The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, March 02, 1907, Image 8

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EIGHTH PAGE THE SUNNY SOUTH. MARCH 2, 1907. tit * § •s? •E •E •E •E •E •E ?E •E •E rE & 4? •E tE •E iE •If •E •E ?E •E •E •if $ •E •E •E •if •E •E •E •If •E $ •E •E •E 4? ?E •I? tE •If § 4* •E •E tif •E ?E •E •E •I- •If •E •E •E •E •E •E •E •if •if •E Hf ?E $ tit iti T« * tsf •E •E •E •E •E •If •E •E •E •if ?E •E •E •If •If •E UNCLE REMUS'S MAGAZINE Needs Ymir Subscription NOW! The Sunny South Publishing Co# Will Produce This Great New Pub lication. Your Love For The Sunny South Should Be Transmitted to Uncle Remus’s Magazine. Give Us Your Subscription and Support, and the Battle to Give the World a Successful Magazine From the South Is Won. With Joel Chandler Harris as editor, we are going to greet you next April with a magazine of surpassing excellence. From that time, Mr. Harris, whose writings are known and loved wherever the English language is spoken, will write for no other publication. The substantial test of your appreciation is your subscription. You want to see this Southern enterprise succeed. Hence it is your duty to subscribe, and aid all in your power, as one of the highest authorities in the South in an editorial way says: “Such a publication was never more needed than now in this age of unrest, and adventure, and we look most hopefully to its influence upon American letters and thought.’’ AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE! The work securing subscribers for Uncle Remus's Magazine is so pleasant, easy, and profitable that you <lo not need to have had any experience. Figure on starting yourself. Jt is an honor to represent Uncle Remus’s Magazine. But it doesn't matter whether your agent friend, struggling along with some poor seller, lives in the next town, the next county, or in far distant Alaska, just write us his name; we will make him feel good making money, for our field is everywhere. We are going to make it mighty interesting for agents; good commissions and fair treatment, appreciation, and other things. A complete agents’ outfit with lifesize prospectus is waiting to go forward at a word of willingness from you. IT IS FREE! WRITE TODAY! The price is but a dollar a year,—at least a three dollar magazine for one dollar. We are putting the issue of securing you as a subscriber squarely up to you, because you cannot say the price is too high or beyond your reach. Loyal will be the subscribers to Uncle Remus s Magazine; thousands have become “paid up ’ subscribers, and we appreciate their loyalty, and you become one also, thereby aiding most materially in the work of showing the world a creditable circulation for the South s Magazine. LET US SUMMARIZE Subscriptions are vital; therefore SUBSCRIBE NOW! We have done everything to gain your favor, and all we ask is a little of your work, and a dollar as a subscription. Every one helps; each is carefully studied when received, and fully appreciated. The greatest of circulations are built in this way, and you want Uncle Remus’s Magazine to show a proud record. Do not let your inherent pride in the South lie dormant at a time like this, when we offer so many chances to you to show it; you can subscribe, and see that others do; you can talk of Uncle Remus’s Magazine, and get your friends to talking; you can order an outfit, and go to securing subscribers; you can write us the name of an agent, whom we will start money-making; you can send us lists of your friends, and we’ll interest them with literature, or start out and get all the subscribers you can, send us one dollar for each one for a year, and we will send you a check, equivalent to our best offer. In addition, if you so request, you will receive the Sunny South without extra charge until it is merged. UNCLE REMUS’S MAGAZINE ATLANTA, GEORGIA * § * * % Xti w iSi tv iti 4? •E •E •E & 4? •E 4E •E fz •E tit •E *E tit tit tE ?E 4? * & ?e tit *E •E § •E § ?E •E •E {£ 1 tit & •E •E •E *E •E •E •I? £