The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, December 24, 1857, Image 4

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transportation. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE (jfijßwii R&ltlOlD, N 'T. 15, lbC... . Ku ~ , t , 2 3U, A. M.. and 4 00, P. M. aTI i n't 11 «*, A. M.. and 1 04, A. M. Anlve »*t Atlfc./U u A M ; 0 00, A. M. A • * - • ■ • fe W, A. M., and 7 00, P. M. “< \.„nectwUh South Carolina Klilroud . A • ,ti *t 1 00. A. 2 SO, I. M. AnttuM*m *° A ' s ‘ tw * s 00, P. M. WeeUr* and A llardic Bailroad. ... ,t Atl»Lta»i 11 22, I'. M-, »~4 o a. M. AlitnU at 1 40, A. M, anJ 12 *O, P. M . A tlanla and LaOrangeßailroad. Arrve at A«.» at W I*.>• M and tj 27. A. M. l>c*%'e Atlanta at 2 00, A. M., arid 1 00, I .M. Athens Branch— Sunday* t. epteJ lxAve Aujcuntaat * oO,Evcnlng. I Atiai.ta a 10 Ott.*. Arrive at Allien. at » ;'?*• la«e Atlictisat. tl *o> Morn, .g. Arrive at at ' Ev«-i.:u*. Lit IH. f WtuhiagUm Branch—Sanduy* Excepted. Augusta at 2 30, N'iglit. Leave Atlantan 13 00, " Arrive at at * 35, Morning. War rent on Branch—Sundays Excepted ._ Leave Augusta at 5 00, Evening. Leave Atlanta at 10 00. Morning. Arrive at Wanreuton at » 'fi, Evening. Lia.i barren ton at 2 Evening. A at Augusta at 7 00. Evening. Arrive at Atlanta at 1 <»• i vU (iEUitOK YON UE. t»en. feupt. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. / 111 OF M HKIH-’LK— Commencing on SUN V. DAY. November li, 1357. Keave A len.*. 3 10, A. M.. and 4 00, I . M. Arrive at Millen 5 OS, A. M„and ft 36, P. M. Leave Milieu 6 40. A. M„ and S 46, P. M. Arrive at A-iguala 9 00. A.M., and ft 47 P. M (tonne- ting with Traina to and from feavannah and Augusta, nuvlft O. A. liKOWy,Superintendent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. aiiln I*h%oik* 4 from <tuLrlrsalon to .Yew York, $25. A JEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAM PACKETS. Through in 48 to 53 Hours. .semi-weekly. rjpl.K r.e» St car nali Ip COLUMBIA, 1,800 ton*. M. lleebt, a /ishvS'le,' 1.500 ton*, T. D. Ewa.l, Commander, ad AK10N,J,509 to:.s, W. J, Fostkiu Commander. SOU IHERNEK. I,uu6 tons, L. M. Murray’ Commander. L*av<- AilHur*» Wharvp*a everv WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY. after the arrival of the car* from the South and Wert at high water. These Steamsldp# were all built expressly for the Line, and lor safety, comfort, and speed, are unrivalled on the coast. Ta b.e* supplied with every luxury ; attentive and courteouscom numdors, will ensure traveller# by this due ©vary p-swlble contort and accommodation. Apply to HHNKY MIMKOON A 00., Agents, Charleston. S. C. CaHn Passage #25 00 bteoage FOR PALATXA, EAST FLORIDA. Via Darien, Brunswick, St. M try's, Jacksonville , l*icolata and Mi ldisEurg, f IMIE VM. GASTON, Captain Thomas E. Shaw, I and ST. JOHN, Uapt. Jas*Frerbo*x, will leave Savan nah every MON I>A Y and THURSDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, for the above pla.-e. The St. John is a new boat, built expr-***!v for the trade, with large and aitv State Room accom mndatl and iHkiioc th« Inland route, offers au{>erh»r facilities for invalDlß and other*. For further narticuiar*, enouire of CLAGIMRN A CUNNINGIIAM, Agent*. SavannAb, March 1, 1554. _ :narl4^ IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS GOING NORTH BY THE BAY LIN B, CSAmniU) \\D HOWIKU U\ILKO\D,in con n»-OLion with the oTEA M PA( KHTS on Chuanpeak© Rat, Firming a «la:iv line unsurpaeeed f >r comfort, speed and safety, brt wot-n Woidon, If. C., and liaitlmore. Me. The elegant Steam Packet*, LOUISIANA, Capt. K lbs mLr., and NORTH CAROLINA. Oapt. C Aiidi, new boats, beauti folly fitted up with camuiodious state rooms, are now running daily on the old and favorite Bay Line, which, in connection with the Roads south of Weldon, presents the fouewiug ensur pa»’«ed schedule: Leave Auguata. Geo., 9.80, A. M.; Branchville, S. 0., 1.50, I\ M.; M Kingsville, ** 8.00, P. M.: ** Wilmington, N. C.. 6.00, A. M.; ** Weldon, “ 2, P. M.; ** Norfolk, Va., 6. P.M.; Arrive at Baltimore, Ma., 7, A. M. In time for the early morning trains fer Philadelphia and New York. Through TbJcetato Wilmington, $9: thence to Baltimore #l2. Through Tickets may also l»e purchased in Wilmington for Philadelphia at #l4, and fer New York at #15.50, of S. I). WALLACE. Ticket Agent, or at Weldon for Baltimore at #*, Philadelphia at #lO, and Nsw York at sl2, of E. N. PETER VAN. Agent S. asd R. R. Co. checked through from Augusta to Weldon, thence to Balt more. Through from Wilmington to New Y'ork in 88 hour*, without loss of sleep. For further particulars, apply to O. D. BOY DEN, novlS ts Agent Inland Route. FREIGHTS BY THE SAVANNAH RIVER, BY THE IRON STEAM BOAT COMPANY LINE, A\ r ILL b* received and forwarded free of Commission, ad v T dressed to the care of Ageut Iron Steamboat Company. J. B. GUIE U, Agt ht, Augusta. S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent, Savannah. dacly 1y? COPARTNERSHIP. milE undersigned having tills day formed a copartnership JL under the name and style of Sibley «fc Bough for the transaction *»f a General Wholesale and Retail GROCERY Business, have token the Store lately occupied by Thus. Bren nan, 276 Broad st ri ct, where we are now receiving a large and complete assortment of everything in our Hue. Our stock hav ing been selected with great care, we feel confident that wewili be able to give sot is taction to al! who may favor us with their VSimßh. k«*p sumßed with the very and ihe wants of our customers, hope to merit a share of the public patronage. C. H. SIBLEY, Augusta, July 1,1557. auß ly A. P. BOGGS. “GREAT ATTRACTION.” IMI>»T have money, and in order to get it I have marked down my entire stock to COST. This is no humbug. I must meet iiiy engagements, and, therefore will sacrifice the profits m all my stock, including Uie most desirable goods ever brought to this market in my line. Heavy Grey BLANKETS, $1 37 }•£_ do Scarlet do 2 00 do Blue do 200 Gents" SHAWLS, at $4 25 to 00 Canton Flannel DRAWERS at 55c. per i»a!r. Merino UNDERSHIRTS, at7scto#2 Merino Knit DRAWERS, 75cto #2 Theflnest White SHIRTS, at *1 87>$ White do at #l. BOSOMS, BOSOMS, BOSOMS. 1600 SHIRT FRONTS, new styles, just come in, at 12K* 25< STS, 5 J Ct :it s and #!. 'l ire greatest bargains ever offered. Come one and all. Now is tire time to buy goods. Cash I must have. StX lvS ! SOCKS !! SOCKS 1!! I have the best ; t of Socks ever shown in this city, at $2 pel dozen ; some at f l 50 per dozen. Call and lo kat the Socks. 1 have marked all my goods DOWN. Call and see for your selves. « CASH! CASH!! CASH!!! 1 must have the cash. ‘*Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish," I must sell goods and get the money. ••Strike while the iron is hot.” CHARLES W. ITERSEY, * Opposite the U. S. Hotel. ARGYLE BUTTER. F. have lust received a fresh supply of this delicious BUTTER. noyll DAWSON A SKINNER. FRESH ARRIVALS. OYE hundred sacks Rio « ’OFFEE : l<vi sacks Enharley Mills FLOUR ; 75 bbls. 50 boxes Grant’s Adamantine CANDLES ; 50 ** fresh CHEESE; 15 flrkir.s Go.* hen BUTTER ; 50 boxes, assorted brands, TOBACCO ; 75 drums FIGS; 75 boxes ** 20 bbls. Red and Yellow ONIONS; 7 ** APPLES; 4 crates CABBAGE ; Received this day and for sale by W. H. HOWARD. dec*Jo Commission Merchant. CHAMPAGNE. mWEVTI basket, Heidsick CHAMPAGNE, quarts ; JL SO baskets •* ** piets; 10 “ Marquis De Por.cet •* quarts; 15 ** *• “ ** pints. Just r ceired at dec-20 D’ANTIONAC A HUBBARD’S. SPARKLING GELATINE. ~1 *> BOA packages Cox’s S;*arkHng GELATINE, asupe -1 m ri or article for table use. HENRY J. SIBLEY. • . SUNDRIES. *> CASES S<*cd : <-5> KAISINS ; tm - " CU RRANTS; - •• err HON ; £0 bole. PKU N KS ; S b.hard-shell ALMONDS; S •• soft shell a- FILBERTS; 2bbls. English WALNUTS; 2 “ Pecan NUTS. Just received by deciO D'ANTIUNAC A HUBBARD, TOWELS. OYE hundred doien TOWELS, at seventy-five cents per dozen; fifty dose n atone dollar; fifty at one dollar and fifty cents ; and fifty dozen extra hue at two dollars a dozen, for sale at dec2o GRAY' & TURLEY’S. DRAPERY, MUSLINS AND DAMASKS. DKAPEKY, MUSLINS, and Worsted DAMASK, in great variety, for sale at GRAY' & TURLEY’S, dec2o CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. GIIVY A TI HIiEV will disgoae of their lema'.r.ln* ‘ s’. >ek of Winter CLOAKS and SUAWLS. at greatly re dueed price*. decSO FLANNELS. (TRW A TI'RI.EV hav~ , n band red and white FI. AN- X NELs. f:■ - if , cents to SO cents. deciO PRESERVES. Ist ' >.v.' •: Ui gur PRESERVES; 10 “ Chow Chow “ Just receiv ed t.v dec2o _ D'ANTIUNAC A HUBBARD. HAIR RESTORATIVE. 1)KOF. W - HAIR KE> i >U.\TIV E. in #3, and *1 A supply received by WM. H. TUTT. ■ovlS BLANKETS. HKWY gray BLANKETS, suits', ie for Plantation S t ». Also, I .v. HATS. I r *ah it a ... at .• A COW AND CALF FOR SALE. 4 FINE WCavs 1 <'. >\v f r sa’.e. raised in tiiis city. She ca- bi Seen at r:.v r: Grv.• t. ,MEB feagan. YOUNG AMERICA. ATTENTION. WE have .at-, eived a iotef PISTOLS, f rfc. Eng Fire vv Crackers. the thing tor Che -.mas. On'.v Thirty Cents. _Jdecl9 PLUMB A- I.EITNEK.' MIRRORS. \FI\E ass-irttner- f H»td an ; Me;;; MIRRORS. ; ;st . reeved by decl»_ PLUMB A LEITXER. SPARKLING CATAWBA. (*A DOZ. I’ - uL ;gw : Spar'..... g CATAWBA. »!' ' do qts. r _ • STOVALL A CO.. Agents. APPLES AND ONIONS. RECEIVED this day ana forssde on consignment— -1 i hi Is. prime APPLES ; jn •• UNIONS. dec!9 W. H. HOWARD. MAGAZINES FOR JANUARY. GODE\’§ Lady V Book, f r January; Putnam’* Magazine, f- -r Graham’s ** “ have just bee*. re ceived al declS GEO. A. OATES A BKOV (General CHEAP DRY GOODS. WILLIAM All has now received his full iuppUe* f v or 1 all and Winter DRY’ G<X»DS. embracing one of 1 the largest assortment* he has ever offered to the public, and u.prL-mz a very choice and desirable selection of Ladies' DKE>S GOODS and Staple Articles, which he offers at very low pvii-es. Among them are— Rich Fancy Dress bILKs. ic a great variety of styles: superior Plain Black SILKS, or rich lustre and at v«ry low prices; Superior Black SILKS, without lustre, for Ladlas' Mourning Dreases; La he*’ Rich Cashmere and Delaine ROBES, with side stripe*; „ Lupin*# High Colored DELAINES, small figure#, for Chil dren ; Lupin’s Plain French MERINOS and DELAINES, of the Lupi: < plain W:dte ai.d Bik. MERINO 6 and DELAINES, of superior quality ; > ■ -r:- r Saxony PLAIDS and Plaid VALENCIAS, of new and beautiful Style# ; Superior 4 4 French PRINTS, some with small figures, for Children ; I re ch Embroidered Lace and Muslin COLLARS and UN DERSLEEVES, of elegant styles; Lilies’ Embroidered Cambric COLLARS, and Embroidered Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEF S ; Swiss ar.d Jaconet FLOU Nt’INGS and Infant’s WAISTS ; Valenciennes ami Thread LACES, and Swiss and Jaconet EDGINGS and INSERTIN’GS ; A iarge supply of Ladies’ Corded Border and Hemstitched Linen Cambric *r.d F rench Lawn HANDKERCHIEF’S: Superior 4-4 Irish LIN ENS and Long LA WNS Superior 84 and 10-4 Table and Damask DIAPERS, of ex tra quality; Ks«:h Damask Table CL< >TIIS, some of extra sire and duality White and Colored D< >YLIEs and Damask N APKINS ; S’lperior Linen HUCKABACKS and Scotch DIAPERS, for Towel#; Fancv Border TOWELS, by the docen; >uperior 12 4 Linen SHEETINGS and Pillow Ca*»e LIN ENS; A Urge assortment of Ladio*’. Gentlemen’#. Youth’# and Children’s HoSI FIR Y ; Alexander’s Ladien’ YV’hito,Black and Co’d. Kid GLOVES; Ladies and Gentlemen’s Gauntlet GLOVES; Ladies’Merino and Gauze Merino VESTS, with long and short sleeves, of superior quality, and some of extra size ; Misses’and Gentlemen’s Mermo VESTS; Printed Table and Piano COVERS, or rich and splendid styles, and some at very low prices ; Phillip's and Brooks’ superior Waxed, and Coats Spool THREAD: , , Ladies’Cloth and Velvet CLOAKS, of new and elegant Ladies’ Mourning CLOAKS, of new and beautiful styles ; Ladies* Stella. Chenille, French and Scotch SIJ AW Ls; Ladies* Plain Black Thibet Wool SHAWLS, with Silk Fringe, some of extra size ; A large assortment of Goods for Ladles’ Mourning apparel; Lad:eS* V& '& a&f ]ooiA)Te widCH*jSosl an ‘ liA *b’ s ‘ Heavy ."baker “ Heavy Red FLANNELS, for servants; A large supply of Ladies’ CORSETTS and Oruvolli SKIRTS of the most approved styles; Ladies’ Extension SK'IRTS, of the best style and quality ; Superior Marseilles QUILTS, of extra size and quality ; Superior Furniture DIMITIES and Furniture F HINGES : Manchester, Lonsdale and New York Mills 4-4 Bleached SHIRTINGS, at very low prices ; Water Twist and White liock soft finish 4-4 Bleached SHIRT INGS, of extra quality; Superior Hamilton and Allendale 124 Bleached SHEET INGS and Pillow Case < COTTONS ; Superior Bleached and Unbleached Canton FLANNELS ; A large supply of Negro BLANKETS, at very low prices ; Superb : hitnev lied and Crib BLANKETS, some of ex- tra size; Rich Embroidered Laco and Muslin CURTAINS, and some at very lowpriees; Colored DAM ASKS and DELAINES for Curtains, in a great variety of colors: Curt in BANDS CORNICES and STAIR RODS; A large supply of Landscape and Rich Gold Band Window' SHADES, some of extra length, and some at very low prices; English Velvet and Brussels CARPETS, ot now and splen did styles ; Superior Three Plv. Ingrain and Venetian CARPETS; Printed Floor BAIZES, In Patterns and by the yard • A large supply of articles suitable for male and female houso servants; George Schley’s Georgia PLAINS ami Heavy Twilled KER SK.f S : Augusta and Grauiteville SHIRTINGS and SIJ EET -INGS, at Manufacturers prices., With a great variety of other articles suitable for Family and Plantation use, and to ail of which the attention of the public is respectfully invited. dtsc novll NEW DRY GOODS. PA. M. GALLMILK nave w-eeiv&d a large and well 9 selected stock of DRY GOODS,' uitable for the Fall and winter trad \ to which they respectfuilv evil the attention of the publio. Their stock consists in part o f — Rich Black SILKS, striped and plaids; Rich Plain Black SILKS ; Rich Fancy SILKS, new styles ; Rich Flounced ROBES ; CALICOES and BOMBAZINES; French and English MERINOS ; COBURGS and ALPACAS, ali oolcr POPLINS, Plain and Plaids ; Plain and Figured DELAINES; Oaohmere and Delaine ROBES ; Valentia PLAIDS and STRIPES Marceline SILKS, all colors ; Black ALPACAS, Silk Warp ; Black MERINOS ami all-wool DELAINES French, Scotch and American GINGHAMS ; Swiss, Jaconet and Plaid .MUSLINS; Spotted and Figured Swiss Ladies’ Hoop SKIRTS, new styles ; Stella SHAWLS and SCARFS ; Cashmere and Brocha SIIAWLS ; Long and Square “ B ack Thibet Wool “ very fine ; English, French and American PRINTS ; lied and White FLANNELS, in great variety ; White and Brown Canton FLANN ELS ; French Opera " all colors; All-wo .1 Plaid FLANNELS and MERINOS: Ladies’ Merino VESTS; Ladies’ Emh’d. COLLARS and UNDERSLEEVES ; End roidered Liner. Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS: Plain and Hemstitched Jaconet and Swiss BA N I>S and FLOUNCINGS ; Jaconet and Swiaa TRIMMINGS ; Ladies* and Misses’ HOSE: Gent’s and Boy’s HA LF HOSE : CLOAKS ami MANTILLAS, of the latest styles ; Bleached and Brown SHIRTINGS; P'-i, 114 and 12-4 SH EETINGS ; Fine Ribbou-bound Bed and Crib BLANKETS ; Brown and Bleached Table DA MASK ; Fringed*tnd Bordered Linen TOWELS ; NAPKINS and DOYLIES*; Russia ami Scotch DIAPER : Kentucky JEA NS and KATINETS ; TW EEDS and CASSIM ERES : Fancy PLAIDS, for Boy’s wear; Blue, Black and Brown BROADCLOTHS; Ladies* Black and Colored CLOTH ; KERSEYS, all-wool Filling: OSNABURGS. DRILLINGS and SHIRTINGS; Marlboro’ PLAIDS and STRIPES: Apron and Furniture CHECKS; Blue DENIMS and Mariner’s STRIPES; Plaid LINDsEYS. all-wool Filling; Highland PLAIDS, all wool; White and Colored Negro BLANKETS. ocD CHEAP CASH STORE. (1 RAY dr Ti iibbiY having thoroughly removed to the! X Nc.\ under the United States Hotel, arc now rc ceiving a full and complete assortment of rich and clegan DRY GOODS, which, having been purchased for rash, unde the depressed state oft Pie monetary affairs of the North, ena hies them to offer facilities to close purchasers rarely to be met with. Merchants, Planters, and the Ladies particularly would consult their interest by an examination ot our stock ar.d prices. Having a resident purchaser in the North, we are in the continual receipt of “Job Lots” from auction, at unpre* Among our assortment will be found the richest and newest DRESS GOODS of the se;ison, such at;— Rich and Elegant Colored and Black SILKS ranging from 57M cents to $5 per yard, (omitting to specify all the manufac tured “ jaw breaking” names u-ed on such occasions). Fineall-wooi Muslin DELAINE, Plain and Figured; Cheap Muslin DEL AIN ES. In great variety ; Lupin's be*,; Black ALPACAS and BOMBAZINES. PLANTATION GOODS. The very Le*t quality, 8 or. OSNABURGS ; Heavy all-wool Ailing Georgia PLAINS and K ERSEYS ; Heavr cheap SATINETS; All-wool Piaid LINSEYS ; Blue Striped and Plaid IIOM ESPUNS ; Brown HOMESPUN and JEANS ; Fine Bed BLANKETS, very cheap. RICH CARPETING, CHEAP. Fine English Tapestry Velvet CARPETS ; ** •• “ Brussels “ Superior Three Ply, fine Ingrain and ail-wool CARPETS. Not. having room in our new store to keep Carpeting, we will sell them at cost and charges. EMBROIDERY. 1,000 Swigs and Jaconet BANDS,Jfrom 25 cents to sl, worth fully double that amount; 5,0 W Swiss and Jaconet COLLARS, from 25 to 50 cents, worth $1; 100 tine French worked COLLARS, $2 50 to $3 50, worth $5 to f 6; DOMESTIC GOODS. Ten fine three-yard wide SHEETING, at Sle., worth in the Jobbing Housed"in New York from 35 to 40 cents. Five bales fine Sea Island HOMESPUNS, 6>*c. Ten cases fine CALICO, warranted fast colors, or the monay returned, for 6 a cents, w rth 10 to 12H cents. LINEN GOODS. Th«* 1 est and cnea; cst LINENS that has ever been known to sell in Augusta, under any circumstances, are now on our shelved, and. only require ar. examination to convince the most fastidious of the great saving in purchasing LINEN GOODS fr m us. Splendid fronting LINEN for 3,3* cents, that has never been known to sell in Augusta for less than 62 to 76 cents. The most superb LINEN DAMASK ever brought to this market at vastly reduced rates. Splendid Turkish TOWELS for the bath-room. 6-4 long, oulv 12 % cents, worth 37 cents. Russia and Huckaback DIAPERS, In great variety, exceed ingly cheap. rive hundred. 12-4 square QUILTS, for $1 50, worth *3 00. Fine French Marseille* QUILTS, large size, $3 50 to $5 00, worth from $6 to $lO. Also, a very large and varied stock of every description ol DRY GOODS, selected with the utmost care by decided judges of g cds at auction, and such other places as bargains could be obtained, within the last two weeks, to which we would invite the attention of those purchasing for cash, guaranteeing that we can save them a very large per centage on an examination of our stock. octi GRAY & TURI.EY. POTATOES. CHEESE, &C. I NIFTY bbls. Extra Garter POTATOES ; 100 boxes Miles A Son’s CHEESE ; 20 “ CODFISH: 20 bbls. No. 3 MACKEREL ; So H bbls. “ 35 ” No. 2 40 kits No. 1 20 kits No. 1 SALMON. .) us? received bv bovu DAWSON A SKINNER. BSW BHOES. IAIHK** fineth'.ck-M'le BUSKINS; J " Ca:r thick-sole BOOTEBS i “ *• Goat “ “ - Bain GAITERS; M'mh 1 *• thick-5 le “ “ thin-*-:* “ • Heel Morocco BOOTS. sail for 3i.» lOTiS CLARKE A ROYAL^ COATS AND HATS. \VATER-PROOF COATS and HATS, suitable for v T wagonert and steamb* at hands, for sale at bcv4 A. P. BIGNUN A CO.’S. SHIRTS. Jl. eiT rt -:Tcd a ep’ondlu icsortmert of SHIRTS of all qualities and oizes, at 1..t4 A. !’■ BIGNON Ai'O.'s. SUGAR. -| ,\A BBIA Yellow C ffee SUGAR. 1 tut received and It HI for sale by dc-4 DANIEL H. WILCOX. ON CONSIGNMENT, ’’- fire ctr loads of FLOUR, embraarg all qa... ;.o*, from the beet mill* In Tennessee. dee-i T. W. FLEMING A CO. DENTAL INSTRUMENTS 4 COMPLETE a*v rtnscnt just received and for sale at i A \. man?tfacturer’s priuo*, by r.--.vS ' PLUMB ALBITNER. FLOUE. CTPiaiFIYE and Extra FLOUR, half and qaar > ter ;afe, arrivlaj and for sale. In' J*s» TH"-L P, STQYALI, ACQ j ON CONSIGNMNNT, I C mints. Wes- - BACON, which still be sold low, at 1 as to render sate* to owner. d«a * T. W. FLEMING A CO. THORN'S EXTRACT. rpHE genuine article of Thorn's EXTRACT Is f< r sale br 1 L dealt) WM. H. TUTT. j BUTTER AND CHEESE. choice Goaheu BUTTER ; r/ Stubs Arrived by Ixn ■tsamar. Fk>r sale bv d#elS' RICHMOND A REKD. i ID ousts. ! REES & LINTON WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jackson Street, Augusta , Georgia , WILL continue the WAREHOUSE AND COMMIS- I ft SION BUSINESS at their Fire-Proof Warehouse, and i will devote their personal attention to the interests of their friends and patrons. Order# for Family Supplies, Bagging, Rope. Ac., carefully tilled. Liberal Cash Advances made when required. Commission for selling Cotton, Fifty Cents per bale. JOHN C. BEES, auls 6m SAM’!., L>. I.INTON. S. D. HEARD, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Last Side Mclntosh Street. Augusta , Georgia, rPKYBKKH his thanks to his friends, and the public gen* f_ erally, for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, and again offers his services in all the departments of the WARE HOUSE and GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, in which his personal attention will be devoted to the interests of Ids patrons. Liberal Cash Advances made on Produce in store, when de sired. Bagging, Rope, Family Supplies, Ac., carefully selected and furnished at the lowest market prices. Commission for selling Cotton, Fitly Cents per bale. STEPHEN D. HEARD. Augusta, Georgia, August, 1857. d*c6m aul4 BEALL & STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Reynolds, between Jackson and Mclntosk-ets., Augusta , Ga. \t T R have removed to Metcalfs Large New Fire-proof WAREHOUSE, on Reynold, between Jackson and Mclntosh Streets, recently occupied by Gilliam & A skin, in the centre of the city, in the vicinity of the principal Ware houses, and convenient to the Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe Storage for Cotton, Grain, Flour, Bacon and Produce generally, we respectfully solicit consignments, which shall receive our undivided and faithful attention. Family Supplies, and the usual facilities will be afforded customers. Our Commissions for soiling Cottou will be Fifty Cents per WILLIAM M. BEALL, J. W. L. STOVALL. Augusta, August Ist., 1857. (i*ct>m an ft DYE & LA TASTE, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ri>im;cth li. y announce to their friends, and the t public generally, that they have formed a connection in the above business, and have leased the Fire-Proof Warehouse of Col. Clanton, north side of Reynolds street, and recently occupied by Mr. Geo. L. Anderson. From their long experience they flatter themselves that they will be enabled to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor them with consiguine*? l ■* of Cottft n -or gthpri>**oH\**c. i neir prompt personal attention will be given to orders for Bagging, Rope, Ac., and purchasing of Family supplies at the lowest market rates. Also, to the forwarding of Goods consigned to their friends in the interior. Liberal cash advances made, when desired by our customers. Our charges will be the same as those of other houses in the city, engaged in the same business. Our commissions for selling Cotton, from and alter the first of September next, will be Fifty Cents per bale. JAMES M. DYE, ANDREW G. LATASTfi. Augusta, Ga., August 1,1357. d*c6m au3 J. J. PEARCE, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia , KEBPE(TFT LL\ renews the tender of his services in , the Storage and Sale of Cotton, and other Produce, at his extensive Brick Warehouse, on Campbell street, near Bones, Brown & Co.’s Hardware Store. Cash advances, Bagging. Rope and Family Supplies for warded to patrons as heretofore. Commission for selling Cotton, after the first of September next, will be Fifty Cents per bale. au2s d*c6m J. J. PEARCE. DANA & WASHBURN, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Georgia. H.’h .’ \VAS!i'RUUN.| General Partners. JOS. WASHBURN, Special Partner. \\T E COXTINUE the above business at our old stand, 114 u Bay Street, East of the Exchange, and arc prepared to make liberal advances on ail Produce consigned to our care for sale. Orders for BAGGING and ROPE promptly filled at lowost prices. Savannah, August Ist, 1857. 6m ati4 P. & J- L. FLEMING, PLANTERS’ AND MERCHAN TS’ WAREHOUSE. riMIE undersigned w»-uld respectfully announce to their I friends and the public that they have associated them, selves together In the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, ami taken the large tire-proof Warehouse of Mr. T. S. Metcalf, situated on Reynolds, between Jackson and Mclntosli streets. Their charges will conform lo the old established rates, viz 25 cents storage, and 25 cents commission f< r selling. All orders for Family Supplies promptly executed at the lowest market price. PORTER FLEMING, atj>3o da dim J. L. FLEMING. BARNES & JONES, WAREHOUSE AN D COM MISSION M EKOHANTS, Augusta, Georgia . rrill W’KJFCJL for former patronage, would hereby tender JL our services to our friends and the public in the above business, hoping by strict personal attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. Having large, close Fire-Proof Store-Rooms, would solicit consignments of GRAIN, Ac. All orders filled, personally, at the lowest market rates. The usual cash advances made on Produce when in store. Our Commissions f«.r s< iiing Cotton on and after the Ist of September next, will be 50 cents per bale. WM.E. BARNES, JAS. A. JONES. Augusta, August 20 1557. 6m au2Q J. C. HARALSON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Augusta. Georgia. r1 1 fvYDERS his services to his friends and the public, in the !. Warehouse and Commission business, at the Warehouse heretofore occupied by L. Hopkins, where his personal atten tion will be given to the storage and sale of Cotton, and other produce, anu the purchase of goods for customers. Cash ad* m# cofimifflon ror*selT\hg'Uoltoh*\viT 1 *’lnTiho establisnea rate of Fifty Cents per bale. Dm je2l EVANS, HARRISS & CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah. , Georgia. D'.WTIGNAC', K\ A\B A i O. have associated with them Gen. Rout. Y. lUrbiss, for the purpose of transact ing a FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the city of Savannah. The business will be conducted under the style of EVANS, HARRISS & CO., and Wm. E. Evans aue Root. Y- llak- Rise will give their personal and undivided attention to the same. Their object is to do exclusively a PLANTERS’ BUSI- N ESS, ami a long experience in a similar business at Augusta, Ga., and Charleston, S. 0„ induce the confident belief that they will be enabled to give entire satisfaction in the sale of Cotton and other produce to the Planters of Georgia and Ala bama who may favor them with their patronage. They have taken an Ottice and Sales Room in Hodgson’s Range, Bay street, a few doors above the Exchange, where t hey will be prepared, by the 15th of August, to receive con signments of Cotton ana other produce, and the orders of tlieir friends, and planters generally, lor Bagging, Rope and other supplies, which they will execute with promptness at the low est market rates. Their commission for selling Cotton will be Fifty Cents per bale. WILLIAM E. EVANS, ROBERT Y. HARRISS, WM. M. D’ANTIGN AC, Jyl? GEORGE W. EVANS. DISSOLUTION. npHE firm of Simpson A Gaudlnke was, by mutual con JL sent, dissolved on the first day of July, 1557. Either o the undersigned are authorised to use the firm’s name in liqui dation. J. U. SIMPSON, Augusta, July 29, 1557. J. T. GARDINER. J. R. SIMPSON, (SUCCESSOR TO SIMPSON A UAKPINKR) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner of Ms Into sh and Reynolds Street*, Augusta , Geo., Wf ILL continue the Warehouse and Commission busmens » v at the old stand of Simpson & Gardiner, in its branches, and hopes, by strict, personal attention to the inter est of his friends and the public, to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed on the old firm. Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies furnished at the low cat market price. Cash advances made upon produce in store. The books, notes and accounts of Simpson & Gardiner may be found at the office of the undersigned. My commission for selling Cotton, from and after tho first of September next, will be Fifty Cents per bale. J. R. SIMPSON. A CARD. HAVING retired from the Warehouse and Commission business, I embrace the occasion to thank my friends and the public for the liberal patronage extended to the firm of Simpson *fc Gardiner, and to recommend to their confidence and support my late partner and friend, J. K. Simpson, whose office I will make my head quarters. Cm au4 J. T. GARDINER. WHOLESALE GROCERS. \\ T E beg to call the attention of our friends, and the public, | f 1 to our large stock of GROCERIES (Liquors excepted.) . In this city and Charleston, which wo are prepared to sell ijoi j cash, or to prompt paying customers, on favorable teru I)anikl Hakd, ) GEO. W. WILLI A V*H A Cu.» ' G. W. Williams, f Ghatleaton, S.O, Azakiah Gbavra, ( HAND, WILLIi.M,S Sz GRAVER f E. (J. Williams, J Augusta, vieo. aui3 Ut*c.iy FALL AND VINTER CABBAGF SEED. A slri'lA olThei'oilowiug vari eties of Fall-and VYtntbrCABISAGE SEED, vix: Lw r ge Green Giag.d I :. ge Drumhead, Drumhead Savnv, I.HT -e V"rk flat ljutch’ and Lartre Berger CABBAGE St El*Also, Lout; Green j COLLAkD Seed, suitabi f..r the p- .-sent season, aid with j proper cultivation they will* mature >,y Christmas LVfsalebv ' WM. HMXES, I COP ARTE ERSHIP. rpHE undersigned have U day funned a copartnership . « under the Arm name At RICHMOND A REED. forth? t s, r WSslS2«, of * Peneral v . l „ ,| e ? aie and Retail GROCERY Ri SIN ESS. and have iftNeii the 'tore recently occupied bv .1 Reed, opposite the Han' Hnter. where we intend keeping * ,W e t'i .d esteirnve -assortment of all articles of the trade, will be sod on accommodating terms. Our stock has been selected wtiajjrfat the Northern markets, and with a v.vw to its >Mg especially suited for the use of fami lies and the planters trade. e hope, by strict attention to business and the interested our patrons, to merit a share of public patronage , , , W, K. RICHMOND, Os th« late Arm of Estes & Richmond ocl dtf JERKY REED. CLARKE & ROYAL, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Roots, Shoes, Trunks. Jbc. W E ar ,° few receiving our large stock for Fall and Whiter ’ T trade, to which we invite the attention of buyers before purchasing. \\ e are prepared to show as well a selected stock and of as good quality as was ever offered in this city, which we will sell on accommodating terms. Our assortment of Plantation BROGANS and House Servant SHOES, » rarv complete, ail made of the best material a: d workmanship „ CAR! El BAGS, and SATCHELS. d.e auiT CHEAP GAS. TIIK undersigned infonns the public, that he Is sole Agent for vending and putting in successful operation, the Gas Apparatus of the Maryland P, riable Gas Company. Having tried it at his residence in the country, he can confidently assert that it is the cheapest, most brilliant and agreeable light tiiat is produced. The public are solicited to examine the same, now in sttcceeeful operation at the office of the (Ihronicle A Sentinel and at Claras Hail, of Messrs. Run back A Cooper, in this city’ Pamphlets giving fui! descnptn n of the apparatus, price, Ac , ear. be had gratis at the office .• f the Chronicle A Sentinel, the Constitutionalist, or on application to the undersigned, who is prepared, with competent machinists, to put them up at any residence at short notice, in town or country. WILLIAM SCHLEY. Jr„ Sole Agent. Augusta. May 14. 1556. ts ruayl4 READY MADE CLOTHING. I RAMSEY A- LABAVV ore -til receiving, twice a week. A CLOTHING of ev-ry kind, from their Manufa. * rv i» New York, all of which arc b..::giit f.r net Cash during these stringci.* times, together wit • i con.piete a.-s.rtment oft V DE Kuril I RTS and DRAWERS, witiian additional supply of Linen Bosoms and SHIRTS ' every quality. A.l of whieh are offered at less prises than ear. be afforded in thiaeitv. ms3!> 05NABURG6. 1 A BA LEE heavy OSNABURGS, for sale by If =cr4 THOb r. bI'OVAAL Si •• N. Doik Slitoertisemente. fine groceries for southern families rriHOMAS HOPE & <’<).. No. 184 Chambers street New L York, (established 1820) Importers and Dealers in all de scriptions of Rare Old Maderia. Sherry and Port Wines. !m --est < )ld Brandies, Superior Old Jamaica, St. Croix and Antigua Rum, Old Holland Gin, and every variety of Fine Imported and Domestic Liquors. CH AMPAGN E-Max Sutaine, Moet & Chandon.and Mumm s Imperial, Cabinet and Nerzenay, Heidseick and other brands. CLARET AND SALT ERNE—lncluding Chateau Mar gaux, Chateau Lafitte, Leovilie, Larose, Margauxand St. Ju lien. Chataux and Hunt Sauternes. HOCK WINES—Of Johannesberger, Maccrobrunner, Rude sheimer, Hockheimer, Sparkling Hock and Moselle. SEGAKS—Of all the choicest varieties, Elegantes, RegaLas, Conchas, Operas, Pressed and Communes. FOREIGN FRUITS—Of all kinds, Raisins, Almonds, Prunes, *Scc. TEAS ANI) COFFEES—AII of the finest qualities. HAMS AND TONGCES— Burlington, Virginia and West phalia Hams: Smoked and Pickled Tongues. GOSHEN LI T IER—In Ferklns, Tubs and Stone Jars. FOREIGN PICKLES—Sauces, Catsups, Sardines, Capers, Olives. Ac. PRESERVES—East and West India and Domestic. And a full and general assortment of every variety of tine groce ries. dly _ mh4 KEROSENE OILS, DISTILLED FROM COAL—NOT EXPLOSIVE. Secured by Letters Patent. ri'IHE different grades of these celebrated OILS, suitable for I Machinery of all kinds, Binnacle ana Family use, can be had of the undersigned, also of the wholesale Oil Dealers and Druggists in the City of New York, and of the authorised Local Agent of the Company in this place. AUSTENS, General Agents, Keresone Oil Co., No. 50 Beaver Street, N. Y. Local Agencies granted on application as above. Orders should specify the description of lamp or machinery for which the Oil is wanted. lv my3l FOUNTAIN S INDIA STORE. 6** O BROADWAY, New York, is full of Goods from f)0 CHINA, JAPAN and INDIA, which embrace Novelties and Dress Goods, which are only to be found at the above establishment. Seersucker, Concan, Pongees, Satins; also. Scarfs and Shawls from $5 to SSOO. Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Dresses, &c., manufactured from the fibres of the Pineapple, handsomer and more durable than silk. Fashionable Bonnets made of the same, can be washed and remodeled to suit the taste, and worn for years. Also, thousands of Eastern (Asiatic) articles, well worthy of the attention of all. Milliners will be supplied per mall with samples of the Pine apple, or, can have Pattern Bonnets of the latest fashion, black ami colored, sent by express to any part of the country. P. S.—lndia China in sets and single pieces, Vases, Ac., &c. mys 9 MERILLO IRON WORKS. MERRILLO A JACQUES, 14*2 Centre Street, New York, 7% r A M FAC'TI TIERS and Dealers in Wrought Iron JjJL PIPES, FITTINGS, TOOLS, and every description of apparatus connected with Steam, Water and Gas, for heating and lighting Steamers, Churches, Hotels, Private Dwellings, Hospitals, Asylums, Villages, Factories and Halls. Also—Valves, Cocks, Pumps, Guages, Boilers’and Boiler Flues, made to order. Our Screw Cutting Machines are entirely new, and our own Patent—warranted to do double the work of any other inven tion. Orders solicited from all sections of the country and prompt ly attended to. ly je26 THE SUNRISE COOK STOVE. THE SUNRISE COOK STOVE. THE SUNRISE COOK STOVE. THE SUNRISE COOK STOVE. The best in use. The beat in use. The best in use. The best in use. The beat in use. The beat in use. For sale by For sale by For sale by S. S. JON ES * 00., 210 Broad at. S. 8. JONES & CO., -JlO Broad-st, Jy26 _ 8. 8. JONES A CO,. 210 Broad-st. STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, &c., &c. SB. .IO.\ES A CO., beg again to call the attention of • their numerous customers and the public generally to their extensive assortment of S'l’() V ES, O K ATES, RA N 0 ES. and a complete variety of everything pertaining to a First Class House Furnishing Store. STOVES. Our assortment in this department U all that the most fastid ious can desire. We have nearly every style of COOK, OF FICK and PARLOR STOVES kept by any other house in this cltv, and many desirable patterns that are to hi found ex clusively at our establishment. GRATES. Os these goods, we have some thirty different patterns, all bought within the last sixty days and from the latest desigua. We think we hazard nothing in saving ti at we can offer a much greater variety iu this line than all other dealers in the city combined. RANGES. Having tested nearly all the dill'ent styles of Ranges extant, we have for two years past sold MOTT’S PATENT INVIN CIBLE RANGE exclusively, believing them to be the very best article offered. We have sold some twenty of these Ran ges in Augusta and vicinity, and they have never failed to givu perfect satisfaction. We will sell to any customer w ill.a lull guarantee that these Ranges are perfect in their op nation in every particular. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. In this department enumeration is out of the question. Our assortment is. as usual, complete, and no effort will be spared on our partto retain forour nouse the position it has occupied for five years past. It is well known that we keep more than double the stock and variety of any house in the city, and ours is, in fact, the place to purchase HOUSE FURNIMIING GOODS. The increase of our business in this department has entirely exceeded our expectations. Our efforts to establish a FIRST CLASS HOUSE FURNISHING STORE have been crowued with success by an public, and our motto is “Upward and Onward.” TINNER’S GOODS. We have in store an unusually heavy stock of TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, SHEET COPPER, 1 RON WIRE, BLOCK TIN, PIG and BAR LEAD. Also, a large stock of JA PAN NED WARE. PRESSED COVERS, ana PLATES, of every description. BUCKET EARS, RIVETS, Tinner’s TOOLS, and MACHINES, Ac., which we oiler to the tr ade on the very best terms. S. S. JONES & CO., 0c23 210 Broad.street. COUNTERFEIT. CAUTION TO PARTIES PURCHASING 8. \. PIKE’S MA(;*OLIA WHISKY, Cincinnati , Ohio. fTUIE undersigned, manufacturer d sole proprietor of the s above brand of WHISKY, w.mld respectfully inform his appeared in the Charleston and other Southern markets a coun terfeit of the above Whisky, being a poisonous imitation, brand ed similar to his brand ;it passes under tbu name of S. N. I >ik*’g Magnolia Whisky, Cincinnati, Ohio, and other names similar to S N . Pike. As there is no party in this city of the name of s. N. Dike, it is intended to impose and deceive those who would purchase the genuine brand. I make this statement to put par ties on their guard, as there are several persons in the East and West making an imitation, and using inv name with a slight al teration. I nave analysed several samples of this counterfeit brand, and found that it contains a deadly poison; this fact alone impels me to caution the public, protect tnose who are lia ble to be deceived, and prevent the evil results attending th# use of this poisonous imitation. 1 also herebv caution the couc terfeiters of my brand that I will prosecute them to the full ex tent of the law. The genuine S. N. PIKE’S MAGNOLIA WHISKY is distilled from the best qualities of rye and corn, and is warranted free from any neleterious or obnoxious com pound. it being a nure and healthy beverage. Of'TAVI S COHEN, Esq., of Savannah, Ga., and Messrs. HENRY COBIA & CO., of Charleston, S. (’., are my only authorized agents in those cities, and parties purchasing from them are sure to obtain a genuine and unadulterated article. S. N. PIKE, IS and 20 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Jan 6 _ ly ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK. WOOD A FEHOT, Philadelphia, Pa., are prepared to TV furnish IKON RAILINGS, for Cemeteries, Public Squares and Buildings; Iron VKRAN DA US, FOUNTA I NS, STAIRS, Garden VASES, DOGS, LIONS, CHAIRS, SET TEES, FABLES, STATU ARY, aud Ornamental Iron Work generally. Being the oldest ahd largest manufactory in the Ended States for this particular branch of business, and hav ing every facility for conducting their business economically, fel l confident that they can furnish all work, at the shortest no tice, and at the most moderate prices. We have appoint* d as our sole Agents at Augusta, Messrs. W. H. Goodrich and W. H. Salisbury. to whom we refer all wishing anything in our line. They can show our designs, give all necessary information, aud take orders, wyl* d9m WOOD A PEROT. NOTICE. / * IKVHDF.Y, WHITE <V CO.. have placed their \ W Hooks and Accounts in the hands of Dr. E.Girardey, w):o is authorized to act as their Attorney in settlement of all claims, either owing to or du I y said firm. Persons having claims will please present them i r settlement on the first . ' July next. Those Indebted are re i i . ted to make imniedr . ‘ payment. GIRARD a WHYTE A C V* le Augusts. April 21,1807. AMERICAN HOTEL ’ COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA ff'IIE suhscriher has taken this well-know I HOTEL, which has been thoroughly r and furnished, and is now open for the nv va l e ",’ r , 1 , rIS of b hon,l h ° WIU a,IJ at lhU Houso ’’ate ?omfo°rL and lulu I ho laMc (which ii undtr thftcar . As \i- om rrvptu* thc'hesttSbe^ha-iSSrt?'' wish NrftwM ‘,l ar d , * ' -lurobia or Charleston markets. In Csciv be spared tn T j, akl( tb i ß Hotel one of the best ColuSl y u.B.«.,Ju n e 1^18c7 A. BTKKNES, Agent. . ,IMPO?.rANT TO FARMERS. i < A-r A'rus for husking corn. i | J - REMIUM HUkSKL\»J THIMBLE, Patent- I . -* 1(1 ‘ ua * *8,1856, and over seventy-live thousand sold the * first year. It is a vp ell known fact that the common methods of Husking J' 0 ™ ire among the most painful and tedious operations that }r e -firmer is called upon to perform, subjecting his fingers t# J- 1 '' e loss of .ails, excoriations, ( racks, bruises, arc. Orders fdr -be above article will be received arid duly attended to, by Im press or Mall, by addressing WILLIAM HAINES, Augusta, Geo., Agent for the Patentee. Price Forty Cents per pair. oc!3 THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY. TI WT published, gratis, the twenty-fifth thousand, a few words on the rational treatment, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness. Nocturnal Emissions, Geni tal and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Jmpotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally, by ti. DE LANEV, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, orig inating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in this small tract, clear ly demonstrated: and the entirely new axd highly successful treatment, hs adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure HIMSELF per fectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advert ised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a .scaled envelope, y remitting two postage stamps to I)r. DE I-ANEY, °ct2 dty 17, Lispenard street. New York. POTATOES! POTATOES! barrels of the Meshaunock PO' r TOES, a choice article for table use, just received v .A --' died I IP AN TIG NA C A HUBB ' • y WEEKLY SUPPLIES FROM AUCT ~~~ Ulrll SILKS; NewiILOAKS : .ION. ' Embroidered SETTS; Embroidered r Infants’ HOOTS ; Misses' GAITERS ; COLLARS Canton FLANNEL ; White at:! Red t Fine Bed BLANKETS ; Rest Negro LANA EL : Juat received and tor smAb at prices t* BLANKETS, ioua. dscs 'Please the moat fastid* _ GRAY A TURLEY. WM. Q. PRI' , F . „ A HV V!' rec eived sew aupplle “f* ® tU ’» CASSPAERES and V GOODS, CLOTHS, styles of Got ds fur ntanuftr n,» mp 1 ?’ and a!I the latexi measure in the most fash)',nahlpV 1 Wl . 1! be made lI P to i/attended to. able manner. All orders prompt _ SUNDRIES. 2 00 CANDLE.; A xes h ‘xes foBACOO G t.m ’ 300 “ CLOVES • IXlOlll# •***■» ; *». “ NUTMEGS; 10 u ags SPICE; 10 •• GINGER; 10 “ PEPPER; . b! . S ’ % lgar llouse . SYRTTP • -o<r <aka Port and , 60 BRAN nv a ” IN E5. low priced; A nttcipating a o ’ u an»e in n -V i* ' ““dl'-nn grade. »h*» Lamla^-oGTerGoo <L '£**"?* will = *ll t-'ash ' tv notes. ~ e ,* n *Vl' have on hand, low for ; norit c. a. Williams * son. — d6w WEDDIVn, v ,^OF,AVI N O. V ? !ul BULL head* *nd BuMuaaa CARDS nod printed In a aaperior 10 *ll »tof fauhlen OJee corner. * 'eencr mannar, by H Ii UGHES, i’cit Si'eoimeaKsan he . _ aorl ff * d 0r,: *7.-'’»t'.k, Sura of * ft., Itwilin. I Cental £avfts. DR. J. T. PATERSON, DENTIST, OFFICII and Residence in Col. Clanton’s Buildings, on Washington street, a few doors Iroin Broad street, oppo site the Augusta Hotel, is prepared to do anything pertaining to the profession. Will extract Teeth with the latest improved Instruments, and has used the benumbing process tor extract ing teeth without pain for nearly the last twelve months. ocit iy DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. CH ASK lias returned to the City, and may be found at his vibes on Broad street, opposite the United States Hotel. ts oc» C. M. WRIGHT, DENTIST, OFFICE over Carmichael* Bean’s Hardware Store, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. All operations pertaiuing to Dentistry, faithfully and scien tifically executed. DENTISTS’ MATERIALS furnished to order. JV» *y E. W. EARXER, M. D., RESIDENT DENTIST, OFFICE on Broad street, one door above Post Office corner. Dr. H. is prepared to do Allen’s Patentand Hunter’s Con tinuous Gum work, and all recent improvements iu the art, aug!B DISSOLUTION. THE copartnership heretofore existing between the under signed, under the name and style or J. M. NEWIIV * CO., is this day dissolved by mutual couseut. The same of the firm will be used iu the liquidation of debts. J. M. NEWBY, C. B. DAY, W. S. WISE. Augusta, 58d March, 1867. ts mh24 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE, rfIHE undersigned having purchased from Mr.J. M. Newby 1 his entire interest in the late firm of J. M. Newby A Go., will continue the READY-MADE CLOTHING BUSINESS in all its branches, under the name and style of J. K. HORA & CO. ALI persons indebted to the old firm, either by note or book account, are requested to call and make payment to the newflriuof J. K.Hora&Co. J. K. iIoRA, W. T. TIMMERMAN, W. S. WISE, mh24 ts 0. B. DAY. A CARD. HAVING disposed of my interest in the CLOTHING BU SINESS to J. K. HORA & CO., 1 respectfully solicit for them a continuance of the patronage of mv old friends. J. M. NEWBY. Augusta, 23d March, IS.”. in MM DISSOLUTION. mm? firm of XI. J. &E. A. SIBLEY’is this day dissolved K by mutual consent. The Books, Notes and Accounts will be found at the old stand, now occupied by Hknuy J. Sin lit. who is authorized to use the name of the firm in settle- { meat; amt all indebted to said firm are respectfully requested ! to come forward and settle, so that we may close the old busi ness. 11. J. SIBLEY*, E.A. SIBLEY. NOTICE. HAVING disposed of my interest in the Grocery business to my former partner, 11. J. Sibley, I respectfully solicit for him a continuance of the patronage of my friends. Augusta, May Ist, 1557. E. A. SIBLEY. NEWFTRM. r|IIIK undersigned having purchased from E. A. Si busy, 1. ills entire interest in the late firm of 11. J. & E. A. Sibley, will continue the Grocery business, in all Its branches, under the name and styie of Henby J. Sibley, and would solicit, the patronage of the former concern. HENRY J. SIBLEY. Augusta, May Ist, 1857. myl DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. r rillE copartnership heretofore existing between the tmder- I. signed, under the firm of Hand, Wilcox & Co., in this city, Geo. W. Williams A Co., in Charleston, and D. Hand A Co., in New York, expired by limitation on the 30th ultimo, and is dissolved. Either partner is authorized to sign in liqui dation. Mr. Daniel H. Wilcox will close up the business of the Augusta firm, and the books and notes or Hand, Williams A ( 0., and Hand, Wilcox & Co., will be found with him at the old stand. DAN’L HAND, GEO. W. WILLIAMS* Augusta, May 2d, 1857. DAN’L U. WILCOX. NOTICE. rjIIIE undersigned having purchased the entire Mock ol JL Hand, Wilcox A Co., will continue the W holt Sale Giro, eery Business at the old stand. DANIEL H. W ILCOX. Augusta, May 2d, 1857. my 2 DISSOLUTION. fpHK firm of FLEMING, CLEMKNCK & CO , was dis- JL solved on the Ist April, by mutual conse at. The books, notes and accounts will be found-at the old st: .ml n» w occupied by Fleming Sc Rowland, who are authorize d t,, uao the name or the firm iu settlement. PORT! JR FLEMING, A. F. ‘JLEMENCE, E. T. MILLER. COPARTNERSHIP NO TICE. f ■ 111 K undersigned have associated themselves together, un- L derthe name and style of FLEMI NG A ROWLAND, for the transaction of a General GROCERY BUSINESS, at the old stand of Flkming, Clemencb A Co., and solicit a con tinuance es the patronage of the former cone ern. porter fveming. aplS ts _ CHARLS A . ROW LAND. COPARTNERSHIP. WTAKiin’CTO' E. ARCHER and JAMES 11. AL vY FORI) have this day formed a Copartnership for the purpose es carrying on the LIVERY STABLE BUSINESS. Thankful for the liberal patronage Bestowed on them when conducting the business separately, they hope now, by their united exertions, to please all who may call on them. Augusta, May 13,1557. liveryTtable. \\n; have for hire, at our Stable*, new CARRIAGES IT and BUGGIES, line gentle HORSES, and careful and attentive Drivers, and will be pleased to supply our friends and the public, with any si ascription of vehicle they may desire mytS ARCHER ALFORD. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. .1. day by Its own limitation. The bufiiness'ofthe 'late Uriii ! will b. settled by either of tb. undersigned at the old store * i WM. H. HOWARD.' I January Ist, 1307. LEON P. DUGAS. j NOTICE. rreiK undersigned tenders his thanks t« the citizens of \u- i I- #usla, and his Consignors generally, for the iihem! m i nerin which they hare patronized the late ttnn, and houca Vv quick sales, prompt returns, aud strict attention to business’ to merit a share of their patronage January Ist, 1857. junta WM. H. HOWARD. DISSOLUTION. rilllK copartnership lieretofore existing under th. b™ 0 f a. IUIOH* AaoHTr.r was dissolved, i.v the dost’?,"Tvn I.IAM 11. AuonTKT, on tho 17th day of Mar last. COPARTNERSHIP. THKttndersigned living purchased the er tire Interest of 4. \\ M. H. AroHTRT. have formed a copa- . r the name aud style of Jr Aniuiew*. « the MERCHANT TAI I.OKING and OJ (th™ £ NESS, at the old starul, 210 Broad street ‘ 111 All persons indeht Id to the late tirr_, ' elthpr t)V orr remit, are requested io make navn mt to the arder , WILLIAM HAIGH, -JZ°L IT 1. JD_". NDREVVS._ GOODS FORWARDED FREE OF CHARGE . * A M' f. AV - ANN AH RAILROAD. \ f U,.’ this Road ;u» a means of commu pTil' 11 Wl ‘“ tnc - Br.ard, and thence with Northern nAw r r re , no -7 f " u ' IHRST CLASS STEA MSIUPS .uLnJ'n mg ‘'•’easel.*, running with regularity and i f^ CC 2??i n * York and Savannah ; also, a Steamship ™‘ Sailing Vessels from that Fort, making the communication bet ween the ipMil 6 *!! •■* * nd avannah as reliable for certainty and -..J,’ *55 in * ito any other Southern Fort. I. can "expect only the business of Augusta, the • tvw ar d ie 1 -GMnties along the line of the Georgia Railroad, h-vp °** e Countien lying North of that Road. Other Roads *+ larger fleld or operations that cannot be neglected merely V- .cure bo limited a trade as that to which we must alone give * our time ; aud no competitor will be allowed, by superior attention, to deprive us of it, for it is our full determination to conduct it with that fidelity, dispatch, and ecouomy, which is sure ultimate!v to gain and retain it. As regards Rates—they shall be as low as by any other Road, and ia order to reduce all charges to a minimum rate, contracts ! for Dray age have becu already entered into at Savannah, avid ; no one connected with the Receiving and Forwarding has any other interest than that of seeing that all ohaugks are at tie lowest rate*. Bv Railroad a saving of one-quarter of one per cent, can t-« made in the Insurance between Northern Porta and Augusta All Goods forwarded free of Commissions. They should b* marked “ in care oftiie O. R. R. Agent,” Savannah. Published by order of the Board. FRANCIS T. WILLIS. Pnb THE EMPIRE STATE OF THE SOUTH AHEAD HOME MANUFACTURES TRIUMPHANT 1 rpilF. well-known VICTOR COOK STOVE, which adiri*« JL of no superior, is now being manufactured at the Augusta. " orks, Augusta. Ga., from Georgia Iron, and wai ranted to te equal to any made at the North in workmanship and durability 'Vs are now receiving, and shall keep constantly on hand v . full a wortnient of the above named Cook Stove, which we wt-ti : furnish at wholesale and retail prices a* low as the same artie'e can b, laid down here from the North. Dealers will make a great saving by avoiding breakage iu transportation, and house keepers can always be furnished with any piece or section of I their Stove which may happen to get broken or burnt out.. * The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves W. H. MAHARKEV Jc GO I oct7 CLAKK AND CO., ~ I\TO)V offer for sale their splendid new stock of ' i_l WARE, of all kinds—Tea Sets, Pitchers, O oILv L er«, Goblets, rum tilers. Cups, Forks, Spoon*, / .store, ait Cake, Dessert and Butter Knives. .a.die* ; Pastry, Sheffleld PLATED W ARE—first qualify Caka Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, &<■ jof goods in Castors Birmingham and American PLAT" and at low prices. aD W ARE, very showy GOLD WATCHES, of all r bia*. Burley & Johnsoa, Engi : -od makora—Cooper, Dent, To ©. Copenhagen. .*h maker* ; and Jul*s Jurgensen SILV kR W ATC HEP Watch®*, large six*. .in great variety; quick beat Railroad Rich Diamond, C the neweet styD oral. Cameo and Mosaic JEWELRY, all GOODS, at th' .e, with a large stock of Staple and FANCY road Baak. .4T store. Poet Otßee Corner, opposite the Itail- Qr ••t* y v jNB, PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT, AC. J iAVE removed to the Building on the South side cf . Broad street, nearly opposite my former stand, where I • Are just received a large addition to mv extensive stock of GUNS, PISTOLS and GUNNING APPARATUS, which make* my assortment complete, and superior to anything in this market, and respectfully invite the attention of all who are in want of any article in the line. It consists of— RIFLES, of my own manufacture ; Double GUNS, by the best makers, Steel Barrels ; “ Stub. Twist, all varieties; Single Barrelled GL NS, Twist Barrels ; arUci an * e ’ Ad * mß * Deane’s Repeating PISTOLS, a superb TOLS * all ssies ; &Is0 * Al * en ’ s Sir Barrelled PIS- Single Barrelled Self-Cocking PISTOLS, Ivory and Wood Handles: Single Barrelled Rifle PI3IOLS, Steel Barrels: Powder FLASKS, Shot BELTS, Game BAGS, Dog CALLS £?T JB iVl m varieties: Gun WADS, Drinking and® T “bS£LEAD ! 7 “'- hot dAK1 'RU»GES, POWDER g i° d of Pocket and Pen KNIVES, SGItibORS. RAZORS, 4c. Thankful for past farors. ami so- Ileus a continuance, iraun. Re stocked and Repaired neatly and r romptlr, and Rifles made to oeder and warranted. ocß W. 4. BOWBN, Broad.street. „ COPARTNERSHIP. fl’ iIK svibserlber has asaochated with him. In the Produce and SuaintM. hi* brother, ROBERT A.. FLEM ipS; X h t,Sl 1 ?i? w . wi!l Leraafker be conducted in tb e name of j r.W. FLEMING *(3O. THOMAS W. FLEMING. U«t. 1, last. “ GEE AT EG SH ! ” r riU' eieitemsnt still continue, at HERSEY'S. He has * tnarkad down hla entire STOC Kto COST. Gome one. come ail, now la the bme. “Strike wl ile the iron Is hot,” de lay not, as the sale will continue tor but ten days. MERSEY, Opposite IT. 3. Hotel. HOSIERY, HOSIKRY, VLL kinds. Alan, UNDERSHIRTS an ' DRAWERS daclO WM. O. PRICE ,t CO, A mpplyjuat received by IX deciO W ILLIAM U. TUTT. Business €arfts, THADDEUS OAKMAN, G1 ENERAL AGENT. for Purchasing, Selling, Collect )T ine 4c. Office over the City Bank, Augusta, Ga. oelS tlfsc 3m ___ LAWSON & ADDISON, COTTON AMI GRALAi FACTORS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 94 Bay Street , Savannah, Georgia. Cotton sold on the usual Commission. Liberal advances made on consignments. Particular attention will bo given to the sale of limber and Lumber. THGMAS AI)DISON, seps R. R- LAW SON. M. H. TALBOT, A TTORXEV AT' LAW, Augusta, Ga„ will practice in A_ the counties of Richmond, Burke. Jefferson and Colum bia of the Middle; and Warren, Wilkes and Lincoln, of the Northern Circuits. Office in Constitutionalist Range. oclO L y BENJAMIN HALL, J. P. 123tl District. OFFICE at his residence on Greene Street, between Centre and Elbert streets. Will he thankful for any business en trusted to him. Court days, second Saturday in every month. WILLIAM A. WII.KIN3. ! JOSEfU H. Wll.klttS. W. A. & J. H. WILKINS. A TTOKXEYS AT LAW, Louisville. Jefferson county, Ljk Georgia, will practice in the couuties of Jefferson. Burke, Emanuel, Washington, Striven, Columbia, Richmond, Tat nall, Montgomery, Hancock and Warren. ts seps W. G. JOHNSON, A TTORXEV AT LAw, Augusta, Georgia. Ofliee in Constit .tiouaibt Ka: g«. _ ljr_ jyl G. J. WRIGHT, 4 TTORXEV AT LAW, Albany, Georgia, will attond promptly to all tmsinvssentrusted t« him. ly mvU R. J. & W. T. MILLICAN, 4 TTOBNEYB AT LAW, will practice in the counties l\ of the Western Circuit, amt the counties of Madison, El bert and liart, of the Northern Circuit. K. J. mi.LICAK, I WM. T. XILLIOAN, Jefferson, Georgia. | Carnesville, Georgia. _rayl3 ttacty THOMAS H. GRIFFIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Crawfordville, Georgia, wll practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Greene, Hancock Warren and Wilkes. All business entrusted to him will met: prompt attention. ts apt J. T. BUREHALTER, A TTORXEV AT LAW, Marietta, Ga„ will promptly /V attend b. business entrusted to him in any county in the Blue Ridge Circuit, and to collecting and securing claims in ail | the surrounding counties. dacly mb 17 THOMAS B. FELDER, A TTORXEV AT LAW, Augusta Georgia. Office over ! .£%_ the City Bank. ly mh!B LEGAL NOTICE. rgd HE undersigned having entered into a partnership, in the practice of Law, in the county of Columbia, will give all business entrusted to them prompt attention. LAMAR & LOCHRANE, fehfi ly A. COLVARD. L. D. LALLERSTEDT, 4 TTOiXXEV AT LAW, Augusta. Georgia. Office over the City Bank. lebdO JESSE A. GLENN, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Summerville, Cliattooga cor.n tv Geo., having entered Into the. practice of law and equity ill Cherokee Circuit, Georgia, will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Any business, Irom professional firms, will receive every attention, and prompt remittances made for all collections, i fel>7 THOMAS MORRIS. I JOHN 11. E3TXS. MORRIS <fc ESTES, a TrORiVEVS \T LAW, Camesville, Ga.; will practice iV in all tho counties otf tiio Western Circuit, and in the coun ties of Elbert and Hurt, in tiie Northern. Business entrusted to their care will meet vrith prompt attention. Particular at tentioa paid to collections, ts ym\l < j B. Y. MARTIN. I <*• MARTIN. MARTIN & MARTIN VTTOHMCYrt AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. Office on Broad Street d*cl> jan.l3 LINTON BTBFHRNS. i R. M. JOHNSTON. STEPHENS & JOHN,® TON, 4 TTORX'EYH AT LAW, Sparta, Oeorgia, will practice xY in the comitiesM' Hancock, W urren . Taliaferro, Oglethorpe and Wilkes, of the .Northern ; Greene, Vutuam and Morgan, of the Oglethorpe ; and W aahiiigtun and Richmond, of the Mid dle Circuit*. tied J. G. MONTGO MERY, 4 TTOR.VEY AT UIY,, U:*„ will practice 2Y Richmond and other countie* of the Middle Circuit. O in City Hall. _ novlß HENRY J. LANG, A TTORXEY AT LAW, Lincolnton, Ga., will practice lY in Lincoln, Wilke*and cdlumMa counties. All businoes entrusted to hln receivi prompt attention. my 3 william :r. mclaws, A TTORXEY AT LAW, Commissioner of New York, Virginia, North and Sou th Carolina. Ofllce, Clayton’s new builulug, opposite his old office. Washington street, wiii attend promptly to applications for Bounty Land, under the late acts of (-ongress. *apl j MACKENZIE AND LAWSON, 4 TTOHAKY* AT LAW, Waynesboro’, hi-rko county, Georgia, will practice in Lurke, Scriw Jefferson, Wash* { ington/fatn&ll, Montgomery, E manueiand Kichzuoaui counties. ALEXANDER MACKRNKIS, JOHN ?. I.AWSON. ocs JOHN H. HULL, \ ’PmntTV A 'S' r,i»’ .A-rmist.-l fin Rmail il street, in Masonic Ifau building. 1 V janl WILLIAM J. B. CAfiSW £LL, 4 TTtMiXKY AT LAW Louisville G;t will practlc il Law in llie following counties, to w' ; . Jefferson, Burke Emanuel, Scriven, Washington. Richmou- Columbia and tV at ,T’n. Strict attention paid to collecting. References— Gey 11. V. Johns--:', Mi’ .icdgcvUle, Ga.; Dr. li, Louisville, G a.; Mr. \\in. V uacan, Savannah, Ga. ' Office opposite Louisville Hotel _ jylO POLHILL & ‘CAIN, l v TOJliVl'*\ AT LAW, b ouDville, Ga., will practlc* 1 i. in the several counties of the Middle and the counties of 11 uncock and M arren ot the Nor 1 hern Circuit. Office on the cot ner East of the Market—the s' as occupied by the senior pai tner for the last three years. TITOS. 11. POLIIILL, J G. CAIN. J inuary 23d, 1857. ly J:wiis3 LAW NOTICi a. *6’’ IIK undersigned will practice LA Vi ' and EQUITY, in Co II partnership, from till', date, using thi firm name of WALK EK dr ROGLR>. In criminal business, their practice will re mail . separate, as heretofore. Ol Ice north-west corner of Bnr.ul and Washington streets. £l>\\ r AJU> -I. WALKER ALT UE ITSl T S M. ROG EHS. , A’ 1 X On, Sept. &h, 1856. tt septd__ , LEGAL NOTK !E. W *K hg?e tom Copartnership, In the practice of the I * * Law on the t.▼ 1 cl the Com t, in all of the counties I com posing; the Middle Div- < » Georg ia, and one of the firm will, be in attendance at all x. Com *U, and will promptly attend \r . a ii busiueas entrusted to - WILL c: K. MoLAWS. i J. T. BO o hLL Aw gvat-a, Geo., Sept. 1,1857. 6m sep3 j DR. M. J. JONES (’*' yFFF.RS his professional services to th-A cltlxens of Augo - j . / ta and vicinity. Office on Mclntosh rtreefl, opposite the 1 Cf -nstitutionalist. Range, where he may I s found at all times # d» iring the day, and at night at the reside nee of J. C. Snead* j juthsideof Walker street, opposite Rich mond Academy. \ . jyl 6 m DR. E. B. HOOK f / Y FFERB his professional services to the citizens of Augns* 1 V/ ta and vicinity. Office in the room formerly occiityk'd by Dr. T. B. Phinizy. Can be found at n'ight in the adjoining building. ts _ _ jan.’d WM. M. DAVIDSON, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BRANDIES, GIN j ALBANY ALE, CHAMPAGNE, and other Wines and ' Liquors, Teas, Segars, Ac. Nos. I®3 Congress andß7 St. Julien streets,Savannah, Ga. cUc my 23 CLGTHIK G EMPORIUM. 5 Fine Ready-madedir— n n n( ,, jb n ft , —also— Clothing, Hats and! Will. U, liil-G a. uU./ Sup’fine Cloths. Caps, Shirts, 001-j VASHJ'ONABLfi iCasaimer ea. and i Gloves, Ilosie i fu vD \estmgs, will be 1 Umbreila*,| MILITARY pade to measure, J <' a n a'l Cravats, m . T ‘ unexceptionable in stock! ‘ n-v."' !kL ‘ r 1 TAILORS, Utyie and work chieik, and* sTrv- nc >'! manship, by best Artie’ Er > u! street, bnechamcs, at the tut* ‘ AUGUSTA, GA. i shortest notice. * jjy- city and country febfi ' PATENT RIGHTS for the south. rgi]i v ued is desirous oi introducing in this section I , t’umintrv 'very Patented and other useful invention, either of a Mairufa. •Wral.Gl.en.ltol or Agricuitural nature, and b" 1 levine it nmv In- i Hineflcnvl to Miutliern interests, solicits the abm i r.r the -• iV of latent Right? as above doted, of every description!" Either Si «f. County,'Uitv, or lndivid.iini Rights, for the States or Georg »•. "i .iVe. e''‘o auu f Cmnuise. The location boingeentr v '}} ~o of exteiulmg the sale of every useful L mention, throughout the southern sistes ref . re , sc given if desired. Address aul2 ° VM - HAINES, August*. Ga. AUGUSTA STa WE DEPOT, And House Furnish OX II \M», a full assortment 01 t»:o cbuted vl< ’ iOR . CUOK STOVES, manufactut. *-« in this c\t y from Soul ? ern iron, being the best constructed c x * c now in the m ■s%. kct. Having been fullv tested, it has p f ov<su to be a)] name implies, THE VICTOR ! . . Also, a large variety of Parlor, Hall an ‘ ST of Southern manufacture—all of which are no**' ottered at t- I sale and retail prices, and warranted to give «at!sSyjti<*-• Chean Northern COOK STOVES, a large wbiio"i 1 will sell cheap to make room, among which ma. v be toxTcU the Light Street COOK SToVE, the Empire State COOK B*lo^K, the Blue Ridge COOK. .S TOVE, the Morning Star (do* hie oven} COOK STOVE, t’a -. Ocean Premium (flushoven) Ci> >K STOVE, A. J. Gallaghe/’s sir-tight Sun Rise COOK. SRD K, (with corrugated oven). All sizes of the well known KNICKERBOCKER RANI iK, the best and most durable c0..-k range now b* fore llu* pui*li •. Parlor and Office OR AT ES, Coal BURNERS, Ac., a chi ice variety just received, all of new designs, aiid late improve urn, it>; Coat flods. Blower Standards and H -Me w, I’okers, Sbo* el» and Tongs with Stapdiv.ds, Eire Carriers, Coal Sifters, Ac.. Ac. Now ia the time to make selections and secure good 1 bar gains. W. 11. Gt)ODRICH, sep2s No. S, DeKalb P*ange, Broad Rlro« READY-MADE CLOTHING AND HATS BAKGAI\m in READY-MADE Cl j4»Tli ING u.dHA i > can be had at the Clothing Store ofA. P. BItfNON >. 1 CO., nearly opposite tiie Post Office corner. Cali and exj f‘i ine their stock ar.d prices. EXPRESS NOTIC.E. x . j Memphis and Charleston Railroad, op< nto TuscumbiCi.J • ! fIIHE ADY.XIX KXPKKS* ».VX\ !.*'•*";%{ "• A rangementa to extend their Express Line over me-i i | phi Band Charleston Railroad, and will re Ccive and : •rwam oj i Passenger Trains, in charge of special me. iseugerr, u, i PACKAGES, Ac. _ ~,r r vf , v f^ Particular attention given to PERSON AL B*.L ,»Abt, ror warded by Express, which will be delivered as addressed , at any point on the line. .. , . Express f..r Nashville, Tuscurabia, and interniwiiate stotii ms, 1 saves daily (per Georgia Railroad) at 5 1 >,i'"<kr. .d. api(i it. •». PLAN I.SUP i. 1857. FALL AND WINTE 1 GOODS. L 857 THE best GOODS, now offered, at she lowest s.t: •?. 1 the newest style.,, arid all articles f..r a Mini. A. P- BIGNON 6 ; CO., i VTA VE Just received a splendid 1<- t ‘ White. B,a , c ' k “"I* j L! oitde colored superior Kdd ULi >VES, all tha siris. t# i wkivk they call the attention nj their c; tstoiucrs. nor t ill clones. k IF ALL THINGS ARE EQUAL, Give the Preference to Nome M:i, \,t. 11 II a proposition is not only Jus tand reason;,; !e, • 11 E? tnotic, and therefore we would respeettuliy . ll Physteians and Planters, to call and examine toe ,V 7 1 prices of the extensive stock of DKUOs cit Gvi i, 1 T FUMEP.Y. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS c’r'i ' r ' I PAINTS. BRUSHES. 4c.. that has been pu7’> "R M our firm, with a view of selling them as n ,V ; . ■ H chased in any market. "b oaltepu ■ We cannot demonstrate the above principle w i, f portunity, and would therefore requ v *' t an op M by all interested. “ 1 ' A -c-'. : .n. i, ■ All orders promptly attended to, by BARKY’ & Bat i ky OcS Druggists ami Übinulsts I DRUGS. rjlO-MORROW, and every succeeding day, we w i I X to Merchants. Planters cud Physician's, a'iarg- ar7 I selected stock of DRUGS, OILS. PAINTS, COLORS pt .v fl TER PARIS, GLASS, BKlsllEs, Choice Fainilv v- -'3 CINES, Surgical INST KUMENTS, Dissecting do./ciipy ■ CALS, Medicine CHESTS, PERFUMERY, M>-" uk. *i DUE BAGS. - u " 1 The above are of superior quality, and will be sold at - 9 lowest market prices. nov22 BARRY 4 BATTEY. f COD LIVER OIL. rrt HE celebrated OIL, prepared by Dr. Lewis I>. .hr t'l X Sweden, now generally recommended as supmi■ t, ~U other. For sale by nov22 BARKY 4 BATTEY '1 - COLOGNE. 4 GENUlNE article of Jean Maria Farina’ I LOOSE, for sale by BARRY 4 BATTEY At their store, one door alove Lamback 4c. i - I nov2S OTARD BRANDY. “VVJ'E have an article of prime old Otari BRANDY, f -9 It medical purposes. It it good. BARRY 4 BATTEY, novSS one door above Lamback 4 i mperb. 1 DISSECTING CASES, OF superior metai and finish, at the lowest, prices. BARRY 4 BATTEY, | nov22 Successors to D’Antignac 4 Ban ?. I DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, &C 1 \k7 F, have nowon hand, for the Fall trade, a hum fl » carefully selected stock of DRUGS. MF.DK :\b'l CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY WINDOW GLASS, ! OY GOODS, 4c., to which wc invite the attention of y -a chants. Those in want of pure and genuine Drugs and ." H cines will do well to give us avail. We guarantee t X low as can be bought in this or other markets. The foll.mi: J| articles comprise a portion of nurstock— -15,000 lbs. BLUE STONE; 0,000 “ Green OOP PE AS; 9,600 “ best MADDER; 5 eases Spanisli Flotc INDIGO : 5 “ Bengal and Madras INDIGO ; 9 “ Java INDIGO, a splendid arti J.OOO lbs. Epsom SALTS ; 1,000 " refined BORAX; 600 boxes Window GLASS, assorteo 150 dox. Mustang UN i.MENT ; 4 150 " Railway’s READY KELi-.1 60 *’ TRIOOPHEKOUS ; 50 “ CHERRY PECTORAL: SOO “ OOL< )UNE, assorted ; 100 “ VERMIFUGE “ 100 kegs Bi-Carb. SODA; 100 boxes ” “ In 1 lb, papers; 75 •• Pearl STARCH. H A VILAN I). CHICHESTER & CO.. I (Late Havlland. Itisley 4 Co.) two doors above the UhVif Hotel. Augusta, Ga. | ” APOTHECARIES' HAIL, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL Flint! proprietor of the above estul-.iishmciit invites H.. .4. tentinn of Physicians ai d F.,u lin . s to yweli-sclc ■ stock of DRUGS. MEDICINE.” HlVl'S and CHEV . CALS, which he is prepared V se'il on the most reasons i The Prescription department togl .t her with the prepar.d 1 . of Pliarmacopeial articiea. .in.urh'd personally by 1 L A. S. Ravessoroft, a graduate" of the l.c.udou Colie. 1 Pharmacy, see .-4 THUS. P. FOUAHI V DR. prophitt; s celebrated liver MEbIA CINE. Iff rjusis Medic . lie is a safe and certain remedy for all k,- » i v ‘» JL Liver ills' aae, ami other disorders arising from tn* < f ity or y 1 mation. Dy spepsia, Sick Headache, Sourness of the Mo; ||| Loss of A'ppetite, Lowness of Spirits, Colic, (tostiveis;4 and may t»c given to any one, iui*»e or female, and at all ■ riotbs v.ith perfect safety. It also removes all Blotches a:.' y appearances from the skin, and leaves the pa". H*aV and spriirhtly, &c. M y Liver medicine is purely vegetable—is put up in JJ* agTs, and will be sent to any part ot* the United States, Iw v 03tage, at $2 a package, in advance, with directions. IL • male Tonic, hi - Anodine Pain Killer, his_ superior Ver.i... M7 which is infallible, bis Ague Pills, anti-Billious L - J[ 1 Diarhcea Cordial, ail of wliich is prepared by 0.8. Pn > 1 only, at Covington, Ga. Also, the Canadian Ointment, the speediest n-m.-h- :. f known, as an external application lor all kinds of l'ai cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache,‘and ail other k. of recent pains immediately: and pains of all ki:.; . A and Chronic, are relieved by tie.* use of it. Buy u : til and you will want more. Prepared by O. 8. Prop!; tt vy • .4r : Covington, Geo. Bum All of the above named Medicines are all the timet - : by BARRETT, CARTER & CO., Augusta, Ga. D . my!4 diclv ■ y PILES! PILES!! PILES!!! rVIHIH hitherto intractable disease,^‘of every form ami a ry stage, cured by external application oiily. Dr. C s Pile Halve Will never fall in giving immediate relief, and positively cvr: the worst and most obstinate Citaes of Ifemorrhoids < r !’■ It it* the only invaluable remedy known here orelscwl. the Piles, and is the result of years of patient study and . ligation. Sufferers from Piles now have a remedy at hand which ' stand the test of trial, without a fear of failure on its part,: all the proprietor claims for it. Full directions accompany each box ; and all that is ro«r .- is strictly to observe them, and a cure is certain to follow. The proprietor refers to the following testimonials from c tlemen of character and standing, w)io have vohmtarily g*. their certificates in Us favor, iu regard to its efficacy • own cases. Read them. The following is from one of the most reliable citizen- Chicago, tne late t reasurer ot uou& county, in.; CmvAUO, July 25 h Dr. Cavanaugh—Dear Sir: 1 wish hereby to make h:. the affiicted that 1 have k een troubled with the Piles Lr •. ty years or upwards, and at times most severely. And d a recent and exceedingly painful at.ttu-.k, a friend pr • box of your Salve and risked me to give it atrial. 1 i Not, however, with the expectation of bvnetitfmg my for truly 1 had tried so many applications I had lost cun.M. in all. But in making use ot your Bth e, I soon f : • it was doing me good; and really it is mevedibic to n y with only about two week's use of your Salve, I am, so far can iudge, a well man. I most cheerfully make this statement, believing it d to yourself and such as may be afflicted with this m-.-.d : ana painful disease. I do not hesitate to say t! it L your preparation an invaluable remedy for the Pi sincerely yours, 11. N. HEALD. The Hon. Richard Yates, laic member of Congo i: Sprmrfield, 111.,district, says: .J AOKSONVI.I»"LE, IhL., NOV. 15, IS* ' Dr. T'hos. H. (’avanaugh—Dear Sir : The prepuratmt. naugh’s Pile Salve, which you furnished, 1 tbu: d ■ • v; vice, producing an easy ami speedy cure. 1 d'> t hu.-d.. recomraem. it as an invaluable remedy for tiie Pil< s. Respectiully, RICHARD YATI*. The following,from Rev. B. F. Bristow*, is a snfii it :.*, r. ■nendation in itself: Jackponvit.lx, 11i... Decemb’-r b*. L-* Dr. Cavanaugh—l conceive it to be a duty 1 v.- ; flicted to make known the invaluable virtues ar.d i • • suency of your Pile Salve. I was, for several weeks, af flicted with that painful and loathsome dise.tse, »!.*• \ fter lutving exhausted my patience in trying vat pr. ons of pfl’- sicians and others without receiving ai y : • i :e strong of your Salve, by my rr • ilor.. Richard Yates, 1 was induced to try it. iam T , saying a*? upplkation of youi*Salve, for three tl.i> p an entire cure. Respectfully yours, B. F. BKISTO)' Sold in this citv. wholesale and retail, by ITT’V LEI t’NER, CLARKE, WELLS & SPEARS, and B enerally. ~ x $1 per box. Dr.T.TI CAYANAUGm | r : diclv Sole iTtipriecOr. St. Louis .r JUST BECEIVED, \SI I‘PLY of th# Georgia Medicated SOAP. - ; bly known In this City and State for the cure of l Cuts, Flesh Wounds, Old B>.res, Ring or Tetter Worn . v Head, Chilblains, Scurvy, Sore Eyes, Piles. Sore N: ; Burns and Scalds. Ac. 'J his article also extracts cv. Dandruff from the head, thereby preventing premature ; ness. Tar. Paint or Grease from Clothing, and i> a go> 1 k flee for the teeth. For Shaving, it forms a rich hit her, softens the beard, curing such sores ns may be on tiie fa -. I 1 the toilet, It cleanses and softens the skin, and prevent# c; ! mng in winter. Prepared by [' 0. PEMTiLR, AtJgii=i:i.O; Sold by Artrur opposite the Bank f A .. • Vi d Thou a 8 P. Fogarty, under the Augusta Hotel. dtA ' SOMETHING NEW FOE THE AFFLICTED. rt 'IIK incomoarable ami trbv wo:v;«-rtu. fuiktsh Ui. 8 LINIMENT. Fur Kheumatbm, and |vr *.■■■• .•: statu. % unrivalled, whldi cannot be surpassed (d equalled its ore uiptnesa and relief in Rheumatism, Head-ache, < . (:hohc, SpraiiiH, 1 ?ruises. Pains in the back or side, li*.*ne F< Neuralg "' a ' Swelling', Stiffness or Soieness iu t!;e joints, b cliial Atib Spasms. Deafness rr Ear-ache, Cron;. Chili* and fever. Its action in acute pain U front t.jen miuuti *• i 3 tp-ite harm leas to the patient, as :s pt* without ' ,r P- :>ons. It wi.l !•> lferm cure - and more' e-ettamtyt: a any ot L ; r:<: « inents, Ointme or Powm ra yet di.-e- vt-ml. I a" without hesitati C J ; « &n ? b*d uemiree t«» a.l o>- -»t. a- v l) m . i. id. i * • relic, Smh : ** . A: • • 'b- 1 '- • • . •. ; • - • • ' • • fair trial to confirm .fob *kept»»’ p* tavor o» it# \-i •- y made tiie Electric i». ‘ se* ve : \x% y 1 ‘ ''' 1 • ' Sold by Arthur opposite tin* b • *‘ l A ' and Thomas P. Fogarty, it. Ter the Augusta it -<** aepß _ NOT A BOOK ! NOR A PAPER IVTOII h Dollars’worth of property. h:w t*\er.-i; of Stearns A bds, TVi'deFs I ateat, lv.- r,«i:i, SALAMA N DDK >1 1; K>- . v .„, . rrotn the A. i. J* jm »«, .v , KECEXT AND GO.N >IM - Xtnrt. E mort .; Xu Ino «« nt “ r :‘.'.kfn bm oua of SU-arus Mu:. ■ save the binding of the book?, occasf - “store vm five co uMI te contrived by the Ingenuity of man tocrente at .« t,: \Ve voluntarily give this tribute to the value "f these and selectrourwldc’.v circolaveU coium. rc a: u.t .. o Stemeroauii«o'<;- what estimate t ; .; .v 5. w min's H iider 3 Fatr.rU, isalamanuer aoj KvipeetfuUy, , lIAVihAND, HARRALL A i. - c *; Wholesale pru.*: '. a fall assortment of the above < elebrat .I S Air- SIDE VAULTS, and the tavorite “La tw..y i 1 g,-,r.!*r.«.f Locks, arc for sale it: this ci'y, at n.u j P ria 'S- with cost of tran»portaUona.ldcO, H bv^e novlS An*. THE VICTOR COOK STOVE 1 GREAT SOUT If EKX F A VOS *’ : : MWI \ U'Tl II ED ut t’ t-Augu-ta R - - from Sottthcni Iron. Hie uiMcrsignvi! I•• i £-■ fer the aaicoftlo a '• :• >' ' •' '' % ' recommending it to dealers merchant*, “idthepu. - _ lv. as being ail that iu natneintblu-?. it Vt■ - ipulythem wit., a COOK hlOt E that.. i.t.s •- beauty ami style of tlc.-h as wy.l as genera ut it >.* _ 'tove l ow In use. I eir.g a period operator v. itb . itm t cm.:, it'eannot tail to answer any marketer section it: ’ ; rt\i- lour sires of tho \ ictor. No. * lartrt* * ■ • ! ;f,V vo s large enough for a family ot flu. V | enough*fur a family of 30. N. .10 large ere, .>» | Dealers who favor me with their patronage, 'y ! many advantages therefrom, such as avoiding i; - :■ ■ in tiai.sportation. Orders tilled on shnrt nMice a.- ; tity i..’suit actual demand. All plate*, i.r sy.Ly: - j k.-n or injured from any cause, can always be s d .• - 1 on application. _ n v . Alm**, Parlor and Box SlO\E>, •; ; , i . .. . Churches, Schools, Stores, Ac. Allot x whoivHjilc and retail prices, at as low rates as a; can be laid down heie from the N J»rth. c ..... •*. W . il. GOODRICH, - • g;t; . Old Stand or %Y. H. Maharrey 4 Go., No- - I ”‘‘* jar | Ga.