The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, November 09, 1878, Image 5

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"e:x; iniz\ h °? k ° f y — -d face of the verson of vn. a e H P ,a J red *h«*re in the and sold? It it ever L.T" a . ,I- eady copyrighted wasn’t it? I think it »! done . 1 J was Pretty hard, you.and I hope vou liko a “ d 1 8 F m P a *hi*e with With manTthanks for m LT Pa,h,Z,ng w,,h *»> they are generona ^ 0 *J r generous offers— proved that I have nce y°“ bave so conclusively J»ur, r ' 8h '’ ‘"***‘"-1 r™«ii Frances Hodgson Burnett, IN MEMPHIS. A ss? r £rur z" y ,° f ,he - TU. of th * pesu,e “- pa or the Refugees- The Relief Suffering y et to come. SkTesftld wITodS are* h?tTi D ^ are with ns * epidemic had not as ** fbe dea< Hy grounds and was not^vat P ,^° pled onr burial midst. Yes linperina y6t bn 8 enn R. in our frosts have ‘scotched’th° r night8 and l,gbt vet th« “ r the 8na ke not killed him’ and immedft- improved nnon C « ty 18 ? Uch bfttterand * 8 being are beino ! t 7 ,J da r. the P oor a ° d needy Bickare Lt^/ °?‘ and provided for; the v®*"® better nnrsed and tended, and what dark dav^hnw* 111 h ® re is bein 8 supplied. The Tn *ft y ’ how J ever - 18 yet to dawn. been Swift d «“ ic bn « dreda of families have hXis eVhalt A 8 h ? d ’ and when the present neipis exhausted, what will they do? ™ ’ *P?* /v“ 8 is a ijnestion which i thinking and truly charitable. Foreign Items. thit7omhf e88r8 - L0n? , D9ans ’ announcements for ' h ? aneW Work by ,he llev - p - Magnus, on “Hydrostatics and Pneumatics.” 8 ’ The Rev. Dr. W. Stern and Mr. H. S. Samuel and Phil” ele , Ct "I ° c n ,he Cou “cilofthe Literary and I hilosophical Society, Liverpool, for the en suing session. grand * ,asonic fe(e wiH take place on Thurs- f, ay ’ T ' he 2 . 4th Inst V at Paris . in *he Great Hall of . e Trocadero, under the presidency of M. Cre- ^ to .7 blch „ 80 "' e of the principal personages in the capital will be present* M. Joseph Halevy has in the press a volume containing an mterlmeary ed lion of the most im portant bilingual texts in Assyrian and Accadian transcribed with Hebrew characters. ..., A n , e "L mon, hly Hebrew periodical with the title ot Chayey Olam, “Vie Eternelle,” has mad« its appearance in Paris- The periodical, which r liu r D b l n ed8Dcient Jewish MSS., is edited bv MM B. Goldberg and Adelman. The first number oontains the original text of Elijah Isaro’s letter written from Famagusta, Cyprus. i- b’bowlson, of St. Petersburg, has pub lished an important statement, confirming the ac curacy of the assertions of Herr Firkowitsch, with respect to his discovery of ancient Hebrew tomb stone inscriptions in the Karaite cemetery at Tchufutkale in the Crimea. The greater part of inscriptions have been examined by Professor Cbowlson. SJE®; *■ • q T «on7h7ch aTdSsSf ?f base wh7v? d n raly « harita ble. The changes BQddenn^ r 18 exodus has cupelled; the oo?fnsi?n of y °ft th , e “‘ and ‘be attendant tTo ' T h “ hon8 ® hold economy, calcula- rathe'r startling 6 predicainmitB. 1DC0Dgra0a8 and DresentthlfH^r 0 ^ 011 a,0Del y 8ide -‘rack will L l h l<i8 8cene of housekeeping yon ever saw. Sewing-machine humming scissors snipping, cooking-stove in full Was? evinced inthe e c B aT1id e e that ( i CO t R e8 i ?ipillg ° nt from a ho,e to the oran/ft' llttle ladd ®' tha t leads „? th ® 6 ro ® nd holding Its full capacity of rosv- to/td/.h'“• * h ° "»>"8 ->« to. roLd. s cneer lustily the passing train. and fimilv T! 116 ' 0D ’ a P° pular deputy sheriff church theftV7 8CO ! 1Ced - ln a P leasaDt country the nilV Btandl “g in close proximity to the pulpit. Next a farmhouse has a glaring grocers sign hung over the front gate, and ? B r hr,7h rnedin ft a « enuine mart for trade. I fall abowmvftr * ° ld Walls WOU,d sbake a “ d iau about my ears in very amazement. ove/roftelftift-T 111 8 Cl ° nd ef teut8 ’ y° n etnmble over ropes until yon are arrested t>v—not the S2:; bu r enti8 " 8igne ’ tbat swings with familiar creak most mvitinglv outside of a rShf * aDd “ ake8y0a b -t fora 10^0^ The neighborhood of Gill’sStation.on the Mem- wis 8 fft d . Char,c ‘ 8ton Bailroad, near the city, f ft “ e after the outbreak of the fever quite a busy scene. The location is pleasant the people hospitable and well to-do? and si there was no lack of visitors and refugees Mrs Pullen’s death, and that of some others near bli to the fnn m ° ra T d, ft d 8Cattered the assem bly to the four winds. Drive by now, and vou w 11 see vacant houses, closed and barred/ Idd The q ft et th ft forinerl F activity and bustle. whist P lfttoi?h«ft DS Tft® 8Uent echoas as the y beyond. h eSertdd cro8sil, 8’ and dash on is Si n7rfh emale ? ellege ’ not far fro m Gill' 8 , mant “ ear , th ft cemetery * and wa8 the resort many people who son oh* -- - This is the louse* hot one patient to recover. This is tne -Sr = ZSSTT& KVS-' Some of the correspondents of the Guardian ar 8 beginning to weild their pens against the “new lV estminsler Scandal, ” the delivery of the Hib berf Lectures by such a well-known heretic as Max Muller in the Chapter House of Westmin ster Abbey, and one of them protests against the scandal of having the question of the Divinity of our Lord and Saviour treated as ‘frivolous and futile compared with the Philosophical specula tions of Herakleites, and the dan era lurking under the new so-called Science of Comparative Religion.” Canon Duckworth writes to explain that “for three centuries and a half the Chapter House has be n the property of the nation, and for permission to use it the Hibbert Trustees must have applied, not to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, but to the Board of Works.” Was H so, and are we indebted to a member of the Con servative Government, and not to the liberal Dean for this novel use of the famous Chapter House’ —Inquirer. The - -Bulletin de 1’Association de St. Francois tie Sales” mentions among the most recent cures effected by the agency of the late Pope Pius fX , j that of an Augustine nun at Sienna, who was cured of a bad cancer in the face by the applica tion to it of a portrait of Pius IX ; and that of a medical man at Malaga, who was cured of a num ber of diseases by touching an old stocking of Pius IX., and who took immediately an oath never to apply to his clients any other means of cure but that which had succeeded so well with himself. In Texas a stillborn child was broughi to life by the touch of a cross blessed by Pius lX. and in the Convent of the Enfant Jesus at Coire near Lyons, a nun who had a cancer in the tongue and serious internal disease invoked one night, when suffering acute pains, the aid of the late Pope, and, after being comforted by his appari tion, was found completely cured next morning. These cures are cited, among others, to make good the claim of immediate beatifloation set ud for Pina IY • r All The Woi-la Over. The steamer General Barnes, that sailed from Savannah a few days ago, with a cargo of cotton and general merchandise, foundered off Cape Hatterae Saturday 2G;b inst. Her crow of thirtv men were rescued by an Irish schooner. Near Camp Robinson, Nebraska, on the 25th a hundred and fifty hostile Cheyennes under Dull Knife were captured by two scouting par ties of N. Y. cavalry, and their stock of a hun dred and forty horses and mules sent to CamD Robinson. F Three young girls and a boy were killed last week, on a fork of the Guadalonpe River ii Texas, by a party of raiding Mexicans and In dians. At last accounts this company of fiends were proceeding towards the Rio Grande, driv ing before them large herds of stolen mules and horses. The two Reilly brothers, who were convicted last July in Naw York of forging a $1G 000 check, and who at their trial implicated Ter rence Donnelly, and had him sent to the peni tentiary, have grown remorseful in the reforma tory where they were put, and have confessed that they testified falsely in respect to Donnelly and that he is wholly innocent. Governor Rob inson pardoned him and sent him home to his wife and child en with a certificate of good char acter. He ought to be indemnified for the loss be sustained. He was an industrious, architect and was building six houses in Brooklyn when he was arrested. Parties he had borrowed mon ey from at once foreclosed mortgages on his property and turned his family out of their home. Ned Lyon died very suddenly at his home about ten miles from Hillsboro. N. C. The sus- picion of the officials was aronsed and the body of the deceased exhumed for scientific analysis of the stomach. There is reason to believe that Lyon was poisoned by a young girl who was very much enamored of him, and who made ev ery effort to induce him to make love to her. Lyon took no notice of the girl’s advances. The day before his death, the jealous girl visited the home of Lyon, and, it is said, carried him a pmce of cake, of which he ate heartily and died the following day. It is believed that the cake contained a large amount of arsenic. The girl is now in jail. 6 Movements in Southern Soci- ety. Miss Mary Broughton, the belle of Worcester oounty Va was married on the l(i;h nit. to Air. Lhas. Riley of Otiancock Va. The Steamer langier which conveyed the Bridal Party to O- naocock threw ont gay colored flags in honor of the event. A * T T?' lrnament was th®great feature of the re cent I air in Hagerstown. The distance run was seventy-six yards, time eight seconds, priz is a splendid saddle, bridle, and whip. The knight of “Seventy-nine” won the saddle, 1 ledmont ” won the bridle, and “ Black Bess ” the whip. But the chosen queen of the tonrna- ment refused to be crowned or to have her name made known. Married : At the Church of the Holy Trinity, Greensborough Md., on Thursday morning last, by theRav. Georga F. Beaven, Rector, Mr. M. S. Mutchler and Mias Lena, daughter of Mr. J. P. Man love. Married : on the 15th inst, by Rev. M. N. Browne, at Westover Md., Mr. George W. M. Cooper, Superintendent of Pnblic Schools, of Wicomico county, to Miss Maggie A. Rnark, daughter of Capt. W. M. Ruark, of Westover, Somerset county. Miss Helen V. Haley and Mr. Alfred M. Hod- lan, the latter of Baltimore city, were united in marriage at St. Patrick s Church, Cumberland Md., on Tuesday, at 11 o’clock, Father Brennan performed the ceremony in the presence of many witnesses. At Mt. Vernon Place M. E. Church on Wed- nesday iast, October 23d, Mr. William Mathews, of Virginia, and Miss Ella Caldwell, were united in marriage, the Rev. Dr. J. O. Peck officiating. Gover Ksttlewell, Esq., a well known member of the Baltimore Press, was married October 15th m Frederick City, Md., to Miss Lotta Haller, of that city. The Rev. George Delhi officiated. Mr. Jesse C. Bain and Miss Emme C. Cris- mond were nnited in holy marriage at the Couri Street Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Va., on the I7th of the present month. The Rav. A. E Owen officiated. a n?m e ft >e0rgia St ft e Fair in drawn “ r ‘“ D ?®“ 8e The ladies are holding a Th a ° f 7 880l ! ,ated Order at the Lanier House. 18 at . traotl,r « and varied, and the building is thronged every night with visitors. Among the attractions are the fancy tables spread with a great variety of oroamentaf work hoTs made laces, jewelry, handsomely dressed doHt and a splendid gentleman’s dressing gown of velvet and merino. Also fruit stands with pyramids of luscious f .nits, a novel prin ing es taolishment, where the types are set and press operated hy skilled and graceful floors cKr stands with choicest cigars; fish-pond w th In numerable nibblers; voting stand for favorito statesman, citizen, merchant, young man young lady; lemonade stand; scales; art gallery 9 ew?n| machine; mnsical instruments, etc. ^» 8ewlQ g The most brilliant German ev/r danced in Macon was given in the Masonic Hall of th? city on Wednesday night, hy the Thaliaa Ctobt In Angasta the great event of the week was the unveiling of the monument to the Confed erate dead, eroded through the exertions of the noble Augusta ladies. A large assembly did honor to the occasion. The address was beau tiful and appropriate. a FUN FOR THE PEOPLE. tr "“' and won. for Pius IX. Frankfort.—A hospital was opened a few days ago in Frankfort.on-the Maine, the arrangements of which are excellent. The has'»■'*"'/ -- v “Geor<rity» n'aced at the disposal of the and the Baron has p- 30,000 marks for fund an ^“^“^"Pftauguration of the insti- its maintena . „ real ceremony—An tution was came 8 September, grants Imperial Decree, of the -nn o ^ ^ M . permission to the y Hanntth Matilde de carrying that on the hundred miles distant, as wanted, bnnarea m _ toTille road> g0 es as far as the Kentucky line and the the Memphis and Memphis a ,:d Paris and Erin, near Charleston road, as far as Decatur,.the crossing ihe work of assisting tne femaie poor. , ■ Government—as stated in Whilst the re80 lved on carrying out in our last issue seems , ^ ^ ^ the jj eri in Treaty, 33ST33E and Nashville and Great Soth- Jn It wouftd he superfluous to speak of the “hteh Sej enabled to coonteract, ean- not be reached by any other “ eaDS - . : ss-j-sii Here is pLtftf a^P^tchfrom Mason, Tenn I *11 r road*. ‘In one room lay the | d7d latoer and husband -d m an adjommg srXa%rrbX.rVb h reS;X.x bed clothing. They were supplied with every th We have reports every day from the lower Stas “ a tereda-bie boat, loaded it to the gnards wi ^ ir mat joouv , a loyal spirit tb ® ?!. P ft a tton of the Jews in Servia, as regards the ema P ^ ft ji eute r’s telegram a similar feeling, ac al)pe ar to exist outside of from Belgrade, does nowar^ ^ ^ ^ official c i rc ' e8 ‘. . ia as follows : The question of date of the 7th inst., Ber ii n Treaty with re fulfilling the clause » fuU rig ht 8 in re spect to the admission J«»_“ “ n „« nnn Evidently the Princess Victoria is following in the footsteps of her mother as regards the do mestic training of her children. One day the imperial party started for a drive up the Saltz- burg, and when quite near the summit, their carriage bjoke down. What was to he done? The distance was too great to allow of walking and to send one of the servants on one of the carnage-horses down to Hombourg for another carriage would insure a long, and for the chil dren, a perhaps injurious delay. However, the 1 nnce was on the point of dispatching his mes senger when a peasant passed, driving an im mense hay wagon. Instantly realizing the situ ation and recognizing the imperial party he sprung from his seat and implored them to make him the- proudest and happiest farmer in all Germany by getting into his wagon and permit ting him to drive them home. The royal pair laughed and consented. The whole party were accommodated with seats amid the fragrant hay and in this guise the futnre Emperor and Emp ress of Germany, with their ‘august offspring • as the papers call the little princes and princ esses, came riding back to the swellest watering- place in all Germany. e Patrizio, who is employed "lusteau oi ^h^rthe halt in his hands the ball canght catchi g Tne Count looses two teeth, SSSta. »«• s ' 611 - „ Pnllook brought suit for divorce poisen her by putting laudanum in her coffse. A shooting scrape at Dallas Union Depot was A J lhv iealousv. Titus Johnson canght Geoftge Loomis in the sitting-room of the depot wife and commenced shooting at him. Loomis got out of the way. Johnson was arrest ed and put under bonds. .t as the lamp,’ &o.—A convert of eighty- three too feeble to walk, has been carried in a tnree* wvi t c n inhnr Snnnora. Texas. The young ladies and gentlemen who so well performed the play of ‘Caste’ at Lehmann's Hall, Baltimore, a short time since, have organized themselves into a dramatic clnb. The associa tion will be known as the Galaxy Clnb. Mr. Marshall J. Parson,of Kersey, W. Va., was married on the evening of Wednesday, October 16 Ji, 1878, to Miss Mollie C. Long, daughter of John W. Long, Esq. The wedding took place at bpringfield, Hampshire connty, Va., at the residence of the bride’s father, and the nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. G. W. Finley. Miss Celeste Winans, daughter of the late ihomas Winans, of Baltimore, is said to be the richest heiress in America, very handsome and only twenty years of age. The fortune she in- jented from her father is reckoned at $23,000,- Thomas J. Holland Esq., of Brookville, Mont gomery county, Md.,and Miss Charlotte Hester, the eldest daughter of Prof. J. D. Parkinson, of Jacksonville, Fla., were nnited in marriage on Tuesday last, October 221, at St. Barnabas P.E Church. A marriage occurring recently at Athens,Penn between Mr, James Bee and Miss Martha Ann Flower, suggests the following lines: ‘Well has this energetic Bee Improved life’s shining horn- * wLTfha *2->*l of October. The ceremony j was 5 performed in St. Paul s Lutheran Church u \Tp Crlutz in the presence of a great | number of visitors,many of them in full dress The bride wore a rich steal-colored si dills enveloped by a veil of splendid lace. Al ter the ceremony there was a large reception at the residence of the bride s relatives. There was a brilliant wedding at Richmond on the 221 Mr. William Dill was married to Miss Mary Ellen Fox the ma "‘ ag ® ^£“^77 the handsome residence of the bride s iatuer, “bare S goodly oomp»ny °° m * * j * uirlin,, land in Servia is encountering gar d to hold ng opponents of the measure great opposition. R J” ft nia, and state that in cite the e “ m P 1 . • jo i an ded estates have passed Hungary the P r,nc, P'® . ing the last ten years, into Jewish. ownership ^ ^ Con8titulion . thus involving question can only be de- sidered that the^q ^ National Assem . Rabbi.—We regret week, the It is con cided at the meeting bly next year. London—The Chief _ the Rey . Dr . state lha /; da " n | bbi ft as been suffering from Adler, Chief through which he has been slight indisposition, tbrou ft lond evening. On confined to his room Bine® * learut thal Ur . making enquiries yesterniay^ Adler was 8 « mewha,be “h a s taken place on Thurs- A Grand Masorne fete has^ ^ ^F Qreat ^ ^ the Trocadoro, under the presidency of M. Cre- mieux,°at which some of the principal personages iu the capital were present. at least $25 000 worth of necessaries, it nronerly, a United States officer in charge, L/d E il -o.g i» God', .bd hamanity a name, on its voyage. Re-Opening a Thoroughfare. In order to guard against results utterly sub tt£z&!i*s£:si£2ZL'S: “is rp.“ 8 .*»» - . ih * tends to aggrevate. ponstitute a most use- Hostetter’s Htotnach Baters consntute a ful agent in overcoming constrictions ot ^ ^ els, and promoting a regnlarhatat fre _ infinitely -P^ftfp^o^siftceit does not, quently used produces a natural, like them, act viale “ t ‘y’ „ 0 * impair the tone of painless effect, whie it invigorates instead 5,. „«««», fiver, i- S'Pt »Ure.J.U», i. rtreogtbened »d w u la ted by it. .. Th , gygy my ike j>“- X7s«rrfT.W« ;the Jews were carried with them in j manned One Fly. The Mischief he did. A Parthaee (111.) journal furnishes the follow A Cartnage > j , w„ik„ marri»<i chair’into the water at Snlphnr Springs, Texas, nnd duly immersed. At Bonham. Mr. Calvin J. Fnller who was believed to be dying, was bap tised by EWer Carlton. A large tub, filled with tt y ftK niaced by the bedside, and at the proper monftnt Mr. Carlton and the attendants lifted the subject and immersed him in the bath. After the ceremony the patient (sic) was strip ed dried and put to bed again. His physi cian who watched every symptom with nervous solicitude, reports that his condition was per ceptibly improved by the operation. r The cSi a e U p h a; A a m u e d riC the sSSU possZion m GUb-toDRae<l geotlemeD go abonl the Western th Uurew°o“SS“a°nnt« M.ti.ticn They mlbo ws S£W£ over night insist on pay^ £ Goyernment 8el - p.»“ onnWit X. npon tbeir bet., receiving the change in good money. “ s&JErt» laW I, er ’ 2ft Mtttoirl crying over the loss of a U 4 HL ed B eft C ch n w 0 as e fnftato^Bfttft » C ^ -uu*aj* •jra'ssrs in a case on trial. B ? meb b J y Jgl f t in the kitten. nrising many eminent personages, legislators, ftnncflmen, members of the Judiciary and oth- ““ The tovely brute wore pale lavender and e f s * ,. t. After a superb bauquet the whirled away amid cordial hand She played the rubber Brass i s more prized in Africa than gold A weight. 016 drammer woaid brin g ««50 by dead An exchange remarks that ‘Soloman, in all his glory was not a raid like one of these Mexican It is said eating onions will prevent the lins ® ba PP l °g- It will certainly keep the chaps trom the yonug ladies lips. ^ A Tennessee editor boasts that his wife is the best in the State. He says ehe always meets us Hke n S: a 8he kaowd t00 ’ ju;it When an artist climbs over a fence to eet a nearer view of a handsome ball-dog, he m ist take ooances of his sketohing the dog, or the dog s ketching him. 6 The race is not always to the swift, as the mule remarked when passing an express train which had been ditched. When Enmerson recklessly wrote, ‘Every natural action is graceful,’ had he ever seen an angry woman throw a stone at a cow? A farmer, speaking of the thinness of his hay crop, said: ‘The grashoppers have all got lame another/* JamP ° m ° De bkd9 of 8 ras8 to When fast young men in Rmo get into a dis- pute instead of resorting to blows they go into the nearest siloon and shake the dice to see which is the biggest liar. • Said • ft i8ad t0 a bookseller: ‘The book trade Whutft i 18 "PP° se - b T the general depression. What book sel's most?’ Pocket-books,’ was the laconic reply. uo ‘I don’t lose no sleep worrying about the silver 8ald Grl gS ins * Tor it makes mighty little difference to me whether I have to pay mv debts in rock salt or cabbage leaves. The tough end of the problem is the paying part. 1 8 •You want to break on this road, do von ? Well, .von can * 1 - t- .„ * ;f „ I want a wife, a first-rate wife, A girl that’s all my own; To cook my meals and cheer my life, With smiling words and tones. reply to this touching Failing to receive his daleina.' H*"caUed, and the following con- epistie. the love-sick swain concluded to call on his duleina. He called, at to ... yob. ..a I i.- Folks says I love yon, and I does And folks says we is going to marry, and let s ns. The dinner horn iz the oldest and most sakred horn there iz. It iz ^ to mnmk and piays Home sweet Home about noon. It has bin tew k “Krtt mond & couple were . ^Church,Baltimore, was thronged on^Thursday 24th inst. to witness tho nuptials The^brlde^wore'anftmbofted garnet silk of rare texture, princess© style, with ample tram. Both heand Eer bride’s maids wore, bon.nets. Alter It will arrest • ( Mr James Howard/of Walker, married an the Id*™aftnTlady named Symonds, about The orator stopped short,* ^ .j oanM interesting yonng lady sin 1ft Tutfthe ither morning/at bmakfast, an smoe. on hnnBrv fly dropped down from hisfterch on the ceiling, and, stretching hia lecs P began skirmishing around tor his break- - g ’ He crawled slowly around Mr. Howard s eftffee cuVonceftr twice, sniffing the delicious arnma and wondering how he conld manage to eet a drink, when his foot slipped, he lost his |rio a and in a moment more was floundering 8 rl P‘ , His struggles attracted manded him. B ftMaly’s'lost kitten, KSs8i“SJ#aa-- and hilled it therewith. Subsequently _ ^ tied the knot with his teeth, aod^epoisem thus got into his Bystem and drove him mad. Married Thousand Miles Apart. Of “i S7ckedVp thrfly."and, with a hand item- 1 wft 6 8 ftftftrled to Mr ™**'* T J™*’™ ^ ely _ P i?ft ?Lrft s ««d rase, threw it back on | ^ado, three thousand miles away. 41 On the a 23 b d of October, the Second Presbyten rhnrch of Baltimore was filled by a large >«r„r 3 ’«*p"to° ™ d » d <'P“‘" re F„, toe «.a.l bndal ton, o..»d to. ^ ^ Oriental d«ign. «Sh to b. &S&X2SK-4SMSW-S magnificent India work. MiaaFllaF Gordon, the great soprano of Mt. Miss Ella h choir> i n Baltimore, will Th® bridal tour will be southward. A grand concert for the benefit of the Public Sohoftl No. 12 B ^afty° HaTl^/’BMtlmftm last ^ and appreciative and the music very fine. Banks, formerly of Virginia. Tb., ... looking forward to tot ever aov b'ifld haz. t yu kan one of Ridman s guns. Sheriff s man and bring nun in quieter than a Shenfl warrant. It kan ontfoot enny other noise, it kanzas the deaf tew hear and the dumb to shout fer joy. Glor.ons old instrument, long may youre lungs last !—Josh Billings. A Western politician having made a speech, wouiici up by saying. x i a. m ‘Gentlemen, them’s my sentiments, and let m assure yon they are the sentiments of an bonest man. Bnt, gentlemen, if they don t salt yon, ^Thre'e oTfonr times a conple appeared before a clergyman for marriage, bnt the groom being invariably drunk, the clergyman reused to marry them. He reproved the girl, who burst into tea Bntfte won’t come, sir, when he is sober. A man agreed to cultivate a _garden for one fb‘r»d“ e r?.ir«r?«rrik ? dfo,bi. share of the potatoes. The tiller of the soil refused to give him any, alleging that he had raised but l half crop, and by the contract he was to retain half the crop. a little bov from New York went into the trv visiting. He had a bowl of bread and mUk. He tasted it. and then hesitated a mo ment when his mother asked him if he didn t Uke it, to which he replied, smacking his lips. - wishing our milkman would around in th© liquid and ^playfully tossed him across the table. The unfortunate fly alighted in a wet and bedraggled condition on Mrs. H ’s plate, grabbed him and flung him band's plate. James gazed . moment? and seeing blood in her eye.deliber- bline with suppressed rage, threw it uacKon i vftr ulate Then began a regular game of shut-1 tlecock between the two, afid that fly flew back and forth until he was completely worn out Then the yonng wife, bursting into tears, seized her bonnet, and rushed from the honse to the residence of her parents, vowing she would never come hack, and James went out to thA v a rn swearing to himself. In an hoar or so the father of the much-abused wife came over with a team and removed all her baggage, and now they “meet as friends no more. They wftt to seek his fortune, leaving his fiancee gone West to seen nm “ ld coin e to with the understanding wedding day drew cause of business g g brine the young a friend, who ^J^eTSother reffised to let he/gTinkss’she was married, a telegraphic mar riage was arranged. ing id Baltimore Artok is et offices and skate and cloak rooms. was married to Mr. Ana Firet Baptist iisss™ pink and green. . . w - ^pu« to"fc. w»! w.... T oTto. CT »t.g »'ir. d .*L. 1!!, LtoSw'D»“ 1 frkndsl^ From thie time cf the first message i ftienos. rro , the 8olemn “I do, have separated for good, and thus two lives were Ir,c “ n maa answered the rendered miserable by the single “ 1 “ te P °. f a I or J [o J hours. The bride started at fly, On auoh small things do our destinies de | and husband in the far West. pend. hich was witnessed by * was once for party left for Macon to be present at the State Fair there in progress. •Yes, ma, I was keep a cow.’ A stump speaker said: , •I know no east, no south, no north. A shrill voice ia the audience shouted. t ‘Yon had better go home and learn geography^ Two bovs in Newark, N. J., saw a man drown ing in the Passaic river. They stripped off their alnthes went to his recne and saved his life. On reaching shore an offieions poheeman ar- rested them for nude bathing. It is hoped th policeman may fall into the river some day. with no help save those two boys. A tract distributor said to a yonng lady, whose nnt them on the wrong side of your head. P to o»to. reoently 1h.~ “ »«* “S woman or child in this vast assembly, who has arrived at the age of fifty years, but truth thundering through their minds for ce turies.’ Gen E B. Tyler and wife lunched with Mr Mrs?Bnthford k nrday, and wea . t r , nmber j and Fafr on Thursday, them to the great T> d ;- a i politicians say the ?“ a r i T 1 7l,.to‘pi P ffloei n B.Uir- ^ ener4 ‘-a‘ a in e n , ‘the thing can’t be did. -r. inffennitr have been displayed Patience and tng _ J u AMfl svma Komi Radical politicians say the he Postof Why, gentlemmen, ‘the thing He has been totally blmd for several Alabama. He fi o reoe ived while ereoting a S“.Uo ( *t"i^to”»‘»dilytodoff of to. timber himself*