Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, December 30, 1863, Image 3

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[CjKCLCD.U.! Uahios, JJic. 8, 1853. Reaming to the campaign m this quarter’ 1 w .-y. r nisii that th« cattle of it .i.cuave as coutii have been desired," was net-* t ; 038 01 1118 J ‘ o3i lnj P arla ut and toi- J?,,, i ; 6B ;ea engagements of the whole war. li '■ i DIL . rtsnt aot merely in t'-St'-titord,ate results which Were cf g --*t eon*.-queues, out la what it sated c* :re® 1 or ,f l “ C nlederaisj oad iost Iht »b« 5- >a «!*' probaoiuyr would have w»uwtt- »» *' 3 ‘ AB u '*• wo huTB gained ' ni .. u~= » wotoil to prepare tor the great Coe s'." m lb-a ( l Uh: ‘ r # *• a b.ruggie v-li . .-ryOatiV «o**id tUO i:LO 01 lliC UttOrglu gibUf v»:taouta parallel oa U* J prn coa'.lO* & T - Let U 3 lose iro tile* 3 , there ore . B r repun ng n.e -pprowciiiD* j: im g Vb.cn to iiiaStt bi needt'ul prrpuraiuu ha: i-jQ wruaud io*u by Geaerai ii agg uod his wmy» * u °°r cwn fault li we do n t „?:• •; oune vt-i* the opportunity. u .ad v, hr slat t>: September, (.tie day after y c . was spent m caring ior the wounded 04ir>-i«s? in *- x '-' ad * * a gwUiceiug up tLc spoils “ yor - h»aoi victory, »lu u* itCuUßouericg ihe yirttwu <*i'tfe* eoen»y. A c ouncil or war was night ov ihu General sormoanuiog, a i ffb efi h dewrmiced, as lam creu»uLi» m ttiotea, vj pat tho army iu motion up the Tenner ‘ c - nv.r the tw*ii; viug with the intention oi c--. teat stream, turning the enemy's ! c i iiu.-.lr, ana pushing c-a across the mounttii* towards >ft*Dv;iie. Accordingly on the nrx: day - toe iiocps wpre moved oy the right Usuk towards ■•-, *<td tuuwm, in psraun uiicsOs itso :o- uuoa come to at Ihecjuucii u v, A r- t bat ;ua night the wh»>le programme Was oy the Oommaudcr in-Chiel. aud ibe lw.u ui the c luma iurafcd back to Uh-.itanoogH. li has b'.yu Eaid, and I thiu.k t. rrec.iy S iia. that i; thy {J mfedi.rates htd maue a visro. us pur*. B loa Manila.* and Tt’.-Sdayuf ertho ia 1 b u»*e A: r/womy t fti reoevered irom the t c rf oso; ms u:saacroua deteat, they might have re*>*'eUj>:cu t'liuUanooga, captured a large parte! toe Federal army, nnti dispersed toe remaiDde. through niouutatas uiorth o! tno wlitre ih : y would L %ve keeu an easy prey to oui cavalry; oi lailiag to adept !ba; plan, it tnearoiy bad brwu moved vcn-tu the river above, and it... gitiicd there**: ul the ei.my, aa it c.»uid ea.-iiy huve u- i»e, .aat tho eumn resells would uaYe sols t w-iu the onlorcea eTaeuaiios o» £u(.l i ennesen by ilu.nsi ie. if, Ibereio’e, Gen !*• *k oud l!»nauiaa failed to C'»Qie i»« t.LCe ia JdcLtiiiOre'a Gove t anu thus prevented the d«:»B stn t iou ol U'W Federal uraay, luipuruat juatiee rcqjoos kW ho s&ted that the Geo era i coinw ms-uuig :t.» iatr* an err. riu i.'ie course bo pur* cued wurcii baa h* tn, •.h:.uu:li it wus not DtCense.* roy, q vss it m»y t»e that bis traospor- U«uu w ~ msuldQit'ai for a march into ihe heart ot T. uueeccs, *ad i.mt time was nec*. , ss.iry to prepare his eonmii fur s i important an ! ttadtiUlan#j yet grauttug this to be irue, there i wa* C'-ibitig t • prevent aa immediate asratilt ! upou Ohauatiooga. which, it pri*pcrly conduced, i C UIU Dfctdly have failed to b 6 *UCC€M«m!. ilil j General Lee made a Similar tnistaso s.t F • • ncksburg ironi « want o! timey lutoruaauon us iu tne real coodtiiun ol tUe e. t*my—a tnibtuk.. willed the at“. i c itmuuo . .*r is liable to commit—and which there'orc we hhcold not ijc too hasty to u t... ti.hsr in Gin Dragg or Gen. lit* C.'tvo r* ; 3 arrival before Oiititanuoga. procre*fos t> mv*t the place on h« aculh ibe i cuutrfcea M* eov redL:?ok« ut Mown* t*in wiLthi® i<* <-*• * a».d bte pic-ieis w~J 4, f s*n t :* •;• below •hemouatea. Tb.* t*pir, ou prevailed far «orn« ouvs that ii >-e&e »n < w wUI Bticc pt to c vacua'e to t »wn bv nigbt, and con* v, tioit.o3Btr*Tiong wer* ma-jo In forco < r •wo mcc*’..«*« Bights to .iH-ru>n it pr**tible, •be hiuu .•■: hu3 U or oi vbo nucmv. liu. the oniv Twß lit <*: br:--3 diduigbt rMConuoiii’rc-g wan Jbe di&cuvcry il;u «bc t»n~cny had note rtioo c! Hoaaiioa.iJg ui* position, i*a.i wie lot ut ng btai* §«lf a- iuj>% ca |>o?.u ble. A tew d»vs •bcreattei e*v>a - oi our best guns W ire put iu poci ■ ;n nio: g the loot ot Mikgiormry Uiog* uiici <ri th norih Uzv oi Lookout, »l<l w fi ♦; opened upon tb««n *• uny’e aicet: but U w»a rioo dihcofcreii l*iat the utsuure ■vt s io» greet tor our 3001 Lu nc.oojpliili unv^iag. in the OH-antime, Goa. Wheeler, in < hedionce to o: oer«i troui uc<;UqiurujrH, proceeded in cross iho Totnaebsec to the ftOth Mepteoioer, t C-»it*>i» Pott, u»i *' m ;!*.-♦ above Cbatiauooga, v '■ it a out* airy loice 0! ebuut .... sabres. It rtq rre« »tv «:ai Guys to the emi.e ci.cnitut the Fed* »ral army, the object . * the expert i a » 1 being :o cat tlie enemy a commonicaunn , d struy hie 1 raise* iiui coßimibe*ry uteres, and thus compel him vo retire I rum (JuatUnooglt from waul <>( «ui»pit*' t ' The spoils ot the expert.t*oa may be buiutried up m round numbers at 1,200 pns -n era cepuirea, and about l,uoo wapiti* with ih*ir t nteew, and immense •ommissary r.od qur urm.tS'-er stores, tits rofoi together vitr a . xrge Dumber of mutes, w iicU wic killed Wheeler fercup,»rt •. Aiinsiiterabi» QUOlbtJl* of boiS-TM iii)J mules, and uti the supplies ti s entn ojuit. veil curry on tioVaeback. Llis own loss wm Le*vy »•! .-.en and ficrsts, though nothing hke thrk*- of tbs oneuiy. iie returned to »Lc south »ido <>t the TedbsosM not tar from Huntsville, and thence piocceded t -yja: the urioy u front oi CJhaiUuoog*. r , * he ditheuity of gaddftiiuj the red-rat army icc.*e-: *.a-a the tvi l months adruneed qQ't the wet reason set id.’ The bridge at Bridgeport and water, on the >;uhville and ÜbaUanoo<« gaU ilroad baa be n destreyed, and this tuc*., logcOurwith <» »r po iiion in Lo >k- ut V-i ey, made it ntcosaHry for Koieerau* to relv up-m h»i wagon ua.m al *e .or tbe transport-ion of h. • tup pi i«a The distance and the rnountuiaons country ove»* which chose eupphes had to b hauled, aed the ii*.av*7 rams aud swollen s by which the ir-iu i were delayed rtdjoed bin i*occ lien. Thomas, to ibi.» unpha .*nt cua djuoo : if • must cither re upon the ran rood one, res rict l't, troops to quarter rah.v'nn . r i- m, or yield the position and fa tile upon Nashville. 1: wast ns dilemma, ioreseeu by in.' poiiisuttucior, in a probably decided hen ?o invest Obt:i ibo g • tatdei iusca mue acrosa the river upon lhe enemy’s :ear. Ha lilts as may. On tba night of the S3tb of Oct*, her, 1 imicos tnrew a force over the Ten uesset-, ul Hrown’n F.-? «.v, tour or five miifeS bvf Sow th • 0.w.. by the rev r, aud a lut:e u:o**e thin <m€*lourih t at distune by laud a.io«a Moocnsm jitvc ti z*<l the 1 ui the Kuinh bank, laid uown’a pontoon bridge, and rushed over a column ( t s ,n anu v and artillery, which began name diaieiy 10’it.trt BOb ana forli y itself, Ou thekVitb, U«p. Loiig3trcet, who commanded on tin? ii-ft, wuS diiected '<» icconnoitre ibe ene my's pos nou 10 the vailty,ascertain hinsirength, '-.uQ mr.iie tb=* neceßaary arrsngemtnls to bis lodge him. No:hi g was dt ne. however, ih'i day «>r tb-? n**t whici gav- Hooker—who bad reached iiridgeport with wo cor u*. r-.ee, ol 12 OtjO men 110Q1 '.he Polofflec—tiae so tnarcb up Ijja, Sheiloioucd six; take po.sitioa ig the valicy , Hle «tiO aiicrnoon of ibeSu b. D \r.ne ifce foi:owii>g night Gen. Jenkma was ordered by Gea. j/:sg*ir et to m-tke a night attack, not up -n tbe iorces at the ferry, upon tun mnfo-ce* meuts that bud com? up from bdiow r.tad gone into camp two miles from the terry. Jenkins' comma*.:a consisted or Hood's division, excn»» Andeisoa'a Three brigades Her.r.i g’s l,aßo’= ana H , JJ«rt*-..-u’s-were ordered to he d ibe ferces at tbe tciry ix -cbeclf, wbvs*. ns with bis owu Ingade, ag§au:tod Kook* t's c.jfnmn oe'oV i ‘ea;«a k i led, being bad> piaaced and made oy io-aliificxt fores. Thus tbe enernv go possesslu*: of Lookou* Viti v. the raiircad, ?:.*.! :h« river fro’a Bro nT Jterrv d iwu t‘* rt; £:;d tln-s c l doubt r*. ru'iv-rl cs 1 i iKiiliiv to subsist his torces ?u Chttttar-o i ar lag me inter Tae i.ion oi :ae terry wa.s tne -j-.s* if } tb’« *. Hr ’ oi *ka vamp.ign It not only placed • icr 'a-.- of s, -'i’ u,! ' s ‘.*"voßd tc'*»-.3.b1“| doob». hov, >/ op«»in P up a iwter r.ai,, «n> -•,1 6 J K-rtik-r siw* Sherioao, wi hlh • r coliwibi-, up fona . jar-cti- J J»i‘h !i ''" mam arciy o nei taaß I‘i T-.-.i'C wt • c-ifl.a f »r« doae. Had t py b«.a delayed, the tattle dt .Mtemns-y R -Jg. «Vnld jat.wiMU f ogh: b> boo- . nod imwe time *u d buee beta ,uli Lmgstrc*; conipie"- h-. yr, rltatKo! BTilie. l-.deed. it U ibe D diei of Q ca . Bras;, aid intelligent rffia-r, gen.ireily thit bat 1 r tbe mfln it icartßiTre ♦.» wbleb Thoma gn l fonenua o> Wiiont he W o« ci bars Dee forced to abaodon ÜbatU ooga s miu-stse-o E tbe Keder.l ci wspapera •tdoi't -.hat ibe »rmy *'.» reduced t<* extremity, HQ fast if they ba l not got pot*eß«l»n of th. | Vid.r Ml stKm as t •»* did, no attentive weald! hive btt'ti let' theca but retreat or smrvat cm, i*rev 008 to ibe tvea-8 litre reiatrd Sievenepn ! had oeta sent into Ka*t IVonegra to observe th. i movementa >.f Bnrofude, and prevent a jmcioo : 0 » his force* set tha«.; a’ Cttsttsnooga Bnbw* j oaes.t'T. oa tbe Stb of N) veto her, (ieu Long ; -„»pi * nema an experienced officer, •-as sent to i rel eve S-i ee-n m. Wi.n rcuroird teilh bw •orces t* the mat- ermv, Übg»:r,»t too* with him Me sod B-w.dVdinvd'Dd. *“<» t-0 ote;*t.B»of; Wheeler’s caea rv, Wheeler t’««» »cc..tnp»#, r j tag end enotanind-ag bis troopers. Os 'be oper.i tions in Ea.'l Trt,:icsces f shall not here | n t being eutfieieotly informed of --f-.it has beep j done t-t ’.bit quor’er. It may be slated, fco*e»etr, tnat the expedition tvas undertaken wrb the knni»l.d*. and asprnbati iii "! tbe Praaiclen', who yisitvd the Army of i'eaae***e a short t:nin siter the battle of Cbteaming i. Opimoa 1 dtyuied as to (he wisdom ot this division ot our forces in tbe face of an enemy who himself was then expect ing reinforcements. If the expedition had not started, however, it is not improbable that Burn, side would have seat a part of his forces to Chas taaooga, and that wo should have had to tight IvfitJc. i x /' i? *» 'l'-ea upon M ar.iTLury 1 .eeu io Vm y. IC aisvi p,an wuuia h-vc u aoa oi 3 .t lilt uo:m ZtZ'- « ~ ,S VStc ' - oeenou our • *,» •i»v ,U c *’ t Qft l^a cr * 1J u^d i iters can s s uc* Co “'‘fi”,? *** ' r“ ir!r T V, id! r.t, V - r.‘ U - c-! ‘ üb - r 81 t recierisEs& jrg. e by u,eu:'L /efcfcugboi th.is i wtiaoa* l«4u"? o"! t•’ '4' l:e ‘ ,!tw “ , °** i'cmi.neu . *Uen ia« , '. ” Jl ' h:: *i»t Au-ember, e .. • i;,. t towain'Tj';!; u W“ r d‘ OU A e w-fct Uiu > ,-. v >. ... .i | -ovared . r .,* v • cd - iniurinailoa was : that a^rman’c ? ' - . - - .„a p.'. Uuju aiwiiuu i> .u >u t*. -i u. GQdtiaucoga, auu gone to --..i=.d!.oc I i isarnkiae, uju ijj.s t_ u u jj. .. r :0 o-eource a and liutinsi’s c ■ a J U.oow-1 CaicS , ri ,. ul , JU .4%^ * * ~J i* b.;,* .i«a to iussi .... J ; ■ -o-.-...., , , o, Luo l surer, liu. Ullij tiO 8: s auu (,! ... - OHS.UOS hou »a»o3j-..aou u.. or. » a aU ' * * ocotr; .i.'.cd t'.a; L *i uu; u■■ m ii i diroauun of Ku xv u* # ou. wa S ,a ne v.cmtu : Ol CauU.uu.. S . rouui ro uulVßlu wiMi ..,,,. * 01,1 !• •■ 1 •« • • •*•• fa J ' uri B aßr *• i*.or'»U.TiMlS, w: ICO U.o. . ti> • * Wl «*» ►- 1 •».»'" ooa r«i , u «a 1 time iu-..JkC pait u -.egress ev-aia a.a tv * * dcht-y u; nauu. i*. Was now that i s uaiao r spifiL w■«. d «. ciiug U;e II) f f ■ * red uiy, atm n / ooudi i;. “• '^ ru . * ajaiseii w.;s present. ’ tt Oa »*o.a**, -0, Wtteii tin) 1.-g lift, d II W4t * dißo.7ci-.rt .ttri til. uuetuy ii a u m«s«j , Bea -_ > j.o»oo on Oi« lull. Tom io.es WO. Un-io-sd mio ’ l'»<* O* a».ae, *'id el * F. M, u,e u„psr son ■ iijlooec. u|>Oo am PM.K t rnen, iiie liou: ii ol . 0 . ! itio enrtoj tur i ?; j!-, eud »m „ ( „ ur -ls iwiei, • lir-i.i la 4. leu, loiouioa tuo Kid. i er;* ic&cu»:£ l:.owi>u i:iif, midway bciwc. a t*,,. r '"i* *'•“ ~,,r " ***•■• ids; rested, fi«, u . tLic-.ru a .oJc • ,:i. wnii.n easy r*ug* u i, ur ~0-■ ■ M<ttf». Ky ;,cy fcaa ilirowa a line of eeuesrlitiK-als • x'r'au.-.g lor mioio owtsoee m 1 iron., of a: rigUt wt-.g. i'';.■ ul)j.*ui oi lbs auretri ui. in •?*at li * tli quar* 1 ior?, was to j. * ;■'impiu . gruund for cSi.* rmau’s 1 Jur ,-at'. '’< t x,:..;T4 t:\vfOQd lor tfcearinv.— 1 I'uttfe uuaii ry tye •>< vvrner, h.xirever. it seeu-.d to h.vsa w j. ruiM uorciuip.ir aot&ekr* ing. A deateu* ta lou in tsusb great ;orce and at s vtl?l a I'Oiii'., i v.ci t9il h # i} r;i i*!i» j.iu ude ' •jp bi’i i: •» :' if 1 ■ • •vsses ion of Missionary Huge and L..osout Xmn am. li vrai furesam at the time, u was .- uted in my oi that { dale, t u T ilwa - ■ <» . odoy of the Federal coai ! j mwndcr by ’nreati n*’;mr r * wring t,nd eui I* dopot at GhtCiim u g.i w> force Geu. Brigg u* 1 ‘Wthdr-*w hr i or* ,v f u<j idroe« !. , L msout i .Viouatai on tin; t x me lelt, ui l itins render it mure easy to curry that puai*ioa by as. aaii, A.ccrditii.lv, uu iffleeting i*. an in the *m,y was i surpr std r.exi luorifiu::. TucoJay, me 24 li S <•% vt .uOer, when 8.-hKm piue open don i,rw,x , al Gen. Bordet. who had t;* rn in cocsnian.i ou the 1 inti, was han .erred the right, ar. 1 WaliiT’s I divirtu.*!*, c .lOUuded.m bib absamre by Gi-nerai ! G.ei, *ii r.-.rvtj«l Jro-n th« j : .antuin d i.i g sh*, ; ■rght and poe ; *d <D M s-a.H»ary Ridge t-> the! ngQu Stevenson w.* iet*. nurn -. tud »u j on, with his os-ti divsihs an Ghat.ham s. - j Tm.-ae two d..v:s-t a » hedeTed. i? pr; p riy ••ano’eu. wo'j -i b? •••. '**. i*aii io hold ih# position ; against tli>. .. 1 ••*cn! \%.U.ey, uod-oeiood , to u.: at my c >.-p; 12 000 men, under H ;ojta er. A i rtiu3 oi Stevi tis inV cotntr ad \ros i posted ot* i*i* uv.'o «•*! j; ih« remainalon j the Wcß‘«-;n *:«*pe aad m rib farn n-eSt t*:o river. ! A hue ot tr- r s Ini b* a thrown up on »hj uorih I-g ripntn,. from the riv.-r tip i wards L okout Foiot and p* bng n*ar Craven's honao. | ihn enemy's batteries in the valley md on' &oeCj£)a l •ai pt 0 4i ‘ 1! o'ch or. and kept up | i* heavy li- • -«i l•* ; , »t Vl, v. -erj h;n •dv«»:i»:.-u in noub:* !:u*-s lot €••>,'• tot th j moan- : t -in vca* f p;d iii a thick fog, wtuuh prevent- i ‘*d our r.r* Iff'Dl *.*{'. U»1 :OH. This ftg es» j tend c down »ho r.i -i am riaeua 'ar an *r,e left j ot IVul v. i i- •; •!• w h w..:i post- u m trout, j no a >.• ti;e ft. nt, -i de.*d almost the only ! ongade l«* uwj;. ; ?.<e shock ot the etiemv*s i 6 rnetny gaim-d h i 4 tt. ok, li - eud bin hrigfide 1 behaved w* : ,<ro..i yaun r and fought denier* J •ateijr, tmi. vniu »j overws»ei *iing rorcoia from i and a Ua.Ui'g tire o hi* fl»nk, ;i was lmj i ible - ior him to i a'i*:::;n bH K .oun<J. lie gave way, i therefore, gi*.»wiv **nd ala: i : ruh’, l(»ingnu r pi’.»oce han 1 a ue»vy per ceniagc us £n 1 .ft -tud sionndwi?, uut sT.ki.-.. back with ihj dru'.ion of a wouodsd gia’-iai r who kiows no such word las surstndfcf. i“ ‘man cut Geneial *Ste.tu* rtOU w•1 p. c iiti li,- L.'Vk tl Foijlt. « c dOP i h if .iutirn! :*• L-vd 8- x ctn'or bng*» j ode*, H ide <>t iviimii ho if * *.u*:*k |-srt iu i!ie con i d ci # » e»> c.a »v Pbttu ’ nud Moore a, which tought { veil; touv 4 tiavn aoihoray of too Cotuui inder iu-Chioi .... r y w •* put m Ism a" 3 to acc’Mjjpiia ; lauc'i g od, j that it tiiey h-d 0.-ea Drought . tw.i'U *••'. i o light unit; md prop* * y handfed, me u : mv > mm‘ unaialy hav ' Ijea.tn b-ick- Bni imtiaaof th»», our lines were pushed Ouc* from the w jusm w *»pe oi the inoua use, ai< ut.a lay i. r:h to e, aud taenca past GraW-- ■* h mie to w 4?ua * lew hundred yards of (!: road u ta- fg r.j tae tup oi ihemuantam, when ijrt-cki* cahis 0,. wi'U one ol bin bugodes kna :l) Lla.i; ••nv.rg SitU buck bOUitt diOtsillOJ. iiunil; ai; - 1 ' H WaS obi 2 VCi tf.Ut Gra:.. *U.;.|UI.J u. •* Unee u ( > tne river ioa a ; mo*i ’: ui a 1 i:i »;»iaU c J.. 11 vy lou-*.* w •• -t op the 2« >rth took, also, and ill .. yvur t.y niia.il uteuuier, which iht C j l - ;*ad J Ailed to < VRToy, .O tin? ‘»otl'-b a j,i U . J li*:- ,;.ufelfi, un i•. nosfed it J liin that lit el.MOy C ffiutd to IU O Oir right and pus v•. o 3 it * «v-i >*. Oru*. a were Willed, I * , - fool li ; uooa nit, iwio »or iu w -m.is arcsy • • re- -. » acros.-> toe Gaicsam- uga du. the Mgh 4 Qi ® order I w-«s oeiLg - i cu.au, wneu i: wa*t aisccvcred i .io nu wtuirg - t-i<s ai my ui.d Us U Had j Oforts e ..... ah. vv ladruav- oy d -light; nod -in cousi-qi; ce o. ib.i Jaci General li agg decids | ua I < ui .as i»iS troops on R Uj»e n .i i light »i utH. Aoc.J'd i u Uhiu6 were sent to j .rio rear and Ui ? a . y ; * nl-n.g U*o c ol ii:s ndge :r>m olcbai. ‘s Gip up the Ciiicca-* j ihaUgU on i'ao !»g-< , a of lire o. s* iudes, ihu picius alone weie lelt mti •* ireotu- } c, ut the tool oi u*s rsdgr, except ;n iroul o Faiioa Andetcon’r {Uinauian'sl uivwmn. 1:. iny upi .. i* t'JC-:. sad w now, that it would rave D*. i« be . r ; \iiti ii’. Cdir.eu out ui*?* ui isjt*n ; ian and roined tht* GuiCXaUiaUv; * il-S iO.’.S O IliOJ &Ud gdiia W lUifl u..ve :,..*• ~ •. prmlo me moral eoaragi and creaug-s ■; ruarmy b«ve been laiaCi 1 is out pi-t l ard, iiot C7er, tnu. it waa j me nu.Tv.re-a: optu on auio g othcers, mcindiag .he C* iuuutu :i' iu*Ch!’.*G tUu. ihu advantage u* ! Lheir pofctuou vri u*d enabit) tua Gostederat* s to n #.d the r.d t j uvrn ia ice sc-.- of the irsmend nis ,jdds a-—o-i tneoi; and it was considered ol grea. Hop-iuncs tu h«.ii tfao in oc*ck uaiil L jugur ei co iid catct tUv reduettoo oi K..J xv.lm—uv co uian a-d .a wh ca had b«n un. x pec.catjr inequ:;oii n cf supplies for me Foctfal .-rniy haviug 0.-ca so v.u uy our la.is Lx* m Vmere wae »e>'*y no »c»eoD lor ui ioq-c' u i Aumg ?ront O' es jrpt ti' mo crCoi opfelnliog i L*r t i .nueo* sue tune c a*adviupiistl mu object cl toeir expedi tii»n. .;•> 0.-. i. 2 cii :*ry Ridge w-- foaght on the todo-.vi.--g itay, A .y. me 8-J h or J* j- T-nihu*. i Kb: a** ; veened b* ibi- u.aiy nt 10 o*c:*--i Oi. H OU till} nK f.aKC c-a v e er..trc gaa & 9k Lturoeo con ? -i *nd«d *h- • gu*. i. i inrces .-on- sang vi Oiso»rn«G, rVsusaa’s, Walker's, co nuianded by and Ohi-aihem’s dineioos Uaeato<*m bav.ng a ice p» v. *ug nvening. tfreckiondge coiiitascdt.d *:»-.he i 4 ' l , his divi icns being 4J:e Mar.'s ahd Rite's, rattan Ander job's divi?!oo, was in the centra, and h-:l dr en uutier Liurdns, but tbu iatur coald qu cLi pk of it d-iridg iho battle, , JVl[s g io tbs intervening distance, aa i it was coua*.qucn.iy !e:t in the ot Gnr-- Apdcrron >oe ot the c >o!fSi uad oiusi officers m •h« «ati r « erniy. Retnoiu’s ofigido, « i iinevs* n -r’c division av .4 b. cq *urced back at G«ie« j a manga citation, was lempowr.lj uts%ched tc ; Acdersoa'e dtvision. was only a few d ir., ago tha* you furaiahed Witb an nccaum 0: ne battle, I need i _« t enter much inbi d*:-ul ia -bis review. |far«» j mais'- ined lnsgioiicd intact until night, in* : fliotinf heavy lohk up.;a the enemy, capturing j 15ifCe c. digs and over 6 0 p?::- ners. urs-t dnaily retired node orders wr-liont the loss of a gun or i aprinoier- C itortaaa'eiy, w-.* were not so ruc 2zsxUv so -he c. uiro and on the left. Haif of j Aniler'Ji’a d.vis’da. under Brig, Gen. Dess, was Ileft (psrhaps under a misapprehension of ordrr>.) in tbs trecc at the loot o' the ndgs, with iu*- , >na to : .: iro to the cres r when.-vr - the erv I' S » c • -**t» n cad wiihio two yards of iheir • |.?J Inp'r-ana* this d flljuit order, ng&iast ,h7cu Gi Dias.*-• I* h-» men were much exr-oved a- they asC<te%»?d we I ridge, an?, e) c Sete'y exhane‘ed wh*-u ibev I res bed thv <re:.t t s: lb y wera noh» Idutv for iii'teen minutes, end m*«c of them uctuallv vomited blood l It was here that our tines iirei g»vo way, Aodjrfinn'H old brigade, composed ot Mi&siss ppiaun, nod one of tbs )jt tne Oon;edcra-« service, being tb« first to brtuk, fed rot R ‘yriO'd’e, .m‘i fivt is por fd. Anderson strove to meet tti»r danger by tui m* log a line across the ridge, but h;s roea melted i ! Wa, T X Z lbe rear ln ®P J . te of ali h!3 ehurts, until 1 nua;ly a,B whole division became involved and retrea’.cd. 1 woutd add that ihe reports ia circus ’ laiioii iu rtgara to Duos* brigade an-., other brig** adts in this division, beyond wuat is here6iated, • are witcoci roun-iatlon. • Breckinridge's division, commanded by Bale. 1 ami not Lewis, a* hud o *en siaiea. was the next t on *h" ictt, and was the hrai to rtCuive the eufiiad tire o» tiie enemy on the crest. Bale hid re f>iii***d die eiemy bamigouieiy, and -vou:d have ‘ “tainiair.cd h h poAition hail Acdcrson on his J rs t?iewni 11 *, £• | c p. been equally suc i cesaf'd. Bat .*a brigade, coiomanued oy Colonel > iyl r, of Ti miesece, unni hi was sunbed, then : by Co font i Radter, of the B7vl Gooritai, hr • ills same regiment, behaved conspicuous ! galianiry. After the right and leit hr,d u;iven way Col. Bomb ioauu no d fficulty in rahyiug t:*e i brigade upou tne une of bills in lU?* resr, wner« i :i steed was made by Uttn. Bate uud the enemy l banuscnirily rt puLtd. The Fu-rida bnga ; c, ***>oi , manned by Lieu.. Col. Finley, and Lev. V K n : , '.ussy brigad *. o» the s.vo»e iivudoi. !ueo- ; t tvltb ,' sqna. .v:» ru. Indeed, 1 may n*»v of 1110 Fio Ida . J iro. pe generally that I have aevt* kn-. >*u ilitni I to ia.i in iae Hour of Inni. 1 : Wuile these evt-nt:; were trard/irirr: on Cue ; ) rtgut and ten Ccutru, ilo.»Ser had got potsessivu \j oi ilefiarisD a Gap at Rossvi'.e, and w.\-* oround i j s i the rear oi our ltii w; jg It i sl not iuij •ob *b:i*. i j tiiereiole, l sat tne Uil wing, find it mui .uiiGrd i j tin ground much longer, wou d -,aTo eueenmored ; v'tftL. u eger ta th i lUus * it, Uo.'ket i ooiDUlknded the Federal Thomas the e: 0- tre, and Sherman the I&U, Grant be ng tnuupretuc ( comauand of Ihe wh-.le. Grunt'.* forcci - , at a low calcttla'l'vr, t!:d not - number Itss iii u 85.U00 men, cxcios.vc oi cavalry. 9 did not muubt r bat so ai'.ny. Thu* in* ia.u me supurioiiiy of uamb-rs e.iahlvd ;b* Fed -ra cuumiaader w burl Iwo aod three an*l a~n t: ur heavy lines our long and attenuated *>sg)e . oa-*. But wade it was Deceits ry to Comoro mi? l;us ;.» i.at of tue eoemy, both ana leoght and dueoiiun, I am tiitl of opinion that iheGonted- - | itatqa ought 10 have woe* the day. indeed, it lj* 1 j intpoMUjitf to conceive how ihe uuaie st oiy could j nave cirn.d the de.y at vvi;crs: ire ( y had «he advantage in grv.-u.id au a force •«.. ia big r bin cum, ;o,d bare wt if on j Miwnovy R.dge, where m the disparity in mini* t»e:H H--5 groiirr. the position was as lav ruble to us :*s li was possible ? .-j msic it. Our casualuch will pr.-bublv not exceed 800 in ( kii.mi and 1.500 wounded. Our loss in p- j» n rn t ! -specialiv suegglers, is considar.ib‘B, ex • ed'Ug, ' 1 • dirty Curia tue battle, t;vo eiege piecn* which j *ve destroy d at Cniukainau r BiatioM,aud four on 1 the reireak. These laai mentioned gnr?s fFargu* ! sou's Buiery.) havu been recovered, ih:- enemy I oeiDg uuablo to get tuem ofif ali»-r his bloody rt -. i pulse uy Gieourne at L ug*o!d G*p. Our 10 s 11; : uorca was lncoiiHid'-iuble, ohil in wug-»r--> aboui j uue hundred The Fodcial loes in killed aod wounded was far heavier, than our?. In from rt . our right aud B-vu's division ihe gu.ucd »•. as blue with Uisir eUiu. j Theanay retired *0 GhioimnugH fl’ v.on the ; nijiii- alter Iho ottile. and felt (1 y ii>.wcb<*d Iu R.tigg-dd, and ou the auo-sei ding d>ty, the 27 h. | r**;ic ud f> -» t:»n, wh.-re it I*l still e:\t:--rrj;u <\ Tht* ! ..•u r r.tv* the enemy vr.us V!*?nrou« uu»-l ».•« 27m, ; when il \fu re,»u ??• d by Ci burne v-d»v- ••. io*s •>< ; 8«)0 p-isoners. 2.000 *»»i?d and woundr 1, and i :h!Ui?4lvgs Oa i 29 h Gen, B-a:.; at • .-wn ■ r-qu* 4 .*!, was relieved of tb ’ c -m ar ■ ot the ’a»u: \, and Gen. H rdeo appiiulcd Io him. j 11 conclusion, it m»v bo permitted r»: •* to add I ih* in this sud n»v las*, nrecedin/ Rt'-i 1 ban* sough to ten the* truth, without ttiviug o!f-«.oe to • any one ur provoking cotit’overev. I-i »• y c-»r --uii oedoni;c l know n inend i and n# *■■.. 01^. .I am u-f ainly ot the apologist of Go*. Brr.pg vbom I a mrceU nor the rp;; -ten or u?i |of Ins oTcers Oa »lic contrary, l j ’u- dam ; army no*, her? f?*--m ee ujuins l ; 'ormer. 1 and aot without p ttxah-y for the latter. Ido rot . believe, however, that j isnce has betn done G n. Bragg e:lh«r by toe public or sou -• ol h a eub* (irdinatee, and wuh thin len ark 1 ciu; • tlua re ! view. fcG» LV«T. 811'l’Llr-i. KOH THk. AftOl Iu November la»t, wura i-e ai;u c. tl itte Coniwitruoy, umi enpeciuliy the A, ivy .1. ucn -iee 1 pee, nutwiiiiMunUing ia-i sup rbuuiau * ffotiaoi [ me pufchasif g ConuniiM ry ui tuu. Fu? . al)*jji | Guinu/ing, w re auttitentd lor piovc-iu:>i, tbuiu w.»a one •e*.Uou at our b>*l«—to 1 jj:si t - oa »Le ,iuo o tiie Adant.t A Wi;*l I'uiui U^iliouU—- : Wi-iCu, WO ale uuTifa.u, pa noticaiiy ua.i. »o ihu rescue,aud ruiicvtU our bravo troops noui the j suit paugs 01 bus g ;r, 11 nut suit*am?ii. An ap* 4 |eat uv tout tiu)t w-n lusCj to u,t ia i *raOl • 1 ;L*ai becuoa ot our B-alu sjx Ou.uuiing, , [.*o . au exp-.ruac a, .aergriio ana i»?u 1 . .*rti uef, BtlUr.UmJ *u lutt C'-li’biil utj >l tlucli Gapi Ritre i, wu» seen so present ilj w , iuu was j tu in a ep.nt u. patiiou ui, that, we ! grei to Hay, iu raiviy uiaut uo uu « x cvp- during too llii.; year 01 ii»c War, i, vviiuout a P tr uiicl m ’Ufa ."(a^e. , i.iat'inr date* aii*r th>» apppeal r-nv mado, Gapi Ruie-t sucecedeti i*j ooirt.mag u .ui the huu-eia oi the section ol liio £ ate icie i* ?i io, i uo less than two ti. iisucd auU vi te jst hunuieu besa 01 beet ca.ti*, -oUttw-i u .an iim mo my 1 aupf-ly ibat du oiave ana 2t*li 11 no.Uieiy , aeic »;d, until otbe-' s*»p| lies /: p- v. •- *or-- procur? ‘X. Too luvlcm pra'he Ciino <t o** : towt .i upon t ius« who so promp. y : --po'iJ.;i o the . ca;; m- i upon the:u tu that t.u..?, and ; • n ?:.<* energetic ediCw-rs, a • <iu ,it -,.ua io pioeuie the euppdos, and who uiu 1 o wiinout a icrorl, iu bul very lew, 11 any m..t c s »o luia j rcSsuicul. Tuu co nties ul Giweia, Gaui r bc.l, landTruttp, lie airvctly on tha lieu oi . . road . j teientd i“, aod me t&rmtj.'k cl .Lta??, viti. oatTo; i j two oUici adjaceni ccuoUe*, is. u t ti me p u.ae o! j LUTitg «CiUi-aeU the ettppiire C j tu : ;ii 1...-dud ut 1 the tiui'o «*uu without wutch the Army . f i’cunyß i see woo d have gr.ufiy utiered, if n not become entirely Gcmoruurid. We reler to the patriotic rcßpoaw of li:e turtn era rd that see min 01 our a. mis tt.ua, for Hie reason mat we ere udviscu or um ; t-ffhrt uuw ueihg a:uda by M«.jor Gumcoe.i, Gupl. h-t-icl.. in auoUier section o; u • it* piocureMaJi ar suppiio—Webliude -o tboic couo» ties lj‘-g *>.j f uua ai javeni 0# Hjc Georgia Bull- r out), irutii A-iaiua to Augusts, Wa nay we ;.avu no tiuuUi that the iurmeijb ol the Bus-. J lorn section oi our e> a & will p«o7e *•> be -:s pa*» i none m ine«r response to the cu;i wnten win be hie upon «i.ehi an thutf-j ul the Utslviu etc. • ion hr.vo buefi* Gar e*- Ul urn iuur>t Uu ,tu, uuo uaea BeOUna c» our olate idull i!«> what 1 can t lord thuiii. We are assured '.hat ■hi * ASc.-rs ol too Gonledcrate Gommissary Depariineat under Major Guuiiuiug's <i::ec:.ous, will avi/.d io the 4.)- ex«tEu:ty, a reuoit to impressuaeuix; but 1 biy ojubi. procure tbe supplies needed it.r p»r vißir»D -tug too army a the coming year, *h . aw a ibt uaie to procure SttCb ti..!'ual faoti, * u. ui.irly ati eau uo salted una lor sarnme ?j e. Dela would prove u rn*t dee rucliVe. ]• would peril tae 01 our cau.-e; it might oTlogabou: the soOjagainf» of the S.u- . Gum.: ap, the a, f rin.'rs ol Georgia, to tha rescue?’ opore a cely u l you can to toed thuiio wh-> are 11? in- u.:ia 1- light turyeur property »c-.i your in* depend Alice. lint* tur wo hrw grahfl .d to «-.* «, Mtj -t U«nc* sing Biul in procu ucoutd lor 11.e pieatui and a ne ul*:u t ? come, ills age lie bare ©ten untiring and uu oucceftiioi. Una o ih- , a geutiemcirj wglL sii .wri ip Teen 3 >«, M. 8 -via tr . . t.red nbitc - ; »f 1 00 ■ ... , li - iu.-i tsus. a t .-> vrrai tacc-.'eJ Ui-a * * M >c», whlOfl Will WJu htf elaUw ii .er«ii llei«. I G *o:g a will n.jv,- oit.y ; «•* 4 !ut> ,* our ft: *n > only Cvine 1 r-**:.:‘ar..hat e-a u u it© men L* c -;n cko bring to •-•.•tr n • - rt'ate, w*c fc u asorn:ui deiiauus. We roust * ' ieiiuruber, i.-.n-Ter, h>t **G.*cc:ai a. v-iii-.m" os a more tor mi-’able ion than aiy «tu r Gaacrui in ijmcoio's aOoi uen and that il w« can ouiy < wercoue him, Southeru inosceno-uce is j dilated »*i it were, bm r»r a d,..y. Ws co; y the above trom Allan s l-.‘;li.H gyccsr, tor the purpote of adding our oomuarc dation. W® know M,jdr Kiitreli to he un ctent, Baerge«ic, c p-ihle urliuer, who, white Gt« j to feed tb-* army, is at the same time las considerate aa posa.ble to the people. We : would eurccs’lj commend him »n his aiissior- to | ; she people of this sec* oa oi Georgia, «n icb | 'he is cow operstiog. We bear tba: tb* Major | has already got up about a tr.ousaccl beeves ic ! Morgan, Warren, Lincoln, Wiiitrs ked Columbia* 1 a ad has not y* t rc?oru-d to impressment, the pen- | • p’c meeting him in a chestful «:d piiriotic I spirit G-Carw'i 8r.t 22 iu a h.iter t-i iho President tvrja 10! General Hiadmaa “be pOßsesse* tr,7 fullest ; eonldence aa » mo*' g«!!aat 6‘l»ier, u-.d ur-.-i. I ( Fat di*3't>!in&mi>.~ i TBa Adjutant aa) Inspector General does not 1 th:rk it tiecc-osar? tb«i tfce Canrt of Irquiry asi- I ? .j for abontd !>< «irW. ri : e? asD i* ! ■ »cred *1 *• 'r- •- j the W>BCO>vt>- ItaUetl-', m« (• 'd-d *t • Sswnan, has btea removed tu -'.aGi' oge. £l - ebaage# will make » *ote of 1«. fLLTTFB FROM THK lOTH GA. HEGIMFNT 1 iipfcbiCor.efitocdtcce of;b« Ota iiut onallci. Camp 10th Georgia Regiment, ) Camp near Moir.-ioiirg, Ter.n., Dae. 14, J t>3. f Mr. f ditor; O:. Uie slight or the 4*.h of No* vernb r, Gen. Longstreet’s Corps left their camps in front of Chattanooga, marching to Tyner's Station, on Vie Tenr?«sj>«e and Georgia Rail** read, where wrj take th« first train, and arrive a* Sw.-ut ?»a‘.e' on the night of ;he sth nit. M'* en« camp at this pels* & few days, thee commences uho tor-rch tc Knoxville,, but wp did not t-avet thus “far into vhe bowels of lha lnnd without ini* ped.meat,” for alter croseing tee i’ecnessra river at L >udon, we are close upon ;he h e’s <>f t e e£c*ny, and V.utk severe! akinu-ehc-* and arli:l?rv duels prer ; ons to our arri al m tr nt cf Brown !I»> V h:w ■■> Knox-'ii:\ in cue ,o* wbit-h we ore the viator*. Our loners in tae brigade, *of killed, wounded and missing, since the loth* air*, which inelttd.ii the sSuranshes ar-d th* chargee on toe enemy's works iu front oi KaoxvilK*, have fod. we: Cap*. B. K i p, of General Bryan’s slufl, wfund* fid :u shoulder, .seven- y. s.th GEORGIA RwGn*E v T, CAPT. JOHN M* Sl'ftNCiii. LO&D’Q. MELD AND &TAFF. W nn-’el -C ;•! J >1 Spetu'e, shoulder* aught, AcJ’ R T Rub rv.-. ,t.y auipii-'e..cd, prisoner. Misiing—J S i?E*Ky. CO. A. CATT G W. WALDRON. K lied—l« .*ui II Wounded-G W Waldron, severely m mouth Hissing— Piiv::> J I A 11-gg.i CO D LIEUT. GEORGE WHITE. Wounded—Pm.»!«? P.d ij.owu, lost two fin gers. 00. 0. LIEUT. A A. RMII H. Wounded— VV,u iS’ pper, h*r»d, slight. C > D LIEUr. O W. SSI.MON. iwii'ed O W r-e wpr VateAJ H»«:*. Wounded -B;*rg F t VV C (LmtiS, i.i right foot, tight uand, lei hnisd and lost left fi'd, privates 8 B Lisu>r in i n arm. i’ J liirgsliner m arm. M.satug—tSergh D G Oopdand. CO* K CAPT O K PaHN. Killed—Sen!’. J L War*-. Wound J - l*i -ivn'ev 8 h ;.si* y, m head, mor tal, J ii Brock, tf.tg’i s-vcrtlr, *8 Hobb-t, ihigb severely S rgi J C Lewia lost one finger, private r Giii io.-t iiug'r. Musing—Sul field and L W Johnson, private .1 W L>vm. 00. P, CAPT II S REEKS. Wounded, Oa i ti n> Reeve#, arm, private L J Nix, foot, b ail severely, Sorgts J R Maxwelfj in uriu and etiiiUider. J B L-v&lih in arm, private ii Lt Wild v, hand and lost finger. Mies’ag, p ivai fc. S>rauge. C • O. CAPT Q B^TATEN. K- led, L eui J « L) ug Wound, '. on.tliy, J Sears, since deed. Missing, Goipurot John Bmitb, privato J VV Stone CO 11. LIRUT H OAT. Killed, S»rgt * v l J Guv ton. Wounded, Sergt M M Duke . since dead, Oorp J 8 Norjuei , >iin, private JoLa troibjf, uim, ebg-.t. GO. I, UECf D G.vt-KINH. ; Vf'ouuded. Licit D Otuifi* n. niace dead, Cos pi \ J Oroafiy, nwu ■•; a;0|O«*-,i-d, privates Tt O ; Rmae, lace. Irwin Heudirv, bund. Musing, Gurpoiu! A E iu. p.ivmes J J Akios, I G W Flow rw, i’ \V i) ...dot. C MPANT X. | Killed—L’eut W 11 MtM'.rry, privates WG | ■ 8 1C;-:t in. | VVouaded- l.i.’ut VV i| St» 2 rpe in thigh tcvero- • \<f, Suigt K *j» Don!... ; hip H. v*»re y, piiVuUS VV .1 VV at .a 8M iia-drr. i-ce. 8 REi'Vaido arm, V AGiddcDK band, .) i: K:u, *rai, J Bo>en loot, j Missing P. ivan; tl * kioch, iotai—Killed d, woumitd 84, Oiibsiug 14. ftIST GA. RfiUT. COL EDWARD BALL, COM D’G. FIELD AND UTAff Kilted, Wound a or Muemg -ttout. company a o pt s alexandbr com d’g. K*i c*i f-aptS AitT.Dtlrr, WoutiUe i —r‘ :rgi A J Mtlier sing r, i»riv .» s D L tUiR bn asl, .1 l) Mcii. tuiwii breast, giocs bead Missing—Corp nui A Avireli, ii F SlDgleiaiy, Tlioi Weaver. COMPANY U t u U UAMSKT CU D'! K’Ued—N-ue. V*outided—Si'igt .1 Spann dim sii^ht. Mining- Sergi H ft IViK'iiS. Corpl liobt Avv i'-' it, p ivsie J W Aauuitt. COMPANY 0, LIEUT U W NPBMJI, COM D O. K-iieu *' orporaiii O Wtii, privates D AduixiH, Wounded- 15.l 5 . iv..h.a i- hip slight, J t 1 ii instio ii knr> to in t. Misetog—i\.»ne. Of MPvNY D. L?EUJ' A C C llVn. Kiiltd S.rg* VV J Juireti, pr;7ate Job li)feh-«- t- on.d, L•utA Olv y o.«t alight,, •.vair J W l* K'l.g into nCnoliH, J ho C' f»r f.Ck r- * OUs, j VV Ii ilil.do: .j hlj older *-• noiu, 'I J h ; fctouU der uiigbi. Miflsiug — Piivute i 1 lardy. COMPANY s LIBOT JaOOB It HtrrTON'. CJM’d <1 Ki I •'.!—jN'n !■’. VVonrd.'d -L.eut J li Suttou knee v. • pu- .red, I pi irate JVV YViifter.iou kn nod ar >. r-v rhciy. , Musing—Corporal Henry S Gregg. COMPANY Y, LIAUf JAS B WUITA&EE. COll DO. Killed—Corpl Jt>bi iiuyes, privuie J K G:d dcoas. * # Wounded, Lieut J L Whit:*.ker .'bon'' ’• ser;- ;rii, 8 r. ; i Geo W Djoqi head slight, private Tb* .J i'p-iHly band. Ri sing—Corporal T H KiflUy, private J K Nob.e Company g, lieut a o«Lsr kkb, con d q. Killed—STor.?. Wont'- d—Burgt Jaa T Ray »:de siiciit, prK ik o ••..iu n fingers, J D Mercer back tev* re ly. J L S N«tri> side Bltgh t, Mtiaiag L c-. ; ; A O^Uiree, privates K A Jo*daa, Fhuo Weaver. COMPANY F, LIkUT M J ATKINS, COM D Q. KtUe«i—N-»i;e. Wnuodi.d—Thot J Carre <b. east tnoi t !! >y ince dead,privates i‘ .1 Gh shire finger . ti ,) Cole« ai ‘*u fiug- is, 8/Hnoel Lrt-vyjgr le {.01.-gbl, Horgi Vv’ 11 H iiidivurd.-. fbi-;r> shgh!. Missing—Frivs its J Ai Ivey, VV U Andrews. COMPANY 1, LIBUr WJJ WUK « 111 DO 1L lied—He r gl Rob! A Groen. W“um:cd - Friv <3 A 8 Caibonn'urn, T ft j Pennington h d Might. A«x R MoCooF b g and tcesiigfit. Aliasing—Hergt A A lialm*, ii I) Riotia- ds.m, ! priv-ito i J V M •.♦Jisjhae . COMPANY K, CAPT J S BRjLL, COMVo K*i led —None. W*-traded—Uapt J 8 B?all hip and bladder, 1 eince Lieut VVui O';vr*r c&est sern tiK, pn- j va’ctn Wdj Ldt jlUir orex sericns. •M:ss ng -Privates J A KU des, W 0 B*rir:«er. • Total—Killed 9. woaod d B’J, mi ;aifsg JiO. 6So GA REGi‘ # , CDL J. P. 81MM8, C'OM’D’G. PIELD AND HTAFF. K*iled--L’nt C R P Fay lor. Waand-d—Co! J P Simmo r- riou-Fy COMPANY A, CAPT W C SUIT. C* HOG Wound d —Capt W 0 Nmt. pripatoa W R Br ok *, F M B-ook« f * D M He'l, JJ u Eegl’sh s. i ~ •* r . Miesing—W J Fuirsi. % COMPANY B-LT a J. PHILLTS COMMANDING. Killed—Se‘gt Tfcoo J Cawihon, Private 8 G Thompson, Woaodrd -•■'erg! Thos Ii Avery, Priv .'c J A * ■ Judea. TAB ri, W B e # *h. sen John J Avciy, prr. F Wil.-«.-n, W TS ewari, j !i R Cowen, J T "t-rvaii. slightly. COMPANY C-LT. D M LUCAS 0 UMAND2KO. Wounded-8 rg-aui Lvrkio Harrisou, p ivaie J«bn Atlam■». J • -hir-i Spr ttm, Lmkfc.rd Ricks - vV JU Harna, aenc-ÜBiy. berg I iJ D Palmer. pr> i v.»te (J J Wes*, » Mi'sirg—C«rpt VV W Cook, private Robs linker, ; : F A Woods. COMPAVY D. CAPF A MOSES COM MAM DIN 0. i Killed L: J ha B Newuian. 1 Wounded - I’rtvit® J B W'altou, Wl4 Lively. 1 I vrioualy. Carpi * DGojcwv*«. r»f ; vatei Vk 'iharr-1 i 1 j / J Siewort W N c -;r. M-ffniiy. ] Mining— Capt A Hoses, B?rgt DTOarmicai I! Corol J A Whitloot, priraten VV T fiatrici.-. A &1 : ! Toting. ; . COMP IN r R, CAPT G D lift AD 0 MMANDING. ! Killed-S*rgt MFD tens. I VVou tied—Hnv *6 I M a- riomi". t Mining— Jam:>, Can .n, Jas i COMPANY F LT J W VAKOEBOEIPY CuMMAMIIVO. ! Wounded—Privates A }* opo. 1 Pair ie*iiuß'v J F Burnett, JXV Go -doian, sightly. ’ * ; Mining-B*rgt J J Branco, Oorp’l T J Ropers OrtVMie J R R ; btusou, li c Rasri *s. j OMPANY G, CAPf R H W iO[>g COMMANDING. ' f Killed -Prira e? C H Horton, J B 1 Wounded- L* W L Taylor privsiaß J .! Coats S P » R M Pate. S M Pennington, sen- ■ Mi»acg-Befgt N W Gable. COMPANY a, LT D P RILEY COMMAND!NO Kalt d—Private A O F Leo. Wounded—J L Holsey, mortally, Scrgt J A fiolrtv. sericuaiv. Minking Lt D F Rilev, Lt U JlcLpudon. Sergt T A Jonrrua, Corpls J O Dorsey, J P Grahum, pris vates J L Smith, W 8 Childers. COMPANY I, LT 8 H SAUNDERS COMMANDING. Wounded—S.rgt A Kvals, private W F Hall, seriously. MiasiLg—Corpl F M Sellers, privates M M Buck uloo. COMPANY K. CAPT W J DUMAS COMMANDING. K’lltd -Priva‘c B H Hill. Wounded—Lt Thus J Fsetcher, privates J M Sontli, aeriouxlr, J W Wheeler, A J Fuller, Jr, L Pf>;dsT, J G Holmes, A F Prt chett, uiightly. M ."i"h: Chj»i VV J Dumas, private* W,] Me* ii. nu. %, J Ali an, ti VV if-*bier, ji> Hoi. Totr.l 9 wounded 45, uiitr.irg d Od ive i: gb» of the2S<b uft, the Ist Ga. regi* nuntf.d «na regtaiesl u- in each o f the v! • f g--*:ps in fhi» Me Laws’ diviaion were unsigned ;bo a*i:v ot duvicg theVaakee picket into Lc :!;«i i.i i. b£BautUd oo iho monung of the 29tb, hdo tailor, uniat res at *-asy range ol the W'.ik.s, t * art rs eharprhooh r. I *. This task we vcc-jma pi th wnit lutJe loss, ap.yout'll ohscive by the i..;i:‘Tnng list: i‘ C. J ii P i:.cc, wounded in band, lliutuna Rvtilr .i!>--V-g. < 11. .j A i iraham, leg #evorelv. (.* * L ii W is w.vjs, leii oil* « vurdy. O'* K. Wm iiracE, iti’gb boght, Get) W Siu»i d;* 8, t y«< s’i'Vpre. Oiie • r urn others of tAo regiment here been *<)gt liy wound ail to nee the 15m uit., but i;re not ut ui * ?ed, ;»w t.hay are with tuetr respeouve ■ e. , ti- n. Hi yun led three cf the rtgitsenlr o' lurt brigade to the vciy verge of the duch tumd id ;oU, through a perfect shower ot Alin* d'iJ :vau tiiutigM lorcad to iull bu~k, frum the naime of the ground, was among uip lust t iiv.• iiu* seene. Iu this charge, Capt. Eiiis, «»t ti- -i H.’ir ait 11* received Ins wuund. i huve bees aiauly furnished with the oi e. ramus by t.ur tcllowNiownamau, L eut J. VV. Walifr, A A A. G. to Gen. 8., which may Le r?* bed on as i fficul. . Tm • taiitwg i>ac-’ programme at Coal ■. i.t : L* *ua-.q ieai reiatorciug ot Geo. Buresiae bj’ rhea.-, li-i ca l td tb'H c»rps to loee wirit in r. l/v e it would most certainly Lavs imi— K 'nxv c.awi us gartim.ui,or at ic&yi u iier poi t «“• ?me latter. Had Oen.Loogaireet rt-Eia:neti at K=»- xnile, Lc would Lave huu Butamde in trout. :»uit .• r in; -vcenieu'h !r. mTh tuas m i-- retr, m con end wuh. ile uot ieireaUd, Uui mere - ly changed hm trout, &nu instead oi bring be«* f. en the two, caw e*»ily coosr it: b;>:i <u iheai. Wc uit* ioauging ! z ?y nhout fifty rru.s from KucxviUe, a:.*t >!•« \ joxb bavo abundant luaily to cff.r us lig»it. SIAKIVR «!’ TMK WHKIIUVKEN OFP I'llliiLlisiU.V tiAiOiilil, The Be • V»-rK Herald, ol 8a u <iay, c ntaius He pi. ucu.H' -i of thej sinking oi -ho id uttor Wee* ha-ik-T. ofl Eharlcsa a, on lha G !i ltiai. Its cor* n sporuleot w. VrPi 6a:i\‘tlav bad been •«. bright ard ooa iu ui day, ivufi .carcely a brtaift ~l a;r aud wnb h culm, inn 111 *d . During the u»gb t u bret*-? .pi ug up, unu »bu wind, blowing reth ya; day* cii Biiiiuay, uscrehseu by uuou to a tidUpt cf.'iii), *Ue iii*a*cin(i ii.et wie ly:i»g meantime a ft urii.i aneborege. The rigft’e New ! i;u. «;d i wivi at.c.io.-e • vtf Ai'.rr;:i is da: a dp.';ace •J f tIUOU- uy:’ lili.u i.CO fttr.t i.ODi Fort \V Or j r-.ii is ui-w 0 !!' d, F irt -StiT)»v Nurtb oi tim i on* j j i.idi: lay the Ua,;-/ ■ ip ( ait (ielptna, distac: ib m | j four huudii vl yards, Ti.** We huwfceu w.s next J !Hi iiii-, AHCiH •« i iv- or •line buadied v-nrcla to : •«? •» iL ♦ aru he tl g«:ihip. he M< a tank J m-,. i r nickel duty b awe n F otSum ©'LL'dFrri jM t. i-. Astern o- tht Inn lay to-. Nauvm ;ud Pa.-aaic—(be ia ter in t. e> tuw iy irvm th - | fiimditp. end n furor tbeu ary o li«r vt'Sr-.-i i > the ! Moi da l.ilutii! Ntore. Tii .'South Ga ofis i c-nu ilouw o*i iiHskmir on ;c tide ictne fire or b x Duudreil yaids aateru vi the iro T*ciMtj. ; • ab*»vc r-M5 «-.u p eithin < f the fl.ei when the In»t eiM.tiai *>! distress was uiade fiorn the VYcr a.- ken, ut a few utir*ulea before two o’cTOuk. The aitfuui w s si>:ti uad answered at unco by the > , lioin wbiah lour boa’s warn ua j.a eb^ • • <o t-rs •* 2 «• aud oy ;de Bouib C..roJi’:!‘, wnloh »« i. r tv»u of bei b u.n io thu Wcehuwa ktiu's a"'. r l 'be tugs Dandelion and Lis wer » at mm c*iil!ed up and with them o>d»** ootnuer Duncan, o; ihe WeebawKcu, v»i:u cba:ued o be • .1 ihe llug*t:lro, uuu iu cnnTtrsu'i l n vuu the Admiral, wben the aagnut w«ts proceetL . <d luirmidmtciy with Uih hopu of riiu ung h h vessel-ou >he bs acb. H« had scarcely Ji: the Adoi.r .i wlicu the officer of tha deoic made ou * 1 ru thu Wuah.twxou a ».♦**¥ Signal, and i . medu* ately r poiiefl Ini’* lo b«* B:nkiD^ A i.nie.uitui er .%bo settled swiitiy down by the J bead, <-*ee “u i ugiuir < rur u tne Btarucaeu, juvi di npnture-i benu tii the waves i: i mij*--*»ft‘bie to cotivty ary »u » oi the nps ; I i-alils - Da enj • ; i|i:B ilitbPlrf. 1: Caijia vviia f , r>nefi ho i . t ; --V . l-cri r, r»j.i fbeo, at I, the ! V : aeu* v. i: tv. *Llh ii!t ;«»r • • wh • | ,iiw lo ; d P ipp »r iu uieJ;i > ai the ev.lMi-cd o | their <*wn stnaee. i:«: c-ntuh:on *>u ibt* 12 arism ly ft >m t .i. ti of ». lucbing j bur b-’i.ttu, aiid t:m dbei-.i ot both oliicurn unu ! ui r n ki bo first in them, wng mo..t lu'i-nsi n ; ;•» -4 u>. 'i'li..* wind y n now blow eg v. i h great i ury, a;.d ii &j.it« which ias eueu irotn a!i stde» jto e:. • ; id gr/at peril m picking f j up hum ii»a wa er tlm lew wao iiud su ceded tu I jv *- »t; t~' Y I -u the U eehawkeu bel.ne uh»* ! 4"l. u.oet at the mouiCiit she went <io«n setrm 'v • . nr rnor sprung to tii.: boats and ki h i ceeikd in ge-t:wg w;,y. As nitny Gibers wine I*: ...1 <t : .n the d-ftiag ’.var-*d by tho lauucbsx f ti- b.'g :; p, the 8 tr.h Garoliu.i urd the ing** ! ODutd D..U jolion J.na Ills. Til liy { c.it-l'ttl. Ati day tuo WcehawEsa fed luuo.vd heavily Ir. ; apt her docks c netantty a&b<nerg« I i d, aud wh cii frequently uwept ir, nuge volutrirs | io*u 1., r fir ward hitch. To Waru aouo iLecr j c-iff . enccd pay tiaf out chain, tunas ' her; ta : , i iccos oiucd as they wore, 4 a every gale, to the adit; ••'•g *>l tc ?i; b a*, ii m believed in at ih. v • ad grown coulidcnk aud car *leea.of dangor, Maid nv he-d to the encroach mg waters unti i. .v:t.s ioo :. et!» real at tr** a. They dreamed ol tu i-eril Ail the waves hid fair y yawned to svtahow ; Vir.iv. Tiu-n, when it wts kauwa lor a ceriaiaty ! •j.,.’ ih: vi ,l was to be font, a panic oi 1 right •na f.;ur bcuuoib-.d tbeai, and he terror-.'lr»cke o ew below h.d lii le power to help themselves, i: t-re ’'.-re men in ironn oetwean decks, aud the BT.O nt a uriii.i riioLe : frantically tu relet® • I t'j-rn. Pocr tel ••»*, they a I went d -wu. There •••.' • , | ; • - the fiti gjOD -for!?«.-? eward, wh<»never r -turn d. | f fir re ware lir.:ui**a at me *t*ru »oe, lowii-Tt*. vain j «brivk-< for a hivpiag hand at the pum, ;* were j made A few ot the confine't vrer« rtir-hJog to | their qn ;rt:rH "* ‘are •*.■•■ ir eff-w',:, j -eil.r.g the deck i ! L w..s ». iH’db of' .t.-i I ke ineae :iiat the ; Weeh-wKen went d >vn. ; I,b:»hc7u that none ot the •••fflesrs perished save I •’■!« iot» r ossiMunt uncin >ers, who w-.-rc overtaken j ±- ■■■ r h-y eou:1 make any effort m j ««CBpf. Commander Duncan had only taken com • : *i;a«d “» Hi- Aceauwkeii on k'aturdftr, having bead dc’.achrd from the Pan! .! »r? r-j r**lt»va C *h ** i >-r Orlboun. l’he ofliccrs* c'oib’ag, the funds, find tb:; papers of ibe ship att k -v:<h her. Th. Term, u was brought alive os the . Inird’fd i-1 Mvam« « fnw m .mm s •erwd d. V r wil l pa* li-a wo; e D*ck-d op end UlEc'n f* • i-e ..-'-a Where ev«r/ pr c,« V 18:00 Was ru ide ter . ;*-ir v ‘or *-j revT.ra tit>R Thv- •» Vie crew who »r? ear or C ~tC"rd UJ -piaA'S ‘-iir ugfiour ti fleet I ».H t, p 'ssib’e *0 rs Cm-,. Hi prescLi tbe » m 3 o»‘ ’.h'.'StJ wild w.:p lo«t. linsa IN THE >U*TH AND DoINOBeaiNF?3IN THE 80CTR. A d«nt l>»Es, *j ; = >r<»tis -are iier« Ut y o North, with tbd iole- ti* i r.,' itaying t hero bilo the war asts. •« th :tr proper* t?hubj *c:-o CGiifi-c ii >n or no ?*' He cites r. case in pniu*, hut we p e e.*, at pr ent, tj pres 01 u;n a geeerai wav A nan made man v during ‘lie war, and b. tight property, liavi gdo further inures* in the S inthern c-*a*e, and uri heiug able to make c oney by tie pile, exorwa-s h\s ir»- t«ntio.i to *v North/' but don’t vrnnt to ,-.eil fi r the “C onfederate r.iah ” S i he m .keci a-bam convovance t» so » >::r.w, equally Kotuving ■ up li rrfi.'l . and g-*ts g pAimpon »-> g.-> io Fur,, , • ;«i mr.rocr, or same 00c tine, bdU the firs th*ng sea*- <■ r the absentee Le in iu Hdl‘i ro-re or Wsahii-fftcQ, plftvtng detective *a ihp Lr.c l:, or fieliira wnink«V for gieso-oacts. ui* property re j, ll " d ««'*» interest. An ,fi. er ce»e m pom: it wiete* o ciapn. *of hi , pr( , pert . ll6d •cut suck • for th i aima reason*, u* P ;i s . aU ii tliSes ooocsor nores pivahic. after the war With the te in his pocket, soeurci] by the property be retires Irotn the trtnbled sueo-. A anrt B a-e isolated ers \ hut th.v are (penmen* of a l-rae Ofae: who hey,. JeU the Confeder :cy, aud are fSii.l leaving m rcures, ut check or restraint. ttiehmpy.d Examiner. Gts J. E. Johnston.—The Richmond Whig announces, by authority, that this accomplished Bolditr fcns been placed ip comtnand.of the army of Tennessee. .The people of tf>e Confederacy hare the higiisst cnofidencs c b'aebiltty end we beltcvc wil ! welcome his appointment r-a a proper tribu'.e to bis worth. 1 bT te leg rapb~ ) "»mto.tociui.Tio,.. ' toct.ic-. »«nnliE« to to. VjrS£«Vl? tb* 0 ) ids- iaaosa eo. in the del Konheni ill. ViV:,. 0 ■r :cnl»d..»te«»infortiM. ______ cor ’ YAKKCiS CAVALRY IN * P f ,tSWT OF GEN. FOltliES'l. YANKEE NEWS FROM THE v'’** l ’- Special Dispatch to Mobile Advertiser & it "* ster - Oxford, Dec. 22.—Accounts from the vicin ity of Corinth report all the enemy’s cavalry on the Memphis and Charleston road gone in pursuit of Forrest. • I The Chicago Times of the 14lh contains a j j Cairo dispatch of the 12th. Accounts from r j Arkansas represent Gen. Price crossing Red • j River, into Texas, with a force of 5,000. Mar | maduko is ondeavoriug to join him, and the j Kedorala areju pursuit. % ! A Cincinnati dispatch of the 12th says, on j the authority of the Knoxville correspondent ; of the Gazette, that the Fedora! loss in the late .. j-siege was 1,000, and tho Confederate loss 5.000. Northern dates to the 10th. received since, n1... ’ , | are unimportant. - j Knoxville dispatchos to the Cincinnati Press s I represent that Longstreot lost 3,000 prisoners, j | all his artillery, and many deserters, in his re ' cent retreat. The small pox rages with great violence at 1 I Nashville. : I The Nashville correspondent of the Mis • | sonri Democrat says Grant is repairing the j Memphis mid Charleston Railroad from ; 1 Tuscumbia to Decatur, with great vigor, and . it will soon be completed. j The Tennessee river is navigable over the t Muscle Shoals. i Washington advices state that there is no immediate prospect of a change of command ers of the Army of tne Potomac \ it is proba ! I b e that it will soon start ler Richmond. ' j AW s ongton despatch proteges to have 1 higii authority for stating that all rumors of j tenders of peace from the rebels 3ro destitute , ' of any basis whatsoever. In New York many families are breaking j up .ouse-kceping and going to boarding, on j account of the high prices of everything. . , New Orleans advices via Memphis, per j schooner Henry Ward, arrived from Vera j Cruz, confirm tho reported capture of Puebla by the Mexicans. The roads in Mexico are generally in the I , possession of the guerrillas, and the French i | supplies can only *,<• curried through by heavy \ j _ additional northern NEWS. ! fi leiiM no, ft.- IV -The Tribune r »i,: A I mr,r.' mgubiieua cowment ib » >1 . g , j. wc . ever read, ati ;e dvrknri-.- and ties . The Chesapeake iell Hbeilje: n rtatu-day with lan increased crew an i twmty chaldron* of coal. General Hanks animituee.l oat theforce* Washburns sciz-d iha »r> >r to i-laiagort'a. 1 he rebel garrison at FotEspsranai <me ihuus. •»ud men, blew up ,he mag.* ne end lied. Ten guns were captared. The s earner M'm ••'.piurej oy (tic snpp'v s’<amer Uircuiainn, arrived at FuHreia SI -n oe. Tins Mina hud a valuable ass ot-d ca-go. I .id coin visits Ford , Th.-atie rghfl? to v, ntes Hackett. Saulfiburr, of Drearer--, refused to rate ihr I 'Valiv rath. I, i ;) likely to lead to tr.uble m tho Vena'll • tie Cavalry cap'ored at Char' s Cry c. 11. CONGRESSIONAL, i PASSAGE <;P TBS BILL IN REFERENCE ’!o| THOSE HAVING SUBSinUfES. i Richuord, Dio. 83- Most of the day m ;he * R use was spent discussing the bi 1 to put men j.u service who have heretofore furn>'—l .•utbs'f , lulej. '1 he deepest irter: m- was r, . , ited by an spectators from ti.-.u • • V'a** | P!oua (ttrencnneQ-fi were proposed O bat nil j =vbo now have s; ffiaicn: tubaiiut-- ; the a-:rvtc«?, j or whose Fii'.tetitiiU s h v« died cr been dissbled m j ibe t’ne i-l duty, shall'be cxnnpi >;se yv »f rorn | tne day the substitute entered »bi ur my; an ! other providing c oui| •og.itioj, & j These wre j voted down* ai. _ as amended ind passed is i iiJ follows: Whereas, ’a the present tii cnme uncos ol the I aouairy, it requires the uid oi u who -» .b! • h° oe-jr firm*, the Congress q( «be Co'if. derate of America do enact, that no p«p»ou nha'l j ue ex-i': pied from mi * ary service by ic*:\s.«n of • hie having fiuni«fc»*da sub.-*tuu:e; i r» l, hat , nothing ih the fort*, oiog clause al &ii he so r. n j '■trued as to relieve tb • :*ubftitute from any ob* i or liability contracted cr aEi-ooieU b} aim os such subsututc; but this act Bh.il Lot he so construed ug to sithut persor»$ t 7. h. ihcugh not Ii&ole to rercer uaiatary s rvice, v . evcr» iheless put in substitute. i‘iu a b»‘l Whj adopted bra vote of 52 to 13. The mMioo to r- cja .ider | Vu'.ed dowu by s very large uiajoriiv. The.HouKfi parted a biiiagreed 10 iu the Sen* i » *>k yrstfrcfuj, to pay the Provisional Govern. ; uwni o Kvutuery *1.000,000 to doihe K.a. ! ntcSy Soldivrsi. This bill a vaits lbs Frrtmjm'n j <?p; rovui. The Hsnale bill m p-„ ect caembvra cf Congreee j !r cui anauranee bv naaaport agrnta was v ottd ; down, ayes £9, nays 2S. . I In *b* hjnale, the bill to allow fariEvra to piy bo potato Uthing lax in monsy, and j awaits the I’rcsident’s approval. Tho Military O cumutee reported baok a bill i tieretofora referred to •'•s«tn, to repeal the oci au j '.bon* »g lho deslruetn-n o propo ty .< : miiitary j necessity, writs the recostnjnnd aion th it do H ft” pa*-"- It *»'l ptactU on the caiecdar. ! The President eent'o lbs S mate a eoc mnni j estten from the Secreiary "f War <u refer-nee to j oan inystiy as to who u cow filling t v tffices |o' tl.-.sri rmaster Gonerai, which e ic.h-i v i ‘ ' r g by speech somewhat aev.-reon tbu President | ' appoiaticg Guo. Lia-ton to that ollieo, oh irg. jmg that it was wuh utmr.himt of law. rii ° s i TTaNs-ittississiPri. Mobil*, Dec. 22.—Tne Advertiser & Register ba> a *nec.ti. dtr'rd Oxford, the 22d, which says that the Chicago Titovs of the I4:b, has Cairo dates of the 12 h. Arkansas acCoAts represent Price with lire ‘bousartd men crossing the Red Ul?.r ini< Texas ! iiarmadnke is endeavoring to join. | The Federal* are ?a . ursuit. INew Orleans advices, via Memphis, say an &r --rival from Vera Uru* c<*nt>rm* the capture of Puebla by the Mexicans. j The roada generally art in possession os guer rillas. The French supplies r*re only carried hy heavy escort». javekUjL the Yankee raider! WORSTED. j Richmond. D?c 23 —A private) dispatch from j | Oni- n dated y-stedav, sub the Yankee* have u »t been thoro. Averi‘l is reported to hove parsed j Whi»e So Vim r Springs on tb* 201 h on ms rp, j j u * • e vtis badly worsted. It is reported that; I ona u i his largest regimenta, the fourteenth Penn- • Bjlrauia, was oat off. 1 SIK'JE<IP CHARLESTON. HE AY Y EiiELEiN OF THE CITY. DAMAGE COMf’AKATIVELY TRIFLING. Due. 23 - • cthiag unusual oc. ctfttd here to-de 7 . One hundred aud ihirtr f aV t were fired at the city hr the enemy, from | . 0 oicck Thursday nij-ht t t 4 o’cloc* Friday after, noon. These were fi-cd 5 ;:aa8 _ 3 a! lery Greag. lat orlarHatttry. The darnege done lo the civ by lhi3 fi-ieg wan enmperattrely IriflinK An engagement took place on Joh '3 T .; v . between our bttleriea and , iboat chono river, which rraalted m a drawn fi -h. Trerr were bat fi.w cesr-i' . 0.,,’ LATE it FHUH VIRGIN! . ROSSER IN THE CIRC HIT. e Movoiiars op the enemy. a Orange C. H., Doc. 26th.—Gen. t made an entire circuit of the enl ire Yankee " army during the \mt week. Starting t vonx • Fredericksburg, and entering the Valley at* » Conrad s Store, he burned the bridge ove? Fopo’s Head IJun, near Langston’s Staticn, just out from Alexandria, capturing and d • ’ stroving the Yankee troop 3 left there as -.i. guard. Owing to the high water aud bad t weather he was prevented from doing mou. Gregg’s Yankee Cavalry pursued him. was forced to swim Bnll liun. Our losfvc-rv x j slight, if any. The enemy, while in pursuit, , | destroyed two tanneries, emtaining le.ither,u: 11 Sperryville, Rappahannock County, and, aI-*o, two tanneries and a dour mill, aud some Gov . ernraeut workshops at Tusa, Page County. They committed nmny other excesses, inched , ing the taking away of negroes and shot a Confederate named Snediey, at \\ r iishingtcu* Rappahannock County, alter surreuilering t . them. Parties j i*i from re nrt Vr.s enorny , to be pulling do*:; all vacant acd omLouie* ta their line , including ell conrc'r.r-v, in order to eonstract wiuter quarters, Th? vne nr -‘re is-* s lieg r iio ;S Vj oi-. Z’ds iu Culpepper count?. They moved infantry us tar in t‘;ia three d.-n ItitcceiPs Station, cn Thur.i'av tv ning, ■ ii*ct a-j oicketn, a»ri r.lieve ih-? cavalry to nu rear* .r j ana rtcruit. THE REVOLT AT I OUT J.\CK«OV, y < bile L) v•.* l4 —(,\ip t*:i Ah ii *t .» e Alico j Wiur., w\y vr ,? iei«r ; - ;d, Las c.r »v-d Isotn Natv Orleucs. Tuo white regtoaentß aentciow; j ‘u Port J ackson, b<. bad nol ;.;c >v ; t i tbs ioJ, i d re w*h ti ;bl l**, or •‘•'utu y. FROM FAM’ 'iT.ANESjaiiir. i Bristol I) c US,—Oo, 3 1. -*roaiJ s autli’dgcvr.tc aid M :r: v.. (j i;i n d: j w *s Lekr 1 :hvr Suodu.V tv<b J*. :\ i\ cjt I was ui Hh.-o to ion-.w nn , acriv*.'. s.i m co-;st ,j j Qtwoc-.' of u. ! u tnb*3r dJ bacc iim d inui n i oiscouiu "" d- TU: wu&ther ia« old. Tat uaoua" ift'D l * a r *? CD* ed VT'lb “now;. THE Ri.GKO REVOLTCONFIILAIBD. Syec t *d .br M- r.jib e .\.:»j*eak . Moqil*:, Dccc-rubt-r 2t,—The • . dispatch s just received Irocn Brockbuvtn, dated 2-ti* iUHtunt. Tw » ofUc-ra wbo menped .Vew Orleans on the 14 h, I rmg lol.uwing :ateU:g«.nce: 011 the 9 u lustnot the aegroeu 10 Fort Jucksnn niuun.td aud iweiity.tcur Mil if tw of tne while o*fic**r3. They ul-d f.ur k one boat, supp •'■•ed to nr u i : ar.si or: # Oa ibe 14th they still h d the fun agaiuet ill*-; couibinod lan 1 nndi u.-.vui ;o:ccs. A eoollict wua hourly expected between toe nrgroes aad the Yankees. () } the*. lS b.Gcn. ii ; heard to re jark l I that fighting was still ;ij. • that being the avcotd of the ba^ j A Nrw th#y r. ■ r-rat Cocf**dorato j olficer.-*, clip lured h. !• r.a. vs > s.iii tbj C-n eu iatti* wciv aiu.r • -• • : x Q ,id, aud had driven the enemy back Et.ven miles. Everyth*., g In m the - us- I s.-.s-ipp. is en couraging, and :be : rmv a is eplenuid spir ta and under gued discipline. fii. Charlbst -N t Dec. 23 -All quiet it Sumter.— No firing on the part of lue enemy »or the uix hours. Moultrie fe ; in kept t:p 1 lire oa ibe workirA' parties ai G gg. Home cii geasrv being both ocG* rg VY - jn«*r a thwvatD:& «<! whfch ti as uoi tr c?p: -? J. '*"• •* fi f** recna'T i •B&ctive. The number •• ?.-• abcul ti’ n Oir guubouts .**uv.- been p NCt.cing tod-.y, and (lid 8- »?•? fine shoo?:*: OOMMEROIAL. AUGUSTA MARKET DTU 28, 1883. Rbjiarki.—Wo have* uo change to make m our report Sisco last M nd »y, the qn • nrh-ns givea U.bu will answer f r t- is v ,;!;. Tb- Christmas holidays, with the nc cl.c -/. productd r du-lnesß in the market, u:u v <.• ,* *»t • bas be&a d no; theso o«us s, in conjunct; n with the ..nxtoty fe-t by C:*mme:<r t ai e•. a• - g tt : dto the ‘tction cf Congress fa tue currency q itrstion, aai caused a tinii, in com me e : a! truns-&c*i-:>n3 v and i*v*»rvthfr -r d n I aGOUG! \ i . ... ?7 Hi tov lo ii c loi L' u I A-MuiUsixatiiVi c tilts. ?tat. nf .Vi .uLtw b SUV" 3 ( vu.- c Binsniar he xindrwt uml toi . • • . , . t .uv odlce within the tic*c presc. - . j-’u by ir*. u.id sb jvr u » ua ®*, If uuy tiiny have, wiy ,;U iJtiera nnt bo ranted. Given under niy oundand offle!. l ?* sis-.-t •*Hth Cvr of W <-*4 Ju /:< iamui&. jstFw son county.- * r • VJT !Ui. .1 • .6w..rJ :i. truiloii ..oboa » non on e-t. te ot O G'iiL Sf-i»ie:ca« deciHS.f*— These are, therefore, to cite *a<l aamonl ; : was. «mut . at my otaice wittun tiie urn. j-n-scrlb* ! v law, t.> •suise.lfAny taeyctn.why &*1 i s-nter aeijcnt-jJ. Given antler »*v hand, at oiSce»» L-.*i: vi.’ip ft» ithda? Dec m .r, ISM. MLiiOi-AS DiEHL, ' «I>c3t yQ '•-• Mry, GUARDIAN’S SALE. BY virtue e r an order fra-n *» * Oourt • t Ordfrtrr ol Jef er-.-n fowity, wli! be *e!ore f.re i « oue* a*xjr ocu>B iiie. lij.-x. Tucwt-v in KLh iUAKt neri.a l r «f»W - otcAor. " ' *±Too fc .K E* D XoS'‘ nKOrtt-iA, Ep't-KLt-O:. CO .NiJ if. . t.. ' 7 b- tsfi-a ‘ Uj.puts 10 me *T ia - D bool non on’Hi s a’-oo*W;m.»in J Had *e vice a-ud— Those are, therefore, to cite am: . . •; Guxular.the kimlreh au«l Greilitorsof b:- appeurat my oflirp within the time Drcscrio*-; 1 uv-iv z 4hc-w cause.ifauy they have, wl y said Letter? should •> be granted. Given under, rty hand at olicc >n Lei Isviile. *bh llthday* Dtc rober, lfc’Pl. NICHtiLAS I*l - Hi, dec 24 80 Ordinary. GEORUIt, JE T F*vRSON (JOUNTT—Whereas, Jch W Alti&rid rnjfpllesto me or Letters ot Adminivrj, tine de bout? n- n upon the eataie ol W a t».*y-.L I .ti u*Y- n county, deceased— These ar*» to rite an<i mimonlsn. M ana a-nsru- u the kindreaanJ or said dece-ised, to b*> at my office within thetlinoprei.rlbedbv law. and .mow ca -- *1 any tney have, why said Letters should not be funte ■ Give” under my hand at othce in Loul-vl lo i-ec- tr - nth. 194' NIUIiULAS DIEHL “ •j ec24 30 Owfin.Tr / ( KORUI X, JBVFER-aS O*>'J.VTV.-.Wh-revr U ' ‘ A. *i« rcer appiles to ntf K»r Le teis o* 1 UiurtJlorshine * th est-.te of HobertK aatcuer, minorher ot Vkljiiihf'Y Hnt-her. dtc^M■ cl—. . These arc. thereror», to ejte and admonian all ami alnen;-, the kindred ana creditors of said *3=>d. to b-* and anA-L, at my office, within the t ma prescrlnM i aiv t 0 cuse, if any they have, why the said Letters should tfiy granted. Wu ' ‘liven nton» hatl. at-oOe.h W ville. »h>,li’htoe afDeeerabar.tSSa. HCCHOtoas CXKrtfi. ttWrt 80 Ofll^rc / 1 CUIHW V, .<n. , , * me ler Lc-tt t 9 c Oa: i.. a-h Y FerutnaniL Bar b E. B'ba«*o oi r*. k-g. ujni w n * llHtche., mtn.'r eli> ot V ier-tia- a H • tcher?dejvjl to citcann a.imoui-in -*u and alar ,a.- lh- aud friends of sa.d minors to be v i ap > ; r w nfc im ? bylaw.tOF-ow Ranted' f uny ey l xave > said lotiers shon. i n' i bo | Given under mv haaa at office in Lnn»*vme, thfr llth aa. 0f r :, ww * NIOiiGLAiiDIEHL, ««C34 43 Ordinary,