The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, September 01, 1857, Image 1

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The Daily Constitutionalist. 11Y JAMES (iAlillN ER. ociterai TUiuciliscincnts GET YOUR SHIRTS AT HERSEY'S. We thought steam Grange, but ’tis all of a piece. The wonderful Shirts at HERSEY’S. - T" -el. tl.. r Shirts ut HERSEY’S. The public rush' to HERSEY’S Store. > ' 1 >’i hand a few more, If you'll omy call at HERSEY’S. And buy Stir Shirts a.l'iiE^EY’ri. ' V »relile SWrtsTt HERSEY'S. THE SUNRISE COOK STOVE THE M",:;iSK C • V STOVE. THE sr‘'Rb>E COuK STOVE. THE SUNRISE COOK STOVE, » hod in use The best in use. T“e best in use! The best in use. | 1 he best in t The best in use. i For sale l>y For sale by Sa *£ ' JOKES V CO., -10 Bros''-at. j s’. S. JONES A CO.,a 10Broad-A, iS S. S. V jUEa A CO., 210 Broun.-. CSATsiT GRATES!! rb#* vwrnim of c jr customers and the commu r 1 - ir stock of ORATES . • r ri ».• m*:* . I~j \ .■' in store the largest and most r ' cr, K , • ~ V,‘. ‘ r. trfrK.'.TE ' ever offered in this , . ns !n this par ' r r ,-v. *We ii •.;*<- all In vcji.t of a GRATE of any * > our r j; S. S. JONES & CO., No. 210 Broad street. “THE SUNRISE COOKING STOVE.” Tl r E H AVE large lot of tlte above STOVES, IT which are admitted by ail tu be “decidedly” the best - jVE now inaonfoctureJ. The difficulty heretofore ex • fenced in bikine with a flat top Stove is entirely overcome ••SUNRISE.” The flues are large, and the bottom of oven Lh corrugated, giving twice the heating surface at the t.t /u. We sell these Stoves under a full guarantee, confi -i t that they cannot fail to give entire and perfect satisfaction fail who thsm. We are prepared to furnish extra Plates r sav tune for the«e Stoves. »> have also on hand all sizes • -fiCiOR < OOK STOVE,’* manufactured in this S. S. JONES A CO.. _G No. 210 Broad street. PRE3H F&UIIS IN WINTER BETTER THAN . ■ \> CANS and JARS, consisting of Arthur’s patent, Bur yatent. Also, a CAN of our own manufacture, war i ec;.-G to an* in tiu* market. Full directions for putting ’ FRUIT and VEGETABLES accompanying We invib-* particular attention t>> our stock of these . ;ve uiv iietennined to sell them as low asanv house -.b itv. Is. S. JONES A < l O., flld Broad strict. TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOOD COFFEE! (AND WHO DOES SOT?) 'PI»M undersigned, desirous of offering to their customers I . vAi.rak:.f. improvements in house-keeping articles, . b is!J the right to manufacture and sell in Richmond } ] . 1 )• • \*w\<; <"«>k- I • } It is claimed for this Coffee Pot, that it will pro a superior beverage, arid still save one-third ok the . lag f illy tested in the family of our senior partner the. Tiprozeinent, and finding it to be ail that is claimed for •'.ii.lcriTly recoin mead it to our customers and 1 he A.i those who consult economy, and desire a superior article • S & < 0.. 210 Broad street. CAGES) CAGES. U‘o4’K!\*G and Squirrel CAGES, of all S. S. JONES & (’«>.. 210 Broad Burning fluid. w l ARR’S best always on hand, and for sale at N S. S. JONES & CO.’S, No. 210 Bn dst t eet. PUMPS. 4 I.i. - ■of Hvdrant ITM PS may be found at A rn s.JONES & CO.’S, --‘in Broad st. RICE. PF\ tier.-,-* UK F, for sale low by L 11 AN D, WILLIAMS AGRA V ES. Xo !, Watrcn Block: 'HEX • . -and s ;<-ks Ltrtn*ol’S.YLT ; I I ," •• •• *■ in extra fine double ...••4 racks, for sale low by DANIEL H. WILCOX. LARD. .>•? BBLS. choice Loaf LAUD, iust revived and by . i DANIEL H. W ILCOX. LIME. < \XE 111 NDRF.D barrels fresh LIME arriving. I I j> . .P.s rIV ALL k CO. SHIRTS. 4 CHOICE lot. 1 u=t rect l ed, of till the new pattern. I \VM. O. I KICK A CO. TOBACCO. jUVO I TOBACCO, in store and DANIEL li. WILCOX. BAGGING AND P.OPE, ■|’ \VO hundred ceils HOPE ; Per sale by * ' ’ '' DAWSON A SKINNER. RECEIVED THIS DAY. IT BARRETT A LAP.US’, (opposite the Augusta Ho. uilcs-ane Kid and Morocco SLIPPERS ; ” Black and Colored GAITERS: KM and Morocco BUSKINS ; MW - *• FLIPPERS; • Black and Colored GAITERS ; . “ •* Congress GAITERS; he !*ert of PhiladelpMa work, ami of the most fashion : a Urge and wvi; assorted stock of House ser -1 a>H< »ES. The Lidhnt are aast respectfully solicited te Lad. .V Misses' Gaiier? and Flippers Heeled at ke Aoitesi notice. >e6 B. & L. SUGAU. TWO hundred bhls. A B and C SUGAR ; i j cads. Porto Rico *• for sale low bv HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES, * No. A Warren Block. RICE j. AK 7.- RICE; 4 casks medium RICE. Just W H._IIOWARD._ SYRUP. >)“ RRLS. Sugar-House SYRUP, in store and for sale -hi low by au3 DANIEL H. WILCOX. | BAY RUM. THE genuine St. Thuams, for sale by l jnySl \VM 11. TUTT. j CATHOLICGN. tr VRCHISE S UTEKINK CATHOLH OX. for sale • J -y_ apK'- w't 11. frTT.^ :'ASCY AND WHITE MARSEILLES COATS, | jL ST received, and which we warrant well made. Call ■I i- « toyl A. P. BIGNOJJ & CO’S. P&IF V T LEATHER GAITERS, &e. QLARKE dc ROVAb .'•are just received from Pfclladel* |G ~ p ; , - -..;er\ GAITFHj ' Kidtipt ’ ~C' do. Extra fine Oxford ,ie«. sry'.es are mote express:'' for ourrTaii trails VESTS. AXE Marseille'VU3T.3, just received, all of the ja’ 1 " 8, ; ' ? ‘ ea ' o^s '\Vm. o. price a CO. j STARCH V-'E-YI \ -FIX t nxes best sIA RCH. . *r s -i- DAWSON A SKINNER. ~ WANTED, S<A XECHUFS, to work in a heaitbv location neai thto - L:. .-a :Ms rof 3 ti. M., Planter; Hotel. ■ NEW WHEAT WANTED. ! r»tV. ■ .r.beivMfvr New WHEAT. | TUOS. P. STOVALL A CO., o* General Commission Merchants. i BALE ROPE. eKct'ickv ROPE. in st .re and 1 ■ » saie ...w ... _st, itiMCL H. IVll.rnf. j _ ... TO gardeners. . 'A' .owrlVj v'.i 1; f” . riav plant without fear V v1 1 7 : " . ■ < leurobers : Car w(| .a. «...... a,* •- v:.-,- ... Kale> Spinach,; . V .. . ' • i- . Itmem at the : —_' M • Haines B r , lk ,t Street HAi?. RESTORATIVES v| h “ '"® V ’ OKI J ' Hair restorer, • ; "it a Allen's XVLORALSAMCM . Hair Pressing. HATILANIk CHICHESTER A CO. GUNNY BAGGING. pi Aired UP .G .• y LAGGING, in note at.d for •T • HASH, \Y ILL LA MS A GiiAt ES. So. S Wanen Block p,y E FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASK. ,i ■ i’eari'^rAßCH. 4 ! J. •• - CG'.-VES MAt'JES, at reduced WM. HAINES. CLOTHS AND VESTINGS ( AND VESTIXtitS, new, for order [_ W -M. O. F. H'E Ji .GODEY'S lady s book. (r .iI*' 1 *' s - i;v ' Boji '. >t September, ha, been received - ii UEO A OATES A BHOS ocncvrtl 3,bocrti6emeitto* DISSOLUTION. rriHK cos artnership heretofore existing under the firm of JL Uaigh A Avohtby was dissolved, by the death of >\ il . Liam H. Auohtby, on the 17th day of May last. COPARTNERSHIP. film; undersigned having purchas* i the entire interest of I \VV. H. Aughtry, have formed a copartnership, under the name and stvieof Haigh A Andrews, will eontinue the MERCHANT TAILORING and CLOTHING BUSI- N EFF, at the old staivd, 240 Broad street. All persons Indebi Id to the late firm, either by note or ac- I count, are requested to make immediate payment to the under slgned \v ILLiAM HAIGH, ,-31 1 I. N. NDREWS. MAGAZINE. HVRPERS’ Macar.lne for September, trimmed. Also, Harpers’ Story Book, JTo. ?4, “Congo.” for sale by MiW THUS. RICHARDS & SON. TO MERCHANTS. \"yE expect our stock of Fresh and Genuine GARDEN V * SEEDS to be on hand this season by the first of Decem ber. For purity of seed and completeness of assortment, we will not be surpassed. Our price is as low as the lowest. "The proof of the pm.ding,” Ac. PLUMB A LEITNER. au -~ (14m LONG CLOTHS, ENGLISH and American LO.XG CLOTHS, of favorite brauds, just received and for sale at GRAY & TURLEY’S. PANTS AND VESTS. I G‘-V il.ljllF\’s Gauze arid VESTS, for sale VA very iheap at nuiS GRAY A TURLEY’S. THREAD HO£E sfc TCKI.EY have for sale twenty-five dozen A Ladles’ White and Brow;; Lisle Thread HOSE. Also, Gentlemen’s Lisle Thread HALF HOSE. au26 EMBROIDERED SETTS TJ-VIBROiDEHEI) SETTS, at 75 cents each, for sale at A-l au2« GRAY A TURLEY’S. WHaLEBONE, IBM; W HALEBONE, for Ladies’ Hoops. Also, Brass J SETTS, tor sale at au26 OKAY & TURLEY’S. J ACONET PLAIDS. 1 All I’IECEs Jaconet PLAIDS, at 25 cents per vard. I I* * * ’ fur sale by au26 GRAY & TURLEY. BOY'S AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. WE h av6 lust received a very handsome and fresh supply, t t suitable for the fall and winter trade. Also—A handsome lot of Silk, Fur and Cassimere HATS, of the latest style,, to which we respectfully invite the attention of < L >. i it ,v K ENNADY. FOE SALE. IVI.V FY-Sl.v hundred to twenty eight hundred bushels I WHEAT, three-fourths White, balance Red jvl > T. VV. FLE.VaXG & QQ, NETT SHIRTS, DRAWERS, &.C. \» T £ will oiler «vervstyle and duality of SHIRTS, DRAW ? ERS, GLOVES, BOCKS and HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac., all selected from the very best importing houses known in the trade. RAMSAY & LA LAW, 1 _ Opposite the Union Bank. COFFEE. WHIRTt Sacks strictly prime RIO COFFEE. * *' medium “ - on consign luviit. and for sale by aug2f> \V. I[. If« (WARD. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF PAPERS. KKi'KIV KD at 11. D. NORR ELL’S Book Store, oppo* , site the United States Hotel ~ New Yorker, for August 29 : New York Weekly Herald, for August 22; Frank Leslie’s Illustrated, New York. Express, “ “ New York Picavune, “ “ l*orter’s Spirit of the Times, “ “ Also, London Athens nin, August Ist; Mis. Stephen’.- 11l Jrated Magazine, for September. au2s GROCERIES. bids Stewart’s SUGARS ; 1 -5 bags prime Rio COFFEE ; *• good I'd half bags Bobbin's Mocha COFFEE; 20 bags M arieai bo * * 20 boxes Sperm C A N 1 >L KS ; 50 ** Adamantine CANDLES; -0 “ “ “ in cartoons; lo bbls. assorted N FTS ; extra Pecan N I TS : r> kegs fresh Goshen BUTTER. Just received aud for SIDLE V & BOGGS. CANDLES. fl' \\ O hundred boxes Adainairiine CAN DLLS ; I *' •* half boxes " ■* For salt', very low, l>y DAWSON * SKINNER. TENNESSEE BACON. V< HOH’KIot T ennessee Clear SIDES, on hand and for ! sale by mil;. THOS. F. STOVALL A CO. SUMMER CLOTHING. \T "'ll. O. PRICE & CO.'S, all SUMMER GOODS at educed price. aulß SUGAR. CiA l'\ T\ Ms. A and C SUGAR. Just received, i,v “ a . DAWSON .V SKINNER. FOR SALE. Negro WOMEN, good IWks, Washers and Ironen. 1 AD —i li:t‘ Netfro GIRL, v. rv likelv. al out ill \ ears old. Apply to W." IS. Gil IF FIN A CO., uu22 d 6 Commission Merchants and Auctioneers. PEOPLE S FAVORITE. VPROIiI article of Virginia TOBACCO, in Luxes and cases, 0.! sale low, hv THOS. I*. SToVALL A CO. autS OH CONSIGNMENT. lik Oita I.US. Clear and Ilihbed Tennessee liacoa U.UUU SIDES. T. W. FLEMING & CO. HAVANA SEGARS. .).) illlil stM) FLOUDELAS AXTILLA. M.C.; 21 " I’IUMERA DIANA, M. C.; IT “ ULALUTA, M. If. “ FI.OK DE BENGOCHEA. M. K.: 25 “ LA O. CONCHAS and REGALIAS 10 " CHINCHUKRETA LON DUES ; 13 •• MISMA LONDRES, Ac., Ac. The same imported direct hv, and for sale low, in lots, at G. VOLGER’S PAPERS AND MAGAZINES IUST received and for side at H. D. NOR KELL’S— Ballou’s Pictorial, for August 2l»th; New York Ledger, Waverly Magazine, “ “ Flag of our Union, “ “ Weekly Novelette, “ “ Irish News, •* 22(1: Life Illustrated, “ National Police Gazette, for August 22, containingthe Tragic Scene ut Sing Slug; Pete Wiley, the Burglar, chopping off his lingers *n the carpeliter’s shop at the State prison. Sing Also— G. de>*s Lady’s Book, for September ; Peterson’s Lady’s B«>"k, or September ; Subscribers will please cull for their papers at the store. au23 ON CONSIGNMENT. ffiwo hundred sucks superfine FL<>U R, various brands. I Four eighth casks Cognac BRANDY. Four quarter casks For sale by THOMAS WHYTE, au2s Commission Merchant. HANDKERCHIEFS. \JOB LOT’ of over five hundred doz. Ladies' Linen Cam .bric HA ND KE RC HIEFS, Embroidered, Hemstit-ched and Bordered, which will be sold very low, just received by ex pr. -cil _ julit i V A TURLEYV. WHEAT WHISKY. “ »Ji VRTEU casks, iron bound, choice WHEAT V.'HIS -97 K.Y, inst received, on consignment, and for sale. Apply j to JOHN CASIIIN, ‘ ‘ au!6 No. 4 Wargn Block. BOOKS, BOOKS. V HISTORY of Rome, from the earliest times to the es tah Hsu men t. of the Empire of Henry (1. Liddell, D. D. ! A Child’s History of Greece, by John Bonner, In 2 volumes. Wild Northern Scenes, or Sporting Adventures with the Ritb and Rod, by S. G. Hammond, author of Summer Ram* j bles, etc. Mormon!sin, it« Leader? and Designs, by John Hyde, Jr., j formerly a Mormon, Eider and resident of Salt Lake City. TLa City, its Sins and Sorrows, by Thomas Guthrie, f). D., , author of the Gospel in £zekiel, «*te. For sale by j THUS. RICHARDS A SON. I MAGAZINE. H .UIPERS’ Magazine for September, leaves trimmed. . Also. Harpers' .vtnry Book for Children, for same month. Suinect—'” Congo. Harpers’ Pictorial Bible, No. 8. ! anS7 GEO, A. OATES Sc BRO. NAILS. (\ \K t.. ,usacd kegs Rending NAILS, to airive ; t 1,000 kegs Wyoming NAILS, in store and for sale low by HAND, WILLIAMS A GRAVES, an2T No. 5 Warren Block. I AMERICAN CRACKNEL BISCUIT. \FEW boxes, for sale low to close out the lot. HAND, WILLIAMS dr GRAVES, au27 No. 5 Warren Block. BLAKE'S FIRE AND WATER PROOF PAINT' WE hire on hand a fresh supply i f Blake’s PAINT, an excellent article for leaky roofs ; it is also a great pi., i tection against fire—the cheapest and best Faint for roofs, ■ fences, -v in use. HAVILANI). I’ll It HESTER A f . SODA AND YEAST POWDERS. 1, .. , KEGS Bi-Carb. SODA, in 12 lb. packages; IMP 100 box.-s •* '• lib papers; SO dor. Yeast POWDERS, in store and lor sale I low by HAND, WILLIAMS A GRAVES, au 27 No. 5 Warren Block. SOMETHING COOL. BL V< K and Drab Alpaca RAGLANS; Fine White Irish Linen COATS ; Milk Zephyr COATS and RAGLANS ; Fine W hile Cord Marseilles COATS ; ,\!s... a file assortment of Gent’s White Lisle Under VESTS, &rd Fancy Summer NECK TIES and CRAVATS, For sale L ,v IIAIGH & ANDREWS, an! 4 Opposite the Avgusta Bank. LIME. TMYE hundred bbls. LIME to arrive and i n sale by 1 I u:? I’HOS. I*. STOVALI, A CO. ALUM SALT. rpw O -..Cared sacks alum SALT, for sale bv a a»“7 dec DANIEL H. W ILCOX. ON CONSIGNMENT, T\\ O hundred sacks CORN ; 100 sacks OATS; IS casks Clear Tennessee SIDES ; 4 ** Ribbed “ “ 1 , For salb*. at No. 7 Warren Bl#»ck, bv 1 au2B KINOBLEY & »ANCREK AUGUSTA, GrA-., TUESDAY MORTSTUNTCT, SEPTEMBER 1, 1857 General Qlboertisements. ! BOOKS, BOOKS. AT VV 'IXKY mi Scotland, a critique, by Hugh Miller aniTotl er L w 2£VP, rm ‘? of the Ufe?*‘br, The Oh! Red Samlatone, sinu otiiLi work.N bv the* same author. „ is Power, a view of’the productive forces of I Kn'iglit’ !t! ’ J **" reau ts of labor > capital and skill, by Home Garner or the In.ellectua! and Moral Store House, gathered for the family circle, by Mrs. Mary G. Clarke. Marrioa or Single, by G. M. Sedgwick. I bine and Mine, or the Step-mother’s Reward, by Flora Neale, of Baltimore. Julian, or Scenes in Judea, by William Ware, author of Ze nobia, Aureliau, etc. A History of the World on a new and systematic plan, from' Uie earliest times to the treaty of Vienna, to which is added a ?SS”J ar^.°Ci? ie lca^>n g events from that period to the vear 1820, by H. W hite, B. A. „ A „ M . an “ al of An <Jent Biography, by Dr. Leonhard Smitz, > . K. S. E. 1 e' h M"R e c°S Clllni * to 0,1 Tuber e u lous Disease, by Edwin The Influence of Pregnancy on the development of Tuber cles, by Edward W arren, M. D. Cyclopedia of W,it and Humor of America, Ireland, Scot land and England, by W m. E. Burton, Comedian. American Eloquence, a collection of Speeches, etc., by the most eminent Orators of America, with biographical sketches and illustrative notes by Frank Moore. . Abridgement of the ’Debates of Congress from 1789 to 1856, iroiii Gales Annals of Congress, from their register of debate, uid from the official reported debates by John C, Rives, bv Thomas If. Renton. Treasure Trove, or Account of Irish Ileirs, by Samuel Lover, Estj. The Fortunes of Hector O’Halioran and his Man, Mark Antony O’Toole, bv W. H. Maxwell. American Angler’s Guide, or Complete FisheFs Manual for the u mted States, Just received ami for sale by au-5 THUS. RICHARDS £ SON. _ BOOKS. T 1- SMI i ITS Last Book, Thomas Baiscombe, or The • Victim, by J. F. Smith, Eaq., author of Stan field Hall, W omun ana Her Mast- r. G. W. M. Reynold’s Last—Lucrer.ia Merano, or the Countess and the Page, byG. W. M. Reynold, author of the Court of 1 London. Louisa Ilohburg, or the Bushrangers Rifle, by the author of Jack Loudon. The Interview, or Answers to Everything, showing howto learn many hundred useful arts and desirable accomplishments, by I). Lardner, F. R. S. Just published and for sale at au23 <iEO. A. OATES & BRO.’S. SELLING OFF AT N. YORK COST FOR CASH. Dickey a I’iiuihs are now positively selling off their large Stock ©f Spring and Summer DRY ’GOODS at New York cost for cash. Those in want of cheap Dry Goods, would do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. j e 4 READY FOR THE SEASON. At J. M. Nevjly d: Co.'s Old Stand, under the U, S. Hotel. IMVE hundred suits of Planters’ LINEN, well shrunk, all sizes; together with a beautiful assortment of Checked, Striped, and Spotted Marseilles GOATS, White Duck, and Irish Linen FROCKS and RAGLANS. Offered to the pub ic upon very reasonable terms, by my!2 J. K. lIORA & CO. MURRAY’S FLUID MAGNESIA f I lilts mild,, safe and elegant anti-acid and aperient, poi l. susses all the properties of the Magnesia in general use, without being liable, like it, to form dangerous concretions ir. the bowels. It corrects acidity ; and effectually cures heart burn without Injury to the .stomach, as s /da, potash, and tlieh carbonates are known to do : it prevents the food of infants from turning sour ; and is in all cases a pleasant apcrii nt. For sale by II AVILAN D, CHICHESTER 4V CO. aulti J. HENEY \V’ DUES to call the attention of persons in search of good n bargains, to liis large and well assorted stock d DRY GOODS, which he is confident will be found, on inspection, as cheap, if not cheaper, than that <»f any other house in the Trade ; besides, persons buying can be confident of receiving new Goods, as his entire stock of Spring and Summer Goods has been purchased this season. jny2t> B. F. CHEW OFFERS fi'r at tlie old stand. 11 1* \t door t<» the- Mi-- clmnto’ Bank, a larke aupnlv of BATHING TUBS, dlf. feient sizes ; Hat ami Shower Baths of all kinds, with other uticles too immerousto mention. Some Garden ENGINES, with a large snpiily of Cistern I’I’MPS, expected dailv. allot which will be sold low for cash. i.c, WHITE COATS, PANTS AND VESTS. Ol' It stock Os White GOATS, BANTS and VESTS being two large for the season, we have determined to oficr them at reduced prices from this date. CL AVION A K ENNADY, .ieS6 under Augusta Hotel. ON CONSIGNMENT, ONE THOI S\MI sacks SALT will U-landed from Iron Steamhoat Company’s boats, and will he s,.ld loev if taken from wharf. Apply to JOHN CANJIIN. my2l Genera! C-oniniisslon Merchant. No. I Warren Block. INDIA STRAW MATTING V LARGE lot of Wliite and Checked INDIA STRAW M ATTING, of all widths. fogetber wdh additional supplies of FANCY and STAPLE GOODS of the latest importation. Just received bv rah 13 J.P.SETZE. OCTOBER 1. 1856. (IT, AUK A <’<>., opposite the Railroad Bank, ask attentlo ztotheir rich stoek of WATCHES and Silver and Plated WARE .all kinds of JEW ELRY, Table and I’. . ket Cl T LERY. CLOCKS, GUNS, PISTOLS, CANES, MILITARY GOODS, Ac., Ac. LEECHES. ffIUREE !H \DRLi> Spanish andSwcedish LEECHKS I received this day, by Express, at the Apothecary's Hall, under the Augusta iJ"tel. ' jvlll FIFTY OR SIXTY NEGROES WANTED. | \\ ILL pay the highest market prices for fifty or sixty like a ly young NEGROES, ranging from ten to tweidv-five years of age. I may bo found at the Globe Hotel, every Tues day and Friday. WM. M. THOMAS, n > dtfi SPANISH QUARTERS. OLD Spanish Quarters will he taken, and their full value (twenty-five cents) allowed, in trade, at the Apothecary’s Hall, under the Augusta Hotel, jyi: THOMAS i*. FOGARTY. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF GINGER. V\ LH \ desirable article for summer complaints, and p:\r tkularly useful to travellers. A supply alwavs on hand by je2s PLUMB & LEITNER. GEORGIA REPORTS. KOIKJIA HKI’OKTS, V 01.9, by T. K. U. Cobb, jnd \ H received and for .>.i!c- bv w. ' Tlf OS. It 1 1 \RD> A Si »N. WHISKY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. I NOTH IIIMHiGI) bhla. WHISKY : ' 250 boxeo TOBACCO; 200 M. SEGA US. For rale low, by KOLB A PHINIZY, . 1 No. 2 Warnn B ON CONSIGNMENT, r|lK\ Utousand poiri: , - Bacon SHOCLDERS. just received a T. W .11. id \ll N l } r BACON SIDES. mWKLVE hhds. choice Ribbed SIDES, jti'd received and L for sale by WM. 11. HOWARD, Jy3l Commission Merchant. SEGARS! SEGARS!! ONK HIMIKKI) M. SUGARS, consisting of ROSA DE GEORGfN. TCRCA, OPERAS, REGALIAS and HAVANAS. For sale by au4 HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES. WANTED, miVO good VEST MAKERS. 1. an’ WM. O. PRICE A CO. MORE FINE WHISKY, w /\ lIIIIS. Oi! - )ii’s XX Eagle. WHISKY ; |)U 75 bbls. ’• X " 100 “ Monongahela “ 75 “ old Rye " 75 “ Westo n Rye “ on hand and for sale by janls dactf A, STEVENS, THE BEST CLOTHING, VOW offered for the lowest price, to make room for Fall lx supplies. J.v2« WM, O. PRICE & CO. CHOICE SUGAR. 171 FT V Hlicis. choice PORTO RICO SUGAR In store, and Id for sale low, by ' HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES, jy23 No. 5 W'arrcn Block. BURNING FLUID, FRESH BURNING FLU ID, received to-day by ly 18 PLUMB & LEITNAR. CANDLE 3, rTUIREE hundred boxes Shllctto Star CANDLES ; I 100 boxes Hvdrotic I’ressed 25 *• chriice Sperm “ 5 “ Adamantine Hotel “ In store and fur sa e low by auS DANIEL H. WILCOX. VINEGAR bbls. White Wine and Cider VINEGAR, for sal.' low by jy24 HAND, WILLIAMS i GRAVES. ROPE. IJIFTY Coils prime Kentuokv ROPE in store and for salt* ; by W. H. H(>WARI > SEGARS. thousand Georgia SEGARS, for sale hr J_ au»_ HANI*._WILLI AMS_ A GRAVES. FLOUR, FLOUR. !"* ** superfine FL«>t T R, in store arid for sale, on : 4 O ...nsiguuiMit, by W. H HOWARD, j ani Commission Merchant. SALT, SALT. thousand sacks SALT, new and in flue order, for sale L low by HAND, WILLIAMS A GRAVES, auo No. u Warren Block. BACON SHOULDERS. riIEX hhd**. choice Bacon SHOULDERS, on conaigi.nient 1 and for sale by WM. H. HOWARD, jy3l Commission Merchant. ROPE, WHISKY AND LUMBER ut COILS ilCStGreen Leaf ROPE; M F DO ill)!'. Teimessce WHISKY ; SO.OOOfeet LUMBER. For sale l>y jy Ift dtf BARNES A-ION ES. SKIRTS. ■» IIOZKX more those adiustatilc steel Spring SKIRTS, IX i nat received today, with M A Nil L1 .AS. ROBES, Ac. : ®jvlj L. C. DEMINO. ETOWAH MILLS FLOUR. nPHREK hundred barrels and bags Etowah superfine , I FLnL'R, arriving, ground from new Wheat. . ° ’lO THOS. P. STOVALL & CO. TOBACCO F' IVE hundred i>oxcs Manufactured TOBACCO, from com. mon to verr fine, for sale low bv I HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES, [ M -hi No, 5 Warren Bleak. General BARRETT & LARUS, OPPOSITK THB AUGUSTA HOTEL. WE have.., ow in afore a well assorted stock of Ladies’ V(VC W ’T S , p J}iy re ' I ’ a GAITERS. SLIPPERS, BUsl kh) s and Ankle TIES. Also, Gent’s fine Congress GAI- I EL>, Oxford TIES. Strap SHOES, Tie GAITE&S, .of tin. most tashionanlo patterns, for the summer season. Give ua a can, as goods will be freely shown, and only one price asked ly J3AKKETT A LARUS. TRUNKS, BONNET BOXES, AND SATCHELS. I AIMES’ Traveling TRUNKS, 28 to 32 inches; J Ladies' Iron-frame Covered Traveling TRUNKS, 30to 34 Ladles’lron-frame Covered BONNET BOXES, all sizes* Cheap Blk. and f'olorcd “ “ 9 English Sole, St.eel-Sprii*g TRUNKS, 24 to G 4 inches. Alv. a large Jot of cheap f itl NKS and VALISES • L-nlies’ Extra Fine Leather SATC H ELS. For sale by CLARKE A ROYAL. BLOCK TIN AND BRIGHT WARE. ¥ H Y \ E on hand, and offer for sale at reduced prices, Bright J Copper BIGGINS, URNS, suitable for hotel use, holafrg i rom one to eight gallons. Also, the VICTOR STOVE, as: cheap a., at any other store in this place—thev are made here and can be sold very low. je9 B. F. CHEW. SITUATION AS TEACHER WANTED. AYOI VG gentleman wants a situation as Teacher, In a . puldic school or private family. Was educated In one of the best institutions in the United States. The most unquee- Uonable reference given as to character and capacity Please address 1e24 W, H. PGTTEL, Augusta, Ga. FOR SALS. V\ ALL ABLE HORSE and good DRAY, with license to Ist January. With the Horse and Drav will ha Mr, j Davy, until first October next. T. W. FLEMING & ‘ "■! myle , ~ NEW books! T \U\ GJeulyon. - 1- the Trials of a Flirt, by the author of JU hurati Hofley, LUiy Dawscn. Esther De Medina, of the Crimes of London, bv G. W. M, Reynolds. The Reformed Highwayman, a sequel to Esther De Medina, by G. \\ . M. He .inula. Also, a new supply of the following Interesting books : Dynt-vor IVnv.ce, or the Clue of Life, by the author of The Heirs at Redelyffe. Who Wisdom’s t acred prize would win, Must with the fair of God begin ; Immortal praise and heavenly skill Have they who know and do Ida will. Two Years Ago, by the Rev. Charles Kingsley, Doctor Anlomo, a tale of Italy, bv Kuitliii. My School and Schoolmasters', or the Story of my Education by Hugh Miller. Jy*s _ (i. A. OATES A BRO. SUNDRIES. / k\K Hundred kegs Bi. Garb. SODA ; V/ 100 boxes •’ “ in pound papers ; 100 boxes NO. 1 and PALE SOAP : 50 boxes Fancy “ 200 gross MATCHES ; 800 quarter and half boxes SARDINES : 20 bbls. COPPERAS: 1,000 lbs. BLUE STONE • 1,200 lbs. No. 1 MADDER • 600 lbs INDIGO ; 100 M'CIGAI-tS, various brands: 25 boxes GROUND PEPPER, K lb. papers ; 50 boxes GREEN TEA, (land 12 lbs.: 10 cases BLACK “ 100 boxes common medium and tine TOBACCO. loi sale low, by HAND, WILLIAMS A GRAVES, Jr9s No. 5 Warren Block. LIQUORS, LIQUORS. .) “n HIII.H. Rectified WHISKY ; " 160” old Rye from common to fine 10 bbls. Shanghai \A JIi.SKY ; 100 ” GIN. Rose and Imperial: 25 “ RUM ;75 bbls. BRANDY ; 40 quarter casks Malaga WIN E - " •• Madeira •• 20 “ ” Port 20 “ " Cherry BRANDY; 6 bbls. Ginger 0 “ Raspberry “ 20 ” Knee, Peppermint and AnnissedCOßDlAl r vo sale low by (,’. A. WILLIAMS A So.N. 5 dßm SUNDRIES. INFIY thousand SEGARS, various l>runds : 1 A* . 4 -ii- MATCHES ; ■•0 boxes No. 1 SOAP ; Id ehests Black and Hyson TEA ; 50 boxes fine Hvson 50 cases aborted PICKLES ; 25 d'>z. 1 .''moil SYRL P ; 50 “ Hojif Mills YEAST POWDERS; 100 “ Mason’s BLACKING ; 25 boxes Ground GINGER ; 25 ** *• PEPPER; In store, and for sale low by DANIEL H. WII COX. FINE CHEMICALS. 4 ,>IO\G our large stock of wa> ranted pure MEDICINES i\ and CHEMII’ ALS, wa liave on harnl the following, not always to be found In the shops : Pure iron by Hydrogen; Aeonitia; Caloini'l Hydrosublimed ; Vuleriante Ammonia; L'dide Silver ; Yaleriante Quinine ; < )xide Silver ; Nitrate Silver Chrv.sraN ; Caffeine; Valeriante Morphia; |jp. ~r j m . • N|f,-Ur Str’WliA . Sulphate Beburiiie : Muriate Stnuitia; Sol. Sutphurn* Acid; Snlnhate Manganese; Pure Glycerine ; Pure Collodion ; Codeiue ; Blistering Collodion, Ac. PLI MB A LEITNER, .iylS Druggist, Augusta, Ga. SUNDRIES. ii u k linos. common to choice SUGAR : U(l 1..H11' I Ru. COFFEE; luo " Java 100 “ Laguayra COFFEE; 1,000 kegs NAI Iks. 4 to 60.1.; •".•JO Rales Gunny RAGGING ; WO rolls " 1,000 whole and half coils Rale ROPE : Tohluls. Molasses. For sale low by HAN 0, WILLIAMS & GRAVES, ami No. 5 Warren Block. SUGAR, MOLASSES, &c. | *ra IUII.S. A, B and 0 SUGAR; 1 »JU 50“ Crushed GO hhdfl. Porto Rico 20 “ MOLASSES: 50 bbls. SYRUP. For sale by KOLB & PHIN’IZY, 2“. . . Block. VALUABLE SERVANTS AT PRIVATE SALE. e KXOELLK.\T COOKS. WASHERS and I RON ERs •+ ! •• WASHER and Clear STARCHER; 1 “ Pastry COOK ; 1 “ Huuse BOY, about 17 years old ; 1 family of NEGROES, consisting of mother and thru Children. \V. B. GRIFFIN & CO„ iy t Commission Merchants and Auctioneers. FRESH TURNIP SEED. \\T K lr.ivc just ruceivoil our supply of Turnip SEED, cot:- n sitting'of all the different varieties. Tr.ev are direct from L eidreth. WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. jyl7 d&eim NAILS AND FINISHING BRADS. / \\l. TliOl s \.\ll kegs for sale hv 1■ A N 1». U 11.LIAMS A I.RAVES. THERMOMETERS. \\ as; rtment oi THF.UMOMKT K RS, of various styles, MB Sc 1 EIFNER TO THE TRADE. fIIHI.MMIN'CS Os all kinds, PAULING, CANVASS, Jl SERGES,SEWINGS,TWIST. Ac. WM. O. PRICE A' CO„ nov7 Diapers and Tailors. BOTTLE CORKS. no GROSS quart Bottle CORKS,tapering; t) 1H 1 500 “ pint of line quality, and for sale low by WM. 11. TUT F. my-di SPRING TRADE, 1857. CM EORGK \\ . 1 KIiRV, Masonic Hall Building, Broad 3T street, Augurlu, (d„ invites the attention of Xfcrchanta visiting the citv to his large arid carefully selected stock of Hats, CAPS, BONNETS, STRAW GOODS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. Received direct from Manufacturers, and which he v ,11 sell so: cash i i approved paper, as low as can be bought anywlia. south of New York, feb3d EDGINGS, INBEP.TINGS, &C. G< n-W »V TI HLGY have for sale some very handsome r Jaconet, Swiss and Dlmitv BANDS; Jaconet and Swiss EDGINGS and XNSERTINGS ; Embroidered COLLARS and *L E KV ES, 3c c. apl SUNDRIES. ao ii I* I>*S. Cub* MOLASSES : i(M ‘ 1.000 • ugs Kin. l.uguuyra ami Java COFFEE : 1.000 kegs NAILS, assorted ; 2W bales BAGGING * 1 not) whole ami half colls ROPE. For sale low by HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES, j v: .; No. 5 Warren Block. *• MORE LIGHT.” 4 I. ViUib lot of those celebrated German MATCHES, w i,ich burn without unpleasant smell, very desirable for 1 PLUMB A LEITNER. BAGGING, ROPE AND BACON lAIFTY bales heavy B AGGING ; i Jr 450 coil* HOPE, various qualities ; I 50 hhd- Western »SIDES. For sale low by j KOLB & PHINIZY, j No. 2 Warren Block. ON CONSIGNMENT. ! A\ i- hundred » Is. Sugar House SYKI. P, for sale low by ( ) HAN D, WILLIAMS & GRAVES. , v ;.. No. 5 Warren Block. FINE V/EISXYS, m % iilmo.V* Cabinet; Gibson’s old Family Nectar ; l I Gibson's old Nectar. 1840; Gibson’s XXX ; also XX and A ; Catherwood's XX and X ; Walter's XXX and XX : A few bhls old Shanghai WHIbK 1. for sale by jy!9 ' 4m C. A. WILLIAMS A SON. RICE. : f | lEN tierces fresh Rit E; L 10 “ broken “ for sale low hr HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES, jyl-2 N 0.5 Warren Block ARTISTS AND AMATEURS VSSF. ' bed to call and examine my stock of ARTIST’S MATERIALS, at Apothecaries’ Hall, under the Angus a Hotel. jy!9 THE CREAM OF BEAUTY, IA( IK the complexion, gives Nature’s softness and health ' tint to the skin, remove* and radically cures freckles, pim ples, rash, tan, and all cutaneous affections, for sale by auS WM. HAINES, Druggist. POTATOES AND CHEESE. I n BBLS. New POTATOES; 111 u eases Pine-Apple OHEEhE, in flue order, iust la ceived by steamer, i> _ 04 DAWSON Jr SKINNER. «JT© «fkz IS. SUCCESSORS TO J. M. NEWBY & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FITSTE READY-MADE CLOTHING. UNDER THE UNITED STATES HOTEL , AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. .1 *k-P9 R , A A CO., arc now opening, and will receive weekly, the newest and best styles of READY-MADE CLOTH ’I’hf. . that ean be manufactured, both for Mens’ and Boys’ wear. Ti.ovr ufl P^riicu lar attention to the selection of their GOODS, and are prepared to do justice to those who trade with them. KER(huEFI?STOCKI”& T c S, &c CTmO SIUKTS and DK ‘OYERS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Silk Pocket ami Neck HAND- Call and take’ a look. * ' ’’ ‘ (T < tTH'i n <??2ut«-iJw-SS t of Ready-made CLOTHING, we will keep constantly on hand a fine assortment of ranted to fit and ; lease no sale of every description, whiPh we will make up to order at the shortest notice, CLOTHING- bS , y) ’ ' At A. P. A 03,, manufacturers and dealeks in li EAI> Y MA BE CL « T HIXG, hats, caps, thunks, carpet bags, valises, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, Ac. BOYS’ AND CHILDRENS’ CLOTHING, Wholesale and Retail, No. 215 Broad Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE CORNER, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. \VS our Uood# ‘ v '"- first hanJa - Our facilities for manufacturing are unsurpassed, therefore we are prepared to give bar sutobßUr Negroes! ‘ rd ’* ,tood awrtraent of Sattlnet Hip COATS, PANTS, VESTS, FLANNELS and BLANKETS Call and examl - mrstock. & K fijy Xj A '1 /j C v STORS AUOURTA HOTEL, J KEEP ALL KINDS OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, SIIIItTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, HALF HOSE, STOCKS, ES, Ac. ALSO, A LA RG E STO C K O V BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. T"ih«alUbe7ow7w VinKUU,irSprinS and Sm,,mcr OOODs ’ and hope to merit the patronage of their friends heretofore so Augusta, Georgia, February 19,1857. ly ftbOQ ANOTHER LOT OF NEW BOOKS. TIROIMA Illustrated, containing a visit to the Virginian V Canaan, mill the Adventure-of Porte (’ravon, and his Cousins, bv Porte Crayon. Life In London, a storv of Thrilling interest, by G. W M Reynolds. Esther I>e Medina, ortho Crimes of London, bv G. W M Reynolds, Duval and the Duchess, or a Midnight Row at St. James, by the author of Gentleman Jack, &c. Louisa Hahburg, or the Bushrangers Rifle, bv the author of Jack Loudon, or the Outlaw’s Revenge. Lucre/iu Mirano, or the < . unless and the Pae - e, bv G. W M Kevnolda. 'flu- Keformed Highwayman, as. auel to Esther De Medina, by (j. \V. M. Reynolds. Ellen Monroe, a sequel to Life in London, bvG. \Y. M. Rey nolds. Boxing Made Easy, or the (Vmplete Manual of Self De. ! fence, clearly explained and illustrated in a scries of easy lea- > sons, with some important hints to Wrestlers, bv a pupil of : Memlora Humphrey, .lust received ami for sale at .iy2A H. D. NORRELI/S. j READABLE BOOKS. VMO.\G the large assortment of Miscellaneous works at GEo. a. OATES Sc BRO.’S, mav be found the follow ing. viz; Isabel, ortho Yount; Wife and the Old Love; Testimony of the Rocks; Monarchs Retired from Business; D. Doian; Grace Amber; Knight of the Golden Melise ; Nevw too late t° Mend, by Read : D’Antonio ; Henrv Lyle; Getting Along, by A.s. Roe; Roger’s Table Talk: Virginia Illustrated, bv Porte Crayon; Saratoga, a tale of 1737 ; PhUiv and Kit; Mv : Gontession ; Hermit’s 3>«*U ; M«ne> Maker ; Hoiuany Ry.-‘; Nothing New ; Leonora D’Oieo; Buusbv Paiiers ; Norse F<dk; Hid Paw nt-.ri ike i ; vn. i. . t.i. • itu avNuo* Sec. au2 NEW BOOKS. Days at Rugby; by an Old Boy. The Two Pilgrims, or the Israelite and the Christian on their Journey to the Earthly and Heavenly Canaan; bv Rev. F. K. Anspach, A. M. The Footsteps of St. Paul; by the author of Morning and Night Watches. Fortunes of Glencove ; by (’has. Lever. Also, another supply of John Halifax Gentleman, War Trail, the Professors, and Jane Eyre. ■ ii ... BR<>. NEW BOOKS. | >IIIL\DLLDHS \ and New York Glee Book, containing I one hundred Glees Quartetts, Trios, Songs in parts, rounds, and catches, composed, selected and harmonized with an Ad Libitum accompaniment for the Piano Forte, by George Loder. Chief of the Pilgrims, or the Life and Time of Win. Brews ter, by the Rev. Ashbel Steele, A. M. The (-omplete Art of Polite Correspondence, or New Univer sal Letter Writer. Slavery Ordained of God, by the Rev. Fred. A. Ross, I). D. The Well in tii - Valley, by Rev. Thomas Smith, 1). I>. Lessons on Common Things, for the use of schools and fami lies, edited by John Frost. L. L. I>. Godfrey's Narrative of the last Grinnell Arctic Exploring Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-Y>4-’65, with a Biography of Dr. E. K. Kane, from the cradle to the grave, by Win. <•'. Godfrey. Also, another supply of Little Dorrit, bv Charles Dickens, WANTED, riHIIHTY tl-.”usa*. 1 bushels WHEAT, for which the S highest market price will be paid in cash. Apply to JOHN CASH IN. jy9 No. 4 Warren Block DR. NEWLAND'S SYRUP, 4 \ effectual remedy in all cases of Bowel Affections, Db iV arrha*a and Dysentery, for children or adults, just re ceived and for sale, at *25 and 50 cents per bottle, by GAIN ES, Dr CHOICE HAMS. rilHKEEthousand lbs. choice HAMS, just received instore, I on consignment, and for sale by WM. 11. IIOWARD, au6 Commission Merchant RICE, RICE. FIVE tierces rr ime RICE, on consignment, and for sale by jySl \Y M. H. HOWARD, Commission Merchant. BACON HAMS. thousand ibs. strictly prime Bacon II AMS, just re -1 eeived and for sale by WM. H. HOW ARI i, jy3l Commission Merchant, FARREL'S LINIMENT. HU. F.UiKMX Celebrated Arabian LINIMENT, . for man nr horse. A supply on hand and for sale, wholesale or retail, by ano WM. HAINES. Druggist. ENGRAVINGS. WEDDING. Visiting, Invitation and Business CARDS It and RILL HEADS, engraved in all styles of fashion, and printed in a superior manner, by HENRY HUGHES, Post Office corner. Specimens can be seen, and orders left at the Store of nhvl ts CLARK & CO., Jewellers. GASFITTING AND PLUMBING. ; H AVING secured the services of au erturienoed GAS FITTER AND PLUMBER, we are now prepared to execute all orders entrusted to us, with neatnes. and despatch, feeling confident in our ability to do so, In a superior manner, all of which shall be ur.dei a full guarantee. i W. H. MAHARREY & CO. nov2? No 8 DeKa’.b Range, Broad-st., Augusta, Ga. LONGWORTH'3 CATAWBA WINE. ONE HUNDRED boxes Sparkling Catawba WINE, vlu tage of 1864, superior to any previous year, ar.d for sale to the trade, at manufacturer’s nrlces, with freight added. jel2 THUS. P. STOVALL & CO., Agents for N. I-, CHEMICALS. JUST received, and for sale low for cash, the following list of CHEMICALS, warranted pure and fresh : ERGOTINE ; EMETINE; SALICINE: QUININE. CANTHARILAL COLLODEON; CHLOROFORM ; MORPHINE; IODINE OF ARSENIC : Extract of VALERIAN ; I Herring's Extract of CANNABIS INDICxE; Pure BARYTA ; MURIATE of BARYTA ; NITRATE of AMMONIA ; At the Aoothecarv'' Hall, under the Augusta Hotel. jy2B THOS, P. FOGARTY, j A NEW LOT OF LADIES’ SHOES LADIES’ Fine Kid Rosette SLIPS ; “ riES; “ ” Thick-sole BUSKINS; “ “ Large sire “ English Kid SLIPS; at CLARKE A ROYALL S tj-19 Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store. UNDER CLOTHING, \LL kinds of SHIR lb - DRAWERS: UNDER SHIR IS. augl WM. O. PRICE A CO. RECEIVED THIS DAY, 1 Gli « ALLOYS 95 ALCOHOL ; JL md\ M 200 “ BURNING FLUID: 200 “ LAMP OIL. Full value allowed i25e.) for Spanish Quarters, in trade, at Apothecary’s Hall, under the Augusta Hotel. I'lb IMA- b I . >•, \U I ETHEL SOMERS. INTHEL SOMERS, or the Fate of the Union, written by !i James M. Smythe, Esq. Just published and for sale by jy 19 11. D. NORRLLL. BED-BUG POISON. HUMS has a remedy, which he offers for sale, which ‘will remove those disagreeable pests to comfort at night. It has been tried bv manv and found to be effectual. For sale at his Drug Store. 217 Broad street. .i>3l SUGARS. i'AYE HUNDRED bldg. A B aud O SUGAR, iust received V * and for sale by H®ya> DAMEI. H. WILCOX. HAVANA SEGARS-DIRECT IMPORTATION. l|l ii O hmnlu-i! and fitly thousand .SEGARS, received n\" a tin- steamer Isabel irum llavaua, cousistine of— RIG HONDOS, 0 ON SOL A CIO N, CIUNCIIURRETA, EL M IS MO, YENECIANA,* FLOR FJ.Y A, GUTIERREZ, CABANAS, CAFTIDA, etc. Ihe tea eonsislinr: of— REGALIA, LUNDREs, J ~ GFERAS, CONCHAS, MILL .-IR COMM (W, BREDAS, etc. ;i lie same imported direct In, and for sale low at ■iy* 2 G. VOLGEK’S. FANCY GOODS. i 1 1. V lilv .V UO., I’ost Office Corner. C octa WOLF’S AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. 1 CASKS,.just received and for sale low, in lots to suit b" ’ Purchasers. HAVILANI), RISI.EY A- CO. CRACKERS. \V t a full supply of CRACKERS, consist ; * myn. LEMON, BOSTON, KOBBIT’S, and various oth apJ H. ■!. A E. A. SIBLEY. FRUITS ! FRUITS ' FRUITS ! I* iT'-V?''L 1, 2.J?rc c s“Pl>lr Os fresh FIGS. RAISINS, Ti-.r'kf: ,N f-S- OATE.-'.Solt-shell ALMONDS, ORANGES LEMONS, FINE A t’PI,ES, and BANANAS at ’ „„ , a .. „ I- P. GIRARDEY'S novl3 J Store,att I HATS, HATS. Hits, hats, hats, hats, hats, hats, at SPRING CLOTHING. A *’• BIG.NON it CO. have last received fine and me D* <ltum quality Black’Cloth Frock COATS; Colored and limn t assimcre Spring COATS, FANTS and VESTS arae assortment hue Linen and Cambric SHIRTS, COL lo. Ks. t k.H ATs, DRAW ERS and Half HOSE Also t koo'Utoek ot Gl.Oi ES, to which they invite attention.' OSNABURGS. rjtHN liales best eight ounce OSNABURGS, for sate cheap 1 ,;, lt GRAY A TURLEY’S ~ ‘ 4C Cheap cash Store. FOR SALE. (J VOLOKH Oilers for sale his late RESIDENCE on “ • Greene street, *v mil door above Lincoln Street, north side. lor particulars apply at G. VOLGER’S —rGl 1 ? Segar Store. MANTILLAS. M'Of RNl\G H i,\TILL.YB, verv handsome .and cheap •iu»t received at iny2S GRAY Sc TURLEY’S. COFFEE. TIN ii n hundred and fifty bags prime RIO COFFEE Foi X sate low by KOLB A FHIMZY, - jy° No. 2 Warren Block. COFFEE. I? 1 ' 1 hundred bags good to prime Rio COFFEE ; 60 bags Baida u 50 “ Laguayra .* 5u “ Java *» For sale by jelfi die DANIEL 11. WILCOX. i ETHEL SOMERS. TIIIX SOM LRs. or the Fate of the Union, written bv J .Kii. M. bmythe, Esq. Just published and for sale by H. D. NORRELL. SUGARS. I % bbls. A B and C SUGAR : JL 15 “ Crushed 10 _ “ I’owdered “ 20 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado SUGAR. For sale low i b >; KOLB A PIIINIZY, D _ No. 2 Warren Block. HEEL GAITERS. I A DIES’ heel GAITERS and Morocco BOOTS, best J Philadelphia make. Received and for sale by COFFEE, COFFEE. fi \ BAGS good to prime RIO COFFEE, which will be 9 f sola .;hv, to clost* the consignment. Apply to JOHN CASH IN, . General Commission Merchant, N Block. CRACKERS. rj BOXES fresh SodaOr.ACK.ERS : amti 25 • bln. vorv eiioi Butler do.; boxes English Cracknel BISCUIT : far sale by n 'T- 1 DANIKI, 11. WILCOA. BED BUGS, ROACHES AND ANTS. VSL'HE and efficient remedy for the removal of those ob noxious varmints, alias Insects, is to be found at the Drue Store of WM. HAINES. I net b itty Cents and One Dollar per bottle. Call soon as trie, supply Is small. jt!3 BURNETT’S TOOTH WASH AND KALLISTON. fTIHEsE desirable articles for the Toilet are for sale In Au- J gusta by Burnett's Agents, __ PLUMB & LEITNER. CANDLES, Ir* VE hundred boxes Adamantine CANDLES, for sale low by HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES, No, 5 Warren Block. OILS AND VARNISHES. T'VO HI NDItED gallons pure Sperm OIL ; A. .100 gallons Lamp .. * 200 " Paint 100 *• Tanners .. m V , ariet) \ ol i Furniture, Damar, and other VARNISHES. 8a e low, at Apothecaries’ Ilall. jyl9 HALF COILS ROFE. INI VE hundred half colls ROPE, for sale low by HAND, WILLIAMS * GRAVES, | .1719 No. 6 Warren Block. NEW BOOKS. \7IKGIMA Illustrate !, containing a visit to the Virginian ▼ Canaan, and the.Acivent urea ot Porte Crayon and his Cousins, illustrated from drawings, by Porte Crayon. Leonora D’Orco, a novel, by </. P. K. James, author of the Old Dominion, Ticonderoga. Agnes Sure!, a Life of Vicissi tudes, Aims and Otetacies, Pequinillo, the Coiumissionar. Aa., Just received and for sale by jyl7 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. CUBA MOLASSES. / V\K hundred hhds. Cuba Mi >LASSES, In Bne order for l * sale low by HAND, WILLIAMS .V GRAVES, ivlO No. 5 Wat Ten Block. SALT, HI IIIWI SACKS SA I.T, for sale low by 1 ' MMI hand, williams a grave ] No.S Warren Block. BAGGING AND ROPE Q/ ta HALES Gunny BAGGING : Ml I,o<lo colls choice Rentuckv Bale ROPE • For sale low by )ei6 dae DANIEL H. WILCOX. CLOTHING. w 1 VIMEHrLOTHIYG, very good and very cheap. O j®la \V M. O. PRICE A CO., Drapers and Tailors. VOX,. I*2—ISTO. 20$ I (Seneral 3.suci*tiscincnto. i MUSTARDS AND SPICES AT PRIVATE SALE. L v,,nio! ' Lstlirop’a preparediKentuckv Mustard SEEP > land 10 lb. tins. Also, t.mPEPPER, ALLSPICE ana CLOv K>. „ 130 gross Ground NUTMEGS, CLOVES, CINNAMON , SPICE, m \i packaged. Aim, SO gross HErEING. f"i v. : , miri . 20 - Liydid BLUE, •• 1 •• The above consignment v. a-, audn’dll.- ir, the trade or Hotels, at Philadelphia price* :u.d -.te... Tie goods are warranted to give satisfaction. Those in v. an* wit please give us a call. W. B. GRIFFIN A CO., jy4 Commission Merchants and Auctiouet CONSIGNMENTS AT PRIVATE SALE. A r BBLB. Pike's Magnolia IV tl IsKY : 20 " XXX Nectar " v( rv superb.) 6U “ Old Monongiihela “ warranted; 2*l “ New England KCM ; 20 “ Phelp's I,IN ; 2 pipes pure Holland GIN’; 25 % and K casks Domestic and Cognac BRANDY 50 baskets CHAMPAGNE : 5b boxes Claret WINE, various brand* • 20 -■ Port and Sherry WINE The above consignments will t -• sold low to dealers on liberal «"?/• „ . . W. B. GRIFFIN * CO., Iv Commission Merchants and Auctioneers, . POTATOES •>A BBLS. prime uev. Red POTATOES, rcce-ved ; nd for sale by • W. U. HuWAKIi, •I B * l Merchant. ANNALS OF SOUTHERN METHODISM I'HOh. HI (HA K IPs ,L SON have just received a ffe-vr copies of Armais oi Southern MeUiooUm, iVr Xt&C. edito*i by Kev. Charles I*. Deems, D. D. Fr e si. MORE NEW BOOKS. THE War-Tra ot the Prairie, by Cupt. Mayt*. Reid, auth..,r ot the tC.iU tevs r east, heautUully i!iuat-„i..d v;:. design; .-n graved by N. Urr. The Heir-at Law, or the Victim of Crime, a sequel to l£ai>-- the Maniac, by the author it El.c, to ... • ’ i Female Depravity, or the Home ol’ D* nth, ,• Osgood Li y.t. ,\hud, the Maniac, or tb - Fratricide. The Rival Lovers, or the Midi.!,, t Murder, ltd-.- ■ |; t * t)Ur y- jy2 GEO. A. CA LL,' 3t HR.,. BOV’S CLOTHING, AT COST WE have a lot of Boy's an mer CLOTHING, a little >. of the present style, well made, <.- dtm.’dvtioou-* ■ sistlng ol the following articles, which we will ae'i t ( -Xj , , close them out -200 Hoy’s Linen Frock COATS, from 75c. to }J. 150 -• Col'd. Cotton and Linen COATS, T.’c. to II 50. 100 “ •• Summer Cassimere ■ $; 50;,7g3i. 100 •' Black and Colored Alpaca - $i 28 to *2 5- * Also, a good assortmentind and C'l;'7,;r< :.’s cI.G'J ii IIvG, ot the most fashionable stvies, at low price--* > l2 ci.aytun a-_k lnxad y. „ , NEGROES WANTED. \\ E wish to porch:- fl-.ty or s-.-vvt.ty.flve young ME 11 GKuLb. ranging from tlurtt-er- to rw jntv.two Ouc or both of vs can always be found at our .Stables', <>v Kili.i street, in t„c rear oi the Unite) t - Hot*-; Jo* l ly HECKLE & WILSO BLUE STONE COPPERAS, &c. TWOII 'i>•"t !- -!>I l- - ! \E : i madder ■ • ...... i--, ; > . HAND. WILLIAMS A GRAVES’ ■V- 0 N ijj, B1 WATER COOLERS, VTOW at the P.aiir.vd. unde.: ! LI inspection by th m- that m-.-. K- ~ and handsome article. They range from two i., J7J- * each, and are of beautiful patterns. Ab -■ make, which will compare with any ir.-u a! * *' sold low, next door to Mechanics’ Id.: h ” ’’ ’ * i?- 1 B. F, cmv, ON CONSIGNMENT. KHA SACKS choi.-e mi.ic-1 n,KN. , ... tl v c, will be sold 1 ,v, to c’ , Warren Bloik. i.y KIXcULEi J. HENEY HAS a super;,.r a* taunt of SHEETI nA. SHU INGs, LINEN’S, White a U c.-.l -a i,, i, ,: tor Gent j an 1 1w«, : ■ - i ~ .. E Ell. iHIEIS HiISIEBYand CiEuVlns J. HENEY H’AS a large assortment ..fMCSLINS, f. . > -,t i . . and upwards : Embroidered COLLARS u -i’i yr i.. very cheap; MANTIEI.AS, at *E'-o and um> v - ' v large stockfnf ROBES; Figured C R EX A i »IN*i • • and SILKS ; PAUASOT..S; KAN’S and TRiMM'INc-; ‘ my*2b B. F. CHEW Has P L’MPS, both single and double -i . ■ . ' ble make warranted to .. x IrL on harm. SUNDRIES. f|U\ KVTY '.bis. COPPEI'.AS ■ 1 V. .- >\i|l p • For sale by h AXD,"u i LLIAMS A GK A \ 1 > jyl l BAGGING. ROPE AND TWINE rrUIREK luindi.-!l.;.l.-*( V ’ L 5.»)c0il- Kentucky Ha . RuEE 100 " G. L. 50 bales Bagging TWINE. For sale hv jyl! Hand, william.- a graves. POWDER, SHOT AND LEAD. ONE hundred kegs KUV POWDER ; WO bugs Silt IT ; 2,000 lbs. Bar LEAD. For sale bv . hand, Williams & graves jy<*> N.I. 5 Warren Block POTASH. 4 LARGE lot of No. x potash, a* Itantl. .iyl.s PLi'Mli ,v i.KiTNKi; LINSEED OIL. OKAfiAJLUMH Raw i. . f 150 •• Boiled •• .I d 1.... • for tale by lead ini. jr. tutt.’ SPRING COATS AND VESTS. I \ STORK, ust arrived, fri• new V, • Mur«, •• \ iCsrs. Ilia I l.inen COATS, PANTS ami VESTS : . VV/U V. all of our own manufacture, which wc cup , . . .' V. ‘ ' friends and customers. We rveiwriiVilv V>> m-it ' store opposite the post Office cm JH'l 'A. P. BIGNON & CO. FINE BOOTS AND PATENT LEATHER SHOES GlEaYFfc line Stitch-bottom BOOTS ; i “ Square-edge “ Patent Leathe: «»\ w T'] j- • ‘ “ Calf Strap SHOL.s ; ~ . “ latent Leather Dancing IT MI’S • Boy s “ Calf •* b .. * Just received from Beukcrt, Philadelphia, mid made raw't for our retail trade. CLARKE A KOvXT 2 ■ ~ HANDKERCHIEFS. ITVMBROWERED HDKrS t*l Hemstitched Linen Cambtlo HDK’Fs . i- ’ . *) cents, worth *l. lust received at uul ’ ior m r- GRAY a TURLEY’S C’.ie.i;' ('r.s!, Store. MEDICINE CHESTS. V BK R Tin L lot of Family and IT.,:.tail,m CHESTS . V ot various qualities, for sale by * m >' l7 PLUMP A LEITNER, aw , , . TAKE NOTICE. I? 1 dt l-VIIAH, 14 o.ferlng to eiti.r i - . , ~tnek of Ready-made CLu i HING i, the eif. ■ I v,-y ,‘i, 1- ' tmong the stock will he found, : Blue Cloth FROCKS; French and Englieh Drab DeEre do ■ A1 paca and Italian 1 1 loth ■ ■ , ... . ■,■ 1 Linen COATS, PANTS and VEs I s • v ' “ 1 ‘ ' shrunk. inVix AT THE CLOTHING STORE ~ K; “ORA & co„ s ; , j. M-Newht & ILOTfii very accommodating term--. We wm’id ve-v r S, “ vtle all who may ; ■■ w aiding any •, ir , . f, r :i: , V,’ \\ twill soil w.v.iesaie >.-r retail—a: v wav * vur «*»*?• j?£ J._k iioß a & cb PAIN ERABICATOR. 'll ARSHAI.L’S PAIN ERADICATOR, f CANDLES. T'J® I'-iv.ied boxes -ut' ; r \ ; , > vdi Fi ii_L JNo. ‘2 Warren BJoek. HONEY. V PRIME article ot HONEY it r lv. it... K2O WM. H. TUTT MOLASSES. IAA HOGSIIi. Vl>» Co: a MOLASSES, f; r1 v ’ ° “ 11.1 XO, WILLIAM- .V ( i RA VEs I*=9 No. 5 IV ancti Block. SACK FROCKS. Ramsay a- labaw he * : s; a . : . ,t- er i„» ot i those flue Planters Linen SACK and FROCKS .it , so, another assortment Marseilles VEST'S, COATS, and PANTS. ' myl LINEN SHEETING. 1O- i LIVE v SHEETING, a £r,t r • arid at .. f - * wortn »: sober ia.L.recetvu’ f. m an - w n -- 1 GlVa.i A. iL RLEY k? Cheap Cash Store. BRILLIANT ROBES. Amot-f ; .!.V uc ‘ e > Jyreceived and fa- sate AaCf ," 1 -- GRAY A i’URLEV s SEGARS, CEVEVr YTHOUSAND SEGARS. •• Uv hand, Williams a graves, _EZ?i No. 5 Warren Blpek. ON CONSIGTMENT. BARRELS EXTRA FLOUR, t Sil-tfvv JL tF.MBis, fenuessee, equal to. a- .; : . v I - FLOL R, ever sold In this market. apu T. W, FLEMING A ■ RICE. K TIER* 'KS good ti csli beat 111 • E fj 5 “ choice ” ** ’ ‘ : my 29 HATS ! HATS !! HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS' HA IS! HATS! HATS! HATS! HAi i A. P. BIGJfON A CO.'have now in st. re a fresh, nc-v. t 1(i j splendid assortment of fine HATS, mad * order expn * ■ ! for their house, to whieh they inrite attention. 1. : ~ j FKESH TOMATOES AND CAULIFLOWEE JI’ST received and for ale at m hSS I. 1\ OIKARDEIf