Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, March 25, 1863, Image 1

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The Weekly Constitutionalist. BY JAMES GARDNER 10LD SENTIMENT! AT THE ITOBTH Z'ne Richmond Ihspatcfc La? rece ved a j&ie coi y t -L - New art Caucas an—« paper coiec for the j ts'.cicese «f - priests aga'ns: the .& .-paiic-c of (h «*cr by Linoo t. Soxe cf the cr....cs arc in* • byJL lor their oOiduess llc tee tintlm L-y contain. From one of rteec '•>:.»>a beaded The Destiny of the We??,’ »i tx tract »L*s fol * r S • '•‘be S utb, endanger ci by '.h e huge aco oev;i* j •r. lunacy of Abolit *ol sm, sececec, withdrew, tied utterly refused to recugc.** aa .» Chitl Mag J • .-are oue who no: on.y d i net represent the i v and wishes cf* *.ng e citizen ic screen States, oc wLo was pledged to tarry out principles ! wf.:h, Abe had ventured to avow them twenty I vei»- ago in the directs of tb.s or any other Nor.b* i *-r. city, wo<iid have caused bis being mobbed and ’ Owen ir'ib rotten eggs ' Bui they should bare . submitted, of course, to those pledged to us© the i s»rtt ( « tied power of I he cuictuoo Government i .•ig - cst slavery, Hga>oßt the peace, order and safe*' vot society, for the gradua. extinct . u of the Mfireocacy of toe white cit-ieu aud c favor* f the | .c partial freedom uud con-ec. uent airaigauiati. n w\l the * Dcgroee—:cr the rcn. dree, A net them ue vse. Fee, they should have suba. tied to the j • r»* .of course. tbjugf the frit wac utterly j dead, ana trusted to the bai.'wt boi n the North, • safety, capes..*. y as the I .end: < t u.e South j *-**re u u u. our it a ererv Northern State, and , there vrtf no*, a f:cg»e polr.i. aizaßiwCg them who c: d i. •■% assent to the fundamental principle of the ! £t>- tion {«. »y, and :lu» g.ve cj ;te wbi !e rt at the star*. ‘.»atbe : ttrurv, Ley realiy tei.even iLemfeelvee r p»--t mssibie j - dg *- *•! 'he rowt si'ciy, both • :ce iL-aeure and n! the u. jde of redress,’ us • • ..Iv-.sed iotug sore tr Jefferson, and as tne pros- i o* «f having the: r.ghte defended tv o hors, w:.; > they stood s'... and looked 00, wa*. to say • it.T ast f rather dubious, they toot tht.r dt»:.ny i he r cwn haads, and p aced '.LeiLae.veft, for . ’be ■ u.e being, oeyood itt scope of a Govern- , arei? tins perverted fn-m an iistrru -*n: ct c .m --us t. il: . a machine of 6ec.ional rtt.n. ! r J: •.•‘..■rsf, w- repeat, they d d w'.-ng. Tt»-y et • j:d have s übmitted, at ai! eveL's .ut.* a.i tho « puf.Di'.tts of trie Federal G veroinea:, as well t the G ;vcrLa»entg of tL* .Northern histes, *r> .a tie haLd« ol the Southern party, and \ ur «v tfc thft prvcedcLi of aabui.ss ct before ? t-n «tid b ”'.od at *bo» feet of “in par- . .a! freedom, why they might ret.tft peiLaps if 1 ’t»v ot.old. But they met the Abolition niOC6ier ». 'tv threshold, instead <.t tgttmg for tre pres j • rut on of society at?he beartostooe, and though | t ><»o haß been poured out l.ke water on the soil j < Vtrg.Lia the a ise of ':Qipar:iai freedom bar j t * \ r .T rr-rS'-arried :o the and of Washing'* , 'b- Norii -ri: “triecds of the S uto ’ had - -c Xr .. uc o’c aoar 1* c U : “prcr.ples” of i • ; :rty, urd to et icd by the dec.bion of tiie t r Cnuft. of coarse would bare ' err. j v >ecegsioc nt: one drop of blood tylFed n V;r» * y.L fc . tefl therefore it is üb-'.olutey certain that t> hdtties <*r. th« Fotomae tre foegt: ter Le .dea « :ur> vrtreedem.' ol <ne ► he, and the ! i -svrr,t;«r. t &{•:ittr s::d ’he true prir?ipie*of r C<»B#tstution cn fhepfbe- l’ it the battles- in j - WtH are rrivapt, a*, by those who an the 11-: .ng, to rvpresent scmeihic/ert rsly dtieren*. :■ vvest ve not ret abohti' nil.d, uud if the actual, j i« • r -uefitioc were bes. re it, would tight fori i.* jTf -ia-’erT r*\b*r than asmlgainatif i< r “ia «{.• a. freedom They are dei unci i i' ’>.*• E-st, an< v made tbe tools cf .Vew Kcglaod out’idnv and fa>.-HPet»tc. A ! ’ the Dpoide ,'. r :n* -a . are me sancO pfof -t, tave the in. we ideas, the same nfereav, aDd forced into j - i.ct ct with eat! other by diatac’. and remote ! » : it.d - cit es, ibe battles they t’gh? tre among the ! i.addeat things the world ever ucd enough j U make ungels weep. Ttose of he /f per >! : s i st pp; ra.-e w heat, pork, ceef stock &\, while } tunae below them r.t ne »ttcc, totucen, sugar, 4c., j 4 rd Frov.aec e bestowed oo theu rhu tc gLty i r ve: fer the c* the ▼ prodicui. -l the naiera'i order of things, udg the develop* an: oi Democratic i«Ht.t*iuoßs, tier then Id ac* t ,v ire Cuba. Hayti, Central America, 4*.., ucq re»» sis e ndosiry sod civiliuiton to the. naturally .t- and genu* reg">ne now olaeted ttd wirha ♦•r-ea i: v the bideous Aooiit.oo delu«:cc, and, .f ne* CAS- e, tee mac at the Northern sources of the » t r*,,.\ rieer ebocid cozne to the a.ci of the mac at w s*ai!>« ro imilet lor the eziece on 1 1 ao*ca led i- u r ery «nd the accompiisbmtct of tbe»r coolox n «ie«' .oy. Tr*e eitiu.-nsof IDso- .e o* Wisc >ns;o, in ; ejbbatging -he pr »doct§c-f.hi-s laborwtth t/;e \r • | «'ucer oi (he South, should hare sugar at six cents i> i‘ Hrud, and ether ttungs »n ptopc*tioc. and some t luy, wheo reason and interest, .ceteao of folly uod <nme, and fanat sm, rule ’be toocr, ail this j will be realised. i£eaa«hite, these people of me great rails?, a e»e AOiencac DeßK<rais, wn»>se c’.erwte and whose dsatmtes *.r« ind!visible, are -uumg tadi a ber’» throats » *b roeutmoat fury. A»a obssrva v ,c t there is to c (f t recce, tree of abstract senfi** ! u-fD? Co.'tke the tas*, they refuse to an.aga- ] u ute *fce negn it Leir system, a* absolute;? as ' c. ulc f real.'y forced atcoDg them ’ i c yew Pngisni, I i no:s A'., "©old tghi as i u-pby ftr “slarery,” or lor ret a c:rg 'tiece*i - .l I.£ !•< rma condition, as does tb*: 10.-mer. V* ;«' then a f e ihese brothers n the great raiiey t, i * eg for? Wbt, it’ssaid a * hag ’ Welt, ' .:h’ -* ‘.-id c A , cerbr.n.-y, if the ‘fag” represents r> r priccip est, but ;f otherwise. ! :t:? made the I of u. that they tate, ans aii ttat •» hostile »i ite * •' wr welfare, why ttien ttey a't as n«'Bo? fc [ •«d acdaoj*M » the h tres rt Eng anc it Russia, ! who- weretip .dole ;n the form of Einge. Again, e said that the? tie Lgbtiopfc T **f"fe trade’’ on ne Miss;sftif*pi —that ia' figuring U r the tariff i cde r ere < i the has:, who lax neir a., aiike, | ui'd c^ l ’he act”®! t t raa»--s <*t the lower Si ssippi- it .a a.I adeiusuo: a criu. nai, aw* | f.’ ncistaee The mec of tbe Wes* utterly abhor ! AC( 'tionism, Fur;ttn sin. tanfism, tod ail the 4 « ntr devilisms ©f New hoginne. The? want f-rt trade and tc'.cn w.th all Americans; bat, ( all, wiib therr ews catcra. brothers of the rwer y iss'ftiippi, ra’uer than w h Virginians or v-•-xc me r e; and it New England resists and CTOjande spec.al pr v.leges ’.n the term ot tariffs red, moreover, JCiists **n cutting each others thrtata ? <* out her "idea” of cegruee, : :eo it: her ioi#k 10 it that the disunion which sne tre* i i, es is not vis.ted on her c-wn guilty heat. Under the head o{ “A Massachusetts Whr,’ , j Uiacaeisß tae the foliowitg art-cie; The ..oorL.a/« of the day tell the story of aeer« k r Major Wellard, cf Boston, moriaily wcunded r- F-edencksoi rg, wco, :n taking a tnsi lea?e ~* :i£ ft .ends, &0.-iLßiy chargee inose from bschusetis to ewu i br*reiy up to .ne light, for ] tc •• was a Mfeftaat ti ise’.te war, and therefore every 1 .rot sen of that Nut© ehou.d do his best tc up* i nod :ts g»*.ry and honor, and bring the war to a j r.i.r:ou« 1 era..nut.on cy subdoing the rebels of ! .he e*'Utt.‘ I it truly asd emphatically a Mas? ' Htcbusetu vr*r. and the State that never support- ' *d any 0 ter war, nor, from ihe hour of its cre&- ; . on, ?urn>«hed one single soldier W » pport the Gortrumeoi 01 the U nited States, is Imrly en* t«ued to ail the honors—if honors mere be—in t* present co'ortuoete conflict. When Bait; j mure and were threatened by the j British in the war of 1612, Mr. Mad .son made • 4 . reouis.tion for volunteers to defend the capital, : ±4 ; not one Single man was from ALussacLuseua. But wr en a false and foolish pre ;*»iKe was set up that Virginians were going to j. the capwa., Massachusetts was siire with j (x.riotism, eod ber "brare aDd ehivalrous eons” ; promptly respcnding, drew the first blood from . ?he surprised one uca*ai6d cm ivns of Baltimore, j M.’ *-nco l fad sca.’ceij te’tered the While j AUGUSTA, GA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 2 6. »66*. Hor.se, acc sworn Gait? *t Masratbusefts, before a regimen: fro3l that State wa* sent tc garrisan Fort Monroe, and ’.baa *v * t.!ra.ge tue :eei:nga und !88tslt the :-u-.r ; rc; r t *; > g;n:*. Fmallr, Bct'or, 't.- ter. *IC as-who. setts." even befo»- ‘he rt go •*: ’l * .is l ol Vug'Cia, w?s put ic command ot F *rtres v ■*: til and tNpeULH ed, of course, to tost::! and bum.ate ihe vT* gmiacs to th utmost ex'etM cl Lis capacity.— Afterward*, when New Orleans had been cap tured by the brare old narr ot the country, again Maßsach«9etts was tbruet ?n '.be foregr »und, and ' lijtler pl&ced n command of tte Gn*!. Indeed j m every sstasce where '}• wei ’ woe to be won, , and money made* in this war Massachusetts Wes in the advance, wte’ber it was to carry uC u State j library, stem’ tne swords « t brave met*, or plunder I the property of non«co 1 batan s. Well, .1 Is all i r ght. It is the only war wie ever supported, and ; let her Kfcare its honors, ia l *aie. Bui it .4 only fair that she sn<»otd u'so enjoy its resuits j That will be half a tr.iMVon of d -'-umni and broken down men, incapable of a. pport.ng tbemseires in the future, a. debt of two too sand U-iliiooH. and ; perhaps, if the proclamation e suooessful. hail a million ot big sad little negroes, and, a-fat us the is concerned, the less ot the Uc. *n iorctur. What a btuHtitui State, tc &e e :re —half a m .I*. lion ot paupers and half a rc.li.on bf “fret Auier> . 1 aaß of African accent, sud u dett of two j thousand millions, hd2. worse ttau all, with uc more chance tc plunder other fv.ates througl her 1 tariff' hcmb'jga Ncr is th;.- .lktly ti be The whole a£a:- Ail ’he At-.'lit.ct lunaMog cf the oth*r ate?, with “bents* ole Abt' at their head, will, most j r'bahly. emigrate : Vo.ssach« where they "an enjoy ".napa-ti*; to their bear -i content, erd at :fceir leisure. The ?'tin anddes- ’at.: l ’.hut surroccd them, und whic.'i they labored with iLe energy of de?.ls to mfii'M vr others, but wb ct, ic tie justice (»f Heaves, t'Oc at Just int cted ;*c tLeni* I -elves. An ari.cle cn “Free I/.ar>»e on* ciista it as. Ad? attempt to retire the * i>*BTi,**sor ’« let ter the press again would bathe e goal for civil war in the Not tfc. The frn stiru has gone forth—ti.o advice of Senator S*. ..*Ljry is retard ed in The tcnioht Lefi:tsi.f thoi.Sutde ' Gutter ’fan subr to illegal nrre?t, to de!i:. •Len'Re#v?o to the list.'’ Hither than To &e*. u >ee plea?, “the pa l*diur. of the people’- vighie, ' again stricken down, thousand* sell the.* lives j iu its defence. The people Eire r. t hl6 tired of the inanities, foils* h, i.d'l s'np.d ce-poi'?me of I tbi« weak .and wicked wii n.tbe ♦.’nfied with r.uy elj-c. They most not b t prr,yoked, ft •* I. t( td. ‘r;.:.kt new er ! j-ierimeuts it tyranny. A s.ng'.c ctatch t. ? aos ! pl’e », wu'd prod*: ea fe.. rf ;l • xF.oe uu. if ; eo* ! p!e d'< r thick wt* are living »t- mvc.'■ r.arv i.oi:s, le* then, attend aty meeting, andseeh'w - Itj and ti r enie e».Lt - merits ar-. applauded. A bi M, bac u u. couici now »et «,r city rnnn rg -r bn »u *V* au.ure Repubiiran? as they vl-Gc pe- t *c - order, t. adhere t » the Constitution aud ti e Jeu ■ l c"at« w"• never v-/.ia*e tfc n • " .- v fc-ife; 1 but if forced to choose beiwett tube, scion to ! further violation of ibe:c cr *t-.- ar.it u. wu-ng the decisio*s will tot be dyU ;l .. v .. Ld’.v.- i duals have *0 much 'interest l adhering etrlctiy • to law a? Republicans.and if rfce? M.vt any facui* tv iu “diseercing the signs of the .t it cot 1 necessary us v> point c * tb t ifWvt wfcy. FEB KRAI RULE l 5 OEILAKE: A<. »>.»<- 1> rurlnpTV Is ShffWt In Jlf .««;»»ipp itt i any details, however trivial, i.i n’sLkee il nraie and B»?*lerV course in New Orleatii. that a few ! dehuif< ry remarks and anecdoiee trom au eye witness, may pr«>ve acceptat 'e t yo» r readers. A Richmond editor ear*; that lit *»t parte re ol Gen. Butier in safety u d.wgraee ic every citv j«i»en 10 fftw Orleans. Tki* sangu nsry man can i uol have r*f led tfca* New C rietitaie the gatii* •ring point f : r the rntawuv ft<*«l the whoie inter*or tud the golf coast, and that there were ]5,b00 of New England'ft taoieeet thieves it and around tne city, restrained on.y Ly the *e*» leotiesft severity of acommanoer whi would low no o».b**r hand ti share the epc.i. Euiler s a.ssaftftißa>H<n would ha**e been the signal fer the incendiary and the pi’lager atd cf the ; loveliest true hearted, and nroet belpiesscf God a , creation would hovebeet at ibe mercy ol a horde more barbaroun and Imitbm »i,e that the Huns and Go'bs and vandal* c! toe .own empire. Gen Butler wore a ?oat of me 1, wtucli waa ! clearly discermbie under hie cknhee, and ex tended to bis !tps. Id l « offioe two revolvers lay continually on bis desk, wbicu he offer, handled, ! to impress or intimidate. Until after the entire ! po-inlat’on had be-m disarmed, he re*** * appeared on the etreeis except tr a carriage, w'tfc three ; orderly ftergeants, aid surroviLded by a troop of hersemen, a’i armed Tc tfc© teeth. Ae be U»y stretched back on tne cushiccii, t.egiancch were as crnal, restless and snspic-o is f*© t . .gt real's. . His behavior wsa fui! ot ostrC.te-.lci; ulc 1 bravado, His*manoers shewed h ao *.< have tree in a : vulgar station, aDd Bo glitter ai’tho? j eonta impress the beholder rhu* be aught fcet a par* nu and a pretender. A silk banner was preoentec lt-\ Novemoev, ty the colored people, to a negro regiment stationed on the Grotiliy road, ia tbe re*.* o! ’.Le c 'y. Eve ry day, furniture car, wagon and cit.er fOßvejuoee. was employed from ear y morning to carry dowc 1 crowds of jubilant C b op wne of out sexes tc the camp. Bongs in honor cf dohu !>:>** • ns«a i Butler and Uncle Abe rnng «.pon the n.r fren. tte ! throats ot those who used so n;ei**d.ot.ftiy to swell the boatnapn's choro« th** V ss’sa.pp st€ tt m-' i era- la the evening Genera*. Bt t'er, wi’.L fcis nu*. meroua and splendid staff, r'xit dowe tc oflit ite at the presentatkon. He ftsde u ocg and .ncen diary speech, urgiug the tlacts to ’■eoeein tr.en.- j selves trom the taunts of tfc.eir masters that they would never eiaLd the smell r* powder ano the I gleam at bayonets. Col. Stafford, coamaiid g < the regiment, replied in extra terms but the only thing be eoid worth mentioning wae, that one negro, as a soldi r, wae unv day, worth five white men. He, doubtless, dedr-ced i. 4 com par v sob from hiuiselt and h's teii ;W e»»idiers ( and way therefore jtigtifled in h.sassorticti Tfie Stafford, before the war, was a New York detect ve He is a blackguard, and of the Bowery—an Israelite fio® his l.neatnen’s, and “a:Ee tnt iect” to the magra , umon« Butler. TLe lamented Dcncac eoce spurned him like a dog. but nt e'unk awav and reported To Butler, who “approved 11 s course in not resenting the insult. Another of Bailer's pete x Jonas H. • French, whilotr Provost Mamba! General of Lou? f isiana, tout degraded by Banks to be a police e®- i cer in New o.'t*M»ns—* place wticb he sccep:sd : rat er than join tae army at Baton Kong© it* '.he 1 first named office this mac com tr. wed unpc»-«illeied j extortions and outrage*. Altfcocgb entitled to : nothing ton? his pay as a Caprine or. staff, faifl prof* ; to were from one to two thousand dollars per day. When Bank*, arrived to supersede Boiler, he d - I reeled his staff officers to mak« >nqniriee in a ! qniet way among the citizens, and wae soon con* nnced that the s'ores abovt Fretofe were less than *x*ggerated. The ’•Colone:,” mur »e by trade a soip peddler, and is a ifco* ? lixic cg fellow, is ( the leader of the Yankee Uu- Banks advent caused great excitementbtnccg vha rfficiai tfc.eves, • tbe “Coloneh remarked to a crcwd ol them who came to adviae with fcitn, *‘Ey G—. gentlemen, ; this thing has gone too far. J that my name, even, has been mixed up in it,* Dor eg Bailer’s reign French had Ifcree carriages, with a span of bloods for each, four bnggise and several saddle , horses. He if now reduced u. .ooomotioc. Rvery fine residence in New Ov'eans is ooec j pied by Yankees Ta« hone# cf Mr. Brrgst, w Rampart s**ee\ las h*en fcearr .v.**fer® <'l • Brigadier Gem*»*ul Arnold, who. wbi.e laboring ’ under c surfs.! cf .Mr. Fwrgei * w at*?, had ike j c iv cars pt*p eg e front, to trsrei at a snail’* i pace. \L* t» to i night know that bis highness was ; J sLing. Tl»* paint 1 ;jb tea lurr: !ure have al! j j twee bt=L; away, ctd the collar ttr.j tied. Lacock. a | j roust, close bj a the barrajfkc. <? the Tweiftn * I Maine. M*. J. } . Karriscn’s Is cow inhabited by . BaLke and hie family, ard Bbeppard brown’s by Governor Hhepley. / beaut.fu; bo«»e on Pw. j tacia street, above Jackson street, was taken oy some oftioera of tL* lice, who, on being called to j tbe teld, left tceir paramours in possession. and t the house .2 now a eofafneo brothel George Eosl.s’ Judge Holt’s, and scores of other pn- I ; vu:t dweLlor", hare undergone the eaice poilia* I i non. Butier se»?**d the house of Dr. Campbell • ! for la family, appropriated the sumptuous fer- j n.icrt* and plate, and had a Lieurer.HDt and two I private sen» to Fort Jacfcsi n w.th fcs and cha,n , ] for two yeare, for stealing two of his silver ! spoons, n arked with Dr Campbell's initials. j > poor Jr ah woman, far advanced :n pregnsr*- 1 cy, vw heard by :>ne of Britler a innumerable 1 t ep.ee to say that the priest 1 under an | ci|Kuzcst&Lces to take the oath. Hf e was dragged « | before the Genera., who Lew into one of b.s par*. • i oiysmß. heaped upon her the foulest epithets and j directed an orderly to cc nfir.e her :c a dark room on bread and water, until she divn’ged the name jof her reverted adviser. This she refused to do, and she *«(> probably released by b inks. J The most disgusting and characteristic art of the Hyena s career (mire revolting even thno h s | causing the tomb ot Gen- Albert Sydney John j eu i to be burst open, and his ccffir, searched for j gold and silver) wap the afla : r of Mrs. Phillips. 1 This .udv .sthe wife of a gsctleman n A’abuma, . who w:;e formerly M. C. from that State, and law i par ner of tne Hon. Reverdy Johnson. She was istaiyiing on her balcony adj lining. w hen the fo ntral ot u lieutenant, killed whilst marauding , L‘tr Baton Rings, passed along the street. Being \ : oLstrved by an officer to smile at some remark, ] she was forthwith repotted to the coirtr.%nder-iD> i s cL»ef, who had her arrested and brought before j • him on tbe charge ->t indecently rejoicing at the j • Yankee’s death He offeree! her tne alterca’-.vt 'of the oath auc a public apole.ry i - .n limited j j B-iitury confinement at Ship Isi.-’id. .She refused ! j Iht apology and the per ury ur.d war qubstr ent* ; ly Bent down tc the Island. About the same tune a man na.xed Kei er, I who keeps ac old bool: st- •*<?, labelVd the sknll of ! } a )«ei«oan, which hud been left in pawn by a . nuedual 6t» dent, with the.word.’ "bickahominy,' 1 •,. .. . re( j '• in hie ifcow window. For tfcia grave ' i oL.ci.ae he, aiß° wa»f oondtmned t< Ship Inland, : • j uod the genera' order pmblisbec. on ts eub-ect ’ i stated that he abonld “be a.lowed i> :omn:uni , cat.on, verba, or otherwise, w tl any n< >on on the island except with Mrs PhillipF..’’ Keller, vhoiearoan of takn.iy, w.ip induced ♦© beiierc : th,M was the cotoHoas Mat*.:da Phillips, a worthy ..-durtaean, as well kn :wn u York, Hoa ■ I ton and San Frenciecc, &h l New Orleans, beg ged thi* part r.f tbe '.ra#»r to oe recinded. Ac c* rd ug.y another generu'. orde*. wai» romu'.gated, ; abrogating 'so much of gtneral order Ko.' as acthar the **.id h. .ler »u ht.id con to'in oulion r with Mrs. Phillips. Such wa? Gen. :u tier's sub* * terfuge sttikiot a! the g®ou name f a virtuous wile and good trother., to re!*ere himself of the odiuir: attaeLed *.o hi# ncoauuly conduct.* Aw;h*-i t« >t .i weaver., w:o v ««rA iti xt ■ * r ‘ ■ «uiien*<f ..rtotx w*ui p*ib isnoel ucir e'ng the negroes tLat whenever a slave reported his or fcei naste: or m.streae hr having weapons o.»n* cealed about the*r dwel ’ng*, and the weapons . were found as reported, the slave, should be lib* erated directly ttLd the owner .near derated. The i r eßii .t ban been .nstacces without that \ tbe t laves have ifcrown ciu r» usketu r sabres, or pietois into obscure earn* rs with the r own haude, g:veL the Information, been freed, acu the.r inoo cfeot luosterL ure cow mfit-nog on the drearv 1 saDde of Shin with ball and hard j ’ ! laßor, and salt horse r-aiicns. The teet.rm ny of a ! , slave is received wilhoct comment or object* ,-n. Tbe indign o ni rt-monsirance ed a Gonfede’-ate ;a ' i om shevn w.tk sir tbe eath of a traitor [ , ? üb*. a rebel »s hat worth that of a luyal black." I Will Cocfederoie soldiers be oeve that on tbe , 20th ot I ebrnary, IMS, tbe day on which the last . , oartel ot eishaoge left New Orleans, a company ! • of icffcLlry va« ordtied to charge, and discharge . with fis«K' bayonets, ol the thousands of women : and children who thrr uged to see us off! Two vrnmeZi were wounded by the gallant New Kng« ■ | laadets—oue of them seriously—hut many a | brave girl seised the bayonet with one feeble arm and feafleasly a toad her ground, whilst with tbe , | other she wafted os her blessings and adieus. * This command was given by a furious looking ■ lleasian Major, whe spoke broken English, and subsequently sent far a battery cf light artillery tc complete the work of desperation by trampling the refractory ‘ she adders*’ an dor the horses’ | hwds. The SKHfc of Nebi nary was a glorious Jay for secession if. New Orleans. Genera Basks tauat • I hvp beer nti.Mud and delighted at the display of • “jLiocscDtimect * ana ''g her citizens. It shewed him that, after sending ter thoo»ands and her • tecs t/f nou»ande cf brave men to Lght in <ht • to y cause, her women, undai.nl*;© by the power of the nn**trupul<)iw oppressor, and scorning tbe I Inzory and wealth which needed but the worth* 'ese * oath” v, be thrown at tbeir feet, were etrii ; i.« s. -alone and cc netaot .n their hour cf tm! and c stre?e as when the telcls ul Manias and Bu 1 j Ron bore ifce fresh footprints of the routed Van* ; kee* i A.* me late re tforceiLenifi to Gen. Bank* are ’ Hessians or i’ruseiacfc They are strangers to tne English tongue, and the commands are given n broad Dutch. The men are generally good ; locking, and evidently recruits and deserters ; frosn the Hesse Dutches, Netberltoda, Prusair and • German .States. They Lave been recruited with ; baitu cf cotton fa* me .c werking order in Texas, . and the spole of Southern homesteads. How 1 ! etarti.ng will pmve their real welcome when I ‘‘these whuskerec. pan doors, and these fierce hue* ' sere’ shall meet tbe gnm rangers of tbe Texas . prairies. Permit the writer tc ass, can tbe gonlla raise r,04.000 men more in hie dominions to carry en this waf v No. sir After recruiting biaexhaunt- » ed regiments from the negro slaves, aDd semiring I continental Baripe for mercenaries to so .itile p’irpose, the moment be endeavors to enforce b*s oonwi*r:ption mo.suren an intestine struggle wit! i sp'Tßg »p more (and Immediately) fatal to its vitality than secession. . 1 gTb«re s great disaffsciiafi among the soldiers , and sa.lcre x D'luislanu. A gunboat Lieutenant i iold tbe wr ter that three hundred Maasachuaeits i soldiers had been sect to New Orleans fram Ship Island for mutiny and beating the blacks, and ! i that one hundred and tb>rty resignations had oe* : onrred among the officers of the fiotiila, (bis own among them, bet had beta refused, and the par* . re* classed ss deearters Be said tbe eanse was , jginsola’e proclamatian. Orniai Ju&m* Af*Ua i; wu -i 1 Wftß retributive fule of tbe Harriet k Lane and tbe Hatteras, and tbe frowning batteries j | at Vicksburg and Port Hudson which oooled their \ i warlike ardor. Let bar heroee yet a little while : breast the tide of .evasion as they breasted I ' it dermg the pa*t two yesrt, and Uneie Abrahmc f ‘ himself will syncpatLiia with the South in a few months. ' t 1 Tbe 2Ctb asd 87th are dieaflbcted, f I and tbrimen tc lay dowc their a r *us when called » I .etc the held, and the sailors es the Hartford, the Peneacola, ood the gunboats are arrested in aci-rts » ; for vociferating throngh the street? that they “won't k/htfor the bloody nager ’ If the negroes Lave not c*c.-p*ec. more privi leges, or ccmicitteu greater outrages m New Orleans, .i is not for lack of eccouTagcmeit from tbe Yankee officers. It s doe t» their conscious inferiority which, as .l tb* beasts cf the field, ( forces ibem to cower ?nd cua-i beneath 'here« proacblui and threaUnirg t-yt of the white mas. They are still unaware ct their percgtitive in ! 'wer Louie ina. I if tbie ple-se yon, i may wr.te again. J. From the North. The R.cbmotd p&pere cf tbe It'.b, have-e*» I ct.ved Northern advices of *Ae loth and !4tb, | from which we extact the follow ng . . FUOr?B!TTONB FOK >Jt AtS:6TI S—rSkNAKSf WOOD. | Seder this heading the Ee»a.d publishes the ; following • j To tbe Editor of the Evening P©si At a meeting held at Stamford, Cone., on I Taesday evening .ast, ! said tbn. propositions J for an armistice, or peaoe, tod been submitted to tbe President on tee IL»h o; Dec« last, ; which, had they been accepted, w ould have ter* ; n lasted this war ty the Ist of April udod a biisis satisfatory to the people,North otd .*v?uth. in referring to th.s atate nent yoc st.k •Who made these prepositions for sn armistice or peace, the adoption cf which Mr. Worn pre tends tc believe ‘would have sttiled the matter' by sll-focM s day V If so, hew does Mr. Wood know anything about them' lias he been in se cret correspondence wi L the enemy * Or were they made by some ol the anti-war men bere?- ) If sc, wb’. authorized them unc what are tbe i termß of tbe propositions tram which Mr. Wood j bopus ao mu< o If they are honorable to the na~ I tion, if they are such as patriot.c Americans ought ; to favor, why not n..akt' public at cnue‘ To which i Ray, in reply, that tbe statement re. J ferred toby me wa# made delibrr&feiy, with a full | and personal kcoaiedget the facts, and that I j am constrained from ti e publicity cf them only J by *be request cf c*oe of the principal officers of : tne government. When il.s interdiction ?bail be ■ withdrawn ’ w lcLeeri uly gratify your cur:osi- I ty. Ve*v respectfully, Fkuna ni-: W »od. , idarch )Z t ARh.v of -rr rcrtonac. ; The following associated preoß J.spc.tc l appears , ;l the Herald . 'The pickets of thetnemy, c»u certain portions cf the line opposite ol the Happahnnnock, are cue half neg wen, and one La .’ white men The negroes are urmeJ unci uniformed the same as tbe whiles The far . appears bey r e .eatioti. only hundred to one hundred un j city interven | leg between our pickeie ar.d ( tb*; enemy, and they are pla>n!v to be diet eg shed without . | the aid of a glass.’ -j "here mtobe * decrease l the reduction cf ' transportation iu ai! aruia . f ;Le service, and in . ; the Biff, of Ci r;.r, dl.iKCts u&; o; p*4ee a thi. . umy. T KOM TRNMt-aLL • j A dispatch fron Rutherford’s creek. Tennessee, t ‘ de*ei altb, says .he whale ot Vho Dorn’r fores ■ j recreated » iuth towards Sheibyv. le on Wadnes** , Aay night, and the cooctry between Na-Jiville p ’ t*ni Columbia ie nc.w cleared of Karaudere, and j that the mt-uufi of crossing Duck *.ver are destroy* led- This poaipfouet tne txmev.ei engagement in c t tittt qaartcr fur aom* c*u * “ liGET ai s; nivrw ’ J ""he Herald devotes thven coiumcs tt> .s ! wh.ch it nrofe&fisfc t- descr;oe very minutely. % j The action of two days orgurrec. cc the tflh 5 j Jauuarv and February Ist. The r&Mtic, Fa'apaco uud Nahact were eofaxed ! for eight hours. The Montauk war etrcck by sotid ! shot seventy one '.imte and was lilted clear out vs ’ J the wuter at the bow hi the exp.union of a torpedo, moored. Inf action w&t- a ter* | rffc one No less th«n three hundred and cue shell havieg been throwx by our r cs ee.fc. and two I hundred and stvectyKseven ho;.d ahotaod shell |ty the enemy. The. UeraJd daime that the fert **‘a« oevereiy injured. The J a*»sa t was h.t 33 J titfies. taw BCNTWLB I>KraBTM*.VT | Gee. Naglee has been relieved o* h.i* command :ix Ibis depar.met.t and ordered x Washington. I He lias be*o relieved heciuise bt does not agree * with tne negro worshippers. He hue been orderad tc New Yorv The Bntiah ship of the West Las jr-ne j ashore near Charlwoc. Her crew eacrped, but 1 Admiral Dupont 1b making efforts to savt- the res ; sel. piuan* Laprcnan. • Tbe British steamship Doure wu« japtcrec off Cape Fear on the 9ih by tie U. S. gunboat Quaker City. Tna Douro was Phased ter four hours, and fired at with shot and sbe 11 some tirty times before she was captured. The Doure is a vessel of one hundred and eighty-Uve tons bur then. Her carg* consisted ot some four hundred and twenty bales of cotton i rd some tobarro. She , ran the blockaae at Wilmington, an* was bound to Nassau She was taken to -New ork. Tbe prize steamer Virginia, v th the prize car goes ot 27 vessels, has ieti Key Wes: so-New Y. rk The British steamsh p Peter H< ffmar, wuh a valuable cargo, was captured on tbe2f;b of Febru ary (ff St. Thomas, by the U. ri.. gunboat Van** derbilt, and has arrived a*. Key West for ad,udis cation. Also, the Yankee schooner belle, pui* porting to be from Nass&u ari bound fur Port P.oyaL An agreement tc run tie b ockade was frrund on board ot her. rhosif r, TB or ax kahlx strata get: c TR;cM»Boii ■"ee MiSßiaitpr:. The Washington correßpoudect of the New York Ewaid stye; Tke War and Navy Depart ments are satisfied that in a v t ry few weeks,, per haps days, the communication *..t tbe rebels across the Mississippi will be cut off complete'v, and they will thus be surrounded and reduced Into a suite ol actua. saige, without the necessity of a large expenditure »>1 life* ejiC bi—Hi r attacking ei’ber Yicksdurg or Port HjcLnol. r Yankee enterprise and ingenuitT are relied on in this respect pore than even ’.be courage and muscle cl arrc:CT Tnt NoßTEwea^.—The Chattan'toga Rebel, in speaking of the agda': x >f tbe Northwestern question, says: Th*» eoniinued agitation of (he Northwestern i question—which seems u» nave oeen ispoo 1 bv Coogreas and the pres* wuh a* much eager* ‘ ness as though vfcers never oad been and never would be again u iof*c of l orest tc speak about , and write ab.»«i in ail the laud—the ptrsisteniag itation of this question Is calculated to do much j harm and to do do good. The brilliant rant of the R “b.monci Enquirer with the hurbfa* criminations of the Richmond Whig, together with the echoes of journals less noteworthy, public opinion, cast a r.div cule upon the genera, tone of pop.ilar thought, are altogether premature an C trivial, and in so event claim such a character for statesmanship as to oommend them to consideration. The time for a serious attention to the pi-lilies of the Northwest, or aov ether Yankee section, has cot yet arrived. Now is the time to fight! Neither the Whig nor the Kuquirer know what weu*d be their own minds in the event of an actual revolution o the North, East or West. What we ( want now is discretion. The way tc treat tke Northwestern question is with silence. If they want to revolutionize, let them do so. There ie i plenty of time for r.s K act whet they Lave acted themselves. I VOL 1 16 Xo i- CONFEDERATE STATES CQKGBEB6 SENATE. Monday, Much 16, iiii. Tte Hecaie me! at 12 o’clock M., Mr. liuniej o; Va. .atlecbsir. j Its Free.dent prc Urn laid before the Senate i the pet.i.on of the Richmond and Danville R.v * roac Company, pray.ng the passage cl an act au, ! thonr eg the Secretary of War to supply the iron •rtoo-.-ed fir the construction of the Piedmont railroad. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Hea.so laid before the Senate acomu,unica:.o» | from the Aitorney General, transmuting report? :op in certain claims on hie in the Department of Referred to tbe Committee on Claim* 1 Mr. Clay, of Aa, from the Comm.nee on M - tarv Affairs, -ep tried back without amendment ; tbe bll t prevent toe absence ot otfcceis and so.* d.ers w.tb i'ttleave dated on theca.eudar and ordered to be printed. Mr. Clay, irom tne Committee of Commerce. ■ reported back without amendment the b.L tr i amend the act to prohibit the exportation of cotton ilrotn the Confederate States, except through th* seaooi’s of eatd States. P.eced ot the calendar* and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee of Claii <s. ->-*- sected a repoti relative to cettu.n beef csrt.e, valued at iITO.C j >, impressed by the mditarv au* thoritie* ir. Louisiana and a.ieged to nave been purr!ased in Texas by Payne A Co. with count?- teit Tre«su-v notes. The repott, alter setting forth the •.ircutnsunces of the rase, remarks “that ; the r pertance of the questions involved de i inucil that they should be tried euner by the >- dioary t turte of ,'usiice or by s. me bigner tr ot - oal than a mere special auditor, according U to; | plan of the b.i.i submitted to tnem Irom the Wa; i Office. The coniuutiee express tbe opiaioo that i the case mav be referred, under existing law? t,. ! the Attorney Geoerai for adjudication, and that i “he t tport to Congress such Claims as L; has allowed, too tt .Ltneud lhe:r payment; aod a,Se I report such claims as he has refused to allow. , The report was ia d upon the table and ordered he j bepruiled. ! Mr Brown, from.tbe Committee of Nava As : fa: e. i “ “es bacd without amendment, the Hex* aie b.“ i* reorgao'ie the Navy of the C’onlederate J States Ou h.o motion tbe bill was la a upot; til? j table. Mr. Fparrcw, Horn the Committee on Militate Affaire. rep ,tttc a bi.l to provide for toe arrest of ! so. j -te absent Iron, 'heir c unmand nunont leave, i usd providing cnn.pecsatino for '.ben captors I Ha *-d upon tbe calendar anu ordered to beprm 1 sd. At the ecu union of Mr. Wtgfall's speech, the Senate went ire secret session, aod soou aft?- ad i; ;irned. HOc -1 Oh RHPRKSBNTATIVES. Tl.i House met at -2 o'clock, and was opened . with 1 iper by B.stiop Early, .of toe M. r,. Chorea The •vpauker aid be£'r/ tne House a report i front the Attorney Genera, at the Confederate States uc-. n certain claims filed i» that Departa ! men'.. Da con the 'able and u dared to be prim* ; Mr. Miles, c.f C., asked a suspension of the ' . rules w.tb ;. r.ew to make a tepoit from tbe Coins : j n. uee on Xora-y Affairs of fwo Senate bills re terroc tt '.hat Committee. Tne motion to sus-r-jii itfce ru.es uni um prevail. Mr E; '-e of ktr, piove.l tun Vfcea the Li .„** u-$ r yurur “J. !«y it 'aoj airn to meet «i ii o‘.*oei ! to-morrow. Mr. Royston, cf Ark., moved tbs! tbe House g. 1 into setrer sese >n. lor tne purpose o( resuming the I’c ns der- inf 'he tax bill. Trserai March !7, lake. I Tne Setate was called to order at li o’clock A y. , Mr. Hus’.-r, of Vuvteiu to tbe chair. Prayer by Rtw i. .iocaau, of tue.Melhod stChurcb. Illie CT.us.dersP.oc of the bill to organic; the Supreme Court of the Confederate States waa re« sou-asl, toe pending Question being on ibe adoptios of the un-endment ot Mr. Clay, of Aia., repeating the S-t and # L sections oi the act of the Profit 1 storm. Ooog-ess, approved March 16,1661. , Mr. Vaneev proceeded to address the Senate at susie length o favor #: tbe proposed amendment jot Mr. Ciay. He sprite frudn 11 o’ciotet fill a few j miti tea of i o’cioik. i Mr. t>r cal.ed the previous quastion. which he | withdrew in ord» to allow Mr. Pneian to eubmit i a cioe'ng arg-.-menf. Tbe bill was then informal..' j pasted '.se. ! TteScr.a.e were nobbed that tbe Hou* of Rep« ; r i hte' v es had d sagreed to tlie amendment of i Us* Senate pi a bill .eitfi rsc' t% the impresemem juf property for the me of tbe army and other rtdite-y purposae; aod that it desired a o snanittee of run;.r-nce and lap: ap[s>inted j M fan 1 Hcfoorrbe, ot Virginia,Ctnum. of Alaba j nte. and Garland of Arhansaß, said committsa ot { their hehnli. Messrs. Haynes, Wigrteil and Caper* ; v*t were appointed ibe commitiee on behn sos | the Swrate. Mr. Browr, from tie Committee m Nav*. Aks fairs, by leave, reported a bill to rmiuatethe sup* pis* f clothing to enlisted men of trie navy during the w ■ r wbtcb was ordered to its eogres-ment anu ! pawee. , ■ • ! A m -ssage was received from tbe President, : wi.idl, at e', rd ng to bis request, was considered in : seorrl sesßion. a3"SH OF KEPRE-tat'TATIVES. * The House met at’2 o’clock, aod w;»i opened j with prayer bv Rev. Hisbop Esaily. i The Chair laid before tbe House Hecate bo. re* . lauve to the bond* of Quartermasters and Corns j misaarigs cf the Ccn!ed-rate S'atea. Head iirev • *nd second times, sad ref. rred to the Committee on Quartermaster and Commissary Department, i Ako Senate Ml: for the benefit of eer.a. n cia.m* j ar.is h.r postal eerv.ee. Referred to tbe Cotr.tmta [ tee on Fust Offices. M;. Royston, c! A*Aansas. moved that when the House adjourns to-duy it adjourn (o meet a; 11 1 o’oiotel. On ice n-ottoß the i.vee and noe« we r e caiietl, ! and resulted-ayte ri.noesre. No quorum rot.Ag, . a oaii of the Ho rse was ordered, and tt vras ascer ! tatned that sixtv members were present. The my i tiun tn meet at fl o’clock to-morrow was ag-red i to. Kr. Conrad, of Louisiaia, moved to suspend tbe j rule requiring tne Ho iseto resume the considera* , tion of the Tax bili, with a view t<> enable him !to report back a bill referred to the Committee |on Naval Affair*. The motion did not prevail. ! On motion of Mr. Royston, tbe House went into f secret session on tbe Tax bill. NaTtßA.unAT’o.v Laws.—Tbe Richmond Giaa patch says: Tbe Enquire! has ca able at tide tn support of the mea u're proposed to Congress, by which the right of suffrage stall be exercised only by euoh persons of foreign birth as were ei’.issns at the time of our Mp*ration from tbe Union, or as have serv d IB the erines of the Confederacy. The artic.e—wt.ei. we take to be Irom the pea of a gentleman whose labors bare been distinguished in the ciuse ot both Irish and Southed indepen dence—luxes broad aod statesmanlike views of the subject, and points ont with a pencil of light the distinction between such a policy and that of Know Notbingism. which (ought to deprive fa*, eignere of rights they already posseaeea. la me present case no such iniunctioo is possible, and the exist.ng righle will be, and ought to be, as carefully guarded as those of any class oletf xens. Os conrse, the contemplated reform will include aii foreigners nut now citurns, especial;/ aod emphatically the subjscts of Abraham L.l -