The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, December 22, 1906, Image 6

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I SIXTH <PAGE THE SUNNY SOUTH DECEMBER 22, 190 In Woman s Realm of Thought and Home WitH the Household ^ •pa y Mattie exactly what they ore worth.' 1 j < ■hristmas gif; As .she »azi <1 at the soft, dainty thing- I ami I - he I,.1,1 a sudden whim to try them oi* j "Smnetlitn I'ftey clung to tier feet a ; effect lit. and [ asked, us she walked up an i down the rom.i | "No. she liu.l the queer feeling of having Jus, fi-\e it emerged from cold. gloiimv shadows into the cheerful s tnlight. Turning the rot iter she saw .Mattie :t ; :<i low rocker, which her » : s;. <>i a I mother was pulling to the window, hut | Anne did not go in. instead sh< Santa Claus brought^! aba Santa Cluus. It was Uol Vho "I never eo 1 Id guess." she said, attar moments’ silence. ■') don't believe you could," ka gn- vered, with : i I w l tall >u: It ts a dear, dear little baby " "Oh." She exclaim-ii. delightedly, itp- at Coin! lamia all There are a group • of which is occupied dren. eared for by women while Kut ha I’teree, says: ' villion where : were at play, fresh from tin are mi an ei|iiality. ! f "homes.'' each one j ay a number of etui- | one or more young i liiiinl untl le A writer who visited Point I.oma . . • makhtg a tour tiie grounds w im i Communications to This Department Should Be Addressed to MRS. MARY E. BRYAN. C’arkston, Ga.. Inquiries and 131 it" T,,,K “‘ y 3:1,1 " ,r Letters Requiring Answers hy Mail Must Be Accompanied by Postage. Talks on Timely Topics. CHRISTMAS AND HOME. GAIN the <.'lirl*tma« tl«W* is near—season of love, for* jglveness, hospitality anrt generous plvinp; season AV rattle to nil open i>:«- iImzpii or more littlo gli Though the breeze blew »= •eiiji. i hey ?»«»! i their bonnets an.1 wraps. T!i*"v •ImicinR j even anil msy vheeks to!<l of health an»1 • happiness. This group. like all others ui | Gomalenil. <-oinpr:serl «-hlhlre*i selected | for dc^rct* of menial development. They were of nil sinzs. three or four nationali ties. anil name from 'both rich and p«»m* parents. In airolher place a company ‘»f iweniv-tive imls from nine to fifteen were drilling' umler commanrl <»f an exception ally origin hoy. We went into the lie««! Chat With Householders that ex., a lie home. an.l | group Imit-r. where . < and pictures, all t calls those who » slve I mstefu! home. Hr wandered from Its aheborI children performed *>«“* to «*» Ingleside tin dear ones—lose love, nj f ,*» | saw many ib of far inure worth t;»an dren take P-"”* t her lie was a pian«> i accessories of a I sumo seventy-live cmeeful I h\ »-.«Usthenie inov'*- % an temple that eve- of th«' l.omaland ' hii- a play, beautiful in , . .... option arul perforiiiane*-. lltc l'lchcs or the repuia- j bon . , liul ,, |0 u f Gold. lion they so eagerly sick j about t wenly-llv•• men :»ml in the great world. Never is the sww In- ! fluenee of home si Uc-eply felt as at the] time commemorative of Him who "had 1 tto; where to lay His head." yet in mhose, spirit and whose teachings lived the very j essence of honu—love of children, j lideliiv t.> itiarii.ige ties, forbearance j with orte attn:her and forgiveness of I realize the nobility of their wrongs. Home is t h<* heart of Christ- [ educa.te children-put tieulat ly mas: otlier festivities call you* one to tile; and homeless ones—on tlte hroad i'tt The Ita in still iater. women oi l.oi. tain ltd retulered a Creek driima writ ten hy :i member of ihe community. I tic child ten are said to he deeply to Katherine Tingley. whose love is eminently successful in training i them. The stilted object of the community I work. :is of tlte International Brother- j hood l.eague. is to help men and women H HI STM AS is in the air - the city streets arc thronged with busy * pets: groups front country stand before shop windows the beautiful decorative he- i-imis. the children agape with wonder to see the ior in the eyes of the popular at. ! mu h- fete*l belle. They met in the ball room and after a short acquaintance lie was lt*-r acknowledged sititi t'lirl.-tmasses like thc.v used to be. hut this is oven better mail tlte old ones.” Johnny knew that ah— nee makes the, heart grow fontler. and that was a happy I l ris - His father, superinleinleiit of, Christ mas at lip- old homestead, the R. t\. and I’., ii soon appeared, had j TIIE Col'NTRY <’t >NTRI Bl'TOR. { hail other plans in view for his son.J and promptly declared b's Intention of j AT A SILVER WEDDING, disinheriting tlte l>oy unless ttie engage ; spit) , •■t, ia |,;i; tV '' of "mere inetn was immediately broken off. 'I Ills j to loV( . ax at „.. ; , nt ,.,i' to be slu.w-n is fol.owe-. bv a rlan-,, t lie- Household, ir. spite of tiie paln- a.„l Ala thesoi. f took hlsj appal . r . M1 ,.„. k „ f itm-nt me •using activity of the divorce mill, i remains a gratifying fit t that thorn men who do car* tenderly for them, lichl up he lingers quickly tvv** or tluc-e times, ata: occurred to ii* t the; thi- salutation was in voluntary and given fm the litst tim since her great trouble twenty years |ias’.. from wliich. owing to Iter sensitive Ma ture, she had never rojjied. bill had drawn more and ntotv to liersell < >n tli- st eet. mingling and jostling with tiie erowd. tlte mag of tite re,i shoes began to exert its :r,fl .enee. s: • slant found herself among tiie bust sliop- 111 c | pmg lit SI a r lands, ' MAR saw tlte star! VRET A. RICHAR^H CAN SANTA CLAUS BE DONE AWAY WITH. "Should Santa flails be done awi til?" is a question seriously disciiss fill of the currci : j,. r.odical; in sev ba- she anil' the the admiring j parental threat destine tosrriagr pretty bride to Kansas city. Her was installed in it handsome ltorru society vve| onted her with open arms,] ... . ... : for (lie Mat liesotts etiteit liueil la\ sidy., brilliant P ' 1 e. • I’resentl.v it became evident that all was •lolls in lit" miniature j 1Ui( , Ve j| w t ib the voting couple, tiie: aierrc-go-rounds and the' rather ri'inainel ..bduraic and Hole were , , , I, 1'it'tuirs of financial «llffietill ies. Before ,w ttewlv -< ngag • j the lionetmoon ended the itrldegroom one] ii: "* . Its. mg loitgltigly at the gilt- day departed in baste mi a westbound l!u 1 train v few days later Mis Mntheson j I ho pr.-t: her trousseau and followed liltn.: S’"-‘ mtslv Stopiing at tin- her return she sa >nu an,j the cltil It with too tomorrow. liltb • use 'll b terlng distda' of rings on velvet cushion*. J train. Stum a marvelous profusion of presents;; packed SO tantalizing, too. to slender purses, i Many of the gifts are more showy titan alia, tied j ns, nil m* permanently beautiful. and , rule oflmany too generous hearts are tempted to j buy unwisely. However, the • hrislmos lauds and holiday books were never s,» beautiful or so inexpensive, and after all. it is tli** living thought behind the gift Soi*i*My then lo«t th»* simplf reason s’liiiMti name Mauri are yet tlnir that I here are wiv •« \vt»»# • i • • »-band goea i> hont s■>' ' Alter iwenty-1iv»‘ year* of wadded . e. two. who may he known here a> I tv. Will •'a rt i«* Wayhnnl eelehi-sitocf re anniversary ot th»'ip mairiage. ’ little won:.ip in *.v!iite, win* and ffraeefullv received ami s 1 expect you for the children ook exehanded • i know Mattie ••hnir will )»• i*f»rner he “Sara it. f wan i spend tin* da; ne ••arly, Matti- s a tre. * help ino d' and in reply i«• th • mother and daujghie,*, an*t walk, >ul n rolle t her** this afternoon. n nd •mi TVItles < ini you—on** uiv i sired. tb<- hall. *b, fnrtn; Christmas draws yon to tlte old familiar hearth. I s .itvdibst shrine is tiie comer, where mother sat itt your childhood days, and smiled across Iter sewing work at tlte wreath of faces about her—a wreath now broken and scattered; some never more to be sb'tt hy nlttHil eyes, ictt others re turning—tailed home hy the hells of the Christmas tine, changed indeed, but still with tlte old love licit: in their eyes, and Hie old warjptit on the jips that kiss joy into tlte faithful lies its of tiie father and mother, and the loyal sister, who has remained to cheer them. »I-1 mtinity though Love's rosy hand may have i poultry beckoned her to a home of her own. e Too often there is a drop of rue in the Christmas cup. A; many a hearth there is an empty chair, a plate less a tlte festive table, a note missing in the chorus of familiar voices. Tlte chili shadow of sorrow draws the others universal brotherhood; to ameliorate me condition of tiie unfortunate and gh'e be'p and hope to Those who have erred and •vbo wish to remake their lives Vs I* 1 members of the l.omn settlement being obliged to be Theosophists. it is deelnr- l that the community is nonseetarian. in clining and allowing freedom of thought and belief. Katharine Tlnglei says. It is founded to help men and women to real ize that Christ did not speak in nto ker n-hen lie said. "Be you therefore perfect, even as your Katlter in heaven is p*' 1 *- fect." The teachings of Christ are me teachings of Theosophy. •file industries engaged m by Cio coin- arc various, including gardening, raising, schools b'' music and drama and tlte culture and manufacture of silk, in connection with which there arc groves of null berry trees. file gtri I nieiitiotieil wrote that the cook in tiie homestead kitchen was a lady of refine ment and good social position, and on* of the assistants was thy ilaltghter oi wealthy parents in New York. ailing; to j that lends it value. Good hooks, when, destitute j pj V(l)l t|| t p,, So who appreciate reading.; are more certain to he valued titan any j other present, and to many who are shut out from libraries and lectures, a gift I will be received with lasting J of hooks cratittnh al- i sk i-loser for tlte sweet warmth of sym pathy. and gives i gentler and 1,’gherj REMORSE, tone to the spirit of Christmas rejoicing. ! A mU e grieving, tear-stained lace There is a sweetness in sorrow so bn- j- roJIl evolv , ro wd. front every place Jtiglv shared, never so beautifully voiced | (> , oks out ' l(1 „„ matter where as in Tennyson's familiar lines: M> . „ t ^ ps nlav loa ,i, tis always there. i I cannot put it unite awaj fingers did w> weave ,'jids little face, though many a day Has passed since ill those eyes of bit "With trembling fingers did tve wea\ The holly round the fliristmas lieardt: A rainy cloud jtossesse*! the earth. And sad.v fell our < hristmas eve “At our old pastimes in rite hail VVe gamboled, making vain pretense' Of gladness with an awful sense Of one nitite shadow watching all. } “VYe paused; tiie winds were In the beech; We heard them sweep tiie winter land. And In a circle hand in hand. Sat silent looking cadi at wi it i gs/.ed, and whispered: true!" Re true! How ltav e 1 kept my Tnose Trusting eyes are sleeping In dreamless sleep beneath tiie The lily-soul is safe with God! now sod. i Mention of books remind me that ] though Tom l.oehkart's address lias « 11cipiently beep given t,» this ilepartmen a number of persons have written Ing for it. it is Wellington. Mo. His ebooks are worth buying for themselves. ■ apart front any desire to help one sol gifted and sit unfortunate. The story | his retuarkaliel life: his thrilllngly in-j ter* sting novel. 'His Mysterious Way.' , and ids later : ook. "Plain Talks and| I Tales" wit it their wholesome philospohyi land spicy ilasit of humor arc well worth; tiie small stmt asked for them. Ills letter, j printed today lias been in type for sev-j j oral weeks, but 1 earnestly hope the de- | 1 lav w ill not pr< vent a good attendance ) at his Christmas letter parly. 1'nfor- • tiiuat* ly. the wrong address was given In • the mention of Mary Ellen WiUls* now j j enlarged edition of her book. "Little] I Sunbeam." The tiny shut-in author lives' ! it Yausville. l!a. Mi«s Attnie Peave.y, ; j i. I’eavey. Ala.. Is agent for several of . the hooks written by oar Household j ) nieitibers—among I hem l'iueta's novels | and our Knight's newly-published “lave i Links. I hav e just received front hint I 1 a . npy of this dainty volume, it is pic- I tut'osquely gotten up. each | in <b li ;ite tracery, a cluster of flowers. sight of them, for that under an us-i > Matlteson had a|>-! * plieii to itis father for a position ,*tul] hud been made assistant foreman of the : work train. As Mr. anil Mrs. Rascom , (Iter motiier’s maolett par.h i the young i eiotplc took up ibe huiiitlruin lit* of th*' j railroad camp. Their home was a box * car. by no means luxuriously fitted up. ! Tlte exterior was giv en .* rough < oat of ] dark red paint, small window.-; were eiit 1 itt lb*- sides, the floor was covered with Dotting, bed and chairs, table and stove • instituted tire meager furnishing. Tiie husband, dressed in blue jeans I ''jumpers." rottgit woolen shir;, gren'v enp and heavy boots helped t<* direct the work train crew on his father's railroad, and bis salary was far from princely. * Tlte wife donned a calico apioii and stm ! bonnet and the belle of the ball found : h* rself now mistress, maid and cook ml in one. Perhaps she sighed regretfully as she reflected that Iter Parisian gowns would t*e sadly out of date before sin* ! would again have occasion h* wear them. ; After mote titan a year of lids existence, I however, she was apparently as siuilitig- | ly Itatmv as ever. , 'Only once had site >»een absent from I her husband, that was the month she hail spent in the city hospital when Iter baby i " ‘ was l»orn, a liniulMoino lit t!«' l"-*; was. named Hubert. Jr., for her husband's father. Though He was hut a months- old at the approach of Christmas, there! was much talk of Santa flans and a general tint*' of festivity vv is planned i tiie proud young parents—all lor the babe's sake. ,\ week before the 25tb. however, there was a change in entertained the guests invited occasion, said in Iter sweet voic I known it then, the lilting son • Ml t hat "Had "Oil, I vvi'l walk with you, my lad which over way you fare: It can but ;«• a joyful jam the whilst .vuu Journey there. would have litlinglv expressed my senti ment on that memorable day. And—stilt do. s," sbr added, blushing prettily. "Now, it's up to you, doctor." said one o I till guests, "to tell us what you llilIL of this matter. The experience of a quarter of a century i- vvortii something. You ar (lie very one from whom wo can learn whether *u- not marriage is a fail- ront now on I want Mattb t" s l j.. greater part of Iter time with m I in t::cil of Lying alone. Heir me. my art fairly a* lie from walking -o quick I must hurry home and get in m t« . -lines' giving Mattb a litiglu sc,lit* By the t : nu* site had put on the on.-., shoes a great lot of packages ha*i *u - - tived. two of which she of.ened with tit eagerness of a child to admin: the so it ! ansvvi red. ! Wiiat is Santa flat ( rectly speaking, vviio I Santa Claus is a spirit j iiful spirit of peace a i (liters into people am! ing ot gifts. Santa i' I spirit of love and goo Test by giving. To tell children thal I Claus is not a ib c; Ian Mac I air. n st*. ! truth. A spirit is i 5 thought worthy n pi " imagination takes ml .i ;; a will the and fane Men ■ I wraji iniemled "Never believ* marriage can't with a loving 1 quoted f it for a moment! \ true >e a failure. My wife" ok toward her just lines Whitcomb Riley's ‘Song of Hie Road. You young people who arc almost persuaded to assume what Barrie calls the great responsibility, should b .irn every word of that poetn by heart. The day and tile relro'pe.-tive glance i' 'brought and the delightful remi niscences it recalled, caused me. tills morning, to drop into rhyme. This is J was moved to sav to mv other If: A joyful jant?' Not a!' tiie way Me two have walked together; ttr love-illumined sky sometimes Showed trace of candy weather, dan* assert—you caji't deny - 'My brown-haired Carrie still't tliei Though you've not always had your weather, the skies darkened, then the snow entile down in a steady* drift, drift — that blocked tip tho tracks and stopped all traffic. Maurice took bis crew and cleared Him way for n belated passenger train that had been slowly puffing along for days. Tlte half-starved passengers were getting desperate and greeted their res cuers with a eheer. Lv accident Maurice learned that tiie superintendent himself was on tlte train with It's daughter and lvige 1 tearing her baby—tlte -liitd almost at the point ! r a.of death fro,n lack of proper nourish ment. Without making hintsell known. i'or had your Will. crimson cashmere for the ■ owt pel. a fc,| sweater that site wearing the next day. and a greifpot oi red carnations, destine 1 to a lorn her t.' dinner table. M. M. BUCKNER CHRISTMAS AMONG THE CREOLES Spiritually and materially Christ iias is a red letter day in sunny New Orleans l <'anal street is tit** - enter of activit’ . i*" ; days beforehand the dark-eyed < *!-• • •:■ women (famous the world over for t >• : beauty) are flitting from shop to sic purchasing gii's and good tilings for the holidays. On Christmas "ve there is wild storm of shopping. The streets an brilliant with ligitt and tilled with hurt ing men and wicnen. hut when 11 •• ■ g, -locks strike tiie midnigltt hour, tin- bells of tiie many churches begin to ring forth ■ heir silvery chimes, worldly mirth am activity grow subdued and every ('rent* woman, young and old. are ready t*> jo:r in the Christmas anthem whi.-ii tlte priest Intones front tite altar it** sate- glorious hymn that ti.e angels sang on Hie morning of the Savior's birth—tn Gloria in KxeelsiS. Tis tiie birthday ot the King of Kings and N*-vv Orleans cel ebrates it as onlv New Oilcans can. MIZPAH. women in thoughts; the- ot the tittle ,i fig! 11 battles ; read s*i tttucii them as old :' 'll" n. and I Ooinb. , and erratic old v (ieliglti. ul v ie. .mil Virginia, people who ii the world of mysterious vv* t \Vc g*. to wonderful lit and words at., us. just as t people strong. spit itt gilts- Wh A Successful Combination. Tiie Combination Oil Cure for C and Tumor Is a recognized success ware of Imitators. Writ*, today i< Originator for ids free books. 1 ir. D. R\ e, 3i6 N Illinois St., Indlanapo! I ltd. R.- tii*' j llovvt I lull.- sk*n •> “But you liave heart and loyal iiattd (Close * 'la sped in my own yet;) llav ■ strengtlietteil nt*' to struggle on \Vh*'ti eyes vvitii tears were wet. Together ntay we fare, my dear. To heaven's door—and through: Kor lonely would I be even there. My dear one. without you." "Then echo like our voices rang. \Ve sang, though every eye \«i* A merry song we sang with 1dm- year; impetuously a* '•a.ig. The little pulsing hand thal lay With perfect irusi itt mine that day Will reach no more for human bliss. Will feel no more the traitor's kiss! Alt. childish heart, so true! so warn:* I might have shetered you from harm; But on your childish faitii I played As down the rose-strewn path w the printed mutter showing through it' j lo || 3 ,j porter bring the baby t** bin 'as thro tgli a rosy cloud. The letters are ] and earTying it to itis wife, he asked ;f I lnipasloned. but pure—such letters as two | she could not nurse It without privation ••level \ os. there is still plenty <*.' swi fasliionod mutual love an*l wood.' 111-s.s Iii the world. It tlirre vv* that deares’ and most helpful of .•dilutions—the home—would soo' iic: *litn— ' strayed. ! The way was fair; the blossoms sweet , Were crushed by careless, tripping feet; l die. | Ah. Cupid wove a bonny wreath I And hid tlte thorns far down beneath! they j : I've sought for peace fit every clime, j I've listened to tite vesper chime whose < *f so ifliing belis. and pardon prayed; fallen Btr far or near, wherever I've strayed, let thankfulness be shown by deeper love That little face 1 ean't forget — and fuller forgiveness, thus providing A litt e fare with lashes we;, against the darkening of any future shad- I*ooks out 'o mine In mute despair •>w by* the wing of tiie never flitting raven. -Ynd eidiis tiie burden of tttv* prayer. Remorse. Let the Christmas tide be in- A broken heart that loved tn,> weli. *iee 1 a titnr of realizing tlte. meaning' A narrow grave in woodland deli. that was sung into i; by angeit voices nu A wanderer from place <> place lliat night of nights in <.i<! Betreleheni | And that sweet, grieving, haunting face! pure- ngenial young people, very ; ! much in love with each otlier. would be I apt to write. The liook is hound itt blur > and gold, and printed on stuck paper—j I would make a pretty sweetheart gift, laud is published by the Broadway Corn- j j paiiy. N< w York, and the price is $1. in led : ried wa y. Baylor MARY jllege. I’KTTl • XTIS. old- ha p'.- • not il in- pas S TilUJIAS. •'Our voices took a higher Once more we sang; 'They do n Nor lose their mortal sympathy Non change to us, al‘l:*ntgi change.’ '• t lit those fortunate homes across hearts and lieat-ts no shallow 'Peace on earth; *1 will l. M men. E. •pelika. A!n. VAT, YANK. I ciess the auvertisers pounce ! 11K•• *in our do\,- *-ote. we will ltav - a >pl« ndld gathering today. Many old ! friends ami some new ones are with us. There are guests from afar -from Ver- f moot. Illionfs. Arkansas. Mexico. Pattn- ! it,u ami the Philippines. Carol El- • t* Is frotn Ids long lecture tour. ! Ills brothers of the press (lie wa« f tvpo an*l also magazine editor before lie j round ids vocation as a lightning im- j pcrsonatori have showered iilru vvitii Iiou- ' •mots, and dis •oriiing critics ltav. seen in j iiitti a dramatic genius that is develop- ! il a all tiie while. Pltotograplt* taken in i ihe v ery v arious character*, which he ! assumes so quickly, show hint to b« (drrfully verastlle. Ike Heartsell peep* • in to give a brief account of himself. to her own child. Taking baby into Iter own arms, with motherly fervor: "Oh. the poor little starved tiling! of course I'll take care of it. and why didn't you bring tiie mother?” "Site is coming tomorrow word that site and her father < 'liristtuas dime r with us," . Maurice, wltlio •"w-y'.lng his *v •• who i harsh- i —nosts were to j The passing* t ‘t rain w as detained l*v fresh fall of snow during the night Christmas eve arid *n Christmas itiormug; * a the world looked like a frosted *aite glistening under the rays of the stilt. Superintendent Matlteson ' and his •laughter. Mrs. Pointer. were early ushered Into t'-.e humble box car. neither dreaming of tlte surprise itt store for A PAIR OF RED SHOES. Pop, pop. pop. vvi:i-z-z-z. hang, ant) 1 wild tnirrahin t front the small boys as sembled in »lte adjoining lo with their I’ve sent | lirccrackers. Their shrill voices w ere lull *• to take! of joyous excitement. It was Christmas answi't eel , :j:t• 1 th. odd, cloudy weather .counted for naught. Ann© Edmonds frowned disapprovingly as she looked out at tlte merry .scamper- HER CHRISTMAS STAR Lottie had hung Iter stock ng hy tit fireplace, ami now she lay in her e; ib. looking at tiie pi tore tiia! hung evet ! tite mantel. It was a picture or "Th. i ! lo!\ Night "-the night when tim Chri child was born and Lottie'.* mother t**!d her again and again tite beattti til ( story of his birtit. Site loved to iniagln* the slteplterds following ;he aright - t.' until it stood over the place where Jesi,.. I marble t and I* ; Ills ! she also ittle dang did Santa at wonderful >vvd. "Christmas sbottld a*bolished There is no other wty to put ilown the savage eustoms that make the day one to be dreaded with its hideous din and its idiotic waste of money in present-giving, itt gluttonous living. in tiie picture Mary sat with tlte baby i>: h*-r arms, Joseph standing ■<*• all* lie Before her knelt a shepherd, Itis s a!f • m the floor, and his hands upraised a- thotigh both in wonder and adorn,ior. To Ids side, a little back of him. stood I patten:.- ■ •a In*! with a lomb in his a to-. lb -, tiling t tenderly it was clasped, and how I*. I each year, must have loved it to have carrle-i it al! , C,a way over the bills; JI is? mother stood give 1 ne.j|- him. leanti.g oiwarrt* a r-' ‘ 'a I wa rn tits shoulder, and a sweet, c-artt*-.-". • xpression on her '*a**e as she wa -it ! tiie child in Mary's arms. Beyond them •ul. with only itis face and head visible so lowly heJknelt. was aa old. ol*l matt. ml t e*l h and a*, all ■rvltoily. i t*t His ii ;■ i was white and thin, and Itis eyes were sunken. How long he mil.', tended sheep, night after night, on hillsides, ere shone tluvt t1ieas*d them, but b*itii intent on expressing their| and i:i carousing, li Is sacrilege t" pre- earrwat gratitude to The assistant fore man and his wife for having saved tiie ' life of the baby—literally at the point of starvation. What a pretty sight greeted them *s they entered the ear—a young, matronly- looking woman coming t*> meet them wirii a rosy-cheeked baby on one and their own Trail darling on file lasped Iter baity i lier heart vvitii soft murmuring* and iai'idatlotis. while the superintendent. WITH CORRESPONDENTS. Leonard asks. Would you advise a n,an •who has a w.fe and ivv.* small ••lt.l<ir*ti to Join tiie eoinnv.inity of Theosophists al Point Ixjina, Cal.V in way is the school conducted? Are persons settling in the community oiiiige.i t<* i<* Tlfoso- uhtsts? I know not':iug i* *<>,u tiie I' Loma comnttinl v • < : recently. W hen I made Inn tit les about it three nr four years ago it was for i le *gke • l ‘ a poor young g.rl <if g**o*l family whose nisonml itad deserted lia few vv*'eks afier tlteir marriage and lia*l talked about lier in « way to injure hei reputation and make life hard for her in lier native town. The Point Lenta 'Oiu'.nnui.y <*ii*ais ;s arms tn such unfortunate* The vn ing woman mid iter little oliild are sriil at I’oinl Ijonta. I s tjipose. Slie wrote that it was ■'a haven of rest, a home where heart* were warm anil kind, and she told of ■li 1 ’ i'" 1 ' children and the unique methods of train-j I AN STUDYING TO BECOME AUTHOR. I fear in;- Household frien* forgotten me. as it lias been so long incc i pa id t hem a visit — nearly a welcomed. tier. | a i 11 n visit may lie •nine oft* Ing them and developing their n.inds and made a beginning. I am hod>s. They ate from .*11 kinds of con- ' correspondent for Tiie New Kt •lltions of life—some 'lie children of yorkville. s. c. Tlte editor Mr wealthy parents, but the greater number 1 f< , r> kini|lv , , >ri0( . t5 . • re often nameless. All fare 3like. for K( j IM j ls INSTANT RELIEF FROM CATARRH. Send for a Trin] Sample of This Great Remedy, and Convince Yourself on Its Merits. When we say gives instant relief from that disagraM couldn't do without :t. x like all the - r: . .... enjoy tlte lion io your entire sutsfaetion. No nja'-ri"'* 1 sketehe* more than any **tl;cr part; t»r bow long you liave been afflicted, no ais,* derive more food for thought front matter how badly stopped up your heap that department. I have itad Tour let- may he, tiie sample which we will *ettd ] ters ami one short story published in court jester lias neglected The Sun-i n*l been flirting vvitii the northern I ! mags, llow I,a vf t hhns«df t * * r ji' Barkus Kr**nclt -Matn'selle tells us **f her ('lit teas tit :* Texas country house, and her first experience *>f lieing kiss**d hy a * vets old. Marc It* 8 j* ( -talwart kniglit of the Lone Star—under | [ have never walked (the mistletoe—and again irtten tite saving: any instructions /n a : e.ia e *>f tiiat mystic plant was absent, i '•ilncaiion f liave has j vv sn to lhank lier for sending me Erck- iiome with no assist-j maii-t'liatrain's historical novel—“Mad-] was early given nte j ante Tliercse.'' I know 1 siiaM greatly! enjov reading it. Our foreign members , are an a* *t isition to i*e prized. Mr. Moreland is a true poet, and I believe lie ; could give us some fine sketches from) our eon'll.atriots ot tiie antipodes, i wish; I I itad space to welcome and to thank | »j el y all who liave m* graciously : regular brightened 'he Household with their let j Ters. po-nis and sketches. .■Mime of , jiliese liave failed to appear, though they ! vv* re excellent in matter be attse written Jin P omii. which the printers strenuously abject to. though given in and put in type, were left over until out of date. 1 I have been sorry to miss seeing sonic *n i *>ur friends at recent reunions—among i tb*-sc merry-hearted Mrs. Slratner amt: i Julia <'..imtii Tait, whose many friends jure anxious anxious to hoar from them.) ! Our ever faithful Ann ice. Kiiieta and net .,*1! •aring Ills tvegiin: 'llovv are vv. to thunk you tid .vour husband—" Mr: Ikis- our year, lint I trust ai:d I will try t. a shut-in hoy 19 my birthday. I a step or Itad school. IV bat been acquired at Slice save what l*V my mother and sister. ? study every day. It is tnv earnest desire and aspi ration t.* become a good writer- an author. T can never hope to have a finished education, but T do iiope one to earn my living l>y nij pen. dearly love to write, and T liave lie says he will attach, .., Jerf . M , y husband, now. train of I nd*- Item us j •■Maurice!” exclaimed the s*tp willing. Our sparkling i deni, overcome. ■ - "Father." answered .Mauric. Itappv to restore to you your • iaiigiiter. and to introduce to y. giaiHlsoti, Itobf'i Matlteson. Jr." "I'r.i ;rand- iid that tlte natal day of tiie Chr * iiiltl itas any part in it. it all springs from tiiat pretty lit* about Santa Claus that silly mothers tell their children, when there is no weaned child *>f av erage sense that believes it, (hough they all pretend to. at least, I did. because niy eiders said when a child knew who Santa was it wa.-. time to quit hanging up stockings. There a child learns its Ars: lesson In deceit I shall never for get th* pain of disappointment and hu miliation that went to my heart when my mother rejicated this falsehood, the only one I ever knew to pass lier lips. "Santa (’Intis conics down tiie chimney *» till your stockings with gifts." I wislt it i-ouid sail away In a lialloon till "merry Christman*' is over. I fairly hate the day. Who can that lie. ns footsteps rounded on tlte veranda. No! visitors, I hope. I'm in : o mood for com pany. Alt: it's Sarah Beale's brats mi v the .-tar! Something of such thoughts ante to tiie child as .site lay an i looked at tit -lettire, so often hud ~h<- heard tli s:nr. from hep mother's lips, and so 1 nd it become to her. H all seemed very beautiful and wonderful, bet the Most beautiful tm*l wonderful <>:' .ill vv - the thought of tin- glowing st* i;t the East that had led tin- shepherds to lit Utile babe. Site was getting,.. ami vv.n about o fall asleep, when tier mother, vviio v. sitting before the Are. began to sing softly. It was just a simple little song, and the mother scarce!.- km-vv she ~.,i.g so far wnv were her thoughts tint night. And >•'■ If> her little daughter Hit words seemed 'nil <>: meaning, nmi t child listened closely as her moth* sang I of castle and Sant; / grew older and my '• was capable of larger ideas J developed, as It*• knew it w. j I know that tlte great vv I heaven, and that all ideas tions for tilings good ami from there. TESSA WILLINGHAM literally: hut mind ejepande* this tie til*!, an* i*l in 'eflll BENNIE’S QUESTION. s bein’ bilged dV P The old man sank into a chair and suf-j fered them to put the two babies into itis; arms until tlte general ebullition hit,I sub-! sided. .*11111 tiie reunited family had eni-i bracid it it round. Itis preset) t to liisj with mv laundry ne vvl y - * i i scov'ered daughter-in-law was a*. A h „ v Kirl | 1Pl(I ., basket bv generous check whlch he handed to) thf> handIes> whj|e a st »I smaller boy. her as they gatli-red round the table. , fn , wU „ cold, hugged a paste- Steadyms hts voice, he said almost llo;lri1 <lll>( . il0v a * if it hold something l*taj et lull} . | . ■ precious. As s':- opened tiie door, lie I <ton t know when I liave had so hap- , py a day—next year may vv.- again he 'ogetlter, and as happy—hut let this he] , . ”, >N ’ vour last < 'liri«tmas dinner in a box car. A. ItrCHARD TURNING THE CORNER. A Sketch front Life. • ( tit. ; here's j •• girl! There are others, not my Pearl ne girl. I know. inly jttsi one I brisknes- and mer 1 He was and lii.s . looked jsk'ng iti if to hand lier timidly, at the Sure mot her totlte! .' eitougii, she remembered. iter; itad only one girl, while some , had so tunny. She had neve: lie n his thought of such :i pity ('ertainly t ween t lie picture on lifted Itet of that and slit rite in a KIXKTA. CHRISTMAS AT THE OL3 HOME STEAD. ft was Christmas eve. Tn the dining room of an old-fashioned ivy-covereil log farm house an l couple' vver* a Christmas tree for the children of the neighborhood, it Itad been their custom since Johnny illicit' ohly child) was a little boy. Ten years ago Johnny Itad a* - ^ copted a position in "tiie states." leaving, ^ w *• take regularly, lmt other papers, j Mizpait nevi-r forget us. nor *lo*‘s out :-elt*ti*i d* ar v»!*l Ireland, his devoted aiiuc Ednionds took tiie )iox reluctant magazines and books sent me by kind [poet from the <.5rc*-u mountains—Art Itttr! parents an I a bonny *assie Hits :,<*> Hood , , v a nd before she eouhl sp**,ik. llr friends. Tite Sunny South has been a i Gnodetiougli. nor bis townsman. .1. Hunt ] sweetheart i. He loyal to tlte l.e? i ■•hlldren ran out into tin street, a~ i at Ec .psr Catarrit < ura regular v isitor for tltree years. I just I \Yetson, nor versatile Matt Clark. Al- . tlte Kntcrald iste.^ but liusitiess had | i i jnhtonod at wliat tltey had dune. Away Sit mi i- tn.v mistakes and me to ids piiges every- week, (sometimes cutting down my coinmuni- ‘ cations sotnewiiat. as it is the editorial ; privilege to *1*>. I think journalism Is i tlie finest profession in tiie world ami I am eager to prepare myself for It. I read a great deal, not only tiie papers tasty motion, a but drew back hard look in ln-r face. "Well, you've brought my clothes, t ! sc**; her* 's your money. T suppose your * to mother will want to buy a lot of useful toys and wholesome candy.” wasting her sarcasm. "No'nt. hut slit's goin' to buy a chicken and some apples.” said the sturdy tic king! I'ttle fellow, pleasantly, while tlte small ,L ® * gil l looked up vvitii a shy smile "Mltli Anne, here's your prctheiit our Mattie them you.” pii*ed tite youngest "Oil. tliei- child, holding up the box am! drawing j giil! bis left sleeve across ids troublesome} There arc <i not niy this before, bin i: sceme i now now site did think ,*f i : had there was no connection b<— do-* words of tills song and 'he I iis site . g r< >at city rallvvr tliougiit j enl< .,nber ltovv t star ot long ago came t-> lift, wontiered i' it w'er*- still in la the wall, to the And latte: slammed of itis li be trod qua and if it would ever lead any one to a little in by again. Perhaps even row it was looking down upon tlte earth, and waiting for some one to onto <*11 and follow it. Just s :ppos.- sic shouli go out an,i see it, and i: should lead her to a little baby? Would not her motl ■ be glad? And then she need not sit before the fir. any more, singing sadly: There hail lieett many scenes founded on trifling disagrremr: it was not strange Hint he c( recall tite origin of the one t sent him to Ids day s work tbl ing wretched attd discouraged, in his ears were Grace's last w* his own bitter answer. “Perhaps I Itad lietter take h g.» ath* anil moth, r.’ s 1 ;** Iia*l the Emerald isle, but business w vti. Il.-iri'v Lean and Tennesseean .-no - preva i led itis going home since In- ram today, ami are alvray.. 1 crossed tlte briny deep. However, every illi pleasure, hut w iierc are) , ’ l ‘ if )« you will give Immediate relief, clear up the c!og«e I air passage?, throw <*t? the offensive accnnitua: tons, ami soothe ano lieal tihe deiicat-. Irritated tnemlvranr. Eclipse Catarrh Cure is vegetable preparation of wonderful wa ive powers. promptly reaches tin remote.?; air. passage*, where the disease is located, ard < IT* -ts a jyrm&nent cue in even tax worn case?. E. A. Wear. Ozona. Fia.. Writes: Enclose i find St .00 for another pack- 1 J-a//^^ “‘be,- tlte Household and if this letter finds early favor. 1 will lie encourage,! to send another story. I want to train myself to write stories, if I can. I know it is an art tiiat is partly natural and partly acquired. Your admiring friend. JAMES STANHOPE LOVE. Filbert. S. C„ It. !•*. I). No. |. Send the story, my dear boy. 1 sym- by Grandpa—Mr. Pleas, of Cltipley—and you greatly in .vour aspi- also some exquisite little pictures taken out*- it writer. Read sm-lt bv Annice. Thanks. "Little Widow," books and articles as will Inform yon for tile pretty book mark. There are about the great outside world, llavo] a n .tuber of questions sent to “Chat" a scrapbook and cut out and paste in ! which must wait lo tie answered an il all very interesting real incidents|other time. I have hail much to occupy ;and happenings you find in Hie dally ] heart and hands of late, and tnttst osk indulgence of friends and eorre- >'on 1 -1 undents. M. E. B. were a m-nther of the Geographic So- . . i.-ty at Washington city. It is a per-. CHRISTMAS DINWER IN A BOX fecily splendid help to any writer or student, as it publishes an illustrated .'monthly magazine and many large* Mildred Hamilton*] was tiie a*-kuovvl- nis > much Improved. : maps. The illustrations ar*- from plt*>-, edged belle of the season. Though lack- “I feel so lunch benefited hat I *ha!l tograplis of fine scenery, wild ga me ing wealth, iter youth, bea.tty and wott- c*>ntin>ie ti-.e tri-atmon: as iottg as mayiand notable plaees in different eotin-: be neoessB’-y.” tries—just tlte kind of study for one Send for Week’s Treatir.fnt. who cannot .-e*- the vvi.i*- vv<>i).l 'will, itis own eyes, but needs to know about! it in order to broaden Itis range of thought and imagination. To he* nine! a member of tiie Geographical So"-] ciety some on*-. already a member.! ! must propose your name. Some nn-j • known friend proposed my name. a (civ months ago an*] I have just simply postponed sending niy admission fee. which is onlv S2.Q0. This entitles v **n t*> receive tb- magazine, the beautiful colored Maps of Alaska, tit- Philip pines. Brazil. Smith Africa. Panama am) the canal, etc. M. E. ft. k-onied with pleasure, hut where a re j'hristmas eve a remembrance and let- | Dr It*.its with pleasure, but where arei'*<*r of love Itad made their way across cu.t. vviio <>■ -ttpies warm ••orner in I the waters to the lassie and the old folks the hearts of nil the Householders, films j aL home. And many were the gilts time in tlte midst of her “World's Work' made by mother's dear hand (a tliougiit to remember us in iter own peerless way. 'and blessing ill every stitch) that had •and ... *io*s gifted Mrs. Buckner and j son*- l*> Johnny in quaint old New Or- l"Fineta tlte Divine'' as tlte Knight calls ] leans at Christmas lime. :()*■!-. I "Mother, Johnny lias forgot us this But I must stop chatting at once, ami time. There wasn't a thing for u s in waited for tit one girl- liters. I know, Pearl." >nly just t hey "Perhaps >tt -tad. than \\. •an ! unhappler apart Suddenly lie wa - r * : gloomy thoughts by a Then lie saw a baby ! tite arm.? <>f a strong n tiie crowd that was around them. •'I want mv ntama! vvp are t**get er. sed from his own heart -broken • ry. girl struggling m iit it. and he ioiti'-d -i tickly gilt: i ing Don't !” the lit on that i from my But vvoitbi Lottie lie btai* enough go out in tlte night, and follow ;liL sta;. site .tvondeied? Site was itsking hersel: tltey went. II'*' two older ones dragging titis question, and how site <-*- Id slip ti;e baby b*-lwen them. out without her mother knowing t. \i.tie's frown deepened. "I wonder if when suddenly, site knew- not ltovv. s ,- j.*w i irom in- thus*- imps have put it mouse or :i frog hud reached the pavement, and was look- sobbed- "I won t lids box! Such Impudence.” suspect- ing upward u> tlte sky. Tlte building.’ | ,j<»n't want t,< go prank, she was growing indignant— n-t either side of lit- street began to r* , young woman -mod witli tv :i* when, to lier surprise, she beheld a pair cede front her, and lo move l.irtlier "it ' ’•tri'-kon face. silently wringing roeheteil sitoes and a liny note, further avva.v. until presently sin* st*„. ! | ,,. iu( j g an q (| 1P , reached * t Mattie was tiie eldest of Hie Beale alone on a vast, rolling plain. Only Lite 1 children, hopelessly crippled front rlten- ] bioad open sky was v isible on every si.!* inatisbi. Sin- crocheted wool articles and! and yet she was not an tid I'itoug sold them to help tlte widowed mother. J 'here were thousands of '.winkling Antte Itad often tliougiit tiiat a better j looking *lon it upon her. sit* way to help would be for Mattie to <lie{ large, bright one. close t* and get out of the way. Doubtless tlte J horizon, was tit*' on* ike m, rain. mama :t sale. The note s Christmas eye. Smiling in seorti- I hope you will find comfort in these slices: 1 made tbei-i out of red crewel lieciinse i know .v*»u must love red from tlte r*-d flowers you always liave growing in your garden or windows.'* \iine Edmonds stared with amazement. Tlte Idea of any one curing enough ahou site knew that :i > tlte eastern so gltt. preparation or wonder:u. - ir:.::ve l'']"*' 1 >, a „,| p;ir tly acquired ' Icive many tilings unsaid only I must tiie postofflee, and I waited for the last I- pr*»riiptT.v rer*.-.lies tli* remote.?; air.' VillI1 ,A-t.'s r,u ' Huiitk m\ friends f**r tlteir beatuifnt ; mail. ” "No. fatliet Joliuny liasu't for- liosi-.-itt-ils anil photographed views. An i gotten ns: he just didn't get it off in :-ttist who visitol me went into ecstatic? j time. Wonder if lie has g**t our package, t K j,.| expected to mnk* over some **f tlte lovely v iew- sent mo j Fat lt*-r. I wonder if wo will ever spend : W( , u ],| sav , •• \ s j, another Christmas with Johnny before I p |,. a<# » buy'my shoes,' we go'.'" ”1 don't know, mother; we are ful pity. Anne read t E-iin<-» (*-tari I'vre Hf, "*v *” - -* - - *• •» mu*:.. *k»'a*i su*-u nv .inline. mnnn.’, ■.**..*,- .getting old. There's no silver threads ,, ^1 li.e oaekVve vnn‘ L- i ' ’hree 1,,M,hs i *"' 1 articles = will inform you for the pretty book mark. There are among tiie gold now. they are all silver.” tnnfilmi>! liallv a n.l found n,,oMt tl,r ^reat outside World. llavo,a tiumiier of qtiestions sent to “Chat’ 1 The last little tin horn was hung on o Ir " W .,rj r i ' ao vnv Otlier a ra pbook and cut out and paste In . which must wait to lie answered nil- t | to lrf .e and the sweethearts slooil «immt I have n J ind 1 ha-e ( tke t ’* , al } 'er.v interesting real incidents,,dher lime. I hive had much to o.eui*y | ,.«• to inspect. Ii was a pretty sight-th* ties intent l nave us a. at.a i aa. happenings you find in the dally , heart and hands of late, and must as* ] 0 vely tree all aglow with candles and ll ’*'v^'eaiarrlia) <ii?r'nige trout rite rigit^ ■ impers—iln'se will give you liittts for; tlte in.lulgence of friends and -cot-re- j i iui ,g with bright toy candles and row- far. whlri, had continued unlnterr'lAl !U. L’r'Vm!‘ r . .'V.u ’. ' 1 ,,,il ‘ cn,s ' M * ‘ : ?'l popcorn. They were writing for the!,,e r to discover that red was her favor-J ped. and began to descend, an for eight mounts >n spi e -f medical , j It Washington . itx | T net - evttKTMAS miiiR IN A BOX ‘ 1 ,lr< '.',7. 1 " i,s fol Il lhcl 1 h to ! *"' color! She wore nothing but grey, dght shone everywhere, bite gave a glat. treat meiM. stopped niter a few days' usn iv.'ivsr,let did licit to' an v- vv-t-i?.*.^ *.*• ] 0HRISTMAS DINTJAK IN A BOA ,-ome. liter*; was knock on the door., i,- ow „ ;ll „i i,iac-k. because sober colors ■•:>. and I'oi.ti.l. .1 forward, tor site knew or Total Eclipse Catarrit Cure, and lias student. 1 as it publishes an i Ii ust iate.. CAR. , an*l to t lteir "C tie in. the olJ_ door ( .. re S t ppose.l to suit on*- getting along site hail been led t<> a place where not. ret Dined. "The hearing Jl began to rise, anil rose Higher an 1 higher, growing larger ami brighter al 1 i tile while, and ntov ijig gradually toward I Pet*, until it stood directly overhead. Then it seemed so near she thought .site ] could touch it. and reached her little j hands eagerly upward. But it eluded her . grasp, and moved slowly away. Site followed it. long and far. over smooth j and over rough places, and still site did I not become tired. After awhile it stop- ] glorious her We are anxious for every s-.iiT*-:er 1 ■ try this great remedy and will send for l\ver,ty-flve Celts in stamp: a liber*! trial treatment and a pipe n all who vv.:l send us tlteir name and address ; \Ye !t.-!i l.vds of !e:t.-rs fro-n grab- fid isitie.nts whom vve liave cured an.I will send you also r,-*r : *,■*’:.< i ‘ ting; these testimonials and fail ittforniTirio'. atrt>:i; tho diteatie. D*. * •* de’ay )• it - write to tnv. A idress Eclipse M-•' 'to aid Manufacturing * '• ntj*nn.'. Aria if -, Ca. ileifttl taste in dress mail*' lier a general favorite in the fasliiotialile life at lint Springs. Sin- was tin- protege of in r tin I*-, who for :* brief interval Immoi-nl d the whims ,,f Itis pretty. Impetuous. hanged open and a chilly blast blew the] years, but site was daft about red. li baby It, snow flakes into tp.c room. But tlte new ,v:is st—arcely a month since site tin,I ! But j: st then site heard arrival wasn't ti e cltil,Iren; It was a l ecu stronglv templed to buy some ret voice. It seemed far off at stalwart, merry-faced man. itt a big j , ( .| t slto.-s with black fur (<*ps to wear though he were calling aero.’s overcoat, vvitii an armful of buudles. The! |, t t lt<- evening, as sin- sal by tier lonely 1 plain. Flic tliougiit lie Itad bundle^, fell to the floor ami lie hugged t reside, where t:<> one would he the wise.’, idle astonished old folks. Who could - She - raved a red wtapper, but site inigli* scarcely ltelleve their eyes, that tlteir own; i,e seen wearing tlutt. and the neighbors father's first, tis he wide •lime in self-willed i*ie<-, i-iiii- I’arisiatt gowns and drilling lier in venliotuil it’eas of social etiquette. Tiie ahsett*-e of a bank account ill lier <*v. n ita'i:e did not prevent the hundred anil **il*i young men at Hie r-s<.*t fro~i iiowittg tin- knee t*> the lovely Miss Ham mond. At last, however, one runm who tva- and xi-epiiivi; lianii-mne, *1:,suing, independent Mauriee Miiliirson he was not Hie kinii of mini lo how Hie kue :iiiv **n*-. Tills itiim* liai* ly won him mas. There was .* s -out, am! the *-liil • Iren rushed in. followed oy llt*-ir Stinday j seltool teaclier. "tiie bonny iass'e of long! ago." Johnny a* ted Santa Glaus, deliver-i ing with tlte otlier? two packages ii jirko.l j "Fattier" an.I "Mother" r'-speetivel.v, an.l tie pretended to l.attg himself on tiie tree for the lassie, a-ul in hi? r«»'ket was a diamond ring. Of course, every one had ! io, i<> aeeept i lie gifis on In- Christinas tree. I f:v-1 ".Mother, I tliougiit there wore no - furnishing her vvitii la!. Johnny. Itad eo-.te home for Christ-j might smile Poor little hei foil Iik-ss itnl.v In tin s':*- ilitd IIPVi nilh-untly crippled Mattie saw tiiat for red found expression blossoms she grew, which thought of sharing with ilie little lame neighbor. Anne In-IJ tit*- shoos at arm's length. :i' *1 gave a bitter laugh. "I suppose the proper return for them .lies would he :t vvngoll-in:iil of good tilings to make tin- gift ait Investment search **f her. and vvas about, tn answer, when tite voice sounded nearer, and slit: h It a touch upon iter shoulder. "Wake up. f.otti* !" Iter father *• riled. -It is Christmas morning.’' A ltd the little gi.'l opem-d her eyes in lltul it was *la> light; that she vvas at home in lie- little <-t-ib. an.', that all this was only a dre im. Her stocking was hanging'by the flreplaoe. just ns site had 1*rt It tin- night before, only Hint then i* was empty, and now it was full (•* overflowing. But it was not of this her father spnk* vvortii vvitii*-, but I shall step over iimlj "Guess," he said, "whit a splendid arms to Iter in pathetic appeal. ■•What's the matter, do you know ’* asked Earl of the man nearest him ••Tite parents ot' the little girl sepa rated some time ago. and now It'.? th« (father's time to have her. Her ancle has come for her and .-lie doesn’t want to go. that's all.” Karl turned away with a sickening soreness of spirit. “A broken home." lie murmured, “a blighted childhood, I that's all." j Then, with a swift, new light of res olution ill ills eyes, he drew a tinie- ! card from his -pocket an*l glancing at it. j ran to the flower stand and hastby ! bought a box of rose? and violets. In (another moment lie was swinging on a i the rear end of a moving train. He told hintself again and again <>n Hie little Journey home that lie had been selfish, exacting and inconsiderate. II" tried to tell Grace so as he laid the flowers in her lap. but she would' not listen to him. 8)ie said, in a choking voice, that it was site who had been cross and irritable. When.• a little later, he started once again to Itis office. Grace and baity May waved until he Itad turned the corner. lie smiled contentedly its lie paused an instant and then, hurrying toward Itis train, said vvitii happy whim sicality; "Grace and l have turned tho corn*-.'." Respectfully, ALWYN.