The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, December 20, 1879, Image 1

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\ VOL. V. J. H. & W R SEALS,} EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. ATLANTA GA., ECEMBER 20, 1879. HKC'KKL'K MOXKKOD. BY AMELIA V. PCRDEY. Oh, wondrous spot of pulsing albumen! As all things must lie named—called Monerod— Our first progenitor, that does away With all necessity for Heaven and God! Bow down, Old World! strew roses — what is Morse, Or Edison, Columbus, Newton, Watt, Bacon or Sliakspeare To the Titan brain, That finds man’s origin—where it is not. Genesis is actually absurd. An Eden and an Adam—he full grown : How senseless and impossible, and Science laughs And Moses has a cap and bells—for charms. Men of superb brain-power—Leviathans, Cannot accept such folly, laugh and sneer; i"p waltzes Science with an oyster shell, Under a stout old Monerod—and drops a tear, fliat all men will not own their ancestor, So sweetly restingin its bed of ooze; -o plain to Science that it looks and sees, Its future necktie and its calf-skin shoes. V!i there is Wisdom—sense, the source of life, By steady but slow process to evolve ; 'or misty cycles—then an ape to live, Ami love and suffer—then to dust resolve. mother cycle—Patriarch Monerod ! Thy tortoise journey ends and men is here; i hange your mind—make something better i -he needs it, that is clear. still. him evolve- •kel forever! We adore sound sense, ml Reason guides hisstepsand man has come: m living slime—not Adam; ask him now "ho made the slime alive? and he is dumb. back, find something more remote, write life ive us the cause of the effect—how came it there? ■ makes life; we simple folks are dull, ad we thy monarch mind, it would be ‘Clare. n full upon us the Electric light. 1 brains magnificent, that we may see v much superior Monerod to M cienee is to sense, -a ( ' grayer lo>| 1,,,mortality. m the “Rig Veda.” From t here the imperishable light is , •be world in which heaven is placed, n that immortal and eternal world, •lace me, O Soma! ,There life is free; ,n the third heaven of heavens Lvt.i.n*.til places are full of spleiid. . make me immortal ! DOLORIS! OB, x—- J ’he Queen of the Weird Charm. Tto c Most intensely Thrilling Story of the Nineteenth Century. ——2-^“— iVt Tictim :in „ seemed to crouch before the remote Apparition. The Serpent sullenly . .. „ ol* choked I a criminal anil must die. Twenty steps fuse lam- ] tlier In- saw another sig! A mail was tied to a tr can to feel the cold perspiration oozing out upon their foreheads. Not one of them after this, but would have preferred being shot in his tracks to trying to escape through the Pass of Serpents. CHAPTER III. Slowly, slowly dragged the long night hours away to Otbal Tregance. In this windowless den he had small opportunity to tell when day approached, and it seemed weeks instead of hours that he sat sleepless waiting for the dawn and steeling himself to m<et his fate. At bust the key grated in the lock anil the door opened, light streamed in over the mot ley group and breakfast was brtught in upon rude trays. Some of the men sympathized i with Tregance in a rough way; others con- ! gratulate.i him on the sfieedy termination of | his miseries; the turnkey said wth a laugh j that grated like his key; I “Better eat plenty and die w-‘t a stomach full,” as he saw th it Tregal)’' refused the i food. rp I The meal was soon over ai‘ i regance pi e- I ceded by a couple of armed ‘©n and a native lieat ing an enormous dri in 11 " 1 followed by tfie miners who were to wpess his fate for , the example's sake, was dteheil off to the mouth of t he fatal pass. i Gold Valley was ol,ioid n sh;l pe and near ly three miles in extent AV lts eastern ex I tcmiity, the point neariyV“© coast, " ils tlle opening known as Bert 4 s ,lss - lie re the rocky, volea? »«ture of the valley I "aye wav to a .tarry, <jf vegetation, . ^ nf tms ir shrubs 111- terYeni‘d befiire th.*> ln ‘* of the dreadful "of the ms#' 1 U ;*'*happy Trance 1 ouL V sn-e cords and left to his ’. w . ir t him a farewell and the rn , .1 to the retreating fiKit- , ''to 1 ,til 1,w”' 1 away and the silence 1 1’ , , ' -ally broken by the lieating T t > ra » hour or more he iu fhl 1 tb >*ter. The air was ires' ; heard nothmg tm , sfm sha ded him fr< ; the foliage « r tllathis jti()n wag * ; !?>ve felt no suffering. A hi . ful, ht ''o ‘ j gtmewhere in the bong) i or two tw it vas uunl in the top of a and <t jllali, . species of nut whose ki\^ 1 hu l ' « th Wiemr!v rich and d-" 0 a> x * I neis have tly 'regaru-e ; ampnptife’squirrel,was ut t^.rt < - IV i and its k. singulafie 1 Trega'nce could m>t belpl>e*= 1 -‘^S'iXti ions; C5. , I ceased, the nut half eaten, ' _ s/'t/St’} ii^::^ e x;did t$r%j i running ..y and down tlu tl e j. / f j t Q ■ , ling little farther down at cued ‘y y. I keeping tip tl little panic stricken -. / Qj / i Meantime the snake never moved It A / J lay in coil with Us head erect and its bngu / / 1 p.L fixed upon the charmed squirrel. Near y , i er anil nearer came tlie doomed creatine m hist with ; more feeble giew os to ot u f . and a sharp er> ot agony, utilise enemy; tne .'Onvolsive sprm; ;ht even more horrible, j i^ijsterdpg^el^ds'weti^i^mtl" u'VrT an Tty Cnpf■ XC. M. » •- Slit CHAPTER 1. Woman and Serpent and Serpent what mysterious Annum am. hot wee )t leco.mect><m m there •n these twi one the fairest creation of t } "d, , lu ‘ ot, “' Theie is none you' Was there then no * most horr e you quite _sm<;- (ha ; th( . t) . m pt.r took on icauce in h'te '•' ! in thte lured the woman B serpent s foim ^ thing of that sig- *" e serpent? tliines in heaven and earth S’r'u? if..n'S'iS arselves out ot ,-en here on. ho had the in- \Ve cultivate o JInLI ,„ . .u society. \ 1 1 sometimes see a faint tok - r i-h. r i,.,|f repulsion, half at- the link ot U .'‘l h tween the woman and action that exists; , !o wn through the .wtmL-p monu.rpr <*. e snake at a menagene ntunes. "!‘^., h she i drawn towards » e the • i f v boas ami -nocoii- :e cage where ‘ n '. ()jls ; Note tlieshuddcr- t's lie in glut. « hi( . h s he ga? g fascination" ] deiliw aecei eatures, v tab ,, crafty power as aionnd as the ui’P^ ‘bea'd'of ,his snake would ..ccasioua!l\ ,*iuisultiu^ with it. and put it to her face as lf , ,! ;' . , p, s subtle or drawing ...vstenona P?«‘ ,r ^ ,,, t< 1 )1<l „f nature. '•V" l " ' ,, u ! ^ , n . t€ u future events tins woman s aium v u 1 n •is well as to heal the sick. as win.. niture l commum- told of a Ken’ueky ,j. iv from her it it seemed tm ■> s M , feet looking at neatli the rock and 1. % at i re .e„tly her w itn bright stead fast V - ^ mo . .i,yi,usJ»„,iUiv n"*'- “ At i.iit.'i'i izes at these oftrutb. 1 * lt'w i»‘I»' ^^fi^^rld’o^te’rt^r •pted as the i nw ngiblemlluenceso, this w ^ co(le of aver as well t b ein to any known pmu.- I . reasoning. once entered in 1 me I vlraeious white Papuaau eagle: I do not sav that the following story is .u .p ^ s]j[ny einbra ,. ( ,s „f the immense w»a- j me-- iV, V tToo in the same way as in its detaiWimaginatton^as snpplud n i X^rh-U^which ha«l; ^on the name of A ^ and his assailant truth—truth that is so much sti anger t . | f New Guinea for three months. He fiction—truth that ilives niore deepR mto ^ V(m sailo| . on the Amenean me - ! mvsterieus and soars htghet into .tl.e mmut ihip, Philadelphia, where he h.idap- than imagination dares to do. Lrentieed himself in a ht of "tvish anger | Uth his step-father and of youthful love of i CHAPTER II. j dveuture. The vessel had 'uadea tnj. to S otSerpents. Lustraliand on her return was u using ; T ,„. sudden twilight of the tropics descend- round t • t - h a ,l obtained leave 1 0 d ytj'ion the Valley of f iold-a rugged Vide, “ “ of tllP ship’s boats. Among ■ honev-eombed by mining operatio s. -U Jimu were two wild fellows who made rough I ted'iii the island of N‘^ ,V tokniw ^ thet S Tertures to several young women, and in W^suHenm.dM^ 1 ^Snm^ed! dS cried for helpaml j Imwaisinit-iThe could J hea'.K earn " down tS'Ttnfrt’S: | K.CSSTin tTfil^e imnfilet j ^^ hkl ‘ ^! ssstta ‘ ■' -•- ! Sdl^dSd Off ^ i he -1ilWd in getting ^ ! and L * Three were killed and two captured and how wm.dd 1mam <>f ^ r< . ss or ( though Ht. v ^ sll|1 ,, ellt lv far gone mt to the mines. One of these ivai t, . k>- bv the pass through i * ..fiuled with impunity Evidt nth ither was a young sailor to wh,,m he was | upproiu;!^ One ^ was^y^ ^ ^ , to ^ )>f hls Sonierimig in U’Snlng toefr 'work I of the mine were I labors Ii'.n . no" ■». -- . ... was a snake. The reptile was standing half Sid man Sdhis wildly from side i ir ‘ The sn|lke lav still for a moment or two A ssrtJa? fan ,r s descended upon Ins face. Ote ima.-.e of | aU( i its tropical rays d tile atu • these fearful sights was strongly printed on . ul(l the canopy «>t leaves Tremmue's recollection, and the thought that |, :l red head of Lregance, addii he must undergo such a death of m < ’ uu hjs ,, ositi ,,„. Inmnd hand m>d 6«t to " r —s..... ~| ^ Two immense vulture^ lo'>kni„ eagie., mid anv means of seTf-ilestnietiom Then a id»‘.a of escape Hashed across his mmu. u ... Two immense > uw.‘>; * instantly dismissed. Eve., if he conld get tint | ^ (|f with h ,ge U<-A,d upon the ! tlinir bein^ ^ly watel^U^overscers-awanny, , SrtfVi';-A, r :i JS teSSif^’SCSS.-Bf^S abode, and there I I-ook^nlr-iS^,^:^^^ 1 ^ ISSSaHlW*^r and naked exe-pt for a str , knotted about their waists B t: Hi ^ < f ^ others of whiter jdttns a taller than ^st^w^^"tef.despffe^lemn,ess ^use.byd.-sp ; dram^arv = ,^js,,ln d M,y if Huwl and ? owned by blond hair r’6&SA.^- 5E « 5 jr.ifr to come to ll m. Ill ■* . (>t he Lt of tied niormnE wit.i t The niJt hud I. =E==i j ! ?-r ■«t-2S m his freedom, for, being unusually JtM • the channel of a torrent now dry or sunken id agile, he would have be-n first to real h I the cn.mnt .... =..i.n«> V b at had he not srayi'd to assist young ibfM-ts who was (lelieatelv built ainl of lit , muscular strength. Roberts «< »‘ oilieil to the black lever a month afte. om- i- to th- mines. With him v seemed to 11.- giee had died his own last hold upon I ft. a hope, and e prayed to l >“ “ ul r the shallow soil ot the (mid \ aUi.y. It now. that de l h stared him m the fae., lt now, tliat ue i usateo ........... > . Hi id to brace ltisstroag nerv^ to n eetit. slip . , n i wake tha’ night on li s miserable l»al I.t linking of this igoommious (pienelimg Iiais bovisdt hopes. He h;td seemed to have d Ids f.-prospetfts before him. No hoy m school ,t brighter intel toy ti •In nil-fell- 1'eet or mon H s nr. liis dashing manners. iiill ath Icier, u gre liiiti ota ic games, made him the school . was pot e.1 too in soc-e-v. tetris he name of Beauty and boasted fiance «' th him. l’h t m curls leonine anil his And 1,4 lau lav accused dm f eoneeamij, • bel i. ( , ia about Ins person a nil , up [ him bis word, had laid h;s 1.1. • * } *» loW Lveen R S .:?r'irv., i*'r toth • grounf Nu lls eek tnat B annul w)i*mi we ]> nnd mu , v lie s lid with a harsh, mirt'o- ’-tlie ea-de will pick out these gves.’ or the scaly laia will encircle The only other egress through ble mountains that shut in tei l • . the well-known S-rpents Pass, oi ' ijUy Serpents, as it is called by some trave ls There was record of persons who had attempted to pass through this va ley , but they had n -ver been seen or heard pi alt wards' audit was reasonable to Is-lieve tin y had fallen victims to the immense serpents niiasLcu i that hart from time immemorial mad* this ealU-d Ids Jl^heirstronghidd• •heavenly.” | their young in 'h s shi ltere ' - - • looke l up good hu- his rhampionsliij the ,arp, sou. human molestation and prateeted 1 ’; mountain wallson either side from th. . p or the scaly' Ini will encircle j salty *known to all lle-sie wound her white aims Tl e terror h.t), Gold Valiev it was not ve p rted. Great God 1 1 don’t , S' adu:lll >’ ..mto bee u bed uL b a k wonn. or ! broadened as it advanced. The escort that mu—oi". uu « ■ - e ,alive like a sn-k antelope. egane. turned sn-k a- he thought of his He had seen with his own .ir•», u* «. *.w 1,rough under guard with a nnm of other prisoners to t‘<e mines they I, passed the ,..oath of the Serpent Valley , •pd hid seen a sight t<« make the blood run coil Hearing aery for help, the prisoners ikefi ut) and seen an unfortunate hro;i(u‘iie(i .us *_• . .. ,, h id broughr Tregance and Ins fellow i>i isoti ers to Gold Valley had s emed to take special pains that the ciptives should have a gl'nip;'' a. Serpent Pass. They can iously cut. i. d the opening that they might not wake the sen lent' 1 , which were then, at the hour of jioon taking a siesta. The appearance of the valley as seen from where the opening began to wideo was most, beautiful. Palm trees with their clear, tall stems and feathery tops cocoas, plantains and bananas waved in the breeze that here was always gentle, and c lus- tered most greenly near the centre though a stream took ite nse somewhere at the foot of one of the rocky walls and ran through Tregance knew that it was a , time only as to ids eves being torn from then sockets and Ids 11-sh devoured while he y < t lived bv these creatures, but the instinct >f self preservation made him return their cru el sl.nv with a lixe I look of threatening and i hat awed them fora time But length the larger one grown t red of ha'm^ hismenl deferred, made a swoop close to t* Pound man, touching him with Hie tips of l huge wings -ml bringing to bisnosti rid smell of corruption. He »--'>ved i ; g r inidlv and utton»fl a cry to cri-ature: it ilew off to a little d,stance?, —tt'od upon a rock. But before, ten '4fes j i, a elapsed, it was aga n swooping I'Vth- : around Tregance, and presently ma'Ml off 1 er dash ot liis face, to be again trig*? and ! out for a shorter time, by r.egan. ep i,ti the motion of Ids bead. Tins was Wain*, til the sun went down behind t n w here Both huge birds circled a.mut tlnAdually the vie, im was bound, anil gr</lld inn holder anil less alarmed at the tions of their expected prey. After Ni fiit however, brought © rrt perching for a few moments^® and flew gance, they dapped their grf »mewhere slowly off to^ ri^ttns only among t lie l feebJpr an) , \ a respite and ,‘ h “Li"^lHons toalju-m next m Tning s Hgnt, nv less able to make any d^. ;is on@ ^ ^ them. , . a limlis, the cir- 3 By this Vi.s eOj th „ blood fa hjg tense pain. 1 n ‘Ms burning head culation was ’““P^JJnsects that came body seemed thror The noise of the v