Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, April 29, 1868, Image 8

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TEE WEEKLY CONSTITUTIONALIST- Orleans Picayune. Idealizing. by pearl rivers. Were you a gentle Zephyr, And I a Summer * Rose, 1 would woo you to You should kiss no oth £ T . ■ *♦ And when weary you should rest, By my fragrant breast caressed, Hidden deep within mybreas , Were you a Zephyr. Larling, And I a Summer » Rose. Were you the Wind of Autumn, And I, your love, a Leaf, From the home tree I would sever, And floit with you forever Down the Autumn’s go den ude. 1 would never, never chide. For your madest freak won.d be, Bummer zephyrs soft to me. of Autumn. And I, your love, a Leal. If I were Queen ef < £“ B ? m , er U i „„ And you were inter s King, I’d gather into posies, AU mv violets and roses, All blossoms fresh and sweet, And lay them at your feet: At your cold and icy feet, If I were Queen of Summer, And you were Winter’s King. If I were Twilight’s Lady, And you were Lord of Day, We would walk the dewy meadow And mingle light and shadow; You would smoothe my dusky hair, I would kiss your brow so fair, If I were Twilight’s Lady, And you were Lord of Day. Were you the Ocean, darling, And I, your love, a Star, On your bosom I would glisten; I would bend me down and listen To the great throbs of your heart; Light and wave would never part, Were you the Ocean, darling, And I, your love, a Star. "Were you the Heart, beloved, And I, your love, the Hand, We would always go together, Through shine or gloomy weather. Gold could never buy the Hand, True to love the Heart would stand, Were you the Heart, beloved, And I, your love, the Hand. Were you the Present Darling, And I, your fate, the Past, Naught but olden, golden treasures, Wrapped around with rosy pleasures Would I ever bring to thee; You would love to think of me, Were you the Present, darling, And I,your love, the Past. Hosolochitta, Hancock county, Miss. [From the Huntsville Democrat. SENATUS, STANTON ET GRANT. OBIOURVNT, 1868. Hie jacet Senatus, Stultitia inflatus, Amore uEthiopi , Atque odio Austri. Hie Stanton et jacet, Cum quo Granti placet, Ut olim facere, Sic demum jacere. Omnes insipientes Quidem dencientes, Sit patriae amore, Caesi sunt a sartore, A filio Johannis. Kt nunc, in multi s annis Perfidi et audaces, Proditores mendaces, Sine conscientia, Sine penitentia, Stanton, Senatus et Grant, Pcenas in Tartaro dant. You May Be Too Late. Be warned in time. Diseases like Indigestion and Dyspepsia are not to be trifled with. There is such a thing as being TOO late in these matters. Inflamma tion, or Scirrhus Cancer, or some other dangerous disease may ensue, when all restoratives, no matter how potent, would be ineffectual. Do not delay then. When the symptoms of Dyspepsia are first experienced resort at once to the great restorative medicine, HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, and you will be safe. But few disorders involve greater suffering, and, if not in itself immediately dangerous, it is the source of many deadly maladies. Even if it did not tend to greater evil, the mental and physical misery it produces is alone a sufficient reason why no pains should be spared to pre vent or cure it. In no country on the face of the globe is it so completely domesticated as in our own, where it is found in nearly every household. HOSTETTER S STOMACH BITTERS are universally conceded to be the sovereign remedy for this annoying disease, as they act directly upon the digestive organs, correct and tone the stomach, and give renewed vitality to the system.— Acting delightfully upon the nerves and soothing the brain, renders them efficacious as a mental medicine, as well as a genial stomachic. If taken as a preventive, they will be found particularly well suited to the diseases arising from the unhealthy season of autumn, and their use will prevent the creeping, unpleasant sensation often complained of when the chills are stealing slowly upon the patient. ap!s-eod4ctmyl 13" TRUE BUT S i'R ANGE.—Any person sending u s their address, with 20 cents, will receive, by mail, the Name and Carte de Visite Os their future Wife or Hus band. REEVES A CO., ap23-c3m 78 Nassau street, New York. Brazilian Emigration ! CHARLES NATHAN CONTRACT. o DEPARTURE OF SECOND STEAMER. o FIRS'! CLASS, Large, Iron Ocean Steamship —the Second of the Line under the contract of Mr. Chas. Nathan with the Brazilian Government—will leave New Orleans for Rio de Janeiro, on WEDNES DAY, May 20th next. First Cabin Passage, $l5O in gold. Second Cabin Passage, $125 in gold. All the Passengers will fare at the same Tables.— Abundance of substantial, well cooked food; plenty of bedding and bed room; water, fuel, servants; medicines and medical attention to all alike. Passen gers’ baggage, personal effects and agricultural imple ments carried Free of Charge. Freight will betaken at New York Rates. Bills of Exchange given on Rio de Janeiro. A circular, with further details of Mr. Nathan’s contract, will be forwarded on application. For Passage and Freight, apply early to E. L. HART, Agent, Na 10 Union street, or to P, O. Box 1,906, ap22-d»cl New Orleans. Notice to Debtors and Cred tors. LL persons indebted t > the estate of Robert Wall, late of said county, deceased, are hereby re quired to make immediate payment, and those to whom said estate is indebted will render in an account of their demands within the time presented by law, properly proven, to HENRY BYNE, Acting Executor. Bcbeb Co., Ga., April 10,1868. apl9-c6 CONSTITUTION WATER, the only known remedy for Diabetes, Irritation of the Neck oi the Bladder, Inflammation of the Kidneys and Ca " m the Bladder, Stranguary and Burning or I ainful Urinating, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, ’ rlc k Dust DepoajCLand Mucous or Milky Discharges after UrinalifflgVFqr sale by all Drug gists. WM. H.TUTT. r>ovl6-dac6m Constitution life syrup eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin. For sale by W. H. TUTT novls-d*c6m Wood, Lumber and Shingles. JD• KAURS BRO., opposite Waynesboro’ Depot, Augusta, Ga. We have, and are constantly receiving, a large assortment of WOOD, LUMBER and SHINGLES, and are prepared to fill orders at the lowest market rat s. All ordets left at the Store, corner Greene and Elbert streets, will be promptly at - tended to. i dec27-6m HURLEY ’3 POPULAR WORM CANDY As this is really a SPECIFIC FOR WORMS, and the best and most palatable form to give to children, it is not surprising that it is fast taking the place oi all other preparations tor worms—it being perfectly tasteless, any child will take it. HURLEY'S STOMACH BITTERS, For Debility Loss of Appe tite, Weakness, In digestion, or Dyspepsia, Want of Action of the Liver, OR DISORDERED STOMACH, There is No Bitters that can Compare with these in removing these distressing complaints. For sale or can be had at any drug store in the United States, or from the proprietors, JAMES RUDDLE & CO., Proprietors. Louisville, Ky. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! Hurley’s Sarsaparilla. o Os all the medicines that have been discovered dur ing the present age for the “ thousand ills that flesh is heir to,” none equal this wonderfu preparation. Only ten years have elapsed since the discoverer (who spent a decade in studying experiments, and prefecting it) first introduced it to the public, and it is already re cognized by the most eminent physicians in all parte of the country, to be the most surprising and effective remedy for certain diseases of which they have any knowledge. All other Compounds or Syrups of this root have hitherto failed to command the sanction of the Facul ty, because on being tested, they have been found to contain noxious ingredients, which neutralize the good effects of the Sarsaparilla, and oftentimes injure the health of the patient. It is not so with HURLEY’S preparation. This is the pure and genuine extract of the root, and and will, on trial, be found to effect a certain and per fect cure of the following complaints and diseases: Affections of the Bones, Habitual Costiveness Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspep sia, Erysepilas, Female Irregulari ities, Fistula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases. Syphilis, Scrofula or King's Evil. HURLEY’S~AGUE TONIO. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. The only remedy for Chills and Fever or A •le and Fever that is or can be depended upon is Hurley’s Ague Tonic. There have been thousands cured by using it who had tried the usual remedies without benefit; but in no case h&S Hurley’s Ague Tonic failed to effect a cure. All who have used it cheerfully tell their afflicted friends of it. as a sure and certain cure for chills and fever. Any one suffering from the chills would consult their own interest by sending to a drug store and buying a bottle. It is pleasant to take, compared with others, and will be certain to cure all cases of fever and ague or chills and fever. Bend for it to the proprietors, JAMES RUDDLE & CO., Louisville, Ky. o NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup I E haye, by purchase of the original receipt, become sole proprietors of this Celebrated Medicine. We ask you to give it a trial, with an assurance that you will in future discard ail those nauseous and de structive stuffs, such as Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial, Dewee’s Mixture, &c., combinations of a past and anti-progressive age, when it was thought that the more disgusting the mixture the better the medi cine. Use in the future only SEABROOK’S, a combina tion quite up with the advancement of the age.— Pleasant to take, harmless in its action, efficient and reliable in all cases. Invaluable in the following diseases : Summer Complaint, Irreg ularities of the Bowels, Bestiveness, Teeth ing, &c. Gives health to the child and rest to the mother. ■We could furnish any quantity of certificates bear ing evidences of its superior qualities, but prefer that our medicine should stand on its own merits, which it will do upon trial. JAMES RUDDLE & CO., PROPRIETORS. Laboratory No. 41 Bullitt Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. All the above Medicines for sale by W. H. TUTT, PLUMB & LEITNER, BEALL & HANKINSON, BARRETT, CARTER & CO., and BARRY" & BATTY, Augusta, Ga nov2B-eodaJ6m new goods. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 0 For Spring and Summer Wear. JAMES MILLER II AS just opened, at his OLD STAND, corner of Broad and Jackson street, a large and elegant stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he is selling at LOW PRICES. His STOCK embiaces every thing that is new and fashionable, in the way of DRESS GOODS and WHITE GOODS, of every description. A complete lirftof all styles of GOODS, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC ; also, a complete line of FANCY CASSIMERES and LINENS, of all kinds, for Gen tlemen and Boys wear. AU who are in need of DR Y GOODS of any de scription, will find it to their interest to examine his STOCK and PRICES before purchasing elsewhere. aps-daclm New York Column. “ STODART ” N ew Scale Overstrung, Full Iron Frame PIANO-FORTES. STUDYRT & MORRIS, MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Square, and Upright Piano-Fortes. Our New Scale Pianos, in addition to their peculiar merits, contain every really valuable modern improve ment, rendering them the most complete and perfect instruments ever offered to the public ; and for Purify of Tone, Delicacy of Touch, Dura bility, and also standing the Test of Severe Climates, the NEW SCALE STODART PIANO-FORTE STANDS UNRIVALLED. The Piano-Fortes of this manufacture have stood the test of more than a QUARTER OF A CENTU RY, and the manufacturers are at liberty to refer to over Twenty-Five Thousand Families, who have them in use in nearly every part of the civ ilized world. Parties favoring us with their orders, which will be promptly attended to, can rely upon being as honor ably dealt with as if their selections were made in person. All letters will be promptly answered by Stodart & Morris, 684 Broadway, New York. “ COSTAR’S ” PREPARATIONS EVERYBODY Tries Them ! EVERYBODY Uses Them ! EVERYBODY Believes in Them ! EVERYBODY Recommends Them! Are you troubled by Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Ac.? SKS" Buy a 25c. or 50c. Box of— “ Costar s ” Exterminators. “Only Infallible Remedies known.”— “ Free from Poison.” “Not dangerous to the Human Family.” “ Rats come out of their holes to die.” Improved to keep in any climate. Are you annoyed with Bed-Bugs ? Can’t sleep nights ? *KS“ Buy a 25c. or 52c. Bot tle of— “Costar’s” Bed-Bug Exter. A Liquid “ Destroys and prevents Bed- Bugs.” “ Never Fails.” For Moths in Furs, Woolens, Carpets, Ac., Ac. BSS“ Buy a 25c. or 50c. Flask of— “Costar's” Insect Powder. Destroys instantly Fleas and all Insects on Animals, Ac. “ A sure thing.” Thousands testify to its merits. Buy a 25c. or 50c. Box of— “Costar’s” Corn Solvent- For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. “ Try it.” Don’ suffer with Pain I A Wonderful power of Healing 1 Every family should keep it in the house. KS" Buy a 25c. or 50c. Box of— “Costar’s” Buckthorn Salve- Itsefl'ectsareimmediate. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Sore Breasts, Piles, Ul cers, Old Sores, Itch, Scrofula and Cuta neous Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac., Bites of Animals, Insects, Ac. “ A Universal Dinner Pill ” (sugar-coated), 30 years administered in a . Physician’s Practice. BST 25c. and 50c. Boxes— “Costar's” Bishop Pills- Os extraordinary efficacy for Costiveness, Indigestion, Nervous and Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, General Debility, Liver Complaint, Chills, Fevers, Ac. Not griping. Gentle, mild and soothing. “That Cough will kill you. Don’t neglect it.” BsS" 25c. and 50c. Sizes — “Costar’s” Cough Remedy. The children cry for it —it’s a “ Soothing Syrup.” For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Singers, Speakers, and all troubled with Throat Complaints, will find this a beneficial Pec toral Remedy. Beautifies the Complexion, giving to the skin a transparent freshness. CUT Bottles, $1 00 “ Costar's ” Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms. Renders the skin clear, smooth and soft. Removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Ac. Ladies, try a bottle,_and see its wonderful quality. ■ar !11 Beyvare ill of all Worthless Imitations. •ar None Genuine without “COSTAR’S” Signature. ■ST 25c. and 50c. sizes kept by all DRUGGISTS. ■Sir $1 00 sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. ■ar $2 00 pays for any three $1 00 sizes by Express ■ar $5 00 pays for eight‘sl 00 sizes by Express. Address HENRY R» COSTAR, 482 Broadway, N. Y. bar For sale by W. 11. TUTT, PLUMB <fc LEITNER, AUGUSTA, GA. •ar Sold by ail Wholesale Druggists in all the large cities. febl2-d*c6m MEDICAL. DR. DeLACEE, OCULIST AND AURIST, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JH' 1 OKMERLY of Europe, late of the West Indies, will practice the coming season. Located October 17th, 1867, iSr AUGUSTA, Gt A., At the AUGUSTA HOTEL, Ladies’ Entrance, Where he can be consulted upon all Diseases of the EYE, EAR, CANCER, CANCEROUS TUMORS, and CHRONIC COMPLAINTS. C A NC“E R, OF CURABLE CLASS, AND DIATHESIS, WILL BE TAKEN OUT, ROOT AND BRANCH, IN SEVEN TO TWENTY-ONE DAYS, WITHOUT SURGERY, BY THE CELEBRATED FRENCH PASTES AND INTERNAL REMEDIES, Used in the French Hospitals for the past forty years. One application is all that is usually necessary, even IN FOUL EATING CANCER OF THE FACE, to complete an ENTIRE AND PERMANET CURE. Under this treatment the cancer DROPS OUT WHOLE the seventh to the twenty -first day. The parte quickly heal, with a simple dressing of lard. All who suffer with this much dreaded disease, by calling at Dr. DsLaceb’s office, will be referred with pleasure to many persons residing in this city and vicinity, who have suffered with Cancer for years, who have had their Cancers taken out in the above stated time and now are healed of Cancer and re stored to health. o DR. DbLACEE would have published the above facts last October, when he first located here, but preferred to furnish abundant proof from persons re siding here, and well known in this community, who have been cured, and thereby have the above facte go before this community and the suffering AS FACTS, and NOT BOLD ASSERTIONS. o THE REMEDIES ARE HARMLESS TO HEALTHY FLESH. o NO CASES RECEIVED UNDER TREATMENT UNLESS CURABLE. REMARKABLE CURE OF CANCER ON THE FACE OF FOURTEEN YEARS’ STANDING. This will certify that I have suffered with cancer on my face for the past fourteen years. It has re sisted all treatment, until I applied to Dr. L. DeLacee, at the Augusta Hotel, the 10th day of last month. He took the cancer oat, roots and all, the Bth day, by medicines. It healed of its own accord, and now I am entirely cured of cancer, and able to say to all that may be afflicted with this most terrible disease that, if you apply in time, while your case is curable, you will be cured. The Doctor has cured others in the same time, some that I am acquainted with, who live in this city. lam sixty years of age, and have -resided in Augusta four years. r Augusta, Ga., January 2,1868. MORE EXTRAORDINARY CURES. augusta, Ga., November 21,186". This will certify that I have been afflicted with can cer in the root of mv mouth. It was so painful that I could not rest night or day. It was with great diffi culty that I could get food enough by it to support life. It resisted all medical treatment, and finally cat entirely through the roof of my mouth into my nose. I applied to Dr. De Laubs just four weeks ago to dav and am now able to announce, for the benefit of those that may be suffering from this terrible disease that I am entirely cured of cancer, and restored to perfect health, and am as well as I was before being afflicted. Miss Beulah Guillard. STILL ANOTHER CITIZEN OF AUGUSTA CURED OF EATING CANCEE OF SEVEN YEARS’ STANDING. I certify to the facts in my case for the benefit of those that are afflicted with cancer. I have suffered with eating cancer upon my face and nose for the past seven years. I was prostrated in general health and as weak as a child, and was unable to walk to see the doctor- my son took me in a carriage. My cancer at that time was eating away and spreading faster every dav I applied to Dr. DeLacee, at the Augusta Hotel, ■four weeks ago last Saturday, and now I am healed of cancer, restored to health and strength and have an excellent appetite, and am gaining more strength daily. I cannot express my gratitude for my deliver ance My cancer was taken out by one application, and dropped out the seventh day. lam sixty-seven years of age, and have been a resident of Augusta nineteen years, and my health is as good now as it was twenty years ago. Hundreds of the citizens of Augusta will attest to the above. Mrs. Margaret DuVall, Augusta, Ga., January 20th, 1808. ANOTHER REMARKABLE CURE OF DEAF- NESS AND ULCERATION OR DISCHARGE FROM THE EARS. This is to certify that my little daughter, aged 13 years, who has been suffering from deafness and dis charge from the ears, from cold contracted in infancy, has completely recovered her hearing and has been en tirely relieved from all symptoms of disease under Dr. DeLaoke’s treatment, without any painful sur gical operation, after all other treatment had failed to give relief. n r „ R. L. Gamble Augusta, January 11th, 1868. NO CASES DECEIVED TO TREATMENT UNLESS CURABLE. ALL THOSE THAT SUFFER WITH Diseases of a Private Nature CAN AVAIL THEMSELVES OF THE LATE IMPROVED French AND A Safe, Pertain and Permanent Cure OF THEIR AFFLICTIONS, By calling upon Dr. DeLacee, AT THE AUGUSTA HOTEL. octl«-d*c-tfj nov2ldecljan7 Legal Notices, A.dministrator’s Sale. I > V virtue of an order from the Cour*, of Ord-nary of Scriven county, Ga., will be sold, before tie Court House door, in the town of Sylvania, on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: One tract of Land of fifty acres, lying in Scriven county, adjoining lands of J. R. Humphries, James Frazer, estate Hen ry Best and others. Said land being the property of Benj. F. Owens, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Tkbms—Cash. TH OS. W. OWENS, Adm’r. Sylvania, Ga., April 1,1868. ap6-td KTOTICE.—Two months*after date application W ;H fee made to the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe county, Georgia, for leave to sell the Lande belonging to the estate of John Sims, late of said county, deceased. GEORGE R. SIM 3, CHARLES W. SIMS, mh26-c2m*Adrn’rs of John Sims, deceased. GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas, VJT Ephraim Blackburn, administrator, de bonis non, on the estate of Emanuel Hurst, deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at nay office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at Syl vania, this 10th <&y of March, lß6B. ROBERTS> mh!3-6m Ordinary. EORGIA, GLASSCOCK COUNTY. —Where- VJT as, Ananias Beckworth, administrator on the estate of Heunsel Beckworth, Sr., deceased, having fully administered said estate and applies for Dis mission : . These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular those concerned, to be and appear at my of fice on or before the first Monday in September, 1868, to show cause* if any they have, why said letters of Di sion should not be granted. . , Given under my hand, at office, in Gibson, this 27th da y «f»eb™^.«®- BEABOEItKITCHENBi mh7-6m Ordinary. EORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas, VT J. J- Boyd, Guardian of A. M. Boyd (formerly Saxon), applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said guardianship: . These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said minor, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at oyl vania, this 2d day of March, 1868., RQBERTg) mh4-6m Ordinary. Administrator’s Notice. EORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.-Whereas, V7T John W. Johnston, administrator of the estate of Green D. Sharpe, late of said county, deceased, has applied to me and obtained leave to give notice of his intended application lor letters ciemissory from the further administration of said estate : Now, this is to notify and admonish all persons whosoever, that six (6) months after date, the said Johnston will apply to me for letters dismissory from the further administration of said estate ; and all per sons having any objection to said dismission will make their objection in terms of the law. Given under my hand and eeal of office, this 12th dav of February, 1868. aay oi r DANIEL E< ROBERTS, febl4-6m Ordinary of said county. ASSIGNEE’S NOTICE. o CITY BANK, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. o r | he CITY BANK, located in Augusta, having made an Assignment of all its effects to the under signed, in trust, to pay all the creditors of said Bank, without preference, all persons holding claims or de mands of any description against said Bank are noti fied to present the same to the undersigned, at Augus ta, Georgia, within six months from date. J. C. FARGO, Assignee. January 10th, 1868. jan23-c4m Machinery and Mills f 1 YEARS’ experience as a practical ENGINEER AND MILLWRIGHT has qualified the subscriber for surveying Mill Sites, furnishing plans and specifications for Dams, Mills, Factories and all Labor-saving Machinery. Will also furnish TUR BINE WATER WHEELS, STEAM ENGINES, WIND ENGINES, and machinery generally. Turbine Water Wheels, for low heads, capable of doing the sawing, grinding, threshing, ginning and all other work for the largest plantation, where four feet head and fall can be obtained, with a good supply of water. How many men owning good Water Powers have been disappointed, disgusted and almost inclined to believe their power worthless, for the want of a well constructed Wheel, adapted to the power and general wants of the owner, in place of some trifling tub wheel, only capable of grinding one or two bushels of grain per hour. Wind Engines of great power, that are entirely un der the control of the operator, and capable of doing all the work for a large plantation. Persons living on elevated positions would find this machine to be of great value. Eighteen of my PATENT WHEELS have been in successful operation in this city. Five Wheels, equal to 90 horse power, are used in Uapt. T. P. Stovall’s model Flour Mill, of which I was the author. I will be pleased to consu’t with persons wishing in formation on the subject of Motive Power, &c., at my office, third floor City Hotel Building, near the Foun tain, Broad street, SIGN OF THE WHEEL. JULIUS R. HOWELL febll-d34c3m FOR SALE, r j 1 HAT most beautiful and desirable property, known as BERZELIA, situated 20 miles from the city of Augusta, on the Georgia Railroad, containing 400 acres, more or less. It is now the Breakfast and Supper House for Passengers going up the Road, and the Dinner House coming down. It is well and fa vorably known as a Summer Resort, having a fine MINERAL SPRING in 100 yards of the house, and a beautiful FISH POND in about 200 yards of the main building. It is also afine stand for a COUNTRY STORE, and a good place for a LIVERY STABLE A Passenger Train runs daily to the house from the city of Augusta, in the afternoon, and returns to the city in the morning, affording convenient times for business. For further particulars, inquire of Gbo. T. Jackson or W. S. Roberts, at Augusta, or H. A. MERRY, Berzelia, Columbia Co., Ga., atßerzelia. April 2,1868. ap2-d3taclm Books : Books ! ! Books ! ! ! Stationery ! ! Blank Books ! : O SHELDON & CONNOR, Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers, ATLANTA, GA. o (~)uR Nt W WHOLESALE CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL BOOKS, LITERARY BO >KB, THEO LOGICAL BOOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL and COLLEGE APPARATUS, &c., &c., are now ready and will be sent, free by mail on application. VV e fill all orders to the Trade at NEW YORK WHOLESALE TRICES I SKF" Send for our Catalogue and compare our prices with your New York Invoices."'®!! Address, SHELDON & CONNOR, apl2-dt*e2' Atlanta, Ga. tl yrOTH PATCHES on the Female Face de- 1 V I pends upon a diseased action of the Liver. A few bottles of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP will correct the secretion and remove the deposit, which is directly under the Skin. For sale by novlo-dicGm W. H. TUTT. Marriage Griiide. YOUNG’S GREAT PHYSIOLOGICAL WORK, or Every one his own Doctor —Being a Private Instructor for Married Persons or those about to Marry, both Male and Female, in everything con cerning the physiology and relations of our Bexiiel System, and the Production or Prevention of Off spring, including all the new discoveries never be foregiven in the English languge, by* WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of ings. All young married people, orthose contehaplat ing marriage, and having the least impediment to mar ried life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with. Still it is a book that must be locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of Fifty Cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia, ji-29-lyw jVTTENTIOISr, Southern Merchants and Planters! FRANK BALLARD, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANT, IN BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 15 Cortland Street, New York, And General Exchange Warehouse for the receipt of all Southern Products, as COTTON, WOOL, HIDES, TOBACCO, ROSIN TURPENTINE, TAR, FRUITS, Ac., No. 206 and 208 Franklin St., New YorK. KJ OUTHERN PRODUCTS, as above, rece’ved at all times, in EXCHANGE for BOOTS, SHOES, PROVISIONS, &c., for which the highest market price will be allowed upon arrival, and prompt returns made. Send ORDERS with Invoices and Bills Lading. Merchants and Planters will save “ on .: to three prof its.” AH questions cheerfully answered. Ycur busi ness and orders solicited. Address FRANK BALLARD, 16 Cortland street, N. Y., P. O. Box 4320. je4-cly ■gr*ERRORS OF YOUTH.—A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, cap do so by addressing, in per fect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, apl7-cly42 Cedar street, New York: Alpine Bitters ! Alpine Bitters! I \IR continually increasing demand for this uni versally popular EUROPEAN TONIC AND ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR, has induced the undersigned to make such arrange ments abroad as will e- able them constantly to supply all orders with which they may hereafter be favored. THE ALPINE BITTERS AND ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR, imported exclusively from Switzerland, is made tirely from ROOTS and HERBS, harmless in them selves, but marvellous in their health-sustaining and strengthening properties. Their recuperative quali ties are unrivalled, and are especially efficacious in all cases of FEMALE DEBILITY, arising from any cause whatever. Also, for DYSPEPSIA, NER VOUSNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE and, as a posi tive preventive of CHILLS AND FEVER arising from Malaria, &c. Orders supplied by KORNEMAN & CO., Importers and Sole Agents, No. 8 Cedar st., N. Y. « WM. H. TUTT, Agent, ap!B-cly Augusta, Ga. T. MARKWALTER’S Marble Works, .1 'J ■ud.. . BiaL- 1 j JBrOAD STREET, NEAR LOWER MAR KET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Every kind of work executed with dispatch. sepS-dgmaclv ■ STOLEN, ROM the subscriber, in Bnrke county 7th March, a DARK, IRON-GRAY MARE, five years old, medium size, with a short, rubbed, irregular mane, collar gald on left shoulder, and steps long. Twenty Hollars will be given for delivery of said mare to o x ner. ■ HENRY BYNE, mhsl-clm* Waynesboro’, Ga. Dennis’ Sarsaparilla. It is now mostly used as an ingredient in DENNIS’ REMEDY for INDIGESTION. In diseases of the Liver, if there is no derangement of the Stomach, this Sarsaparilla is preferable to Den nis’ Remedy for Indigestion. It is preferable for children when it is only necessary to remove the im pure matter that causes disease and prevents their healthy growth. ap!9-c3* ' WILL DR. SIMMONS’ LIVEH REG-UJLATOR Do what it proposes? Read the answer. Bainbridge, Ga., Dec. 2, 1868. Dk. C. A. Simmons, Barnesville, Ga.: Dear Sib : We are out 6T your REGULATOR, which we consider a most valuable medicine. In every case that we have heard from, it has given en tire satisfaction, and is destined to prove a great bless ing to those afflicted with Dyspepsia, or other diseases arising from disordered liver. We have heard, some to whom we have sold it, -say they would not •• take ten thousand dollars for the benefit received from its use; and others, that it would notonly’do. all that you claim for it, but more. You will pleasd send'us a supply immediately, and oblige, Yours, respectfully, J. A. BUTTS <fc CO. Extract of a Letter from Rev. S. Gardner, Atapuf/us Ga. For all derangements of the Liver, for Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhoea, Piles, ic.,DR. SIMMONS’ REG ULATOR has no superior. It acts on the Liver without debilitating the system, and without any of the evil effects of mercury. I have tried it thorughly, and speak what I know. C. A. SIMMONS, General Agent, Barnesville, Ga. For sale in Augusta by PLUMB & LEITNER, Sole Agents, 212 Broad street. mh24-d4c2m Marble mantels, monuments HEADSTONES, 4c -A fine eelecUorit of Marble Mantels constantly on hand at S. KLABEK b Wareroom, No. 54 First avenue, near 1 bird street, New York. Call and examine before buying else where; .lanSl-om LANDRETH’S GARDE N S EED and onion sets. I he Trade supplied on liberal terms. WM. H. TUTT! ? novSdtcCm an & • W