Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, December 09, 1857, Image 7

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Jm Burke County. £■' ADMINISTRATORS SALE. ILL be sold, on the fourteenth day of JANUARY. « ff 1868, at the plantation of the late Beverly llandie. i-te §■ of Burke .county, deceased, all the perishable property, eou timing of Horses, Mules. Cattle. Hops, Corn, F<-Mer. A ... be - H longing to the estates of 1». Handle and Mrs. Marin T-r.-aace. - ■ * JOHN R. ST URGES. L AjMnlgtnttr* of B. Randle B-nd Mrs. Mar: kit Torrance, 9 TEUSTEE'S SALE. ‘B \TILL be Sf.ld, on 111,-first Tuesday in JANUARY, I=o3. rl before the Court House dm.r m Waynesboro'. Burke f B rcounty, between lire usual hours of sale, the following ur'p * erty. to wit: six hundred v i twenty Oo.o; acres of Leu J, ly. {■wauldmuav, a*i.Mttii;g lai:,i* ~f Ellen Hwhres. £. P„i:. '■-Jet*. James Grubbs. Sr. Also, the following Negroes vir • B Henry, a man about forty years of age: Luein.la. a »o:t;.u: B .about thlny-lre years old. and her child, an infant. Said B'property Mod in pursuance ot a decree in Equity, a. the pr n- Brtrty of the trust estate of Daniel (!. White. Terms on tile of «alo. dec-3 HENRY WHITE. Trustee. ■ BUEKE SHERIFFS SALE. ■ VV OX be sold, ou the first Tuesday in JANUARY, 1553. ■ ; " hi the town of \\ aynvsboru’, Pit ween the ufliial hours B* o ' Sf’-e, two liundrcd (20b) acres of land, more or less. in Burke IBttnflty. adjoining lands of Wright Reynolds and :i.v Lowrv of land, and the Scriven line, levied on as the property < f ar >* A. Beet on, to satisfy sundrv fi. issued from a Ma s Court of the Slst District. G. M., in favor . f Joseph W. ' vs * P ar } l* vClon ail d Lewis Beet on. Property out by the Plaintiff. Lew made and returned to rue wyaConstable. RICHARD W. ROGERS, Inp.sh’ff. decl M BURKE SHERIFF S SALE. be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY, 1353, \ before the Court House d*>or in the town of Wavnes- Burke county, between the usual hours of sale, one tine. Bull, levied on as the property of Elijah D. lUr-ins >n, satisfy a fi. fa. front Burke Superior Court, in favor of Ed- Palmer vs. Elijah D. Robinson. Property pointed out aintiff. dec* 11. J, BLOUNT. Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALeT , and by virtu.* *.f ar, order from tin- HonoraVv the Court of Ordinary' of Burke county, will he gold. In--ore B* Court House door m Waynesboro’, in said count v. between hours of sale, on the first Tuesday-in JANUARY Stt. the following Rogers, lute of said county, deceased, to wit: of * and lit slid county of Burke, containing *ix hun i and tUirty-rix i*vit>) acres, no .re or less, ]>in* on Savannah * near ilhell Bluff, adjoining lands of D’Aniignac, Tims. and rhomas Co sn ah an. eight hundred (S'JO) a res. more or less, in said countv, on Mcßean creek, ad wining Jeremiah Hurst, Ilopkms, Mixon, ami Robert Knight. , sixteen Negroe*. viz: Isaac. 21 voars obi: Mina, 4‘; 10; Ben. 40; Nanny 3ft; Solomon, 11: Harrv. It; l 2; Jack. S ; Phill, ; Hannah, 2 ; binder, to; Mose.s, Telia, 15; Bett,l2; Jim, 6t>. Terms on the day of sale. chase is to pay for tit lee. THOMAS ROGERS,’Adm’r. „^Hnovs JM ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WIU. be sold, at the late residence of Benjamin S, Cox, .W deceased, late of Burke countv, on Tuesday, tin- lift, enth DECEMBER next, the Perishable property belong. to add estate, consds’ing of Corn, Fodder. Mules, Cows stock Hogs, Plantation Tools, and other articles . to mention. Sale to continue from day to dav un- U sold. Terms on the day. JMfvS .1A MES K. MoELMUKRAY, A.lm’r, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. virtue of an order of the H notable the Court of Drd:- rv nary of Burke county, will be sold, on the first Tu sd »y ■f* U AK ' ; HieC-■ art House door hi tin. town belonging to the* estate' oVtiie' I at'.- 1 .b>VpVNun!z, trie of color. nov?s HUGHES WALTON. Adm’r. i, BURKE < ’<>UNTY -tV.-nav KiUnl ,^^Ete«l*f?)i !S < - : ,T ,!, f MI ° f 8 ,75 ,l t \ WhKtleld. applies and all otlier j.ersons inter. .ste<l, to be and' mrHar il the Court of Ordinary, to >« held in and for said < ountv, . 1. second Monday in January next, and show cause, if unv why s:ud Udterssliotdd m.tbejpjinted. November, 1557.' EDWARP OARI.rCK, Ordinary. (]WHtiU, nrilKE COUNTY. .\Vhm». i;: : ,7rM 11- Dtanin.l'.ii from Will GuarJhu'ihl|'lfl ’ n ' ’ lu ' nlb.ih* r JH-rM.ix h!t”nllti*l, !" I.V-' ,r,.i jpji'l,'" j*' i;irv next,-how lu*'. If any hand, at u'ifliii'iii VVayße»h<i’m', this loth -2*L ’ EDWARD GARI.JCK, Onllnary. IjUKKE • IOUS TV ... Ilal.l vin B. li. Itai.lv. 't-xx-igM-l. apj.ly 1..r Lettcn Iq.niitv said Adtninistrttiiui— *he3^K e j a a‘’ Uu TH fotx ‘* tn cite and admonish all and sb.gulaU t* ,V ’ t*' f i)* M | r ~,' n w' , * s bdere.'t. d. to lie arst Monday in February next Giv^l ls an X £ iir <y " f letters should not be granted of A^^fcltllM7 ay hUrU ’ at offic< ‘ ai " a y ,lt ‘ s boio’, this 11 th day - GARLICR, Ordinary. f ?t' KKB COUNTY—WhorpM. Jau.r, H AitoiliiMtrat..r «n th. elate ..f Ja,„g «-•,* I ■ of Dlmulliipryfrf.il, niW Adnilni.trall.in: 1 t! ‘ e ' h i r *n r^'i c:le a,MI all and .ingular, hot - . " 1 . a - phraoim e nceri eil. tn 1.0 an.l ...... ar . I of ordinary to he 1,.-Id In an.l for .aid : tv . ■vfv SH > * Monday in Dnnater next, an.l.h-.w «, i, any w l.y -.ud letter, ahonlil ... .t he grant..! ' ’ ,U T '-“d. at uflee La \t iv n.:. -,n, I r, . EDWARD G.UII.ICK,' ’ Or . J. .artij^..urvivi-Kr A ! lUralor on «!„• .-.tale . Chari. , «* : '•. *r>r.. ere.ht"ri .T ...nl di- • tn be a-aI a;.., I. . ,ii„ aial f.r »i,‘;Vp Vt V " 11 *'• •" d a-i; Marl'lc^B my h “ 1 " 1 ’ al - w n..i'f!„Tn‘l‘li!i: .-.th day of EDWARD OAKI.ICK, IN v , poynt.-'.t : aid C -.n l.aaing demand. IhBO , arrr ’ J'-trt-d to.vn.hr lh, m ih, d by law. HARLEY R. ATTAWAY. Adm’r. JN Moving den,am 1.. agai n • the e.lal, are rermh^^Bi't kt '- v M. N rnll lat. of H.irke c. nnlv. d,.vaa. d jertned k^Br'? lh **’• d"tv I-. u t‘lr.ll. rftakej V" 1 " M • d t t M.it art re.j «*te<] t afterdate, applitatinn will hen idem the the Rbl^BfiA 1 "- ,\T V " f for leave :.. Mil all ’i.C of , Im ' l l '' MeN'.iriti. A!-.. I .. viz : Hal, Tone and Dave. uov4 Joseph a. siiewmake, —— Administrator of Mary MeNorrill. JS l Indebted to the estate of Miles u.akeimir^BgJ , a Jj te ® nwSit * C '”j l t ‘J y ' , )V cei^ sot, » ur, ‘ requested to Oclo_^^^B ulre “ b y LI \XSW( RTHY ' !lt, " r <*•»*■*•• mn-’i* a* lon "ill be n, „!e In tl- • Real f" r h :iv. t'. -a.'l t:,. -f AMl'g. K. M. ELMURKAY, Adm-r. ■®ctTcrscm sfountn. a I .11-M ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. -A. ' rki * r -r 11 Court of town ’/‘j ; Llio-.n- tn - novs^^B| Ur ' • , " HX "’REN. A n'r. OY SALE. I) or,Je ;' f "’"‘ »"• <• r.f j..f. told, at ti^HK T, L r ;°t n r’ iU ' ' ’ ,i:i > o'er. w: House in ire b.wi. of 'a r * <‘ours of sale, ':i tue fiist i uesd.iv dre.l and nfcxt * oue tr a : ;t . r ' s Land, c<-r;t:.li.::,g two i.■in ond others :icrca. aujoirr: g l-u.-i- of.Judge J. J. B. .wn fI3) years -, e P'V A ’ ,i!l * a, s: :li .o*:t eigitte-:: Soldas f>ur (3 or D yearn of age. 'eased for^^^Bl' erti f Mar.. Holland, iatc o: s-.:d e, ,h - ceased’ benefit of the h* :rs and rredious «,f said dc novn made known on the day of sale. MFCHEAL J. P«»OI- Ad mV. T~>v vtJHlr™E cirroK ' s SALE, 11 and of given in :n. i hv t i.• ■ last wii’. deceased E.of*crt Iloyd. lute of Jeifcrsor. •■ountv. 0:1 «>*• *W T’ln-.lay in JANUARY. Jowlnff nrnr.^^^BP et isl Gie town (,f L -uisvilie. the fob the ;-.W) containing three hundred and no. -ty-two •'-reek ln J e . ffcrson ""Jn?y, on the f -rk of Dry Ti Mr A. Newsome. Sold subject to th'* widow’s to-wiU~ timo arui P' ace * f Having Negro.s, old; and F^^^HI ahout ,P years old ; Ih-nton, .* 17 veur.v •On the tiav y<-‘ars o.d hold for a divG on. Term; novlg M D, Ex’r. ——— _ RUTH W. liuvn F Vx r»v ~-r tIKB i,E XECUTOR'S SALE. testauwn^^BlSe a V tho,^t^^ vell an< * ’ ,v ihe '.a-t will and deceased. James Matt!.« w«. late < f Jeff. r - r ; mi.t Dooly ^ e ourt House door ir. Vienna, interest firs j in HE 'EM BEK t:. xf. th 'twenty, f*22o>^^^Bl#r! CeaSe(l, i 1 nuil! ' ,, ' r two 1. ~;vd and SStSSMf I ', ‘rff *E.-M‘a« u^j rA. l c, t ',:V;i"lwi :,r..t ATLANTA. GEORGIA, miIP ...r-Mf 1 - SIMPSON AW. J. KILLY. TinthSSMfKi I *^*^”"'' the uui.ro;. house. fw the■*"«• “> r- •% P ia„. wbnd r #.xr^rt*i^^^^B^^ ca^‘*:rs r, 7'hv Hr.nM.. MissS.U!VH K’l 11T •»UI * kUS *“ husitiCMiarv Wvli kn./wg vv.i altemi ( - ,r t, will - »:pf >"«* -v ">v «outi -depot on tiieart^^^UlfP o !** w ill ge m atteUuancc at the Two first eac ‘ i tram. are near , where hers-s, car- The r r bird. •to plcSr33n^ML* sk °S}y fo , r atria k asltls their intention traveling rmbU^^^BT 11 a htjerai share of natronage from the o^ AR s D -- conn- HOR>EJo’ghl2i^BE^ ofa .r iial! Sorr “ ! SI’ALLION white with 0 wifh a blaze foe**, both hmi 1- ea iarxer one on the^^Rfi 1 sonrell spot on one of his hind o t. and a a scar on the 1 v, dn , w 2 the hoof. He also hts was not well ourr!^^^^¥ >^l - s left ham, from a risi r gor s >re. and him to limp in "h'" l •>» •”* 'Sky which may caom I will n.y *?f ■ be haa b, en rode hard. M, or foVri.n.'i D' ' Lym reward for the dellrerr of him to Address in safe hands until I can get him. otiJ ciwL' THOMAS M. SMITH. .. Joy's Mills, Burke county, Ga. lUnrrcn County. WARREN SHERIFFS SALE. W<Ll> t* sold, before the Court House door in Warrenton. JSE*?,*!™ 1 * on a s st Tuesday In JANUARY. xb-jo, within the legal hours of sale One House and Lot In the town of Warrenton, adjoining lot? Oi George L. lFrther. Maithew shields, and others, being now r *ccypk*<4 VJ lilmui Ht Whitesides as a grocery store, levied i pn AS the properly of John C. Jennings, to aitisfr fl. i2ju ’*r-ifrom th« Superior atiu Inferior Courta of Warren county, One in favor of Roberts i Cookery vs. Jennings A Riviere, one in favor of John K. Riviere vs. John C. Jennings, one in favor of Lamback & Cooper vs. Jennings & Riviere, two in favor of 1 h*yer & Butt vs. Jennings & Riviere, one in favor of Charles liams vs. Jennings & Riviere, one in favor of C. A. 5 Ulhuns A Son vs. Jennings & Riviere, one in favor ot Thos. H. I . \% right. Administrator upon the estate of James T. Ivev deceased, vs. John C. Jennings and Juhn K. Riviere, security. Above propintyi.iimed out by I'hUi.titr.- Attorney. ALM>—At the s.ime time and place, eight hundred and twenty-three (b2S) acres Pine Land, more or less, in Warren county, adjoining lands of William Dickens, William Bales, and others; one Negro Woman, thirty-seven (37) years old. ar.d her two children, Sam, a boy, about five (5) years old, and a bov, four (4) years old. Levied on as the propeitv of William Kitchens, to satisfy two ti. fas. issuing from the Superior Court of said county, one in favor of James Hinton, Executor, Arc., vs. William Kitchens, James M. Nell and Wll liam M. Kelley, security; and the other in favor of W. W. Anderson and E. S. Latimer, executors, vs. said William Kitchens and Warren G. Hunter; property pointed out by the defendant. ALSO-At the same time and place, one Negro Woman, named Anaca, forty-three (4J; years old, and her child Benja min, one year old. Levied on as the property of Sarah Har rell, to satisfy one fi. fa., issued from the Superior Court of W arren county, in favor of Dawson 6c Skinner vs. Sarah Har rell j property pointed out by the defendant. ALSO—At the same time and place, one house and lot in the town of \\ arrentou, situated on the North side of the road leading from Milledgevilleto Augusta, adjoining the lots of James L. Quuci.berry ami others, levied upon :u the property of the es ate of Mathew C. KilUngsworth, it: the hands of Ma rv A. Ki. hugs worth. Administratrix, upon the estate of Mat thew < Kd! mgs worth, d«ceaaed. to satisfy fi. fas. issuing from the bbtn; district, G. M „ AN ushington county; two in favor of Uir jr L ‘ v *; M •),* Killingsworth, Administratrix; two it: favor of Hudson, N\ ellborn & Pilcher vs. Mary A. Kil lingsworth. Administratrix: :uid one in favor of William B. Smith vs.sold Mary A. Killingsworth. Administratrix. Said evy made and returned to me bv William A. Riveire, Consta ble, of the 425th district, G. ML Warren county ProDertv poinied out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. 7 * rroperty « 1,54,116 tirut “ a,ul place, one negro man. King, about fifty-five (.») years old : one negro man, Sim, about forty \L ir " Olt * * , < ’ sie negro woman named Charity, about flrtv twe/.t v 'r!*’ l ,'ni U^ n i nam' d Hannah, about t went)-six (_•») j ears old, and her two children, one a l»oy. ?iu?iS|ilT!m • yours , ou1 ’ A lick, and one about uiiie wfti, .Levied on as the property of t'n i'" a r i lk *' , s > . su,isf T ,hre e ( a ) A- fiw- issuing from the Superior and luferior Courts of Warren county: one in fa lar C V'? U, )H* & one in ft ,*’*'■ \- * J'du vs. John C. Jennings Zi Co., and i'r\. it v ? r r , L r 4m^ ck * Uooper vs. JuhnC. Jennings A Co. 1 roperty pointed out by the Plaintiffs, * _ deci E. A. BRINKLEY, Sheriff. l’< )STPON E D ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. \V ! U L i? ‘ sol,l, before the Court House do«*r in Warrenton, ,JT t ;' arr l e, ‘ o,l th ? first Tuesday in JANUARY lb.-% three hundred acres or Land, widow’s dower excepted belonging to Urn estate of Elijah Dickens, Sr., deceased ad joKi.ng lands of W.IIIam Bales, Warren G. Hunter, John ( heel), and others. Sold on a credit of twelve months d<>,> * ELIJAH DICKENS Adm’r. H ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. I*?® t if«u n K ? rd l r , °if t* 11 ’ Culinary of Warren countv, *V'vP * l * ", be sold, before the Court House door in the l , Vvf l 'nS ,, i’, " fuid county, on the first Tuesday in ;Vi , Il, 18u Sr bc ! Wden ,he »«*»* hours of sale, the follow- Kud decvwdWwit* atat€ onal * ,an latc of One tr.uff of Land lying near Camak. containing, by survey two hundred and thirty-six acres, be the same more or less, ail ? Ulia,U M *Wiight. Mi Jiael Rogers, William * »"d others. This tract is mostly ln aim t ,T',w W l h WIU J , I>ln6 ’ 11 U subject to the i.aim ot dower, in favor of the widow of Arthur iticketaon ami wii,' lie .uld «nhlccl to mi,l life iitu-rfst ~f said widow. ’ A ~;tl,i;r tra.t ot land lyin* aud tx-ini: situate in said county, I'' i'o'i K '‘! lr ' ,lu '- al, '"« OIK- mile and a half alwve ,4- , .er-J a“.i ftbymrvi, r. I»o hundred and elghtr-ueveii ol^KlUatTth G^imn^tlVul'l‘Vtf "i' }”’j Tl.Hhact adjolne ianda M.,.t o' it 15,.1,1 field* Brown up in nines, it ha* been *ur \t\ui in two separate parcels, but will be sold together. niilJ’f£m r i'r, l ,' t .v’ f .V I ".* a,l, > situate about half a wwaKawlwclf Umbeml M ‘ l> i '“ J othm - 11 1:1 U]l *» The above described land* will be sold a« a'ovo staled on Md^bvlud^rof rn'nrt*, iu ',?wr vc, i security. The sale is 1,1 ,r,\ Older of (.ourt, fertile hem fit id the heir* of Jona than Gunn, deceased. JOHN RHODES, Ju j . . Wo „„, „ , „ JOEL IY. GUNN. lAdmrs. \\ meu eoanty,Goo^ Mar, ir. i,.-,;. * ; lurl , EXECUTOR'S SALE. AY b , efl ' r " l ;? Jw in Warrenton, loir, "V' ', hc nr!,t ':'™ b 'vin JANUARY. I'OSTPONED ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. \Y , U,:;" i , b!' l 'J?C,i. he T».'T t Tl > ert<b ‘yln JANUARY. ISM. Oiunly within the usual hou™ a Su^u'^Tt^r d-xteaead. K1.17.A *M(TIf Adtn'i/ „ JESSE RICKKTSON. 1.. , ""■lt Nli 'liol.A.s If Aititl 't'K- { Adni rs. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALeT W 1 !,' 1 ' ll * “ ,bl - b ‘T" r “ th f Court House door in Warrenton, . 1 1 ... " **TTf i* county, within the usual hours of sale, on the first I utsdav in F EBRUAKY next, three hundred and seven t.-enricns of pine Land, subject to the widow’s dower, Ivlng T‘ l h “tutl?.' Cru, ' k ' ?Ji" ln,n * Itt'Mh "f John t'iiit; 1 ’ oti,fcr> '* Js r 'ld as the property of Stillman I . Huff, >.<■(.'• t.— l. i.ov i ALFRED RoN'Ky. A<l.u'r x*-.,- GUARDIAN’S SALE. \\ , W beHold.on tjiefirs: Tces'lay in JANUARY next. 1 t before the Court House dour in Warrenton Warren county, withi i the legal hours of sale, a negro woman .Julia. vM*. s{~ Buidlrtn,', rof Het. H,,f!:ld. d^tSd' 1 * ** f OC, L_ _ E- O. HARDAWAY. Guardian. /•aKJMMJIt, WARREN U«M-NTV.l:when,;;'"n77r ,; ’ J -trisii applli-h tn me for Letters of Adminiatratlnn ujiuti tne e-tate of Ansel 1 Uriah, late of wild county, deceased: ♦ I 1 ar V’ ’‘" n-fore, to cite and admonish,' all and singular, the kindred und creditors f>f muLI deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, ts any they have why said letters sliouid not be granted Given un.|.-r my hand, at office in Warrenton. tfiln l-.-th day of November. 1.-.,.. H. R ')DY, Ordinary { 4 WARREN COUNTY AYhereas, AA'ra. H. j * :»pplies to me for Letters of Administration upon tl.e estate of Edwuni Kherly, late of said county, deceased— Jn»seare, therefore, to cite and summon all and *imynl.ir tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at {r^n?S&J rith " 1 th V tbne prororibed by law. and show cause, if an> they ave. why said letter* should not be granted. Given uin.er uiy hand, at office in Warrenton, this 2d dav of Ni.vt l .ui.f r. lb ,i, t„,v4 H. K. (litPY, Ordinary. f WARREN COUNTY.—Whereas. Amanda \ » M. Mi,r„:,i„i at,t„ me f., r l.r-tti r, „f A,ln,ini-rrut " f Rubert K. Munland, lute of said cjunty, ~ 'bwiT I ',!V r " f, : r f' ? i,< ’ ?2 d " ,mimon h” and siucuhtr, I; 1 . crt ' l, b ,r » of auni deceased, to be and appear at fr :®f' v i lbl " u ‘fi tniie pr..*ril,ed by law. and show cause, “.‘.'l' wfcVJIM ‘f'',ers siiiiuld not. I«t erunted. t. .et, under my hand, at office in Warrennm. this t!d day ol /> "■ JW« IT. Ii 1 r,D) : , ra BORGIA, WARREN iiir.viv w...... i lW ~ '■ ‘ "" rt-fore. I" cite and admonish, nil and singular, Git kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and iiooear ilS'lf BCe *.n rsth i! n ,bc 'i l,l,e rihed by law. amt sCow uv.s-. if any they hare, why said letters should not be gruMed. G; ii under my hand, at tllte tn W rronton, this &th day I). Never".,er. 1 i« h H. U. l.'tlDY. tlrdinury.' /^Ivi.RUI A. VYAUREN « OUN'I V.- IYh,r, a.-. \Vm. J! - T Piieher, b irvivuia Administrator of James Pilcher, late or smiieountv, deceased, applies to me for Letters Disuilssorv from said estate— tocj all and singular, Il S., « 1 d 2, n . d ; ' r ’: ,llt ‘! rs of tAUI deceased, to be aud appear at m -’ *; u ith: n t he time pr-scribed bv law, to show cause, if an . they have, why said letters should not he granted, v v ’ at offloe in \Varrenton. this 2d day of Nuvemltor, IW7. novi H. K. COPY, Ordinary. coyNTY.— Whereas, William ~T I V S ”‘r lt V K ‘a V- n l e J°, r Lotu ' ri ' of Administration on rps ‘ J'-serh A. Snath, late of said county, deceased tusl!V- ir r V.. s t 0 c L tO admouuh, all and singular, me ii;: ‘ii 1 c , r ,'" 11, ,'. ,rs of fifiid deceased, to !*• and appear at m> nm<.i, ■ within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if b “y Itye. why - lid letters sliouid not be wanted of tb.«,t2|.'' , w7 rayha “ d ' °®°e to Warrenton. this-»th day or October, 13a7. oc.ll 11. K, CODY. Ordinary, (4WA. yARREN COUNTY.—Whereas, Richard . .fiiden andCalvtu I.otnie apply to me for Letters of o tSed-“ toteofW ““* n °* Waidem lam of t 0 ? t€ A admonish ail and singular. {” f 8 cf 851,(1 deceased, to be and appe-ar at pi> office within the time prescribed by law. and show cause i&ssjr* wby icttera ot b S ““ °SU?R»» n^ ( XlguF 1 )’ RREN 'DUNTY—Whereas, John M \T Ha. I, Admlatotratoj on the estate of Harrv It Hem- de. to me fur Letters Disndssory fnjin *aid admlnli These are, therefore, to cite and admonish. aJI and slneuiar the kmdred and firedltsirs es said deceased, to be and appear at rn, office, within the time prescribed bv law. and s .owAtause, if a.!} they have, why “aid letters should not be granted, r , ,v *un tinder my hand, at office In Warrenton, this 9th dav of July, 131*7. j>'l- lIENKY B, CODY, Ordinary, GEORGIA, WARREN COUNTY.-Whereas, Columbus . Grana.ic, Administrator on the estate of Susan Granade. applies to me for Letters Dtamtsscry from said estate l bew are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tne kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bv law. and show cause, ir any they have, why s:iia letters should not be granted. Given und< r my hand, at office in Warrenton. this 17th day of June* ISoL HENRY R, (’ODY, Ordinary. fJEORGU, WARREN COUNTY.—Whereas, Aaron Guardian for Johnson, now Rebec- lefl t 0 “* for Letters Distuissory from said therefore, to cite and surnmon,all concerned, to l*e Ohr a t thy office, within the time prescribed hv law, and granted!* B'* 8 '* if fitly they have, why said letters should not be Ju?ie T*v? der my !la h, ,i -,fit office, its Warrenton, this 4th day of •luue, idu,. II. R, CODY, Or.iiimr!. \ indebted, to the estate of Jonathan if.d m*e’iTSSSiSi 1 ”? coul ‘ty..decea,cil. will come forward wiHpresent themlntennsof*Law! n< * U ““ e haVlnE dcma,ldi JOEL W?GUNN,| Adm’rs. NBor""’" 3 indebted to the estate of Albert gdematewu, ,gj Scriocn Counts. SCRIVES SHEHIFFS SALE. TX7ILL be sold, before the (’ourt House door in Svlvania, .JJ 1 - , ! 1 ? ud 4, co^ nti >. ou the , flr,t Tuesday in JANUARY, 1888, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: F our hundred bushels of Coni, or less, levied an as the property of John S. Green, to satisfy one Inferior Court fi. fa. m tavorof Janies S.Stone: one Superior Court fi. fa. .ivor ot Ann G. Black, and others. Property pointed <*ut by Plaintiff’s Attorney. a*-* Thomas h. Usher, Sheriff. SCRIVEN SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, before the Court House door in Svlvania, ▼ ▼ Scriven county, on the first Tuesday ln JANtJARY, ISSS, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: One tract of Land, containing five acres, more or less, adjoining lands of R. D. Sharp, Wenslev Hot.bv. and other?, levied on as the property of Hilliard J. Minchev; to satisfy on« Superior Court d. flu. in favor of Thos. T. Sebles, and others. fi'C.3 THOMAS 11. UsHER, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. AGREEABLE to ail order of the Court of Ordinary of Scriven county, will be sold, before the Court House door in fiyivama, in said county, on the first Tuesday in JANUA ui next, (ls>S), within the usual hours of sale, one tract of Land in said county, the property of ilic estate of llenrv B. , i t-V?* deceased, containing twelve hundred and seven tv-five s\*v‘Vn, : . l -h e »i ,noreor i le *U sU li°’ lni, 'g lands of John 11. Smith, fea\annah River, and others, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said decease.!, a ertna on the day of sale. 0031 JAMES J. _MEARS, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. BY order ot the (’ourt of Ordinaiy of Scriven county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before me Court House door m Sylvan'a, Scriven countv a tract or pare-el ot Land in said county, the property of the estate of Stephen Blackburn, deceased, con uining two hundred and iii n adjoining lands of B. M. Blackburn, H. 11. McGee, ar.d Ephraim lJlacklturn. Sold for tla- benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms o» the day ot sale -_ BARTLEY M. BLACKBURN,! . W 1 : EPHRAIM r. I.A«'K i■ r KN. P„... EXECUTOR S SALE. iP,. AT to the last will and testament of Jacob 11. W eIU, sr , deceased; and by virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Scriven comity, will be sold on the first Tuesday in JAN l AID next, (lS'-S) at the Court house door, in bylvania, two negro men : namely, Cato aud Bill, belonging to the estate ot said Jacob 11. Wells, sr., deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased Terms on the day of sale. noM JOHN SCOTT^Es’r. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE AGRKEAHIJ: to an order of tlie Court of Ordinarv of Scriven county, will be sold, before the Court House door Rv ?> iiS si.i?ti!«? cou, ' , r- 1 . onT 'fi' s ''fiyi» janua. Ki , ISSS, within the usual hours of sale, three tracts of Land m said county, the property of the estate of Benjamin M. Saxon, late of said county, deceased. The three tracts contain, trig nineteen hundred and ten (1910) acres, more or less, t.omid ed by Savannah river. Brad Jones. William Eowel, Wilder Biack Conner, Dailey. Williams and Ayre. This Ls one of the best Plantations in the low country. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the dav of Mle - noviS J. J. BOYD, Adiu’r. (¥ss*?*&> SCRIVEN (-OUNTY. — the es- Ismirepreaented 2^ 1 * 1 ®' o^l,lna » deceased, late of said county, »i,T th S^ fo U’ t 0 c l to and admonish, all and singular, tin. kindred and creditors of said deceased, to appear and take JJ**’ ® f Administration’on the second Monday In Jan by law ßs8 ’ etteM W 11 be grauted ,0 an offlcer Pointed out Given under my hand, at offloe in Svlvania. this 12tli day of November, ISS,. ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary. fiWOJA, TALIAFERRO \T Joshua Morgan, Guardian of the orphans of James Mor mlVlon^VVlV^iniliThiV- 0 ” l ° mt ' fW LeltCrS These are, therefore, to cite nil persons concernetl, to l*e anti apjntir st my ntliee on or before the second Monday i“ju, ttranted''”’'* ls a, ‘ y th<!)r ‘*“ v0 ' " fifi lll Letters should vemhtr ■Vst’lg!?' l5 ’ h ' Uul ' at olSce ln or » wf <>«ivme, this No llllv-t ’ QUINEA 1) \EAL. Ordinary. fJW'KGM, SCRIVEN COUNTY’.—AVhereaa, James > ht ; wtnteor Ellrebeth Parker, iiot!!!f l ' 11,1 M fur L etters Dhmtlssory from said AUtullilstra. These are, therefore, to cite nml ndimmlsh, tiiland slitrulsr. tilt kindred amt creditors of said deceased, to he and appear before theConrt of Ordinary, held In ami for on the second Monday in February next, ami show rmsf ts any they have, why said letters should not Ik- granted. ’ Given under my hand, at office in Sylvanin, tills 7th dav of October. 187*7. ocia _ ALEXANDER KSfP, Ontinan-. fi W>‘« ■' SCRIVEN < 'OV NTY .—Whereas, James Par'. I '' f " r Ut '™ Di - inranShVrtfrTn'JclrreS: !o wVnd"^ before the Court ot Ordinary, to be held In and for sold countv on the second Monday in February next, and allow cause, lfarlv thev have, why said letters .should not be granted. * /a .i" , u J‘‘l cr ;it " rtl w i» Svlvania. tiiLs 7th dav of Qctolier, 1857. ocl3 ALEXANDER KEMP, OrdinaJv. (T^nb’ , (V,,r S iV i , U r VE T X T NTY.-Whereas. Rachel 1110 ’ u " ,,iks ,br " r the to before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in ami for saidcount>% on the second Monday In February next, and show cause if unv they have, why said letters should not be granted ’ * Given under my hand, at office In Svlvania. thi*l7th day of sept., ISI7. ep22 A I lf.X AN! > T.K K E M I f _IKOHGIA, SCRIVEN (’OUN'TY.-M’hereas. Jas Brin son and Abram Belcher, Administrators, with the will annexed, upon the estate of James Belcher, deceased, apply lor Letters Disinissory from said A'lmlnlstratlon— These are, therefore, to rtte and admonish, all and singular, the kindred, creditors, and all other persons interested, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to in* held in and for said county on the second Monday In December next, and ““ow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. , under my hand and official signature, this Sthalavof July, !bv7. jyll ALEXANDER KEMP, Or * ‘ riKORGIA fiCIWVEN CO UN T Y.—Whereas, Dadd i »a iJ rk £ ur ',' Sln,e ? n Burke, Executors upon the estate of David Burke, deceased, apply for Letters Dismissory from said estate— J These are, tlicrernre, Uiciti; and admonish, all and singular, the kindred, creditors, and all other persons Inlcre stod, to lie anil appenr before the (;onrt of (trdlnary, to he held ln and for said county, on the second Monday In Detvinlier next, and show «*•’ *' a,I X ihey have, why said letters should not be granted. T Given under my hand and official signature, this Bth day of July, 1857. Jyl4 ALEXA.MIER KEMP, Ordinary. (IHlltdlt, SCRIVEN COUNTY Whereas Da.lrt at l! : l . rkl i;' n l. >il .Administrators upon the estate mi<l Adndiuatmrton!!;‘* Md ’ “ P, ’ ly f<Jr I - l ' tU rs Diaiutaury front .1 a T’ tl:e . r X f " re - , '’, cl ' c “ ,1,! admonish all and singular, the kindred, creditors, and ail other pencils interested, to he and appear before tlie Court of Ordinary, tn he held In a ,,a f,, r said comity, on the second Monday in December next, and show cause, ls any they have, why said letters should not he granted Given under my baud and official signature, this 6th dav of July. 18S7. ]y!4 ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary. 0 " C < K4HM;I \, STRIVEN t'H®TY Whereas. Simeon T iturke. Guanilan for Polly J Brinson, applies for Letters uismissory from fluid Guordinnsidp— These are, therefore to dte am! admonish, all and singular, tlie kindred, and all otin r persons concerned to be and anoosr at my office, within the time present,ed by law aud show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted I ~lvv n under my hand, at office in Svlvania. this tltii dnv of June. lt»7. pll AI.KXANIiEU K KMP. tlrdinarv. ’V'OTItL'K- AI! ;..r-oi . ii d, hi, d to the *• t d,. „r .t 0... . 11 ” e **a* sr- late of Serivea county, deceased, are re*iuested to u.ake immediate payment; aud those having demand* against said estate, will render them in ,lull-authenticated, in terms of the law. n 024 JOHN SCOTT, Exr. V’OTM K—All persons indebted to tlie cselate of Thomas .i. ? 0 ,b ' deveiva'd, of Si iiven enmity, arerequesled to .naketinmedlatv payment; and those having demands again t saul Instate will render them in. duly authenticated in teiia- of the law. novSl ARTHUR ROBBINS, Adm’r. CI*TV D V VS after date, application will he made to the n Honorable Court of Ordinary of Warrct, conntv p.i leave •u evil ail the Lands belonging to the estate of Jan.: c „ v ,|. h.te 01 'novas'" nty * <kce “ i<:d ' CALVIN LOUUE, Adra'r. Rj’OTK'E.-Ail ta-r-ons Indebted to the estate of Pl.ohe s' Griffin, late of Uoli:tt*Mae**upty, deceased, arc notified to make Immediate payment; and those having claims against ■said estate, to rentier them ln, duly attested, within tiie time* prescribed by law. W. A. GRIFFIN, I , . . »clO WM. WOODALL. ( Adm ra * NOTIUE.-AII persona indebted to tiie estate of Peter Ar nett, late of Scriven county, deceased, art requested to mulcc immediate payment; un<J those having demands against the same are requested to render them in, duly attested, within the time required by law, n ' ,vl ' ROBERT ARNETT, Adm’v-.rriifnr. DAY Fi after date, application will be made to the th! 'iT u i l , of < ! rdi, ! ar y/ , f Scriven county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Peter Arnett, late of said countv. deceased llfivl * ROBERT ARNETT. Adm’V. 'VTOTK’E.—AII persons having demands against Christo x! pherG. \\ hite, late of Scriven county, deceased, are n quested to hand them in, duly proven, within the time pre scribedl by law; and those indebted tu said deceas'd, are re quested to make immediate payment. ocM Cfi ARCHIBALD V. ROBBINS, Ex’r. DAYS after date, application will be made to the p Honorable the Court of Ordinary' of Scriven county, for J 6 *** 10 “i 1 two Negro men, namely. Cato and Bill, belonging to the tstate of Jacob 11. \\ ells, Sr., late of said county, dec’d. nov ß JOHN SCOTT, Ex’r. 'feJOTICI-I—AU persons indebted to the estate of Jacob lx H. Wells, Sr., Tate of Scriven countv, deceased, are re quested to make immediate* payment; and those having de mands against said estate will render them in to the Executor, duly authenticated. In terms of the law. nova JOHN SCOTT, Ex’r. SIXTY' DAYB after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Scriven county, for leave to sell a Negro man named Major, belonging to the es tate of Charles McQueen, late of said countv, deceased. n °vß GREEN D. SfIARPE. Adm’r. /GEORGIA, WARREN COUNTY.-Wh-reafl. N.C. Jta- VA com Executor on the estate of Eady Smith, lute of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and summon all concerned, to be arid appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 23th day of May, 18fi7, my9Q HENRY K. < • -dv. < teffimay. DAYS after date application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Warren county fi r leave to sell the Property belonging to the estate of Matilda Lowe, late of said county, deceased. CURTIS G. LOWE. DAVID W. LOWE. Dovl Q Administrators de Louis non. SIXTY' DAY’S after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to sell the Land belonging to the estate of Stillman P. Huft late of said county, deceased. nov4 ALFRED RONEY, Adm’r. SIXTY' DAY’S after date, application will be made to the Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to sell a portion of the Lands belonging to the estate of Rebecca Flinna, late of said county, deceased. J>c2B WILLIAM R. STORY, Executor. Final Notice.—AH those who are indebted to the old firm of J. M. NEWBY, either by note or account, will please make payment to the undersigned, as longer indulgence cannot be given. J. K. BORA & CO., de c Successors to J. M. Newby & Co. Albert Countn. ELBERT SHERIFF'S SALE. ’ lie sold, before the Court House door in Elbertou Etliert county, on the first Tuesday lu January’ IS.IB, d nrln* the lejul sale hours, the following proportT to »it : One hundred sores of Land more or less, lying oif'thc waters ot Beaverdam creek, in Mid county, wherein .fames H Rey nolds now lives, joining lands of William hatters,®. John' M. Adams and others. Also, twelve and a half acres," laS more or less. King on tl.e waters of Van’s creek in i d e ty. whereon Washington Craft now Iivest. Vjln! nol,„V n ; William Patterson and the Elbert Camp Ground *AUmone Jack, about ten years nhk one lot of miscellaneous books - one large map of the United States, with an Index Ac - , * new Bureau: one old Bureau; one Sideboard;’two rein* Chests; four large aud one trundle Bedsteads; live mi e T-. blea: one Clock; one wash Pot; one oven and two litis • nm*' Grindstone ; one pair large Steelyards: one lot of Plows and «a Iw»s 5 dne two-horse wagon body Frame ; oue old JeAev wagon Body: one kitchen Cupboard; all levied on as the property of Janies H. Reynolds, to satisfy two fi. hts one from Elbert Inferior Court, in favor of Scranton. Stark & Ik vis vs. James H. Reynolds; the other from Elbert Superior Court, in favor of Ira Christian vs. Jas. H. Reynolds of Elbert county. William C. Davis of Hart county, Madison Hudson of Elbert county, William M. Dobbs of Cobb countv, Adminis trators, Ac., and other fl. fas. vs. said Reynolds. Pronertv pointed out by said James H. Reynolds. novgg T. M. TURNER. Dep. Sh’ff. ADMINISTRATORS SAIE~ VGR EE.4BLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of El bert county, will l>e sold, before the Court House door in Elberton, in said county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY ISiB, within the legal sale hours, the following pronertv to! wit: A Negro woman, about thirty.eight years old named Mary, and her four children, Stephen. Russe 11. Frank.’ and an infant; a negro man named Billy, about fifty years old- a ne gro boy named Harrison, about eighteen years old. Also, a lot of Land In the town of Elberton. containing about nineteen acres, opposite the house lately occupied by l>r. James Brown er, deceased, and adjoining lands of James M.Wvche, Win T. Vanduzer, and others. Also, another lot In said town of about five acres, opposite the residence of William J. Clark and adjoining the land of William T. Vanduzer, and others! A Ho, a Piano, and a double barrel Shot Gun. Sold as the property of the estate of Ira Christian, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms marie known on tire day of sale. WILLIAM T. VANDUZER. Adm’r. ELBERT SHERIFF'S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY, IS-V, ■ Vn wlthiu thc leißd sale hours, before the Court House door m hit orton, Elbert county, a negro man named Leven, about sixty years old; a negro woman named Vinev. about forty seveuyears. ©ld ; a negro boy named George, about five years .. ‘ , orsc wagons, one new. painted blue or slate, the other old body, painted. Also, two buggies. All levied on as thepnmertyof Janies H. Reynold,to satisfy twenty mortgage n. r.is. rjom Elbert inferior Court against said James H. R, v tioid; one in favor of each of the following plaintiffs in ti. fa,, to wit: Barnabas Barron, John W. Turner, Madison Hudson. Ajjininistnitor of D. C. Willis, deceased, William Teaslev, %\ tilts R Ham, John M. Christian, Samuel I>. Blackwefl. ftPPT Lv<K»buck. Thos. J. Turman, James J. Blackwell, L. V' ‘'- Martin. Thos. Johnston, John Downer, OeorgcGaincs, Alfred Hammond, Asa M. Rice, Martha Harper, Administra. tor of E. Harper, deceased. Win. B. Nelnm; Wm. T. Vandu ?* r '. Adnunistnitor of Ira Christian, deceased. Eppy W Roe buck, Executor of Win. J. Roebuck, and Willis Bond. * novSl , T. M. TURNER, D. Sh’ff. GUARDIAN’S SALE. 4 GREK A KILE to an order from the Court of Ordinary of ifJbvrtcora'ty, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JAX iii \ 1 before the Court House door in said countv within the legal Nile hours, three Negroes, to wit • Dave a man about thirty-three years old; Washington, a man about roily years old ; Henry, a man about thirty-one years old be longing to the minor heirs of George Williams. Sold for’the benefit of said minors. Terms on the day of sale. , _ , , , . JANE L. ALLEN. no\ 12 Gtiar.dan for the minor children of George Williams. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. AGREEABLE to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Elberteminty, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN uaR\, 1&>8, before the Court house door in the town of fi. tfcrtoTi, within the legal hours of sale, a tract of Land in said county, containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres more °r. waters of the Beaverdam creek, adjoining Imds of W illiam B. \Mr4te, Luther 11. O. Martin, and others be? longing to the estate of Zaclmriali Dickerson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. JOHN DICKERSON, >lQvl ‘3 JOHN T. DICKEKSmN. > Ad m r.-\ . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. \ fir an order from the Honorable, the Court 'nmlyfn U f!.?n ,f , Wbr l rV ,nl >\ wi!l be *> ,d ««* the first i I ucsclav In Januarv next, before the Court House door in the town of Elberton, Elbert County, Georgia, within the usual sale iumrs, a tract of land lylug In said county. belonging t.. lumped HiidVHv l7 R * deceased, containing ?our riv .J b 1 M. f U a^ es or UsW * °*l the waters of Broad ri\ir, known as the power tract, whereon Mrs. Lucinda Dead .','',;' ™' , : rl , y , l ; W ’ l k a<l oln! >' ,: . UK , l3 “f John 'I. iSli-yler TeSoTtheday““ Utla “ f *“« JO FIX Q. DEADWYLEU, Adinr. » rn „,.. A »»ra iST fApi’ SALE. A ’WiSr. 1 , '"“"onK'rlrom thcOuurt of Ordinary of l Aim next, before the Court House door In the town of El l-erto", within the leital hours of ml.-, a-raelof Laud in said county, containing six hundred and twelve (Cl-Jj acres more or less, on the waters of Pickett, creek, adjoining lands of Joseph Mrlekland, Francis Gaines. and others, to'ito.girg to tile estate •{I"" Haley deceased Sold tor the benclit of the heirs of said deceased, r.-r.us on the day of sale . FKANVIF GAINES,| . , . __ nO X. B ASA S.JIUNEH j Admrs. Gwmmx, jt'.tiKjv: t’.H Vn .-Wh.n-as. Abdx <■. Stovall applies to me Ihr Letters of Administration on the e Ol George W-jStovsll, late of Mid county, deceased— these are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, nil and singular, the kindred and creditors of Mid decerned to he ard appear at my oltlee. within the time prescribed by law. and rat'dod Ulle ' f a “ y lhey hr ' V ‘'’ * hy K “ l1 ktUre , ’ hou: J ‘‘“t be Given under my hand, at office In Elherton. this 4th dav of November. 1861. novß W. H. EPWAKPs, Ordinary. (NtgIKUIA, EUIEUT < 'OtaTY.~Wiierean, ShtTc! V. Hard and Kiiashc l, Iloinitoi. apply for Letters of. Ad ndtdstndionmMhe E.tate of John M. Thornton, late of said arm therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my olllca within tl.e time prescribed by law, and show cause, ifan y they have, why said letters should not he S Given under my hand, at office in Elberton. this 2«tli dav of aolritf. IBW. oas WM. t. KPWAKDtj, Ordinary. ftKOIIIHA, EUIEUT t’orNTV—Whetva*, iii-’ 4T ard E Ada..* and JuliaA.Crittintuu apply to me for Lett era of Administration, on thc Estate of William J. Crittln tun, lute of said county, deceased— These are, tlieridore, to cite, summon and admonish, all and Biitgular, the kindred and creditors, of said deceased, to be and am>ear at my office, within tie- time prescribed by law, and gr inted USt> ’ ** Un^^UV( ‘» w hy said letters should not be Given under, my hand at office in Elberton, this! 26th day of October, 1f57. 0c29 W. H. EI>WA RI>S, Ordinary. GJ. KOR«f AEL BERT COUNT Y—Where-as, the e*Ute •ri °* *» en J llMl,n C. Houston, deceased, Is unrepresented— • bene are, therefore, to elte, summon and admonish, all and singular the kindred and credit- r? of said deceased, to be and •App«-ar at iny office, within the time prescribed by law, and snow cause, if any they have, why Letters of Administrate-n on said estate should not be g.-.mted to the Clerk oLt he Su perior Court of said county, or some other comm-tent person. Given under in* hand, at office in Elbert»n, this 26tfi day of •• 185 g 01-29 V.’. !!. EDWARDS, Ordinary. f EXPERT COUNTY.—When IIS, Marian M. Christian applies to me for Letters of Administration on dt • °?;r un,er N* Christian, late of the .State of Indiana, , 'f i.vse are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, r.ll aud singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time pre-crilwd by law. amt slum- cause, if any they have, why raid letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand, at office in Elberton, this lSdlid.yof October, 18X7. oc2l WM, 11, KPWAIIPS. Ordinary. Ef.HEKT COUNTY—Whereas. William M.Haslett, applies to me fort. Hers of Guardianship for the persons andl property of Leone A. Black, Henry V. Black, awl Gyrus A. Black, minor heirs of Thomas Black- Those arc, theicfor**, to dteand mlmoiiL*)!. all and singular, the kindred ol said minor, and all persons interested, to he and appear at. my office, within the time pii *or':Ud by law, and show cause, If any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Elberton. this 10th day of October, ISO,. w. H. EPWAKDS, Ordinary. rtKOntilA, ELBERT COUNTY.-Whereas, George W. AX Brown, Guardian for Eppy W. Brown, minor heir of Pezler Brown, deceased, applies to las for L' tiers D’imlsaory freni said Guardianship— These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and any other persons interested, to be an. appear at my office, within U.e time prescribed by law. and sliow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office iu Elberton, this 24th day of August. 1857. au27 4VJI.JI. EDWAUHS, I tt.'.inary. DWj l V KLBKKT GorSTY.-Whereas. Augu-tus eri •' I - v\ansley, Executor of the last wlh and testament of l liomafl v\ anhley, late of said county, deceas'd, applies to nx for Letters of Dismission— .. Th® l *® ar ®» therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kind remind creditors of said deceased, to be aud aj.pear at to be held in and for .■>*!•! county, on the first in February next, and show cause. It any they have, why said letters should not l>e granted. , , * nder inyhand, at office in Elberton, this 23,1 dav of July, 18.97. JySfi WM. 11. EDWARDS, Ordinary. nKORGIA, ELBERT COUNTY.—Whereas,Dunstouß. Verdell, Administrator de bonis non, with the Mrill an nexed, on the estate of Wiliam Rich, Jr., late of said countv, deceased, apphesfor Letters DlsmH^ry— l These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said decease!, to be and appear be fore the Court of Urdinarj- to be held in ar.d fer said county, on the first Monday in February next, and show cause, if any tliey have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In Elberton. this 16th day of July, 1857. jyl9 WM. H. EDWARDS. Ordinary. DAYS afterdate application w:'! be made to the Cl Honorable the Court of Ordiuaiy of Elbert county, for leave to sell four Negroes, namely : Epy, a girl eleven years old; Nathan, a boy sixteen years old; Charity.a woman twen ty years old; and her child. Seaborn, one ami a half wars old, belonging to Rebecca C. Allen, a minor heir of {Singleton W. AU' n. deceased. JANE L. ALLEN, Guardian for Rel eccaC. Allen. '\[' OTH ‘K.—All persons indebted to the estate of Archibald 1 Mewbourn. late of Elbert county, deceased, are requested to niakc immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate, will render them in, duly authenticated, according to law. THOMAS .J. TEASLEV. ) . lmVc Kov3t> MARTIN M. MEWBOURN,? A dm r>. The Yegetable Life Pills and l*li * nix Hitters. by increasing the quantity of life and vigor In every part of the system, enable nature to make Incredible efforts for the expulsion of disease before organic destruction begins. It is thus that in a very short space of time they cure Colds, Coughs, Rheumatism, Flatulence, Pains in the Stomach, Cholic and nervous disorders in all their forms. But their su pc-rior excellence la in affections of the stomach, in female complaints and the sufferings of enfeebled youth. For sale by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, proprietor. 836 Broadway, New York. For sale, wholesale aud retail, bv PLUMB & LEITNER, nov!8 elm Augusta, Ga. GEORGIA PLAINS. ■■• T CAN supply any quantity of Genuine Georgia PLAINS, t made of double and twiated warp, and warranted all wool filling. Planters send your order*, and they shall be promptly filled, and you can pay the bill by the middle of January. Don't buy the Northern stuff, the filling of which is made of waste cotton, hemp and old gunny bagging, mixed, to resemble coarse wool. There is no warmth in It. Your Negroes are valuable, and give them warm and durable clothing. GEORGE SCHLEY. Augusta, October 30,15#7. dim ocSO Columbia Countn. ADMINISTBATOS’S sale. WM-t. is? fold, at the late residence of I ram. ah Fattier i»nd, deceased, r® Monday, the 2tst day of DEI’E.M. BEK next, all the Perishable Property belonging to the es -of John Futlieriand and Hannah Sutherland. lioth of Columbia.county, deceased, consisting of finises. Mules, Cat. tie, pork Hogs, stock Hogs. Cotton and Cotton Seed. House hold and Kitchen f uraiture. Plantation Tonis, and other art!, c.es too tedious to mention. Tonus made known on the dav of sale, nov!2 JOHN B. SUTHERLAND A.I-.V ’ EXECUTOR'S SALE. BY virtue of an order fi-om the Court of Ordinary of Co ltimlca county, will la. sold, before the Court House door :u uie town or Appling, In said county, within the usual hours, Os sale, on the drat Tuesday in JANUARY next, a Negm nian, Lewis, belonging to the estate of William Oliett, iate of auut count), oect-ascd. novs G. 11. CLIETT, Ex'r. EXECUTOR’S SALE. \V r| i , ;V be ,f 0 flr < in JANUARY next eth » C ? urt House door the town of Appling, rH?nVv y ’i''»» , f ri, lf nce of , an order "f the Ordinal 1-iti.l »"*! •^ tbln the USUA I hours of sue, all the '■ l A. I. ROBERT S<Jn! Executor. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. 4 GR EEABLE to an order of the Court of Ordiaarv of De county of Deciitur, deceased; contalidnJ£SSiv.!Sf« -JiS. ‘ n ,'P re or adjoining lands ot S. A. Gibson ' R Martin* ° f ■ l,e ' llU » MARTHA ’A, QIB.SOX, Adm’x, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. TJI virtue of an order from tl.e Court of Ordinarv of p n Jpiumblacounty, will l,e sold, on theSrstTuesday??, tax" UARY. 18SS, before the Court lioure d«r VlUdn the usual hours or sale, the Land and two yo.VnVXefeoes and one old man, belonging to the estate of Sanmel Pofhmi !\Z cased, novlS LEVI I’ULI.A Rlt° Atto'-r - , ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. \\ ".vG besold at Appling, Columbia county, before the lUni'iv 8 . 0 .? ? oor ln com, tv. on the first Tu< «la "in o. A 4 ,l , A K '' 13". vI 3 ". v ‘'lT'trauaiice of the will of John Suther. tle I'LANTATIOX npon which he lived at the time of his death, containing six hundred acres of pine land, about one hundred in the woods and well timbered, and waters ot t\ lute Oak creek, adioinlng lands of Mra. Morriss, Janies B. Neal, John Lamkin, and otlicrs Also, twenty-three Negroes, consisting of men. boys, women and children, most of which are young and likely Sold tor ■! distribution among the heirs. Tern sos -ale mailt* known on the day. novl2 JOHN B. SUTHERLAND, Adm’r. B ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. i ' ord«*r from tin* Court of Ordinarv of Co lumbia county, will be sold, on the first TuesdTy in JAN \-j\U\ next, before the Court House door in Appling in said f'"; 1 between the usual hours of sale, the foll Swing tot l , 7 , J'S t' I '*' 0 ™ Iflonglng to the retate of A lloiSl. heirs’aml creditors° UUt J *’ ect ‘ arted - old fl ,r tlK ‘ benefit of the ALSO—At thc same time and place will be sold, the No groes belonging to Uie estate of It. B. iilaekstone. late of add county deceased Sold for the benefit of the helm and credi tors, l erms on the day of sale. ocll J. E. BENTON. Adm’r. B EXECUTORS' SALE. \ virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Co lumbia county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN- U AL\ next, before the Court House door iu Arplhig, in said county, between the usual hours of sale, the following nron'-r- The to the minors ofji.M. Benton. Many of the Negroes sound and likelv. Terms on the day of sale. N. E. BENTON. , “ . ocll J. E. BENTON, ) Exrfl - COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Wliereas R t, l * l T W all, Guardian of her minor children, applies for Letters uismissorv from said Guardianship— ,, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to be and appear at my r.ffire, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if anv thep.- have, why said letters should not be granted. ha,,d *J xt ufllce in Annling, this 2d day of November, 165 i. novs A. COLv ARD, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY .—Whereas, B. 1L YT \N llkerson implies to me for Letters of Guardianship for t^,Jp crson a j ld effects of Georgia Wllkersou, minor of C. Y. W ilktrsivn. deet'ased— ,, are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and Mends of said minor, to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, if anv they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 2d dav of November, lsn. nuvs A. COLvARD, Ordinary. Gt FJOIIGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.-Whereas, James t Luke, Guardian of John Culbreath, applies for Letters i7istulss4iry trom said Guardianship— These are, therefore, to cite and udmonish, all and singular, tire kindred and tlieiula of said minor, to be and appear at mv office, within the time by law, to show cause if anv they have, why said letters should not he granted. ’ Given uuder my hand, at office in Appling, this 17th day of t?ept„ 1867. sep!9 A. COLVARD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, COLU MHI A < ’GUN TY. —Whereas, Ellas Wilson. Executor of the estate of Adam Ivey, late of e*tatc° Uity ’ dt ‘ ceased ’ a ßP liea for Letters Dlsmlssory from said 'lu.cm- are, tneretore. to cite and -.ulmomsh, all and singula-, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to tie and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any ihey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In Appling, this 22d day of Sept.. 1857. »op-4 A. COLVARD. Ordinary. f^BORGIA, COLUMBIA UOUNTY.-Whereaa. William \X r . Strother, Admhihitrator on the estate of J. W. Holli day, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismis sorv from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all arid singular, tin- kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at rriy office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why sahl letters should not be granted Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this Bth "day of September, 1857. seplO A. COLVARD. Ordinary. O.KOK<j|A, « OLUMBIA < ’OUNTY.—Whereas, B E Pearce, Administrator on tin estate of 11. J. Smith, late or said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dlsmisscry from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and apricar at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cau-e, if any,they have, why sahl letters should not be grant.*!. Given under my hand, at office In Appling, this 9th day of September. 1657. wepll A. COLVARD, Ordinaiy. (GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.-Whereas, Jacob X Anderson, Administrator on the estate of Wm. Anderson lute of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory from siiid estate— These are, therefore, to cite ar.d admonPh, all and singular, the kindre d and creditors of said deceased, to Ik* and appear at my office within the time prem-rila-d by law, to show- cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In Appling, this Pth day of September, 1857 ! sepll A. COLVARD, Ordinary. GtBORGI V COLUMBIA rnUNTY.-Wi •n . A. M. I Crawford Administrator on the estate of E. J. C. Griffin, late of said ountv, deceased, applies for Letters DLsiulssory from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, thc kindred and creditors of said di.*ceaßed, tu be and appear rt my office, within thc time prescribed by law. ai.d show cause*, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this Pth day of September. 1857. sepll A. COLVARD, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTyZwlumas’ A M. Crawford. Administrator on the estate of W. K. Jones, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory frern said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, al! and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at in y office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under inyhand, at office in Appling, this 9th day of September, 1857. sepll A. COLVARD, Ordinary. rtEOIMiIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.-Whereas A. M. \ a Crawford, Administrator on the estate of Wm. FJanagln, late of said county, deceased, applies lor Letters Dismiss, ry from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause. If anv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In Appling, this 9th day of September, 1857. sepll A. COLVARD, Ordinary. Georgia. < • ’i.r.Mßi a < <>i vn .- v. *,;, s j..hii Bxstoii and R. W. Bast on Administrators on the estate of Mary Boston, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory from said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bv and aj-pear at my office, within the time prescriU*d by law. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling. thisSd day of August, 1857. au6 A. COLVARD. Ordinary. Georgia, colum bia county.- wm. b. Tindali, Executor of the Vv-tate ofGamnill Flanagin, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismissiuu from said estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish, oil and singular, the kin (.red and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under inyhand, at office in Appling, this 30th dav of July, 1857. aul A. COLVARD, Ordinary. Georgia, Columbia couNTY.-whereas, Edward Darsey, Administrator on the estate of David Staudford deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ar.d appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if they have, why said letters should not Ik* granted. Given uuder my hand, at office in Appling. A. COLVARD. Ordinary. GJKORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Wliereas, Ran n dolpn Ncwson, Administrator on the estate of Amos New son. deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission— -1 best* are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of sai-l deceased, to be and at my office within the time prescribed bv law. and •‘how cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given uuder my hand, at office in Appling. •DTI A. COLVARD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas. Charles 1. bayless. Administrator on the estate of M. A. Ba\ less, lute Os said county, deceased, applies for Letters Disinisson* on said estate— t. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kin a red and creditors of said deceased, to !*e and appear at my office within thc time prescribed bv law, and show cause, if anv they have, why said letters should not K* granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this Ist dav of jet A. COLVARD, Ordinary. Georgi\, Columbia i-y.-mi.,!,a.--, j. k. Sutton, applies for Letters of Guardianship for the per son and property of Phodon Sutherland, minor of James Suth erland— These aye, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred, aud ail other persoiis concerned, to Ik* and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 6th day of October, 1867. oc7 A> COLVARD* Ordinary, EORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas,William IT A. Griffin applies for Letters rs Guardianship for thc r>er sons and property of M. E. Holliday and G. O. Holliday, minora of John \V . Holliday, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admouish. all and singular, thc kindred and friends of said minors, to be ar.d appear at mv office, within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause, if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band, at office In Appling, this Bth day of Octoberj^L&T^^^^oclO^^^j^^OLVAinX^rdinary^ SUGARS. FI TTY bbls. Stuart’s A, B and C SUGARS, coining into store and for sale by FLEMING & ROWLAND. nov!9 t Taliaferro Countn. TALIAFERRO SHERIFF'S SALE ~ \\T be sold, before the Court House door . ,J <>f Crawfordrille. on tiie first TuSSt IVSpJSF I * I'iih ? ,h £ ,he usnal i,fl,,rs of sale, '<ne J lbr L ARY / Gilbert, about twenty-five years of ace lS?«s 0y ’ name ® ftrmi Taliaferro Superior Court in favor of Sarah t wVu ei Dewaties W. McJunkin and W F r - White vs. ty pointed out by defendant? * * ance ’ endorser. Proper. —— Sheriff. ITT,IT h ADMINISTRATORS’ sale YY t°n the ir ? Tuesd *v Id JANUARY r ez t be the«i2S < 'JSS5 t 0 two hundred aid KnTw w-?J less i, a %iuing lands of Will,urn of what fa £s,™ C^Sl2 I SSe“ ,^?*t Tl St c -»«*h hundred and afteenacrei, acOTrdkSfai “" .he’inflowV'fn!; 1 "^ &**** Wynn.SrZ lS ‘™,of Land, Sff af?bundred' 2?t«* Sdo?k“^k^^MOrfTS?'S2S ,nlng a’SJi ;U,lMe «*>A Ettpssssl Sr ua S' °« f 4i n or^ r of ' he o ">'“rr „?w*. Terma of JSfcSSE im P ror ™“t,. ??y JOEL W , ! l (luSy J> ‘’l Adm'ra. ISHSSS^SgSH spiSi^lHia Gr™rkM >;Vr*L A t l AF fKRO COUNTY—■Wlierwis, Gil. jMnes‘& MaflilYnr >n h?J tCU «° r » of tho i* 1 will arjfl testament of r Vtt «. " :-ir- ox . f deceased, lias made application to me for ceawd: ° f I>umusioa from the Administration of said do thekMiSfkS^siu'r. ,^r C i l fAa nd ! " Jm ,°" l3 h all and elnpilar, granted*"' l * av *’ Wby 5:11,1 It,ttra cf Disnrisdon should Sthe Columbia County. to«bh£ 8 »“ iff8 do.Jln U the towno?5 l r»sn U ” ? f i “iV ,cfore ,he Court ’House oak and I a^.d P y ’ ?*J7;* V T acre * •u SMT&S Td« r, V l l r^.. l i 1 ";" 95 11k * P ro Perty of said Le\l Ivy, to satisfy rue Columbia superior Court tl. fa., LewieC. Parks vs Levi lw dei: - MTEPII EX It RAN E, Dtp, SI,'IT. EXECUTOR’S SALE. WfcV l,e s ”. l . d ' u ?. n ','" 9 l!ecre <‘ of the Honorable Ike ,7 J. superior J. ourt of Columbia county, sitting as a Court ou lhe llrst Tuesday In JANUARY, at Apl piink, in the above named county, for division union* the heirs filter ° f the , ****& Snowden Griffin, deceased, the fuliuwiug Negrn slaves: Maria, thirty nine years old: Gu« .■‘even ; Susan, the ; Im y. three; Mallnda, thirty sij : Sally, tire’n?v 111 . two : Tom. thirty seven; Sawney. iw-liZ?® seventeen: Annistead, flfti cn ; Cicero, Ad r ne ’ t '. lev . cn > BnN "'l°: Mary, twenty-one; teln - v*' “‘Uf'**”! Muses, tklrteeu; Emellne, Bx'- teen , Nane), e.eveil; I.rz, nine ; Celia, slaty. 'f 1 . 13 Twelve months credit, with note and two approved seenritk-s. bearing Interest from day of sale • or r ash at th« option of the purdiaser, JU¥UI4 B Glili'Fixl'ei'r. POSTPONED COLUMBIA DEPUTY SHERIFFS SALE. W 11 ‘ 1 ' ,*, ,e 90 Il! ' before the Court House door in the town of i ;l-i-.Kiu-"*,-,. oluiuhla county, on the drat Tuesday In JAM AIU , 13&*. between the legal hunra.t sale. One Negro tt uinaa. «i«™. v, the nan.e ofLucy, aged about forty eight years, mulatto complexion, levied on as the property o's Wll uani Adams,,to satisfy one Columbia Superior Court i fa the ?rlnein“?i r .° f °S o t4‘ Ts J “‘ w c - Adams and William Adair ?, Irrlnc.pais, and John Harris and Elias Scott, securities on an. rroticrty polrjled out by John Harris, security, Ac. ' V „ r ,7 .Vt 11 . 1 , hundred and twelve acres of Pine Land, situa ted tn t oluinbiacr.unty on both sides of the Georgia RaLlruari. (Jranad?an?,o ™ r^' : l , ' da ‘ lit ’ I '\! ng,h, ' 1 “ nd "'’ fJ,, h" s 'h. Oranadt and others. Levied on as the property of John Har. John'llarefi Kcurio'' U ' P ~ J *" lr pointed out b T AL^O—Three hundred and thirty acren of Pine Land more %}**!>s* '? Guliuubia cuuuty/on both sides of Se f(>hnMwi udjiiiiiirijj the lands of Bea!e[ J ’ and othe , rs » levied ux*on .as the property of Elias Scott! f PP i a iT t( ' the above stated fl. fa Property pointed out by John Harris security, Ae l.evica m:ule ivf did. IM7. decl STEPHEN i.KANeTU?P^heriff. V COLI MI?IA COC\Ty.—Whereas, I have row'Jordcd 1 iC * Roberts, decea:ed, is un- These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular. S'S an<j*il other person, burned, to he and ap|>S at m> office within the time prescribed by law, to show cau'e ma'he apptrlnted AdSihdrtmf* ° f ““ SUpi,rior C ° Urt ehol,ld Given under my baud, « office in Appling, this 3d day of December. 1857. deed A. COLYARI). Ordinary. indebted to the estate of Richard Griffin, late of Columbia county, deceased, are requested to t-Kike immediate payment: ami tlmse having demands against aald estate, are requested to render them In. duly at tested, within the time required by law. 1 W. A. GRIFFrN, . . WM. WOODALL, Administrators ctandestanier.to annexo. rjKOHUIA. WARREN COUNTY .-Whereas. John 11. i iielns applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of tho tiers* >u and property of ElbridgeSmith.a minor under fourteen years of age. These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish all and singular, the kindred and friends of said minor to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show granted* 1 a,iy tbey huve * wljy Letters sh uld uot iye Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 3d day of I'cv-mb-i. •'* !l!-.Mi\ Unary. ( li:niu;i \, i'.niKK CoCNTY.-Whenas. Surah Cm js*?ll for Letters of Guardianship of Richard and Virginia < arson, minors of Andrew Carson, deceased, late ot said county— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tin- km.-red, ami all other persons concenn d. to be and appear K-iorv tlie C.curt or Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the Second Mi nday in January nest, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my fund, at office in Waynesboro’, this 4th day ' Kl.wakh (;aKMCK, I Ordinary. GIK«R«I\, r IUTRKE COUNTY.-Whereas. Thomas I Hurdell njiplies for Letters of Guardianship ofgVdaDur ae*?.'dduor ol Dr. I*. V. Ourdell, deceased, late ot said county— , fhtiic are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, tr.c kindred, and all other persons concerned, to be and appear be tore the Court of Ordinary, to lie Held In and for said county, on the second Monday In January next, then and there to show cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand, at office In Waynesboro’, this 4th day of IVcch.Ut, IST.7. d>yW EDWARD G A RUCK. Ordinary. ( iMIUiI \, BL’KKE COUNTY.—Whertaa. Green G. '» a:son applies for Letters of Administration on the estate of Everett B. I Uul.il 1, late of said county, deceased These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear be fore the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the second Monday in January next, then and thereto show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office* in Wayuesboro’, this 4th clay of December 1857. dec6 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary. Thomas H. P. Wright. -) Administrator on the estate Bill for Injuuctien, and to mar ot James Ivey, deceased, shal Assets. In Women Supe* , . vs. IriorCourt. Edwin A. Brinklev, et.al.) IT appearing to the Court that Thomas L. Yarbro, one of the defendants in the above stated case, resides out of the Mate of Georgia, on motion of Llewellyn A. Nelms, complaln aut s Solicitor, it is Ordered by the Court, 'That the said de fendant. Thomas L. Yarbro be, and lie is hereby required to appear at the next term of thi- Court, and plead, answer or demur to said cause, not demuring alone, ana show cause why judgment and decree should not be entered by default. And that a copy of this rule be published in one of the public ga zettes in the city of Augusta, once a month for four months, before the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of Court. Nov. 18.1857. novCl lain4:n G. W. DICKSON. Clerk. POSTPONED EXECUTOR S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY, IS3B, v t at the Court House in the county of Carroll. Lot num in r two hundred and forty-nine, in the eleventh district, and fifth section of said containing two hundred and two and a ha’f acres—said Lot drawn ami granted t<> Man - McTyre. Terms cash. JOHN A. RHODES, novS9 Executor of Mary McTyre. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. YVJLL be sold, before the Court House door In the town of vs Lawrenceville, Gwinnett county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER r.cxt, within the leg:i! hours of sale, all the lamd belonging to the estate of James W. Moore, late of said county, deceased, to wit: Three hundred acres of Land, more or less, in two tracts adjoining, lying and being In the fifth district of Gwinnett county, on the waters of Alcova river, ad joining lands of Whitworth ami others. Sold agreesibly to an cider of the Court of ( rdinarv of .said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. uc}S DAVID W. SPENCE, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE BY order of the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday iu JANUARY next, before the Court House dbor in Covington, Newton county, the fol lowing property, to wit: Stephen, a man fifty years old; Su sau, thirty-three, and her infant boy child: Juda, a girl four teen ; Johnson, a boy nine; Jane, a girl seven : Henry, a boy two years old; Laurcna. a woman thirty years old: belonging to the estate of James M. Bel lah deceased. Sold for the bene fit of the heirs of deceased. Terms on the day of sale. nov4 ALEXANDER PHAKK, Adm’r. ■\TOTICE.— AH personshaving demands against the estate JJx of Benjamin Moseley, late of Putnam county, deceased, are requested to present tl/eir claims, within the time prescribed by law ; and those indebted to said estate are requested to mako immediate payment. JOSEPH A. MOSELEY, Adm’r. oc!3 FLOUR. SI PKRFINE and Extra Family FLOUR, half and quar ter sacke, arriving and for sale, in lota deoi THOS. P. STOVALL A CO