The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, April 23, 1856, Image 1

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The Daily Constitutionalist. BY* J A.MEH Gr-A.HI )KER. (general wUuicrtiscmcnts. MAKE YOUR TAX RETURNS. ID ILI. be :it the fall..wing [.lanes at the times «u:ed. for the nurj.i>se ..f receiving the State Tjs Returns for this year: At the Fodder and Hay Scale, in the Ist Ward, on Tuesday the Ist., and Monday the 21st, days of Aprii. At ill.' ( ' iT . v Hotel on Wednesday the 2d, and 1 , .lav the 22d, days of April. At the United co' 1 " Hotel. U» the 3d \\ aid, on Thursday the 3<] •’ Wednesday the 23d, days of April. At the Planters Hotel in the 4ih \\ aid, on Friday the 4th .. . i Tuesday the 24th, days of April. And at the t .urt '.rounds of the Comity Districts on their re ,Vr live Court days until the Ist of Julv, at which tihe Ihe Digest Will he Closed. I will call upon ail persons having permanent places of business in Augusta, and any others who may not be able to aU'-nd my appaintinents, hv being timelv notifi d JOHN A. BOttl.ER, R. T. U„ U. c. ' __ tAp24 CITY SHERIFFS SALE. i&Y the first Tuesday in MAY next, will he " ” sold, at the 1, iwer Market House, in the eitv ut Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to-wit: All that lot or jmreel ot i I AN It, with the improvements thereon, situate in tie' city of Augusta, near the Augusta Firmrv, fronting on Marburv street, and l.auuded W est liy j said Marburv street, and on the North, South, and j hast by vacant lots, and occupied bv tliedefendaut, Thomas Reekie, as a store, Ac. also AH that lot or parcel ot LAND, with tin* im- j proveirients thereon, situate in said ciiv, fronting ' ..n Fenwick street, 40 feet, more or less.‘and bomnL I North by said Fenwick street, South hv i ! >t. L ist by a lot of ('. Altoes, and West by the j American Foundry lot. and occupied bv said Reekie as a residence. Levied on as the property of Thos. I. kie, to satisfy ai /.i, issued from the Court of t'-unmon Pleas of the City of Augusta, in favor of T .mas Dwyer and Hugh Rice, Executors of Thos. Dally, deceased, vs. Thomas Reekie. WrM. V. KKIt, Sheriff C. A. j POSTPONED CITY SHERIFF S SALE. ON ti.e first Tuesday in .1 IT N E next, will he sold, at the Rower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, all that 1,.t or parcel of Land, with the improvements thereon, situate in the city of Augusta, and known ... die Jackson Street Ice House and Rot - hounded a : di and east by lots of Thomas S. Metcalf, south La a lot of Thomas Richards, and west hv Jackson street. Le vied on as the property of the Jackson Save! Ice Company of Augusta, to satisfy 3 tax li. : for < ity Taxes for the years 1X5::,’15.>4 and 1-'. i. in favor of the City Council of Augusta vs. Jackson Street let* Company of Augusta; and three ti. fas. in fuv >r of the City Council of Augusta vs. the Jackson Street Ice Company of Augusta, for i I t cml Tax, for the years 1 *53, 1*54 and lsr.s. ap2 WM. V. KER, Sheriff C. A DISSOLUTION. rgNIIF copartnership existing under the name ! a of WILSON A ALFORI), is this dav dis | > -bed by mutual consent. The unsettled business »d! be attended to bv JAMES 11. ALFORD ALFRED WILSON, JAMES 11. ALFORI). •■ ■. March 15, 1556. mlilit SALE AND LIVERY STABLES. DY J. H. ALFORD, .« - Tiber, having [utrehased the entire I ALL RED \\ 11 .SON, in the above •I return his thanks to the public for foliage bestowed upon the late firm, '. . * st respectfully inform them that he . j ; he Stable business on bis own indi- attention of the under.signed will be ' busin -ss of the Stables, and wil ■ teams and careful drivers, rriages and Saddles Horses kept for ' for Funerals, fumishedat short notice, j s, for !)ro. ■ Stock, and . .erv i onvc uv, and eveia facility offered to Dm- j mill*.* ' J. 11. ALFORD. ASSIGNEE’S NOTICE. j*).’: h *Ns having claims against Robert Car ! wishing to avail themselves of the •' assignment, are hereby notified to aee.iuuts, duly authenticated, hv the ! Those indebted to said estate will * 1 ' • . ate settlement. V. F. UTRARDEV. Assignee. EUR SALE. I Ua.RO YY 071 AN, about 25 years of age, ( * - three eluldren; she is an excellent Doner am! Seamstress, good Chamber- , •'•rv good [dain Cook is honest and lu.iaun*. sib*, lias a husband in the city, and none need apph wno would separate them. Apply to j nh» DAWSON k SKINNER CITY TAXES. i I COLLECTOR AND TREASURER’S NOTICE, i I|IIIE citizens of Augusta, and all others imet 1 i sled, are hereby notified that the City Tax j l'ige-t for the present year is now in my hands tor j t'olleetion. My office hours, for the next thirty Jays, will be from !* o’clock, A. M., to 1 P. M., and in the afternoon from 2'j to 4 1 7. The ordinance i tv.(lures jkti/lhent to lie m ule at the Tri siw-.v’s >•/"- ; which is on Mclntosh street, under the Tele graph office. Taxes reduced (percent, if paid within thirty days from this date no reduction afterwards, but interest to lie added. Don't all wait to be last, ap'i _ lm JOHN HILL. C. &T. C. A. PUBLIC SALE. ON the firstTnesdav in MAY next, will lx >ld, at the Lower Market, in tin* City of Augusta, | ui the usual hours of sale, the houses and lots on the north side of Ellis, between Houston and | Eois'tU streets, in said eitv, formerly the [iroperty •if Pensioner John Mart in,'deceased.' Terms rush. ap2 td ROBERT CAMPBELL. NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SUM MER CLOTHING \N|t 1! \TS. A I*. IIKi.NO.N Ar. <O. have commenced i .%• receiving all eiiti stock of CLOTH ISO and HATS, for men, youths’, boys’ and chil j dren’s wear, //!</-/- to ord. /-, e.x|iresslv for this mm'- j ket. To which they respectfully call the attention i of their friends and customers. ap4 j ON CONSIGN.HUNT I<>", lbs. HAMS, SIDES, and SHOULDERS. Just received, j and so,- sale bv SCRANTON, KOLlf A CO. SF.t; A US! SIR! A IIS! l"o M “Las Hazes SEGARS, the well known celebrated "cent.'’ S gars; 2b M F.l Aguila SEGARS, just received, i and for sale at GUST. YOLO Eli'S old stand, and ! Or. VOLGKU A CO., ft'., door-, below Bones A Brown’s Hardware i \OW IN STORK, nent of; Panama. Leghorn, and Palm Leaf IIATS, j Ft" mm and boys. For sale at apt A. P. BIGNON St CO’S. ON < ONSIGN HUNT -20" barrels fresh : LIME, in good order, for sale bv GIRARDEY, WHV I'K A CO., Ag.-nts for International insurance Company, New York. inn2B j «l RNING I'l,l II). Just received, n large 1 lot of BURNING FLUID, for sale at, yo cents j I'-r single gallon ; or by the b gallons, paid for at j cents [.er gallon, cash. All in want, will please '"bon nih27 WM. HAINES, Druggist. C’HI.AM ALE AND CIDER. We are con staidly supplied with Boyd Bros. A Co.’s * *‘ am ARE and (’hampagne CIDER, to which we bivue the attention of dealers, as sirierior in qual- GIKARDEY, WHYTE A CO., . nt*. pMM H. -We ."■■ dailv supplied with 1 resit B ground sujiertine FLOUR, from the Atlanta J" '. in 9> and 4 - .* lb. sacks, which we offer for Su L* in quantities to suit purchasers. GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CD., !lm -' Sole Agents. 4 FINE assortment of the newest and best COOKING STOVES ever offered to the pub ■ i'-r sale at the old stand of W. 11. MAHARREY A CO. (P* CA-AIorXsSES —On consignment, 15 hhds., in tine order, for sale bv LEWI'S A ALLEN. I?tTK v SUGAR CURED HAMS. iaTl ■ J 'ierces, put up expressly for family use, for !>.'• apio LEWIS A ALLEN. General wVbucvtiscmcnts. SPRING GOODS, 1856. 8 *•HI HI HARD A CO. respectfully * 9 • announce that they have, within a few davs ri-cetved many NEW GOODS, in part, as follows ; \i ‘i*t ( ru l lo SHAWLS, embroidered and plain- M AN 11LLAS, a new assortment; Sji:mg and Summer SILKS and ROBES • llerage Flounced ROBES ; Organda and Jaconet ROBES; French and English PRINTS; JjJLI. tS, plain and printed, very handsome; ORGAN DAs and JACONETS, great variety * BRILLIANTES, French and English- ’ Foulard Check SILKS ; Alexander's Kid and Silk GLOVES; English HOSIERY—fuII slock Cotton. —ALSO — Silk and Raw Silk and Lisle THREAD; •"'« •*> and Jaconet COLLARS and SETTS; iioniton and Maltese “ “ ’ t rape and Swiss, for Mourning ** Jaconet and Swiss COLLARS, for Misses; “ EDGINGS and IXSERTINGS; ! WHALEBONE and Corded SKIRTS ; Mourning DRESS GOODS, GRENADINES BE RACKS, TAMATANS, CHAI.LAS, CRAPE MA RETZ, Spring BOMBAZINES, ORGANDAS, JAC- ! O.N'ETS, Striped and Checked SILKS, &c.; Valenciennes LACES; English Thread LACES. ALSO A large an*! toll stock of Housekeeping Go<jds— I I.inen and Cotton SHEETING, SHIRTINt T and ! PILLOW-CASING; DIAPERS and TOWELS; riCKINGS; Linen, Cotton and Merino GOODS’ | for Gentlemen and Boys; Plantation GOODS, of ' sorts, Ac., Ac. ap!3 ,1. F. BURCHARD A CO. NEW SPRING GOODS. BKOO.II & NORRELL have nowin store, their new stock of SPRING GOODS, com prising the usual variety kept in a Drv Goods Stiire, to which they would respectfully solicit at tention, assuring their friends and customers every ; advantage that can be afforded by the best articles . a- well as the lowest scale ot prices. Among our j Goods are— j , Plain b IP SILKS, large assortment, some very low i ■ .P™*?:, . . - ii I bun >atm Mriped and Printed BEREGKS ; Silk (! RFN A DINKS and Satin Plaid TISSUES • i Er. Printed CHA 1.1.1 KS and BKREGE DkLAINKS i I'b h Grenadine. Berege and Jaconet FLOUNCED i ROBES; i French Printed ORGAN DIES, LAWNS and MUS < MNS; j, Elk (’HALLIES, TANATANS. BOMBAZINES - and ALPACAS; j t Plain and Cheeked JACONETS, CAMBRICS ! - X UNSOOKSand SWISS MUSLIN ; BRILLI \NTFS, CALICOES, GINGII VMS. TAR i I.ATANS, Ac., Ac.; , limb’d. COLLARS, SLEEVES, CHKMIZETTES i HANDS and FLOI’NCINGS ; Rich limb’d. BASQUES ; j Lace and Sick MANTILLAS; j | Lace and Crape SHAWLS ; bl’k and Silk LACKS; 7 Sup. ass t. GOODS, for Gent’s and Bovs’ wear; ’ s " LINENS, Table DAM ASKS, DIAPERS TOWELLINGS; i ’-! and l _-t Linen SHEETING, and sup. Pillow i f LINENS; Sup. assortment HOSIERY, for Gout’s, Ladies’, j u Misses’, Bovs and Children ; 1 j Bl’k. and Bro. DOMESTICS, SHEETINGS, LONG .. CLOTHS, STRIPES, TICKINGS, Ac. apl a MRS. M.L. PRITCHARD, Agent. I * OP POSIT l-i the Mechanics Bank, is now , ~ opening a handsome assortment of MILL ~ XL in .just received by Adams A Co’s Express from j v New York, consisting of a large and well selected j r assortment of Straw. Silk, (.'rape and Blonde BON .. NETS; Children's HATS and BONNETS; FLOW- I EliS, TABS, KCSHES; Chautilla and Moire An tique De Tuellerie MANTILLAS; Children’s , GLOVES; a liiu.dsome assortment of Needle Work COLLARS and UNDERSLEEVES, which she will sell low for cash, and invites the attention of the ladies. nih2<> I 1 PHI LUi LOR WHISKY-. A signment of this superior article of old j t U i iSK V ju-i received, and will be sold in detni- j s iobns to suit those wln> desire to purchase for pri _ vale and family use. For sale liv -* GIRARDEY, WIIYTE A CO., mli2S General Commission Merchants. x ONlxk .)(» CENTS PER GALLON. Stan's genuine BURNING FLUID, the only | ;l article entitled to that name to be found in this ■ 1 market. S<dd exclusively bv apM W. 11. MAIIARREY A CO. j'' HADI BROi i)EKI ES. GRAY BROTHERS > a.4 have just received, by last steamer from New I 1 York, a complete assortment of Embroidered Linen i ) t’ambric HANDKERCHIEFS, some very fine. j <J Vlsn, Swiss and Jaconet SETTS, Swiss aud Jaco- i t net COLLARS and SLEEVES, BANDS, EDO- j INGS, INSERTINGS, Ac., which will be sold low. j t - y ’ V ltl>*S SPECIFIC MIXTURE.- This val # v liable piv[iaration is ke|ii constantly on | hand. It !ia> never been known to fail in relieving i the most obstinate cases. For sale bv ; WM. HAINES, Druggist, ! . ap2 Augusta, Ga. j s — A HUES. Peacock celebrated WIIISKY, j ■ •Jr arriving and will be sold low from depot. 1 ap3 THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. > ON < ONsUiNJIENT 7.0 bills. Peacock's White WHISKY ; 25 “ Magnolia “ 5 ]iipes Old BRAN liV ; ] Irt <-{ casks COGNAC ; 1.1 U “ SEIGNETT; 5o baskets CHAMPAGNE ; 2.5 boxes Madeira WINE; 15 bbls. New Orleans SI GAR ; i | 5 hiids. “ “ M pure Spanish SEGARS. For sale by | [ inh‘2B GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. • Bonds for sale. t3i\w> of Mont guineri and West Point Railroad BONDS, j interest due Ist May and Ist November, bv mhg-- GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. I GREEN-WAY INSTITUTE. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL—MALE j AND FEMALE, At Thomson, (iton/in. j iHNIIi: undersigned having permanently located 1 as Teachers, respectfully solicit the patronage ; of their friends and the public generally. From j j several years’experience in teaching, and a con- j stant attention to the duties of their profession, j j they flatter themselves that the system of instruc i tion which they are now prepared to give Students | j pursuing a regular classical course, cannot be sur -1 passed bv any similar Institution in the ."state. To ; parents, "therefore, designing to give their sons a * Collegiate education, their services are especially : tendered, since a thorough acquaintance with the > preparatory studies is indispensable to the Stu- ; dent’s progress throughout his whole course. Their Academy Pupils will he prepared to enter the high er classes of College,'or if preferred, thoroughly j I instructed in a more practical and business course. The accessibility, health and quietness of their ! location —its freedom from scenes and causes of j dissipation -induce them to hope for a continuance i I 0 f that libdr.fl patronage, which for many years : they have not failed to secure. A strict regard will be paid to moral training, ] and the general deportment of each pupil carefully i observed. ! The Academies for the Male and Female pupils are separate —also, their Boarding Houses, while the government, discipline, course o! studies, Ac., 1 of both departments, will be under the control and j supervision of the Principal. ' Although not required, it is prelerred that pupils he boarded with the Teachers. Hoard Tuition, Fuel, Washing, Ac., per Term, *so Lights excepted. Tuition fee per Term, |2o. ' Semi-annual Examination the lstot June. \ is itants solieited to "^ kpA RTM KNT . Primary Class, if 10 per term- Second'Class, 15 , Thinl Class Music *2O per Term use of Instrument included. ; The pupils are expected to furuwh their own i Liirlits, or for them an extra charge will be made. Board with the Teachers #lo per month. C. ('. RICHARDS, A. M., Principal, j H WII,SUN, Associate. Miss A. M. RICHARDS, Assistant Teacher in Female Department. - ! Mrs. J. C. RICHARDS, Teacher of Drawing, and Assistant Teacher of Music. - * MARTIN FURNEUSEL, Professor of Music. Exercises of Spring Term to commence on the second Monday in January, 1556. ..... d N. B.—Board, with many respectable families, ot r from Eight to Twelve Dollars [>er mouth. I oclO dow&cly AX» m, ST A, GA., i:i ) X ESDAY .M ( ) 11X I N(i, APRIL 23, 1856 ©cncral STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE. FipilE proprietors of this large and splen -*■ did new Brick Building, which has just been fitted up in elegant style, with entire Mltlili new Furniture, would respectlull v inform the pub i be that they have at length completed und opened ! R for the accommodation of permanent and tran sient Boarders. They have made every effort to arrange it in such a manner as to render their guests comfortable, j And having had a long experience, !iny do not in . tend to be excelled by any landlord. The Furniture, as well as the House, is perfectly new. Those acquainted with the topography of Geor gia, know that within her limits exist some of the f most sublime and magnificent works of Nature and Stone Mountain justly ranks as one of the ; number. Southerners who wish to spend their summers at : the South, instead ol going North, will find the cli mate bracing, and the water pure as the purest. * The climate is not surpassed. The proprietors Hatter themselves that those who j ca i*-S, ce ,’ " dl be well enough satisfied to call again. 1 Georgia Railroad Trains stop for Supper at ! tins House. ALEXANDER A CLARKE, , ~ , Proprietors. I , s. E. Alkxaxiikii, J. A. Clark K. 1 latent Lawrenceville. Social Circle. _ a l n dAcSm CITY HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. Hotel is now in successful operation . ~ having been recently new-furnished and cm behshed throughout. The Proprietor, also, with a view of suiting the wish*-* ot its Guests, has secured the services of Mr. GORDON FARGO, so long and favorably known as Proprietor of the “ United States Hotel " here, and the ‘‘Marshall House,” in Savannah. Mr. F.vmio brings with him great experience and very popular manners with the traveling public; al! ot which considered, in addition to the peculiar advantages of the CITY HOTEL, as a Summer House, with its finely ventilated Chambers and spacious Halls, will make it a place eagerly to be sought for by the traveler and citizen, during the coining season. The particular construction of the House gives it great advantage over any of the hotels in the I city, for ventilation; a quality which is so highly ! necessary, here, at all seasons'. Having these advantages, with a set of the best Cooks which could be procured in Charleston, with other assistants of a like merit, the uuder signed purposes to sustain for the CITY HOTEL, the character of being a house for the people select, orderly, and well appointed. With regard to location, ii is very central, li is in the business part ot IHo City, and immediately upposi tc the South Carolina Railroad Depot, othn it A\ . P. ST A UR, Proprietor. 2.-*??'“The Charleston Courier, Savannah News, Macon Telegraph, Mobile Advertiser, New Orleans Picayune, Nashville Union A American, Edgefield Advertiser—publish 3 times a week, to amount of 85, each, and send bill to Augusta Hotel. PLANTERS’ HOTEL. rsmns new, though well known and pop- | A ular HOTEL, Is now being enlarged, ffetj’ j and will be ready,by the first of October next .’A. to accommodate twice ns many as heretofore. Pre- j viouslv, it couldonly in part, in the businessseason, 1 accommodate day ami transient boarders. From j the above date, families, as well as single persons, can be well suited with desirable quarters. The i undersigned is now road\ to engage rooms as above. Second story Hall will have suites of rooms with a parlor and bed rooms attached. Every room in the addition will have a fire-place, and as to ventillation, cannot be surpassed. j,v24 JOHN BRIDGES. PLANTERS’ HOTEL. rgNIIK pr< iprietor is now ready, by the comple- j H tion ot the addition to the Hotel, to furnish Rooms with Board, on satisfactory terms. TO RENT—The Store underneath, suited es pecially for a Gentleman’s Furnishing and Cloth- j mg. Dry Goods, or any business that requires the j showing off of Goods l<* odvimtnge. junlg I THE INFALLIBLE SELF-SEALING FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CAN. OUR experience during the past year, in man- j ufaetniing SELF- SEALING FRUIT CANS. and the universal .satisfaction and certificates oi j parties who have purchased and tested those of va- { lions makers, have given or ns the decided prefer ! ence ovei all others. The subscribers offer to the public, the BEST ! SELF SEALING CAN ever imeiued, to preserve Fruits, Vegetables, Ac, Th- S,in in oriably \ ■pivfert. AH others require solder or cement. The : opening has been enlarged to admit a n li. sizk.ii 1 l-KACH. Every Can is perfectly tested before it leaves our ! manufactory, and stamped with our name. TAYLOR A 1101)11 ETTS, Manufacturers of Planished Tin aud Japanned | Ware, No. ti" Beckman-st., New York, mhl it lm | mjTEW ItOOKS. War in Kansas, a rough 1™ trip to the Border among new homes and a strange people, by G. Douglas Bretverlon. Hiawatha, by Longfellow. The Island of Cuba, by Alexander Humboldt, translated from the Spanish, with notes and a pre liminary essay, by J. S. Thrasher. Ernest Linwood, by Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz. Point! and Martin on Cattle. Stable Economy, by Stewart. Youatt on the Structure and Diseases of the Horse. Fifty Years in both Hemispheres, bv Vincent ! Xolte. Which : The Right or the Left V Faust; a romance of the Secret Tribunals, by | Reynolds. Henri De La Tour; or the Comrades in Arms, | bv J. Frederick Smith, author of “ Temptation,” “’Amy Lawrence,” “ Minnie Cray,” Ac. Charles Vavasseur; ortho Outcast Heir, by J. 1 Frederick Smith. Just received and for sale by apl3 M G. McKINNE. imJBW J BUS ICY CIDJEIt* —St) bbls. Sweet 1 New Jersey < 'ider, for -ale on consignment by mhl2 HOW IRD k D( Q VS. ' | tit css tiiuhmm;. \ magnificent as a 9 sorlinent just received hv mills IHCK ES A PHI BBS. A Id! \\ 1) CIDF.It. 25 bbls,'John Taylor ana A Sons’ superior Ale. 50 bills, choice Newark Cider, jus! received and for sale bv mh!3 1 ! JOHN NELSON. C4AMPIIOR IGF. A beautiful article for J chapped Lips, Hands, Ac., sold hv mb2s _ I). B. PLUMB A CO. H.U , FODDER and SHUCKS, in bales, for sale bv DYE A BARNES. feb23 ' ts || ARFIIIsrS « ATIIOLH’ON. Ibis I*o article lias been tried by many, and found to | relieve those diseases peculiar to females. For | sale by inh2" D. B. PLUMB A CO. Hoarseness, sore throat, a.-. Pastiles de Paris, or Paris Lozenges, are pe- I culiarly adapted for Hoarseness and Sore Throat. ; For sale bv nib'22 D. B. PLUMB A CO. <). MOLASSES. -30 bbls. New Orleans i H « MOL VSSES to arrive ibis dav, and for sale In- mli22 HOWARD A DUGAS. SA XT It V FLOUR. 8" bags Extra Country j U FLOUR, for sale low, bv mh‘2B HAND, WILCOX A 00. REFINED Sl IJAIt. —2Oll bids. Clarified : and Crushed SUGAR, for sale low, by mhl2 HAND, WILCOX A CO. SARATOGA POWDERS. -Prepared from a ! vN careful analysis of the Congress Spring, put up in bottles at 81, each bottle being equal to tliir tv-six tumblers of Saratoga Water. For sale by ' mb2B ‘ D. B. PLUMB A CO. VEARRY’S !>' R1 CO i’ll ERO US —For th 9 ■ Hair, also, Lyon’s Katbuiron. These arti cles are too well known to need [lulling'. A large lot just received bv D. B. PLUMB A CO. Bacon and lard.— 100 casks choice Tennessee BACON. 25 bbls. prime LARI), for sale bv THOMAS I’. STOVALL A CO., ap3 General Commission Merchants. JUST RECEIVED, a few cases Beebe A Co.’s and John X. Genin’s Spring style Mole skin HATS. —ALSO — French Soft IIATS, of various shapes and colors. For sale at A. P. BIGNON A CO.’S, Two door? below G. Yolger’s Segar Store. i »pA General NEW SPRING GOODS. 1 &1C KEY <fc PHIRBS invite the attention » • ot the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity to their large stock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY | GOODS, which they are daily receiving The as -sortment is the largest, and best sefeeted ever brought to this market, consisting of Plain and Printed BAREGES a7id TISSUES of every style, shade and quality- Plain Black SILKS, all widths; Black, Watered, Striped and Brocaded FANCY SILKS, Spring styles ; STRIPES and PLAIDS, ail widths and qualities • ; French and English Printed JACONETS and S WISHES EUGENIE CHECKS, ROBES, ©RGANDIES ROBES A VOL ANTE, Ac., Ac.; ’ English and American PRINTS, all’styles No second price, as the Goods are all’marked I "I plain figures. mhl2 CORN, OATS, COW PEAS. RYE, &c. I,OOOS£S2£ T "”"“oA 0 Ta 30b sacks Tennessee COW I PEAS 75 “ “ RYE. 50 “ White Table PEAS 20 “ White BEANS. For sale by ap4 cUclrn A. STEVENS. BEAUTIFUL COLORED CASSIMERE SUITS. | I ST received, an invoice of very pretty col’d. , Gi‘«s»nei’e > COATS, VESTS and PANT A- t I.OONs, for Spring and Summer wear. For sale at t A. P. BIGNON & CO'S. j HAMS, SIDES, AND SHOULDERS. ell TIERI’FS Clms. Davis A Go’s. Extra [ Sugar Cured Canvassed HAMS. , 25 tierces Ames A Co.’s Extra Sugar Cured IIAMS. t 50 hhds. Ames A Co.’s plain HAMS, lot) “ Cincinnati Smoked SIDES. 1 150 “ St, Louis “ “ j I' lo “ . Cincinnati “ SHOULDERS. c Just received and for sale bv u LEWIS A ALLEN. a ps No. 1, Wat Ten Block. / NEW GOODS. tgNIIF subscriber is now receiving, at his old . JL stand, corner of Broad and Mclntosh streets below the Kail road Hank, a i NEW AND FASHIONABLE | Assortment of very neat and tasty Goods, con- | ' FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, OF FRENCH ENGLISH and AMERICAN FABRICS, \\ hiclt lie otters for sale to credit or cash customers AS CHEAP as they cun be procured from unv house in this city. apt j. P. SETZE. ON CONSIGNMENT 100 bbls. choice Old Cincinnati Whisky; 75 “ •• Pittsburg Whisky; 2•' “ “ \\ hite Whisky, above proof. 15 “ “ Peach Brandy; •* quarter casks Cognac Brandy, a pure article; 50 bales choice Eastern Ilay; 200 sacks fresh ground Corn Meal; 500 sacks Cow Peas: 000 sacks Flour, ditt'erem qualities; lttoo sacks Salt; 400 bbls. hesb Thomaston I.ime; 5 hhds. and 2 > bill-. Porto Rico ttlugar; 2*» bags [uime Rio Coffee; 25 tierces of choice Rice ; so boxes Manufactured Tobacco; 100 bids, fresh Hydraulic Cement ; 84 tons English Coal; 5"" sacks Corn and 480 sacks Oats; Will bo sold on reasonable terms, by JOHN CASH IN, Gen’l. Com’n. Merchant, niliffC. No. 4, Warren Block. A GI I, Al* EIGHTS. A\ c have just received ’i ’ a large stock of No. 1 Burning Fluid, for sale clu-ap. apl3 D. B. PLUMB A CO. gEVTIIEIt PRESERVATIVE. Ma- A son s l.eather Preservative, a really first rate article for the preservation of all kinds of Leather, siieh us I lose. Carriage and Harn'ss Leather, Belt ing, Boots, Shoes, Ae., just received liv apl3 ' H. It. PLUM BP A CO. HMRESII SARATOGA WATER Wo S have made arrangements to be supplied regu larly with Fresh Congress Water direet from the Spring. \\ e shall be able to furnish it in almost any quantity. apl ' l>. 1!. BLUMB A CO. & LE WD I’ORTER. Iti casks Youngers’ 7* Scotch Ale, in [lint jugs ; 15 casks Canin hell's Scotch Ale in [>int jugs; 30 casks Porter In nints, different brands, .lust received by apl 5 DAWSON ,v SKINNER. W EM' SILKS. DICKEY A PHIUJiS have ** jus! received a large and beautiful assortment of Spring SILKS to which they would call the attention of the Ladies, including large aud small Plaid and Striped Gros de Nap, and Chenies of all widths, from 75 cents up. Wide Satin, Striped and Fluid Cannelles, Black Brocades and Satin Stripes and Plaids, Gros de Rhin and Soie; all ot which will be sold at unprecedentedly low prices. mb23 DfCKEY A PHIISBS. | BOUT WINE We have just received a j ■ supply of POUT WINE, which cannot be ex celled. For medicinal purposes, it is just the article. ! apl2 W.\f. H. TUTT. BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER. 2 gro. jus! received by upl2 ’ WM. 11. TUTT. ! VRIaY SNAP MEANS. -The following | l varieties have been received this dav, viz.: Early l ello" six weeks BEANS, do. China Dwarf do.. Lazy House Wife do.. Prolific Welsh do,, Fat lioi.-e do.; front Kentucky, Speckled Cranberry Pole and Bush, Large Butler BEAN, Ac. Ac , which are offered for sale by apl:! WM. HAINES, Broad Street. ■ Al!< IDI JihY REFRESHING. Ih. u SL9 tice that a house in this cilv enjoys the ex elusive t;tlo of “Starr’s Genuine BURNING FLU ID,” am! the article can be found there only. We have sold .sow* of the article during the past i four veals; have invariably purchased from the ! same maiiufaclurers, (STARR A C 0.,) and have never bought or sold any bul Starr's tent.” For any quantity, at lowest market rates, whatever thev may be, call or send your orders to apl 1 ' S, S. JONES A CO., 210 Broad-st, COFFEE. 50 bags prime Rio COFFEE, just .J received, on consignment, and for sale by’ HOWARD A DUGAS, aps General Commission Merchants. STARR’S BURNING FLUID, at fio cents per j gallon, genuine , and no mistake. For sale by j apl2 ' WM. 11. TUTT. ' j S NLOFR, MACKEREL, SUGAR, Ac | 100 bags superfine FLOUR, ion bins. “ “ Etowah mills. i 25 “ No. 3 MACKEREL. 15 “ No. a 12 kits No. 2 “ 3 hhds. prime N. O. SUGAR. 100 boxes TOBACCO. For sale by ap3 THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. §• AWRENCKVII.EE FACTORY OSNA- A BURGS AND YARNS.—The undersigned ! are Agents tor the sale of these Goods, at Factory 1 prices. GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. jau2o ts ON CONSIGNMENT—Broad River Factory OSN ABURGS and YARNS on hand, and for | sale by GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO., m'i2B Agents. Burning fluid—alcohol and cam- PHINE.-—Just received, a supply of the above much wanted articles, and for sale bv mhß W. HAINES. ! **THISKY.- 50 bbls. Pike’s celebrated Msg nolia NVIIISKY, just received, and for sale | on consignment, by I mh2s HOWARD A DUG AH fijITPRING SII.KS,—A new assortment receiv ed ed this day; also, one or two very elegant ROBES. mh2o J. F. BURCJIARD A CO. i CJ EG A115.—20,000 Segars, 100 in a Box, for W sale low by mhl2 HOWARD A DUGAS. 19USTAHi), PEPPER AND PEPPER 17 ft SAUCE.—lofi tloz. No. l MUSTARD; 19 boxes Ground PEPPER ; lo do. PEPPER SAUCE. For sale on consignment, bv mhl 2 HOWARD A DUGAS. SPRING MOURNING GOODS Black “ TAMATAN, GRENADINE, BOMBAZINE, i CIIALLA, BURAGE, in various qualities, just re ceived, mhao J. F. BURCHARD & CO. AXam; * MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN MADV Mli (MMOMg HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, &e. BOYS’ AND CHILDRENS’ CLOTHING, Wholesale and Retail, No. 215 Broad Street, Two doors above Messrs. John dc Thomas A. Bones’s Hardware More AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HAVE always on hand, a stock of CLOTHING, superior in quality and make which we w w will sell at the lowest prices. iim elsewhere* 1 City and Cuuntry wIU fiud Uto their advantage to call and examine, before purchas- N. B.—Always on hand, a good assortment of CLOTHING, suitable for Servants oclS i v ICE! ICE! ICE! THE KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, C CHARTERED by the State of New York, V with a capital of $900,"00, is prepared to sup ply orders for ICE for shipping at the shortest no tice, and on the most reasonable terms. The managers of this Company have had more than twenty years experience in the Ice trade, and arc able to refer to persons front all sections of the Stale for their success in packing Ice for shipping in away to secure from waste aud loss bv melting. This Company tias now in store 250,000 tons of Ice, ot a quality and thickness equal to any ever offered to the public. Orders sent to R. T. COMPTON, President of the Company, No. 103 Canal street, will receive prompt attention. -X. Ik-—Vessels taking in cargo at our depots on the Hudson river, will not be subject to port ! charges, whilst they will always be provided with good dockage and safe harbors'. Z-iT~ The quickest despatch given to vessels taking in Ice at their docks. tiw feb2S BUILDERS’ FOUNDRY, 11 iUow-st..between VAt,h and 18th sts., Philadelphia. IfiMIE establishment of the undersigned being ES devoted principally to the CASTING OF \\ ORK FOR HU 1 IDERS, we are prepared to fur nish promptly. Iron Fronts of any design, fitted and erected with or without Mettam’s Patent Re volving Shutters, a new and superior article ; Gird ers of all kinds; Columns from SUj to 11 inches diameter; Shutter Boxes and Lintels; Ornamental Window Heads and Sills ; Caps and Bases for Pi lasters and Columns; Brackets, for Cornice and Balconies, various sizes; Shoe Pipes for Spouts, 2, s'o, 4 and 6 inches diameter; Vault Grates, IS, I*>, l.s and 24 inches diameter. Also, Enriched Mould ings and Fancy Ornaments. Estimates cheerfully furnished to parties applving personally or bv let ter. SANSON & FAR RAND. mhß Sm BATHS! BATHS! BATHS! 9^HE Bath House attached to the Globe Hotel, having undergone thorough repairs, is now open for the Season. Persons wishing Warm, or Cold Baths, can be accommodated bv calling on the subscriber. STEPHEN SVALTON. mh2 ts SCHOOL FOR IMBECILES. II F Directors of the “ Pennsylvania. Training JL School for Idiotic and feeble minded Chil dren,” located at Germantown, Pa., t within Phila delphia City limits) call the attention of Parents amt Guardians to their Institution. It is incorpo rated by the State of Pennsylvania, and is very pleasantly situated in one of the most health'- neighborhoods known, having ample grounds, woodland, Ac. The Training and Education of Im becile and Idiotic Children at this Institution, is now pursued upon the most approved principles known in this country or in Europe. The Board of Directors having been . oeo.i U'nl in obtaining the services of practical Teachers and Assistants, whose efforts to develope the physical and intellectual qualities of their pupils, will be entirely given to this Institution. Terms will be made known upon application, di rected to Pennsylvania Training School for Imbe ciles, Germantown, Pa. The following compose the present Board of Di rection ; I'RESi PENT, IH. Rev. ALONZO POTTER 1) D Vice- Presidents: Isaac Collins, Hon. G. \V. Woodward, lion. (i. M. Stroud, James (’. Hand, Joseph Harrison, M. W. Baldwin. Pi rectors ; S. Morris Wahl, Philip S. Justice, Isaac Pugh, Henry M. Olmsteud, John Horton, Win. I). Parrish, A. I Eleven, M. 1)., Rob’t. P. Smith, Wistar Mor ris, Rieh’d. M. Marshall, I)r. Thos. S. Kirkbride. FRANKLIN TAI LOR, Secretary. ALEX. FULLERTON, Treasurer, apfi 2m SHIRTS ! SHIRTS !! Y«W in store, a large assortment of tine and I 11 common L. and C. SHIRTS, some of them extra large sizes ; also, Youths' and Bovs' sizes. —also — COLLARS, TIES, CRAVATS, GLOVES, Half HOSE, Fancy t est BUTTONS, Ac., at very low prices. Call at apt! A. P. BIGNON A CO S. JUST RECEIVED, RICIIand low priced EmbroideredCOLLAßS; Hemstitched and Revier L. C. HANDKER CHIEFS ; Rich Embroidered do. do; Mourning and second Mourning Linen CAM BRIC, very handsome ; JiOW priced plain L. C. HDK’FS, some large sizes ; Gent’s Lim n and Fancy Silk HDK’FS ; do. Bandana do. apt J.P. SETZE. SPRING GOODS, 1856. fl’. BUKCIIARD A CO., have just re • ceived a fine assortment of the following Goods—- French PRINTS, small figured ; Very rich do. English Do., do. do.; Printed CIIALLAS, very handsome ; Printed BAREGES and ROBES; Printed ORGANDIES, very rich ; Printed BRILLIANTES, Small figures; Foulard Checked SILKS; Swiss and Jaconet COLLARS and SETTS; lioniton and Maltese Do. Do.; English Crape COLLARS and SETTS, black and white; Swiss COLLARS and SETTS, for mourning. —also— A very full stock of Domestic GOODS, consist ing, in part, of Richardson’s Shirting, Sheeting and Pillow-case LINENS; other makes of the same; TOWELS and TOWELLING ; Bath TOW ELS; Birds-Eye DIAPER; Scotch I)o.; New York Mill, AVamsutta, Semper Idem, extra line and Eng lish EONGCEOTHS; Hamilton. Utica, Allendale and other Bleached and Brown SHEETINGS, 4-4 to 12-4 in width ; A. ('. A. Hamilton, York and Broad wav TICKINGS, Ac. I’ll Plantation Goods our stock will, at all times, be complete. We are receiving additions to our assortment by every steamer, to which we most respectfully in vite attention. J. F. BURCHARD A CO. mhl 5 SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. SHAVE commenced receiving a large supply . of Men’s CLOTHING, consisting of all the va rieties usually kept in that line. —also—■ Youth’s, Boy's and Children’s CLOTHING, in great varieties. —ALSO— Fresh lot of IIATS, for spring and summer wear. -ALSO — SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, NEQK TIES, ST<)CKS, <ll .OVES, SUSPENDERS,HALF 11OSE, Ac. in great varieties, under the Augusta Hotel. ap3 ts J. J. CLAYTON. YARN. Agency for the sale of Osnabttrgs and Cot ton YARN, assorted sizes, for sale at Factory ! prices, by L. HOPKINS. ! an2l ly Commission Merchant. House furnishing goods, w, are this day receiving large additions to our stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. In every ' thing pertaining to this department of trade. The ; motto of this establishment is “Excelsior.” S. S. JONES A CO., j mh% 310 Broad Street, J. N. FREEMAN, ; OPPOSITE PLANTERS HOTEL, AUGUST A G A RESPECTFULLY' invites the atten tion ol his friends, and the public in general, to Ins new stock of fine and SI LA ER MATCHES ; elegant and fushmua ole Jewelrv ; a full assortment of Silver SPOONS FORKS, GOBLETS, CUPS, Ac. The quality of the Silver warranted as pure as any sold. Fine Plated Goods ; GUNS, and PISTOLS- all descriptions of CLOCKS, Gold, Silver, Steel ’and Plated SPECTACLES, to suit all ages and sights • a large assortment of Gold PENS and CASES! Great inducements offered to cash purchasers. CLOCKS, W ATCHES and JEWELRY repaired with the utmost care and attention, tim sept 23 HATS, STRAW GOODS AND BON NETS AT WHOLESALE. rNYHE subscriber would respectfully call the at -M- tendon of merchants to his large and well of i[ATS > STRAW GOODS and iiUAXLis, comprising every variety that can be found at any house at the north, and ’at prices that cannot tail to please. As his Goods are purchased from the manufacturers, and no second profits paid, all we ask to convince merchants visiting our mar ket, or that have contemplated going further is to call and examine the stock, which will be’freelv shown, at WM. M. NICHOLS, 11111 7 _tf Opposite Bank of Augusta. LANDRETH’S WARRANTED GAR DEN SEED. \\ r I,av ? received a supply of the above cele , . l»-ated SEED, and will keep them on hand uunng the season. Planters and merchants will please call. BARRY & BATTEY, “ ec '’ Druggists and Chemists. BEALL & STOVALL GROCERY Merchants? Georgia, I will continue the Grocery business in all its branches, at their old stand on Broad street oppo -1 . > , l , anters ’ Hotel. Our Stock of’GRO-i ULRIEft "ill at all times be large, the assortment i complete and particularly adapted to Planter’s trade; a liberal share of which we have so Ion" en joyed, and hope still to receive. WM. M. BEALL, au2', d&eßm JON. W. L. STOVALL. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ~ r |HIE undersigned respectfully solicits a call ■ *rom the citizens of Augusta, and those visit ing the city, to examine tlicir stock of Fall and W niter GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres \ estings and Trimmings, all of which we can as sure the public to be of the newest and most fash ionable styles that can be found in the New A’ork markets. Also, a choice stock of Fancy Articles tor gentlemen’s wear, consisting of Gloves Sus pend,ws. Cravats, Handkerchiefs. Neck Ties Shirts Merino Shirts ami Drawers. All orders left with us, will be made in thernost fashionable and work manlike manner. dl.v fIAIGH & HAGGERTY. JAOK3ON STREET HOSPITAL AND SURIHCAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES. rgOIL undersigned have deemed ii advisable a to add the term HOSPITAL to their Surgical Infirmary, for though the institution is intended principally for cases requiring Surgical Operations ami; Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is mu entire!' restricted to these. We receive cases ot any nature occurring in the Negro, provided i hev aiv not of an infectious churaeier. 11. F. CAMPBELL, M. 1> Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL, M. 1). ■U Attending Physician. NOTICE. ' SPII E undersigned having from this date asso -■ ciated with him in the DRY GOODS BUSI NESS, at the corner under the Globe lloiel Mr i * • DK.MING, the business will hcrcaiier’be con ducted under the firm of LAI.LEKSTEDT A DEM- I NO. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon Dim. he solicits a continuance of tlie seme for tnetarm. L. D. LAELERSTEDT January 1, 187)6. j an :j NEWTON HOUSE. Corner of Washington and Bllis-sts., Augusta, Get. IJJHIS large and new BRICK HOUSE - ■ ■ is open tor the rece[>tion of regular *’ 'tf; ami transient Boarders. The rooms are spa- ’I'M;! ! eious and airy, aud with good faro and attenuve ! servants, the undersigned trusts for a liberal share 1 ol public patronage. Terms reasonable. mh2l Mrs. E A. ROBINSON. NOTICE TO MANUFACTURERS. fgXIIF, undersigned having [uuehased the on- | ■ tire interest of Jacob Senneff; in the Manu facturing of SIEEE and CANE RFEDS COTTON * and WORSTED HUDDLES, and MANUFAC II KIRS IIN DING 111 SI NESS, "ill continue at ihe oil! stand No. 72, 3d street, one door below Cherry, Philadelphia. Z J ?.’ Mendenhall’s Loom Findings made to i o,uer JOHN 11. STOCKTON : nih,! 3m JOHN M. MITCHELL.’ A CARD. M7II E public is informed that in connection with our general and special sales, we will keep at mr store a general Intelligence office, where on- ! h ies tor Wants, either Domestic or Commercial, j will be entered, and those wishing to sell hi,-.. exchange will find this an admirable medium to be : suited. Persons having servants to let and those want -lUK thein, will find this the most practicable and ecdnomisiiig source to send their orders for anv i commodity whatsoever. Charges reasonable ’ ! J l ' l ' 2 * O' GIRARDE V, Wlf I'TE & CO. _ COAL, COAL, i IONS of Hickory White Ash COAL; ■ 100 tons Diamond Red Ash COAL will I he ready for delivery at the wharf, Monday, Dec. ; -4th, 1 855. Orders directed to the undersigned, 1 through the Post Otliee, or left at niv Dwelling, Telfair street, belo"- Jackson, or at the Has Office) will be promptly attended to. Terms cash. dec22 ts GEO. S. HOOKEY. AJHURDEY, WHYTE* CO. give their " • special attention to the collection of notes negotiation of Loans on Mortgages, Bonds, Ac. Also, to the private and public sale of all speeies i of incorporated Bank Stocks. Two-thirds of the market value of stocks will be advanced on all unlimited stocks for sale. Orders for same will be received and filled at lowest mar ket prices. M e are always in the market to purchase or sell dec27tf GIRARDEY, WHYTE a ('(>. BRUSHES! BRUSHES ! ! A large 1 cheap assortment of Hair, Hat, Cloth and Tooth BRUSHES. Also, a very'superior assort ment for Painters, several new styles, just received l*y mh3o D. B.'PLUMB & CO. OSN ABURGS AND YARNS.—The snbscrL hers beg to inform Dry Goods Merchants and others, that the Montaur Manufacturing Conqianv, Sparta, Ga., have appointed them solo agents in Augusta, for the safe of their OSNABURGS SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, DRILLINGS and YARNS, at Factory prices. These Goods are made from the best material, and second to none in qual ity. GIRARDEY, WHYTE A- CO., _mh29 Agents. Burning ili id.—l * * bt>is best Bumi* o Fluid. Just landed aud for sale low, bv ° WM. 11. TUTT. POTASH. .! ■ reeliied btr mhso I). 11. PLUMB & CO. ON CONSIGN MUST Idols. Cuba MO - and for sale bv GIRARDEY, WIIYTE k CO., wh29 General Commisaion Merchants. VOL. 11— jNTO. 97 Dental Carbs. DENTAL NOTICE. & HEREBY certify, that l)r. I). S. CHASE is the only Dentist in the city of Augusta, or Ricli \ moml county, who has the right to make use of i Dr. Allen's patent method of mounting Teeth with i continuous gum; and I warn all persons, wishing that style of work, not to employ any one to marc it, who is not legally authorized !>v me so to do. OWEN MUNSON. M a hington, i> December 21, J io s. di D. S. CHASE, D. D. S„ M. D„ AUGUSTA, OA., ! Ofhce on Broad-st., <«•/.«&, //,. «„>,/• „f a , , DR. ( HASH has returned to the city, and is prepared to en i gage in the practice of his Proses ; sion, with more energy than ever, and ti nts that, with the services of fits Assistant, he will he able to suit all, both in rmcES and style of wouk. He is now inserting teeth upon Gctta Pkkcha Plates—especially for ttmpvary sets—and wlu n the gums are so tender, or irritable, that other plates cannot he worn. They are much less expeusie than gold, or plutina plates. oc3o E. W. HARKER, M. D.. RESIDENT DENTIST, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA ALIEN’S Patent lllock and i£Th%. T ~' Continuous Gum TEETII may * be seen at the office; also. Teeth oil 'AULtf'J'fr Gutta Pereha. Dr. Harkek will execute all nidus lor Allen's Patent Work, at his furnaces in Hum burg, for Dentists that have not the right to use it, at $lO each set. if innilT. DENTAL NOTICE. ■A OFFERJIAN respectfully JB- • informs his friends and the npjSiSfc: _ public at large, that he has moved TO ins Office one door below the Augusta, Dank, win i > he solicits a share of public patronage so liberally bestowed heretofore. All work entrusted to him done low for cash, and warranted. novii DENTAL NOTICE. ■ hit. II.VN BERRY offers his bm professional services U> the Jwjsgl. citizens of Augusta and vicinity. yT* He has in his possession numerous testimonials of his ability and skill as a faithful Dentist. Office over Haines’ City Drug Store, Droad street. je26 ly c. w. weight” dentist. OFFICE over Carmichael & x ~'■ Dux’s Hardware Store, Droad :v. t street, Augusta, Ga. . AH operations pertaining to Dentistry, faithfully and scientifically executed. Dentists’ .Materials furnished to order, mil it; lv ESTABLISHED IN I7Bn. - I PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. MrALTEH B VKKIt ; & GO’S Am, ejr lean, i PitExcn HoMtKP.miio ami j Vanilla CHOCOLATE; Piv ; pared COCOA; Brnma, Cocoa «. Paste; Cocoa Sticks, Soluble, f gfs Hojkepathic and Dietetic Co- p| eoa; Cocoa Shells; Cracked j Cocoa, &c., Ac. These Manufactures, to which tirst premium,, have been awarded by the chief institutes and Fait - i of the Union, are an excellent diet for children, in j valid#, and persons in health. They allav rather | than induce the nervous excitement attendant upon i the use ot tea or coffee, and are recommended by Ors. Warren, Jackson, Hayward, Ware and ! Adams, of Boston, and bv eminent physicians | els where. For sale by till the principal Grocers in the Uni | ted States, and by their Agents. I>. C. Murrav, New York; Grant & Twells, Philadelphia; Thomas V. Brundidge, Baltimore; Kennett A Dudley. Cincinnati. WALTER BAKER A CO., mills 3m Dorchester, Mass. NEW MARBLE YARD, BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA„ A few doom above th■ Bi idije Bank Building. rS'SHEI subscriber has opened a new Marble ia lard in thiseitv, where every description of . MARBLE WORK will be neatly executed to order, | principally Sepal, heral Monuments, front the plain ’ ] est to the most elaborate in style. Particular a: tendon given to correct Lettering, and Sculpture in j the highest style of the art. Aline selection of TOMBSTONES will always ; be kept on hand, as also a tine collection of Drav. - ings, which will enable him to suit the wishes of | customers. | Orders are solicited from the eitv and conn!;-, , which will be promptly tilled, and at reasonable I prices ' T. MARKWALTER. MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, Cornu- lir'n■ and H'alkinx Mi-ft-ta. AUGtsTA, GEORGIA. d' UORCESLATER. Manilla; tnrerof.Steer-. i ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw MILLS, (b - MILLS, Ac., Ac., is now'prepared to manufactur or repair any article in bis line, at short nciire, aud of superior workmanship. From his long experi ence and practical knowledge, as well as to his in creased facilities for doing work with neatness : j dispatch, he feels confident of giving satisfaction j to all who may favor him with their orders. ■ uovl4 tt FALL AND WINTER GOODS. gAKOOJM «V NOItRKLLare in of, and have opened, a large portion ■ t tin e FALL and WIN'TFJt purchases, and art- now j n - j pared to exhibit to their friends ami the public, a ; handsome and varied assortment of STAPLE and I'A M A DBA GOODS, embracing almost everv ar ! tiele usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. Tin or ! Goods will be offered at vert low prices, and ih- :■ | prices will compare favorable with the lowest ! cheapest Their -took of DOMESTICS, KI R SFA S. BLANKETS, and House Servants GOOD-' ; is very full ; to all which they would call am j tion, and respectfully solicit a share of public pat j ronage. jai ! RICHMOND COUNTY FIRE AND WA | TER PROOF PAINT COMPANY. OFl'Clt respectfully, to the public, their van ou.s FIR Land W VfER-PROOF PAIETS, tint j able for all kinds of Paintings, from the roughest to the most elaborate, such as all out-door buildint s ! on Plantation, where it will be found a great sat : ing to the owner, to finest use in the hand# of tbe I artist. They have taken the premiums at the late j Fails in Charleston, Augusta and Atlanta, ami | have the certificates of scientific men, for the un questionable superiority of these Paint*, i They have now a stock of the various colors of | Paints on hand, and orders will bo promptly attend ; ed to, by addressing W. It. SCHIRMER. General Agent, Augusta ; Agents in the principal cities wanted. Augusta, Ga.,2‘ith Sept. ts sept.3o PRIVATE BOARDING, 'll ***♦ I ARIt Alt t aspect full y inform# her -* friends and the public generally, that she ha# j opened a Boarding House on the south west cor - ; tier of Ellis and \\ ashinglon streets, where she will be happy to accommodate all who mat favor i her with their custom. Her table will be as noil i supplied as any Boarding House in this eitv, and | charges moderate. oc9 ts" COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. »’ 8 MI t undersigned have entered into a Copart a nership under the name and style of ROWK A ROBERT, for the purpose of carrying on the Plumbing, Tinning and Gas Fitting; and respect - fully solicit a share of public patronage. Thu ; will keep constantly on hand, Gas Fixtures of ail kinds. Sheet Lead, Iron and Lead Pipes, ©fall sizes to which they invite the attention of the public ’ JOHN ROWE, JOHN A. ROBERT, Opposite the Post Office. 1 Augusta, October Ist, 1855. ly oeld HATS, CAPS, BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS, AT WHOLESALE, FOR SPRING TRADE, 1856. npHE subscriber is now opening one of the -M. largest and best assorted selections of IIATS, CAPS, BONNETS, and Straw Goods ever ottered | in this market, and begs to ask the attention of merchants visiting the city to call and examine I before going further, as he has the facilities for i selling Goods at as low prices as any house in the ; South. ; Every variety of FANCY GOODS that is usnal ! ly kept in a first class Hat Store, will always be found. i Prompt paying and cash buyers will find it greatly to their advantage to examine the stock be : foru purchasing. WM. N. NICHOLS fsb* Opposite Bank of Augusta,