The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, June 30, 1872, Image 3

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CONSTITUTIONALIST SUNDAY* JUNE 30, 187557 New Advertisements. Planters Loan and Savings Bank—T. P. Branch, Cashier. Continuation of the QrandiClearlng Out Sale of Summer Dry Goods—At James W. Turley’s. Central Railroad Notice—Wm. Rogers, General Superintendent. Fire, Life and Marine Insurance — J. V- H. Allen, General Insurance Agent. The Bargain Counters at the Fredericks burg Store. Mason’s Improved Fruit Jars for Sale— By Jones, Smyth & Cos. All Imported — English Turnip Seed for Sale—By Plumb & Leitner. Fine Cologne for Sale— By Plumb & Leitner. Toilet Soaps for Sale— By Plumb & Leit ner. The Latest Styles—At Powell & Mul ler’s. Down, Down, and Still Lower—At Pow ell & Muller’s. To the Gentlemen—By Powell & Muller. Notice to Passengers and Shippers—By W. Stevenson, Agent. House Wanted—Address Key Box 87. Augusta, Ga. Dundee Bagging for Sale-By M. A. Stovall. White French Spirits for Sale—By J- W Kuckabee. Rice for Sale—By Hyams & Neufvllle. Notice to the Ladies—By McCabe, Cos tello & Daly. The Temperature. —The thermometer at the City Hall Indicated yesterday At 7:15, a. m.—7B deg. At 11, a. m.—B2 deg. At 4:15, p. ra.—B3 deg. Odd Fellows Election.—At a meeting of the different Lodges of Odd Fellow-' the city the following officers wer* ' Augusta Encampment, No- r ’- J ® 8. Levy, C. P. C, A Robb.-. " r J. M 8. W. , e. Wheeler, J. W- J C. Shecut, S T. M. Preval.T Gow Degree, No. 2, / O. O F H. W. Rich, 1). M H Rogers, A. D. D. M. T. M. Preval, D. TANARUS). M. Geo. W. Broad hurst, S J. C. Roberts, T. Washington, No 7, / 0.0 F S. F, Webb, N G. S. Sariiug, V- G. S. Leavy, T. E. Holliday, It S. J. Parr, P. S. Miller, No. 10, / 0 0 F. J. M. Weigle, N. G. W. Wallace, V. G. ,T. C. Roberts, R. S. G Evers, T. G. W. Broadburst, P. S. The Regatta. —The regatta, next Thurs day, bids fair to be an Interesting affair.— Three boats, the “ Lady Emma,” the “ Un dine” and the “Nellie,” all belonging to the Augusta Boat Club, have been entered for the contest. The “ Lady Emma ” is a paper shell, 17% inches wide, and 40% feet long. She will be rowed by the following crow: It. W. Robertson, bow; John Jay Cohen, 2; F. A. Garvin, 3; W. J. Cranston, stroke. The colors of the crew T will be blue and white. The “ Undine ” is a cedar shell, 22 inches wide and 43 feet long. Her crew will be as follows: G. E. Whitney, bow; 11. T. Campfleld, 2d; W A. Branch, 3 ; J. H. Cranston, stroke ; D. 11. Cohen, coxswain. Colors, crimson and white. Tne “Nellie” is a cedar shell, 21 inches wide, and 45 feet long. Crew: T. M. Jack son, bow; J. M. DeCottes, 2 ; C. T. Hol lingsworth, 3; 8. P. Weisiger, stroke; 8. C. Wilson, coxswain. Colors, orange and white. The course will be from the rear of Bt. Paul’s (Episcopal) Church to a point one mile up the river. The boats will start promptly at G% o’clock, p. m. A cannon will be fired as the signal for the start. The tub race will take place immediately after the boat race. The Stopping op Tkains on Wash ington Street. —We noticed the fact yes terday morning that the Charlotte, Colum bia and Augusta Railroad had decided to stop its incoming and outgoing traius for a few minutes on Washington street, In order to give passengers, who so desire, an opportunity to get off or on without risk of breaking limbs or endangering life. This is a step in the right direction, and we trust that the Wilmington, Columbia and Au gusta, the South Carolina, and the Central Roads will follow their example. Yet anoth er advance is needed, however. A neat substantial shed or local depot on Wash ington street would be of great convenience to persons waiting for trains or getting off in inclement weather, and its construction, if undertaken jointly by the companies above named, would cost comparatively little to each. We feel assured t hat they would be amply remunerated for this work |>y the increase of their popularity with thfl traveling public, aud hope that they will <*Jve the matter proper consideration. Getting Heady.— The Savaouali Adoer User of yesterday says: “The former crew of the dugout Nan nine, who pulled so well In the late regatta, were out practicing last evening in the paper shell Lucile. With additional prac tice and coaching they will make a strong crew, and will give their competitors some hard work. We learn that a boat from "Macon, with a crew made up from the Em pire and Ross clubs, together with a boat boat from Augusta, will visit Savannah and participate in the regatta at the Isle of Hope on the 4th of July. It Is not deft jittely stated whether the Couper Club will enter a crew, but we are able to announce that the Forest City Club will not be rep resented in the contest for aquatic honors. We trust that onr rising oarsmen will take hold of the affair spiritedly, and by their efforts make it an interesting event.” We think the Advertises• is mistaken In reference to the Augusta boat. The three boats of the Augusta Boat Club have en tered for the Augusta regatta, which will take place on the 41h, and we have heard nothing of the intention of the Germania Club to participate In the Savanna regatta. Stammering Cored.— Dr. Moses will re main in onr city but a few days more.— Those of our readers who are troubled with jui impediment in their speech will do well to nail on him at once. We have conversed with several persons who have been under his treatment, and they express themselves as greatly benefited. Try one box of McLean’s Universal Liver Pills. my9-2m* Stray Bits. —Council meets Monday at 3 o’clock, p. m. All petitions and commu nications must be handed in to the Clerk of that day. Four new lamps have been placed in dif ferenUparts of the city. The regalar weekly Inspection and drill of the police force took place at the City Hall yard yesterday afternoon, at fonr o’clock. Watermelons are being brought to mar ket in abundance. Yesterday was a dull day for local items. The new building being erected by Chris topher Gray & Cos. is nearly completed. It is a great improvement to Mclntosh street. Tuesday will be legal sale day. Peaches are selling in this market at twenty cents per quart. The new steam engine of Gazelle Fire Company, No. 4, is expected to arrive next Friday or Saturday. Candidate for the Gubernatorial Office.— lt will be seen by our telegraphic dispatches that John H. James, banker and Mayor of Atlanta, has announced him self as a candidate for the ofllce of Govern or of this State. By a special telegram we are informed that Mr. James says iu the letter making the announcement that lie does not feel called upon to discuss material issues. Iu Lis opinion Georgia needs a good, sound administration to relieve her people of heavy taxes. And he says he will devote all his energies to the task of restoring the credit, prosperity and honor of the Commonwealth. The Democratic portion of the people of Georgia have ex pressed the opinion through their primary county meetings that the Hod -T»" iea M Smith, our present Governor, is the right man In the right place to accomplish the purposes that Mr. James desires. A Curious Seamen op the Vegeta ble KiN«r>o*r — There was placed upon our yesterday a singular vegetable production. It consists of a piece of root of a Polonla tree, and in shape and color has a marked resemblance to the leg of a cow stripped of a portion of the flesh The tree from which this root was taken grew uear the brick wall surrounding the warehouse of Messrs. Jennings & Smith. The root had grown into the wall, and was so firmly fixed in it that a portion of the bricks had to be removed before it could be extracted, an operation which became neces sary, as it was cracking the wall iu many places by its advances. The Commercial Insurance Company. —Major J. V. 11. Allen having resigned the office of Secretary of the above com pany, an election was held yesterday to fill the vacancy, and Mr. J. C. Fargo was elected to the position. The Directors passed a resolution to go regularly into the banking business on the first of next Au gust., as they are authorized to do by their charter. This will be done In conjunction with ilieir regular insurance business. In the meantime all outside agencies will be suspended, and the insurance business will be conducted only within the limits of the city. Academy of the Visitation, Mount de Salks, Baltimore, Md.— We find the following in relation to the exercises connected with the annual distribution of premiums at the’above institution, in the Baltimore Sun: The highest honors in the senior circle, crowns and gold medals, were conferred on Misses Mary Gobright, Elizabeth Thomas, Jessie Nant and Rachel Simmonds, of Mary land ; Sallie Carter, of Delaware; Ida Crow, Kate Calwell, Helen Greer and Mary McTavlsh, of Maryland. Among the Juveniles, “for being sometimes good little girls,” awards were conferred on Misses Agnes McDowd, of Georgia; Grace Pauli, of Alabama, and Carrie Russ, of New York. The Fredericksburg Store —During the present week a greater vim than ever will be thrown into the bargain'connter fea ture of the Fredericksburg Store. The Messrs. Richards & Brothers have recently purchased a large supply of goods, many of which will be placed upon the bargain counters and sold at very low prices Black iron barege will bo sold at five cents per yard, lawns at twenty-five cents, puffed muslin at twenty-five cents, piques at fif teen and twenty cents, and other goods in proportion. Our readers should uot fail to visit this popular establishment. A New Post Office.— A new post office —called Stellaville—has been established at May’s Church, Jelll-rson county, Georgia, fourteen miles north of Louisville, on the road leading from the latter place to Au gusta Mull matter for Stellaville will be carried from Augusta via the Central Rail road as far as B irl.ow From Bartow it will be taken to Louisville and thence to Stellaville. Obadiah Lodge Benai Bertth.— At a meeting of the above Lodge last Sunday the following officers were elected : President—Dr F. J. Moses. Vice-President—Sam’l Levy. Secretary—L. Cohen. Treasurer—P. Morris Tyler—S M Myers. Cotton Gins — The attention of planters is respectfully Invited to the Cotton Gins manufactured in this city by Messrs. Neb litt & Goodrich. They are of the best pat tern and workmanship, and warranted in every particular. Old GluS repaired and renovated at short Dotiee on reasonable terms. je23-6 Neuril immediately relieves and perma nently cares Neuralgia, at 334 Broad street. my9-3m Fire, Life and Marine Insurance.— Major J. V. H. Allen having retired from the position of Secretary of the Commer cial Insurance Company of Augusta, has resumed his former general Insurance busi ness. His office is at No. 227 Broad street, opposite Masonic Hall. Ho represents a nnrabqr of leading American and European insurance companies. One Fare.— Parties wishing to attend the commencement exercises of Macon University and the Wesleyan Female Col lege, at Macon, will be passed over the Central Railroad for one faro for the round trip. Tickets, which will bo good until the 15th of July, can be purchased at Au gusta until the 10th prox. Death in Canada op A Former Resi dent of Augusta.— We learn that Profes sor Alphonse Gamier, who resided in this city a few years ago, where he taught the French language and where he married the daughter of one of our citizens, died in Ottawa, Canada, on the 8d Inst. Dundee Bagging. —M. A. Stovall offers for sale to the trade fifteen bales of best Dundee bagging. Planters Loan and Savings Bank.— Wo call attention to the advertisement of this institution, Notice to Passengers and Shippers.— Mr. W. Stevenson, Agent, gives notice that the steamship Sonth Carolina will sail from Charleston for New York next Wed nesday, at 2 o’clock, p. m. The Champion will follow on Saturday, the 6th proximo. Turnip Seed, Cologne, &c. Plumb & Leitner have received their supply of English turnip seed, of several varieties, which they will sell at low prices. They have also for sale fine cologne, toilet soaps, &c. Clearing Out Sale.— Jas. W. Turley will offer for sale during the present week several thousand articles at low figures. Dress goods of all kinds, lace shawls, cali coes, and parasols will be included in the sale. Sunstroke.— Yesterday morning a large mule belonging to Mr. Callahan was pros-- trated by sunstroke, and It was only after pouring water on its head for some time that it recovered. In Operation. —The new machine of the Ice Company was put in operation yester day. We understand that the ice manu factured by it is perfectly clear. White French Spirits.— Mr. J. W Huckabee has the above article, used for putting up fruit, for sale. Powell & Muller.— This enterprising firm offer for sale at low prices, a variety of fine dry goods. See their adverti.«' ,rr, ‘'"'" New Goods.—M Gastello & Daly have just reived three cases of assorted which will be sold at low figures. Improved Fruit Jars.— Messrs. Jones Forsyth & Cos. have for sale all sizes of Masou’n improved fruit jars, at low prices. Rice —Hyams & Neufvllle offer for sale 25 casks of rice, in lots to suit purchasers. McLean’s Candy Vermifuge is nice. my9-2m* BY TELEGRAPH. ASSOCIATE!) I‘HESS DISPATCHES, NOON DISPATCHES. New York Items. New York, June 29.—Governor Sey mour was last night installed as Tammany Sachem. In his address he endorsed the Cincinnati platform. Six hundred packing box makers struck for an advance of thirty three percent. Tom Scott lias succeeded iu getting con trol of another route to Philadelphia, via Perth Amboy and Camden A number of Irish citizens intend to issue a card urging their countrymen to desist from any hostile demonstrations on the 12th of July. Havana advices say it has been discover ed that Senor Caro, chief clerk iu one of the departments, has been holding con stant communication with the insurgents, and disclosing the plans of the Government for suppressing them. The Board of Trade brokers start a sub scription to day for the hoy O’Keefe, ap pointed to the Naval Academy by Con gressman Roberts. Texas News. Galveston, June 29 —The Civilian pub lishes letters, dated Fredericksburg, Texas, 19th, which state that Gen. McKensie, Lieut. Smith and eight men were surprised by sixty Indians, and killed, between Fort Belknap and Jacksonboro. Out of thirteen in McKensie’s party only three escaped Foreign. London, June 19.—Lord Tenterden and Sir Hounded Palmer left Geneva yesterday; Sir Alexander Cockburn, Count Schopis and Mr. Davis leave to day. The latter is going to Paris. Geneva, June 29.- Count Schopis at the rising of the arbitration today made a con gratulatory speech, that the knot which threatened execution of the treaty was cut. The Count has high hopes of beneficial re sults of the treaty to the interests of peace and humanity. Matamoras, June 29—The occupation of Saltillo by Trevino the Revolutionary leader is confirmed. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Indian Troubles. St. Louis, .Tune 29.—The Denver Tribune of a late date says editorially tliat various correspondents of that paper In Southern Colorado and New Mexico state that ex tensive and combined depredations are se riously apprehended in sparsely settled parts of those Territories. The Kjoskos, Arrapahoes, Cheyennes, Catnanehes, Nava joes and Apaches lmve held frequent coun cils during the past winter, at which it was endeavored to dissipate all trivial pre judices and effect a combination for a gen eral Indian war. Recent murders aud robberies in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and other pi aces are referred to ns as evi dence of the intentions of the|ludians, but whether a complete combination has been effected is not known. The Tribune further states that, a letter from a prominent United States official, dated Fort Sill, June 12th, says the warriors of the Apaches, Chey ennes and Arrapahoesaroorganizingos'en sibly for an attack on the Utes of Colorado, but, the writer thinks that a raid on the frontier is really their object, and he says the Government authority are doing all they can to break up their movements. New York Items. New York, Juno 29.—A committee of the Peace Jubilee, from Boston, arrived here to-day to wait upon Horace Greeley, and extend an invitation from the Interna tional Jubilee Executive Committee aod the city of Boston to visit that city. The committee have received assurances from Greeley that he will accept the invitatioo, and he will this evening de ’gnate an early day of next week for his visit. This has been the hottest (lav of the sea son. The thermometer registered 100. Several sunstrokes occurred. Specie shipments to-dav, $2,625,000. The Stock and Gold Exchange will ad journ over for the fourth of July only. William A Jones has been appointed Deputy Naval Officer in the place of Maj. Jas. Haggerty, resigned. Haggerty declares for Greeley. Four strikers who assaulted workmen who wouldn’t strike, to-day got ten hours each in the City prison Nothing especlpl new iu reference to the strikers. The stablemen still hold out. This raorniug the Eight Hour Leaguc*distrlbuted about $2,000 relief money. Many men have been unemployed over six weeks and have received nothing. Number of cabinet makers are expected to go back to the ten hours’ system next week. Many of the fur niture makers are finding it cheaper to get, their goods in other cities, some are buying in Boston. The Ronton Jubilee. Boston, June 29.—Mr. Gilmore’s benefit this p. in, was a comple ovation, more at tending than at any time during the festi val. All the popular elements including the anvil chorus wore on the programme. Gilmore’s own band of fifty pieces played the Tradella overture, and three other popu lar pieces were demanded of them which re ceived lliclr due share or applause. Pischka Leunataand ltudersdorf sang,and Arbuckle gave a cornet solo, and the foreign bands wero as usual encored. Gilmore was,pres ented with a floral harp aud Baldwin, super intendent of the orchestra, with a fine watch by members from other cities. Forty members of the Southern Press Association were present and were complimented with Dixie, by Gilmore’s band. The Jubilee is likely to continue until next Saturday. Washington News. Washington JJ une 29.—The Secretary of War departs to-night for Washington. The receipts from internal revenue to day were $643,183 01, making the total amount for the month $13,089,091 64, and the total for the fiscal year ending to-day $131,307,215 15, or over $6,000,000 in excess Os last year, The Weather. War Department, I Office of Chief Signal Officer, > Washington, June 29,1872. J Probabilities. Clear and partially clondy weather will prevail on Sunday over the Southern States, with light to fresh southerly winds. Areas of rain over the western portion, and light to fresh southerly to westerly winds over the eastern portion. Partially cloudy weather areas of rain and light to fresh southerly winds north and west of the Ohio valley. Clear and partially cloudy weather and light to fresh southerly to northwest erly winds for the Middle States. Clear and partially cloudy weather and light to fresh southerly to westerly winds for New England. Augusta Exchange. Saturday, June 29, 1872. TRANSACTIONS Off TODAY. Cotton—Spot. Middling, 24e., nominal; receipts, 6 ; sales, 13 bales. Financial. Gold—Buying at 112 and selling at 114. Bonds and Stocks Cal’ed. Securities. Bid. Asked. Georgia Railroad Stock 97 99 Central Railroad Stock lO5 8. &■ W. R. R 9O Mobile and Mont. K. R , pref. B3 Western Railroad, Alabama, 23 Banks and Facto National Bank of 14 ;’ ~ ( ,°‘ n, .“ U wd'e Manufac’iog Cos. 142 142% JiTiiT Paper Mills 37 Railroad Bonds. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, first mortgage.... 81 Stales. Georgia 7 per cent., new bond 9O Note.—For lull review of tbe markets, with cotton statement aud provision market, see first page. MARKETS. [by telegraph.] Financial. London, June 20—Noon.—Consols, 92%; Bonds, 91 %. Paris, June 29—Noon.—Rentes, 53f. 63c. New York, June 29—Noon.—Stocks dull. Money easy at 4. Gold strong at 113%. Exchange—long, 9% ; short, 10%. Governments dull and strong. State Bonds dull aud steady. New Orleans, June 29.—Sterling, 25. New York Sight, % premium. Gold, 112%. New York, June 29—P. M.—Money easy, 4@5. Sterling quiet and unchanged. Gold, 113%@113%. Governments advanced %@% and closed strong. State Bonds dull and steady with hardly any change. Bank Statement. —Loans decreased, $4,625,- 000 ; specie increase, $2,250,000; legal ten der increase, $1,000,000; deposits, increased $4,500,000. Produce. Liverpool, June 29—Noon.—Bread stuffs quiet. New York, June 29—Noon,—Flour dull and heavy. Wheat dull and nominal. Corn quiet and steady. Pork 'quiet at sl3 25@13 30. Lard dull; steam, 9%tff9%". Turpentine dull at. 50(351. Rosin dull and nominal at $3 05<33 10 for strained.— Freights quiet. New York, June 29—P. M. —Flour 104f20 lower; common to fair extra, $7 15wJ 9 35; good to choice, $9 40012 75. Wheat 12 lower; winter red Western, $1 63@l 65. Corn heavy,a shade easier. Pork dull at sl3 20013 25. Lard heavy and a shade easier Naval Stores dull and nominal. Groceries quiet and firm Freights quiet and steady. Louisville, June 29.—Flour dull aud unchanged. Corn dull and nominal. Pro visions firm and active. Pork, sl2. Ba con—shoulders, 5% ; sides, 7%@7%, pack ed. Lard—tierces, 9 ; kegs, 10 ; orders filled at % higher. Whisky dull at 85086. New Orleans, June 29.—Corn easier ; mixed, 56057; while, 69070. Pork dull; mess, sl2 ($5. Others unchanged. Baltimore, June 29.—Flour dull, lower and prices irregular; Howard | teed super fine, $5 500 6 25. Wheat dull and weak; choice new white, $1 85; old Western, sl|7o. Corn—white active and strong at 80083; yellow quiet at 64. Oats and Rye quiet and unchanged. Provisions very strong. Mess Pork, sl3 75. Bacon active; shoul ders, 6. Lnrd, 909%. Whisky quiet at 91. Cincinnati. June 29.—Flour in fair de mand and firm at $7 2507 50, Corn in fair demand and advanced, 49. Pork in fair demand and firm ; city, sl4 75. Lard firm and offerings light; summer, 8; steam, 8% ; kettle, 9. Bacon firm ; shoulders, 5%; clear rib sides, 7%; clear sides, 7%. Whisky in fair demand and lower, 85. Cotton. Liverpool, June 29—Noon.—Cotton opened quiet and easier; uplands, 11%; Orleans, 11%. Later— Cotton easier; uplands, T1%®11%; Orleans, 11%; sales,6,ooo bales and export, -1,000; market closed un changed; Bombay shipments to the 28th since last report, 27,000. New Youk, June 29—Noon.—Cotton quiet and a shade easier; sales, 535 bales ; uplands, 26%; Orleans, 26%. New Yokk, June 29 — F. M.— Cotton quiet ; sales, 889 bales; uplands, 24%; Orleans, 24%. New York, June 29—P. M.—Sales of cotton, futures, to-day, 9,150 bales, as fol lows : June, 24 15-16; July, 24%, 2413 16; August, 25%, 25% ; September, 22%, 23%; October, 20%, 20% ; November, 19% ; De cember, 19 5-16. The Express says the cotton movement for the week showed a marked decrease in receipts and exports, aud has dwindled down to insignificant figures much earlier in the season than usual. The weather at the South during the week was generally favorable to the growing plant. The mar ket is quiet and generally steady. The Na val Stores trade was depressed throughout the week, with little indications of recov ering during the coming week. Moderate demand for tine Rosin; strained dull.— Pitch and Turpentine flat. Savannah, June 29.—Cotton quiet; mid dling, 24; netreceipts, 154 bales; exports coastwise, 153 ; sales, 170; stock, 2,041. Norfolk, June 29.— Cotton quiet; mid dling nominally 24; net receipts, 51 bales; exports coastwise, 189; stock, 1,007. Mobile, June 29—Cotton dull; mid dling, 24 ; net receipts, 50 bales ; sales, 300 ; stock, 2,396. Baltimore, June 29.—Cotton dull; mid dling, 26; gross receipts, 6 bales; exports coastwise, 11; sales, 28; stock, 890. W n.MiNGTON, June 29—Cotton quiet; middling, 24%; stock, 1,084 bales. Boston, June 29.—Cotton dull; mid dling, 26%; net receipts, 62 bales; gross, 526; sales, 200; stock, 10,500. Philadelphia, June 29.—Cotton weak ; middling, 26%. Memphis, June 29. —Cotton quiet; mid dling, 25025%; net receipts, 168 bales. Galveston, June 29—Cotton nomi nal ; good ordinary, 20%; net receipts, 84 bales ; exports coastwise, 1,478 stock, 816. New Orlnans, June 29.—Cotton dull; middling, 24%; net receipts, 48 bales; gross, 115; exports coastwise, 411 ; sales, 400; stock, 26,431. Charleston, June 29.—Cotton dull; middline, nominally, 25; net receipts, 47; gross, 549; exports costwise, 50; stock, 7,963. Marine News. New York, Juno 29.—Arrived Main. Abyssinia, California. Arrived out: Europa, Java, Samaria. True Verbena Water. O *1? HIS CHOICE ARTICLE is recommended to the notice of Ladies particularly, as com bining the peculiar sweetness of the Flowers in a concentrated and convenient form. Sold by TANARUS, W. CHICHESTER, je'2o-lf Druggist. THE COUNTERS this week bending under BARGAINS. The lollowing items amongst them ; Gents’ Gauze Merino UNDERSHIRTS, 25 cents. Extra Super English Half HOSE, 25 cents. Lisle Thread Half HOSE, 40 cents ; regular price, 75 cents. Gents’Fine all Lineu HANDKERCHIEFS 10 cents. Six Cakes HONEY SOAP, id boxes, for 15 cents. Three Spools best American THREAD, all numbers, full 200 yards, for 10 ceuts. Ten Skeins SEWING assorted colors, lor 10 cents. Four Pap*'"’ oeßt English NEEDLES lor 10 cen t»- Twelvedozeu BUTTONS lor 5 cents. Fine PEARL BUTTONS, for Coats, Vests and Ladies’ Dresses, 20 cents a dozen. WHITE GOODS, TRIMMINGS, GIMP, FRINGES, at a mere fraction of their value. PARASOLS yet further reduced this week. Fine Real Llama LACE POINTS, less than hall regular prices. Best American GINGHAMS, 12% ; regular price, 20 cents. CALICOES less than in old times. All come THIS WEEK. This is the WEEK OF WEEKS FOR BARGAINS. Heal Genuine Bargains. BARGAINS THAT WILL PAY TO KEEP OVER if not in immediate want. Everything marked in plain figures. Don’t passs without lookiog through them. M°OABE, COSTELLO & DALY, UNDER CENTRAL HOTEL. je23-tf mar bargains IN SUMMER SILKS WE WILL OPEN THIS WEDNESDAY MORNING a large variety ot NEW AND DESIRABLE SHADES IS SUMMER SILKS, which wo will otter at 70c. per yard, being 30c. less thau regular prices. We also have a great variety of New Japanese* and Thread Poplin AND BERAGES, at 121-2 cents, 20 cents and 25 cents, and some very h .ndsome Silk Embroidered Grenadine*, at 30 cents, 35 cents and 50 cents. MULLARKY BROS. inyS-tf Election of City Assessor* Office of Clerk of Council. ? Acocsta, Ga., Jane 25th, 1872. $ The ANNUAL ELECTION for » CITY ABBESBOR will take place at the Regular Meeting of Council, on Monday next, July Ist. Candidates must hand in their applica tions to this office by 12 o’clock, m., of that day. By order of Council. L. T. BLOME, Je2s-td Clerk of Connell. TIN AND GKLAISS XpEACH PARERS, PEACH STONERS and HALVERS APPLE PARERS, with Cover and Slicer ICE CREAM FREEZERS ICE CREAM MOULDS ICE PICKS, WATER COOLERS WATERING POTS, BATH TUBS REFRIGERATORS, Tin TOILET SETS Tin and Iron SAUCE PANS MOCKING BIRD CAGES Wire FLOWER POT STANDS TRELLIS FRAMES, 6 feet high WIRE DISII COVERS, FLY TRAPS Landscape and Plain WIRE CLOTH, for Windows and Fire Place Screens Al'o, that spleudid Baking Stove, THE CHIEF COOK. For sale at D. I*. FULLERTON'S, AUGUSTA, GA. je9-suwf 1 rn*cß STORE TO RENT. ’The store no. isi broad street. Possession given immediately. Apply to or address J. W. THURMOND, Jeiffi wfsutf Key Box 74, Augusta P. O. MISQIUTO CANOPIES AND NETS. J. B. PLATT’S PATENT OPEN TOP. w E are now prepared to furnish the above Canopy, with Mr. Platt’s LATEST IM PROVEMENTS, which comprises an ORIKN-, TAL TOP FIXTURE, for all those who de sire the Canopy suspended from the ceiling, making it the handsomest fixture ever iu vented. Ills PATENT EXPANDER FRAME, one of the most important features evee applied to u Musquiio Canopy, is also ready for sale, and eau be applied to any of his irames pre viously sold. The EXPANDER keeps the netting out at full size qjptlie bed, which ob viates the closeness experienced by some un der nets as ordinarily used. This is the ONLY CANOPY ever invented from which Musquitoes cau be cutirely driven without difficulty. For sale by PLATT jell-2m 212 214 Broad street. Mansfield Altai rd, West End J ewelers 1416 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION O PARTIES VISITING PHILADEL PHIA TO THEIR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry OF RICH DESIGNS, BRIDAL OUTFITS IN Solid Silver Ware, etc. WHICH WE ARK OFFERING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO. FINE WATCHES OF EVERT MAKE FOR PRESENTATION, Etc. N. 8.-PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS RECEIVED BY MAIL. jel6-w&sa,nov3 Undertaking. We are now prepared to Furnish WOOD COFFINS, CASES, AND <J A S K K T S . OF OUR OWN MAKE, and from the best manufacturers, of all grades and styles. We have, also, FISK’S CELEBRATED ME TALIC CASES AND CASKETS. We shall make every t fie it to give satisfaction to our patrons iu this our new lineol business. We have expemne-.'d attendants, and hope to merit the attention ol the public. KtOG&ltS & DeUitAAF, jelO-.lm 141,143,145 Broad Street. EDWARD HAIGHT & CO., BA..N KERB, No. O Wall Street, (few York. F-IVE PER CENT- INTEREST allowed on Deposits. The business of our firm is tbe same as any Stale or National Bank. Individuals or firms banking with us may deposit and draw as they please, the same as with any bank, with this exception, we allow uterest on all balances ol 0 per cent. jett-Lf THUNKS, VI LISES, AND TRAVELING BAGS, IN EVERY VARIETY, AT LOW PRICES. WM. C. -1 RSSUP. je23lmif ■ fltlc**-,. OKIFFIN& lIOPPMAJV, NKWS paj-ku AnVKRTiaiNo ArENTs, AV). 4 iSotUA Street, Hautkoeb, Mb., arc duly authorized lo contract lor ndvertisemants at. our lowmt rates. Advertiser* In that city arc requested to leave t.lielr favors with tills house. This firm hau exceptional facilities for placinit advertisements cheaply, and wo take pleas ure in refcrrliiK all wlio desire to advertise in out of-town papers, especially those liar lug real estate to gefl—to these gentlemen. je2l ts Iliocolalc anil LofT«fi CREAM SODA WATER. Xl’ IS THE MOST PLEASANT, REFRESH ING and invigorating Beverage that can he used durin r the hot weather. Call and try it. No other like it. Sold by T W. CHICHESTER, Druggist, je2o ts 2SS Broad Street. W. J FARR’S EMPORIUM, 193 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. PRICES LOW. ianh-dtAetf KINO HOU Sl', STONE MOUNTAIN, GA. On the Georgia Railroad, 10 miles (his side of Atlanta, is now open to the public. The building is new, contaiua (sixty large rooms, and situated at the foot of the Mountaiu, which is acknowledged by all tourists to he one of (be greatest wonders of nature, sur rounded by gtaud and majestic scenery, with three mineral springs ot great healing powers. To the citizens of Angustn and vicinity who propose going North in search ot health, the strongest inducements arc offered. Fif teen or twenty large rooms can be spared at present. We refer to the following gen tlemen of your city, who will assuro you of the benefits already derived by their families, viz. : Peter Keenan, Esq., Dr. Joseph Hatton, J. M. Newby, Esq., and Thomas Armstrong, Esq. Katfs op Board—s4o per month. Special agreements made with families according to the age and number of children. Address E. T WHITE, je27-6 . Manager. Notice to Executors, Administrators, Guardians and Trustees. Ordinary’s Office, Richmond County, ) Adoosta, June 10, 1872. \ LL Executors, Administrators, Guar dians and Trustees of Richmond county are hereby notified that on or before the FIRST MONDAY in JULY they are required to make their Annual Return to the Court ot Ordinary, in accordance with the provisions of -Irwin’s Revised Code. BAMUKLLEVY, jc!2 if Ordinary, j EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society, .• OF THE UNITED STATES. Burely Mutual. [Dividends -Annual! v- — o Cash Assets $18,000,000. o NEW BUSINESS IN 1369, 1370 and 1371 THE LARGEST OP ANY COMPANY IN THE WORLD. o PLATT BROTHERS, Agents, 214 Broad Street , , AUGUSTA, GA. igy2_9-wfaulm THE Atlantic Coast Line PRESENTS TO THE SOUTHERN PUBLIC A SYSTEM OF PABBPINGER CONNECTIONS VIA. I , AUGUSTA AND WILMINGTON, ON AND AFTER JUNE 9th, 1873, FULLY EQUAL TO THOSE OF ANY COMPETING LINE! OBSERVE THK ARRANGEMENTS : JDoUBLE DAILY ALL RAIL CONNECTIONS Northward from Augurta, at 6:35, a. and 5:50. p. m, by THROUGH DAY TRAINS, aud PULMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THE NIGHT TRAINS, and the additional and—for many years—the entirely new op portunity of DIRECT CONNECTION by the 5:50, p. m., train, with the MAGNIFICENT BAY LINE STEAMERS, THE NEXT EVENINU, AT 7:30, P. M., FROM PORTSMOUTH TO BALTIMORE, FROM NEW ORLEANS and all maiu Southern Points, Schedules connect closely with both these Noitnward Bound Traius from n ;usta. The FINE EQUIPMENT of this Line, its FAST TIKE, IMPROVED EATING HOUSES, and the CHARMING VARIETY Which this BAY LINE CONNECTION affords, will, it is hoped, attract the atteution of SUMMER TOURISTS and PLEASURE TRAVELERS, while the FAST TIME AND SURE CONNECTIONS—ILL RAIL, Wille ramend that Line to BUSINESS MEN and WINTER TRAVEL. THROUGH STRAIGHT LINE AND ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS TO Virginia Springs, Niagara Falls, Saratoga, AND ALL PRINCIPAL NORTHERN WATERING PLACES, ON SALE AT ALL MAIN TERMINAL POINTS SOUTH. ForTIME SCHEDULES, PRICE LISTS, and all desirable information, apply to follow named Agents of the Line: T. LYONS. c Agent, Augusta. M. J. O'CONNER, Traveling Agent. A. C. LADD, Agent, Atlanta. BEN MOCK, Southern Agent, Montgomery. A, POPE,' jell-ts GNERAL PASSENGER AGENT. J. O. WINDER, (General Superintendent O. «fe A . R. 1 Important to Speculators. o W E have made an arrangement with Messrs. TALCOTT A K ETC HUM, of New.York city, by which we are able to offer euperior inducements to those wishing to Purchase or Sell Cotton for Future Delivery. Margins held in Augusta when desired. For further information call at the office or address FRANKLIN, READ & CO., declS-tf COTTON FACTORS. NO. IHI REYNOLDS STREET ENGLISH Stonewall Cotton Fertilizer. H AVING been used side by side with other first class Standard Fertilizers, and the testimony of ALL being that it is better than any other with which it has been tested, war rants us in recommending it to Planters as the BEST MANURE IN THE MARKET. English Dissolved Bone, A PURE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, of sterling character, manufactured from Cam bridobshikb Copiovi.iTics, very finely ground ready for sowing up land. SHELL LIME. FOR Agricultural and Mason Purposes. Ail the above delivered at any landing on th Savannah river at AUGUSTA PRICES. ALSO, DEALERS IN WOOD, SHINGLE-8, ETC., AND OWNERS OF STEAMER CLYDE. COLES, SIZER & CO., 14 MCINTOSH ST., AUGUSTA, GA. Warehouse and Wood Yard, Reynolds street, corner of Lincoln. mho-tf RICHMOND ACADEMY. r l 1 HERE will be a SUMMER TERM at this Institution, commencing the Bth of July and endiug 31st of August. Tuition for Summer Term, $lO. J. T. DERRY, je9-sutf J. A. A. WEST. ALBESPEYRES’ BLISTERINGa TISSUE. PROMPT and reliable ready spread Vesi cant Tissue, far preferable to the ordiuary Em plastruin Cautharldis. For sale by WM. H. TUTT, je2-tf 264 Broad st. Brookviile Flour, IN BARRELS A INTO SACKS. FOR SALK BY BRANCH, SCOTT & CO. mh27-tf FOR SALE, 500 BDLS. WALLIS TIES ALSO, 100 bb!s. Re boiled MOLASSES 10 bbls. “ Zeb. Vance” WHISKY e'23-12 T. W. CARWILK & CO. VIRGIN SALAD OIL. A.NDTIIRR SUPPLY 01 that FINE VIR GIN SALAD OlL—superior to any ever of fered in this market. T. W. CHICHESTER, jeaO-tf 288 Broad Street. WANTED, j\_ FEMALE SERVANT, cither white or colored. Good references required. Apply at THIS OFFICE. Jell-ts Sash, Blinds and Doors. WM. H. GOODRICH. 189 Reynolds Street, AUGUSTA, GA., ' _A_NNOUNCF,B to the public that he is pre pared to furnish a first-class article of home manufacture to those purchasing Sash, Blinds and Doors, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. my29-lmif Beautiful WINDOW SHADES any size. New WALL PAPERS and BORDERS, Lace < urtaiiis. Cornices aud Bauds 4 bromos of £re it beauty. New Goo s, pretty and cheap, at JAME't G. BAILIE & BROTHERS'. jell-lyif TWELVE TIERCES OF i CHOICE ' BEAR GRASS ” CANVASSED MAMS, FOR SALE TO ARRIVE BY Branch, Scott <& Cos jel-tf NOTICE, Greenville nod Columbia Railroad Company. The Stale, ex relatione the Attorney General, Plaintiff, vs. The Greenville and Columbia Railroad Compauy, Defendant. * James G. Gibbes, James R. Pringle and others. Plaintiffs, vs. The Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company and others, Dcfeudauts. The undersigned havlug, by order of hit Honor Samuel W. Melton, Circuit Judge of the Fifteenth Circuit, dated June 18th, 1872, been appointed Referee on the above stated eases to ascertain and report, among other things, the amount of indebtedness cl the Greenville aud Columbia Railroad Compauy, with authority by advertisement to require all creditors to establish their respective demands before him : Notice is hereby given to, all and singular, the creditors of the said Grecuville snd Colum bia Railroad Company, whether holding bonds of the first mortgage, bonds or certificates of indebtedness guaranteed by the State, bonds or certificates of indebtedness of the second mort gage, non-mortgage bonds or claims of any other character, to present and establish their respective claims before the undersigned ay referee, at his office in Columbia, South Caro lina, on or before the Ist day of October next, at which time his report on such claims vrtj be made up and submitted to the court iu e*” cases., , JOHN 8. Columbia, 8. C., June IVtb, 1872, je2B-d2w*c3m