Newspaper Page Text
Kentucky Inventor Solves Problem
of Wireless Telephony
(Written for The gunny South.)
|HROUGH wood. brick, mor
tar and sol’d store; through
blocks of business houses,
over long distance, through
city streets, uninterrupted
by the noise of traffic,
Nathan Stubblefield, an in
ventor of Murray, Ky., has
transmitted the sound of
human voice without wires.
He has devised a system of
wireless telephony. The
story of how he spent his
New Year's day in
astounding the citizens of the little west
ern Kentucky town will be world history
before many weeks. From a station in
the law office of a friend over a trans
mitter of his own invention he gave nis
friends a New Year's greeting by wireless
telepfccny, and at seven stations, located
In different business houses arid offices in
the town, the message was simultaneously
delivered. Music, songs, whispered con
versations could be hard with perfect
ease. Hundreds of people visited the dif
ferent receivers during the period of the
public demonstration and were astonished
at the result. As insidious and penetrat
ing as the wondrfui X-ray, stopping for
no material object, "the electric enve
lope of the earth” bore the Stubblefield
messages. This mysterious, intangible
envlope is What Stubblefield claims to
have made a messenger boy for the mil
lions that Inhabit the globe.
Nathan Stubblefield, the inventor, is,
according to his own description, a ‘‘prac
tical farmer, fruit grower and electrician. ’
He owns valuable farming property in
the vicinity of Murray and it is here
that hts experiments have been carried
on. He is 42 years of age and is plain
and unassuming in his manner. He i3
the Inventor of several electrical con
trivances which have been patented in
this country and Europe. His only as
sistant in the work on the invention has
been his 14-year-old son, Bernard B.
Stubblefield. The father has for years
been an enthusiast on the subject of elec
tricity and the boy has made playthings
of electrical devices since babyhood.
His father claims that he should have
the credit for numerous valuable sug
gestions given in the course of working
UP the details of the invention.
The nature of the apparatus used by
the Inventor is not known. He positively
declines at this time to give out either
technical descriptions or diagrams of
the vitai part of his apparatus. All that
is exposed to view while, his apparatus
Is in working order is the ordinary com
mercial telephone transmitter and re
ceiver. Within a brightly polished box,
which is not opened in public, the in
ventor conceals his secret which he says
he will i not disclose until it is perfected
to the stnalleet detail. Up to this time
he has devoted his entire attention to the
construction of a transmitter. He will now
occupy himself with the completion of an
improved receiver which has been par
tially constructed. It will, when per
fected, bring up the sounds to any desired
In speaking of his invention, Mr. Stub
blefield said: '
“I know that I have solved the problem
of wireless telephony, and I will now de
vote myaelf to perfecting my apparatus.
I want it to be perfect
] BVan | 0r when given to the public,
Taljts 01 and It is my desire that It
Wosdsr* shall not appear with
fglds* defects for the scientific
w4«0 journals to pick to pieces.
. b - my device it will ba pos-
posslble to communicate with hundreds of
homes at the same time. A single mes
sage can be sent from a central station
to all parts of the United States. I am
confident that it will operate over long
distances and even at great distances
the transmitter will be no bulky instru
ment but quite small and convenient to
handle. I think that my device would be
Invaluable in the matter of sending out
tne United States weather bureau pre
dictions, In directing the movements of a
fleet at sea and in numerous ways which
appeal to one at first thought. I am In
hopes of getting a government appropria
tion to aid me in carrying cn my work, or
at lbast tne promise of its adoption when
perfected. The possibilities of the inven
tion seem to be practically unlimited, and
it will be no more than a matter of time
when conversation over long distances be
tween the groat cities of the country will
be carried on daily without wires. I In
tend to continue at work on my device
and think that I will get other startling
results In a short time.”
Stubblefield does not Intimate at what
time he will give out the diagrams of his
apparatus. His workshop is in his home,
which is located on a farm several miles
from Murray and all of his preliminary
experiments have been carried on with
great secrecy on account of- the compar
ative isolation of the place. He is quite
as proud of the part which his boy has
played In working on his apparatus as
he is of the success of his public exhi
bition. He speaks entertainingly on the
question of his invention and its possi
professor M. L. Pence, who has the
chair of physics at the Kentucky State
college, and whose theory as to why the
earth Is a magnet created a sensation in
the scientific world some months ago,
was seen in regard to the Stubblefield
experiments, which seem to have a bear
ing on his theory. He said:
“I certainly regard wireless telephony
as possible Just as much so as wireless
telegraphy. In ordinary telephony no
sound passes over the wire. Nothing but
electric energy is transmitted. Now, In
stead of using a wire, the ether may be
used, and the energy may be transmit
ted in the form of ether waves. The
ether is the great vehicle for the trans
mission of energy. This medium fills all
space, interplanetar} - and lntermolecular.
I further believe that this same ether is
electricity and that all the electrical phe
nomena are due to the same disturbance
of the ether. The ether is easily thrown
into vibration, resulting in ether waves.
Nathan Stubblefield, his son And the wireless telephone transmitter
There is an immense variety of these
waves ranging from those whose lengths
are only a few millionths of an inch
to those whose lengths are hundreds of
miles. Some of these waves affect the
eye and are called light waves; some
transmit heat energy. They are all elec
tro-magnetic waves and all travel with
immense velocity.
“The manner in .which these waves
transmit energy may be illustrated in
this way: Suppose the pebbles on the
shore of a pond of water are set in mo
tion. This motion will disturb the water,
cause waves to run across the pond, and,
striking the pebbles on the farther shore,
will put them in motion, -the effect thus
being like the cause. In a similar way
the lntermolecular vibration of the sun
is transmitted to the earth through the
agency of other waves and causes inter-
molecular vibration here. Now, we have
this same principle in wireless telegraphy..
At the transmitting, station'an electric
current is made to oscillate under very
high voltage or pressure, across a spark
gap and with enormous frequency of vi
bration. The ether is violently disturbed
at this gap and" waves go out in every
direction. These waves striking an elec
tric circuit at a distant station, will set
up oscillations in it similar to the oscil
lations which produced the waves. A tel
ephone receiver will respond to these sec-
ondary vibrations, and so far we have
wireless telephony. The principal thing
at present, I think, is to devise a trans
mitter which can be operated by the
voice. I do not know fully Just what
Stubblefield has accomplished, but the
probabilities are that someone will de
velop a system of wireless telephony
that can be used for practical purposes.
Electricians here in discussing the
problem go further into the matter than
Stubblefield has for publication and say
that as in wireless telegraphy, the re-
beiving and sending instruments will
probably have to be tuned electrically
one another and that by this means
wireless telephone communication might
be had without fear of other people tap
ping th'e wireless line. Stubblefield thinks
that a transmitter for long distance will
not have to be of large size, and in that
event European and American houses,
with properly tuned instruments, could
hold daily conversations over wireless in
struments no more cumbersome to the
office than the first long distance tele
phone boxes.
WHerk Atlanta Was Only Center of
Trails; Stirring Tales of
Old (Settlers :r
By Dr ft J Massey
(Written for The Sunny South.)
N the year 1848 the village-
Ittakes but a few hoots to learn. The study
*S both easy and fascinating. Hypnotism
{* *» e»d]ea* source of fun and wonder.
If you know how to hypnotize you
perform the most marvelous feats imagin
able. You can do a thousand amazing'
things that other people cannot do. You
can sunrise all your friends and a
yourself famous. You can place any
““d* ***** strange and magic
You can compel them to thinkTact
and feel just as you wish. If you want to
■—F you can do it by girina
tertainments, curing or tyyf
. __ _ »he art to others. These are three sure ___
kind ever published. It contains
Ctfts of Che art. Anybody can
jjE **x« th/Hjrp.
5 ’ * ow ** It operated.
how U sways the will oflitsoubj.
wins undviag
e for profit, an
I wealth and h
t to or position.amt
*« OPMMC hinself health,
happiaett. It^jone,,,--
'■ Magnetic Healing and I
)ud how to amm laoeaalf ol
any pain, ache oe disease. Re-,
■newfcar. this booh la ahaalat—
If htt. Siaply write fer it.
of Atlanta presented a
rather unique and strag
gling appearance. ThJ?
was my first visit. At!
that time there were
two hotels in the city.:
The Atlanta hotel, on the
ground nbw occupied by
the Kimball, kept by that
irrepressible bonlface, Dr.
Joseph Thompson, and the
Washington hall, at the!
present site of the Mark-.
5 am block, kept by Messrs. Loyd
& Collins, where every comer was
certain to get a good square
meal. These had a lodging . ca
pacity of about two -hundred. I was here
during the month of June or July. It
was on the occasion of the gathering of
the annual session of'the grand -lodge of 1
the Sons of Temperance. TRere were
present from different parts of the state
delegates and visitors, about three hun
dred in all. Af least one hundred of ns
could not get lodging In the city. So we
divided—fifty of us went to Marietta and
fifty to Decatur each night, getting our
dinners in the city in daytime.
I spent one night at Decatur and the
next at Marietta. This was considered
at the time one of the largest conventions,
outsjde of political meetings, that had
ever been 'held in the embryo city. The
sessions of the body were held in what
was then known as the Baptist chhrch,
a wooden building on the present site
of the First Baptist church. At that
time it was about.half finished. The top
was on and the body weather-boarded
about 10 feet high. We were treated one
day to one of the grandest temperance
-speeches I ever heard, delivered by Chief
Justice Joseph Henry Lumpkin. The next
day the good people of Atlanta gave the
Sons.of Temperance a barbecue at Wal
ton spring. This spring for many years
was the grand center point of all barbe
cues, political gatherings and other fes
tive occasions.
According to tr.y recollection, there was
a spring about where the present estab
lishment of Snook, Haverty & Co. is
on Peachtree street. The branch ran di
agonally across the railroad in front of
what is now Temple Court, and down
in the direction of the Catholic church.
There was no Catholic church then, or
a street to it.
Up in the woods, where the capitol of
the state of Georgia now stands, I saw
a man, two boys and a cur dog engaged
in chasing a squljxel. It wa? a dense
woods, not even a street out that way.
Out on Whitehall street, where Brother-
ton's corner Row is, was a wagon yard,
just out of town. Lots were offering at
8100 an acre. I became very much en
thused and wanted to buy some, consult
ed my friends, especially an older brother,
who was decidedly opposed to my throw
ing my money away on such worthless
property. His advice to me was: “You
silly boy, what In the world do you want
with land in Atlanta? It's nothing but
a railroad crossing away out in the
backwoods of DeKalb county. There
never will be anything out there to sell
but chickens and eggs and butter, Chin-
quepins and such like. Keep what little
money you have and stay down -here in
Morgan, the garden spot of the world."
At this time there were but few stores
in the town, no bar rooms, but several
groggeries, or. as an old friend
of mine more aptly
caked them, “doggeries.”
Most of these were even
then on Decatur • street.
The principal store, how
ever. was that of Jona
than Norcross on what
is still known as the Norcross
corner. It was a building about
40 by SO and was very full of goods.
The house was not quite complete even
then. There were rude steps go up
' Into It on the Marietta fS-ont, but bit the
Peachtree side you went up on a couple
of saw mill pine slabs through a large
door. This house, before Mr. Norcross
occupied it, was occupied by Joe Silvey
as a saloon. At that time It was only
20 by 20. Mr. Norcross "had, before this,
established a one-horse saw mill down on
Decatur street, which was run on a tread
mill fashion. For a long time this place
was one of-^the sights, of the town. It
was quite a pastime to see a blind horse
“tread out” lumber.
There were on Alabama street only a
few house? opposite where the present car
shed stands. The land all under them
was boggy and marshy, and these houses
were built.up on stilts. Very little busi
ness was done, however,, at that time on
this street. On Whitehall, the principal
store was that of Clark & Grubb, about
midway between Alabama and Hunter
streets.. After this it was converted into
a negro commission house. The next store
was about where Walter J. Wood now
does business, and was occupied by Hub-
bal-d Cozart. Every old citizen remem
bers “Uncle Hub.” He was a good man,
honest and honorable, but eccentric.
When a customer would call in and price
a piece of goods—calico, for instance—if
the price was too high and you told him
so. he would quietly fold up the goods
and place them on the highest shelf in
his store and remark: "Well, I’ll put
them a little higher then, and so far
as you are concerned you might go
somewhere else to buy calico.”
There was another spring about where
Dodd Grocery Company’s large establish
ment now stands, and where Temple
Court now is on Alabama were the re
mains of an old tan yard. Back of where
the chamber of commerce oh Pryor street
is now located I crossed the branch which
ran from these springs on two springy
whiteoak rails.
At that time Marietta presented the ap
pearance of being a much larger town
than Atlanta, and certainly did show
more attractions in the way of beauti
fully laid-out streets and well-built
houses. On this visit I met Hon. David
Irwin, whom I hadn't seen since I -was
quite a boy.
During the September term of the su
perior court, 1835, held in. Madison. Mor
gan county, Hon. E. Y. Hill presiding, a
little incidep_t happened that Judge Irwin,
as long as he lived, never did forget,
nor will I ever forget. I was but a boy,
what might have been sa*9 to be
short pants,” - only there were no short
pants for boVs in those days. The sheriff
of Morgan county, by order of Judge Hill,
brought before the bar a neat, : pleasant-
looking young man and, after ,a few
words of cenaure . foe disturbing the ses
sion of the court, ordered the sheriff to
collect a fine of t5. This the sheriff did,
and the prisoner was released.
The offense seemed to have been that
i this young marr Was a loud whistler, and
at that time was a shoemaker, having hie
shop on the corner of tfie court house
square, and when engaged in sewing on
his shoes, he had contracted the habit of
loud whistling. This loud whistling had
disturbed the judge in the court room.
The sheriff had been ordered two or three
times to suppress this whistler, but it
seemed all to no purpose, whereupon the
judge's patience becoming exhausted, he
ordered the sheriff to arrest him and
bring him before the court. This episode
so disgusted the young cobbler with
whistling and so impressed him with the
majesty of the law and the dignity of the
courts that he determined there and then
to abandon cobbling and to adopt the law
as his future profession. Now,'with what
success ever>- reader knows who has kept
Informed with the -bench and bar of Geor
gia fully knows when he is told that
-this disgusted young cbbbler and success
ful barrister and once candidate for gov
ernor of the state of Georgia was no other
than the Hon. David Irwin, of Marietta.
Very few men in Georgia have spent
much greater and more useful lives than
has Judge Irwin.
That night, when introduced to him,
Judge Irwin asked at at once If I was
from Morgan county. I replied “yes,’'
and asked him if he ever
Judg* whistled on a court house
Tolls Good -quare, which amused the
Jlory Judge" very much, and he
osa fully related the Incident
Hiaiself to several friends on that
occasion. The next night
our party spent In Decatur, which at that
time boasted of having the. finest court
house In all upper Georgia. Although
the conservative inhabitants of that time-
honored town refused to let the Georgia
railroad terminate within, or even pass
through, her corporate lines, she has
given to Atlanta some Of her best blood
and foremost citizens. Although Atlanta
claims Decatur at this time as one of
her suburbs, she is indebted to the con
servatism of Decatur for her very ex
istence and for men- who planned well and
built wisely in the embryo city.
Of some of the wen who left Decatur
for Atlanta, I mention first Mr. John
Glenn. He held for many years, in the
county of DeKalb, honorable positions
at the bands of his fellow-citizens, came
to Atlanta and Was employed In one ca
pacity, a very delicate one, by the Geor
gia railroad for over fifty years. There
Is scarcely such another record in the
state of Georgia. Atlanta also Is in
debted -to Decatur for Judge John Col
lier, who so nobly and ably honored At
lanta in oft-repeated trusts reposed In
him by his church, state and city.
Hon. William Eszard was another of
Decatur’s best men which she gave, to
Atlanta. For geniality, kindness and fi
delity -to trust Judge Eizzard had no su
perior, As judge of the superior court,
many times mayor of the city of Atlanta
and as representative to the general as
sembly, Judge Ezzard stands as a peer
“ e best. Whilst a representative from
Elbert county, he was .among the fore
most in urging the recognition of the
prowess of Nancy Hart, which culminated
in the legislature having one of the coun
ties named for her.. For many years
Judge Ezzard led what was facetiously
called the “anti-dog party.” He, with
other good men all over the state, waged
a relentless warfare on useless curs and
™- e in behalf of the sheep Industry,
Would that there had been more men of
Judge Elzzard’s way of thinking and act
ing out their convictions.
Then there Is -the Hon. James M. Cal
houn,lawyer, iegslator, brave soldier, and
to whom Atlanta will ever be Indebted
for the faithful manner In which he
protected and represented the Interests of
the city of Atlanta upon the approach of
Sherman. To Colonel Calhoun’s memory,
we are pleased to pay the just tribute that
he first conceived and put in motion a
project whfch evoluted into the public
school system of Atlarita, which has
grown to such proportions and Is now
accomplishing so much good.
Next comes “Uncle Billy H1H.” To De
catur’s credit, be it said-, she contributed
to Atlanta “Uncle Billy Hill.” “Undo
met with a man; they got to drinking
and gambling, this man won all bis
money. Then he won the horse and then
the wagon. About this time “Uncle Billy”
demanded the money, horses and wagon
back. This tho fellow wouldn’t begin
to do.
This brought on words which ended in
a fight, and the fellow battered and
banged Billy so that he liked to have died.
For a couple of weeks hi3 life was de
spaired of. And this is what Uncle Billy
miant by the expression. “Just did save
myself." This Is the origin of the pet
expression, “Just did save myself,” which
has been tn such use In Atlanta and other
places for more than a half century. "Un.
cle Billy” afterwards reformed and made a
good citizen. All the old ante-bellum At* -
lantans wilt ever hold In fond memory
to,, .‘Uncle Billy Hill.” “Unde
Billy was a character unique and origi
In "Unde Billy’s” early days he was
said to be a "high roller,” but a good
business man. Several years before he
left Decatur, on account of bis fast hab
its, “Uncle Billy" got strapped and lived
strapped severar months. There was a
business gentleman 'who proposed to stock
*Unele Billy” with a wagon a.nd horses
and fill it with tinware. In those days
tinware was peddled throughout the land
from place to place. “Uncle Billy” might
go out and try Ms hand at peddling. If
he made anything they would divide the
profits. •‘UheleTgiilly";gladly accfepted the
proposition. At the end'of' two or three
weeks he came back' and reported fine
success. “Uacje Billy” took a second,
third and fourth trips, making splendid
returns each time. Ha went out again
the fifth timal At the end of the two
weeks “Unde Billy'’ dtdn‘t come. At the
end of three weeks “Uhcle Billy" didn’t
come. At the end of fSkir weeks "Uncle
Billy” didn’t come.
About this, tU^-iTt ^lj/JBiUy’s” friends
h&earte one day
about 10 o’clock when -who should appear
coming - up-the street with
A Story no horses, no wagon, no
About tinware, but ‘(Uncle Bil-
» P*«*« iy” all alone, walking
urssqae with -his- head down and
Character, hands.folded behind him.
He passed through the
town without j,,noticing anyone, went
home and stayed a tyejjk. About this time
he went down to the store of the gentle
man who had stocked him, stood around
an hour or,two and weijt back home, with
out saying anything about his trip. He
repeated this, for three or four days.
Finally the merchant asked him how
he came out in his last trip. “Uncle Hil
ly” very quietly remarked: “I just did
save myself,” made, no other explanation
and went home. Next day the question
was repeated -to “Uncle Billy” and pressed
upon him, so he explained that he was
as successful in the fifth trip as in the
others; as he' was bn hip return home he
•the popular auction house of “Uncle
ly” Hill, who had for many years In his
employment those Inimitable wags, and
splendid musicians, Billy Barnes and
George Wright. We will never forget
their singing “Run, yank, run, Beaure
gard catch you,” a paraphrase on “Run,
nigger, run. patroler catch you,” which
they got up just after Beauregard whip
ped the yankees at first Manassas.
Cjlonel L. P. Grant afso came from
Decatur to Atlanta. A northern man by
birth and a southerner by adoption, he
contributed nobly to the upbuilding and
development of the young city. His many
acts of munificence and deeds of kindness
to the confederate soldiers can never be
forgotten. GVhilst his bequest to the city
will ever be held in grateful remembrance
by thousands of our citizens to whose
health, comfort and pleasure -he has so
liberally contributed. Grant park will
always be a monument to his memory
more lasting than marble and enduring
than brass.
Last, but not by no means least, De
catur gave Atlanta Dr. Joseph Thomp
son, that grand old hotel m&n, who knew
everybody and when everybody knew.
He had • a kind word for every
body—one of the- most whole souled
men I ever met. Often, when a meal was
ready at his hotel, Dr. Thompson would
give notice by saying: “Walk in, gentle
men, eat 25 cents worth and pay 50 cents
for It.” I wonder how many people are
now living whose fingers got burnt in the
early forties by Dr. Thompson’s trick of
handing around at the table a plate of
roils, apologizing'for their being cold, that
.the stove wouldn’t bum and the cook was
sick, when the. rolls would be red hot
and would burn every man’s fingers who
took up one. Such jokes rendered the doc
tor a boon companion and his house very
popular. 1
It was at -this house in September, 1848,
that Judge Francis H. Cone, of Greens
boro, an able jurist and noted politician,
stabbed in a personal difficulty the Hon.
Alexander Hamilton Stephens. Judge
Cone was running for the state senate in
•his district and had made a! speech at
Monroe, Forsyth, county, cn the Clayton
compromise bill, which Mr. Stephens ridi
culed and very severely criticised. They
happened to meet on the piazza of this
hotel. Judge Cone demanded a retrac
tion; Mr. Stephens declined. Judge Cone
then rushed upon Mr. Stephens with
drawn knife and stabbed him several
times in the chest, crushing him to the
floor, demanding at each stroke of the
knife a retraction, each demand being an
swered by the words: “No, never!” in
the shrill vdfee for which Mr. Stephens
was noted. This happened when Mr. Ste
phens was very popular and much beloved
by all Georgians. When it is remembered
that Judge Cone was a strong, athletic
man, weighing at least 180, and Mr. Ste
pheps being a vpry delicate man, never
weighing more than 90, it will be very
readily perceived that this encounter ren
dered Judge Cone always after that very
unpopular. Mr. Stephens was not only
badly stabbed, but, in attempting to ward
the strokes of the knife £r<*n his person,
was so badly cut in -his right hand he was
always lame afterwards, so much so that
he was compelled to do his writing with
his left -hand. •
Many are the souvenirs held by his
friends even to this day in the shape of
letters and notes written by Mr. Ste
phens with his left hand.
Mr. Stephens and Judge Cone liyed In
neighboring towns, and, being the most
prominent Jawyers in that part of the
state, were often arrayed against each
other in important suits. Judge Cone
never appeared composed and at himself
when arrayed against Mr. Stephens. It
was remarked that after this trouble in
the management of their cases against
each other neither ever called the other
by name, always designated him as “the
learned counsel.”
Secrets ©f Personal
Magnet! sm Laid Bare
Thousands of Dollars* Worth of Books on Personal
Magnetism and Hypnotism to Be Given Away
by a Noted Philadelphia College.
Hon. James R. Kenney, of Pennsylvania. Chairman of the
Committee on Distribution.
Every One May Now Learn AH the Secrets of These Mysterious
' Sciences at His Own Home.
They are having a laugh cn Champ
Clark in Washington. A New Yorker told
the Missouri congressman that the only
real people lived on Manhattan island
Champ snortingly replied: “Why, you
are the most provincial people in Jhe
country. You don’t know anything about
the United States. Hardly a man among
you knows anything about Missouri, but
let me tell you there are mighty few
Missourians who don’t know New York.’
For a minute or so Champ did not real
ize why everybody laughed.
Catarrh Can Be
Cured at Home.
Dr. Blosser, wTio hae devoted 28 years to tho treatment of catarrhal diseases, has per
fected the first and only completely satisfactory treatment that has been found for catarrhal
diseases. He has had tihparalleled success, curing: cases of 15, 20 and 25 years’ standing
that had resisted every other treatment.
His favorite remedy Is now prepared for home treatment, and is sent by mail directly to
patient. It consists of a combination of medicinal herbs, lowers, seeds, and extracts
that are a perfect antidote for the catarrhal
loison or germ, and perfectly harmless and
pleasant in their effect.
Or. Blosser’s Catarrh Cure.
The remedy Is converted into a dense vapor
or smoke by smoking in a pipe, and 'is In
haled into the mouth and exhaled through
the nasal passages. The potent and pene
trating volatile extract of the remedy is thus
applied direc'ly and thoroughly to the affect
ed parts In every cavity, cell or air passage
in the ncse, head, throat and lungs.
No other method and no other remedy can
reach and cure the disease in all its locations.
Contains No Tobacco.
Dr. Blosser’s Catarrh
Core contains no opium,
cocaine, toftacco or any
other injurious drug.
The accompanying cut
illustrates how the
warm vapor fumes,
when smoked and in
haled, go to every por
tion of the nasal pas
sage and every cavity
in the head. No snuff,
douche, spray, or like
remeds' can be applied
to all the affected parts.
Costs Only 81 .OO for One Month’s
Write to us, inclosing SI. and we will sand you by mall,
postage paid, one box of Dr. BIOEser's Catarrh Cure, which
contains one month’s treatment. The great relief that the
remedy will be sure to give you is well worth many times Its
cost, and you will have in addition, to this the practical certainty
of a cure being effected in due ti me.
SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH.—A discharge from the nose or running back into the throat
Is the most prominent symptom of catarrh. The discharge varies in character. At first
It is thin, then gradually becomes thicker. It may be profuse or s-anty. The color is dirty
white, jellow, brown, green, or, sometimes streaked with blood. It becomes more acrid,
putrid and poisonous as the disease progresses. Other symptoms of catarrh, present in some
cases and absent in others, are headache, a “stopped up” feeling in the nose or head,
ringing or buzzing spunds In the ears, huskiness or a nasal tone of voice, sore throat,
bronchitis, ssthma, frequent colds taken without apparent cause, weakness or redness of
the eyes, dullness of hearing or deafness, loss of memory, bad taste in the mouth, indiges
tion, neuralgia, nervousness, despondency, eta. Catarrh consta itly manifests a tendency to
extend to the stomach and lungs, producing indigestion, bronchitis or bronchial catarrh, asth-
ina and consumption. ✓
/Trial Samples Mailed Free.
If you desire further information regarding this treatment, write us and we will send
you by mail a three iays’ trial sample absolutely free. Address Dr. J. W. Blosser A Son, 55
Waltop fit, Atlanta, Ga
HON. JAMES R, KENNEY, of Pennsylvania.
Ex-Mayor of Reading, Pa., noted orator, author and scientist.
‘T can honestly and conscientiously say from my long experience in
dealing with people and from my personal acquaintance with many of the
most prominent men in this country, that there is no other thing which will
help one so much in life as a thorough knowledge of Personal Magnetism,”
says Hon. James R. Kenney, “and for this reason I accepted the chairman
ship of the committee on distribution of works on Personal Magnetism and
Hypnotism for the American College ol Sciences of Philadelphia.
“The real secrets of Personal Magnetism and Hypnotism have always
been jealously guarded by the few who knew them and kept them from
the masses of the people. One who understands these sciences has an in
estimable advantage in the race of life. I want to put this information
in the hands of every ambitious man and woman in this country.
“The American College of Sciences has just appropriated f10,000 to be
used in printing books for free distribution, and if this does not supply
the demand it will appropriate $10,000 more. The books are absolutely free.
They do not cost you a single cent.
“Tell me what kind of work you are engaged in; or, if sick, the disease
from which you suffer, and I will send you the book which will put you on
the road to success, health and strength. It matters not how successful
you are, I will guarantee to help you achieve greater success. The work
which I will send you is from the pens of the most eminent specialist^ of
the country; it is richly illustrated with the finest ^hlf-tone engravings, and
is intensely interesting from start to finish. It has been the means of
changing the whole current in the lives of hundreds of persons who-were
ready to give up in despair. You can learn at homp in a few days and use
personal magnetism in your daily work without the knowledge of your most
intimate friends. You can use it to influence others; you can use it to
keep others from influencing you. You carf positively cure the most ob
stinate chronic and banish all bad habits.
“If you have not met with the business or social success which you de
sire; if yoH are not successful in winning and holding friends; if you are
sick and tired of taking drugs that do not cure; if you care to develop your
memory or any other mental faculty to a higher state of perfection; or,
lastly, if you wish to possess that subtle, invisible, intangible power that
sways and rules the minds of men, you should write me today and let
me send you a free copy of our new book. It will prove a revelation to you.
Address JAMES R. KENNEY, AC 13, Commercial Union Building, Philadel
phia, Pa.
Story and Famous Painting of
Roosevelt's Southern Ancestors
of New York, and was the mother of
Theodore Roosevelt, the presept president
of the United States.
Martha Stewart, who married Major
James Stephens Bulloch, was the second
wife and widow of Sei.ator John Elliott,
and the daughter of General Daniel Stew
art, the famous revolutionary soldier,
whose father, John Stewart, Jr., came
from Dorchester, S. C., to Liberty county,
Georgia, some time during February, 1756.
In the list of early settlers who arrived
from Dorchester anu Beach Hill, in South
Carolina, to Midway and Newport,
Georgia, which is published in that most
interesting of small books relating to the
history of our state, “The Published Rec
ords of Midway Church,” by the Rev.
James Stacy, D. D., appear the names:
“John Stewart, Jun’r, and family, ar
rived Feb., 1756.
‘John Stewart, sn’r, and family, ar
rived —, 1756.”
In the list of births, there is the record
of the birth of—
“Patsy—To Daniel and Susanna Stew
art, March, 1799. Baptized, August 15,
In the record of church members ap
pears the yiame of General Daniel Stew
art, after whom Stewart county is named,
as is Bulloch county named after our
first governor.”
In this same “Published Records of
M dway Church” is the record of the mar
riage of John Elliott and Martha Stewart,
1818; also, the death of John Eiliott, in
Martha Stewart Elliott then became the
second wife of James Stephens Bulloch
and had three children; their second
daughter, Martha Bulloch, married Theo
dore Roosevelt, of New York, and was the
mother of President Roosevelt.
Traveling was not so frequently in
dulged in in the early fifties as it is now,
and a visit to New York city was an
event in, one’s life and not an occurrence
of every few weeks, and yet it seems that
Martha Bulloch made several visits to
the metropolis, which would indicate how
well off, with this world’s goods, was her
It was on one of these visits that she
met, and not long after, fell in love with
the sturdy Dutch-American merchant,
Theodore Roosevelt, and subsequently be
came his wife.
In 1853 the Rev. J. B. Dunwody was
pastor of a small Presbyterian chhrch in
McPhersonvilie, S. C. He is closely re
lated to the Bullochs, being a descendant
Dangerous to Eyesight,
is the use of cheap or poorly fitted spectacles.
If you are a spectacle wearer write to us ten
names of vour friends who also use glasses
and you will immediately receive a Home Eye
Tester which will enable you to select a fin*
rolled gold pair of Dr. Haux famous Perfect
Vision Spectacles free of charge if you comply
with conditlona within 30 days. Address Dr.
of Jane. Bulloch, a granddaughter of
Governor Archibald Bulloch.
Brilliant Roosevelt -• Bulloch
a Marriage
Mr. Dunwody received an invitation
from his uncle, not only to be present at
the marriage of his daughter, Martha,
but also to perform the ceremony. He
gladly accepted, and leaving his home
in'^NMcPhersonville one cold December
day, he arrived at the quaint little Geor
gia town—Roswell, in Cobb county. 16
miles north of Atlanta, this being the
home of the Bulloch^
The marriage, which was performed
according to the simple rite of the Pres
byterian church, took place in the pala
tial! mansion ot the bride’s father, Colo
nel James S. Bulloch, on the 18th of De
cember, 1853.
The house, whiah was crowded to over
flowing with gay and happy guests, who
had assembled -for the occasion, was
beautifully decorated, and the fine old
mahogany table was laden with all the
good things for which the south and
southern housewives have always been
After the wedding festivities were over,
the bride and groom, according to the
custom of the day, did not take a wed
ding trip, but remained for several days
with the bride’s father, before going to
their future home in New York city.
The record of the above event is to bo
found in a South Carolina church regis
ter. It is in the handwriting of the Rev.
J. B. Dunwody, and is as follows:
‘Married: Alt Roswell, Ga., December -
18, 1853. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, of New
York city, to Miss Martha Bulloch, of
Martha Bulloch Roosevelt was an art
dent southerner and believed in the Jus
tice of the cause for which the south
went to war, and maintained her opin
ion until her death.
Mr. Roosevelt-was as ardent in his be
lief in the right of the northern side o<
the question, and according to Mr. Dun
wody, yhile he expressed himself when
occasion demanded, he respected the
views of his wife and required others to
do the same.
The Rev. Mr. Dunwody is a cousin of
President Roosevelt, and despite his 86
years of age, he is in full possession of
his faculties and is much beloved by all
who know him. He is at present connect
ed with a church in Walterboro, S. C.
To Get a Beautiful King; Free.
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The stones are exact imitations of Ruby, Sap
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Persons not in possession of one of these read
ing notices will not be entitled to any of these
rings. Be sure to return this notice with three
2-ccnt stamps to pay for postage and packing
SAFE JEWEL CO.. 19 Warren St.. New YoriL