The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, April 22, 1856, Image 1

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The Daily Constitutionalist. II Y JAMES GAHDKER. (general 3-boertisemcnts. MAKE YOUR TAX RETURNS, I WILL be at the following places at the times stim'd, for the purpose of receiving the State Tar Returns _ for this year : At the Fodder and iliv Seale, in the Ist Ward, on Tuesday tlie and Monday the 51st, days of April. At City Hotel on Wednesday the ‘id, and Tu '"-O' the 22d, days of April.' At the United S.Mt' - Hotel, in the 3d W ard, on Thursday the :id Wednesday the 23d, days of April.' At the Planters’ Hotel in the 4th Ward, on Friday the 4th Bil ,i Tuesday the 24th, day* of April. And at the Court Grounds of the County Districts on their re r uve Court days until the Ist of July, at which •.i.n-th" Digest will he closed. I will call upon ah persons haying permanent jilaces of business in Augusta, and any others who may not be able to attend my appointments, bv being timely notified JOHN A. BOftLER.k. T. It., It. C. ' _ m^ 3o tAp24 CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. II V the first Tuesday in MAY next, will be wF sold, at the Lower Market House, in the city "> Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the fol 1-wtn.: property, to-wit: All that lot or parcel of I-A N I), with the improvements thereon, situate in the city of Augusta, near the Augusta Factory, fronting on Mat bury street, and bounded West by said Marbury street, and on the North, South, and Last by vacant lots, and occupied by the defendant, 1 hornas Leckie, as a store, Ac. —also— All that lot or parcel of LAND, with the im provements thereon, situate in said city, fronting on Fenwick street, 4 1 feet, more or less,"and bound r i North by said Fenwick street, South by lot, hast by a lot of O. Altoes, and West by the Atnerican Foundry lot, and occupied by said Leckie as a residence. Levied on as the property of Thos. I, kie, to satisfy a Ji.fa. issued from the* Court of (' .union Fleas of the City of Augusta, in favor of T omas Dwver and Hugh Rice, Executors of Thos. P itty, deceased, vs. Thomas Leckie. mini- 1 WM. V. KER, Sheriff C. A. POSTPONED CITY SHERIFF S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in J U N E next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House, in the city I Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, all that l/>[ or parcel ot Land, with the improvements tin r.-ou, situate in the city of Augusta, and known j a* die Jackson street Ice House and Lot—bounded ! h and east by lots of Thomas S. Metcalf, south ii . ,i lot of Thomas Richards, and west by Jackson at -ct. Levied on as tlie property of the Jackson S■; Ice C ompany of Augusta, to satisfy 3 tax ii. 1 fus. for City Taxes for the years ISSB, Fs4fltid ! - .in favor of the City Council of Augusta vs. tin* .Isckson Street Ice Company of Augusta; and 1 thii. fas. in favor of the City Council of Augusta *«. the Jackson Street Ice Company of Augusta, for 1 (■anal Tax, for the wars 1->53, ]*s4 and 1 >55. :i;cJ WM. V. KER, Sheri if ('. A DISSOLUTION. fSHIE copartnership existing under the name M ot \\ IL.SOX A ALFORD, is this day dis -“Led bv mutual consent. The unsettled business «■ill be attended to br JAMES H. ALFORD. ALFRED WILSON. JAMES 11. ALFORD. Augasta, March 15, 185$. nhlft SALE AND LIVERY STABLES. BY J. H. ALFORD, M- m 'i? riMIE subscriber, having purchased the entire «- interest of ALFRED WILSON, in the above Stables, would return his thanks to the public for 5 ral patronage bestowed upon the late firm, and would most respectfully inform them that lie i.iii continue the Stable business on his own indi vidual account. l’iic whole attention of the undersigned will be ih-v ued to the business of tlie Stables, and wil a-lit mice safe teams and careful drivers, buggies, Carriages and Saddles Horses kept for hive at all times. Carriages, for l-'iinerals, furnishedat short notice. Covered Lots, for Drove Stock, and every conve i>i'-u -tie -cssiirv, and every facility offered to Dro it’ mhia ’ J. ’ll. ALFORD. ASSIGNEE’S NOTICE. jgJERSOYS having claims against Robert Cur- R roll, and wishing to avail themselves of the '"•iielii of his assignment, arc hereby notified to pivs'-ut their accounts, duly authenticated, by the of August. Those indebted to said estate will ruuke immediate settlement. C. EL GISA K DKY. Assignee. FOR SALE. A NEGRO WOMAN, about 25 years of age, with three children; she is an excellent W a-dier, Ironer and Seamstress, good Chamber- Maid and very good plain Cook is honest and humble. She has a husband in the city, and none need apply who would separate them. Apply to mh2B DAWSON & SKINNER CITY TAXES. COLLECTOR AND TREASURER’S NOTICE. nmiE citizens of Augusta, and all others inter s rated, are hereby notified that the City Tax Digest for the present year is now in my hands for collection. Mv office hours, for the next thirty days, will be from ‘J o’clock, A. M., to 1 P. M., anil in the afternoon from 2Cj to 4' ~ Tlie ordinance requires /hiyment to be made at the Treiturtr'* cf . v, which is on Mclntosh street, under the Tele- faxes reduced ?. per cent, if paid within thirty ! days from this date—no reduction afterwards, but j interest to be added. Don’t all wait to lie last. «p$ Im JOHN HILL, C. .x T. C. A. PUBLIC SALE. ON the first Tuesday in MAY next, will be sold, j at the Lower Market, in the City of Augusta, J in the usual hours of sale, the houses and lots on j the north side of Fllis, between Houston and Forsyth streets, in said city, formerly the property j »-f Pensioner John Marlin, deceased. Terms ca-di. ap-2 t.l ROBERT CAMPBELL. ' i NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SUM MER CLOTHING AND HATS. A p. mGNOV A < (>. h are commenced j * receiving an attire tiff stork of CLOTH ING and HATS, for men, youths', bovs’ and chil j dtvn’s wear, made to onUr, expresslv for this mar- j ket. To which they respectfully call the attention nf their friends and customers. aj>4 j ON CONSIGNMENT lbs. HAMS, j SIDES und SHOULDERS. Just received, ; and for sale by SCRANTON, KOLB A CO. fiHIABS! SEGARSt - M “Las iLues” SFiGAKS, the well known celebrated “cent.” ; •S-gars; 25 M El Aguila SEGARS, just received, j and tin- sale at ‘ GUST. VOIAJER’S old stand, and <;. VOLGER & CO., i a doors below Bones A Brown’s Hardware I Sture. a]>l \OW IN STORE, a I urge assortment of \ Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf HATS, [ f"r men and bovs. For sale at up 4 A. P. BIGNON A CO’S. ON CONSIGNMENT—2Oo barrels fresh j LIME, in good order, for sale by GIRARDEY. WIIYTE A CO., Ag- nts for International Insurance Company, New York. mh2S I Bf RN'!N’(; FLUID.—Just received, a large ! lot of BURNING FLUID, for sale at 90 cents j per situ;!,, gallon ; or by the 5 gallons, paid for at ! ' I'euts jier gulloD, cash. All in want, will jilease * r --' ■ bMT WM. lit INKS, Druggist. tRE V.II ALE AND CIDER.—We are con-j y- xtantly sitpiilied with Boyd Bros. A Co.’s j 1 ream ALE and Champagne CIDER, to which we j avite the attention of dealers, as superior in qua!- j ”>’• GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO., Sole Agents. gromid superfine FLOUR, from the Atlanta j -oiis, in ps and 49 lb. sacks, which we offer for s «a- m quantities to suit purchasers GIRARDEY, WHYTE & CO., ! :r fiGs Sole Agents. 4 fine assortment of tlie newest and best • » COOKING STOVES ever offered to the pub lic, for sale at the old stand of W. H. MAIIARREY A CO. tfG [fv MOLASSES -6 n eousignment, 15 ' hhds., in fine order, for sale by I.EWI'S A ALLEN. C'XTRA SUGAR-CURED HAMS—3O small tierces, put up expresslv for family use, for by wplS LEWIS A ALLEN. SPRING GOODS, 1856. Jj BI RCHARD & CO. respectfully • announce that they have, within a tew davs ! Received many NEW GOODS, in part, as follows: i \\ hite Crape SHAWLS, embroidered and plain; . V"' I I LI.AS, a new assortment; Spring and Summer SILKS and ROBES; Borage Flounced ROBES; ‘Uganda and Jaconet ROBES; French and English PRINTS; HIALLAS, plain and printed, very handsome; j ! oERAGES, “ “ various styles; I ORGANDAS and JACONETS, great variety* BRILLIANTES, French and English ; ’ Foulard Check SILKS; i Alexander’s Kid and Silk GLOVES ; English HOSIERY—fuII stock Cotton. , ALSO ! Silk and Raw Silk and Lisle THREAD ; Swiss and Jaconet COLLARS and SETTS; lfoniton and Maltese “ “ j 1 rape and Swiss, for Mourning “ Jaconet and Swiss COLLARS, for Misses; “ EDGINGS and INSERTINGS; ! WHALEBONE and Corded SKIRTS ; Mourning DRESS GOODS, GRENADINES, BE- ! j RAGES, TAMATANS, CHALLAS, CRAPE MA RETZ, Spring BOMBAZINES, ORGANDAS, JAC ONETS, Striped and Checked SILKS, Ac.; Valenciennes LACES; English Thread LACES. -ALSO— A large and full stock of Housekeeping Goods— j 1 Linen and Cotton SHEETING, SHIRTING and PILLOW-CASING; DIAPERS and TOWELS; 1 PICKINGS; Linen, Cotton and Merino GOODS, | t i • Gentlemen and Boys; Plantation GOODS, of I all sorts, Ac., Ac. M'U J. F. BURCHARD A CO. NEW SPRING GOODS. Broom a norrell have now in store, I stock of SPRING GOODS, com- 1 prising the usual variety kept in a Dry Goods j Store, to which they would respectfully solicit at- I teution, assuring their friends and customers every ; i advantage that can be afforded by the best article's j ; ■ s well as the lowest scale of prices. Among our Goods are— Plain b’lk SILKS, large assortment, some very low prices; ’ , Plain Satin Striped and Printed BEREGES ; Silk GRENADINES and Satin Plaid TISSUES; i IV. Printed CHALLIES and BEREGE DkLAINES i Rich Grenadine, Berege and Jaconet FLOUNCED i ROBES; French Printed ORGANDIES, LAWNS and MUS- 1 LINS; Ki’k CHALLIES, TANATANS, BOMBAZINES > and ALPACAS; t Plain and Checked JACONETS, CAMBRICS ■ NAINSOOKSand SWISS MUSLIN ■ BRILLIANTES, CALICOES, GINGHAMS, TAR- i LATANS, Ac., Ac.; < limb’d. COLLARS, SLEEVES, CHEMISETTES, BANDS and FLOCNCINGS; Rich Etub’d. BASQUES: ' 1 Lace and Sick MANTILLAS; i Pare ami Crape SIIAWLS ; ld'k and Silk LACES; Sup. ass t. GOODS, for Gent’s and Bovs' wear- t “ “ LINENS, Table DAMASKS', DIAPERS TOWELLINGS; P'-4 and 12-4 Linen SHEETING, and sun. Pillow j LINENS; Sup. assortment HOSIERY, for Gent's, Ladies', a Misses’, Bovs and Children; t B't’k. and Pm. DOMESTICS. SHEETINGS, LONG v CLOTHS, STRIPES, TICKINGS. Ac. apl a MRS. M. L. PRITCHARD, Agent * Opposite the Mechanics Bank, is now j . opening a handsome assortment of MILL a NEIt V, just received by Adams A Co’s Express from ... New York, consisting of a large and well selected r assortment of Straw, Silk, Crape and Blonde BON NETS; Children’s HATS and BONNETS; FLOW ERS, TABS, RUSHES; Chantilla and MoireAti tiqut- De Ttivllerie MANTILLAS; Children's •: LOVES; a handsome assortment of Needle . Work COLLARS and UNDERSLEEVES, which she will sell low for cash, and invites the attention , of the ladies. mh26 |)()I’LA R LOG WHISKY. A small con- I P *L signment of this superior article of old n \\ HISK V just received, and will be sold in demi- s jolins to suit those who desire to purchase for pri „ vata and family use. For sale bv * GIRARDEY, WIIYTE A CO., mh2B General Commission Merchants. * JkNhV 00 CENTS PER GALLON. - Jt W Starr’s genuine BURNING FI.I’ID, the only article entitled to that name to be found in this £ market. Sold exclusively bv aplO w. 11. MAHARREY A CO. e | DIKROIDEIIIES.—GRAY BROTHERS ' %'i have just received, by last steamer from New I Turk, a complete assortment of Embroidered Linen p Cambric 11 \NDKERCHIEFS, some very tine. o Visit, Swiss and Jaconet SETTS, Swiss and Jam- r net COLLARS and SLEEVES, BANDS, EDG INGS, INSERTINGS, Ac., which will be sold low. r apt! |MTARD’S SPECIFIC MIXTURE. This val- y e * liable prepanition is kept constantly- on band. It lias never been known to fail in relieving the most obstinate cases. For sale by WM. HAINES, Druggist, j up 2 Augusta, Ga. s a “T KitLS. Peacock celebrated WHISKY, 899 arriving and will be sold low from depot, f ap3 THOS. P. STOVALL k CO. 1 ON CONSIGNMENT r,() bbls. Peacock’s White WHISKY ; 25 “ Magnolia “ 5 pipes Old BRANDY; ] lo ! / casks COGNAC ; lo t : “ SEIGNETT; r»o baskets CHAMPAGNE; 25 boxes Madeira WINE; 15 bbls. New Orleans SUGAR ; | r, hhds. 5o M pure Spanish SEGARS. For sale by | mh‘2B ’ GIRARDEY, WHYTE &CO Bonds fob sale.- jso, f Mont gomerv and West Point Railroad BONDS, interest due’lst Mav anil Ist November, bv m h2B GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. GREEN-WAY INSTITUTE. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL-MALE AND FEMALE, j At Thomson, Georgia. fBNHE undersigned having permanently located i ■ as Teachers, respectfully solicit the patronage j l of their friends and the public generally. From sevoral years’ experience in teaching, and a con- ■ 1 slant attention to the duties of then* profession, j ’ thev Hatter themselves that the system of instruc tion which they are now prepared to give Students ■ pursuing a regular classical course, cannot be sur- j passed bv any similar Institution in the State, lo ■ parents,’therefore, designing to give their sons a . Collegiate education, their services are especially | I tendered, since a thorough acquaintance with the j preparatory studies is indispensable to the Stu- j dent’s progress throughout his whole course. Their j | Academv Pupils will be prepared to enter the high- ! I er classes of College, or if preferred, thoroughly ! instructed in a more practical and business course, j The accessibility, health and quietness of their ' | location —its freedom from scenes and causes of I ; dissipation —induce them to hope for a continuance i if that liberal patronage, which for many years they have not failed to secure. A strict regard will be paid to moral training, and the general deportment of each pupil carefully : observed. , | The Academies for the Male and Female pupils ! i are separate—also, their Boarding Houses, while J tl, e government, discipline, course of studies, Ac. : of both departments, will be under the control and supervision of the Principal. Although not required, it is preferred that pupils be boarded with the Teachers. Board. Tuition, Fuel, Washing, Ac. per Term, Lights excepted. Tuition tee per Term, S2O. j Semiannual Examination the Ist of June. Vis itants solicited to attend. i FEMALE DEPARTMENT. Primary (’lass, $lO per Term. ■ Second Class, 15 “ Third Class, 20 “ j Music S2O per Term —use of Instrument included. j i The pupils are expected to furnish their own | I Lights or for them an extra charge will be made, j BcTard ’with the Teachers $lO per month C. C. RICHARDS, A. M., Principal, J R. WILSON, Associate. Miss A. M. RICHARDS, Assistant Teacher in Female Department. Mrs. J. C. RICHARDS, Teacher of Drawing, and Assistant Teacher of Music. ■ MARTIN FURNEUSEL, Professor'of Music. Exercises of Spring Term to commence on the second Monday in January, 1856. * N. B.—Board, with many respectable families, it r ; from Eight t« Twelve Dollars per month. • oclO dowacly A l OVSTA. GA., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 2’2, 1856. General STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE. E proprietors of this large and splen- .... I B did new Brick Building, which has just IpTjj been fitted up in elegant style, with entire Mil! new Furniture, would respectfully inform the pub lic that they have at length completed and opened | it for the accommodation of permanent and tran ' sient Boarders. They have made every effort to arrange it in such , i manner as to render their guests comfortable. I And having had a long experience, they do not in tend to be excelled by any landlord. The Furniture, as well as the House, is perfectly j new. i Those acquainted with tlie topography of Geor gia, know that within her limits exist some of the j most sublime and magnificent works of Nature j and Stone Mountain justly ranks as one of the ; number. Southerners who wish to spend their summers at ! the South, instead ol going North, will find the cli | mate bracing, and the water pure as the purest. | The climate is not surpassed. The proprietors flatter themselves that those who I °®*i once, will be well enough satisfied to call again. Georgia Railroad r l rains stop for Supper at I this House. ALEXANDER A CLARKE, , _ . Proprietors. I *•, J. a. Clarke, late of Lawrenceville. Social Circle. ;, l ’ d*c3m CITY HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. f BAIIIS Hotel is now in successful operation— I ■ having been recently new-furnished and em belished throughout. The Proprietor, also, with a view of suiting the wishes of its Guests, has secured the services of Mr. GORDON FARGO, so long and favorably known as Proprietor of the “ United States Hotel,’’ here, and the “Marshall House,” in Savannah. ■Mr. Fargo brings with him great experience and very popular manners with the traveling public; all of which considered, in addition to the peculiar advantages of the Cl'l t HOTEL, as a Summer House, with its finely ventilated Chambers and spacious Halls, will make it a place eagerly to be sought for by the traveler and citizen, during the coming season. The particular construction of the House gives it great advantage over any of the hotels in the city, for ventilation ; a quality which is so highly j necessary, here, at all seasons’. Having these advantages, with a set of the best Cooks which could be procured in Charleston, will* “'her assistants of a like merit, the under signed purposes to sustain for the CITY HOTEL, the character of being a house for the people— select, orderly, and well appointed. With regard to location, it is very central, ft is in the business part of the City arid immediately opposite the South Carolina Railroad Depot, mini tt W. P. STARR, Proprietor. Charleston Courier, Savannah News, Macon Telegraph, Mobile Advertiser, New Orleans Picayune, Nashville Union A American, Edgefield Advertiser—publish 3 times a week, to amount of $5, each, and send bill to Augusta Hotel. PLANTERS’ HOTEL. ram is new, though well known and pop- j ttlar HOTEL, is now being enlarged, G: !!?, and will be ready, by the first of October next .ikUL ; to accommodate twice as many as heretofore. Pre viously, itcouldonlvin part, in the business season, accommodate day anil transient boarders. From the above date, families, as well as single persons, can be well suited with desirable quarters. The undersigned is now ready to engage rooms as above. Second story Hall will have suites of rooms with a parlor and bed rooms attached. Every room in the addition will have a fire-place, and as to ventillation, cannot be surpassed. jy24 JOHN BRIDGES. PLANTERS' HOTEL. rgNUE pn iprietor is now ready, by the eotriple- 1 0 tion of the addition to the'Hotel, to furnish Rooms with Board, on satisfactorv terms. TO RENT—The Store underneath, suited es pecially for a Gentleman’s Furnishing and Cloth ing, Dry Goods, or any business that requires the showing off of Goods to advantage. janl2 THE INFALLIBLE SELF-SEALING FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CAN. OF It experience during the past \ear, in man ufactiiriiig SELF-SF.AI.INtt FRl’l'i’ CAN'S, and the universtil satisfaction and certificates of parties who have purchased and tested those of va rious makers, have given ui us the decided prefer cnee over all others. The subscribers offer to the public, the BEST SEEK SEALING CAN ever invented, to preserve Fruits, Vegetables, Ac. l'/n- Sealing is inrariahlu perfect. 411 others require solder or cement. The opening lias been enlarged to admit a ki.-ll sizf.d I’CACH. Every Can is perfectly tested before it leaves our manufactory, and stamped witli our name. TAYLOR A HODGKTTS, Manufacturers of Planished Tin and Japanned ; Ware, No. 60 Beekman-st., New York. mbit! 1 m IKTEW BOOKS. War in Kansas, a rough i » trip to the Border among new homes and a strange people, by G. Douglas Brewerton. Hiawatha, by Longfellow. The Island of Cuba, by Alexander Humboldt, translated from the Spanish, with notes and a pre liminary essay, by J. S. Thrasher. Ernest Einwood, by Mrs. Caroline Lee Ilentz. Vouatt and Martin on Cattle. Stable Economy, by Stewart. Vouatt ou the Structure and Diseases of the Horse. l-’iftv Years in both Hemispheres, bv Vincent j Nolte. Which : The Right or the Left ? Faust; a romanco of the Secret Tribunals, by j Reynolds. Henri De La Tour; or the Comrades in Arms, bv J. Frederick Smith, author of “ Temptation,” “ Amv Lawrence,” “ Minnie Gray,” Ac. Charles Vavasseur; or the Outcast Heir, ltv J. Frederick Smith. Just received and for sale bv apl3 M. G. McKINNE. jrmv JERSEY CIDER, .o bbls. Sweet i.MI New Jersey Cider, for sale on consignment by mhl2 HOWARD .x DUG \ Dress trimming. A magnificent as sortment just received bv mills DICKEY A I’ll I BBS. A LI-1 AND CIDER. -2.5 bbls, John Taylor . A Sons’ superior Ale. 50 bbls. choice Newark Cider, just received and for sale by mh!3 t 3 JOHN NELSON. C CAMPHOR ICE. I beautiful article for J chapped Ups, Hands, Ac., sold bv mli2:t _ I). B. PLUMB A CO. ■ JTAY, FODDER and SHUCKS, in hah s, for HI. sale hr DYE A BARNES. I feb22 If MARCIIISPS CAT 110 LI CON.— This article has been tried by many, and found to i relieve those diseases peculiar to females. For ! sale bv inh23 D. It. PLI MB A CO. Hoarseness, sore throat, Ac.— Pastilcs de Paris, or Paris Lozenges, are pe j culiarly adapted for Hoarseness and Sure Throat, j For sale by mh23 I). B. PLUMB A CO. orj- O. MOLASSES.—3O bbls. New Orleans ! j IM • MOLASSES, to arrive litis dav, and for sale by mh22 HOWARD A DUGAS. fAXTRA FLOUR.—3O bags Extra Country i _i FLOUR, for sale low, bv | mh2B HAND. WILCOX A CO. REFINED SUGAR. 200 bbls. Clarified and Crushed SUGAR, for sale low, by ! mh!2 _ HAND, WILCOX A CO. SARATOGA POWDERS. Prepared from a careful analysis of the Congress Spring, put l up in bottles at sl, each bottle being equal t« thir ty-six tumblers of Saratoga Water. For sale by j ' mh23 _ D. B. PLUMB A CO. _ BARRY’S FKICOPH E ROl J S—For th Hair, also. Lyon’s Kathairon. These arti ’ cles are too well known to need puffing. A large | lot just received by D. B. PLUMB A CO. Kacon and lard 100 casks choice Tennessee BACON. 25 bbls. prime LARD, for sale by THOMAS P. STOVALL A CO., apl General Commission Merchants. JUST RECEIVED, a few cases Beebe A Co.’s and John N. Genin’s Spring style Mole skin HATS. j j —A LSO — j French Soft HATS, of various shapes ami colors. t For sale at A. P. BIGNON A CO.’S, Two doors below G. Volger’i Segnr Store. t ap4 General NEW SPRING GOODS. DI( KE\ A: PIIIUBS invite the attention of the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity to their large stock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, which they are daily receiving. The as ' sortment is the largest and best selected ever ; brought to this market, consisting of Plain and Printed BAREGES and TISSUES of every style, shade and quality; Plain Black SILKS, all widths; * Black, Watered, Striped and Brocaded FANCY SILKS, Spring styles ; ! -sTRII E.s and PLAIDS, all widths and qualities | French and English Printed J ACONETS and S WISSES EUGENIE CHECKS, ROBES, ®RG ANDIES ROBES A VOLANTE, Ac., Ac.; English and American PRINTS, all’styles. No second price, as the Goods are all marked m plain figures. m^l9 , CORN, OATS, COW PEAS, RYE, &c. T§ ‘SACKS Tennessee CORN, a PMFMr 300 sacks “ OATS 300 sacks Tennessee COW 1 PEAS ’ T 5 “ “ RYE. 50 “ White Table PEAS. 20 “ White BEANS. For sale by ap4 diclnt A. STEVENS. BEAUTIFUL COLORED CASSIMERE SUITS. fl ST received, an invoice of very- pretty col’d Cassimere COATS, VESTS and PANTA LOONS, for Spring and Summer wear. For sale at ’ A. P. BIGNON A CD’S. HAMS, SIDES, AND SHOULDERS. 9% ® ® URt LS Chas. Davis A Co’s. Extra 55999 Sugar Cured Canvassed HAMS. 25 Ames A Co.’s Extra Sugar Cured 50 hhds. Ames A Co.’s plain HAMS. 150 “’ Cincinnati Smoked SIDES. 150 “ St. Louis “ “ l" :l “ Cincinnati “ SHOULDERS. Just received and for sale bv LEWIS A ALLEN, a ps No. 1, Warren Block. NEW GOODS. f|dIIE subscriber is now receiving, at bis old M stand, corner ot Broad and Mclntosh streets, below the Railroad Bank, a NEW AND FASHIONABLE Assortment of very neat and tasty Goods, con sisting of FAN (A AND STAPLE GOODS, OF FRENCH ENGLISH and AMERICAN FABRICS, \\ hich lie offers for sale to credit or cash customers AS CHEAP as they cun be procured from auv bouse in this city. apt J. p. SETZE. ON CONSIGNMENT In" bbls. choice Old Cincinnati Whisky; 75 “ “ Pittsburg Whisky ; —«* “ “ Whi to Whisky, above proof. 15 “ “ Peach Brandy; 5 quarter casks Cognac Brandy, a pure article; ~ ' 50 bales choice Eastern Hay; 200 sacks fresh ground Corn Meal; 500 sacks Cow Peas : •ioo sacks Flour, different qualities; 1600 sacks Salt ; 4t"> bbls. fresh Thomaston Lime; 5 hhds. and 20 bbls. Porto Rico Sugar; 20 bags prime Rio Coffee; 25 tierces of choice Rice ; 80 boxes Manufactured Tobacco; 100 bbls. fresh Hydraulic Cement; 84 tons English Coal; 500 sacks Corn and 4SO sack* Oats; W ill be sold on reasonable terms, bv JOHN CASHI.N, Cii-n'l. Coin’ll. Merchant, ’■thJ". No. 4, Warren Block. CtHEAP LIGHTS, We have just received J a large stock of No. 1 Burning Fluid, for sale cheap. apl3 I). B. PLUMB A CO. g E ATI IUK l*K USER V ATI VK. Mu SI A son s Leather Preservative, a really first rate article for the preservation of all kinds of Leather, such as Hose, Carriage and Harness Leather, Belt ing, Boots, Shoes, Ac., just received by upU D. 1!. PLUM lIP A CO. SARATOGA WATER. We have made arrangements to be supplied regu larly with Fresh Congress Water direct from the Spring. W e shall be able to furnish it in almost auv quantity, “i- ; D. B. BLUMB A CO. tLE AND PORTER. 16 casksYoungerß' - Scotch Ale, in pint jugs ; 15 casks Camp bell’s Scotch Ale in pint jugs ; 80 casks Porter in pints, different brands. Just received by DAWSON & SKINNER. VEIV SILKS. DICKEY A PI I [BBS have iM just received a large and beautiful assortment <>i Spring SILKS to which they would call the attention ot the Ladies, including lurgeund small Plaid and Striped Gros de Nap, and Chenics of all widths, from 75 cents up. Wide Satin, Striped and Plaid Uamielles, Black Brocades and Satin Stripes and Plaids, Gros de Rhin and Poult de Soie; all of which will be sold at unprecedentedly low prices. in It 23 DICKEY A PIIIBBS. IJ>ORT WINE We have just received a I supply ot PORT \\ INK, which cannot be ex celled. For medicinal purposes, it is just the article, apl2 WM. 11. TUTT. BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER. 2 gro. just received by apl2 ___ WM. H. TUTT. VRUY SNAP BEANS. The following A varieties have been received this dav, viz: Early Yellow six weeks BEANS, do. China Dwarf do.. Lazy House Wife do., Prolific Welsh do,, Fat Horse do.; front Kentucky, Speckled Cranberry Pole and Bush, Large Butter BEAN, Ac. Ac., which are offered for sale by ap!2 WM. HAINES, Broad Street. Defid e de y ref rushing .—The n. - tice that- a house in this city enjoys the ex clusive sale of “Starr’s Genuine BURNING FLUID,” and the article can be found there only. We have sold some of the article during the past four years ; have invariably purchased front the same manufacturers, (STARR A D 0.,) and have never bought or sold any but “.Starr’s best.’’ For any quantity, at lowest markef rates, whatever they may be, call or send your orders to apll S. S. JONES A CO., 210 Broad-st. CdOFFEE. -50 bags prints Rio COFFEE, just J received, on consignment, and for sale by HOWARD A DUGAS, aps General Commission Merchants. ST A It It’S BURNING FLUID, at SOcemts per gallon, genuine, and no mistake. For sale bv apl2 ‘ WM. H. TUTT. ' I 7*LOUR, MACKEREL, SUGAR, Ate.— 100 bags superfine FLOUR. 100 bbls. “ “ Etowah mills. 25 “ No. 3 MACKEREL. 15 “ No. 2 12 kits No. 2 “ 3 hhds. prime N. 0. SUGAR. 100 boxes TOBACCO. For sale by ap3 THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. M’ AWRENCEVILLE FACTORY OSNA- A BURGS AND YARNS.—The undersigned ; are Agents tor the sale of these Goods, at Factory I prices. GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. j jan2o ts ON CONSIGNMENT-Broad River Factory ! OSN ABURt IS and YARNS on hand, and for | sale by GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO.. mh29 Agents. I Burning fluid—ALcoloLand cam~- PHINE. Just received, a supply of the above much wanted articles, and for sale by mhß W. HAtNES. ■tKTHISK\ .5o bbls. Pike’s celebrated Mag w w nolia W IIISKY, just received, and for sale ou consignment, by mh2s ' HOWARD A DUGAS. tjk! I* Itl N< • SILKS.—A new assortment receiv kz ed this day ; also, one or two very elegant ; ROBES. mh2o J. F. BURCHARD A CO. ! gjEGARS.—2O,OOO Be gars, I K) in a Box, for sale low by mhl2 HOWARD A DUGAS. •MfUSTARI), PEPPER AND PEPPER ! ifi SAUCE.—IO6 doz. No. 1 MUSTARD: lit boxes Ground PEPPER; 10 do. PEPPER SAUCE. For sale on consignment, bv mb 12 _ HOWARD A DUGAS. _ (CJPRING MOURNING GOODS.—Black TAMATAN, GRENADINE, BOMBAZINE, ; CHALLA, BERAGE, tn various qualiiias, just rc j caved. mhao J. F. BURCHARD A 00. manufacturers AND DEALERS IN mmy qso*ii ©otsodeie, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, &c. BOYS’ AND CHILDRENS’ CLOTHING, Wholesale and Retail, No. 215 Broad Street, Two doors about Messrs. John <Jb Thomas A. Bones’s Hardware Store AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WL HAV E always on hand, a stock of CLOIIiING, superior in quality and make which we will sell at the lowest puices. Dealers in the City and Country will find it to their advantage to cail and examine before purchas ing elsewhere. ’ 1 - B.—Always on hand, a good assortment of CLOTHING, suitable for Servants oc!3 iv ICE! ICE! ICE! THE KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, J CHARTERED by the State of New York, with a eajiital of ssioO,ooo, is prepared to sup ply orders for ICE for shipping at the shortest no tice, and ou the most reasonable terms. The managers of this Company have had more than twenty years experience in the lec trade, and are able to refer to persons from all sections of the State for their success in packing Ice for shipping in away to secure from waste and loss bv melting. This Company has now in store 250,000 tons of lee, of a quality and thickness equal to any ever offered to the public. Orders sent to R. T. COMPTON, President of the Company, No. 163 Canal street, will receive prompt attention. N. B.—Vessels taking in cargo at our depots on the Hudson river, will not be subject to port charges, whilst they will always be provided with good dockage and sale harbors. J3F* Tfw-juiciest despatch given to vessels taking in Ice at their docks. tjw feb2S BUILDERS’ FOUNDRY, WiUow-st., between 12 th and Yith sts., I'hUadelphia. UHHIE establishment of the undersigned being ■ devoted principally to the CASTING OF \\ ORK FOR BUILDERS, we are prepared to fur nish promptly. Iron Fronts of any clesign, fitted and erected with or without Mettain’s Patent Re volving Shutters, a new and superior article; Gird ers of all kinds; Columns from 3};,' to 11 inches diameter; Shutter Boxes and Lintels; Ornamental \\ indow Heads and Sills ; Caps and Bases for Pi lasters and Columns; Brackets, for Cornice and Balconies, various sizes; Shoe Pipes for Spouts, 2, 3 i .j, 4 and 6 inches diameter; Vault Grates, 13, 16, is and 24 inches diameter. Also, Enriched Mould ings and Fancy Ornaments. Estimates cheerfully furnished to parties applying personal Iv or bv let ter. SANSON & FARRANI). mhS Sin BATHS! BATHS! BATHS! fWlIIEJlath House attached to the Globe Hotel, having undergone thorough repairs, is now open fur the Season. Persons wishing Warm, or Cold Baths, cun bo accommodated bv calling on the subscriber. STEPHEN \VALTON. mli2 ts SCHOOL FOR IMBECILES. t ypfl E Directors of the “ Pennsylvania Training M. School for Idiotic and feeble minded Chil dren,” located at Germantown, l’u., (within Phila delphia Citv limits) call the attention of Parents and Guardians to their Institution. It is incorpo rated by the State of Pennsylvania, aud is very pleasantly situated in one of the most healthy neighborhoods known, having ample grounds, woodland, &c. The Training and Education of Im becile and Idiotic Children at this Institution, is now pursued upon the most approved principles known in this country or in Europe. The Board of Directors having been successful in obtaining the services of practical Teachers and Assistants, whose efforts to develope the physical and intellectual qualities of their pupils, will be entirely given to this Institution. Terms will be made known upon application, di rected to Pennsylvania Training School for Imbe ciles, Germantown, Pa. The following compose tlie present Board of Di rection : I'P.KSIDKNT, lit. Rev. ALONZO POTTER, 1). I). I tee- Presidents: Isaac Collins, Hon. G. W. Woodward, Hon. G. \l. Btroud, James C. Hand, Joseph Harrison, M. W. Baldwin. Directors: S. Morris Wain, Philip 8. Justice, Isaac'Pugh, llenrv M. Olmstead, John Horton, Win. I). Parrish, A. L. I’.levvn, M. D., Rob’t. P. Smith, Wistar Mor ris, Rich’ll. M Marshall, Dr. Thos. S. Kirkbride. FRANKLIN TAYLOR, Secret are. ALEX. FULLERTON, Treastuer. ap6 2m SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! vow in store, a large assortment of fine and i™ common L. and C. SHIRTS, some of them extra large sizes ; also, Youths’ and Boys’ sizes. —ALSO— COLLARS, TIES, CRAVATS, GLOVES, Half HOSE, Fancy Vest BUTTONS, Ac., at very low prices. Call at ap6 A. P. BIGNON A CO'S. JUST RECEIVED, KB ICHund low priced EmbroideredOOLLAßS; IK Hemstitched and Itevier L. C. HANDKER CHIEFS ; Rich Embroidered do. do; Mourning and second Mourning Linen CAM BRIC, very handsome ; Low priced plain L. C. HDK’FS, some largo sizes ; Gent’s Linen and Fancy Silk HDK’FS ; do. Bandana do. ap4 J. P. SETZE. SPRING GOODS, 1856. FV. UUKCIIAKD «V CO,, liave just re • ceivcd a fine assortment of the following Goods— French PRINTS, small figured; Very rich do. English Do., do. do.; Printed CHALLAS, very handsome; Printed BAREGES and ROBES; Printed ORGANDIES, very rich; Printed BRILLIANTES, small figures; Foulard Checked SILKS; Swiss aud Jaconet COLLARS and SETTS; Honiton and Maltese Do. l)o.; English Crape COLLARS anil SETTS, black and white; Swiss COLLARS and SETTS, for mourning. —also — A very full stock of Domestic GOODS, consist ing, in part, of Richardson’s Shirting, Sheeting and Pillow-case LINENS; other makes of the same; TOWELS and TOWELLING; Bath TOW ELS; Birds-Eve DIAPER: Scotch Do.; New York Mill, Wamsutta, Semper Idem, extra fine and Eng lish LOXGCLOTHS; Hamilton, Utica, Allendale and other Bleached and Brown SHEETINGS, 4-4 to 12-4 in width ;A.C. A. Hamilton, York anil Broad way TICKINGS, Ac. In Plantation Goods our stock will, at all times, be complete. We are receiving additions to our assortment by every steamer, to which we most respectfully in vite attention. J. F. BURCHARD A CO. mhls SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. I HAVE commenced receiving a large supply of Men’s CLOTHING, consisting of all the va rieties usually kept iu that line. —also— Youth’s, Boy’s and Children’s CLOTHING, in great varieties. —ALSO— Fresh lot of HATS, for spring and summer wear. —also — SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, NECK TIES, STOCKS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HALF HOSE, Ac., in great varieties, under the Augusta Hotel. ap3 ts J. J. CLAYTON. YARN, AGENCY for the sale of Osnaburgs and Cot ton YARN, assorted sizes, for sale at Factory prices, by L. HOPKINS. au2l ’ lv _ Commission Merchant. House furnishing goods w e are this dav receiving large additions to our stock of house Furnishing goods, in every thing pertaining to this department of trade. The motto of this establishment is "Excelsior.” S. S. JONES A CO., mhM 210 Broad Strw*. J. N. FREEMAN, OPPOSITE PLANTERS HOTEL, AUGUSTA G V Respectfully invites the atten tion of his friends, and the public in general, to his new stuck of fine GOLD JfT.yfc and SlL\ ER \\ A1 CUES ; elegant and fashiona ble Jewelry ; a full assortment of Silver SPOONS 1- ORKS, GOBLEdS, CUPS, Ac. The quality of the Silver warranted as pure as any sold. Fine Plated Goods ; GUNS, and' PISTOLS- all descriptions of CLOCKS, Gold, Silver, Steel 'and 1 luted SPEC lACLES, to suit ull ages anti sights - a large assortment of Gold PENS and CASES! Great inducements ottered to cash purchasers. CLOCKS, \YAiCHES and JEWELRY repaired with the utmost care and attention. 6m sept 23 HATS, STRAW GOODS AND BON NETS AT WHOLESALE. 7 1 "2IIE subscriber would respectfully call the at ■ teution of merchants to his large and well selected stock of HATS, STRAW GOODS and BONNETS, comprising every variety that can be found at any house at the north, and at prices tiiat cannot fail to please. As his Goods are purchased from the manufacturers, and no second profits paid, all we ask to convince merchants visiting our mar ket, or that have contemplated going further, is to call and examine the stock, which will be freelv shown, at WM. M. NICHOLS, n *h7 ts Opposite Bank of Augusta. LANDRETH’S WARRANTED GAR DEN SEED. MMUE have received a supply of the above cele W v brated SEED, and will keep them ou hand iliiring the season. Planters and merchants will please call. BARRY A BATTEY, Druggists and Chemists. BEALL & STOVALL. Merchants, Augusta, Georgia, I will continue the Grocery business in all its 1 branches, at their old stand on Broad street oppo- i ?!!?„ .V'® Planters’ Hotel. Our Stock of ’GRO-j ( ERLEB will at all times be large, the assortment complete aud particularly adapted to Planter's j trade; a liberal share of which we have so lon "■en joyed, and hope still to receive. WM. M. BEALL, au'26 dAcSm JON. W. L. STOVALL. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. TP HE undersigned respectfully solicits a call M from the citizens of and those visit ing the city, to examine their stock of Fall and Winter GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimcres Nestings and Trimmings, all of which we ran as sure the public to be of the newest and most fash ionable styles that cau be found in the New Yoi k markets. Also, a choice stock of Fancy Articles for gentlemen’s wear, existing of ufores Sus penders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs. Neck Tics Shirts Merino Shirts and Drawers. All order* hft wi-, 1 ’ us, will be made iu the most fashionable and «■ -A manlike manner. «>c3 dlv j/AIGH A HAGGER’M . JACKSON STREET HOSPITAL AND SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES. , |HIE undersigned have deemed it advisable M to add the term HOSPITAL to thrir Single,.; Infirmary, for though the institution i* intended ! principally for cases requiring Surgical Operations and Surgical Treatment, its accominoduti, n i* n,.i entirely restricted to these. We receive eases ot any nature occurring in the Negro, provided thev are not ot an infectious character H. F. CAMPBELL, M. D Operating Surgeon, ROBERT CAMPBELL, M I). JU-6 (f_ Attending Physician. NOTICE. '('HE undersigned having from tins date asso- M dated with him iu the DRV GOODS Bl SI NESS, at the corner under the Globe Hotel Mr' L C. DEM ING, the business will bereafter’be ducted under the firm of LALLERSTEDT .x DL.M IN * r ■ 1 hankfitl for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same for th « lintl - L. D. LALLERSTEDT January 1, 1856. j un 3 NEWTON HOUSE, Corner of Washington and Ellis-sts., Augusta, Ga. rBHIIS large and new BRICK HOUSE ■- is open for the reception of regular fI?U and transient Boarders. The rooms are spa- fe'R emus and airy, and with good fare and attentive servants, the undersigned trusts for a liberal share of public patronage. Terms reasonable. _ ■»>>-! Mrs. K. A. ROBINSON. NOTICE TO MANUFACTURERS. TBYIIK undersigned having purchased the en- B tire interest of Jacob Senneff, in the Manu tacturing of STEEL and CANE HEEDS, COTTON and WORSTED HEDDLES. and M ANI’FAC TCRERS’ FINDING BUSINESS, will continue at stand, No. 72, od street, one door below Cher ry, Philadelphia. Mendenhall’s Loom Findings made to , order. JOHN 11. STOCKTON *nb6 8m JOHN M. MITCHELL. A CARD. *TpiIE public is informed that in connection with 11 our general and special sales, we will keep at our store a general Intelligence office, where en- i tries for Wants, either Domestic or Commercial, ; will be entered, and those wishing to sell, hire «r exchange will find this unadmirable medium to be suited. Persons having servants to let and those want ing them, w-ill find this the most practicable and economising source to send their orders for anv commodity whatsoever. Charges reasonable dec27 ts GIRARDEY , WHYTE & CO. COAL, COAL. fl TONS of Hickory White Ash COAL; 100 tons Diamond Red Ash COAL, will be ready for delivery at the wharf, Monday, Dec. 24th, 1855. Orders directed to the undersigned through the Post Office, or left at my Dwelling, Telfair street, below Jackson, or at the Gas Office, 1 will be promptly attended to. Terms cash. d<*c22 ts GEO, S. HOOKEY. CNIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. give their W special attention to the collection of notes negotiation of Loans on Mortgages, Bonds, Ac. Also, to the private and public sale of all species of incorporated Batik Stocks. Two-thirds of the market value of stocks will be advanced on all unlimited stocks for sale. Orders for same will be received and filled at lowest mar ket prices. YY e are always in the market to purchase or sell dec27 ts GIRARDEY', WHYTE & CO. BRI SUES !ft Itl SUES ! ! —A large and cheap assortment of Hair, Hat, Cloth and Tooth BRUSHES. Also, a very'snperior assort ment for Painters,several new styles, just received bp mii-30 D. B.'PLUMB A CO. OSN A BURGS AND YARNS —The subscri bers beg to inform Dry Goods Merchants and others, that the Montaur Manufacturing Company, Sparta, Ga., have appointed them sole agents in Augusta, for the sale of their OSNABURGS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. DRILLINGS and YARNS, at Factory prices. These Goods are made from the best material, and second to none in qual ity. GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO mh29 _ Agents. BERNINI* IU ID.—lObbls best Burning Fluid. Just lauded and for sale low bv rob3o _ WM. 1L TUTT. POTASH. —Just received bv mby') D. B. PLUMB A CO O* consignment-50 hhdTcffiTMa: LASSES, And fur sale hr GIRARDEY, WHYTE k CO., G«nsral Cornmi»*ion Miroiiant*. VOL. 11—1STO. 96. Dental Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. IIIERERY certify, that Dr. I). S. CHASE is the only Dentistin the city of Augusta, or Kich j niond county, who has the right to make use of Dr. Allen’s patent method of mounting Teeth with continuous gum; and 1 warn all persons, wishing j that sty le of work, not to employ any one to make j lt , who is not legally authorized by me so to do. I „ ' OWES MUNSON. ” ashington, D. C., December 21, 1355. dec27 ly D. S. CHASE, D. D. S„ M. D., j AUGUSTA, GA., | Ojfice on Broad-sL, opposite the Bank of Augusta. gj | CHASE has returned to X~'~~ MJr the city, and is prepared to en : gage in the practice of his Profes | sion, with more energy than ever, and trots "that I with the services of his Assistant, he will be able | to suit all, both in pricks and styi.k op work. ' lie is now inserting' teeth upon Gctta Perclv i Plates—especially for temporary sets—and when i the gums are so tender, or irritable, that other plate ■ I cannot be worn. They are much less expensiv* | than gold, or platina plates. *oc3t> E. W. HARXER, M. D., I RESIDENT DENTIST, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA ALLEN’S Patent Block and .. Continuous Gum TEETH may be seen at the office; also, Teeth on 'urrf-fT* Gutta Percha. Dr. Haukeu will execute all orders ! for Allen’s Patent Work, at his furnaces in Ha r burg, for Dentists that have not the right to use it, iat slo each set. if ’ jaw/?. DENTAL NOTICE. FOIT'EIOIAN respectfully • informs his friends and the j public at large, that he has moved ; ids Office one door below the Augusta Bank, whole i he solicits a share of public patronage so liberally bestowed heretofore. All work entrusted to him [ done low for cash, and warranted. nov2s DENTAL NOTICE. DR. HANBERRY offers his a, -—-^v, professional services to the citizens of Augusta and vicinity. lie has in his possession numerous testimonials of his ability and skill as a faithful Dentist. Office over Haines’ City Drug Store, Broad street. je26 ly C7w WRIGHT, DENTIST. OFFICE over Carmichael & an ' ■' '.iTx. Bean’s Hardware Store, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. All operations pertaining to Dentistry, faithfully and scientifically executed. Dentists’ Materials furnished to order. mh26 lv ESTA BLUSHED*! N 'ITs.V PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. 117 ALTER RAKER » w & CO’S A m e'r l can, French Homcepatiiic ami w* Vanilla CHOCOLATE; ITe- fML pared COCOA; Broma. Cocoa Paste; Cocoa Sticks, Soluble, J jf ’<h Homiepathic and Dietetic Co- 3 coa; Cocoa Shells; Cracked These Manufactures, to which first premium.* have been awarded by the chief institutes and Fair 'd’ the Union, are an excellent diet for children, in valids, and persons in health. They allay rather than induce the nervous excitement attendant upon the use of tea or coffee, anti are recommended bv Ors. Warren, Jackson, Hayward, Ware Adams, of Boston, and by eminent physicians elsewhere. For sale by all the principal Grocers in the Uni ted States, and by their Agents. D. t . Murray, New \ ork; Grant A Twelia, Philadelphia; Thomas \. Brundidge, Baliimoi ; Rennet t A Dudley, Cincinnati. ' WALTER BAKER A CO., mill.* ."m Dorchester, Mass. NEW MARBLE YARD, BItOAD-STREET, AUGUSTA, GA.. A. J’’’ !•*uhio'i t/tr B/l u■ t Bank J> - < 11 ''III-; subscriber has opem da m M<o H Y ard in his city, when- et- - d. i MaKBIo. WORK nil! he uea h i , prim tj ally Sepuleheral Moiiuniei.'.-., 1 ? . y. . est to the most elaborate in style. I'm , tention given to correct l.eiteiing, and Stulpiuit , the highest style of tlx* art. A. tine selection of TOMBSTONES will he kept on hand, as also a fine collection ol D,, ings, which will enable him to suit tha wish. > customers. Orders are solicited from the cite and m;um which will be promptly filled, and’at rea.-unal I. prices ’ T. MAKKW ALTER. jv2B ly MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, (Jur/i-ti' Iwis/gs and Vuftk'iti# •' s tT€tt*. AI'GC'sTA, GEORGIA. Mamtli,. turemf St, ENGINES, BOILERS, San MILLS, Gn- MILLS, Ac., A' 1 ., is now prepared to mauufuetm or repair any article in his line, at short notice, ami of superior workmanship. From his long experi ence and practical knowledge, ;m well as to his in creased facilities for doing work with neatness and dispatch, he feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with 1 heir orders, uovld FALL AND WINTER GOODS BKOO.II & NORRELLure in receipt of, and have opened, a large portion of their r ALL and \\ IN IKK purchases, and arc new pro pared to exhibit to their friends and the public, a handsome ami varied assortment of STAPLE and FANCA I»U\ GOODS, embracing almost everv ar ticle usually kept in a Dry Goods Store, fin- r Goods will be offered at ver’v low prices, and tin tr prices will compare favorably with the limes l ami cheapest. Their stock of'DOMESTICS. KKR SKI S, BLANKETS, and House Servants GOOp is very full; to all which they would call att. lion, and respectfully solicit a share of public p it ronags. ‘ jaulS RICHMOND COUNTY FIRE AND WA TER PROOF PAINT COM PAN V. OF FER respectfullv, to the public, their vnri ous FIRE and WATER-PROOF PAIFTS, suit able for all kinds ofPaintings,from the roughest to themost elaborate, such as all out-door btiildim/s on Plantation, where it will he found a great stu - ing to the owner, to finest use in the hands of ti. t) anist. They have taken the premiums at the lam Fairs in Charleston, Augusta and Atlanta, and have the certificates of scientific men, for the un questionable superiority of these Paints. They have now a stock of the various colors of Paints ouhand, and orders will beproniptly attend ed to, by addressing \V. R, SClllßiiEß, General Agent, Augusta. Agents tn the principal cities wanted. Augusta, Ga.,29th Sept. ts septa,; PRIVATE BOARDING, mends and thgimbliegenerally, that .-helms opened a Boarding House on the south west cvr - Q^ r Ellis and Washington streets, where she w ill he happy to accommodate all sho rntiv fan r her with their custom. Her table will be as well supplied as any Boarding House in this eitv, and charges moderate. oc9 ts COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. nrUIK undersigned have entered into a Copart- H net-ship under the name and style of ROM !; & ROBERT, for the purpose of earning on the Plumbing, Tinning and Gas Fitting; and respect - fully solicit a share i f public patronage. T!., v will keep constantly on hand, Gas Fixtures of ail kinds. Sheet Lead, Iron and Lead Pipes, of all -i to which they invite the attention of the public JOHN ROM E JOHN A. ROBERT. Opposite the Post Office. Augusta, October Ist, 1855. lv nets HATS, CAPS, EONNETS AND STRAW GOODS, AT WHOLESALE, FOR SPRING TRADE, qPHK subscriber is now opening one of the -® largest and best assorted selections of HATS CAPS, BONNETS, and Straw Goods ever offered in this market, and begs to a-k the attention of merchants visiting the city to call and examine i before going further, as he has the facilities for j selling Goods at as low prices us any house in the South. Every variety of FANCY GOODS that is usnal | lv kept in a first class Hat Store, will always he : found. Prompt paying and cash burers will find it greatly tn their advantage to examine the stock be ; fore purchasing. VT.M. X. NICHOLS -1 fro# Opposite Bank of Augusta,