Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, April 15, 1863, Image 1

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The Weekly Constitutionalist. BY JAMES GARDNER. P. \TEi\ OF AD\ HR TIDING. Fro® ktd after Wtutefday. Aj*r.. £, tte terms c: •c’wrtls.ag in tt l-'Aiai Ccssi:rvT:o»AL»T w.I; It*.* tc.~ l:w _ . v .,.. ~ • i f . • ; s -?J:. t u l Lreriii:.. £..* -' • i •* i- .-: & —s. 5? a t'j uiit t icL i-P. r'.icr.. ' • • « -• ' • tu-.A : . -At ti*j rate c.* fIC & month. r ih ki Mmsth asd each gycauLbXN« Xt !:.« rite ©! CC.it. trvEb7ii2t!ms itstrte- ©ere. ;wice ©r tr.ree t a ps a wees ui uw acvertisea.ei.te eaeb time. %\*y. ; : ; -Uwec :< :lc ftbeve rates Lr -ivcial KciiCea. 'let mate o&e sqasre, So advertisement* leest*;*. , ere so*.*r?. Advertisement: ttfct make cv*-r 1C lines an: j crcer'•!. res counted at IX squares. Adver.ldeme i.;s t:.at , n.as* o» • .1 .lute ate uoker 2- ;in« counted as two t. ht **.. t>t a rave r J advertiser* w 1] please mark oi.t!i_e : i •c'vcrt*st»feLti tfce Lumier of they w.dtLen. to occupy. Frowns:. Not:cw, |2 euco—to U ja d fo* i aevanoe. I‘ITTI.\JU». CttITOXIAX. N. Tlo*B /.3D COMMUafItfATJ .V* frr 11.v.c-al be tell:, wi., Le charged «C cent# per lino .n I’fc.Jy t»r V- eet.j.atc U cette per lie, wterput !n loth p .peru N : fe*c& .n strict. IUILV-FOR I VVO MONTH* $3 'I KI iVLERLY—FOH TWO MONTH?* 03 G IYGy (r T:.*» •** y. TEE FAPER QUESTION-INCREASE OF PRICES Tte pcceru.at.e3 of the fatute as to the sap- ! ply cf printing paper, and the certainty of steadily it' ’eas.ng prices, constrain us to tecline rt-ceiv* ’Ci! subscriptions fer a longer period than two rrcc.t.B. A« a measure of seiSprcteet'i-r ai«>, tbe prices ot subscription for that per.oti wi I be g'eatiy advanced. Until further notice, no s ib* fc ptk*Dß wi.i be received except on tte !t*i t v* icg twins . Fc r fee Daily, two mon.bs.. |5 00 tor tbe ?r>Wetk!y, two minthc 3 00 In ts.ng these prices anti tbe Lm.: to sub« scr piions, we menu no inius* ce to others, anti feel that no one has a right : • compiam. It is - recess.ij grow ng oat cf toe exigenc.es cf tbe w.ir, uggraTatec. or u recent great calamity—ur tbe deitractioo of me Buih Paper M 'a is not ( i v a eu amity : • :oe pro} rietort, to the G-*ve’n* ii.tn . vt ch w uC - a a’-ge cuitoir.er, and tc its ienijiptr cuitocers, lu; to every newejajTr ready u me Conteueracy ; for, ty tb.a ercni. tbe;'.;-; f*• p*tn*mg paper must be so dim r** .r a <.s greatly to enhance or ices Oar t r Hv d:vg to fulfill our obligations to exist.ng aun s.-r bers. in d/ingso, wt w.li tusiam a loss :u --?7 y; uut contracts fairly made must be car* ried oat io good faith, at ail cost. Oar regre is, that tbe number io be supplied :s ao cona d erat e. He is the more fortunate tuciisher wl » Las the fewest subscribers a: ihe old rates. Bat we feel under no obligai. jLS :• f i-uis . to ihfesr oafifir.at>: _ <*». and it ecu e of prices for the n:-x: two moatLs *a so b gb, tfce remedy is sixpie—patrona bav* only to ki:l bi d tbtir subscriptions. It .h nesdiess ibai we fcb aid say how deepiv we regret this state of tt:ng«. It w\c *J be a great pleasure to us :o Uk- u a large suoacri; :.on ..s’, uni a*. low pr.ees. i i«i i. under orema-y : rcumet *nces, u.ce ct pr.de and grat;scanon to a pan H’ier. iV- M :e gra-.fied a: the apprec.a.ioa of tvs paper, as by its .argesubscr.otit n t'-s. W e t-ope u„• ;.Le t.u. * is- n»' o slant wLen it "... aga.n be t r £tuoie and p.etsat; to fc«ve «. large and t?o -L Lg ..st (»? saoscr.bers, eupp.ied wish the j.,t,* /. riLtr . w pr-ces. Bat as yet we nave »• • »d.*f:ed an arrangement for paper c n any lern e. • at u etenis eertaic that during tbe or - paper must a;»LUt to ru.e vc y j t gt. „l1 :lc supply la;, very tar short of the ue maLC Tneee cons.derat ons coustraie us to put i p ctr ttreus and limit roe ueriou of subsetiption<r bk(» T. —W are permitted t<» make ltef- w.ng tx’rfcc: from a private leue p , re~ it rtC by * ne : car a.orcL&nts yesterday, from j hi u.l \- V -’ui- n. d ved lunpa Bay. March Ttr V..cicees ate fcard down on us here, i had ! it ig:.* w l ihea • n b- 27. b. Nmeteeu ot mv a l .v t .ty s:: of iheui. We k.i.ed tweety •ir. .ic i i.ega- iilcer, anti wounded •£•• oil r !«o. We -L . in* boa: a to piece?. We bated it tic \s .'.i c%gr< €a— torn* c. my men o acsed !tr ! • t.. c . ...s tv. We g re iheixi trs and no m s'ake. | 7:. ■vr.3 you a .1 ; probubiy see :a uav re. 1 •••--’ by several visit f. . . ;o vv.ar.*':! n hr tr.e demonstratu*ns of | .1- titu.y. Am -'g thv-e v.m: >rs are James j .r. b.'*“ of the Avg’e'a O nsr/utionaTst and 1 r e c >c»i r **•.*.ce. "i*. V*. A.,” ot the Suvaan-oL 1 h*- ■ t t -i. .lu PcrsonLO.’* of tbe Count”, at I : . \.• t i :il .:ei, James Fait' n, < : ii>e W; • i ti i l£-i l i' €■ Journal, and Mr. Hewson, c‘ toe ! | . ( . h : M< rn c..; Hera d, a: the Mills Hou*e. (' • c d and esteemed triend, Dr. R W. Giobe c , < * t *; w tn Curohn ac, cannot be omitted from ; i: e ..**.. <• tn ugh Lis v.s.t la induced bj b:* dii« j . u . - ..-gecn General, anti are erence to shea- j » Lg t teti as wt.i is ic£. The Constitutionaii'*, { n k'Ud a, Gi., is represented by Mr. P. Welsc . uIC •*. fcers whose names are cot at present p.-;, r - us, among tbe gailan: voiticteera ? r« in ; G.'irJn. *1 here are a*, uo: less, other repress ti.*- ; iJY* o: : l Press who come to tandie the qu * (r, i! eccat c ceo.ands, the nfle, in our cause una cJfeLce.— .V, ir^i r < 0 »rt*r m Av> u i wh . Tns - r:o > ' Every csv feelers are thrown c • aloßg our iines oy tbe wi v ii ctcrai.s. ih- :A. made upon Liberty and our.far rigo:; i lir 8 c •.*vgmfetir towarn ilcilincvi..e j .he u...* i u -a- ir.iu v. i.s measures cs reconnoisance mere y, . a : c g\ such games ot chance bo-peep vert ir - c vi :y*esu.;:n £ ecera. ergag-.ments and tie«« | c ;T?e locfi.cts. t r wl T-aiarac La- been maoe bu tees.u.y t cn :: cl cube McMicnvihe tr.d Mr.Lcnes it - Ka: rote, but are rail neb to oelitve tLe fcac_-ke Lr tr-.fi.Eg. May the : e- toe enemy not smorace tte t. -• A o v: sufficient oodtes ofter troops to our T gLt. Vor tbe i-urpose e: operating more decinve t i.g.tiDet < ur lert anti centre ? A8 v c t ne t rn of itecempaign .= tn the cards ; tbe ce- gi •<: R sec-ans are probably known to t . e bat*c:.- c. auminuing Gene:a s. Ckailu.t»ocga RtbH y 10. Ike rcAF.ctTY cf Paper.—Any of our readers wh' desire ’.o aid us in tbe piesent emergence can do so by sending to the nearest railroad ce-« p : a.l the o.d rags—lintn and cotton—and t/f rope atd Lagging, that they oic spare, ad - r> oar care, and lor which the aigaev. market price wdi be paiu. These articles are -o? l.ttlr u*e : o cur readers, but whl he trery use.u: n the inannfactsre of paper, for which purpose we desire to chtatn them. AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY ‘MORNING, APRIL 15. 1-0.?. - I-,-,— — TEE ATTACK CK CHARLESTCS t>om the Charleston Courier, April £. The day o: triui for Charleston t-as a: length | arrived. Tae battle, so ong threatened, was b"- I gnn or. Tne«day «■*»• * The resu't c tbht ! coat r mrnastd ‘re c•: fidence f-.t • our bility to fri*s*ratc tte devices o f tte foe, an pro ect our fair city from the pollution ot hi: res* ence. As no mind was disquieted with i pr~- t.ei sion by the boustful tbrtuts r.ud ‘cm able p eparati.::-s of the enemy, si tow after t* *° }*u!s- of his hrst uttetnpr, -.very heart is s.*n t.r..* of cc aip'e e ard brill an success We have *0 otten b-er. d sappo.cted—tht *ne- ! my b. s so olten und persistent y failed to ’edeein ! b:s promise c uceiu f ng tLe n*.-?: of the rebellion— ti.ut the bionrng ot the signa: gun. and tbe an* nonnetment that tbe batl e car. actnaily begun, are es to tie suspense under which <mr com* mun ty to long suffered. The cheerful mats ner in which the military had uniform y spoken j ot the confi ct Oetweec our batteries aLd the tur* ! rettc monsterp, Lad the hear s of the I people to such a degrte uat, when :*. was post* j tivt.y Known that tbe ectagemtLt was o; entc, these came a thrill of joy to every Ltart, aLd t e j countenance ot a.; dec.ared plain’y that a signal i v.cto y vve: the mailed vesst a was recaontd up. n : with ut dvutt or af'.ggiving. Informatu n receivea fr re mys erious sources tn** General iu cominano v tn s District to expect an attack at an ia ly day. And mat latei.igence received confirmation on .Sunday morn ng. On that usy four Mon to*s, the I r cn*v sidrP, a”*u th rty Vf3?e « ot varict 3 $V*?, were seen oft the bar. Four Mon::* -* aad tt:rty*live w .oden vessel* w*rre added t tue fiet-t on tte ol» iow.sg day; tb riv.nve v s-e for th*.- moat part transports, appeared :n mr Stoc.*, ana the enemy landed a so of t b »ut six ttousand men on Oates’ and Batte v 1* ands. facts, with other :nd;ca • :is, .tc Gs. Be-.-.uregard to count upon an atlack on Tuesday, ani t.e expectat’.oni oi ti at 5.. g.. v- us and wat: h‘ul Geceral were rc* „ i.d. i" Tne a mosphete ea r v on Tuesday morning wib m sty, out as tee day aur u:*ii the naze iighcened, and the Moroto'S aDd tht- Irtnsd-s were seen iVing oft Mttrr.s' Dlucn. Betae -n :w<; and ’Lree '•'clock :u th- afternoon a from Oi. Rnett, Conaia idrtn: of Fort Sumter, il* rmea General Beauregard that five Monitt ’s 11-: Le Irons.ties were aporoacoing the tort. Tue tl ei we p e -een ro tnaing the poiut of M r;<’ island, the K-okuk il tue uaracc-*. \N 10l t:.e douo'e :. r'eicd mom* ster, the lc «• : rmidab.e of .- vas?, c&n e within rang*-, Fort j»um:er opened v on her with a br ud- j sue. Tney krpt < n ihe.r w»y and !o:l- c:n ':ct ; o: biit.e oft the Fort, a: a c * llc** o. about two ! thousand var 8. At 3B M. tne acti-n was opens-, oy r\r, j Moultrie firing tne fust g;l h<r: >u :.ter pen- j ed tea m cutes later. B.'tr. vße , For:- Wagner and B a i-egu-d, and the Battery «: t ;air*. Qs’ Fo nt, also opened, firing Gy bu te:y. .he ft ret | t-cti w ith grr.a: rapidity; our F« : * and Batier *-s i replied w io spirit* sing :.»r The 1 Irons;:es toox position to tLe.ertoi h r .Sumter, J direct ng a i aer guus a: that K- r*, tad throwing j shells ex. u-^iveiv. It wa- m .n fest thut tbe Ironsides w .s a. p .'c*. *» ; ed to teet the strengtu o* tfie Fir*, whose reduc- ! too was ;br luautTurai.on if the ten-tic coa.es’. now going * n F *ft Sun **•• a«;kc*-w edged the 2,nnp men: of tbe j-refereiice c v t*« uneg the c« ni-nis of h r b'ggeat guas :n o tLe a-ctes ot that i ride u. the iunifee r avy, anQ was n t •re.i':*u w.*f 'OL’.n;* r.y :t? ’•:! - • r*s and ! BmIIvX ie». b*g d, fin Ke w '•e-n *- iv.g n «.i ns? v m-.s trouti the IroiiSidef. and sn*- w thdrew from the .on, ? :»kmg G-'hiuon *o tfcF sju l of Sumter, but remaining u a tent a e-?*«*cr <>■ the exciting .’ scene, i s aeiieved nb* was s*ri us.v d-m a g ILe iv l 2 ir *m our firm b ecau.e ui'*:e and; I more >. c*e as the eagagemect proceeder,— j Tne sb » a-.c s i' e: *. cs y:l *».- n u tof tLe .' r ostiit ft •• i ad ;v- a■■ u ks of e« ry one • : them ” -'e - • --Vet - :S’ *b. F ■ p t 'LU.ter n. A*. p- .rei *o .’t *■ -c;. -.. . • .Le euexy's r l c.aos The Ke k :k, ati utile t. ** •* *: . T o . c .a, an a , c n-:d*red oy L * \an*ce« - ’*»** mo*t if-rtir.dab<T oi • tfieir terr.o to* l-o :*, r- Crireo <» largo share ot attention I* -m v j-» -ui. gocters. Soe occupied the post of b.'Cor, and in accordauc? with the cu-t tn "1 war it was nuae tbe t> •?* o. danger. S e poud uear y for her reputation, har-og been on ,-ev-r.v 11 ttrft. At aoout bv- o'ei* ik »--.e foi- I lOWeJ tLe exa i i A* the 1 t-.cev ana w tLc.r*.w, tvid-rDtiy serious. r crippled. Tte other Monitors c ntinued the fight, till fortv live minutes past five o’clock, wl*d they e earn-d away, and came :r anchor ot? Mt-rrig I-lat ti. Daring tne battle a drummer hey, named Afc* r ?ds, was killed at Fort Sumter anil tte wr*'ind i ed, two everefy in be Lead. ;ne ctfaers s! ghtly | One mao came to his deatn fr m tee ft -g*> of | Fort MouUr.e. Two boused u: Diacd, jon he back oeach, we r e struck, oce <■ * which was g four shed, a slo*. i .ss *c tnugh Fort ' Suarer’t. flag. ; C Tice * wis i luma’*.: <* i- :: H r e”, j i Co!. But erof F. r M< -ur Uo.pt. S*-graves of i . 8.-e. M-j r Huge <>f Battery V*igner, - i - -f- j ; L»-*e.-ae, wttli a r tact men: .. ua For: six .-r. J | For: S :niter was l.c thirty ; i:r *■v- ):t res j ceived no damage. ! learn th .T six n-ec be: rg rg < Car-ta ! u } • M itkews* Artillery Campa 1 Wagner, were wounded. I 1 cr '.rest fii i since ti ed. Two were very sen? uny wo ! *rc.ee, j ; an*d v n- thought one would ti « h*v -re v. cl- i I tog. Toe other tw •, incfuJiL;: ar- ' ftxer, were j 1 bu* H’igbUy wounded. Tn- ii‘: gun wai ti eti 6• i:.e er.ex *iv : • P. M. i Th ee iron c’als, me eupp set! to be the Ke - suk, were e-«rn about o’c :*s g■■ lj ro jfi . ap*- f pareatjy m tow of a large steamer. Thecthe s ; were a outside the G-.'* T r e irons.c-m w..a I struck in he s:ern by.a rified shot from Batter • ( Wagner 1 There were nr. casual Us a: tleCummiDs’ Point ! battery. i The pra ’ire was admirable and reflect- great credit upon officers ai d men A.: who n os pa*t ii t e battle perforned tu- rdu e* *.*• t . ; ski.l, and r d-luy. T:.e:r beb-vj.-r and th a cuniCT with wh'i'h ’hey us- their rug* a*sure * - . ' ; at -hey -*e sufficient for the impo-tant w .Ur s . s irred :u, n . ana turn s* * :*m itro - g'oarvi ur*. r- which to bo t«m :r * ope cf ,» dec-, ve ;v a ! gi< rious victory. When they come agsm and i cea-er. the r sh'a h*-d veaf**-* w<: :&re wor:*». I I enemy wi.l r-sew tie a*ttck to-dav. ' r:cn t: e Cfia’ .'sto C ur.r; !-m ;r.tt. Ac oSciii diSf-atci Itoie to.. Grataai, c m icd.rz on Morn-.’ Is »od. t.-ce;c-d r, the c :y : Wedn §d-v inorninc, c. Gen. R p■ l } i H?ocqa ters sta*ed that an irao clac Mon ■’*. supposed | to be to*- Keokuk, had suns at n ne o’clock. < i: tLe teach inside the Bur, cffMorr 1* anti. Tee | i gratifyTg inteihgence was s-Mtiy cor nr: .. . ea ov £. ti -patch from h ’"*■ Sumter, and tr.e urr - • v-.j of sevt-ra: officers and others who saw :i.•? { Keokuk g ng dow * • » ; bn* ner chimrevs appearing above e-.-.- te*. ihe K-ckus was of the most p.'werfu; ot her c l ?.sa and her loss w’!i b* a s‘3g4eriDg o<w to the enemy. Sue was bu; * las*, spring and summer, m accordauce with plansyarnishea uv Mr. Whrtney, an iron merchant o: New } rd, and was said to be impervious to tbe largest «ho or shell capable of being thrown from the moat j formidable fortification. Her armament consisted cf wo fifteen inch*Dabigrens—one in each lurre,.. - JM- j Tr us ends one nt the b<fc« eti :nra nerable tee » which, it has long be*f rcmt vt ra rent, uid | lc: be sunk, but would- ctmo. isr. -ta wi; e( u: ! *,v.*rytbing that oppose# their orogrrss. . roatlH 80 ‘'.** Dnft J * v tr. - highest sa istVc im'm ottr a.:.;*-, y c-mnu-ndi* vs. Whether it witl.praveasequ vly^attsl-ctory he enemy remains to te s^en. It is known that sever* others o r 'he said *'• have been ten in BUthber, that made tne attack, «ete B:verely injured. We learn from good fcvr.bori.y that h e ti.btucce of the Monitors fr n? Ft*:; Sumter during the -r« gigemeDT was not over;tight hundred vi.rds Ti e ! s*e*ae r Passa’c aas the ieade- and no: the Kt- *« kuk, r.B at first reported. Tbe alter .s st* d ; bavr been the last to ctin.e into line tbe last g>‘agent. Seven of the vi niters and the Ironsides were reported at headquarters as Bt:ii inside tbe our | V»edoeßdav morning. A later report m the alter* n on stated that tntse vessels had gone c v.eue und eight turreted Mol tors were seen steaming | South, apparently bouse to Port Riyi.'. It w.»s tboagot they remained inside duricg tee night j and lollowing morning *. > render .issuance to the ; K-okuk, but finding aTi their effort* to s-ute her -e’ess, they abando»:d ter anti left as too re s ated. In the evening, boyerer, the stvt-r*. turre'ed moustera re-appeuredAnd it :e beiisved they cad merely acne round to eiono tc avoid the heavy c ow that prevailed atMhe bar during the after neon. Tee n ndescript, or * Yankee Devil,*’ fore ear* ina the channel, wts -washed ash'-re on M rns’ I*;and yesterday, and .*: n»w :n our poss‘ as: *n It » described as an scow-lice vec'se’, painted r» d, with a long protrydlmr beak and jutting ri o prong* or c aws, intei Jed for the reu.cv>i and b trsung of torpedoes. It was attached to tLe I’asg.iic, the leading Teise!, and managed oy her during the engagement. It is also repdred that two o f the small u.'f belongir.g to tne Keck.uk have been s-.-cr.red t-j our men Morris’ IF*od. It is hardly probab’-: that the enemy, as er r * tr juries and experimee received in the a;:uck o* Tivsday, will bf ready ?o: ano ber trial vtry n, if a* a.;, (Spec*a ly in ire same direction. It ;s a cur.ous coincidence of war that tbe com* n.acticr , Generals Beaureg-rd, Ilipiey, Coicnel Rhett, Lieut. Col. Yates, anti nearly uii the garri son of F rt Sumter, were the same men who were the chi*f actors in the blood t eduction of Fort Surn'er in April, 3861, &cc vto have now so gfi-« I riousiy and succeeafc ly rebelled af< riniaabie at ' tick open ih.s fan.cue fortress, while 'in *.tt-r I irg ; !*’ .-Mitiona! nwg was received from Stone, i Tte iiitmber of ve93*!s reported ics.de was about • thrtv. Tlish avy fi-ing heard early in tie mcru.ag acti i mein the afterc on la believed to have been prut-*, j t.cicg a* tbe batter es. GEORGIA LFHISLATUKE SENATE. Tkorbday, A; 2, Airer prayer by Rev. M**. Brook Mr. Fu- on ! moved to take up me cotton bill, which prevail?d, a i it wi* referred u the Judiciary Com nittee. lie bill to endorse Confederate bonds was muu- the rpecia! order for Fr.day, Sd April, at 11 « v. ;-i. The following rt w.matter was intrndacec . By Gen. Hantell, e! o J atner.d the4stb s**c of :be cotit. that iu c* lj u. . .Vv»r- rTTSTfI • otftul'a * >c«i.' p.urr' .ice wheihe: r-.-utiy for ;r a or rot. Tl s s tie < ti I*w—the ni-w r tie g v r s tie S the r.atit to announce whether ready for tria . Tre < of trie new cotie is to .udcce . tie'e '.'iauis todemacti a trial, a::t they *ee that ; the state is not ready, so that .hey m»y be in x s.tuaivn to deixacti a d schurge t :be r.t-xi tern;, saou dtb • .S’hte ot t »: reu-iv u»r z. Cup:. J ck*od <fr:*eti * -of reS« a. aibfi ; re«.c fmd eXhuung ov s.aVrL. A gu.*:o prrVtfLt exertion hi..; hk.u j*o 3* .r. o< cv 1 g or . using 8..: works. «us pass*-i. A bi 1 to incorporve tue BiaLcev. ie .Ma:e C*jl.- : p 118 sed. A bu. to stop tl e Diereet 1 r cia.-tus where the holder refuses to lake Confetie a*.e money ior c.aiifcS cue was debated at length anti ii»a*. In the afternoon tfie Sena; • ai-seti a nutnher < f iiou-T b 1 so' u iocal character. Major J‘*.K. Br wu introduced a r*s* : # oa n r«'?:«bte *.o tLe tianuportaiicn of produce r.y :i.e :a r »acs of this Slate. Toe Senate then adjourneti. HOUSE. The House ‘opened with piayer by Kev. Mr. Mose*y. i.eav-i of absence was granted 10 Me srs. Hec derson of Pearce, Paoxan, >pa d, Swearingen, li'.oodwutfi, Kainati, Monroe, Co - ms, and Sm .tb A Dr- oxß. Mr. ScL-.ey csfFererl u petition f-om Mess s Luff 1, liW aati'Tiaimi n , asking tb..t the Sup-.r.L* 1 tenueni o: the Sm e toad bed ivcvd ‘o furn»t>h j cvs u- s pp.-y then, -vita iron anti coal u carry r the v. L-- * 0 ( « L'.x.u e on Petit ous. Abo : repe .. an -ct to comp- *be LLacis ’ i:e* of ELfti' n*. ;n Cat ooga. Passed, j ‘At 1 U auieco to* regiktralioc iaws. L -st. , r. 0, ». t« repea: t:.- act fixing certain salaries. ; M*. Atiauv. moved :o ameDG so as to except the ,J ; :gvs of tn- Sopriiue and Superior Courts. M . Sch’.cy rpoiio ;.g..inot il.s Lm-.-Ldmeai, ana | 'A as safe aineti "by Mr. Norwood, j Messrs. Adorns anti Hargrave sustained tbe 1 aruendment. It was lost. | Xtie bill was dirc issed by Messrs. Schley, Nor* wood, Wh ttie and Cochran in faror, Messrs Adams ami Hargrave against it. It passed. It r,-stores the salary of the Supreme Judge ?o $3,000. Supert(-r Judge,’ u, Governor, ?4 000, Ac. Tr.e oill tu laxe effect. 15th Apr;:. Mr. Lester, fr m tbe Judiciary Committee, re p* rteti ac: 1 and two subs T itutes, to 'restrict the wer •*: c« the Oat. Jm ge Stephens moTfcti to postpone the bill and j suoetiiutes ndenune.y, which was lost by iwe.ve j votes Oue of ties • b..U plop ,ses to restrict the crop | t > one acre, and mtk- B violation pena'; th;; c thers ..tepose - .e: the prescat law stand and tax all - vtr an ucre. Judge mover o! one . ;* v • üb.-taute,- h{. ke n i s favor. He thougn we cou.ti n•. iu’erfere wit a the right i-> plant. a the crop w- - ma n y planted, hut we cou.ti ux it. Mr. Dußo&e spoke lurther legi.slatiut on ne subject. Judge Siepoens was opposed to the b . . anti the substitutes, and argued with great l ;wei the cols .tuticnal objections to them. He also urged that the bill was unnecessary there was an abundance of corn in the country, except in ihe up-country, and would be au aouu- j rt nc- for that Btcti 'B it we had transportation. ; lie maintained tha: when we consider tne value •>{ our currency corn i*i cheaper now than it has J o-er :n Georgia in many year*. Judge Stephens j poke ao hour acd a nail, and was listened to with j great attention. Mr. Du Bose spoke against any further action on the subject. Judge Hester also eminent may tase a less >n in manue’B even from . our struggling but wt d Con'edera .v Atd « ur g rernment may profit by the corre*-* pondetce wnich Las been made public by the British Grtveinsnent. We arc plainly told that greater tieeits ire expected of us; that we must depend entirely upon our owl- strength :n the ue!d anti tn the council. Then, iet every man re aoive to dolrs part, to bear his share of the toil and hardship ana danger, and eveE Earl Russel VOL. 16—No 15. a*id his compeers w 11 be satisfied at Every energy and every resoarct- must be made avail soit-.' Tbe enemy must oe driven back at every, remt. and when that is accomplished peace anti 1 ndepectiecce will fc? gain- ti w::hn?t in- ; ( ’ei e: t-ace or tore ga it co* l ... l. 11 sec a. :he 01 s, and a gued ;he importance t : raiding a‘ the cotton we c-r uf'er iLstiring a s i r ply of food. HOUSE. Friday. April Sd. Tne House wa? opened with prayer cy Rev. F. M Hawkins j The Special Committee on mpressmen report j tna* tLe Governor oe c.rtcieti u* ti.l the rtquisi ,ic iron me frte neg Toes s tti aves as are r..*: on farms, anti from portions i f the .Stare where ; supplies are most p entruh 1 C i. Lee p esemta a from Dr. De ; Grxticnred, of Co.urn bus. .n rt'ertnee to comptn sat oc fi<r treating Creek InciaLS for small pox. L-uveo' absenie grantee! to Messrs. Robi sob. Home acd Felton. A number of bihs were ictroticced, chiefly of a (cu ctar^cier Tlc bouse then took up tbe Cotion Planting t i s, wfc ch were d acussed the ea.ance of the mi rning. Mr. Taylor, o f Chattooga, moved to fuoetitttte the minority report for a ! the bilis. Messrs. Ka fore, Lee aca Bet. , sustained tbe motion. Mess-s. Candler, Tbonras, F.nley and oi l trs, on posed tbe motion. S'iNATt Iu the Seraie, u b.. *0 -‘‘gu’ate ibe pavrr.eut of tLieres: w..« reronsitie'ed. A Clii to repeal ire 180th, I*B7:fi, VSB:fc, Vfßth, j 980 b, 1 anc. yi?3d stci.Ofi of tee Code— ’ passed. A bill to relieve E! 211 J White—ras««d. A bill to regulate the eiecv.cn o! militia offi ce re—passed. A 0..* to icc iTLbrate Ai.ai s.i ana Roswell Ireati Company—sassed. Tfie report o: tfce majority and minority ccir.« ir it tees on cotton planting w »g taken up, acd af’er j ci csider&hls discujsicc, tie wfatie n atter was ; pcK-poneti fn’deflnite y Ay« li*, nays 14. 1 Those who voted .11 lie affirn.utive were*. 1 Messrs. A '.x«naer. Antony, B?as'ey, W B:own, Echo's. Fletcher, F.ir.< w. Gaetoc, Harris, Hi!’, ! • Jan Hilliard, Kii.ec. L**w.e, Fir.cxard, Seward, * Smith, Swe*r.ngfcC, Vasoc anti Wright—lß. Tno»e wh v ted in thenega*. v- : Messrs. : B-nSf.c. B vd, Jas R Br. wr. Dyer, Gibson, Han* . , sell, Tb«*e il;i iarti, Jackeou, Lane, M?Kuh, Mitch ;e. ,M< s y, Shew make anti StepU ens—. 4. | Tns Fox.—Tiig entxnv still continues to occupy tLe notttion te took after withtirawieg from tht : eiigagemect in Tuesday. It was expected that , be wc.-.ud renew the batiie, ar.ri with a more fletc ds that guard the approaches to our iv.y by r:.tfc'. Bat for reaaonj frown otiv to j ti'iise . he delays another attack, anti contems j himself w.'ii tte tn.'eais tne presence of Listiaik ! h. keti criif: gi<e express.: r to. It ik, however, n*>t rtasonrib.e ti suppose that I Li-w .us t com • again. Neither the Government ’ nor the peep.e w... Le sat.rfieti with that feeble . eff»rt to g t ;.i.f‘-e-8 cn ». l. Tha de>* I pot, th? press, th*» fpeemator* and c niractors, 1 and tiih great Vankeo jubi.-, woo d cry out fcgA.tst 'a- hoandonmeu! ot tie expeditiou a: this stage. Tne Ironsides anti :Lr Monitors will open r ii-: ntlo fire up j.r stre Li/fi- ids once mote, ‘J ’4C *• -ta. - the ce* \j ! .-- in :■! u .r eucru.ou** guns * •tir.T T:iTt *n-f*n ocr rn*- ; We are ready for their. Officers, gunners and t . j : ie afe tag-.- y e»pec:ant of .their coming .. | W.i.i hear s rer.J-. rrc fie u o e ccnfldent by the , I result of the bar ie < f ue seventh, we long to t j enjoy :h* v i*:\ wi cl we fee God wili vouchsafe j :ut energy, ex., anti va * ’.La’ Lurr mar teti the prepra' aL and il-- »e- S'acce ‘ 1 hcs tut boostfu toe clrws r -TCnjivn we hope , 'ac.; 0•. ev :r hi' water will suffer so ; g’ta’ly »l..‘he w, ’ ;o«* u . t n . Vt ihe danger- I t.suodbi'aK ..g B. ' we i:us* mat before i*t . . -nd ne-i the ti -agreeaL.t- w»rfc be w:L give us Bn c#pportnni:y c»f snowing him bat we cun do Biot#* th .n siu. p v rep it se tn i lh aughts. , The aitu:versary c-r the‘aFort Sumter will . likely br: the occasion 0: another ccr.fi ct ;n our barn r. chi-L**U> r i C- 'i*vr, A:tL TEE CAPTURE OF POINT PLEASANT, VA, BYCONFEDELAIE CAVALRY ; A ti:.*: a'.", rem C.nc.nnati, dated tbe 2d ins:., says: On Monday last'March SOth) JeDkind’ rebel cavidry di*sneti ItoFo ci Pleasant, Virginia, at tne mouth of lie Kauawb-t, gaiceu i-oasesiUOL of toe Cc-urt House, hreti aevtc Lous-s, plundered others, anti bernee several tLonsunci busoeis of Government corn. ! Volunteer a a arrived from Ga lipoiis, Ohio, and j the rebels were driven off with the loss of five I K.iled auti thineen prisoners, who were iefuseti J paro e ar.d taiten to Gampolis. j Telegraphic com mun cation s cut off'along the , j Ka: jWLi. from Cuar ies?<;n to Fc h\ F.easaat, : Tl? Government hte-u.tr Tot No. 2 was It *-d a -*s Lai Jin/, for.y miles above j Bufl i o : cn : e Kanawntt. man wa;* killed.— I Toe oca; was comp.ete.y liduitu by musketry jb’e. TLe \* : r >O. 2 ti Ger.. M: ;•* finally -uc* .eedeti n reacbug G. 0 «. The Victor and B. C. L.*vi m: up tceKinawna, aati .1 is rumored that they air Ca.- urec Oy the rcbe s. Cincinnati, Apr- 2—lbe .ate a lack on Point Pleat-air, Va., «a.* made 0} 2&W c: Jenkin’s cav* ! alrv. Tuty ransacsed several hi ana stores, ' and burned 7,1-' • oushe.s of corn belonging to the i Government, ae .1 were hut .y driveu oui, after a conflict wii.ch .asted several Lours. FXRKXNOC wo *o’s RXFLT TO SENATOR WILSON. Fernando Wo-jh, of New York, Las written a v to .Senator Wilson’s letter about Wood’s op j position to tne Conscription act. He coDtenct* ! to at :t eporessts ‘he poor espec.a. y. and proceecs ■ o bay lLai he cuutiGeil .1 ttaccc«t: tuliOLai, inas- S much as .t exv'cgitisties .States rights. He coo- I Sir, let me exj.-rees the hope -hat t may be sub . .x_ • v may j its enforcement. Not ; w.:afct.*Lu.i ' ns 1 •; one feature: .1 shall be ue c'ared va': ti und-.- the Cuavftut <c, we wiil respect an - obey i:. Indeed, as is j- duty, we siia'ii sui.pt.rt it a? author:t> unt.l (.: .-erwiae jedi u.a • srtiied. B-.t w. w. . no- yield our rights to denounce it *s a : un v .rratifabie interference w.th the reserved power of tr.e S:a*es. and as un% jus: anti .ppressiveto the people. We hope Le Atlicic'STi.oc may at-: fee. bound to enforce it. An army -f conscripts cisc.-t be made available against the Sjjit, unless tee Government repu diates the fanatical teactucgs of ruen lix-your ' self. Americans w bgh: anti die for their coun i try, ts nn. y nnl tie pre-e:vation of its institu- IttoiiS, but c- : to gratify the partisan ambition of mistaken z :&lota, who, w: i s: hounding «'n others to a bloodv ?rav“, ta*i care to keep well out of i d .eper ;t;En.se.Ee3. FROM TEXAS, Toe X. V. Herald, of ihe 3d lost., tas the fot -low.uk laiotmation from Texas: Acotber large rebel mu:! from Richmond, Va., for Europe, has just passed out of Texas by wav of JJiuwbeTiile sou Ma’au oras. Oar readers wifi be«r in irrr.d that we hae.j heretof.-re ehdwa that this is iheonir } racticatile route be * hich the reb els can get oat a Oiaii for foreign parts without , the rek of its being overhauled. Mr. Stanton is • eere accomtEodaticg to leave them this route 1 op*er. acd that too, without reou'rtng them to res | ciprocate bv withdrawing the* forces from some points sc as to permit our Government to run a . tea-.! line into Secessia. I ' y rfc» Terr latest advices !rotn Mexico it at, ! j eers tLa; just now thete sre eightv vessels lyitg j : i*e Oicu hos the U o Grar.de, the greater par • of wh-ch are engaged in dlsch argi D »supphe9 for ard in rere,r:rg cotton from the tgentg of th ’ ; rebel Government. XE£ CONFEDERATE TAX BILL. Tie bill to be entitled “An Act to lay taxes tor the common defence, and carry on the Govern teen: of the Confederate States," which was passed by toe House’ of Representatives cm th§ 22'\ instant, and is cow pending in the Senate, provides that a tax of ote per cent, ghi'l be lev ied on the vtlue of a!! real and persona! property moneyed and credits, except on such persona! pro® perty other than slaves which huve been taxed, money or credits a» tna? be employed in a buai n .*sfl taxed under »Lis act, or the profits of which are herein specially taxed : Upou the value o all agricultural products not owned by the producers, ten per cent ; cotton and tobacco, when tu the hands ol the producer, five per ceu:. Bankers shall pay $."00, and twenty per cent, upon the gross amount of profits realized on the business. Auctioneers, tobacconists, cattle brokers. ped% !ers, upothccaries, photographers and connection* er«, sort!’ pay sso, aud 2>£ per cent, on gross amouut ot saies. The u.x on auction sa’es oi s>ii cii s.hall be oDe«*‘ourth of one per cent. Wholesale dealers iu liquors. S2O ', and five per Cr*nt on gr sa'es. K=ta 1 dealers iu liquors, sl(K>, and ten per Cent. Retail dealers in groceries, dry goods, etc , SSO, and 2% per cent. Who.efa'e dealers, S2OO, and 2% per tent Pawnbrokers, S2OO, uud twentv per cent, aa gross profi s. Dittillers, S2OO, and twenty per cent, on gross salos. B ewe» s, SIOO, and per cen*. on gross sales. Keepers ot hotels, iuns and taverns, S2O, and 2'r£ p-. r cent upon the gross amount realised id bus’uess. Keepers of t a’ing houst-s and board rg homes, m wh:ch thure are at least six 2’-*' per cent. Money br >kers, S2OO, and twenty per cent, on gross receipts. Com inertial brokers, S2OO, and per cent, upon all sale* made. Owners ot theatres, ssoj, aud 5 per cent, on all receipts Etch circus, SIOO, aud $lO for each exhibition. Jugglers. ssi. On eacn bowling alley or billiard tab e, s4o. Lv ry stable keepers, SSO, aud ii percent, on gross regents. Butchers and bakers, s>*>, aud one per c±nt. on sa’es. Lawyers, phys.ciant, surgeons and dentists, SSO. and 2}<f per cent, on gross receipts from thtir profession. On al ex ess over $5,P00 of nett profits of any ba ker.ancttoneer, etc , per cent; on all ex | ess '»ver $20,000. 25 per cent. Sii’aru*h over $1 0 0 and unf r $1,500 shall be taxed <»ne per cent ; over 1,5d0. two per ceut. Kulroad and steamboat companies to pay five percent, on receipts from passenger*; two from freight. Ban*.*, sav ngs ir.sii'utions. gas, telegraph, ex*' -»'» niunufnt.iuriDti I»:irfn(»r.<bipß and individual ahan pav 23 pe r cent, on at: proirs. d v dends and sums aided to the su p us funds. Insurance companies shall pay five per cent., quarterly, on gross receipts fro:** prem urns. On piofits on all real or ; rsona! property bought and 6 Id during 18t>2. and to the Ist of Ap'il, ISH3, exr pt in due c >itr a of business, ter. per c nt. 0.. all land, B*aveß, tobacco, haVw! siores, for- J age or provisions bought and sold after the Ist ot , Apr! 1 , except to the Confederate Government, or jby p-. r son or c< n pany trxed under this act, two aud a halt per cem. j Alter Ist January. 184 S, fourteen per cent, on | inc mies or profits from all sources other than from j property , n which a tax shall have been paid un der tir.' act. When the income exceeds SIO,OOO, < an additional tax of ten per ceut. on the ex'csMt | shall be levied. Any !• *rson not a cit z-n of the Stated, r.etween IS and 4*», uot in the imiiiary or naval service of the Coufedera’e States, exetHt* ing any calling herein taxed, shall pay a d.« mo * tax. Advertisements 13 twagar nes. etc., shall be taxed two and one-third per cent., payu* b!e quarterly. Toe last section exempts from taxatiou prr vis* ions purchased for family consumption; real ami personal property of civilians, ot a lass value than $1,000: real and persona! property of a per* son in the military or service, of less va ue 'Dun $-‘,OOO, or perty ts colleges, schools, chari* table or religious corporations; pib’.c lands, bonds of the Coufedera e States, and of the sev* eral States thereof; property from which the own* ere 1 ave been dispossessed by the enemy during • i:e twelve months preceding assessment; ti r e ens iine»; bo »k », portraits, pictures, and wearing apparel oft-ve-v person and family. except watch* and je we ry, all agricultura. products of th* msi preceding crop produc d on land taxed ijp * dcr hrst sec'ion, in bauds of producer, othei t agncu tural products, Hy taxed; mg luipleuieuis, and tools used by mec their respective Trades. The Skcovd Gsobgia Volitntbkrs.—Am mg the troops who have ra'lied to the defence ot the city none deserve h'gher praise than the Sec md Geor g a State troops, Col. R. L Store?, now attached 10 the brigade < f Gen. W. H. T. Walker. This regiment was raised in Georgia to serve for the war wituiu the limits of th* State of Georgia, and 1. was a>Bi:red to tli.se nien that they were never to be removed without State limits.' When the announcement was made that the enemy were rrady to thunder with their iron clads aud trans-* . orta at the gates »*f the city of Cnarlest >n this r. g ment applied for leave from Gov. Brown, of (ic. rgto, to rally to the defence of the C;tv ot the South. Stationed as they have iieretofore been a*. Savannah, they recogntzi a comm« n and are willing to oppose strong anns and dauntless breasts to resist the Incursions of the unprincipled^invader. This regiment is composed 1 f stout, able-bodied inen, raised chiefly from the epner and middle counties of Georgia. The following is a l;»t of the Field Offioers. R. L. Story, Colonel. B. I> Evans, Lieutenant Colonel. L>. W. Wamble, Maj ir. H. McDonald, Adjutant. Lieutenant Colonel Evans is a native of Cxro w lina and the brother of Brigad.er General N. G. E r ars, C. S. A We predict f*>r the regiment that if erer en* gag-d with the enemy they will give a good ac* count of themselves. CfuirUtUyti OtuTi*? . April 10* Toe Houston Telegrapo thinks there is a con spiracy on foot to take the Federal navy and put it into the Confederate service, and that M igru der is at the bottom of it. At any rav, after he •00k Galveston, it was but 2 short mue tui a Cap tan who served under him on the Peninsula, took the Queen o* the West, and a few days later his uld ordnance Major took the Indianola. Conspi racy or no‘, these officers are evidently acting un* der the old orders, to attack the enemy “at once and furiously" wherever they find nim-