The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, January 26, 1907, Image 4

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/ i FOURTH PAGE THE SUM NY SOUTH JANUJkHY 26, 1907 T 4 ♦ « T f Uhe Woman in the Alcove ^ j ”T T =t A Story of Love and THrilling Interest By ANNA KATHERINE GREENE. Author of “The Millionaire Baby/’ "The Filigree Ball/’ Etc. window, which ^ one ITITIX thi was only a few feet above ;>!s head, stood tiie glow ing image of a woman clad in pinit. and sparl.ling with Jewels. Her face was turned from him. but he recognized her splendor as that of the one woman who could never be too gorgeous for his taste; and, alive to this unex pected opportunity, he made for this window with the intention of shouting tip to her. and j so attracting; her attention. Rut this proved futile, and. driven at! last to the end of his resources, lie tore j out a slip of paper from his notebook j and. in the dark and with the (blinding '< snow in his eyes, wrote the few broken sentences which lie thought would best warn iter, without compromising ids master. The means lie took to reach liej- with this note r have already re lated. As soon us he saw it in her liaiulk lie fled the place and took the ilrst train west. lie whs in a pitiable condition when, three days later, lie reached the small station from which lie had orig inally set oui. The haste, the exposure. had ever been aible to sound, unless it was tlie man wiio hud known him in Jiis days of struggle, was one of those dangerous men who can conceal under a still brow and a. noiseless manner the most violent passions and the most des perate resolves. He was angry with ids wife, who was deliberately jeopardizing his good name, and lie had come there to kill her if lie found her Haunting the diamond in Mr. Grey’s eyes; and though no one could have detected any change in his look and manner as lie passed through the room where these two were standing, the doom of that fair woman was struck when lie saw the eager scru tiny and indescribable air of recognition with which this long-defrauded gentle man eyed his own diamond. Ilo had meant to attack her openly, seize the diamond, (ling it at Alt'. Grey’s feet, and then kill himself. That had i been his plan. But when lie found, after j a. round or two among ihe guests, that 1 nobody looked at him, and nobody as to take in Ills hands the two cups of coffee which should serve as his excuse for this intrusion, but his naturally chiv alrous instincts again intervened, and lie set tlie cups down again—-this 1 did not see—and turned his steps toward the li brary with tlie intention of writing her u note instead. But though he found paper and pen to hand, h© could And no words for so daring a request, and lie came into the hall, only to hear that the woman lie had contemplated addressing had just, been murdered find iter great jewel siulen. Til® shock was too much, and as there j was no leaving 'tlie house Ihen, lie re- ^ treated again to ithe library where lie! devoured his anxieties in silence till revived again at sight of the diamond in tlie inspector's hand, only to vanish under tlie machinations of one lie did not even recognige when lie 'took ihe false jewel from his hand. The American hail outwitted fTIe Eng- THESE ARTICLES FREE TO OUR CUSTOMERS If you have ever sent an order to Sears, Roebuck & Co. you may be entitled to receive from them, FREE OF ANY COST TO YOU of any bind, one or more of the valuable articles illustrated hereon, this by reason of our LATEST REVISED AND MOST LIBERAL PROFIT SHARING PLAN, far more liberal than ever before. READ OUR LIBERAL OFFER, OUR NEW REVISED $25.00 PROFIT SHARIN6 PLAN C YOU HAVF CEBIT IK AMIPRO ***4 h*ve rcc«iv*d from US send usiin the value we now give to those who have purchased as much ®eJectk>n from toe enormous ^ortment now shown. Hyou have never a ■Mil HA VC gUI UnUClfa Profit Sharing Certificates as 925.00 worth of goods from us. I 2HlL?:vnnunS« > «S!llnMe.wh!elMrewfll^n>*H.Su'?.(r**£ atSTtat onrrainii , Profit Sharing Certificate, mounting to a* much as $29-00, you can now receive from in tree in xchnnge tor your $25.00 In Profit Sharlmt Certificate,, your choice of any f the articles Illustrated hereon, or your choice of many others, as shown a our new revised and Improved free Profit Sharing Book. Write and ask <r our NEW FREE Profit Sharing Book and learn about our latest plan. ’EOPLE WHO BUY GOODS FROM SEARS,ROEBUCK & AA no * °nly get far more value for their money than they can get X UVi alaawtiere, but they get a Proflt Sharing Certificate for the full mount of each purchase, and now for the first time they can exchange !jp Profit Sharing Certificate* when they have amounted to only $25.00 ‘ In you yon as $25.00 worth of goods from us. MI||Y ARTICLES ***** formerly required $100.00 ito •ecure are how given for only $25.00, many n Hired from $50.00 f ‘ ‘ i to $100.00 In certificates to that more recently secure, are uow given more valuable artloies Including pianos, organs, buggies, sewing machines, rich and valuable furniture, watches and other goods, are now given free to our custo mers for a surprisingly .mall amount In Profit Sharing Certificates. It's ail explained in our free Profit Sharing Book. Possibly you already Have an much as $25.00 In Profit Shoring Certificates; If so. and you wish any of the article, shown hereon free, send us $25.00 In i-er- free at once; or. better still. If you have $25.01 __ Sharing Certificates write for our free Proflt, Sharing Book and make your Mob^VyrSerUtortss m send you lor your choice of an almost pleasIIell aElyourfrierosardneigh RAHS that we have now gona on to a %MMbaahJ5 3 L n l a "',.'‘ r V: Bwllw oles that were heretofore fumlsoed on the busts or -j «00.00awnow“furnishedfoVwiiy.|25,oq taMrtlflcates.JUanjr of jour lisliman ami the triumph of evil wag r ec- i complete. ignized tin- well known millionaire in the ! *-'r 80 ** seemed. ' !u *- ^ l * ,e English- tutnniiitoiiliki- figure with Hie formally j nl; ui Is. slow, lie in sure. Thrown off the figurt arranged whiskers and sleekly combed J luvir, colder purposes intervened, and he asked himself if it would not be possible t«i come upon her alone, strike his blow, | possess himself of tlie diamond and make I for pttrts unknown before liits identity { the horror ol' the crime in avert, had undermined his i-ellent constitution, ami t of a serious iilness wen- make themselves mauifes . his Indomitable muster, great fund of energy and u saw that if he was to sum brother fand now thai Ain was dead, his old master world to himi. lie must niak< ers alibi good by carrying eeption os planned By the lath ting as soon as posslbl can?> in the New Aloxi > mou knew tiiat he would hav to do this, and he wen: about sparing himself. AJaking his way into the he found tiie guide and place agreed upon. and. i enough for his services t \ - had tailed t -liith i<- symptoms beginning to But ho. like possessed a illpower. He Abner Hair- Fa irbrother was all the ■ could he discovered. Tie loved life ev ; without the charm east over it by this woman. Its struggles and its j bought luxuries fascinated him. Tf Air track for the time being, Mr. Grey had only .to see a picture of tlie stiletto in the papers, to feel again that, despite all appeara.nces, Falrbrotlier was realty not only a; the bottom of the thefts from which his cousin and himself had suf fered, but of 'this frightful murder as This new style ladlas’ mackintosh orrain- coat will be furnish ed free Incxchange for Profit Sharing Certifk- cates amounting to only $25.00. This id a very handsome gar ment, made from an This handsome fur piece, a fine brown Bel gium coney fur, is made In the very latest style, and ha, two tabs, one overlapping the other, trimmed with silk orna ments In front and rlieulile trimmings at bottom of tabs, lined throughout with sateen to mateh. an up to date, stylish neckpiece and Is given free In exchange for Profit Sharing Certifi cates amounting to only $25.00. well. lie made no open move—he was | I a stranger In a strange land and much j hard- I disturbed, besides, by his fears for lr is j | daughter—but he started a secret in- ! Fairbrt hi tlie r. and i | Grey suspected him, why, Air. Grey was j ,[Uiry through Ills old- valet, whom he Kngiish, and lie a resourceful American. : ran across in the street, and whose tie-; If ii came to an Issue, the subtle Ameri- ! euliar adaptability for this kind of work j j can would win if Air. Grey were not able i lie well knew. " point to the flaw which marked this j The aim of these inquiries was to de-! j diamond as his own. And tTiis. Fair- | termine if tlie person, whom two physi-j ■ brother had provided against, and would ] elans and three assistants were endea- ! | succeed in if lie could hold his passions i voting to nurse bask- to health on the! n check and be ready with all his wit j to r» of a wild plateau in a remote dis- wiien matters readied a climax. j ,1- iet of New Mexico, was the man lie the mountains, lis horse at tiie laying the guide o insure a quiet tongue, rode hack toward K! Aloro, where lie was met and sent on ;o Santa Fe. as already related. Sucli is the real > xpla.nation of the well-nigh unintelligible scrawl found in Mrs. Fail-brother s hand after her death. As to tiie one which left Aliss Grey's 'bedside for this same bouse. iL was alike In the writing and sending, the loving- freak of a very sick but tender-hearted , 1; ic girl. She had noted tlie look with which j air Air. Grey had left her. and. in her do- j see lirious state, thought that a line in her ter own band would convince him of her good condition and make it possible for him to enjoy tiie evening.* She was. however, too much afraid of her nurse to write it openly, and. though we never found that scrawl, it was doubtless not very different in appearance from the one with which T had con founded it. The man to -whom it was intrusted stopped for tlie man;, warming drinks *on hits *wfiy fur t ever Afr. R&lisdell's-house lie did return home that right, and did put in an appearance tiie big he was dismissed. This takes me back to t \lrs. Fair brother. Sir aa.i much fear of her husband eeived his old servant's note 1° bis | Such wi re the thoughts and such tlie ins. lie | plans of tlie quiet, attentive man who. strength I with his tray laden with coffee and ices, without 1 . ante and went an unnoticed unit among I twenty other units similarly quiet and similarly attentive. He waited on lady after lady, and when, on the reissuing "I Ah’. Durand from the alcove, he pass- ed in there with his tray and his two cups of coffee, nobody heeded and nobody re membered. H was all over in a minute, and be aiic- cut. siiil unnoted, and went to the supper room for more cups of coffee. Hut that minute had set its seal on his I heart for ever. She was sitting there j alone with her side to the entrance, so I hat in- uad to pass around in order to fa-e nor. Her elegance and a certain he had of remoteness from the s, i in- of which who was the glowing .-en ter when she smiled, awed him and made his hand loosen a little on the slender std.'iio lie help close against the bottom ol the tray. But such resolution does noi easily yield, and his fingers soon lightened again, this time with a deadly I grip. H'- had expected to meet the flash of ihe diamond as lie bent over her. and dreaded doing so for fear it would attract bis eye from her face and so cost him reach the sight ot ihat startled recognition even j which would give the desired ome entertained at liis own board in Kngland. and the adventures thus in curred would make a story in itself. But the result seemed to justify them. Word came after innumerable delays, very trying to Air. Grey, :hat lie was' not tlie same, though he bore the name of Falrbrotlier. and was considered by ev ery one around there to be Fa irbrother. Air. Grey, ignorant of the relations be ll ween the mlllionaie master and his ! matt which sometimes led to the latter’s j personifying the former, was confident of | in's own mistake and bitterly ashamed of I his own suspicions. But a second message set him right. A deception was being practiced down in New Mexico, and this was how his sff? had found it out. Certain letters which went into the sick tent were sent away again, and always to one address. He had learned the address. It was tiiat of James Wellgood. C . Maine. Grey would look up this AVel Thin big, rich, beautiful banquet lamp will be fur- Profit Sharifi ng ' amounting to $25.00. le for this sr cates The 1 style 1- ’’ . _. beautifully decorated I n floral decoration; has n very lurge base and globe, rich, henw metal stand, extra high trade burner. Lanin stands 20 Inches high, and. Indeed. Is n valuable lamp and goes fr-e for $25.00 In Profit .Sharing Perl locates. la x light weight brown cloth. It is beautifully finished throughout: a hand some. stylish gar ment. Comes In size 32 to 44 bust meas ure. length 54 to 68 belies. Is really an ex- ceptlnnal value and we give It free in ex - change for Proflt Sharing Certificates amounting to only $25.00. This big, handsome, latest style fMn l waterproof mack-, inf osh or raincoat, a coat that can be worn either as a rain coat, or overcoat, a really high grade and valuable art Icle of wearing apparel, will be sent to any custo mer in exchange for Proit t! Sharing Certificates 1 amounting toonly $25.00. This coat Is made m the very latest style, made from a good qualltygray covert waterproof cloth, fancy platd waterproof lining, made in the latest double breasted style with velvet collar and three outside pockets, a handsome, large, showy- mid durable eoat. and it 7ou will send us Profit -Sharing Cert Ideates amounting to only $25.00. state voursize. height and This handsome, big. beautiful!) em- sosteil and decor ated cobbler seat rocking chair, an Sx":;i Tarec. hand le ie. strong and w II finished chair, a ■ hnlr suitable for |m' home. Is now » mounting to only "o-OO This handsome bo>V two-piaca knaa pants suit made of wear resisting union cassimere, for boys 8 to 14 years of age. given tree to exohange for Profit Shar ing Certificates amounting to only $25.00. Send us your certificates, state age ‘ lure to order , and get this substantial, full sized washing machine given free In exchange for Profit Shar ing Certificates amounting to $25.00. Wonderfully more liberal than ever before. This washing ma chine is made of carefully selected lumber, has heavy rustless galvanized Iron bottom, remov able corrugated rubbers, is nicely finished outside and In, all Iron parts are Japan ned; inside dimensions are 19x28x13 Inches; the machine weighs complete 45 pounds, is one of the strongest, simplest, most durable and practical washing machines on the market, and will be sent free to any customer of ours at any time In exchange tor Proflt 8 haring Certificates amouut- ing to only $25.00. This handsome, extra large, high jtlfuliy _ bronze finish metal mantel clock, a clock standing 18 inches htch, 15 inches wide, an excellent, time keeper, a really valuable article given inexehanee for Proflt 8liar- mg Certificates amouniinz to only $25.00. neighbors have Profit Sharing prtiflcatM amount tog to S2&.9dor as;enaf gsftjrMMWS swus ssvgikfeB This! oak pari rtyle, .30 Inc top Is 24x24 Inches, •*. very Attractive pled of furniture, Is glreti free by us for unit $25.00 In Proflt-Shad ing Certificates. * tronderful offer. This magnificent turned glass bowl and stand end twelve beautiful cups to match. 1b now given by ua free for Profit Shar ing Certificates amounting to only$25.00, a more generous share of our profits than ever before. Bowl is 9‘4 inches A crayon portrait* a photograph or any indi vidual. enlarged to life aiae. framed In this rich, gold finished frame and given free In exchange for Profit Sharing Cer tificates amounting to only $25.00. fit, a real Stradivarlus model violin, com- nlete with esse. bow. resin, instruction book nnd all. ull given for Profit Sharing Certificates amounting t.o only $26.00. FhII* dffuerKfC# in ot-r fRfF P»0HT SHAFtaC BOCK Sewing Machines. Furniture, Bugzies. Harness, Organs, Pianos. Fine Curtains, Rugs, Silverware. Watches. Dinner Sets, etc., are now given FRKE bv us for a sur prisingly small amount in Profit Sharing Certificates, all explained in the FREE: PROFIT SHARING CATALOOt'E. I his fine rifle witS su et barrel att) seasoned walnut stock, will shoot either 22 short or long cartridges. Is now given by us free for only 525.00 m Proflt Sharing Certificates. THIS SHOWS ONLY A FEW OF THE VAST VARIETY of valuable articles, many of which were heretofore furnished at $30.00 and upward In certificates, which we now give to our customers in exchange for Proflt bnartng Certifi cates amounting to only $25.00. Many more ore offcrpct In our big. free Front charing Book, still more valuable articles, at $30.00, $40.00 and upward; rich, valuable parlor, bedroom, timing room and other furniture, a vast variety of merchandise now given m exchange for a surprisingly small amount in Proflt Sharing Certacatcs. . IF YOU HAVE SENT US ORDERS ^, h ‘w v .S, r ^i'S ( £? fit f5 r, w n fl^rs!f{- prised how much more your Proflt Sharing Certificates are now worth than when you received them, and If you are holding Proflt Sharing Certificates amounting to $-g.0U or more, don’t fall to write for our latest free Proflt Sharing B<>9k. wirite'us on a postal card or in a letter and simply nay: “Send me your freeProfit. Sharing Book, ana you will get the big, new, revised book by return mall, pos^mld. free. oub famous BIG CATALOGUE IS FREE DON’T BUY AHYTKINS ANYWHERE until you see in our free Profit Sharing Book what we are giving to our customers free. If you need anything of any kind today send your order to us. If you haven’t one of our big catalogues aDd can’t borrow one in your Immediate neighborhood. Y.Tite for it. Wc will send you the big 1300-page book by return mail, postpaid. frc*c. Just write us a Setter or a postal and say. * r>end me your Big Catalogue/' and the* big 1300-page book will yo to you immediately by return mail, free and postpaid. It is a better catalogue than ever, the great est money saving book in the world. Then set. your order to tis. get your Proflt Sharing Certificates started, and wii'*n they amount to $25.00 or more there is hardly any end to the variety of valuable articles you ran get free. You will be surprised what a big part of ull the money you send us will go back to you in your own selection of valuable articles we will send you free of cost, the articles that you may choose to select from our big free Profit Sharing Book. ADDRESS. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO, ILL. il anil j u flying | papers and cruising made possible, he look j of the part J once played in tlie matter the most precious trip to New York to secure such j of the stiletto. tluables as be wished to This wflls amply proved by. the invito tion cei v< line Air. Durand and I have just re I to spend our honeymoon nt Dor- Manor. (THE END.) of the country with him. The were iri safe deposit, but that safe di posit wus in his strong room in the cen ter of his house in Eighty-sixth street («i I room which you will remember in con- 1 section with Sweetwater's adventure). To i enter his own door with his own latch j If Air. l ki-y in the security and darkness of a j and Tumor is a recognized success, ood ne | stormy night, seemed to this self-eonfi- - ware of imitators. Write today to their possessions, j friends, including Captain Rankin, arid The bamboo groves of Japan are one of ! - L young soldier named Horton, wer* the most striking features of the land- j stopping. Finding that they would be . , - . destroyed with the building if they re scape and certainly one of the rnos. mainod in it any longer, they endeavored profitable. There are id be found the j t n effect lln ir escape oy jumping tnrougli A Successful Combination. flic Combination Oil Cure for Cancer his pom i ilex; morn revenge j it. shielded i when he . blow. he But tlie (ray. as he her breast from view lowered it to strike thought of nothing held a nd his but never had j aiming so truly as to need no second till she re- J blow. He had his experience in those in the i»e- j old years in a mining camp, and he din would doubtless learn something of tne| dent man a mater of no great risk. Nor man lie was so interested in. j did he find it so. He reached his strong Tltis gave Mr. Grey personally some- room, procured his securities and wvs filing to do. for he would trust no sec-1 leaving the house, without having sttf- ond party with a message involving <ue, ;cred an alarm, when some instinct of J honor of H possibly innocent man. As' self-preservation suggested to him tin i the place was accessible by railroad BUd*. ad\isability of arming himself with a i uis duty clear, lie took the journey in-j j,j<>T. His own was iti Alaine, but lie I \ol\ed and succeeded in getting a I remembered where Sears kept his; h • .glimpse in the manner we know of the SPf>il u „ ftP)1 enough i n that old j man James Wellgood. This time he rec- trunk ilP , la<] bought with him from the ogruzea Fan-brother and. satisfied I rom ; .. ,, , . ' ' -ernis. He accordingly went up stairs the steward's room, found the pistol Originator for his fre ! Bye, 316 N. Illinois Ind. Be- the books. Dr. D. AI. St.. Indianapolis, one of the windows and running. On making their appearance, Captain Stew art was shot and killed Instantly, and Captain Rankin received a dangerous wound in one of his thighs. Young Hor ton was shot down while running tnrougn the garden. Life not being entirely ex tinct, one of the villains placed the muz zle of his gun to the head of young Hor ton and fired, literally scattering his ■brains. The party then proceeded to the Goode euliar manner ahead iu":ilion( coming through the night aim and with all ill" marks of hm : ■ did impress her greatl and if take the first means wli;,-. ofiv-i ding herself ol I" i dr agent - • The story of this w.> know. ■Meanwhile, a burning hear; scheming train were deadly work a few ;>a Impassive aspect and of the caterer’s new ner Fairbrotliev, win Til: the w< upon i iter ! •pup I and a up their under the active movements hired waiter. Alt- Thousands o? Common Cases of Catarrh Result in Consumption and Death Every Year. Gauss Combined Treatment Quickly Cures Catarrh—You Can Try It Free And Prove It. Catar: li is not ■ ■ a uses bail breath decay of bom - To soiling ergv. often riangerous. it ration, death and I thinking and rea- j mbit ion and en- : appt ' it", indl- j not fear failure in this. What he did ^ ! "a ■ was her utterance of some cry—pos- | sib!y Ills name. But she was stunned , with honor, and did not shriek—horror S OI -‘ini whose eyes she met with her ! r^hissx ami staring 1 ones ;is he slowiv ‘ drew forth ihe weapon. U ':> he drew it forth instead of leav- : in# it in her breast lie eould not say. 1 Po-sibJy hoi-ause. il gave him liis mo- ! niiMii. of gloating revenge. When in an other instant, her hands flew up, and the ! j tray lipped, and the china fell, the re-I I valsion came, and Ids eyes opened to i I two facts: the instrument of death was | | still in ills grasp, and the diamond, on j whose po.-session he counted, -was gone j from his wife’s breast. It was a horrible moment. Voices ( .,,uld i lie beard approaching the alcove—laugh- I dig voices that in an instant would take! on the note of horror. And the music— j I ah! how low it had sunk, as if to give j pla e to tlie dying murmur he now heard ; issuing from her lips. But he was a man ' "f iron Thrusting the stiletto into the lirs’t place tiiat offered, lie drew the cur. tains over the staring windows, then slid 1 out with his tray, calm, speckless and at- ■ ti-ntive as ever, dead to thought, dead to j feeling, but aware, quite aware in the! secret depths of his 'being that something > besides liis wife had been killed that j ! night, anil that sleep md peace of mind the circumstances of the moment, that iie would lie making no mistake In ac cusing him of having taken the Great Mogul, he intercepted him In his flight, as you have already read, and demand ed tiie immediate return of his great diamond. An,) Fa irbrother'.’ Wc shall have io go back a little to bring his history up to ‘.liis critical instant. When he realized tiie trend of publ in-' I ... .... ... ... and became front that instant invincible But in restoring the articles lie had pulled out he came across a photograph of liis wife and lost himself o' er it and wen: mad. as we have lieaid the detective tell- j That later, he should succeed in trapping i this detective and should leave tlie lionc j without a qualm as to his fate shot' s ) what sort of man iie was in moments opinion: when he sa w a perfc Uy In- j of extreme danger. I doubt, from what nocent man committed to the Tombs for j have heard of him *ince, if lie eve, ins crime, he was first astoni-’.led ami ^ gave two thoughts to the man after ne then amused at what in continued to re-| | l;lJ sprung the double lock on him; gnr,l as tiie triumph of ins star. ^ n! i whicli. considering his extreme ignorance ho did not start for El Moro. wise as he | of who his vjct im was or what relation lie bore to his own fate, was certainly remarkable. •Back again in C . lie made liis final largest and roost carefully cultivated bamboo plantations in tlie world, not ex cepting those of China, some of the Jap anese plantations being several square mile in extent. Not even the Chinese have found so many uses for the bamboo as the Japa nese. They excel even the Chinese in its universal use, especially among the com mon people. The plant is a vital neces sity to the Japanese peasant. Jt is one j hotel, to which they applied the torch, of <^lie favorite themes of tlie Japanese land afterwards to the court house an i artist and artisa.ii. and some of the most j jail, l>ut these buildings were saved by Bamboo Cultivation—-Its . deli; iitely beautiful works of Japan’s art i the eitizens. «’apiain Stewart's men. •are manufactured from Mo* wondrous ! hwo were Quartered in different parts ot 1 'bamboo. And what this noble plant is tf >’- l°wn, soon rallied but were provent- . , _ . . led Irom firing on the murderers and to tne natives of China, Japan, Asia, in- j ,. ousc burners, they having placed an dia and their adjacent islands, it may t old lady and several children in a pos:- well become in many ways even to the ; tion between them and the former. After proud people of the Cnited .Slates of j this the party withdrew from the town. America “Captain Stewart had .been engaged in ' So convinced is our beneficent depart- I I’nntlng deserters, stragglers, etc., and ,, , „ , for performing his duty in this respect mom ot agncultme of its t,tine .ml th • ; hjg (j(> ha(] been threatened more than practicability ot raising the bamboo sue- on ce. as well as the lives of the men titi- oessfully in the gulf states and in Cali- : ( j er ifim. He was a gallant soldier, and fornia that it sent an agent, to Japan for j was liked by all who enjoyed his a •- I THE GULF STATES OFFER RICH i Future for ; Profits. Continued front Second Page. ground as they twist or plait it. This bamboo cordage is admirably light and strong, and is used for cables for the junks, and also for their rigging. Their sails, too. are made of bamboo, woven in fine fibers. felt it would be to do so. Something of Cue fascination usual with criminals kept him near the scene of liis crime—that. and an anxietv to see how Sears would, , ,, , , , conduct himself in the southwest. That | Pi'T^atious for departure, lie had al- Sears had followed him to New York. , knew ids crime, and was the strongest i *-' ,e launch. Ihe epidermis ol tin* bamboo is .. , . , , , . -, , , , ■, the purpose ot investigating the methods quaintanee. hard and slirav. So largelv does stlex I 1 1 . , ... ,, ... ; ot its culture and ascertaining all other ! . UK ,- into its composition that it ' ints impomn oe. What a.v the con- ! THE ‘' COMMANT-SR-IN-CHIEF." -Hike fii" wuh steel, m the sain,- way lug , ons ,.p ilohe <i on t' nt . subject w. shall I The following eulogy on General Lee a piece of flint. It is this hard, tough presently was published in The Edgefield (S. C.i 1 ; Advertiser: “The man who possesses and who has Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. • so long displayed all the genius, knowl- ! —, _——.. , i edge, firmness and quickness which are I PAZu oilsTAIE.N I is 5,uaiantced tc . p ssi , nt 5 a i to tiie constitution of a great cure any case of Itching, blind, Bletc n =military commander: the man whose won derful adaptation for the control of other Bortrtming idles in money refunded. 90c. 14 days texture that gives It strength and dura bility. Marco Polo saw a pavilion of the great khan or emperor, the roof of which was made of bamboo canes richly gilded and varnished. The roof had been laid many years before, and bid fair to Iasi for as many more years to come. Thes i bamboos, be says, “were eaeli three paims in circumferapee and ten fathoms (sixty onmiunicaled with the captain of i feet) long, and being cut at Uie joints, j ho mav or may not ha vs i were split into equal parts, and laid ’ witness against him, was as far from hisl 1;nown ilis passenger's real name. lie j concave and convex, to form gutters." j thoughts as that* he owed him the warn-' says that lie supposed him to be some j Our missionaries inform us still further j ing- which had all but balked him of his J agent of Air. Fail-brother's; that among j that not only roofs, but entire dwellings ! revenge. When therefore he read in the the first orders he received from that i art built of bamboos. This is especially j -old Reliable’ pronounces it papers that “Abner Falrbrotlier" had gentleman was one to the effect that he the case in the southern province of £>.- Iganized and efficient body;' been found sick in ills camp at Santa Fe. was to follow tlie instructions of one j chuen, where nearly every house is con- ! " ‘Charleston, January 9.—To tlis Ex- he felt :hat nothing now stood in the Wellgood a? if they came from himself; I struclcd solely of this great giant bamboo |«*}lMicy, plans he had j that lie had done so. and not till he j and built substantially, too. Not only- had Mr. Tail-brother on board bad he j so. but nearly every article used in the known whom he was expected to carry | house is made of the same material, into other witters. However, there are ! Mats, screens, tables, bedsteads, bedding, many who do not believe the onptain chairs all have the same origin. Th» Fairbrother had a genius for rousing de- [ fibers of Uie reed are converted into pa- LEAVES FROM AN OLD SCRAP BOOK. Continued front Second Page. well or- way of his entering on th framed for ultimate escape. On his de- nar'ine from FI Afore he had taken the precaution of aivlng' Sears the name of a certain small town on the coast of Alaine where his mail was to be sent in ise of a great emergency. He had dYosen tiiis town for two reasons. First, because he knew all about it. having had a young man from j men. as exhibited In the signal aibMity I with which he has conducted our armies. 1 entitles his opinion in all military mat- ! ters to be regarded as highest authority; i tlie man whose greatness, goodness, vir- ; tue. patriotism are dazzling; the man in ! whom the people and the army nut their trust, and on whom thev- build their hones, ns nnnn a foundation of ruck; that I man. General Robert E. Leo. has been ; anmiinted by the nresident. commander- j in-chief of all the. confederate armies. | Tlie whole confederacy i-rcs; Well done! | at his appointment; and every southern man feels profoundly comforted and re- | and all pleasure in the past were gone (there in his employ; secondly, because ot forever. | ;r- neighborhood to the inlet where a.i it was not he l saw enter the alcove ,,!d launch of his liad been docked fo- and come oui with news of the crime. He] the winter. Always astute, always pre- "ft this role to one whose antecedents i cautionary, he had given orders to have •ould better bear investigation. His part : t ;,; s launch floated and provisioned so was to play. With just the proper dis- j that now ]ie ha d only to --end word ft play '.1 horror and curiosity, t he ordinary ]u , captain< hav> at , lit menial brought face to face with a '-rime ' , OBaib | e , tloans „ lugn hlc. lie could do this. He could | i - must make good his po- even sustain iii- share in tlie gossip, and for ibis ) i.pose kept near the other waiters. Tlie absence of the diamond was all that troubled him. That brought him at times to the point of vertigo. Hail Mr. Grey recognized and claimed it? if so, he. Abner Fairbrother. must remain Janies Wellgood, the waiter, indefinitely. This would require more belief in his ornmand tlio f escape. Meanwhile, lie sition in C . He did it in the way w- know. Satisfied that the only danger lie need fear was the discovery of the fraud practiced in New Alexieo, he had con fidence enough in Sear.-, even in his pres ent disabled sate, to take his time and make himself solid with the people oi C while waiting for the ice to disap- But as the: pear from Ihe harbor, ontradietion i * This accontplish- ( atari'll. But! it1 It. I\'t; >pMtiug (Juii kly Cm Combined Tit no il -tar than ever lie had moments passed, and was given to the universally-received im pression that tlie same hand which had struck the blow had taken the diamond, even this cause of anxiety left liis breast | and he faced people with more and more outage till the moment when lie suddenly J heard tiiat the diamond hud been found i :ti the possession of a man perfectly. strange to him. and saw th" inspector! Grateful I’utrnns Tell of AIiiiomi Alira ‘ pass it over into i ae hands of Mr. Grey. * ” “ instantly lie realized tiiat tlie crisis of gestion. dyispepsia. raw throat and 'his fate was on him. If Air. Grey were reaches t<i general debility, idiocy and in- I given time to identify this stone, lie. .vb- sanity. It needs attention at once. Cure ■ „er Fairbrother. was lost and the dia- I mond as well. Could lie prevent this? I There was hut one way. and tiiat way that cause catarrh. the took. .Making use of his veutriloquial In order to prove to all who are suffer- i power. 1 -—lie hud spent a year on the pull ing from this dangerous and loathsome | lie stage in those early days, playing just disease tiiat Gauss’ Catarrh Cure will I suefi tiiese—iie raised tlie one actually cure any case of catarrh quick-j cry which he knew would startle Mr. ly, no matter how long standing or how i Grey more than any other in the world, i hy mall an( j w ), ell ti 1( > diamond fell from his hand, j lie knew it would, lie rushed foi ward i !/• with Gauss’ Catarrh t quick, radical permanent it rids the system of Hu ai once, lure. it cine, becat poison germs 11 eeml a trial packa free of all cost. Send us your name and j address today and the treatment " ill dc ! ^ ... ...... .... ....... , n j^, a an( j q,^,.^iy rostered to perfect health *ent you by return ntaii. Try it! It will 1 11 • T' K ' it iqt. made t.iat j |, n8 repe.atedly cured where other remedies and Sure Cure For Sore Eves. iv lous Cures of OilnruclM. Granu lated I,ids. Wild Hairs. Livers, Weak. M atery Eyes anil All Eye Diseases—i Seuil Your Nauie and Address rvltli Two-1 cut Stamp for Free Trial I'uekage. the cures being made ‘•y tilts magic lotion er- <-ry day are truly remarK- idnr. 1 hare repeatedly restored to eight persons nearly blind for years. Ulcers, wild liairs, , . granulated lids disappear almost instantly with the use of this magic reme- Weak, watery eyes are cleared in a single \otion in tiie men who worked for him. and probably this man was another iSears. , To leave speculation, all was in tra.;;, then, and freedom but a quarter of a. mile away, when the boat he was in was stopped by another and lie beard Air. Gtry's voice demanding tlie jewel. The shook was severe and lie bad need of all tlie nerve which had hitherto made Ids career so prosperous, to sustain the encounter with Uie calmness which alone could carry off tlie situation. Declaring that the diamond was in New York, he promied to retore it if Uie other would ake the sacrifice wort It while by jcr. and also into wicks for candles. In short, there is scarcely anything to be found in China, either on land or water, into whose composition bamboo does not crier, or to the usefulness of which it has not contributed. BAMBOO CANE. Tiie East Indian .-ane (calamus versus), grows straight and tall, without any branches, and is topped by a tuft or crown. Its bark is thickly covered with strong spines, hut when these are stripped '■ worth embracing off. tlie smooth, hard cane comes into I aI1 arts'—printin'" view. This species grows in great abund- cavairy has ‘been organized under my supervision. It. consists of three divisions ] n ..cured —eight brigades. It is a well organized I ' and effeient body. Reports of its disor- I ganization and demoralization are with- ' T'H’F CIT.d j A' w T> THE NF.AV. out foundation, and its depreciation, ae- j V j ss Kfizabeth Afaeie. tlie prettv and credited to this command, can generally j (alent0ll Chicago girl, who rec-entiv inn, .- he traced to hands of maiaudors claimlnGr i to 'belong to it. 1 know nothing at pres- , t d int ,° d,s . t ' n ^’ on bv 0 , ffep ‘ n » i,ersp ent to add to its effectiveness except ihe | f° r sale, said tlie utner day, in an an promotion of (blank), for which recoin- i dress before a girls’ club: mendations have itcen sent in. “ AY. J. HARDEE DARING EXPLOIT. Tiie .Mississippi Extra publishes ihe fol lowing interesting "telegram:" “Jackson, January 18. Ib65.—A gentle man .lust from the army of Tennessee nas related an incident which. I think. ‘art conseravtive of The. newspaper press is the daily record of the times and "iie ... ... i useful repository of those daring exploits ance m Sumatra. Naturally Dute.i. j tliatt constitute historic- gems in this, our J. therefore, claim a who owned that rich island, monopolized ] even tful struggle. "I advise all of you to be new women : T urge you to pay no heed to the gibe* ! about new women, that are continual! ■ 'being uttered by men. It isn't a fin" ' type of man that gibes the new womas; ! You know tiie story of the man in tiie j county jail?" , “ 'What brought you here, my poor fel- ! low?' a missionary asked. " ‘I married a new woman, sir.’ i ie j prisoner groaned. I “ ‘Aha.’ said tlie missionary: 'and she ! was so domineering and extravagant tiei' | it drove you to desperate courses, eh -H-eitiveiv cure so that y ou wTTl he' well ! exchange which not only b tffied the sus-| doctors had failed. It. is indeed a magic rent co.ned instead of shunned by your I plcions of the statesman, but restored to 1 cd> l and ..' i,m Kh "' ,0 K,fn thia Cnv to friends. f\ E. GAT T PS, 0112 ATain st. Marshall, Mioh. Pill out coupon l»clow. FREE Tliifl coupon is good fur o»io trial uaf k; <5au!*s* Combined <'alarr!\ ’ .n*. s* .• i 1*•« 1 f plain pacrXa^e. Simply till in \>,iir ii.iin «(Id reps on lines below otl run il t (\ K. CIA I’SS, hi HI Main Strc Marshall. Mich. any . , .1 *u ueici titiiii auic cjra ui uiiy o rrounie. him the diamond, for whose possession Hundreds have llirown away their glasses after lie was now ready to barter half his reT J *win$ it a week. Preachers, teachers, doctors, law- |. JVJ5 * j yers. engineers, students, dressmakers .and all who Meanwhile. Mr. Grey had had his oyn anxieties. During 1 this whole long eve- mamin w Lotion a safe, sure and (puck relief. If you have sore c\es or any eye trouble write me today. I am in earnest, in making my offer of a free trial bottle of this lotion. I am glad to furnish proof in well-proven and authentic cases where it has cured cataract, after the doctors said that, only a dangerous and expensive operation would save the sight. If you have eye trouble of any kind you will make a serious mistake it you do not send for my great free offer of this Magic Rve Lotion. Address, with lull description ot jour trouble and a two- mil stamp, H. T. Schlegel <'o.. jssfi Home Bank (jriosti'Mi ! Building. Peoria, 111., and xou wilt receive by re- . . ... ... .. ... ! turn mail, postpaid, a trial bottle of their made tlp*ii Mild tiioie. lit; td \\** lat l.ti I r ,. m ,.dj tiiat has restored hundreds to sight. j ning he had been sustained by the <*nn- 1 viftion that the diamond of which he had i caught but one passing glimpse was the I Great Mogul his once famous eoUee- ! tion. So sm<* was he of this that at I oiu» moment he found him-elf tempted to enter* tlie alcove, demand a closer sigjit of the diamond and settle sHencc concerning him. Mr. Grey rc sponded by granting him just twenty four hours: and when Fairbrother said 1 price; fhc time was not long enough and al- bamboo canes. lowed his hand u» steal ominou>lv to his ! ing the plant was withheld from those j enemy’s cavalry was crowding close breast, lie repeated still more decisively, j not to the manor born, and tlie impres- j i yand defiantly upon them. The officer “Twenty-four hours.” I sion was studiously spread abroad that Iin charge ol' the battalion ordered Cap- ' r ite ex-miner honored braverv. With- ! the canes were scarce and drCficuH to j tain -Bledsoe to move rapidly on with the drawing- his hand front liis breast, he j procure. The truth was that they grew | other *»tterie» to<>“ brought out a note book instead of a i wild and in the greatest profusion. j Misaourifns coucluiied he would lake , pistol and, in a tone fully as determined. ! Sucli a naluiull> open secict. nowe\ei. » .j ie responsibility of slightly disobeying j replied: “The diamond i? in a place in I could not be kept indefinitely. ] the order and give liis old hereditat - ' accessible to any one but myself. IC -Exchange. tinuing to preserve his hitherto admirable j the sale of canes from that quarter, and jefiori space in your valuable journal, to j t,ie P 1 lpr>nel > tll? ° ll! wonia 1 other nations were compelled to buy ] notice a feat which might otherwise bo : r '. from them at their own extortionate j known comparatively only to a lew. when Fairbrother said I prices, or go without the much valued i “Un the retreat or our army in front .• i of Nasiiville. Captain Bledsoes Missouri Vll information concern- , n a bat \ alioll . was in the rear: you will put your name to a : remise not to betray me for tiie thirty-six hours 1 ask. I will sign one to Restore you the d'amond before I :30 o'clock on Friday.” "I will." said Mr. Grey. So the promises were written and duly exchanged. Air. Grey returned to New York and Fairbrother boarded his Tlie diamond really was in New York, i 11 f MV '' and to him it it as a means of securing Mr. Grey s per- . . ., . manent silence than to fly the country, dags. With all the natives of that re- leaving a man behind him who knew Lissom fine split cane fiber takes the place secret and could precipitate liis doom of our twine, being used h> the merchant, with a word. He would, therefore, go! tor tying up then- goods. Ins Indian to New York play ids last great card <* n * bears a fmU , wh . ICh ' ? v ’ I,e . n npC ' ,s and, if he lost, be no worse off than I «*„nd and about the sac, of a hazel nut. he was now. He did not mean to lose.} 11 Stows in clusters and is sold m the But lie had not calculated on any in- markets as lood. In the porous een- herent weakness in himself-had not cal- ter of tne cane is a pulp which is often dilated on Providence. A dish tumbled sucked to allay thirst. Here, too as in and with it fell into chaos tiie fair struc-'Ubina and Japan, the fiber is made into As the navigators of Uie other European enemies—‘the 'yanks—a light, arguing and nations began to push their way to the j correctly, too. that tlie enemy's cavalry eastern islands and into the Indian ocean i could easily overtake and capture them on a run. “lie therefore unlimbered liis pieces and they made delighted acquaintance with the coveted and hitherto mysterious cane plant, and with tlie numerous uses to which it might be put. The natives taught tiie sailors how to cut the sirong outer parts of tlie cane into fine strips and to plait them into beautiful mats to sit They taught them also how to , .... , . weave strong ami neat baskets and jars, erned more politic to usei . . ' n-e'-'c and how to twist the cane scrips into eor- ture of liis dreams. With tlie cry of "Grizel: Grizel!" he gave up ids secret, his hopes and liis life. There was no retrieval possible after that. The star of Abner Fairbrother had set. Mr. Grey and Ids daughter learned very soon of my relations lu Mr. Durand, but through iii" precautions of the inspector and my own powers of self-control, no suspicion nas ever crosse dtheir minds •abies for ships. Dampier tails of a fac tory of this sort at Malivia, says lie. “Here we made our new cables of rattan; each of them 4 inches about. They were strong and serviceable and had the prop erty of buoyancy in tlie water .not sink ing like our hemp cables." As witlt tin- Chinese and natives of India and Asia, so with the Japanese. They also cherish the bamboo as otic of charged them with grape and canister. I Ordering his men to lie down, tiie yafikee i cavalry, about 150 strong, came riding j furiously up to almost within pistol shot, j when erecting liis long, gaunt forjn. Cap- ; tain Bledsoe thundered out to them to . surrender. The yankees were dumbfound- ! cd. some of them looking into the grim i ' mouths of liis cannon incontinently suc cumbed. the others made an effort to scatter when the word 'fire' wa« given and tiie iron hail told with deadly effect. 9onie few escaped, bill tlie rest gave themselves up. “A large number of the horses, as well as the prisoners, were brought sa felt- out. When we take into consideration that tills was dow» bv a sioede battery, ontireiv unsupported bv either infantry or cavalry. | think von will agree wT*di me that it is a brave exploit. -wprti lv fi, P tdoh character of Contain Bledsoe and it's eatlanL men. and therefore worth recording. K. A.” PROFIT AND LOSS it had been a hard day for Alike l-v negan, the "ragman." Many anl varied had been liis wanderings, hut no one seemed inclined to dispose of rags, as he -was making his way homeward at the close of tills hot July day, through one of tlie tenement sections of the city. heard a cry from above. Looking up iie saw a woman at a sixth-story window violently beckoning to him. Mike’s heart was full of hope as lie stumbled up the broken stairs. At the top he was met by a woman holding a weeping child by tiie hand. “Hey. mister!" cried the mother to : ■ perspiring Mike, "don't you take had little boys away in your big bag?"*—Har per's Weekly. ONE OF THE WAR OUTRAGES. The Selma Reporter stated tiiat on the 13th of January. 1865, a party of armed tories and deserters appeared in the town of Asheville on Monday, last, just before daybreak, and committed deeds of tiie most revolting character. They surrounded and set fire to Ihe house of Captain Steart, with whom several FREEtotheRUPTUREU A Quick Hew Cure I have mad'' new and important dis coveries in the cum of Rupture end - r the next ?9 » will give even rup tured person wno fellow* these direc tions a chance to try this ramarkable Home Cure, FREE. Markon the dia gram the location of the rupture. An- ■ ewer the questions and mail this to I DR. W. S. RICE. 284 Main Streat, Adams, N. Y. Age Time Ruptured - Ha me Add rea I><kx rupture paint_ . Do you irrara Treat— --•