The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, August 13, 1904, Image 4

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FOURTH PAGE \HE SUNNY SOUTH AUGUST 13, 1904. • <5-»+*+«+«4 t *^»+*4'*4>»+t+»+«+# | Odd Offshoots from World's Whirligig f • • Queer Civil War Tunnel XCAVATIOXS for a sewer In Macon, Xlo., recently led .to a curious discovery. A gang of laborers was at work in the rear of the Hotel Miller. When about five feet down one of them sunk his shovel in the earth and it went out of sight. The laborer would have followed his imple ment had a comrade not caught him. An investigation showed they had tapped a 7-foot tunnel, extend ing northwest and southeast. Going northwest a few hundred feet the under ground passage terminated in a large room, roofed with heavy timbers. This had evidently been the entrance from above, for there was a man-hole cut through the timbers. Boards had been laid across this and covered with earth to secrete the entrance. The tunnel extended to the limits of the city in the southwest. It was care fully boarded on the sides and roofed With railroad ties. A tall man could pass through without stooping. The en tire distance was about a' mile. The tunnel was finished from end to end in a substantial and workmanlike manner and the wooden roof was in a fair state of preservation. Although no one was aware of the ex istence of this queer subterranean ave nue. it is known that the entrance is about the center of the old Harris prison stockade, and it is conjectured that it owes its existence to military expediency. Fine Art Saves Many Babes • HE statement that the home, as an American In stitution, is fast becoming obsolete, that a natural in terest in children is dying out, is substailtially though tacitly refuted toy the throngs who daily crowd around the incubator ba bies on the Pike at the world’s fair. Prom the dart proof bachelor to the thoughtless school girl, everybody is quickened by the keenest interest as soon as it is known that there are "real live babies” to toe seen. When the simple Vigo Bay Gioes Up Hoary Gold ILVER ingots valued at S300.000 to $400,000 are said to have been recov ered recently by raising the wreck of the Spanish galleon Santa Cruz In Vigo bay, Spain. This is one of the treasure ships sunk in that harbor in 1702. The first attempt to raise the ships were made in 1825. The effort was re newed from time to time, but with no success. The only fact established was that at the bottom of the harbor of Vigo were the wrecks of eleven ships and that on one of them at least there was silver in the form of ingots. When the conflicting stories of the bat- Canary-Breeding', F or Pleasure <51 Profit CONTINUED FROM SECOND PAGE. ones. By "the* time their mother has ! food, they sometimes contraet consump- Makes in Heart Beat Again Woman’s Body. tie of Vigo bay, fought on October 23 fact that these infants are alive Is add- 'and 24. 1702, are sifted there seems to ed the further information that they I be & eneral agreement that of the twenty- . .... three treasure-laden galleons which were are so frail that a breath of chili air j , n t , be inner bny at the time of ^ might extinguish their flickering life- ]j sb and Dutch attack fourteen went to flame, and that by the process employed ; the bottom, either burned by the Span- in caring for them more than four-fifths ! lards themselves or sunk in the process , . , , of getting them out to sea after their of them grow to be healthy, sturdy | c ® |ire youngsters, the Interest is magnified a The submerged treasure ships lay at a hundredfold. j depth of thirty-three to fifty feet and The name "incubator” we naturally os- | for years there was talk of raising them, sociate with the idea of hatching chick- ! It was until 1825, however, that the ens without the aid of the patient hen. I task ™s undertaken in a businesslike wav. In that vear an Englishman named The principle in operation in the casa of . Dlc ' kson got a concession and made ef- the undeveloped human infants is pre- ! forts to get at the ships with a diving clsely the same. Heat is the essential bell. He spent much money and time, factor in producing this artificial devel- the total result of which was a demon- opmsiit; but it is beat regulated by lim- i stra-tion that, whatever other appliances hatched the second brood, the first fam ily no longer need their father’s exam ple to teach them what to do, so that he can now be placed with his mate, to re sume his duty of feeding her directly, and the new babies indirectly. When the young canaries are thirteen days old, they can feed themselves, and when they are a month old, they can be taken away from their parents alto gether. It is not necessary to keep them in separate cages. In fact, they will grow faster and stronger in groups of ten or twelve in, for example, a thirty- inch cage, than a smaller cage, and with less numbers. It is not easy always to tell the sex of the young birds. That is a knowledge that comes with a practice and clos e observation. Th e chief points from which to judge are shape, style, carriage of the head, action and voice. The head of the female Is broader than that of the male, and flatter on top, and the colors around the beak and eyes are deepetr. When you are doubtful about your young birds, put one of the older ones that you know to be a male in a ca'ge by himself, and watch him closely. His manner is bold, his chirp clear and loud, his actions quick and full of de cision. Then put a hen by herself and watch her. ghe will hop back and forth in a quiet way. uttering a soft, plaintive chirp. By testing in this way the young birds of which you are doubtful, you will soon learn to judge which is which, and who’s who. An important event, and trying time lion, asthma, brain and heart disease, rheumatism, constipation, diarrhea, ami inflammation of the bowels. Avoid ex posure to draughts and currents of coid air, but give plenty of fresh air. Do rot give too much food nor too many fattening dainties, neither sour food i or bad water. During the breeding and moulting sea sons a few old tacks kept in the drink ing water will give enough iron for a gentle tonic. When a canary has a wasting disease, such as diarrhea, diet it with hard boiled egg mixed with bis cuit, both made fine. Keep the bird in a warm room—well ventilated, and keep the cage covered most of the time, so that the patient will not take too much ex ercise in hopping about. Give it three drops of warm castor oil at first, and put a little glycerine and gumarabie in the drinking water. For indigestion, give biscuit soakefi in milk, add some prepar ed chalk and vegetable charcoal, give a dose of castor oil as directed above, and j-ut some gumarabie in the water. When the bird shows symptoms of cholera., some breeders take the water out of the cage, ! spondenee.)—By his mysteriou and add to it enough bi-carbonate of over disease and death, Dr. RESCUED FSoraE GRAVE 7 _■ ..A rough Veins Once More F "’ °^SL and D ' alh ; . DOES HE POSSESSSUPEKNATURAE POIY ER? Recalls Strength of organs worn out Makes flesh grow or disappear at w . stops pains, straightens by disease or age. Renews vital e 9*’ sores and unsightly crooked bones, removes cancers, tumors, sores, a a growths, and performs other seeming miracles. WITHOUT USELESS DRUGS AND MEDICINE And threatens to upset modern wedical p hysidans° PeleSS ' of diseases pronounced incurable by p y Says there is no disease he may not cure a"d offers free services^0^ nor doctors’ verdicts discourage. New York, August 13. (Special Corre- control Wallace soda (baking soda) to giye H a soft I Hadley, the eminent thaumaturgic pan- feel to the fingers, and a slightly soapy j opa this’t of this city, has made the hu- taste. A better way’ is to take out the < man heart beat again in the body oi a patient, and with a medicine dropper, i woman rescued from the grave. And as put a few drops of the soda water at a a result of his successful experiments he Uc thront The dose should * makes the startling statement that no time down its throat. The dose shou d , h cause death. He claims be given several times a day, regulating L haye discovered the vital principle it according to how badly the bird Is 1 of ]ife j tse ]f i the dynamic force that affected. This is better than to force creates and maintains existence, the poor bird to drink soda water all Since making this discovery the cures did not know a comfortable moment 1 from pain. It was like having tout:: • all over my body, and all going at Doctor after doctor had given^ die. left me dead, and could do no to relieve me. But you brought me to life. I suppose you know how o. it, but I don’t—and I don t much ' about the how’, as long as you did it quickly and permanently. The man now ^ could whip three of the i W "Then here is another from Mrs. K J. Shepherd, of Colfax. Iowa, which r‘ • : : T am one of those poor unfortun w'hose many years have been spun X., tVu> V, * «=» xne puut DliU uwon. I unu-y iiumiug ^ - WDOSe mailV litVi 1 u\e oirci business. Is that of moulting j t he time, or go thirsty, and besides, by I made by this man of science have been . hocJ [] y affliction. My t The young birds begin to moult when j „,‘ving the dose yourself, you know just they are two months old, and the adult • birds at various timds throui The Harris house prison acquired con- | j t ] ess skill and accompanied by infinite might do, the sunken treasure could „h July, August and September. Just as soon as you see the first signs of moulting in the breeding birds, even if it be but the remarkable how much the patient is getting, in us-j and health that he has brought £ irg . the first named method it might be ! have been so marvelous that he » hours before the helpless little sufferer would he forced to drink the doctored the restorations to life abo u t cred- I ited with possessing some power over | disease and death not given to ordinary mortals. He seems to have absolute i certain sort during j patience and devotion, the Andersonville of , The j ncu bators in use at the world’s it had been a hotel, , falr flre all of the Kny-Scherer pattern, the doors and sides of plate glass, so that the tiny occupants are plainly visi ble to the visitors outside the railing siderable fame of the war. It was northern Missouri, and was large enough to hold several j hundred prisoners by a little crowding. Macon was the department headquar- i ters for northern Missouri. General > Lewis Merrill was commander. Mer- i rill's Horse was constantly rounding up : bushwhackers, oath violators and ma- j rauders generally. Sometimes they cor- j railed men who came under neither head, i In September, 1862, there were among the prisoners a lawyer and a banker of unquestioned character, but with sym pathies for the south. They w r ere charged with acts for which the military law’ provided a death penalty. Their guilt had been pronounced, but it was decided to execute only ten of the prisoners, the unfortunates to be drawn by lot. to England. In 1869 John E. Gowan. an American, took hold of the matter. Gowan had ac- On the same floor with the fourteen in- j complished some remarkable results In cu’bators is the nursery where the babies wreck-raising. Employed b.y the Rus- who have "graduated”’ are cared for. 1 sb,n government, be had lifted from the This room Is separated from the recep- | bo _It°™ Sebastopol harbor what^ w’a tlon room by a partition of plate glass, so that those who are interested and are lucky enough to come at the right time may watch the progress of a bath in the ■beautiful glass tub and many other novel j experiences that belong only to babies of the incuibator variety. The nursery is furnished entirely In I white enamel and glass, and the three j beds, that will conveniently hold three •er be brought to the surface by means of a diving bell. When he had satis- , lied himself of this Dickson went back ] .' le 'J s SPttlng ' on a fub np st of eggs 'when the moult begins, take the eggs ding of one or two feathers, discontinue w a drink, and besides, the disease a breeding: operations at once. Even i would tro on, unchecked. water, and meantime it would be^ erav-| con ^ ro j over human life and the diseases that attack it. Time anil again he has ; left oY seventeen war vessels sunk there during the siege. Some of these, even after seven years under water, were in such good condition that they were re fitted and did service for many years. At the suggestion of capitalists in Eng land Gowan went to Vigo bay and ex amined the wrecks found by an English engineer ten years before. He reported that the task of_raising them would be easier than that of raising the Russian The lawyer and the banker hail high graduates each, are arranged in a row ( v( ,' ssels at SeBastopol-that Vigo hay was The temperature close to the glass wall, of this room is front 5 to 20 degrees lower than that of the incubators, so that when the little ones have developed are the to the outer air. The mechanism that fosters life in such puny infants as, a few years ago, were considered hopeless cases is almost as interesting as the babies themselves. friends on the outside. At 3 o'clock on the afternoon of the twenty-fourth day they were released and returned home. At 4 the provost marshal entered the room where the| convicted were and superintended the drawing. The ten drawing the death cards were shot the next day. The lawyer and banker, yet following their respective vocations both prominent in Missouri today. RAID FEARED ANY DAY. Owing to the rigor with which bushwhackers were chased by Merrill’s Horse rtaliation by the enemy was con stantly expected. Day by day reports came in of massing columns of guerril las under the black flag. After Quan- trell's merciless work at Lawrence it I . was expected that he would visit Macon. | through the matt res where the first confederate flag of the i £? ° n W ^ srnab patient lies, war had been torn down and where there t f means all oirt and germs are I eliminated. The temperature is maintain- ; ed by means of a series of hot water i pipes in communication with a tank thac I ls heated by a gas jet. A thermostat twenty-seven to twenty-three feet shal lower than Sebastopol harboT. The capitalist who employed Gowan to make this survey had a concession sufficiently to begin life in the natural from the Spanish government which had way they may be gradually accustomed ! been running several years without any action being taken under it. Gowan’s report was so favorable that it put new life into tho enterprise. Money was raised and Gowan was told to go to work. Here the enterprise Each incubator is attached to the fresh i struck a snag._ A new competitor was in air pipe through which the current of air is introduced by means of an electric fan. The air passes first through a box containing chemicals so that it is thor oughly 'disinfected. Thence it circulates over hot water pipes and finally filters of absorbent was a military organization for the ex press object of running down predatory bands. Merrill's Horse was in no position to asK quarter from the guerrillas, and it is thought that the ancient tunnel just found was constructed as a way of escape if the stockade failed to hold back the enemy. Only one man at a time could get through the entrance, and a rear guard in the room below could have held back a regiment until the defenders es caped. The floor was hard and smootn itud the width great enough for three men to walk abreast. Here and there the funnel was widened out, probably for the storage of arms and provisions. After Bill Anderson had shot down the invalid soldiers on the north Mksouri train in September, 1864, and annihi lated Major Johnston's command of 300 men at Centralia he shook his fist to the north and declared there was one more town where the souls of slaugntered men cried for vengeance. He referred to the execution in .Macon in 1862. The guer rilla’s threat lightning, and the town became panic- etrlcken. That Anderson was thoroughly able to carry out his sinister design seemed only too positive when the grim evidences of containing ether serves as an automatic heat regulator. BOWS DISTINGUISH SEX. In addition to the hot water tank uui- slde, there is a tank beneath the baby s mattress, that if anything should go wrong with the aparatus the tempera- the field. A French company had been formed and offered the Spanish govern ment a larger percentage of the treasure than was agreed upon in the English concession. The English concession was examined and it was found that by the non-fulfillment of certain minor condi tions it mlghi be considered a a forfeited. SILVER INGOTS FOUND. The Spanish government did so con- true it, whereupon the French compa ny tried to engage Cowan's services, but he declined their terms. They went ahead without him and succeeded in getting from one of the galleons several silver ingots. The silver, on analysis in Paris, was estimated to be worth about $31,164 a ton. Then the Franco-Gerrrtan. war broke out and the French company found it self unable to go on. It gave its con- | from her. Jt is better to lose the eggs than the bird, and the hen that is moult ing is in no condition to take car e of young ones. The moult lasts about two months, most of the time being taken up with the head and neck, a blade or two of saffron assists in the shedding of the feathers, which is a process that, having once begun, should be kept up steadily, even t„ the pulling out of the feathers oneself, )r the bird is unusually slow about It. The bird room, during the moulting season, should he kept rath er warmer than usual especially at night, to avoid taking cold, for, of course, the birds are more delicate than usual during the moulting season, which is a heavy tax upon thrir system. The raising of mules is one of the most interesting and profitable parts of the business. It is a great interest *~ would go on, A COMMON DISORDER. For constipation, give green food in summer and in winter German paste covered with cayenne pepper and sugar, and a. sliee of ripe apple or a. well boiled earrot. If you find your bird looking sick, and with the lower part of the abdo men red anil swollen, know that it has inflammation Of the bowels. Give it ar rowroot biscuit, new milk, and moist taken men and women pronounced hope lessly incurable and on the verge of the grave, and restored them to life and health in the face of such apparent im possibilities that he is credited with working miracles. The wonder i« in creased by the fact that he performs These cures without the useless drugs dispensed by doctors, and that he gives , freely of his services without charge ! hpe c * .. to nil who are sick and afflicted, saying, during a recent interview: ' [ believe that it is my duty to G sugar. Paint the abdomen with warm and man to help all who are in need. 1 turpentine, using a gamel's hair pencil, am not a millionaire, but I am well able Put in the drinking water thirty drops to afford to do my share toward reliev- of ipeeaeuanhae wine, fifteen drops of 1 Jog the sufferings of mankind and driv- ‘ nd two ' disease from the earth. And since it is in my power to cure and drive out laudanum, a bit of gum arable, grains of the nitrate of potash. After tlie bird is cured, keep a rusty nail In the drinking water as a tonic for some time. When a bird is troubled with Inclines- tion, take out the water for a few hours, so that the patient, may be ready to take it when it is returned with a few drops which not uncommon watcli and to wonder how the little birds 1 n f cod liver oil floating on top. For los will turn out, especially if the mother ' who Is always the canary side of the family, you will remember, has a top- knot or crest. The time to begin breed ing the mules is In May. The linnet or goldfinch, always a male, should be on hand at least a week or two before this time, so as to become thoroughly do mesticated. for 1 must be considered that they have n»t been tamoii by gen erations of captyity, like the canary mate. Feed then with egg, maw seed, ] of voice, i thin | give two drops of castor oil and put j glycerine, gum arabic, and 'twenty drops j of paregoric in the drinking water. Feed : on German food, dusted with cayenne, j give also lettuce leaf and grated egg. i When the bowels are disturbed and weak, I l>oiled milk instead of water is very I soothing. As the bird gets better and I wants to eat, give it a thin paste made by boiling the soft part of bread or bis disease I feel that I must not use this gift wrongfully. L have no right to deny a poor man the boon of health, neitiier 'do I believe in making him waste his money on useless drugs. It is not only that medicines often do more harm than good, but 1 have found something as much superior to them ns the sun is to a candle. As evidence of this my experi ence has proved that there is no disease I may not cure since making this dis- j some tu-bles were bron chitis. kidney disease and catarrh o: head, stomach, bowels. I am 6- ■ of age. and in those years have , dozens of doctors, and hundreds o dies, trying to get well, but no; - cured me until I took your force •• [ was confined to my bed and cons." continually. I was in the jaws o' a at and felt that tlie end was near, 1. rescued my body from the gTD\o ao-I y - iuo back the health that 1 have ivt I i since my youth. Now I strong ! well, and thankful to you and ; ! providence of our Divine Helper 1 These are onlv random examples, bir. \ >j j see that they all tell the same story f restoration to health in the face of t v: it death. But these and ths ; other so-called ‘miracles that F ■ '* ' j been credited with working, are not m:: . ' cles in the same way as those des-r: 1 in the Bible. They may seem just as wo : depful to the witnesses, but they in truth simply scientific phenomena ■. * demonstrate and prove the great '> n | of the discovery I have made, a dis j cry that bids fair to upset modern n, cal practice. sincD now no c&se may r>*^ i considered incurable.” “What is this discovery?” was asked : ”T have discovered what creates II: have found what camises disease death, and how they may be prevent A case of disease is no longer a mys: i to me. whatever it may be to others t can see through it as through clear gift v. : I see the cause and I know the cur I Cases have come to me that have haffi* f the hi st physicians in the coui - and comes from a draft or cold. ! covery. I do not care how "severe tlie tl Y ; where one dortoc lias said the V ■■ case 'may be. how chronic, how long ! stomach, another sa standing, what other men have said or i hF8rt stl!I a ?£* her , .. „„ ease or something else. But in each ca - I was able to see the real cause, and removing it r restored the patient cuit- in milk, a piece of bread the size ! failed to do, or whether the patient has | been pronounced incurable or not. I am I just as ready to cure consumption, can- ! cer, paralysis, Bright's disease, organic [ weakness, and other so-called incurable diseases as r am to cure stomach and bowel troubles, rheumatism, nervous prostration, blood disorders, catarrh, or , ' any of the other ills that human flesh is heir summer rape and a little hemp seed, to I "‘“"l?.’ "/T" T ,7*™ T "iT lover. t0 \VithoutTntenXg To Coast' / may bring them up to the highest health and ! ' 77.7 „CC t _!C.„^ h _ a Jf ^ safely say that I treat more patients strength. When tVirr condition tias been reached, the last tinge of the every-day black color that belongs to their beaks will have vanished, and a delieate, pink ish white color Will have taken its plaee. ture could still be kept up. A thermom- j cession to Gowan on favorable terms. Tills is the time to introduce him to his little wife, who has already raised one or two nests of pup canaries. In selecting the mother for tie mules, always prefer one that is light, rich yellow, rather than buff, and one that is also stylish and large. THE BREEDING CAGE. The breeding cage should he white washed twice a year, -before and after the boiled down, and stirred continually whil ; boiling. Sometimes one of the frail little legs gets broken. Don’t give it uj) then as a hopeless ease, hut go to work and mend the break. Don't say “I can’t.” There ought to be no such words in our language. Dissolve a little gum arabic in alcohol, set tlie joint or break, and don't shrink because the poor little bird may cry. You and T would do the same, I am sure, but our surgeon would not abandon us on that account. Put this preparation on the break with a soft amors hair brush, carefully brushing all 1 liv rfect health. I have known storpa trouble to be diagnosed as heart disea and heart disease as rheumatism, countless other similar instances. \\ ”■ these mistakes are made and the pat:- is treated for the wrong disease, how the sufferers hope to get well? It is ' : if you tried to cure deafness by wear. 4 eye-glasses. One is just about as se; • hie as the other. But I make a enref diagnosis of each case that comes to nv and treat the real cain*e.” ‘‘You spoke of giving your a year than the average physician does in a lifetime, and among these are num bered eases that are probably among the worst in the country. And ] cure be- i free cause [ have at my command a power : “Yes, that is right. Any one who is over disease so great that its extent can ! in any way and wants to be cured merely hardly be realized. For instance, read to write to me. addressing Walla this letter from one of my patients, Mrs. Hadley, M. D., Office 324 E. 708 Madi- J. G. Whitfield, writes: Xorfolk, Va., who “ ‘I was so near crossing the Great Valley that my body felt dead and life less; hut you made mv heart beat again and my blood flow’ through my veins once more. T was very despondent when you came to my rescue. My stomach. . „ = - • liver and kidneys were in such a bad paits of the skin in plaee. This, when state I was afraid T couldn't whose entire costume consists of a square of steriliz ed cheese cloth lined with a thick layer af absorbent cotton. This is fold- d a round tlielr tiny bodies turneq .ip over the IittL' feet and securely pinned. I in babies have but one ornament, a oow me up on the wings of I of P 1 * 1 ^ ribb ° n , if tllP >‘ ba PP en to be b ^- s and a bow of blue if they are girls. The very delieate ones are not bathed, but each morning are treated to a coat of warm oil which both nourishes the ten der body and aids in preventing the shock that the most carefully administer- jible Ilian Spanish galleons that had been at the bottom of the sea nearly two centuries. the doors where they touch the bars, and look for them at the back of the cage, putting a drop or two of kerosene So once more the galleons were left oil on all dusty or suspicious looking to rest in peace. Then came the forma tion of the English company, which raised ilie first galleon. The story of the loss of these galleons is one of the most exciting of that era of sea adventures. For four years Ine , Spanish government had not ventured : to trust its American treasure on the high seas, and upon its American treas- spots It a good plan to soak the nesc : course the perches should he re moved from the cage while the leg i mending. A leg broken bet joints can sometimes be set h his Centralia work began arriving. The bodies were laid in the freight room | duce. and on the platform of the North Mis- For blue babies, those whose respira- souri depot until the hard-pressed under- ! tory organs are poorly developed, there takers who worked night and day on the . is the oxygen tank, that pumps a strong job, could make the coffins to convey the j current of oxygen into the little lungs remains of the federal soldiers to their j that have not yet learned to bretrac homes in Monroe county, Missouri, and \ Blue babies are found among the other- Iowa. Great crowds of people went to ! normal children, hut this unnatural tlie depot to look at the dead sodicr.-' and c °lv>i <s not a menace to life except when then went home and buried their valu- b an imperfection of the heart ! cut them or when the whole body is Imperfect,.,- Jnstead Q f going to Cadiz the galleons developed. Among the latter kind some I went to Vigo where they arrived ou have a digestive system so poor that even ; Se p tem ber 21, 'l702. There are two har- ie nourishment administered by a medi- | hnr , at vigo , au out er and an inner. ed bath would be more than likely to phi- ure Spain was depending almost entirely for Its existence. At last it came to such a pass that the treasure had to be transported in some way. Spain and France were allies and op posed to them were England and Hol land. French and Spanish war fleets went to escort twenty-three treasuie la den galleons to Cadiz. The Angio-Dutch basket in kerr.sene before giving it to the , !!.'!' .'i'"..!',!' C ,p“ rt pIaster to hold the purls together. Then wrap a linen bandage around it—an old hand kerchief i s just the thing—using a good salve or liniment as a starter. Wrap around the leg until the bandage is of a size to fill a small quill toothpick. Cut the latter lengthwise, and of tlie hen for building In. The matter of perches may seem a little thing, but it is a very big one i to the birds that have to spend, tlie greater part of their lives on them. A round perch that allows the birds' claws to overlap and catch each other, is cruel- ■ ty and misery to the birds. No round perch at ail should be used, for the best of them allow the bird no purchase to hold on by wh&n the cage is moved. A perch tbit is flat at the bottom and slightly rouided on top, much like the j handle of t palm leaf fan, is the kind ; that sliouU be in every cage. It should be about tvice as thick as an ordinary God ever blest; you.’ And this from Mr. E. C. Bess, of El Campo, Tex., who says: T was as good as dead when you came ween the j to fv rescue with your most wonderful , y using a rliR coverv. I was suffering the torment if the damned from rheumatism, liver ind kidney disease, and dropsy. It is narrow I hard to tell whirh was the worst, as they all set me almost crazy with pain. I ) son Ave., New York City, telling me J their greatest pain or trouble, their prr ' cipal symptoms, age and sex, and I will , diagnose their case, and send them course of home treatment absolutely fri of charge.” "Do you mean that any one who is sick can write to to be ourid with out paying you sny-tiioney?’’ "Yes. I mean jest that. Both mv ser vices and the treatment I send are free. I want to prove to the whole world th value of my discovery, and, as I said tv fore. I feel that it is my duty to give health to all the poor sufferers that I can. And I am especially anxious to cure those who have been told that their case is incurable, that there is no hope for them to their lost health and strength. If they will write to me uni let me treat them there is not only hope, but an almost absolute certainty that they nerd be sick no longer. And if makes no difference where they live A letter does just as much good as a per sonal visit. T can cure them in their own homes as easily and surely as if th-y came to me or I went to them.” fleet hovered about the Spanish coast to \ lead pencil ff. proper length, and then open and slip it over the bandage. The quill will close of itself, and hold the broken joint in place. Sometimes a broken leg or wing may be jeft to nature to heal, using warm water to bathe it in, and a good salve to relieve soreness. A few words in conclusion as to the Profit of canary breeding. This, of ables. Many left town. For several days i a reign of terror existed. Constant look- ' outs from church towers were maintained j Most of the home guards were away on an expedition and the town was practical- i ly defenseless, save for the small garri- ; con in the stockade. Just at that period the outlaw Auiler- i sun was the most dreaded man in the ! state. it was said that he had scalped j many of his victims at Centralia and that , - I hors at Vigo, an outer ; ne c ropper cannot be used, because Ih s The inner harbor { reached from the tiny throat has not acquired the art of swallowing. In these cases gavage feed ing, by means of a. rubber tube and a outer by a narrow channel. The gal leons were in the inner harbor. Across | the tail nd wings between the fingers, course, must vary with time and place. When y<u want to catch one of the : h"* 0 ,ixecl prices can lie given here, be- bird s in aeage, take out all the perches, I ca,!se there are none that apply to all wait untilit gets in a good position and P arts °f the country. The lady breeder then mate a sudden pounce. To hold ! whose course we have followed found the yellot mite securely, without hurt- ! IPa, l> R ule for all her common hens at $4 ing it, ii quite an art, but one easily \ a f l° zen . The male birds, or singers, she acquired. It is only to take the tip of the seventeenth century, and James Thomson in tlie eighteenth are poets whose stories lie ready-made to the hand of the anxious author in search nf a plot. At a time when many writers are sinking artesian wells into realism, per haps there will be a flocking after Miss j Rives to the true founts nf romance in j the history of letters. Yet one must admit that the author of Tlie Castaway | has taken the host at the -start, for oth er romantic lives are to Byron's "as moonlieht to sunlight and as water unto wine.” bulb that works like a perfume atomizer, is resorted to. The stronger babies soon learn to take the bottle, just as normal babies do. death notches quite covered his pistol ' Tlie nourishment is one of the great- stocks. It was a habit among the guer- j est sources of care to the attendants, rillas to make a record of each man kill- Is (modified milk or beef juice or wliat- ed by an indentation on their pistols. : ever the stomach can assimilate, but While the excitement was on O. S. i each baby has its own formula by which Hearce, a druggist, decided to save, if | bs food is prepared. All the little ones . silver stopped. the channel a boom barricade of chains and trunks of trees was stretched. On tlie two points were weak forts. For a month the galleons lay in safety while the Spanish authorities of Cadiz wrangled with the authorities of Vigo as to landing the treasure. Cadiz claim ed the right to handle royal treasure from America and the Madrid government ordered the landing of the gold and possible, S9.000 that he had in his strong I aro f °d at intervals of two hours during box. His plan was unique. He dressed J tbe ^ ay and three hours at night which a brakeman and boarded a freight i is a S°°d rule for all young babies. ills., where lie intended , Ttoe question most frequently asked Kn route ! ls: “Where do the incubator babies come from and where an they going';” ’J i.ey train for Quincy to put his wealth in the bank. lie carried it in his boots, as it was all in bills. At Hunnewell the train was held up by a tyro band of bushwhackers, said to be under the command of Bill Stephens. When measured with Anderson, Stephens was quite a gentleman. The few cattle men on the train passed up a pot of $50. Bearce was on the way car platform twisting a brake. The leader came out and wanted to know what lie was do- 1 "Stopping the train till you gentlemen in there get through,” said tlie druggist The chief said he was a good fellow and patted him on -he back. Eearce’s hoots wore not inspected and he got safe ly into Quincy with his wad of money. In after rears he related the incident to one of Anderson’s rough riders, who had hung up his six-shooters and set tled down to a life of peace and quiet. "Humph 1” said the old gmerrilla. con- temptouslv. “that gang never went to school. When we were out huntin’ the first thing we did was to make 'em pull O.T their boots. Men didn't carry money In their pockets them days. If you’d a met us you’d a been $9,000 short, that s •a.” come from all the maternity hospital and from many private homes in the city, and the most beautiful thing about the baby exhibit is that the little pau per who lias no parents and no home receives exactly as much care and atten tion as is lavished upon the child of opulence that has been sent here be cause it is sure to receive the most sci entific treatment. Moreover, these b;. bies are cared for. whether rich or poor, free of charge, the one purpose of Lhe physicians in attendance being to en courage the founding of incubator wards in the city hospitals, so that fragile in fants may be given a fighting chance lr. life. A NOVELIST GATHERS MATERIAL Will X. Harben, author of "Abner Daniel,” hag completed a new novel, which Harper & Bros, will publish in the fall. Mr. Harben is now at Dalton, Ga„ his birthplace, which is his summer head quarters. From there he and Mrs. Har ben make frequent excursions to other cities. Finally, on October 23, the combined English and Dutch fleets sailed into the harbor, landed 4,000 men and captured the forts, broke through the boom bar ricade and captured many of the gal leons. The rest of the .treasure fleet the Spanish burned after hurrying to shore a small part of the treasure, most of which was stolen in the confusion. Tlie amount of treasure that was on board the twenty-three galleons is esti mated at $50,000,000. Of this it was estimated $37,000,000 in gold and silver went to the bottom of Vigo bay. T. Hill Mansfield's Capillaris It Absolutely Cures All Scalp and Skin Diseases, ehroniccases of Ec zema, Salt Rheum, &c., &c., Falling Hair,Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Poisonous Stings and Bites. 5 to 10 applications draw to surf ace and cure all humors babiesand children are subject to. Merit alone, without advertising, has created an immense sale all over America, and hundreds of thousands of sufferers have been cured with from a half to one bottle. All DrnnlaM, so Ceate. f. Hill Mansfield. Agent, SbirUp, H. J, and not o get nervous and- squeeze the poor llttl thing to death unconsciously. Never loe sight of the fact that cana ries, andnearly all small birds, in fact, are a bndle of nerves. They can easily be frigh-ined to death, especially, those that hnpen to have heart disease, which 1 not at all uncommon. Some times, 1 it does not die from fright, a singer -111 lose its voice. Let me tell you abet such a case that came under my obsrvation. Few « us have yet forgotten the terri ble coriagratlon that wiped all of Hie main, trt of the city of Jacksonville. Fla., ff the face of the earth, three years go. In one of the dwellings de stroy® lived a canary that was famed far ni wide as a sweet singer. His trill,--hakes, warbles, were the delight of al who heard him, and apparently of hi self, too, judging from the con- stant3tream of song that flowed from his ty throat. Well, when the house eaugj fire, the shrill cries of terror of dozen. sold for $13 a dozen. About one in ten of these will prove to be an extra fine singer, and such sell readily at four or five dollars each. Some times there Will be that rare tiling, a fine singer among the females. One of the sweetest among my own birds was a female, and her song was finer than that of the best males, because, while equally varied and beautiful, it had none of those occasional loud, shrill notes of the male birds. The male birds vary from an ordinary to an extraordinary price, according to their song and plum age. Tlie prices given here are only tentative, of course. When the birds can be sold at private sale, better profits are made, as there is no middle man’s profit to come out of the transaction. THE BIOGRAPHICAL NOVEL. The publication of The Castaway, Miss Hallie Erminie Rives’ story based on the life and loves of Lord Byran, brings out the fact that comparatively few of the ro mances of literature have been turned BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. (From Leslie's Weekly.) Few things are more important and valuable in the equipment of character, few tilings have so much to do with the achieving of success in any calling or profession, as a belief in one's self. Many men and women have been doomed to a life far below tlie level of that for which th’* were naturally fitted, to a discour aged, fruitless, wretched existence, sim ply because they have been impressed in their childhood toy parents, teachers and often lay preachers, with the belief that they were nothing but "worms of the dust:” because they were taught that aspirations to ris e above their were foolish dreams, and th siveness to circumstances, no matter what they might be. was the first law of existence. T’nder such teaching in the home and the pulpit, impressed at the outset that they were born to be no- hodies and that it was a s in to trv to be anything else, it is not surprising that many thus taught should sink to th” level of servile and spiritless drudges never realizing their own gifts and pow- : in the night, Mr. Fox took the bird to i the rear of his yard, where he had a ! couple of guinea pigs in an inclosure com pletely covered with a' finely woven wire j screen. He carefully placed the young | robin in the pen, intending to libera L e ! it in the morning. While dressing the next morning he looked out of his win dow and was amazed at the actions a. courle of sparrows, who were carry ing worms to the young robin in the tr- closure. They would fly away, nnlv to return a few moments later with worms, which they proceeded to drop throrch the screen into the unturned mouth of the captive. They kept this performance up until the robin was liberated, and even then they continued to hover around like self-constituted guardians. ers, without initiative the jor little bird were heard above the \ Into the plots of novels. Shakespeare roarff the flames, as he fluttered des- I has been used by William Black; Sir peraiy against the bars of his cage. His j Philip Sidney and Sir Walter Raleigh by mistss, a little girl, snatched the cage j Charles Kingsley; AddTson and Steel by frohr the porch where it was hanging , Thackeray; Goldsmith by F. Franwfort and Hire it safely to the street. The Moore; and Burns quite recently by Mrs. birdijd not die. but its beautiful voice j Elinor Lane. John Keats, or rather a didi From that day to this he has never miserable ghost of John Keats, figures in suit another note. So you see what a Kipling’s nightmare. Wireless. But many nerius shock can do to even a little j of the most brilliant and romantic careers bir< 1 have been left untouched. Sir Thomas Cuaries are naturally healthy and j Overbury’s adventures are indeed stran- bay, and while they are subject to j ger than fiction. The path that Sir John m*y of the diseases that all flesh is heir td,.he causes of their troubles are few, ; P easily guarded against tovith ordinary €|6. ■ lom cold and exposure, or improper Suckling trod led through many exert ing episodes, well worth telling with the aid of imaginative reconstruction. Mar lowe, Lodge, Greene and Dekker in the ■Ixteenth century, Carew and Otway in never daring anything in their own be half. at the foot of every ladder, at the call of every master, the submissive and unprotesting creatures of every untoward circumstance LOVE CURES INSANITY. (St. Louis Better to Chicago Tnter Ocean4 Where doctors failed love succeeded and Henry C. Henke, of Carsonville. St Louis county, has so far recovered his reason that he has applied to the prohat court in Clayton to he adjudged sane Three years ago Menke was declared non compos mentis hv a jury. The appll- ei r station ! cation was made through his attorney, at submis- I C,au<3e JIartin - Tbp f,rst signs of Itn- provement in his mental condition noticeable soon after he became ored of a young woman neighbor a few years ago. Sow he is sane and sound, his lawyer avers. Menke is 24 years old and has lived j since his parents’ death with relatives. . When he attained his majority, thre’ ! years ago. he eame into possession of an ; estate by inheritance. Proceedings were instituted at that time in the probate court to have a guardian appointed, a* it was alleged that the condition of hla mind was such as to render dangerous the commitment of the property to his sole and exclusive care. .After hearing evidence the jury upheld the contentions in the petition for an inquiry and Judge Wurdeman appointed Fred Bangert, of Ferguson, as his guard ian. Menke has been under his care since. Although declared of unsound mind and incapable of managing his own a (Tatra. Menke was never regarded as dangerous, and was not restrained of his liberty, f or years his relatives had consulted phy sicians who prescribed for him, but to no avail. Almost a .year ago Menke fell in love- never venturing. SAMARITAN SPARROWS. (From The Philadelphia Record.) 1 he sparrow has never been noted for its good works and kind deeds, but Samuel T. Fox, the well-known real estate man, relates an experience that throws an entirely new light on the character of the little scrapper. Mr. Fox live® in Tioga, and the other evening just about dusk, he discovered a young The"youn£ u r„bl„ ««««,«, o„ hi. lawn. ,? thl.,'0.1, “h im’ln was unable to fly, and had evidently bls a **liction. and 'then, as the cloud fallen from it s nest. > w»« re<1 hIs brain, found that she Fearing that the cats might devour it 1 of her*. *° nd ° f his com P any ** !»• traa