The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, November 29, 1890, Image 1

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\ k VOLUME XVII.—NO. 780. ATLANTA, GA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVMEBER 29, 1890. THE WONDERFUL SOUTH. Narrative of Her Unprecedented Material Progress. The Story that Continues Astound and Startle the Modern Universe. to Virginia la to have her Bessemer, for a cow town b.aring that Dim > has been lo cated on Jamts river at Us cottt.ience with Craig creek, at the junction of the Craig VaUey Railroad with the James River branch of the Chesapeake & Ohio. This place is seventeen mixes from Ctlf ton Purge, seven from Daggns Springs, twenty four from the Natural Bridge, an* 1 only half a mile from E»gte R xca, wht re 400 barrels of Jime are made -daily, and from whence the Prinoess furnace at Clifton Forge obtains its flax. The com pany organiz'd for this development has f inrch&sed' 1,850 acres of land and opened t up for settlement and for the introdne tlon of mannfac.nnng lndustiies. One hotel to cost f25 000 hae b.eo commenced and the Bessemer Building & Loan Asso elation will erect another at a cost of fio.000 Tnis company uas also bought a hundred 1. ts, an will expend $25,000 in buildings otuer ha a me hotel. Various new industries are In contemplation, and some are already under contract. A 3 000 depot will soo be ready for occupancy. Tne shops of ihe Crai^ Valley R .ilroaa have been located here, and will employ quite a number of men The company bae detetmined to set spirt one-half the money deriv Ml from tne sale of lots to the promotion of industr<aldevelop meut Bessemer relics lor its future upon the minerals and timbers that abound in i.s vicinity, npon the ri hness of the agri cultural lands,upon the Leilthfulness and beauty of its o il n, and upon the strong backing it expects from tne Cues speake & Onto Railroad ptople. miles above New Orleans and 60 miles from the Mississippi riv< r. It is about 520 feet above sea ,’evel. The population is about 1.000 but this is increased an nually by several thousand summer resi dents from New Orleans and other cl tie i. Six years ago the sole crons were cotton, corn, yams and collards, but since then numbers of experienced cultivators have settled in and around Ma .-nolla, and di versified agriculture has been success fully estsb ished A Swiss emigrant has established a small vineyard which has { •roved profitable, and is tbU season on urging it, and is also planting orchards of peaches, pears and other fruits. Ex cellent hay is mode from the nattve grasses, all kinds of vegetables fliurish and all American frnl- s except oranges, which are often ent off by winter frosts. With cheap land, fine Boll and a healthy climate, Magnolia onght to flourish. Saltvllle, Va., his long been knoivn to fame because of the h.avy saturation of the water i,pumped from nndergrmna sources) with salt, and the immense quantity of that indispensable article an nually p/educed by its six furnaces and live hundred kettles which are kept in operation dry ai.d night. Duri g the war it furnished the chid salt snp ply of the Confederacy Once a large Union force that was sent to destroy it was diivcii back with heavy loss, but la ter another attack was made and they were destroyed, la time the damigee were repaired uud^r the entrgcii; dirtc t on of Mr Geoage W. Palmer, and ever s nee t-ere has b-en i.o cessailoa in the bis no a. Tue Is nC^lR, ^nfArouad 9f~ 1* i 1 conveiteo i»*o plasie* -or larm us Chattanooga's Chamber of Commerce is actively preparing for celebrating the openi ng of the upper Tennessee to steam boat transportation. The time for the celebration has not been definitely fixed, but soon will be. At a recent meeting of the Chamber, Capt. J. F Shipp, who ac- cympanied Colonel Barlow, engineer in charge of the improvement, on the trial trip tbr >ugb the canal, gave an in tereating acconnt of it, and said: "I look upon the canal as a great snooess. We can say safely that, as the river now is, it is safe for boats six months in the year, and by some farther lmproveme ats it will be possib’e for oar boats to ran all the year.” A new and extensive soap factory has recently been started in Dallas by Hill Bi 03. The varions grades of laundry and toilet soaps are made. Thns one by one the nu serous manufacturing enterprises in Dallas are being multiplied by the ad dition of others while the city continues to grow. Got There Just The Same. Among its mem — ■ 1 „ V rninla and TennlUee* 'capital and en This company intends to lay They ;sat side by side on one of the h ng seats at the Grand Central depot, cays the Cincinnati Post. Her face looked as hardand ragged as a stick of cord wood, while hia cose r snmbled the blush of the early beet variety. He twisted and shut!!'d his feet for fully ten minutes, then broke llio silenc:: “Hannar, I'd tetter go out and see bout that thar trunk and Dasket.” “No, you don’t. Y »u gist sit right thar. That trank and basket is ail right. I’ve got the checks. Ikuowye.” A silence of twenty mi iutes broken again by: “Ob, Hannar, I hear the fire b-lls, and I want to s e the engines go by and find oat where the lire is.” Yon 1st. teep s'.i 1, ’ta ’t noco wf. par'-"—* 11 "* ™^na,r, thar’a a dog fight cross b.1 ne“ser ‘tain’., none of year honery tiroes more evideaCy q .n deep thought, then broke loose once egain w*.. PRICE: S2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. The Other Man’s Wife. A MOST CHARMING STORY OF EARLY LOVE BY JOHN STRANGE WiNlER. CHAPTER I. “We must ail die, and not the old alone, The youLg have no exemption from that doom.” ) (The 'chill of death reigned over the Bishop’s home Episcopal Palace at Blank- bampton, the awe of a great change had fallen over the old city. For on the pre vicus day, Edward, by Divine Providence, Lord Bishop of the Diocese, had been carried to his last long home in the Cloisters of bis Cathedral Church. The townsfolks had scarce as yet begun to wonder who would be the new Bishop. They were full of the quite scholarly graces of the departed prolate—they had forgotten how often they hadblarred him for not having been more prominent among them, for beiDg so gentle, so full or humility ana all those meek qualities which, as a kind of rep to on; consciences, we make a point of attribntirg to Christ, and which almoBt universally we utterly despise in the man! Yes, they had for gotten all the irritations, the petty irrita tions of the part; their spiritual head, sanctified by great sufferings, had become to them a dear saint in glory, whose blameless life among them wcu’d be a fright hereon to guide them on that daik road which we must ail iread one day. Perhaps there Is no irony so caustic as the iroDy of events! A great spiritual lord was looming In the distance, the not far distal ce, who would be in most things wbat the- good folk or Biacli hampton hsd wished in him who had just loft them; a 1 ig,heavy jowl* d man oi great dignity of bearing, po: den us at d arrogant, a pat ron of Christianity rather than a servant of Cbrisl; a man w ho would make a ruie of being promirent among his people, who wcuid be their superior in things of earth as well as in things cl Heaven, a man who would seldrof the*® be affable ard if he did vco' er Ten Xh 'j make all Beholders wish fti^- ? with a ca ' n,r uot, a man of the Really, James, you have surprised me. Certainly another cover must be laid. He will probably stay to luncheon.” And when she was left alone, Lady Gas coigne knew both past and present as clearly as if she had been Dr. Trevor himself—she knew why so many men who had loved her beautiful daughter had ridden away hopeless and disappoint ed, she saw it all plainly enou h now and she went straight past the boudoir door to her own room and never pat in an ap pearance until the lunch boll rang Meantime Lady Constance had gone unsuspiciously to her visitor and found, instead of a portly old Bistop, an eager eyed, broad shouldered man who held out two trembling hands atd came to meet her with two eager words upon his lips— ‘ My darling—my darling ” and for an swer Lady Constance went to him with out any pretence of shyneas, like a child to its mother. ‘-I did not know who it was,” she said, with a gladdening in her v,fica. And by and bye when her ladyship came in, which she did with outstretched hand. Lady Constance cried, “Mother, you knew!” “James told me,” she answered, and then she looked rather hard at her daugh ter and he d out her band. “I am so happy, Mother,” Lady Con - stance whispered with a blush. “Lady Goscolgne—” began the Bishop, when she stopped him. “You need say nothing—I see it all,” Bhe said. ‘ You shall talk to L^rd Gas coigne presently. Will you give me your arm down the stairs? ’ It was not usual for them to go down with ceremony at that hour, and Lady Gascoigne never felt the need of an arm at any time, but during the few steps they took together, the Bishop un derstood that it was all light and that his new honors made the way smooth and easy for him. And the Bishop gave the iuteil'gent James a couple of sovereigns bt for-, he left the heu-ie, to the furtuer enlighten ment of that functionary. Weil in due time they were m rr'e”, and tne bride went down to Blsckiiamp g Irio not kr.ow wliat the good folk ° r *">'**> but Ladv and'to bgl todustrial | telfing the r! "1 eis: bet this train’s met nuer accident an 1 It’s behind haua. .a I’m going to had^Ok. count on You caa t great manu’actu nu c-nu Irty is valued at -12.i9.009. t train ; s on time. I’ll warrant ya? t train e u ^ apt<jJ OEce uiore, but Dries of more than us uai magnitude, and , K Bhot . that will open up extensive areas of | “Jsnnar, th * m .anonfiv hp.p.n an- Tlie wfsagUtter in Ms eye that meant a net aiven up the struggle by a c ome details of a West VliRtataM^ | not g given up 'a going to be twixt two hac-cmen fight .. K it VIIUWV...E—out thar and i,u find virgin territory, have recently ^ out all about hit andtell ye. , Thfi chief oreamz rs of this 1 haven t got. to interfere, ana you nounced. The “ * s B Elkins and ex Ltaw.uiet and besides you might git r n V rr eD S H G Ipa^-M Wes t V« | locked f SS SJSSSi JES? I oK»S«4 MISS ESTELLE CLAYTON, A NEW YORK BEAUTY. Tom Ocbiltree’s Bonnets. AT INDUS SPRINGS. Here is a joke which com* s from L .n don about Tom O ihiitne, says the New York World. He called on his friend Mrs T P. O’Connor, at her borne in Carl isle Mansion just a. *'« had relturned _ n ,Ann .in tJMir. Of COUTS0 toe Remarkable Excursion of White Ribbon Women. the Oa Wednesday of thtir convention week one thousand of the noole “white ! ribbon” women went M Indian fringe the cotorel exoressed himself de- ! ou an txcarsioa. lighted to inspect them Among the ex aD children also in the throng, bat their hounets We a r rd W i°n dtspla'ylng them Mr“ | disparity was such as to make thurprea O Connor observed that thsy w. re sold j ence almost unfelc Nor were t e There were a few men S Vandf h county the present jouth- he’s g^st been i- cu,ng f to y, to herb7 one of the prettiest young saleswomen she had seen since she had be^n Id London. This aroused th colonel’s curiosity immediately, and he observed: “I have b ien looking!all over London for a couple of bonne.s to take borne to my sister. Kindly give me the address of tne milliner ss op. “ rs - O'Connor did so and tbe colonel put the entry down in his note book together with a nrivato memorandum about the charming saleswoman. Toe next morn in° Mrs. O Conner «oi t to the.sime mi i ner’s shop again and happened tothiiik of the colonel’s request So she bought a. couple of bonnets and 8 ®“ tth T^ 8 d rather rwiiit.rAA a chamber, T ils ratner without exception regularly listed mem b-rs of the Woman's Chrjstian^ Jumper Tlie Tramp with Consumption. I was at n y uncle’s, near Niagara Falls ■ on- — B amefc.*, '* v ““ * i- J oinr ss bejiaia commociy s'®*'. „y the I ,ir tb e < r-hu-bty As yet, h' 1 *.ali tc come; 1- w is aY9o ! At” —. PM'Msir s-, “ ok. antronbit** A . if<«r i be do h? Let | bactLs uCinher^to^ V< -t,’ 1' Z ' - * *’ *brKe^ce h8 - ‘ « r nlll }!. and woe. Trcvor, 8 ra]ready a X J ev‘hadbe e un'tocall | Tft.he VenTie Sisuop h^™”l him, I lHt’e 1 S* theVeuch VbsThehad malriada=lady I MwT» called her Corny of title immediately on his taking up his _, l(loll , tleBV o me—doa’D i«'e me, ^office, a. lady who had^ onc^ tc.n | Cl!ed . _ _ .. x thlak p in Canada, says the New York Sun man and had hardly arrived when he said. • Now Nevvy. you'll be wandeung _ JXmss and I want to caution you as vou give him a show neu u“ oflmi l saw him knock acow ofl her ?e/t stone ^ng, and I wouldn’t go Into tb N -xt da r y ? l°sMrted the fences and found Nixtaay lssi . business. I U lion; but all wer<; in empathy. _ r , l.•nr r 1*0 fil’d 1 flfiTV IDOV the old chap anxious for business d do t give him opening, hMMr ^ some five cr si* and_-hr y^Jfar^old^; havetogo’|t ^'Heaven^o/yon -teo^lh^tbe Child... her ford a s”onfand Mlivmg birth to the I aa you leave me Conty/’ child her own meek and gentle life had | cried the pocr Bisop_in an agony of/^- 8l ^ P e d cM W dTinrished and throve apace; I Hme'succwdtd* 1 by°a^overneM^'and the -‘f^ssoon’over after that and Blank mtprnfcM by a tutor, and when Jack hampton waited and waited for a n Trevor was /little over twelve years old mmt f e , 8 t o reign_ at the P-lace, waiued thrBiahop, after many months of intense “bailed in vain; ao other woman ever suffering, died, and no other mls.reBi | rame to Eu p p , a nt the love of M*_J_®__j had ever cime’to take the plac. of the ^ecelr wife of bis days of success and gentle middle aged bride who had come Edward, Lord Bishop of Blaoknampton «s-sas—a of business and pleasure *itb^nalneaa tl?0 travel pit iod ■)ut tnert» B** *“ i ":v uni nn merj. They did not Tnat ram will smash the ’ aD( j m atsy a year ago a WfcETS-jS!?I..... I ‘te.cb .id many a year ago a came, to seek his Conty world, as she had left him in this one. CoT Ochiltree’s chamber. _ npB et the colonel, whose intended visit With, view to picking npanacouain tance with the charming saleswoman than to the purcsse of bonnet*. . H ®*®**® totte most Practicable route. Construe- yon bet. M^ifnS tiyttSSn soon thereaftor as possible, The Wlnaton Salem Land & Invest Girls Beliind the Counter. If I were asked to give a set of ral es or suggestions for girls whose days are two**bonneteTand SVffSff e so^t SSJJSSW.WBS» ^ear tost dlugMer which the past week nerssshop. where it took himan boor or | pish; “f^Tw-s *h.s comHetod. | gj bStabbW'iA,*™*; He t« | were such“^gbter marrying into | had brooebt aack to her. And in the baa ever bsen put uponthe | ^^“b^that all the time spent in wv ip _ ooo of the I Ramemoer r f lrd «,r7' stock to? a”^ a^’g^arantee the store belongs to yonr employer. Shat every dollar received from it will be I Tuat courtesy behind the counter wins ■pent in developing the land* I evcn the moet captions customer. !{? /.nmmnv. The psr value of shares I © . 0O . B i« abont young men, or with to f1000. ^t w proposed to Mil 4n » P®J J anb^siness like, and under the Rf ton TMa company offers free sites to Never aw^p politely ques- wiU give WMW ^“ e / h 0 A“MS‘^thi. P irth. t . _ rexpl&ntoltheyoungsaleswomenal *M® 8 ^tTMlts^were chap=ronedby ^^f^^ure that I whTtforhe^cslttou would be’direpov I other cornerXhis accustomed place- gj-SlMisis bgsfrfT: Sssssasss bsSnrr; air to^Twno^'Xndance andexoeU eiamclary ”^ does not, when ^f^ar, dear“wbat tender roman- placed that lta‘ ^btoat thecuatom house when hegoia home, Illustrious Names, ... «■ “ s“; |. • •»““ at once. W. A. stonfN P c e ; B wMan°swe 1 raU Inquiries. St Do not 1 h ust a p ickaee ;»t a customer would a pistol in the face of a gS'g-ggg355a 3^gggag.aaw. bSi^SEhuua moss hare. When the Baltimore &(Ohio duty to sou™* Mao.^ 8jlle8Woman) and X n e 6 to n “The City oflbehon Stfr,” tori some one wUl noon recognize your it will then have five diverging lines of I merits. . .. _ nd avoid cheap Brandon Hotel modate the bnyers. | * D g | J^ iC y^J e hatr* Matly’combed, yonr I teeih web brustod and jour finger nails Fire was lighted in the Tassie Be Uo Customers are often repelled by furnace, a charcoal burner of 60 tons ca Untidy clerka of eiiher sex. Bn paclty at New Birmingham, Texas, | Remem oer alw.ya tnat^^ _ at New Birmingham, xexaa, 8 Sd C m only when yon Wednesday, November 5. On Satnrday, Pf” so nrBelf ao. The most selfish, n tne 8 L h, the furnace was “Mown In,” and > employer wiU gladly recogaizs nn Tuesday, the Uth, at 9 55 A. M., the I ^^s of an efficient clerk. i modeinthereglonB | * p™wn down with womanly acorn the know that noany Eto^shouted”waveThKhat, and sttont j (jefiance'oThis father, and i hut the tramp was a quarter or o o . the only child of ground'about the Springs as a P™«P ec live site for an Ineoriate Asyium, to be £Th d an InBtttoMon^dointaahSl by sitoh j “ThS’rlm w'« layingr downi in the I one knew Aa lOiiLease CHAPrER II “A boy’s will is the wind's wi Sunday came and went! the Cathedral is familiarly called in Blankhampton—to do tie last honors to termined on iuu .. | saw mm “ r — | arabips as a ----- --- n , B t. | eianauaioipiv/u— — , “.r‘a£li.;r *S »«w ■tsrtfii*®— »••«• I “wirutJJriasfSJfffi££» I a. *-«»««» sf, SSsrsasrs «as? i jesw-smss saasssaasajaKg r.“ —■* - U-W-t lmah, I MB-SSSJS^k. .. «». ..«" »*“• erai Wade Hampton ington. HeiB grandfather to Congress^ man Breckinridge, of Kentucky, and a and unde o'Judge Wnito of Anstin fjrj'ohn Preston7^>f S*o Antonio, late | A woman entered a, 8 virat Assistant Physician at the Btate I g an svenne one day Detroit First Assistant Physician -- -- . . , h _ n „ trt Lunatic Asylum at Austin;^ Captain f Wng of » hurry, says Ikei Detw c T.ooria nr Hhetman. and Colonel I paid to t»e proprietor. sssasrRJWttSWS rSSawTsserstta ^r^-^-^B|5g53S& , s%a5 dated 1810-men distlngutahed intoeto | deronr barn | *® v b r “ t ntion’s them betora company ^ | Bishop of Biankhampton-he three heartbroken girlA.had^not day'in V rgloia and Kentucky. We fi ud written in two or three places, the foi lowing: 1 Francis l’reston is my name, America my nation, Virginia my dw on Tuesday, the first ran of metal was . ..- , ■ „rnwu uu.u .. . . ,onndabout,. Tbe whole P°P® , » t »°“ !f nopaonsical title of “saleslady ” It ts a said to be much exercised oyer this sue- “ " tblD( , to be a woman anything, if ceasfnl vemnre, wuich it ** Jioped,^wlU | arQ a , rue aD d good woman, , guod iron ores of that district, and lead to the estabiishment of a variety of industries for which it will eoppy tbe chief mate rial. Magnolia, a healthtresort of Southern Mississippi, is asfumiDg considerable importance as a trade center for the rich a'so^ca*letT“Valtslady,” and the term has shoddy ish ring which Is totally nn A out'of two hundred clerks in a large estab ishment tbe favorite wttn nearly all of the custom rs is a jonng woiua-i welling plaee, Montgomery my station.’ Also in another place we find written, boy Ilk*-, in imitation of the ab °ve>hy Gem ral Pr- ston’s cousin, a distinguished ««•>• “gsfsas;»SiVSaaw~>a niM3Ssir^,^s~B“i L>d , i building on flrel , Would it, really ‘ 1.. | -JBjSsaaS>” - - *Rnt‘Ton’ll save the barn.” | or foppieb; wSCU. “.h^picked^nph^r — physician in nis day in Kcntm-ay: Preston Brown is my name, Ameiica my nati«*n. Virginia my dwelling place, Stanton my station.” A’fio on ti* margin of one of the P a ®f € ® - u save toebange my p>*n** SS’s jud.ctou-Jy and trust. J^rTeSt into the lihW holes in‘the floor and pour hot water down on the tne dog. loll wiug lines, wbico ab in their memory as agricultural t country surrounding it. It that it is a posuive j Res on the.!llilcois Central UaUioad, 97 ( department.—Ladle. asSXSKS.'TB'SSa w .bom».t.» not say tha* a 1 yibibgMw hap- — , - i^Mnt'hin.^'t'as happened to her. What talisman in the vmf so ai xtous about her sa’ety? Pay« »■« eVely 1 be^whenThey wVdfi’ ,nt.h *' A'HUCU no ” - . . Itnh AO noit is written by one of the ®* ^reat ® * ® peut .d to her.” .wififf itr.cR. wbiCii all 8n-»nia treasuro F®. ha ^ ^sborL l 8 ni°morrbusband uttorly the Bishop of B an k hampton. ’ ••Pardon me, my 1-dy, ti^es! 1 ’ Housed to be Dr Truvor.” “Dr. Trevor and then her lady Itared at, th the Bishop den in their hands! • tha t there So Jaok knew ® no al f" h e gave his was no escape f° rh ' erar i-imother and Blight your g arm! *® nl ® * t . :e throng of passed steadily throu, dea >.h, his eyes people, his ‘aco P wltu his head dimmed with toj-r • 7 h thH heart of a well up in air, a boy wun man! his son to the ^The Bishop Rad ‘eft -- Lir< i Gis- J.nnahi n Of U * * a .iah that he guardianship of _ . ”“ pr “ -* ““ with all her eyes—“the Bishop oi . i Home Journal. month.’