Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, May 27, 1857, Image 8

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(transportation. GEARGIA RAILROAD. I* ASS EAGER TRAINS. Leave acgista Miy »t« a.. M_»nd vr.M. A reive at Attgusta daily at 3.22, A. C, 1. M. Reave Atlanta dally at 8.4... A. M.,and«, I . M. Arrive ::t Atlanta oahy at 3.00, A. M., and 3.30,1 .M. Connecting with Athens Branch Train. Arrivingai Union Point daily (Sundaysexcepted) at 8.00, A. K , ui.u icaving at 2.25, P. M. With Washington Branch. Arriving at (’winning daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8.00, A. M.. and leaving at 3.20, P. M. With South Carolina Railroad Train*. Leaving Augusta dully at 9.20, A. M. and9AO, P. M. Aching at iuguuto&ily at 3, P. M., and 4.30, A. M. With Atlanta *t LaGrange Railroad Train*. Leaving Atlanta daily at 3.30, A. M., and 4.45, P. M. Arriving at Atlanta dally at 8.00, A. M., ai.d 5.35, P. M. With Western and Atlantic Ilailro-id Trains , Leaving Atlanta daily at 9, A. M.. and 8.60 ,P. M. Arrl.:t, 'ut Atlanta doily at 3.1". A. M.. and 4.05, P. M. (l£o. Y ONGE, Gen 1. Hunt. September 9,18.79. sepl 1 ~~Foil PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, &C. C’HARLI>T( ):> AM» SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINES. CAE IK PASSAGE, t>» STEERAGE, $3. fl>lli; vi.-il known First Class Steamships, KEYSTONE l ■ TATr., <’.tj,t. Jt Uauwk; STATE «*1 GLOJIGJA, Cant..l. .1. Garvin, will hereafter form a Weekly Line to Philad-ii i *.v. sailing every KATUKUAV, alternately, from SZSuvaU and (Weston, as follows: SAILING PAYS.—Tbc Keytfone Stetc will sail from Sa v.v.i u, ij.e folh-wii g Saturday-: FEBRUARY 14th and2Sth: MA llfll nth :uid : A I'KIL 11th and •-•sth : MAYfcthund it d; .11 Ni : 6th and 20tii, Jte.: leaving Philadelphia the alter tale Saturdays. - The state of Georgia will anil from Char Tc-ton the following S ,tnrd;i> - : JAM’ AKV 2U1.: FKIIKCAKY 7th and 21-t ; MAR* H 7th and 21 st ;APR I L 4th and 18th: MAY 2d, 16th and :>jt h ; .J LN K 13th and 27th; leaving Philadelphia the al i In strength, sj-•« d and accommodations, these shins are fully equal to any running on the coast. Inland navigation, 100 miles on Delaware River and Ray : two nights at sea. FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES AND CANADA. HUOKTEHT ANDCUEAPEST ROUTE. These lines both connect at Philadelphia with the Great North western Railroad Route through to Niagara Fulls or Buffalo, in eighteen hours from Philadelphia. Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and in tennediate points, for sale by the Agents iu Savannah and Charleston. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, #2B; Elmira, 426; to Canan daigua, |27. Agent »t Philadelphia A. HERON. JR. Agent at Savannah O. A. GREINER. Agents at Charleston, T. S. A T. G. RUDD. Jun2l dCiu CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25. WEEKLY UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. THE NEW A3l> BPLENDin BIUK-WtIEFL BTEAVSIIirS : A UGITSTA 1,500 tons. .C ipt. M. S. Woodhull. FLORIDA I,3ootons..Cupt. Isaac Crowell. ALABAMA 1,800 tons. .Capt. G. R. Soiien< k. Will leave Savannah every SATURI) AY. FIMII>»E Ships are among the largest on the coast, unsur- JL pe-d in speed, safety and comfort—tnuklug their pos tages in to to 60 hours, aud arc commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers, Having elegant Stateroom occommoda- Lou.h. they oft. r a most desirable conveyance to New Y «>rk. Cabin passage 425 Steerage tj I’ADELFOKD, FAY A CO.. Agent * in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, 13 Broadway,New York. Savannah, Feb. sth, 1856. fel»7 COUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. To Cotntnence 17 th July, 1855. DOWN MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta Depot at 9.20 A.*M. Arrive at BranehvUle at 1.301*. M. *• Kingsville and Camden Junction 4. to I*. M. “ Camden 7.15 P. M. " Columbia 6.10 P.M. ** Cliurivstoit 5.U0 I*. M. up morning passenger train. Leave Char U.-ton D j a at 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Bra- tiviile at in,*j.s A. M. “ August:’ 3.UUI*. M. DOWN NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN. Leaves A« ttuMn !>• p< t it 9.50 I*. M Acriu-at lir »n. hvllle at ’.‘JO A. M *• Klng-vilb uid Camden Junction d.iioA.M *• Columtiiu 8.40 A. M ** Charleston 8.00 A. M I P NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave? Charleston D« p.-t ut 4.15 I*. M. Arrive at Hfunrhvllle ut ••.t »P. M. ** Augusta 4.30 A. M. JOHN E. MARLEY, Agent. Augusta, Ga., July 16, 1855. Jyl7 FOR PALATKA, EAST FLORIDA. Via Darien , Brunswick, St. Mara's, Jacksonville , lUcolata and Middle'mrg, rpilK strainers, WM. GASTON, Captain Thomas E, Shaw, JL and ST. JOHN, Capt. J ah. FicmnohN, will leave Savan nah every MON DA Y and THURSDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, for the above place. The St. John In a new boot, built oxpre*-*ly for the trad«, with large ami airy State Room Jieeoiu modatiou, and taking the Inland route, offers superior facilitiki liM Invalid)* and others. For flirt her particulars, enquire of CLAGHoRN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. Savannah, March 1, 1854. imtrl4 IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS GOING NORTH BY THE BAY LINE, \HD A\f> lit> \\OKR H \ 11,110 \D, in con fonuiug a dally line un.-urpassed for comfort, peed and safety, between Written, N. <\, and Baltimore. Md. The elegant Steam Packets. LOUISIANA, Capt. Russell, and NOUTII CAROLINA. Capt. Cannon, new bouts, beauti ally tilted up with commodious state rooms, are now running daily on the old and favorite Ray Hue, which, in connection with the K<>ads south of Weldon, presents the following unsur passed ; chedule: Leave Augusta, Geo., 9.30, A. M.: •* Rranchvllle, S. C., 1.60, P. M.; “ Kingsville, “ 6.00, I*. AI.; •* Wilmington, N. C„ CJK), A. M.; “ Weldon, ” 2, P. M.; “ Norfolk, Va., 6, P. M.; Arrive at Baltimore, Aid., 7, A. M. In time for the early morning trains for Philadelphia and New Y..rk. Through Ticket* to Wilmington, 49; thence to Baltimore 412. Th In Wilmington for Philadelphia, at #ll, and for New York at 416.50. of S. I>. WALLACE, Ticket Agent, or at Weldon for Baltimore at 48, Philadelphia at #Ui, and New York at 412, of E. N. PETER SON, Agent s, and R. R. Co. Baggie 1 checked through from Augusta to 'Weldon, thence *.o Baßimore. Through from Wilmington to New York in 36 hours, without For furllu r particulars, apply to C. D. HOYDEN, novlß ts Agent Inland Route. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. GlWt.i: or ‘•( lir.l)t hi: Commem-h* on WED < NESDAY, Iki September, 1856. Leave Augusta, 6 rA.M.andt I*. M. Arrive at Milieu, 8.16 A. M. amt 0.60 P. M. Connecting with Trains for Sa vat malt and Macon. Leave Milieu 12.45 A. M. ami 5.45 P. M. Arrive at Augusta •''•.3o A. M. and 8.45 P. M. sop 2 C. A. BROWN, Agent. UTE GHOCEKIES FOR SOUTHERN FAMILIES I’lltm \» lion: .V ,11.. -No. 1.-.Tlku .lu> Mu 1 1. New York, (established lS2n> importers ami Dealers in all de . ription- of llnr,- Old Madena. Sherry amlTort Wines. Fin st Old liramlics, Superior Old Janiuiea, St. Croix and Antigua turn. Old Holland Gin, and every variety of Fiuc Imported tid Don., .die Liquors. CHAMPAGNE Max Sutalne,Moet A Chamlon and Muimn’s ’ mperial. Cablm-t and Ner/etiuv, lleidsciek and other brands. CLARET AND SAUTEIiNE-Including Chateau Mar jaux,Chateau Lafltte. l.eovllle, Larose, Margauxaml St. Ju en, Cbataux and Haut Sauternes. HOCK WINKS—Of Johannestiergi'r, Maccrobrunner, Uudc lieimer, Hwkheimer, Sparkling lloek and Moselle. SKGARS—Of all the choicest varieties. Elegantes, Regalias, onchas. Operas. Pressed and Communes. FOREIGN FRUITS—Of all kinds, Ralsius, Almonds, Prunes, Ac. TEAS AND COFFEES—AII of the finest qualities. HAMS AND TONGUES—Burlington, Virginia and West* India Hams; Smoked and Pickled ’I ongucs. GOSHEN BUTTER-—ln Korkins, Tubs and Stone Jars. FOREIGN PICKLES—Sauces, Catsups, Sardines, Capers, Olives. Ac. PRESERVES—East and Vest India and Domestic. And full and general assortment of every variety of fine groce •es. (11 y uih4 MR. LEFEBVRE S SCHOOL. RICHMOND, VA. "JIHR Session of this School opens on the first day of Octo J. her. and terminate* on the first day of July. Term* for .be whole oesslon: For Hoard. 4900 For Washing 20 Tor Englbdi Tuition 40 For Modern Langn.igvN each 20 For Latin 20 For Music on Piano or Guitar 80 For Harp, per Season 2 For Drawing 50 For Drawing from Nature 40 For Painting in Water Colors 40 For Painting in Oil Colors, 50 For use of 11st to 6 No extra charges r actt.tt : HUBERT P. LEFEBVRE, A. M„ Principal, Natural hiloßopl.v. History ami French. Rev. Hi S. KEI'PLEK, Moral adßMcuUi Philosophy, 'ompoaitlon. Rev. W. E. WEBB, A. M., Mathematics, Latin, History, Rhetoric, Ac. JOHN P. LITTLE, M. D„ Chemistry R. A. LEWIS, M. I>.. Botany. Mrs. M. F. CARY'. English Branches. Miss K. BARTLETT, - Miss MARY C. GORDON. English Branches. KLIoDoRO CAMPS. Spanish and Italian. Mad’elle L. VU.LEMET, French Governe**. Mn*. MIRIAM PAY LOR. Vocal Music. Madame M ARIE KSTV AN, Vocal Music and Guitar. Mad lie LAURA LACY, llano. Herr C. W. TIG LOW, JOHN A. CALYO, Painting and Drawing. The Reverend JOSHUA PETERKIN has kkullv taken 'varpe of the Bible Class. References-111. Rev. Blsbon Elliott, of Georgia; Rt. Rev. ; tebop Cobb*, of Alabama; Rt. Rev. Bishop Meade, of Va.; Pf Viminia , the Clergy of the Episco vl Church in \ irglina ; Mr*. Governor Towns, of Georgia. rat Uie accommodation of persons from a distance. dudUs 111 be received during the holidays, (July. Augriat and Sen raber), and charged fur board at the same rate as in the ae*. on. They will be then exclusively engaged in the study of rench and Music: tor French they will be charged seven tlol vre a month, and for M usic one dollar per lesson. HERBERT P. LKFKBORE, comer of Grace and Fcnshee streets. 4W” ly Richmond. Va. UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS A K various kinds and qualitli't* of Silk, Game, Me- Its rino and Cotton UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS we elegant, *ust received at RAIfBEY A LABAW'S _ Ciothh g Dfprt. WM. 0. PRICE & CO., CIVIC AN!) MILITARY TAILORS, 5 !¥TITK the attentiuu of h\t publU to an extensive clock o 4. goods iu their line, a?! of the newest importation, with com ; *tcr.t and skilful niechan’es to manufacture the name. M ADK U P GLOTiUNG of all the styles, well ntade nd warranted aecuiae. illcMcincs. HELMBOLD S GENBIIIE PEEPARATION. Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid l EXTRACT UICUI. FOIt all Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Urinar bexual Organ*. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED !!! It cures Diseases of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, OBSTRUCTIONS. FEMALE COMPLAINTS, . OHHOMi; GM.NOKKHUiA. STRICTURES, GLEETS, and all diaeawa arising from excewes and imprudendea in life. NERVOUS AND DEISILITATER SUFFERERS, ud re move* all improper di*chargf* from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing ii< MALE or FEMALE,'from whatever cause they may have originated, and NO MA TTER OF UO W LONG STANDING, give health and vigor to the frame, AND BLOOM TO TIIE PA LID CHEEK. DEBILITY, brought on by abuse, a most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of the human family to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blight lnginthcbud the giorious ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured bv the um- of THIS INFALLIBLE REMEDY’, and as a medicine which must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to he found. If you have contracted the terrible disease, whidi, when once seated in the system, undennines the coast i- REMkWA^Ox'^ Vital aoHb< ’ f I’K,J<JL'UE 1 ’ K,J<JL ' UE niß The Leprous distilmcnt, whose effect Holds such an enmity with blood of man. That swift as quicksilver it courses through The natural gates and alleys of the body. Curdling, like eager droppings into milk, The thin and wholesome blood. BEWARE OF QUACK NOSTRUMS AND QUACK DOCTORS. Ilelmbold’s Highly Concentrated Compound FLUID EX TRACT OF BUCIITJ is prepared directly according to the RULES OF PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with the greatest accuracy and chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combination. Its popularity has extended In all directions, and whether used In town, country, hospital, or private prac tice, has Invariably gives the mont decided and unequivocal satisfaction, and produced the most salutanr and beneficial ef fect*. It lias been and is used in all the principal cities in the United States and British Provinces, in both public- and private practice, with great success. Henceforth let it be understood for the proofs are too overwhelming to be contradicted, that Helmbold’s Highly Donee titrated Compound Fluid Extract Buchu, la the mold valuable remedy ever offered to the afflicted. The mass of voluntary testimony in possession of tlieproprie tor is Immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME, cclebrateu Physicians and distingushed Cler gymen. See Professor DEW EE’S valuable work on tbe Practice of Physic and most ofthe late standard works of M« dicine. It is a medicine which 1* perfectly pleasant In its taste and odor, but immediate iu its action, audit is taken by persons of either sex, without hindrance from business or medical advice, as explicit directions for use. and an ample number of reliable and responsible certificates, to convince the most skeptical, will accompany each irottle. Price 41 per bottle, or six bottles for 45. Delivered to any address. Prepared aud sold by T. S. HELM BOLD. Practical and Analytical Chemist, No. 52 .South Tenth street, below Chestnut, (Assembly Buildings,) Philadelphia. To be had of IIA VILAND, RI.SLEY A <*<)., YYholcnUo Agents, and of Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canada*, and British Provinces. *ep2 _ d*cly USEFUL TO EVERY FAMILY. PRYOR’S OINTMENT. I T IN A MURE and speedy cure for burns, piles, corns, fel . ons, fever sores, ulcers, scald hem!, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nurses,) sore and tracked lips, fresh wounds, and sores of any descriptions. It ia a most valuable remedy and cure, which can be t<«tlfied to by t housands who have used it iu many portions of the South for the hist few years. In no instance will the salve do any injury, or interfere with a physi cian’s prescription. The proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from people who have used it themselves, and most earnestly recommend it to others as a speedy and certain reme dy for the above named dtawsea. A trial Is all that neces sary for It* own recommendation. Among the many that have test!fled to the efficacy of this valuable remedy, and recommended it to the public, m* |>r. R. A. T. Ridley, .judge E. Y.lliil, Judge o. A. Bull, K. J. Mor gan, Esq , J. L. Stevens, Esq., and thousands of olhcrs. Ndd by J. IV. Moore, Kavaiinal'., Ga.; J. E. Hall, Amerlcus, Ga.; Clark, Wells A Sin ar, Augusta, (la.; McKeenon, Robbins A (’o„ New York ; and druggists generally. B **" By remitting one dollar to the proprietor a single box of Ihe ointment will be forwarded by mail free of postage, to any part of the United .states. For sale, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices for cash, by V . G. MOORE, Proprietor, jf-S dtfjy La G .•.La. RICH SILK ROBES ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES. WILLIAM SMEAH, has received, this dav. from New >4 Y.-rk, an additional Mi].pl> of Ladies,’Rich S.lk JiOLEs, of new and elegant styles. Abo, a lull supply .»f Ladies’ UORNATION, URUVEIXI, and Skeleton Whalebone SKIRTS, ..f ti.e most approv.d styles, to which he most reaped fully invites the attention --f the public. apIO dt*c LARGEST SOUTHERN PIANO MANUFACTORY. “GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANO FORTES." WM. li.\Mtl'i continues the manufaeture ami sale ot t* Grand and Square PIANO FORTES, under the name Os WILLIAM KNABK A CO., at the stand N. I. I, 5 and 7, North Eutuw *t., opposite the Kuiaw House, and at the new Bales Room, No. 2**7 Baltlmore-st., Baltimore. . The subscriber most respectfully begs leave to present to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the South, his slucere acknowledg ment* for the very liberal patronage they have so uniformly • extended to hb establlslunent. and desires at the same time to - assure them, that stimulated by their constantly Increasing ) custom, he has spared neither trouble nor expense to jH-rteet, as 1 far as It was jawsible, the “PIANO FORTE” so as to ensure a continuation of the patronage of persons of cultivation und » refinement. In addition to the commendation ofthe most eminent Pianist in the country, he would add that at every Fair at which his Instruments were on exhibition, they have uniformly been awarded the highest honors ofthe several Institutes. Being extensively engaged In the manufacture of Pl ums, and employing over one hundred of the most exjierienced journey men, f am prepared t<» sell either wliolesa/c «>r retail on the most liberal term.-. Whqi.ksami dealers will therefore find it All Pianos built at in y fiUf i if!T;fni'7m iIUJH ‘tVtfofy <4-' w i a re. constructed as to secure great additional strength, without af fecting the tone , and will therefore stand In any climate. All Instruments of my manufacture are guaranteed for five years, and when Intended to fill distant orders, the greatest poo slide care Is taken to toaure the selection of a “ Piano” calcu lated in tone, touch, juarer and mechanical finish to please the* moat fastidious. In addition to which a privilege of exchnngc is granted at any tlmu within six months,should the instrument not give entire satisfaction. 1 refer, hy permission, to the following honorable gentlemen, who have our Pianos in their possesion : Gen. James L. Ohm, M. ('., South Uarollna. Dr. James s. Law voir, Beaufort District. S. (’. Hon. 11. O. B. Bbascii, M. U., North Uarollna. lion. J. L. Morejibad, M.U., North Uarollna. WILLIAM KNABK, ap2s tldm Baltimore, Md. GEOVEB, BAKER & CO.'S SEWIKG MACHINES. r |Mlh>»K Machines arc the only kind suitable f*>r family |_ sewing. The ordinary thread on spools used without rewinding. The sewing will not rip or ravel, though every third stitch is cut. It is simple and easily learned by I.adles or their servants. The same Machine sows’sUk, linen thread and common spool cotton with equal facility, and adapted to sew ing of c\cry description. All order* will receive prompt and earefhl attention, in the order of time In which they are received, and Machines, ready threadid for use, with particular uud sufficient direction* for use, will be sent ior the cash. Tilt'S. P. STOVALL A UO., apSS 4 m General Uonnnisaion Merchants, COUNTERFEIT. CAUTION TO PAUI’IES PURCHASING h. Ik. PIKE'B M VG\OLI \ WHISKY, Cincinnati, Ohio. riMIF, undersigned, manufacturer and side i»ronr’eti>r of the 1 above brand of WHISKY, would respectfully inform his customer* and purchasers of this celebrated brand, that there has appeared In the Charleston and other Southern markets a coun terfeit of the above Whisky, being a mdsonous imitation, t rand id similar !•• hi* brand ;it p.i- «- < • •!- tl.«- 1, .n . ,-i \. Dk, V M.urnolla Whisky. Cincinnati, Ohio, and other name.- sinillai to 1 S. N. Pike. A* there I* no party in this city of the name of S. N. Dike, it Is Intended to impose am! deceive those who would 1 purchase the genuine brand. 1 make this statement to put pai ■ ties on their guard, a* there are several persons n the K.u-t and \Y ost tutiklnc au imitation, and using my name w ah a slight al teratlon. 1 nave analysed several samples of this counterfeit brand, ami found that it contains a deadly noison: this fact alone Impels me to caution the public, protect those who arc lia ble to be deceived, and prevent the evil results attending the | use of this poisonous Imitation. I also hereby caution the cour terfelters of my brand that l will prosecute them to the full ex • tent ofthe law. The genuine. S. N. PIKE’S* MAGNOLIA Wll IbKY is distilled fn>m the best qualities of rye uud corn, and is warranted tYee from anv deleterious or obnoxious com pound. it being a nun* aud healthy beverage. OCTAVUB COIIKN. Esq., ol Savannah, Ga., and Messrs. HENRY COBIA A CO., of Charleston, S. U„ are my only • authorized agents In those cities, and parties purchasing frcni . them are sure to obtuln a genuine aud unadulterated art ;ele. B. N. PIKE, 13 and 20 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. land 6m CHEAP GAS. riIHK undersigned informs the public, that he is sole Agent i JL iter vending and putting In suo-e.-Wul ,u »ration, the Gas ■ Apparatus of the Man-land Perhibb Gs* Company. Having tried it at bis residence in the country, cat. cotifldently assert that it is the cheapest, most brilliaut’and agi v-able light that is imxluced. The public are solicited to i x.tmiue the same, now in sumssfhl otKT.ition at the office oftl-.c Uhroniele A Sentinel, and at Clara's Hall, of Messrs. Lmubaek & Cooper, in this city Pamphlets giving full description ofthe apparatus, price, Ac., can be nad gratis at the office of the Chronicle A Sentinel, the Constitutionalist, or on application to the undersigned, who is piepared, with competent machinist*, to put them up at any residence at short notice, in town or countrv. WILLIAM SCHLEY, Jr., Sole Agent. Augusta. May 14. 1856. ts may 14 RICHMOND ACADEMY. FIHHS Institution will be opened on the first Monday in Jan JL nary. f»r the reception of Boaniers as well as Day Scholar*. The course of Studies will embrace the Gn-ek, Latin and English Languages; Mathematics, Geography. History, Rheto ric, Ac. An extra charge of 48 per quarter, will be made for French. Boarders will be required to converse in French. Scholars will be prepared for anv College In this Country. Special attention paid to Declamation and Composition. Tuition in Classical Dcpartmetn 415 00 per quarter. “ “ Mathematics and Eng. Depart— 10 00 “ “ Tuition, Board and W T ashing i*er annum, payable quarter ly, 4250. An extra charge will l*e made per quarter for lights. The undersigned would call the attention of the public to the fact, that the building has undergone complete repairs. The rooms are spacious and airy. The Dormitory roomy and well ventilated. The plav grounds extensive and well shaded. Boarders will at all times be under the supervision of one of the Teachers. Under no circumstances will Boarders be allow ed to visit the City, unless by special permit, and at the request of I arent*. No pains will be snared on toe part of the under signed to render this one ofthe first Institutions in the Southern Country. JAMES L. KOSSIGNOL. dec2B ts JOSEril M. SHELL MAN, CLARK AND CO , VOW offer for sale their splendid rew stock of SILVER • 1* WARE, of all kind*—Tea Sets, Pitchers, Castors. Wmt era. Goblets, rumbiera. Cup*. Forks, Spoons. Ladle*; Pastrv Cako, D-ssfrt and Butter Knives. Sheffield PLATED W ARK—first quality of goods in Castors 1 Cake Baskets, Walters, Candlesticks, Ae. Birmingham and American PLATED WARE, very showy : and at low prices. ] GOLD \\ ATCHES, of all gooil rankers—Cooper, Dcut, T<r bia*, Burley A Johnson, English makers; and Juie* Jnrgcnsen y of Copenhagen. SILVER WATCHES in great variety; quick beat Railroad Watches, largesbe. Rich Diamond, Coral. Cameo and Mosaic JEWELRY, all , the newest styles, with a large stock of Staple and FANCY GOODS, at th«ir store. Poet Office Corner, opposite the Rail- , road Bank. «ct 6 FRESH CONGRESS WATER. too* CONGRESS W ATER, direct from the Sprlr.gr, Jfl. w*aranted fresh and genulue, for sab- by •PW RAVIL AND, BJSUSY A C-O, General erttsentente GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS GRAY * TURLEY, (successor* to Gray Bros.) have Just received, from the late large auction sales In New York, some of the greatest bargains in DRY GOODS that baa ever come to Augusts to which they would respectfully invite attention, feeling confident that a saving of at least from 25 to 100 per cent, can be realized by an examination of our goods and prices. To give some idea of the extent and cheapness, we annex a list of some of the leading Goods in the several departments, commencing with our EMBROIDERY STOCK. 1.000 Swiss and Jaconet BANDS, from 20c. to sl, worth fully double that amount. 6.000 Swiss and Jaconet COLLARS, from 26 to 50c., worth *l. 100 fine French worked “ $2,50 to *3.50, wortli $-5 to $6. Swiss and Jaconet EDGINGS and INSERTINGS, in great variety. Embioidered and Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS, ex ceedingly cheap. 60 fine Embn.idi n d SETTS, $2 to $5, exceedingly cheap. In the same department will be found the most complete as sortment of HOSIERY that liu« erigr 1 een in one hou.se In Augusta, from the low -t price to the Bn* st quality, for Lrulks, (lent-. Misses and Youths •>f every description, lu our DRESS GOODS dt partment will be found— , 100 splendid Silk ROBES, $lO each, worth sls to S2O. 50 “ “ “ very elegant, $36 each, worth *SO to S6O. A splendid assortment of colored SILKS, from 87)£c. to $: per yard, cheaper than the like goods ever was known to s.-.i for in Augusta. An elegant assortment of the very best black SILKS, very cheap. fine LAWNS, warranted fast colors, for 10c., worth 100 pieces fine BAREGES, 12c., worth 25 cents. 50 “ “ French ORGANDIES, warranted fast color-, at 37c., worth 62 to 75 cents 500 fine black MOIRE ANTIQUE and Lace MANTILLAS, richly trimmed, from $3.50 to $5, richly worth $i t*, slo. DOMESTIC GOODS. Ten cases fine 3 yards wide SHEETING, at 31 cents, worth in the Jobbing Houses in New York from 55 to 40 cents. Five bales fine Sea Island HOMES RUN, cents. CJTen cases fine CALICO, warranted fast colors, or the u.o-:’, • returned, for 0%, worth 10 to 12Jg. LINEN G<X>DS. The beat and cheapest LINENS that has ever been known to i soli in Augusta, under any circumstances, are now on our ! shelves, and only require an examination to convince the r> < • ! fastidious of the great saving in purchasing Linen good* fr* M i us. Splendid fronting LINEN for 37c., that has never be*,:, known to sell in Augusta for less than 62 to 75c. The m<«t superb Linen DAMASK ever brought to this mar ket at vastly reduced rates. Splendid Turkish ToWELtt U-r the bath room, 6-4 long, only Ilk. worth 37c. Russia and Huckaback DIAI'LRS, in great variety, exc*. «i --ingly cheap. Five hundred 12-1 square QUILTS, $1 50. worth $3 00; fine French Marseilles QUILTS, large size, $3 50 to $5 00, w rtn from $.3 to flu 00 : and very large and varied stock of tvefv description of DRY GOODS, selected with the utmost car*? by decided judges of goods, at auction, and .such other places as IturgalriH could be obtained, within the last two weeks, to which we would Invite the attention of all those purchasing lbr cutb, guaranteeing that we can gave them a very large per centug*. on an examination of our stock. GRAY *V TURLEY. ap2l 290 Broad street. L. C. DEMING, TIAK In Store his entire Stock of SPRING AND SUM I 1 MER GOODS, embracing every novelty up to the Loco EM BKoiIHUES at lower rates than ever offerred before in the City: MANTILLAS of Silk Lace, trlmmcd-a larger assortment and lower prices than ever before offerred in the City : DRESS GOODS, embracing every novelty, with the usual articles; Five different styles Mourning Dress SHAWLS, with entire ly new fabric-, for MOURNING DRESS GOODS; Mourning MANTILLAS, a large assortment; Black and Mourning DRESS SILKS, warranted to give satisfaction ; STUFF GOODS for M* n’s and Boys’ wear. In every variety, Jn either LINEN, COTTON, or Union Fabrics. lnhiGß READY-MADE CLOTHING. KAMsKY A LABAW. AT tl.n old stand ofCh.ike A Ram*-y, opposite to t. , Union B.ink, and -*•* *.i,d door above Uapt. John Ne!-.:.- 1 Mi-ie. wh- 1* - ill retail dealers, and manufacti FASHION ABLE READY M A DE UI.oTH I.NO. U- .;r ■ . i» ; ofi’l '-1 !. INO and Ui i.tli m. n’s FUKMHIINU GOODS. The ar- I rangenu-ntsof thesubscribers and their facilities f.-r manufac- t luring. ;m- -uch that they e.ui at all time** fund-h their t..«i and oust*linen with the newest;styles of G<K»DS, at the v.ry , I*.went prices. .One of the partners always in ti e market ard j shipping weekly to us, we flatter ourselves we am sell as cheap : as any similar house In the South. We have on hand a complete assortment of CO ATS, PANTS, ; VKs'ls, TALMAS, Sll AW I S Are.. of every description ami quality. vOur st... k of UNDERSHIRTS. L. B. SHIRTS, 1 COLLARS, CRAVATS, IJI.oVKS, IIDK’FS., TIES, HATS, ; CAPS, TRUN KS, \ ARISES, CARPET' BAGS, Ac., are com plete In every respect. \\ * have on hand a largo and well selected block of Negro CLOTHING, «>f all qualities, made of extra heavy Satlr.etts and Kerseys, all of which wiil be sold cheaper than the cheap- t eat. Please call and examlue our stock. RAMSEY A LABAW, Opposite Union Bank, and two doom above J. Nelson. sep23 dacly FRENCH BURR MILLSTONE MANUFACTORY. i tUIII, undersign* *1 respectfully It.forms tin* public that he .1 lias established a Manufactory of French Burr Mlll/itoue*, tm Broa«I street, one square above Ihe Upper Market House. He ban just returned tioin France, where lie made a selection of the best Stones to Ik* had In that country, and Is now prepared to till all orders in Ids line at the shortest notice, ami at as rea sonable prices as can be obtained in this country. He hns been for some years engaged hi the business, and pledges himself that all work turueu from his hand- shall be executed in the best manner. WILLIAM BRENNER. dacly SPRING TRADE 1857. J\MFS III.M Y has received an entirely Nbwai. ’ F.v-h --i...,aMy Stock o? SPRUNG DJ*.s V 0 bT found the foil owl 1-g anticT< s, viz : (’ulore*l and Plain Drew* SILKS ; Foulard GRENADINES and CIIALLIES; TAM A RTIN KS, a new art Hes for dream*; Plain and figured BAREGES ; Figured Lawn, Jaconet and Organdie MUSLINS • ** ” ” ” Mounting ” Jaconet and Organdie ROBES; Barege and Tissue ** Grenadine ** Mourning Barege DII.AINF.S; Ginghams and CALICOES: White and Colored BRILLIANTS; “ “ Pique CLOTHS; Ladies* Pique BASQUES, Boys’ Pique JACKETS; Dotted Swiss MUSLINS; Cheeked ai d Striped Jaconet MUSLINS; Swlas and Nanwook “ Plain Jaconet. Swiss and Mull “ Bishops’ LAWN; Ftrtpednnd Plain Indian Twilled LONGCLOTH; Hair Corde Jaconet MUSLINS; Berlin Corded CAMI’.HK s ; ** •• SKIRTING; Lace and Embr’d C* liars and SLEEVES, sop- and in setts: Mourning Tapehor\t,llem*tkl.ed and Embr’d HANDKERCHIEFS: Mourning Infants' Embr’d Waists and PRESSES: Hoop atul Embr’d SKIRTS, for Ladies aud Mtecc: Kugenie Corded Shirtings She -tings and Irish LINENS ; Planter* and Fan* \ LINENS, for Boys and Gent's wear- A splendid assort incut of HOSIERY ; Alexander's Kid ami SitkGLoVES; Marseilles ami Lancaster QUILTS ; A No, a splendid assortment of Stella SHAWLS : “ “ ’* ” SCARFS; Black and Colored MANTILLAS ; PARASOLS. FANS, jfc. T*» which Is added Mrs. lleney’s beautiful supply of Mi.iiu ery Goods. mhlS NEW SPRING GOODS. AT J. P. SETZK’S. KIC 11, Plain, Ombre, and Stri|*-d Fancy SILKS; and new t*t\ lea Organdie M USLINs ; Real French and low priced Colored BRILLIANTS ; White BRILLIANTS, assorted qualities; French .1 A('ON ETS, Fancy anil Solid Colors; DEBAG E. for Traveling 1 bosses ; llimalava LUSTRES, for Traveling Drosses ; French, Scotch and Domestic GINGHAMS; French, British and Domestic PRINTS, in great variety ; Check CAMBRICS and MUSLINS; J ’ 6-4 Bonnet CORD: Crinoline SKIRTS: Embroidered Cambric SKIRTS ; Cambric and Swiss TRIMMINGS: Cambric.and Swiss BANDS ; Twisted Silk MITTS, half fingered : Fanev LAWNS, low priced*; Lile Thread HOSE : Colored OH A MB RAYS; Pillow Case LINENS; 12-4 Hamilton Bale SHEETINGS; 12-4 Linen SHEETING, Very fine ; Full assortment Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac feb3B ESTABLISHED IN 1823. HAYILWD HISLKI vA FO., Wholesale Druggist* Augusta, Georgia, would invite the attention ofAler eluints visiting tire city, this Spring, to their large stock of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, FANCY GO^DS. SOAPS. Having had long experience, and being oaneesed of every facility for buying Goods low. we are determined to bell low, and would ask all to come and price our Goods before buying elsewhere. dtac feb!4 CHINESE SUGAR CANE. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS SEED. TITHE SEED of CHINESE SUGAR CANE, offered by -L the subscribers. Is the identical variety alluded to m the Reports of Gov. Hammond, R. Peters, Esq., Dr. Robert Bat tev and Prof. Manes. It is warranted pure, having been grown entirely separate from Dourah Corn, Chicken Corn, and all other varieties of the Millet family, ('ail and get a pamphlet, and read the evidence of its value. A limited quantity of the genuine seed ruay yet be obtained at $1 per package, or $1.30 when sent per mail, prepaid. PLUMB A LEITNKR, Late D. B. Plumb & Co. s3*“ Dealers in seeds, and country merchants, can be sup plied at liberal discounts from the retail rates, if their order* are received immediately. if declO YOUNG AMERICA CORN AND COB MILL THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. W E offer for sale the above Mill, which surpasses all others ft in epetd and durability, simplicity and strength, as well as economy. That part of the Mill most liable to wear, being separate from the main body, can at any time be remedied at a small expense. The above Mill has received the Ji-st premium it the State Fair* of New York. Ohio. Michigan, North Carolina, and Ten nessee, a? also at a large cumber of County Fair* in various Stales. THE YOUNG AMERICA MILL perform* its work better and nearly twice ns fast as any other Corn or Corn and Cob Mil yet offered to the public. Planters are invited to examine the Mill, and compare its ad vantage*. JOHN &. THOS. A. BONES Jan# ts COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE I'lfE have entf.rcd this day into a C-o partners!-.ip in the DRUG a-d CHEMICAL BUSINESS, under th* firm and style of FRED. VON KAMP & OO They a-e ;vcpared to ®ell every article la this line asd:r-ipa any otter business house. Oruex*respectftilly solid!ed. FRED. VON KAMP, Chemist rd Messrs. Plumb A Leitnor’s. UH. PALMKDO, M. IT. Avg-oab., Fob. KI6U 3a»* ll)arc-C)OUSCS. __ M. P. STOVALL, * WAREHOUSE A.\H COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia. nOYTIVim the business in all Its branches, in tl e erten ; \ > rive Fire-Prof Warehouse, on Jacksou street, near the Giobe [ Hotel. Ills strict personal attention will, as heretofore, De ' riven to the storage and sale of Cotton, Grain, Flour, ana pro- J luce generally. He wdi, when desired, make liberal caah advances on pro <Grdt*n for family supplies. BAGGING, ROPE, Ac., will be 1 rornptly and carefully fliied, at the lowest market once. aug!7 « REES & LINTON, WAREHOUSE ANI) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, August-.:, Ga. ■ THK undersigned have formed a Co-partnership for the tran- L faction of a GENERAL WAREHOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS, and will, on the fir<t of Septeu.’.er • n-xt, take tße .%’«.<'• Fire-Proof Warehouse on Jackson street, (now occupied by Crocker and" Rees.) . . We will give our strict personal attention to all boriness en : trusted t< viir core, and would respectfully solicit a ri»are ui the .• thanks to ti:e friends and patrons of the firm of Crocker A Rees, forthair liberal pair.mage, and would solicit a coatin -1 1 A !i'V.pllw»!rt?AO<;lN<:?UOPfe nr,.] FAMILYSUFPLIE will t»e careful'y fi. >-d at the lowest market pr.*-**;. The usual each advance* made when required. JNO. C. REES, of the firm of Crocker & Rv-r s. jc23 da cl y SA M U EL D. Li NTGN. GILHAM & ASKIN, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Reynold street, Auguste, Ga „ WILL continue the baninw their old stand, on Reynold . M Mr ~-t. (a new Fir • Proof Wareh* use.) ai.dpr-.r:/.--;t itinuation of their personal attention to the interest of their pa- We will supplv our friends with BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIES, at the lowest market rates, anil, when d sired, wiil make the usual cash advances on produce in store. I THOMAS A. GILHAM, I angst FRED. A. ASKIN. BARNES & JONES, j WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, At the old stand of Dye «t- Barnes, corner of Reynold and Woßhinyton streets. riMIE undersigned have this day formed u «’-.-partner- hip for A the tr.msaciion of a GENERAL WAKKIIuUSE, huP.- W A RDING A N D COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the firm of Baenks i\t Jones. We hojie, by btric* personal attention to business, to merit a sliare public patronage. *Vm. E. Barn* .-* would hereby tender his thanks to the f.. 1 • and patrons of the late Ann of Dye Jc Barues. (Uid would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same for the lL Jvifsi-n for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUP PLIE.'. >’ 1" • .-t market rat. s The I'uul casli advances made on Produce in store. WM. E. BARNES, of Augusta, J AS. A. JON ES, of Oglethorpe Co. Augusta, September 1, 1856. lv *et»3 L. HOPKINS, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta. G u riIKMM'RH hi* thank* to hi* friend* and the pnt.lic, fi r the JL I iitioi, 4 igel.e>towed In pari yearn, ai >\ again off* ra hi.-* s* r . • \ i »l r«iS WARKll'ri >E AND GUN ERA 1. (*< »M M I>SU IN BUSIN ESS ; will a«l\ ai.-.e on shipment* of Cotton to Charleston, Baltimore, a-1 New Y*.rk. The usual cash advance* on Cotton and other Produce in rt * •. u d will give personal attention to the purchase of Goods for customer*. ts augtf 11103. P. STOVALL, JO*, p. STOVALL. THOS. P. STOVALL & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga. i’ectfully Inft-ri ' *»»irfriendi* and natron*, that » W. •• 51 *."•.'inn- tl". ( OMMDH'IN lit siNfc><.• *:r in. idaof U*.i’ n. Flour, Bacon, Grain, and all description* of 1 ml<T* car.-fu.-v filled, :.n«l a* 1 vane***, either cash or by aecop ! tan*. •>, i: i-U on Produce iu riore or when bill* of Lading ac ,' SKI.?. ;-lina I:r • Proof Wwriniw. NEW SPRING GOODS-FULL SUPPLIES, ! WIIXI VMMIKAH hnjii-ti I'l-.-m NVwY.ik. U 1,1 ■ 1 ;:l >|iri:u iii.Wn., hf ;i and i!. pint , s.irtiin ni "f Fancy and Staple I>KY U' .'OU:-, tuwng wlikh ! "ic: !, Silk ROUES, anil Fancy SILKs. of i,cw amt beautiful 1; m I Fra Jl ■■■< BOBKBi I Kn iii li or.liAMilES, aiul l'rintcl JACONETS, at very ' Falily ItAKEOES. and I’iain ColnrcJ CHAI.LIES, of I Mai 11‘ 1 oiiirci! C RAPEM A RETZ, and Taili LAWNS, for Lada-' l.rin.as: Plain Black Ft. nch LAWNS. Black BAREGES and Black U RAPEM A RETZ, fi*r Ladie*’ M undtig Dr.^.-; Plain and Figured Black Silk GRENADINES, and Black MAKQUISSE: „ , L'lpin’ii French Black BOMBAZINES and PIainCIIAL LIES, ..f the u-*tstyle*: Fancy GIN («HA MS and Small Figured English PRINTS, of new and beautiful styles: S o ri' i M Kniicli Chintz BRILLIANTS, and French PRINTS, fi r Children’* wearu Superior White BRILLIANTS, and Cambric DIMITIES, Nainsook and Mull MUSLINS, of tb" most sV|hs, and White Tarletan MUSLINS, f*>r Ladle*, Evening Dresses; I, r y n *" MUSLINS, atv«vi..w —* - Hfy hi'iL'VmL* MUSLINS, for LadKV Drewcfl, at very (.'aiubric’and Swiss Striped and Checked MUSLINS and Bishop LAWNS; Plain Black and White CRAPE I»E PARIS, for Ladies’ Evening Dresses; Plain Black Dotted LACES, for Ladies' Veil*; Valenciennes and Thread Lace EDGINGS and INsERT INGS: A large supply of Jaconet and Swiss EDGINGS and IN SKRTINGS. of the best styles ; Jaconet ami SwD- Muslin BA NDS, of new and elegant styles; Ladies* French Embroidered COLLARS and UNDER* SLEEY ES, Ladies’ Mourning COLLARS and UNDERSLEEVES, separate and in sett*: lilies’ French Embroidered Muslin BASQUES and MAN TI LAS; Ladle*’ Linen Cambric. French Lawn, Corded Border and lie m«t itch H A N RK EI IS< HUE KS : Ladies’ Fancy and Embroidered HANDKERCHIEFS, of rich and elegant styles; Ladies' Mourning French Lawn and Linen Cambric HAND KERCHIEFS: Ladles’ Spring and Summer MAN i ILL AS, of new and ele ■ Ladies’ Brown Linen Dusters, or TRAVELING CLOAKS : Ladies* Cruveil!. Skeleton and Coronation Whalebone and S'>■< ! Spring SKIU'i S, *.f the most ai.j.r.ved style.-: Ladies' Marscjlio*, Corded and White Hair Cloth SKIRTS, i GRASS CLOTHSt Ladles’ French CORSETTS, and Infant's Embroidered WAISTS; A complete assortment of La.liv*. Misses, Gentlemen’*, Youth's and Children's HOSIERY, *>fi the t>*rt make; Ladies’ PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS: A larg'* supply of Ladies’ Cloth, Fancy, Bridal and Mourn "flJiwy French Rtavk FiJM HAZINES ;.nd DRAP I>E ETE. pR|LI|NUSi pi:l , n , Ul( | CliwU.'il IMATINUS. Frvuvh NAN KIN 1 1 IS. ami vthi-r suitable articles fi«r Ot-ntlenienN an*! Youth’s Summer wear: . i nm »«tMS, for g - ■ Superior 1-1 Iri.->h LINEN and LONG LAM Ns ; Superior 12-4 Lit* .SHEETINGS ,» .l Pilb.w . I.INF.N<; Extra S A and 10-4 Table and Damask DIAPERS, fable CLOTHS and Damask NAPKINS; lleavv Linen HUCKABACK, Scotch DIAPERS, Colored and Damask Bonlered TOW KLS : Superior 12-4 Hamilton and Allendale SHEETINGS and Pillow Case COTTONS; New York Mills Water M hite Rock. Manchester and Lonsdale4-4 Bleached SHIRTINGS: A large assortment of articles for SERVANTS wear ; Rich Colored DAMASKS, for Window Curtain* with Cords and Tassels to match ; Embroidered Lace and Muslin CURTAIFS, of Rich and ele cant slvles; CORNICES. Curtain BANDS, and Embroidered MUS LINS for Curtains; Hartwell’s CANOPY FRAMES, for French Bedsteads : White ami Colored 10-4 and 13-4 Pavilion BOBINETS : A large assortment of Gold Band and other styles WIN DOW SHADES; Superior Velvet, Brussels, Tree Ply, Ingram and \ enetian Plain White and Fancy Checked India MATTINGS ; The above, with a greai variety of other articles suitable for the present season, will be sold at very low nrices for cash— decidedly lower than they can be sold on the usual credit or ms. at)24 185 r SPRING GOODS. 1857 DICKEY a- PIIIBIU* arc opening, this moraieg, a huge and magnificent stock of Spring and Summer DKI GtX>l>S, to which they invite attention. The Ladies are res pectfully solicited, before purchasing, to call and examine their :i*K>rtment of Dress Goods, which comprises the latest varie ties in stvb' v u design, having been selected from the choicest stocks of tic New York aud Northern market*, and will be sold Sifk Flounce*! ROPES, witli Fringe* ; Fancy Plaid and Cheney 6>ILKS ; Biaefioff Black Gros dc Rhine “ Rich Black and Colored Brocade SILKb t “ Organdie ROBES; Very flue Piain and Plaid CH ALLI, all colors: Ohalli and Barege ROBES, I'lain and Printed ; Printed MUSLINS and Muslin ROBES, all color* : French and E giish Printed JACOK ETS and SWISSES : Black and Colored CRAPE MARETZE aud BAREGE ; ■ » ** Printed GRENADINES and NORMAN; Plain and Plaid CRAVELLIS and LUSTRES ; I’lain and Printed BAREGES ; DEBIEGES. from 12« to 37>4 cents ; Plain French GIIAMBKAYS andLAWNB, very fine, all French. Scotd: and English GINGHAMS, all styles ; French. English and American PRINTS, wide and narrow ; Solid BRILLIANTS, White, Green. Blue, Pink. Ac. Printed ** Chiutz and Cob rs; Black. White aid Colored Chaili and Barege SCARFS, with Cdlored*!Stel la, Cariimcre and Barege SHAWLS ; Silk and Lace TALMAS and SCARFS, ail colors, in great TJ White^ D ßop? Crown, and Grovelii SKIRTS, White and Swiss and Jaconet COLLARS,from 12S» C - to Swiss ami Jaconet SETTS, very cheap; Lines COLLARS and SLEEVES, in setts, very low: Blade, Bugle and Mourning COLL A RS: . Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, Plain, Hom*Utcfled and Embroidered, cheap; _ .. Ladies’ and Miss* ? W bite and Colored Cotton HOSE: Gcrt’e and Boys’ Brown. White and Fancy IIALF HOSE: Ladies’ and Misses' White and Colored Lisle Thread Hose ; Ladies’, Gent's and Mines’ Kid Silk and Lisle GU'-V Latiies’ and Gent * White and Light Colored Kid GLOV KS; Black Lace MITTS, Long and Short; Ladie*’ and Gent's Black and Kid GAUNTLETS ; Drew TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, &c.. In great variety and nC and Huckaback DIAPERS and TOW'EL LINEN and Linen LAWNS, very cheap ; Brown and Bleached Table DAMASKS, by the yard ; 10-4 12-4 aud 14-4 Brown and White T A BLE CLOTUS; Emboeaed TABLE UA)VERS, v all colors; ? _ iV nQ „ Bleached and Brown SHIRTINGS and SIII.LTINGS. cv©- Bed YIOKISGS. FLANNELS, FLAID6. C Vjn^^a.tafi > l a ta TO. B4FWF BOVBAEWES. puid, Drap D’Ete and CLOTIb?, ac. mh!3 Susiiiess €av&«, R. J. & W. T. MILUCAN. VTTORIYEYS AT LAW, -will practice in the counties of the Western Circuit, and the counties of Madison, El bert and Hart, cf the Northern Circuit. 11. J. rill.Lie-AST, - j Wri. T. MILLK A2J, Jefferson, Georgia, i Carue»ville, Georgia. my 13 dacly WILLIAM H. WHEELER, A TTORXEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia. Office over the City Bank. 6m ap2 C. L. BARBOUR, l TTORXEY AT LAW, LaGrange. Ga., will devote es- Xa. pociol attention to Collecting and Conveyancing. Old Claims a:wl Small Claim*adjusted for a moderate compensation. For the convenier.oe of newspaper men, their claims will re ceive prompt attention when sent in proper shape for collection. apls 6 m THOKAS H. GKIITIN, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW, Crawfordviile, Georgia, will IV pnct:ce in the counties of Taliaferro, Greene, Hancock, : Warren :md Wilkes. All business entrusted to him will meet prompt attention. ts apl J. T. 3URKHALTER, V TTORXEY AT LAW, Marietta. Ga„ will prompt’y attend to buslne-s entrusted to him in any county ii> the Blue Ridge Circuit, and to collecting and securing claims In all the surrounding counties, mhl" THOMAS B. FELDER, 1 TTORXEY AT LAW, Augusta Georgia. Office over A the _ ly inhlfl LEGAL NOTICE. ritflE undersigned having entered into a partnership, in the L practice of Law, in the county of Columbia, wiil give ail business entrusted to them prompt attention. LAMAR A LOCHRANE, febfi ly A. C’ULVARD. WILLIAM M. BDTT, V TTORXEY' \T LAW, Campbcllton, Ga , of the late firm of Tuggle A Butt, will devote himself to collections in Fulton, Fayet***, Cowet:i, Campbell, Carroll and Paulding counties. Those who shall favor him with bu.-iia.-,-, shall be satisfied both with his attention thereto, and Ll* charges. Bkh? 6m L D. LALLERSTEDT, \ TTORXEY* AT LAW, Augusta. Georgia. Office over the City Bank. feb2U JESSE A. GLENN. A TTORXEY \T LAW, Summerville, Chattooga conn JY tv. Gen., having entered Into the practice of law and equity in Cherokee circuit, Georgia, will attend promptly to all business entrusted to hi* care. Aj y business, tre.m pr<ifessional Anns, will receive every attention, and prompt remittance* made for all collections. febT ly BENJAMIN HALL, J. P. ~ 122<1 District. OFFH ’E at fils reside nee on Greene Street, between Centre and Elbert Street*. Will tn- thankful for any bu*ine*a en trusted to him. Court day*, second Saturday iu eveiy month, feb6 dacly _ xnori.v* noßßi*. i joint v. estls. MORRIS & ESTES, V TTORXEY H AT LAW, CamcnvUle, Ga.; will practice . in all the counties of the Western Circuit, and in the coun ties of Elticrt and Hart, in the Northern. Ba*ine*s entrusted t-. their care will meet with prompt attention. Particular at tenth-n paid tacollealon*. ts «an!7 B. T. MARTIX. I J. MARTIN'. MARTIN & MARTIN V TTORXEY* AT LAW. Columbia, Georgia. Office on Broad Street. dacly junl3 JNO. M. TtLLEr. 1 OEO. V. BRISTOW. TILLEY & BRISTOW, 4 TTORXEY* AT LA W, Crawfordviile, Georgia, will - \ ' i . 'A «rr* :• u LINTON STEPHENS. ] R. ri. JOHXBTOX. STEPHENS & JOHNSTON, \ TTORXEY S \T L \ W, Sparta, Ge. rgb, will practice rII ■. ■ ■ .1 • ,Octet and Wilk* *, of the Northern ; Greene. I’utnam and Morgan, of the Ogte-horite ; a-nd Washington and Richmoid, of the Mid .j d ’ J. G. MONTGOMERY’, XTTOHM'Y \T LAW, Augusta. Ga.. will practice . Ku imond and other counties of the Middle Circuit, u in City Hall. novlS T. M. DANIEL, A TTORXEY AT LAW, Washington, Ga., will practice i\ lu the several roun’les orthY Northern Circuit, t-. wit: Wilkes, Warren. Hancock, Taliaferro, Ogleth- rpe, Madison, Ilart, F.ifi • I Prompt attention given to all Imshu as entrusted to hi* care, t*p26 _iy JAMES P. BURNSIDE, VrroniEY AT LAW, Appling, Columbia oounty, Ga. i»yi3 iy HENRY J. LANG, V TTORXEY AT LAW, IJncolnton, On., will practice . In Lincoln, Wilke*and Columbia countie*. All busbies* entrusted to him will rueive pron.i-t .. •. ‘ . W. G. JOHNSON, V TTORXEY' \T LAW, Augusta, Ga., will promptlyat . tend to nil business entrusted to hi* professional manage ogemenL In ILirhm ndoini the adii'lning counties. Office ou MelutC»sMi street, three doors l.ilnW Con sitCtiWmo list office. e—^Tho*. K. K. Cobb, Ewj., Athens, Ga. myil ly WILLIAM R. MCLAWS, V TTORXEY AT LAW, Commissioner of New York, . Virginia, North and South Carolina. Office, Clayton’s new building, opposite hi* old office, Washington street, w ill attend promptly to application* for Bounty Land, under the late act* of Congress. apl MACKENZIE AND LAWSON, \ TTORXEYW AT LAW. Waymsboro’, Burke county, Georgia, will practice In Burke, Scriven, Jefferson, Waali ingtoM.Tatnall, Montgomery’, Emanuel aud Richmond counties. AI.KXASI'SU riAORKNZIE, JOHN t. LAWSON. oeft JOHN H. HULL, V TTOP.VEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga. office on Broad . street, in Masonic flail building. ly Janl GEORGE A. MANDELL, VPTORXEY AT LAW, Waynesboro*, Ga., will prac tice in the following counties: Burke, Jefferson, Wash ington, Emanuel and Scriven. ly nov2 WILLIAM J. R. CARSWEII, V TTORXEY \T LAW LouisGlle, Ga.. will r ™-tD Lsiw in the following counties, to wit: Jefferson, Burke Emanuel, Scriven, Richmond, Columt-ia and War ren. Strict attention paid m collecting. ' i*. K. Dixon, Louwvilfi .Ga.; Mr. Wm. Duncan,Savar-nah,(ia. Otfi LAW NOTICE. rpilß undersigned will practice LAW and F.QUITY, in Co 3 partnership, from this d ito, uring the firm name ot WALK ER A: ROGERS. In criminal busim-ss their practice wiif rc Office north-west corner of Broad and Washington street*. finw \I:T* J. WALKER ALI'HEUS M. ROGERS. Augusta. Sept. Sth, 1866. ts sept 9 WIER BOYD, KICSIDEXT \TTORXKY AT LAW, Dahlonega, Ga Office up stairs, above A. G. Wimpy’s store. RxrKus to—Julius M. Patton. A. G. Wimpy, M. I*. Qui 1 lian, Wm. 0. Perry. J. D. A' P. OWnnor, Dahlonega, Ga Hon. Joseph E. Brown, Canton, Ga.; Gen. Andrew J. Hansel Marietta, Ga.: George Kellogg, Esq., Forsyth county Ga. m y 29 dacly WM. M. DAVIDSON, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BRANDIES. GIN ALBANY ALE, CHAMPAGNE, and other Wines and Liquors, Teas, Segars, Ac. Nos. 168 Congress and 87 St. Jul ie-c streets. Savannah, Ga. dac my 23 POLHILL, WILKINS & CAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lcnisville, G:u, will practice in the several counties of the Middle and the counties of Hancock and Warren of the Northern Circuit. Office on the corner East of the Market—the same as occupied by the senior partner lor the last three years. THOS. IT. POLITILL, W. A. WILKINS, J G. CAIN. January 23d, 1367. ly .ian29 DR. JAMES S. FISH. OFFER?* his Professional service to the citizens of Augus ta and vicinity. Office at the Drug Store of I». F. ( hew, where’ he may be found at all times during the day, and at night, at the ’residence of B. F. Chew, opposite the Medica College. a pi 4 dsm DR. W. GEBHARB, HOMEOPATHIC’- Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher. from Heidelberg, Germany, offers his professional servi ce* to the citizens of Augusta and vicinity. Office and residence on Mclntosh street; over the office of Mr. T. S. Metcalf. 6m jan3l DR. E. B. HOOK OFFERS r.ls professional services to the citizens of Augus ta and vicinity. Office in the room formerly occupied by Dr. T. B. Phlnixy. Can be found at night ia the adjoining building. ts janlS DR. WM. J. HOLT OFFERS to the citizens of Augusta and vicinity, his eer vices as Physician and Surgeon. Office In the old State Bank building, opposite the United States Hotel. Augusta, October 37th, 1856. oc3S DOCTOR ROBERT SOUTHGATE, OFFERS his profesalonal services to the public. Referer.ee Dr. H. H. Steiner, at whose office he may be found du ring the dav. _ At night ne may be found at the Augusta Hotel. Augusta, 14cc. 16. 1856. tT DR. CH. PALMEDO’S OFFICE at the store of FRED. VON KAMP & CO Broad street, opposite the Bridge Bank Bunding. feb2s Bm* J. R. DAVIS, L \\|) BROKER, COLLECTOR AND GENERAL AGENT. Business attended to in any county in this State Office corner Jackson and Ellia street*. Augusta, Georgia. OclT l J DR JAMES W. WALKER x inG located in this citv, offers his professional *er rfi vices to the citizens of Angaria. Hamburg and vicinity. 40S IS.OES, HOI'SEMAVH OermM COUGH i apl6 WM. 11. , . I 01a) EOOEBOK. > [ A FEW bbls.of pme old Bourbon WHISKY, direct from f tho distiller* in Bourbon couaty, Kentucky, best in this ] raerirf'an. Just received and for die by _ ( jiuio A, BTEVENB, 1 VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE proprietor. -vUhing to change liis business, offers fcr sale his valuable PLANTATION, (the one on which he resides,) comprising hundred and twenty acres, situ ated five miles from Rome, u the most beautiful and healthy portion of the county. The la-4 is in a high state of cultiva tion. A good bargain can I* had Y.y applyiiig^nmiedhiteljj^ H. K. GOODMAN & CO., JVo. 7 Wall Street, New York, BWKERS AND DEALERS in Railway, City, County ar.d State Bond's Rails Locomotives. &e. Every description of Railway Equipments and Supplies promptly furnished, and at manufacturers’ prices. Agents for the Taunton Locomotive Manufacturing Co. .janlS cly PLANTATION FOR SALE. Till:- - - i'l.A.'.i ATI'tN ir. Jtf f rs‘«n com i tv, containing twelve hundred acres, more or less, about half cleared, the bala ce in the woods, and heavy timbered. Any person wish in e to buy. can buy the cheapest plantation in the countv. Call and sec the place. febl ctf E. W. JOTINr ON. NOTICE. RAVING been appointed the Attorney in fret of Dr. E. L'li 'vA t ny, frir the purpose of settling his business, the credit u s of Dr. Antu-ny are requested to present their claims ?<* me. All persons indebted to l)r. E. L’Rov Antony are notified to come forward and settle, else they will Ik; sued. MLLToN ANTONY. Lester’s District, Burke county, -Jut.. 2-s. Is.'7. ctf .'.an2 BRUNSWICK AND FLORIDA RAILROAD. TISIK Aruiual M- eting of the Stockholders of this Company will !>• :.«•! t at their ;-£!ee, in the City of Brut -wick, Ga., on Thurs'u/, ti.e 14th of May, at 0 o’clock, A. M., for the election of Din---; rs fur the ensuing year, and for the transac tion <•!' such other business as may be presented. By order of the Board of Directors. li. G. AYIIEELEIi, and c 3 Secretary B. arid F. R. R. Company. NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. fWIHIS Great .Journal of Crime and Criminals is in ip 1. Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the* Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on tiie same, together with information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in any other newspaper. Subscriptions $2, per annum ; sl. for Six Months, to be re mitted by Subscribers, (w: should write their names and ths ! town, county and state wr re they reside plainly.) to R. A. SEYMOUR, Editor and Proprietor of the National Police Gazette, apM cly New York City. GAINESVILLE HOTEL. GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. rjfKIS 1101 .’Tli is now open for the entertainment of the Pirs-'.ns -aeking a pleasant sumner retreat, with elegant water ai d atmosphere, will find It at Gainesville. The charges will U- modem to, and no pains will be spared tc make tny patrons comfortable. Mountain ft> < M W«.-ln**s«lays and Fridays, and from Athens, on Tuesdays, Tbur*u.n • i\,l Satui<l.-\s. There Is ai»- a Livery stable kept at this place. Persons coming lure can be n-1 at any point wl*h Hacks • r >rag««. a;-l et-Iyl K. \. g<j\Y£R. HIWASSEE COLLEGE, Monroe Co., Tam , ,Ts VTION In the country. 2‘< miles from Madisonville. n Fa. rltv—Rev. .1. 11. BRUNER, A. M. t Pres.; SAMI S. Do AK, Esq.. A. 8.. Vi -Pr-s.- . Tut r. Tuition #lO. Board $1.60 to ♦_>. Volumes ir. Libraries 1100. Students hist year MX). Large new Boarding House going lip. The Kali Session In . ins September Ist. ar>-'a ctSeptl J._F KEY, Scc’y. VALUABLE PLANTATION IN LEE COUNTY. IOFFFR A.-rs L.. u»y PLANTATI N, i ;ri • t two miles ea.-.t of Sbtrksville, on the Muckalce Cr Ik, 'joining the lauds of .lotmlan, Adams and others, containing2,TO*)acres, of which 1,050 is cleared and in cultivation, On ti.e premises are all the necessary dwellings and out buildings for two settle ments, and the p: rty esn be f-.i>lly dhlilwl into two planta tions if desired. It : s within four'nnd a half mill sos a station on the S nith-w---m nUl*v»:id, and furnisht* snmrl- r induce ments to any one wishing to purchase a first rate Cotton Planta tion. For fertility, convenience of location t-> a market, and for health. It is n..f exceeded by any other in this section of the State. The place being well known, it is unnecessary t<> give a urther de-eripiion. JOHN li. POPE. Leo county. April 1, IgVT,1 g VT, cS ap2 COOPER S PATENT IRON PLOW-STOCK. I NOW «. ; r t t!i,. ; Y;!c my IRON PLOW -TOOK. I i- j -it'-nted .Lui'un i ■ . i j : now he-u in i.-c long cm ■ gl. to prove, at least, that it is no humbug. The a vantages which are claimed for Gib, over the common ■ ' . ad',u table arrangt metd, bv which the Wami? raised or lowered at nle:w*uie, wllhont eliangh g the depth of the plow cr the height of the handles. The plow can Ic wt any depth with out elmi,ring the height of the beam or handles. 4. the han dle- can be raised <•. low* red at pleasure, without chantring the height* f the beam or the depth of the plow. 5. It Is well adapted to ail tl i*>i:uv« or plow-hoc*. either ca.-t or wr . tight, now In use. f«. It is adapted to ail soils, and to ail maniter ol farming, at all season*. As a proof of what 1 have said above, I need only refer those who have not seen the Plow, to the following name *, which stand us high on the agricultural lists of Georg Li < my native State.) as any others ; and also to those of the adjoining States of South Carolina and Alabama: Hon. M. A. Gwjkt. Etowah, Ga. Hon. Tlu *. -'locks, Greensboro*. “ Dr. J. S. Whitten. Mt.Zlon, “ Col. J.V..loi.es, Blrdsville. Miles L. Green, Esq., Ft. Valley, “ D. Redmond, Augusta, “ Dr. N. H. Cl«.uil, Montgomery, A fa. Dr. 11. \V. Lawton, Erwin:"*), S. C. Col. A. G. Summer. <>/timbU, “ The right to make this Plow Stock for plantations, shops, counties, or States, cun be lrad by addressing lite under signed at Ogeeci—e, Scriven county, Ga., febl. r > c G. W COOPER. A SPECULATION A FT EH four years’experiment, the undersigned has suc- J\. ceedt d iu perfecting t piece of mechanism for She 1 llug Com, which embrace’s the following characteristics : Ist —(Tunnuess. Jt costa less than any other machine. 2<l—Em jt'm ells every description, fr -m Pep to the Gn at Western Corn, retsi- vb g fr-/m the cob green, damp, wet or dry coni, with eqnal f:u ili'y, without the least injury to the germ or even any disturbance of the chit or cavity in whieh it grew. Tl • only plan for shelling C’on» for seed, shelling the middle and best for that purpose. M—Economy of Power. We challenge the world for ease and rapidity or hand working. A flhy twelve years old, or even a woman, can shell one hundred bushels per day with all ease, and without the least fatigue, using tlie hand or foot at pleasure. The machine works automically, self-feeding and discharg ing. depositing the com pi-rfectly clean in a bag or box, and the cobs unbroken, and entirely stripped of every kemell (however small) in a bag or basket. Ath—Unlversiil adaptation. It occupies about the space of a barrel of flour, weighs about twenty five pounds; is simple in construction—light, durable. No liability to get out of order, and will la-t n life time. Altlerngb a hand machine, it is also adapted to dog, horse or steam power. 6th— A new principle. The method of siielling is entirely new and unique, never before applied to this purpose, and yet so simple a* to ex- it*- at the first glance pleasure and admiration at the wonderful .-)kill and ingenuity that are displayed. Tl. 0 - ! w.- H ive hi view is to .-ell the exclush right to L’ ,, 'u3S , lt Ct6l m nn * ,ur Territories of all the H° r « is a -v;.U r field for a lucrative investment than has been presented during th: ceutiiry. We in' .te the m< *t rigid scruti ny. and the > .. -t investigation, and challenge the iih*! -kep tlcal to a severe exaniinutiob. The r: suit will J-c a more than couflrmation of all, the preceding fact*, and the parties will have with a full onivietb-H that Bert D a *«»ec*ilialoti of no ordi nary magnitude, arid a Certain heavy return f»-r ainounts invest ed. T. HARTLEY. To be seen at N. K. BUTLER’S, J:utg7 etf Brr,ad Street, opp.-.:. plantcm Hotel. GEORGE PAGE & CO.’S IMPROVED PORTABLE I’A’IENT CIRCULAR SAW rpill! Subs.-;ii. r• n-snettfully;inform their frier*’* ai d the | 8. publ!**g.t..rally, tlmt. laving . ..tailvd an .-xUishin of I their j.an-i.t .. r th»‘ir justly celebrated ut.d TM.puiar Circular I SAW M II.BS, and having greatly enlarged their facilitp .s for mi::ufacturhig, they are now prepared to execute ail orders with the utn,- -t prompt 1. and in the most workmanlike man ner. and, therefore, confidently solicit the public patnmage. They manufacture three classes, or sizes, of their Fortable (fireuiar Snw Mills. Prices according to class. As there have beeu various Infringements upon the l ights granted theru bv let ter* patent from th Government of the United States, and as they have obtained Judgments of damages against parties thus infringing, and their patent, both in the state of New Y’ork anu of Maryland, they seize this occasion to caution ami forewarn all persons from purchasing from any and all in frin ge rs upon their rights, as It is their intention to prosecute ail of fenders. * They also manufacture all kinds and sizes of Steam Powers, stationaryas well as portable; Grist Mills of various sizes ami prices ; Tenoning Machines ; Vertical Saws, for scroll and crock.-,: work; Boring and Morticing Machines ; Post-hole Au gers : Slab Machines; Lath and Paimg Machines; Horsepow ers. adapted t«. all the economic purposes <>f the farm and plan tation. ..f tliree sizes, which for simplicity, effectiveness and durability, are unequaled ; Timber wheels tor hauling logs to tlie mill; Lumber Cars; Tobacco Presses; Machines for gum ming saws ; Machinery for hauling logs out of the » a ter ; Man drils for small saw*, together with most other machinery for economising human labor. - They manufacture a Portable Steam Engine, which they In vented expressly f< r plantation and farm purposes. It is often horse powi-r. which for compactness, efficiency, workmanship, and case of travel, is unequaled. The engine, lioiler, governor, and v alias, tiv-wheel and smokestack are nil mounted on a j>'.ib stontia! le;t of wo’ dt n wheels, with tongue attached, ready to bitch the horses to, ami can be drawn as easily a? a loaded wag on. It is adapted to driving a saw mill, grist mill, to threshing grain, rice, or for any other economic purpose of a farm orj.lan tation, aria is safe from tlie danger i f fire, as no sparks are emit ted from tlio smoke stack. They are agents for the sale of Woodworth’s Planing, Tongue hig and Grooving Machine; fur a Fiouing Machine, ai.d fur a Shingle Machine. A Pamphlet descriptive of their various machines will be sect to any gentleman applying for one by letter. Address, GEOIiGE PAGE & CG.. Baltimore. Md., P. 1 8 b. Agent - TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. rpHE above reward will be paid for the delivery tome, ir. JL August a, of my boy SPENCER, a bricklayer and pla». tcrerund fcnnerly tne property of Alexander Martin, deceased. He is about forty-five years of age, intemperate in his habits, and has a chrome sore leg. lie has a wife at Mr. Usher’s, near Brothersville. and is traveling through the country, 1 under stand. with a forged ticket, and under the false plea of hiring his own time. _ All persons are hereby warned against employ ing him. He is for sale, and, though one of the oest workmen in the State, will be sold very low. JOHN H. FITTON, ap!4 ctf Augusta, Ga. GREAT ATTRACTION! CHEAP CASH STORE. \\TM. 11. CR AN l\ Augusta. Ga.. has received a large suc ply of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS, which he h selling very low for ea*h. Hi* assortment of DRESS GOODS MANTILLAS, EMBROIDERIES, PARASOLS, and aii kinds of Goods suitable for Ladies’ and Gentlemen*’ Wear, ia very complete, and as he coniines himself to the ex-li business, he is er ■.'■led to sell lower than Those who do a crediting bus!. neas. All who wi*h to purchase Dr\ r Goods cheap. wiP do wc-• to give him a call. N. B.—New Gocdi received direct from New York by the last steamer. myi2 dt’*c2 LAND AGENCY AND REAL ESTATE BRO KERAGE. THF unv’erslgned will buy and sell LAND and RE 1L JL ES I ATE o! all kinds in ; '.v part of Georgia, Florida or Texas. Also, Hop*//s and Lots, Railroad and Bank Stock. &c., d-. He baa now in hte oSc< for sale 1.-400/ttO acres of lorn* lying in South-w, stern and Cherokee Georgia; two leagues cf Texas land, and some fine land in Florida; one plantation in Arkansas, and several well iir.j r v;d plantations in litirkc, Greene and other counties in Geo; rir.. Also, several gold, cop per. a-ui sliver mining interest*. i‘r-*ons desiring to buyer •. Ac. will do well to give him ? call, as he *r.feeds to make hl» olT.cfe a medium for sale and puruiasi of ail kinds of real estaft. Of fice i:i Warren Range, Jackson Street, near the con er of Broad Street. JAMES M. DAVISON. myC cly Land Agentaad Rvr.l U-tAe Broker COFFEE VU HIfKDRED bags prime R'.o COFFER u;xt -o- X' ceived and for pole by KOLB & PHINiZY