The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, April 27, 1907, Image 1

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VOLUME XLV—NU^R SEVEN. Atlanta, Ga.. Week Ending April 27, 1907. SINGLE COPY 5c. UNCLl REMUS’S MAGAZINE!!! To Fail to Subscribe v Is a Real Loss 9 To You . THE BICCEST DOLLAR’S WORTH EVER OFFERED All Hail the New Southern National rj Magazine Whatever You Like We Will Have It We want you as a subscriber. The price—a dollar a year—was decided upon for you. It fits the pocketbook, and none can say it is too high. You will value UNCLE REMUS’S MAGAZINE, and your name as a subscriber is sought that the South may show the world a magazine second to none. Your dollar subscription is a direct aid. Read the following loyal heartfelt words, and do likewise: Gentlemen: My subscription to the dear old Sonny Sooth will expire in August. You will find enclosed $1.00 for UNCLE REMUS’S MAGAZINE for one year. Please forward me a certificate showing I am a Charter Subscri ber. I am an old soldier and have been taking The Sonny South for many years; am loth to give it np bnt trust the new magazine ma^ prove for the best r A typical old Southern lady here in Georgia—a splendid agent for UNCLE RAMUS’S MAGA ZINE, not working solely for the big commissions we offer, but most to see the Magazine, edited by Joel Chandler Harris, representing her own dear native land, succeed, last Saturday was up at 5:00 o’clock seeking subscribers. They asked her how Brer Rabbit was up so early, and she answered, be cause the hounds were afi^r him. Yes, the eyes of the world are on him in the race; in the supreme test to give the world a surpassing Magazine from the Southland. In this race your dollar subscription is the rock on which we expect to build a world’s envied record. Can you still delay? In the middle of the glorious month of May, with this land covered with her richest verdure, UNCLE REMUS’S MAGAZINE will appear. Our own great plant is now nearly ready. The great new press seems eager to do its part. Meantime the grand old SUNNY SOUTH is dying. But ring in the new fj the young, the splendid UNCLE REMUS’S MAGAZINE. stronger soon will be your regard- for the new pub lication. All who send us a dollar for a year’s subscription get THE SUNNY SOUTH until merged, and then UNCLE REMUS’S MAGAZINE a whole year. ^ Thus you can compare the old with the new. Our Charter Subscriber proposition took like a whirlwind. They came pouring in from 16 states. When we will have had time to get these certificates pre pared and mailed, you will have great satisfaction there from. You can show it to your friends and say, “I am a Charter Subscriber, I read UNCLE REMUS’S MAGA ZINE from its first issue. I am a part of its foundation, and my name was one of the first on their lists.” It costs but a dollar for a certificate and a whole year’s subscription. In other words the certificate is given you. Do not fail to take advantage of this. Use the blank below. No magazine ever before had an agents’ contest before the publication was out. We closed one last Saturday at midnight.', It was a most wonderful success. Our upwards of 1,000 agents participate^. They sent us thousands of new subscribers. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Canada to the Gulf, they sang the praises of the great Magazine to be. We are grateful for their efforts. This is but the first taste of good things we are to offer. Agents’ contests, free outfits, big commission. If you cannot be an agent, see that your locality is agencied. Agents and subscribers are auspices of victory. From far distant Holland came a subscription last week, and also Brazil. We wrote a firm also negotiating for our sole agency in London. From all these, with their words of hope and cheer, we turn to the readers of this page, asking to make from now to our date of issue days of showers of sub scriptions. We need you most. Of course the man in Augusta subscribed for 100 years, and the gentleman in New York subscribed for ten of his friends, and the old lady in Atlanta for all her grandchildren. But we ask you only for kind words and a dollar subscription. SUNNY SOUTH PUBLISHING CO., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: Please find enclosed S1.00 for UNCLE REMUS'S MAGAZINE a year, and forward me a Certificate showing I am a Charter Subscriber. Name P. O.. R. F. D. State_ Send us Five Subscriptions from among your friends and $5.00, and let us write you what we will do for you personally. NAME Postoffice State Sender 1. 2. * A 4. 5. 1 * With Your Aid, Mighty Will Be the Influence of UNCLE REMUS’S MAGAZINE ATLANTA, GEORGIA.