The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, May 21, 1858, Image 4

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I3urkc bounty. BURKE SHERIFF'S BALE. \11 T IIL be » d, ou the Aral Tuesday iu JUNE next, be v ? i jre the C-ou** House door in the town of Waynesl>on/. I r»;e county, the usual hours of sale, five hundred 1 flfivj(ftsd> «c*M of band, more or less, adjoining lands of I «. ■ u' Rowse, and S*s.\'.orii Towel, levied on as the property «.f William L. Buxton, to satisfy sundry' ti. fas. Issued from * M , /iMrate's Court of the 6-th District. M , in favor of .f - ;*}i W. Hates and Alexander Lively. Administrator of the k * • *'f Henry Royal. Levy made and returned to me by a A! x >—At the Marne time and place will be sold, the inter- j *t*t Dakt* in a Negro Woman, Caroline, and child, l,» i Nancy Allen. le vied on satisfy one fi. fa. issued fr ,: ,M yW rare * O.iiri »f tire 70tk District. 0. M.. in favor 01 l; if*. * Hwt v» *«rtu« Duke. Levy mad.- m.d returned to me by a Constable. A » -Will he .sr,id. two hundred and thirty (230) acres of oh . -ml nichory I.and. adjoining lands of Elton Hodges, Col. \i fT' aT i d levied o» as the property of U McLendon, to satisfy one 11. fa. issued from La u pul. a u- ifV, «° '*? ber ’• US*. iu favor of the Eieeulor* of U nghi M urphrey. Cvuemed. vs. William McLendon. . . G'-H RICHARD W. BOG EH.S. gh'ff. BURKE COUNTY—Whereas, Simeon ' * « arr.m-K applies for Letters of Guardianship over the person and property of Martha Luraoia Tindall, a minor, ldld. umkr fourteen years of age, of Everett Tindall, late of said ooonty. deceased i n.e.'v* are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and all other persons interested, to be and appear bafmre the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, ou the first Monday in j une next. and show cause, If any they have, why said letters should not be granted ...... Given under my hand, at office In Wayriosooro. this Ist day of Mav, 1858. WM. V. ST URGES, < Merk Superior Court Burke county, my 4 and ex-olßcfo Deputy Clk. Court Ordinary. (1 PdliC.l \. BURKE OOUNTY.—Where**, AmouCross, T Admiiiinstrator ou the estate or James M. Cross, de to u-d, applies for Letter* DismtosoiT— These a»e, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, th*- kindred'and creditor*of said deceased, and all other per iM.iii int rested, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in Sep tember next, then and there to show cause, it any they have, why s.iid letters should not be granted. i, i veil under my hand, at office in W?yne*boro\ this 16th day of February, 1858. EDWA RD GARLICS* Ordinary. / 1 EOIIGI \ lit RKE COUNTY—Whereas, Stephen M. \ W Herrington, Administrator on the estate of Archibald Al. Herrington, deceased, applies for Letters Diamissory— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the hundred and creditors of said deceased, and all other pe« sons interested, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said countv, on the first Monday in isiep tender next, then and there to show cauae, if any they Lave, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, at office iu Waynesboro*, thi9 16th day of February, 1858. rnbly EDWARD GARLICS, Ordinary. (1 BURKE COUNTY.—Whereas, Zachariah F W imberly, Administrator of the estate of Jesse Knight, de < used, applies to me for Letters Diamissory— -I’beseare, therefore,to cite and admonish, all and singular. Hie kindred, and al! other persons interested, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on’i c first Monday in August next, and show cause, If any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Witness mv hand, at office in Waynesboro*, this 27th day of January, 1 \vW KPW VHP C A KLiCK Ordinary. / t i .ihioi V, UUKKK dUt'Ml.—Whereas, Henry \ 1 White, Executor of the last will and testament of Daniel Whiuvleeeascd. applies for Letteis Dismissorv— -1i« » , therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors, and all other persona interested, to Lh- Ui.*i app.utr before the Court of Ordinary, to t*e held in amt for said county. «<n the first Monday in August next, and show Miufc* . if an .’ they have, why said letters shouM not be granted. G i v* n under my hand. at office m Waynesboro*, this 27th day i''A RD <iA K1 4 1 EOKGI%, BURKE COUNTY.'—Whereas, Henry Bar v I row. Administrator ou the estate of William Dye, de o*n**d. :ippiir*B f*»r Letters (Hamissory— Tl ■ - -fe, therefore, to cite arid admonish, all and singular, the kl .dred and all other person* interested, to l*e and appear !>e- I : 1 -»• *•. irt wf Or unarv. to b held in and for said county, the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they hive, why said Ijetieiaof liiamissioii should not be grunted. W 'tm- my hand, at office iu Waynesboro*, this 30th day of fn - ember, 1857. EDWARD OARLICK, Offitey* BURKE COUNTY. Whm-aa. Henry’ K x I Mill*. Administrator, and Mary A. E. Ellison, Adminis rr .' .x . t t»e t of heniamiu J. Ellison, deteaaad. apply foii L.-Uers Ug*iui%*'>ry~ i • • -• -are, tin refore. to cite and adraonbih all and singular, L « ;:•*•! and all other person* interested, tube and appear !**f-• 1 h‘- ‘ ‘ urt of Orditiary, to be held in and for Said county, ..w tl • M■ mday is Juiy next, lad xml there to show cause, if Mnythey i«ave, why said Letter of Disndssi iu should not U".t net** my hand, at office In this 30th day of IFNu-mber. 1857. EDWARD GARLICK, i __ Ordinary. N'O'l It >!. All person* having demands against Ilarbarv IJpwy, late of Burke county, deceast.*d, are hereby no ♦ rh.l t«» jmsent them to ine. r*roj»eHy attested, within the *i ne prescribed by law ; and all penona indebted u> said de fvatMrd. are hereby notified to make injua*«liate payment. •nyC WILLIAM C. MUSGRoVE. Ex’r. II lYfi afterdate, application will be made to the H Ordinary of Burke county, for leave to m>U the Lands of the * of Samuel I>ows»-, deceased, lying out of the coun tv t BuiUe. THOS. M. BERRIEN, > JOHN DOWSE, } Adm'rs. uiyft WM. P. WHITE. 5 w I vTV II WM after date, application will be made to the Court of ordinary of Burke county, for leave to sell the al Estate belotiging to .lame* Conner, late of said countv, !• . d. ap2s GEORGE A. MAXPELL. Adm*r. V O'l lt ’U. Application > i!l be made to the Ordinary of .x Burke county, on the first Monday iu June next, for h ave iu null the real estate of Beverly Randle, deceased, lying .u!.v Burke county. JOHN R. ST URGES, tuhfio Amlnietrator of B. Randle. VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE. rillftr; subscriber lieing desirous of moving farther S<juth, I dors f<*r sale his very valuable PLANTATION, situated fourte .*n miles South-west «>f Ainericus, containing sixteen hun dred and seventy acres, nine hundred of which are in a high :. tie of cultivation; eleven hundred at»d ten acres lie* in the ■uuty of Terrell. I will sell a part or all of said Plantation. The purchaser, if he desires it, can be supplied with Corn. Fodder, Teas,«hits, Ac. As persons desiring to purchase, will probably wish to examine the place for themselves, it Is un»<y ce-.-ary for me to enter into details, though there are indue*, nifiit - n sujhj ior character not mentioned here. I invite p' r>.»ns to come and examine the lands, tlie present crop, and The iniprowmeiits. The purchaser can secure easy terms, f. . ctf John k v' t * NOTICE TO BRICK AND BRIDGE CONTRAC TORS. f|'HE brick work of the Tombigl*ce aid Black Warrior I big •ui the N th-ead and S. uth-west Alabama Rail load, will Ik- let furcaslt, to the l«»<xest responsible bidiler, on the first dav of J uly, 1858. Troposals for tliis work will be received at the Engineer’s . tilce in F.utaw, Greene county, Alabama, until the day of hit ting: bids for the brick work of oue or both bridges will l»c considered. a j o i.-v k-.. in nearly equal amount*, at the two bridg 'S, will i*e requ:r»*d. Hie bricks are to of the iwst qual it\ ; ii suitability f.»r tin- intended purpose is to be de •; !'••! by the Engineer of the Company. Bidders piu«.t state ib • ;>!e ;:t which they prop.-H*tu make the bricks. To enable the contractor to work during the low water season, the 4Torn- F ib* will have at each bridge site several hundred barrels of Plans and -pc. ideations will he exhibited at the Eutaw of tl. •*, ay. and atter the 15th day of May next. Satisfactory evidence of the ability of the contractor to com phtc his contract, will be required. Th* superstrn ‘tare of these bridges, al»c»ut 650 feet at each 1 i . U«\ including the draw, will l.e let out this year at a later uate. but pn.positi*»ns covering both brick work and superstruc ture will h« Jersd at the above letting. B e bridge* are a* Jones’s Bluff, ou the Tombigbee and Kindi's Feny, m ’be Blai'k Warrior, both heaphv localities, and aceesMb r to fU till sunutier sets in fairly. The suj*erstiucttux* of the above bridges will be let out on ’’ • <la\ aj'iMiuted for letting out the brick work—first of July, 18’ 8. K. E. HOPES, Uhf.Eng. , 4 „ , Ist Division N. E.AS.W. A.K.R. W vdnesday, March 10th. ct-lel mh*2o TWENTY FIVE DOLLAES REWARD. nrHIK above reward will be paid for the apprehension and I delivery, in any safe iaii *o that I can got them, my mar Nanw d Simon, sr»y five feet high, dark complexion, rathe chunky i»uilt. Also, my woman named Rachel, wife of Si mon. The Negroes were bought, the man of Thomas Neal and the woman of Jesse M. Robert*. They are both lurking around Warrenton, Warren countv. Geo. They trv to past for freenegroo. MATHEW DEACON, *»c9o c lr wint on. Georgia. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. EX\ ILL pay Fifty Dollars for the delivery to me, at mv plantation in Bryan county, Georgia, or his confinement in an *afe jaii so that 1 can get him, my Negro Man BEN. wl;<» .eit my Premises ou the 17th day of April last. Said Ben is ..' it tliirty-ftve years of age. five feet six or eight Inches high, weighs one hundred and fifty or one hundred and sixty pwiinds. He is a blacksmith and wheelwright, is very Intelli gent. and will proba lv try to make his way to Macon, Geo. lie is of dark complexion, wears whiskers on lus chin; he also wears earrings, haw scarcely any front teeth. He has a w:r. at the pihi.tutiou oi l»r. T. A. Parsons, in Washington county. Georgia. Any iufwnnation concerning him will be thankfully received. Address me at Eden Post Office, Effingham county. Geo. turll ' in MATTIIEW HUTCHINS. FOR SALE. \\ ILL WILE I*L4\T\Tl«f\ belonging to the «*- . tate of John H. Milner, deceased, lying on Elkins' Creek, thr».- arid a half miles west of Zehulon, Pike county, Georgia, and b-urteen miles from Griffin. The tract contains about one thousan i acres—about two hundred of which is bottom land, whiqh, if properly ditched, would be worth fifty dollars per acre. A e nslderable portion of the uncleared upland is worth twenty dollars. It is rich, and that which has been i.. tltiva J- " P r ,v<> “ to be well adapted to the growtn of corn, cot *‘i t r< cact is level, and Is bordered on the East and K • ah by Elkins’Cicvk. and the farm is interspersed with branches, well a-iapted t*» keeping cattle in winter at 1 'iu vs. if. it is one of the best Plantations in Middle G- a> the Executors wisli to sell it during the present sr, p . rs are requested to call and see it. G. W- MILKER. * „ - a. ti. BECKOOM.S a * A VINE PLANTATION FOR SAXE \1 V _ A , 1 U)N i**f«'r sa> rt . It lies three miles from i M b * ~ , a T ne *l ro* road, contains four hun ... «V ' h °' i . , ' *, 511 * , W n ‘ W*® l state of cultivation, i' . . c.eariM,- and heavily timbered with oak. «•. r* ♦ k t'l * Y.‘ s a !f red i ' n eviM V part, from good K ‘ 7. ... ‘ ‘ t','.- K ‘ f *ad, and well located fora ,\\\ [.* '*} , :->^c«*n.forUblyframedkitch *r, - .sen Ihe t , hn'.rlwJ^ nvvu '*‘ M Improvement* on the *1 * .. JA i• V. v * nv 1,1 Georgia. k • I r 1 AV''*. r*7 . n ‘- A - R!ck«»**n. brV v . b “>«.u.em ’ f,..; .- \Z 11 d ‘ ,uy » t.nm, rt , ... r1 1Q« R - c. JOHNSON. Warrcnc unty. July 11,135 L ctf j yl 5 * CAUTION 4 l«L }hare fctrt.*y cau.ioiied against trading forth iV following 1 >t note*, dated 17th DecemlnT. lfv' de twelve roouiot from date, and made payable to John BaVue* or t*earer, viz; One on L. W. Pou. fer #502 73 ; one on E. J. Walton, E. B Leverette securit., for $& M ; one on J. W. Cook. Berry Dig seruritv, f**r #l4 25; oneoti E. IV. for #i* 10; oue on .» Daws. E. W. Bayne* security, for #2l 25; one 8. W . Wyatt. A. C. Fiwemau socuritT, for #*2l : one on J. W. Wyatt, ■ A Froe mail security, payable to C. W. M’ Michael, for #2fc 75; ! or.eon E. li. Leverettr, E. J. Walton *ecurity, for #9 85; **ne u-*a D ivid llarri.-. due a* above, date not raeollected, for #125 ; j on< • Wm. UanW 11, E. W. Baynes security, for sSti; one on A. Caihbett, so, 2 ~ K „ JOHN BAYNKS. J ÜBiuirv t, 18W. r¥ ,|.,. tiuir , v , NOTICE. I 'A. *■ 7:' HIGHFLIER, will m»ketlie noted t - • M‘\v\ « in Columbia count>, sit t . i fr* m Augusta, reason to commeuw v- .4 1- ‘n of July. The season given gratis railing to get a colt, a second Imp. Priam; I ;• .. ' ;• l.d ■■??. .■* . 1 *’V Wilk.' Wonder• ! r - 1 r. d'■» ; t «i*er ; j o ii v ; of Brindon. ' P M " lik, ’ 5r ' i Dk* KifTioK.—Said Horae i< a »rry rick wirrel i oM. (Iftcer. 1...r.,is and i half LijeL. ; f treat tone, 8m riSS : p<.*iLt>i. good action, and excellent disposition. * i At Hit* last State Fair held at August* he took the first nre i mliim. whenar six mouths old, and then unfortunately si inn**) ‘ and d ; ..«pl:i:-ed-hi» k .ee ' In!. Mare* fir m a d:*ta:.u* ceive evvry care at f -rty cont* per day ; but I will not be rus- 1 pimaiMc for aocident*. N. B.—One Dollar to thegrooir. Uj all case*. Covll C TIIOB. W E. BEALLE ! Albert County. V ■ TU ,°?V IP - Admlphtratorop the estateof BentamHßurch, or i f ;ar- ,y ’ s,ate of a,,i ' ne ’ to to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and nii* >w cause, if any they have, why said letters tdiould not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Elberton, this 23d d*v of decamber, 1857. dec27 W. H. EDM ARPS, Ordinary. _ (IKORGI \, ELBERT COUNTY.—Whereas, Doner T Thornton, Administrator on the estate of John Burch, deceased, lab* of Henderson county,State of Kentucky,applies to me for Letters of Dismission— . „ , These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, ail ana singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and how cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be Virtvn under ray hand, at office In Elberton, this 23d day of December, 1857. dec*27 W. H. EDWARDS, Ordinary. / tBORGIA, ELBKBi COl N 1 V.—Whereas, i> /.••: \T Thornton, Administrator on the estate of Sarah Kesee, late of the State of Virginia, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud, at office in Elberton, thlsffikl oav of ■ 1b.,.. de*7 W. H. m 'WARDS, Ordinary. ELBERT COUNTY.—Whereas, Dozier VJ rhornton. Administrator on the estate of C.’beadle Burch. Ueajased, late of W arren county, State of Kentucky, applies to me foi Letters of Dismission— 3 1 v These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular. th« km red and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at u wdhin the time prescribed by law, and show caus.‘, it &n> they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Elberton, Oils 23d day of December, 185.. dec-27 W. H. EDWARDS, Ordinary. rimiilA, ELBERT COUNTY.--rWhereas, Do/ier \ * l nonitou. Administrator on the estate of Mora Burch, t 1 ’!; eof lSa- col P c , ou,lt >'- st:ite Os Kentucky, applies to me for Letters of Dismission- These are. therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors as said deceased, to be and appeal at my office, within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under, my hand at office iu Elberton, tills SSd dav of December, 1857. dec-27 W, H. EDWARDS. Ordinary. Y f KOKGI ELBERT COUNTY—Whereas, Sarah M as Armistead, Administratrix on the estate of Dr Aiax Artuistead, deceased, applies for Letters of Disinianon • These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindled and friends of said minors, to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, it an j.- they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Elberton, this 25th dav of January, 1858. WM. H. EDWARDS, Ordinary. fT M)R(»1\, ELBERT COUNTY,—Whereas, Dozier V n 1 horn ton. Administrator on the estate of Polly Johnston deceased late of Franklin county. State of Kentucky, applies to no* for Letters of Dismission— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kmdrea and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted— Given under inf hand, at office in Elberton, this *23d dav ot Dw 3 1867. dwß \V. H. EDWARDS, Ordinary. ( < BORGIA, ELBERT COUNTY.- Whereas, Dezls vJ I horn ton. Administrator on tiie estate of Hannah O. Perkins, deceased, late of Warren county, state of Kentucky applies to me for Letters of Dismission These are. therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said letter, should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In Elberton, this 2.1 d dav ot December. 1867. dec27 W. H. EDWARDS,Ordinary. Yf KORiJIA, ELBERT COUNTY.—Whereas, William' .a B- Bov en, Guardian of Thomas <'. Burch and James J Burch, having applied to the Court of Ordinary for a discharge from such Giiardian-hi|i — These are. therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to show cause, hy filing objections in mv office, within the time rue scribed by law. why said William B. Bowen should not be dismissed from such Guardianship, and receive the usual Let ters of Dismiss'd]. Given under mv official signature, at office In Elberton, tills Id day of May, 18 8. WM. H. ED WARDS, Ordinary my 8 3 l>\\S after date application will lie made to the i~ Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Elbert county, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the estate of Nathaniel Nelms, late of said county, deceased. • JOSHUA A. NELMS, _n»hlj Administrator, with tiie will annexed. w I VIA I) \YH afterdate, application will be made to the i' Court of Ordinary of Elbert countv, OJ., at the first regu lar Term after expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell a negro girl named Julia, six years old. belonging to the estate of George W. Stovall, late of said county de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. ABBA C. STOVALL,Administrator. . CIXTY l»\Yin after date, application will be made to the (if < ourt of Ordinary of Elbert county, Ga„ at the first regu lar term after expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the estate- 'if Turner H. Christian, late of the State of Indiana, deceased, for the benefit of tiie heirs and creditors of said lice, awl 9 MARION M,CHRISTIAN. Adrn'r. wIX I'l DX A S after date, application will be made to the i~ Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Elbert countv, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the estate of Julius Chrlstler, late of said county, deceased. . „ JOHN O. HIGGINBOTHAM. _ HinL Administrator, de bonis non. (ftlftggcock County. KTOTK/E -All persons indebted to the estate of William l .lx G. Walden, late of Glaascock county, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said estate will render them in, duly attested, within the time required by law. RICHARD WALDEN.) * , , CALVIN LOUI E. s Al ‘ Mi r *- iJIXTY DVYB afterdate, application willlte made to the to Honorable Court of Ordinary of Glasscock county, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of William G. Walden, late of said county, deceased. RICHARD WALDEN,) A .. apß CALVIN LOGUE, j Adm rs. GEORGIA, GLASSCOCK COUNTY. 1 > \RTII*X Jurors and witnesses will take notice that, by I order of the Honorable James Thomas, Judge of the Su perlor < ’ourt *'f said county, the .Superior Couit of said county ha* been adi«mrned until the Fourth Monday in June next RICHARD WALDEN. Clerk. Gibson May 10,1858. cl* my 14 (Oglethorpe Ccumtn. OGLETHORPE SHERIFF S SALE. W 11.1. pc sold, en tnc flrat Tuesday iu J UN E next, before v v the Court House door in the town of Lexington, < iglc liorre county, within the usual hours of sate, a tract ..f Land in said county, on the waters of Millstone Creek, containing one hundred and eighty acres, more or less, whereon Joseph J. Burt now lives, adjoining lands of Dr. Charles \V. Daven port, and others ; levied on as tne property of Joseph .1. Hurt, to satisfy aB. fa. from Oglethorpe Inferior Court, In favor f Pency Woods vs. Joseph J.Burt and James Jarvis, and a ti fa. from Oglethorpe Superior Court, in favor_iif Thomas T. Mattox vs. Joseph J. Burt, principal, and Thomas J. Mattox endorser. Jipiv JAMES CUNNINGHAM. Sheriff. OGLETHORPE SHERIFF'S SALE. VYTII,I. he sold, on the first Tuesday in J UNE next, before it the Court House door in tiie town of Lexington, Ogle thorpe county, the interest of William T. Doster in a bob-tail sorrel Horse, under and bv virtue of a fi. fa. from Greene Su perior Court. In favor of J. 11. Carmichael and D. L Carmi chael vs. William T. Doster and G. H. Thompson, and one tl. fa. from Greene Inferior Court, In favor of James L. Brown, Administrator, Ac., vs. Wiliam T. Doster amt U. H. Thump son. Property pointed out by G. H. Thompson. apS* JOS, fi. EDMONDSON. Dep.ShV. OGLETHORPE SHERIFF’S SALE. wB-h 1"' sold in the town of Lexington, Oglethorpe conn- V V ty, on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, before the ('ourt House door and within the legal hours of sale, the following negroea. to-wit: Sarah, a woman twenty six years old, and her two children. George, a hov four years old, and Ellen, a girl two years old; Nivcy, a girl eighteen years old, Syria, a woman twenty eight years old, and her two children. Scbron, a hov mui years old, and Burwell. a boy three years old : Marga, a giri sixteen years old, and label, a girl twelve years old. as the property of William Wray, to satisfy a mortgage ti fa from the Inferior Court of said county in favor of Lewis J. Dcupree vs. said William Wray. Property pointed out iri said mort gagen.fa, rolchi JAMES CUNNINGHAM. Sh'lf. A. W.CSaMIOHAKL. WILI.XAM J. IV*. W. P. CAKSTIOHAKI, CARMICHAEL & CO., AUGUSTA, GA. (Proprietors of the Carmichael Flouring Mills ) i 10>I>IIsWIO\ 91 KHUII WTS ,aud Dealers in FLOUR, \ EAL, GRAIN, HAY, &c. Also, Agents for the Gran itevllie Manufacturing Company’s .SHIRTINGS, Ac my 12 * c iy PLANTATION FOR SALE. f I'llK subscriber offers for sale hi, PLANTATION, lying .. l n Sorivengiounty, Georgia, containing Eight or Nine Hundred acres, well timbered and geod farming land On the place is a nice two-story Dwelling, neatly complete, and other out houses; good water; convenient to Railroad licaUh al>OUt 0,,e ulile from Mi! len). and unsurpassed for Purchasers will be sure to find an easy bargain. Any further information, address MILLS J. BRINSON, ett Milieu P.Q., Ua. DOUGHERTY COUNTY LANDS FOR SALE I\\ ILL sell a bargain in my PLANTATION ln said coun ty. It contains two thousand one hundred acres, onethou i*ana one hundred acre, in cultivation. Os the balance, there are five hundred acres of good Oak and Hickory, and Pine Hammock, and five hundred and ninety acres of good Pine 'Timber Land. There are two settlements, witli a Dwelling House and Nc. gro Cabins ou each. The tract, therefore, could he divided. This place is in a fine state of cultivation, and is only"six miles South "f Albany, the terminus ot the South Western railroad. It is well watered; Ivingon the Conlawahee creek I will give a lone credit to a purchaser, upon his paving one" fourth of the purchase money. Being anxious to concentrate my planting interest in Alabama, I will give a bargain iu this plaie. Forterms, apply to D. A. VASON, cSm _ At Albany, Geo. WOODSTOCK FOR SALE. fJMIK subscriber offer., for sale his PLANTATION, fthe l residence of the late Chas. Cunningham), lying in Jeffer son county, five miles above Louisville, on the Warrenton road containing about 11400) fourteen hundred acres A Iso, a HOUSE and LOT on that most beautiful and healthy summer retreat. Pine Hill. «PIS ctf L. CARLETON BELT. PLANTATIONS FOR SALE tPHR subscriber offers lor s3ie his two PLANTATIONS, A lying in the county of Burke, one containing twelve hun dred anil five (I. 05) acres, lying on the Beaver Dam Creek. I he other c.nitainlng eight hundred and eighty-one, (tills tract si: iect to widow’s dower), lying ou Big Horae Crock. All rme land, and well timbered. Address »i , , J. W. DICKEY. A.exander P. Q„ Burke oounty. c 4 ap9o <T\TK OI GKOKCI \,"LINCOLN COUNTY.—No- Wm ; Kiven to all persons having demands against i pwemh.mS t^ ow ' Jr " bite of said county, deceased, to s™b«i bVul out. within the time pre nid all B. to show their character and amount; tolVk^nTm'^laUp^nf ll drt^d ' r«,ffired —" . b ' BTRt.)THER, Administrator. STATE OF GEORGIA, ELBERT COTfNTY. IVUtHPU Judge of said Court. \\ litniLißi sundry Bills have }>een i% ( i ■ ~ # ▼ legatees, under the will of William Court by again*t .kihn C. Burch, Executor of «aid wij| B decease u. tiler respective legacies, and claiming that the ILEiSS* 01 ?! will to .Sarah Kesee. should be paid toThe JnTZI,??", thereto, in the event of her death, leaving no clliTdor chimli ed It is OrJereJ. That said .-arah Kesee. o, her children or their legal representative*, appear at this Court at or hef/.rl the March Term. 1859, to claim said legacy : ns in default of said appearance, said legacy will then be directed to be paid to the parties now before the Court. And it is further Ordered , That a copy of this order be pub- Halieo once a month for nine months, the publication to be be fore the month of March, 1859, in the following newspapers, to wit: tii* Constitutionalist, published In Augusta, Geo.; the Union, published In Washington, in the District of Columbia ; the LouUville Journal, published in Lcuiiville, Kentucky; and it some newspaper published in Cincinnati, Ohio. „A lru * extract from the Minutes of the Superior Court of Elbert County, Geo„ at March Term. A. D.. 1858. a P2< *amJra MOSRS S. MILLS, Clerk. (General 3,buertisemente* THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! prtrahkd nr dr. sanford , COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS Is one of the best PURGATIVE and LIVER MEDI CINES now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stom ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. It strength ens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it un with unusual rapidity. * principal regulators of the performs its functions well, fully developed. The storu dent on the healthy action of formanee of its niuctions; the bowels are at fault, and consequence of one organ do ica duty. For the diaeas proprietor's has made it his than twenty years, to find counteract the many derange is at last found, any person plaint , in any of its forms, conviction is certain, morbid or bad matter from place a healthy flow of bile, causing food to digest well, tone and health to thewhole cause of the disease—effect and ivhat is better , prevent the Liverlnvigorator. fleient to relieve the stomach rising and souring, retiring, prevents Nightmare night, loosens the bowela ness. meal will cure Dyspepsia. spoonfulls will ‘always ro obstruction, removes the makes a perfect cure, ly relieves Cholic , while is a sure cure lor Cholera Cholera. needed to throw out of the cine after a long sickness. Jaundice removes all sal from the skfn. time before eating gives vig food digest well cures Chronic Diarrhoea in mer and Bowel complaints tacks caused by Worms in safer, or speedier remedy in Dropsy , by exciting the ab raending this medicine as a Ague, Chill Fever * and all It operates with certainty, testify to its wonderful vir- The Liver ie one of the p human body; and when it " the powers of the system are * ach Is almost entirely depen ) the Liver for the proper per* when the stomach Is at fault, the whole systems suffers in * the Li> er— having ceased to k es of that organ, one of the f study, in a practice of more some, remedy wherewith to ( ments to Which it is liable. 1 To prove that this remedy | troubled with Livir Com i has but to try a bottle, and These Gums remove all 1 theßystem,supplying in their ' iuvigorating the stomach, purifying the blood , giving , macninery, removing the (, ing a radical cure. Bilious attacks are cured, ed, by the occasional use of P One dose after eating issuf ’ and prevent the food from I Only one dose t aken before . Only one dose taken at gently, and cures Costive | uhe dose taken after each J One dose of two tea \ lieve Sick Headache. [ One bottle taken for female cause of the disease, and Only one dose immediate I Oue dose, often repeated, 1 Morbus, and a preventive of l Only one bottle is system the effects of medi 1 One bottle taken for lowness or unnatural color One dose taken a short or to the appetite,and makes One dose, often repeated, its worst forms, while Sum yield almost tothe first dose. One or two doses cures at Children; there is no surer, the world, as it never fails. A few bottles cures sorbents. We take pleasure In recoin preventive for Fever and Fevers of a Bilious Type. and thousands are willing to «./.V/ 0 it B> ’ S LIVER LWIGOR.ITOR. tues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator. and swallow both together. TM*: LIVER INVIGORATOR Is a Scientific Medical Discovery, am! is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as If by'magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one botile is required to cure any kind ot Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the result ot a Diseased Liver. l&“ Price One Dollar per Bottle. SANFORD A CO., Proprietors, * o4f> Broadway, New York. WHOLESALE AGENTS: Barnes A Park, New *ork ; T. W. Dvott A Son's, Philadel phia ; M. S. Burr <fc Co.. Boston; H. 1L Hay A Co., Portland: John D. Park, Cincinnati; Gaylord A Hammond, Cleveland: Fahnstock & Davis, Chicago: O. J. VVood&Fo.. St Louis- H. Pittsburg; S. S. Hance, Baltimore. And reruled by all Druggists. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, l>v PLUMB & LEITN ER ami W. H. TUTT, Augusta, Geo. ly rnhll HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special Endowment /or the Belief of the tick and Distressed, afflicted with l indent and Bpidernie Dis ase's, fit HE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful X destruction of human life, caused hy Sexual disease?, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims oi sucli diseases by Quacks, several years ag ■ ilirec cd their con sul ing Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE AC T worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for tire treatment of this class of diseases in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all who ahplv i»y letter, with a description of their condition, (age. occupation, habits of life, Ac.), and in case? of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OK CHARGE. It is needless to add that the Association com mands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Report upon the treatment ot sexual Diseases, for the year endin' January Ist, 1886, express the highest satisfaction with Un success which has attended the labors of the Consulting Sur geon in the cure of Spe-matorrho-u, Scimual Weakness, Im potenee, (ionorrho a. Gleet, syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Sell-abuse, Ac., and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have lieen of great henetit to tin- stunted especially to the y. ring, and they have resolved to devote t liemselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much despised cause. An admirable report r.n Sponnutorrhiea, or Seminal Weak less, the vita-of Onanism, Masturbation, or Self-abuse, and Ollier diseases of the sexual organs, by the Consulting Sur. g.-on, win tie sent by mail liu a sealed envelope), KRKK OK' i 'll ARGE. on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage, other Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual ills eases, diet, Ac., are constantly living published for gratuitous distribution, and will l.e sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. Address, for Report or treatment Dr. GEORGE K. CAI, HOUS, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 S >uth Ninth street, Philadelphia Pa. lly order of the Directors. EZRA 1). IIKARTWKLU, President Geo. Fairchild, Secretary. Jtnf* ap’l Columbia Countri. XT KOREI \, COLUMBIA COUNTY.- Whereas, A. M VX Crawl..rd. Administrator on the estate of Sophia Voting hue ot said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismiss.,rv from said eatati*— These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tm* kindred and creditor.* of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed i»y law, and show cause it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 12th day of Maj, lSaiS. my 18 A. OOLVaRD, Ordinary. \ COLUMBIA COUNTS . Whereas, D. B* Lumsey, Administrator on the estate of John O’Farrell debased, applies tor Letters of Dismission— These are, therefore, to cite ami admonish all and singula the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear a my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band, at office in Appling. J» ul2 A. COL YARD, Ordinary. ( 1 KOlt<;iA, COLUMBIA COUNTV.—-Whereas Thos \ I K. Blalock, Administrator on the estate of D’L I\-u mmr.deceased applies for Letters Dismissory from said estate— l hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and ir the kindred and creditors of said ased, to be and appear at my Office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, if they have, why saiu letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this lltl, day of March, 1858, nihil _A. CoLVARD, Ordinary. /iEOHG'A, COLUMBIA COUNTY v herea ,AbelJ, liutcliiasor.. Administrator on the estate of James Fart * a Pldieß to me for Letters Dismissory from said estate iheseare, therefore, to cite and summon, all and singular, the k ndml and creditors of said deceased, t* tie and appear at my oilice, within the time prescribed by law, and si,,‘w cause 11 any they have, why said letters should not he granted. lann-frc“lb'm m> ’ ofllce A Pplillg, this 12th liaV Os January, 1888, Janl4 A, COLVARD, Ordinary. flKOHfilt, COLUMBIA COUNTY .-—Whereas. It d^-aLel“s' t,l “' **" " stale ° f Rub, ’ rt F ™‘ k - These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular tbe J «n ,, n- 1 w..l eretlifimof said deceased, to be and appeal M?l V T(U"“ ler m T hand, at office in Appling, this 3d day of May, 1868. mys Ordinary. Y 1 LOKfll V, COLUMBIA COUNTY".—Whereas, Samuel Barnett, Administrator on the estate of Joseph M. A Hardin, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters l>is mlssory from said estate— 1 These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office wltlnn the time prescribed by law, and show Siise if any they have, why said letters should not he granted Given) under my hand, at office in Appling, this 2d day of February, 1858. feM A. coi'.varu, Orttagfr. .COLUMBIA COUNTY—Whereas. Levi \ n lollard, Administrator on the estate of .Samuel Pollard m' 1 ‘.''""‘'b deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory from said estate— ’ These hj-c, therefore, to cite ami admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and aimear at my office, within the time prescribed by law and show cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 27th dav of February, 1858. mli2 A. COLVARD. Ordinary. XTKOHUI A, COLUMBIA COUNTY—YVhereas, E c V*. K > an Guardian for the tiie pcniOß and property of Win’ c - Dougherty, a)iplics for Letters Dismissory from said (iiiao ansntp— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred, and ail other persons concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 27th day of Februray, 1888. mbs A. COLVARD, Ordinary, XTEORGIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY—Whereas, Levi ' * Pollard, executor on tiie estate of Samuel Pollard late ot said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within tiie time prescribed by law, and show cause ifanv tliev have, why said letters should not be granted Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 27th dav of February, 1888, _ mh2 A. COLVARD. Ordinary. GTBORTJIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY .- WU Bcni-i- W min K . Rowland and James B. Rowland, apply for 1,. t tersof Administration on the estate of James Rowland, late of said county, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors, ot said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 3d dav of May, 16.>3, tnyf. A. CoLVa RD, Ordinary. r* HpR«L\, COLI-MBIA COU XTY Jam* A * H. Alford. Adimuistrator on the estate of Beniamin E Alford,deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission • " These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ami appear at my office within the time prescribed hr law. ;uid show cause 'if any thev have, why said letters should not be granted Given under my hand, at office in Appling. this 2-id dav of April, 1888. ap27 A. COLVARD, Or-hmwv. iJIATY DAY’S afterdate, application will he made to the u’ Urdinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell the lands he longing to Anderson C. Wilson, deceased, lying in said countv ap? EVELINE A, WILSON. Adm'x. ’ ■\TOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estate of Nancy XT Richardson, late of Columbia county, deceased, ate re quested to make immediate payment; and those havine de mands against said estate will present them, legally authenti cated, within the time prescribed bv law. mys EDWARD FULLER, Ex’r. SIXTY D \Y>s afterdate, application will he made to the Court of Ordinary of Columbia count}-, for leave to sell four hundred and ninety acre? of Land in originally Irwin conntv. No. 22, in the 13th District. Also, forty acres of Land 111 Cher-kee, No. I2S, in the 21st District. Section No. 2, belong ing to the estate of John Jones, Sr., deceased. R. W. BASTON, Adm'r. yPY DAYS after date, application will be made to the ■ Uourt of Ordinary ofColumbia county, for leave imrtn it ? cres " { Land, more or less. In said county, beioDg tng to the estate of John Jones, Jr., deceased. ■a——K- YV. BASTON, Adm'r,, X»I EASeE-?^ 8 AJrD MEDICINES. X Urt?e^^ D !Tv* u PP Ir of DRUGS and MBD f.b* ’' “ f ,lora of T t 'ATA#I a, Broad street, Aigwta. transportation. AUGUSTA & SAVANNAH RAILROAD SCHEDULE, Augusta, Ca., Dec. 23, 1357. TOR SiSTAS'KAH AUG MACON. Leave Augusta at 2 10, A. ,\l.. and 4 00, P. M. Arrive al Savannaliat.. 8 50, A. M., and 10 55, i'. M. “ " Macon at 10 45. A. M„ and 12 30, A. M. TBjOM SkVANNAFI AND MACON. Leave Savannah at 1 15, A. M., and 11 15, A. M. Macon at 11 30, P.M„and 2 45. A. M. Arrive at Augutaat 9 00. A. M„ and 6 47, P. M. No Train leaves Augusta on Sunday at 4 00, P. M.; and none arrive* on Monday at 9 00, A. M. dee24 O. A. BROWN, Superintendent. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. CIIIAXUE UF SCHEDULE—Commencing on SUN ) DAY, November 15,1557. Leave Augusta 2 10, A. M„ and 4 00, P. M. Arrive at Milieu 5 05, A. M., and 0 35, F.M. Leave Milieu 5 40, A. M„ and 3 45, P. M. Arrive at Augusta 9 00, A. M„ and 6 47, P. M. Connecting with Trains to and from Savannah and Augusta. UWlt A. BROWN, Superintendent^ CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. TO TAKE EFFECT ON GEORGIA RAILROAD, DE CEMBER 28th, 1857. Leave Augusta at 2 30, A. M., and 4 00, P. M. Arrive ai Atlanta at 11 36, A. M.. and l 04, A. M. Leave Atlanta at 12 00, A. M., and 10 00, A. M. Arrive at Augusta at 8 56, A. M., and 7 00, P.M. Sunday trains leaving Augusta at 4 P. M., and Atlanta, 12 \ight, discontinued. (The 230 A. M. train from Augusta connects through to Memphis). Connect with South Carolina Railroad. Arrive at Aifgusta at 1 00, A. M., and 2 30, P. M. Leave Augusta at 10 ou, A. M., and 8 05, P. M. Western and Atlantic Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta at 11 22, P. M., and 0 33, A. M. Leave Atlanta at 1 45, A. M, and 12 30, P. M. Atlanta and La Grange Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta at 10 15, P. M., and 7 00, A. M. Leave Atlanta at 2 00, A. M., and 1 00, P. M. Macon and Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta at 8 20 A. M., and 5 30, P.M. Leave Atlanta at 12 00 P. M., and 12 00, Night. Athens Branch—*'Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta at 12 00, Night. Arrive at Athens at 10 30, Day. Leave Athena at 12 00, Night. Arrive at Augusta at y UO, Morning. Arrive at Atlanta; t 11 34, Morning. Washington Branch—Daily Train—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta at 3 30, Night. Leave Atlanta at 12 00, “ Arrive at Washington at 7 35, Morning. On Monday’s, Wednesdays and Fridays, an extra train leaves Washington al 1 40 Evening, and connects with the down Day Passenger train from Atlanta, and returning to Washing ton at 0 45 Evening. Warrenton Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta at 4 00, Evening. Leave Atlanta at 10 00, Morning. Arrive at Warrenton at 8 00, Evening. Leave Warrenton at 3 30, Evening. Arrive at Augusta at 7 00, Evening. Arrive at Atlanta at 1 14, Night. <tec2s GEORGE YONQE, Gen. Bupt. FOR PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, &C., FROM SAVANNAH ANI) CHARLESTON. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia sls Excursion Tickets, good for returning, up to Jan. 1, 185#. .. 25 f iekets from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, furnished by the Agents at Charleston and Savannah 8 f|MIK wen known first class Side-wheel Steamships, KEY * lS kS f ATE, Capt. O. P. Mailshmax, and STATE Os GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin, now form a Weekly Line tor the North leaving Charleston and Savannah on alter nate Saturdays a.*- follows : 'lie Keystone State, from Charleston, May Bth, 22d ; June 5t h. lyth ; July 3d, 17th and 51st, Ac., leaving Philadelphia thu alternate Saturdays. ate of Georgia, from Savannah, May Ist, 15th, 29tu : Jam- 12th, 26th ; July 10th and 24th, ac., leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. 1- "r safety and comfort, having superior State Rooms, these Ships are uot surpassed by any on the coast. One hundred miles of this route on Delaware River and Bay—two nights at FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES AND CANADA. Shortest and Cheapest Route. This Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great North western Railroad route through to Niagara Falls or Buffalo, in sixteen hours from Philadelphia Through Tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, for sale by the Agents in Savannah. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, $23. Elmira, s2l; to Canan daigua, $22. C. A. GREINER & CO., Agents at Savannah. T. S. & T. G. HUDI), ftpß7 > it ('liarlrston. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. nbin Passage from 4'hnrleslon to \>w York, NEW YORK AND CHAKi.i> -ion mkam PACKETS. Through in 48 to 53 Hours. SEMI-WEEKLY. 'THE new Steamship COLUMBIA, 1,800 tong, M. Baauv, J Commander. N AMIVILLE, 1.500 ton*, T. I>. Ewan, Commander. MARION, 1,500 tons, W. J. Fostkr. Commander. JAMES ADGFU, 1,500 tons, 8. C. Turn kk, Commander. SOU 111 ERN ER, 1,000 tons, L. Al. Murray, Commander. Leave Adger’s Wharves every WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY, after the arrival of the ears from the South and West, at high water. These Steamships were all buiit expressly for the Line, and lor safety, comfort, and speed, arc unrivalled on the coast. Ta bles supplied with every luxury ; attentive and courteous com manners, will ensure travellers by this line every possible comfort and accommodation. Apply 10 HENRY MISSROON & CO., Agents, , ~ _ Charleston, S. O. Cabin Passage $25 00 Steerage Passage: s 00 n.y22 FOR PALATKA, EAST FLORIDA. t'l'a Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Jacksonville, Ficoiatu and Middleourg . rp HE at timers, WM. GASTt >N, Captain Thomas E. Shaw, .1- and S I'. JOHN, Capt.. J as. Furkrorn, will leave Savan nah eveiy MONDAY and THURSDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, for the above place. The St. John is a new boat, built expressly for the trade, with large and airy State Room accom moduli n, and taking the inland route, offers superior facilities for invalids and others. For further particulars, enquire of CLAGIIOUN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. Savannah, March l, 185-1. mar 14 IMPORTANT TO TR AVELLERS GOING NORTH BY THE liAY LINE, CEVHOVHD VXD HO WOKE It MI.KD \l>, In con n ucct nut with the 8 1 EAM PACK KTSnn Chesapeake Bay forming a dally line unsurpassed for comfort, sliced and safety between Weldon, N. t'., and Baltimore, Md. The elegant Steam Packets, LOUIS] AN A, Capt. Kushi-11, asd NORTH CAROLINA, (’apt. Cannon, new boats, beauti fully tit ted up with commodious state-rooms, are now running dail> on 'he old and favorite Bay Line, which, in connection with the Roads scuth of Weldon, presents the following unsur passed schedule: Leave Augusta. Geo., 9.30, A. M.; “ Branchville, H. C„ 1.50, P. M.; ’* Kingsville, “ 6.00, P.M “ Wilmington, N. C., 6.00, A. M “ Weldon. •• *2, p. M ; “ Norfolk, Va., 6, P. M.; Arrive at Baltimore, Md., T, A. M. In time for the early morning trains for Philadelphia and hew York. Through Tickets to Wilmington, $9; thence to Baltimore *l3. 1 hrough Tickets may also he purchased In Wilmington for Philadelphia, at #l4, and for New York at $15.50, of S. D. \\ A LLA< 'E, 1 icket Agent, or at Weldon for Baltimore at SB, Philadelphia at $lO, and New York at sl2, of E. N. PETER SON, Agent S. ami K. R. Co. Baggage checked through from Augusta to Weldon, thence to Balt more. Through from Wilmington to New York in 36 hours, without loss of sleep. For further particulars, apply to C. D. BOYDKN, hovlß ts Agent Inland Route. FREIGHTS BY THE SAVANNAH RIVER, BY THE IRON STEAM BOAT COMPANY LINE, YV’ILL be received and forwarded free of Commission, ad ▼ ▼ dressed to the care of Agent iron Steamboat Company „ J. B. GUIEU, Agent, Augusta. S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent, Savannah. Augusta, July 1, 1857. dacly iy7 COPARTNERSHIP. fllllE undersigned have this (lav formed a copartnership X under the Arm name of RICHMOND A HEED, forthe transaction of a general Wholesale ami Detail GROCERY Bli ,s 1 N Er-s, and hare taken the store recently occupied by .1. Heed, opposite the Planters’Hotel, where we intend keeping a large and extensive assortment of all articles of the trade, which will be sold on accommodating terms. Our stock has been selected with great care In the Northern markets, and with a view to Its being especially suited for the use of fami lies and the planters' trade. We hope, by strict attention to business and Ihe Interest onr patrons, to merit a share of public patronage. W. R. RICHMOND, Os the late firm of Estes .4 Richmond. net dtf JERRY REED. AMERICAN HOTEL * COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, f 1 1R subscriber has taken this well-known and popular C HOTEL, which has been thoroughly renovated, re-fitted and furnished, and is now open for the reception of the travel lug public, who will tint! at this House the comforts and luxu The Table (which I.s under the care of Mr. SOLON DYKE, formerly of the Oongaref- House,) will always be supplied with the l>est to be had in either the Columbia or Charleston markets. No effort will be spared to make this Hotel one of the best hi this city. A . STERN EN, Agent. Columbia, 8.0., June 16.1857. ly jel6 CLARK AND CO., "IVTOW Offer for sale their splendid new stock of oILV. R n W ARE, of all kinds—Tea Sets, Pitchers, Castors, \ „ ers. Goblets, Tumblers, Cuns, Forks, Spoons, Ladies ; past™ Cake, Dessert and Butter Knives. Sheffield PLATED W A RE—first quality of goods In Castors Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Ac. Birmingham and American PLATED WARE, very showy and at low prices. GOLD W ATOHES, of all good makers—Cooper, Dent, To bias. Burley A Johnson, English makers ; and Jules Jurgensen of Copenhagen. SILVER WATCHES in great variety; quick bent Railroad V\ atches, large size. Rich Diamond, Coral, Cameo and Mosaic JEWKLRT, all the newest styles, with a large stock of Staple and FANCY GOODS, at their store. Post Office Corner, opposite the Rail read Bank. oets TENNESSEE BACON. r|U\ K\T\ thousand pounds Tennessee BACON, hog 1. round, on consignment and for sale at Xo. 7 Warren Block, by mh3o KXNCBLKY & SANCHEZ. BLUE STARCH. G/ l BOXES Blue STARCH; wi' to boxes White “ in store and lor sale. mhlT RICHMOND A REED. ON CONSIGNMENT, ril \\ KLY E boxes, about twelve thousand pounds BACON, JL a little discolored, but good and sound. myO _ T. W. FLEMING A CO. SHIRTS, SHIRTS. SII HITS, white and colored, all sizes, forty-seven dozen, juiit received, and will be offered at very low pr.ces at A. I*. BIG Non A * BUTTER AND CHEESE. I7IVE kegs choice BUTTER ; 20 hoxes CHEESE, fresh from the North, weekly, now 11 store and for sale, apt! RICHMOND A REBD. KID GLOVE CLEANER. npiiis article will instantly clean stained or sailed Kid Gloves, without leaving any disagreeable odor. One bot ue will elean tifty pair of Glove.. A few dor.eti just received by oetO BAVILAND. OHICH BiTKR & 00. BOSOMS, BOSOMS, BOSOMS. IZORTY dot. SHIRT BOSOMS, just received from Pan. ton’s celebrated Bosom Manufaotorv, New York, all qualities. Also, fine Embroidered an,: Wove BOSOMS for sale cheap by apS HAIGH A ANDREWS. BACON IJMFTY Thousand pounds Clear BACON SIDES; . ID Tierces RICE ; 20 Kegs Fresh Goshen BUTTER. Just received on consignment and for sale by w. h. Howard, -May 9 d 4 Commission Merchant. i HOLLAND GIN. 11*II’E pure Holland GIN, just arrived, a very Are arti cle. For sale by mhl7 ' RICHMOND & REED. f SJmtul €ax ite. DENTAL NOTICE. DR. CH ASE has returned to ttic City, and may be found at his office on Broad street, opposite the United .suites Hotel. . . He Is using the Magneto-Llectne machine in some of the more painful operations with marked success. _tf_ 0c.9 DR. J. T. PATERSON, DENTIST, OFFICE and Residence in Col. Clanton’s Buildings, on Washington street, a few doors from Broad street, oppo site the Augusta Hotel, is prepared to do anything pertaining to the profession. Will extract Teeth with the latest improved Instruments, and has used the benumbing process for extract ing teeth without pain for nearly the last twelve months. oclS ly C. M. WRIGHT, DENTIST, OFFICE over Carmichael A Bean’s Hardware Store, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. All operations pertaining to Dentistry, faithfully and scien tifically executed. DENTISTS’ MATERIALS furnished to order. Jyi iy E. W. HARKER. M. D., RESIDENT DENTIST, OFFICE on Broad street, one door above Post Office corner Dr. H. is prepared to do Allen’s Patent and Hunter’s Con tlauous Gum work, and all recent improvements in the art. augia M. JJork 3k&oertis£mento. FRENCH’S HOTEL, Corner of Frankfort Street and City Hall Square, opposite the City Hall , New York City. mills HOTEL is conducted on the European plan of Lodg- JL ing Room*, and meals a* they may be ordered, in the spacious Refectory. There is a Barber’s Shop, with Baths, in connection there with. This popular Hotel is in the immediate vicinity of mer cantile business, and the principal places of amusement, and offers every inducement to those who consult convenience and economy. Those going to California or Europe, will be furnished with all the information they may desire, and also be protected from imposition In the purchase of passage tickets. R. FRENCH, Proprietor. N. B.—Beware of Runners who say we are full, as many are interested in saying so. 3m mhl3 KEROSENE OILS, DISTILLED |VBOM GOAL—NOT EXPLOSIVE. Secured by Letters Patent. THE different, grades of these celebrated OILS, suitable for Machinery of all kinds, Binnacle ana Family use, can be had of the undersigned, also of the wholesale Oil Dealers and Druggists in the City of New York, and of the authorised Local Agent of the Company in this place. AUSTENS, General Agents. KaresotieOil (Jo., No. 50 Beaver Street, N. Y. Local Agencies granted on application as above. Orders should specify the description of lamp or machinery for which the Oil is wanted. ly myßl FOUNTAIN’S INDIA STORE. 6K BROADWAY , New York, is full of Goods from 11 1 1 CHINA, JAPAN aud INDIA, whioli (unbrace Novelties and Dress Goods, which are only to be found at the above establishment. Seersucker, Ooncan, Pongees, Satins; , also. Scarfs aud Shawls from *5 to S3OO. Scarfs, Ifamlkorchiet's, , Dresses, &c„ manufactured from the fibres of the Pineapple handsomer aud more durable than silk. Fashionable Bonnets ; made of the same, can be washed aud remodeled to suit the taste, and worn for years. Also, thousands of Eastern (Asiatic) , articles, well w-orthy of the attention of all. : Milliners will lie supplied per mail with samples of the Pine apple, or, can have Pattern Bonnets of the latest fashion, biauk and colored, sent by express to any part of the country. , P. Si.—lndia China in sets aud sisgle piecos, Vases, Ac . Ac my2# MERILLO IRON WORKS. t MERRILL!) A J ACQU.E.S, 142 Centre Street, Men) York, MAX'I FAGTURKRS and Dealers in Wrought Iron PIPES, FITTINGS, TOOLS, and every description .< 1 apparatus connected with Steam, Water and Gas, for heating t and lighting Steamers, (’hurches. Hotels, Private Dwellings, Hospitals, Asylums, Villages, Factories and Halls. Also—Valves, Docks, Pumps, Guages, Bollersjand Boiler * Flues, made to order. Our Screw Gutting Machines are entirely new, and our own Patent—warranted to do double the work of any other inveu ' tion. ‘ Orders solicited from all sections of the country and prompt ly attended to. ly je2B BOY'S CLOTHING AND HATS. Al\ IHGXOX A CO. have n jw in store a fresh aud . new assortment of CLOTHING and HATS, of their - own manufacture, suitable for Youths, Boys and t'hild.en, which they are offering at low prices. Their stock consists, in part, of the following articles: Planters’ Linen ROUND JACKETS, shrunk ; *’ “ PANTALOONS, ” “ COATS and VESTS, Black and Drab Farmers’ Satin ROUND JACKETS • “ Alpaca ROUND JACKETS and PANTS; iv Lite Linen “ “ -- *• Marseilles COATS, PANTS and VESTS ; Assorted styles of HATS, SHIRTS, Ac. . Augusta, April Litli, 185.8. ap «o MEN’S AND BOYS’ HATS. \\f K have nowon hand a good assortment of HATS, for , ’ Mk') ;)"<> Boys, which we are offering at low prices. Call and make your selections at d . A. P. BIGNON A CO.'S, Opposite the Post Office corner. THE RED SULPHUR SPRINGS, „ MONROE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, e fJIHEtsE celebrated Mineral Springs, which have acquired so much celebrity and such an unbounded reputation in the cure of Consumption, Bronchial Affections, Chronic Iharrhcea, Dyspepsia and Diseases of the Brain, are now open for the reception of visitors. Invalids would secure better rooms and better care and attention by coming early as we .re usually very much crowded through July and August. Yisi tors for this place should leave the Virginia and Tennetwee Railroad at Newbern depot. They will then have but thirty eight miles of staging over a good road. Distance from New bem to Knoxville, Tenn., two hundred and twenty miles; from Kuoxvilleto Dalton, one hundred and tea miles. , The salutary effects of these unnval.-d waters can he amply i- authenticated by reference to any of the following persons • 0 Rev. J. M. Wood. Col. E. I). Chisolm, Mr. Win. Peek. C e-1 'h| r Town Geo. Mr. U. J. Reeves, Capt. H. P. Walker, Mr. «. w Chapman. Griltin, Geo. Mr. David Clout,.n, Van , Wert. Geo. Mrs. John B. Walker, Madison, Geo. _uihai t. 8, Campbell a co. DRIED APPLES. 4 FEW bushels DRIED APPLES, In store and for sale. I A. apll RICHMOND A REED. GUNS, PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT, &C. T HAVE removed to the Building on the South side of X Broad street, nearly opposite my former stand, where 1 have just received a large addition u# my extensive stock of GUJSS, PISTOLS and GUNNING APPARATUS, which i makes my assortment complete, and superior to anything in g this market, and respectfully invite the attention of all who u are in want of any article In the line. It consiatsof—. RIFgES. of my own manufacture ; Double GUNS, by the best makers. Steel Barrels ; “ * k Stub. Twist, all varieties: Single Barrelled UL NS, Twist Barrels; Deane, Adams & Deane’s Repeating PISTOLS, a sunerb article ; * TOl S * all * sl7 es ; also, Allen’s Six Barrelled PiS- Single Barrelled Self-Cocking PISTOLS, ivory and Wood 1 Handles; Single Barrelled Rifle PISIOLS, Steel Barrels: P wder FI. ASKS,Shut BELTS,Game BAGS, DogUALLS r Percussion (’APS, all varieties; Gun WADS, Drinking • <-’?£». CARTRIDGES. WdO ', andsHOl, Bar I.LAD ; Also—A good assortment of Pocket and Pen KNIVES SUISSORS. RAZORS, Ac. Thankful for past favors, and so ft llclts a continuance. prumß Re-stocked and Repaired neatly and promptly t and Rifles made to order and warranted. _ oo® iy W. D.BOWEN, Broad street. THE VICTOR STILL IN THE FIELD. T ,IK undersigned have lieen appointed Sole Agerda. in A Augnata. fur the retail sale of THE VICTOR COOK STOVE. Manufactured at the Augusta Works, in this city. We pro . pose to keep constantly on hand, at both our stores, ou Broad street, a full supply of the different s ! m>s ot this desirable .stove, to which we invite the attrition of purchasers Aside from the fact that the Victor is the product of Home . Industry, and that its extensive sale and use for a vear past has proved it to be all that is claimed for it, the advantages of purchasing a .Stove manufactured at home, where new plates ’ are constantly at land, will he apparent to all. ; VV. IT. SALISBURY A CO., No. 3 DeKalb Range. ; , , S. S. JONES A 00., • ap.3o daclm 210 Broad street. j .... PORTRAIT PAINTING. fItHOMAH I'OllbTEll, J’ortrait Fainter from England, JL hegs leave to inform the Inhabitants of Augusta anil vi cinity that he has left Tvckkr A Pxkkins’ Establishment, and taken rooms at Dr. I'atsuson’s, corner of Washington and Libs streets, where he paints life-like PORTRAITS, in oil or water colors, for twenty-five dollars, and upwards. * • Portrait* of deceased persons painted from Ambro ypes or 1 holographs, ami will guarantee satisfaction. _ FANCY DYEING" [ f-J. H. DOIMwE’B Dyeing Establishment, Greene street 1 '* • »bOve Kollock street. DYEING of every description ‘'ItfAUHING and DRESSING of Bonnets; Gents’ < lothmg CLEAN El) and REPAIRED at short notice. Es tabtished 1852. FOR SALE. BL, V < K , Writing and Marking INKS, of superior quallt at Dodge s Dye House, Greene street, at the followiu prices per gallon : 111 By the barrel 17 cents Single gallon o s .. Augusta, Ga.. June 12. 1857. diciy Iy7 _NEW BOOKS. | J.l-G- V. O VTI-'-S ,v Itlto. have just rsceived the lot \3T lowing interesting BOOKS : °' Biblical Commentary on the New Testament; bv Dr Her mann Olshansen. Profesror in the University of Erlangen • transiated from the Herman by A.C. Frenduck. D. I) g 1 he Saint and his Saviour, or the Progress of the Soul in the Knowledge of Jesus ; by Rev. C. it. Spurgeon. “Christ Pictures Amb6r ’ by W. Denison,authoress of Home .h?s7e?F o 7d?ofLo o ,dk 0 me Rnd I,rinCiple: by Mrß Sallle K " shei a ,>s.° nnan ’ ° r Trllls a,ul tbelr :hy Mrs. l.incoin Lite in Israel, or Portraitures of Hebrew Character- bv Maria K Richards, authoress of Life in India. ’ ' .„i'r " s,utllt ‘°!i Surakd- ; Containing Farces, Dialogues Ve d rsl- b i7»o a a'Ke h .,P f ” r Leelainatioii, in Prose ami verse. Also, a treatise on Oratory and Elocution. Hint* on Dramatic (haracters, Costumes, Positions on the stage Staking Up, Ac., with Illustrations ; by P. A. Fitzgerald. eS]. ,ny9 r,,...- „ w M ,9 RE NEW BOOKS. r r I K Quaker Soi ter, or. The British in Philadelphia; An L Historical Novel, by a noted Judge. Records of the Revolutionary War; containing the Military i'" 11 ., 1 ' Inwclal Correspondence of distinguished officers, by W 1. R. Mattel I. ’ * Narrative of Remarkable Conversions, Revivals, and inei dents, including a Review of Revivals The Interpreter; a tale of the War. by G. .1 White Mellvilte; first issued In Littelt’s Living Age For’saleat GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S Book and Music Store. NEW BOOKS, NEW BOOKS. \YHITF. Lies, a novel, by Reed ; Meadow Brook, by the author of Tempest and Buu- Northem Travel. Summer and Winter ; lor - CtUreS ° f Swe<Jen ’ Uenmark.and Lapland, by Bayard Tay- Deliit and eredit, translated from the German of Gustah £S2£&> L ; y Christian CharleSjonas ! wa^h^ofVfS^^F 11 ’ Sl «° Urnoy ’ J Vert 8 - 0 ’ another aupply of Souvenirs of Travel, by Mad.|Le ‘ Never too Late to Mend, by Reed 1 Peg Woffington, Christie Johnson.’by Reed • Quits, by the author of Initials ’ 1 ’ - J atl3Q GEO, A, OATES k Bit.) . , . VENISON hams" A ™'by C aon NLSUN H r Jl wt received and for j ajL_aaue o\ apll RICHMOND A HEED. „ WINES! WINES! i IQ ca ?. e: - - Vlu .‘. nm 3 Cabinet CHAMPAGNE, qts ; 20 “ Imperial " ptß ’ ; for wild hv Lafltte CLARKT, lust received and lor sale by ap2« D’ANTIGNAG i HUBBARD- G Sueiness €ar£»s, CLAIBORNE SNEAD, A TTORSiKY AT LAW, and Commissioner for the I\. Smtes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky, office over the Cost office, Augusta, Georgia. aplS __ __ 6m _ ANDREW J. RODGERS, ATTORNEY -VXD COTXSELLOR AT LAW, 185 May Street, feb26 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ts C. R. STROTHER, A TIORX'LA .V l LAW, Llucolnton,Ga., will pract ,t in the counties of Lincoln, Wilkes, Elbert and Coinin'> i i All businessentnisted to him will receive prompt and uu' mltting attention. ly janlt . GARLAND A. SNEAD. ATTOIi Ahi AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia, willp. t tice in all the Courts of the Middie District. Ofllc ,1, the North side of Ellis, West of Washington street. He is aisojpommissioner for the States of Alabama, Flo r c a ami Texas. ly jan!6 LAW CARD, Berrien & jones practise Law in the Courts of the I Middle Circuit of Georgia, and in the Supreme and Fed eral Courts. Office at Waynesboro’, Burke county, Georgia. THOMAS M. BERRIEN, mill? daetf MALCOLM D. JONES. J. G. MONTGOMERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Ga., will practice in the following counties: Cherokee, Cobb, Fannin, Forsyth, Gilmer, Dawson, Lumpkin, l'aulding, Pickens, Union, Towns, Milton, and Fulton. Special attention given to all collections. Reference :—.lames Gardner, Esq., Augusta, Ga. janl9 6in THADDEUS OAXMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and V urchaaing and Collecting Agent. Office over the City Bank, Augusta, Georgia. Having formed a connection with gentlemen of the Bar of Edgefield and Barnwell, will attend to business in those Dis tricts al o. dt*cly ,janß STEPHENS & DuBOSE, ATTORNEYS at LAW', Sparta, Geo., will practice in all the counties of the Northern Circuit. Linton Stephens. janl W. Dußosx A. G. WHITON, GENERAL RAILWAY AGENCY, No. 72 Pine Street, New York, TYI'RCHASES and sells Rails, Equipment, Machinery and JL Railroad Supplies. ts janS MACKENZIE & WARD, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Waynesboro’, Burke county, Georgia, will practice in Burke, Scriven, Jefferson, Wash ington,Tatnall, Montgomery, Emanuel and Richmond counties. 0c.5 FLEMING JORDAN, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW, Madison, Georgia, will give XIL prompt attention to all business entrusted to him in this part of the State. I Mr. Jordan is my agent during my absence from (he State. ; I solicit for him the confidence and patronage of the public. Joshua hill. __Dec. 5, 1557. dec6 tom : LAW CARD. s fIIHE undersigned have formed a copartnership under the » JL name of Walton Sc Robertson, and will practice law in all the Courts of Richmond county, and in the Superior Courts of Columbia, Burke, Jefferson and Scriven counties. They * will be thankful for business, and give it their best attention. Office over the Post Office, Augusta, Geo. WILLIAM A. WALTON, dec2*2 6m W. A. ROBERTSON. M. H. TALBOT, ATTORNEY AT LAYV t Augusta, Ga., will practice in the counties of Richmond, Burke, Jefferson and Coluin r bia, of the Middle ; and Warren, Wilkes and Lincoln, of the ' Northern Circuits. Office in Constitutionalist Ranee. . oelO _ ly r WILLIAM A. WILKINS. 1 JOSEPH H. WILKINS. , W. A. & J. K. WILKINS. ATTORNEYS at LAW, Louisville, Jefferson county, Georgia, will practice in the counties of Jefferson. Burke, Emanuel, Washington, Scriven, Columbia, Richmond, rat nail, Montgomery, Hancnek and Warren. ts sc 5 EUGENE L. HINES, A TTOHNEY AT LWV, T honiasviile, Georgia. J XL jan*2B c6m ; W. G. JOHNSON, A TTORNEA' AT LA», Augusta, (Jeorgia. 081 in XV ConatitutioimlDtßange. ly ivl G. J. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY' AT LAW. Albany, Georgia, will i uul promptly to all business entrusted to him. ly ruv 4 L. D. LALLERSTEDT, A TTORNKA' AT LAW, Augusta. Georgia. Oflfte over A the City Hank. te1,20 , THOMAS MOURIS. ] JOHN B. KSTJCS. MORRIS & ESTES, Attorneys at law , Carnesville, Ga.; will practice in ail the counties of the Western Circuit, and in the coun ties of Elbert and Hart, in the Northern. Business entrusted to their care will meet with prompt attention. Particular at tention paid to collections. ts jaul7 i HENRY J. LANG, Attorney at law. li ncolntou, Ga., will practice in Lincoln, Wilkes and Columbia counties. Ail business [ entrusted to him will receive prompt at tention. iuy m 2 LAW NOTICE. fIMIE undersigned will practice LAW and EQUITY, in Co JL partnership, from this date, using the firm name of \V A LK EK Sc ROGERS, in criminal business, their practice will re main separate, as heretofore. Office north-west eortier of Broad and Washington streets. EDWARD J. WALKER ALPHEIS M. ROGERS. An i ‘ta, Sept. Bth, 1856. t_f sept 9 WM. M. DAVIDSON, Importer and dealer in brandies, gin ALBANY ALE, GUAM PAGNE, and other Winns :w: Liquors, Teas, Sugars, Ac. Nos. 113 Congress anti 37 St.Juliei. gtreets.Savannah. Ga. rise my 23 111 ai*e~tjousCs. WHOLESALE GROCERS. 1 YIT K. beg to call the attention of our friends, arid the public, i W to our large stock of GROCERIES (liquors excepted) ) lu this city and Charleston, which we are prepared to sell for cash, or to prompt paying customers, on favorable terms. DA.sikO.HANi>, ) GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., G. W. Williams, ( Charleston, S. U. Azakiaii Gkavrs, ( HAND, WILLIAMS A GRAVES, E. C. Williams, J Augusta, Geo. ) aa23 dtacly EVANS, HARRISS & C 0„ I FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Georgia. n\ VIIGYA(’, E\ \ V-i eV t’O. have associated with them tier. Roar. Y. Harriss, for the purpose of transact ! inga FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the city of Savannah. The business will be conducted under the style of EVANS, , HARRISS A CO., aitdWy. E. Evans an < Kobt. Y. Har biss will give their personal and undivided attention to the same. Their object is to do exclusively a PLANTERS’ BUSI NESS, and a long experience lu a similar business at Augusta, Ga.. and Charleston, S. 0.. induce the confident belief that they will be enabled to give entire satisfaction in the sale of Cotton and other produce to the Planters of Georgia and Ala bama who may favor them with their patronage. They have taken an Office anti Safes Room in Hodgson’s Range. Bay street, a few doors above the Exchange, where they will be prepared, by the 15th of August, to receive cn c . signments of Cotton and other produce, ami the orders of their friends, and planters generally, for Bagging, Rope and other supplies, which they will execute with promptness at the low est market rates. Their commission for selling Cotton w ill be Fifty Cents per bale. WILLIAM E. EVANS, ROBERT Y. HARRISS, WM. M. D'ANTIGNAC, Jyl7 __ GEORGE W. EVANS. WILLIAM B. WILLIAMS, J SAMCEI. V. RSID, Late of Richmond, Virgina. | Late of Lynchburg, Va. WILLIAMS & REID, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cincinnati, Ohio, Solicit orders for Pork, liacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Whiskv Seed, Ac. References.— Titos. P. Stovall A- Co., Augus'a. Geo.; Pee bles A White, Petersburg, Va.: Winston A Powers, KUh mond, Va.: Leigh & Urn.; Norfolk, Va.; Gradiin & Sorrel!, Cincinnati, Ohio. 6m i'eb7 THE VICTOR COOK STOVE! M GREAT SOUTHERN FAVORITE. AXI b A(TI RED at the Augusta Works. Augusta, Ga., from Southern Iron. The undersigned being sole Agent tor the sale of the above named Cook Stove, takes' pleasure in recommending it to dealers merchants, and the public general, ly, as being alrthat its name implies. Feeling assured in his abil jty to supply them with a COOK STOVE that is unsurpassed in beauty and style of finish as well as general utility, by any Cook Stove now in use, being a perfect operator with either wood or coal, it cannot fail to answer any murketor section of country I have four sizes of the Victor. No. 7 large enough for a family ot 12. No. 3 large enough for a family of 20. No. 9 large enough for a family of 80. No. 10 large enough for a family Os 40. Dealers who favor me with their patronage, will realize many advantages therefrom, such tut avoiding less by breakage in transportation. Orders filled on short notice and in quan tity to suit actual demand. All plates, or sections, when bro ken or injured from any cause, can always be supplied by me on application. Also, Parlor and Box STOVES, suitable for Dwellings, Churches, Schools, Stores, Ac. All of which 1 will furnish at wholesale aud retail prices, at as low rates as the same article can be laid down here from the North. 4\. H. GOODRICH, Sole Agent, Old Stand of W. 11. Maltarrey A Co., No. 3 Ib-Kalb Range Augusta, Ga. d*cly au’2B ’ AUGUSTA STOVE DEPOT AND HOUSE FUR NISHING EMPORIUM. \\ T M. 11. (JOODItHTI, Sole Agent and Proprietor On hand, a full assortment of the celebrated Victor Cook STOVES, manufactured in this city from Southern iron being the best constructed cook stove now in market. Having been f'-' l V Rested, it has proved to be all that itsname implles*"The Also, a large variety o Parlor. Ilall and Hoi STOVES-of Southern manutacture—all of which are now offered at whole sale and retail prteea, and warranted to give satisfaction. • ,°V E v AI northern stoves. whidfmayhe'riumr 1 wU156,1 cheap to niake ’ roc ™ l aui ™ The Light Street Cook STOVE “ Empire State do “ Line Ridge do •• Morning Star (double oven) Cook STOV E. » r V, c<a!l Premium (Hush oven) A. .1. Uallaghera Air-tight. Sun Rise Cook Stoves, with co i , rugated oven. All sizes of the well known Knickerbocker RANGE, the hestand most durable cook range now before the public. Parlor and office ORA i KS, COAL Itl HNEKS, Ac,, a choice variety lust received, all of new de.rigi -a; ;‘ late im provements ; Coal Hods. Blower Standards ami 11.-Men, 1 ok ers, Shovels and Tcngs with Standards, Eire Carriers, t oal Sifters, Ac. , Also, a full stock of HOUSE EOK.MSIIING WJOIW, which, for variety, is unsurpassed hv any riTniniresta dtshnieiit in the South. Mv facilities for business are such that nodcsir. able channel of trade is inaccessible to me. ami mj trienos and patrons and the ptiblit generally, may lkl ) upon tinUing as good a stock of Goods, <if not hi-tter.) from wfoch to make Se lections, at No.B Dekalb Kang’. liroaii strti t. cw. he found lu this city or State, and at pri-v* which leaver competition entirely out of the question, having determined to bell low to and Sheet Iron, Copper Pita, Pressed Covers. Rivets. Wire. Ac., upon the mast reasonable terms. All kinds of Copper Work made loonier. All kinds Os <ll WM. 11. GOODRICH, 0c29 No.S DeKalb Range. Broad st„ Auguata,' Oa. NEW BOOKS, Received »t oeoroe a. oates a bro.’s Book and Music store. April 30: Adele, by Julia Kavanaugh : History of the Republic of the United States, by JolmC. Hamilton—Vol.Sd.; Appleton's Cyclopedia of Drawing, designed as a Text Book for the Mechanic, Engineer, Ac., edited by \Y. E. Worthen; Appleton's Cyclopedia of Biography : Beatrice Canci, an Historical Novel of the Sixteenth Centu. ry, by F. D. ttuemui. • myl insurance. KNEICKRBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE COM'v OJfccll William Street,Acu< York ° M Y < inpilnl and Surplus, ,lnn. |, mas, g (Ss STEBHJtK C. WHESLxa.'SeareUiry^ S MAN > lYeakh,.?® Board of Reference for Augusta. Georeii v . George Schley, Thomas Barrett BenHmfmF\ 4 'i lwanl - Medical Examiner-Dr. WilUa,, B DtSrhJ cy ‘ Risks taken in the above strong mi ml xPi the most favorable terms. s u reliable Company Negroes insured at most reasonable rates on- - . security. THOMAS I' STOVA?‘ sl ? ent *d ap2 Cm VAJj L4CO, ’ SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE nrT I OF COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROUn.v C ° ' I Hon. William F. DeSaussckt Tb- •■ * V r F. W.MuMasteb, Actuary. | Dr. dons' ■ r ,' ,r •’ McF ’ Gastox. Medical Ext,mini? **■ lrw *-- 1 ff'HIS Company, which ior a number of years , - K JL favorite with the people of Otorgia f,£ K; area of its usefulness, and dispensing its Me-L nA th l ’’' the community. During the last yf- r it nil f ■' lr ->’ • than thirtv-tliree thousand dollars antoro-st the Joe 1 gia. Alabama and South Carolina, alter ,nak,'» P n ■> ' ten per cent, to the insurers. With an ' hvl,k; t years, and a large and accumulating funder S'? tills Company recommends itself to th, mti-ii,. h f offers great inducements to all who wsh t: without anxiety, or who desire to secure thrfp Um ‘., :eir ca i a loss, or to make provision for the support «f .ft . iW*-: the case of death. 11 familit s - The means of the Company are ample-u, . its rates less than similar Institute !■, !,. s 'ni' ts pron.p; profits are annually returned to tin- insurers iVir ' l1 ' »»<i't-. I Insurance may be effected for life and may be made payable to ».-v .•“‘J » imler nt yearn, f holder may direct. ■ HlO w uom the policy r Applications for Insurance mav l*p m-i 1 n ing Agents in Georgia. ' ‘ e md, ‘ the follow- Augusta—Charles Hall, \ Americus—ll.K. McOay. 1 Athens—Alhon Chase. Atlanta—A. .1, Brady, Banlbrldge—N. L. (’loud. Brunswick— Barkuioo Ac Wud- j dell. Columbus—Pond & Wilcox. Covington— E. F. {Swift. ( Tawtordville—J. M. Tilley. ; Dahlonega—W.C. Perry. Eatonton—R. F. Davis. | Elberton—A. L. Veril. } Florence—A.W. Hill. Fort Gaines—John 11. Jones. | Greensboro.—T.Cunniugham. Griffin—ll. E. Mu non. Hamilton—A. I'. Johnston, | Hawkinsville—O. C. Horne. Jackson—C.A. Nutting. | lAgranst-S. A. Durand px np,.ii_(}. y ~,) >• ! Lonisville-Pulhiu ,v cSL | M Ww Row ■ i Laurence. MilleilgeviUe— p jj , Mouroe-l), H. Walker; F, a j Oxford—M . ii. Williams I Berry—John s. Johao., ' l I Rome—R. T. McCay ' t j Sanderaviile-L A. 3end,to Savannah—Wiu. Kmu 1 Sparta—,l. 11. Burnet. I St. Mara s—John Bcusent Tallrottou—E. \V. Poe I Thotnasville—H. W. Sharp. I Wadhin^tos—G.G.N,,™; I West Point—J. C. W:.:t nu , Reports may be had, or any information given, by aim tionto CHARLES HALL, " ly Ak'i’i.t at Ang..,^ INSURE YOUR LIFE! SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMITY, Os Columbia , South Carolina. Hon. W. F. DeSaubsure, President. 1 F. W. Mo Master, Actuary. | Dr. John Fisher, Treasury / IHARLEB HALL, Agent at Augusta. W>offer • Y -■ I’O'O'i’Un- ; w f lit!:-' : O ; offices do against southern risks; we distribute our r*r--. to ail alike, while they give a smaller share to their s< utho members. We have as large a security for our risks as thev ■ V for theirs ; and no reason, except custom or habit, can be »'vr why’ our people should not insure at home. For particulars apply to CHARLES HAU feb26 ly AuguSa^a. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE (’ API I'AL Ii EITI LSE Nl' EI), $8,000,000. rpilE Subscriber is Agent for the following Insu v l in which he can Insure l.y the assistin',V the Augusta Insurance ami banking < 'otnpany aov , • to $80,040. of Fire. Life, River or Marit,,- risks ‘ Manufacturer's Insurance Co. of PhlJadt i:-ii a (i r. State Fire aud Marine 1 ’ I Exchange’ Mutual Benefit of Ni wJfr»-j cSSST Mutual Life of New York.... 7 - These companies are recommeuded by tru.itworthy ai / liable parties, as every way deserving the confidence or surers. c. b’. Md’AY. feb24 Secretary of Augusta Ins. and Banking (A Jllcbinncß. LANDRETH’S CELEBRATED GARDEN SEED. “ b'ins do not grow on Thin tic*." W E have on hand a large Stock of the above celebrated * y Seed, which has never deceived the expectations ' purchaser. We obtain our supplies directly from Mr.L a • dreth. It is unnecessary to say more abcut their quality. YVe have also received from the same source, a ait . ■ J ON ION SETTS, red and white. If you want seed that always produce good vegetables,can f and see us. Country merchants supplied on libera! terms. .janl6 BARRY & BATTEY, Druggiah. APOTHECARIES’ HALL. UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOT EL. fStllli pre > irietor of the above establishment invites the at I X tention of Physicians and Families to Mn well-sclc :r stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES. I‘AiNi- CALS, which he is prepared to sell on the im*t reasenai # terms. The Prescription department, together with the nreparati ■ of Pharmacopeial article.-', is conduct ed peraonuiiv by’Rtv'.’r A. S. Ravknsorokt, a graduate of the London'(Ullege id armacy. sep2*2 THUS. P. FOGARTY. DR. PROPHITT'S CELEBRATED LIVER MEDI ! CINE. I HIS Medicine is a safe and certain remedy for all kind* j Liver disease, and other disorders arising from thelnactiv j ity or disease of the Liver, such as Chronic and Acute lntlam- | mation, I>yspej>sia, Sick Headache, Sourness of the Stomach, j L oss,.i Appetite, Lowness of Spirits, Colic, Costivem-e®, Ai, aud may be given to any one, male or female, and at ail | riods, with perfect safety. It also removes all Blotches and us- I healtliy appearances from the skin, and leaves the pal la! f healthy and sprightly, Ac. My Liver medicine is purely vegetable—is put up in paa ■iges, and will be sent to any part of the United States, U postage, at $2 a, package, in advance, with directions. H : male Tonic, his AnodlnePain Killer, his superior Vt*’- u which is infallible, hi* Ague Bills, anti-Lvll\ous t\. Diarluea Cordial, all of which is prepared by O. S. Fr t. only, at Covington, Ga. Als \ the Canadian Ointment, the speediest remedy i * [ known, us an external application for all kinds of Pains. c ures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, and all other k , *f recent pains immediately ; and pain., of all kinds, A I and Chronic, are relieved bv the use o fit. Buy a buttle u; . and you will want more. Prepared bv o. S. Prophilt & tc„ Covington, Geo. All of tlie above named Medicines are all the time foist? by BARRETT, CARTER & CO., Augusta, Ga. myl4 da A RETIRED PHYSICIAN, SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS OF AGE, YVHOSE sands of life have nearly run out, d'vover m while in the East Indies, a certain cure for Cu tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Isolds, and General [>« ,' ty. The remedy was discovered bv him wln-n hU o.nlv chi! *. | a daughter, was given up to die. Wishing to do as much go I us possible, he will semi to such of his afflicted fcliow-beap | as request it, this recipe, with full and explicit direction* ! making it up, and successfully using it. He requires each a; I plicant to enclose him one shilling—three cents u> be I us postage on the recipe, and the remainder to be applied to the I payment of this aovertisemeut. Address Dr. 11. JAM Ss, ly Grand Street, Jersev Cl tv. .1. i »Pl 6 dim A N E YY AND VALUABLE REMEDY C 0 1,13 MB IAN BI r TTERS, COMPOSED STRICTLY OF THE CHOICEST VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND WARRANTED TO GIVE GREAT RELIEF l\ DYSPEPSIA, AND DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE OF THE STOMACH, Cl i'll as NAUSEA, CONSTIPATION, FULLNESS OF H BLOOD TO THE HEAD, GIDDINESS OF T U HEAD. DEPRESSION up SPIRITS. LOSS OF APIr TITE. PAIN IN THE SIDE AND BA<'K, FEVER A>. AGUE, GENERAL DEBILITY', and the “thousand ot: ills” arising from indigestion and enfeebled condition oft..- digestive organs. Habitual Costiveneasia found very fr- qi:t: ly connected with feeble constitutions, and persons of soU . tary habits, whidi oft«-n «.-\erts u very mduv.-r.. upon the general h<alt-hot the subject, and is purticLdc-‘ manifested by a restless anil desponding state of mind, irregu* tar, if not a loss of appetite. For this condition of tlie system, this ARTICLE ii w ; dently recommeuded with Hie positive assnranc* that, if the dose is properly adjusted, so as not to move the be well t Id E Tj I E F may be relied on. without any, even the least, of the nuples?- tint consequences resulting from the use of the coiutn-’n purs ing medicines usually resorted to Persons afflicted with HEMORRHOIDS. can partake of this medicine with safety, as ALOES forms s* part of its composition. S..!d by Druggists and Merchants general 1 , v. :n.J In A by ii a Vila nd. chicii ester a co„ wm. h. tctt. ind PLUMB A LEITNER. U \\ Ah’ M SPH IN<iS, MERIWETHER COUNTY, GEORGIA, WILL IJK OPKN MAY l»t, IS.'-. Volume of Water, Fourteen Hundred Gallons per Temperature Ninety Degree*. , r I!HK sui)scril>er having taken charge <<!'tl.<-:ib • • * • JL Springs would inform his friends, arid the p: blic ► ' ally, that he has entirely renovated the buildings, re-c©Lstrtt: ed and improvud the baths, ornamented the grounds. made it in all respects, a place to please the taste ami< the comfort of visitors. His preparations for the tabic are c■ such a scale as must insure satisfaction. A full swpj’rt competent servants have been engaged, ai/d every arrantf" merit made to render the Warm Springs »** attractive, bot invalids and persons in pursuit of pleasure, as to render it I necessary for southerners to go North to spend the auiDTL I "‘ThVwarm Springs are situated twenty *i* mil™ from (i- J neva, ami the same distance from I.aGrance. lotbMe pom | the access is bv Railroad daily :«ethe \\ arm Spm*- I I wifh trend can bt aud at moderate rate«v I Perab fin J’olnmfm" nr Grifflc, prefering to go by V- I - ... ~ it i the Warm Springs in a day’s ride. I mhib JOHN H. DAVIS. I e I THF EMPIRE STATE OF THE SOUTH AHEAD 1 lb Alt MAN V FAC T ÜBES TRIUMPH AN T w,i> km an VICTOR COOK STOVE, whichsdnilts I superior; is now being manufactured a! the Augur’, u :ks. Augusta, Oa., from Georgia Iron, and warranted t ,i,.il tii any made at the North lu workmanshipanddural).:' Svc are now receiving, and ahall keep constantly on lu: - full assortment of the above named Cook Stove, which we * furnish at wholesale and retail prices ur low as the same arts ■ (can i.e laid down here from the North. Dealers will main great saving by avoiding breakage intransp..nation, and tv-- keepers can always be furnished with any piece or sevioii - their Stove which may happen to get broken or burnt out. The public are respectfully invited to cal! and eiamicefv r themselves • W. H. MAHAKREV ,v CO oct" CHEAP GAS. fIAIIE undersigned informs the public, that he is sole A,'- J- for vending and putting in successful oja-ration, the u 1 Apparatus of the Maryland Portable Gas Company. liavirg tried it at ilia residence in the country, he can conthiently .v --that it is the cheapest, most brilliant and agreeable light - produced. The public are solicited to examine the same, ’ " ui successful operation at the office of the Chronicle A - v:: : and at Clara’s Hall, of Messrs, i.umhack A Cooper, in tms c..> Pamphlets giving full description of the apparatus, price, .v . can he had gratis at the office of the Chronicle A Sentinti. Constitutionalist, or on application to the undersigned, wi. » prepared, with competent machinists, to put them up at ml I residence at short notice, in town or country. WILLIAM SCHLEY, Jr.. Sole Agent- Augusta. May 14,1856. ts ri -»v ENGRAVING. , iU „, \ITEDni\Oi Visiting, Invitation and Business ( Aru W and B ILL H EADS, engraved l n al I atv les offaahion* and printed in a superior manner, by H HUGHES, Crfflce corner. j Specimens can be seen, and orders left at the St >re or novl CLARK. A CO., Jewelled- CANTON GINGER PRESERVES. TEN cases choice Canton Ginger PRESER) KS, !"' r ; ” ceived and for sale by . _ . .moiuiiri ap-23 DANTIGNAC A HUBBARD.