Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, December 23, 1857, Image 7

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I Burke £ountn. fl ADHINISTBATOS’S SALE. H Will- !***:'• hefrir »the Court House door in W.vrae*. ■ aVy-L --1» ortS.-r • r >tn the Honn.-aU. l:.e Court Ordiusre M si <1 oo iptjs I’, tnct of Lxid in said countv, Wio.i l ' rc to rn * n - ,a::ih ‘ *• ,- ox, deceased, c->i.L»' :iin_ ; five hun- Y» U i»ri e f>r ßi v ne \ V v - n * st:kte James G. M.E - murrxy ar.d Rutha C lurk. N'.n : r toe benefit of tin- h« irs and creditors ot •ala deceased. Term- ■ n ♦ ;e day. Furehaser 'nv _declO__ J A MEs K.'MoELMrKIIAY; Adm’r/' ABHINISTBATOR’S SALK j WILLLv* H-.Lt, 0:1 the fourteenth day of JANUARY, I JB.v% :it ♦. e : lihti'/n of the late Beverly Handle, late .« isur«£t ci'-.vy". . i -v-.std. all the perishable property, con-1 >*:•* -• Mu '• Catth*. Hogs, [’orn. K.-uder. &L be- I oogimftoth. .-a---. it. Randle .-.:id Mrs. M: r'.-i Torrance. _ JOHN R. ST URGES, Admln.ptra. or of I>. Randle and Mrs. Martha Torrance. dcc3 TBUSTEE'S SALE. W 1 ?- 1 * ’ • !• -ffi-t Tn-slay in JANUARY. I?V', *» W«n H UK d ■ - In W .. • > \ Burt,' ■rtounty, b. tiv. ■ t:.-, ~1 hours of sa!-. the foiloaioß arm <rty.to«!? : o\h. l-.lml Iwvin* <*») ama of Laid. lv. ingtockU.- •>■. u.llulain* laud- of Ellt-n E. For d- r, James Gr !. tsr. A iso, thr follow!:;;: A* *rofct, vz- Hc-irr, a " forty yoa; ( of age : l.uGmlo. a won,an tan x! a _■ ars old. a:,! 1.,.- Mid. ~n lttai.l. Sal-1 *"H*rty«M :--iT'-;a-..rt..t a dccrtcin &juitv. a., th.ptvi:.. Wot the trust IV ~f I>ai:t,l O. Whlti. T.-ru-s on tl.o star of sale. .-S-! HENRY \. HITE. Tim;..•. B72ZE SHERIFFS SALK i W« JANUARY. LSKU -sf sale, tw o t> !•£, of in BurtS dOOintv. yi* • h- ?-t-f Wright Reynolds and :bc L«.wiv tract of .o t. ,-j tJ,.- riven line, levied on a- mom-rs r~f I -I '-liffl ■ ; ' 131 Wutrtct a. M. m favor ~f Ju« |)h W. ■ Dlct. v r.. !):.;>• A 'i .-ton at.d L- wis B-.-rt I'r,...crtv » WolM c,.t ! ili..:-!ait:tiT. Ltv.mod, a-t-l returned to me *. , ''V' u: • Ki-. iiARu w. Rogers. i)ei..su-ir. ■ decl BDRKS SHERIFF S SALE. V W , . , 'V ‘ " .on tli.' first Tuesday In JANUARY. 1968, ■ If, J** I urt Iteun .! k» ia n.i town of Waynes ■ 11 / '• livtwovu the usual hours of sale.dir ■ Soil.!,fid. . vU-l ..•! as the pro;»erty of El'jah D. Robinson, V O satisfy .at,. f, Hurke S ipetlor Court, jr, f. tv .,r of Ed ■ muud Pulru - i;,i •. ;..Ko-i,property nd-.i.s! out I t* l *Plstotßf. dept ii. j. Bi.-irvl- s r •«' AJ) O: Vs•, ra A TOR S s ale! I B r.-r an ordvr fW-u, t!it Honoral.lethe I SJ Court of i-r ■. , I.f liurhv v.ulntv, wi.ll.r sold ' . I -Jiv Court H ri , W-tyru .hr,.', in s ;::l county.b. tween I the tl'tial h. sr- the H . Tuesday In JAMCVUY n *. i- n ": v :, h i-r.-p-rty belonpltut tn the estate of Jen. •tael- Ropy-S Ist* •- d county, d-. na d. to wit: n. • itw'iJ := I eu’tnty Rarke. contain sia httn in -J.edaadtt.lrty • ..-res. more ..r less. Ivina- on havan.iah r-y* "“'ft* J-ihit i-todeof D'Anttptv. Thus. , Also, eight i;-; .dr-UTCS. more or lea-, in said county, .Ttne on M IV. h. id .Kretuirdt H irst II .... n. ! dJeown Robert Knieht. U P \ *'*'■ f.K- 'N- (trues, vit: Isaac. .1 years old . to . I fMnnty. It; l .... to; Nanny *-5; Salomon j* : Harry l:» - ! L RtuiU*. 12 ; J... k, s : 1*1.; 11. it; Hanrv-h. 2 ; Stnder, tn Mo- s I T M: Tetla. l:. : in-l. id :.1 n,. 6-. Tenne c.rt tlf day of sale. 1 Huwmtopi;. 'fur title*. THOMAS RO.EKA, Adm'r. I I ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. T>Y virtue of an order of the Honorable the Court of tt.,i . »“R Jf »'*«•• T"'y- ’t''- 1 - 1 -'. onHieOrst Tu ed.tv at JAN LARI, 1- a. herure tbetd .urt House .-...0r in the town ,f Waynesls.r . the f, Ilon in* N t vro Slaves. Cz • Andrew and RnVrt. I, Inn.. , , R,.. , .. U:e ltf ftimtfe '.-r. i. .vSS HCtiili.u -.VAi.ToN. AdnVr. GfcittHtelt. ’CRKK ai v. w:,; a.A WUHmn o. Brinson applies for Letters of OttsnUanshln for the per. sons and property ■! Francis. \icy, Joitn, Susan, Martha and I Aei.y, minors of H llllam Kelly, late of said county, ther.-f.-re, todtean.l admonish, all and sinyniar. t use kindreu d said minors, and ail .ther t. rs .tis 1 1.1 . reded tofw nn.l appear Wforo the Court of Ordinary, to be held irt L And for said county, on the second Monday lu January, 13A? ft K'Li h ‘.’ W a Cau *-'. ls 111 f Uk >' have, why said letters should not \ ,5 it ", w ' my liftrd. at ofDre in U'arneHboro’, this Bth day of I IW7 :. dvcio KDWAKI> <lAKl,K’K.<>r.lin»-v. \ , BURKE COUNTY.—Whm-aa, Rich.u-«1 Ro ? <rH up;iii‘s to n»c frn-Letters of < 1 ward In u.ship for thf Uni\tww| ~n* l iT ;' *'• i,w n 9« or Ihese an*, thureftire, t») cite and admonihh the kindred, and x?moih inten-stwl, to Ixjand appear before the Court of Or iry, to tn- held in and for said county, on theaecond Monday anu try next, to show cause. If any they have, why said let stioulu not he granted. Ttness my hand, at office, this 7th day of December. 1557. dev9 EDWARD CIARUCK. tV,|tnsrv. KWI.Ut lU’KKR COUNTY.—winoa-s. Ib.lvrt J. D. R.o/rts. tit:,, ,bn nf llc y.i tv. Whi’flvi.l. aj.j -,U-> be- - • -r. .to.le a, .1 ..*!.. ill a:. I>.,£ Iw. klmlrt ,1 ur d all olber [vrsi.t.. inter,-rted, t,, be and a],pear >rv tht ( .ur: of Ihslitiary. to be held In and for said county, second Moi day In .Tanuarynoxt, and show catise, if any t hare, why said letters sbotlld Dot be oni.tvd. Iven under my hand, at office ia Waynesboro', this 10th of November. 1857. £jl EDWARD OARLICK, Onilnary, .EOKfil t, BCKKE COUNTY.-Whereae. Ktcl.ard 11. ■ >sAr ?lt. Guardi tn of Martha ParlinKtnn, applies for UTS of Uhfulsdon from -aid Ouardiansidp— beware,therefore,to cite and adinonisii all and sln{ralar, klndrcl and all other per-ior:s interested, to he and appear •re the Court of ordinary, to he held in and for said county, he w cvett. Monday in January next, and show cause, if any f have, wh • *a!d Icttere should not t*c granted, at in VVaynest>or©\ th.La 10th ' v li " EDWARDQABLIOK, <> IUJUKE OOUNTY.-W’herea*, Baldwin B. L\T Miller and Joseph I’olhlll. Adminin-traors on the cs- of William H. Baldy, dewaacd, apply for Letters DLmia prv rrom s.dd Administration— L,Tt«reiT.‘* th< 'm r '' r “’ lo , clt , e , ar \ d admonish all and ye.klnd't-l. creditors, and all other persons interested, to he ■jnd apfM-ur before the Court of Ordinary, to In: held in and for M 2 nda Ll n .. Febr [ mry next * an< i •‘.".f- ,f “7 they have, wh>'sald letters should not be granted. Wven nn<L r iuy at office in \V ayneshoro’, this llth day August, 1867. A EDWARD OARUCK, Oitllnsry. , A J! 3 in,lt liter! (he Estate of Dr. Frt e m,-n "■H. I ,-rklus. isle of Burk,' cn it;tv, ,i,r •:,.„•,! ,; e 1-. it. utf iiiate p«ymc:,i : anti all t.crs.ms i:av ■L"™ 1 ; i “ ; : : --><• •:►«»*« are r.quire,l to rentier the,., tn d. wilhiii tlie time present cd hr Ihw ISAAC M. IikINJSON, Adm’r. Al! persons Indebted to the estate of Jo*cnli Ailiway, l-.te of .»'irk county, deceased, are requeued ft make bnuejlnte payment; ar.j those haviny tlemands Ktunst ss'.u ,-si.ite, are required to rentier them in within the ■me preocrlbwl by law. I ( * HARLEY B, ATTAWA Y. AdntV. KrOTKIR - Ail persons harlnk demands mr,J;i.s, the esta' II or Mvtkt) V N.,rrll] lute of Burke ct.untv, dec,as, d « reouue;l prvsont them, duly proven, within the time to ♦ maketatm I'.'u' 1"?* "" !et ' ,< ' d to «W eetate.art rtsiuerltd ' .I,'i>e'|'H A. SHEW M AKE. Adrn-r. SIXTY !»\V- Kba-rdab-. application will be made to the C-vJrtr"! l.nltnary of Burke county, fnr leave to sell all ofthe btte Mackey \KMorrill. Ala . to sell . JOSEPH A. SHEWM \KK. lefferson €*ouutij. j ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. •*** order freiu the Iltmorahie Court of of J* fr.-rson county, will ho sold, on th* f.r,t Tt»jd.avln JANUARY next, at the Market Hoti.-e in the °f Lou.HvH.e, J(ffer.-on county, r,«twe* 11 the usual sale, one hundred acres, more or less, of Pine Land. •Q B*ulng aude of Roberson Fayler and others. Sol i aa th«" TrtHerty of .Jonathan Fonntaln* for the her,< tit nf t*>e iieira •■tredltors of sai; deceased. JOHN WRETt, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. |V virtue of an order from the Court of < irdinary of Jef °» Ore first Moiida\ in Novt-rn'-ef. will mmm the Market House in the town of Louisville, f n -aid thu lawful bours of sale, on the flret Tueeday -ary next, one tract of Land, cental r.in* two hun ®J|W<l nftr-four a Tea, adioinii-g Ur.ds of Jndgt- J. J. Brown jV so * ot** Negro woman, Sarah, about eighteen "R*b swh! ddid. three or four (8 or 4) ycara of ace fkroperty of Marr Holland, late of said oo inty for the benefit of the heir- a: d creditor* of said de- Terms made known on the day of ea!e. - %»* MICHEAL J. Adm’r. I , EXECUTOR’S SALE. T9Y VIRTO.I of authority given in snd by the laat will AM Wdtci»Oi:i!ent of Robert Bovd. late -••f Jc'frereon countv on I lhe l fir ' rt Tueeday in JANUARY. iSJMP 6 House in the town of Louisville, the fol- Jf»rnpe rt s'. to-wlt; That valuable Plantation on which roiided, containing three hundred and ninetv-two (W/Tfft*, ritnated In Jefferson countv, on the fork of Drv Ci*ayj(Hoinniir lands of W. S. Alexander, J. A. Leoptrot, R. Bj!J«rideacd A. Ncw-wrae. Sold subject to the widow’s AMsV-At the same time and place, the following Negroes. Morris, about 46 venrs old: Benton, ahont 17 years aid Flora, about 60 years old. "old fnr a division Terms of sale. WM. Bt>YD. Ex’r. _ RUTH W. BGYD, Ex’cx. WILLIAM j. EVE. W. P. CAEMICHAKI. FAR MICHAEL & CO., AUGUSTA, GA. (P'mritlorx nf the Carmichael Flouring Mills.) C!WyM S! T , (9\J ,f:!?<,,,A>rrS :tnd Dralcreln FL«UR, > IKaL. G RAIN, HA Y. Ac. A 80, A gentjt for Uie Gran clianufacturlug Company’s SHIRTIN GS, Ac. J oT cly KESRISON & LEIDING, IM POET EES OP FAI ft DRY GOODS. SILKS. LINENS. HOSIERY. EMBROIDERIES Ac., *O. 141 Meeting Street, opponite Ilavne Street, charleston, s. c .J? L> kmai3<i». | l,e:i'i.vo, i- dr TO PLANTERS AND FARMES3. T 1 eW)DI MANDI'AGTt-RIXG COMPANY. Inonrno -■*l ] ‘t£‘ln 3840. with a -rvpital of liouioo. offer tbcT New Ki: S*rtPODDKE-riE (br ilc. n. c ; chcuwlt and »i*r tor Corn. Coifon, Tobacco and Kitrfu •» Oard.-i « in Ncw a YSrk. l ii h fio W fi l ' J ’ , ri^ P eT 1 barT ° 1 or ‘ ]roflT,i ° r vessel T n .. barrtl - u "‘. i ov r-'.mdv: ih ,t “AtSf'te 11 P °” faU ““TkPpS* P “ P *' “ '' ill W Atral, Jbnl!. ta rc-iwfffnijy ...lidted, Addreea A-cH L HI! L “ANUkAITURING COMPANY. -- qecl . 60 Court 1 andt Street, New York. m H RwJS AN 7 A1 ? 0N f °R SALE. HmS Anv ala ° eln the woods, and heavy ’ he 0 ctf E.w JOHNSON tPorren tLounty. WARREN SHERIFF’S SALE TIT ILL be sold. l>efore the Court House door in M’arrer.ton. U Warren county, on the first Tucadavin JANUARY, within the legal hours of Nik- One House and Lot in the town of YN'arrenton, adjoining lots of George L. lv-slu r. Matthew Shields, and others, - being now occupied by William 11. Whiteaidej as a grocery store, levied ou as the property of John C. Jennings, to sati*fr fi. fas. is-u --- from the Superior and Inferior Courts of Warre n county, one in favor< o' h d-ert- A (.’oakery vs. Jennings & Riviere, one in favor of John K. Rt\ iere vs. John C. Jvnnu.gs, one in favor of Lamltack A Cooper vs. Jennings A Riviere, two in favor of Thayer A Butt vs. Jennings A Riviere, one m furor of Ch:triea A. Williams vi.Jwnlni.-s A Kivi. rp.One in favor of " V I S u ' fa ;:r .-'f s " 1 , 1 v*- Inp- •» u-vlvre, one in favor of Thm" iH. I-. « r: s u A.imH.'jrrator upon thv «tntv of Jan-csT. ha y I deceased, vs. J.-hn ( . and John K. Rlrivre, sccurltv. aim,vv properly pointed out by I’lab t:T» AUnnu y. - ALbvl—Al ;be Satav time a.O pl.f-e, eight li.mdre-1 and iwemy-tki.y (Pill liVT'-s Pine Land, more or L-s. in W mu coui-ly.sdjmmnelan'ls of Wl'miu, Dickens, William Ikilv-s nudotheis; -neNegro Woman, thirty sewn (37) years obt a-'i her two chJdrt-;. >atn. a boy. about five (Si are r.U. j, d i.lbert,aboj'-f,.u. (♦lyeareobl. Levied „„ m, the nropaiv ot Wit' amjviicht; ' ' ' sattsfe two il. tbs. i.suing from the p iK,.ri... soi.l ooufiiv. are ia t«v-.r • f a .me lllMnn. Executor. Ac., vs. V. . 1. .m Kilcbvns. James M. Kill an.l Wil ii uu M. iv ~oy, sicunty . and the other in favor of V. w. A e-rs n :i:, | h. s. LaMuier, executors. v«. said William Xy Coens and Warren G. Huutvr; property pointed put by the ALs-.i-At the same time and ploee, one Negro Woman, nuu.ed a’l.ic i. ic.rty-thryc fi :> y. are old, ai d l,er rhlld Benin, in-n. o:.e ytaro.d. Levied on as the pro pert', of barah Har r il.ro satisfy one ti. fii..issued from the superior t ~urt of ....m.t sk b.arts.saioh Il.U*- ; A! .s' *- At tie Mine li.enmt p :>ev. -i e house and lot In I thetewnof W.f r, I . ituat,-ion the Norti dde-.'theroad a-iitig fr-.-M Mill* -I s-ellte to Augusta, ad I •inlur the lots -r Jn.nea L. (J ;s -n s-r. y n-.-i o-Iu rs. levied it: on no the perp-rtv of the estate ot M, i wC. Killli-gswortli. in the bands - i')l ry A. r.. cc-W' itli, Ad-.-inistiatrix. upon the estate of flat. Kit : a-sw .r-... G- ■■ o- -1. to-attafy ff. fas. Isaibie from ' the SStb >:: trill. G. M.. Wasldogfon countv ; two lu favor of Sarah \t. Barge vs. More A. KlHingsworfh. Adiainistratrli • two mtbvorot Hudson. W. llt-orn A I'HUicr vs Mare A. Kii. img.wiatb. Aamlnistngrtx: and one la (kvor of V. ~o it Smith rs. said Maw A. Ktliingsworth. AdtulnWraWx said '••• - at.Jr.--ur:. It .., y William A. Hlwlre.Conata. ..•ad r> .rite. ' . fifty, da t.-.»yen...;.t: ..ten™, a;,at. nap. -! Hat-nsh. at- ut twr tv.«;a .2.) tear., til. and b-r two vld-gr.n. one a l-v. t' T-t .*.'*•* A'V*. <•>-« '•><■'" biff W:Vi'il'iLWKt. i"b":^•W.e^ll.^OT'Uf xor of <!. A.Wjilia’i- - A sot, vs. Jot.;, r. .ten,!- s'* ,- o ",nd 1-r-p. rty |oluttdout l.'y the J-bliiitiirs,' h ‘'* • *'•<>• E. A. Itr.tXKI.EY. Sheriff. PGSTTOXED ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. X\ ••-•- i*° - t- 't-'o tl.-' * ‘urt il-v.s, .Ivorln Warrenton, , V o' • "" "-r »r*t T.n-stlav in JANI AKY, • »•»*? - h.i'di Dukcm*, Sr., decei-vl ud- I ' v i" ;' n 'o-’- G YYarr. .. li. Uniter. John Lite, ly, and others, hold Oliavr- .l.t -f twelve montlis | ' :e r s ELIJAH l>|. i;KNs_A.lm"r. ! , ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. ; li' . vlrt v e »" order of tin- Ordinary of Warren county 1 "V'\¥ u ' "' ' A '" f ''J. before .hi-(:.«:« House door ii, the ,n »W ;s-unty. 0.1 the first Tiu -i .y in 1 A.Nt A1.Y.1-'g"., owe. the u.:,:.l l.onr. of sale, the follow. »umtv U !l'v : '^o :l t ,; "talc of Jonathan Gunn, lute of .J?"u ’'.‘bd n-ar Carnal;, containing, bv survey, two hundred and thirty-wx acr. \ l.»> tin- umc more or l ad lining land* of \lT!liam M. Wright. Mlnhru l Rogers, William M , .' 8 f v ’, and A ot, . K ; rs - Tl.ia tract ia mostly tn the w.»odA. and wd] timbered with pine. Itiaaubitct to the and'wiil ' 2-Tt the widow of Arthur Rlcbetson! a, til c * i? ® u V ,t,c J . tw . s " d life interest &f said widow. Another tract of land Ivmgand being situate in said county, < * c,ir ‘ ; >. Railroad, about rme mile aud a half above Uv “'Wy* two hundred and cighty-eeven 1 s, b* t he* Ntme iiiorr or lee**. This t ract ad it tin* t-iin^n ot klizabeth Gunn, a.,d lands belonging to the estate of Robt. , r ; v. l ', I,u rh!s tr^t n«» improvement* or. if. °. f u n ‘d "elds grown up In pines. It has been sur. l, ip ~; r u, rr*' 1 *- w "> •><■ wid tog,-o,er. mite from t-anu V s 1" , ti",? and . '*]!'* hair * !>ud «"«"• 11 * •" t w^tv^rnoio ! wI11 be as above stated, on rTfkde »,v,?J r? 1,, .? P|1 t rnv '' ( Kivurity. The rule is ■ Jf (ourt, for the benefit of the heirs nf Jona than Gunu, deceased. John RHODES Jn » , , . JOEL W. (iUNN. ’{Adm’r*. . :t!; '' "• ‘ - n ■ i; ; io tl9 EXECUTOR'S SALE. 1,0 •°*‘*- before the Court Hou«e door in Warrenton, v M C |‘.' nt i V ’. T\ lw nrHt Tu.Mdayln JANUARY, v.Miin tn- 1.-•••• 11 sril*» hours, a Nfgn. man named Bill MelrenS''S?TcmtVS.te!, %*,&% Bale - nov -° JOHN M. HALL, Executor._ POSTPONED ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. ■\Y ILL be sold.lon the first Tuesday in JANUARY, 1868 XT before tli« Court House door in Wurrcnton, Warren county, within the titmal hour* of K.a.e. a Negro Man, Dave, about tw.-ntv-two yeare old; also, a woman, I>icev about nineteen years old. Sold aa the Property of 'Vm. O. Smith dvceaeed. ELIZA Am!Tlf. Adm’x. JESSE RK KETSON ) . . , _JL°vH NICHOLAS U ARBUCK.I Adm rB ADMINUTRATOR’E BALE. WIEE 1,0 befr.re the Court House door in Warrenton. " * V rrv! | ‘‘I” 1 e " 8,5:1 1 hours <*f sale, on tie flr»t I uertday in FEItRL ARY next, three hundred and seven teen acres of pine L'tnd, subject to thewidow> dower, lying n a X !IV r ‘ 1^ <e ‘ i i y croc *' '♦‘Uohdng lards ot John Guv, £‘T,f ,h .. A l ,k,n! ' t ! i nd °*hcrs. Sold as Hie prop, rtv of .Stillman I . llutf, deceased. nov4 ALFRED RON BY, Ad u’r. v . GUARDIAN’S BALE. \\ ILL be sold, on He* flr»r Tuesday in JANUARY next, TT hetore the Court House door in Warrenton. Warren count\, withi the legal hm rs of aale, a negn. woman Julia, ♦bout tweiitvsight year* old, and her hov Ar»h, about six yea-s o.d ; Dinah, i girl about nineteen years old : M.irzaret. a g.n about . Ightc-rn \ <*.trs old. Sold a* the proi»erty of Lula Buford, minor of Henry Buford, deceased. nKOKGI \, WARREN C(>UisTY.-Whereas, JohSTeS " " '> «Dplks to me for Letters of Administration, de bonis non, < u the estate of Daniel Morri w , late of Jones county, de- TlMw are. therefore, to elfo and admonish all and singular, the kindred and cn ditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at niy offiee. within the time pn-cribcd bylaw, and show cause. If any they have, why Juld 'etb-rs siiould not he granted. Given under my hand, at Y-ffice in Warrenton, this 10th day of Decemt er, 1867. de 12 H. R. CODY. Ordinary. ,WARREN COUNTY Whereas, 11. G. .v T FyM applies to me for Letters of Administration upon the ifCnte of A w I Uari-h, late of said county, deceased : I hose are. th.-refore, to cite nd admonish, all arid singular, the art! orediior* of wid deceased, to he and appear at joy fi.ilce, within the time prescribed bv law and show cause. .f ar.v they have why said letters should not b* granted. Given u.der • iy hand, at office in Warrenton. this l*.th day of V J H. IL .CODY. fl WARREN COUNTY.—Whern**, Wm. TL a a ! I'Vli' r. appllt* tn -in- for Lattcra of Aduilnlatmtlon upon the . .tale ot Kdwur.l -h- rir, iatvof ..1.1 . nm.ty. -Iwa'awd— i f. w an;, ti.frvfnrv, to rite and i.imiunn, allaa.l .Ingular. tl.e kindred ami oreditoraor -aid der.-a-ed. to if and at pi ar at nty oiHm-. within the tltn, p'racrihi-l hv law. and allow cauav. If a'.y they ave. why ».I f l.ttera «... uld not If granted. (liven under my hand, at office in Warrenton. thtoS.l day of Xove nhir, 18-.7. r.r,v4 11, K furtY, Ordlnarr, fi 1 - WAKRE.V COUNTY—Whenaa, Amanda ' * 'v Miirtland appllta to me for Letter, of Adminiatratinn deSa-wJt*" ° f ““'" r 1 K ' Morel! >nd, lateofeaid county. There are, tlimfore, to cite and nummonal! and singular, tuc klrdn-d and creditors of said decease'!. t«> be and appear at my office within the tune prescribed by law. and show raw* ls anv thev have, why said letters should not Irt* granted. ' Given under my hand, at office tn Warrenton, ’hln M dav ot November, 1867. nov4 11. R. CODY. Ordinarv. f WARREN COUNTY —Whereas, Lawson 7?- applies to me for LetUrs of Adrninistratier. uj>on the fcrtUte of liarkadale W right, deceased— .v , to cite and -dmordsb, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ar.d appear at my within the time prescribed bv law, and show cause, i. any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In Warrenton. this 26th dav of November, 1867. nov2B H. R. CODY. Ordinary. G KORGLV WARREN COUNTY.—Whereas, W^Th. Pilcher, Surviving Administrator of Jam-n p Jcher. late sf said county, deceased, applies to me for Lettere Diamiaeorv from said estate— ,i.Tw^ar?,thJt'rcfr ’ re ' *ocJt«*nd summon, all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceaaod. to be and appear at my office, within the time nre.scribed by law, to show cause, il anv they have, why said letter* rhould not be granted Given under ruy hand, at offioc in Warrenton, thl* 2d day of November. 1867. nov4 11. R. CODY, Ordinary. fi WARRBN COUNTY WlmrOM, Wllllotn 'Til. Smith applies to me for Letters of Admlnl-rtretlon on the estate of Joseph A. Smith, late of said county, deceas'd .V 1 th f refo l?» to c,te * R d admonish, all and singular, the kkidred and creditors of eaid deceased, to be and ar«r»eAr at my office, within the time preacrUied by law, to show cause. If anv they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton. this 29th day of Oilier, 136-. ocM H. K. CODY, Ordinary. * G F ;««‘'' V WARREN COUNTY.—WhereM. Richard \% alden and (’alvin Logfie apply to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of W llllam G. Walden, late of said county, deceased— These tu-s. therefore- to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and apti-ar at my office will,in the time prescribed i.y law. and show Vans. It any they have, why said lettere of administration should not. *»e granted. Given under my harm, at office in Warrenton. this 26th day o October, 1857. oc2B HENRY R. CODY. Ordinarv. rj- F T?^ G J>’-*> RREN COUNTY—Whereas. John M. " A Hail. Administrator on the estate of Harry R. Berry dc ceiwed. applies to me for Letters Dlsmissory from bald ad minis- These are, therefore, to cite and admonDh, inland singular, the kindred and creditnrsof said deceased, to l»e and apne-ar at my office, within the time [.rescribed by law, and s ow cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. ’ Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 9th dav of July, 1867. jy 12 HENRY R. CODY, Ordinary. G1 EORGIA, WARREN COUNTY.-Wherea*, Columbus B < iranade. Administrator on the estate of Susan Granade, applies to me f-r Letters Disiniss'-r>' from said estate These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed hv law, and show cause, if any they have, why saids letters should not be granted. Given und r my hand, at office in Warrenton. this 17th day of June, 1657. jc!9 HENRY R. CODY, Ordinary. CLYTY H\YS after date application will be made to the Honorable L’ourt of Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to ?ell a tract of Land belonging to the es'ate of John B. Har reL late of Warren county, deceased. decl2 MARTHA HAKREL, Adm’x. 'VJ'OTIC'E.— All person* indebted to the estate of Jonathan lx Gunn, late of W.arrea county,,deceased. wi; 1 come forward and make immediate payment; and those having demands will present them in terms of Law. JOHN RHODES ) . , . _oc2s JOEL P/. GUNN,S A SIXTY GAYS after date, application will}>e made to the Court of Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to sell the Land belonging to the eaUte of Stillman P. Huff, late of said county, deceased. nov4 ALFRED RONEY, Adm’r. SCSIVEN SHERIFF'S SALE. \v ILL be sold. t«fore the Court House d rin Sylvnai:i, ' - in -aid county, on the first Tuwalay in JANUARY. 18Y<t. within the hours of Kile. th. followintc i n-la rtv, to wit : Pour hundred bushvis of Coni, tn'-rv or ic-s. l- vi- d on as the property of John S. Green, to satisfy one Inferior Court tl. fa. i:i favor of James S. Stone ; cue Superior Court fl. fa. ia favor of Aon G. Block, and others. Property p-iinted out by l-!alnttff*s Attorney. dwJ THOMAS 11. USHER. Sheriff. SCRIVEN SHERIFF S SALE. -e so!-!, before the Court House door In Sylvania, >7 Svrivvn coitnrr. r.„ ti.o rt. »t Tue day in .1 \NU ARY'. 19&S, Within the hoars of satv, the foiiou ina | rotn rtv to wit: One tract of Laud, contain-'-- five oerts. more or I--. a->ltdnffl*n.h.of K. D.Sl.atp. W. i. :«r 11-H-v. and others, i- va -I on as r!:- -r.-perty ot t|! !,.,- :1 J. Mi- ... ;■ v.a.v Superior Court fl fla. iu 1.,v0r of Thi s. T. S-' - amt ot "ie. deed THOMAS 11. UoHKK.Sh.riif. ADMIinSTRATOR'S SALE. t <;:tKE\KLi: to :a order of the Court - f Ordinarv of fV scrlv. t; 00-intv. will 1-e s- id. h- f-r. : vs- -trt II- -■. r In Sylvania, In «a! I .-ot;,tv, ontliv nr-r To.- -la. In IANIIA RY ut-kt. tl 'St. tvll'a. , iheuwid h'-tas of 5... . ti l l of Laud la mid county, tl.e - to:., f.y ul tht o-tate - f llvt.rv It. M ••«. d-erased, co- tait-ln* tw, !w lm- i „l ,• .1 , -vntv.tlve (is—) acres tin rear tor-. ».;pdoli.g l.oolr of J..|in H..smith, sav.im.i: River, ntnl others. Sold lit,., lot,:;: "ft:., loirs ar.d creditors of said deceased. .. rn,< on tin- ,!av of °*->l JAMES J. MEA'KS. A.iin'r. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. BV orderot the c-mrt ofOr iit.arv of Scriven county, wl'l hea-.ld. on the firs Tuesday in .1A NT AR Y ;.ext.'liefhn> t ' ' ■' It. - -I ■. tn s,|. ,n ~ s,, I . , parcel of '-a-oi in r.n! o,t„ the ertah- of Mtp-tvn Lia.ki.art-, dec is.i, con ait,in, two hundred ai d fitly.seven Ci-;7) :kr*. more „r lev.. -I .- i land, of 11. M. 1-iadtbi ru. 11. H. McGee, and !■:•.!, r ,i,., R , kloini s.-iff f, lr the ta-uvllt of the heirsot s:i.l ,-c,i. Tetm-te the dat ol It MtTl.i Y M. itLACKBCKN.I oct* RI’IIRAIM BLACKBURN. j Adu.rs. EXECUTOR'S SALE. 1)1 'lst WTt ■ ! :-t »i l an.l t.sWntcrt -f Jacobll. I. rr.,:,-. r .1; ::n,i by virtu,- ot order fr.-m the Court of Ordinary-f Scrlvcn county, will he <->ld on tl-otii-c ft csd tv In JAN I ARY to \t, t is*--at ti-v Court iioi.ro.l.. o|u S.ivanhmwonckro ntvn : naitu iv.. ..to and Bill, b.l-v*-.:- t-the elate Os Jac..'. 11. YV.lls, -r.. .!, cased. Soldftr the hatvflt of tin heirs and crvvltors of raid dcoeased Terms on the day t.f sole. r JOHN Sip ITT. El'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S PALE 4 URUCABLB to at, orilcrof the Court of Ordinarv of t\ Serivyti coti- t.v, will he sold. li.-lore t! eCotirt IBniso .'|o,-r or a V ' 'dr-om-tv, on tile first Tnesdayin JAM'A RY , Iras, within tin umal hotira -o' rai.', thne tnutr of Lend hi said county, the property of the estate of Beniamin M. . axon, late of sable tinty, deceased. The thre-e tracts c -nlain tt'k - dmßen httn ired and ten (IfilO) aer- r, more or l-v l-ontid «l by Savhi.nnlt tlv. r. Brad Jones, tv,titan: fowal. Wilder. Black, co-t-er. Dailey. Wtlilamr Old Acre. Tltis U one of the l ist Plantal-ons in the low country. Sold for the Iwnefit of the hum aud creditor.- i f sold denvased. Terms on the dav of “K- BOV* J. J. BIIY'D, Adio'r. (iraatll SCRIVKN COUNTY Whereas, the ea \ A t .tc* ot Elixibtth Robbins, deceased, lute ol' .-slid eou.ity. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all .and singular, the kindred and creditor* --f raid deceased, to appear and take o it Ivtter** of Administration, on the Mton-t Monday lnJun or letter* w!H be granted to an officer pointed out Given under mv hand, at office in Svlvar.ia. thin I2th day of November, 1867. A1 ,E.tANDER K KMI*. "•■ :A Ordluuy. KOR Cl \ , TAI .T A FERRO Ct >UNTY.—W hvrea*. Yfi Joshua Morgan, Guardian <.r tlu* orphan* of James Mor gsii. do'ettsed. has made vr-p'icalion tome for Letters of I)is ruisfvi.m from said Guardianshi[>~ Thes< are. therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at tny office on or h< f .re the second Monday In Jan uarv. to show cause, If any they have, why said Letters should not lie granted. Olven uMder my hand, at office iu Crawfordvllle, thlsNo vemb«r 21st, 1867. QUINE A O’NEAL, Ordinary. fi EORGIA. STRIVEN C()UNTY.ZM'hcrerLs, jiraTs YT Parker. AdmlnUmtoron the . state of Ellr.abeth Parker, tion Mttl, UfJpllcd for ijL ‘ ttrTS Dlsmissory from mild Admlnbtra- These are. therefore, to cite and admonisli, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear be fore the Court of Ordinair. to l.e held In and for mild enuntv. on the second Mondav in February next, and show cause, ls anv they have, why said letters should not he granted /v .‘T cn ,’oi- er c » y hand, h, Syhanla, this 7th day of October. SURI YEN COUNTY.—WhercaaTjames Par ker. Gu:irdiaii for Claricy Parker, applies for Letters Ids inimM'ry from said Guardianship— Th«*s«' an*, therefore, t° cite and admonish, all and singular, the kr.idred, and ail other persons concerned, to be ami appear before the Court ot Onlinary. to Ih> held in and for mild county, on the second Monday In Fchnairv next, and ah. .w cause, if any thev have, why said letter* should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office in Svlvnni». this 7th dav of October, 1---;. ■! t ALLX A N DEB K BMP.« miinnry. IIBORGIA, BCRIVEN coi'NTY.-M’h -re,is. pj„-i7l \T Tuttle, Guardian for Jarm s Tuttle, applies for Letter* of Diamission from Maid Guardianship— .i * to cite ami admonish all and slugular, the kindred and ail other person* Interested, to be and mux-ir before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for maid county, on the second Monday in February next, and showcau*e, if any the\- have, why said letters should not he grunted. Given under my hand, at office In Sylvania, thl* 17th day of Sept., 1867. aop22 ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary. DAYS after date, application will he made to the Ll Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Seriven county, for leave to sell hilithe > Negroes belonging to the estate of John Brinson, late of said am nty, deceased. * dee'J ,1A M ESjlI N BftON, Adtn r. IV' ll Persons Indehteil to the estate of Jacob 11. IN Well*, sr.. late of Sexiven couutj, deceased, are* requwti-d to make Immediate payment; ana tiiose having demamlH against : aid estate, will rend, r th< m in dulvauthentlcated, in terms of the law. n 024 JOHN SCOTT, Exr. \ T OTICB.—AII persons indebted to the estate ofThoitriaa lx Rubbin*. deceased, of Scrlvcn county, are requested to make’mmx dhtte f>ayrn**nt; and those having demands against * ud Lsta’c will render them In, duly authenticated in term* of the law. nov94 ARTHUR RoBBINS, Adm’r. CIXTY DAYh after date, application will he made to the t7 Honorable (Jourt of Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to ael! all the L .nd* belonging to the estate of Jane Boyd, lute of said county, deceased. C A L VIN LOG UE, Adm’r. nov2B VIOTICHL—AII p. rso»H Indebted to the estate of Peter Ar lx nett, late of Scrlvcn county, deceased, are requested to make Immediate payment; and thost* haying demands against the same are requested to render them in, duly attcated, within the time required by law, navlS ROBERT ARNETT. Administrator. (JIYTY DAYS after date, application will be made to the rx Court of Ordinmy of Sc-iven county, fur leave to sell the Real Estate of Teter Arnett, late of saidoomitv. deccmwd. novl < ROBERT ARNETT, Adm’r. VOTICJR—.AH person* Indebted to the estate of JameSTT. ‘X »» hetstone, late of Scrlvcn county, dec<-a*<*d. are request*, ed to makeirn mediate payment; and those hr.ving demands ugamst said estate, are requeued to render them in, duly at tested. within the lime nquired by law. _dccl«_ JACOB W HEELER, AdmV._ CI-XTY DAYH after date, application will U* made to the fr Honorable the (Jourt of Onlinary of Sexiven county, for leave to sell two Negro men, namely. Cato and Bill. !*h.nglng to the tdUtUs of Jacob H. Well*, Sr., late of said county. dw’tL JOHN SCO'IT, Ex’r. N'OTK®. —-All persons indebted to tlic estate of Jacob H. Wei!*, Sr., fatg of Scrlvcn county, decejiaed, are re queued to make immediate payment; und those having de manda oa-ulnrt oald wtitc will r.nrlcr Un-tit ia to the Exoetitor, duly autliei.ticated, in terms vt the law. n-eS JOHN BOOTT, Ek’r. SIXTY' DAY'S after date, application will be mode to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Bcriven county, for leave to cell a Nairn man named ,M»,|or, belonjrin* to tie ce tatc of < hark* McQueen, lute of aiid county, deceased. ”°VB GREEN I). SIIAUI’E, Adm'r. fUBMU,WARREN COUNTY,—Wlivreae.AnnT. \ A I arker anplie* t<> rne for Lett'-ra of Administration upon W»e estate of Malialy Parker, late of said county, deceased These are, therefore, to cite, summon und adinoni.-h, all und singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he ami appear at ray office, within the time rm -cribed bv law, und si. .w cause, if any they have, why *akl letters should not be granted. Given under ray hand, at office in Warrenton,thl* 14th d*y of December. 1867. decl6 11. K. OODY. Ordinary. GEORGIA, WARREN COUNTY.—Whereas, ls. M. Cody applies to me for Letter* of Guardianship for the uenvm* and property of Surah E. Hobba and Suuan A. E. Hobbs, minor heirs of James ijobbs. deceased These are, therefore, U> cite and admonish, all and Klngular, the kindred of said minors, ami all persons interested, U> be arid appear at my office, wiUiln the lime prescribed by law, and 9h->w «4u*e t If any they have, why saul letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at offiee In Warrenton. this I4th dav of December, 1857. declG 11. R. CODY, OreUuary. OTOtL-All persons Indebted to the estate of Robert K. i.X Moreland, late of Warren county, deceased, are renne*?ed to make immodinte payment; and those having demand* against said estate, are required to rentier them lu, duly attest ed. within the time required by law. decl6 AMANDA M. MORELAND, Adm’x. rABOFUiIA. WARREN COUNTY Whereas, OTn YA Simpson appiiea for Letters of Dismission from the e*- tato of Nathan Simpson, late of ssdd oounty, ikvamsed— These are, therefore, to cite, summon and' admonish, all and singular, the kindred and rreditr>rs ofsairl deceased, to be ar:d appearat my office within the time prescribed by law, and sho w c.xuse. If any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under mv hand, at office In Warrenton. this 16thday 0; December, 186 1. declß H. R. (JODY, Ordinary. nEOHGIA, WARREN COUNTY.-Whorea*, N.C. Ba \ A con. Executor on the estate of Lady Smith. Into of Kiid county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of from Bald estate— Theac are, therefore, to cite and summon oil concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and (•how cause, if any they Lave, why said lettere should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this - c ?.h day of May, 1567- myßo HENRY R. COPY. Ordinary. n Honorable the Court of Onlinary of Warren county, for leave to sell the Property belonging to the ebtate of Matilda bowe, late of amd county, deceased. CURTIS Ci. LOWE, , rt DAVID W. LOWE, novl ° Administrators de bonis non. SIXTY DAYS after date, application will he made to the Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of Warren comity, for leave to sell a portion of the Land* belonging to the estate of llenecca Flinns, late of *ald county, deceased. WILLIAM li. STORY, Executor. Thomas H. P. Wiight. 1 Administrator on the estate Bill for Injunctien. and to mar Oi James Ivey, deceased, > shal Assets. Li Warrrcn Supe- P , . . ~ nor Court. Eiwin A. Brinkley, et.al.j IT appearing to the Court that Thomas L. Yarbro. one of the defendants in the above stated case, resides out of the on motion of Llewellyn A. Neims. complain ants Solicitor, it is Ordered by the Court. That the said de lenuant, Thomas L. Yarbro be, arid he is hereby required to appear at the next term of thl- Court, and plead, answer or 1 demur to said cause, not demuring alone, ami show cause why judgment and decree should not lie entered by default. And that a copy of this rule be published in one or the public ga zett a B in the city of Augusta, once a month for four month* before the next term of Una Court. A true extract from the minutes of Court Nov. 18,1857. novSl lam4m G. W. DICKSON, Clerk. Albert County. EXECUTOR’S SALE. PI RSI AXT to the last will ard testament o* Susan / Dcadwyler, late of Eltw rt conn tv, d ceased will be sold* on the first Tuesday In FEBRVa KY, l&HJfore the ' % 1 H.r," door m the town ofM-Jbert™. KUcrt count}-, wl-liin t the -oars of at, one Nogro boy named Emanuel, a'out ( aixttO" ventv (ad. brttraetna to the t-v.aU of Susan A. Head- • wrier, deceased, nold fi radistnhnilon amongthr di-tr' n. tee-<-.f s;ii(l deceased. Terms madt known on Thedav of-a'e , d egl~ JOHN O. tIEAIIWYLER, Ex'r. ' c ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE AGREE ABLE to an order c : t rt of OrdtnaiT of Ellifrt comity, will be sold. Mithe flr-t Tnesdav In FEB : r -X- 1 r: r I- - , Olarksvi.le. HabrMhun county, Ua.. witl.ln Un- legal hours of «* Isand belong,, g to the estate „r .t„hn Hairy. J latent Elbert county, deceased. e..i„al:,!ngtwo him,ln- amt fifty (SoO) acres, roirt or le-s. in tl,- ~i.-trlct us Hal... sliß!ii county, *\o. lO.i. tv-id for a distribution among the heirs of the said John Haley, deceased. Terms n ad< known ou the day of Kilo. ’ FRAN-is oaINES.I , , d«c!7 ASA S. BOX 15, (Auinrs ELBERT SHERIFF'S SALE. WB.M-rs-.ld, befun tl.Court !!„ . dnorln Ether-on. ’ L.i -u-rt coni.'y on ! < drs Too lay In JAM AKY. 18-$, during the legal sale ..ours, the f.dh.win® nroi-ertv t,, Wit : Ooehundtvd acres of „ r on'the ‘ s.terser5 .terser BeaverdumOT. <, „ where-., Jan cs It. Reynolds n >wl!v«e Joint -I, d« o Willi.-,,, f dters-n. John M. Adams and others. Also, twelve and a half urn sos L-.-.I more or less, lying on t’.c w.,t. rs-.-f Ya. '• creek, in sai l corn, tv, where- a Washing!' it I'rift m.w I \cs. Joining lauds of William Patterson and the K art r i„-.<Jro,inil All" one ' Jack, about ten year* old; on- l.t ..i mw, ll:ineom» 1 one large map ot the Unit,- m s. wilt, an in,l, i. Ac.; one’ • 1 n,-w Bureau : on- old lie si Vi r.l : two |, Cl,cats ; four !-,rge and one ~ ■■ • die Bedsteads ; five pine "i'a- t * one Clock; one P-v ; oven and two ills - 1 Grindstone s one pair larp, Sv,;, <ine lot of P „ws awl old Irons ; ahorse kit Kiame : o- - old J-r-cy wagon liody: roe kitchen "'onhoart; at, let-;-.I on as the property of Janus 11. Kfy.a.Ms. to s.tl.ft tw.. a. fas., ooe fa-, Elbert Interior C0,;,-, in Hu - : s raolon. Stark A La vises. James II Reynolds: -he o-1,,-r f-,,-,1 El'-e.t Sap,-,lor C-urt, in 'ayor of JraCll ls ia-i v». .1 ll.Revnc.l ts ot (inert fount}-, M ijnaiu C. Uavts -,, tlart Miidi on llild.or.of Elbert county. William M. P ..fc.’iX A.l.umls • trators A,-., and other tt. vs sal.l Reynolds". Property IMlaled out by arid Jaaca 11. Reynold'. l y T-. M - rrusEß. iyp._si.ir. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. VGIIEEAHIJi to an order of the Court of Ordinary or El. In rt county, will be sold, before the Court House '.loo- In hinerton. in said county, on the tt r ,t Tuesday JAXCAKY, 1808, w;ti.in the legal sate hours, tie following proj'ertv, to wit: A Xo.rro woman, about thlrtyelclit yea-s old. , amed Han-, and her four children, Stephen, lfracrll. Frank, and an Infant: negro man named Hilly, about tlfly yea,s old; a ne. uro boy named Harrison, about eighteen years hid. At o, n lot Os Land In the town of Elb, rtom containing about nineteen acres, opposite the house lab ly occuiiled by Hr. James Brown cr. dcc-a.-ed. and adjoining lands of James M.Wyebe. Win. J. \ fu,dozer, aud others. Also, another 10l ,n said town of about five acres, opposite the re, deuce of WUllalU J. Clark, and admiring th land „l William T. Vanduaer, and others. A ISO. a Piano, and a double barrel Shot Gun. Sold a- lhe property of the estate of Ira Chris, lan. deceased, for tin-I,cue lit of the heirs arid creditors of said deceased Terms made known on the day of sale. nevlii WILLIAM T. VJUfPTORR. Adml, ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. nriLLbc sold, on the tir-t Tuesday In FEBRUARY. ISW, ▼ v within the legal sale hours, before the Court House c1....r in Elberton. Elbert coun'y, a negro man named Lover, about sixty years old; a negro woman named Vluey. about forty seven yturs old ; a negro boy named George, about five years old; 2 two-horse wagons, one new, painted blue or slate, the other old body, painted. Also, two buggies. All levied on as the property of James JJ. Reynold, to satisfy twenty mortgage (1. las. no in Elbert Inferior Court ruminst said James H. Rey nold ; one in favor of each of the following nl dntiffn In tl. fa,, r Ban.abas Barron .lobn W. Turner, Madison Hudson, Administrator of 0.0. Willis, deceased, William Teaslev Wtliis R. ilam, John M. Christian, Samuel I>. Blackwell. Eppy W . Roebuck. Thos. J. Turman, James J. Blackwell, L. Thos. Johnston, John Downer, George Gaines. Alfred Hammond, Asa M. Rico, M art ha Harper, Aoministra toroi L. Harper, deceased. Win. B. Nolnu.: Wm. T. Vandu- f er ,. Administrator of Ira Christian, deceased. Epi»v W. Koe buek. Executor of Wm. J. Roebuck, and Willis Bond, T. M. TP R N BR.P. BhTT, GUARDIAN S SALE. \ GHEE A RLE to an < rd< r from the Court of Ordinary of J V , will be so d, on the first Tuesday in ,JAN 13bS, before the Coi rt House door in said county, within the legal sale hour*, three Negroes, to wit: Dave, a man about tlilrty-three year old; Washington, a man about forty years old : Ilenry, a man about thirty-one years old, be longiiig to the minor heirs ot George Williams. Sold for the benefit of said minors. Terms on the dav of wile „ , . , JANE L. ALI.KN. novLS Gnar bn for the mb orcUldron of George WllU imb. ADMINISRRATORS’ SALE. A GRKE AHLE to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Libert county, will h< sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN IJAUY, IK4J, before the Court house door in the town of El . bei-ton, wit hin the legal hours of *ale, a tract of Land in said county, containing one hundred and twenty acres, more or leas, on the waters of the Beaver lain creek, adjoining lands of William B. White, Luther H. O. Martin, and be ’ longing to the estate of Zarhariah IMckerson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the bsirs »r said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. JOHN IHCKERSON, ).. , novia JOHN T. DICKERSON. { All,u ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. \ order from the nouorable, tb«» Court r xm. or Ordinary of Libert county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Januuryuext, before the Court House door, in tho D ho'irs, a tr.kct of land tytng in said county, belonging to r the Estate of Henry R. eontahtina bit., j bundled ami forty acre* m>Wy Ires. the watuf* of Mrrv%d river, known .u f!n I>«f*wOr n Mr*>. l.tlCtada Dead wyler fomierly lived, adjoSnßi'r lands of John G. Deailwvler - and others, sold for the b«Mui of the heirs of said deceased. . Terms on the day of sale. nov7 1 JOHN 0. HEADWYLER. Admr. ! ADMINISTRATOR t’ SALE. AGHEKAHIvE to an order the Court of Ordinary of Elbert county, will he sold, on the first Tueedny in JAN ' UARY next, before the Court House door irr the town of El -1 berton, within the legal hours of sale, a tract of Land in wild • county, cont.aining six hundred and twelve (612) acres, more or 1 on the waters of Pickens creek, adjoining lands of Jobfnh Strickland. Francis Gaines, and others, belonging to the ©date John Haley, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the helra of said deceased. Terms od the day of sale o FRANCIS GAINES, ) AilmW novß ASA 8. BONES ( Adinrs. G1 EORGIA, ELBERT «fj7orge w! I Brown, Guardian for Eppy W. Brown, a minor heir of Dozier Brown, deceased, applies to me for Letters Diwnlaaory from said Guardbu»ship— Those are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and any other Demons Interested, to be and appear at my office, within the lime nre bribed by law, and show cause. If any they have, why »dd letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In El berton, this *»th day of August. 1857. a027 WM. H. EDWARDS. Ordinary. EOHGIA, ELBERT COUNTY.—Whereas, Augustus V A M. Wansley, Executor of the last will and t«*stament of I homas \V aneley, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Ijetters of Dismission— ..Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to Ik? ami appear at the Court of Ortiinary, to he held in and for ~ald county, on the first Monday in February next, and show cause. It any they have, why said letters should not Ik* granted. Given under my hand, at office tn Elberton, this lid day of •July. lS r <<. Jyjh WM. 11. EDWARDS, Ordinary. EORGIA, ELBERT COUNTy!— Whereas, Dunston B. verdell. Administrator do bonis non, with tiie will an nexed, on the estate of Wiliam itich, Jr M late, of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismiasorv— These are. therefore, t/. cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of siiid deceased, to be andat)i>ear be fore the Court of Ordinary to he held in and for add county, on t.ie first Monday In February next, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letter® should not be granted, r 9 ,v^orH rulcr u, 7 , h : tnd « at offi.j*in Eibcrton, this 16th day of July, 1867. __ jyl9 _ WM. H. EDWARDS, Ordinary. a«fW DAYS after date, application will he made to tho P Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Elbert eountv, for leave to sell two Negroes, namely, Martha and Malinda, be longing to tlie estate of Dr. Calvin F. Wlllhlte. late of said county, deceased. dec!7 WARY A. WILL HITE, Ex’x. DAYS after (late application will be made to the p Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Elbert county, for leuve to sell four Negroes, namely: E:*y, a girl eleven years old; Nathan, a bpv sixteen y.sin old; Charity, a woman twen ty rears old; and her child. Seaborn, one and a half years old, belonging to Rebecca C. Allen, a minor heir of Singleton W. Allemdeceased. JANE L. ALLEN, Guardian for Rebecca 0. Allen. NOTH Tl—a ll pereonn! udcbtedloThe estateof Archibald Mewbonm. late of Elbert county, deceased, are requested to nu»kc Immediate payment; and thoee having demands against said estate, will render them in, delv authenticated, according to law. THOMAS J. TEABLEY. . nova® MARTIN M. MEWBOURN.J Ad,n r ®* r WHO’S FOND OF FRUIT * T!iflC2£ ur x** v ' n r car , J sfc r * >n ' Jackson County , Ga. who are fond of t ruit will have an opportunity of Obtaining Apples, Peaches and Peor-gratted Scions, ami growing it at home, hv add rearing F. H. Lsoo, Jefferson, Jack son county. Geo., and Bending me their names aud the luunher - that they are wanting. I have twenty-eight varieties of Apple Graft*, ripening from June to November. Some of the Varie ties will keep : through the winter to May following. I have also twenty eight varieties of I’each Grafts, ripening from the last of June to the last of October. The Pears are mostly summer. I have but a few Pear Grafts to dispose of this sea- i son. My Grafts are growing finely—they are vigorous and healthy. I have omitted my catalogue In this notice Persons ' wishing to get one will please write me, and X will nd them gratis. To cash orders I will furnish Apple Grafts at o*s n«r hun dred ; 200 at the rate of s2o per hundred ; 500 at the rate of ft IS per hundred. Peach Grafts at the rate of #26 per huudred. Pears at #to per hundred. I will label eodi variety, bundle and wrap them in the best manner, and will send them with my wagon, or the railroad the one that is most convenient. No charge will be made for the delivery of them at the Depot at Athens The name of ' the person ordering should be plainly written*; al o the con- i W ee i name at the nearest depot. The best season* f<-r plants ■ tng is November ana December. I*. S.—l think that sixty or seventy varieties, ripening in succession, is a sufficient sumber for an orchard •eg** CBm F. U. LEGG. , , FIFT2ZN DOLLARS REWARD. TO LEA from the stattftof Peter Riddi ckinSe riven coun tv, on the 20th of OctMm r a snail Sorrel Si \LLIO\ .MOB E. eight years old with a blase fae ■, »,«,th hind 1 Js 1 white, with a small sorrell spot on one of hla hi .d e t and a 1 larger or.e on the othtr, down adjoining the hoof. He also hi* : a stair on the inside of hi> left ham, from a r:.d .g r s r- and was not well cured up when he wns ,-toh n. which mav i*jinse * him U. Ump In that leg if he has b en rode hard. } I will pay Y ilteen Dollars reward for the delivery of him to i me, or for puts ;ug.in safe hands until I < an get» J-, Address, THOMAS M. Brill H, f _H&9 clOt* Joy’s Mills, Burke county, (is. < MESON ACADEMY, LEXINGTON, GEORGIA. 1 fIMIK exercises of the Male Department of tli's Academy < be resumed on the second Monday in JANUARY, IS-jB. Ihe Board of Trustees deem it neco nary oul. to state i *i?.{ dcr to * full attendance of pupils, the services • nf. I , n 9 MAS H. Moss. A. M.. who has bo ably suid satlstactorilv i filled toe post of Principal in this Department for the last nine > r a J?’ iav . e for another year. A full attendance £ pec^cd JeUt3 at tlie openiug of tlie next tenn confidently ix- i oJ * n , 00 *. 1 “’ arat Monday In t JANUARY . 18-jS. under the superintendence of an expert- ( eaced and efficient teacher. GEORGE R. GILMER a dccli £* Chairman of the Board of Trustees. RAISINS, RAISINS. ~ ■ TWENTY Whole boxes RAISINS; 20 half boxes “ Columbia Countn. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. \ITILL be sold, at tho late resilience of Hann?h Sulher - ’V. ian «- deceased, on Monday, the 21st day ..f DE< EM BER next, all the Perishable Property belonging to thee«- tan-s of John Sutherland and Hannah Sutherland, both of ; Columbia .county, deceased, consisting of Hoi.-vs. Muirs, Cat- i rle,p.>ra Hogs. st«»ok Hogs, Cotton and Cotton Seed. House- f hold ar.d h :hm l arnitmv. Plantation Tools, and other arti ‘ cles too t' .irtii.- to mention. T»rms made known oti the day \ °\ S ‘ U '- . JOHN B. BUTH ERL AND. Adn.’r, J EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an onier from the Court of Ordinary of Co lumbia county, will bo sold, before the Court House door - lu the town of Appling, in said comity, within the usual hours of rale, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, a Negro f man. Lew s, belonging to the estute of UV|| an, c iett, late 6f , ■- >■ t>ovf> (.. If. ci.IETT, Ex’r. J EXECUTOR'S SALE. Wl'-'- •« «"R <m the first Tuesday in JANUARY next s ■" f'.rc the (’unit House dour in lhe town of At.[if t Uolunil.la county, in tKTSiw.cc or nn c.r.1.-r -.f tile- Ord ti.-iry t ;t roil c.unty, witldn the ostial hours of sac. all Hie ' . i nisi- 1..u k i„k to the estate of Alfrc.l Murets. iler.eitKd, of t ..hi county, cunt Jninc sis hundred and flee am s. n.-.rcor less A...1 t*vnty.n,i,r NTyrees. All -nil n.rthe , ,ft of the !..•!,» I j m.it ■ reditow. MARY M. M'UKfii;.-. Fjecutrlk I oc - ‘ A. i*. ROBEHTSOS. Executor. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. I OREEVIJLKtn nn order of tin t' r- ofr>.t!nare rtf Pe. .». etitu; enii.it v, will he sn:.|, tn A r.,»l itiir. ('nlnn.hta, un;v. ,T , a «rat luesday in -I ANUARy' next, with , he ot r act , M Latid, lying in said :ty.-fC.dmn- • 1 nthw.’ r ! Perms made known on the d »v of sale. •eptH td MARTHA A. GIBSON, Adm’x. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from t..e Court of Ordinary of Co 'Vn)* 0,1 *»ie first Tuesday In .T AN i aKY , loSS. before the Court Hon*- door lu Arndhig within the usual hours of sale, the Land and two young Negroes and oue old man, belonging to the estate of Samuel Pollard, de ceased. novlß LEVI POLLARD, Adm’r. . ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W VST' d : * 1 Appling, Columbia county, before the ,\ (<>or 111 suuJ countv, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY, 18A in pursuance of the will of John Slither am*.dereated. the PLANTATION upon which ho li-.ed at the time of his death, cuitalniug six hmidr- tl acres of pine land, about one lmndn d in the woods and v. II timbered, and Mug on the waters ot White Oak creek, adjoining lands of Mrs. Morris*, James B. Neal, John Lamkin, and others. Also, tw nty-tliree Negroes, consisting of ecu, boys, women ami children, not of whichareyom.g and likely.' Sold fora distribution among the heirs. Tern sofsa c niadi know, on the day. nov!2 JOHN B. SUTHERLAND, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. TJ' virtue of an order from the Court of Gnllnorr of Co- county, will be sold, on t: e first Tuesd y in JAN 1 AUi next, ladore the Court House door in Appling, in -aid county, between the usual hours of sale, tin* following projter ty.to wit: The Negroes belonging to the estate of A. llolsen bt ck, late of said county, deceased. Sold f r the benefit of tlie hens and creditors. ALSO—At the same time ami place will he sold, the Ne gr.ics belonging to the (state of B. B. Bhtckstonc. Urte of said couuty. dvecaeed. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors. Terms on the day of sale. • 11 J. E. BEN TON, At n >. EXECUTORS’ SALE. BY virtue of au order from the. Court of Ordinary of Co lnmhiacounty, will he sold, on the first Tues lay in JAN IT ARY next, i*ef(»rc the Court House door in Appling, in sdd county, between the usual hours of sale, the following proper tv, to wit: The Negroes belonging to the minors of N. M. Benton. Many of the Negroes sound and likely. Terms on the day of aale. N. E. BENToN.) « , ocll J. E. BENTON, \ Lx ”• Gi:Olt<;i\, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Wh.-n-is, P. .-l >\ all, Guardian of her minor children, applies for Letters Dlstnlssory from said Guardian Jiijv- Them are, therefore, to dte and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to be and appear at iny office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 2d day ot November, novs A. COL YARD. Ordinary. C GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY -Whereas, B. B. * v\ ilkersoti ottplies to me for Letters of Guardianship for the person and effects of Georgia Wllkerson, minor of C. Y. W'lkersoti. deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and > Ingular, the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In Appling, this 2d daj' of NovemlKT, 1H67. norft A. COLVARD, Ordinary. (ILOHGI \, COLUMBIA COUNTY.lwheraas. Jai*7s YX Luke, Guardian of John Culbreath, applies for Letters Diamissory from said Guanlianship— These are, there '.ore, to cite and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and .mp. ur at my office, within the time prescribed hy law, to M ow cause, if any they- have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In Apt ling, this 17th day of , 9ept„ 1867. sept# A. COLVARD, Ordinary. 1 rIKOHUIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereat Elias IT Wilson. Executor of the estate of Adam Ivey, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Disml-isory from said estate— t These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singula", t the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and uppt ar at 3 my office, witiitn the time prescribed l»v law, and show cause, l If any they have, why said letters should not. be granted. d Given under my hand, at office In Appling. tbl*22d day of * Sept.. 1867. scp24 A. COL V A UP, Ordinary. t fIHORGH, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas. William r IT F. Strother, Administrator on the estate of J. VV. Hi.lli . Jar. >atfe (.f said county, deoeased, applies for Letters Dlsmis- Bory from said estate— Tltcse an*, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at rny office, within the Mine prescribed by law. and show cause, r if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand, at office In Appling, this Bth day of September, 18A7. seplu A. COLVARD, Ordinary. ! namoiA, . omjmma F e. \X I’earce, Administrator «n the estate of H. J. Smith, late of said oounty, deceased, applies for Letteis Dismissory from . said estate— These are, therefore, to dte and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ai.pe:tr at my office, within the tim- prescrilK'd b>' law, to show cause, if anv they have, why said letters should not begrantad. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 9th day of . September, 1857, sepll A. COLVARD, Ordinary. CN KOKGIA, COLUMBIA OOUNTY.-Whereas. Ju«»h JT Anderson, AdtnitLimrator on tin*estate of Wm. Anderson, late of said County, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory from said estate— Those are, therefore, to dte and admonish, all and singular, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear . at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why slid Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office In Appling, this 9th clay of September, 1857. sepll A. CgIVARD, Ordinary. neoiinii, Columbia county—wvrem-, a. m. \ T Crawford Administrator on th«* estate of E. J. C. Griffin, late of .rtaid ouutv, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory from said estate— These are, therefore, to dte and admonish, all and singnbir, the kindred and creditors Oi said deceased, ts Ik* and appear s t my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given und* r my hand, at office in Appling, this 9fh dav of September. 1867. jepll A. COLVARD, Ordinary. (IW)R(iIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas. A. M. ~W Crawford. Administrator on the e-tale of W. K. Ji nr®, late ■ f sild county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismiasory front said estate— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to l»e anil appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not la* granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 9th day of September, 1857. sepll A. COLVARD, Ordinary. GE4m«IA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.-Whereas. A. M. Crawford, Adtriinistrateton the estate of Wm Flanaglu, late of oaid county, decease- Aapplie* tor Letters ry from said estate- These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and apj**ar at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 9th day of September, 1857. sepll A. COLVARD, Ordinary. rtBOhGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas, John \T Boston and R. W. Boston Administrators on the estate, of Mary Boston, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory from said estate— Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditor® of said der«*aeed, to be and ap|>ear at my office, within tlie time preserilied by law. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not l*c granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 8d day of August, 1357. au# A. COLVARD. Ordinary. GEOH<;iA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.--Whereas. Wm. B. Tindall. Executor of the estate of Gomnill Flanagin, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission t from said estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the , kindred and creditor® of said (incensed, to be* ami appear at my , office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if anv 1 they have, why add letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 50th day of ■ July, 1567. ______ aul A. COLVARD, Ordinary. , (GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas, Edward T Dorsey. Administrator on the estate of David Stondford, deceased, applies for Letters *f Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ai.d appear at my office within the time preacril»ed by law, and show cause, if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling. jy2S A. cOL\ AKD, Ordinary. G.EOKC;i\, COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas. Ran. dolph Newaon, Administrator on the estate of Arnos New. ; son. deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular 1 the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if ' anv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling. Jyli A. COLVARD, Ordinary. ft KOIiCIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY—Whmax. Ukarits ] \lf T. Bay less. Administrator on the estate of M. A. Ba* less, { late of >a;d county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory on said estate— These are, therefore, to rite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors i said deceased, to in- and appear ;it rny office within tlie time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not. be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this Ist dav of . June, 1657. je4 A. COLVARD, Ordinary. ( (t KOI«;l.\, COLUMBIA COUNTY. —\H,< J. I . "JT Sutton, aj.plics for Letters of Guardianship for tho per. t sun and property of Fhocion Sutherland, minor of Janies Sutli- t erlnnd— , These are, there fore, to cite am! admonish all and singular, the kindred, and all other persons concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and snow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. - Given miller my hand, at office in Appling, this 6th dav of October, 1857. oc7 A. COLVARD, Ordinary, i Georgia, Columbia county—whereas, wunam ) A. Griffin applies for Letters of Guardianship for the per sons and property cf M. E. Holliday and G. O. Holliday, minors of John W Holliday, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all ami singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to be and appear at mv ll ( fflee. within the time prescribed by law, anil show cause, if , any they have, why said letters thou’id not l*e granted. Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this Bth dav of , October, 1857. oclO A. COLVARD, Ordinary. FIGS, FIGS. M K DRUMS FIGS; I *9 76 fancy boxes FIGS, new crop, just received at t dec! D’ANTIGNAc & HUBBARD’S. Columbia County. COLUMBIA SHEHIFF'S SAIE. \\ IFX be si.:4 outlie first ritthfiir in JANUARY. 18S8. ” within the legal hours of sale, before the Court FI-use h K t »" ,WTI A sP Kn * ir * Cf,unt >'- si sty-five acre* of inL'win hlrt , 0 !? or ~n Wlacli Is situated * Dnst Mi'] and fixtures, tojrttlier with the mines at-ti mineral* on tae same, it lieltiit the place whereon Levi Ivy new reside*. ad..< Inins lands of .fames M. Reese, Bird Perry, and others ha ed npmi as the nrois-ry of a lid Levi Ivy. to satisfy one Columbia Superior Court fl. fa.. I.ewlsO. Pa'rlts vs. Levi ivy . dec2 SfEPHKK CRANE. Itep. Mi'ff? EXECUTOR'S SALE. n decree of the Honorable th« y J superior Court of Columbia eountv. sittins avaC’ourt on E ‘ 1 V I 'ii, ° n i t^ lieti-.-t luenlay in JANUARY, 18%", at A|>- P»V?. 1,1 -be above named county, for division among die helm ami lega.ees or the estate of Snowden (iriffln. deceased, the followiTig Negro slave,; Maria, thirty nine years old - Gun seven : Susan, (We : fully, three; Mal!nd;g thirty-six: Sally > v . ■ e; t*ej. l-.nr; Si pha,two; Tom. thirty st yen : Sawney! Sull.s" ne i ; Ri.ul tn seventeen: Armlstead. fifteen ; Clrero, thirteen. Adeline, eleven; Boh. nine i Mary, twenty-one; V fl\'“"l' m ' - : Mi «s. thirteen; Emeilne, sis. m n- J . 1 • Ltl.mne; Celia, sixty. .' o; S ~! w . piontl.s credit, willi note and two approved securities, bearing interest from rlavof sale ; or rr.shi at the ~l>t lie t the P uicha * r - JOSHUA B. GRIFFIN, Fx’r. POSTPONED COLUMBIA DEPUTY SHERIFF'S SALE. \\ P I. he si.ld. before the Court Bouse lb- r in the levy: of 1 i I’t-Vi 1 . v e {~! L ,:: - county, on the fir.t Tne~!iy ie ' ' 1 f' bclycn 'he legal hours of sale, tine Negro unman, slave, by the name of Lucy, aged about forty. ight fian?'\r'u M ‘: hvled en astl e property, f Wil. - .f.|) ere t os, . ,ri d fa. the i J -*u.«s c. Adams and M illlaui Adams, P r * cipal ■, and John Hunts and Ellas Seott, securities ou an. peal Properly pointed out l.y John ILu-ris soemiir Ae AI, SO—Dm■ |,malted and twelve' aerM «!f Ptae fiml ,itn, JohnfiSS Scurf-y?*^ 11 fl ’ fH - 1 * Krty 2u?br llisrt 5' IU ’ rtc of Pitl « Lund, more C ',' unt ';- ! "‘ h ™ les of the Dry l ; i r adjommg the lands of Rcule, Johnson, and others: levied m nn as the property of Elias Seott! security on appeal, to satiny the above stated fi. fa PnSSS nointedoirtby .lohu llariis, security. Ac. Levies mad! * Ort 2-’M, 1857. dec! STEPHEN* DRAKE, Pep. Sheriff. COLUMBIA COUNTY.-Wl.ereas, it y* made known to me that the estate of Jeru.-dia .<cott, iuU ot said county, der cased, is unreim sented— -1 hose are, theretore. to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred :.nd creditors of retd deceased, to he and ni-oear at my office, within the time preeciii ed I.y Jaw, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of ndministration should not l* petinT} X ‘r: ie K t Jourt, or some other u>m- Giv. n »»»der_tuy hand, at. office in a\pplin£r. this Bth day of \ MSL de 12 A. CQLYABD, Ordinary, n.i;OKCIA COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas. I Lari reiroserVid pas °hal Roberts, deci-a ed, Ie un- These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kitn r* d. and all other persons inti rented. to be ar-d at i • ar ■V f within the tirmM.rescrited by law. to *fhow cause. it any tin y ha. e, why the ( erk of the Superior Court al;oul4 not be appointed Administrator. Give n under ray hand, at ofllce in Anplln*r. this C«| dar ©f December, 1857. dcc6 A. COLVARU, Ordinary. flal% Life Plila and Pluntlx Bitter^.—To the unprejudiced, who esteem health as man’s greatest hlesaing, the Life Pills and Phcenlx Bitters are recommend fd as the best inedielnc now before the public. They remora almost irn perceptibly all noxious accumulations from the stom ach and bowels, and all impurities from the blood—imparting life and vigor at the same time to every part of the system, and thus restoring the energies of both body and mind. Office, Broadway, New York, W. B. MOFFAT, M. D., Proprietor. For sale, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB & LEITHER and BARRY & BATTY, Augusta, Ga. elm declß Final .\ollce.—All (hose eho ore indebted to tbs old firm of J. M. NEWBY, either by note or acoount, will please make payment to the undersigned, as longer ludulgtnoa cannot be given. J. K. BORA A CO., _dec2 c Successors to J. M. Newby & Co POSTPONED EXECUTOR S SALE. WILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY, 1800, r f at the Court House In the county of Carroll. Lot num ber two hundred and forty-nine, in the eleventh district, and fifth section of said eountv, containing two hundred and two and a ha’f acre*—said Loi drawn and granted to Marv McTyia. Terms cash. JOHN A. RHODES, u«>'2* Executor of Mary McTyre. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WfILL be sold, before the Court House door in the town of TT Lawrenc* ville, Gwinnett county, on the first Tuenda* hi DEfJEMBER next, within the legal hours of sa'e, all tli« Lut.d belonging to the estate of James W. Moore, late of soki county, di ueased, to wit : Three hundred aen s of Land, more or less, in two tracts, adjoining, lying and being in the fifth , district of Gwinnett county, on the waters of Alcova river, ad joining lands of Whitworth and others. Sold agreeably to am I order of the Court of I rdinary of said county, for the bct*fe of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms maita . known on the day of aale. [ oclß DAVID W. SPENCE, Aditfr. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE 1 YJ A order of the Court ui‘ Dr«inKry *»f n« tnon nmrntr, vtl be a- ui. an the first Tuesday in JANUARY m xi, |«A»re the Court House door in Covingti p, Newton county, the fr)l -lowirr property, to wit: Mi phen. a rnan filly years old : Bn san, thirty-three, and her infant boy child : Juda, a girl four teen ; Johnson, a hoy nine; June, a girl seven : ffeiiry, a t*oy two years old ; Lauri nu, a woman thirty years old: belonging ‘ to the estate of James M. Bellah deceased, sold for the bene fit of the* heirs of (Uceot* d. Terms on the day of -ale ’ «ov4 ALEXANDER PIIARR, Adm’r. OTM’K.—AM riersons having demands against the oitats II of Beni.miin Moseley, late of Putnam county, disxaswL are reaue»<ledto preeent their claims, within the tin., preiwsribed by law ; and those indebted to safe! estate are reymuted t„ n. immediate payment. JOSEPH A. MOSELEY, Adm’r. _ oclS J. K HORA & CO., SUCCESSORS TO J. M. NEWBY A CO., WHOLESALE and retail dealers in splendid r«*ndy madt v ▼ CLOTHING, under th-- United States Hotel, A -igaWo Georgia. ’ We are now receiving at our old stand. tind« r the IT. S. If© tel, our supplies of Fine Ready Made Cloll.ing. well ud.tpted to the Fall and Winter oe.afmi, ami which we feel assured will please our patrons and friends. Our imu ei -*e stork roi«d*tji in part of (JloUi. Beaver, Seal Skin. Blank, t and Flushing«>VEß ; p, “ ck * Blue and Olive DRESS and FROCK COA TS. t’uh'ness Coats of all descriptions Hi'<l co’-irs. C.XSHI MERE SCITS. Coats, Pants an : Vests to match ; Pine Black C;*a*jlni»re PAN IS. Plaid, Plain, Striped, and other styles of sane CASS!MERE PANTS; Silk, Merino, Woo!. Satin. Barathea, ami other styles of the latest Hi d most fashionable VESTS, together with every style of goods for Gct tirmen’a We k ep always on hand a very large stock of fine Fl.lrta, Drawers, Suspenders. (iloveM. N>rk Tie . Sto. Wh, CMlara. Half-Hoes, Tiavell’tg SHAWLS. ROBES DECI'A If BUR, Arc Ac., all of which will he sold at the lowe.-t market *riu«. Call and take a look. TAILORING. „^ U vl’;v a , , "' :iVY snck ~f fl: "‘ < , L"THS. CASSIMKREB, VI STINGS, to which we invite the attention of everybo dy, I hose goods will he made up to ordir at the shortest no tice, and in a jm iafiictory manner. cly ocISH COTTON PLANTATION FOR SALE. offers for sale, the PL A NTATIONbn whkA I he ivßldvs,situate in theoovtutv of E -.rly. six niilesnouGi ©f Blakely, on the nevi r-faillnrstn anis of Blue and Dry Crvtka, adjoining the plantations of A. 11. McLaws,W.C. Mra. Jordan, and others. It contains eighteen hundred acre*, of which one thousand is of the l«est o.ik aral hickory, and dry hstmnock, the h:lla^f , *• lime pine land and r» cLiimablia swamp : four hundred cleans! and under cultivation ; Ho;;ae and Screw, RaruN Criie. Negro Housis. Dwelling, all neo-saury pl3Witation buildings, in good order. Thle plantation is wel lk i.own. and Is admitted to be one ol the l>est iu the county of Karlv. Corn, cotton seed, stock. Ae-, csui he purchased wiih the place given January 18&8. BENJ. L. WOLFE, jan24 eoctf Blakely, Ga. ELBERT COUNTY SALE. ATnty roF’deni* In Elh rt County, on TlumKlay. the 17lk day of D*-ceinber next. I will sell at public sale, the tuL lowing ptopertv, owit: All of niy Horses, Mules, Cows, Ox en. TIo« ' «vp. Corn, Kmlder. Wheat. Oats. Rve. Farming Uteu-ils. Blacksmith’s Tools, a Plea-ure Carriage and Haa r.‘-ss, three W igons, a Horse Mill, Household and Kitchen Fu*. n'ture. and many other articles not hi re enumerated. Tha sale to continue from day to day until all Is sold. oc.SO ctd FR ANDES E. HEARN. FOR SALE, fYMIE RESIDENCE of the -übscriher, at Summer Hill, 8. * , th.ee rudee »rom the Bridge, and near the Plank Road. The Di-use has eight rooms and seven fire-places, besides pas tries and closeP*. The out-houses are ample, six senranFa r-.wms, kit' hen. sm« ke house, store house, dry well, slnhte*, etc.. -*ftd a cistern. The garden Is rich, and with various choloa frjit tr-ea, contains fine grapevines and strawberries. Th© lot locludes over three acres. With the place, (lying nearby It, or s» per Aelvj will be sold, a Woodland Tract of tnlrty-fore to sis v acre.* having on 1 the well known F;dr Spring, and an anlfl;!.»l flail pond, which is fed by never-failing streamlet*. Price very low. Posseation given in January, 1868. M. C. M. HAMMOND. Our Cottage. Nov., 1867. lamtf novlS IF“ r tig-field Advertiser will copy twice. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLABS EEWAED. I^ll. Hi»ove reward will be paid for the apprehension and i! livery, in any safe iall so that I can get them, my mac i amed Sii <,.n, say five feet high, dark complexion, ruthsc chunky bußt Also, mv woman named Kacliel. wife of Sl* ii>on flu- Negroes were bought, the man of Thomas Neal and tb. w.un;-ii of.T*sm* M. Roberts. They are both lurkinf aro .t d NN u v.nton. Warren eountv. Geo. Thev trv u> pas for free negroes. MATHEW DEABON, o 2° ctf Irwinton, Georgia. WANTED. \ IS*uATLi MAIY, who is a South Carolinian, and has had several yesirs* experUnce in prepailng B©)s for Col li-. «•, offers his services to the Trustees of Mime good Male Aeadeun . II -< :m prodtut- the best of testimonials, and ex pects aHi erad salsr)'. A] ply to JOHN M. CLARK, Augusta, Goo. Calhoun's Mill. 8. C. ctf declO MILITIA ELECTION NOTICE, ~ H£Al* GCARTERS, 2p 13BIG. IST DIV.. (r. M.,) \Yrtvnes!jon?. Geo., Sept. 21, 1857. S ORfIJFII NO. f It :s hereby ordered, that in each of Hu M i’hi Districts In Burke county, an election take place out U fi st. M..!, day in JANUARY next, for CaptUM and Li. vtv :ts. to till up all vacancies that may exist, in t. rri'v ~t . Ac. With the view of the pr- per orgauixa t'.fii «*f tl'u i; tt-ril'insof the county, as a general mu-iter may •e exj i « t-d ih-'i'Jik coming yenr, the law will he rigidly .-Utorced. By order of J. B. IIAVNE, BrigadierGesoral. ..nip. ctd n-p..'. 0 , DOUGHERTY PLANTATION FOR SALE. ~~ Io; t-1 .11 for sale one ol the be-t Bine PLANTATIONS in South-wi t»*ern Ot ergia. situntiilifive miles east of Albany, con airiiu fl tc» n hundred il-MKO acres, between six and .-even liundre •: in a high state of cultivation, and nearly all fresh !**nd. The I'laMath*!: can be divided so as to make two Uau tlM.l far. s of swen hundred and fifty acres each, it being all in one body. 1 <-ff«-r the best bargain that can be obtained in the county. It Isundent: v watered, and healthy, not a case of fever ever k»: uno!-ih rdace. Provided 1 c;ui sell by the lfitli of Octo it-r 1 w’ll taki *!’2 60 per acre, one, two and three payments, ♦ ’’■liuoi mid -.wo p »«• in-..ts. interest from January next, or sll W» cash J January. Mv objei-t iu si’ll ini: :s to devote my time and attention ex clusively t-*m\ »>r»>»*t>s'on. Anv one wishing further Informa tlon nn :ul.lri se iue at Albany, Georgia. wp’i ctf WM. P. JENNING9.