Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, July 29, 1863, Image 8

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, 'MAP OF THE BATTLE-FIELD OF GETTTSB^I M&BATTt "***** ""j|j} I 'll I && v 4 r f J - CL^\ f 5 i//l &rs coups AKM Y CO jUrii E SP OXDEX CE j or THE APGPBTA COSSTtTBTIOSAUET. j FROM WRIGHT'S BRIGADE. SIIE SETTLE OF GETTV.'UUHG—TfIE BATTLE GRCCNO j FIRST DAT's FIGHT—ORDER OF BATTLE—SECOND j HAT’S FIGHT —TERRIBLE CHARGE tr WRIGHT’3 , BRIGADE—INEEt’S WORKS CARRIED — FRUITLESS j v I..ILB—TBISB D.*¥'? FIOBT— HASMXO ' V At* | IJLLK IT—TLXRIfiO CAUSOHADUiO—EI HA’HTD N j I r AMMIUUTION—SPLENDID CHARGE OF FICEtITT's i IUVISIOR—* CAUSE OF IT3 FAILURE—CASVALTIES— j COKCLCSIOK. FIR4T DAT’S BATTLE. llsadq us Wkioht’s Bridals, | Camp near JJagerstcwri, Md.. r I July 7in, IS*»3. J We ioy quietly at Fayetteville until Wednea* day. the Ist July, whoa wo took up the march for Gettysburg, Pa., about 25 miles east of Cham bers burg.und 20 from Fayetteville; as had to cross South Mountain und pass out of the Cum berlaud valley into the valley of the Sueqnea tannah. It rained at intervals all day. and we ! had a most distressing march, going to within; two miles of Gettysburg beiore halting. I was . very sick all day, and at 2 o’clock, P, Jl, could | no fong-ir sit in my saddle, and had to seek she.e : ter and a oed in a house by tba wayside, the brigade continuing, as before stated, to within a | n: !e or two of Gettysburg. About It) or 11 j o’Hock, A. ill., Heath’s Division, which was ,n advance, tncountcred the enemy some three or! lour miles from Geliysburg, pretty strongly post- ; eu on a range of hills, lie soon drove intin back for a mile or so, wheu Pender’s Division, also of! cur (Hill’s) corps, coming up, they pressed the | enemy vigorously and drove him back to the town. Late in too evening iv.-odivisiuns of Ew* ell’s corps—Early's and up on the right ot the enemy’s line, and drove him into and through the town to a mountain range on the south side of the town, when tbs fight closed. None of Longstreet's corps, nor our division of | Hill’s ccrps, nor Johnson's Division of Ewell’s | corps, were engaged in this day’s fight. The en- ; emy were badly whipped, and driven for more than three milt's, with great less in killed, wound- i eu and prisoners- 3,0000 f the latter beieg taken, SECOND DAYS’ BATTLE. . On Thursday morning, Ju'y 2d, oor whole : * army having been placed in position, except i General Pickett's Division, of Geu. Longstreet's t corps, and Johnson’s Division, of Ewell c corps, which bad cot come up, we prepared to attack ihe j enemy, end pushing torward a strong lineoi skir- , mishers, we drove in their advance hue and found j them strongly posled uu a mountain range—a ! spur of South .uouuuim ißlue Kidgel which runs | from Gettysburg nearly south. The town being i situated al the base ot its extreme northern end, 1 lheir right resting on the crest of the mountain j overloosiag Gettysburg, aud their lefi resting j upon a sUai: peak, which rises abruptly from ..bo ■ general elevation of the range sot t-ral hundred j Jeet, at the distance of ah ut three or lour ir.'les ; iruta ihe town. The limber on the east side of! ihe mo-main baa, except in smaii patches, fc»en i removed, and tile slope was m cultivation—the fields yeliow with the ripening gram. The valley ! bel w was a,, in cultivation, and varying in w dtb l Irem a mile to a mile and a half, ai'..‘ thickly [ i with fare!)'uses usd barns. Fronting • this rvaga on the west was a long br. '1 and 1 mostly wooded mi,, running neari) _t aratie! with tne tuaunta c,aud a mile and a Ua!f to two re' it- , from it; along the west slope of this lull iU was formed—Ewell on ihe left, c-enuenemg at l-P, ; sburg ; iiill in live centre ..nd Loot's ret". 0: the ..gbi About middle of tLc'Vy, L-al; j r.red the anem .'e right and e.tccoctied in ’ driving ih::n Irotn thfeir first line, btu the ei.j* i n:y •_ position was strong that he was edthstdl- ! ,«d -.0 fail back. About i a middle *f fbe .thecw i ynoon, Longstreot at eked tuetr let’, with two .!:•. w si.r.s flood's and .McLu-'V, and so n . •*? i Ut'.i’s corps tvas ordered to attack their oeatrr., Josderson’s Division, being nextto Longstr-'et’a j ie.'i, was to commence the pursue which was tr J be 1 Huw d np ituandiatciy by Pender’s ,m:t L’.a lb’s Divisions. At 5 u deck, Wrigh 's lir.gahe wis erd- i' | advance and charge the enemy V w >rt as roar, r-t i ;ha movement coutaecced on t!t i righi. On- j Division (Anderson’s; «r„s firmed thus: Wile -x on the right, (next to McLawV l-.ftj then Perry, j Wright, T'osey, Mahone. At o’clock Wile, x , advanced, .Perry’s and Wright’s Brigades a: wing eff simultaL'eously with liim. As soon ns we ! dKcrged front the woods and came into the ojsea * fields tte enemy pourtti - tc.ist ttrr.ne fire of i I shells into our'auk?. Werusbtd down .he hill | j side und reaching the vtliey fraud it was broken j | by a series of small ridges j ia fcjllow.-, running ; I piirrtillel with tne the enemy’s itne on the moj.i- j ! tain; and in the fi st- i these depress••••,» or uoi- j j lows onr line paused lor bieaib. T hen we rushed 1 over net. xt nugc i&tv :fies .ticsetting hofi.w.and 1 I thus we work' i nr war 001."- that teirib;;- rie'd > for more than retie. u .cler the ui at iuriouo Sie iof artillery 1 h..d ever s-en. Wiieu reached; lt\a fc>a*r ftf *>•<? ! m*f»n whiti* '..h * **:)Ainy . wore posted, i.t. . t .0 n ns thein’- : i fantry, and i..Eed "iir ah . ike • and ' ! cMßtster (ram aiu-e ;b»a ’weutf guns. VV> 1 | were now wi’.ain a it* uundred varus iot the enemy’s guus, and u.m up m : ibis time suflentd bn; title ins—i:e small I sidges i liuv. spos. K u; p.uteciing u,: men Iron. 1 the enemy’s fire, except as we would pas* over I their tops, which vie »l*avs did in t. run, thus ex i posing ourselves out vety iiltle to the emmy’s fire, lint here we were in a hm place, aud loos tug ! to the left turot.g: thesu.ose, ttwns appatent that ; neither Posey not Jlahoue h*u aovenced, auu ihut Wright’s left '.vis wholly unpriueo.ed. A courier was dtspaivhed to Gen. Andersen, istnrmiag n:m I of the (act, boo »LSWereil tba: huh Pasty and 1 Maboue had been ordered to. an t that he would i reiterale the ord-er that uur Brigade go on. it;* I fore the courier leUiiuee, Pet jry 's Lrigaoe on tue j right gave wuy ,a ' d sl.auieluiiy rau '.O the rear. : Wright’s Brigade tiao a ' climbed ip the side of the mount., n neatly t. lh-- enemy's atnl being left without sup; i.'i't either on ihe ngdt or i left, enabled the eneu.v to c nc fttate a heavy fire upon it. Lot the brave mee ; -esre i rapidly ; and ste-dtly ou, until we approached tvithtu fifty 1 or sixty yards of the enemy’B batter es, when we ! eucouutered a heavy 0 'Oy or mlautry onated'be. hind a stone fence. Tne side ot tb>. mountain I was so precipitat • here that ihe uicu ccu.d with difficulty climb r, hut we e-rove on »ud reuehing the stone fence drove the Yankee inlau» i try from behind r, und tnett utkiug cover from the lrcce we soou shot ail the gunnels ol the enemy’s artllieiy, unit rushing over the fence stixeii the guns. We had now accomplished our i lass —tve had stormed '.be enemy’s strong posi. 1 tioa, had drove oil his iur'autry, had captured all 1 bis guas in onr front, except a lew which he sue* ! ceedcti in running oil', uau hod up to this moment 1 sufiered but comparatively small lose. J oat alter j taxing tbo enemv’s bafenes, we peroetved a ! heavy ciiuhil of Yankee mlant y , u our right flank. They hao taken udr.intagr of the gap left | in our line bv he falling back of Perry's' Brig i ade, and hau filed around a piece 01 umber on 1 our right aud had goitea into the gap left by Petry’s Brigade, und were rapidly gelling into our i rear. Posey had nut advanced on our left, and a strong body of ihe enemy were advancing down I the side ot the mountain to gain our let' £vnk ! and rear. Thus we were periectiy isolated from 1 any portion of our army, a mile in its advance. ; i und although we had gained the enemy’s works and capturen his guns, we were about to be sacs I rifioed to the ban management and cowardly con . duct of oil er-. For a moment it seemea that alt 1 was lost, aud mat our gallant littie baid would j all bemeyitaUy kiileo or captured. Col. Wasdec. ! of the 22d, had been killed, Col. Gibson, of Ihe ! 48th, serion*.v wounded,ana while at the enemy's i guns with bis bunds or the "causce, M; j ir Rosy, ' ot the 2d Btttalion, had jus' neen shot uown, nod ; nearly all the c< utpaav officers were allied or i wounded. Everything looked gloomy in tbetx j freuie, iiutthe n:. '■■•mained frut und cooi to Ice j last. The enemy had now .pit • upfete’y ia our I rear, and were advsuoing upoa i r i.-rr the very .'.round .ve and passed in alias mg them, a large t ivies was sob •»r>‘r«»ed in our frv9» e.bd artillery ; brought :a.o p-- . . 1 ut.i epe-o- J up u us. There t. 3 a hep st."i .'ve must la.-e auout and cat oqv w-v cut ot e ret work of bristling . j ;vo. trfi.c'• - : of arid ns on every ! ~ui. With sas..- utid m <r - d -Jer we : ' iibauo tii y - irc .pl: .a gun* we rtutod •• on i trie fin ■!. g toitt u if -hom-nys'd iitrti.liy ! . : tit our way oar, and tell back about one hail the j doUam;. v. bn • .r, an- th>:; r.lffi .ci . o*-r tt Bat -las, v ly f t a of the bn re spirits . ' woo . recently hud pued over tha lip., . J a» tta vpintar.rl oofitfi’-r.' of Miccees, potr ..nswer, 1 : . d to the order that cs-only r my; out upon the i-.ir ; “tail t vitftkt’i Brfg is mi here we’ll stand; 1 again ’ Ot over 1,6ti0 ::u»; win into the rig-.t, | 554 v ro ~!! ihs ■ . t.-that sajaiiioas. j Whst a !rk»! Mo-e t ..n 1,000 men in a sntnii 1 I H. pad*,,killed, woun i..i and taken prisoners, i | fi.-.p'j and believe tbv quite a number vers cup* lured B’jirjnred, and particularly so in ice 48th j ! &r,d fin Battalion, as they were comp's !y stir- . j rcur.ded and somewhat detached from the balance , lof tfis Brigade. A great many of oar wor.aded 1 I were necessarily ielt In toe tner.it'* hifa-is. s«si | nau to tall oack too r* : .ray to pyr bring* |mgH * m off, Ido not recollee ua it*-'m.'-? it. ( , ancient or modern warfare where s , sum* a t.ndy | of troops, enti'e'y an-uppor ed, at this Bagide i wn*. bis accomplished someth; (v.afgiUjrttirough ' n opeu be.tl lor more Uian aide, attacking a 1 vas.lt superior forte, strong y juried nn a moon* tstn, climbing fbe side of Cue to unman, driving ihe enemy's ’nfau'.ry from idepiod a stone wail. ; shoo'i.cg off the .runners aj i i-patii twenty ■ loetta ot srt. ie; j tea w fact .amalgfadi sarriuua- , ;*c h y - «t*»u ■ aiami.v iat '-A i-t-t w..t ... nod -■ .e r .- g- -a . ter, preventing ice f'tivv.i u. • , u.iy ;«n. Tuis •Vrght’s Brigade on* d"" *, -sc me . heroes may well bo proud A ifcsir act evement, Aliboug'h Ito>W .. chara :.-r veil; »ae» they wore capable oi lining wha ...ny ether .'oops oars do. I most c inters 'I. .. 1 ws* .orprised at t •be t anr ot Uietr a-.’ack, tad .l» nnatt’y wi’h which '.hey tiei.. ihei ground under such adverse • eirconretances ; cod above all, at the true heroism displayed ’n their deteimimtt on not to be cap- j tared, when liteatawe imii »'..t I'lwacaoi pletety around them, O. all 'he held iiiterf* en gaged .a this feirtu; r, «*..!., C .. NV. ;»ei a.one cam* rut unhurhed One Cap'ui'i ~00 • aI. u* tenant are all il,** otfc<a is led. :n -he t.i i : ". dim. tile balance either killed or wot oded. Jo 'ue fd (»a., out ot seven C iptaio* who went laio the. light,ail hove lallen lint two. 'lhe fa s* is epoil iv great in :i,e 4>th tad 2i Eucji regiuortu lost it*Adjutant, thongb i l<, •, , . • • rully wounued. Aajuunt C-.mn. :ig, n.s4- :. a u the hands ot the enemy, a." n.-n. ■ - not a j dangerous ore. -So is Adjntai t Danieis, ,d the ' jia, who is reported d igirousle wnnded. No j troor s were everted by brat er men than the . I gallant officers who lid tats charge. Many in i stance* til individual bravery tic i-.-’d, which [ i would gladly g:v<- von. bat .; * ...tswtii u.y j letter into too large proportion Tottr country ' wi.i du them justice when :tt History of this 1 campaign i* written. But while our loss is heavy, re an* grinned so 1 know that the enemy’s is ter.!'; i greater. Their ! dead lay in piles around ‘.bar guns, and the ! mountain side from the lo; tOf the amps to the summit was literally covered w. h ‘.heir uead and J wounded. While our Brig-.do Was thus cuatend mg in the centre two divistoiu of h-ng- r-et’e i corps were vigorously puah.ug’betu our right, i I learn that Hood and McLawl drove '.be enemy : for some distance, inti c.tng c«r»*td*r*b<e loss but ' were uuable to dislodge them |rom they *'rong, ! inne" line on the crest o; the Botmtutn. Wilcox aim,in our division, drove them for sarr.e d.stance, i and would no doubt have stv, ceded in getting ; into their stronghold had col Terry's Brigade, : which was on his left, four right, > gave wav in J ibe manner in which 1 have already described. ; Night now ha' mg set in, the battle closed, and I the survivers of that bio; dv . .y were engaged ' i utiti! nearlv daWB in i/ringing , tana taking care | j of tneir w’OUuueii'eoniruih-s. . need not te.i you j j that sleep was not thoughtofi us or> that night. i THIRD DAT S BATTLE. | Early next morning 55 pieces ' artillery were | piaced"'n position jnat in iron' u! he r.'glii of our I Brigade and sixtr odd pieces put in posi i. o on oor 1 ! Pickett's Division of L-mistteet’e .’'rpsatid j Johnson’s Division of Swell’s I: * had c. me up | i during the a ght, and Wore \ . .a ptisi>um la I their respective corps. 1 heat that gen- 1 ! eral a’taclt was to nc made ■:> ay '• ur wo'iie : | line, first rnnk’-g •'-i-t*s r ■£ enemy’s extreme rigut and left h. In an., thus i concentrating ibe u :t" gups which 1 ; lbavej st spoke ofai* v •>*,-» r.-o •. iu. tra.-ie ; : a T'i; rou* asatiult w, . ~«! •li ■ up- 3 that portion of their line, fee cen ? vhch we bed j csrridd the dav ceti re. kd arrac.-. men:. { having he;n ui.ide, ai.'i • . -oil .at Cof-ni.-ade i ;in position at ten r.v v . ’os rial» I T M., our oit i teru * opened fi c X>v • •> . ■lev Iv. tnesy.d i »rheard su.h acm •• .. Tl. u-.'Us futrly ; trembled under the sh xi, 3- j-ett: - T■* \ a,'- d sUCCiif ..a VOti . . ■ '- •» o j Then theenuuiy's guis i .H •, -ui. : t aty- I five or a hoc hod. .11, 1..- ..v-l - ' you cm'; u o.- , 1 rocking .of the bills- j from the mratstafn std.:_ I. it ■ which j ! oonr.: ■•o"t 'v rolted uo.; • ■•.; y rti,:. ■ - i shrieking ot ihusheiisas tit' 4 .u«-r X-.e-c asl.uo, | urocr.o, shore and fce'uw y i—every where ihe | . air wis fi.lea with hide'ons u e, tic rar- -'dof j ' ph Te, ihe In '-ssatit eroakmg u.ni crus iog or ' felling trees :>nd booghs .wbicu were cut d urn by I solid shot. The paUcr.ag sh-apufe; -s they] i were literally poured along cut tvhoie one. com- ■ bined to make a scene which i. nce wit . rased cun . never be forgotten, and which no pen, however ! gifted, can adequately describe, God grunt that 1 ! I tn.w never »lines# *<wh another. And thus j (or cn> hour and a bait the fare continued, dur irg which tttne nearly ail the enemy’s guns were i silenced. N w the infantry is brought no lor the i assault, P cke't’s Division in sttvanoe, ihen ! Uetth’r. (now • tr-uanded by Geo. Pettigrew, ! . spuior L. tg ..':•. i, . eschal aon the On | the mvn swept. Oar Brigade bsin* he'd in r e- j .-err:, enabled us to take ■> posttioc’waere we had a for view ot the whole dele, and I cm sore that i i b .ve never sett .. ,u„o start attic.- than ttus ! ii .rurttg par'v u :. Picte t t .is. fd firmly .nd . . ...I- 4 ' !>a , •'»(' Hie JUfjtH al pi .tj . •c »■« asaeii ;hb Jay i« ore. I*» I- | grew fo.o.t'ved in title o-der. Ouv artillery row; ceas; d t-iu,: .c •.n inquiry. I teamed they Lou . tun it.- 1. ummnn.tton ! And at such "a ; titac !Ti ere T'cliett and Pettigrew half screes ■ lire.. • o cb.-my have run up |new guns, and are puuriug a tead'y tire into tfae'.r rank*.— 1 Toe enemy’s infantry b« ve opened upon theon , it.; y fall ‘on every c.dt—Generals, Colonels, Gat line, Lieuieuar.l*, ptivates, as thek as aattima haves they strew the plain. And our guns, -vili bev no. re-open ? la la ere m- succor tort. • itave sfurits who are so nob.v and -.-a ~lv bearing their country’s flag in that ter \ i St fish'? Surely our artillery will help item r. -w—this is the crisis I My God : ail is as silent a i dea h along onr whole line of artillery; one iiun<li?d and wemv piece* of cannon siann na mute ;.na numb wtn.e the very flower of the j Confederate a:trv s grappling on unequal terms , ‘ .ea struggle of life and dea'r. with nn enetnv * rongly posted in a moumaiu ia*:ne e s, and ad* i i mtr'ib.v protected by well Served artillery. 1 ask i • my eel*', "caa the? stand this fare much longer?’’ . t and l *ee Picket; *;.n vigorously pushing on’ ; lien,;ng a deadly fire ut every step. The eaerny fall back Irotn front—they :axe tbei’er b-. fated ti e stone wail—still Pickett advances. Ou 1 •he ielt Penirrew's hoe wtvers— it pauses—.u' is o*i—it falls back—it run*. .Some of tbe officers attempt fa; 11111.? their men, but a great many are -compering awa- in from cf iheir men pelter j ' skelter, pci-noeil, hem they come. But one tbooght see.es to eciuate them ail, and that is to gain a -ate place ic the rear. Pickett left alone, still rashes forward upon the ene ay—be has , gained the stone wall—has gone over it—is in the enemy’s wake—n»« si.eticed their guns. 1 cud see with u;y glass our battle flag wavmg in toe ■'nemy ’s batteries, w here bat a moment since tbe Yankee color* floated in the breeze, fake care, ' brave Yicgintao, you are in a trap; the support ou vour ngbt and ett has fallen'back. Ottr Bri* gade was caught there yesterday, and there upon | their rigid a heavy column of Yankee infantry is deploying around a point of woods lo gam their ’ re*- — ; t is none—’hey are surrounded. They j I now attempt to cul their way out, but many are 4 killed aud wounded, and many more are ;aken j ! prisoners. I learn that a stand of colors fell into ! • the enemy’s hands, and the greater part of the regimen's. And thus again after whipping ihe ; ' eoetnv, after drirtsg him from and capturing his j ' gun*,"our gallant men are driven back because \ j the? were not properly supported. Seeing Pickett i ! falhni back, with tbe enemy pursuing, with >ct oraer >, Wright's Ettgade went io hie support, I j and protected Lis retreat, in this movtmect we 1 lost severi.l men, including Lieut, flico, of Cap’, j j Sneeu'a company, who lost a :eg, and Lieut. BeH, j | of Capi. Corker’s compant, will also lost a eg by ; a Yankee sbe!l. While this ait ick was being made on the ene- : ffiv's c.-ntre, Hood’* and KcLm’s Divisions were i : t ir. ..■ • g away on fa .- . gfi', lafl.ctiag a u-avy ' os* upt-ii the euemv. 1 oaonot unc’ersiana why • £.v- * erpg and «’'! of A. P. Hill’s were not ec • guA ; m this i.. t’i fighti?A- I am satislisd that ■h*v rad fa vr, cur v.ctory a'ouid 1 .-ye beeu v*v ••!. if . •■: :t, wb• ie w« tufficted • .•rib: .* , ioor. the enemy—greatly larger tann tmr . •• v;t—we failed f« eerrr bis pen'ioth VYfe captured ; n• ■ ir.D d ijs’ fighfing between ten cud t*. : ; • . i j, ’ uni i have no doubt ta.it •I ;ir-.*--iu k fed mu wounded »ni‘ outer, over j ; fatrtv ■ n;..aii. Sail, we did uui cany ib-ii' j y., .. u >i cannot lairly claim any decided j : 7tcrorv. On: •- a: b: f-n qiife heavy—pr;ac-|,a .v sue* • ( d the charge of our brigade o.c the dd. - ■ i Ibckett’a D.rtsn nnn the Sd. iV lcox’a brig* -. ST-: t .i fcrsrjr ices on tbe S-l. Am -" our ktlEea -oi wounded we h.we s?r«n ic nerai* : M. j;r Generals Hood, ir atm ; j i Pend-’ :" •; Hi’utb, in head, n-.ither very *•?- 1 I ricit* ■ ; Tremble, in leg, winch bus been aoipu* : tutedand Brig. Gen’i* Gurnet, Kemper and ■ Barksdale were ki' ed ; and Brig. Gen is Arm* I*: ad, Scu’es, Semmes, Archer and Hampton,] •rout.. J, I learn that five other Brig. Gen’ls ; ; w-re wounded, but do not recollect their names. ; On Saturday, the fonrlh, there was no general , i engagement, indeed, both armies seemed te | a *sd and take rest. During Friday ligkt, was raintr aai dark, ■-...■«i;vrau!eaouewaUes* iin tbs enemy's * h. ,, gh c*. viu? mo*tst i off. and which continued day (Sitir! ! day.) Be ntt ®tu to le c.r.tir./ to tie retr 01 ri Kelt, and in the c.recimn ot iredtaick (Jiff# jßj • tsboro. On fcatr.-c'i y - vening mu ar»T&*« ] men red moving, avr* arched fur tbl? pke;! *t;pp ’o with ice Tie's* of cfceck*«ni*it ag tie*ci > roy’s change ot base. | All *ur aranv ,s u w acre ‘.a go?>d coidlfi, -I texoepi u ararutv o: k»r‘ :.try ic mumuaj iti . ‘ x»»f iU* I*%; u;, e;jp to-day,»iwve : L»r*w sming i/Kp nfim-nr f wr/re. j WLa.cur ctX': jJureitfLt wi// 6*l c*pik > but I that as gnot asw** our aaut tion supplied, we fcha.l match -n the u-.rcc.u-ul Washington. We base bud a great deal o?run tince Saatrua , it has been pouring all dattd stiM continues and there i a some danger that wr pontoons at Wi'iiamspor: may be carried my and if they should, nature we get our sappi.ei’i ammunition, we shall tc* in a bad bos. Tbit :i eesaant ram may cod pel Gen. Lee to re*cro*»ti Potomac to-morrow , r text day, but i hope net My letter has teen so much devo'.eu to ssr Gettysburg ail our army bii3 don* , and where it hasb?*B csince we came nr o the enemy’s countr?. I salt reserve that for one Le*- letter, when, ifwyfo tits permit, I w’U gr- «. you an account wf our i viiSive campaign. ~ ! AMlTtiiltl J'Hl’i L\MATIOft AMI ORPER ! Atient.cn i« caiieu vo :ue Proclamation ot Got, 1 Brown and Order -. ’ eu. Wayne in this paper | It wiii be .-t'Mi that u draft ;» ordered on ui< 4u j ot August in tboae counties which tail totornui ] their respective quo us. I is to be biped thii ] not a county :n Georgia wn* suffer the iiisg'Wt jot a dra f t for men to defend ’heir own Lcme*.- After an nacerstaodmg of the terms, we carte | see how a-jy mao besiuur ar maUnl toio.a | leer. It seems to us •u*.» ah-uid be oat uoittra j ennilixitfut of the a -me-bear eg men of the Co# | fedency under this c -.:. At the meeting held m *' a p’&ca last WocdiT Uon. B. a nm, Seiler ; \jtu Georgia tfttbeCa federate Cuugrs?-., * -ee oi those wbofr*® tne lave, was t■> explain -ts proriwH which he did :n a rerr clear manner. Be Sts* that thr.se who r . -*’ i .ndor this callow state on tneir musiti -o.i-s the pornon which they prop -st d t dvGnd, «ind that ta«; Could not be ordered iat that area. I. JJ panies state m unleer to defend the Mxth and Ninth CJcupt* sionai Districts of Geo r g a they cannot ed out of those dihir.c’? It will be seecia j order of Oeu. Wavns that th.s is d^stioctiys ! and that coxpaniefi are tttfo limited to OM4JL of the State. They cannot go beyond that. ia. ! are expected and desired to stay at homeiri» , tend t*.» the r business umii uu emergenev van ; and ibev are dismissed as e f, oii hs I is over." The sarn- thing is also stated » »••» I I wt-efe -der Ptcvaci: X.K.S i The ! -a raj ** | week?when th • Cc.r-.-.-'jp ,<>“!"* i; re.Biatlr.B-, *>mh ’ , ,«,»* :ta ctvl e ‘ T*.ri' 2 .c-;,^;u r4 * f6 ' !s a *s ,ia , v r. iuC c ' ! recur* it w , « fl wKi i orer thj r.'ar t 1 '- ■ ■ “ ' isGcti. r.t p..*» . „di ° • arrived at btauu - ‘ A « iUirnoi • nous. Gen. Jeukms L .~< y C ,t eiv&- 0» •■• 1 ** f u ' : l-ouTrSirt-f . Jhev ' .-o. Be s ‘ ; - " -, ....;, tos s b« ■ .etnrr.:3s;. Vel ;s dm:u; • • ■' •'. ! theta^eßr‘ i «--- tf '- fl ‘ -• . -f r a rt SaE :j Major General An-i ;r-». jrijjt j memory, k spendfa^. the maebin I port, Connecticut. Hb hvJm | paired, and he is forbidden rJT ‘ 1 to speak in public.