The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, February 15, 1856, Image 1

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The Daily Constitutionalist. jIV .1 A .VIES GAIiDXER. ocitcral Abocrtiscmenta. NA.LT< sLi rpool SALT .»• landing, and for sale very low, by HAND, WILCOX & CO. .jO.VI \UK DEVINE, LIP SALVE and COLD £ ( REAM, for Chapped Hands, Lips and Face, i. ,ijile at the City Drug Store. i . ■ WM. HAINES. s| VDL TO ORDER. I have this day re ?! wived a m-vr supply of Dots' blue colored l ; f>!in*k Cloth JACivh l'S and CANTS, besides j, . iidier kinds of Fashionable Heady made Gar ... ~ for (ientiemen'a wear, which I still offer for , on the most reasonable terms. J. J. CLATTON. pOT V’I'OKS. bids. Irish POTATOES, ( will he sold low, to close consignment. THOS. P STOVALL A CO. UK ESS SILKS, MERINOS AND DkLAINS We intend ottering great inducements in all - riptions of WINTER DRESS GOODS. Duv. taw are respectfully invited to examine our stock ..;»•» ‘ WARD, BURPHARD A CO. ON < ONSHiXMENT.—I > hhds. new prime Ha- on SIDES for sale bv SCRANTON, KOLB A CO j l 1 1!\V ORLEANS MOLASSES. A small lot, . % very choice, for sale by !a , O ’ c. a. Williams a son. V( K Lit EL VND C«)1)ITS1I— bbK No. .. MACKEREL; , ds choice CODFISH. For sale hr C. A. WILLIAMS A SON*. Iv is TERN II VY. lOO bales prime, just !V.VO .I, and for "tile by LEWIS & ALLEN. EG AUS AND TOBACCO. SUGARS, of dillerent brands; 7 boxes of choice TOBACCO. For sale A. STE V ENS. wwTAKirS specific mixture. * V Tids most valuable article is kept constant ly .„i hand, and for sale bv WM. HAINES, ih is Druggist and Apothecary, Augusta. ON < ONSIGNMENT - si; kegs tine warranted LEAF LARD. ;tnl T. W. FLEMING. g tDS'I'LE. 2lm> bags common to prime Rio \ COFFEE, just received bv DAWSON A- SKINNER. I |RISH POT VTOES.—SO bbls. Irish POTA i TOES fir sale low, to close consignment. TllttS P. STOVALL A CO. (1 ItANITEVJLLK SHIRTINGS. 25 bates j fll of these Goods, for sate bv HAND, WILCOX A CO rgliN ROOFING* We are still prepared fi with every facility, fur ROOFING BUILD INOS, in the most substantial manner, and in the I shortest possible time. Let it be distinctly nndcr [ m 1, that all work done by us is under a full j S. 8. JONES A CO., !' b7 210 Broad-street. tgtiN AND SHEET IRON WORK. -Every de -9 scriptiou of work, in the above line, put : tlnwigli promptly, bv S. S. JONES A CO . :el>7 210 Broad-street. a 1£! UH* AGN'E CiUKR. 2" bbis. Gham v. pugm! CIDER, just received, and for sale bv ,lee 2« m GIUARDEY, WHYTE A CO. ' |>b( i:n till THIS DAY. The largest lm and best assortment of Canary and Mocking bird Cages, ever opened in the eitv. For a choice , ... I Soon. S. S. JONES A CO.. Successors to L. Hancock A Co. I S FOII I'ilE TiII,MON. )o you ™ • the variety, and !,n! asst.rtc.l stock of Stoves for Cooking and till other imrjtoscH, can be found—wc answer most decidedly at S. S. JONES & CO.’S, tebT 210 Broad-st. dl' CONSIGNMENT casks HICK, re ® . oi tb'.N :L»v, \h\ -steamer Fashion. I —ALSO— iI’tO bids. Li ME, in good order. For sale bv | j«aß6 GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. a |oisi:-ii kyisjum; hoods. We ■- * ire now receiving large additions lo out stock of general Mouse-Furnishing O ods, to which » • invito the attention of customers. f‘b7 S. S. JONKS A CO., 21 o Broad-st. | BOXES choice li. C. HERRINGS, a Ol? jitst received, and for salt- bi ds c2v Vs GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. PI It E SEN \ V FIGS. Another lot justjro esivsd by feb3 1). 11. PLUMB A CO*. HEAVY COTTON OSNABURG3. SM'ILI.IAM SHEAR has on hand, Heavy 51 Cotton OSXABURGS, which will be sold Imv for cash, bv the piece or bale, and to which he ■spccifullv invites the attention of Planters and t'uuntrv Merchants. dbvc febl FISK S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASKS, ( T V EQI YLLEI) for the transportation of the dead, as well as the ordinary purposes of burial, in connection with an assortment of Ma . _ '.: v and other COFFINS, always on hand, in ••trimts styles, at the store of the subscribers, un wrtlie Augusta Hotel, Broad-street. daclm HENRY A SKINVKR. CARD. 11l R office having been consumed by fire on Ib-‘ night of the 24th inst, and with it all the -"les and accounts remaining in our hands for col tection, we beg clients who have submitted these uds to our care, and taken mtr receipts for win. to semi us conics at their earliest conveni- JONES A ST URGES, Attorneys at Law. Waynesboro’, Ga„ Jan. 2S. lsofi. -hsctf janhO GREEN-WAY INSTITUTE. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL- M VI.E AND FEMALE, At Ik> »h , Georgiy. ndorsigned having permanently located M as Teachers, respectfully solicit the patronage i "f their friends and the public generally. From j several years' experience in teacTiing. and a con stant attention to the duties of their profession, they lia'.ter themselves that the system of instruc ts at which they are now prepared to give Students - sing a regular classical course, cannot be sur 'sr.vd io in- similar Institution in the State. To parents. therefore, designing to give their sons a '''llvgiaie edueation, their services are especially wu'iered. since a thorough acquaintance with the ■ tepatatorv studies is indispensable to the Stu bs progress throughout his whole course. Their ■Lttdeniy Pupils will he prepared to enter the high er cLsses of College, or if preferred, thoroughly instructed m a more practical and business course. Tbe accessibility, health and quietness of their ■■'ration—its freedom from scenes and causes of dissipation—induce them to hope for a continuance out liberal patronage, which for many years *‘"7 have not failed to secure. A strict regard will he paid to moral training, iisi the general deportment of each pupil carefully "b served. The Academies for the Male and Female pupils separate also, their Hoarding Houses, while v '■ wmn.'nt, discipline, course of studies, Ac., departments, u iil be under the control and i tpervis-.on of the Principal. tgu not required, it is pr •! "red that pupils • 0.i,,;. q with the Teachers. ■urd. Tuition, Fuel. Washing. Ac., per Term, 1 '-'his excepted. Tuition fee per Terra, ibJb. 'dmcal Examination the Ist of June. Vis i'.»nts solicited to attend. FEMALE DEPARTMENT. 1 rimary Class, *lO per Term. Second Class, lr, *■ Third Class, go « -s .v >g. . per Term—use of Instrument included, i pupils are expected to furnish their own {) *,. 5 ! , 1 ,r them an extra charge will be made. ■ i 'Uu the Teachers slo per month. ( . < . RICH ARDS, A. M., Principal, .1. H. \\ ILSON, Associate. Miss A. M. RICHARDS, Assistant Teacher in Female Depar intent Mrs. J. C. RICHARDS, Teacher of Drawing, and Assistant Teacher of Music. MARTIN FCRNKUSEL, .. Professor of Music. . hxe ! ci?its f,! •'spring Term to commence on the Monday in January, 1656. - ■ h.—Board, with many respectable families, ei ! ->”1 Eight to Twelve Dollars per month dowacljr General HARRISON’S PRAIRIE FLOWER CO LOGNE.—A supplv of this delightful Per fmnereccived by j dec-28] WM. 11. TUTT. S ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE—IOu boxes En g lish Duirv CHEESE, for sale low, bv janlß HAND. WILCOX! A CO. fNT AN VER’S AND M ACHINERY OIL. ® —V supply, just received and for sale by dec2B WM. IIA INKS, Druggist, Augusta. ON CONSIGNMENT —IO'i firkins fresh BUTTER; lou boxes choice CHEESE. For sale by GIRARDEV, WHYTE A CO., dec22 Geu’l. Commission Merchants. ► N Primera. 20,000 Rio Hondo Seg., just re ceived and for sale at GUST. YOLGER’S jane Segar and Tobacco Store. MARCHHE’S UTERINE CATHOLICON " V supplv of this celebrated article just re ceived. " HAVILAND, RIS LEY A CO. janlC CIOUGHSf COLDS, Ac., cured by using J one bottle of Dr. Hufi land's SYRUP OF TAR. Price .70 cents. Sold by janl6 11 \VI LAND, RISLET A CO A KTICLES FOR THE HOME DEPART . » ME'NT. Nearly every article required fertile use of the Kitchen, inav be found at S. S. JONES A CO.’S, foL7 210 Broad-street. MAX', IIAX'. 50 bales Northern HAY, in store. THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, lo barrels Old Monongahela WHISKY, bv febS GIRARBEY, WHYTE A CO. i GROSS superior MATCHES, in wooden boxes, for sale at factors pri c-s. febs GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. REGS of choice LEAP LARI), just re ceived, and for sale bv febS GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. \ LT, s ALT. —l.o > i sacks Liverpool SALT Fix now landing, and for sale bv dec IS HAND, WILCOX A CO. |Y 01, LO WAY ’8 PILLS AND OINTMENT S-ffi A supply constantly on hand, jams ■ HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO. SNLOUR AND MEAL. 60 Sacks Famib Flour. 2.1 Sacks No. 2 Family Flour, lo Sacks prime Meal for sale hv lm J. A. ANSLEY. ALT PORK. -lon.nun pounds Salt Pork, ** ready for hanging, for sale by feb3 ‘ lm ,f. A. ANSLEY barrels fresh lime S?” for sale at River, bv lob:) :.t THUS. P. STOVALL A CO. SEEDS. Another supply cf Fresh . Seeds just received bv Steamer. 1 ' ». B. PLUMB A CO. nVRNING FLUID. We have made ar- SO rangements, bv which we expect to be sup plied with the best Burning Fluid. A supply now on hand and for sale bv fetus __ 1). B. PLUMBAGO. M OLASSES, 1.10 barrels of New Orleans 1» 0 MOI.ASSKS, of very choice (pinlitv, for sale by 1 I i HAND, WILCOX' A CO POTATOES, 100 bhis. choice Planting PO TATOES, for sale bv febg HAND. WILCOX A CO. C TOFFEE. —l.Ooi) bags of good to choice Rio -2 COFFEE, embracing a grout variety of quali ties and prices, for sale by feb.J HAND, WILCOX A CO. jgJS..GAR. fx) hhds. New Orleans and Porto v” Rico SUGARS, for sale on accommodating terms, by febff HAND, W 11.COX' A CO. BACON SIDES. 6 hhds., prime quality,on consignment. For sale by fell.; D YWSON A SKINNER. *TEW BACON. -2 1,000 pounds City Cured iW Bacon - -trimmed in Baltimore style, now re ceiving and for sale, by J. A. AXSI.EY, fobs lm Com. and Prod. Merchant. C TONE’S SPARKLING GELATINE A fresh > supple received bv febl __ ‘ WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. fOVV’S WHITE WINDSOR SOAP - A sup- A plv of the genuine, received bv febl ' WM H. TUTT. now AND »S i nic MIXTURE aud India SW- CHOLOGOGUE -A supply of these valuable remedies, fur Chills and Fever, received bv febl \VM. 11 TUTT. IVRS. ALLEN’S XYLOBALSAMUM. or IvM. Hair Dressing. No one should he without this beautifier of the Hair. For sale hv febl WM. H. TUTT,'Druggist. FT BitLS. fresh Burning FLUID : ©-P 1- \LCOHOL; In “ Spirits TURPENTINE; lo “ Tanners’OlL; 2 Co lbs. No. 1 POTASH. Just received, and for sale low, bv febl WM. 11. TUTT. ftLANNEUS. —- Wc have a large stock ol White and Red nil Wool FLANNELS, of ex cellent quality, which we are closing out cheap. janSl ' PRAY BROTHERS. ROPE AND TWINE. -600 coils prime I Machine and Hard Spurt Rope. 5,000 lbs. 3 ply Twine —for sale bv f. b-> 6nr J. A. AN S!. EY. ■" ARP. 50 bids. Prime Leaf Lard and 50 c i Half bbls. do., for sale by feb’• lm J. A. VNSLEY. nHILADELPHIA WHITE ASH HARD J COAL, -100 tons of the above Coal, suitable for Foundries, Hlacksmithing or Machine purposes, for sale by GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. janlS ts »|II ITARY SHAVING SOAP. V largt if B lot of Vroont A Fowler’s superior Shaving ) Soap, genuine, for sale hy D. B. PLUMB A CO. AND LEAD, boo bags Drop and Buck Cf SHOT; 2,000 lbs. Bar LEAD, for sale low, bv II A Nil, WILCOX A CO. _ 4LEXANDER’S KID GLOVES, Black, . White and Colored, a full assortment just re ceived, and for sale bv jant; WARD, BURCIIARI) A CO, EATSFOOT Ol 1., a jiriine article, for Har ness Leather, Binding, A-., for sale by ian2l WM. HAINES, Drnggisl. CAOUGII CANDY , a superior article, just re- J reived. Also, Lozenges, Gum Drops, Ac., for sale by jam!! WM. HAINES, Druggist. ACKKREI.. -200 packages MACKEREL, gs JL Nos. 1, j and .3, in whole, half and quarter barrels, just received, and fur sale by HAND, WILCOX A CO. fl SI RE( KIN HI), a fine assortment of Buck and Kill GACNTLETTS, b’lk, col’d and Kid GLOVES, Half HOSE, SCARFS, CRAVATS and TIES, Cassimere GLOVES, UNDER GAR MENTS. Ac., all t f tv hich are fr> sh Goods, and will Ut cheap. jan-3 J. A. VAN WINKLE; BURNING FLUID, of the ‘-est qualitv, for sale, wholesale and retail, at dee'js WM. HAINES’ City Drugstore. f'AP iXNED WARE. A full and complete stock received within the last six days, and for sale, at wholesale or retail, hv fob: S. !». JONES A CO., 2XO Broud-st. PORTO RICO SUGAR.—2S hhds. choice P. R. SUGAR, for sale low, hv HAND, WILCOX A CO, [9 EFINED SUGAR.— a 100 bids. Yellow Refined SUGAR ; '.... •• Stuart’s A B and C SUGAR ; «5 “ Crushed and Powdered SUGAR. For sale low hv jattU ' HAND, WILCOX A CO. C tOR N. 150 sacks CORN, for sale bv J janls HAND, WILCOX' A CO. OSGOOD’S INDIA CHOLAGOGUE. A supply of the above, just received hv fe<il P. B. PLUMB A 9O. 1 A * HI SHEUS heavv Bl'k SEED OATS OUW for sale by E. t. KINCULEY, '»>il7 No 7. Warran Block. Alt; i SI’A. ( i A., Pill DAY! JlOltX ! N<.. FEBRUARY 1 •">, 1856. General FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ In surance COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. CASH CAPITAL, £300.000. GIItAR 1) EY, WHY T K A C 0„ A'jmts fnr Augusta, Ga. DIRECTORS. Hon. Tie s. B. Florence, : Gluts. Diiigee, George 11. Armstrong, i Thomas Alauderfield, t ihae. 11. Rubineani, j Edward R. Helmbold, George llelmbald, i Fred C. Brewster, James E. Neall, J Isaac Leech, John Thompson, General Sup’t. Thomas B. Florrntk, President. EnwAitn K. Helm hold, Secretary. fJjNIIIS company effects Fire Insurance on H Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Ac.; Ma rine insurance on vessels, cargo aud freight to all parts in the world; inland insurance on goods bv rivers, lakes, canals, railroads and land carriage to all parts of the Union. The undersigned beg to inform the mercantile community that they are now prepared to effect fire and marine risks at the customary rates, i hav ing been appointed Agents for two’of the safest Companies in the United States ), and beg to refer lo the list of Direc tors of each Company. GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. jan 27 ts Agents. THE INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, A<>. 23, Merchant#* E (change, Sew York < ’tit/. CASH CAPITAL 8312,000. AOK NTs FOR AVGUSTA, GIRARDEY, WHYTE & CO. DIRKC T 0 R S : Alanson Marsh. S. A. Rollo, Firm of S. A. Barnes A Co. Alonzo Child, “ Childs, Pratt A Co. L B. Ballard. " Livingston, Ballard A Co. W. M. Dodge, " W. M. Dodge A Co. P. J. Averv. il. A. Curtis, “ 11 \. Curtis A Co. Wm. E. Rollo. S. T. Lippincott. Isaac Newton. Wm. A. Hasted, •• Hasted A Caril. Wm. H. liiversmith. Wm. H. Lyon, “ W. H. Lyon A Co. Geo. Chapman, “ Lee, Murphv A Co. Jos. 11. \\ estcott, Briggs, Westcott A' Starkweather. Joseph Fatman, Firm of Fatman A Go. Stephen Von Mores. Geo. Savory, Firm of Geo. Savory A Go. J. A. Requa. WM. E. HELLO, ALANSON MARSH, Secretary. President. ( LIAS. W. OGDEN, Vice-President. 71 THE undersigned beg to inform the public, j fl that they are appointed sole Agents for the above long established Company. This Company continues to insure Dwelling : Houses and Furniture, Warehouses and Mercbau lizc, and every other description of Personal Prop- ; ■rty, against loss and damage by lire, upon terms I is favorable as any other similar institution. Having a large surplus fund which, with their 1 Capital being safely and profitably invested, ena bles them to afford “ reliable Tiirii v ” on ad pol icies they issue. GIRARDEY. WHYTE A CO., Agents. jau2o ts GEORGIA LAND OFFICE AT AU GUSTA. i’STIIE undersigned i espectfnlly inform the pub- ■ M lie generally, that they have opened an office in the city of August:!, opposite the Insurance and j State Banks, tin Broad street, for the purchase and sale of LANDS and REAL ESTATE of all descrip- , iion, located in anv section of Georgia, mi commis- : nils. Particular attention will be given to the sale i and purchase of Lands in Cherokee and South- ; Western Georgia. Person* wishing to have Lands sold, will present j them, with the best chain of titles they are in pos- i session of, the Plat and original Grunt, if they have it. Those owning Tram* of Land, improved or un improved, in any section of Ge. rgia, and wishing to sell, will find this the moat effectual medium of offering them. All we require is a proper descrip tion of improved Lands, the nature of titles and terms, and they will be entered into our general registry for sale, free of charge, commission being charged only where sales are effected. Persons wishing to make investments in Real • Estate and Lands, located in cither county of the State, will find it to their advantage to favor us j with their orders. DAVISON, GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. JAMES M. DAVISON', OIBAIm V, WHVTB <fc CO., I of Woodvillo, Ga. \ugusta, Ga. jaul2 / T IRARDEY, V< HATHA: GO. give their ; AIM special attention to the collection of notes, negotiation of Loans on .Mortgages, Bonds, Ac. , Also, to the private and public sale of all speyies of incorporated Batik Stocks. Two-thirds of the market value of stocks will be advanced on all unlimited storks for sale. Orders ■ for same will be received and filled at lowest mar ket prices. \\ e are alwa i > in the market to purchase or sell. dec27 ts GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. 100,000 introduced into this market. Dealers and others are respectfully solicited to cull and examine our ! present, stock. GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO., Agents for the lm national Fire Insurance Co., New York. jan 2(5 ; LANDS! LANDS!! LANDS!!! S.TIN ELY ad-oi-t :o the culture of Long Staple 1 COTTON, SUGAR. CORN. RICE, Ac. Fifteen Thousand Acres of Southwestern Lands, splendidly adapted to the culture of the above men tioned Products, for sale, located in Baker, Deca tur and Earlv counties of Georgia. Apple to DAVISON, GIRARDEY. WHYTE A - CO., jan 12 ts Augusta Land Office. CIIIOIGE GOSHEN BUTTER. We have J just received a choice article of Goshen BUT j TEB. and invite the attention of dealers and enn | sinners. GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. dec2o ts || jjrrOß CHRISTMAS EXTRA! rs JT Ginger, Rose, Almond, Vanilla, Ratitia, Ac., of the purest quality, for sale bv dec22 WM. 11. TUTT. , jmMOUSLIN DeLAINES. GRAA BROTH ; i?S ERS have just reduced the price of all tlmir j MOUSLIN DeLAINES to about half-price. Tin ! verv greatest bargains mav be anticipated in those I Goods. jan 10 Eioi COUGH ;. i OLDS, Ate. WILD CHERRY, Iceland MOSS and Boneset CAN ! DY. For sale bv ! dec 16 * IIAVILANI), RISLEY A CO. ON' CONSIGNMENT 150 sacks Chattanooga Mills Superfine FLOUR janl ' T. W FLEMING. INRENCII TOOTH POW’DKU . \ nv. and excellent article. For sale by ie [6 IIA VT LAND, RTTI BY & * 0 Blltl-Nll SPICES, of all kinds, for sale bv IT deo-22 WM IL HT* yUOAR AND MOLASSES. 73 hhds. good to prime- Porto Rico SUGAR; 20 “ new cron Cuba MOL \SSES. lor sale by jans WILCOX, HAND & AXSLEY. rjNOHACCO.— 4 " boxes of good medium TO SS BAOOO, jn<t received, and for sale at a. VOLOER’S decll Segar and Tobacco Store. ON ( ONSKTwIe.VT 1 ,000 pounds choice VENISON HAMS, for sale. Apple to JOHN CASIIIN. deel4 General (Commission Merchant. ON CONSKIN.MENT i ' New Bacon SIDES. Apply to ' JOHN OASHIN, janl6 General Commission Merchant. S EXTRACT t I BEBS AND COPAIYA. -S —Me have just received a large lot of Tar rant’s Extract Oubebs and Copafva ! jan& D. P. PLUMB A 00.' ' BED AND NKGRo BLANKETS.- Wc turn a large stock of Bed BLANKETS, on hand some extra quality, which will I, • sofTl very low : together with the Negro Blankets. jau« WARD. BURCH ARP k CO. Sugar.--30 bbV \ sugar. 30 bbls.C SUGAR; 37 hhds. N. O old crop SUGAR; just re b> d«cPv DAWSON A SKINNER (Central LIFE INSURANCE fllllK SOUTHERN MUTUAL h. i v is. rates than are charged by am good North'.”, n Company, for residents in the Souih. From these low rates, it deducts twenty-five per cent, for the first year’s premium. All profits are divided annually, among the in sured, in cash. Its dividend for 185(1 is ten per cent. on the re newal premiums. The insured may travel to any part of the United States, except to New Orleans, Galveston, Ac., dur ing the epidemics of Summer and Autumn. The amount insured may be made payable to a wife, or to children, or to wife and children, with out the intervention of a trustee. All funds of the Company are invested in State Stocks, or in Bonds and Mortgages oil Real Estate, worth three times the loan. For Rates, Policies, or further information, apply It CHARLES HALL, dec3 ts Agent for Augusta. CASSIMERES FOR BOYS, AND GEN TLEMEN’S WEAR. TOXTIt A fine black French Doe Skiti CASSI- Jl 1 i .MERE ; Low priced black C ASSIMKK ; Steel and Oxford Mixed CASSIMBRE ; Fancy and Colored do.; Checked Canada PLAIDS do ; Kentucky JEANS ; Tweeds CASSIMKRE; Satinets, assorted; CORDUROY; Plain drab FUSTAINS ; Extra heavy black Satin VESTINGS ; Gem’s and Children’s GLOVES, in great varie t v of styles ; Extra and low priced Gent’s and Boys’Sus pender■>. Just received, novlS J. P. SETZE JUST RECEIVED, It’ll and low priced Embroidei edCOLLA IIS; a.®- Hemstitched and Revier L. G. HANDKER CHIEFS ; Rich Embroidered do. do; Mourning and second Mourning Linen GAM BRIG, very handsome ; Low priced plain L. C. HDK FS, some larg sizes ; Gent’s Linen and Fancy SiIkHDK’FS ; do. Bandana do. uovlS J. I*. SETZE. HOSIERY, HOSIERY. » 1 ST received, at GRAY BROTHERS— JOO dozeu British made White Cotton HOSE; 200 do do State do *• 200 do do Brown and Mixd “ 200 do Scotch made White and Brown “ 200 do do State and Mixed “ 10 do Spun Silk HOSE ; lO do English Spun Silk HOSE ; Misses’ White. State, Brown, Mix > 1 and Fancy HOSE; Gent’s and Bovs’ Half HOSE, all sizes; Gent’s Black and White Silk Malt HOSE ; Childs’s Fancy Wool Boots, Ac., Ac. In the above assortment of superior Hosiery,can be found all the numbers from 0 to W nov27 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. njpfli: undersigned have entered into a ropart- B net-ship, under the name aiul style of REED A O'DONOIIOE, lot' the purpose of Uan.saetiug a GENERAL GROCERY AND PROVISION MUSI- N' ESS in all its branches, and respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and publicgenerally, at the stand, on the North side of Broad street, ttvo doors shore the Planters’ Hotel. JERKY REED, .lAMES O’DONOIIOE. Augusta, Oct. Ist, 1855. Jin oesi GARDEN SEED, 1855. J CHOP i 1855. Ol'K SUPPLY of u'tm'irU*d.j'r-*h SEED, has just come to hand. They are from the most reliable Seed grown in the country, and are all fittest!, not a paper of old Seed being on hand. novJT ‘ ' 1). B. PI .I'MB A CO. ON CONSKiY.IIMYr 100 boxes inauul.n lured TOB ACCO, various qualities and prices. Apply to JOHN (JASMIN, jaiUti General Commission Merchant. tTMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS. A . ‘ good assortment of all qualities and prices or saie cheap. jaw’, J. A. VAN WINKLE. di hhls. Golden SYRUP, just re eeived and for sale lu ja:is SCRANTON, KOLB A 00. fHN Itl >1 >II NA IS, fit i AI At lN < IS. " nieces S Cloak and Dress TRIMMINGS, in Moire An tique, Moss and Cut A civets. on gross Fashionable Silk Dress BUTTONS. 500 pieces b'ik A civet RIBBONS, and an assort ment of bl’k and eol’d (1 A L I,OONS, Blond LACES, Ac., Ac. Just rt eeived at dee-W GRAY BROTHER’S. I|i:m(TNU('HUSTN. A 1 urge and beati -ITB. ful assortment for Plantain ns, Family ot Physician’s use. novd” D. li. PLUMB k CO. rMYRIMMINGS. '■! pieces rich Cloak H Dress TRIMMINGS; engross Dress IP T TONS. Just received at declJ GRAY BROTHERS. 1 I AIK, CEMENT AND PLASTER PARIS. 9 A - bids, fresh LIME; -to bids. CEMENT ; pi,) “ PLASTER PARIS, for sale bv jano (5 THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. C'IKMENT. This article has been tried rc- J peatedl v, for mending (Jitina, Glass and Eartli i cn Ware, and will answer the purpose. For .sale by janS \VM. HAINES, City Drug Store. CNIIOiCF FAMILY FLOI’K The Grau- J ito Mills are now grinding a selected lot of pure white WHEAT, and the trade can be supplied with an extra article of Family FLOUR, janll LEWIS k ALLEN. feJCOTCH and Bay State Long and Square r** SHAWLS, a beautiful assortment of new de signs to hand, and for sale bv ! janll WARD, BURCH ARD A 00. dt i ELATINE. . ; *. .• just received a sup piv of Cox’s celebrated GELATINE. Also. Paulsea's French Sheet, Cooper's S1 1 r»• < 1 and Coop er's Sheet GELATI NK. I>. I!. PLUMB A CO. deel 8 feN CON’S IG N>| ENT -100 barrels fresh Un- V sendale Hydraulic CEMENT. for sale, Apply to ' JOHN' CASIIIN, deelA General Commission Merchant. ISAY, HAY. !5n bales prime Northern S HAY’, for sale b> janly io TII'O > STOY ILL & CO. ON < ’OS.SKfN .H EXT -'.O sacks extra super fineFamilv FLOCK, from “Flanker’s Mills,” owned by Oen. 0. M. Burns, of Jackson countv. Apply to' JOHN* CASIIIN, ianlG General Commission Merchant. Heavy winter clothing . jan-22 WM. 0. PRICE & CO. Furnishing goods. Shirts, Under- Shirts, Drawers, Scarfs, Stocks, Handker chiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, of all descriptions every useful article for Gentlemen's Dress, at \YM. O. PRICE A CO.'S, janl3 Drapers and Tailors. t|J.VINT GITjDAS, or the Three Paths of Julia Kavanaugh. The Violet, a 'Fairy Story. The Great Rosy Diamond: By Mrs. Carter. Roily’s Tour in Scotland. Rolla’s Tour in London. Little Paul, and other Stories, The Blue Ribbons, a Story of (he last Century. Kit Barn’s Adventures, or the Varus of an tile Mariner. The Merchant Vessel, a Sailor Boy's Vovagos t< see the World. The Magician's Show-Box, and other Stories. Man-of-YVar Life, a Bov’s Experience in the Uni bid States Navv. i'or sale bv jan'.'-l THUS. RICHARDS A SON. % T EB HOOKS. -The Prince of the Ilou.-a i of David : or Three Y ears in the Holv (’it; in the days of Herod, with all the scenes and won derful incidents in the life of Jesus of Nazareth Edited by Rev. Prof. Ingraham. The Oil', x Ring ; by John Sterling. Ballads by W. >l. Thackeray. Hampton’s Heights ; or the Spinster’s Ward. Lloyd’s Steamboat Directory and Disasters of tli Western Waters. The Physiology of Marriage ; hr an old Phvsi eiatl. For sale bv janSl THOS. RICHARDS l SON <6* MAN U FACT U H I-: HS AND DEALERS IN' WMSm WDS iSAWIKa*, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, <&c. BOYS’ AND CHILDRENS’ CLOTHING, Wholesale and Retail, No. 215 Broad Street, T\eo door* anon .!/■ oev, John O’ 1 homao I . Berne* v Hardware Store. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ’’Sfttsr JK HAVE alwavs on hand, » stock of CLOTHING, superior in quality and make, which we w f will sell at. the lowest chicks. Dealers in the Cnv and Country will find it to their advantage lo call and examine, before purchas ing elsewhere. N. B. -Always on hand, a good assortment of CLOTHING, suitable for Servants oc 1 o lv OX CONSIGNMENT. Landing and in Store— -5000 Sacks Salt. [long Ton. 100 Tons selected English Coal. Price ilo.ofi per 2>u Bales prime Northern Hay. 050 Bbls. fresh Thomas ton Lime. 100 Bbls. fresh Hydraulic Cement. 100 Sacks Extra Family and Superfine Flour. 150 Bbls. high proof Whiskey -lo to 25 per cent, above proof. 25 Bales and half bales Gunny Bagging. 10 Tierces prime new Rice. 2uoo Bushels selected Red Wheat: a prime article. 1200 Bushels prime dry Corn. 2500 Lbs. prime live Geese Feathers. 5 Eight casks choice Cognac Brand-.. 5 Bids, old live Whiskey. Mo Bushels Pennsylvania and Georgia Oats. 2"0 Bushels Cow Peas. All of which will be sold on the most, accommo dating terms, and longest credit for approved pa per, by JOHN CASIIIN, General Commission Merchant, At Mr. T. F. Metcalfs Ware-House, on Reynold st. janO §IQI ORS, >V iNE AND CORDIALS.— .A 5o bbls. Gibson’s Superfine Eagle WHISKY; So bbls. Gibson's superfine Old Rye 50 “ Rectified “ 30 “ Rose G1 .N ; 2u “ New England RUM; 10 “ Santa Cruz and Jamaica RUM; 15 Y and Ui casks of Cognac BRANDY, 10 bids. Malaga WINE; 10 ’• Port, Madeira and Teimerifi’e WINE. For sale bv declfi A. STEV ENS. P tNT RECEIVED 50 boxes Goshen CHEESE; lo firkins fresh Goshen BUTTER ; g‘ barrels Boston CRACKER;®; 5 “ But tier Do.; 5 “ Soda l)o.; 25 boxes Soda Do.; :!'• “ Scaled HERRING; 5 half barrels Pickled BEEF; .. - “ “ TONGUES; REED A O’DONOHOE, ile J-i Tin) doors above Planters’ Hotel. NOW OPENING, ft Mi) will continue to mei-ive throughout r-tx a _ m. the season, a general assortment of , FURNITURE, under th Augusta Hotel, Pj[ t Broad street, and shall be prepared to till all or ders in our line, at reduced rates. Call and ex amine a fresh invoice of Counting-house Desks, Book (, (’hairs, A sepi ' tint HENRY A SKINNER. A CARD. '■AIIE public is informed that in connection with 68 our general and special sales, we will keep at anr store a general Intelligence office, where en tries for Wants?, either Domestic or Commercial, will be entered, and those wishing to sell, litre «r exchange will find this anadmirable medium to be suited. Persons having servants to let and those want ing them, will find this the most practicable and economising source to send their orders for uny coir, modi tv whatsoever. Charges reasonable dec27 if GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. ARfttCA LiMMFNT, FOR 151 HAS, XVI Ac. A supply of this very desirable article, i which should be kept in every family i ready for use, may be obtained at the City Drug Store, where ■it is for sale at only eonts per bottle. Having been burnt severely myself with Burning Fluid, 1 tried every remedy proposed by my friends, hut found, from experience, they were noij >. On using the Arnica Liniment, a per directions, it afforded immediate relics’. I tie ■ivibro can speak front ex perience. This invaluable oleaginous Linament aclslike niagie, in ivmuving the most acute pain, by Burns, and seldom is -■ pi ires more than two i r three applications to relieve and cure those of a . severe character, either from Burning Fluid, Cam phi ne, Powder or Fire. This article is prepared : only by my self, aud hat tug tried its efficiency, be lieve ii is the best remedy that can be used, when ever the ease requires. For sale by \YM. HAINES, de< m C'ty Drug Store, Augusta. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. \\ IL.“'ON A ALFORD, £j -gVO. 1 ' raillE Proprictcrr. return their thanks for the 8 liberal patrona ;.-,e i Mended to them, and beg leave to inform tin public that they are fully pre pared to accommoda’e new friends as well as old. They have obtained the services of Mr. .1. L. MIMS, formerly uith Mr. J. M. Simpson,') whose whole attention will be devoted to the business of the Stables, and who will guarantee safe teams and careful drivers. Buggies, Carriages and Saddles Horses kept for hire tit all times. Carriages, for Funerals, furnished at short notice. Covered Lots, for Drove Stock, and everv conve nience necessary, and every facility offered to Dro vers. If proper cave, good feeding, and strict attention to business, will secure a continuance of patronage, we are determined at least to merit it. nov22 ts ESTABLISHED IN IV,so. PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. m*7ALTER MAKER jm . f * A CD'S Am er i can, Eanxeti lliiMißvaTtit- and Vanilla CHOCOLATE: Pro- EMiC pared COCOA; Broma, Co on Paste; Cocoa Sticks. Soluble, I xsy /‘K y A lIoatKPATUiC and Dieteti • Co- El | con; Cocoa She!!'-; Crai-kcd These Manufactures. to which first premiums have been awarded by the chiefinslitutes and Fairs ! of the Union, are an excellent, diet for children, in valids, and persons in health. They allay rather than induce tin. nervous excitement attendant upon the use of tea or coffee, and are recommended by Drs. Warren, Jackson, Hayward, Wniv and - Adams, of Boston, and by eminent physicians elsewhere. For sale by all the principal Grocers in the Uni ted States, and by their Agents. D. C. Murray, New York; Grant A Twells, Philadelphia: Thomas V. Bruhdidge, Baltimore, Keunett A Dudley, Cincinnati. ' WALTER BAKER A CO., sepl4 Am Dorchester, Mass. NEW MARBLE YARD, ~ BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., A few ii'x.e.'' ahov' tie 11. ii/oe Hank 'J&UditKj. ftfl'HE subscriber has opened a new Marble U Yard in tie - city, where every description of MARBLE WORK will be neatly executed to order, principally Scpnlchera! Monuments, from the plain est to the"rno.-'t elaborate in style. Particular at teution given to correct Lettering, and Sculpture in the highest style of the art. A tine selection of TOMBSTONES will always be kept on hand, as also a fine collection of Draw ings, which will enable him to suit tho wishes of customers. Orders are solicited from the city and country, which will be promptly filled, and at reasonable prices. T. MAKKYVALTER. jy-’s ly QUIRTS ND UNDER GARMENTS. YVe >4 i, aV( . r< .i v- •1 a line assortment of the newest s! rlc SHIRTS. Also, Silk, Merino and Cotton UN DERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, Buckskin UNDER SHIRTS and DRAWERS. • ,i„- OJ RH E ,v ( O 4 CERTAIN CURE FOR ASTHMA— Dr. Curtis’s Inhaling Hvgcan Compound. This yaluable and sure retriedv for Asthma, is for said.'. WM H. TETT. Price fab l J. N. FREEMAN, OPPOSITE PL INTERSHOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA eESPECTFI LL V inviies the atten • tion of his friends, and the public in general, to his new stock of line ((01.1 1 tk*.. .y'M and SILVER WATCHES; elegant and tasnu.lia ble Jewelry ; a full assortment of Silver SPOONS, FORKS, GOBLETS, CUPS, Ac. The qualitv of the Silver warranted a. pure ax any sold. Fine Plated Goods ; GUNS, and PISTOLS ; all descriptions of CLOCKS, Gold, Silver, Steel ami Plated SPECTACLES, to suit all ages and sights ; a large assortment of Gold PENS and CASES. Great inducements offered to cash purchasers. ( LOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY repaired with the utmost cure and attention, fim Sept 23 THE SIGN OF THE TWO LARGE WATCHES WATCHES, CLOCKS, At -Yew York prie i, tor Co .ft. ‘fcg ERCIIAXTS and Dealers will do well to if sl all and examine the stock 'of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, at 212 King street, be fore they purchase elsewhere. Every article war ranted. A stock always on hand peculiarly adapted to country dealers. Save twenty per cent, bv calling on WM. MASTER MAN, 249 King street, Charleston, oc2 four doors from Wentworth-st. FINE WATCHES AND RICH JEW* EI.RY rnn HE undersigned respectfully requests <PJSL Jo. the public to give him a call end ex amine his stock of line WATCHES,tIfT. CLOCKS, l icit DIAMONDS and other ,1 EM r.i.ur in great variety, feeling satisfied that the, must be pleased with his goods and prices. F. A. BRAHE V li. He gives his own personal attention to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. decla HATS, STRAW GOODS AND BON- N'ET.S AT WHOLESALK. rglllE subscriber would respectfully call the ai- M tenth>n of merchants t . his large and welt sch''tod stock of H ATS, STRAW GOODS and HON NETS, comprising every variety that can be found at any house at tie- north, and at juices that cannot fail to please. As bis Goods are purchased from the manufacturers, and no second profits paid, all we ask to convince merchants visiting our mat kot, or that have contemplated going further, is to call and examine the stock, which will be free’v shown, at _ MAI. M. NICHOLS, tnh? if Opposite Hank of Augusta. fSpiiE ESf .U’EU NO\ ICE, from the Sis- M- terhood of St. Joseph, Emmettsburg, Mary land the Mother-house ot the Sisters of Charity in the United States ; bv MGs Bunklev A Uhild’s History of the United States; by John Bonner, in g small volumes. Napoleon at St. Helena; by Abbott. Litoral Translations of Ctesar, Xenophon, Ana basis and Memorabilia, and Cicero's Offices ami Moral Works, (or sale bv tleclß TIM)S. RICHARDS A SON. | AW HOOKS. Pre edeuts of indi< meats 8-4 and Pleas, adapted to the us> 1 of both the Courts of the United States and of all the several States, by Francis Wharton. A practical treatise on the Law of Replevin in the United States, by P. Pemberton Morrtss. A treatise on the Law of Homicide in the Uni ted States, by Francis Wharton. A treatise on the Criminal Law of the United States, by Francis Wharton. The Law Lexicon, or Dictionary of Jurisjiru deuce, containing all technical words, phrases, and legal terms used in commercial transactions, by .1 J. S. Wharton, Esq. The Law of Commandatorv and Limited Part nership in the United States, by Francis ,1. Troubal. A treatise on Medical Jurisprudence, for Law yers, by Francis Wharton and Moreton Stille, M. D. The Library of Law and Equity, third aeries, in eleven volumes, complete. For sale bv jans THUS. RICHARDS A SOX. PLANTERS' HOTEL. proprieh r is now ready, by the comple- JSI tion ot the addition to the Hotel, to furnish Rooms with Boats!, on satisfactory terms. TO RENT—The Store underneath, suited es pecial I v for a Gentleman's Furnishing and t'loth tng, Dry Goods, or any business that requires the showing oft'of Goods to advantage. janl‘2 LANDRETH’S WARRANTED GAR DEN SEED. VST" E have received a supply' of the above cele x? w brated SEED, and will keep them on hand during the season. Planters and merchants will please call. BARRY & BATTF.V, <leco Druggists and Chemists. PRIVATE BOARDING. I||§ RS. F ARE Alt respectfully informs her If S friends and the public generally, that shehas opened a Boarding' House on the south west cor ner of Ellis and Washington streets, whore she will be happy to accommodate all who mar favor her with their custom. Her table will lie as well supplied as any Boarding House in this oitv, and charges moderate. oe'i ts" COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE, F|pHS . undersigned have entered into a Copart- Si nership und. r the name and .style of BOWK KOBEBT, t..r the purrs of earning on the Plumbing, Tinning and Has Fitting; and respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. They will keep constantly on hand, Gas Fixtures of all kinds. Sheet Lead, Iron and Lead Pipes, of all sims, to which they insito the attention of the public, .101 IN ROWE, JOHN" A. ROBERT, Opposite the Post Office. Augusta, October Ist, 1955. tv oelb JUST RECEIVED^ 4 NEW supply of Rich f'assimeres nad.Mus . lin DeLAINES ; Real French MFRINGES; Plain and Figured black SILKS; French and Scotch GINGHAMS, fancy col'd ; Bates stvles French. English and Domestic PRINTS ; Alexander’s and other unalitv Kid GLOVES • Ladies’ CORSETS ; Velvet and Oaloon TRIMMINGS ; Moire Antique and Cloth CLOAKS, novlS J. P, SEIZE. JUST RECEIVED, II.K Warp FLANNELS ; ► Saxony do; - Welch; do- , Real Welch do; ' ' Onion do; Low priced and super Red FI. ANN ELS; Green and Red Twilled do; Sußbury Flannels, assorted colored for Sacks; English and domestic Canton FL\NNELS. novl-'J J. p. SEIZE. ON CONSIGNMENT ing' and Planting POTATOES, for sale, to ar i live, by GIK A RDF V, WHYTE & CO. I janlt; if ONION SETTS. bushels White. Yellow and Red ONION SETTS, just received and ; for sale, in quantities to suit purchasers, at jan! WM. HAINES’ City Drug Store. BROIDERIES AT COST.—We are Jl_i now closing out the remainder of our large I stock of EMBROIDERIES at cost, in order to make : room for new goods, consisting of Swiss and Cam bric COLLARS, UNDERSLEEVES, HANDKER CHIEFS, Swiss and Cambric EDGINGS, INSERT , INGS. Ac deeii DICKEY" A PHIBBS V OL. 11—IS O. 89. #encral 2U»ert ieemcnte. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. rail IK undersigned respectfully soiieiis a call & from the citizens of Augusta. and those \isst ing the city, to examine their stock of Fall and Winter GtfODS. consisting of Clotl Cassimeres, Vestings and Trimmings, all of which we can as sure the public to be of the newest nod most sash ! ionable styles that can Le found in the Mew York • markets. Also, a choice stoek of Fancy Article* for gentlemen’s wear, consisting of Gloves. Sus penders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Neck Tics, Shirts, Merino Shirts and Drawers. All orders left with us, will be made in the most fashionable and work t manlike manner. ■ „° C T diy __ _ HAIGH A HAGGERTY. JACKSON STEEETHOSPITAL, AN D SURGIC AL INFIRMARY iOIt XLG ROES. riilHE tinders igned have deemed it advisable S to raid the ieitn HO.-sPI 'Ah to tinAr rjtgical Infirmary, ii>r though the h..-.iUution ’is intended principally for cases requiring Surgical Operations and Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is not entirely restricted to these. Wc receive cases of j anv nature occurring in the Negro, provided they : are not of an infectious characer. 11. F. CAMPBELL, M. D Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL. M. 1). jy2t> ts Attending Physician. SINGER’S SEWING^MACHINES! lIfIIESE Machines hate ug sustained the JB highest reputation in the Unn d States. The firsCprize- a Gold Medal— Las recently been award ■ ed to them at the great Exposition at the Palace of Industry in Paris, and thus they have the World’* i verdict of superiority. Great improvements have just been added, »' that they run without noise, with ease to the opera tor at double the ordinary sj eed, so that Tu ice os much. Worl ea* b* don* iti a I>a%. The greatest Clothing and Shoe Manufacturing establishments in the country use these Machine* exclusively. They are competent to poi toiru every sort of work in the most perfect style. As there are very great numbers of inferior or j entirely worthless SEWING MACHINES of the Lerow A Blodgett, Avery, Wilton, Grover A Baker, and Other patents, which have been sold, but can not bo used to ant advantage, we hereby offer to : receive all such Machines, and also unimproved ones of our own manufacture, in exchange lor cow ami latest Improved MACHINES, on liberal lemi* All old MACHINES thus obtained by us will be broken up and destroyed. Fir particular--, apply by letter or personally, at our New York Office. N. 1!.- Local Agents wanted to make sales of oea Improved SEWING MACHINES. To persons properly qualified for the business, a rare opportu nity, for profitable and pleasant emplovment is of sered. I. M. SiNGFIi A CO., Principal Office, 823 Broadway, X. f Branch Qfficks: 47 Hanover stree\ Be- on; 14* Chestnut street, Philadelphia ; i of, Bain more street, Baltimore; 228 Walnut street, ('iucMina.J; St. Charles street. New Orleans : Gioversville, New York ; 334 Broad street, Newark, New drr-tey nov2l 3m MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH iHOP, fhrrmr Ttei>Ms >:nd IVutlinn AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. <i EORGESb ATI .11, turer. ;d catn S ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw MILLS, GriK MILLS, Ac., Ac., u now ptepared to manufacture or repair any article in his line, at -short notice, and of superior workmanship. From his lent; expert ence and practical know ledge, as well as to ins in creased facilities for doing work with neatness and dispatch, he foeU confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor hint with their orders, uovlf ts LANDS! LANDS'! LANDSH! GREAT ACCESSIONS IMPORTANT TO THE PI BLM . IVE have, at the Ge.-rgiu 1, f,r W f sale, on t.'i.nitni-oin, thi .c hundred th ‘i» sand acres of LAND, lying in the following com. ties, to Early, Bake”, DooeLr-ny, Decatur. Thomas, Lowndes. Clinch, Worth, Irwin, Wuvm., \ppling. Coffee, Ciui. JI, lj. i i;du:;;-, Hall, 1 bun, Lumpkin, Dooly, Polk, Paulding, M . >, Walker Marion, Lee, Randolph, Chattaliooehee, Columbia, Lincoln, Gordon. Cass, Floyd, Muscogee, Mori wether, Houston, Sumpter, Taylor, Felton, Em. ronce, Macon, and Stewart. Apple to DAVISoX, GIKAKDEY, WHYTE &. (A)., fee” Augusta Land Office FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JIROOJI & NORKELi, are ;u receipt ..f, Kit and have <>pene< . a b ge portion of then FALL and WINTER pnr< base.-, ami are now pre pared to exhibit to their ft lends and the public, a handsome and varied a -sonunent of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, otabra dug alnr stew-! v ar tide usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. Their Goods will be offered at very low j .rices, and theii prices will compare favorably with the lot. • and cheapest. Their stock of DOMESTICS, KKU .SEYS, BLANKK'i S. and it. use Servant- GOODS is very full ; to all which they would call atten tion, and respectfully solicit a abate of public pat THE SHAVING SOAP. VROOM A FOWLER’S flf ALNI’T OIL MILITARY SHAVING VV SOAP i> admitted by the thoufauds who have used it during the past twelve years, to sur pass anything ever introduced iuro this branch of the toiler, and to render agreeable an operation usually considered a boke. The form is conveni ent, it is agreeably perfumed, and will produce a copious and permanent hither with either hard . r cold water, leaves the skin smooth and nnchapped. None genuine without the signature, in lac simile, of Vroom & Fowler. Trv it. For sale in this city, by'BARRETT & CARTER and W. H. TCTT. In New York, by the principal fancy goods houses and Druggists Manufactured only by JOIIN P. VROOM, sue cessor to Vroom & Fowler, 72 Cherry street, New \ ork ■ : RICHMOND COUNTY FIRE AND WA TER PROOF PAINT COMPANY. ifhFFKR t esp,-clfuilv te. the nubile, their var X V out FIRE and W A fER-PROOF P.vIFTS, suit able for all kind-, ot Painting: .from the roughest to the most elaborate, such as all out-duor building.; on Plantation, where it will be found a great sav ing to the owner, to finest use in the hands of the artist. They have taken the premium* at the late Fairs in Charleston, Augusta and Atlanta, and have the certificates ot scientific men, fur the un questionable superior! y of these Fain;,'-, They have now a stock of the vaii. ua colors of Paints on hand, and orders will beprowptlv attend ed to, by addressing \V. K. SCHIRMFR, General Agent, Augusta Agents in the principal cities wanted. Augusta, Ga.,2oth Sept. ts sepL3 ; t~~ CE, ICE.—JusTTeceivcM, CAMPHOR ICS, . the best article ever offered to the public, for the cure of Chaps on the Hand-, lip* or Face, and ail eruptions of the Skin, it also removes Freckl*. Tan, Sun-Burn, Ac. Price g-> cents. For sale b> janlti HAVILAND, RISLEV & CO. NEW GOODS —Plainbi.ickSlLKS, iv S 3, all widths. A splendid assortment of Bon net and Cap RIBBONS, in M ire Antiques, in hit it:, white and colors. Dress and Cloak TRIMMINGS Ac., by decs2 DICKEY A PHIDBS. SOAP, ON CONSIGNMENT.—We hive jus kJ received 100 boxes SOAP, L To- each, a! hu tiful article for family use, for safe low, bv ! dec2l 'S. C. GRENVILLE'A CO ON C.’ONSIGNMEN ■ > bhds. ch ace new Ba-'on SIDES, now a' bar-owl I»ep Am !y to JOHN CACHIN’, janlb General Commission Merchant CIO VL, GOAL. ' to-:.- v-lerued English v COAL, ■ hhd >. selected Leigh Red Ash COAL. Order- left at my office, for either quality of Coal, will be promptly an ended to. Apply to JOHN CASH IN ' janlt* General Commission Merchant CIORN PLASTER. Vs- Ft- • t.-,- J above valuable article which is strongly re commended for the entire removal of those annoy ing accompanimenls to tight boot.-. For saw by jan9 D. P>. PLUMB & C(). CIORN, FLOUR . \ -2 9,000 bushels prime CORN MEaL, .aga, 1,000 " bolted 1.00 i' sacks i ( ;.,, uitc Milu FI.OI'R, syO \ " 1 All in fine shipping order, lot -ale bv jau! LEWIS & ALLEN C'if.O A KS. —GRAY BROTHERS are row ch: J sing out their entire stock of CLOAKS much below New York cost, in order to close the lot be oie the "'asou changes. They would respectfuh’v nvitc Lie attention of purchase & to the .ivetrcii'