Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, October 22, 1862, Image 5

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|ffILTG R U H . xktebesting particulars. iorj -PEECH OF JOHN VAN BUREN 7HI IN KENTUCKT. „„ Va Oct. 17—At the recent Demos * , r ' a New York, J-hn Van Buret,, m «* then a Bor hern brethren netted to A * 6hould herc . Kid ’hen be nuered o b would J/rrr^Unouldea.vtothem, *B.r ■ Jople call them traitors, just anock them 3,' aud’go to the pc!l». They had been to.d »“Le Southern people would not live, and ,n ■‘•Uditueut. they ought not to lire, under Abo, M 0 s way; and he weuid not live with them r°\oru.ern accounts from Kentucky are Bore and indefinite. Ihe New Vora Tribune Kts that Bueii was victorious, and intimates he ts either a tool or a traitor. LATHS FROM MISSISSIPPI YANKEE TREACHERY- ■m -bilc. Are , Oct. 17>h.—The following is a j H :t dispatch to the Mobile Advertiser* Regis-j ■ iliur SpaiNfis, Miss., Oct. 16:b—Lieutenant- ! Kceral Pemberton has assumed command ts this j eirtment. Konr burial pirty, ot 8«0, sent to Corinth to bury H. j ea d killed, in the late battle ibere,were seized j M he Federals and retained as prisoners of war. j I LAI KR FROM KENTUCKY. » JJ. Btaa, Ala., Oct. 17th—The loliuwiug is a j ■lecia! dispatch to the Mobile Advertiser A j jflSegtster: ■ uollt Sraixos, Miss , Oct. 17th— Cincinnati S®, ie rs, ol Oct. 11th, have been received .here. — jHbev are ti led wi'h ai counts of the great battle |Bc ween Gens. Bragg am! Buell. The tenor ol accounts is lhai Geu. Buell is badiy defeated Hj ,hat he is driven acr ss ihe Kentucky River; I®* ytbat Bragg is pursuing him vigorously. i Three hundred Confederate paroled prisoners j rived here this evening. LATER FROM TEE NORTH. V Richmond, Va., Oct. 16—The New York Her. M,d, of Oct. llih, has been received here. The Brs; pags is filled with au account of an immense ] Sphering of the Democracy, at Cooper Institute. * trace F. Clark, Horatio Seymour, John Van Jm .ran and Richard O'Gorman, were the speakers the c cession. Resolutions were adopted in At-c of the prosecution of the war, but insisting K the fulfillment, by the Administration, of Ihe jHledge, that the war is not waged in any spirit of or for ihe purpose of overthrowing I® 6 established institutions of theS'ates. jfl a dispatch from Gen. Boyle at Louisville, states |But Gens. Bragg and Cheatham were killed H t!.a huile ot Wednesday, near lUrds- IE wn, Ky T e Uuion forces held the field. plater new. has been rev,.---* * ’' - i - * m, a anini port ant. The Scientifib Congress in M s ,. fn p Brussels have forwarded a peace ad ® ess to President Lincoln W ln -Sew York on the 13tb, stocks had advanced «. 4 - p, r cent. Gold rose to 130 and Exchange to j M.atKß FROM THE NORTH AND EUROPE. "M i’.tCBM iXD Va., Oct. 16—The New X'ork Hers m.d, of the 15th ins*., has been received here by j ®t;,e Richmond Enquirer. j? A dispatch dated Louisville, Ky., Oct. 14, says ■rhat ihe rebels are retreating from Camp Dick URobinson to Lancaster. Gen, Buell is in close pursuit of them. Another dispatch says that the fl Federal forces occupy Lexington, which the rebels evacuated on the 13th inst. | Tiiirty counties tn Pennsylvania give the Ra- I publican State ticket 4,046 majority. A Repub. I licao victory throughout the state has, probably J y-en gained. Pendleton and L mg, Democrats! 1 v-rc > ’ 1 .:i the First and Second Districts. | I In Obi ', Vallaudigham has been defeated b ■ Gen- . i suck, the Black Republican caud M date. •M T1 '■ tv ark City election resulted in a Den ■ ocrstie Uinmpb. la New York, gold was quoted at 138;"g, E 9 change and cotton 61c. for Middling U I iinds All k uds of produce were excited, a jj Slid generally at higher prices. Two lays’ U-er news from Europe has been I JK - ceived at New Y’ork. The Paris Patrie revives the recognition t J aurs. % The rebel s’eamer “ 200’’ has destroyed < i American whalers off ihe Weßlern Islands. The stock o! American cotton in Liverpool * I 17,000 bales. LATER FROM TUB WEST. CaeTTASOoGA, Tksx., Oct. 17—The Daily Ifi _i' : hss the following dispatch . Lavusgss, Oc. 17th. —All is uncertainty! 1 ie, eve the 'Yankees are leaving Nashville. I sa sfied something is going on. Letters l G-nerat Bragg’s army, to our friends in Nash' and Springfield, say that Bueli’s aimy is worse whipped and badly cut up army of the S i doubt but we l ave gained a glorious victor ADDITIONAL FROM KENTUCKY FURTHER PARTICULARS 0? THE EATT OF THE BTH INST ANOTHER BATTLE AT HAND I SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THK UONSTITCTIOXALIsi 3*rrcds»cxg, Ry, Oct. 10th, via < Tenn . Oct 17. -At Frankfort, the matter was a ended. Ihe enemy, under McCook, fled be| Kirby Smith, while Withers cut off his rear, t took 700 prisoners and 14 wagons. Another battle is at hand. vj, jgg'a depots being menaced, he at once wii McClellan spent Thursday night last at Charles <irew his army to protect them. Immediate'y t# i, Virginia, but subsequently returned to enemy sent a dig of truce to our lines, askiVVashiugton. permission to bury their dead at daylight ne In New York, at the first board, to day, gold morning 43 a ‘ ; was left on the field of battle; but alt of tbeir wounded were left on the field. Our wounded j were removed. On the night of the battle, Gen. Polk bad a nar row escape. At dusk, he left bis staff, and rode j off to stop the fire, as he thought, of a Confeder- j ate regiment on our troops. He seized the Colo- J nel of the offending regiment by the shoul der, and demanded of him : "Why do you fi-e I on vour friends?” The Colonel replied that be did not know that he was doing so. "Who are you t” asked Gen. Polk. “The Colonel of the 23d Indiana,” replied the ! officer. Gen. Polk again spoke to him roughly, and op* dered him to cease firing; and, then, before the Yankee officer found out who he was, pul spurs to bis horse and galloped away. Gen, Bragg says that be has got the best troops in the world. Two thousaud Kentuckians have taken up arms for ns, and more are oigauizing. General McGuire’s army has arrived. Among the killed on our side were Lieut. Col. Patterson, of the First Tennessee Itegimeui, Lieut. Col. Evans, of the Texas Rangers, Ma j. W. Prys or. Commissary, Capt. Cartnght, o f Georgia, and Wm. S, May, of Gen. Claiborne’s staff'. LATER FROM KENTUCKY. BRAGG IN THE REAR OF BUELL. AND MATCHING ON LOUISVILLE I GREAT EXCITEMENT IN THE WEST I Mobile, Ala., Oct. 17. — The following is a spe cial dispatch to the Mabrie Advertiser A Regis ter : Slnatobi Miss., Oct. 17. Dispatches of the 12th inst., lioun Indianapolis to the Cuicago (I!i.) Times, say that ir.ti.a3e excitement prevails there, caused by dispatches from Geu. R vie at L'mis* 1 ville, K)., saying ifcat Bragg was in the rca** of s Buell, and marching on Bou svil’e. He m Gov. Murton, of Indiana, to send him reinforce* i meuts, he having but 2,000 men at Louisville. I The impression prevails at Louisville th v Rut 1! | has been badly whipped. The the i city ;s in ense. j The Cincinnati Commercial, of the 13th lost , I claims a victory, but its dispatches art* very coon | dieting. LATE FROM MISSISSIPPI. EVACUATION OF COBIN J H AND BOLIVAR. Mr bile, Ala., Oct. 17th.—The following is a special dispatch to the Mobile Advertiser A Reg* ister: Holly Springs, Miss., Oct. 17th.—A gentleman who has arrived here from Corinth says that the enemy have evacuated Corinth, Miss., and that Bolivar, Tenn., is being evacuated by them. LATER FROM MISSISSIPPI AND Tll£ WEST. Mobile, Ala., Ocf. 17.- The following is a spe cial dispatch to the Mobile Advertiser A Regis* ter; Topelo, Miss., Oct. 17.— A paroled Confederate soldier, just arrived here from luka, says that our wounded in ihe Battle of Corinth have all been sent to that place, and are well cared for. He says that there are 700 in all, auci thinks that our wouuded in the whole of the light will not reach more than 1,500* The Federate say that there w*ere 800 of cur men killed at the same time. Several Federate i told him that they had over B,oo'' wounded, and could not tell hew many were killed. The Cor inth Yankees sav that our mtn fought Dime nae :is tuao mru, «u« ...0.. - of the enemy in Kentucky, by Bragg’s fore s. The Yankees there also say that Nashville will soon havi to be relieved or evacuated. j LATE NEW 3 FROM THE NORTH | TIE DEMOCRATS CARR? PENNSYLVANIA, OHIO, AND INDIANA. GOLD SPILL ADVANCING NORTHERN ACCOUNTS FROM KENTUCKY. IfHE YANKEES DO NOT CLAIM A VICTORY. FEDERALS OC2UPY CHARLES I OWN. VA. AC. AC., AC- Richmond, Va., Oct. 19th.—The Baltimore American, of Thursday afternoon last, says that the latest returns from Ohio and Indiana indicate that the Democrats have probably carried both Stales In Ohio, they claim 10,000 majority, and 18 out of 19 Membjrs of Congress. In the pres* ent delegation they have only six members. In Pennsylvania, there are 12 Union and 7 Demos crate elected-5 Districts not yet heard from The Protestant Episcopal General Convention iu session at New York has adopted, by a large vote, the resolution of the Committees of Nine. A rebel force stopped the steamer Hazel Dell at Caseyville, on the Ohio river, on the 14th inst., and took from tt the mails, some negroes, aud a quantity of goods. LATE NEWS FROM THE NORTH. Fhedemcksiu ug, Va , Oct. 19.—Northern dates of Oct. 17ib, received here, state that the Demos crats hare curried Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indi ana, and that the Republicans have carried lows, Iu Pennsylvania, 13 Democrats and 11 Republi cans are elected to Congress. In Ohio, 12 Democrats and b Republicans are elected, witii three districts yet to hear from. In the last Congress, the Ohio delegation stood 12 Republicans aud S Democrats. In Indiana, 8 Democrats aud 3 Republicans are elected, in the last Congress, the ludiana dele gation stood S Republicans udO 3 Democrats. In lowa, all the Republican Congressmen u*e elected, and the State ticket has gone Republican by 10,000 majority. The Democratic majority in the State ticket m Pennsylvania is 10,000; in Ohio, 28,000; and in Indiana, 8,000. iu led uoa, C* iU.x, Dunn, and, Julian, Republic cars iu the last Congress, are defeated. In Ohio, Gurley, K publican, and Pendleton and Cox, ( Democrats, are re-elected. In Pennsylvania, Ga tlushe A. Grow, Republican Speaker of the Yankee House of Representatives, is defeated; and Thad ' Jeur; Stevens, Republican, is re-elected. b'.t go T-.ctorj siv that Bragg is leaving the State. The Federate have occupied Lexington. FROM NORTHERN VIRGIN!!. Fredericksburg. Va., Oct. 10th.~Gen. Han cock (Federal) occupied Charlestown, Va., on Thursday evening last, after an artillery duel o* two hours duration. Our pickets retired to a hill on this side of the town. The enemy lost 1 killed and 8 wounded. We lost Capt. Smith, of the Richmond Artillery, and 3 wounded. 200 of our Antie'am wounded wore, also, captured by the Federate. COL SCOTT, OF LOUISIANA. A PRISONER. From the Daily Rebel. Murfreesboro', Oct. 13.— Have Louisville Jour nal ol the 13th. It contains nothing of interest f but a dispatch dated Bardstown, 11th, stat ng that Colonel Scott, of Louisiana cavalry, was then a prisoner, and wounded. It says nothing of the Yankee loss in the battle in Kentucky, and but very little, any way, about the fight. THE PRISONERS ON BOTH SIDES AT CORINTH From the Mobile (Ala.) Advertiser A Register, Oct. 16. Jackson, Oct. 15. —Gen. Pembtrton is appointed Lieutenant General, which places him in supreme command of this Department. A special dispatch to the Mississippi an, from Holly Springs, says that the Confederates lost f ur hundred and fitly prisoners at Corinth, and cap tured three hundred and fifty. S. COMMivRCIAL. AU.it/3T4 MARKET. OCT 20-3. P 31- COTTON—The cotton market ha* been quiet d iritig: th • past week. There is so little doing that it ij difficult to givs - quotations; we, there tore, unit th'm. KA« ON.—Bacon is very sc tree and in demand. Th ' qu ' i t ons areconsideru 1 y la advanceol >f ilia pi*t wet-k-J There are said to V urge quantities of GovermueM 15 icon In : North*Carolina, which is spoiling; and lurgcqu mfilLa of it j iu Huntsville, A;... sture ion accoua* of eprcu.ators. Why I is not this meat thrown upon the m.»r<et ' Tie Gov* ma.enl would do hitter to dispose of iheir surolu* eti ck and supply the wan softh* per pi- rarher thin let it-poil in stcrebo-ii*.* I and in quantities. That stoted in MunlsviUe would bring g'vai prices if hrong.it ln*o t he 'ow* r count»y. BAGGING AND K > *K —B egging la tcurce and advancing- We quote it this week at i *o. Hope is q lotiri at ifflc Domestic GOODS— We notea very s igat falling off in Domestic Goods, but prices r>till rule high. FLOUR.- There is a slight decline iu Tout sse ,’. »ur. The st< ck of titty Mills Is light and price? about the same. GRAIN.- Theie B not much corn ir. th« rocket. It is in demand at $ hush Pl. Wii -a* is q: >te i at *5 53 ft husliei, and sc tree. O.he-grains areune hanged. Hi DEjJ.—We quote hides at 6)<j7sc. ft ft. SUGAR AND MOLASSES—sugar is rather dull, at prices slightly lets than the past week's r-. M >tasses is •‘2 25042 GO ft gillon. AUGUSTA FACTORY GOOD*—Tit* following are the prioes obtained lor the Augusta Factory Goods at the auction sale by W. B. Griffin, ou Thursday last* % Shirting « '4 Shirting [light].... 44 @4) 4-4 Sheeting 6 * to** Drilling 6iJ*£ Auctioneer Griffiu also sold at the name time a lot ot tlruu iteville Factory Goods, at the following sites : Ji Shirting <<9 toft'H % Shirting 575-4 a.SBJ< 4-4 Sheeting *>' ItO**4' Drill 62\,«*63 Vaucltue Factory : 8 o* Osnaburgs ..7107824 Millledgevllle Manufacturing Compspy : 8 os Osnahurgs 73>-i@73V Hopewell Factory : 7 os Osnahurgs 088)4 Roswell Factory ; Tarns. V bunch t7 55 DOMESTIC PRODUCE.-The Mowing are the prices o* Domestic Produce in this market; B* ts, on foot, lltol4c. ft t>; Sheep, |4 suto#7 ft hea l ; Pork, $5 apiece; Chickens, si)tosi apiece: tig-i*, 60(<460c ft dox.; Butter, 50c.05l ft ft ; Irish Potatoes, s4o* IP bushel; sweet i‘o*atoes, s2to2 60 ft bushel ; Onion* $t <c#sft hash-**; Dried Peaches, $2 5 &$i 00 ft bushel; Died Apples, s4to4 50 ft Auc;rsr v imuces iijiihevi . WHOLESALE PKU'Ei BACON.—llama > « a 6i , Hog Round 4* It ..* iHtne 1 BAGGING.—Gunny ft va . . 83 n. 90 i Pate bed ft vard.. to i P.KfcsWAA st* Tt . .. <* l 0 » = liKlt 'K—Building Brick > 1000 . iftlO 00 i Paving Brick ft WOO. to 8 00 Pressed Brick ft 1000.. 6620 00 I Well Brick >lool'.. 64,12'*' BRAN * ft .... to CANDLES.—Adamantine *• It vi i 6o Cheu..cm Sperm h ft none st ir * bbl. . q* l .Vi Tallow... . ft B> (<4 t i*o COt FEB.—Rio rft w. L guayra ft ft- 2«0 4SU J*IVH. h ft...... li(. - Chiekery .I 6 ft 20 (<« 25 CEMK.Nf » i.M.... u* 6 «I 0 Plant* r > *b1....6 0o 7 «?» DOMRSTP* OonDb.- / ur rn > m. 7 50 ii Shirting. Brown > yai-i... da 4u Ji Sheeting, ** <**. «< 4-4:Shirting, “ v yard... 6*5 a* 70 osnahurgs > vard... Ti 6» 75 Drillings > yard... (m 75 Kerseys ...V yard... 3 25 Jeans > yard... 4 00 r<n ft ou FEATHERS *ft 45 >u, 50 FLGUK.—Tenneaaee Family.. > '*.‘ 2«w TennesseeMiperbne > bid,,.. u/.MO 00 Paragon Mills, Extra Family..P hbl ... to3l 00 < 'armichae! mill. Ex. Family..> t»bi.,.. (ii'M 00 Granite Mills, Extra Family..> 1ih1,,.. <« .i 4 01 “ •* Superfine >!»h1.... o< : 2 no Excelsior to Ills, Superttue > hbl... (oM on “ “ Extra > bb1,,.. t 034 oO “ •* Double Extra. .> bid. . i<44S 00 ORA with sacks > oush... I 9 » »s 2 00 Wheat, white > •<».sb... to 6 >»0 Wheat .red > :sn... to 550 Gals > i"*h... <-« 2o» I J* 9 ■ ... ‘V- 406 Peps » sh... l«a -a, i « Corn Meal, Bolted .. > bud . 1 ft) «4 200 Barley. > ' n-: .. 'm. 4 s(‘ HAY. Georgia * W 0.... to. 2 M» Fodder.... * Wu.... •"> 2 no HIDES >T* fiO to 75 IRON.—Swedes * ft m, 5 English Refilled *IF ... to 26 English '*> ft .... ~'t LARD ► ft 40 42 LEAD.—Bar > ft to 11ME. —Country'.".*.**. 1 *.*.*.*....•* .l.V".' 250'4 2Jo Northern . *rs LUMBER Vi AN l r R AS.— Rh<nl. v. : er-Ph >s (•hate > 'Os —52 50 to American Guano ...>om.. .44'Hi to MOLASSES.—Cuba.. ft ga1.... n*»ue ft ga1.... non- New Orleans Syrup ft gal ... 225 to* 2 50 NAILS ft ft.... 30 ur 36 OlLS.—Sperm prune ft g-1.... t one : Train * gai.... none Cottonseed. ft g d ... 350 to 300 Castor r gal... «*l6 <?• Damp > gxi.... to 2CO Tanners ft gal... to 9 On Machine ft rd... to *2 00 ! POWDER ft & to 2 50 RICE. *• 5* t>X ROPE > * to B'. Cotton— % inen ft !b to 6*) SAI *T—Liverp'Kjl ft e*ck.. tot’2- Virginia... ft i»»ck..-- oo Carolina ft sack . to 50 00 SOAP Yellow > ® 40 to *<» ST A RCH * to 55 SUGARS—orumary . .ft It to 40 Fair > ft to 43 Choice ft t ... . to 45 Yellow Cl trilled ■ ft E to :f > White “ fttt ... . to 6‘) TEA ft It 700 to 9 **» TWINE.—Hemp Bagging.. . ft ft*. •••• to 1*25 I TOBACCO—Common Grad- ft> . 4*. to r»«> Fine ft ft.... 50 to 155 NOTK )E. NOTU’I* is he^*-by given load paranm laving demands _ agui mi. Robert J. Boyd, l*tcM *Ju xmb'a connty, if' - i c**.;*ed. to pr. h. nt them properly ■■ d- -.t, # thin *he time pr. scr:htd by law; and all persons it tie'-te to *aic deceiuwrd ! ir>? hereby required to make imnn oia'i- payment. | J" IN HOY J W S. !« * v l',> Ex<cutors. oetg ’ T. BOY D, : EXECUTORS SALE A (;REEARLKto the lust will tes* ra*n». ->f Robert 1 iV J. Boy.i. Kte of C',|ui„:.:aco--:-:ty. use.), witl he a id | un the Cr~t TU '•'DAY in Decvoubc-r, a true of L ind, yu g jon the Savannah rivtr inf*.id coiin*7, liinina i-t’di* of John B yd and Thom .is B i.ing. • • la.nsng tbri - hundred • teres, more or Sold so" the bcutfl-. ol heirs and c re*l t -1 ors. Terms on the day of sale. JOHN HuYDJ W * BOV D,> Exac'itors. I oc’22 J.T. b)YD. ) said county, derei’S'Hl— Th®seare,therefore.to cite and admonish, all andsingular. the kin*lred and rr»dlti>rs ot said deceased.to be and appear at ruvoffice, within the time prew:ribed by iaw.andshowVause.it any they have, Letters suoufd not be granted Given under n.y hand at office In Git-son. this I4’h day of October, 1362. SEABORN KITCHENS, oct2B Ordinary. GKOR4.I \. BCRIV EN COUNT*.— Whereas. Rebecca M. Johns n applka to me for letters of administration on the estate of Starimg M. Johnson, late of said county, deceased— Tires*-are.therefore, to cite and admonish.all and singular the kindred and *Te *t*ors of said dec’d, to he and apppear at my office, within the time prescri ed bv law, and show cause. if any they have, why said letters should net be granted. Gi\r*n under rav hand, at office in Svlvanla, this 14th day of 1 October. 1862 D. E. ROBERTS. j oc‘2 ’ —3 » Ordinary. j GKOR6L4, BCKIvEN E. B. Gross applies to me for letters of Administration ] ou the estate or Benjamin Las mensky, late of said county, i deci-tiseo— These are therefore.tocite and admonish all anosingular. j the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at j my office wit bin thetime orescribed bylaw, and show cause, 1 it any they have, why said Lettersshould not begranted. Given under mv hand, at office in Sylvania. this 14th day of October, 1862. D. E. ROBERTS. • *ct22—Bo Ordinary. /1 KtiKtilA. SCRtVEN COUNTY—Wnereas Virginia \T Thompson applies for letters of administration on the estate ot G. M Tnoarpson. late of s id county, dec’d— These art,therefore, to cite and admonish, a! land singular, the kindred and credltorsof said deceased to be and appear at mjr office, within the time prescribed by law. and show c ause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under ruy hand, at office in Sv’vania. this 14th day of October. 1863. D. E. ROBERTS. Ordinary. oct23 —SO NOTICE. l> \YS After date application will be made to the Court •** Ordinary o’* Striven countv for leave to sell ihe i*’-tl estate of Anthony Mills. lare of sal ’ countv, de ceased. CURTIS HUMPH 'IKS. ->ct£2 6 t Executor. NOT CEL VLL persons tnd Merito Matthew Parker, late' f Scriven county, dc. e ..«* 1, ..r - n quested to make imr : ;*<l!ate payment, and allth<*s*‘ having claims against said deceased .r*- r-’qu 'ted to present them aecsTT i : ne t* • law. tct .2 41 1A MESPA * K KR. Adm’r. / U-mi.ll. WARREN COUNTY—'’ heron*. J. W. VJT Mi’ii . ..merv p. lies to ine for Letters of AOm a st ration 1» n 'he estate of S V. . Story,ltte of slid .' ui.jv, iit-< Th»* ;,r , therefore., to cl T e and Cra «•> s all an -maul r the kindred and ere I'tore of sad deceas’d, to b and . npear at i*>y otfi'.-e wlihln thetime pres rloed by i;tw •;■:.! show cause. 1 any the hare, why said letters s ould 1. t i»e pv t li. G w-: un br my hand at o'ee in Warrentn?. tlJ* I7:h Hay ot G-t«*ber, 1822. 11. R « , OI*Y. 0c22 3d Ordinary, (IKHUI.It T Pate app.ies to me fur Letters of Admini tr.t‘;o:. upon j j th* l estate 01 Jason Hays, deceased— ' These are, .■. r* f o, t * eta id a ImonVi all and -i- ’a- ' the k'nd’ed ;>n>l c ' d-tors »f said deceased, to be and n; : < ur | jat Uiv offi • , within th Ime prescribed by l.*w :.;;d s!.. va ’ I a sc, t uuy t .e*- cm. why .-nd letter* slcul I noth - g-n ,t-d. 1 ' G;v. n Mic -r mv hr.ml, at office 1 . Warrenton, thi- ’th dav I of O t„!.r. isea. H. H.'X>r»V. ‘••-•2 ; Tt Or.lm:.ry. i (IWI 11. WAI’.HBN CSOCNT* -Wa r.® Mn. : \ I Elvira ivy appl ** to me for Letters of Admluisiration up n the estate of Lev* Ivv, d-* e >3t i Th *e are, tb-'re'br*. to c ;, c and admonDii all and singular I the kindred at d creditors of said deceased, to be and up’ .-nr &f my office, within the ti-'.e prescribed oy law. and show ea'is •, it any t bey huv .why 4ii l Utte sshould at bt grat t -u. , <Lv. n un l*-r my hand atoffi;« In Warrenton. th a 17th day ' j of October, 1862. h. R. CODY. ! ;l 1 2 Ordinary A.MIHGI \ . WARREN C *UNTY -Whereas, James F \a R .do, plies ’or Letters of Adralnist atlon upon tb*: estate of K. M. Fe°*e, decea ed These are, the ref re. to cite and admonish, all and singular, tb** kindred and friends of sahi d -ceased. to be and appear ?>.* ; my office wit bin tlutiine prescribed b> law, and show «‘ause,if any'hev have.whv sa*d Letters should not begranted. Given under n y hand at office in Warrenton. this 17th dav of October, 1862. H. R. CODY, so (lemtui». WM’.KEN Ot»OMT* -WhenM r. o. J. T tu ff applies fir Letters f Administration on the estate of Thomas C. Huff, deceased— T>ies2are, theretore. to cite and admonish r.ll an*l singular th* kindred and creditors of said deceased to be an t appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show ctuse It an a thev have why said letters should not be grunted. G’vfn under »ny hand it office iu WarrenL n, this Uth day ot October, 1862. 11. R. CODY, 30 Ordinary. ( WARREN roU*xTY.— Whereas, it ap \F nears to me that the estate ot Jehu Neal is unrepre sented— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred ot said deceased, to be and appeal at my office wit nin tiie rime prescribed hy law, and show cause if any they have, why Letters of Adminlstrat on should not be granted to R. M. W'UDr, Clerk Superior ar.d Inferior Courts. Given under mv hand at offitxs in Warrenton. tlri* 17th day of October, 186 2. H. R. CODY. i-ot2 5d Ordinary. NOTICE. Sl\ \ Y nVVS ul fil ite apvUca ion will h" mad to the (Vmr* of Ordinary of Warren cou* tv for leave to se'l the rtul estite bebm 'iiig f • Samuel Lokey, decensed. It. 11 LA2EN BY, A NOTICE. Jl\n im»:m 0.1 .pd.v.ii.... -will he made to the n Court. <.f Ordinary of W irren countv for Ie ive to seli the Lan b»long : ng to th * est.de of C. D. Heat.'*, declared. 11 W r LEM W a m r NOTICE. 4 Ll* r>- r> .ih Indebted t;> the estate o- Samuel Lokey are il requestrd to in U e uum-ullate plyment, an 1 tho-e having claim* ng d»st svd pslalt ar r. quested t« tlo ’nac cor lug to law. R. 11. LAZENHY, 49 Adml 1 ' >'■ ’■ NOTICE. VLL p‘’r« >na iml *ht* dto the ert'ate *»f G. W Rav. deed, ire requoit.'d t» come tor ward an I make Immediate p.yue t a*td a'l ih w - U iviug claim > >gainst add estate are reij leatedt * present them uciorulng In law. 11 Sl¥:s 0c22 4u NOTICE. \LL ners .ns Indchtel to th * estate o f Columbud it. . ticat'i are requ st «1 to maxe immediate m.ymen*, and t’ei.se h ivir g c aims - r. quu*t. <1 to pie sent tii m acc .rd.ng t. 1 . W. F 'LEW IS, 40 Ad »trxlor EXECUTORS’ SALE. \\TILL be sold b ‘oqUieC ~-t H*m* door In Warren 4ft ton. on t ll tlrst. TiJESDAYin December next. 610 acres of 1. md. in re or !<•'« lying on Rocky *l.imfoi *;re*k. .i'.j. , i:iirg ’andsof Aar-* 1 Johnson. Sr., *'lf tiles Shu’ley, I ar ri-oi» Re»*' *, Wiiv Whit -bead, and o*her*. A!*'> at the name time an<l pi ice, nine Negroes. The prop-rty l» lotigingto ihe* st »t«of Jam's -lob'iH'in. d* cosed, imisold ■y Ihe-consent o' t'i *h- rn **f said dec.-ur* I. T< rn.s of -ale wll he 12 n tilths or d't, wl*h small notes ai.d approved se curity. am s Johns*>n, j WM. El'r* oc 22 AASMN ion N \ ADMINiISTRA TORS’ SALE \ \T 'o to or lergranted by th • honorable Ordi -11 ir. «»t V ir-- n oun y, wll'b • S'dd at th-* •'o’irt f!o'-*a r. Wuv”-I'.n. \V .;r a. u ity, on Mi d-s*- TUESDAY in D*-c rnber *i x'.f.n (■> low’ng tracts of Lind, be'o :giLg to the es' ite-.f * P rge W R»y, lit- .fga:d e >u**tv, deceased: One tract of Laud, mine) a jo ring un 'sot John . Johu sou. S •v>om Ivy. Ft.onin ' 1 rid o h--rs. -ur'an tig ei/lit huu ired aid six * n*, more or leta know i as the Home P!; r . One t act c ‘at. dun t .‘.'u* t# • hundred an i th’rty acres, (nine; !j ui ing lin lu <.f S i - iralvij K- -uiue f}» -ling, und K ixibeth ‘I’M Slid i-ds w.ll -..* sdj »ab)«c-,to the widow’* rower. Terms Cash. ((C , 22 s. E IV'v i 'dmiulst'rs. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. nnisiuvr to an order • f the Court of Ordinary of I T-iiui err 1 .’.'luuty, <3.». wi’l b• sold ti 'or* the • ourt House door In .bo 1 -w of (bawfor.luille, on Ibe fir-t TUES DAY in December > ext. within h>- legti hours of ' a e, the f dlovri gpr.p -r.y viz •»n -. weP imorove*! Lot and Mouses, In * id town, lately occupied by 1> 1 Vi m. T be d, <l*-ce *ed. as Ids res;dene", >iianted O th • North side t the Go rgi 1 Railroad. C'utainiu.'thre acre*, m ire or less, adjoining the lot of firs La r Bed. the Duds »f C. W. Gee and others Also, one House and Lot >n *'r .wfordvill. known «s the Os- ' fle ■ Lot, lying b”? wren the abovt d.-ccrlbed *o* and the Geo Railroad, con ainir.g 'if an acre, more or leas. 4 Do. One unimprovd t ot. hiuv on the North side o' the •’»«<.rg'.a R dl(Otd, lietwe-u sai- R ad and th * lot of Mrs. Barne t. cont limn * two acr**s, more or less. Allsdd or th* be <flt of the heir- and creditors of Dr. Wm. T. Reid late of Talla ferro county, Msed. Terms made k own o: l e dav of rale. GE >RG A F. BRISTG iV, A .m'r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue »r hi ord-r of the Court of ordinary of Ta'iafer ocou > y *eorg 1. will neso.d i *’ awfordvi le on th« ft.*' TUESD VV in Deccn. r n-x . bet we.-n h u-u-.I l jr« ot* le. the half Imprest of 1 tr.ic -.f L»nd, known ast e Miii Ii ct, b-'.n/m/t) tic est .te of Au rustus W Fiv ♦. -ifn.ia ed, v in'ain'ng 218 acres, u.or-- o*- less. Al o, *ke ha.f \-r. s* in th- Mb! in I L'C id dlng 9 c .■•*, rp.ir-or le--. o . « w ife's of B -av* rD on Greek will ui ted to t*.>’ gln 1f» g o'co n a.ud wluiit. wi'h o »e n»*t of a ones, adjoitr-g t. li. Fiyn*, W.G 1-c bs, ;ud >th.*rs Ary per on wis n »o''e the. Toperty will eupty to the u.ub’Migned, on the place TernH n the .1 iy ofsa.e. JdMN •<. Flu Nr, >< ->2 > A.dmi* is r to**, ADM THIS T&ATORS* SALE. ■> fc Vlr H rf:iuO:d*r -.f ■ Jourf of Ordin -* ftf * . |> .-.unty, wdt b -old on the fir.** TUESDAY n I> c-mb rn< xt, h«i w *er» the legal hours ol sab-, ‘ ef.*re Hit C nr Hons.- ■ oorititlj* t iwn >.f El**erton. in El’wr* c .ur.iy, a tract Os Land, in El e-tand Hart counties, containing nine hunrtre aud w-v nty (970) * • r-a. more or Us** known Rig Hollv Springs ylac?. Sol i tne r roa-rtv *•» J *nicß T)a lei. late of Via Uson county, deceased f rthe purpose of settlement Terms made known n tb* day of sale. J. ML DAMKLI Adm ... 0C135 T M DANIKL.j a,J “ r '- of exanining Consfript*. and enrolling oßcers generally hereby notifled lhat by order of the Hon. Secretar- or War under date of October Ist, the third paragraph of General Orders So. 53 is suspended, end that hereafter Conscript* will only b- enrolled who are fit/or all military duty. 11. Enrolling Officers will not enroll Conscripts who may be obviouely unlit for military duty. Caaes Involving the least doubt will be referred to the neirest examining Sur geou. HI. Until otherwise ordere 1 enrollments will be limited to pew ms bc*tw»ea the azea of 13 and S 3. By order Lieut. Col. JOHN B. WEEMS, A. A. G and Comm to iant Camp of Instruction. ort c 4 Cil AS. S. HAKDE E, Adjl' fJIHK SOUTHERN INVENTION] FOR WASHING WITHOUT BOILING. Humbug. tteH*Hhan any other soap. In these SiTSST wa i.e-1 m this Mixture The initrecleiltHireluiiitu^^ 6 the Ceu-and, and &wo ta will sw afami yof we v? orT £liJil ft Ser oSe ."rVl*?;™ io "S *tve tn maands of »estimon‘aU of its effloihcy, but a few ar ♦qua ito many. My price in 7 * a ‘- w ar - COUXTY OR STATE RIGHTS SOLD LOW. See what is s»d of the Mixture. I pur, ~..d Mr. Mayer's gSg&'Stitgtfzii&L ter u. Auguu.lh 3. and have used it einre th™ w;S i Permission, ant! f' .. recomn • r *l it to all farrA’.lej a.' a valuable recipe, ana is an which Mr. Mawr ciaiiT « <nr IS II .th r.g to «jaal It::.- or myself. < .fler three year-exoe w.)t would • I ■■ ttttfiw l« i paid lot a. Mbs. JAMES tTsfi! Wt ir ■ • a.‘ ■ i- , Acoi-sta, Ga.. thu. 7,1865. tr. ..1,.1 ■- rt satiated with It. MdrtaaaMt^ he wl. t Mr. M ,yet cl ■ itus for it Th. re i no lrizred’ ... .-or,::, s t, cur belief, that wl I Mure the flue,, fab-lc.'' Ms- Uk JOHN < ARI EH. M*s.<i r. In KTIC. Mi s. lip.. 1.. 11. STEI.NEK. , . Ms. JOBS M. CLARK, versons dedr rto aunty or State rights e-n ret “ en; ~. in,-he a large profit. oct. 17 —dr'' s~ a. .Ira I*. • !•!«•«< ; ll.»B»w:|-lirn»»-♦*!««., h....mA J i th«- of thtlr l-Hii!.--... t..c • nte-* ntm .•r nr? ;.* >-f ml kinds—say Iren. 11 * \ vi to five Lun g'd per cent.. and on n.:-nv artk-ie* of ] line nece.ssity pn n nitre—ill*' uiiatrMn.tu W art-lit i..-e «id i *n-mirisi* i Mr olnuts O' the city Augusta, have r.g-.-rd l< Hi win* uu ~u - !,M I=l *••■-» (■« missions for.cotton.. l&f>cent. >•'.rage J- Colton, flrat niont;. Sc'ccLt- ? ue? fSton«g« n:-. Co'tor, each month thereatU r, including all ten -lining in store on amt alter tie- Ist dav ot Octobt r: ext 25 cenL «< hai* R~*.-I<H< t CMi*.. rtbrt lUn that folil t-y Comm ission M.rchu.iN ho'd ng it . .12K cei ta * bam Re-weighed Cotion n <t -told i v ti eComuiia- Merchant holding It. to be r» movetl on the liny it is re. weighed, if allow.-d t*» remain in store will be subject to extra storage 25 cents fl hale r ive days from the date of bill will he alioweJ on ail '’<.tt)a sold i v Commissi >u Merchants. -«. lay The storage on all Cotton in stop*, i.n the Ist day of Oc tober, 18*12, wiil be themine, aud prompt pa\ .em wi; j .» expected ANTOINE POULLAIN, JNO. DAVISON, M. P. STOVALL, J. B. WALKER A Stiffs HEARD * <'LARK. OA KDIN ER A RUSSELL, DYE A M' RRISON, H. EDMONDM’ON. HARPERC. BRYSON. PHLNIZY .V CLAYTON. J. PEARCE. rwc.Es A LINTON, P «v K. A.f LEMINO, GEO. U . EVANS .V SON. DOUGHTY, BEALL A (Jo - A. A. BEALL ACU„ J A. JoNEK. HEARD * SIMPSON. _ A -’ l ' " •” dtwawSm nepi* NOTICE. 1 having moved from the corner of Centra * 9 Uon'L'JT l,) ir XiJ ,tr *et. next door above Ramey A Story - Grocery Store, may be found at all hour'i. wh'-nnot professionally engaged. Dr Felder rear>oct fulv tenders hist ha .k* to such of hi, friend 2d the p® n Jwtirt C vl veri h,m aahar ,° of t'iitronage. andsolicits a conn .uati noft he same. He also offers hi.- services to the puloic generally in the nrloua branchc-sof his professmn aml ,'' '['*?: rroin » V <*T h.ng experience in the various and I SiSjt®?) - U^u S t f l i e st rict attention, day and ( nlgi't. to h i .alia, to share a i.b-nd patronage from the citl. ZeL * 11 Aug'istu (t.i . Hamburg, S. if.. and their vicinities. I Kr|,|& \ d6t v wCt mimissiOiv bpsiissi HU.III .V ILI.X WIKil 111..,..' - T ■> k,- c . t i : T- .yd . i',;,;;. d«ii* ■ ‘ S6O REWARD! RV"«" tr -n my plantation, on the night of *..•* ! :h) "? 1. wdgiH 110 to i;op-*u:l*|i; /: h In ' is , Pd. from bic.n • b*mied. lik\KY a'itVy.'.M A.,! TOM. ato'K 4-, yv.rs oM. w c iul j alioot Ifib |. * unin ha? part of thel“ft ear gone. I will Jive j I'v.nty Du. ar.i reward for each of said negroes, in auy sa e lail. R. WEA i HERSItEE. rote (i!tAw2'n* SLverton P. 0., So. Ca. OsMBI RhS AND IDVESPUNS. rj II\LI> Heavy ( < -nahurg,. H B«»7 Br.w!. Homftp-jn; Bales 4-1 He -y Hjic --pur.; For sale low. hy the bale or bolt by OflUT—dStftwlt j*. - IK' A Cl.Ai’.S SALT ! SALT! Vir^ii.;, SALT . T.’"r sik' l • -I > Vi-:; -.V ’Vinter OATS • Rl.p POIUK-M) Wmut FLOUR: 10m i>*rc**s prime RI.CE : *• b"Xes Star CANDLES : 60 I cite.- flue <bu*«riug TGB :(V:> ; 2,00» puu i'ks SmokingT» *BA< !<!<); • 4 ?*?**l r Gr*«*n tr i 2 ow* Black TEA : li :ad--< Git *• EE, SUGAR. PEPPER SPI E k u * E M. FD\YARRY ; S, Whoier>iie and Ketai. Grocer, '*2a'-rar.Sm Atlanta 'da. HLIfIBLK PLIVTim.V I'OU SALE, I !»>•«« • !isnil »•. .rt Bit Holly Sprh«i. the l Sou h Leaver*. .ou creek inning through the centre ot .tie tract., which on tain* iMa’res—9o acres of g..«d low gmund,2s) acres . dand in culil/a’ion. -a g ..id deal of it tresh. Ai! n.cc.is.iy oc'-b-iiMings f«.r a i irgc force, and u in good repair. A g< Ibar/oa will be g!v*.. and time to Pty rii n * JOHN DUNCAN. LAND FOR SALK. ’ OVite fin’ Tuesday in N )VEM3ER n *xt, will be sol i atihe Low rr Mirke.t House, in A'uu.sta. 152 acres o’ Laud.m ircor Icn »bout 20 acre - .-ie ir *d. ihojt 7 miles 'mm Augusta, on But.er’s Creek, n ar the Louisville and Savan nah i,oais. ab<>ut huf a mile fro a the Plan* Road. Th* abovt: may be purchased at pri vde sale. Anp l t > JAMES BRANDON. ' 11 ' T'ii >»M AS I'. BRAND. *.N HORSES FOR SALE. I.IOIR good hor- ihr s k l* ', v. \ bio. a M.con f haul - '•u-/y. Enquire at No. 452 Broad street . i • LOST, tfiwo nromisiory notes, dated January 1,1562,a~ . I .) aide one dav afbrr date by W. R Puiiner—i ue one U) Kv i.ig & Young f.r «45 1«, and ’he other fur $74 or ther al*."]' .to Evrn*. Young A 'arswell Ml p.-rs -ns are here j>v warn d not «•» trade for -aid noie», and t'-e mat r not U jay ttu m hide?.- p.t> a fed by tue undersigned YOUNG ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. V\ T lbt-I** sohl. at the M .rk ■« Hom>e. in the city •>; .. - gust a. on the fist ll’E*'l>Aß n JANUARY next between the lagnl hours «f si! . a tra< f o’ land In r.mtl.eru villc, 14 miles South w st from Augusta, contamlng 2wj acres, more or les*. Ii compri-t? tin • Jg’.rr and desimbl? •• r r*.V'i.‘ •», •(.• ' .;•• VV •,;. J. Kv i s kt .. .. 1 Hi i. It embraces probably asmanv edvan'ag s < : i.b-» foui.il in any country r uidence ’.c this conn v—toe !»we'i : ng and premia sin excellent order. Fergus «iesirir.» to pur. chase are invited to examine the place. Term* uush : i chaierto pay »or titles, Ac AMOS W. WIGGINS, <*• lawtd Admiu’strator.