Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, August 19, 1857, Image 7

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Burke Countu. POSTPONED BURKE SHERIFF'S SALE. ■*!!)©* ILL «K w>W, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, Yf before the Court House door, in the town of YVaynesbo -o’.pJurke county, between the usual hours of sale, the follow ing Negroes, to wit: Bob, 25 years of age ; Green, 25 years of age; Sheppard, 20 years of age ; Big Bill. 20 years of age : Ned, 23 year* of age ; Calvin, 25 years of age; Joe. 25 years of age. Levied on as the property of James A. McGruder, to satisfy sundry- fl. fas. from Burke Superior Court, one In favor of Irwin Kirkland vs. James A. McGruder: one in •favor of James Robinson, bearer, vs. James A. McGruder; one in favor of Joseph Lipp man, bearer, vs. James A. McGruder; one in favor of William T. Bums vs. James A. McGruder; one In favor of Joshua Spence. bearer, vs. James A. McGruder and Stephen A. Corker; one in favor of Allen Inman, Guardian of Hannah E.Burton, vs. James A. McGruder and Almarion .O. Corker, survivors: one in favor of William Nasworthv, •. Guardian of Allen Y.J. Alien, vs. James A. McGruder and Almarion O.Corker, survivors; one in favor of SamuelGris wocld vs. James A. McGruder; one in favor of C. J. Jenkins aud Lloyd C. BeU. Administrators of Patrick B. Conollev vs. James A. McGruder, and Thomas Pierce and others vs. James . A. McGruder. ALSO—Eighty-five acres of Land lying in Burke countv. ad joining lands o! Stephen B. Brinson. Wright Reynolds a:ul nohn C. Poythress, levied on as the property of Daivy A. Hector., to sutisf) a Justice’s Court fl. fa. from the 64th District, hG. M., in favor of Berry A. Forehand vs. Daivy A. Becton. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. au4 H. J. BLOUNT.Sh’ff.B.C. GUARDIAN’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER ▼ ▼ next, oefore the Court House door in Waynesboro’, Aurke county, between the usual hours of Mile, under and bv virtue of an order from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary jf said county, part of a tract of Land i < said county, contain .ng thirty acres, more or less, belonging to Louisa and Susan 3. Barron, minors, attaining lands or Ransom Lewis, Elisha Watkins and Surah Barron. _jyll WILLIAM E. LASSETER, Guardian. EXECUTOR'S SALE. BV order of the Court of Ordinary of Burke countv. will be sold, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, be fore the Court House door in Irwin county, one lot of Lind known bv number one hundred and ninety-eight, (198), con taining four hundred and ninetv (490) acres. l*oumied by the fol • owing numbers, to wit: 21T, 199,192 and 197, sold as the prop erty of John Landing, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Tenns cash. Purchasers to pay for titles. jyll SIMEON WALLACE. Ex*. EXECUTOR'S SALE. BV virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Burke county, will be scld, on ihe first Tuesday In SEi’TEM BER next, "•vfore the Court House In said countv, the interest of the Es * late of James Hampton, deceased, in a Negro Man named ->miel, the said interest being one-half the value of aaid Negro, .fold to perfect titles. WM. MOORE, ) , jy-d SIMEON WAKNOCK,) AEOR«IA, BURKE OOUNTV —Whereas, Baldwin B. IT Miller and Joseph 11. Polhill, Administrators on the es tate of William Baldy, deceased, apply for Letters Dismissory rrom said Administration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred, creditors, and all other persons Interested, to is* »nd appear before the Court of Ordinary, to Is* held in and for «aid county, on the first Monday in February next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not I* granted. Given under ray hand, at office in Wavuesboro’, this 11th dav Os August, 1357. •—l* UPWARD GARLICK, Onlinary. OEORGI A, BURKE COUNTY.—Whebeas, Harley B. Attaway applies for Letters of Administration on the es uifo of Joseph Attaway, late of said county, deceased T™we are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, he kindred and creditors of said deceased, to Ik; and appear be rare the Court of Onlinary, to be held in and for said countv, on the first Monday in September next, and show cause, if any .uey have, why said letters should not be granted. Witney my hand, at office in Wavneslioro’, this Ist dav of August, 135,. au4 EDWARD GARLICK. Ordinary. ,/IBORGIA, BURKE COU NTY.-Wherens. ,J .]M. Brfu- V *° n applies for Letters of Administration on the estate of Or. r reeman N\ . B. Perkins, late of said county, deceased— therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear Ik*- fore the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in September next, and show cause, if any '-bev have, why said letters should not be granted. " itnees my hand, at office In Wavuesboro*. this 17th day of Jui A'l 1837. Jyl9 EDWARD GARLICK. Ordinal. GEORGIA. BURKE COUNTY.-Whereas, James II Royal. Administrator on the estate of Janies Clark, ap ples for Letters of Dismissory from said Administration: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular, he kindred and all other persons concerned, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said couutv, on the first Monday lu December next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not Ik* granted. Witness my hand, at office in Waynesboro’, this Ctb day of May. 1857. EDWARD GARLICK, fr*)' * < Irdiuary. GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY.-YVherea*. James \V Clark, surviving Administrator on the estate of Charles . Clark, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismissory from said Administration: Those are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all ami singular, the :mdred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear be fore the Court of Onlinary. to be held in and for -aid county, m the first Monday in December next, and show cause if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Witness my hand, at office in Waynesboro’, this Ctli day of May. 1857. EDWARD GARLICK. P*y7 Ordinary. fNIGDRGIA, BURKE COUNTY—YVhenma, Joseph A, AX Shewmake, Administrator on the estate of Bryant Quinn debased, applies for Liters Dismissory— Theee are. therefore, to cite and admonish the kindred, ami all persons interested, to be and appear b<-fore the <!ourt of Or dinary. to be la id ih and for said county, on the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Witness my hand, at office, this 18th day of February. 1857 feblS EDWARD Ordinary. !\T OTII T. A JX of Burke county, deceased, are rtquesrr d to make Imme- Jiate payment ; and all persons having demands against the estate of said deceased, will render them in, duly autbentlca ted. In terms of the law, to ALLEN INMAN. Ex’r. SIXTY’ DAYS afterdate, application will he made to the Court of Ordinary of Burke county, for leave to sell the ‘tal and personal estate of Benjamin Brack, late of Burke ,-our.ty, deceased. aulo ALLEN INMAN. Ex’r. FOR SALE. HAYING determined to remove West, I offer for sale mv R % , ?*5«5 ir * the Immediate vicinity of Columbus, j«a my PLANTATION in Russell county, Ala The former is a nandsome and commodious building, con- Aiuing ten rooms, besides basement, store and ironing rooms. The out-buiidmgs are well arranged for comfort and conve nience. Attached to the residence are twenty acres of rand. ir. cultlxrixtioti, with a portion on the main road, sufficient for one or more building lots. The hculthfulnuss of the locality ui unsurpassed. . r. M l Plantation is fifteen miles west of Columbus, on Uchee Creek, and five miles from the Mobile and Girard railroad, and fonmlns two thousand six hundred acre-*. My success in mak ing cotton is the best criterion of Its claims upon the purchaser. * n f,*\ wcep,lble of subdivision Into three or four fann.% some of which have improvements, I will sell all together, or in separate settlements, to suit purchasers. If desirable, will sell the growing crop with the land, arranging for the overseer to remain with the hands to gather the crop, under the direction of th ? purchaser. In my absence, anyone wishing to see mv house and lot, can apply to my neighbors, Mr. Wu,. A. Redd, A.<'. Flewellen, -• y\ L Jones. J. R. JUNES. Columbus, Ga., June 9. ctf jell NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is In its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the -ountry. It contains all the Gre:it. Trials, Crimhial Cases, and appropriate E«litori«ils on the same, together with information -u Criminal Matters, not to be found in anv other new-mapir Subscriptions, 82. per annum; sl, for Six Months, to be re •nitted by bubncribets, (wr, should write their naim-s and the .own, county and state wi - re they reside plain! v.) to R. A. SEYMOUR. Editor and Pioprietor of the National Police Gazette. cly New York City. CARMICHAEL L & C 0 AUGUSTA,' GA. (Proprietors of the Carmichael Flouring Mills.) { 10\I>IIS8I0\ YIKIUTI V.Vrs. and Dealers in FLOUR. V'.MLAL. GRAIN, HA Y, Ac. Also, Agents for the Gran .tevtlle Manufacturing Company's .SHIRTINGS, Ac. civ IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. r FMIE RH’IiMuND FACTORY, Hi. ;.mond U«,untv,Goo., A continues to manufacture WoOLEN CLOTH at 12& - Vl ‘ tß ]K ‘ T yun } ; filld K' ( )' e *y material except the Wool. The 'extensive and constantly increasing patronage the Factory has onjoyed for years past, assure* the proprietors that the article of A inter Clothing for Negroes made bv them, has nut been sur passed by any Cloth made North or fcouth. Recent ex tensive improvements and additions not only ena ble us to keep up the srandawi of the Goods, but to secure an oarl vdeliverj-ot the same. Planters, or other--, who may desire to avail of this opportu nity and secure a first rate article at a moderate cost, have only <o send us the Wool, washed clean lu cold water; (if .-cnt dirty, one half centner yard extra Is charged for washing). Burry Wool is not objcctiouable; the Burrs are removed by ma chinery. The m*irie of the owner should be marked on all Packages sent us. Wool sent by any of the Railroads in Georgia, Ala bama. or South Carolina, to the Augusta Depot, marked Rich mond Factory, (and owner’s name also), will be regularly and promptly received, and the Cloth, when made, returned to the points direeti-d. Each parcel is made up in the turn n-eeived. neneean early delivery is always desirable. All instructions to c3m WM. SCIILEY", Prest., Augusta, Ga. A FINE PLANTATION POR SALE. MY PLANTATION is for sale. It lies three miles from » arrenton, on the Waynesboro* road, contains four hun dred acres of open, arable land, in a high state of cultivation, and five hundred uncleared, and heavily timbered with oak. hickory' arid pine. It is well watered, in even- part, from good mgs; is near the Georgia Railroad, aud well located fora saw null. There is a neat dwelling, comfortably framed kitch ens mid negro houses, and convenient on the premises, l'he neighborhood is as good as anv in Georgia, the plantation adjoins Judge Edwards, Win. A. Ricketsou, Esq., Judge Cody. Mrs. Lucy English, John S. Johnson, Esq., ind others. I wish to sell aud buy a smaller place. Tenns R. JOHNSON. YVarren county, Ga., July 11.1<57. ctf jyls DISSOLUTION. - THE firm of M. & B. WruxureoN is dissolved bv the death (in New Y ark, on the 11th inst.) of B. Wilkinson. The miuersigned,eurviviug copartner, will close the business of the late Arm. j r 25 M. WILKIKSOS. COPABOTTERSKI?. T i f'?h^?^* r l-S I £riK av « copartnership, (iateii from I 1 tint., under the firm of Wilkinson A- F Kttan «i.H h«v rag purchased tfae«ock of the late firm of M & B W,r « v sow. will continue the WHOLESALE GROCERY*rttS* NESS at their old stand M. VHLKIN.S>N, of the late firm of M. & Jj. Wilkinson. , . _ J. C. FARGO, • T„-.„ , -r- of the late firm of Adams A Fargo. Augitfna, Juiy 25,1567. dPacS jy*t> A SITUATION A GRADUATE of East Tennessee University, with srw experience in teaching, would be pleased to obtain a sltm atlon as a I cacner in »ome southern school. Testimonials from the most influential and reliable persor.M of Knoxville, Tenn., can be furnished. For rurther p.wtlcu lare, address ROBT. N. STRONG, Acadernuu Knox count}', Tennessee. Rkthoences Tfcos. W. Fleming. Merchant, Augusta. <ta ; Robt. King, Merchant. Abe-deen. Miss.; R. L. Kirkpatrick, President Female Institute, Knoxville, Tenn. c4* au9 ’ WANTED. 7 FIVE SHOEMAKERS, who can put up good pegged work, redone who can make good fine work; and also a good TANNEK and HARNESS MAKER, can get employment, t>y calling on the subscriber at Marion. Ga. FLOYD A. FINCH. Marion, Twiggs co.. Ga„ Aug. 4. cH au9 tUarrcn Countj). EXECUTOE S SALE. wnx he sold, on the Or-t Tuesday In OCTOBER next. ~T * uef -" v >he Court House d.xir in the town of Warrenton, arren county, within the usual hour* of aa e ah’eero wo man named S;isan, alsjutil years old, sold as the nrobertv of 1 : liarnxrd Flckllng, deceased. 'Terms on the day of iS. * ARCHIBALD .JA(’KsON. K\.eetoj. . WAEKEN SHERIFFS SALE. YY 'y* t,e 3oM - bt '' ore Uie < : °»rt House door in Warrenton. ' mTvT , W .L rTt '".f” l '." t> \ °. n tm ' Crst Tuesday In SEPTEHUER 1 next, within the legal hours of sale, one hundred and seven S!??Uv, ?! ore > n -aid county, adjoinins lands of Elcanr Tisld, Lore 11. Kitchens, and others, levied on as the ptoovrte- Os Jlmsey Davis, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from the In ri",urt °.t **“> county, in favor of William H. Parham vs John Toler, Baten Hattaw&y, and Henry Colvnuxn, endorser, i 1 roperty pointed out by Coleman, endorser. _J ' E. A. BRINKLEY, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER 1 f next, before the Court H«>use door in Sylvania, Scriven county, between the legal hours of «ale, the following proper- 1 ty to wit: a bounty Land Warrant, issued by the United States government, to Mrs. Sarah Stregle, for one hundred amlsixtv acres. Sold for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors, and as be property of Sarah Stregle, late of said county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. JyW AR CHIBALD STREGLE, Adrn’r. riEORGI A, WARREN COUNTY.-Whereas. Wells Bar ton applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of J ane Boyd, late of said county, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any they have, why said letters of administration should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 10th day of August, 1557. aul2 HENRY' R. CODY’, Ordinary. G EORGIA, WARREN COUNTY Whereas, the Ad. mlrdstors upon the estate of Charles F. Montgomery, de ceased, having be<-n dismissed, and said estate being now un represented— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, ami show cause, ; if any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted to G. W. Dickson, desk of the Superior Court. Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 9th day of July. 1857. Jyw H. K, copy, Ordimuy. GEOKIJI WARREN OOUXTY.-Wherew. Jota M. Hall, Administrator on the estate of Harr}- R. Berry, de , ceased, applies to me for Letters Dismisstv from said adminis tratron— ■ to rite and admonish, all and singular, [ the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to l>e and appear at , my office, within the time prescribed by law, and s.;ow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. ■ Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 9th day of f July,lSs.. JylS HENRY R. CODY, Ordinary. : GEORGIA, YVARREN COUNTY.—Whereas, Henn - AT Smith applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Albert Smith, late of said county, deceased ■ Theseare, tlierefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, • the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at - my office, within the time nre»cril*ed bv law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in YVarrenton, this Oth day of July. 1857, Jy» 11. R. CODY, Ordinary. G< EOH<;I.V, WARREN COUNTY—Whymii, Columbus V GranuJp, Administrator on the estate of Susan Unmade. * me ~,r Letters Disruissory from said estate— These arc. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at . n*y office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, - it any they have, why s;iid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in YVarrenton, this 17th day • of June, 18ft.. jc!9 HENRY R. CODY, Ordinary. f nKORGIA, M ARREN COUNTY—Whereas, Aaron *' r *. Guardian for Rebecc.a Johnstm. now Rebec " fi l " applies to me for Letters Dismissory from said . Guardianship— s These are, therefore, to cite and summon, all concerned, to be and appear at. iny office, within the time prescribed by law, and . show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be . granted. , Given under my hand, at office, in Warrenton. this 4th day of June, 1867, jeO H. R. CODY, Ordinary. f /XKORGI A, WARREN COUNTY.-Whereas, N. C. Ba- AT con. Executor on the estate of Eady Smith, late of said - county deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from . sal it estate— '- These are, therefore, to cite and summon all concerned, to be anil appear at my office, within the time preserilKul by law, and ’» show : ls any they have, why s;Ud letters should not be r granted. , Given under my hand, at office in YY'arrenton, this 28th day of r May, is., n.y.iO HENRY R. CODY. Ordinary. f YVARREN COUNTY.— Whereas, V. A. A a Johnson, Administrator upon tin* estate of Vincent John srld tvtate * ’ ** 1110 or Letters of Dismission from These are, therefore, to cite and summon all concerned, to •» l, e and appear at ray office within the time prescribed by law, d ? ,id *h°w cause, if uny they have, why said letters should not be granted. e Given under iny hand, at office In Warrenton, this 29th dav ;• of April, 1857. my 3 H. R. CODY, Ordinary. v riW>KGIV YVARREN COUNTY.—W'hereas, H. A. I itte applies for Letters of Damdssiou from the-estate of if »»illiam Mason, late* of said county, deceased— -1 hesc are, therefore, to cite and summon, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of s:iiil deceased, to be aud appear at > iny office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if * an ,V, l hey have, why said letters should not be granted, n Given under my hand, at office In Warrenton, April 21,1857 ap*! H. R. <;oDY t Onlinary. ' •- afterdate, application will he made to the a of \\ arren county, for leave to sell all the Real E-'tate belongina.to the estate of Jonathan Gunn, late of nald county, deceaaed. JOEL Y\ . GUNN. . * JOHN RHODES. DVYHaflar date, application will be made to the b y Court of Ordimuy of YVarren county, for leave to sell all tin ]* *nd negroes belonging to the estate of James Kitchens, ’ late of said county, dectoised, agrcable to his hurt will. 1 Jy33 WILEY KITCHENS. Ex’r. SIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the estate of William C. Mnlth, late of said couutv* ueeeascd. ' ELIZA SMITH. Adin'x. JESSE KK'KERSON. ) , . . t [? NICHOLAS HARiIU' K XTOTiCIC- All ii.d.-hted l >th<* estate of WiMi:i;>i lx C. Smith, late of Warren county, deceased, are requested to make Immediate payment: and all persons having demands s against said estate will render them In. duly attested, according to law. ELIZA SMITH. Adm’x. . . JESSE KICK ERSON, ).. . JyL NICHOLAS HARBUCK, ) Adm D AYS after date, application will be made to the r p Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Warren county, for V lP; ‘ve to sell Hie Real Estate of Thomas T. Grace, lute of said county, deceased. jtM ALLEN MOAT, Adm’r. i ~ T ; 2 ~- == ucy Reese Libel for Divorce, in YVarren Superior t* John C. Reese Court, April Term, 1857. 11 IT. t 0 l, ‘ e Court, by the return of the Sheriff, tnat 1 1 the defendant. John C. Reese, is not to be found in said o county ; and it appearing that he resides out*of this State, it is a hat service be perfected by publication, in the Con stitutionalist, of Augusta, once a month for four months. And 3 it is further Ordered, That the Clerk do certify this order ac , cording to law. A true extract from the minutes. lasn4in GEORGE W. DICKSON,CIerk. FOE SALE. e T*! E TObscriben off. r for Kile the PLANTATION of the 1 A Jute Thomas L. Wynn, situated on the line of Hancock . and Taliafern. counties, containing about two thousand six hun dred acres. There are «>n the place a good mansion, all neces . nary out-buildings, Ac. The place is In good repair, and is one e »ftbe best plantations in Middle Georgia. YVewill sell Uu* P»acc now, or at any time before next Christmas, to deliver poKse.vM.it! at Christ mar-. There are about two hundred and twer.tv acres of bottom land on it. Those who wish a first rate bargain, ought to apply soon. YVe w ill sell low. JOHN DkWITT, ) YV. E. BIRD, 5 Ex’rs. Sparta. June 11. jeM ctf R. M. JOHNSTON. ) ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. WILL BE HOLD, agreeable to an order of the Court of Onlinary, of Bulioch county, on the flr.-f Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, within the usual hoars of sale! before - the Court House* doer. In Serivcn county, acres of Pine Land, well Umbered, and near enough to Savannah river to , haul timber to carry to the Savannah market. Said Land lies : in benv.-ncounty, suid adjoins Lands of Solomon Zcglar on ail - , * s 7 ll f " r:l division amougat the heirs of John Lee. late -of Bulloch count}', deceased. W. H. MACLEAN. !\TY DAY"* :G !• • . O ordinary of Gwinnett county, for have to sell the Lands , belonging to the minor children of Archibald YV. Martin. JUIIN S. MARTIN, Ouu-dian of John I-\, Archibald YVilliam, Lucy J*., Sarah L. • and Mary M. Martiu. , . . ROBERT MARTIN, jcl6 Guardian of Ann E. Harrison. SIXTY DAYS afterdate, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Putnam county, for leave to sell the . Real Estate of Benjamin Mosel v, deceased. - JOSEPH A. MOSELY, Adm*r. I Uy-- - T. KINGSFOBD & SON’S > PURE OSWEGO STARCH, FOR THE LAUNDRY, HAS established a greater celebrity than has ever been ob tained by any other Starch. This has been the result of its marked superiority in quality, and its inviolable uniformity. The public may be assured of the continuance of the high standard now established. ‘ The production is over Twenty Tons daily, and the demand ; has extended throughout the whole of the United States, and ; to foreign countries. YVorking thus on a very large scale, and under a rigid system, ’ they are able to secure a perfect uniformity in the quality throughout the year. This is the great desideratum in Stareh ’ making, aud is realized now for the first time. ' The very best Starch that can be made, and no other, isal ’ ways wanted by corsumere. and this will be supplied to them by the grocers, as soon as their customers have learned which is the best, and ask for it—otherwise they would be likely to . get that article on which the largest profit can be made. Mr. Kingsford has been engaged in the manufacture of Starch continuously for the last twenty-seven years, aud during the • whole of the period, the Starch made under his supervision has been, beyond any question, the best in the market. For the - first seventeen years, he had charge of the works of YVilliam Colgate A Co., ut which period he invented the process of the manufacture of Corn Starch. t&“ Ask for Kingsford’s Starch, as the name Oswego has ; been recently taken by another factory. It is sold by all of the beat grocers in nearly every part of the . country. T. XINGSFORD & SON'S OSWEGO CORN STARCH, FOR PUDDINGS, Ac. HAS obtained an equal celebrity with their St.-.rch for the Laundry. This article Is perfectly pure, and Ik. in every respect, equal to the best Bermuda Arrow Root, besides having additional qualities, which render it invaluable for the dessert. Potato Starch has been extensively packed and sold as Com ; Starch, and ha* given fal.-»e impressions to many, as to the real merits of our Com Starch. From Its great delicacy and purity, it Is coming also into ex i tensive use as a diet for infants and invalids. . „ E. N. KELLOGG & CO-, Agents. _j3'2ft-c3m 196 Fulton.at reet, N. Y. HOUSE AND LOT, AND LAND FOR SALE.~ T*.*| K w\V2 c T il> f r ' desirous of moving West, offers for sale nia L.U r m Lexington. Oglethorpe county, Georgia, con tv\erit acres of Land, with a good Dwelling sSSsS*t , »*L d^S er nece9 “ I r F outbuildings, all having been buig witfcxQ the part year. Also, a FARM four miles from the vfi i*ge, consisting of four hundred acres of land, co ntaining fifty of wood and, one hundre-d acres of bottom and. and the rest in cultivation. Any person wish Lag to purchase will please call on the subscriber in Lexington, or address him at that place. jy2B oSa AL7IN M ROBINSON, Scriocn County. POSTPONED ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. 4 GRKKAHLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of I\. Striven county, will be sold, before the Court Hou.se door in Sylvania, in said county, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEM BER next, within the usual hours of sale, one tract of Land in said county, the property of the estate of William Brannon, de ceased, containing two hundred and eighty (280) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the estate of R. 11. Saxon, Jesse Beard, on Brier Creek. Sold for a division among the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of Kile. HOPE BRANNON. Adm'r ._ SCRIVEN SHERIFF’S SAT/E ATTUiL be »old, before the Court House door in the village 11 of Sylvania, in said county, within the usual hours of sale, on the flrat Tues<lay in SEPTEMBER next, the following property to wit: one tract of Land containing fourteen hun dred and fifty-six acres, more or less, adjoining lands of James i oung. Simeon Burke. Miles Hunter, aud others; levied on by nit* as the property of Robert Williams, to satisfy sundry Supe rior Court ti. fas. iu favor of Akin S. Burns, Willis Young, and othere; also, sundry Justice’s Court fl. fas. in favor of Jesse Graham. J. ( . Edwards. .Tames W. Hunter, and others vs. said Robert Williams. jy2B THOMAS USHER, Sheriff. SCRIYEN SHERIFF'S SALE. be sold, before the Court House inSvlvanla, in the *5, c 0 ’” 11 )- of Scriven, on the first Tuesdav'in SEPT EM I.ER next, the following property, to wit: one sorrel Mule, three Timber Carts and two Log Chains, and other Chains, and one pair of Harness and Traces, levied on as the property of Janies B. and Samuel W. Shelton, to satisfy a Superior Court fi. JySS THOMAS USHER, Sheriff. SCRTVEN SHERIFFS SALE \\ T ILL be sold, before the Court House door in the town of 11 ,l S Jo in 2®!? guilty, on the first Tuesday in SEP TEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the’following property, to wit: one tract of Land, containing twelve hun le8 *N adjoining lands of Joseph A. R. Ben nett. Elijah Roberts, and others, levied on as the proi>ertvof John S. Croon, to satisfy sundry Superior Court fi. fas in fa vor of Scott Brown, Lvon A Heed. (>. Johnson & Co.. Ann G. Make, and sundry other Superior and Inferior Court fl. fas. against saiu Green. Property pointed out bv defendant. I** ' THOMAS USHER. SI, Vi iff. ('J.EOROIA, s< IRIVKN cM'NVY.—Whereas. Jas. Brin I »on and Abram Belcher, Administrator*, with the will annexed, upon the estate of James Belcher, deceased, apply o J»»L' e *k ?rs Dismlssory from said Administration—* These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred, creditors, and all other persons interested, io be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the second Monday in December next, and show cause. If any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this Bth day of July, 1857. jy!4 ALEXANDER KEMP. Ordinary, niWRGIA DRIVEN COUNTY—Whereas, David Simeon Burke, Executors upon the estate of David l>urke, deceased, apply for Letters Dismissory from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred, creditors, and all other persons Interested, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the second Monday in' December next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this Bth day of July, 1967. jy 14 ALEXANDEK K EMP, Ordinary. CI EORGIA, SCRIYEN COUNTY.—Whereas, David f»» » r lint * *'^ ,neon Burke, Administrators upon the estate of Martpa Burke, deceased, apply for Letters Dwmiaeory from said Administration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred, creditors, and all other persons Interested, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to la? held in and for said county, on the second Monday in December next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. gilvon under my hand and official signature, this Bth day of July, 180,. jyli ALEXANDER K BMP, Ordinary. G1 KORGIA.SCRIVEN COUNTY.-Whereas. Frederick " "Phs applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Sarah W ells, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 4th day of July, 1857, Jy9 ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary, fN BORGIA SC RIVEN COUNTY.—■Whereas, Elizabeth * “ Newton, Guardian for M- llliam Newton, applies for Let ter* of Dlamlhsory from said Guardianship : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and all others concerned, to be and appear be fore the Court of Ordinary, to be held In and for snUl countv. on the second Monday in September next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Glven under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this -kb day of M.iy, my7 ALEXANDER KEMP, <> Q.KORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY. - Where:,, JUT Burke, GoardUn for I oily .1. Brhcson, applies for Letters Disrnlssory from said Guardianship— These are, therefore, to cite anil admonish, all and singular, the kindred, and all other person* concerned, to be and uupear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause. If any they have, why said letters should not be granted, r L ‘ r " : >'. luind , in Sylvania, this Oth day of .Fiiim-, !s.„ . i-ll ALEXANDER KEMP, «»■ i f 1 UOIU; 1 \ . srillVEN COUNTV.-Wh, , Rushing, Administratrix on the estate of William Rush iut* deceased, for Letters DLsrnlssory : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, the kindred, and all per* ms interested, to be and appear before the Court *.f Ordinary, to be held in and tor said countv, on the second Mon dav In licit, awl show cause, it any they have, why said lettere should not he granted. WltneHs my hand, at office in Sylvan la. this 22d day of April, 1807. ALEXANDER KEMP, HH' l Ordinary. KORGI \, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas, Mary Frev \ n monu Administratrix on the estate of John T. Freemon, deceased, applies for Letter* of Dismission : l’hesc are, therefore, to cite and artmonGh tl»e kindred, and all persons interested, to he and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held In and for said countv. on the second Mon dav in September next, and show cause, if any they have, whv said letters should not be granted. Witflusd my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 22d dav of Anril, ALEXANDER K EMl\ O: riKORGIA, SORIY EN COUMV. -Wl,Har.lv VA Parker. Ouantbui for Sarah E. Lee, Benjandu Lee, and David Lee, minor heirs of Jesse Lee, deceased, applies for Le t ters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and all other persons interested, to be and appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the second Monday In September next, and show cause, ;r any thev have, why said letters should not be granted, \f itneas my h ind and official signature, this 2sd day of April, IQS7. „ inyt ALEXANDER KEMP,Ordinaiy, KGRGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas, Alexander s Mcßride. Administrator on the estate of James Humes, dweased, applies for Letters Dismiasory from said Adinintetra- These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, oil ar.d singular, the kindred and creditors, and all others concerned, to be ana appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, If any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Svlvanla. this loth day of March, 1857. mh!7 ALEX, KEMP, Ordinary. IXfOTIUK.— All person* having demands against the estate IN of Mr*. Rachael McQueen, late of Scriven county, dec’d., are requested to present their claims to Green I». Sharpe within the time prescribed by law; and those Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. jy2d GREEN I). SHARP. Adm'r. debonis non. NOTIC’K.— All persons having demand* against the estate of Charles McQueen, late of Scriven county, deceased, are requested to present their claims to Green D. Sharpe within the time prescribed by law; and those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. J.v3< GREEN D. SHARPE, Adm’r. de bouis non. SIXTY HAVS after date, application ••vil! be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Striven county, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Charles McQueen, late of said county, deceased. GREEN D. SHARPE. jy- r> Ailiii'r. de bonis non. CJIXTY DAYS after date, applfc ' i Honorable Omrtof Ordinary of Jeff erson count y, for leave to sell the Land belonging to the estate of Jonatli in Fountain, deceased. j>*l4 JOHN WREN, Adm’r. (JIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to the fl Honorable the CJoint of Ordinary of Striven countv. for leave to sell the Real Est; *c belonging to the estate of li. M. Saxon, late of said county, deceased. Jyl4 J. J. BOYD, Adm’r. UIXTY im* fl Court of Ordinary of Striven countv. for have to sella Negro man by the name of Emanuel, belonging to the estate of Mary Ann Murry, deceased. JOHN W. NELSON. Adm’r. E«jp.-»e A. KandoiiJi, J fl , r ... in Scrtiren So- Julia Randolph. j I* rlor Co " rt ' October Term, 1858. IT appearing to the Court that the defendant does not reside within the limits of the State of Georgia: It is, on motion. Ordered by the Court, That service be perfect, d on .-aid d.- fondant by publication, in the Augusta Constitutionalist, once a month for four months. • A true, extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Seriveu county. Georgia, at October Term, 1850, A. I>. Wit ness, my hand and official signature, je 1 ctUc’s7 ROBERT P, SHARPE, D. Clerk. LAND AGENCY AND REAL ESTATE BRO KERAGE. TIIIH undersigned will buy and sell LAND and REAL . ESTATE of all kind* In any part of Georgia, Florida or Texas. Also, Houses and Lots, Railroad and Bank Stock, Ac., Ac. He has now in his office for sale 1.400.000 acres of land lying in South-western and Cherokee Georgia ; two leagues of Texas land, and some fine land in Florida; one plantation in Arkansas, and several well improved plantation* iu Burke, Greene and other counties in Georgia. Also, several gold, cop per, and silver mining interests. Persons desiring to buy or sell Real Estate of any "kind. Houses and Lots, Storks, Ac. will do well to give him a call, as he Intends to make Ills office a medium for sale and purchase of all kinds of real estate. Of fice .in Warren Range, Jackson Street, near the comer of Broad street. JAMES M. DAVISON, my# cly Land Agent and Real Estate Broker FOR SALE, MV FARM in Cobb county, of 440 acres of land, three and a half miles east from Marietta. There is on it a com sortable Farm House with out-build:ugs; also. Corn Cribs, Carriage House and Stables, a fine Orchard of various Fruit Trees, a never-failing Spring of pure water; also, a Well. Ap ply to Ma. M Y EltS. on the premises, Maj. G. BRYAN, Augusta, L. -1. MYERS. Charleston, or to jy29 c3m OCTAVUS COHEN & CO.. Savannah. BAGGING, ROPE, &C. FIVE hundred bales Gunny BAGGING ; . r 4lo coils Machine ROPE; 400 “ Ifandspun “ 500 half coils “ 1,000 bags Rio COFFEE ; 100 “ Java and Laguuym COFF EE ; 1,000 kegs y AILS. assisted 4 to 40d ; 100 hints. SUGAR; 200 bbls. Crushed and Clarified SUGAR ; 100 »* SYRUP: 100 lihds. MOLASSES. For sale low by HAND. WILLIAMS fir GRAVES, _ au!4 No. V. rr . • . BROUGHT TO JAIL, J\ Llncolnton, Lincoln count}', Ga., this day, a mulatto Bov. about twenty or twenty-five year* of age, about five and'a half f>et high, quick spoken, and says he belongs to James Gardiner, at the Carolina Railroad depot. In Augusta, Ga., and says his name is Macsmlth. Also, brought to same jail, about ten week* ago, a Fellow, of very black complexion, small statue, five feet one inch high, ar.d robust—says he is a blacksmith; named William, and be longs to Gen. John Howard. Graharavllle, S. C. The owners of said Negroes are requested to come forward, prove property, and take them away. LUCIUS COLEMAN, Jailor, L. C. August 4,13G7. cS au7 Albert €owntg. ELBERT SHERIFFS SALE. WILL be so!d, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER v 1 next, before the Court House door In Elbert county, within the legal sale hours, a tract of Land in said county, tout .lining one hundred and thirty acres, more or less, adjoin ing lands of A. H. Ginn, Thomas M. Hilly, and others, the same being the tract whereon John Tucker formerly lived; levied on by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the Justice's Court of the 201st District, G. M., in favor of John Duncan vs. said John Tucker. Property pointed out by Wm. R. Hand rick. Levy made and returned to me bv William P. Ginn, a con>ta ble. jyßo J. G. NELMS, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. AGREEABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Elbert county, will be sold, before the Court House door oi said county, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER Eext, within the usual ho irs of sale, a tract of Land in said county, belonging to the estate of W illiam Bumes, late of said county, deceased, on the waters of Beverdam Creek, adjoining lands belonging to John Duncan, and others, containing one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less. Sold for the benefit of the heir* of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. BEX JAM IN F. HAYNES, Adm’r. BURKE COUNTY.—Whereat, James K. McElmurray applies for Letters of Administration on the estate of benjamin S. Cox, late of said countv. deceased— J *'**are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in September next, and show cause, if any tliuyhiive, why said letters hould not be fronted. w ttDJM my Imnd, at offlee in Wajuesboro’, this 2Ttli day of Jalv, lS5i, JyjQ_ EDWAHI) UARLICK. Ordinary. GiaORGKA, ELBERT COCKTY.—Whereas,Goorge Al exander applk-a to me ror I.ettem of AdminintratlonV with the wilt annexed, on the estate of Wltlt.Lrn Alexander, late of said county, deoeased— These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and cred.tora of said dt'ceased, to be and appear at mv office, within tlie time prescribed by law, and show cause. If any they have, why saia letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at offlee In Elherton. this SMh day of July, l&n. .1)30 WM. 11. EDWARDS,Ordinary. Kti l V’ ELBEiVt COUNTY:_WhereasTMMT llu-hes applies to me tor Letters of Administration, with tne will annexed, on the estate of Alexander Hughes, late o! said countv, dect used— tocite Wl admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said dert'ased, to be and appear at mv office, within the time pr<*scrlbed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, i G.ven midermy hand, at office In Elherton. this 25th day of July, 1857. jy3o WM. H. EI)WARDB, Ordinary-^ ELBERT COUNTY.—Whereas, Augustus W ansley. Executor of the last will and testament of Thomas VS ansley, late of said county, deceased, applies to me forl^^ers of Duunlsslon— i nusc nre, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to he and appTar at the Court of Ortllnarv, to bo held in and for suht countv, on the first Mimduy in Fenruary next, ami show cause, ii any they have, why said letters should not be granted J . < ,' ive ,‘.!."" Jt ' r my Imnd, at offlee hi Elherton. this2.td day of July. 18ii. JySB WM. H. EDWARDS,Ordinary. ra-BBBT (•OUSTY.-Wh.Toa'sDun»tonß. \ trdell. Administrator de boms non. with the will an nexed, on the estate of VV illam Rich, Jr., late of said county, deceased, applies for Letter* Dismissory— } them««, todte and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appSir be! f® re the Lourt of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the flrst Monday In I ebruary next, ar.d shmv cause, if any thev have, why said Letters should not be granted. . V iv ™.7 nd ' r m y , h „ and ' ln Elherton. this 15th day of July. 1807. tyl9 WM. H. EDWARD.-, Ordinary, GhOHIIU, ELBERT COUNTY—Whereas, the estate || of Angeliue Gray is unrepresented— • ev,’ 1 . t o £ ite . a a n( ? admonish, all and singular, tht kindred and creditors of said deceased, to Ik* and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, whv letters of administration on said estate should not be granted to the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other competent person. t 9 |V^L- Inder 1 nder at ln Flberton, this 16th nay of ; July.lMi, lyli W. H. EDWARDS. Ordinary, I'AKOmJIA. ELBERT COUNTY—Whereas, Dozier . VT fhornton applk* to me for Letters of Guardlanslp for the person and property of Priscilla, E. Hunt, a minor heir of Sion Hunt— i .1 These are, therefore, to rite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred of said minor, and all persons interested, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. ' . 9 ,ve .s.S* der my hand, at offlee In Elherton. this 16th dayof f July, 1857. J) 16 W. 11. EDWARDS, Ordinary, f ftIJOgGIA, .ELBERT COUNTY—Whereas, Wm. Huh AT dngton and Wm. R. Ilailc y, Exciters of the last will and testament ot William Ward, late of said county, deceased , apply for Letters Disraliwory— ’ , ~ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred, and other persons lut'TiSud, to he and appear be fore the Court of Ordinary, to he held in aud for said county, r ?, u i Monday in December next, and show cause, U any r Hit-y have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand, at offlee in Elherton. this 18th day of r May, 1857. my2l WM. H. EDWARDS,Ordinary-. - / 1 EORGI ELBERT COUNTY—At the October Term v of the Court of Ordinary or* said county, 1867,1 shall ap . ply to said Court for leave to sell all the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Ira Christian, late of said county, de -1 ceased. jy3o WILLIAM T. VANDUZEK, Adm’r. QIXTY DAYS afterdate application w ill be made to the IT) Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Elbert countv, for leave to sell a Tract of Land in said county, belonging to the f estate of Zach-riah Dickerson, kite of said county, deceased JOHN DICKERSON, ). , , au9 JOHN T, DiCKEKBON,) Adm ;8 - UIXTY DAYH after date, application will be made to the C Honorable the t’ourt. of Oratnary of Elbert county, fi.r leave tJ» M-lj aJI the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate &( John Haley, 1 saut county, dweeased. FR \ aula G a INEB, t » _««• ASAS. BIINK, j Adln "■ I\TOTI< IK.—All persons Indebted to the estate of John Ha ll ley, late of Elbert county, deceased, are requested to make Immediate payment; and all persons having demand* against said estate, v. ill render them In. duly authenticated. In term*of the Law, to FRANCES GAINER,) . , , BONE, ) A(lm TV'O'l’U'K—All persons indebted to the estate of Michael Xx Herndon, late of Elbert countv, deceased, an* requested to make immediate payment; and ail persons having demand* against said estate, Will render them in duly authenticated, in terms ot the law, to BENJAMIN HERNDON,) . , . _Jy2 THOMAS J. HERN DON,} Adm ra - Sarah A. Jones) vt. > Georgia, Elbert County.—Libel for Divorce. Moses Jones. ) IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found ir. the county of Elbert ; and It being represented to the Court that said defendant re sides out of the limit* of the State of Georgia, it Is Ordered by the Court, That service of the above bill be perfected on the defendant, by publication of tills order ln one of the ga zetts of thl* State, to wit: the Constitutionalist, once a mouth for four month* before the next term of thl* Court. A true extract from the minute* of the Superior Court, at March Term, 1867. BENJAMIN SMITH. Clerk. ljiu-im (Smcwncl Ccumtn. EXECUTORS’ SALE. AGREKMILE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Emanuel county, will be sold, before the Court House In the town of Swaiusboro’. on the first Tuesday in SEP fKM HER next, within the usual hours of sale, one tract of Land belonging to the estate of Absalom Turner, late of said oomity, deceased, containing four hundred acre*, more or less, originally granted to Simon Deal, ami adjoining land* of David ( oleinan and James J. Cowart. Sold for the benefit of the creditors. Term* will be made known on the dayof sale. Purchasers to pay for title*. ALEXANDER W. ATKINSON,) . Jy is JOHN L. TURNER, ’{ Lx rs. KOIIGI\, EMANUEL COUNTY—WI,mas. Whory \ X l 'ouzwy applies to me for Letters of GuanlluMlllp for the m rson and liropert.y of Murtlu Roberts, minor heir of Miles Koiterts. deceased— 'Un seare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred, and all other persons concerned, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the flrst Monday in August next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at offlee iu Swains* boro’, this 12th day of June, 1857. '• 11. K EN N El >Y. < n ( * EOHGI \, r.MAMKI.nir.VTY. T Cross, Administrator, de bonis nor. . n tlie estate of Sarah Johnson, deceased, applies to me for Letter* <,{ Dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and all other persons concerned, to be and ttnpear before the Court of Ordinary, on or by the first Monday iu De cember next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under uiy hand and official signature, tills the 30th day of April, 1857. 7 my» GIDEON H. KENNEDY, Ordinary. \ : .>.iTii.i l itt 3 Libel fbr Divorce, ia Superior William Pitt. ) Court, March Term, 1857. IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in this comity, audit further appearing that he does not reside in this State, it is, on motion. Ordered , That said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court, or that the case be considered in default, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed, and that the Clerk have this order published once a month for four months in one of the publie gazetts of this State. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Swainsboro’, this 3th dav of May 1857. myl7 ' GIDEON 11. KENNEDY. Clerk. ELBERTON MALE ACADEMY. THE Fall Term of this Institution opens on MONDAY, the 3d day of August, under the superintendence of John* A. Fbkn*chard, A. M. 10 As an evidence of his ripe scholarship. Mercer University re cently conferred upon him the degree of Matter of Arts. From our knowledge of his success a* a Teacher, we recom mend him to the patronage of the public. The following are the rates of Tuition for tlie .Scholastic 3d (’lass—Spelling, Reading and Wriling sn> 00 2d Class—ln addition to the above. Arithmetic, Geo graphy and English Grammar 24 00 Ist Class- Together with the foregoing. Ancieut Lan guages. Mathematics aud Science* 82 00 For Fuel l Mr. Frenchard Is prepared to take anv number of Boarders at the low price of Ten Dollars per month. THOMAS W. THOMAS, WILLIAM B. WHITE. L. H. O. MARTIN, JETT THOMAS. HENRY I‘. MATTOX, JOHN H. JONES. WM. M. MeJNTOSH, Aug. 1,1357. »u 9 c2m Trustees. _*■' ' h:> A ‘ H. H. GOODMAN & CO., No. 7 Wall Street, New York, BARKERS AND DKALUItS in Hallway, City, County and State Bonds. Rails. Locomotives, Ac. Every description of Railway Equipments and Supplies promptly furnished, and at manufacturers’ price*. Agents for the Taunton Locomotive Manufacturing Co. LAW NOTICE. THE undersigned have formed a Partnership under the name and style of Oxaham & Maher, for the practice of Law and Equltv. In Barnwell District, S. C. Office and residence of both are at Barnwell C. 11.. S. C. WINCHESTER GRAHAM, JOHN J. MAHER. Mr. Graham wlii attend to any business which may be confi ded to him in the DWtrcts. jyi2 Taliaferro Countn. TALIAFSRRO COUNTY—WTiereM, OB H“« ri 'i. O^lrton^ Eiecu l o '-. ort “' lastw lH and teataraentof 't ' rTSSi ? ece ¥« 1 ' h “! “MIC application to me for anne™ at I)^*Ujwon from tlie Adinuifitration of *Ud de .JSffii ir :'- thc-rofore, to cite and admonish all and sinenlar. the kindred andcredltors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv offlee, on the first Mondav in December next and' haVe ' Why “ i<l !ettCT3 ot should not be Given hinder my hand, at offlee in Crawfordvllle this 1 uh dayof May, 1807. mylj QUINEA g.NEAL Ormnarv^ KOBOIA. TALIAKERRO COUNTT— Whereas A1 fred Moore Administrator on the estate of Marxaret Evans, late of said county, deceased, has made application to me for Letters of Dismission from said estate : v These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office, on or before the flrst Monday in August nextTtheu and there to show cause, if any they have, why said iettere should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Crawfordvllle, this 24th dav of January, 1857. jan27 QUINE A O'NEAL, Ordinaiy. Georgia, Taliaferro county.—where;* sin. gletou Harris and Joel G. W. Taylor. Administrators on the Estate of Albert R. Taylor, late of said county, deceased, have made application to me for Letters of Dismission from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the fir.-t Monday in August next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given uuder mv hand, at office In Crawfordvllle, January 12, 1857. jaril4 QUINE A O’N EA L, Ordinary. _ CJIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Taliaferro county, for leave to sell all the real estate of Anderson E. Moore, late of said county de ceased. WM. ALEXANDER, au!3 Adminlatrator. SIXTY DAY'S afterdate, application will bo made to the Ordinary of Taliaferro county, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of William L. Morgan, late of said county, deceased. Jy23 JOEL G. W. TAYLOR. Adm’r. Columbia €oimtj). COLUMBIA SHERIFFS SALE YlflMj BE SOLD, before the Court House door. In the 11 town Appling, Columbia county, on the first Tuesday m SEPTEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, one Negro man by the name of Isaac, dark complexion, about t hirty years old. levied ou as the property of Thomas W. Olive, to satisfy three fl. fas. iMulog from Columbia Superior Court, in favor of George M. Magruder vs. said Benjamin Bartlett John Moore, John L. Bartlett, Thomas W. Bartlett, and Thomas W. Olive. Also, six fl. fas. issuing from a Justice’s Court of No. six. in favor of H. D. Leitner, G. Jk Holsombak, and G. M. Magruder vs. T. W. Bartlett. John L. Bartlett and Thomas W. Olive. Levy made and returned tomebyClal bouni Revel, constable. Jy3o BENJAMIN ADAMS, Sheriff. GEORGLY, COLUMBIA COUNTY Whereas, John Boston and R. W. Boston Administrators on the estate of Mary Boston, deceased, applies for Letters Dismiasory from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, if any they have, why saiu letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand, at offlee in Appling, this 3d day of August, 1857. au6 A. COL YARD, Ordinary. nTORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas, Wm. B. VA Tindall, Executor of the estate of Gamnill Flanagin, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my offlee, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any thev have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at offlee in Appling, this 30th day of July, 1857. aul A, COL YARD, Ordinary, C GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.-Whereas, Edward Jf Dar&ey, Administrator on the estate of David Standford, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission : Theee are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, , the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my offlee within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling. . Jy2S A, COLVACT, Ordinary. {GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas, Levi Bollard applies tome for Letters of Administration on " tli«‘ estate of Samuel Bollard, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ■ my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, I if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. • Given under my hand, at office In A ppling. _ j>*2o A. COL YARD, Ordinary. Georgia, Columbia county.—whereas, Ran dolph Newson, Administrator on the estate of Amos New - ' son, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular 1 the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appeared my office within the time prescribed bv law, and show uiute, if - any they have, why said letter* should not be granted, i Given under my hand, at office in Appling. '• Jyll A. COLYARD, Ordinary. (N EORIiIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.-Wlareas. Charles W T. Bayleb*. Administrator on the estate of M. A. Bayless, " late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dieinlssory on e said estate— r These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, ? the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to bo and appear at my offlee v, itlihi the time prescribed bv law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at offlee in Appling, this Ist day of June, 1857. .M A. COLVARD, Onihiary. Georgi v, Columbia county^-’whereas. George W . Tool e. Administrator on the astatc of George O. Toolo, lat*- of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismisoory on said estate— These are*, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, If any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office iu Appling, this 7th dayof April, 1957. aplO A. COLVARD, Ordinary. SIXTY’ DAY'S after date, application will be made to tl.s Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to *ell all the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Alfred St urges, late of said county, deceased. JM.U MARY M. ST URGES. ECx, SIXTY' DAY S after date application wiit be made to the Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the estate of (Aiarles Y. WUkereon, deceased. B. B. WILKERSON,) _au« Q C. MCHAItDB, j ‘YJOnCBr-AU MtsOtt* Indebted to the estate of Charles Y. lAI WUkeraon. late of Columbia county, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment; and those having de mand* against the same, are requested to render them in, duly attested, within the time required by law. B. B. WILKERSON,) auS C. C. RICHARDS, ( Aam ra - DAYS after date application will be made to the ► a Honorable the Ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell one hundred acres of Laud, more or less,’ situate, lying and being iu the county aforesaid, on Sweet Water Creek, ad joining lands of John E. Langford, Martin Grenade and Rich ard W. Jones, and others, the same being the dower portion of the real estate of Beniamin Watson, deceased. _au6 _ JESSE WATSON. Adm’r X[OTI(!E.-A!I persons indebted to the estate of John lAI Crawford, late of Columbia county, deceased, are notified to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said estate, to render’them in. duly attested, within the time . prescribed by law. THOMAS J. CRAWFORD, Adm’r. ■:yll • CLOSING UP BUSINESS. nKHIftOUH of bringing the Druggist and Apothecaries business to a close at an early period, my present stock l* offered for sale, at either wholesale or retatt, and at very re duced prices for cash. A splendid opportunity is given to Planters, Merchants, Physicians and dealer* to obtain BAR GAINS, if they will purchase at a fraction over costs ami charges. Delay not. WM. HAINES, aut elm City Drug Store, 217 Broad Street. A. ATCHISON, ~ Bookseller, No. 93 Duane Street, New York. WILL send to order, any where, hi.* usual .spicy and fancy 11 publications. Ac. None may hesitate to apply for any work whatever wanted, as every request Is instantly and faith fully honored. Catalogues forwarded, ou re ceipt of a three entst imp fbi pre-payment of postage, titan myflfi HIWASSEE COLLEGE, Monroe Co., Term wITI’VTIOX in the country, 2 l <. mile? from Mudisonvllle. n I’aoci.tv— Rev. .1. H. BKUNKR, A. M„ Pres.; SA.M’L. S. DOAK, Esq., A. li.. Viet-Pres.* .Tutor. Tuition #lO. Board #1.50 to #2. Volumes ln Libraries 1100. Students last year 100. Large new Boarding House going up. Tie* Fall Session be. ins September Ist. ap2*» ctSeptl J. F KEY. Sec’v. RHEUMATISM CURED. JOYFUL NEWS TO RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS. Oil the amount of suffering that has been endured, and the | thousands of deaths that have occurred for the want of a proper and timely remedy for this dreadful disease which Is invariably found fn LtNCIPS ANTI-RIIEUMATIC POWDERS, Ihe only sure ;uid radical cure yet discovered. Sec circular and the* following CERTIFICATES; 1 do hereby certify, that aft it suffering for thirty-three year*, with the roost exciuciating pain troiu Chronic Rheumatism, and finding no permanent, relief from any of the many pre scriptions given me by different physicians, 1 am now entirely well, not only of Rheumatism itself, but likewise of its effects. This cure was effected by a preparation styled Linch’s Anti- Rheumatic Powders. Os these Powders I took two dozen, and have not had any symptoms of my old mins for throe years. The effect upon me was like magic. Within three days after 1 had taken the first powder, my pains disappeared, and 1 have been entirely clear of them up to the present time. To all suffering from Rheumatism 1 do heartily recommend these powders: confidently believing that you have only to give them a trial to secure a lasting cure. Most respect full v, Eutonton, April 22,1855. JOHN LINCH. I have no hesitation in saying, that after having suffered for upward* of thirty years of'Rheumatism in the most dreadful form—first in my toes, then in my thumbs, wrists and knees, and lastly, most excruciatingly, in my neck, I took two or three dozen of Llnch’s Anti-Rheumatic Powder*, and notwithstand ing 1 am old and my constitution much shattered, I have re ceived the greatest benefit from them Imaginable: mv relief from suffering and puin, 1 cannot attribute to anything but the Powders, for 1 have tried everything in vain, that friends could suggest or physicians prescribe. I would therefore eam-stly recommend them to every sufferer of this dreaded disease, let him be old or young, Yours, respectfully. Eutonton, April 2,1555. ROBERT MYKICK. i am happy to state, for the benefit of those' who arc afflicted with Rheumatism, that a perfect cure has been effected hi the person of a negro man of mine, by Llnch’s Anti-Kheuinatic Powders, The said boy having suffere d with it incessantly tor twenty vears, lost at least one-third of his time until he took the above powders. Since which time, now nearly two years he has been a valuable and constant field hand, nvwarJg' Jy suffered with Rheumatism since, to tlie best of my knowledge, and I take pleasure in recommending v -swfirrif April 10,1853. MILDRED L. COLLINGSWOKIII. I can safely testify to the efficacy of Llnch’s Anti-Rheumatic Powder* bavin" been entirely cured of the Rheumatism by#ne box. some three:yeomrinci-. after having with It fort-even previous years. LACr iULLUvuaw. February 5,1857. son. within our personal knowledge in which tlieee Powdck U. Stephen BM^U. Dr. R. A dam*. Thomas Respe**. Michael Dennis. and otners. Sold, whole&ile and retail, by the Proprietor, J. G. GIBSON, M New York, and EuUiaWc, aad ail resperiatii Dnigjiets ia city aad ocuntry. »laa Jy24 The Supreme Court. The following cases hare been disposed of, vis: Wm. J. Hatch, Plaintiff in Errors m. the State of Georgia, Defendant in Error—Misdemeanor, from Spalding Superior Court. Judgment affirm ed. Floyd for Plaintiff; Solicitor-General for De fendant. Wm. Lowe, Plaintiff in Error ts. Alexander 8. Brooks, Administrator, Defendant in Error—Equi ty, from Upson Superior Court. Judgment af firmed. C. T. Goode for Plaintiff'; J. M. Smith for de fendant. The case of Barksdale c#. Hopkins, et. aL, from Upson, remains undecided. The following named gentlemen were admitted, on Monday last, to plead and practice as members of the bar, viz : W. W. Murrell, J. W. Smith, and c - T. Goode, Esqs.— Atlanta American, Aug. 14. Tax List of Jackson County. 1 a he , Collector of Jackson county has hand ed us the following: [ Number of Polls j 81 y » “ “ Professions ” ';g 1 - “ free persons of color .6 Number of slaves 3 “ “ children 'jgg :„ /' “ acres of Land 230,M2 1 alue of land *1,149,93* ' „. town property 36 26! > alue of slaves 1 543 94* ■ Money and solvent debts *590*802 ! Merchandise 40’,257 Manufactories 540 Household, over S3OO 1180 ! Other property * ’ 250 865 Whole property ’. 3,622*,808 Whole property, after deducting $200.. 3,411,343 Tax on polls, professions, Ac 424 25 Athens Banner , Aug. 13. Franklin Collbgb.—At the recent meeting of the Board of Trustees of this Institution, the Hon. Joseph E. Brown. Democratic candidate for Gov ernor, was, on motien ofHon. B. H. Hill, American candidate for the same office, elected to All a va cancy in that body. The vacant chairs of natural sciences and orato ry have been filled by the election to the first of Dr. Jos. Jones, of Savanah, and to the second R. M. Johnson, Esq., of Sparta. Athens Banner, Aug. 13 tk. We are informed that the Rev. T. B. Cooper who was recently appointed to the chair of Belles- Lettres in the Georgia Female College, made va • cant by the resignation of the Rev. C. W. Stevens, has accepted the appointment, and will enter upon his duties early in January next. Madison, Tlsit&r, Aug. 15. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 10.—The wife of General Leslie Combs died in this city to-day, after a fin gering illness. Gen. C. was elected a member of f our Legislature at the late election. Chicago, August 12.—St. Paul dates to the 9tii 1 state that a resolution had been offered in the ' Democratic convention in session there, to appoint , a committee to confer with the Republican branch. ’■ to make a compromise for the submission of the Constitution to the people. It was lost by thre* majority. The subject is to come up again aud will probably be adopted. i A band of fifteen disaffected Chippewa Indiana • are plundering the settlers on the North of St. . Paul’s. 1 Washington, Aug. 12.—Lieut. Maxwell has been ’’ ordered to the sloop-of-war Cyane. Lieut. Thos. C. Harris has been detached from the receiving ship at Philadelphia, and Lieutenant “ McCauley has been ordered to relieve him. Surgeon Addison has been detached from th*? Cyane, and Surgeon Wheelright has been‘ordere<i to relieve him. if Surgeon Barclay had been ordered to the receiv ing ship at Boston. instructions have been issued to the Surveyors - General of Kansas and Nebraska to prepare apro per plat of the survey for the tract of land hereto n lore ceded to the Presbyterian board of foreign missions, in order that a patent may be issued J therefor. If The President returned this evening from Bed* f ford Springs. New Orleans, Aug. 11.—The weather has been ‘ very wet. The deaths during the week have been ? only ninety-eight. New Hope, Aug. 11.—A break in the Delaware division of the Pennsylvania canal below here, m r reported. U will r«c\uLto tea dikye to repair tb« • damage. GROVE MOUNT ACADEMY,” ~ ► Near Green'* Cut , Ai*gv *ta and Savannah Railroad. EXKRCISL* rivumcd TUESDAY MOKNiNG, Septess ber 8, at B>s o’clock. A large lot of interesting books d*. tribute*! gratis to those pupils present at that hour. MUm UniauA Sherman will assist in the Literary Depart nient, and give lessons in French. Music, Drawing aud Needle f work. I Board, sl2 per month ; washing and lights extra. 1 au!2 ctSepß JAS. E. PALMER. PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE subscriber offer* for sale his PLANTATION In Jef ferson county, containing twelve hundred acre*, more or less, about half cleared, the bala ce in the woods, and heavy timbered. Any person wishing to buy. can buy the cheaper* plantation in the countv. Call and see the place. febl ctf E. W. JOHNSON. COTTON PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offersfor sale, the PLANTATION on wtn<A he resides, situate In the county of Early, six miles south of Blakely, on the never-failing streams of Blue and Dry Greek*, adjoining the plantations ot A. H. McLaws, W.C. Cook, lira. Jordan, and others. It contains eighteen hundred acres, of • which one thousand is of the '■best oak and hickory, and d« hammock, the balance good lime pine land and reclaimakte swamp; four hundred acres cleared and under cultivation ; House and Screw, Bams, Cribs, Negro Houses, Dwelling, all necessary plantation buildings, in good order. This plantation Is well known, and is admitted to be one of , the best in the county of Early. Com, cotton seed, stock. can be purchased with the plac<L Poss»-ssicn given January, 1368. BENJ. L. WOLFEL ian24 eoctf Blakely, ua, KERRISON & LEIDING, ' ( IMPORTERS OF FANCY DRY GOODS, SILKS, LINENS, HOSIER*. EMBROIDERIES, Ac., No. 11l Meeting opposite liavne Street, I * CHARLESTON, S. C* E. L. KKRUISON. | HERMANN LEIPrVU, aul cly WOODLAWN FOR SALE. npilE subscriber, desirous of moving West, offers for saA JL WOt JDLAWN. formerly the residence of the Hoc. Wm. If. Crawford, deceased, lying on the Athena branch of the Georgia Railroad, in view of the Lexington depot. Said plaoe. containing two thousand and sixty oue acres of Land, with a handsome Residence and all necessary out buildings, all in' good repair. Also, a very choice selection of Fruits of all de scriptions. There is a fair proportion <>f timbered and bottom land on the place. Terms easy. SHELTON OLIVER. ,iv3o ctOl Athens Banner w .October. STOP THE THIEF. IMFTY DOLLARS REWARD.—William M. Drakk, who had been committed on a charge of grand larceny* made his escape lroin the jail of Oglethoriie county, on night of the 23d Inst. Stud Drake is al.out thirty -two or thirty - three years old. dark hair and eyes, and weighs’ over two hun dred pounds. The above reward will be paid for bis apprehen sion and delivery into any sale iailsoth. heeanbe brought back to stand Ms trial. JOILN C. REID. Philomath. Qa. c 4 jy29 TO GARDENERS GENERALLY. MANY varieties of GARDEN SEEDS may now be plant ed, for fall use, and there is more reliance on their pre ducts than when planted in the spring. The early varieties of Peas planted now will undoubtedly produce finely by October, Also, Snap Beans, the varieties of Turnips, Kale, Earlv Ca‘ bags. ■ Lettuce, Celery, for spring use, Mustard, for wiuter, and the . Long Greeu Collards. A supply for sale at the store of au4 elm WM. HAINES, Augusta, Gh. ! MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. r AT AUGUSTA, GA. , fIIHR Twenty-sixth Cour«c of Lectures in this Institution . i will commence on MONDAY, the 2d of November next. 1 Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, G. M. Newton, M.D. 5 Anatomy, II.F. Campbell. M. D. ImSSw^ndi’rartkvof'Mwiidro. 1.. D. For[>, M. D. r Materia Mcilica, Therapeutics ami Medical Jurlsprudeua-. 1. i. 1 (tbstetrica atid Dlsewes of Women and Infants, J. A. Kvt. U and Fathologlcal Anatomy, H. V. M. Miua, f ‘ Vhcmlstry ar.d Pharmacy. Ai rx. Mkass. M. I). e Wemonstiator of Anatomy. Iloor. Uurnu, M. D. i A~d*tant Demonstrator.S.B.Stvvoxii, M.D. , Adjunct to Professor of Surgery, W. J. Holt, M. l>, t clinical Lectures will be delivered by the Faculty la the Citv and Jackson street Hospitals. Pee for the whole course $lO5 00. ; Matriculation Ticket, (to be taken once) 0 00. For further particulars, apply to any member ofthe Faculty, or to auti otd I. P. GARVIN, Dean. WILKINSON & FARGO OFFER* at the old stand of M. & R. Wilkinson— J>9 hhils. Muscovudo and Porto Rico SUGARS; 106 bbls. Refined, Coffee, A. B aud U “ 30 ** Crushed aud Powdered “ 50 hhds. Cuba MOLASSES; 20 l»bls. New Orleans prime early crop SYRUP; 50 half bbls. “ “ “ “ *• 000 kegs N AILS and BRADS, assorted: 500 bags Rio. Java ami other COFFEES ; 200 bbls. LIQUORS, W INES aud CORDIALB. vm‘4.; 150 bales heavy Gunny BAGGING ; 500 coils Bale ROPE, assorted qualities; 100 “ Jute and Manilla ROPE, assorted dees; TOBACCO: TEA ; SEOAK3; CANDLES ; BOAP: A«. \y*L do*c6 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. TIIK above rewan.l will be paid for my boy JOHN, aibu* ALFRED, if caught and lodged In the Augusta Jaih or delivered at my plantation in Burke county ; or Fifty Doll** If caught and lodged In any other safe jail so that I can him. lie is of light complexion, likely, and weighs about one hundred and seventy pounds. He was raised in Wilkes coun ty, Georgia, dlasts U. i>. GP.B&NWOOD.