The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, January 17, 1891, Image 7

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I A } Jo the SUNNY SOUTH. ATLANTA GA., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17, 1891. OUR PREMIUMS. Road the Splendid List and Secure Some of Them. the blotted note. T* mb,e< l through a casket Of letters old aud brown, '»®e worn relics , T ^ blotted note I found' schoolboy’s inky hand, T„ * u ed long >' u » rK *g .— ir~r ry .~ brown-eyed sweetheart;" ”rom true and loving Joe.” How ‘hows words of boyish passion. ^80 free fro studied art wad tilted with sweetest fancy My merry girlish he.rt Memory now reverting. Brings back those days of joy ... WHS ‘ sweetheart Mary” and Joe a barefoot boy. ‘ Ts'l wain ow ? and we have changed, AsaJ things change below; T1 }^ baud wuich penned those Unes btd cold beneath the snow. i» t woman now, Schooled in the world s oar let o er ner pathway shines ... icrilat se™d love*” ,aCt 0,8 whoIe business of you, 1 j,A'' d “c* I must close, for I am tiring Aunt ? d Uncle Punch wishes Well, if I d °“ ‘ *'°P' * pine boa, with a bunch of tube- r c“.V?P f< * r , y°ur old summer friend— bugar Hill, Abbeville. 8- C. Mosquito. Schooled in the world s hard ways ■et oer per pathway shir 1 ^ light ol other days.' Looking back she sees again The sparkle of his eye, And b-ars his boyish laughter As in those days gone by— lxmg ago—yet to my heart So very, very near! I>car Joe, upon ibis blotted note I drop a silent tear. Lyn wood. R«ab Aunt Judy: Armed with an invitation ’rnm you, delivered by that general favorite and my very good friend Earnest Willie, to visit the Young Folks’ corner, I come back to my native Georgia knowing that I will be given a cozy scat while lor a lew moments I chat with the cousins about the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, of which they have so often heard, many f r °m the mouths of fathers who spent a few years here some twenty-five years ago, when other ’.bought* than of the beauty of the scenery occupied their minds. Georgia aud Virginia were the two best representatives of the old ante helium south- They boro the brunt ol the Im’oC giaHiitic conflict, Hiul when tne grent Samp son of the North b >wed himself and pulled these two props away, that beautiful structure the Southern Confederacy, so full of hopes arid promises, fell. But before It fell, how many a •'Georgia Volunteer" tell asleep beneath the cedars and tue pines” of the Alieghames! On accouut of the inane of our fathers who b aved 1 the cannon s mouth here Georgians have a peculiar interest in the shen-n ioah Valley. It - vale oi rempe surrounded bv mountains ' Foft airs and song and light and bloom” of early summer, was it not, dear friends, when I came to you last? The summer is long past, the K ory of autumn ended the chilling air and naked woods of winter greet ns now, while the remnant of the Christmas "good things" and the presents from Santa Clans’ wonterful pack make us to know that Christmas has come, gone, and another year ended. 4 ‘Another yeart oh how the years pass on! They come and ere we think or wish are gone! We plan, resolve, and promise in a day, Forget Jbegin anew, the year has passed away!” I have not forgotten you, though I have kept long away. I have read the Jetters each week, often desired to write, and yet did not. To those who have remembered and spoken kindly words, I remember and love you all. With Spicy lean truthfully declare, 4 no one appreciates these things more than I.” Aud new members, Ilemberliie, Juanita, Zir- 1 ine, Cricket, all you whose nice letters I have read but whose names I can’t recall, here is a pleasant greeting with a hope that you will come again. And to all in sterotyped phrase I cry, ‘‘Happy New Yeai!” Not a year that is all sunshine It will come to no one of you. Ajid it is well that it is so. ‘ He sends you the blinding darkness, And the furnace of seven fold heat; ’Tis the only way, believe me, To keep you close to his feet, For ’tis always so easy to wonuer When our lives are glad and sweet.’* May you be happy in the sunshine of his pres ence. Nemo, was the unsigned letter of a few weeks ago yours? Then to you firsl, because of what you said, I must speak. Come and tell me of last summer as iteauie to you in your woodland home au l I will teli you of mine and of walks through antu nn woods “Tht.reisa pleasure iu the pathless woods, eh, Nemo? Or wa* it you Melancholy Will? You also are a Tennesseean and have kept loug away. Will ilyssene, how the little Punch of wild fl *wers am blue grass from our own Middle Tennessee set me dreaming! Thank you very much, Will, aud come back soon. Kilencc is not Koldeti when your letters appear. Frmcis Leign, I am a great rniud to give you whose tops, as the poem hasit^ nse towardtne I * WMy! 1 doll ’ t like tQis 8dlUa S UIlder several realms of snow ” The valley is a beautiful blue uoulb * Grass region, rich as the valley of the Nile, aud vs Whittier says in Barbara Fritchie, ‘‘fair as a garden of the Lord.” Lexington is situated near the head of the valley, about teu miles from the mountains, fourteen from the Natural Bridge ami about eleven from Rockbridge baths. It is famous as the seat of Washingt >u and Lee University and the Virginia Military Institute, two of the lead- ing institutions of the -<outh. Washington and Lee University was founded, as Liberty Hall Academy, in 17/6. It whs char tered iu 1782, being the lirst chartered school in \ lrginia after the English colony became a commonwealth. In 17% George Washington made adouatiou of fifty thousand dollars to the academy, after which the name was changed to Washington College. Soon after the war Geu. Robt. E. Lee was e e3ted president, which ollice he held up to the time of his death. He devoted himself actively to the duties of kis office, aud l. is said hat could he have |ved he would have proven himself the great* pt college presideut the world ever saw. The old General took a personal iuterest in ivery boy who 3ame here, using every means to fencourage him to excel iu his studies, and to khrow Christian influences around him. He is ouried in a mausoleum, built as an ■apsis to the university chapel. Just behind the f rostrum there is an opening in the wall through • which the Balleutyne recumbent statue cm be I scca. This stitue is one of the finest statues in the I’ nited rf’ates ami is so realistic that you seem Starling, I in lend to write you a letter some sweet day. Bo you know I cherisa a bit of writing that l call yours? How did it come into my pu.-session do you wonder? Spicy, don’t we know you under an other name? I like your letters, friend. Lucille of course I can trade, but hew? Not speak out in meetin’ eh? Lenora, we warn a letter from you. Au i Italic must come again with her helpful words aud so assist us iu rnakiug our lives a more earnest endeavor. Hilda, you shall bo our sunbeam. See that you shine into the dark corners and brighten the sad faces among us. Doctor, how did you spend Xmas? Evangeline, we are the loser by your silence. What sorrow is thine, O Mother Earth, That wails in thy winds tonight? What anguish smothered iu tne bitter moans That creep into my room so bright? Thou bendest over a dying bed; It ho ds tne form of th / child ! The win :s I hear are stilled moans From thy heart pierced almost wild! Be still! Be still! O waiting winds! Cal ji well thyself, O Eartn! It is the God who takes the old Aud gives the new year birth! 1SU1! We have orened the new book. It will not lake long to fill it. Let us be careful to . . . . . . .. write each page well, so that when the whole is to be looking at the great sjldier himself, lying . ready to be sealed, it may be oflered up Iroin iu calm repose, rather than as cold and sense- ‘ ’ less marble He lies on a couch with his right •hand folded across his breast aud his left King on the hilt of his sword. The old colored janitor, “Old Tom ” was the old General's servant during the war an 1 as he tells you of the old times,wneu “Mars Bob” was alive he almost grows wild. Hesayi dat's des like Mars B »b. Dey’s got er picter of dat statue what d* y’s gone and put up down to Richmond up h -re in de library and de very fust time 1 gits in dar when nobody a n't a look in’ I’se gwiue to t -ar it down Dev’s got Mars Bob rared back dar on his h jss. Guess I'se seeu Mars Bob on horseback a million times, and he rid straight he did, he never rared back dat way,” Below the statue, in the bisement of the chapel, is the old General's office kept just as it was the day he left it, when he laid down his pen for the last time. There is his chair, just where he pushed it back from the table. There are the books, papers, vidting-cards, etc., lying where ’he hand of Lee laid them. The last writing he did was to make out a class list. One eoluinu is filled, ami at the top of the uext are the words, ••Junior II'*—but there the hand that held the sword in Mexico, aud at Gettysburg grew weary, the pen fell from its grasp aud the immortal Lee left ihj room to enter it no more. In the little vi lage cemetery. Stonewall Jack- son sleeps. <-»oiug one afternoon to see his grave, aud after looking all over the cemetery for it iu vain, 1 was just leaving, when my eyes fell ou a small gravestone about two feet high — such a r ne as can be seen iu every churchyard, with only "Gen. T J. Jackson” written upon it. How si nple! Napoleon sleeps beueata the dome of Nortre Dime in a magnificent sepulchre and streams of people visit his tomb daily. But here is the grave of the greatest soldier since the ‘‘Little Corporal,” iu a quiet village church yard, almost unmarked, and to which only au occasional visitor comes. How like the man! It is no doubt as ht would have it. He sleeps “under the shale of the trees,” whose branches, breathed apon by the mouutaiu breezes, sigh bis dirge. a , Now Aunt Judy, perhaps I have talked long enough, and had bet’er bid you aud the cousins farewell for awhile. Walter McElbeath. Washington and Lee University, Lexiuxtou, Va. hearts not ashamed. Love to you. Earnest Willie, Uncle Punch and loug absent ( ousio Annie. Send us, each of you, a lesson for the new year. Cecil. Dear Cousins: Such a long silence has elapsed since I wrote to the Letter Box that I fear I am no longer recognized. What uas become of all our old cousins? I look iu vain for Dido, Star ling, Monk, Left, Clarence, Eugene and Lillian Lee. I feel like a stranger myself among to many new faces, and hardly know who to speak to in this assembly. But. as Beth needs sym pathy, I will endeavor to sooth her rufiled feel ings, for my big brother stole a march ou us aud Is now fully installed in wedding bliss. Oh! Beth, “Love some day must come to all,’ and maybe our time is budding some here in the dim, distant future, though at * eut it certainly looks like a shadowy hope, )t the years are swittly fleeting by aud my summer dream vanished, as is the sad lam* H, e fate ol all my cherished air-castles. ® ver * n ” dulge in day dreams, Malestiu. a crimps you are more fortunate than the majority of us. aud have no room in that big generous heart of vonrs now for an aggravating mosquito who was ?ushed°n (rout iw in muter Haunt by wiuter’r iC * beautiful day, bright and sunshfuing. Only one thfngtobreak the happy calm that is rest- ine over th,s peaceful afternoon. .. . A hearse is slowly passing by and a.Mil'of nndness creeps over me as I realize that liies iSng dream £ o°er” and another has gone to join the silent majority beyond. vfohun was your nom suggested by John EsteDcEkSsfamoosbook? I shall never for get the morning I read “Mohun.” It was one, tot August night and I had gone to “F.J? 0 ™ etrly so as to be undisturbed, and in order to tuinv mv book to the utmost. l J had just reached the touching c! ’ a P t ®™ IItied “My last ride with Stuart and Yellow avern.” I couldn’t see another line for mv *yes were misty and I closed the baok Growing my bed on tue bed opened the flood* Ub> ” In the midst of my tear shower, beard Mhirp ring at tne door bell. I heard* Jo to the door and then a voice I knew too well to deceived, inquired if Miss Piptnro mv horror! My eyes resembled the ;<oS fh?old rocker, although I bathed Aem !» much water. At 1 tst hail to go iu the par.or the picture of despair. - ^liat in the shadow almost behind the door, ‘‘A'as for the rarity Oi Christian charity — led the lights up and revealed my swollen idsw, the that I looked for, never came.” gh my faith is fast waxing weak, I ite reacied the Gulf of Despair. Helix, Bose hud, Echo, Cranky For the Sunny South. SPIKIT JANE. Like angel tears, the snowflakes fall— Fall aud waue, Aud kiss you ivied, marbled wall— Kiss iu vain— Their pallid lips caress thy tomb, Aud ghostly paint thy narrow home, Spirit Jane—‘ Such crystal gem* of white-winged snow, Aud seeking rest ou earth below, Spirit Jaue. Like shattered hopes the snowflakes fall Down like rain. Aud drape you veroaut cedars tall,, O’er again; Their eager ears will heed my cries, Aud mists will bear them to the skies, Spirit Jaue— Such mists, tho’ born of pinioned snow, Will bear my thoughts from earth below, Aud whisper them to thee, 1 kuow, Spirit Jane, Like spirit shapes, the snowflakes glide O'er the main. And ride proud oceau’s crested tide Home again; Like elfin shapes, they sink to rest— Are rocked to sleep ou ocean’s breast, Spirit Jane - And bosomed iu tne ocean’s flow, As garnered souls of spotless »now, They live like thee, forevermore, Spirit J&ne. Cold on my lips the snowflakes lie, Lie and wane, Wane to tears from an angel’s eye, Spirit Jane— O cloud winged tears of frozen white, Thus kiss my fever’d lips tonight O'er again— O bear taat kiss to realms of light; O bear It up ou wings of white, And wafe it to au augel bright, Spirit Jaue. T. TULBY DEAVENrOBT. Aberdeen, Miss. Why You Should Not Have a Pass. While Col. B. W, Wrenn, of the E. T., V & G. R. R , is kind and liberal with passes, he sometimes refuses and gives Bib ical and Shakspearean authority, as follows, for so doing: BIBLICAL AUTHORITY. “Thou shalt not pass "—Numbers xx: 18. “Sufler not a roau to pass.”—Jucges iii: 28. “The wicked shall no more pass ’’—Nahum The Sunny South is the old established Vamlly Paper of the South and ought to to weekly into every household. It ie designed to represent every Interest of our section, and being non-political and non-sectarian, it demands admission Into every home. And to this demand it adds •very possible inducement, aa will be •sen below. We have pre pared and here present a ■tending and carefully selected list or ar ticles, W hich will be given with the paper to increase its circulation. No re sponsible enterprise in America offers more liberal and varied premiums than the Sunny South. In the lists.may be found something for every taste, and no man or woman is too accept some one of the liberal propositions. While the real merits of the paper aa family journal are generally acknowl edged unsurpassed, we offer these extra Inducements with the hopelof se curing every one In onr whole Southland as a patron, and those who already take It will confer a favor upon ns and upon their neighbors by calling their attention to the matter. There is no paper like it on the Continent. It is the only family ;paper that has ever lived any length of time in the South and it now claims the attention and patronage of every man and woman in Dixie as the best and most thoroughly representative Journal of the Great South. The price is only $2 a year. For that small amount we send the.'paper spark ling with 56 long columns of printed matter for one whole year and along with It we also send a handsome present worth quite as much more. As a good citizen and friend of the 9onth, yon should not hesitate a moment about accepting some one of the.follow ing proposition s and thus contribute your mite to the support of a paper which is devoted exclusively to the.up-building of i)ur section. See the varied announcements which follow. Free Gifts to Every Subscriber. For $2 or for a club of 5 at $1 50 each we will send the Sunny South one year SDd ais » send yon free by trail a copy of "SJrs. Parkers Complete Housekeeper,” which should be in every family. Your health, happiness, temper and success in business ali depend upon your diet and how it is prepared and upon what you road. This book and the Sunny South sre worth jlO a year to and the book costa you nothihg. A Model Cyclopedia, 3 Yds. Or, for f2 or a club as above, we will send you the paper and a Model Cyclo pedia in 3 volumes containing nearly 2,000 pages and over 500 illustrations. It contains valuable information in every lepartmont ef life and upon almost every Bubject in the world. It is designed for the masses, and is just what every tt>dy wants. It is worth {10 to any one. Variety of Free Gifts. A Or, for {2 or a club, we will send you free, by mail, either or the following val uable presents, with the paper. J handsome 12mo. cop}- of Tennyson, Longfel low. Pop, Scott or Goldsmith. A volume of famous poems. A volume of the poeiry of I."ve. Book oi Beauty and Fascination with 100 Health ami Toilet secrets. . , , Rope’s Pocket Commercial Calculator; very val- Four hundred Popular Readings and Recita tions- . .... Guide and Handbook of useful Information. Life aud Heath of Jefferson Huvib, paper bind- Payue's Business Pointers for business men. Cooper's Leather Stocking Tales Iu 5 volumes, paper binding. A copy of ADgeiuB, the famous painting which cost at auction in Paris SI 10.000. A Painting of Christ before Pilate. Moody's Sermons, paper cover, 251 pages. Moody’s Anecdotes, 210 pages. 3am Jones’ Sermons, 846 pages. Sam Jones’ Anecdotes, :!00 pages. Wit and Eloquence of Ingersoll, 242 pages. Mistakes of ingersoll, 600 pages. Lincoln’s Stories 246 pages. Dunbar's Hand book of Etiquette, French at a Glance. Dialogues and Speeches for young folks. Wilson's Ball narni Guide aud Call bosk. Twenty five complete novels in pamphlet form. One Gold Toothpick. One Silver Thimble. One Silver plated Napkin Ring. One Ladies’ Pocketbook. One Pocket Drinking Cup. One Silver plated Butter Knife. One Four bladed Pocket Kuife. One dozen sewing machine needles for any ma chine. Or for ume a double term kernees with I jvp IT m niirimD breeching folded with lay and two Up I -UXl, JH. X* OAJjlJjiie rtrmp ‘* Btfonn Dispensary, Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Salter enjoys special advantages in the treatment of general ebronie complaints, and For 96 GO we Will send the peper and a *P® C *1 diseases, Rheumatism, Cancer, Con- i sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrhal Dlseaaea of “! e . Head, Throat, Stomach, Bowels and Bladder rapidly cured. All Blood DUeaaee and B I°°d Poisoning cured in a short time Nerv- ou» Diseases Epilepsy, or St. Vitus Dance, Nervous Debility, Hysteria and Hypochondria sprekly relieved and rapidly cored: Diseases of Kidneys so common to both sexes cured in the shortest time possible Diseases of Females, Case, Bosae Make, with Hamden, Elgin | pb* °Ve^a, WuSiti^*“S n ^ or Waltham movement. (Bee cot.) I Uevedanu permanently cured. Iron Safes. good Saddle and port riding Bridle of ook- ] tanned leather. (Bee eats.) Gold Filled Vatcta For {17 00 we will send one Hunting I Connltstlas Free Charges very moderate including all necesary medicines. A personal ... . , interview seldom ne sessary. Hundreds have For 920.00 WO Will tend the peper and I been cured by Dr. Salter by correspondence one No. 3 Premium Safe. Boo cut and deeoription. Seving lachin.s. For 918.00 we will send the paper and one Low Aim Sewing Machine, Singer patent. Or for {22 00 we will eoad one High Arm Machine,Einger patera, worth (56.00 at.retail. (See cot.) Organs. For (55 00 we will send the paper and one Bnperior Cabinet Organ No. 1. (See eat.) Or for {48 00 we will send one Cabinet Organ No. 2. ... _ ,, , * —-* "J waauouvuucu with medicines shipped by express. Give will greatly benefit or completely restore you to health. The most timid need not fear, as he holds all letters ana consultations with the strictest confidence. Address M. T. SALTER, M. D, 90 Broad 8treet, Atlanta, Ga. 777 ESTABLISHED - - 1873. B R U C E’ S Law and Inquiiy Ollice. ROBERT BRUCE, Sopt., No. 160 Randolph St., Chicago, - - 111., U. S. A. Civil and Criminal attended to. Searches Instituted for Mfssing Friends and Next to Kin. Copies of Wills, Marmges, Birtns, Divorce De crees Deaths and other Oe rt ifl c%tes Procured without delay from all parts of the World. In quiries couducted with secrecy and dispatch. Confidential Correspondents throughout the United States. Canada, Kngland. Ireland, Scot land, France and the Australian Colonies NOTARY PUBLIC, Legal Papers drawn up and Authenticated. All Business S’.rictly Confidential. German and French Interpreters. Consultation Free. Cor respondence Solicited. Inclose stamp for reDly* 780-ly ' FACE BLEACH. ||FRECKLE AID MOTH DESTROYER. E I No matter how black or numerous the freckles may be; no matter how many times you have failed in the attempt to remove them. I guaran tee to remove them all, and leave the skin in a beautiful condition. I have removed them from my own face, and know whereof I speak. It also removes moth pimples and liver spots ami all other discolorations of the skin. Gentlemen can use the bleach with just as fine results as ladies. Where the skin is just begin ning to wrin tie, the use of the bleach will cor rect tho tendency, and smooth them out nicely- Send 32 and you will receive by return mall the Face Bleach. Address, Miss Lillian Howell, Care Sunny South, Atlanta, Ga. ps~This lady is O. K.. Ed. Sunny South. IROPFOREt A written guarantee to Absolutely Cure. No detention from business. Endorsed by the leading ohysicians of the United States. Write for circulars. Ollice Traders Bank, Rooms 21 aud 22, Atlanta, Ga., DR. McCANDLESS & CO. 7G9-3mos. Take Elevator. THE L C. SMITH H A M MIE’R L E S3 GUNS. LEAD THEM ALL. Manufictuied by the Hunter Arms Co., Fulton, New York, Successors to L. C. SmitK T. M. CLARKE & CO, ATLANTA, GA., AGENTS. S3 HOLMES’ SURE CORE I” Koitk Tasl and Dentifrice Corea Bleeding Gums, Ulcere, sore Mouth, Son Throat, Cleanses the Teeth and Purifies th. Breath; used and recommeded by leading den tbits. Prepared by Dm. W, B. Holmes Jk Mason, Dentist* Macon, Georgia. For Sale by All Druggists & Dentists. Sore Throat, Croup, and Hoareenere Cured t» using olmos’ Month Wash and Dentifrice Persons wearing artlflcal teeth should uas Holmes’ Mouth Wash and will keet the gums healthy and free from Boreness; keeps the plates from getting loose and becoming of- nve. a. purs Breath, Clean Teeth, and Healthy Gums by using Holmes’ Month wash and Den tifrice. Try it. A Persistent feeling of Cleanliness remains for hours after using Holmes’ Month Wash and Dentifrice. 771 It. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Gbobsia Railroad Company i Oppici Gxn’l Masadu, V Aususta, Ga.,Sept. 20th, ’90. J Commencing the 21st Instant, the following Passenger schedule will be operated: NO. 27 WEST—DAILY. • -7 45 ai Leave Augusta Arrive Camak .'. .9 \2 a _ I*»ve Washington 7 20 a a Leave Athens.. 8 2fiaae b*» v « G *‘P es jHle 6 56 a m Arrive Atlanta oo p at No. 28 EA8T—DAILY. Leave Atlanta 2 45 n ■ Leave Gainesville s 55 , m Arrive Athens 7 05 d re Arrive Washington .7 20 n re Arrive Uamak 6 24 ore Arrive Augusta i.- . J.fiiipS day passenger trains. NO. 2 EAST DAILY. PURCHASING AGENCY Being so frequently called upon to quota prices aud purchase goodR for people from a distance I have decided to devote some portion of each day to this business and beg leave to solicit orders for both male aud female outfits. Byspecial arrangement with the merchants, I am able to pnreuase goods for others at reduced rates and guarantee satisfaction in every Ins tance. Address Miss Lillian Howell, eare Sunny 8outh Atlanta. Ga. GRINDS; • raham Flour & v «. $5WK The Florida Trank Line, HE FLORIDA CENTRAL AND PENINSULAR RAILWAY. Formerly the F. R. A N. Co., oTers lnorsu# facilities this season for travel to Florida, hav lug iu addition to Its old aud popular coonsi tlon, The Louisville At Nashville K. B., at Kiver Junction, arranged through its 12*w connection the Georgia Southern and Florida, (the Suwannee River route to Florida) for quick service from North and North-western point,, The road has now no less than Six Points of Connections with the North namely, Fernandina, Callahan, Jacksonville, Live Oak, Lake City and River Junction. The Florida Central and Peninsular Bail Boad Lv Atlanta 8 00 a m Ar Gainesville. .815 p m Ar Athens 515 p m Ar Washington.2 30 pm Ar Augusta 8 15 p m NO. 1 WEST DAILY. Lv Augusta—1105 as Lv Washington 1110 aa Lv Athens 8 40 as Ar GainesvUle..8 25 pa Ar Atlanta 5 45 pa NO. 4 EAST—DAILY. Lv Atlanta....1115 p m Ar Augusta 6 35 a m NO. 8 WEST—DAILY, DECATUR TRAIN—Dally except Sunday. bv Atlanta 8 55 am.Lv Decatur 9 45aa Ar Decatur 9 23 am Ar Atlanta .... 10 15 aw Lv Atlanta 3 25 pm Lv G'larkston... 4 10 pa 4 r Decatur 3 40pmiLv Decatur 4 25 pa Ar Clsrkston 4 05 pm Ar Atlanta 4 50 M COVINGTON AGCOM’N—Dally except Sunday, Lv Atlanta 6 20 pm Lv Decatur 6 56 pm Ar Covington...8 35 pm Lv Covington...5 40aa Lv Decatur 7 25 aa Ar Atlanta 7 55 all MACON NIGHT EXPRESS—DAILY. NO. 31 WESTWARD | NO. 32 EASTWARD. Lv Camak - 1 30 a m | Lv. Macon - 8 00 p i Ar. Macon - T15 a m I Ar. Camak - 12 '29a! «rn,.in lug (F.Wilflon’a . Patent). !f! JkW?.EfSperT AiroPOly KKMILLs™! JC.U F KKI) JII U,>.( >rcularHandtewtimoniAla allocation. WILSON IIUOS. Eaeton. Pa. tent c 7M ht eow \ RELIABLE SWISS WATCH. A Handsome^fime Piece and Warrran ted to Wear. $230 A MONTH, autnis tf/besidfei: nig articles in the iror hi. lnaaiple Fra Address 2V. J. tL-UiPV. Ihtroil.itirJs rtaiy DO YOU WANT j MONEY? WORK? v HEALTH?'. A FARM? A HOME? BUSINESS? WRITE to vv F. I. Y.'HITNEY. St. Paul, Minn., and say Just what you desire, and an swer will be sent free, together with maps c\ publications. For $2.50. For {2.50 we will send the paper, end either of the folowing: One pair of best 8 inch shears (see cut in another column). One Texas Hunters’ Knife One Gold filled thimble (see cat). WILL DO IT8DDTY CORRECTLY AND PLEASE THE PURCHASER. The watch has nickeled movements, 22 line stem-winder and setter, jeweled cylinder movement, put in nickel cane, and bears the guarantee of a respectable firm of makers in Switzerland. Its seU- imr pr’ce in ?8 50. psf~ We send this watch ana the Sunny South postpaid for only {5.00. GOLD FILLED WATCHES. A Handsome Hunting Case Gold Watch. For $2.75. i: 5. None shall ever pass.”—Isaiah xxix; 10 This generation shall not pass.”—Mark xiii:30. _ Though they roar, yet shall they not pass.’ — Jeremiah ii: 42. ttT “So he paid the fare and went.’ Jonah i. 3. 8UAKESPEARAN AUTHORITY. “The ways are dangerous topass.”—Two Gen tlemen of Verona. “Hd shall not piss you.”—Measure for Meas ure. “I have no power to let her pass.”—Henry VI. “These silken coated slaves I pass not.”— Henry VI. ‘You may not pass; you must return.”—Corio- lanus. ‘ My lord, you pass not here.”—Titus Andronl- CUB. ^ “Then thou canat not pass.”—Romeo and Juliet. For constipation, biliousness and kid ney affection remember Slmmonp Liver Regulator. For a disordered liver try Beecham’e Pills. _ Itch on human and horses and all anl. mats cured in 30 minnteB by Wooiford’a Banltary Lotion. This never foils. ..Sold by oli druggists. “WOMAN, HER DISEASES AND TRE VTMENT ” A valuable illustrated book of seventy-two pat;es sent free, ou receipt of 10 cents to cover cost of mailing, etc. Address Prof. R- H. Klin*, M. D. t 331 Arch street, dh lkdelphU, PO 741 lyr For {2.75 we will send the paper and •ither of the following: One complete set Dickens’ Works, 15 vol umes, paper binding. One complete set Scott’s Works, 12 vols. One Ladies’ pearl handle gold pen. One Farmer and Sportsmans’ Knife, 8 useful articles In one handle, (see cat.) One Weslenholm Staghorn Knife, four blades. One Westenholm Pearl-handle Knife, fonr blades. One Combination tool handle, with tools, (see cot). One Wade & Butcher Razor. One Fairy Queen Clock, (see cat). For $3.50, For (3-50 we will send the Sunny South and either of the following: One set Rogers’ beet Triple-plated tea spoons, (see cut). One handsome Toilet Shaving set (see cat). One Perfection Fountain Pen. One Gents’ Gold Desk pen. For $5.00. For {500 we will send the paper and cither of the following: One set best Triple Plated Tablespoons. One Table set, 6 Knives and 6 Forks. Handsome Dinner Set, 75 Pieces. For {900 we will send the Sunny South and one handsome Dinner or Tea set of 76 pieces, (see cnt). Boggy and Wagon Harness. For (12.00 we wlU send the paper and one oak tanned leather single Wagon or Barocch harness with Collar and Homes —strong and good for heavy haniing, (see cat). Or fur same we will send one single Buggy or B os a Car $ bain j js with Collar aud Hameb. (Yon cannot bny one like it anywhere for lesR than {20.00 to {25 00). Or for {18.00 we will send a light Donble Carriage harness with breeching. lame a United States,In the OI«i Doctor’s private ka.i tpracticc, for 33 years, ami not a single bad re&L- INDI.SPKNS MILE TO LADIES. Money returned If not as represented. Seno Cents (stamps) for scaled particulars, and rece; 1 only never known to fall remedy by hja. DU. WARD & CO., 118 North Seventh 8t., St. Louis., n 729 ly Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Cur Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, aiid we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of Charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents,” with names of actual clients inyourStatc, county, or town, sent free. Address, C. A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent 0fEr% Washinyton, 0. C. 7t)0 Lf FASHIONABLE HAIR. Goods seat 5 by mail to all parts of THE United — States. SPECIAL REDUCTION is the parts of Florida, traversing twenty four conn ties—Gadsden, Jefferson, Duvai Alsehua, Lava, Pasco, Leon, Suwannee Nassaw, Leroy, Oran?,, Hillsboro, Wakulla, Columbia, Clay, Marlon, Polk, Manatee, Madison, Baker, Bradford, Bax ter, Hernando au l De.loto—In their riches: por tions. It runs through the Middle Florida Region of Hill Country, where are the fine old Farming Lands, and the new Tobacco Farms, (reached by no other line) some ol them con ducted on a large scale. Here are Quincy, Tai lahassee, the capital, Montieello, Madison and other towns, from whose comfortable, ample dwellings, reposing In a fertile country, Is com ing a renewed energy to employ the resaurtai lavished about them. Stretching down through The Peach Country of Baker Bradford, Alachua and Levy, through the prosperous Strawberry Farms of Law ’ey Starke aud Waldo—perhaps superio; In profit to the orange grove—It goes through the heart of the State, penetrating soma of its finest groves, one body being 70,000 Full-bearing Orange Trees, passing nearly a mile between them—making its way Southward to the Gulf, and to the more troofeal sections of the State- la all portions of the atate It reaches points of Scenic Interest. Wakulla Springs In the West, the Suwannee river, as beautiful and romantic as it Is famous; Silver Springs, in the lake region, and the Lakes ne nselves, with their surroundings of rollfns j land, interspersed with pleasaut homes In grear ! groves, sloping dawn to the clear lake fronts ! J By means of this road you can most readily j rasch the j Hunting and Fishing Grounds : of the State. Tarpon fishing has of late attracted i much attention from enterprising sportsmen I We are the shortest line to this region. I The settler will find on the line of this road a . greater opportunity for a varied selection of j lau 1 than on auy other road in the State—from lightest soils to those underlaid with clay and marl, and of richest hammock—whether foi Regular Mixed Farming, Stock or Dairy Farming, Peach or Strawberry Cnlt- ture, Orange Groves and vege table Gardens. The tourist will bo gratified with its scenery the healtn-seeker on its ample route can find some spot adapted to his waut3. On the hard clay roads of Middle Florida the horseman will ride with speed and satisfac tion aud the Florida Central and Pensacola li the „ Sportman’s Boats old. Note.—Passengers from Northern connection) naving tickets over the Florida Central ano Peninsular to points in South Florida have tilt privilege oi being taken into Jacksonville ov*- the Company’s line and allowed a stop-over with in the going limits ol the ticket, with return K tneir route for destination free of extra chart-. S A nd for best map oi Florida. Mailed free MacDonell, G. P. A., Jacksonville, Florida, N. S- Pennington, Trafiic Manager. D. E Maxwell, General Manager. u NIOM POINT & WUi TE PLAINS R. & Leave Union Point *10 10 am • 5 40 pai Arrive at Siloam 10 35 am 6 05 p» “ at White Plains 11 10 am 6 40 pa Leave White Plains *8 00 am *3 30 pa “ 3iloam .8 35 am i 05 p« Arriveat Union Point ... 900 am 4 30 pta ♦Daily except Sunday. No connection for Gainesville on Sunday. Sleeping car to Charleston on Trains No 4 Trains Nos. 2, 1, 4 an i > will, if signalled itoji at any regular sehe lule flas* station. Trains N js. 27 and 28 will stop and recelv* passengers to and from the following station! only: Grovetown, Harlem, Dearim* Tho upson.- Norwood, Barnett, Crawfor lville. Union Point, Greenesboro, Madison, Rntlel<e, Social Circle Covin'tern, Conyers, Lithoniv Stone Moi-.ntxla and Decatur. 27 ma'xes close connections fo: all points north aud northwest. Trains l aud 2, dinner at Union Point. Traiu No. 23, sapper at Harlem. J. W. GREEN. E. R. DOR3SY Gen’l Manager. Gcn’l Passenger Arl. JOE W. WHITE, T. P A.. Augusta, Ga. East Tennessee, Virginia &. Georgia Ry. NEW TIME TO FLORIDA. 3 Dally Trains. CHATTANOOGA TO ATLANTA. I No. 11. ' No. IS. No. fl. No. «. EITHER LADY’S OR GENT’S SIZE, EQUAL TO ANY (100 WATCH. The above cnt represents tbs celebrated James Boss Hunting Case, the pioneeroi filled eases. It hoe stood the teat of fifty years. These osaea are manufactured from two plates of solid gold, over-laying a plate of com position metal, and In ap pearance and for wearing qualities ora rally equal to the solid gold cues. Each Com ie accompanied with a certificate of guarantee from the manufacturer. The Style of engraving Is rioh and varies In design. We fit this ease with the cele brated Hampden Movement, which ex perts pronounce as far superior to either the Elgin or Waltham makes. We have ■elected this Hampden Movement from all others, believing it to be the beet for the money, but tbose who are prejudiced in favor of the Elgin or Waltham move ments can have them at the same price. These watches are carefully boxed, and will carry safely to destination. Instruc tions go with each and every watch, aa to how to take care of Bame, to set the hands, to regulate, etc. \ ;p4f We send this watch postpaid with Sunny V oath for only {17 00. THOMAS P. SIMPS! Write lor Inventor's Guide, — For two months we will mall for approval our — 13.00 Water Curl Bangs for 82.00 15.00 Water Curl Bangs lor 3.50 STEMLESS 8WITCHES. 83.00 Stemless Switches for 82.00 5.00 “ “ “ 3.00 8.00 “ “ “ 5.00 10.00 “ •• “ 7.00 The above prices are for common shades of hair. Send for circu lar to John Medina, 463 Washington street, tf Boston. Maas. Improved Train Service BETWEEN MEMPHIS AND THE SOUTHEAST, The Palace Car Line of the 3outh—th K»t sas City, Memphis & Birmingham R. B — no> has two through passenger trains daily betwes, Memphis and Birmiughsm, making close sue sure connections with the trains of all conn*; ting lines. Night trains have through sleepln, cars between Atlanta aud Memphis (in cotme, tion with the Georgia Pacific R. R-), the short est route, quickest time, aud the only line run niug through cars between those cities. Da; trains have Palace Reclining Chair Cars (seat free to holders of first class through ticket*, through between Birmingham and Kansas City This is many miles the shortest aud by far th, best equipped Passenger Line between point. In the East and Southeast aud Memphis, and at 8 oints lu Arkansas, Texas and the West an; orthwest. Everything new and first-clast Through tickets via this line on sale at al through ticket offices. For any desired information, for large mai and time table folder, address. H. D. ELLIS, J. E. LOCKWOOD, Gen’l Agent, G. P. and T. Ag’t, 339 Mam st. Kama* City. Memphis. <E.T. V.&G.Ry.) I Lv. Chattanooga . Lv. Union Station . ' Lv. Central Station.! Ar. IHSUP. . . . (S'. F. & W. Ry.) Lv. Tesup . . . . , Ar. WaVCROSS . Ar. JACK’VILLE (E. T. V. ,Sr G. Ry.) Lv. TESUP . . Ar. Brunswick . S. F. * \V, Ry.) (S. F. & W. Rv.) (E. T. V. & G. Ry.) 6.47 P*t 7.36 p.m. 8.50 p.m. EARLY DECAY. Y outhful indbcretion [seif abuse or excess] results in complaints, such as loss of memory, spots before the eyes, defective smell, hearing and ta^te, nervousness, weak back, constipation, night emissions, loss of sex ual power, etc. _ . A 1*1* MEN. yonng and old. suffering from these afflictions, lead a life of misery. , , A LINGERING DEATH, the reward of their ignorance and folly, causes many to contem plate and even commit suicide, and large numbers end their days amidst the horrors of insane asylums. Failure in business and the ruination of homes are frequently the results of errors of youth. . _ . AV WILL TOD BE ONE MORE numbered with these thousands of unfortunates? Or will yon A CURE and be yonr own physician? Medicine alone never did and never will care the diseases re sulting from self-abuse. If yon will have a remedy that is perfection, as well as cheap, and so simple you can doctor yourself, send your address, with stamps for reply, and I will mail yon a description of an instrument worn at fouVaST! 1 ^Veaknk S f™ , “d thls.uever failtog remedy -fiV a PERSONAL-NATURE result- | _ PATENTS find ELECTRIC SUSPENSORY APPLIANCES are Sent on 90 Days Trial TO MEN (young or old! Buffering with NERVOUS DEBILITY, I,< >SS OF VITALITY,TACK OF NERV E force am> vino fug 'from ABUSES "and OTHEBUAUS^qiicVamf Cmnplcte Restoration to HEALTH, VIGOR and MAb- 1IOOI) Also for Rheumatism, all Kidney Troubles nnrl mar v other diseases. The best Electric Appli ances on^Earth. Full particulars sent iu plain sealed xnvelopk. Address *. VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. 781 3t THROUGH CAR ARRANGEMENTS. No. 6 carries Pullman Bullet Sleeping Car Cincinnati IT Hacoo, and Pullman Compartment Cars Atlanta to Brunswig B. W. WRENN, General Past. & TV.. Ajfc lawshe's Cough Lozenges FOK THE RELIEF AND CUKE OF Broociiitis, Co gtis, Sore Asthma AND ALL Affections of the Vocal O-gans TRADE MARK, ER LAWSHE, Proprietor, ATLANTA, GA. Public 9peakere and Slngere will find these Lozenges far superior to anything of the kind oirered to the public befc ever offered to the lore. They contain and can be used as freely and slty requires. One or two Lozenges taken in the month at bedtime, will relieve and quiet the most annoying coughs. PRICE, 25JCENTS PER BOX. I! Too An Going Vest AND WANT LOW BATHS To Aikanree, Texas, Missouri, Colorado, Oregon and Califor nia, or any point WEST or NORTHWEST—coll on or address Alx. 8. Thwsxtt, General Traveling Agent, & H. Hasowtcx, Go. Pacific Railway, Den. Pass- Agent, Atlanta, Ga>' Birmingham. Ala. UK JAB. WlLSOIt, Box 156, Cleveland, Ohio. LOVEii JKTSHTP and MARRIAOlSe ■ Wootierftal fecrets, revelations uddiacofcrM .fcrMT.’M afffi iMcte, securing health, wssithte — — B happiae*s tosil. This hsndsoms book of !<*• ~qs mailed for io eta. (jBioDFuhC(hNeirark.NA lit curtidl {JAME ON’ ewes, ftO"^Pu** | e ■temp. Bonaer C»nl Cu,Cash*. ULm*.