The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, January 01, 1857, Image 1

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The Daily Constitutionalist. 13 Y JAMES GARDNER. ocncral 3,buci*ttocments. CITY SHERIFFS SALK ON' the first Tuesday in January next, will be gold at the low er Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to wit: All that Lot or parcel of Land, with the improvements thereon, situate in the city of Augusta, and known as Lot No. 1, being 4o*feet front on Walker street, and 132 deep, and bounded West by a lot of K. Carey, North by Walker street, and South and East by Tots of Henrv A Skinner. Also—All that Lot or parcel of Land, with the improvements thereon, in said city, and known as Lot No. 2, being 36 feet front on Walker street, and 132 feet deep, and bounded North by Walker street, and South, East and West by lots of Ilenry i Skinner. Also—Lots Nos. 3 and 4, va cant iots, in said city, each lot having a front of 31 feet'on Walker street, and 132 feet deep, bound ed North by Walker street, South, East and West by lots of Henrv A Skinner. Also—Lots num ber 5 and 6, vacant lots in said citv, each having a front on Walker street of 35 feet, being 132 feet deep. Hounded North by Walker street, South, Hast and West by lots of Henry k Skinner. Also—Lot No. 7, in said city, a vacant Lot, front ing 35 feet on Walker street, and 132 feet deep, bounded North by Walker street, East by a Lot of Edward Willis, and South-west Dy Lots of Henrv A Skinner. Also—Lot No. 8, a vacant Lot in said city, fronting 36 feet 6 inches on Watkins st.. East by a hot of Edward Willis, and South and West by Lots of Henry k Skinner. Also—Lot No. a vacant Lot, in said city, fronting 30 feet 6 inches on Watkins street, and 135 feet deep, bound ed South by Watkins street, and North, East and West by Lots of Henry k Skinner. Also—Lot No. 10, with the improvements thereon, in said city, fronting 56 feet 6 inches, on Watkins street, mid 135 feet deep, bounded South by Watkins street, and North, East and West by Lots of Henry k Skinner. Also—Lot number 11, with the improve ments thereon, in said city, fronting 02 feet 3 inch es, on Watkins street, and 135 feet deep, bounded South bv Watkins street, and East, West and North by Lots of Henrv A Skinner. Also—Lot number 12, with the improvements thereon in said city, fronting 34 feet 9 inches on Watkins street, and 135 feet deep, bounded South by Watkins street, and East, West and North by Lots of Hen rv & Skinner. Also—Lot number 13, with the improvements thereon, in said citv, fronting 40 feet y inches on Watkins street, and 135 feet deep, bounded South by Watkins street, North and East by Lots of ilenry A Skinner, and West by a Lot of A. P. Robertson. Levied on as the proper ty of Henry A Skinner to satisfy sundry fi. fas. is sued from the City Court of Augusta, in favor of Theodore Wilkins and others vs. Henry A Skinner. dcc7 WM. V. KER, Sheriff, C. A. “ FRUITLAND NURSERY.” Augusta, Ga. FRUITS AND FLOWERS FOR THE SOUTH. •fHIIE subs criber has just issued a new Cata- M logue of FRUITS FOR TIIE SOUTH, in which ali tlie best and most desirable native and foreign varieties (suitable to our climate) are fully described, with special directions for the trans planting and management of TREES, SHRUBS, \ INKS, Ac., Ac. Also, a selected list and descrip tion of the rarest and most beautiful ROSES, EVERGREENS, Ac., Ac., forming a familiar treatise for amateurs and those who desire to add in the comfort and adornment of their hemes. This Catalogue will be sent to all applicants per mail, free of postage, bv addressing D. REDMOND, nov26 d&elm Augusta, Ga. EXPRESS NOTICE^ PHIS AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD, OPEN TO TUSCUMBIA, ALA. 11E ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY have made arrangements to extend their Ex press Line over the Memphis and Charleston Rail ; >ad, and will receive and forward, by Passenger Trains, in charge of special Messengers, FREIGHT. PACKAGES, Ac. Particular attention given to PERSONAL BAG OAGE, forwarded by Express, which will be de livered as add:- ssed, at any point on the line. Express for Nashville, Tuscuinbia, and interme diate stations, leaves daily (per Georgia Railroad) at 5 o’clock P. M. apl'i H. B. PLANT. Snp’t. CHEAP GAS. rip HE undersigned forms the public that he jpL is sole Agent for vending and putting in suc cessful operation, the Cfas Apparatus of tlie Mary land Portable Gas Company. Having tried it at his residence in the country, he can confidently sort that it is the cheapest, most brilliant and agreeable light that is produced. The public are solicited to examine the same, now in successful i reran *n at the office of the Chronicle A Sentinel, and at Clara’s Hal! of Messrs. Lambaek A Cooper, in this citv. P* l ' giving full description of the appara can be had gratis at the office of the Cl.. ... oj, .sentinel, the Constitutionalist, or on application to the undersigned, who is prepared K competent machinists to put them up at any residence at short notice, in town or couutrv. WILLIAM SCHLEY, Jr., Sole Agent. Augusta. May 14,1856. ts may 14 guns! I FINE s of Double-Barrel SHOT GUNS, -- me of them Boy’s size, and good Guns; trith all kinds of Gun Trimmings and Apparatus, MADS, CAPS, FLASKS, Ac. For sale low bv octs CLARK A CO. GOBDON HOUSE, iVo. 17 Central Railroad. C'APT. T. E. SHAW, late of the * Florida Line, has the pleasure of in- KSlij forming the Travelling Public, that he has rasllli taken the above house, ami will keep the same in the best order, and his table shall be equal to any Hotel in the South. lie is prepared to accommodate permanent Hoarders or families on reasonable terms. Gordon, Ga. L Qctober Ist, 1856. 8m oc!7 L ALLERSTEDT & DEMING, CtORNER under Globe Hotel, have received, J per last steamer— ''■lack Gro de Rhine SILKS ; brocade and Striped SILKS • 'V’/fX, Plaid and CheneTtriped SILKS: MOl >. Dr I, A INKS, in every variety: \ el vet and Cloth CLOAKS •' " “ TALMAS; AW LS, in every variety; with many other de strable Goods. ‘ ocls CARPETINGS. J L ST RECEIVED, bv J. P. SETZE, addi tional supplies of CARPETINGS, te wit ■ 4-4 Super. Ingrain CARPETING, 4-4 Gotten “ 4 4 Cotton and Wool “ 44 All Wool , “ •44 Super. Super Ingrain CARPETING : 44 Extra Rich Three l’lv “ Chenile Hearth RUGS, to match. OX HAND — A f,-v. pieces of Brussels and Rich Tapestry CAR PETINGS, which • •ill be disposed of low, in or der to make room for a new lot. nov26 ALT .—IB,OOO sacks fresh SALT, 2,000 bush els bulk do., for sale, in lots to suit purchas ers, by dec 12 HAND, WILCOX A CO. RING WORM AND TETTER WASH.—A j sure remedv. Just received and for sale bv ! WM. HAINES, j deci Druggist and Apothecary. _ i S ALLEttSTEDT & DEMING is the i only house who have George Schley’s le»t pKORGIA PLAINS, “all wool tilling.” They ' >ve alifr other PLAINS, with a large stock of Ne •: BLANKETS, Bed BLANKETS,LINSEYS and m&IPES, Marlboro’ PLAIDS, OSNABURGS, Ac. punctually attended to. oclo j Ihie largest, richest and cheapest assortmtn , ! Udies COVERINGS ever broii.-V V, ■ '* are now on sale at tiftv-,j>£ GUAY BRO Franco^ "11 Cheap. Cast EEP SKINS WANTED.—Highest market price paid for good Sheep SKINS. THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. General Commission Merchants. SALE CHEAP.—OO PACKING BOX * LS, assorted sizes, at _cecl2__ A P. BIGNON A CO.’S. HA V . —2OO bales prime norther'* HAY. # dacli THOS. P. STOVALL i Ci. -fi^ATES. —A few more of those t Parlor and Office GRATES, for sale by S. S. JONES A Ct)., CAMPHOR ice—ls the best article for '■ U4 Pped Hands and Face, Freckles, and for the Complexion. Sold bv II AYLLAND, RISLEY A CO, (General QUtoertisemente, CLARK & CO., SEPTEMBER 30, 1856. ]%TOW offer for sale their splendid new s"*? Iwl stock of SILVER WARE, of all kinds F7\. —Tea Sets, Pitchers, Castors, Waiters. Goblets, Tumblers, Cups, Forks, Spoons, Ladles; Pastry, Cake, Dessert and Butter Knives. Sheffield PLATED WARE—first quality of goods in Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candle sticks, Ac. Birmingham and American PLATED WARE— very showy, and at low prices. GOLD WATCHES, of all good makers—Cooper, Dent, Tobias, Burley A Johnson, English makers; Briettmg, Matile, Swiss makers; and Jules Jur gensen, of Copenhagen. SILVER WATCHES in great variety; quick beat Railroad Watches, large size. Rich Diamond, Coral, Cameo and Mosaic JEW ELRY, all the newest styles, with a large stock of Staple and FANCY GOODS, at their store, Post Office Corner, opposite the Rail Road Bank. octs CHINESE SUGAR CANE. BEWARE OF SFURIOUS SEED. The seed of Chinese sugar cane, offered bv the subscribers, is the identical variety alluded to in the Reports of Gov. Ham mond, R. Peters, Esq., Dr. Robert Battey and Prof. Mapes. It is warranted pure, having been grown entirely separate from Dourali Corn, Chicken Corn, and all other varieties of the Millet family. Call and get a pamphlet, and read the evidence of its value. A limited Quantity of the genuine seed may yet be obtained at $1 per package, or $1.30, when sent per mail, prepaid. D. B. PLUMB A CO., Augusta, Ga. Dealers in seeds, and country merchants, can be supplied at liberal discounts from the retail rates, if heir orders are received immediately. declO ts $5 REWARD. STRAYED on or about the 30th j ” Oct., an ITALIAN GREY HOUND, Liver or -Mahogany color. Marks: white ring round the neck, all the feet white, tail tipped white, had on collar, enamelled leather. The above re ward will be paid for him at this office, or to uov27 O. E. CASftIN. , FANCY GOODS. CILAIIK A CO., Post Office Corner. t October 1,1856. oct6 AT THE NEW BOOK STORK “ Hl'. NORRELL has just received the • following new Books : Violet, or the Cross and the Crown, bv M. J. Mclnti author of Charms and Counter Charms, Ac., Ac. Lena Rivers: by Mary J. Holmes, author of Tempest ;.nd Sunsfiine, etc. Paul Fane, or Parts of a Life else Untold, a novel; by N. Parker Willis. The Humors of Falconbridge, a collection of humorous and every day scenes; by Jonathan F. Kelley. Prue ar. i I, by George W. Curtis. Also, a icw supply of Tit for Tat, Opposite ffie United States Hotel. decs COPARTNERSHIP. HAVING purchased the stock of Goods of SC I ANTON, KOLB A CO., we will do a General > •ocery and Communion Business, at their old place f business, No. 2 Warren Block. KOLB A PIIINIZY. C i. M. Kolb, Jas. 11. Puixizr. Augusta, Geo., Nov. 25th, 1856. NOTICE. WM7"E have sold our stock of Goods to Messrs. » w KoLB A PHINIZY, and take pleasure in recommen ling them to our patrons. SCRANTON, KOLB A CO. Augusta, Geo., Nov. 25th, 1850. nov29 BELL HANGING, GUNSMITH, AND LOCKSMITH BUSINESS. APICQIET is prepared to attend to any • business in tlio above brauches. Applica tions can 1 a left at the Store of Rowe A Robert, Gas Fitters. He also manufactures Steel BRICK MOULDS. sep2s tJanl APEAST POWDERS A stock of fresh H. YEAST POWDERS. Just received bv dec! D. B. PLUMB A CO. ON CONSIGNM ENT—Just received in store. 2 Pipes Holland GIN ; 2 % casks BRANDY; - 1 X “ i “ Port WINE; K“ “ “ 12 boxes Club House GIN. For sale bv dec? GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. POT .WOES AND ONIONS 25 >b s. prime Carter POTATOES. 20 “ “ Red and Yellow ONIONS. Receiv d and for sale on consignment by Nov-J HOWARD A DUGAS. APPLES. —200 bushels very choice APPLES for sale low if applied for soon, by dec!2 C. A. WILLIAMS*A SON. HAVANA' NNGES—IO bbls. street Ha vai if , on consignment, and for sale by ‘ , ->>’■ HOWARD A DUGAS. decl2 • ' •"/■( ________ Fresi IMPORTED LEECHES—A supph of fresh Swedish LEECHES, just re ceived and for sale by WM. HAINES, nov2o Druggist uud Apothecary. W w/aTER-PROOF BOOTS. Gent’s Wa w W ter- ’roof, Square-edged, Cork-sole and Stitch-botto n BOOTS, all qualities, received and for sale by dec3 CLARKE A ItOYAL. €IOX’S SPARKLING GELATINE. < / French do do. Coopers’ Shred and Sheet ISINGLASS. < French Transparent GELATINE. Scarlet do. do. For sale bv dm* H AVI LAND RISLEY A CO. MARSHALL’S PAIN ERADICATOR.— 1 . The best remedy extant for Rheumatism, Sprains and Bruises, Weak Backs am! Headache. Sold by . *c'J HAVILAND, RISLEY k CO. CLOAKS AND TALMAS.—Broom A Nor rell have received a few more handsome ; CLOAKS A TALMAS, some extra rich, which they j will sell low. dec6 j INDIGO, MADDER, Spanish Brown Venetian J Red, Copperas, ar ’ jverv variety of Drugs to be had at Dr. D. f. SMITH'S. novS HAIR RRUSHES.—A large and beautiful stock of English HAIR BRUSHES just landed, and Sr sale by _ EW arrival of CLOTHS, CASSIMERE and LM VESTINGS, to make to order. WM. O. PRICE, A CO. nov9 Drapers and Tailors. TO THE TRADE.— Trimmings of all ; kinds, PADDING, CANVASS, SERGES SEWINGS, TWIST, Ac. WM. O. PRICE A CO., uovT Drapers and Tailors. RAMS A Y & LA HAW have just received an other large assortment of Cassimere COATS, PANTS and VESTS, together with a full assort ment of superior black Satin London and Parisian i Silk VESTS of superior make and finish, deco j g'\ OSHI N BI TTER. — 2O kegs fresh extra ! v.jLM Goslie t BUTTER. Just received and for | I %tile bv GIRARDEY, WIIVTE A CO. r " dec2 i “OEACH BRANDY AND WHISKY— IJt 50 bbls. Planter's WHISKY, arriving. 10 “ PEACH BRANDY, “ i decli THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. j HARRIS’ Cassimere COATS, PANTS and j VESTS, another assortment, and the last of the season we expect to receive, at deco RAMSAY A I, A LAV a rjtHE belebrated Victor Cook STOVE, manu- M. factored in this citv, together with a great va riety of Cook, Parlor and Office STOVES maybe j hMwholMOle or retail „ „ J()NES iCO . | oc t22 210 Broad Street. y j T EECHES, LEECHES.—Another supply I A of the above just received, and always on hand, night and dav, by S THOMAS P. FOGARTY, Apothecaries Hall, under Augusta Hotel. *ov3o ATJOUSTA., GA., THURSDAY MOHNISG, JANUARY 1, 1857. $“327-/ So -Rent a\\b fox Sale TO RENT, A FINE large STORE, under the Plan ters’ Hotel. Apply at the office of Ho tel. ts augl S. B. ROBBINS. FOR SALE OR RENT. That comfortable dwel- LING situated on the north side of Sill Greene-street, between Kollock and Cuniming, nearly opposite Mr. R. 11. Gardiner’s vacant build ing lot. Apply to jy24 ts GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. TO RENT, 51 ROM the first of October next, a large and comfortable DWELLING, on Ellis EITj street, having all necessary out buildings. PHlj The lot runs through to Broad street. Apply to geo. g. McWhorter, jy22 ts Law Range. TO RENT. FROM first of October next, the large and commodious DWELLING, on wHil Telfair street, opposite the Catholic Church, Mil; formerly occupied by John Reilly. For terms, ap ply to JOHN D. REILLY, jylß Masonic Hull. TO RENT, FROM the first of October next, two HOUSES on Lincoln street, between g||;fij Greene and Telfair streets. One HOUSE Sb-diL on Broad street, second house below Wilde street. Two ROOMS over G. Volger’s Sugar Store. For terms, apply to jyll GUST. VOLGER. TO RENT~ npilE GROUNDS AND HOUSE, fi formerly used as an Infirmary by Dr. "KHT P. F. Eve, and more recently as ail Orphan «« Asylum. For terms apply to T. A. BONES. ' jys ’f CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Fine Ready-] | —also — made Clothing,!w m fj Pripp Xr Hn jSup’fine Cloths Hats and Caps,! VV ‘‘ ’ • Cassimeres and Shirts, Collars,| FASHIONABLE .Vestings, will Gloves, Hosie-: D be made to ry, Ac., Um- MILIIAIIi measure, unex brellas, Canes, TAILOR S, leeptionable i n Cravats, Stocks! 258 style and work- Handkerchiefs' ~ , , nianship.bvthe and Fancy Ar- B road-street, ; bt , st mechanics, tides for Gen-! AUGUSTA, at the shortest tlemen. I Ga. (notice. Orders from city and country solicited. JSZ febo JOHN P. SETZE HAS just received, in addition to his Fall and Winter stock of STAPLE and FANC Y DRY GOODS, Rich and low priced Cloth and Velvet CLOAKS; “ Stella SHAWLS, all colors; “ “ “ Thibet Wool SHAWLS, “ “ “ “ Plaid “ “ “ Black Silk VELVET, for Basques, Ac.; Extra Spun Silk HOSE, black and others; “ bl ! k. ALPACAS and CII ALLIES ; “ eol’d. “ “ Real French Worked COLLARS; “ “ “ SLEEVES; Handsome Mourning and Second Mourning COL- LARS; Extra Marseilles QUILTS, in size and quality. ocl4 SHAWLS, &c! JUST received, by J. J’. Setze, a fresh supply of Blue, Green," Scarlet, White and Black Stella SHAWLS. Embroidered and Plain Black Thibet SHAWLS. Slate Thibet SHAWLS, with Silk Fringe. Low priced and superior Plaid SHAWLS. Merino Nock SCARFS, for Misses. Low priced and rich Embroidered COLLARS. “ . “ “ “ “ SLEEVES. Ladies’ Silk and Merino VESTS, with and with out Sleeves. Merino and Cotton nett SHIRTS, extra sizes. Real Welsh FLANNEL. rviperior English and Domestic Canton FLAN NELS. deed COPARTNERSHIP. rrtHE subscriber has associated with him, A m the Produce and CommissioF Business his brother, ROBERT A. FLEMING. The busi ness will hereafter be conducted in the name of T. W. FLEMING A CO. TIIOS. W. FLEMING. Augusta, Oct. 1, 1856. NOTICE. this day I will sell but for Cash at cost. No accounts will Be opened or con tinued. I have on baud a large and well selected stock of STATIONERY aiid BOOKS, and it will oe greatly to the advantage of all concerned to call at once. The attention of country merchants, academics, and those who send their children to school in the city, is particularly invited to the above. But be sure and bring or send the cash. oe2 M. G. McKINNE. DR. JNO. M. DENT OFFERS his Professional services to the citi zens of Augusta and vicinity. Office over City Bank. ly* oe3 WATCHMAKER. H7ANTEI) IMMEDIATELY, a compe »¥ tent WATCHMAKER. Apply to novO CLAfiK A CO. OCTOBER 1,1856. CAL ARK & CO., opposite the Rail Road J Bunk, ask attention to their rich stock of WATCHES and Silver and Plated WARE; all kinds of JEWELRY, Table and Pocket CUTLERY, CLOCKS, GUNS, PISTOLS, CANES, MILITARY GOODS, Ac., Ac. octs JAMES IIENEY has on hand a superior as sortment of Plain and Figured Dress SILKS, DkLAINES, CASHMERES, MARI NOES, ALPA CAS, BOMBAZINES, GINGHAMS, English and American PRINTS, Brown and White SHIRT INGS and SHEETINGS, FLAN ELS, Irish LIN EN N, Long LAWNS, Linen CAMBRICS, Scotch ami Russian DIAPERS, HUCKABACKS, Table LINENS, NAPKINS, Pillow Case LINENS, with many other goods too numerous to mention, which he offers without either puli' or humbug to the in spection of the public. Confident that all wishing good and cheap Dry Goods will, on examining his stock, be satisfied that they are cheap as the cheapest. dec7 JAMES IIENEY has just received a fresh supply of Mourning and Embroidered COL LARS and SLEEVES, Infant’s Emb'd WAISTS and DRESSES, Swiss and Jaconet BANDS, EI)( US INGS and INSERTINGS, Misses COLLARS. Also, a large lot of Whalebone, Cambric, Manilla and Embroidered SKIRTS, CLOAKS, Ladies’ and Children’s HOSE, Gentleman’s half HOSE, Ac. dec7 JAMES IIENEY has received a fine assort- j ment of Bed BLANKETS. Also, Blue Tra veling BLANKETS. dec7 JAMES IIENEY has received some more of those solid DeLAINES and CASHMERES, which he sells at cents. ______ FELT DRUGGETS, beautiful in appear ance, and durable, 1 }.4 yard wide. It is supe rior to ordinary Carpeting, and more beautiful for offices, Ac. oc!s LALLERSTEDT A DEMING. ON CONSIGNMENT —100 bags new crop RIO COFFEE. For sale at No. 7, Warren Block, by dec7 E. F. KINCHLEY. ON CONSIGNMENT —100 bushels heavy black Seed OATS, at No. 7, Warren Block”, by dec7 E. F. KINCHLEY. N CONSIGNMENT.'*-27 cans Leaf LARD, weighing about 50 lbs. each. nav2s T. W. FLEMING A CO. Depilatory powder,for removing superfluous hair from the skin. Sold bv decl> _ HAVILAND, RISLEY A fcO EG AR LIGHTS. —A supply of those fine “ not-to-be-blowed-out ” MATCHES, just re- I eeived by dec3 D. B. PLUMB A CO. -\T ELLOW and black colored OILED HATSj I jL suitable for Draymen, Wagoners, Boatmen, 1 and all others exposed to the weather. For sale at oeiS A. P. BIGNON A CO’S. ■ -j| h BAGS Etowah Mills Sup. FLOUR; B_S>*sLF ir-0 bags Chattahoochee Sup. FLOUR ; 150 bags Tennessee brands Superfine FLOUR, ! for sale by THOS. P. STOVALL A CO., i .fee;* ‘ Gen’l. Com. Merchants. F‘ (jit "COUGHS AND COLDS.—Horehound and Irish Moss CANDY, put up and for sale | by decs D. U. PLUMB A CO. ©metal IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS GO ING NORTH BY THE BAY LINE. F A feii ;;;; , 'v;d roanoke rail. ROAi/, ' V/y >n with the STEAM PACK ETS on ChesapeUK(s , 'n. _v, forming a daily line un surpassed for comport, speed and safety, between Weldon, N. C., and Baltimore, Md. The elegant Steam Packets, LOUISIANA, Capt. Russell, and NORTH CAROLINA, Capt. Cannon, new boats, beautifully fitted up with commodious state-rooms, are now running daily on the old and favorite Bay Line, which in connection with the Roads south of Weldon, presents the following unsurpassed schedule: Leave Augusta, Geo., 0.30, A. M.; “ Branchville, S. C., 1.50, P. M.; “ Kingsville, “ 5.00, P. M.; “ Wilmington, N. C., 6, A. M.; “ Weldon, “ 2, P. M.; “ Norfolk, Va., 6, P. M.; Arrive at Baltimore, Md., 7, A. M. In time for the early morning trains for Phila delphia and New York. Through Tickets to Wilmington, $0; thence to Baltimore, sl2. Through Tickets may also be purchased in Wil mington for Philadelphia, at $!4, and for New 1 ork at $15.50, of 8. 1). WALL VCE, Ticket Agent; or at Weldon for Baltimore at Philadelphia at $lO, and New York at sl2, of E. N. PETERSON, Agent S. and R. li. C. Baggage checked through from Augusta to Wel don, thence to Baltimore. Through from Wilmington .o New York in 36 hours, without loss of sleep. For further particulars, apply to I). BOYDEN, novlS If Agent Inland Route. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. (CHANGE OF SCHEDULE -Commenc- A ing on WEDNESDAY, 3d September, 1856. Leave Augusta, 5 A. M.and 4 P. M. Arrive at Milieu, S.lo A. M. and 6.50 P. M. Connecting with Trains for Savannah and Macon. Leave Millen 12.45 A. M. and 5.45 P. M. Arrive at Augusta 3.30 A. M. and 8.45 P. M. sep2 C. A. BROWN, Agent. RAILROAD PASSENGERS. rjHIE NEW DEPOT, at Macon, Ga , is now .5. fitted up in (lie very Ust style for the accom modation of TRAVELLERS, where Meals are served up in the Dining Saloon, on the arrival of each Train. Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ Parlors and Private Rooms attached, with chambermaids for the ac commodation of the Ladies, free of charge. LOGAN A MI:AKA, Proprietors of the Lanier House. augß BOY’S FALL AND WINTER CLOTH ING, HATS AND CAPS. a 1 LAYTON & KENNADY now offer for sale the best selected and most complete as sortment of Bovs and Children's CLOTHING ever brought to this city. Also, HATS and CAPS, for Men’s and Hoy’s wear; all of which will he’sold on the most accommodating terms. EsF"Store under the Augusta Hotel, in Metcalfs Range. dtf sep!3 BOOTS AND SHOES. Opposite the Masonic Hull, Avista, Georgia. 'll £fed « I*•'-Ht Men’s Plantation tVjWV BROGANS, assorted qualitv. 2000 pair Boys’ Plantation BROGANS, as.s’dqualitv 3000 “ Men’s Kip •'*“ “ “ 1000 “ “ Calf pegged “ “ “ 500 “ “ Grained and Bnfl’ do. “ “ 3000 “ Women’s Leather BOOTEES, pegged. 600 “ “ low price Sewed do. 1000 “ Ladies tine Morocco and Goat do. 500 “ Misses’ “ “ “ “ do. 500 “ Boys’ Kip BROGANS. 500 “ A'outlis’ Kip “ 500 “ Boys’and Youths’Calf BROGANS. Gents, Ladies, Misses, Bovs, Youths and Chil dren’s BOOTS and SHOES, of all styles and qualities, received and tor sale low, bv the dozen or case. sepl7 CLARKE A"ROYAL. COPARTNERSHIP. rgpHE undersigned have formed a partnership a for the transaction of a general LIVERY BUSINESS, dating back to the 25th June ultimo, which will be conducted at the “Palace S/<! on Ellis street, under the firm of MoCONNELL ’& KENT. WM. A. Me CONNELL, July 2d, 1856. JESSE B. KENT. The undersigned returns his thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage bestowed on him, and hopes for a continuance of the same to the new firm. jy2 ts wm. a. McConnell. WANTED, 4 SITUATION ns Book-Keeper, by a gentle . man of lontj experience and of vnilotiMeil ca parity, to keep books upon any cyx/em. Address “Box 278, Augusta, Ga ’’ ' ts ocl WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. M r ii have now.on hand, for the fall trade, a w w large and well selected stock of DRUGS MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Ac. The following articles will comprise part of our stock : 2 cases Java INDIGO, 10 “ S. F. do., 8,000 lbs. best MADDER, 50 doz. Wolfe’s SCHNAPPS, 100 “ Transparent Bar SOAP, 50 “ Balm of a THOUSAND FLOAVBRH 2,000 lbs. EPSOM SALTS, 15,000 “ BLUEST ONE, 2,500 “ BRIMSTONE, 2,000 “ Flo. SULPHUR, 100 gross MATCHES, 800 boxes Window GLASS, 400 gallons Linseed OIL. Merchants and others visiting our market would do well to call and see us before buying. HA VILA XI), RISLfiY A CO.. aug26 near Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga. PHYSICIAN’S pocket CASES, Surgeon’s Dressing CASES, Tooth KEYS and FOR CEPS, Dentist’s GOLD FOIL, Dentist’s FILES Ac,, at declO DR. D. T. SMITH’S. tkiIIOAKS. —50 hhds. Porto Rico SUGARS ; VAo 250 bids A and C Refined “ 50 bbls Crushed “ In store and f ir sale low by nov3o KOLB A PHINIZY'. CIOFFEE.— 650 Bags Rio COFFEE J 50 “ Java in store and for sale low bv nov3o ' KOLB A PHINIZY. raiOBApCO AND SEGARS 400 boxes B TOBACCO, all grades; 850,000 SEGARS. In'storo and for sale low by novSO KOLB A PHINIZ V. CIANDLES AND SOAP— J 350 boxes A'lreiant'-': oA.VDTjES. r > • Sperm do. 200 “ SOAP. 100 “ STARCH, in store and for sale •wby _ nov?,o KOLB A PHINIZY. fl NSEED, LAMP, AND TRAIN 01 LS A Raw and boiled Linseed OILS; Winter Bleached Lamp OILS, and Train OILS, just re ceived at novß Dr. D. T. SMITH’S. lIIAVE just received another supply of those fine BRANDIES and WINES, imported ex pressly for medicinal purposes. declO __ DR. D. T. SMITH. SUNDRIES.— C? 100 boxes Pearl STARCH ; -25 “ New RAISINS; 200 “ CHEESE; 25 kegs SODA; 50 boxes Soda, in one pound papers ; Fur sale low by decll HAND, WILCOX A CO. Br andy . -20 cases old Otard Dupuy BRAN 1)Y, lust received, end for sale bv dec2 GIRARDEY, WHYTE A GO. * i vsrrnKo and plumbing Having secured the sen -ces of an experi ! enced GAS FITTER AND PLUMBER, we are now prepared to execute all orders entrusted to us, with j neatness and tu spatch—feeling conUtient in our [ ability to do so, in a superior manner, all of which shall be under a fml guarantee. W. H. MAHARREY A CO., No. 3 DeKftlb Range, Broad-st., Augusta, Ga. noT27 CHI AMP AIGNE. :5 baskets of Max Su > taine A Go ’s (AM.MPAIGNE. Just received by dec-2 GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. WHOLESALE AiTD RETAIL DEALERS IN Fine Ready lade €lotliiii«, UNDER THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. JM- NEWBY &■ CO. are now opening, anil will receive weekly, the newest and best styles »of REA MADE CLOTHING"that can be manufactured, both for Men’s and Bovs’ wear They pay particular attention to the selection of their Goods, and are prepared to do justice to those who trade with them. They also keep fine SHIRTS, Merino SHIRTS and DRAWERS, GLOVES SUSPENDERS Sitl ocket and Neck HANDKERCHIEFS, STOCKS, Ac., Ac. ’ b ’ bllK Call and take a look. oc g A ISAAC MAYER, - ♦ * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ft EAIiY- II AD E CLO T H lIV G, _ tl . GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING WEAR, HAIS ' UKs > CARPET BAGS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, &c., ,s A'()\V r RECEIVING AND OPENING HIS -iUFS. €3 r gj-gf rjp IHi chaiw Hl/oniTl ‘‘ n<l , ljo9t sel . stoc,c ever offered in this market, he feels assured that pur- To City and c 'untrv «’.!,« e f anl,ne J U "\ to be pleased both in styles and prices, ular. ‘ -‘ L ‘ great inducements will be offered, and to “ cash buyers ”in partic sepis ,Jan 1 , , ISAAC MAYER, • - ; ‘ _ Next door to T. Richards & Son’s Book Store, DeKalb Range. ** _ 4 STEINER BROS. & fO., %, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HEADY MADE CLOTHING, 320 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, HAVE this day opened in this city, a large Wholesale and Retail CLOTHING fstart runurv-r in the so-called Old Mechanic' 'BaM:, just below Washington on llroYd ,V fnd' T ,'T l (,uest assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING and GENTI FnpvNmw GOODS that ever was in this market. They invite the citizens of and ,nrT,, S^" ISHI ? G to call and examine their stock. Their Goods are made of the best materials Col ! nfr > ; si vie. Their stock consists of all kinds of Men’s and Roys’ COATS PA NTS and' VFSTS ' mteSt In miscellaneous articles thev have a large assortment of finp r’inp,, r.,u\ i \\ ‘ ‘ r.rrmn. , Cotton and Flannel DRAWERS. STOCKINGS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS COW ml’ N-ES, PISTOLS, CARPET RAGS, TRUNKS, India Rubber COATS CHIEFS, STOCKS, and many other articles too numerous to enumerate" 11 ct HANDKLK Call and judge for yourself. l v CLOTHINO A, P. BIGNON & CO., J f^ A > MA NU FA CTUR ER S AND DEALERS I N RE AD Y ill AliE €LOTH l A «•» HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, Ac. BOYS’ A ND CHILDRENS’ CLOTHING, W iloiesale and iiccaii, lie, NxG Broau Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE CORNER, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. V'S r E buy our Goods from first hands. Our facilities for manufacturing are unsurpassed therefore v V we are prepared to give bargains. ’ .. —Always on hand, a good assortment of heavv Satiinet Hip COATS P INTS VESTS pr \N ■N l.i.S and BLANKETS, suitable fur Negroes. Call and examine our stock.’ ’ ” iml4 * FALL TRADE, 185 Q. HATS, CAPS, BONNETS AND UMBRELLAS. CM ED. W . FERRY, Masonic Hull Building, W Broad street, has received, and is constantlv adding to a large and carefully selected assort ment of— Men’s and Boys’ soft felt Fur it ATS; “ “ Saxony “ “ “ Fashionable Moleskin HATS ; “ Still’ WOOL, for plantation use: “ Silk Plusli CAPS, bl’k, bro., Ac; “ Cloth CAPS, with Plush Bands; “ “ “ “ plain and fancy; Children’s fancy HATS and CAPS; Ladies’ and Misses’ Silk Florence English Straw; New style LACE, various colors; Black Straw and Bombazine BONNETS. Also, ROUCIIES, FLOWERS, PLUMES, UM BRELLAS, Ac., which he will sell low for cash or approved paper. sop" COAL, COAL. UNDER cover, in yard, 100 tons of the best HICKORY, WHITE ASH COAL, selected from the most approved Mines, which will be de livered to families, Ac., at as low rates for cash as can be bought in the city. The subscriber wishes it understood that lie guarantees his Coal to come from the Minos which the name designates, and that lie does not sell Schuylkill Coal for LEHIGH. By leaving your orders a! my yard, on Telfsir-st., opposite the Catholic Church, or at S. S. Jones A Co.’s, oi- Gas Office, or through the Post Office, they will be promptly attended to. sep7 a6m G. S. HOOKEY. BUSINESS. A NY' person wishing to invest a small capital A in MERCANTILE BUSINESS, will hear of an opening by addressing, with real name and re erence, Box 560, Post Office, Savannah, Geo. This affords a tine opportunity for any gentleman who wishes to find employment for his son, or for any other party, with limited means, anxious to commence operations on their own account, in an enterprise already established. ts je2s AMERICAN IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. TIIE undersigned having, at heavy cost, pur chased this establishment, including all Stock, Patterns, Ac., and the good will and friend ship of the former proprietor, will continue the business, in all its branches, under the firm of HIGHT A MACMURPHY, and hope by good wot k, fair prices, and strict attention to business, to merit a libera! share of patronage. W. M. HIGHT, J. E. MACMURPHY. Augusta, Sept. 23, 1856. 6m sep3o THE TROY PATENT CORDAGE COM PANY, TROY N. Y., OWNERS of William R. Dufcher’s Patent for improvements in machinery for making ROPE and CORD, have a machine on exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York city, and offer for sale rights to use said improvements in the different States. These machines take Yarn or Thread and turn out perfect Rope or Cord —forming the strand, laying up the Rope, stretching and coiling it, ail by one process; and are adapted to Manilla, Hemp, Cotton, Ac., Ac. These machines do away with the Rope Walk, and make continuous Rope or Cord any length desired, from 100 to 100,000 feet, and at half the expense of the Rope Walk. Letters mav be addressed to the Company at Trov, N. Y. oc7 6 m FALL TRADE, 1856. TETMTM. O. PRICE & CO., Drapers and v v Tailors, have received a general assort ment of CLOTH*. CASSI MERES, VESTINGS, and other useful Goods for Gentlemen’s dress, igwhich ther will make to order in the best and most Tashionabfe styles. ocl 2 820 REWARD. R ANA WAY' from the Parks Mining Com pany, Columbia counly, Ga., about the 15th of October last, a Negro Boy named JACK. He is about 45 years of age, yellow complexion, and weighs about 150 pounds. He has straight hair, ! inclined to be gray, and resembles a Spaniard. ! The above reward will be paid for his being se ' cured in jail, so that I get him again. novll B. H. BROOMHEAD. 0~ N CONSIGNMENT—IO casks fine at No. 7, Warrsn Block, bv [ dee" K. F. KINCULBY. BROUGHT TO JAIL, ON the tilstwf July, a boy calling him- IM* soli JACK, saving he belongs to Thom- Jr q son P. Gray, of Emanuel county. Said bov is about 24 years old, 5 feet, U or .3 inches high, dark complected, and weighs about 170 pounds, He had, it the time of his arrest, a ticket signed by Th ton I’. Gray, and James Ott, a magistrate. N. 11l hi,, Jailor Richmond Co. Augusta, August 29th, 1356. aug.3o LAST NOTICE. & L L who are indebted to me, by note or open -TS_ account, are requested to make immediate payment, or be sued. No exceptions made to par ties or individuals. oc7 _ _ M. G. MeKINNE. DRIED PEACHES WANTED, FOIt which we will pav the highest cash prices, ocl 4m (\ A. WILLIAMS A SOIL NEW DRUGS, PERFUMERY, &c. HSAHE subscriber Laving taken the store re cently occupied by ,Messrs. W. If. A J. Tur pin, is now opening a fresh and genuine stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERV, PAINTS, 011,S, Ac., to which he would invite the attention of Merchants, Physicians, Planters and others vis iting the city. He can warrant every article of the purest, having been selected under his personal observation. As to quality, terms, Ac., just call and satisfy yourself. ' D. T. SMITH, 0c24 at Turpin’s old Stand. MEN’S FALL AND WINTER CLOTH ING. €« LAYTON & KKNNADY have now re ' reived their large and fresh supply of fash ionable READY-MAIMS CLOTHING, and furnish ing GOODS, for Men’s wear, consisting of all the varieties and styles that can be found in this mark et, to which they respectfully invite the attention of country merchants, and their lriends and cus tomers generally. G*?" Store under the Augusta Hotel, in Metcalf’s Range. dtf sepl3 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ~ FHAHE undersigned respectfully solicits a cal! S from the citizens of Augusta, and those vis iting the city, to examine their stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassi meres, Vestings and Trimmings, all of which we can assure the’ public to be of the newest and most fashionable styles that can be found in the New York markets. —AI.SO A choice stock of FANCY ARTICLES for gen tlemen's wear, consisting of Gloves, Suspenders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Shirts, Merino Shirts and Drawers. All orders left with us will be made in the most fashionable and workmanlike manner. _ ocU HAIGII A AUGIITRY. LA FAYETTE H A LI? IP. GIRARDEY, Importer and Manufac • turerof CONFECTIONARIES, and Dealer m selected Family GROCERIES, PRESERVES, JELLIES, West India and the tropical FRUITS generally, WINES, LIQUORS, fine SUGARS, Ac. —ALSO— French and German TOY’S, FANCY’ GOODS, Ac., Ac. 6m 0c25 tejl I’LPIOIi Black Cloth FROCKS, of every kind and size, very cheap. Call and see them at_ deco RAMSAY A LABAW’S. si P’R. Black Union Cloth FROCKS, vV very cheap. .1 ust received at deco ' RAMSAY A LABAW’S. C1 ENT’S Dress and Pump Calf BOOTS, very M fine, and of the latest styles, received and for sale by dee-3 CLARKE A ROYAL. C~ tOCOA MAT TING , for Offices, Cou7t J Houses, Banks, Ac. Another supply just re ceived. Orders punctually attended to. Send the size of the room—l to 1 '•-( vd. wide, ocls LALLERSTEDT A DEMING. jIfARSHMALLOW DROPS, PeppirOL I - Y■. ZENGES, Tolu Gum DROPS, together with all tli» varieties of JUJUBE PASTE, so beneficial to colds during the present season, for sale bv THOMAS P. FOGARTY, Apothecaries Hall, under Augusta Hotel. hovßO FBY HE richest and cheapest CARPETING ever Ml brought to Augusta, is ncnV for sale at GRAY BROTHERS, deoil Cheap Gash Store. VOL. 12-NO. 1 Denial Curbs. REMOVAL. Dlt. CHASE has removed his office to the North side of /Sjk-ijf Broad street, over Mrs. Hall’s Milli nery store, oppostte the United Stutesilotel : where he is now ready to see those desiring his Professional services. ts oetH E. W. HARKER, M. D., RESIDENT DENTIST, OFFICE on Broad street, one door above Post Office corner. <fl&o§b'aJ Dr. H. is prepared to do Allen’s HjJjJHHfr Patent and Hunter’s Continuous Gum work, and all recent improvements in the art. angle - C. M. WRIGHT, Dentist, OFFICE over Carmichael & Bean’s Hardware Store, Broad _ street, Augusta, Ga. All operations pertaining to Dentistry, faithful’ and scientifically executed. DENTISTS’ MATERIALS furnished to order. jy4 ly DENTAL NOTICE. WILI/IAdI A. OFFER>I AN, recently from Philadelphia, respect- lyay.tjw* fully informs the citizens of Augus- (ffrasßfefcv ta that he has taken rooms, (south side of Broad street, three doors below Washir ton) where he will be happy to perform all oj rations upon the teeth in a skillful manner, mv THE EMPIRE STATE OF THE SOUT AHEAD I Home Manufactures Triumphant finIIE well-known VICTOR COOK STO' B. which admits of no superior, is now be manufactured at the Augusta Works, Augusta’ Ga., from Georgia //•:>/), and warranted to be equal to any made at the North in workmanship and du rability. Wo are now receiving, and shall keep constant ly on hand, a full assortment of the above named Cook Stove, which we w ill furnish at wholesale and retail prices as loiv as the same article can be aid down here from the North. Dealers will make a great saving by avoiding breakage in transpor tation, and housekeepers can always be furnished with any piece or section of their Stove which may happen to get broken or burnt out. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. oct7 W. 11. MAIIARREY A CO. REMOVED. Si*. (HRARDEY respectfully informs his © friends, that he has removed to the store in the Lafayettee Hall, formerly occupied by Messrs. Lamback & Cooper, where "he invites the special attention to his large and well selected stock of french imported and of his own manufactured CONFECTIONARIES, embracing every variety and quality made. In connection with the above, he will constantly keep the greatest and most desirable variety of TOYS, FANCY GOODS, selected FAMILY GRO CERIES, West India and the tropical FRUITS generally, WINE, fine LIQUORS, PRESERVES, Nellies, segars, a., a-c. His furnishing establishment being the most complete South, and second to none in the coun try, he flatters himself with a superior ability to furnish festivals of every kind and ornaments suitable. To those that know his skill in executing orders in this line, lie would siate that he has made ar rangements to be supplied during each reason with the latest styles direct from Paris. A continuance of your patronage is repeetfuily solicited. ~ 3m oeflo FASHIONABLE FALL MILLINERY. MRS. O’CONNOR, a few doors from the Post Cilice corner, next to the Adams’ Ex press Cilice, is now opening a splendid assortment of Bridal BONNETS, Ladies’Dress CAPS, Ribbon CHENILLE, and Mohair HEAD DRESSES, Bugle, Lace and Gimp TRIMMING; Velvet and Silk BONNETS, suitable for the season; Chenille, Straw, Leghorn and Neapolitan BONNETS. To gether with a lull assortment of fashionable CLOAKS, to which she Invites the Ladies. oc2l ts Y&’fP'E cal! the special attention of .Merchant s wW and Dealers generally to the fidlowing well assorted stock of Merchandise, on consign ment. and in store, which will be sold on the b< st. terms to purchasers, to icMi;-.- advances, viz; pipes Holland GIN , 10 casks Domestic “ 10 “ French BRANDY'; 20 casks French “ 2o i y •• <1 a 15 M “ Domestic BRANDY’ - 25 1 “ “ “ 50 obis pure Old Rye Whisky, (1349) - 35 “ “ “ “ “ '\X \; 100 “ Rectified “ “ “ 50 boxes old BRANDY', in bottles; 2.i “ Poplar Log WHISKY, in bottles 10 bols. “ “ “ in wood; 25 “ Taylor A Son’s Albany-ALE; 25 “ Poult nay A Massy’s Phila, ALE ; 20 a bbls. LAGER BEER • 20 *• “ o ’ 25 M Spanish SEGARS, igood quality); 4o M German “ assorted • 10 bbls. STARCH; 40 boxes Patent CANDLER; 10 bbls. pure Lard OIL ; 50 boxes TOBACCO; 10 y, bbls three-plug Twist TOBACCO • 500 sacks ft ALT; 80 baskets CHAMPAGNE, quarts; -d “ '' pints; 10 bbls. pure Peach BRANDY • 20 eases Negro BROGANS; 50 “ Men and Women’s SHOES; 10 “ Bov’s “ 500 sacks* lel-Air Mills FLOUR; 200 y strfks <• 100 sacks SHORTS; 15 Tilton A McFarland’s fire-proof SAFES • lo case-.pickled OYSTERS -100 gro'N ITCHES; 25 cas o» \nb House GIN. For sale bv - - 9 .rabiati fitRARDEY, WHYTE A CO._ IWj 'J-emarkablt- iCI A , a thousand pleasant ii Wotijim N’en 1 from notes and queries. Recollections ot etime, or Men and Things I have seen ; by S. G. uoodrich. Notes, Practical and Expository, on the Gospels; by Re- . Charles 11. Hall—2 vols. Home and the World; by the author of Souve nir oi a residence in Europe. Marrying Too Late, a tale; bv George Wood. The Prophets, or Mormomsm Unveiled, with il lustrations. The History ot the Hen Fever, a humorous re cord ; by Geo. P. Burnham. Comment on Parle a Parts ; bv Madam de Pev rac. Stories of an Old Maid related to her Nephews and Nieces; and Douglass Farm, a juvenile story of life in Vir ginia; edited by Cousin Alice. Also, Morfit s Chemical Manipulations and Physician’s I rescription Book. For sale by dec7 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. Bl CKKTS. TUBS. WASHBOARDS. PIG GINS. CHURNS, TRAYS, BROOMS and WOODWARE, of all kinds, may be found at 0C22 S. S. JONES A CO.’S." BLANISIIKO Steak DISHES, Coffee URNS Goffer and Tea POTS, Coffee BIGGINS, Dish COVERS, Ac., for sale, wholesale and retail bv 0c22 S. S. JONES A CO. I’AIKS Salt. PANTS, extra weight, jg at only $1.50 per pair, a: decs RAMSAY A LABAW'S._ CdHEAP COATS.- - Another full supply 4 which can’t be beat, call and see them at nov2o RAMSEY A LAB AW. CJJ. ENT’S Pegged BOOTS, Water-proof, Hunt* w ing and stout Calf and Kip do.; light Calt pegged and Kip do., received and for sale bv decß CLARKE A ROYAL. Brooms, buckets, &c.- 100 doz. BROOMS; 150 “ Painted BUCKETS; 100 kegs SODA; 50 boxes CANDY ; 500 bags SHOT ; 5,000 lbs. Bar LEAD, Ac. in store and for sale low, at No, 2 Warren Block, by novSO KOLB A PHIXIZY. tJOMKTIIINt; BETTER.—Dog GRASS Clot Hand Whisk BRUSHES, the very best article for fine Cloihs, Velvets, Ac., being very du rable and not so harsh as the Corn Whisks. We have, also, a tine assortment of HAT BRUSHES, with cloth brush combined; also, the “ Hard and Soft” brush. deed D. B. PLUMB A CO. SHAWLS. Just received, bv ” steamer, by BROOM A NOR REEL, deck