The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, January 12, 1856, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER. ©cncral 3.toertigementg» AGRICULTURAL DEPOT, * AND PRODUCE COMMISSION' WAREHOUSE, Ay. 1 J lurrayst.., Ivtioeen West and Wat’Angie/k street f, near North liiner, New York. TIIIU subscriber can now „ furnish Merchants, Plant ers, and others, with a variety of excellent AGRICULTURAL LMpLi'mENTS, at reasonable prices, including Genuine ‘* Karie” PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, Corn SHELLERS, flay and Corn-Sulk CUTTERS, and various other aru clvs; together with first quality of Peruvian GUA NO, “Mape’s” PHOSPHATE ‘OF LIME, etc., and best kinds of field, Garden and Flower SEEDS. Particular attention will be given to Ordbrs. l-jf .The subscriber will also attend to the sale ol Grain and other Produce, ou Commission. Charges will be moderate, and prompt returns made iu such form as his correspondents mar di iect - HENRY F. dibblEe. RBPKRBSCBS. 11. I. V ail, Esq., ( 'uh r. Bank of Commerce in N. Y Robert Strong, Esq., Cashier City Bank. Jas. T. Socttkb, Esq., Pres’t. Bank of the Republic William S. Tisdale, Esq. Messrs. llsnrt Bhkli)kn, Lawson A Co. “ VaNDPSKN iL J AGGER. “ H. E. DIBBt.EK A Co. “, Work A Co. G. B. Lamar, Esq. W4*c4 janl MERCER UNIVERSITY, PEN FIELD, GA. REV. N. M. CRAWFORD, I). D., 1 resi dent. | 8. P. SANFORD, A. M., Prof, of Mathematics. J. E. \\ ILLET, A. M., Professor of Chemistry | and Natural Philosophy. Rev. 8. <r. 111LLY Est, A. M., Professor of Belles i Lettres. R. M. JOHNSTON, A. M., Professor (elect) of j Languages. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY: her. J. L. DAGG, D. D., Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology. Rev. N. M. CRAW FORD. 1). 1)., Professor of Ec •luaiastical History and Biblical Literature. ACADEMY: Rev. T. it. MARTIN, A. -M., Principal. < 'inmeu. ‘mentis held on the last Wednesday in July. The regular College Course requires four years for the degree of A. B. Those wishing to do may omit the Languages, aud ]iursue a seien- j tilic course of three years. Having been originally designed for the eduea- j lion of young men preparing fur the Gospel Minis- ! try, this Institution keeps that object steadily in j view The Seminary embraces a three years’course | of such studies as are pursued in the most celebra- ; tad Theological Seminaries iu our country. The Academy is kept under an experienced 1 earlier, and has been established with special ref •rvnce to fitting pupils to enter College. The price of Board in the Village is SIO.OO per month; washing, room-rent, fuel, Ac., $3.00. The next Term commences on the first day of February next, 1856. With a full and able Facultv, students are with confidence invited to the usual benefits of our best Institutions, with the special advantages of a loca tion removed from the tempations and vices of i towns. By order of the Board of Trustees. dost c2m S. LANDRUM, Soc’y. POSTPONED WARREN SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL HE SOLD, before the Court House door in the Town of Wiu-renton, Warren county, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, within the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to- wit: Lucy, a Negro woman, about 26 years old, and her three Boys, fix: Jiiu, about 12 years old ; Rabe, about 1 1 veins old, and George, 8 rears old; one two-horse VVagou and Harness, and one pair Grey Horses. —ALSO — One Blacksmith Shop and Lot, in the Town of Warrenton, adjoining John K. Riviere and others. Levied on as the property of Stephen Smith, to satisfy one ti. fa. in favor of Wm. A. Seals rs. Ste phen Smith and Anthony Jones, issued from War ren Inferior Court, and one from the Superior Court of Walien county, in favor of John J. and Wm. U. Pilcher, Administrators, vs. said Smith and others. Property pointed out hv Stephen Smith. Ell WIN A. BRIN ELK Y. j»u4 Deputy Sheriff. WARREN SHERIFF’S SALE. 1 WILL offer for sale, on the first Tuesday ia FEBRUARY next, the following described property, to wit ; One Hundred and Thirty Acre* of Land, lying in said county, on the waters of Car son's Creek, adjoining lands of Alpheus Fuller and others ; levied on as the property of Turner Cona way, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Warren Inferior Court, in favor of Benjamin Chopmon vs. said Tamar Conaway. ALSO— At the same lime and place, Six Hundred Acre* of Land, lying in said county, on the waters of Golden's Creek, adjoining lands of Shadrach Broo shain and others; levied on to satisfy fi. fas. in my hands—one in favor of John P. Bagget vs. Aaron English and William English, from Warren Inferior Court. All pointed out bv defendants. jam! WM.' LITTLETON, Sheriff CARROLL LANDS FOR SALE. "WMTILL HE SOLI), on the first Tuesday in ww FEBRUARY next, to the highest bidder, at the Court House in Carrollton, that valuable PLANTATION, situated in the Sixth District, known as " linn'. / Bottom” containing over 60# acres—about 100 in a first r ite state of cultivation, producing equal with any lauds of the West, ad joining lands of Baskin, Stripling, Chance and others—an excellent neighborhood, good society, convenient to market, and one of the most valuable J-.trms in Carroll county. It is sold at the above time, not wishing to rent it out. As 1 live in Ala bama. persons desiring to purchase will be shown the premises by P. P. Grow, of Carrollton, J. War reu Carsons, or James Stripling. Titles indisputable, and if desired, wili Imits them perfected by Administrative sale. Tbrms -One, two and three years—small notes, with good security, and interest from date, deed 8 'c.l FRED. H. SMITH. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. "WWT’IUUsoId, before the Coifrt House door ! w w in \\ arrenton, W arren county, Georgia, on i the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, within the j legal hours oi sale, three Land Warrants, con- | taming in the aggregate One Hundred and Sixty ‘ tl6" Acres; the same were issued to John Baker, late of said county, deceased. Sold to perfect titles! Terms cash. GEORGE S. ALLEN, dec23 Administrator do bonis non. 8,000 GRAFTED APPLE TREES FOR SALK. THE grafting of a native Georgian at jJVSj m\ Nursery, two miles of McDon-®Jw ough, Henry county, Georgia. The TREES are 6T one aud two Summers’ growth, and embrace Pis- j teen choice kind*, that ripen from the fifteenth of j June to the truth of October. I will mark each kind, do them up in good order, and put straw and cloth around the roots, and deliver them ai the Jonesborough Station, on the Macon A Western Railroad, eighty mile* shore Macon, or on the Georgia Railroad, one hundred and forty iniela above Augusta, at Eight Dollars per Hundred Trees. Either of the oue or two Summers’ growth of an average site. Names; Yellow June, Red June, Large Striped July, Horse, Large Queen, Maugham. Pound, or King, Limbertwig, Romanite, Red, N. C. l'eppin. Foot Round, Lady Washington, Eng lish t’rabh, Gloster Par Main, Lndyfingor*. Register your money, and send’ South Carolina, Augusta or Savannah Bank Bills, a; my risk, and 1 will send the tree* My Post Office is McDon ough, ilenrr county, Georgia. novlSeocSm* ' JOHN DAII.KT. RIVER SWAMP PLANTATION FOR SALE. W” 11. 1 1 BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday os .* * FEBRUARY next, at the Market in the city oi Augusta, an elegant tract of LAST), containing about 2>o acres, lying on the waters of Savannah River—river bottom Land, known for merly as the McLemurray Land, situated in Rich mond county, <>»., adjacent to lands belonging t» the estate of Benj. Foreman, deceased, of farvi known as the iiacon Tract, about 15 mile* from the my oi Augusta, near the place where Mac heap tYeek empties m Savannah river. Said Land wtM be sold on a credit ot one and two year* with ip terest from date. Said Land can be treated for privately, betwaep this and day of sale, by application to Dr. John X. Turner, of Augusta, Oi. JOHN M. TURNER, **d • Ag#«t far »*>«t« Wia Umk (Tbe §)ailu (fonstitntionalist. ©cncral _ COAL, COAL. ~i OH TONS of Hickory White Ash COAL; 10b tons Diamond Red Ash COAL, will be ready for delivery at the wharf, Monday, Dec. blth, 1855. Orders directed to the undersigned, through the Post Office, or left at the Gas Office, will he promptly attended to. Terms cash. dec22 ts GEO. S. HOOKEY. JUST RECEIVED— -50 boxes Goshen CHEESE 10 firkins fresh Goshen BUTTER; 5 barrels Boston CRACKERS; 5 “ Buttter Do.; 5 “ Soda l)o.; 25 boxes Soda Do.: 25 “ Scaled HERRING; 5 half barrels Pickled BEEF; • “ “ “ “ TONGUES; REED A O DONOHOE, dec22 Two doors above Planters’ Hotel. DRIES. —-11 hhds. good and choice New " Orleans and St. Croix SUGARS; 75 bills. Coffee “ 20 “ Crushed and Powdered SUGARS; 800 bags good and prime Rio COFFEE; 25 “ Java COFFEE; 1 000 kegs NAILS, assorted sizes; PICKLES, SOAP, SODA, CHEESE, CANDLES, TEA, TOBACCO, Ac., Ac. For sale bv declt) HAND, WILCOX A CO. rVNRIMMINGS.—SOO pieces rich Clouk and 1 Dress TRIMMINGS; 50 gross Dress BUT TONS. Just, received at declS GRAY BROTHERS. [AW HOOKS, —Precedents of Indictments A aud Pleas, adapted to the use of both the ! i hurts of the United States and of all the several i States, by Francis Wharton. A practical treatise on the Law of Replevin in the United Slates, by P. Pemberton Mornss. A treatise on the Law of Homicide in the Uni ted States, by Francis Wharton. A treatise on the Criminal Law of the United States, by Francis Wharton. The Law Lexicon, or Dictionary of Jurispru dence, containing all technical words, phrases, and legal terms used in commercial transactions, by J. J. S. Wharton, Esq. The Law of Commandatory and Limited Part nership in the United States, by Francis J. Troubal. A treatise on Medical Jurisprudence, for Law yers, bv Francis Wharton and Moreton Stille, M. 1). The Library of Law and Equity, third series, in eleven volumes, complete. For sale bv jait ) THOS. RICHARD'S A SON. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain; by William IL. Prescott, cor responding member of the Institute of France, of the Royal Academy of History at Madrid, ole., witli portraits. The Hunter’s Feast, or conversations around the Camp-Fires; by Capt. Mayne Reid, author of the Rille Rangers—with eight original designs. Kate Weston, or to Will and to Do; by Jennie DeWitf, with eight illustrations by McLeland. Learning to Talk, or Entertaining and Instructive Lessons in the use of Language; by Jacob Abbot, illustrated with into hundred and seventy engra vings. Sad Tale of the Courtship of Chevalier Slypox- Wekof, showing his heartrending, astounding and most wonderful Love Adventures with Fanny Elsler aud Miss Gamble. For sale bv jans GEO. A. OATES A BRO. fTIOR THE HOLIDAYS. -Ladies and Gen tlemen’s fine Dressing CASES, rich Bohemi an cut and enamelled Toilet Cologne BOTTLES. Also, choice Handkerchief EXTRACTS, dec 18 I). B. PLUMB A CO. MORSE’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, for sale by dec2B WM. H. TUTT, SUPERIOR COLOGNE.— PLUMB’S dou ble COLOGNE WATER has been used by most of the Ladies, and pronounced to be the best tiling of the kind extant. For sale bv decSO _ 1). B. PLUMB A CO. ON CONSIGNMENT.— IOO boxes HER RINGS; 2o bbls. COD FISH. For sale by GIRARDEY, WHITE A CO., deeiivt Gen’l. Commission Merchants. LT, SALT. —I,OOO sacks Liverpool SALT, now landing, and for sale bv dec!6 HAND, WILCOX A CO. Flour and bran.— 100 bags Superfine FLOUR; SoO *• BRAN and jan-5 4 THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. €IREAM ale on sale, and will be constantly / supplied with W. R. Lawrence A Co.’s cele brated CREAM ALE, in wood, for the sale of which we are the special Agents. dec2s if GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. 11VERPOOL SALT. —I,OOO sacks now at .A the Waynesboro’ Depot. For sale bv dee is LEWIS A ALLEN. _ SNUFF AND TOBACCO. PETER LORILLARI), .V>. 42 Chatham Street, New York, SUCCESSOR of Petbr * Gboruk Loitii.i.Attn, otters for sale all kinds of SNUFF and TO BACCOS iii general use. For particulars, a Price Current can be obtained by addressing as above. This establishment is one of the oldest of the kind in the United States. ly feb!3 SEPTEMBER 26, 1855. £ IL.URK A CO. have received the greater part A. J of their Full supply of Goods, comprising WATCHES, of all kinds, Silverand Plated WAKE, of every description, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Cut lerv, Fancy Wares, Ac. The stock of Watches and Silver wore is very full, and will be sold at smal advance. sep27 IONGWORTH’S CATAWBA WINES. A 35 boxes Sparkling Catawba WINES, vintage of 1852; 10 boxes Still'Catawba WINKS, vintage of 1852. Just received from N. Longworth, on con signment, and shall keep constantly on hand. Mer chants and others will be supplied low for cash. THOS. P. STOVALL A CO., janl 12 Gen’l. Com’sn. Merchants. ON CONSIGNMENT— 2OO sacks SALT, for sale, to arrive, bv GIRARDEY. WHYTE A CO., dec2o General Commission Merchants. ON CONSIGNMENT— I2easesSCHIEDAM SCHNAPS—pure article. For sale bv GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO., dec‘22 Gen’l. Commission Merchants. ON CONSIGNMENT -20 bags fresh BUCK WHEAT. For sale bv GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO., dec22 Gen'l. Commission Merchants. FOR CHRISTMAS— EXTRACTS—Lemon, Ginger, Rose, Almond, Vanilla, Ratiiia, Ac., ! of the purest qualitv, for sale bv i <lec22 ' ' WM. If. TUTT. IXTIHTE LEAD, Linseed Oil, Varnishes, w w Glue, Paint Brushes, Paint Mills, Dve Stuffs, Indigo, Ac., in lota to suit purchasers. For sale by decs3 WM. 11. TUTT, Druggist, KNOR SALE, TO ARRIVE— -1:,0 bids. Rectified WHISKY; lot) ‘' LIME, br dec2o U GIRARDEY, WHYTE A Ctb_ HARRISON'S PRAIRIE FLOWER CO LOGNE.—A supply of this delightful Per fumereceived by jdec2Sj WM. H. TUTT. ON CONSIGNMENT — IOfI barrels Rectified WHISK 1 . for sale, to arrive, bv GIRARDEY, WHYTE 4 CO., dee2B General Commission Merchants. € CHAMPAGNE CIDER—2O bids. Cham / pagne CIDER, just received, and for sale bv dec-2s ts GIRARDEY. WHYTE 4 CO. NOTICE. \LL persons are forewarned not to credit mv wife, Elizabeth Sapp, on my account, as I am determined not to pav anv debts of her contracting, dec!s c3* JOHN SAPP. A CARD. POULLAIN, JENNINGS & CO.. GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS AXTOrXB POULLAIN”, TIIOS. J. JENNINGS, Sep26 ISAIAH PI ELSB. 0 A| ATCHES.-75 gross red head MATCHES, ! „T B a verv superior article, fur sale bv i dec2l ‘ S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. ON CONSIGNMENT —IOO firkins fresh BUTTER; 100 boxes choice CHEESE. For j sale bv GIRARDEY, WHYTE 4 CO., ! 4«ctt£ G«a*mi*a>oa UntlwnH AIUG-USTA., GA, SATURDAY MORTSTING, JANUARY 12, 1856 Business Curbs, J. J. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga. Of fice corner of Campbell and Greene-streets. Will attend to the collection of claims in Edgefield, Abbeville and Barnwell Districts, South Carolina. dec23 d*cly LUTHER C~ ROLL A TTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Wash •a*- ington street, between Broad aud Ellis streets, Augusta, Ga. ly oc7 COL. JOS. LAWTON SINGLETON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sylvania, Scrivwti county, Georgia. apS ly WILLIAM R. McLAWS, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Commissioner of New York, Virginia, North and South Caro lina. Office, Clayton’s new building, opposite his old office, Washington street, will attend promptly to applications for Bounty Land under the late acts of Congress. apl J. B. HAYNE, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT am Law, Waynseboro’, Burke county, Georgia. Practices in the Middle Circuit. fob 23 ly GEORGE T. BARNES” ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Geor . girt, may be found, for the present, at the of fic of Col. John Milledge, overG. W. Lewis’Store. feb2s __ ___ ly UNDERWOOD & SMITH, 4TTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, Georgia, . will practice iu Cherokee Georgia and North Alabama. ]y jan2l HENRY J. LANG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lincolnton, Geor gia, will practice in Lincoln, Wilkes and Co lumbia Counties. All business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. feb2 JOHNS. SALE, ATTORNEY' AT L AW, Augusta, Georgia. Office one door above Slate Bank. f eb3 ly KING & SWINT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BarnesviileGeor . gin. Having associated themselves in the practice of LAW, will attend punctually to all bu siness entrusted to their professional management. MOS. D. KING. | SOSKI'A SWINT. janlil ly WILLIAM A REID, Attorney at law, Eatontou, Geor gin. Refers to Hon. F. 11. Conk, Greensboro’. septS ts MAKCL'S A. IIKI.L. MAKOKNICS A. 881.1.. BELL & BR0„ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Geor gia, will give strict attention to business en trusted to their professional care. Conveyancing aud Collecting done with correctness, vigilance and fidelity. Office in Granite Front Building, opposite the Holland House. 8m nov29 WILLIAM J. WILCHER, ATT© RNE YaT I) A YY’ , Warrentou, Geor- j gia, will practice in the Northern Circuit of Georgia, and in the counties of Burke, Columbia, Jefferson, Richmond and Washington, of the Mid dle Circuit. nov22 6m MACKENZIE & LAWSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Waynesboro’, . Burke county, Georgia, will practice in Burke, Seriven, Jefferson, Washington, Tattnall, Mont gomery, Eniamtal and Richmond counties. ALKXAN'DfciIt MACHN'ZIK, JOHN P. LAWSON". OCO LAW NOTICE. I HAVE taken the office on Broad street, over Drs. Barry A Batter's Drug Store, where 1 will be found iu future, and practice on tnv own account. dec!4 ly GARLAND A. SNEAD. SAMUEL P7 THURMOND, A TTORXEY AT LAW, Jefferson, Geor xnk- gia, will practice in the Western Circuit. All business confided to his care will meet with prompt attention. fob 17 PHINIZY & CLAYTON, A REHOUSE AND COMMISSION w w MERCHANTS, Augueta, Georgia. A CARD POULL AIN, JENNINGS ACO GRO CKRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Augusta, Georgia. AKTOIXB POULLAIX, J THOMAS S. JEXNIXGS, ISAIAH PLUSH. J. J. JACOBUS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Oa. Of fice on Broad street, over Chew’s Store. nov2s ly ALEXANIIBII POPE, JH. ! JOHN ii. WBEMS. POPE & WEEMS, Attorneys at law, Washington, Ga., will practice in the counties of rhe North ern Circuit, and in Columbia of the Middle Circuit. All business entrusted in them will receive prompt attention. ly jy29 SLOAN & CAL WELL, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL ERS in BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, SEGAItS, Ac., Noe. 17 and 19 Ohcapeide, Baltimore. Chas. A. Dbnnis. ly jy!2 WM. M. DAVIDSON,” Importer and dealer in brandies, GIN, ALBANY ALE, CHAMPAGNE, and oth er Wines and Liquors, Teas, Segara, Ac., Noe. 188 Congress and 87 St. J alien-sts., .Savannah Ga. my 23 die LAW NOTICE. f|IHE undersigned will practice LAW and M. EQUITY, in Co-partnership, from this date using the firm name of Wai.kkr & Rouers. In criminal business, their practice will remain sepa rate, as lieretorfore. Office, north west corner of Broad and Washing ton streets. EDWARD J. WALKER, ALPHEUS M. RODGERS. Augusta, Sept. Bth, 1855. ts sopt.9 EDWARD F. KINCHLEY. PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, aud dealer* in CORN, WHEAT, BACON, FLOUR, OATS, Ac., Ad. 7 It arren Block, AtJ*)u*La, Go. i-*r Particular ateeutiou given to the saloof all consignments. sept? LAMBETH HOPKINS, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Augusta Georgia., Continues the business in all its departments. sopSO 6m J. W. GOSS, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Augusta, Georgia., Will he found at the extensive Fire-Proof Ware house of L. Hopkins. dac jyl3 LINTON 3TBPHBXS. K. M. JOHNSTON. STEPHENS & JOHNSTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Sparta, Georgia, will practice in the counties of Hancock, Warren, Taliaferro, Oglethore and Wilkes, of the Northern ; Greene, I’utnam and Morgan, of the Oglethorpe; and Washington and Richmond, of the Middle Circuits. dec! D. R. STANFORD & CO,. Manufacturers of the stodart PIANO FORTE, 501 Broadway, New lark. ADAM STODART, I G. A. MOUItIS, 0. K. STANFORD, j fi. Tt. GRIB. Manufactories, Nos. 15,17, 19 and 21 Tenth st., between sth and s th A vs., aud 3-lth and 35th sts., between Bth and 9t-h A vs. septs d&ckm NOWOPENING, AND will continue to receive throughout fA the season, a general assortment of FURNITURE, under the Augusta Hotel, 111 Broad street, and shall be prepared to fill all or ders in our line, at reduced rates. Call and ex amine a fresh invoice of Counting-house Desks, Book-Case*. Chair*, &e. »*i>u *®»rt k gsawim MJO> IW MANUFACTURERS % AND DEALERS IN mmv mma mwem, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, Ac, BOYS’ AND CHILDRENS’ CLOTHING, Wholesale and Retail, No. 215 Broad Street, Two doors above Messrs. John cb Thomas A. Tunes's Hardware Store, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WE HAVE always pi* and, a stock of CLOTHING, superior in quality and make, which we will sell at the Lowest prices. Dealers in the City and Country will find it to their advantage to call and examine, before purchas ing elsewhere. N. B.—Always on hand, a good assortment of CLOTHING, suitable for Servants. ocl-3 ly IJUST RECEIVED, Warp FLANNELS; ►77 Saxony do ; Welch ; do ; Real Welch do; Union do; Low priced and super Red FLANNELS ; Green and Red Twilled do ; Salsbury Flannels, assorted colored for Sacks; English and domestic Canton FLANNELS, novl.'j J. P. SETZE. JUST RECEIVED, Anew supply of Rich Cassimeres ami Mus lin DkLAINES; Real French MERIXOES; Plain and Figured blutk SILKS ; French and Scotch GINGHAMS, fancy col'd ; Lates styles French English and Domestic PRINTS ; Alexander’s and other quality Kid GLOVES; Ladies’ CORSETS ; Velvet and Galoon TRIMMINGS ; Moire Antique and Goth CLOA KS. novlS J. P. SETZE. mi ORE KLACK SILK—Ju st received, at ITJL T. DUNHAM’S, siccessor to J. K. Bancroft, Extra Oil Boiled, for7s cents per yard ; Fine Portintur make, forsl to $1.12%; Super, heavy Gro d; Rhine, for $1.25: Also, another lot of M tire Antiques, in black and colors, for Cloaks, Ac. dec!4 C1 UR IST MAS ANII NEW YEAR’S J PRESENTS. Tho subscribers have just re ceived a large assortment of beautiful (foods, suit able for presents for (he approaching season, viz : Cabas, or Reticules, Portfolios, Pearl and Silver Card Cases, Silver and Pearl Portmonaies, Wax Fruit, Satchels, Oder Boxes, of various styles, Jewel Boxes, Rosewood and Mahogany Writing Desks, Segar Cases, China an Papier Mache Ink stands, small China Tea and Dinner Setts, for Chil dren, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. For sale at dec23 GEO. A. OATES & BUD’S.. Broat-st, rJN II Id ESC APED NOVICE, from the Sis- M terhood of St. Joseph, Emmettsbnrg, Maty land—the Mother-house ot the Sisters of Charity in the United States; by Miss Bunkley. A Child's History of the United States; by John Bonner, in 2 small volumes. Napoleon at St. Helena; by Abbott. Literal Translations of Catsar, Xenophon, Ana basis and Memorabilia, and Cicero’s Otlices and Moral Works, for sale bv dec 18 THUS. RICHARDS A SON. rjpilE ESCAPED NOV ICE, from the Sis i terhood of St. Joseph, Emmettsburg, .Mary land—the Mother-house of the Sisters of Charity in the United States; by Miss Bunkley. A Child’s History of the United Staffs; by John Bonner, in two small volumes. Napoleon at St. Helena; by Abbott. Literary Translations of Csvsar, Xenophon, Ana basis and Memorabilia, and Cicero's Officers and Moral Works, for sale bv dec-20 GEO. A. OATES k BRO. RICHMOND COUNTY FIRE AND WA TER PROOF PAINT COMPANY'. OFFER respectfully, to the public, their vari ous FIRE and WATER-PROOF I'AIFTS, suit able for all kinds of Paintings, from the roughest to the most elaborate, such as all out-door buildings ou Plantation, where it will be found a great sav ing to the owner, to finest use in the hands of the artist. They have taken the premiums at the late Fairs in Charleston, Augusta and Atlanta, and have the certificates of scientific men, for the un questionable superiority of these Paints. They have now a stock of the various colors of Paints on hand, and orders will be promptly attend ed to, by addressing W. R. SCHIrMER, General Agent, Augusta. Agents in the principal cities wanted. Augusta, ou.,2fithSept, ts septSO Beautiful holiday goods. WARD, HURCHARD & CO. have recently received many beautiful Goods, suitable for the present and approaching gift season, such as Jewel CASKETS, Odor STANDS, Cigar STANDS. Jet BRACELETS. Decorated GLASS, Toilet.AßT! CLES, RISQUE FIGURES, elegant CLOAKS and TALMAS, Dress SILKS, beautiful Embroidered COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS and SETTS, in Lace and Needlework. To which they respecfully ask attention. deels GARDEN SEED, 1855.1 CROP [1855. OUR SUPPLY of warranted fresh. SEED, lias just come to hand. They are from the most reliable Seed grown in the country, and are all fresh, not a paper of' old Seed being on hand, no. A D. B. PLUMB & CO. Harper** .magazine, fa Jatiuaty, . leaves cut; and Harper’s Story Book, No. 14 —English Ilistorv. For sale by dec2l TUGS. RICHARDS & SON. Brushes.— a large assortment of Fine Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving BRUSHES, just received. deelfi HAVILANI), RISLKY A CO. gIRAN IT E MILLS FLOUR.— ISOO "bags "M Superfine; 300 barrels do. flat hoop, in fine shipping order. For sale bv deelf. 'LEWIS A ALLEN. riIOBACCO.—4O boxes of good medium TO GS BACCO, just received, and for sale at G. VOLGER’S decl 1 Segar and Tobacco Store. RHETT & ROBSON, " t A.ACTORS AND COMMISSION MER . CHANTS. No.’s 1 \xi> 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. 0- Liberal advances made on Con signments. Special attention given to the sale of Wheat, Flour, Corn, Ac., and from our long experience in the business, we fee' confident of giving satisfac tion. RkfhrkncbS. —Hon. ,). P. King, Augusta, Hon. M. A. Cooper, Etowah, Georgia; Hand, Williams A Wilcox, Wiley Banks A Co., Charleston, jyl Cm W IC|l OKS, WINE AND CORDIALS.— .Li 50 bbls. Gibson’s Superfine Eagle WHISKY ; 30 bbls. Gibson’s superfine Old Rye “ 50 “ Rectified SO “ Rose GIN; 20 “ New England RUM; 10 “ Santa Cruz and Jamaica RUM ; 15 }>i and % casks of Cognac BRAN DY; 10 bbls. Malaga WINE; 10 “ Port, Madeira and Tenneriffe WINE. For sale by deelC A. STEVENS. AND TOBACCO— Ur 65,000 SEGARS, of different brands ; 70 boxes of choice TOBACCO. For sale by dec If A. STEVENS. 30 boxes extra Old Nectar WHISKY ; 20 “ “ “ Cognac BRANDY; 20 “ “ assorted CORDIALS; 20 “ “ Port and Madeira WINES; 75 “ Ground PEPPER, Ground GINGER and ALLSPICE, Ac., with a variety of TEAS, SI - GARS, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, PICKLES, CAT SUPS, MUSTARD, PEPPER-SAUCE, Ac. For sale by dec If A. STEVENS. ON CONSIGNMENT -20 kegs and kits prime N. Carolina BUTTER; 100 bushels Tennessee APPLES; 50 bbls prime Eating POTATOES; ; 20 “ ONIONS; SOO bushels Stock PEAS; I 25 “ White BEANS. For sale low hr J. A. ANBLKY, Com mi mi ou »*d Pradsee Merchant. lie J. N. FREEMAN, ! OPPOSITE PLANTERS HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. RESPECTFUL!, Y invites the atten- <f*32 tion of his friends, and the public in general, to his new stock of fine GOLDtk,,,iiE and SILVER WATCHES ; elegant, and fastii"ma ble Jewelry ; a full assortment of Silver SPOONS FORKS, GOBLETS, CUPS, Ac. The quality of the Silver warranted as pure as any sold. Fine Plated Goods ; GUNS, and’PISTOLS; all descriptions of CLOCKS, Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated SPECTACLES, to suit all ages and sights ; a large assortment of Gold PENS and CASES! Great inducements offered to cash purchasers. CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY repaired with the utmost care and attention, t’m sept2B THE SIGN OF THE TWO LARGE WATCHES gsL WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, oInM At New York prices, for Cash. MERCHANTS and Dealers will do well to call and examine the stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, at 24‘J King street, be fore they purchase elsewhere. Every article war ranted. A stock always on hand peculiarly adapted to country dealers. Save twenty per cent, by calling on WM. MASTERMAN, 24v) King street, Charleston, ec2 four doors from Wentworth-st. OSBORNE & WHITLOCK, ~~ JEWE LE R S AN I) OPTIC, lAN S , 256 Troad-st., under (J. -S'. Hotel, Augusta, tla. HA \ E constantly on hand a tine assort meat of WATCHES; CLOCKS; FYV JEWELRY; SILVER and PLATKDd?J.4§ WARE; FANCY GOODS and PERFUMhKto Just received, some very fine Watches, manufac tured to order, and some of T. F. Cooper’s superior tiine keepers, in Magic Cases. Fine Diamond Pins of beautiful designs; F’ob and Vest’Chains, of new patters, and a general assortment of the finest aud and .most fashionable Pins, Ear-rings, Bracelets, Ac., which we offer at the lowest prices possible, wholesale or retail. In the Optical line, we are well supplied with whatever kind of Glass j the defects of vision may require, and we are pre- 1 pared to fit them with as much accuracy as'any me chanical art can be executed. Como and test the ! fact. WATCH AXO JEWELRY REPAIRING. \\ e stil have the services of two superior Work men—a Watchmaker and Jeweller—ull of whose work vve warrant. febl4 FINE WATCHES AND RICH JEW ELRY. TNIIE undersigned respectfully requests <gs> . the public to give him a call and ex- WYh amine his stock of line WATCHES. sfoTciS CLOCKS, rich DIAMONDS and other JEWELRY in great variety, feeling satisfied that they must bo pleased with his goods and prices. F. A. BRAHE X. B.—He gives his own personal attention to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. decl3 FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. MISS MATTHEWS begs to inform the Ladies’ of Augusta and Hamburg,flfcrfp that she has returned from New York, a select stock of Paris MILLINERY; also, CLOAKS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, FANCY GOODS, VICTO RINAS’and CUFFS, FILMIN', SWANS DOWN'S, &c., Ac. Miss M. has spent three months at the North, and secured the latest and most desirable Patterns, and is therefore prepared to make to order Bonnets and Head Dresses, at the old stand, opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and 'next to Beall A Stovall’s. N. B.—Miss MATTHEWS has Wreaths for the Hair, worth from fifty cents to ten dollars each. nov2 3m* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. HIE undersigned have entered into a copart- H nership, under the name and style of REED A O’DONOIIOE, for the purpose of transacting a j GENERAL GROCERY AND PROVISION BCSI- j NESS in all its branches, and respectfully solicit ; the patronage of their friends and public generally, i at the stand, on the North side of Broad street, two doors above the Planters’ Hotel. JERRY REED, JAMES O’DONOHOE. Augusta, Oct. Ist, 1f55. 8m oc2 NEW MARBLE YARD. BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., A feu. doors ale >ee the liridye JJank Build 'tiuj. fJMHE subscriber has opened a new Marble 8 Y ard in this city, where every description of ; MARBLE WORK will be neatly executed to order, i principally Sepulcheral Monuments, from the plain- ! est to the most elaborate in style. Particular at tention given to correct Lettering, and Sculpture in the highest style of the art. A fine selection of TOMBSTONES will always be kept on hand, as also a fine collection of Draw ings, which will enable him to suit the wishes of customers. Oi tiers are solicited from the city and country, which will bo promptly filled, and at reasonable prices. ' T. MARKWALTER. i jy2B ly _ I HATS, STRAW GOODS AND BON NETS AT WHOLESALE. Till Iv subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of merchants to his large and well selected stock of HATS, STRAW GOODS and BONNETS, comprising every variety that cun be found at any house at the north, ami at prices that cannot fail to please. As his Goods are purchased from the manufacturers, and no second profits paid, all we ask to convince merchants visiting our mar ket, or that have contemplated going further, is to call and examine the stock, which will be freely shown, at WM. M. NICHOLS, mh7 ts Opposite Bank of Augusta. ESTABLISHED IN 1780™ PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. 11TALTER BAKER m ww & CO’S A m ejr i can, French Homoupxthic and [pla Vanilla CHOCOLATE; Pre- fwK pared COCOA; Brorna, Cocoa Paste; Cocoa Sticks, Soluble,! Homckpathic and Dietetic Co UJ coa; Cocoa Shells; Cracked Cocoa, Ac., Ac. These Manufactures, to which first premiums have been awarded by the chief institutes and Fairs of the Union, are an excellent diet for children, in valids, and persons in health. They allav rather than induce the nervous excitement attendant upon the use of tea or eotfee, and are recommended by Drs. Warren, Jackson, Hayward, Ware and Adams, of Boston, and by eminent physicians elsewhere. For sale by all the principal Grocers in tiie Uni ted States, and by their Agents. I). C. Murray, New York; Grant A Twells, Philadelphia; Thomas V. Brundidge, Baltimore; Keunett A Dudley, Cincinnati. " WALTER BAKER A CO., seplf ">m Dorchester, Mass. N CONSKJNMENT —Dm, barrels fresh lio sendale Hydraulic CEMENT, for sale. Apply to ' , JOHN CAKHIX, decl4 General Commission Merchant. ON CONSIGNMENT—Ij)OO pounds choico VENISON HAMS, for sale. Apply to JOHN CASH IN, dec 14 General Commission Merchant. POTATO ES.— SO bbls. Irish POTATOES, will be sold low, to close consignment, decls THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. WARD’S SPECIFIC MIXTURE This most valuable article is kept constant ly on hand, and for sale by WM. HAINES, AmGo Druggist aad Apatfceoarjr, Augusta prices. j.v2B ©cncral SVfcucrtfecmcnte. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE undersigned respectfully solicits a call from the citizens of Augusta, and those visit ing the city, to examine their stock of Fall aud Winter GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings and Trimmings, all of which we can as sure the public to be of the newest and most fash ionable styles that can be found irt the New York markets. Also, a choice stock of Fancy Articles for gentlemen’s wear, consisting of Gloves, Sus penders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Shirts, Merino Shirts and Drawers. All orders left with us, will be made in the most fashionable and work manlike manner. ocS _ dly IIAIGII A HAGGERTY. JACKSON STREET HOSPITAL, ANI) SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES. 11IIE undersigned have deemed it advisable . to add the term HOSPITAL to their Surgical Infirmary, for though the institution is intended principally for cases requiring Surgical Operations and Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is not entirely restricted to these. We receive cases of any nature occurring in the Negro, provided they are not of an infectious character. 11. F. CAMPBELL, M. D Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL, M. 1). jy2o ts Attending Physician. , SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. | Machines have long sustained the j JL highest reputation in the United States. The I tirst'prize—a Gold Medal—has recently been award ! ed to them at the great Exposition at the Palace of Industry in Paris, and thus they have the World’s ! verdict of superiority. i Great improvements have just been added, so j that they’run without noise, with ease to the opera | lor at double the ordinary speed, so that Twice as much Work can be done in a Day. j The greatest Clothing and Shoe Manufacturing j establishments in the country use these Machines : exclusively. They are competent to perform every j sort of work in the most perfect style. As there are very great, numbers of inferior or entirely worthless SEWING MACHINES of the Lerow A Blodgett, Avery, Wilson, Grover A Baker, and other patents, which have been sold, but can not be used to any advantage, we herebv offer to receive all such Machines, and also unimproved ones of our own manufacture, in exchange for new and latest Improved MACHINES, on liberal terms. All old MACHINES thus obtained by us will be broken up and destroyed. For particulars, applv by letter or personally, at our New York Oliice. N. It.—Local Agents wanted to make sales of our Improved SEWING MACHINES. To persons properly qualified for the business, a rare opportu nity for profitable and pleasant employment is of fered. 1. M. SINGER A CO., Principal Office, 323 Broadway, N. Y. Branch Offices: 47 Hanover street, Boston; 14-2 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; lob Baltimore street, Baltimore; 223 Walnut street, Cincinnati; Is I ,' St. Charles street. New Orleans ; Gloversville, New York ; 334 Broad street, Newark, New Jersey. j novffl 3m ‘ UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, Athens, December is, is'.,7. ffllllll exercises of this Institution will re-coin- H- mence on the 1 Gth of JANUARY next, and continue until the Ist of August, when there will be a week’s vacation, after which, studies will be resumed until the winter vacation, beginning on the Ist. of November. The following able and experienced officers com pose the College Faculty—who are expected to be at their posts, in the zealous discharge of their duties: ALONZO CHURCH, I). D., President and Pro fessor of Political Economy and Mental Philosophy. JAMES P. WADDER, A. M., Professor of An cient Languages and Literature. WILLIAM T. BRANTLEY, 1). 1)., Professor of Belles Lett res, Evidences of Christianity and His tory. JOSEPH LkCONTE, M. D., Professor of Natural Sciences, and Teacher of French. WM. I,BUOY BROUN. A. M.. Professor of Math ematics, Astronomv and Civil Engineering. CHARLES S. \ ENABLE, A. M., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. Hon. JOSEPH ft. LUMPKIN, L.L. 1)., Profes sor of Law. DANIEL LEE, M. 1)., Terrell Professor of Agri culture. WILLIAM HENRY WADDEL, A. M., Tutor in Ancient Languages. JOHN AY. PARK, A. M., Tutor in Mathematics. Applicants for admission are recommended to be present at the beginning of the Term. Parents and Guardians may feel satisfied that their sons and wards can here obtain a thorough education. ASBURY HULL, Secretary. dec27 fti FOUNTAIN'S INDIA STORE. Ati *Tft BROADLY AY, Now York, is full of *J> Goods from CHINA, JAPAN and IN DIA, which embrace Novelties and Dress Goods, which are only to be found at the above establish ment. Seersucker, Concan, Pongees, Satins; also, Scarfs and Shawls from $5 to Scarfs, Hand kerchiefs, Dresses, Ac., manufactured from the fibres of the Pineapple, handsomer and more dura ble than silk. Fashionable Bonnets inadeof the same can be washed and remodeled to suit the taste, and worn foi years. Also, thousands of Eastern (Asi atic) articles, well worthy of the attention of all. Milliners will be supplied per mail with samples of the Pineapple, or, can have Pattern Bonnets of the latest fashion,black and colored, sent by express to any part of the country. P. B.—lndia China in sets and single pieces, Vases, Ac., Ac. my 29 ENINE HOOKS, for Christmas and New Year’s ’ Presents: Gems of British Art; Queens of England ; Ornament of Memory; Scenery of the United States, illustrated with forty engravings ; Women of the Bible; Republican Court; Byron Gallery ; Sabbath Bells ; Amelia's Poems ; Morning Gift Annual for 1356 ; j Snow Flake, Moss Rose, Temperance Offering, i Friendship Offering, Leaflets of Memory, Cecilian j Gift, Our Country, the American Parlor Annuals, j The May Flower, The Forget-me-not, Ac. Also, a ; very large assortment of Juvenile Books, both ; English and American editions. For sale at dec23 G. A. OATES A BRO.'S, Broad-st. NKT EYV BOOKS.—Arminian Inconsistencies isi and Errors. Dangers and Duties of Men of Business, and j How much Owest Thou? both by the Rev. E. P. j Rogers, late of Augusta. The Divine Love; by Rev. Dr. Eadie, of Glasgow. 1 Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races. Christian Life—lts Course, its Hindrances, and its Helps; by Dr. Arnold, Master of Rugby School. Dr. Hawks' Life of Oliver Cromwell. Modern Pilgrims; by the author of Peter Schle mihl in America. The Angel over the Right Shoulder. Geoffrey Moncton, or the Faithless Guardian; by Mrs. Moodie. Luther Christmas Tree —Know Nothing Almanac for 1858—French Speaker—Philadelphia House wife. For sale by dec‘23 ‘ THOS. RICHARDS A SON. - D F GRIFEIN WILT, re-open his school, on the corner of Ellis and Mclntosh streets, on Monday, Oc tober Ist. The Female Department will be conducted as heretofore, by Mrs. D. F. GRIFFIN. At the request of several friends, a Primary school,for small boys and girls, will be opened at the same place, under the special charge of a faithful and competent Teachers, who will devote her whole timeto that Department. Rates of Tuition per cpiarter, of eleven weeks ; PRIMACY DEPARTMENT. Reading. Spelling, Writing, Primary Ge ography and Arithmetic $7.80 Common English branches SIO,OO Higher “ “ $12,00 Languages $16,00 sept2o dtf MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, Garntr Iwi'ty* and Watkbi* Street*. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. (1 EORGE SLATER, ManufacturerofSteam IT ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw MILLS, Grist MILLS, Ac., Ac., is now prepared to manufacture or repair any article in his line, at short notice, and of superior workmanship.’ From his long experi ence and practical knowledge, as well as to his in creased facilities for doing work with neatness and dispatch, he feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders, novl 1 ts BURNING FLUID, of the best quality, for sale, wholesale and retail, at I «t*eM Wil. UALNto* O<V Drag lt»i« VOL. 11-N O. lO Central GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE, 1856. FACULTY: G. Y. BROWNE, President. P. LOUD, Natural Science, li. D. MALLARY, Belles Lettrcs. J. R. SEALS, Music. THE Collegiate year of 185*5, will begin (Mi MONDAY, January 14th. Commencement will be held in October. Pupils from the low conn try will thus spend the sickly season in a salubri ous climate. Catalogues containing further information, may be obtained by applying to either of the Faculty. | It. D' MALLARY', See’y Faculty. Madison, Ga. ft.Tanl4 novSO CASSIMERES FOR BOYS, AND GEN TLEMEN’S WEAR. EXTRA tine black French Doe Skin CASSI MERE ; j Low priced black CASSI MERE ; Steel and Oxford Mixed CASSIMERE ; Fancy and Colored do.; Checked Canada PLAIDS do ; Kentucky JEANS; Tweeds CASSIMERE; Satinets, assorted; CORDUROY; Plain drab FUSTAINS ; Extra heavy black Satin NESTINGS ; Gent’s and Children’s GLOY'ES, in great varie ty of styles ; Extra and low priced Gent's and Boys’ Sus penders. Just received. ] novl3 J. P. SETZE JUST RECEIVED, RICH and low priced Embroidered COLLA RS; Hemstitched and ltevier L. C. HANDKER CHIEFS ; Rich Embroidered do. do; | Mourning and second Mourning Linen CAM BRIO, very handsome; Low priced plain L. C. IIDK’FS, some large sizes ; Gent’s Linen and Fanev Silk IIDK’FS ; do. Bandana do. novl3 J. P. SETZE. HOSIERY, HOSIERY. J UST received, at GRAY' BROTHERS 300 dozen British made White Cotton HOSE ; 200 do do State do “ 200 do do Brown and Mixd “ 200 do Scotch made White and Brown “ 200 do do State and Mixed 10 do Spun Silk HOSE ; 10 do English Spun Silk HOSE ; Misses’ White, State, Brown, Mixed and Fan y HOSE; Gent’s and Boys’ Half HOSE, all sixes ; Gent’s Black and White Silk Malf IIOSH ; Childs’s‘Fancy Wool Boots, Ac., Ac. In the above assortment of superior Hoaiarr, can be found all the numbers from o to 'j uov2T LIFE INSURANCE. rg'mi: .SOI TIIERN JU TUAL has lower M rates that) are charged bv any good Northern Company, for residents in the South. From these low rates, it deducts twenty-five pet' cent, for the first year’s premium. All profits are divided annually, among the in sured, in cash. Its dividend for 1856 is l»n /,<¥■ aetU. on the re newal premiums. The insured may travel to any part of the United States, except to New Orleans, Galveston, See., our ing the epidemics of Summer and Autumn. The amount insured may be made payable to a wife, or to children, or to wife and children, with out the intervention of a trustee. All funds of the Company are invested in State Stocks, or in Bonds and Mortgages on Real Estate, worth three times the loan. For Rates, Policies, or further information, apply ty CHARLES IIALL, decs ts Agent for Augusta. BANK CHECKS.---The subscriber* hare just received a new article of Checks on all the different Banks in the city, hound in hooks, of various, suitable for Merchants, Ac. Being printed with a Xylograpliic back-ground, tln-v ca> not be altered without detection. For sale at rea sonable prices, at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.'S, dectll Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. ** WILSON A ALFORD, - bV C7 ':jS2T\/» the rear of the C. s. 11. tel, Aufata, Ga. rglilSl IVoprieters return their thanks for ihe M~ liberal patronage extended to them, and beg leave to inform the public that they are fully pre pared to accommodate new friends as well as old. They have obtained the services of Mr. J. L. MIMS, (formerly with Mr. J. M. Simpson, > whose whole attention will be devoted to the business of the Stables, and who will guarantee safe teams and careful drivers. Buggies, Carriages and Saddles Horses kept for hire at all times. Carriages, for Funerals, furnished at short notice. Covered Lots, for Drove Stock, and every conve nience necessary, and every facility offered to Dm- vers. If proper cure, good feeding, and strict attention to business, will secure a continuanceof patronage, we are determined at least to merit it. nov22 ts GREEN-WAY INSTITUTE. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL—MALE AND FEMALE, At Thmtm»n, Georgia. TYIIE undersigned having permanently located as Teachers, respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. From several years’ experience in teaching, and a con stant attention to the duties of their profession, they flatter themselves that the system of instruc tion which they are now prepared to give Students pursuing a regular classical course, cannot be sur passed by any similar Institution in the State. To parents, therefore, designing to give their sons a Collegiate education, their services are especially tendered, since a thorough acquaintance with the preparatory studies is indispensable to ihe Stu dent’s progress throughout his whole course. Their Academy Pupils will be prepared to enter the high er classes of College, or if preferred, thoroughly instructed in u more practical and business course. The accessibility, health and quietness of their location—its freedom from scenes and causes of dissipation—induce them to hope fora continuance of that liberal patronage, which for many years they have not failed to secure. A strict regard will be paid to moral training, and the general deportment of each pupil careful!r observed. The Academies for the Male and Female pupils are separate—also, their Boarding Houses, while the government, discipline, course of studies, Ac , of both departments, will be under the control and supervision of the Principal. Although not required, it is preferred that pupils be boarded with the Teachers. Board, Tuition, Fuel, Washing, Ac., per Tactu, SBO, Lights excepted. Tuition fee per Term, s2<j. Semi-annual Examination the Ist of June Yi, itants solicited to attend. FEMALE I)EPARTM ENT. Primary Class, $lO per Term. Second Class, 15 “ Third Class, 20 “ Music s2o per Term—use of Instrument included The pupils are expected to furnish their own Lights, or for them an extra charge will be made Board with the Teachers $lO per month. C. C. RICHARDS, A. M., Principal, J. R. WILSON, Associate. Miss A. M. RICHARDS, Assistant Teacher in Female Department. Mrs. J. ('. RICHARDS, Teacher of Drawing, and Assistant Teacher of Music. MARTIN FURNEUSEL, Professor of Music. Exercises of Spring Term to commence on the > second Monday in January, 1856. N. B.—Board, with many respectable families, at | from Eight to Twelve Dollars per month. ocfO dow*cly raiK I TIMINGS, TRIMMING 5.—500 piece* Cloak and Dress TRIMMINGS, in Moire An tique, Moss and Cut Velvets. 50 gross Fashionable Silk Dress BUTTONS. 500 pieces b’lk Velvet RIBBONS, and an assort ment of bl’k and col’d GALLOONS, Blond LACKS, Ac., Ac. Just received at dec2Q GRAY BROTHER'S. MEDICINE CHESTS.—A large and beau ifj. ful assortment for Plantations, Family or Physician's use. uovc7 I). B. PLUMB A CO. MADE TO ORDER.—I have this day re ceived a new supply of Bovs’ blue colored and black Cloth JACKETS and PANTS, besides manv other kinds of Fashionable Ready made Gar ments, for Gentlemen’s wear, which I atilt offer for sale on the meat reasonable terms. i 1 OLATTOK