , Satisfies" W. R GRACE & CO NITRATE OF SODA Imported direct from SOUTH AMERH A Use it on your COTTON -GRAIN - COP N n I grow a /*rop, get late t pr firm Bartow Fertz & Feed Co Carter-ville. G; Nitrate Driving Comfort in Winter * UM Cylinder—*1195 . dey:. Ab complete us hjj bc-c BuickUe gners have not i building into it o mee-ure "of cr-. • protection surpax-i-d only by the m Protection i. ( > y ii,xi wind ,,,'J . storm curtaii'M , * "! “ie tr>tjo8ed car, ' Peajype of car, ' ‘ •/■! weather ' rl- d widely. storm compa tight i eafa'an iirtain blc* to v.i'h xp-n by th 1 riu g-fittlhg ign of 1 j cosiness, b' l ’ld .'rand • toakn driving driving, i 8 ,h e pro Jucoo — its vt balance ur i ° 1