The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, November 01, 1890, Image 1

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r / VOLUME XVIL-NO. 776. ATLANTA, GA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVMEBER 1, 1890. PRICE: *2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. THE NATIONAL SONG Hut the Birds of Golden, Green and Gorgeous Feather and Gleeful ’« Twitter in Chorus Said Should Be. Far the Sueur South. NCR on • time tie mid, ttaoogh soma mar possibly irsineaj it, That of the feathered world the Mag onto his subjects true, Hie term of days upon this earth would number eery few— That all the birds of every kind or class, of reds and bines. Of browns and grays, and golden-hot d—Urns went the procla mation— Should on an Easier morning meet before the king, and cbooae By voice of vote, of every song the fittest for the nation. And «<* it was on the day appointed, they assembled Before the throne, which was upon the forest's topmost height, And every branch and bongh with some small feathered creature troubl'd, A11 eager with a voice and vote, to join the coming fight. The king arose, and cleared bis throat,ana smooth'd his yellow vest. And said with so ne emotion, he was very pleased to see So many of nis suhj cts, and to know that his behest Was so generally approve'; * You do me very proud,” said he, And wiped his eyes, and softly blew his nose. "Oh, pardon me; This weakn-'ss, ’tis unmanl,'.” Then forthwith did pat aw«y His tears and kerchief in his picket. ‘Well, let’s to work,” said he, And spilled benignly upon all. “Bnt first, just here I’d Bay I think it w1«e, upon deltberalim to suggest Wiin refer* nee to the question now in band, that in the stead Ofvo'c, hi* be the right t- earner to cuouse whose voije the test Of e.o esl cri.iclt tn can bear! “The answer came, ‘well said.” Then forthwith everv littls bird did cough, and clear his throat, And luiie h s pipes and voice to burst Into melodious soug; Tbe mariin with nis treble trill, the dove a-ith 'vist'ul note, The swallow’s twiiterii p chirp, the sparrow's cheep; and loed and long, The rnoln’s liquid strain; tbe torusn’s pea ; tbe wbite owl’s screum; Too whip *i will's weird cry—but high above toe rest was heard A s'rain sos went and so divinely rare that some did deem, From the bright realms of paradise a wandering flute-voiced bird D'.d linger bat one moment in bis gilded flight, to sing Them all to ananie I it was the mocking bird wnose silver strain Fill* d so tbe earth with melody, aodon ti e wind s soft wing, D d s'ni n the hills with echoes ttierd to shut It hack again, That every bird joined in the song; for wno cou d emu ate That voice almost divine? And all our land with music rang I The laurels won, dost think he vyy long should hesitate His nati. ns song to choose! He o'ped his silver witoat and sang: “I’LL SING MY SONG TO DIXIE LAND HOuKAYI HookaY! In Dixiw Land i’ll take my stand And live a -d dik fob Dixie Land, Hookay I Hookay I Dixie Land ! ” Columbia, S C. Bessie May Tobin. TBE WONDERFUL SOOTH. Narrative of Her Unprecedented Material Progress. The Story that Continues to Astound and Startle the Modern Universe. Rockwood, Tenn., was unt'l recently nothing moro than miniag and furnau > town in the woods. It was incorporated counted * r68ld ®“ 1( church's and | net o&’s and mmv other farm products. The grape vi > ri mrisbli g throughout this Piedmont, section, and there are a num b-r of profitable grape farms. Tbe soil responds aouncantiy to caitfol ai d judt china cultivation. It is a not d fact ibat tne Piedmont section nf N irth Catolm i South Ciroliua and Gecrgla nas fewer shot crops than auy o'her portion of theS imh, sbo Gafin, y O 'y ts baautifui'y located la one uf tbe choice't steti u- < f chin great belt. It has an elevation of i-b ,ut 1,4 0 feet above sea level. The cli male la perfect—winter D.ild and sum mer temperate. Ti e nealth of the com niunity la unsurpassed. There is no town along the Piedmont belt that has grown so steedily -nd substantially in THE WORLD S DESIRE. A STORY OF OLD GREEK AND EGYPTIAN LIFE. BY fl. RIDER HAGGARD AND ANDREW LANG. ORANGE CROVE, WITH FAN PALM TREES IN THE FOREGROUND. ORANGE GROVE IN FLORIDA. With the Fan Palm Tree in the Foreground. souls, amply 8 “V»";~-""T, fouuh ^hoois.witn turee theatre. a ^ d of°Tride,a good newspaper, ma Board of iraue, * i«„hts and 8lr * e “’ od U ‘ffijis. Within a numerous s'ores an furnace* Jidius I fa mile Me two m ^ ^ c kB and a third »o u apu i„ e shops, foun ovens, i">" and brick yards and dries, p'aiui* g u * 8COte I’wordi- minor iuousties and a third roads paea imough the^w of is on ite »*■> .he*origin and growth of tbe causes of the. ong ^ are Bockwoi’d- Tb.y a pcautifui y prln succlntly He i f ^e„ “iustratea ted and baud-owe y 1BO ,fved wi n the Which has just * jj 0 aue iron Co. This oomplimmis of the uoa diyec company tiiat^asamo^i tors Ocn. J ViYftiuitt & UtoigU Kail BastTeiiBt8»t,Virgi wt t Hnd Hon read; min- abr.m A _ the famous Edward Dm mr, »-"-t tom * Hon 0 M lrou firm ol C ».per ult> & C lailes Mc« ee. P r ” eld ” d m^y 0 ? 0 er i ttieutml ton RaV 1 ,”*^ cu-ive c«io rs are capita'll to. ' l “^ er ,atn, preriden , L Capt. U «• t/'ia™ . wiisrd Warn r, L. anrlbui, b '"^r i’.d Welter».Davis, Jr..sup*rloUni.e > p pioneer The cut on this page of an Orange Grove, with Fan Palm Trees represents a se ne of rare rustic beauty and at tractiveness. To those who live or have been in Florida or California, it will not be a very new sight, yet one af fording pleasure to the eye, and suggest- ini delicious sensations to the palate. In Fiorina, it is net infrequent for oraegetrees to > ie'.o 5 000 oranges in a single season; and with 40 such trees upon one acre, the own r a small farm that for pecuniary results is seldom surpassed The Palm Tree is a p'ant not excelled in importer ce by »ny order in the vege table kingdom. Tn-se trees are mostly natives or froplctl ciuntri* s, thetrup’oai par s of Am. rica, however, particularly abound in then., pr< ducing a far grea er number of species tnau any other pari of the world. It is the.favnrt a triw-i “I MUST HAVE THAT SONG.” DANIEL WEBSTER’S JOKE. How the Groves of Blarny Charmed Honest Abe. I was surprised when one afternon late in February, 1862, President Linoln entered tie register's room with as sd a look as I ever saw npon his careworn face, writes Register Curlttenden in lar- per’a. He dropped wearily into a sat he had previously choseu and, aftr a short silence, exclalmtd: “When tbe oid monks had tired tl»m- sulvtsout. in fighting the devil, did hey not have places to which they r. ilrtilor rest, which w.recalled retreats?” “They dd,” X answered; “tnough lon- derstahel tuny were for spill teal raker tuau bodily recap* raiioi.” “1 thin a of making this (Hi e o* of my retreats,” he said. “It In eo islet and rest ul here. Do you never . eijplu - urag 0? . 7 Jo-”<*>/ I-- i mi a 1 he dej l fin* i do urjjjfT” * Maid ig«.orii:« 1 «Ten BSFtBtV** claimed .'hat Louversa- ,e number of national banks organ f capital by btales,was as ‘oUoWs ^^^ States. Alabama l r^rel^ CoVumhia | Florida yi 2 Georg'* 7 ... 4 Louisian* 7 Maryland • 2 Norih G*ro iua 6 *... 53 .. 2 V j West Virginia ...106 $iuu* 00 M) 000 1;*0.000 iso 000 SuU.OOO 6 W 000 7f 0,00o 150,'HK) 1 2S0 00-< 7 290 01*0 it 0.000 125 000 ~7Z gu.Gia.uoo ®;m^ U rand g n“a°r., one-thtrd ol tne total c*piuL TCtl 'toi»i number oV nat ional banks or s 296 with How He Proposed to Stop Interest on Old Wine. t ;iaud to the k-“7„ £5S-«n«H that Up top" f thf P-U^r^^nar- u;n i most setd you the I r ‘ siDembcr ’ idiU'D?, an" , ai a symbol of rry it in proctssious ai a y ictory. “Dropping in to see a friend of mine one rainy afternoon, years ago,” said a noted hotel man, ‘1 found a group of four sitting in the office, composed of Daniel Webster, a Mr. Jones, my friend and bis brother. After receiving a very cordial greeting and a kind iuvltatlon to a quiet smoke, and a chat about old time indulgence. “As inv broker friend’s threat became a little husky, it made him remember something long forgotten, and, turning to his brott er. is sa d: ‘1 guess, Tom, i’ll go Dp stairs aDd g t a bottle of wine from that case I brought from Fiance ov< r 20 years ago.’ "By way of explanation to ns, he told of buying a case uf wine in Frauce, to be used at a reception to he given Lim on nis return borne, but he fouuo deatb had Uit-d.A'ia A«tuI.u wr.ile on ills wav. and -Wei* Che interest o.a h.uiuiPAL A Soul Above Blankets. •• -There’S statues gracing this no^eplace in, An heath* u “ . Njc ,, H ymu8, a'."’ sJ."Tgo b o“a V !ris h n l buiiu metine te'r Brother Billies.” ^ I ” plained that y^ I | taMhs-^ tespitahom hi* »I should be Botry to thwart yonr zeal, « sain Diacon Ca npton. are somewhat too brothers from Bt ,mo pleaouie. Jr., superinveoe iue pioneer engi. eer. The s . uth . u has al Iron ooinpa*>y t, . t , . v cspnai paio way been snCCesY-l. « a in mil. uwea n"_ " a nd rapidly'•>- piopeny worn. i6°004WO. * * Ulld lu ^ B dru‘mtn^pVty aketen of Boca w ood . a 'T!, compress at this p. little the short crop our pee*» ^ crop , busl *as Turn year have f ndCJ1) se but no ® 0, *y|" «i,i goto Memphis quently our c i ton * hjcd jjo.ouly ?or *ale <>u compress, but takes busi“' 8 J n f, "® al co8t , of iron. ?1 U. win bo a i' 8 “ ln . la , ltlC -rt Wcuio n b^ 15 a bale to Vbe P* a,, * c .eanuthC.uieis to aovanta.e to cotwn »* ^ . i„ lug send tbeir uuj««' l “ e l “JL“ease*? Toy towns *U ie t°ere » * ( Hrui ^ ud) and t here oonlo cue b"• ' * 2U m otK s in sigh' • are from 10,060 to m UJd gtl i money Ordinarilj • ur ^nandlJ the crop, enougu in New Yora.wna ^ ^ d but i*°^ > j wttu auy cottou also 1 ke to in «he mauucturor d.suing Boutn. thatshou.dt jggg bemain- lntb A 8 °« h 1 S“ie blll sTeaproduc tained u ti'189», t r « ■vn-th, tion ei 95 61.7,01.0 ^ 8 *“ ' £ f4 775 350 - at an average « f $&> ? m 0 0, or a yearly »”” g uln Ia , c s point Is this a <I’* 8n rt Tire and our soci to it ns certainly »* h B it b’- !”y is kept at peac* with ^‘ uf ". tore d tides this, «e C 0000 bales !■>'he pe -ir-^o^an^ilon £|SSiw“- proved mltbods of cultivation, better | e , er y e quem We expect some ~. ;n)ng = ?he city to lea; u. tomure, you _, r JOO I ^catTput a iitut restraint upon your fer- V °' r i’nd so you "llfrXnT™”* np all th- grace that s in , „ what BrotherBU.tng^".t?> . sort of religion d y > it tn that way, . Pray cos t tbto 800 tbingly. brother.’ “V* J* to* give the brother* -We m « re iuv «!erv oop wtunity to ex from the ots ? *«* w it hout interruotiou. pr , fiS themselves « V “»“* » u , • And by the **’. Brother t> , h . al Tbe Best of tbe CHAPTER XVII, Continued. And as be watched, the white shape glided into the space of moonlight, and he saw that it was tbe form of a woman draped in wbite, and that about her shone a gleaming girdle, and in the gir dle gems which sparkled like the eyes of a snake. Tall was the shape and lovely as a statne of Aphrodit ; bnt who or what it was he might not tell, for the head was bent and the face hidden. Awhile the shape stood thus, and as it stoed, the W tnderer, drawn by wonder, passed toward it till he also stood in the pool of moonlight that shimmered on bis golden mail. Then suddenly the shape lifted II8 face so that tbo light fi 11 full on it, and stretched ont its arms toward hiui, and lot the face was the face of Arglve Helea—of her whom he went forth to seek. He looked upon its beauty, be looked upon the eyes of blue, upon the golden hair, upon the shining arm*; then slowly, very Blotvly, and in silence—for he coaid find no wo. di—the Wanderer drew near. She did not move nor speak. So still she stood that scarce she seemed to breathe. Only the shining eyes of her snake girdle glittered like living things. Again he stopped fearfully, for he held that this wus surely a mocking ghost which stood before him, but still sue neither moved nor spoke. Then at length he found his tongue and Bpoke: “Lady,” he whispered, “is it indeed thou—is it Argive Helen whom 1 look upon, or Is it, perchance, a ghost sent by Queen Persephone from tbe House of Hades to make a mock of me?” Now the voice of Helen answered him in sweet tones and low: “D;d I not tell thee, Olysseus of Ith aca, did 1 not tell thee yesterday, in the t ails of Hathor, after thou hadst over come the ghosts, tbat tonight we should be wedT Wherefore, tieu, dost, thou deem me of ti e number of tbe bodiless?” Tne Wanderer hearkened. Tub v ire WM the voice nf Helefl. ! Helen, no v coioesv t"o I.evep wepa the Rod leave Webster turmd and said to Gone Is the Slar .°* ofThe Death friend: tbcueht of a plan rings me round the y » ]ove eternal night like a star. The woman *'alt» while, looking down tbe moor.Jih rmatf between the black rows of sphinxe*., best: the road lay wbite and empty, and she turned and hid herself in tne shadow at the Pylon, where Ret could see nothing- of her except the red star that g. samea upon her breast. Now a ereat fear cum upon the old: men, for he knew that he looked ores the strange and deadly Hath >r. .rsa*. chance be, too, would perish like the re«t who had loosed on h. r to their i niu. He. thought o' flight, bat lie did not dare to fly. Then ho, too, started down the ro»«fi seeking for tbe Wanderer, but, no shadow crosned the mo.inli'ht. Thus things weat for a while, and sti l 'he Hathorr stood distantly In the snadow. ami still the blood-red Star shone upon her ' roast,. A.i d so it came to pass tbal the World’s Desire must wait at the trjst, Uic sooudi forsaken vtl age maid. While Rii, tne Priest, crouched tim$ 8gaii st the Pylon wall, p'aying for- toe coming of him who came not, eudiealy a, voiospoae to him in tines sweet.r than a lute. • W' o <>rt thou thath.dest in the 3'h*d« ovl” sa d l he vo ci. He kuew that it wus the Hathor whe< spoke, aud so afraid was Le that he not. answer. Then the voice spoke again: “Oh, thou most crafty of nun, why6oti-. it please thee to c jmo hither to seek me in the gu:si of an aged priest? (hue, Odjsseus, I saw th* e in a beggar’s weeds, and knew thee iu the midst of thy foes. Shall 1 not know thee agsin in peace be neath toy folded garb and tby tone* SC white?’ Ret beard, and knew tbat ho could hide* himself no longer. Therefore he came, forward, trembling, and knelt before her,, saying: “Oh, mighty Queen I am not the man whom thou didst name, nor am 1 hid in my wrappings of disguise. Nay, I do avow myseir to bo named Rei, tbe cniet' arcnlt ct of Phsroah, the c -mmander of’ the leg-on- of Amen, the c iief of the treasury of Amen, and a ma i of repute in this land of Kbem. Now, if ii.deed tbou art the goddess of this temple, as l judge by that red jewel which burns up on tby breast, I pray thee bj m-rrctfal to. toy servant, and smite me not wi*h thy wrath, for Dot by my own will am 1 here,, but by tbe commaud of tnar, hero whom thou hast named and for whose ciminje I await. Be merciful, Uierofere, and hotel thy band.” ‘ Faar not tbou, R i,” said the sweet. vol g8- . ‘A-'fHeami^the lneuReltos . . i shining cut thought of toe riel Kntthere was no loan evening sky, con fortfcd. “I know L , '^Tchancehe.too. wm come anon,; whom ' thoS nlmesi the Wanderer bid and his heart was r s^ThV 8 ! whereby yen can moke some ™n^. f D He told anoititr hot. : leoi lD *:. a n Da ii[it, in Ms I Fnto outs it in m J », „,4„t i..mi ttieu. 1 * For this r a hn.ii/i ha wed to eXclMimtcl Webbter wiw great eyes." the Gads bear me. Would.* tuou, tl100 . I m0 tuLt this night’he shoold b^wed to spfrgs s'isjggasss isSw-SiSLl sssss Mnuto'1^He pufc* | 'wbteh t-.ey d statues o, theGo^p.Btm.n Practical Politics About three wee'kTl.efore the olose^of h wil th .!!T". P :!rsaid he ws C stoe president of • Put a nice curl in my monswhe, wi i *-r“ ES ”‘i US. 15-n. {ssj^-S'iSE I sssrtJrJ: from been ket.» our st'>T6 this cold ''z&zx*- | ysr saw i i/x in from D-eon Campton’ifig^Z**** appUed the iher, but the ^fand^morc wlfb less ‘la tnat mouay you ^*v S^wwalUtle short of funds that.aft« e shall» Evenness rii. h tne U«- bid thee tell me, and more — mouth opened 1 fixedoees of iran g KV g C S’ or'nobiankets.P-H- arm uDpini^*- - u le rding w “^ds tb^to fiZent a of this prophecy. MonuincnttoColunibns. - *.» i, -a “ssrs:s-iTe: .... „^i»or.,d Intendeukoo Hieciveryof train, and aboot H O.-itars «,“• jsa^wWa^Sttfii»”!- T id about 21 mues ----- , n ter,ded to - di . c , V ery of » Well, l’«« na ^d hat ban.', my c otbes, in my ^ _ xo , t j never even lu Mi un< * ‘ ou , t ic be for >. Aed <1M. .®j* t riwb> 8 ’.*“■“ the ; T ” louK ; *• « u4t» i t o •■Yes; each i l» , ,ey was a Ht even h th fl^bTctoaJswaen.iey h*“hiog. 9 7m - r evideuny fauee - Ala ia to receive the attention to spend a great m »uulsciurinB *ud about thro-q*» c , th9 sphere 1 Around too “PF 0 Toe interior <»' W ham are it is understood, con- oUuxbs a spira. road w * y c>a tata * large Negotiations are, « c f t he I tois little worn! ia. t au(1 co „i/*on; a ^-ovementU^^y roo,u,where cuHir was fee. baiai" the H'VliU luui' a/% b«b r w*i**db«c to^ — once, t* e I ter g. to|f«WJ* f «sprung fiom | lait-r sudden y ol >e door. to- cuair aud 0 • “ 0 ,r‘ y-lled tb n "tnMoVlniVaruableCoal la, ds io Mar- I ^"may gatheG • " p ’ Co., incloding vaiu ^ partita | eratuie »ed » K 8 *““ ■ lb /< town. »r. J ” U “V'^enough, of mew j loo county .Tenn.,.to» py comprises 1 m euts, wltu Com uef(llB elc ., groape iDK fl f ® ol ^°° r # . « Kneiifch I The town site ot tn oa ioh*Reis areeeld 1 other miles ot ir*m^h> 8 who*fonnaed M ld< \ l *“^ > im"fa°ren'»> , rprlse Uo be matoTing ’.nd'tte earl; de i are P"'““"’ 1 cay. Tne interior 01 dtCldfiG tO *“na-Vhey have pigaiitz | ber ofjmpiovemeoto^^^^ I uti'per Ml olUB**!” I* to befialMied I a* b ©uuoterphrt ot ^ of cjors* toes’, of t'.o b*rg*‘“i* gde rate ^oX-Sdl vego^ **‘“’ Pioneer-Prets. TbiMgf* Apsoclation^ ^ _ _ _ _ those who were ripe sbrine and tPe 9 wo rde of tnemwho were set to guardmy bsauty^ but who a nd“ ent the wlb - C d sto idbtfom me * * “ was he whom I iwait tonight, aud after awnlle 1 knew him lor Odisseua of Ithaca, Ouyasens, L»- ® V QIJ But *8 I iOOKtfl Oil Dim Ulld have Uiirit was" t’h, lace and its roues thy I.radical P”*™” a “revioen.'y t«n I “65y* eas. of •«*«*. * h im 1 rob ».» ^d who h.d been pal" |25 work. A'so as-lgn.d two an leer the i iu«•» ';C. S, "wii. « zxs&sn rz Jsstra^afs easrtf p When tne his towel, ef- my beamy and hearken to my said Rei, “I will tell sssii aoly place, nor do l know of « * », seeing t^at no me^ of It re. ."is aearlt to wno y ’ls the mistress of all , d fo ever, for here *nd ^ l aud to her it made report, and Cosmopolitan^New York. ■^nver^ uajje gnown wh.t it $£1 mow not d A Vermonter who spent a Sunday re- among men^ ody8 , en8 of Ithaca, | «b, did she send th, spirit or ^eorjinomeu pracllcal politi „„ and w nod st s a^d to what — , ! cians.—Frank Leslie. worn > | foie i now an'l dtcldeo to tb have o.gau'z her ot imp.e-.----- ha80< a^®SSSSHfc- •?==- T-sl?r^^ffiS«.Urs=a , = c 'BS^Su&bs&s - ■ -“ ■“ t . |=s,tssrsar-51-I :■£*.ns,%wsw», - l ^T, M eihes.ldn.ught e ie -as gov . concur w -. afternoon and . ,».,»■ - -- mort ,., , M ‘0?aU womea’whoim upon tue e«tb e lea nol- won. Bonemian In the after h# anrt , ever see memMd cannot if 1 I she Is ihe very faire 8 *- now I-SD. Paul Piart-D nt*che in‘be event F. Italian wl . ^“dy, I •wo.rl” And «ot all, *ay»*t toon, R« dost SSSssSeSfeSsSS Tb*. fall«apltar"*tock of fuUcapitm _ ooment ^ ot KJ *. I du , trle * of Witt*, co J. , -^i=srtfvw«Si®5agsasa!S^.^^^»ISS^ ,ss ® !H ^ portion der o* th* gtjcuil e / . ' —i to* au*wj_ B ^ or ds nod *trlct bUcktow of Karytus thrilled, foreoodlng “-tt’*****™™ ^ ssssasgl in tb* Mann ac * #k *’ V R^oord iMt 1 h.s'bren \ resulting from ^ # ^ >aBOB| which turers' Rtoord l » B "”r| 1 o 0 000 within mountain -.zJrtvein has bee '“^. f “y.m?Xnew anythlhg atont' tb* I number of new sstablUhm*nt strive, among t canning factory >nomj,“ — hi* anxlon* •mPbr^ . thli Si. Aim**- embrace* -- - — prlnc tpU observato- traata. I* baa too pr ^ _ For hihadforgotten tbewo^o.^ ^Tfor throat* thee atoms toe wboml otoerving*yrt.m | I ZXm CHAPTER XVIIL | Gold.n UnM* Now Bel, toe Prleat, a* bad b**n *qp- ““ 1 *b* said, to- met not. A hi U* ■SssSSffSrfSffi wzsr' ' 1 V* U £^ T Smi£r Manyof tb* .totton* 1 polntod,“ “ A ' whi i. b* stoodhi c ’Ibaveioto'y for tb* Wanderer, but, though J ^ Now,_B*4,_ I earth. looking for to* had come, tb* Wanderer £T|Now; BhT lam tempted to M tbto QnemTif toto* In her oeneraft,*-* *»nd my spirit ftofb "WJ® .: H(toa 77 | r “7Lr^.~.rt'ii...»a. a- s,L~ I - w BW lowest S*,7i.iaa-a».ia. “ -SswJrCfiirES. :?££* a«. • sartsjf»a» opened,end Vheto P*»«ed ont * 1 g!St>TSetm F—* ■ not, IwU*«** large *nr- J to* ‘“.“sM faimlog i*n*»- 1 —