The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, May 27, 1857, Image 4

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ID arc-R ouses. M, P. STOVALL. WAREHOUSE and commission merchant, Augusta, Georgia. /■'tOYTIVCES the business !n all its branches, in the exten 1. y ;‘re-Prof Warehouse, on Jackson street, near the Globe rioK-l His strict per«>na! attention will, as heretofore, be : e\.f'n th.- st rage and sale of Cotton, Grain, Flour, and pro- i dure geoeraHv. , , Hew!!:, when •',••• ?>••!, make libera! cash advances on pro- j Orders for family supplies, BAGGING, ROPE, <fec., will be , romptlv and carefully Ailed, at the lowest market oriee. augi7_ U __ | REES & LINTON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, August., (fa. f|t HE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership for the tram L art.-:. of a GENERA 1, WAREHOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS, and will, on the first of SeptenJier next, take the Xew Fire-Proof Warehouse on Jackson street, tuow occupied by Crocker and Rees.) H e will give our strict personal attention to al! business en trusted to our care, and would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. And Jlr. Rees would take this occasion to return liis sincere thanks to the friends and patrons of the firm of Crocker A Rees, fortnair liberal patronage, and would solicit a contin uance of the same to the new firm. All orders for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIE will be carefully filled at the lowest market prices. The usual cadi advances made when required. JNO. C. REES, of the firm of Crocker A Rees, Je2s dscly SAMUELD. LINTON. ' GILHAM & ASKIN, warehouse and commission merchants, Reynold street, Augusta, Ga„ WILL continue the business at their old stand, on Reynold » street, (a new Fire-Proof Warehouse,) and promise aeon- ! timiation of their personal attention to the interest of tlie*r pa- j \\ ( supp.v our friends with BAGGING, ROPE and f FAMILY SUPPLIES, at the lowest market rates, and, when j fl >• sired, make the usual cash advances on produce in store. ; THOMAS A. GILHAM, axzgSl FRED. A. ASKIN. j BARNES ft JONES, v alehouse and commission merchantS, At the old stand of Dye rf* Barnes, corner of Reynold and Washington streets. fiIHE undersigned have this day formed a Co-partnership for i I the transaction of a GENERAL WAREHOUSE, I OR- : WARDING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the firm of Baknes A Joxe«. We hope, by strict personal attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. Wo. E. Barnes would hereby tender his thanks to the triends and patrons of the late firm of Dye A Barnes, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same for the L '"aif orders for RAGGING, R( PE and FAMILY SUP- j PLIES, filled at lowest market rati • The u*ual cash advances made on Produce in store, WM. E. BARNES, of Augusta, J AS, A . JON E.S, of Oglethorpe Co, Augusta. September 1, 1866. 3v sepS 1. HOPKINS, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta , Oa„ mEVDLRS his thanks to his friends and the public, for the I patronage bestowed in past years, and again offers his ser vices in all the departments of a COTTON WAREHOUSE AsLj GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS ; will advance cn shipments of Cotton to Savannah, Charleston, Baltimore, and N ew Y ork. The usual cash advances on Cotton and oilier Produce in g*orc, and will give personal attention to the purchase of Goods for customers. ts augfi IlioS, P STOVALL, JOS. P. STOVALL. THOS. P, STOVALL ft CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Avgusta, Qa, W* £ would respectfully inform our friends and patrons, that ; v v we still continue the COMMISSION BUSIN ESS, at our j old stand, where we give our personal attention to consign ments of Cotton, Flour, Bacon, Grain, and all descriptions of j Produce sent us. Orders carefully filled, and advances, rather cash or by accep tances, made on Produce in store or when bills of Lading ac company drafts. Cotton stored in a Fire-Proof M arehouse. »ep2 largest souihzbn piano manufactory. "GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANO FORTES." ITTM. KYAHE continues the manufacture and sale of U Gr md and Square PIANO FORTES, under the name of WILLIAM KNABE A CO., at the stand Nos. 1. S, 6 and 7, North Eutaw-st., opposite the Eutavr House, and at the new See s Room. No. 207 Baltimore st„ Baltimore. The subscriber mo -t respectfully begs leave to present to the Ladies and Gentlemen or the South, his sincere acknowledg ing..'- tor the very liberal patronage they have so uniformly extended to his establishment, and desires at the same time to assure then:, that stimulated bv their constantly increasing custom, he has spared neither trouble nor expense to perfect, as tar as it was possible, the •• PIANO FORTE " so as to ensure a continuation of the patronage of persons of cultivation and In addition to the commendation of the most eminent Pianist lr. the country, he would add that at every Fair at which his Instruments were on exldcition, they have uniformly been swarded the highest honors ofthe several Institutes. Being extensively engaged iD the manufacture of Pianos, and employing over one hundred of the most experienced journey men, I am prepared to sell either wholesale or retail on the most liberal terms. Wholesale dealers will therefore find it to their advantage to call upon me before purchasing elseu here. Aii Pianos bunt at mv factory have full iron frames, being so constructed as to secure great additional strength, without af fecting the tone, and will therefore stand in any cl’mate. Ail instrument* of mv manufacture are guaranteed for five years, and when Intended to fill distant orders, the greatest pos sibii. care is taken to ensure the selection of a “ Piano" caicu iated in tone, touch, power and mechanical finish to please tire most fastidious. In addition to which a privilege of exchange is grunted at any time within six months, should the instrument not give entire satisfaction. 1 refer, bv permission, to the following honorable gentlemen, who have bur Pianos in their possession : Gen. James L. Oeb, M. C., South Carolina. Dr. Jaufs S. LawtuS, Beaufort District. S. C. Hon. H. O. E. lisjtxcu, M. C\, North Carolina, on. J. L. MoreheaD, M. V.. North Carolina. WILLIAM KNABE, ap2s d6m Baltimore, Md. GROVER, BAKER & CO.’S SEWING MACHINES. Machines are the only kind suitable for family JL sewing. The ordinary thread on spools used without re winding. The sewing will not rip or ravel, though every third stitch is cat. It is simple and easily learned by Ladles or their servants. The same Machine sows silk, liner thread and common spool cotton with equal facility, and adapted to sew ing of every description. All orders will receive prompt and careful attention, in the order of time in which they arc received, and Machines, ready threaded for use. with particular and sufficient directions for use, will be sent for the cash. THOS. P. STOVALL & CO., ap23 4m General Commission Merchants. FRENCH BURR MILLSTONE MANUFACTORY. rpHE undersigned respectfnlly informs the public that he I has established a Manufactory of French Burr Millstones, on Broad street, one. square above the Upper Market House. He has past returned from France, where he made a selection of the best Stones to he had in that country, and is now prepared to fill ail orders in ids line at the snortest notice, and at as rea sonable prices as can be obtained in tide country, lie has been lor some years engaged in the business, and pledges himself that ail work turned from iu- lands shall be executed in the best manner. WILLIAM BRENNER. novlß daclj UNITED STATES HOTEL. THE undersigned takes pleasure In informing his friends and the public generally, that he has lessen the well-known t luted States Hotel, and is prepared to serve Ills patrons with sveiv attention. L. DWELLE, Proprietor. tU 70 rtf J. V. Clark. Superintendent. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE INBlißbltVi.l) have entered tills dav into a Co partnership iu the DRUG and CHEMICAL BUSINESS, under the firm and stvie of FRED. VON KAMP A CO 'They are prepared to sell every article in this line as cheap a any other business house. Orders respectfully solicited. FREI). VON KAMP, Late Chemist at Messrs, plumb A- Leitner's. CH. I’ALMEDO, M. D. Augusta, Feii. M, 1857. 3m* fcb-25 HATS FOR 1857. TUE 5 pring style of Gentlemen's HATS are now received. Amongst which are - Gent's tashlonabie New Orleans HATS ; Beebe’s *’ .Moleskin “ •• Yeung Men’s Gent’s ** Stiff brim Soft “ Soft “ “ Os great variety of shape and color, at feb-21 ’ WM, N. NICHOLS'. MORE FINE WHISKY. fiRf.S. Gibson’s Eagle V IIISKY ; 100 Monongahela 75 “ old Rye 75 *• Western Rye •n hand and f: r sale . y janls cUetf A. STEVENS. ROGER'S EOOTS. 4 YOTHKK let cf R. gcr'i Drew and Pump S. BOOTS* A For sale by nihil <_' LAKKE A- RO TAL. ALPACA ROUND JACKETS. Jl sT received, a good pplv of Black and Drab Alpaca and Drap de Ete ROUND JACKETS, of our own manu. facture. myl A. P. BIGNON A CO. MARSEILLES VESTS. HOYEY COMB M.,rad I it, YESTS of all kb is can be * d rr,?l RAMSAY & LABAW-S. FRESH CONGRESS WATER. Tit O gross CONGRESS WATER, direct from the Springs, warranted fresh and genuine, for sale by _apSi v v 1..-’ i . a TRUSSES, TRUSSES npHL afflicted wUI please remember that Dr. Sherman's JL Celebrated TRUSS maybe had of the subscriber, who also keeps on hand a very large and complete assortment ol TRUSSES and ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, ofthe best man ufact urea In this country and Europe. N o charge for ap. jjying. ap7 dacSm WM. JL TCTT SATIN VESTS. ELEti 4YT White Silk, and Figured Satin VEsTs, for parties, all sizes. Just received at evi RAMSAY A LABAtVS. PANTS a* A FaUS superfine Black Dee Skin PANTS, just received D(jai RAMSAY A LAB A WS, myl Opposite the Union Bank LINEN PANTS 1 K A PAIRS Fancy Union Linen PANTS, from »1.50 XiMJ to $2.00 me new stvies. At n*yi ramsay a i.abaws. NEW NOVELS. IIAROLU TR trv nr Phases of Life, by J. F. Smith. JLI rsa- author - Henry De L’.Tour; Wo'mar. and Her Masters Fred ' tns u ; Gr: Howard, A and John, or is a Cousin :n the Hand worth Twc- Counts iu tiie Buhi; bv Miss Em— * Car.en. ror sale bv spf? I HOg. I.IC HARDS A SON SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP. rl /l DLLS Bee L- . sv HUP. i n: ,aie low, nv HAND, WILLIAMS A GRAVES, myS Nn. E Warren Block. SALT rTWEXTV tt usand sacks Liverpool SALT’, most of it I extra sire, and In heavy twilled sacks, for sale very lew, bv -%yT DAN'L H. WILCOX. NAILS. FIVE hundred kegs "Old Dominion:’ "Wyoming." to'\ VILCOX , : ~ mackerel. T'Y? For •*- “g la ' No. t Warrei: Block. SUNDRIES^ i All BOXES Colgate's SOAP ; _LUU Side, Tliet do.; 100 do. SOD*.in pound papers ; -Si d:. PICKELS; ISO d:i*c BROOMS, ifijstore..andi tc-iu=aie .Ac mv* HAND- WILLIAM* A GRAVE* N. JJork 3t^ucrtiocmento. 1 FOUNTAIN'S INDIA STORE Q BHOAI)Y\ AY. New York, ia fall of Goods from ♦JO CHINA, JAPAN and INDIA, Which embrace Novelties and Dress Goods, which are only to be found at the above eistabllahmeat. Seersucker, Concan, Pongees, Satins; also. Scum and Shawls from $5 to sß*Xj. Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, presses, Ac., manufactured from tiie fibre's of the Pineapple, handsomer and more durable than silk. Fashionable Bonnets made of the same, can be washed and remodeled to suit the taste, and worn for years. Also, thousands of Eastern (Asiatic) articles, well worthy of the attention of all. Milliners will be supplied per mail with samples of the Pine apple, or, can have Pattern Bonnets of the latest fashion, black and colored, sent by express to any part of the country. P. S.—lndia China in sets and single pieces, Vases, Ac., Ac. myU9 MERILLO IRON WORKS. MERRILLO ft JACQUES, 142 Centre Street , New York , MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Wrought Iron : PIPES, FITTINGS, TOOLS, and every description of apparatus connected with Steam, Water and Gas, for heating j and lighting St-ramers, Churches, Hotels, Private Dwellings, Hospitals, Asylums, Villages, Factories and Halls. Also—Valves, Cocks, Pumps, Guages, BoilersJ and Boiler Flues, made to order. Our Screw Cutting Machines are entirely new, and our own Patent—warranted to do donbie the work of any other inven tion. Orders solicited from all sections of the country and prompt iv attended to. ly je36 NEW SPRING GOODS, AT J. P. SETZE’S. RICH, Plain, Ombre, and Striped Fancy SILKS ; and new styles Organdie MUSLINS ; Real French and low priced Colored BRILLIANTS; White BRILLIANTS, assorted qualities; French JACONETS, Fancy and Solid Colors: DEBAGE, for Traveling Dresses; Himalaya LUSTRES, for Traveling Dresses ; French, Scotch and Domestic GINGHAMS ; French, British and Domestic PRINTS, in great variety: Check CAMBRICS and MUSLINS ; 6-4 Bonnet CORD : Crinoline SKIRTS; Embroidered Cambric SKIRTS: Cambric and Swiss TRIMMINGS; Cambric and Swiss BANDS ; Twisted Silk MITTS, half fingered ; “ “ “ long; Fancy LAWNS, low priced : Lile Thread HOSE; Colored CHAMBRAYS; Pillow Case LINENS; 12-4 Hamilton Bale SHEETINGS; 12-4 Linen SHEETING, very fine; Full assortment Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac feh2B _ SPRING TRADE 1857. J AMES IIE\EY has received an entirely New and Fash ionable Stock of SPRING DRY GOODS, which he of fers at the lowest possible prices. Among ids Stock are to be found the following articles, viz : Colored and Flain Dress SILKS; Foulard “ “ GRENADINES and CH ALLIES; TAM ART IN ES, a new articles for dresses; Plain and figured BAREGES ; Figured Lawn, Jaconet and Organdie MUSLINS : “ “ ** *• Mourning Jaconet and Organdie ROBES; Barege and Tissue “ Grenadine ** Mourning Barege DeLAIN ES; Ginghams and CALICOES: White and Colored BRILLIANTS; Pique CLOTHS ; Ladies’ Pique BASQUES, *• Emb’d Boys’ Pique JACKETS; Dotted Swiss MUSLINS; Checked and Striped Jaconet MUSLINS ; Swiss and Nanssook ,k Plain Jaconet, Swiss and Mull “ Bishops’ LAWN; Striped and Plain Indian Twilled LONGCLOTH; Hair Corde Jaconet MUSLINS ; Berlin Corded CAMBRICS: “ »• SKIRTING; Laceand Embr’d Collars and SLEEVES, aep- and in setts; Mourning “ “ “ “ Tape bor’d, Hemstiched and Embr’d II ANDKERCHIEFS: Mourning *• *■ ** Infants’ Embr’d Waists and DRESSES; Hoop and Embr’d SKIRTS, for Ladies and Misses; Eugenie Corded “ Shirtings, Sheetings and Irish LINENS ; Planters’ and Fancy LINENS, for Boys and Gent’s wear • A splendid assortment of HOSIERY ; Alexander's Kid and Silk GLOVES ; Marseilles and Lancaster QUILTS; Also, a splendid assortment of Stella SHAWLS ; SCARFS; Black and Colored MANTILLAS ; PARASOLS, FANS, Ac. To which is added Mrs. Henev’s beautiful supply of Millin cry Goods. nihlS 1857. SPRING GOODS. 1857 DICKEY" A PH UHLS are opening, this morning, a large and magnificent stock of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS, to which they invite attention. The Ladies are res pectfully solicited, before purchasing, to call and examine their assortment of Dress Goods, which comprises the latest varie ties in stvie and design, having been selected from tiie choicest stocks ofthe New York and Northern markets, and will be sold verv cheap. Rich Silk Flounced ROBES, with Fringes ; Fancy Plaid and Cheney SILKS ; BLschofT Black Groa de Rhine ** Rich Black and Colored Brocade SILKS ; •* Organdie ROBES; Vary fine Plain and Plaid CHALLI, all colors ; Challi and Barege ROBES, Plain and Printed ; Printed MUSLINS and Muslin ROBES, all colors: French and English Printed JACONETS and SWLSSES: Black and Colored CRAPE MARETZE and BAREGE ; Printed GRENADINES and NORMAN; Plain and Plaid CRAVELLIS and LUSTRES ; Plain and Printed BAREGES ; DEBIEGES, from 12K to cents ; Plain French CHAMIiRAYS and LAWNS, verv fine, all colors; Fine French. Scotch and English GINGHAMS, all styles; French. English and American PRINTS, wide and narrow ; Solid BRILLIANTS, White, Green, Blue, Pink, Ac. Printed “ Chintz and Colors; Black, White and Colored Challi and Barege SCARFS, with Satin Stripes and Plaid ; White and Colored Stella, Cashmere and Barege SHAWLS ; Silk and Lace TALMAS and SCARFS, all colors, in great variety and very cheap; White, Rope, Crown, and C’ruvelii SKIRTS, White and Colored; 100 dozen Swiss and Jaconet COLLARS, from 12>£c. to $6; Swiss and Jaconet SETTS, very cheap ; Linen COLLARS and SLEEVES, in setts, very low ; Black, Bugle and Mourning COLLARS : Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, Plain, Hem-stitched and Embroidered, cheap ; Ladies’ and Misses’ White and Colored Cotton HOSE ; Gent’s and Boys’ Brown, W bite and Fancy HALF HOSE; Ladies’ aud Misses’ White and Colored Lisle Thread Hose ; Ladies', Gent’s and Misses* Kid, Silk and Lisle GLOVES; Ladies' and Gent’s White and Light Colored Kid GLOVES ; Black Lace MITTS, Long and Short; Ladies’ and Gent’s Black and Kid GAUNTLETS; Dress TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, Ac., in great variety and new styles ; Russia, Scotch and Huckaback DIAPERS and TOWKL INGS * Irish LINEN aud Linen LAWNS, very cheap ; Brown and Bleached Table DAMASKS, by the yard ; 10-4, I*2-4 and 14-4 Brown and White TABLE CLOTHS ; Embossed TABLE COVERS, all colors; Bleached aud Brown SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS, eve ry brand; COTTONADES, Bed TICKINGS, FLANNELS, PLAIDS, CHECKS. JEANS; Linen DRILLS, Plain White and Fancy BOMBAZINES, Plaid, Drap D’Ete and Lasting CLOTHS, Ac. mhl9 MORE NEW BOOKS. mifE Child’s Book of Nature. Three Parts; Part Ist, d_ Planets; Part 2d, Animals: Part 3d, Air, Water, Heat, Light, Ac, Also In One Volume, by Worthington Hook, MAD., illustrated by numerous engravings. Habel, the' Young Wife, and the Old Love, by John Cordy Jeaffreson, author of Crewe Rise. Ac. Volume 6. Queens of Scotland.; by Agnes Strickland;and Reading Without Tears, or a Pleasant Mode of Learning to Read, bv the Author of “Peep of Day,” Ac., Ac. For sale by a;£l ' _ _ THOS.'RICHARDS A SUN. BOOTS AND SHOES, BOY’S Cloth Congress GAITERS; Bov’s Latent Leather Foxed GAITERS ; Boy’s Calf “ “ Youth’s Calf Sewed BROGANS : ** Patent Leather Foxed GAITERS . “ Cloth Tipped Congress “ Child’s Bronze Ankle TIES, verv small sizes ; ** blue. Bronze and Black BOOTS, very small sizes; Ladies’ Congress Heel GAITERS, very fine ; French Kid GAITERS; Received and for side by ap22 CLARKE A ROYAL TRUNKS, TRUNKS. ¥ $ ©T received, Nos. 1 and 2 Sole Leather TRUNKS, all sires. Als , Sole Leather and Russet VALISES, all sizes ; Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Black and Russet Hat CASES. Ai= >. 12-5 plain and cheap Traveling TRUNKS, all sizes and all prices, from #1.25 to #4, at „ RAMSEY A LABAW’S, ap!B opposite Union Bank. PUMP SOLE BOOTS AND GAITERS. 4 \OTHER invoice of Blukert's Purop-Sclc BOOTS; J.V. I.ssting Strap SHOES; Calf Strap “ Calf and Kid Oxford TIES; •* •• pump-sole GAITERS, and every variety of Spring aud Summer SHOES, for Gents’ \v -ar, for sale by rnh-T9 CLARKE & ROYAI„ SUNDRIES “(I Rectified WHISKY ; ♦ )\P 30 bliis. Rose GIN ; sft " Domestic BRANDY ; CORDIALS; WINES ; CIDER and CHAMPAGNE, and every variety of drinkables, for sale by .janlfi diet!' A. STEVENS. TIN WARE AT WHOLESALE. \\ r E need not enlarge on our stock or our operations in this ? department, as both are pretty well understood and ap pivchitc.i bv dealers. S.' S. JONES A CO., apio opposite Augusta Hotel. TOOTH BRUSHES. t-KRV aune,; r article of English TOOTH BRUSHES, re » cetved at CHEW'S Drug Store, :4'K Turpin's Range. hairbrus^T V CHOICE. article of Rosewood and Ivory Hair BRI’SII . ES, received al CHEW’S Drug Store, ap2S Turpin's Range. " SHERMAN'S TRUSSES, SO highly recommended bv our phvslcians. may tie had f inhil ' ' WM. H. Tl TT. COFFEE. fT3\YO|t):ousand bags prime New Crop Rio COFFEE, In 1 store, and for sale by .janlti HAND, WILCOX & CO. WULIAMS' BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. 4 supply received by A ’ mhfil WM. H. TT IT FRESH CONGRESS WATER, lItRBSII lOVORESti W ATER, just received bv ‘ apHl WM. H. TCTT, DENTIST'S GOLD FOIL. t SUPPLY of Abbey’s GOLD FOIL, received and for A -alt b* apfii: ' »l*c WM, IE TCTT. MEDALLION PENS. iv Vt>HI\GTOVS Medallion PEN is to be had o\ \\ THUS. Kit 11A KPS A SOX. COD LIVER OIL. VPI'RE medicinal article es the above. Also, fi-edCOD LIVER OIL, to be had at CHEW b Drag Stare in Turpin's iron front range. mh*.y THURSTON'S IMPROVED IVORY TOOTH ! POWDER. cjTHIsS fine preparation for the Teeth and Gums is to be ot>- i gained at CHEW'S Drug Store, ! Turpin’s Range. SACK FROCKS. RAMSAY a LVHA W have just received another lot of these fine Planters Linen SACK and FROCKS, at gI.7S s another assortment Marseilles VESTS, COATS, ai.d Pants. myi QUININE SUBSTITUTE. FOR the care of Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Remit tent Fever, and Nervous Afibctlons. Contains no quinino o; arsenic t a sale by HAVTI.A7 D RiaLEY A CO. apa ocnernl QVbucrtiscmcntg NEW SPRING GOODS—FULL SUPPLIES. TITILLI AM SHEAR has just received from New York, ▼ ▼ his full Spring supplies, embracing a large and elegant assortment of Fancy and Staple DRY' GOODS, among which ai Rich Silk ROBES, and Fancy SILKS, of new and beautiful style*; Rich Tissue Barege, and French Jaconet ROBES; French ORGANDIES, and Printed JACONETS, at very low prices; „ Fancy BAREGES, and Plain Colored CH ALLIES, of beautiful styles; Plain Colored CRAPEMARETZ, and Paris LAWNS, for Ladies’ Dresses; Plain Black French LAWNS, Black BAREGES and Black CKAPEMARETZ, for Ladies’ Mourning Dresses; Plain and Figured Black Silk GRENADINES, and Black MARQUISSE: Lupin’s French Black BOMBAZINES and PIainCHAL LIES, of the best styles: Fancy GINGHAMS and Small Figured English PRINTS, of new and beautiful styles; Superior 4-4 French Chintz BRILLIANTS, and French PRINTS, for Children’s wear ; Superior White BRILLIANTS, and Cambric DIMITIES, at very low prices ; Plain Jaconet, Nainsook and Mull MUSLINS, of the most approved styles; Plain, Swiss, and White Tarletan MUSLINS, for Ladies, Evening Dresses; Colored Tarletan MUSLINS, at very low price*, for cover ing Lamps and Chandeliers; White Dotted Swiss MUSLINS, for Ladies’ Dresses, at very low prices; Cambric and Swiss Striped and Checked MUSLINS and Bishop LAWNS; Plain Black and White CRAPE DE PARIS, for Ladies’ Evening Dresses; Plain Black Dotted LACES, for Ladies’ Veils; Valenciennes and Thread Lace EDGINGS and INSERT INGS: A large supply of Jaconet and Swiss EDGINGS and IN SERTTNGS, of the best styles ; Jaconet and Swiss Muslin BANDS, of new and elegant styles; Ladies’ French Embroidered COLLARS and UNDER SLEEVES, in setts; Ladies’ Mourning COLLARS and UNDERSLEEVES, separate and in setts: Ladies’ French Embroidered Muslin BASQUES and MAN TILAS; Ladies’ Linen Cambric, Frencli Lawn, Corded Border and Hemstitch If ANDKERSCHIEFS; Ladies’ Fancy and Embroidered HANDKERCHIEFS, of rich and elegant styles; Ladies’ Mourning French Lawn and Linen Cambric HAND KERCHIEFS; Ladles’ Spring and Summer MANTILLAS, of new* and ele gant styles; Ladies’ Brown Linen Dusters, or TRAVELING CLOAKS : Ladies’ Cruvelli, Skeleton and Coronation Whalebone and Steel Spring SKIRTS, of the most approved stvies: Ladies* Marseilles, Corded aud White Hair Cloth SKIRTS, aud GRASS CLOTHS: Ladies’ French COR SETTS, and Infant’s Embroidered WAISTS; A complete assortment of Ladies, Misses, Gentlemen’s, Youth’s and Children’s HOSIERY', of the best make ; Ladies’ PARA SOLS amt UMBRELLAS ; A larg? supply of Ladies' Cloth, Fancy, Bridal and Mourn n?leavy French Black BOMBAZINES and DRAB DE ETE, for Gentlemen’s Summer wear; A large assortment of Fancv DRILLINGS, Plain and Checked COATINGS, French NANKJXETTS, and other suitable articles for Gentlemen’s and Youth’s Summer wear : Gentlemen’s Linen BOSOMS, for Shirts, some of extra size ; Superior 4-4 Irish LINEN and LONG LAWNS ; Superior 12-4 Linen SHEETINGS and Pillow Case LINENS; Extra 8-4 ami 10-4 Table and Damask DIAPERS, Table CLOTHS and Damask NAPKINS ; Heavy Linen BUCK A BA<' K, Scotch DIAPERS, Colored and Damask Bordered TOWELS ; Superior I*2-4 Hamilton and Allendale SHEETINGS and Pillow Case COTTONS; New York Mills, Water Twist, White Rock, Manchester and Lonsdale 4-4 Bleached SHIRTINGS; A large assortment of articles for SERVANTS wear ; Rich Colored DAMASKS, for Window Curtains with Cords and Tassels to match ; Embroidered Lace and Muslin CURTAILS,of Rich and ele gant styles; CORNICES, Curtain BANDS, aud Embroidered MUS LINS for Curtains; Hartwell’s CANOPY FRAMES, for French Bedsteads ; White aud Colored 10-4 and 12-4 Pavilion BOBINETS ; A large assortment of Gold Band and other stvies WIN DOW SHADES; Superior Velvet, Brussels, Tree Ply, Ingrain and Venetian CARPETS; Plain White and Fancy Checked India MATTINGS ; The above, with a greui variety of other articles suitable for the present season, will be sold at very low prices for cash— decidedly lower than they can be sol'd on the usual credit erms. " ap2l GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. (dll VY A TURLEY, (successors to Gray Bros.) have .X just received, from the late large auction sales iu New York", some of the greatest bargains in DRY GOODS that has ever come to Augusta, to which they would respectfully invite attention, feeling confident that, a saving of at. least from 25 to 100 per cent, can be realized by an examination of our goods and prices. To give some idea of the extent and cheapness, we annex a list of some of the leading Goods in the several departments, commencing with our EMBROIDEHY STOCK. 1,000 Swiss and Jaconet BANDS, from 25c. to sl, worth fully double that amount. 5,000 Swiss and Jaconet COLLARS, from 25 to 50c., worth sl. 100 fine French worked " $2,00 to $3.50, worth $5 to SO. Swiss and Jaconet EDGINGS and INSERTINGS, in great variet Emir.oidered and Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS, ex ceedingly cheap. 50 tine Embroidered SETTS, $2 to $5, exceedingly cheap. In the smne department will be found the most complete as sortment of HOSIERY that has ever been in one house in Augusta, from the lowest price to the finest quality, for Ladies, Gents, Misses and Youths, of every description. In our DRESS GOODS department will be found— -100 splendid Silk ROBES, $lO each, worth sls to s*2o. 50 “ “ “ very elegant, $35 each, worth SSO to SOO. A splendid assortment of colored SILKS, from 37 %c. to $3 r>er yard, cheaper than the like goods ever was known to sell tor In Augusta. An elegant assortment of the Very best black SILKS, very cheap. 500 pieces fine LAWNS, warranted fast colors, forlOc., worth 12 to 15 cents. 1(H) pieces fine BAREGES, 12c., worth 25 cents. 50 “ “ French ORGANDIES, warranted fast colors, at 37c., worth 62 to 75 cents 500 fine black MOIRE ANTIQUE and Lace MANTILLAS, richly trimmed, from $3.60 to $5, richlv worth $8 to $lO. DOMESTIC GOODS. Ten cases fine 3 yards wide SHEETING, at 31 cents, worth In the Jobbing Houses in New Y’ork from 85 to 40 cents. Five hales fine Si-a Island HOMESPUN, 6J< cents. QTen cases fine CA LICO, warranted last colors, or the money returned- for 6b,J worth 10 to I*2 LINEN GOODS. The best and cheapest I.INENS that has ever been known to sell in Augusta, under any circumstances, are now on our shelves, arid only require ah examination to convince the most fastidious of the’great saving iu purchasing Linen goods from us. Splendid fronting LINEN for 37c., that has never been known to sell In Augusta for less than 62 to 75c. The most superb Linen DAMASK ever brought to this mar ket at vastly reduced rates. Splendid Turkish TOWELS for the bath room, 6-4 long, only I*2'-.. worth 37c. Russia and Huckaback DIAPERS, in great variety, exceed ingly cheap. Five hundred 12 t square QUILTS, $1 50, worth $3 00 ; fine French Marseilles ILTS. large size, $3 50 to $5 00, worth from $S to $lO 00 : and verv large and varied stock of every description of DRY GOODS, selected with the utmost care by decided judges of goods, at auction, and such other places as bargains could be obtained, within the last two weeks, to which we would invite the attention of all those purchasing for cash, guaranteeing that we can save them a very large per cent age on an examination of our stock. GRAY A TURLEY, ap2l 290 Broad st n et. L. C. DEMING, nYS in store liis entire Stock of SPRING AND SUM MER GOODS, embracing every novelty up to the Loco-* motive FAN. EM BROIDRIES at lower rates than ever offerred before in the City; MANTILLAS of Silk Lace, trimmed—a larger assortment and lower prices than ever before ollerred in the City ; DRESS GOODS, embracing every novelty, with the usual articles; Five different styles Mourning Dress SHAWLS, with entire ly new fabrics for MOURNLNG DRESS GOODS; Mounting MANTILLAS, a large assortment; Black and Mourning DRESS SILKS, warranted to give satisfaction ; STUFF GOODS for Men’s and Boys’ wear, in every variety, *n either LINEN, COTTON, or Union Fabrics. mh24g| READY-MADE CLOTHING. RAMSEY ft LAB AW, ,4 T the old stand of Clarke & Ramsey, opposite to tiie iY Union Bank, and second door above Capt. John Nelson’s i store, wholesale and retail dealers, and manufacturers of FASHIONABLE READY MADE CLOTHING. We are now receiving our fall and winter supply of CLOTH ING and Gentlemen’s FURNISHING GOODS. The ar. rangements of the subscribers and their facilities for manufac turing, are such that they can at all times furnish their friends and customers with the newest styles of GOODS, at the very lowest prices. One of the partners always in the market and shipping weekly to us, we flatter ourselves we can sell as cheap as any similar house in the South. We have on hand a complete assortment of CO ATS, PANTS, VESTS, TALMAS, SHAWLS, Aw., of every description and quality. Our stock of UNDERSHIRTS, L. B. SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, HDK’FS., TIES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, V A LISES, CARPET BAGS, Ac., are com plete in every respect. We have oh hand a large and well selected stock of Negro CLOTHING, of all qualities, made of extra heavy Satinetts i and Kerseys, all of which will be sold cheaper than the cheap est. Please call and examine our stock. RAMSEY A LAB AW, Opposite Union Bank, and two doors above J. Nelson. sep2S d it civ CUNS, PISTOLS. POWDER, SHOT, fte. 11l A\ E.iu received a large addition to my former stock of GUNS. PISTOLS, ami GUNNING APPARATUS, which makes my assortment complete, and superior to anything in this market, and respectfully invite the attention of all who are in want of any article in the line. It consists of— RIFLES, of my own manufacture; Double GUNS, by the best makers, Steel Barrels ; “ “ Stub. Twist, all varieties* Single Barrelled GUNS, Twist Barrels : Deane, Adams A Deane’s Repeating PISTOLS, a superb article. Colt’s PISTOLS, all sizes; also, Alien’s Six Barrelled PISTOLS. Single Barrelled Self-Cocking PISTOLS, Ivory and Wood Handies; Single Barrelled Rifle PISTOLS, Steel Barrels; Powder FLASKS, Shot BELTS, Game BAGS, DogCALLS, Percussion CA PS, all varieties; Gun WA DS, Drink’g FLASKS and CUPS, Ely's Shot CARTRIDES, POWDER and SHOT, Bar LEAD. Also—a good assortment of Pocket and Pen KNIVES, SCISSORS. RAZORS, Ac. Thankful for past favors, and so licits a continuance. Guns Re stocked and Repaired neatly and promptly and Rifles made to order and warranted. W. D. BOWEN, 205 Broad street. Augusta, Ga., Aug. S, 1856. ly aug6 COLIC MIXTURE. ROBKHTS' colic mixture. warranted to cure Colic In Infants. Sold hv apS HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO. COLLARS. DO/. Byron COLLARS, some new styles in this O market, at RAMSEY A LABAW’S, j aplß opposite Union Bank. ON CONSIGNMENT, Thirty Pike’s Magnolia WHISKY, just received and for sale, at No. 7 Warren Block, hv :-.p21 E. f. KINCHLEY. FLOUR. I TUFTY bids. Nashville City Mills ext. aud super. FLOUR; . 75 sacks, extra and superfine '* I just received on consignment, and for sale by | ap2l W. H. HOWARD. ORANGES AND LEMONS JCST received SO Boxes Sweet Oranges: 10 “ Lemons I. P. GIRARDEY'S. j apl? PATENT LEATHER GAITERS, &c. CILVRKE dk ROY AL have just received from Philadel . phia- Gents. Patent Leather Opera GAI I'l.Kh, " Kidtipt do. do. “ Extra fine Oxford Ties. New styles are made expressly for our retail trade. COSMETICS. PIVK SU'CERt', Lilly White, and a variety of COS METICS, to be had at CHEW'S Drug Store, ap26 Turpin' 9 Iren Range, - clothinq M ELY’S, Youths’ and Boys’ CLOTHING, just received, of our awn manufacture. myl A P. BIGNON A GO Business <£ar&s, E. J. & W. T. MILLICAN, 4 TTORXEYS \T LWV, will practice in the counties lY of the Western Circuit, and the counties of Madison, El bert and Hart, of the Northern Circuit. B. J. SULLICAK, i WM. T. MILLICAN, Jefferson, Georgia. I Carnesville, Georgia. mylS ' _ tUcly WILLIAM H. WHEELER, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia. Offlceover 1Y the City Bank. 6m ap=) c. L. BARBOUR, 4 TTORXEV AT LAW, LaGrange, Ga„ will devote es lY pecial attention to Collecting ana Conveyancing. Old Claims and Small Claims adjusted fora moderate compensation. For the convenience of newspaper men, their claims will re ceive prompt attention when sent in proper shape for collection. THOMAS H. GRIFFIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Crawfordvllle, Georgia, will practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Greene, HancocK, Warren and Wilkes. All business entrusted to him will meet prompt attention. ts a pi J. T. BURKHALTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Ga., will promptly attend to business entrusted to him in any county iif the Blu« Ridge Circuit, and to collecting and securing claims in all the surrounding counties. (lady mill7 THOMAS B. FELDER, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW, Augusta Georgia. Offlceover 1Y the City Bank. ly nihlS LEGAL NOTICE. riIHE undersigned having entered into a partnership, in the JL practice of Law, in the county of Columbia, will give all business entrusted to them prompt attention. LAMAR & LOCHRANE, fcbS ly A. COLYARD. WILLIAM M. BUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Campbellton, Ga , of the late firm of Tuggle & Butt, will devote himself to collections in Fulton, Fayette, Coweta, Campbell, Carroll and Paulding counties. Those who shall favor him with business, shall be satistled both with his attention tiiereto, and his charges, mb 7 6m L. D LALLERSTEDT, .4 TTORXEY AT LAW, Augusta. Georgia. Offlceover J.Y the City Bank. teh2Q JESSE A. GLENN, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW, Summerville, Cliattooga coun IV ty, Geo., having entered into the practice of law and equity in Cherokee Circuit, Georgia, will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Any business, from professional firms, will receive every attention, and prompt remittances made for all collections. feb7_ J ly BENJAMIN HALL, J. P. 122 c? District. OFFICE at his residence on Greene Street, between Centre and Elbert Streets. Will be thankful for any business en trusted to him. Court days, second Saturday in every month. feb6 d*cly THOMAS MORRIS. | JOHN li. KSTEB. MORRIS & ESTES, VTTORAEYH AT LAW, Carnesville, Ga.; will practice in all the counties of the Western Circuit, and in the coun ties of Elbert and Hart, in the Northern. Business entrusted to their care will meet with prompt attention. Particular at tention paid to collections. ts lanl7 U. Y. MARTIN. | J. MARTIN. MARTIN & MARTIN 4 TTORXEYH AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. Office iV on Broad Street. dacly _ jan!B JNO. M. TILLEY. 1 GEO. V. BRISTOW. TILLEY <fc BRISTOW, V TTORXEY 8 AT LAW, Crawfordville, Georgia, will practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Hancock, Warren !!' LINTON BTEPnENS. 1 R. M. JOHNSTON. STEPHENS & JOHNSTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Sparta, Georgia, will practice . in the counties of Hancock, Warren, Taliaferro, Oglethorpe and Wilkes, of the Northern : Greene, Putnam and Morgan, of the. Oglethorpe ; and Washington and Richmond, of tin* Mid dle Circuits. deel J. G. MONTGOMERY, 4 TTOHM V AT LAW, Augusta. Ga., will practice xV. Kichimmd and other counties of the M iddle Circuit. O in City Ilall. novlS T. M. DANIEL, \ TTORXEY AT LAW, Washington,Ga., will practice 111 the several counties of the Northern Circuit, to wit: Wilkes. Warren, Hancock, Taliaferro, Oglethorpe, Madison, Hart, Elbert, ami Lincoln. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care, aep26 ly JAMES P. BURNSIDE, V TTORXEY AT L \ W , Appling, Columbia county, Ga. ■ y HENRY J. LANG, 4 TTOR\E\ VT LAW, Lincolnton, Ga., will practice j\. in Lincoln, Wilkes and Columbia counties. All business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. my 2 W. G. JOHNSON, 4 TTORYEY AT LA W, Augusta, Ga., will promptly at xV tend to all business entrusted to his professional manage ageuient, in Richmond and the adjoining counties. Office on Mclntosh street, three doors below Constitutionalist office. Rkference—Thos. R. R. Cobb, Esq., Athens, Ga. my-21 ly __ WILLIAM R. MCLAWS, 4 TTORXEV AT LAW, Commissioner of New York, iV Virginia, North and .South Carolina. Office, Clayton’s new buiidiug, opposite his old office, Washington street, will attend promptly to applications for Bounty Land, under the late acts of Congress. apl MACKENZIE AND LAWSON, V TTORXEYs VT LWV , Waynesboro’, Burke county, . Georgia, will practice in Burke, Scriven, Jefferson, Wash ington,Tatnall, Montgomery, Emanuel and Richmond counties. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE,* JOHN E. LAWSON. JOHN H. HULL, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga. Office on Broad xV street, in Masonic Hall building. ly janl GEORGE A. MANDELL, V TTORXEY AT LAW, Waynesboro*, Ga., will prac tice in the following counties: Burke, Jefi'erson, Wash ington, Emanuel ami Scriven. ly nov2 WILLIAM J. R. CARSWELL, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW Louisville, Ga., will practic Law in the following counties, to wit: Jefferson, Burke Emanuel, Scriven, Washington, Richmond, Columbia and War ren. Strict attention paid to collecting. References— Gov. H, V. Johns- ?■„ Mil 1 edgevilie, Ga.; Dr. K# K. Dixon, Louisville, Ga.; Mr. Win. 1 )un an, Savannah, Ga. ft®#" Office opposite L<misville Ilotel. jylO LAW NOTICE. riMHK undersigned will practice LAW and EQUITY, in Co I. jiartnership, from this date, using the firm name of WA LK Ell ROGERS. In criminal business, their practice will re main separate, as heretofore. Office north-west corner of Broad, ami Washington streets. EDWARD J. WALKER ALBHKUS M. ROGERS, i f WIER EOYD, KITSIDEXT A TTORXEV AT LAW, Dahloncga, Ga - Office up stairs, above A.G. Wimpy’s store. Refers to—Julius M. Patton, A. G. Wimpy, M. P. Qui 1 lian. Win. O. Perry, J. D. & P. O’Connor, Dahlonega, Ga Hon. Joseph E. Brown, < ’anton, Ga.; Gen. Andrew J. Hansel Marietta, Ga.; George Kellogg, Esq., Forsyth county Ga. my 29 d*cly WM. M. DAVIDSON, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BRANDIES, GIN ALBANY ALE, CHAMPAGNE, and other Wines and Liquors, Teas, Segars, &c. Nos. 188 Congress and 87 St, Julian streets. Savannah, Ga. d*e my 23 POLHILL, WILKINS & CAIN, 4 TTORXEYS AT LAW, Louisville,Ga., will practice i\ in the several counties of the Middle and the counties of Hancock and Warren of the Northern Circuit. Office on the corner East of the Market—the same as occupied by the senior partner for the last three years. TIIOS. 11. POLHILL, W. A. WILKINS, J G. CAIN. January 32d, 1857. ly jan29 DR. JAMES S. FISH, OFFERS ilia Professional service to the citizens of Augus ta and vicinity. Office at the Drug Store of B. F. < hew, where lie mav be found at all time during the day, and at night, at tin- residence of IL F. Chew, opposite the Medica College. _ _ ap!4 d6m DR. W. GEBHARB, HOMEOPATHIC 1 Physician, Burgeon and Accouchcr, from Heidelberg, Germany, offers his professional .servi ces to the citizens of Augusta and vicinity. Office and residence on Mclntosh street; over the office of Mr. T. S. Metcalf. 6m jaiffil DR. E. B. HOOK OFFERS Ids professional services to the citizens of Augus ta and vicinity. Office in the room formerly occupied by I)r. T. B. PhinJzy. Can be found at night in the adjoining building. ts lanlß DR. WM. J. HOLT OFFERS to the citizens of Augusta and vicinity, his ser vices as Physician and Surgeon. Office in the old State Bank building, opposite the United States Hotel. Augusta, October 27th, 1856. DOCTOR ROBERT SOUTHGATE, OFFERS his professional services to the public. Reference Dr. H. H. Steiner, at whose office he may be found du ring the day. __ . , At nigiit he may be found at the. Augusta Hotel. Augusta, Dec. 16, 1856. tt DR. CH. PALMEDO'S OFFICE at the store of FRED. VOX KAMI & GO Broad street, opposite the Bridge Bunk Building. fet>2s Jim* _ J. R. DAVIS, Laxii broker, gollectok and general AGENT. Business attended to in any county m this -State Office corner Jackson and Ellis streets, Augusta, Georgia. oci7 _ ly DR. JAMES W. WALKER HV\ I\G located in this city, offer- his professionalser vices to the citizens of Augusta, Hamburg and vicinity. Office corner Washington and Broad strcetß ! _____6m___^ap^_ UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. DOZ. various kinds and qualities of Silk, Gauze, Me- O rino and Cotton UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, some elegant, just received at RAMSEY Jr LABAW’S aplß OlotMng Depot, COFFEE. IAIVE HI'XDRER bags prime Rio COFFEE, tust re ' ceived and for sale by apl2 Kol-B A BHESIZY. COUGH DROPS. HOFSE.MAX’B German COUGH DROPS, for sale by ap!6 WM. H. TCTT. OLD BOURBON. 4 FE\V bhls. of pure old Bourbon WHISKY, direct from ,\ the distillers in Bourbon county, Kentucky, best in this meridian. Just received and for sale by daetf A. STEVENS, WANTED, BY a young man, a situation as Salesman or Book Keep The best of references given. Address C. M., through the Post Office. fee GENT'S CONGRESS GAITERS. GHAT'S Kid Tip Congress GAITERS, very line, made by Benkhert, Philadelphia, expressly for our Spring retail trade. Also, Gent's tine Cloth Tip Congress GAITERS, for Spring, i very fine, and mad. to order- Just received by CLARKE Jr ROYAL, tbW Opposite Masonic Hall. ! transportation. GEARGIA RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE AUGUSTA daily at 6 A. M.. and 5, P. M. Arrive at Augusta daily at 3.22, A. ML and 6, P. M. Leave Atlanta daily at 8.45, A. M., and 6, P. M. Arrive at Atlanta daily at 3.00, A. M-, and 3.80, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Train. Arriving at Union Point daily (Sundays excepted) at 9.50, A. M„ and leaving at 2.25, P. M. With Washington Branch. Arriving at Cumming daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8.50, A. M., and leaving at 3.20, P. M. With South Carolina Railroad Trains. Leaving Augusta daily at 9.20, A. M. and 9.50, P. M. Arriving at Augusta daily at 3, P. M., and 4.30, A. M. With Atlanta <6 LaGrange Railroad Trains. Leaving Atlanta daily at 3.30, A. M„ and 4.45, P. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 8.00, A. M„ and 5.35, P. M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains , Leaving Atlanta daily at 9, A. M., and 8.55 ,P. MJ Arriving at Atlanta daily at 3.10, A. M„ and 4.05, P, M. GEO. YONGE, Gcn’l. Supt. September 9,1356. sepll FOR PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, &C. CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINES. CABIN PASSAGE, S2O STEERAGE, SS. mHE well .known First Class Steamships, KEYSTONE I STATE, Capt. R. llardie ; STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Gabvin, will hereafter form a Weekly Line to Philadelphia, sailing every SATURDAY, alternately, from Savannah and Charleston, as follows: SAILING DAYS.—The Keystone State will sail from Sa vannah the following Saturdays; FEBRUARY 14th and2Bth; MARCH 14th and 28th : APRIL 11th and 25tli; MAY 9th and 23d; JUNE 6th and 20tn, &e.; leaving Philadelphia the alter nate Saturdays. The State of Georgia will sail from Charleston the following Saturdays; JANUARY 24th; FEBRUARY 7th and 21st; MARCH 7th and 21st; APRIL 4th and 18th ; MAY 2d, ICth and 30th; JUNE 13th and 27th; leaving Philadelphia the al ternate Saturdays. In strength, speed and accommodations, these ships are fully equal to any running on the coast. Inland navigation, 100 miles on Delaware River and Bay ; two nights at sea. FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES AND CANADA. SHORTEST and cheapest route. These lines both connect at Philadelphia with the Great North-western Railroad Route through to Niagara Falls or Buffalo, in eighteen hours from Philadelphia. Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and in termediate points, for sale by the Agents in Savannah and Charleston. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, $23; Elmira, $26; to Canan daigua, $27. Agent at Philadelphia, A. HERON, JR. Agent at Savannah (’. A. GREINER. Agents at Charleston, T. S. & T. G. BUDD. jan2l dGm CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25, WEEKLY UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. THE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL STEAMSHIPS : A UG USTA 1,500 tons. .Capt. M. S. Woodhull. FLORIDA 1,300 tons. .Capt. Isaac Crowell. ALABAMA .... 1,300 tons. .Capt. G. IL, Schenck. Will leave Savannah every SA'i’ U RD A Y. qnHESE Ships arc among the. largest on the coast, unsur _l_ passed in speed, safety and comfort—making their pas sages in 50 to 60 hours, and aje commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers, liming elegant Stateroom accommoda tions, they offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin passage $25 Steerage 8 PADELFORD, FAY & CO.. Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. 13 Broadway, New York. Savannah, Feb. Dth, 1856. feb7 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Cabin Passage from Charleston to New l',,rh $25.00. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS. Through in 48 to 53 Hours. NASHVILLE, 1 M. Bebkv, 1800 tons. i Commander. MARION, [ W. J. Foster, 1500 tons. ) Commander. JAMES ADGER, ) S. C. Teener, 1500 tons. J Commander. SOUTHERNER, t Thomas D. Ewan, 1000 tons. i Commander. I FAYE ADDER'S WHARF every WEDNESDAY and 1 SATURDAY, after the arrival of the Care from the South and West, “at High Water." These Steamships were nil built expressly for the line, and for safety, speed and comfort, are un rivalled on the Coast. Table supplied with every iuxvry ; at tentive ahd courteous Commanders, will ensure Travellers of this Line every possible comfort and accommodation. Cabin Passage $25 00 Steerage 8 00 For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accom modations, apply to IiENRY MISSRIM >N. Corner East Bay and Adger’s South Wharf, feblO Charleston, s. C. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. To Commence 17 Ih July, 1855. DOWN MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta Depot at 9.20 A. M. Arrive at Branchville at 1.80 B. M. " Kingsville and Camden Junction 4.30 P. M. “ Camden 7.15 P.M. “ Columbia 6.10 P.M. “ Charleston 5.06 P. M . UP MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Charleston 1 n pot at 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Branchville at 10,25 A. M. “ Augusta i P. M. DOWN NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN. Leaves Augusta Depot at 9.50 P. M Arrive at Hranehviile at 8.20 A. M Kingsville and Camden Junction 6.30 A. M “ Columbia 5.40 A. M “ Charleston 3.00 A. M UP NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN. Leaves Charleston Depot at !,15 P. M. Arrive at Branchville at 9.15 P. M. “ Augusta 4.30 A.M. •JOHN K. MAULEY, Agent. Augusta, Ga., July 16, 1655. ,iy!7 FOR PAIATKA, EAST FLORIDA. Via Darien , Brunswick , St. Mary's, Jacksonville , PicolatOt ami Middleourg . f IIHE steamers, W M. GASTO.V, 1 uptain Thomas E. Shaw, JL ami s»T. JOHN, Uapt. Jam. Fkf.f.hokn, will leave .Savan nah every MONDAY ami THURSDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, tor the above place. The St. John is a new boat, Built expressly for the trade, with large and ai'y State Room accom modation, and taking the inland route, offers superior facilities for invalids and others. For further particulars, enquire of (‘ L A Gll OR N&U U N NIN GH A M .Agents. Savannah, March 1, 1854. maril GOODS FORWARDED FREE OF CHARGE. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. 4 ITI \TIO\ is called to this Road as a means of comnm- J\. nication with the Sea and thence with Northern Forts. There are now four FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIPS and six lilies of last sailing vessels, runniug with regularity and dispatch between New York and Savannah ; also, a Steamship Line from Philadelphia, and Sailing Vessels from that Port, Baltimore and Boston, making the communication between the Northern Cities and Savannah a» reliable for certainty and speed, as that to any other Southern Port. This Road can expect only the business of Augusta, the Towns and the Counties along the line of the Georgia Railroad, and those Counties lying North of that Road. Other Roads have a larger field of operations that cannot be neglected merely to secure so limited a trade as that to which we must alone give all our time ; and no competitor will be allowed, by superior attention, to deprive us of it, for it is our full determination to conduct it with that fidelity, dispatch, and economy, which is sure ultimately to gain and retain it. As regards Rates—they shall be as low as by any other Road, and in order to reduce all charges to a minimum rate, contracts for Drayage have been already entered into at Savannah, and no one connected with tiie Receiving and Forwarding has any other interest than that of seeing that all charges are at the lowest rates. By Railroad a saving of one-quarter of one per cent, can be made in the Insurance between Northern Ports and Augusta. All Goods forwarded free of Commissions. They should be marked *‘iu care of the C. R. R. Agent,” Savannah. Published by order of the Board. jy26 FRANCIS T. WILLIS, President. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS GOING NORTH BY THE BAY LINE, DEAUO VHI) VMi HO WORK It AILROAD, in eon nectiou with the STEAM PACKETS on Chesapeake Bay, forming a daily line unsurpassed for comfort, speed anil safety, between Weldon, N. 0., and Baltimore, Md. The elegant Steam Packets, LOUISIANA, Capt. Russell, and NORTH CAROLINA, Capt. Cannon, now boat-, beauti fully fitted up with commodious state-rooms, are now running daily on the old and favorite Bay Line, which, in connection with the Roads south of Weldon, presents the following unsur passed schedule: Leave Augusta, Geo., 9.30, A. M.; “ Branchville, S. C., 1.50, P. M.; “ Kingsville, “ 5.00, P. M.; “ Wilmington, N. C\, 6.00, A. M.; “ Weldon, k - 2. P. M.; “ Norfolk, Ya., 6, P. M.; Arrive at Baltimore, Md., 7. A. M. In time for the early morning trains for Philadelphia and New York. Through Tickets to Wilmington, $9; thence to Baltimore sl2. Through Tickets may also be purchased in Wilmington for Philadelphia, at sl4, and for New York at $15.50, of S. D. WALLACE, Ticket Agent, or at Weldon for Baltimore at ss, Philadelphia at $lO, and New York at sl2, of K. N. PETER SON, Agent S. and R. R. Co. Baggage checked through from Augusta to Weldon, thence to Baltimore. Through from Wilmington to New York in 36 hours, without loss of sleep. For further particulars, apply to C. D. HOYDEN, novlS ts Agent Inland Route. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. riHAVGE OF M'IIKIH LR—( Commencing on WEI>- v j N E.SD AY. 3d Sept ember, 18-76. Leave Augusta, 5 •A. M. and 4 I‘. M. Arrive at Milieu, 8.16 A. M. and 6.50 P. M. Connecting with Trains for Savannah and Macon. Leave Milieu 12.45 A. M. and 5.4 • P. M. Arrive at Augusta 3.30 A. M. and 8.45 P. M. aep2 c. A. BROWN, Agent.® FINE GROCERIES EOR SOUTHERN FAMILIES r|MU»I \S HOt»K ( 0., No. 132 Cl,ambers street, New JL York, (established 1S20) Importers and Dealers in all de scriptions of Rare Old Maderia. Sherry and Port Wines. Fin est Old Brandies, Superior Did Jamaica, St. Croix and Antigua Rum, Old Holland Gin, and every variety of Fine Imported and Domestic Liquors. CH A MPAGNE--Max Sutainc, Moet & Chandon and Mumm’s Imperial, Cabinet and Nerzenay. Heidseick and other brands. CLARET AND SAUTERNE—-Including Chateau Mar gaux, Chateau Lafitte, Leoville, Larose, Margaux and St. Ju lien, Chataux and Haut Sauternes. HOCK WINES—Of Johannesberger, Maccrobrunner, Rude* sheimer, Hockheimer, Sparkling Hock and Moselle. SEGARS—Of till the choicest varieties, Elegantes, Regalias, Conchas, Operas, Pressed and Communes. FOREIGN FRUITS—Of all kinds, Raisins, Almonds, Prunes. &e. TEAS AND COFFEES—AII of the finest qualities. HAMS AND TONGUES—Burlington, Virginia and West phalia Hams: Smoked and Pickled Tongues. GOSHEN BUTTER—In Ferkins, Tubs and Stone Jars. FOREIGN PICKLES—Sauces, Catsups, Sardines, Capers, Oiives. &c. PRESERVES—East and West India and Domestic. And a full and general assortment of every variety of line groce ries. dly ' mh4 HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Charter Perpetual. Capital paid in and invested #408,190 Chartered Capital #600,000 IXSI RAXCB against loss or damture by Fire, Marin,, und . Inland Navigation, at the lowest rates. nt itKiTOKs: P- M- Belts, C. i7. Snanifler, Abm. Ilex, (V. H. Woihls, Geo. HoweU, J. Edgar Thompson, O. G. Gower, Jno. W Sexton, Herman Haupt, Nathan K. Bolts, w. F. Leecti, K. T. Kensili, H. Houston, Jus. K. Withers, Abraham P. Eve, w. Kaigent, Chas. F. Norton, John IL Seward, Jas. E. Stiles, 11. N. Burroughs. Pkbcivax, M. Potts, President. C. E. Spaxuler. Vice-President. vV. H. Woods, Secretary. Risks taken hv THOS. P. StOVALL A CO., Agt’s. Augusta, April 25, 1857. 2m ap26 TO LOVERS OF THE DRAMA. HI). XUHBELL has received a splendid assortment of ! « DRAMATIC PLAYS, which he will sell cheap. Call | soon. apis Store opposite U, b Hotel. I Dental Carite. C. M. WEIGHT, DENTIST, Carmichael & Bean’s Hardware Store, Broad ; All operations pertaining to Dentistry, faithfully and scien- ! tificaliy executed. DENTISTS’ MATERIALS furnished to order. Jyt ly EEMOVAL. Dr. chase has removed his office to the North side of ] Broad street, over Mrs. Hall’s Millinery Store, opposite the United States Hotel, where he is now ready to see those desir ing Ins Professional services. Dr. Chase is using the benumbing process in extracting teeth, when one wishes several removed for the purpose of preparing the mouth for plates. ts oc2l E. W. HAEKEE. M. D., RESIDENT DENTIST, OFFICE on Broad street, one door above Post Office corner. Dr. 11. is prepared to do Allen’s Patent and Hunter’s Con tinuous Gum work, and all recent improvements in the art. auglS DENTAL NOTICE. VVUM. A. OFFER.VS A\. recently from Philadelphia, re > T spectfully informs the citizens of Augusta, that he has taken rooms, (south side of Broad street, three doors below Washington.) where he will be happy to perform all operat ions upon the teeth in a skillful manner. my2s SNIJFE. MACCABOV and Scotch SNUFFS, in bulk or by the bottle. Call at CHEW’S Drug Store, new iron front range. mh29 DISSOLUTION OF COPAETNEESHIP. ri’lli: firm of HOWARD & DUGAS was dissolved this 1. day by its own limitation. The business of the late firm will be settled by either of the undersigned at the old store. WM. H. HOWARD, January Ist, 1857. LEON P. DUGAS. NOTICE. milE undersigned tenders his thanks to the citizens of An- I gusta, and his Consignors generally, for the liberal man ner in which they have patronized the late firm, and hopes, by quick Sales, prompt returns, and strict attention to business, to merit a share of tneir patronage January Ist, 1857. jant.G WM. 11. HOWARD. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. rpilE highest prices paid for Land WARRANTS of anv de- JL nominations. Apply to feb!4 WAI. H. HOWARD. MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAE. : A ii V\DSOMK assortment of GOODS, suitable for Men’s | i;IL and Boy’s wear, just opened by »J. I*. SETZE, consist ing of— Check and Plaid Linen COATING : Plain Linen York NANKEES; CAMBLATEENS ; Pennsylvania .lEANS : Laconia CORD ; Cadet M ixed COTTON ADE ; Sok<>k< .PLAIDS; Whittington CIIE< ’KS : Bine DRILLS; Solid and Figured French DRILLS ; Hanover DEMINS : French and English Black DRAP D’ETE; Gum Elastic SUSPENDERS, for Bovs and Men, Are. fel>2B GUNS. Vli\!r stock of Double-Barrelled SHOT G UNS, some of them Boys’size, anil good Guns, with all kinds of Gun Trimmings and Apparatus, WADS, GAPS, FLASKS, Ac. For sale 1 1 >w\ I>y octs GLARE & CO. TOILET ARTICLES. JUST received, a superb assortment of Fancy and Toilet articles, of the richest kind, consisting of— | Dressing and fine-tooth CO AIRS ; ; Hair BRUSHES, thirt y varieties ; Nail and Tooth BRUSHES, an endless variety ; | ( ’(>L< H .NES —Farina’s. Harrison’s, Ac.; j POMADES—Piver’s, Bazin’s, Lubin’s, Ac.; SOAPS—Low’s, Lubin’s, Ac.; ODOR CASES, PUFF BOXES, Extracts forthehand | kerchief, Ac. Cali and see them, as they will be sold cheaper j than usual. mho TITOS. P. FOGARTY. WANTED, ONE IIUADHED LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES, for which the highest cash price will he paid. We have on hand Cooks, Washers and Ireners, and Field Hands, for sale at our Office, in Hamburg, South. Carolina. R. M. OWINGS & CO. ly EXPRESS NOTICE. | Memphis and Charleston Railroad, open to Tu»-u,inbia, Ala. tlllir, VIIA3I sn !n\i'Kl>S CO >ll* SAY have made ar -1 rangements to extend their Express Line over the Mem phis and Charleston Railroad, and will receive and forward, by Passenger Trains, in charge of special messengers, FREIGHT , PACKAGES, Ac Particular attention given to PERSONAL BAGGAGE, for warded by Express, which will be delivered as addressed, at any point on the line. Express for Nashville, Tusemnhia, and intermediate stations, leaves daily (per Georgia Railroad) at o’clock P. M. H. B. l‘L A NT, Sup’t. MOT A BOOK! NOR A PAPER IVTOH a Dollars’ worth of property, has ever been lost in one 11 of Nearns A Marvin’s, Wilder*.> Patent, Rich’s Improve ment, S A LA M AND EK S A FES. From the N. Y. ,Journal of Commerce. Nov. 12. RECENT AND CONVINCING TESTIMONY. New York, Nov. llth, 1856. Messrs. Editors : In the fire at No. bu Warren street, on the morning of the 9th inst., our most valuable books and papers were exposed for 36 hours in one of Stearns A Marvin » fire proof safes. We say tire-proof, not because they are so labeled, but be cause we havo so them. Our books and papers came out. uninjured, save the binding of the books, occasioned by steam. Our store was five stories above ground and two stories be low, occupied from cellar to garret. The intensity of the heat can be attested by any fireman who witnessed it. No furnace could be contrived by the ingenuity of man to create a more in tense heat. We. voluntarily give this tribute to the value of these safes, and select your widely circulated commercial journal to inform the mercantile community what estimate to place upon Steam's d- Marvin's, Wiiih r's Patent, Salamander Safes. Hi spectfully, Havjland, Harrall A Risley, Wholesale Druggist . A full assortment of the above celebrated SAFES, with IN SIDE VAULTS, and the fav rise “La Belle” Powder and Burglar-Proof Locks, are for sale in this city, at manufacturer’s prices, with cost of transportation added, bv the Agents. O ARM It HALL A BE VN, nov!8 Augusta, Ga. JOHNSONS’ NEW ILLUSTRATED AND EM BEUSUED COUNTRY MAPS OF the Republics of North America, with the adjacent Countries and Islands; Compiled, Drawn and Engraved from the United States Land and Court, and British Admiralty Surveys, and other reliable sources. A superior Copperplate Engraving. Published bv D. G. AA. *f. Johnson, New York and Washington. This work exhibits the whole of NVrth America, South of the 50th Parallel of Latitude ; embracing the Canadas, the United States, and Territories, Mexico, Centra! America, the Isthmus of Panama, the West India islands, New Brunswick, N' va Scotia, and a part of South America. Also, a superior Map of the World. It is on a scale larger by 10 miles to the inch than the largest map of the same territory ever published, and 13 miles to the inch larger than Monk’s or Morse A Gaston’s. It occupies a sheet 72 by 80 Indies, larger than Sherman A Smith’s mam moth Map of the Old States, (now Colton’s), covering about four times as much of the Earth's surface as that work. It is 1,500 square inches larger than Colton's, Monk’s or Mitchell’s Map, and gives a geographical delineation of the Countries item braces. with an accuracy and fulness of detail altogether beyond the reach of any other Map. All the Count ies in the United States and Territories are named and colored on the face of the Map—a superiority over any other Map engraved on Metalic plates. This work can be had by applying to subscriber at his rooms, corner of Mclntosh and Ellis'streets, oppi>Mte the Library : or he may be addressed by mail. Price sk-\ cash on delivery. ii. W. PKAYY, Agent. Augusta, Ga., Feb. 23d, 1557 fet>2s RICHMOND ACADEMY. r|IHIS Institution will be opened on the first Monday in .Tan uary, for the reception of Boarders as well as Day Scholars. The course of Studies will embrace the Greek, Latin ami English Languages; Mathematics, Geography, History, Rheto ric, Ac. An extra charge of $8 per quarter, will be made for French. Boarders will be required to converse in French. Scholars will be prepared for any College in this Country. Special attention paid to Declamation and Composition. Tuition in Classical Departmetn sls oQ per quarter. “ “ Mathematics and Eng. Depart 10 *K> 2 Tuition, Board and Washing per annum, payable quarter ly, $250. An extra charge will be made per quarter for lights. The undersigned would call the attention of the public to the fact, that the building has undergone complete repairs. The roonjs are spacious and airy. The Dormitory roomy and well ventilated. The play grounds extensive and well shaded. Boarders will at all times be under the supervision of one of the Teachers. Under no circumstances will Boarders be allow ed to vistt the City, unless by special permit, and at the request Os Barents. No pains will be spared on the part of the under signed to render this one of the first, institutions in the Southern Country. JAMES L. ROSSIGNOL. dec2S ts JOSEPH M. SHELL MAN. j MR. LEFEBVRES SCHOOL. RICHMOND, VA. milE Session of this School opens on the first dav of (Mo JL her, ami terminates on the flirt day of July. Terras for the whole session: For Board S2OO For Washing 20 For English Tuition 40 For Modern Languages, each. 2o For Latin ! 20 For Music on Piano or Guitar 80 For Ilarp, per lesson 2 For Drawing ’ «() For Drawing from Nature ’ 40 For Painting in Water Colors 40 For Painting in Oil Colors 50 For use of Piano No extra charges faculty : HUBERT P. LEFEBVKE, A. M., Principal, Natural Philosophy, History and French. Rev. H. S. KEI’PLEII, Moral and Mental Philosophy, Composition. Rev. W. E. WEBB, A. M., Mathematics, Latin, History, Rhetoric, Ac. JOHN P. LITTLE, M. IX, Chemistry R. A. LEWIS, M. I)., Botany. Mrs. M. F. CARY, English Branches. Miss E. BARTLETT, Miss MARA C. GORDON, English Branches. ELIODORO CAMPS, Spanish and Italian Mad’elle L. VILLEMET, French Governed Mrs. MIRIAM TAYLOR, Vocal Music. Madame M ARIE ESTVAN, Vocal Music and Guitar. | Mad lie LAURA LACY, Piano. Herr C. W. Til l LOW, JOHN A. CALYO, Painting and Drawing. The Reverend JOSHUA PET ERKIN has kindly taken ! charge ot the Bible Class. References—lit. Rev. Bishop Elliott, of Georgia; Rt. Rev. j Bishop Cobbs, of Alabama; Rt. Rev. Bishop Meade, of Va.; | Rt . Rev. Bishop Johns, of Virginia ; the « 'lergy of the Episco pal/ Lurch m 3 irgiuia ;_ Mrs. (lovernor Town.-. <»f Ge->rgia. j For the accommodation of persons from a distance, pupils • will be received during the holidays, (July, August ami Sep- ; tember), and charged tor board at the same rate as in the ses- j sion. They will be then exclusively engaged in the study of : French and Music; for French they will be charged seven dol- i lars a month, and for Music one dollar pur h-sscu. HERBERT P. LEFEBORE, corner of Grace and Foiishee streets, j dec23 ly Richmond, Va. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. TIIIE Subscribers have just received, and design keeping 1 constantly 011 hand, a full assortment of HOUSE FUR- : NI SUING ARTICLES, such as Brooms, Baskets, Mats. Wooden Ware, Tin Ware of all kinds. Stoves of all kinds, to- j gether with the celebrated Augusta make ; Victor Stoves, Ran- : gesof the most approved patterns, AAc. A complete stock • of Gas Fixtures always on hand, including Chandeliers of the j neatest-patterns, Brackets, Pendants, cut and plain glass arid ; paper Shades, and every article necessary for carrying on the | G:.s Fitting Business in all its branches. Our arrange- j meats are such that all goods we sell can be afforded as low f | not on better terms, than any other house in the city. Plumbing and Tinning done at short ert notice, by as good j workmen as can be found in the country. Wc respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Portable Gas Works put up in anv State and warranted to [ give satisfaction. ROWE A ROBERT,, marl! 3m Two doors below Post Office comer, Broad St. j BOOKS ! BOOKS !! wER>IO\S of the Rev. C. 11. Spurges,. n , of London ; Sec i ko ond Series. The Arctic Adventure, by Sea ana Land, trom the earliest date • to the last Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin—edited j by Epe.s Sargeant, with maps and Illustrations. Old Hanse, the Pawnbroker, or the Orphan’s Legacy; a Tale I of New York, founded on facts. Also—A supply of John Halifax, gentleman, has just been j received at GEO, A. OATES A BRO’S., j 1 mh26 Book Store, 1 iHebirines. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARa ttav Highly Concentrated Compound jri7~7T*olf EXTRACT HI I.’HI? 1 FOR all Diseases of the Bladder, Kj-i> Sexual Organs. ’ Lnr.a r JOY TO THE AFFLICTED ’ • - It cures Diseases of the BLADDER, Kmviriv ~, DROPSY, OBSTRUCTIONS. FEMALE UfninC 1 ■ CHRONIC GONORRHOEA, STRICTURE- r ,bAi all diseases arising front excesses and fETS. NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED .-UEiVl'" . ' moves all improper discharges from the Bivo,' L; - Sexual Organs, whether existing In MALE-", FFuw'"' whatever cause they may have origin-itert •„',i ‘-VI.E . HO MA TTFR of HO W U>H<?§T\ V/) n 7 give health and vigor to the frame, AND lii ■ ' PALID CHEEK! BLOOM Tu ... DEBILITY, brought on by abuse a most t which has brought thousands of the l'mnrui iv, a ! graves, thus Wasting the brilliant hopes of ”’®W r mg in the bud the glorious ambition of man- I V Sf : - can be cured bv the use of- 1 n,.;. ie v THIS INFALLIBLE REMEDY and as a medicine which must benefit event,’ r simply delicate to theeontliicd and despair l - C ,r ’ ' is to be found. If you hava-contnietcl til- V ' : which, when once seated in the system und.-r- ' REMEDY Vi-once: VU;,! dUl ' ! '” r li!V ’ The Leprous distilment, whose effect Holds such an enmity with blood of ;,-,v That swift as quicksilver it course- th- V-’ The natural gates and alleys of the borb- Curdling, like eager droppings into n . The thin and wholesome blood h ’’ BEWARE OF QUACK NOSTRUMS . v„ DOCTORS. MIA- i T»i l /sp?ll;’ S i. l T l .%r¥r o . oncentrat<i<l ‘-N-inif.!.:-, ,! t-r r , IRA, l <M i,i , Hi. is prepared ci ; -,' ‘ ;i ' RUI.KS OK 1-IIARMACY ANI.T iIKM Q, :■ greatest accuracy and chemical knowledge a, V 1 - * ■ its coml.ination. Us popularity has extends ' ’ and whether used in town, country ii— i-’ tice, has invariably given the n-st ' • satisfaction, ami prodnred the most s-dvt-i-v • '' sects. It has been ami is used in all the r.r!, ' l mted States ami liritisli Urminces, h, ‘ practice, with great success. Ilemeforth let it'- for the proofs are too overv.neln.ii,,. to I.e I', Buchu, is them-..,vab", t IF . The mass of voltu. te.-iu-iony' in , , ’ ‘ ' * tor is itmuense. e; . - - ■ ' ,y' l -;• AND FAME, ’ gymen. ’ uiwuigusiie] ■ See i’rofessor DEWEE’S vr :table work or, ,i- p Physic and most oft;.-!au- sta:-r w, rkl M '' 1, IS a , ■ odor, but immediate in its act;, n -in.V it ot ‘V" U \ u ' ' ' either sex, without hindra: - V, •, i; ' T ‘ lke,i h l J 1 * - as explicit directions us‘*. , r nui mca. . and responsible certificates, to coir, h •‘ t “7 0 • " 1 accompany each bottle. ’ ' 1 ' mosl s kt*ptic:u, i Price #l' per bottle, or six bottles for v, iw,;„ ... , t address. Prepared and sold by Practical and Analytical Chemist, N.-UUwmiv.’o’ l : ! ' below Chestnut, (Asst-niblv Buildlmrs.) Lid; ~Vcir.b; V “' To be had of HAVILAND, RISLEY A* i l l "\v Agents, and of Druggists und I >• uiers tLr<-u ut' States, Canadas, and British Provinces. sep2 .}, - USEFUL TO EVERY FAMILY PRY'OR’S OI NT’.M ENT IT I* A SURE and speedy cure for burns, piles r.. * . ons, fever sores, ulcers, scald head, tetter won o i',*.--"' (recommended by nurses,) sore and cracked litis, tv, v, and sores of any descriptions. It. is a rm-i Yo” and cure, which can he testified to by thou-an-K w »*. it in many portions of the South for the last tVw v.’■ instance will the salve do any injury, or interfere v, u \ >' dan’s prescription. The proprietor It.-.s i.-jc . and letters from people who have used it thun.-c... -, earnestly recommend it to othei's as a sneedv nv-l dy for the above named diseases. A trial L’ ah that" i saiy for its own recommciidatiou. Among the many that have testified to the efi a •- ■ valuable remedv, and recommended it tadi.v m;’ ’ ~ o A. T. Ridley Judge E. Y. Ilill, Judge O. a'. ]■■ \] j- ; v gan, Esq-, J. L. Stevens, Esq., and thousand- c-f. Sold by J. B. Moore, Savaniiah, Ga.; J. E. 11 a Ga.; Clark, Wells A Spear, Ga.; Molve. - :. R & Go., New York ; and druggists generally. By remitting one dollar to the propriet- ‘ a Ai _ the ointment will be forwarded by mail free of p.-Una, • part of the United Stat(«. For sale, wholesale and retail, at reduced prim* for... Y. G. MOORE, id dacly Lau . .. IF ALL THINGS ARE EQUAL, Give the Preference to the Horne M i. SI ( 'll a propo: ition is not only just and roas.-; j i,. trioiic, and therefore we would respertfd.v a-k m\ ■ Physicians and Planters, to call and <’\am:r • • prices of the extensive stock of DR I*( ('HEMIC A - >• FU-MERY, >1 RGB'AL INSTIL ME\7>, uj'iU-’’. PAINTS. BRUSHES. Ac., that otir firm, with a view of selling th*. ta a.- : was they ca: • chased in any market. We cannot demonstrate the above [ ri: ■ o’-e v.-r*L.. portunity, and would therefore request a \ rs.onai vxa! : by all intere»ted. 'AH orders promptly attended to. bv BARRY & BATTEY oc*3 Druggists and Gia DEUGS. ri'lO-YJORHOW, .1 : Ml, 1 1 1 , Mcrvi..Jits. !u.:ers- -: i’l selected stuck r-f DRUCi.-. 1 Hl.s. I’AIN IS, Cul.iHi.- r' TER PARIS, GLASS, BRUSHES, - id Fan , INI- S, Surgi ... i\- TRUMENTS, Dissi CALS. Mid'.vifio CHE.VI’>, PERFUMERY,' M, DI,E UAI-S. Tim above are of superior quality, an-.i will ! e 5,,: lowest market prices. nov-22 BARRY A BATTEt COD LIVEE GIL. npHE celebrated OIL, prepared l\- Dr. Lewis I)-,- J. 1. Sweden, now generally recomme? !a- su;a ri other. For sale by nov22 BARRY & BATTIA COLOGNE. A b'KM’lVEart: of .lean M.uki V a’s -■■ iV LOGN'E, fr-rsa'c ! v BARRY Si BATTkY, At their store, one door abovu Lam: . k ,v » nov22 OTAKD BRANDY, \V E have, an article of prime old Otard BRANDY, f medical purposes. It is good. BARRY & BATTEY. nov22 one door above Lambaek A > j r DISSECTING CASES, OF superior metal and finish, at the lowest prici >. BARRY A BATTdV, nov22 Successors to D’AntignaeA i- COUNTERFEIT. CAUTION TO PARTIES PURCHASING Si. \. PIKE’S MAGNOLIA Vtlllri.: Cincinnati , Ohio. rjIHE umlei-signed. inanufacturer ami sole r: • r i above : rami t i WHISKY, w- ;L1 ' customers ami purchasers of this celebmu-d t*r:n.<!. • • appeared in the Charleston and Sotulmn. ~ :i. tcifeit of the ab* Whisky, being a j «»><.:. > ed similar t«> his bra*.-; :it pas M-s unm rri n..; : Magnolia Whiskv, ('imrii.nati, Ohio, ,u mi . ..n S. A. Pike. As tin re is no p:.rtv in tni- - its . : *1 N. Dike, . N intended to impose umi deceim in - v purchase tiie gen nine brand. I make this stat« . ; ties on their guard, as there :ue several .>•, ;•••••: > !' • West making an imitation, and using niv n:u:.« • te ration. I have analysed several samt-.b s of:..- • brand, and found that it contains a deadly i» - alone Impels me to caution the public, protect tin -•- Me to be deceived, and prevent the evil resuit> Use Os this puis ’ mi terfeiters or mv brand that I will pro-. • \) •• • ■ tent of the law. The genuine S. N. BIKE SM/ \S HISKY is distilled from the be.-t m. .. i . and is warranted free from anv deleter: ns or • : . pound, it being a pure and hi afth v I n».: m<. Ot'TAVrs COHEN. E.-vj., (if Snv.t’.i ~,h. (M., : : M • HENRY GOBI A & GO., of < hai. S. ; authorized agents in those cities, am! parties ;m . - them are sure to obtain a genuine and m,adult- ran - : • s. n. PiKr- IS and 26 Sycamore str<..?, l;i: 1:.: . 1 jan6 CHEAP GAS. rjIHE undersigned informs the pub : , that he m s ; JL for vending and putting in s;.r- Apparatus of the Maryland Poitabie G - ( tried it at his residence in the countrv, he can conli :*. r;-. that it is the cheapest, most brilliant'and :>grm arte . -f produced. The public are solicited to examine du in successful operation at the office of tie i hronii - A > and at (Mara’s Hall, of Mcs.-m. Lambaek A g . ’ Pamphlets giving full d- .-eript.ion of the auj-av..- . can be had gratis at the office of the Chronicle ,v m * Constitutionalist, or on application to the undi: -• prepared, with competent machinist.-, t-. put the. ; 1 residence at short notice, in town or country. WILLIAM SGHLEV, Jr., > ’ - Augusta. May ii. lrtrt. ts CLARK AND CO., VaVY-F-r Ur tl-Ur Mr, w ■■ | WARE. • f k;: !-—T ,i . I vi •. G-iblvts. Tmiiijli-rx, Cnr,s, Fork-, rip, , :.s, ! C'aki-. Dr--, it ru ! Rmtcr Knivv-. rilii-ffil ;-: I'i.ATKi) WARE—first ii-.mlitv. : - liakv iki-ki ts. H ire rs, (k-.riii. -t-. i: , ,v . BimJngbsunand Ann-ricon I’LA'I’ED WARE, - '"i'ioLdVaTUHES, of ail goort aV:rr t P bias, Burley A .Johnson, English n rk- r-: ai.'i -Ini-.«- of (’openhageu. SILVER WATCHES In great vai ; quick i R Watches, large size. Coral* Cta the newest styles, with a huge >t.-k of Maple eml r • GOODS, at tluar store. Post Ofih” G-, epp - : • road Bank. CHINESE SUGiIR CANE 15 EVA K E O F I* UKI OU > •- E • riIHE SEED nf - TUNE.-:-: ri! AK \\’K. I. the sulweribers, is the .tl va: •- K ports of Gov. llammoi 1. H. P« *• >, E ;. 1 >• toy and Prof. Maps. If i- warrar.tcd pure. |.m • - entirely separate from Pm,!, g, m, Gi ,■ k> t other varieties of the Millet family. Gnii a: - ’ -. . and read the evidence of its value.’ A limited qm: genuine seed may vet be obtained at $1 per package. when sent per mail, prepaid. PLUMB A I-KIiNM; Late D. B. Plume A-* Dealers in seeds, arid country merchant-;. 1 m plied at liberal discounts from the retail rates, if tla - , an n ts YOUNG AMERICA CORN AND COB MILL THE I’HKAPE-'l AM’ RK.-T. w E •Fi r : M .. » - :■ .-'iri- ■ r T in rpeed ai , -■ v Wi-ll as EIO.NOMV. 'I - It 1-iirt ..f tl-.- Mill in.-.-t 11a*• beingsvjiararc fr,-in thv main t,oily, c.ui at any time ■ at a small expense. The above Mill has the./t/vl premium, at i Fairs of Nvw Yi-rk. i U, : . Mi big: . N rth Car-. nessee, as also at a large number of Comity Fair "THE YOUNG AMERICA MILL perform ami nearly twice as fast as any other Cum or Corn ' vet ottered to the public. ' Planters are inviteil to examine the Aik!, am! (■ : . vantages. JOHN A i llOri. A.- ti ESTABLISHED IN 1823. HV\ I LAX ll KImLFY iY » 0., W! . Angus::., Georgia, wonld invite t!,- chants visiting the citv, tins Spring, to their la -■ DRUGri. MEDICINE'. FAINTS. OILS. WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, FANCY s*«’b ~. Having had long experience, and 1 t ing - - facility for buying Goods low. we are det-ru :, : ’ ' and would ask ail to come and price our Goods be! : ‘ . elsewhere, dtac O' l - ’ RICH SILK ROBES ADDITIONAL William fin in. n York, a:- additional supply of Labi,-’ Liu r ... of new ami elegant st vies. .... Also, a full supplv of Ladies’ (’ORNATION, CRt' and Skeleton Whaltbune SKIRTS, of the •• . styles, to which he most respectfully invites the att*.'■*■■•■■■ f public. aplO _ WM, 0. PRICE & 00., CIVIC AND MILITARY TAILOR^ IWlTEthe attention of the pus-lie to au exu-n-;.-; y goods in their line, all of the newe.-i importation. —• potent and skilful mechanics to manut'act-ure the .-vault • MADE-UP CLOTH ING of all the new*rt style , and warranted genuine. y Broad street, Augusta.