The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, July 03, 1872, Image 1

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KY KrOCKTON & CO. LOUAL AGENTS. >• Mitchell, Athens, Ga. I Li ANf>itKWS& Cos., Madison, (is !K.!’iniN Shell, Covington, Ga. .] G. Cot.mviu.L, Thomson, Ga. Fokkuan, Euwjn A Cos, Washington, Uv James W Gor>KiNs,Grt‘ensborongh, Ga. VV. Scott, W .trn ntou, G.v ,J. ii. Burnet, Sparta, Oa. A. 11- Colton, Social Circle, Ga. Messrs. Griffin & Hoffman, Newspa pti Advertising Agents, No 4 South street, I Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to eon ! it ,ct for advertisements for the Constitu | tionalist at our toxoest rates. .JOB [PRINTING. The OonstitutioniYL ist Job Printing Office is prepared to execute | orders for doe Work [ ol every description in the best style and at the very lowest prices. Blank Books made to order. IVI nsio, Pam phlets and Newspa pers bound in the best manner. Terms oi Subscription " 1 """ * D ihy, one year |!00O •* 0 months. 500 “ 3 months. .... ... 2SO I Trt-Weekly, one year 5 00 •• 6 months 250 I Wee iv, one year .. 2 00 B | *• ft months 1 00 100 N STITTJ TIO N A b IST WKnivEsnty, ji i.v :t, is??. HERE .1 V/ THERE. I A fifteen hundred pig delights a rural Mown in Illinois. I Ni xt month lowa has a Slate billiard t ioumament. I Patti gets the largest salary of any sing tr in the world. ■ 'Tire value of gold at present in existence In the world is estimated at upward of 5,000,000,000 I England has exported in the last four 't oi hs $220,000 more tons of iron than at any orresponding time before. I Russia has given Knglish rail makers, ■ ntiy, orders lor 200,000 tons ol railroad nron. ■ Mrs 11. B. Lowry asks the county of rafoheson, N. C , to support her pauper chil pdreri. | A man named McDowell, of Macon gc-oiiuty, N C, is the father of twenty-seven hiidren and is seventy-six years of age, A tlery, untamed steed at Winona, Minn., phas bitten his master so that his arm has Bh'd to be amputated. A California lady purchased a chicken §jtf..r home consumption and found a piece of j>iai r gold, worth $5, lit its craw. K: i e European princes, none of whom, pl.'Ovevrr, belong lo reigning families, are glnavried to American ladies. I A M. Griswold, “The Pat Contributor,” Upiii poses to start a literary weekly paper *' Cincinnati, called The Wat Contributor'* mpate rday JViyhl. S-', Eight new railroad lines now In process bt construction in Tennessee, will bring that state into close commercial relations bvith all parts of the Union. A hundred families are about to start (run Hamburg and Bremen, to settle on lands already selected for them near Dallas, ■Vxas. I A burglar and the lady of the house Stuff i lie was attempting to buglarize ex changed shots in Jackson, Tennessee, the Ollier night. Neither was hit. I Hon. Solomon Kitchell would like lo t-< II a boot $75,000 worth of land in Sonth y* ißt Missouri, and fake his pay when Uree jpey is elected I A navy surgeon, In tin memory of his wife, has, It is stated, endowed a scholar ship hi the Philadelphia Medical College, drib 1 the Hannah Matilda Dodd. I The largest earnings in the history of lie Mobil*- and Ohio Railroad, were 1 hose Hu til'- year ending December 31st, 187 1, tiz $845,280 82. i The rails Pa trie learns that “ Monsieur Go. v. the great American farmer, was fleeted President of tin- United States at C uciunati, and will be installed at Wash fiigton in November.” ■ Katie Piituam, who went recently to 1 trope with her mother lor the summer, is h meet and marry m England Gen Penny packer, United States Army, to whom she Has been for some time engaged ■ “ A scalded cat fears cold wafer,’ and Chicago, mindful of its late pyrotechnic Jntastrophe, forbids the 11/.zing of any sort Oi fire-works within its corporate limits on the coming Fourth of July. I he California Legislature thinks it has Stopped betting on elections by making the *4 !. punishable by a fine not exceeding $5,- Q|>" ati.m of imprisonment not ex e. hug five years. 11 A >rrespondent says Miat New Mexico bn i supply of minerals that will bring the r> rgvof the nation there, and create a th ;1 civilization which Apache and .Na vajo cannot destroy. Il’ is estimated that the amount of money lost by employers from the recent strikes in New York city Is somewhat over two mil ions of dollars, and nearly that amount, in wages has beeu withheld from the era ployeee. t < arlisle, Kentucky, claims as a curiosity % man born at 0 o’clock on the olh of the rtx month in ISO 6, and now sixty-six years old, and having six letters in each of his odines He is certainly the sickest curiosity Wt have heard of. he Norfolk, Vs., Journal announces to the scientific world that the welding of cebper, which has occupied the skill and tki science of the world for centuries with out success, has been discovered by Mr. Geo; je Davis of that city. I It is mentioned as a curious fact by old woodsmen that the beech and sveamore trt .- are never struck by lightning, though found In close proximity to oak, hickory and trees or other species that have Ven •earned or torn to pieces by the subtle fluid. SiJenmark has a school famished for a thousand children. One session Is held in th. morning and another In the afternoon, and each session is attended by a different body of children, both I icing under the same general head. 'The pupils, therefore, attend school only half a day. The system is said to work well. Hit may not be generally known, says the Charlotte (N. U.) Democrat, that a sister of the great Dapiel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky, Is living in Caldwell county, N. C. Bhe has remarkably good health, is now 85 years old, and bids fair to pa:b a hundred, ife failji (ilonstitutioiuiHel |Fiom the Arizona Miner, June 8. Our Indian Policy. In Appeal to the Indian Department from Arizona. G.-ueral Crook, accompanied by one man only, started from headquarters Wednes day last, for Camps Hanlpai and Beale Springs, with the object in view, it is said, of organizing a small force to go ont against hostile Indians, and this movement of the general’s brings to mind the fact that several months ago he started in the same direction for the same purpose, and then, after considerable hardship and tronble in organizing a small force of Wal lapai Indians os scouts and guides, orders from Washington were received by him, directing him to stay warlike proceedings against the common enemy uutil such time as anew Peace Commissioner could come here and try what virtue there might be in “ moral suasion,” or something of that sort. That, commissioner—the gal a it General O O Howard—came, saw, but did not con quer a peace with the had savages, and, under date of May 9, 1872. spoke his senti ments (which are exactly ours) in the fol lowing communication : Hkabq’rs Department Arizona, > Prescott, A T.,May 9, 1872. V (Jen. George Crook, Camnmnding Depart ment : General: The object of the telegram of the 21st, to prevent collision, as far as pos sible, between the troops and Indians, was to enable the Secretary of the Interior to make one more effort to settle all trouble peaceably That effort has been made through me as special commissioner. As •obberles and murders still continue among the incorrigibly hostile, those who are not on reservations, and who will not go on reservations, there is no coarse left but to deal with them with vigor, according to vonr discretion, until the murderers and robbers, and those who sympathise with them, whatever tribe they belong to, be made to feel the power of the Government to punish crime. I will, in the name of the Secretaries of War and of the Interior, who sent me here with discretionary power, and in accordance with the spirit of the President’s order, relieve you from any thing In the said telegram that shall hinder this vigorous course. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, O. O Howard, Brigadier < Jeneral U. 8. Armv, Special Commissioner Indian Depart ' enl And now that Gen. Crook has again taken the field to accomplish a dangerous, difficult, almost thankless but necessary work, we, on behalf of the whites of this Territory, implore the authorities at Wash ington to act up to the spirit of Gen. How ard’s letter, as above, and our word for it Crook will not i>e slow to convince our erring red brethren that we and they have a Government whose laws and decrees must bo obeyed Aml the sooner the better, as the whiles of the Territories arc heartily -iek and tired of the cruel war that, has de sol.-iL-d Hi Territory and w< ighed down its Industrious inhabitants. Again, H Is not the policy of (Jen Crook to purchase peace at the sacrifice of blood and treasnre, if peace can be brought about in any other way, and lie thinks it can— By stocking the country with small par tit sof cavalry and keeping said parlies continually on the move, the hostile savages will bo “ stirred up,” so that this snmmer may not pass ere they shall come to sec the error of their way, when kindness, forgive ness, food and clothing will tie given them by the citizens, should Government fail (as it has often before) to fulfil its plighted faith. To do this, Gen Crook has brave soldiers, but is lacking In many things needed lay soldiers in a wild mountainous country like this, all of which we hope government will speedily fnrfiish. In conclusion, our citizens may now rest assured that, should there be no backing down on the part of the Government, from Its pijfiitehed programme, the day of de liverance for them is not far distant. The Apaches can be conquered by a show of force, if not by the miserable Colyer policy I PrrvmtliP Richmond Dispatch. “ You Owl ne if It Whar You look.** A m gro held a cow while a cross-eyed man was to knock heron the head with an axe The negro, observing the mau’s eyes. In some fear inquired, “ You gvvlne Idt what yon look V “Yes.” "Den,” said euffee, “ hold de cow yourself. I ain’t gwine to let yon hit me.” I he story Is applicable to Fornwy’s war He is making a great to do of his as sailing Hartranft, bat is so cross eyed In the business t hat Grant cannot but think the blows are aimed at him. In a philo Sophie article oslensiblV about HarlrAiill he makes the following remarks, which arc evidently more applicable to Grant, than to Hartranft: “When parly leaders, presuming upon past majorities, seize upon the machinery of party to subserve p. rsoual aims they do so at the hazard of the party’s success; for, although pal ly allegiance may be or dinarily counted upon In a fair contest, all things being equal as to parties, yet be neath the sot face there dwells iu t.he hearts of the American people an honest purpose, and over and above all devotion to party presides a spirit of exalted patriotism.” “Public opinion, being enduring and to'erant. of evil while the nation's life was in danger, has at last, been aroused to a sense of the danger nearer home. It will the con tin iid uce of plunderers in office. It will not submit, to the dicta tion of a ring manager whose very uame Is ■aynonymoiis with bribery and corruption It, will not consent to place lu the highest offices of the Commonwealth men Incapa ble or performing tln-ir duties; nor will it allow men of doubtful integrity to handle the public funds. “ Honesty is the watchword of the new reform, and the people will have it.” Speaking of wealth, what are Astor, Stewart, or the Rothschilds, compared to Ptolemy Phlladclphns, of Egypt, who amassed $850,000,000? And what are our young ladies compared with Paulina, one of the ton of Rome, who, when return lug visits, whore jewels wort h sßoo,ooo’ Mr. Stewart’s new house in Fifth Avenue may have cost $500,000 ; yet Oodlus paid $050,- 000 for his brown stone on the Palatine, while Messala gave $2,000,000 for the house of Antony. Seneca, who was a plain philo sopher, was worth $12,000; and Tiberius left, $120,000,000. But Marc Antony! Whew ! When he was a young gentleman, and before becoming a member of any • ring,’ he owned $14,000,000, and purchased the friendship of Qoaesor for $2,500,000. — This, however, was nothing, for before he got through he squandered $720,000,000 of the public money! An Englishman will toll you that an Americar. at the table is a barbarian. He, the savage American, cats with a knife, stuffs himself at railroad speed, and ex hiblts the untamed propensities of his na ture In a hundred other ways. But at a leading London hotel I saw and he ard the young bride of an order bedecked scion of English nobility blow her nose with a ring that wll nigh shook the plates, at taole d’hote, at least half a dozen times, and no body even raised their eyes In token of surprise I afterward learned that her father’s family represented some of the best, blue blood of the realm, and that she was literally “ the daughter of a hundred carls.” But she sucked her soup with a noise like that of a young whirlpool, and did not hes itate to dig at her teeth with a cedar splin ter betweeu the curses. [ Chicago limen letter. The house David Grockett lived In when a member of Congress from Tennessee Is still standing in Gibson county AUGUSTA, CCA... WKDJSTKSDA.Y MORN I lsTi. JULY .8 187‘J. I New York Tribune Letter. The Preurtinien nt the Jnbtlee. It was a dfferent but not less magnetic sensation wheu the French baud carne marching ont. And had you beard the chorus shout, and seen the white flags all about, and heard the tumult and the rout, as French and fine the dashing line’mid this acclaim toward us came, you, too, would have joined In the wild bravos which made the silken banners shake over our heads. They wear a handsome uni form, these handsome Frenchmen—dark bine and gilt; their white pompons arc light and graceful, not heavy like the nod ding plumes of the other military bands. They have plenty of French vivacity and enthusiasm; and their eyes kindled when they heard the rousing welcome with which they were received. They were encored again and again, and again—T think they might be playing yet but for the firm will of the bandmaster, who marched them off at last, amid renewed huzzas, more white handkerchiefs and general clamor of appre ciation. Their playing was marvelously good. If to see them should have delight ed a deaf rnan, to hear them would have blessed one. Now and theu came, for a moment, a hush in the music—a breathless eestacy of silence, through wtiich one faint, farj-off sound would steal after another, uutil at last, In a full burst of harmony, the whole tide of music broke wave-like upon the air, and the great congregation breathed freely again. Scientific Aids to Swimming A French inventor has patented an apparatus for swimmers, but- we think any frog might; briog an action against the mau for in fringement of a device secured to thebatra chains by endowment of nature. For the hands he has a large membranous fin, which is held in its place securely by loops passing over the fliigers and a strap around the wrist. The surface presented to the water by these tins is so large as to add greatly to the effectiveness of the strokes of the arm, but hot so large as to exhanst the muscular power. Their effect is to reduce very much the effort required to swim without, them. But the greatest ingenuity is displayed in the form and fit ness of t.he fins for the legs, which are at tached to the ankles, and so formed that they act upon the water, both in the move orient of bringing the legs together and throwing them back. They act finely in “treidii g water,” as swimmers call it, I that one can redly walk, il not on the water, at least in it. The difference be tween swimiug with the apparatus and without it, is very much like toe difference betweeu rowing a boat with a handle and the blade of an oar. The swimmer has no trouble in usiug the tins at, first trial, and is snpprised to find with what ease lie can swim without exhaustion. He easily swims twice as far with the apparatus as without it., Imd he can sustain himself four hours upon the water, or swim miles with it. mm~ BAktims IN SUMMER SILKS WE WILL OPEN THIS WEDNESDAY MOBNING a Urne variety ol NSW AND DKNIIUBLE SHADES IH HUMMER SIL'KH, which we wili offer at 70c. per yard, being 30c. leß3 than regular prices. We also have a great variety of New Japanese, ami Hit fad Popiin AND BEBAGES, at 12 1-2 cents, 20 cents and 25 cents, and some veiy b ndsome Bilk Embroidered Grenadines, at 30 cents, 35 cents and 50 cents. MULLARKY BROS. myß-tf LEECHES, SWEDISH ONLY. Just received and lor sale by WM. Jrl. TUTT, 201 l{rwn<l jt-7 tf Notice to Kxeaitors Administrators, Guardians and Trustees. Ordinary’sOfllee, llic.htuoiid County, ) Adoosti, Jods 10, 1872. S Executors, Administrators, Guar dians and Trustees ol Richmond county are hereby notified that ou or before the FIRST MONDAY iu JULY they are required to make their Aduosl Return to the Court of Ordinary, in accordance with the provisions oi Irwin’s Revised Code, 8A M UEL LF.VY. je!2-tf Ordinary. ROGERS & DEGRAAF, FURNITURE DEALERS, HI, US, H 5 BROAD STREET, A.TJGrTTSTA, GEORGIA. W E invite the attention of the public to our very complete stock of FURNITURE, which • mbraees all the articles usually found in a firea class establishment. We have Just received an assortment of line CHAMBER SUITES. NEW STYLES. Call mud examine our stock and judge our prices. ujy7-tutk&a3ru MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY* Legalised by i. tata Authority and Drawn in Public in St. Louis. Grand r*-in.jj;le Number Scheme. 50,000 NU AIJJ JititS. Class V, so be Drawn June i9lh, IB7il. 5,850 Prize3, Amounting to $300,000. 1 piizeof 150,000 500 prizes 0f... SIOO 1 biz. of 18,450 0 prizes of-. 1,000 l prize-of 10,000 9 prizes of— 500 1 pnz. ok 7,500 0 prizes 0f... hOO 4 prizes 0f... 5 000 9 prizes of.-. 250 4 prizes 0t... 2,500 36 pnz a 0f... 200 20 priz sot 1,000 36 prizes 0f... 150 SOpiizreol... 500 180 prizes 0f... 100 40 prizes 0f... 540 5,000 prizes of 10 Tb-ke#*,; $lO 5 Half Tickets, $5 J tlusr ters, $4 50. Ogp Our Lotteries are chartered by the State, are always drawn at the tune named, and all drawings are under the upervlsion of sworn (JounuLssiouei-R. The Official Diawing will be publi h,-d in the M. Louis papers, ami a copy sent to pur chasers ol tickets. jffrJ ” We will draw a similar scheme the hist day "I eve, v month during the year 1872. StgpU' Remit at our i isle by POST OFFICE MONEY ORDERS, REGISTERED LETTER, DRAFT or EXPKF.SH, Send for a circular. Address MURRAY, MILLER & J St. i.ouis, Mtsscui Pußl f ifilce Box 2,416 aplti-dl utlisuAcly —-- - - * Rockbridge Alum Springs V r IK<4INI *. OPEN .111 N K 1, 1872, I Hi3 favorite and celebrated Watering Mace will offer addUioual attractions this sea son. Arin-ng otlici imprnvcDieuis, there has be* ii added an . levant, and spacious hail room, adjoining the parlor; the parlor ha-* bee?: en larged and lunch improved, and the proximity ol the Iwo renders each easily accu. sitile. it will he kept in a style not surp is seal anywhere in Vir; inia. The waters ol these special springs either cure or greatly relieve most cases of Scrofula, Incipient t’onnDtnption, Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic I, ii'yugitis, Chronic Pneumonia, t’hron e Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhm.i, Citron in Dysentery They an also a great value m those ilhctious which arc peculiar to the female con-t'nutiou, and as in appetizer, . tonii md general restorative, they arc, per haps, unrivalled amongst mineral waters The proprietor will have provided for the lawns lod hall room a first, ' lags hand of mu sic, and in general all the sources of amuse uterit and recreation usually fo'nnd at. our best .-nminer rcs-orts w ilt ho at the coiuiuaud of the guests at “ Rockbridge ” The place is withm eleven i.o thirteen hours of Rich mond, Washington, Biltiinore, etc., by rail, all in tin flight. Passengers leave the cars oi the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad at Goshen Depot, and new and elegant stage coaches, passing rapidly over a smooth and level road id only eight miles, set down the visitors at the JSpiiiii i to lea JAMES A FRAZIER, Proprietor. Persons making use ol the grounds ot the Springs, and not stopping at tuy Hotel, will be charged hair my regular rates. The Rock bridge Water is for sale by BAR RETT, LAND A CO , August.i. Descriptive pamphlets sent free upon appli cation. jelsatulhlm While Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County. West Va., Fa VIOTIS for their ALTERATIVE WATERS aud l'a-hionable patronage, are now open. They are 2 000 feet above tide water, affording entire rebel from prostrating sum mer heat. Capacity lor 2,000 persons. Chakgbs—s3 per il <y and SBO per month of 30 day s. GEORGE L. PEYTON & CO., myliO-fiwtbsatu Propi ietors. GEORGE PAGE & CO. AJ AarFACTTKEH-S OF Pu PM Fortable Circular Saw Mills, j-tationary ami Portable rp~inHiliT'-i STEAM O HIST MILTS, Sc. /ik Nq- 5 Sehrooder w Saul for Catalogues and Price-Lifts fcbJd-tuthsaiwly . - bPONGES. SchooI,BORGEON nn-t BATHING. For sale by WM. H.TUTT, je2 If 264 Broad et. NOTICE. Ordinary's Office, ( Columbia (Jountt, Gburgia. y JD ROM and after this dale, Juno 1, 1872, the Legal Advertlscu nta of this office will be published iu the Constitutionaust uowb paper W. W. SHIELDS, jal iUeiin Ordinary Columbia County.* Buy Your Furniture UEFOKhI The Advance Prices Take Place. W E will sell our FURNITURE lor the next sixty days at such prices as cannot be purchased lor tho next twelve mouths. Now Is your time to buy. PUTT RKOTHERS. J2fl-2m • BANKS & BROKERS. Gh GURRY’S EXCHANGE BANK, m . 105 BR0AI) STREKT, AUGUSTA, GA. J_NTERRBT allowed on Deposits by special agreement. Bonds and Stocks bought and sold on commission. Reveuue Stamps ior sale. Buy and sell Exchange on New York, Savannah aud Charleston. Also, Foreign Ex change. aoun *■ conus. | PHILIP u conus JOHN JAY COBBS. JOHN J. COHEN A SONS* BANKERS AND BROKERS, tGnk of Kxchaiiee aud Deposit. TTaVJUNG provided ourselves wiim a UrsL class Hearing’s hurglat ana Fire Proof cate and Vault, we are now prepared to do General ii.inbaug and Deposit Bustutso. We allow INTEREST ON DEPOSITS by special agreement. FOREIGN EXCHANGE sold on England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany. We BUY and SELL EXCHANGE on New. Y rk. Charleston and Savannah at current rates. COLLECTIONS promptly at leaded to. REVEN U E STAM PS FOR SALE. STOCKS, BONDS end SECURi rIES bought aud cold on commission. NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT, NAXiON AL PARK BANK. ieb27-ly NATIONAL BANK O ¥ AUG U B 'l'A. All G U8 r PA, O A . W.E Jackson, Pres’t 14. M. Thbw, c .Tmi A. C. Bkahk, Assist’t Cashier Capital ----- jS&'MLOOO. Surplus -JOO.OOO* G<dd and Currency Received on Deposit |au7-ly PRKHGKI *TIOJMS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. FiLaVING sec ured the services "I Mi C. H. AI.LISN, au *>ld and uccompiisheil Dm: gist, he will give Ijir special atteuU'm to my Pi < scription I h-partuu nt. J.-W IM.ICKABKK, apl-* Ll 164 Bread si reel. ARCTIC SODA WATER Wiiii or WitUoal SlnvedSSi,r i , J. W. t LLJCIC A 1 i ICIC. a pi 4 it CAGE MATS, ly 1 * R the b;lt<.ms ol BIRD CAGK.s, Wate r md Vermin Proof. Every one that baa u bird should have them. Cb< ap nml drsii able. Sold Oy T W. CHICHESTER, npfili I>i ugni-t. GLYCERINE LOTION foi the Skin. ATWOOD’S TOOTH WASH, the best .n ti de ever offered in this market. For sale by TANARUS, VV CHICHESTER, feh>s-tf Druggist. TitITNKS, m m &&mi m <2 AM> I RAVEI.ING BAGS. IN EVERY VAR.ETY, AT LOW PRICES mv22 lialf 4 Ml. WOLF’S CJeLEBRATED SCHIEDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, UK) eases. For sale by VVM II TUTT, p 2 tf 26 1 Broad sf. LUBIN’S EXTRACTS. JIjNGLJSH TOOTH BRUSHES French TOOTH BRUSHES IVORY HAIR BRUSHES FIAT BRUSHES BONNET DUSTERS ivory Fine combs DRESSING COMBS, large assortment PUNGENTB, silver and gold cap PUNGENTB, GLASS STOPPERS Goudray’s SOAPS, POMADE 0 , Ac. Pivers & Pinaud’s SOAPS, POMADES, Stc. Doriu’s ROUGE and BLANC de PEKLE Lubiu’s SOAPS Vinaigre E. Coudray A LA VIOLEI.LE Bociete HYGIENiQUfJ OIL Fine TOOTH POWDERS Rich TOILET GOODSJ Druggist ©undries, <fcc For sale by WM. II TUTT, je2 tf 204 Broad street. OND’S EXTRACT. FRENCH TOOTH PiCKS. t’EARL BARLEY. PEARL SAGO. QUEEN’S DELIGHT, lor the Biood. GARLICS For sale bv T. W. CHICHEoTER, aps-tf 2sß Broad street. J3athing and school sponges, TURKISH BATHING TOWELS, FRENCH SILK FACECLOTHS, CHAMOIS SKINS. Foi sale by T VV. CHICHESTER, fcb2S tf 2SS Broad Street. NEW GOODS. A. FULL I.INK ot Childrens and Boys ATS , spring styles, juHt received at J P. BURNSIDE’S, fehlK-tf „ 222 Broad street. CANTON MATTINGS. New <4ooJ* for h|irluif Trade. RESIi RED CHECK MATTINGS. FRESH WHITE MATTINGS. FRESH FANCY CHECK MATTINGS, All widths made, Just opened at JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER’S. AJ.SO, 40 Rolls MATTING, at sl2 a Roll, of 40 yards sp4-3mlf CASH’S Rough bath towels. White aud Colored. For sale by WM. H. TUTT, jrfi-tf 264 Broad st. GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINK. / CHARLESTON, S.C. TO Also FitOM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, MISW YORE, BOSTOM AND ALL THh NLW ENGLAND fel AND FAGTUBING Cl /lb • T~ WIC EA A. WE EkC W Ljl>iN K-L> A YaND iSA L UKDAYcs. ELEGANT STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. Sea Voyage 10 to 12 Hours Shorter via Charleston. Total Capacity, 40,000 Monthly. THE SOUTH CAROLINA R. R. COMPANY, And <-<•Hiieetio Roads W. t, in alliance wilf inn Fitetot Thirteen First Class t-u-a-u.-n.i--8 to the above Ports, invite aueutiou to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to Utc business public in the Cotton Stit--s at the n €"Si? J® tlfferirig facilities ot Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and fa -.aigers not c -.cebed oi excellence und capacity at any other Port. The following Sjilendid Ocean Steamers arc regu larly on the Line: "TO NEW YORK. Ma.iliattan, Oeorgiu, M. s. Wooom m., Comm mdc • Uhowcu., Commander. OliainpLoTi, South Oaroli-Uci, uAv. .Lockwood, 1 J UEt:KETT ’ <lluu*lestoTi, CJLycie, D . J. KftNNifiDk'. C..uuiuj.fuu* r. J AMIS.S BkllKi', Comi>MDi.T * James Aslilaud, •1 t wT.ou, Coiuuiai-'i* i-- Inouam, i omt,voider. JAS Alm; It K A CO., Agi in , WAG N RK, C( ) A , Chitrlt ,<!in, 8 WM. A. COl) KiRNA V , j Chat leston, 8. C. TO EMIL-A DEI—MMiA IRON trl’KAMSnirS. Virginia, Oult Stream, Hincki .nr, rommnidi-r. Ar.EX. 11 dntbk, Commander. Rviuvn Days -'('HURSDAYS, WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. (. TO BALTIMORE. 14 'ti leo n, M ary lan< 1, H Airing, Commander Johnson, Commander, ©Of t Cl fill, Dutton, Connnandei. Sailing Days—Every Fifth Day PA UL C. TRRNiIOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. K ite# guaranteed as low an tho-.r of Competing Lines. Marine Insurance, one-half of one per cent. rmtOGGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKKTS Can be 11 id at all the principal Railroad tMfices in Georgia, Alabama,Tennessee aud Mississippi. State Rooms may lie secured in :advance, without extra Charge, liy addressing Agents "I the Steal asliqis in t; liar lesion, t whose -hlieeß, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets should he ex changed and Berths assigned. I lie Through Tickets by this Route include Transfers, Meal-', -anil Stall Room while on Ship Bom and. TI 110 8< fill! I OA Ir< >IJNA KAI LKOA'IV GEORGIA RAILROAD, Aad theii connecting Lim-s, have largely increased their f.iciliiies (or the movent.nt "1 Freight and Passengers between the Northern Cities and the South aud West. Comfortable Night Cars, with the Holmes’Chair, without extra charge, have been introduced on the Soff.h Carolina Railroad. Kir.-1 Olttss Eating Saloon at Branchvillc. Ou tho Georgia Railroad, Kifl Ci:u- ■ '.'ar.- Fo eht (.rompUy !ra;.ale! red from Steamer to day and night tr tins o| the South I u-otb-.a liaili'f-id (go - connect ion made with other Rotds, delivering KreiVbta and di-l lot points widi great pi oniptneea. Tin- Managers will use every exertion to satisfy He ir Patrons tliat th< Line VIA (: l! A K I.ESpi >N canuot be surpassed iti Dispatch and the * Sale Do livei y ot Goods. For further in tor million, apply to J M. 8 ELK IRK, Superintendent, Charleston, S. c.; It. I) IIoSEI.L, General Agent, P. ft. Box 4979, Office 317 Broadway, N. Y.; S. B. PICK KNrt, f-i. neral Passenger ->ud Ti'-ket Agent, South Carolina Railroad. ALFRED L. TYLER, VICK PRESIDENT SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, i-.r -1 wfsitAnt _ Charles tow, 8 * “ATLANTIC COAST LINS” pitKifiiiT ttoum V I Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta, TO A.N L> PKOMfi MHliiili, PHIMHI’IIIA, W KIM, HBKI A-ii* 1. all Eastern Cities, AND ALL POINTS SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST, Ovtjr the WILMINGTON AND WF.LDOJ aud WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AMD AUGUSTA RAILWAYS aud their Connections. A.N ENTIRELY NEW J.INE ot independent connections from tide-water at Wilming ton, N. C.,’and Portsmouth, Va, and ot unbroken gauge from Wilmington, transporting Freight, without transler or detention, to and from all inteiior points. The managemen. of this line pre-eut it advantages to the Southern Public upon the >s ent auce ol careful and quick transportation, uniform, rates with all competing line a, the low at current insurance , and so perfect i sy tern of .n. unship eounections at Northern Ports as to enabh- Kills of Lading to be r-igned md goods formardedjlaily, by one or the other of our routes, over both of which EXPRESS TRAIN TR V NSPORTATION i given to Columbia, 8. G'., aud Augusta, Ga , there connecting with Fa t Freight Schedule to terminal points. Observe the FollowingyExcallenc Schedule of Connections via Wilmington and Steamship Lines: With BALT I MORE—By the South- 1 n Steamship u'o.V Steamers Lucille, Rebecca Clyde, Botivit, leaving ea, h port every lived iy-; Andr.-ws A Cos., Agents, 73 Smith’s Wharf, Baltimore. With PHILADELPHIA -Southern Mail Steamship Co.’s Steamers Pioneer, leaving each port every ten days; W. L. James, General Agent, ISO South 8d street, Philadelphia. Also, through Andrews A Co.’s Baltimore line with Shriver’s Daily Propeller Line, without Urayuge In Baltimore. With NEW YORK f. irilhud’s St.'aiurthip Lure of Fii at Claa, Iron Steamers, Benefactor, Regulator, Volunteer, Fanila, and two additional ships now building, leaving each port every f.nir days ; 11.8. Ohl, Agent, Pier 33 East River, Wilmington and Atlantic Steamship Co,’ Steamers Metropolis aud Equator, leaving each pore weekly ; Washington A Cos., Agents, 17d Greenwich street, Pier 12 North River. l’be steamships of these lines, being built exclusively for freight transportation, carry all classes ot Freight in unlimited quantities. Via Portsmouth and Inland Air Lino. With BALTIMORE—Via Bay Line Steamers, daily; K. L. Poor, General Agent, Union Dock; K. Fitzgerald, Contracting Ageut, 151 West Baltimore street, Baltimore. With PHILADELPH IA- Aunaraesstc Line, tri Weekly, John 8. Wilson, General Agent, 44 South sth street, Philadelphia,; Clyde A Co.’s steamers, semi-weekly; Clyde A Cos., Agent?, 12 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. With NEW YORK. - Old Dominion Steamship Co.’s Magnificent Steamers Wyauoke, Ni agara, Isaac Bell, Saratoga, Hauents, Old Dominion, having a capacity of 15,000 bales cott-rii per week, h aving each port t-ri weekly all tie- year round, and oftener as necessity deruauda. Freight reeetveil daily at 3)3 Broadway, 137 Greenwich street, Pier 37 North River. Wjth BOSTON Vbi Boston uni Norfolk Steamship Company’s Steamers, leaving each port tri weekly , E. Saiupsou, General Agent, 55 Central Wharf, Boston. With these porlcet steamship connections, Freights are not exposed to the rimrs of weaUi er or dray-age transient. Ilu ough Bills La.liug are issned to all points common to competing lines. Ratos, C’lafsitieatious, Shipping Directions, 'lags, Stencil Plates, Ac., furnished on ap plication to the undersigned fir- Agents mined. Mark your goods via “ Portsmouth and Wtl* iniugton,” or via “Stetnisliips to Wihnington,” as you may prefer, and direct Bills ol Lading to be forwarded to A. POPE, General Freight Agent at Wilmington, N.C., and they will-avoid all detention. The following Southern Agents of the Line can furnish all necessary informa tion, as will also Agents at all railway stations : T.U. JAMES, Traveling Agent, Columbia, S. 0.; J. A. SADLER, Traveling Agent, Char lotte, N. 0.; A. 0. LADD, Local Agent, Atlanta, Ga.; BEN MOOK, Southern Freight and Passenger Agent, Montgomery, Ala- All claims lor loss, damage and overcharge promptly investigated and settled by the un dersigued. T. LYONS, A. POPE, AGENT, AUGUSTA. GBNKKAr. TKKIGIIT AGKNT OFFlCE,?3l|Mclntosh street, feb4*3nt VOX,. 29—.N0. 14.3 N O 1 1 (JE TO FflllffiPliUlllllfflP® ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Agency of Wilmington, 1 CnlambL unil Align:ta Railroad, J ACBCSTA, (La., Ap;i) lith, 187& J r~V LI. FREIGHTS to or Irom PHILADEL PHIA (mi Portsmouth and Wilmington) are shipped with (be utmost dispatch, and are iu sured (except Cottou specially ordered via Cly de Steamers). Merchants shipping to o ordering from Philadelphia will get informa lion_ by applying this office. The "Coaut Liue” has also a tri-weekly com muunation direct (via Wilmington and Ports mouth) wim BOSTON. Shippers to or from that point have great advantage by this route on account ol iri Steamers. L or luiormauun apply to T. LYONS. aplß-ti AGEN T. FOE SAVANNAH AND WAY' LANDINGS. StEA M EK KATIE leaves every TU ESDAY MORNING at 5 o’clock STEAMER ROSA leaves every SATURDAY MORNING at 5 o’clock. Goods consigned to Messrs. LAWTON, HART <fc CO, Agents at Savannah, will be for warded promptly. There will be no change in rate ol Freights. JOHN M. MARTIN, Agent, inys-ly Office No. 271 Broad street,. TO JN EW YOKK I Atlantic Coast Line ftailroa<h Q UNSURPASSED FOR SPEED, COMF ORT, SAH T Y AND RLLIABLE CONNEC HONS. Via Columbia, Wilmington and Weldon r iH _JL AKK Columbia and Anpnsti Iren at Union Depot, at 0:45, a, m. Through to Wilmington without changing cars. . Splendid Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. Double Daily Trains from Columbia North by this route at 11'40, a m , and tehO, p. m. Time as ,q tick and fare as low as by any other rail route. Tickets on sale at all times at the General Railroad and Steamship Ticket Office, Plan ters’ Hotel. jan2s-tt STRANGERS V ISITING the city, and Citizens, are re spectfully iuformed that wc have for sale Pure English LEAD in OH, Pure Jewel’s LEAD in OIL Pme Atlantic LEAD in OIL and a large assortment of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES and all materials necessary lor PA I SITING, which wc olTcr at extremely mod erate prices. Please call before purchasing. F. BARRY* CO., Druggist, 2'JO Broad street. PRESCRIPTIONS ./Are carefully and accurately prepared at (he Drug Store of K. BARRY & CO.. by a competent and experienced Pharmaceu tist, foi which moderate charges are made. apSlGin CONGRESS WATER, Id ROM Congress Spring Also, HATHRON Spring Water. Warranted genuine, Cooled on lee and ready for immediate use, at E. BARRY & CO’S, up2l-6m Druggists and Chemists. HANBURY SMITH’S, JKjSSINGEN and VICHY Wateis. War ranted genuine, Cooled on lee, and ready lor immediate use, at E. BARRY <fc CO’S, ap2l-6m Chemists and Druggists. HOUSEKEEPERS /Are respectfully iuformed that we heap constantly on hand BURNEfT’S, THOMAS’ ana SAND'S Flavoring Extracts of every kind. FELL’S Exuy Mustard,iu square cans. Also ail his Ground Spices, put up iu CALLANDER BOXES CORN STARCH MAIZENA BROMA BLAIR’S Liquid Reunett. GELATINE, and all other articles generally required by housekeepers. E. Barry * 00., ap2l-6m Druggists. BATHING 1 URffISH SPONGES, genuine Turkish TOWELS, bleached and brown Bathing, Pad and Hair GLOVES, for sale at E. BARRY & CO’B, ap2l-Gm Druggists. To Ladies and (aentleiueu D KBIKOUS oi obtaiuiug select Perfumery, wo offer the lollowing . CASWELL <fc HAZARD’S Toilet Cologne GERMAN Cologne. GELLUE3’ Kan Angelique, Tooth Wash CAUDER’S Dentine. LUBIN’S Extract COU DKA Y’S.Pomades. ATKINSON’S Extract HEYGENIQUE Oil. LOW’S Extract UKSINA. KLKCHKRE Extract LOW’S Ox Marrow. WRIGHT’S Extract. LU BIN’S Toilet Powder. LI INMAN’S Extract SAUNOER’S Toilet Powder. LUBIN’S Soaps COUDRAY’S Soaps. PiVER & WRIGHT’S Soaps. These articles are all genuine, and will be sold at the lowest prices, by E. BARKY *CO., ap2l6ni Druggists. WILLIAM K, PEASE, COMMISSION MEBCHANT Forth© Sal© of Cotton and Woolen Yarns No. 314 ami 40 North Front Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Consignments of Southern Cotton Yarns parties ally soli cited. Advances liberal, decb-ly