Weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1877, March 07, 1877, Image 6

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vuic vLonstiiuturnnhst. t'M.s.r 56 per year TRI*Wr r KLY $4 “ “ WEEKL V S2 “ “ Cheapest and B-ibC Political; Local art General News Paper in the S .utfcern States. Soullier'i Democrat.--. IX. O. Democrat j Mr. Hi nt k, of Vugiufu, a day or two since, made a very sensible ‘<| iy 1 i the chat_’e which sum •of the Vi i st* .•ra ami Northern Democrat- are mak ing. that the South was nbund’ niog th- party. Before Northern J> m*'fiats charge treachery upon those "f the S um let them idled that, during ail Ihe miserable ye :1s of Radical B jiiilV. it.-an domiiuiii n, ile> So ili stood l-\ ! the Democratie party. There lias nevet j been an election in wblcit Uie H'-utli > cmild not have made terms with ; the dominant powers by deserting j tiiu National D> nrocracy. But she j ret used to win her emancipation in j t hat way. She suffered ami groaned, j but never deserted, fp in the other hand, the Northern D-tnoiai l saw the j legal government of tiiis State twice j overturned by the army; saw it robbed, desolated and ruined, yet never lifted j au arm to nil'i and protection or icin'.. Indeed, the Northern Democrats gave | us much sympathy, but told us at | the same time that, if we ‘Mist tit bed I the peace” they would join in with the] A Inhibit iti-.n and “bounce us,” as if wo were a common enemy. Finally, in spite of all this, wo won the victory 1 f r them. Tito Southern Democrats © acted TII.UKN and llesduicks, two j N irthern Democrats, and were willing a id ready, if necessary, to stand by the Northern Democrats in any manly measures that might lie taken, to inaugurate them. Did the j Northern Democrats tako any such measures? Surely not. None < f their leaders will dure to say that they ever proposed to do anything bolder than wliiuo and protest. 'I hey now stand ready to obey and ivengi iz • Mi. Hayes after the sth of March. Gov. Tilden stands ready to submit to the inaugurali >u of Gov. llayes on the -ek of March. What do the Northern j Democrats, who .tiro m-I iug charges j agiiiust the Southern D unoerats, ex-: peel us to do? D> they want us to suctitleo ourselves ; open anew rebel lion, and get ourselves crushed down again, that they may make poll real capital out of our folly and misery ? If so, they nre very much mistaken in their men. What light, have they to talk to us of detaining our color*? Where waves any ting they are ready to follow t 6 vindicate this great wrong upon the country ? What drum-beat has sounded in their tanks to cull the Southern Democrats to the maintenance of the principles of the party and of Uni Constitution? Let ouu single one of their blatant chiefs staud forth with the front an l .-pint of u man to make a courageous struggle for the fruits of the victory hv won for them, and we may listen more i a liently to their aeeusiugs. The only deserters are the Northern Democrats, who have given up the field after it was won. The L misiaua Democrats never proposed to acquiesce in the fraud which will make Governor Hayes President until the Democrats an nounced their purpose to acquiesce in it. We propose to do nothing more now. The Albany Argus asks the liadieni party, and the country genet ally, some tough conundrums, thus; "Is Haves to go into the Presidency and Pack ano into retirement ? is the receiver of Blolou goods to be elevated to the high eit oflieo in the gift of Returning Boards, and the Returning Boards who stole tlie goods for him to be consigned to eternal iufuiuy ? H7M Hayes cast discredit upon his own title, by cutting himself aloof from the plunderers who made him ? ll 'Hi he confess he hud no ; title to the I'rcsidcncy, by deserting those who have as good title as he to J positions oi power and trust in the Re- j turning Board States?" The answer i of course, is that lie lias neither the; will nor the courage to rise above the degraded level of the desperadoes who have made him. If ho had, he would have repudiated their infamous work long ago. If he will take the Presiden tial < dtlce at the hands of the men who have plundered the B >uth, it.- «id not 1; si; tc tu do their bidding. A New Y ik letter to the Springfield He/iii/ihcon says "Mr. Tilden is prob at ;• no in.-rc dlsapp- inted than thou sands if intelligent citizens. Republi cans ns well as Democrats—but he hhhs the fee'ings thev cypress. He has a wise habit of keeping his mouth allut in windy weather. It is uuiier > i h 1 that he contemplates preparing uu address to the American people, In which he will say a number of things that the people uforesuid used to hear and ought to ponder over. (,'iutii.M* Ft msec nuis* >'atd notliiug is evet set tle I till It is Settled light. There Is Uo " 'wing hern anywhere, except in t|.«- lieAi-puju |a atid custom houM." tfrain’s Siiudav T dk. Papa (i- BRIGHT Los hid anothertaik Aitii “tinr obi man,” at tin* White j House. He was found toying with an Indian medal, the l ift of a chief, who trusted to and bed -ved in I i-> “peacc pcli -y." We should be glad to hear | from that chief, through Pupa Go- , bright. what he tl inks of Grant now. , If the unhappy Indians have had a i j better lime than usual dmi g Guam's administni'i hi we f; i! to see if. The President in i -ates that he vi l ! leave Lot.i-i ina and South Cai -'i :it in ; statu quo—a legacy for Have-, perhaps he will. We hope S’, but nobody in-. I hot upon i r . 11“ has some judi-i m» 'remarks about tlie employment of itlio army in the Sou'h— a ; striking exemplification > f m. tin-.-.V. i dndsight being superior to their b io ' ght, Ha !be found <ut ner t ] uiilttaiy despotism was hateful io the j great majority of the people, ids |«ru would have been greater. H-* t" k ! precious good care, however, to make j the discovery when Reger’s dirty \v ik j had been accomplished. 1 The President’s excuse for ‘bull d' zing” Washington’s birthday in i South Carolina is lame and impair nt. ; Wape Hampton, however, put the ease ; exactly right to tiie Cali|)ii Ulysses. | Party feeling runs much higher in | New Orleans than in Charleston, and | yet tin; Nichoi.ls militia paraded tin re witli perfect peace. ; Grant is, at. ail events, perf< tiy satisfied with his career as President, it is h good tiling for him that such is the euse, since about five-eighths, at least, of his fellow-citizens of both par ties disagree with him cordially, and are glad that ills days as President are nearly numbered. States Rights Triumphant. However fraudulently done, the vveik of the eight Radicals on the Electoral Commission is a clear justification of the extremeat States Rights doet <\ far in advance of anything cvei die. il -of by Mr, Calhoun. The South baa h quasi, if not actual, triumph. The platform intended for Buxine but n and for Hayes declared that this Union is not a league of States but a nation. The Electoral Commission, be.-ki-.t up by three Judges of the Fupr'm *l» • eh, has virtually established that, this is a Confederacy, and not an indissoluble nation. By such a verdict. Hie fcjnuth is justified, even in the house of her enemies, with having had an in j alienable right to secede from Hie ! Union, . ' I the North committed ia monsti ciinae by attempting to | invalidate that tight. Hence, it no longer lies iu the mouths of Radicals 1 to accuse Southern men who followed ! the banners of Lv.t and Jackson with i being “reb; is" or '‘traitors.” The brand j of rebellion and treason has been af fixed to the foreheads of our enemies )by their own act.. It may not be much I of a practical consolation to have out | adversary by the hip, in this mannt-r; | but the commonest decency might sng* 1 goal that all howls against the South ern Confederacy should be me r.ti nently dried up. Mr. L. Q. Washington telegraphs to the Courier-Journal that all the state incuts, bv whomsoever made, of any pretended bargain or contract being ; | made between Hayes and his friends ! with the Southern Representatives in ! Congress arc infamous fabrications | ami slanders upon these Representa tives. If such arrangements were pos j sible, confidence in Radical professi ns would be an important element in ! making them. Here is a motto tor the Democratic ! candidate : I “So the struck eagle stretched up. n the plain, I No more through rolling clouds to sour again. ' Yieweit liis own feather on the fatal dart, j And wing’l the shaft thatqniverivl in his heart.” If anybody wants to know what Sn ! preuie Judges were capable of before | Judas Bradley's day, let hint read Macaulays essay on Waßkkn Hast lsos. There was a Judge in India j named Impey, who seems to have fur nished the United States an exemplar, I\v this time, we trust the rent a s es ,T hn O'Mahosky have been couaigi ed to the earth. Thousands of dollars were spent in making a grand para h over his eorpse, attd yet, fora r-umbei !' years, when living, he was said t be or. the verge of starvation. I'li? I :,tU'd Slut-'* J-'iv/iomi.i! snys »-x- Goveruor Brown defeated Se at r Xeuwoi v for a reflection because that gentleman would not commit himself •o the Texas Pacific liuilivuy s heme. We think G vernor Brown’s opp. > . ■ r. to Xoiov on was nearer home than 1 i Texas. —— Hayes starts t out with pretty much the same soft-sawder us Grant did eight veais ago—“ Let us have peace.’ Guam, at least, hud one udvautuge—a eieun title to the Presidency. If rob bers can have ’’peace" white enjoying the fruit* of theft, the churches tuuv us well close then dv 't's utid discharge their pasl-'ls. iu l y t'i imitiatiou and Re riminatioa. The New (■ ha.-s 1' nixr c s,-t>-~: • Ti. charge ■ .at lie S u Hist iu the great crisis that was E the cjuntiy, is untrue. Tie-re m-y h ive been, doubtless thei" were, « ’ © few S •utheru men in < oi:gress, " g-r fir < fdcia! preferment, who w-*re r- •iv to sell out the c untry to advance tic ;r ; petsonal interests, and P<. Hill may have said tha; the fi.-uth wi.uli t figiit on the issue presented. B.t ti >c . men ar“ n ,t types of S >mi.ctß lea leis, sad Mr. Hill tot ■: pn IM* l 11 :s and Inclinations and riot tie si and 1 the South, at..least not those of L uts* iai.ri. Tiie South, it is true, Wijs . termtoed not to take the initiativ in resisting tlie conspiracy; but she xr ; s ' as ready and willing to fight as sfv i wiieu she sent fuitl* uer s us to . tie as the in untaio s -nds forth A- v . eagles and the summer t i.aid i' s. :iug> . ItiO C listiun 1 l, a'.d the o’g' iitv of tile H“WC Wore at slake, and she was readyjCt the first top of the hum, to follow the Democracy of the East and West 73 any sHtof move' i ment to drf-luJ/aod preserve tbcas. I But the di urn tap was nevt-r hoard; 1 instead, tie ie came Tiie tray squi-.’k o; . pool llmvitts voice lagging for \ a<"' ; and then of course thev cod : then thcsliame’ful, d%sgr«f< fnh piiiabie rout.” . . There is small comfort in trying to ( fix responsibility for pi t sent troubics;, it is preliably the whole tnith to say that we have all made son © uiiStaki S. . It may b ; that Mr. Hill’s u«eranccs caused poor Hewitt's sijm-ak 4 aTui, then again.it maybe that Mi.llnf*, knowing that the squeak was about to issue, anticipated It iu *'.»i he cm . ceived to be the intnot of peace «■; and j , that is tie iii.e, je.is br-’ken, and tec I men responsible for it have iCM-aiiy j “played the devii.” A Select Enrapiti J The Washington couespor h ot. < t tiie Riclinimd Dispatch aSSi.Uts that Keteunisg Boar® Hayes wid bcsflSM® i 1 quietly at the While Hettse, on Snn day at no< n, by rbe Chief Jf iwdicey to the presence of the 0.-ltiaet and a o-w select fii»,ds. As it wifi be difficult for the 1 smp‘ r 1 1 1 ’ make a ciioice fr. -a so maixy '.car aiid (tear to kirn, it is safe to Say that the! 1 . £ “ 1 Treasury (to I-) JoMN Sherman aid Eliza Pinkston (the latter's posit! tin the Gstimcl has not yet bees detej-* mineil); old Simon <\aWKKON and tnC widow Olives, who wfil pr.-bs’uj' at range their little diffi ally b “ -ref-hev. ; I Governors Stearns, h»Lf.--i.o . Cmamhkki.ain, the lasi of th< Bar. nr* 4 M a 1 'lson Wells. 1 lie vjrSvfi ; t azaN.aa e, the Hiideilakei, and Nw-m a ll ® j banker —faro <Uerica 1 roT-T j Stoeghton and Attorney Shi 1 E-.n'.a -ny ' with months filled with lies and sb.e<s ■ full Os bleu and, all The way from Loni>i ana 4 "If Any" Envn no? and The "greater Hoar,” oiiUi-klirg over the sx ha listless verdancy of the average Democratic ‘Congressman, who swa-1- ! lows Radical lies at a gulp as ***' •<* they can be Thrown at hi® -and tht® extends a greedy month f«w more ; Mrs. Jeiias r. AMTS*#; BfixTiLE-, raid husband, the newly-dise,"cored pair of ; Presideiit'makei-s; YtmHrsa,rv,Thcr 1 ien Won, born at Best on instead of irebmd or New Jersey: the ineorrnplible \ -vsn, blacker within Than without, whom TildknV bau'l of money couldn t pai chase by any moans; thev*toW«lde j tg Iron Kit,'i ky, in ball ct • .ume, gazing t -ndi-rty up m hi-* companions, fwo idiHiming of ■choeola e ! Society in New Orleans, to WhOtse fase> nations he turned wkm The absence oi Dem.x-raue retmns To be Thrown on? mode birsiness dull at The Retiunirig | Board; Blooiiy rlhirt Mosrov. oiiJoU legs ;is usual, envying the Ja?e th«T made F.tvmrxn> a grander rascal than he ever aspired to be . and lost, l»ifi mfe ( !ea*t, the It. vil himself in fife* fast wp purel, rej'xieiai m t his new desecratK'i. ofib.e Sabt'.iTU, and TeVniviti. in bis mind tiro-diffie-alt problem -oJ wha? in | shall do liereaftet with these cronies >f His Frniidu’eney to prtA'i nt Them 4t<.4n ; conn*ing turn out in fits own donvii ' O: c. uise rep.-rters will be r-dmined to this .imerai onTertainment, and Dt.v l’, TT w:i tell WS a.l about, iu unless .le> !■■ &-: Sic i:;'';' 1 : : - •rd.-v : Daddy lot'”- Perhaps H -.v. - wtk not g.-T in. Bet hai*s Grant wifi “sTiei." and eomirm to illuminate the w >rid t Smidry through Papa GotutiGHT and 'Newnan> liot-SceUsh. The age tu p.-ll i*’-* 1 lu,! - cies h;is not passed. The Radicals iu Congress hud a fine pportunity on Tuesday t. prove tkai H \yu- N Cos. intended to recaptitoe Hameiok and Nii-hull**. t>ut they “fiiiukod" whan the test w.«. iqrpiied. Trust tberu not it is currently teported Uiat Mr. Hewitt subscribed tltK'.iKS' itl his own money to the Tiloen eamiaugn. Wat- TEObi'K subscribed one unarmed Ren tnckiuu • baby about two weeks ! old. DOW PIATT. HE rtl.ld ALL \JTOI T GfiA'ts SILLUOXK HeTl ihc P.-VM-IWI II ihc > c» > V Aj leer < ab 1 n-d M-ceUng— thing ihAt Papa A»-oi,ricLi: 4»4 Report—Atrv« a Vassal ■or a (Wasiiingt-a Vapitsl The adminis'rsfi * Isos had ap» »* Tne adratoissrattoL has bast c r T At atjoat twelxoc -s h.gas |ao>s Tea, ■r,. i»st M *-i*y —a, -ice tc fw t*-' 's*'* > : far In ow dates —* ; *ck was . bserred ;,,, i;n p. T -he portico f Tie- S\' j v. ut vc Man»4;«s asi SSy-k. & -chiefs* S , a . ii„ ' . hack, that > c® as « higot-tuv. being a i- 3 ... . . H is .a.'.- Ml wee* •$* ms-. 1 >.. - x i; >• 1 © CX MSB SW ,Vp!> V!y c-eiTatied, 52c ORTWisd AC-iJ ,4f Tire rvy«7ni,*hd it shewk with tin i; ,. 4V . i.s 1 a itching I'd t.ts St«»d, wiiv W'tioii S.y ifs I <ik(N V.- *n>Ti >. with wnusotal VtohWi.-, V!ii- VV«a :a*WC 55 li* Wspe.2 J g "b P®i s: *c*t.t with * husky, nr-mdvlntg a . fee, an ( vriß-n sh.-wn tote The ptvs ,g t: i( - Ada.itd-i'ra'i w dis.Uv aOatt.Hed -at S* osini «eXseot . for tsx■ X drainfetrati.•» >t<v>d 4*TTie.o4 in a hr.'ad.N.stS. Siroek «hdsmoking* hUge Sega., as itsuol Tlrc-atsCi-n. io*,. Os Sena?..l-404 Wlp“.t t'a 3.1-5- spiratii® it OWI this As*ft© *T the-ugH as he laid ssade his old silk plug. ’•Mr. rresidi-nt.” be*?drcd,3ka i cevc« sco* ye*avtrda> > GajwfaJ? 1 ” S Spondcd The A 'ind-fiTStVatieTk pnfcltg a voinau- of snioßc into <h‘- -3>a c MinteimfK'e I■; "e him, ttkot the aged ’■Bi-R-enacTied Te Ste* • -ar-3 cough in ike must vi mm? Wiatatis •“Weii, Mr. S'l'CM-hu-',” r < ir* *; • -4 -s wi'CM.ic hi met-it .■«? oi the •“Ti is Thing has gone to?- e*e«gl4 4 tTits has g: T to ts' Stopped.” '■l oWMEia?’' "N,esiiWi.Tsca #dr 3 'eshvify dem nahi'-. 1 ntsj”say. Mr. Pres ,n-;d- wi-h cut being op.cnto -a ofeorge jd'ofOn jtv, t hat ifais is danombiv. '“Well, bowl on.” s*SJ*Tvhe An W>'" s.o;, sw peenfiai T> fi. , W:. ;1 ■ i., OK 4he a K party sat ilfTk efwned the <t'A£nii 9d oh i read with ! nsk;- a.'WMai .-:i. ■ ileaded •“The B.ghed’.'g ad the ah .AS -k read t! C ■OnGhTT’ieSltO 1 *. T.'s' Ad -1 *Wmb'.;; >OH da-. Hts■ in * esc rugated u.i?S ii Yesciwbtod * jpalv*.; i® •*; ; llOfe I' 'Of. lie Jellied *1 i'TS iMA T i(.«a hve en *n upsgnadiv 35 tutttg the b nil thiiil ;; 1. ' COr4 s: a: and -r- n-t ! 1 wlrcn ft Was ma urnr’-V-a id . ■~i>Teti ny vVldi*; . 1 - ' . I ■ ■ ■ I “fed-k wy cm na « *n ?4Tt• -gas. ' '*..!■ i; 1 'ii’iu • mthb 1 sal I sty le, Tor tl.e se-is-an? s*nly Isewcd hm ired otn... Ina Te<- n-ui 'res e ■ ss We-ri sliishieg .-V. . 3aSWi h« • >t:mm 'ifs to tie* < -i■ , -i-ra a'iv 3—- era. Titig rcsp'snsfod *; -onijc, sc esa denattm'-nT londa ulets n. h a-cis-. eas ii;ig«S and <•* forg—dbc ssoccn *sn men <cj Washing km. SNrst atqawe.. non aNit® : „ tin eiiiMateds'nijdddy - «S* i ll.'- MR b. ' > ■Si ate Di’pai? ntiNfit pn, in am am-e. It was-a r-sy t ; , and vm'rages oj ig-iitg su*m; U Ipiod in Ills : ■Tclt»'«'iUj*s S*ec. b : takes <xt tootv and rkbs Ttev- ap-pmo mee <sf a Tetb-iSI lortlar. «s* tthettew . apt , auliesf. -1 Ills .remit-, To The T-aiMTi, Autuli ftj.ivn'thw-H-udsi.m. -AiTad came the jt*T«r4nd ifSTt. ids smoigk benevoiei.; eoimTeT':»v-c Kwodte' - ing with With t-iw- fttfid eatomess es a e.-wpen in a* -early ss«- mS’ morsilng. He str-oSe in ■»'« Jss irvng kgrs, nud r-mgiitgr'm tsh* thsjpaii cwurs, v!*sj«od lu* hafids tQ-.m _ i*re I ’...uiided ifigosi ice ajqui-rat hr- 3*e,3 S -s. marked in his jw iielal Sgnfr, atm Yes gon twiddiiiig hts jitiuatN wWvt m. '> (fiem ol«K»jcs iitdimTes that : n. jas ternal Tnfi Is rifiecrkgr.. Thv burly /.<*efndiah.?h. -dfr.-wT MieW-i igan .‘i-t; To; ■em b'sS-i:. d.'Wt. >' v himaiiiGs md iu*t ntod nys- »t 1 stn n4 . Wfww X. Oh** 1 dfer s4ss m * •*»'. *1 ujsieTsnn iuksTn-iid 4'ONiite ss gix-,.. ' that, ire S reaiW ter imsin-ss.. iy ?*e samj.rf- caww- m t© -Sly. with a depi-eos'ilbga'i, «s i; fee v-tsbee 1 ?e ajml.Agiiß. Jen iiiiag nttoe. Tire iioT-und »Ttriv»*d las;.. 33; to.-. i».*ou iaeking along in a ard headwinds. iwsvUy.'S.s fettog •o be and whet : fee ewm ? anchor he Threw -OUT ** 3 nig Idvsai : sss ,11 he were biewing >tf si; •>.» ASw The oded jWay hr -tn Wair- "-- • • vricated 4-is -tri>shed t-« ' - -n e’-'O- The inriiTii’d TVepfir'inrerd..*.! S 1 Oaw er.rft bed > igtd islThC rksni; -i. r Aes rrtftdsTra 1 ior, pushed V 1 - T> wsr is tin, * -i• -dn- so, "1 ‘-ife TJuft.”’ 3X0. 1, nUh't. a'oarel, aiv*' - ..- . . - roared Hs Ah- • *i-- N; ... •1 . (' B :>■’ - “A ltne«Rt<ssa wfu, kbgi -n '■ - w. mid prohahty L -. i- ix-wn <i> Trom tin Oalune. bn ■ ■ ■ ' * pony id fi. Mwasu;' m wn-k • - . - ns ’-.t.>it049.. earn- t. l' , o >- s.. T> 3 is net n Lie' «s- Toll justice to 1 m t-w-nnd tea .*::-- w.-.y, with v-: (m w ee n-e mionat im. VA 1:1 . in- - 4 -ei Yiißitutstrati'•?.-sali, • '*« r. , ■ .r “Wl.ot doyonthmk ofxiw.;' “No. a liaiit:. kali r ... J-tOBs. sr Ptsh. The AfimriastrsHai. r r-t - -i.rc Ju:;ias. and “vidraLly tn —rl.' n - dfcAt'epUUilHi i.-WMpa.-er ; —of out -aaui u.-Uiing. Evm- ..uy at. -oj-cs- { ion woe eipeiTt-d. -s J : :a i_d3f« : -said: •“Tear-stuff*' CSasaiie: tfdi ed. “Daiuned rat.” Tie liTr33i_ 1 tj.-w >ff ni'mesrean: arid-Sn’; n llmg 1 : - paternal Xaf: cnW twaddiedSMsttaiiibtse and rooked aw if warned i jamu-i rtu-k.hr to a ool.rrcu uezsza: Inr lytaer. witl. iruer itistinetr. £>- <ft» lix*— x. the Adm Human n.. an. a- a-- pulchtai v juce i-eo- m. ’ A id -t*© Cn; ■:; * s’ar»c4 *s if sui ~,Y.i cr.de” -a and t -* Pat: ndr »jv«4»*r cues.". *ra-r k --> - - - a .4® . i-e was s.t at- sjid. As tJu't-.'Hs .-. 3-S. d44i.C g -d 3i.n»U)C. At wl.Kf. 3h. A Jaunts' -i'.i.G. <l3 o 1;,.-.,led wild r u»i»- m. vo'l rr.dn ;r.- rcw vtour --r.r; 3.„ rljts; jgc nft- « rs sto- ]*HKt»a: la?3 add sskei m an unfietrt.me . Aw! m;v- Btkt 'i*-'- “N .t * T‘ o-v * - —333. dog ass: -s woe g:v«.u:?tse i’Vsi -C:- -2. C C 03.), 'a.,0. V..;: ....' s da aakii. ■ -Ir ■ ->• - . . - jodrrmcEt. Taft.” is . r ..- kc use 3a4yhc*kwsd I' n rs*. ... 3. - g -s. i- S' ' »>' - ... -m -: < sfc isass-tsb-f STguC- VliiOi-T 'Why. 4* BasuSC StotoH von see :rt >?nT«tg M: * -g .... V 'S m ... -ki. S’d. .. ' kilirvi” It j:g*< gN S' Tbs C-GTIsS f? ri.«- . - -s -• .; ‘V’ w - SdrV- TSTO l-age.r-w- ia'V Jtewa;;WAil T-JJte> - an.. . wm s -but Ist *»s< R .Tsidin. tS the day jcx's *ts. W-'s-rot aa* ?»troi. ;fe.- and n.-*t. » c -m-ti Jma. A J»-ssss*jdT -nr-s. is a an odky .. ■ o - *.3 W";": TsA" ». v-dld. Wa -e-n; 5,-' car f* 54 Jotar, festog at. Tt osT -J St ofi >*-• * * :rh-- B>opajßPßie-*C ;C J'tstK- -wstk 3. wrsfc. q'; :.®jv»u»- f•* digs- »; CTO sui>-“o v .;- JitC. 34 »et 5-R-" . '3.'d --Ti ■*- a: ./wl;'\ . Ss4s .. .s- ■ - -<B at! s- ' «.«*. W»S>3§W-y Tw*- 3 s-GTOI; -«x .)■• la" 3;3* ijs< w'.-.4; vs i* -.. n*c -m-ldko.. -B3 •ssps'd. Te **to kftt hr Ju*Ji IV* ..- ir- -*■;•- ». tr " kiy yeuss. - H ' ' ' ’ ' *■ -4.1 ! ' C : .‘-'N ;-.g -W; A .- . ■ , 10s ikT-.'.-TN W. cros.- .s, -- " ,«»* - y u*: :• . . - , - - • • • «**>*». ttirgy inr* r Nv Stot: *- - ' - r ‘-fob i g-lary ; -os' v ' " •'''; to.ak T ' rss ’ v, --3 -. lv - t-i’-f-S' . - - - • e ■'■ iftod’ly 3t oN, s *-'• - *-*’'*- :sv - “ ' f—-. - - -- “ and iwsd'Stfsusa ***u>3fect ; s >■- -- 1? fife . -sgNSTe*: >vh 'u- '“s. k t As sWeSTOSJiSTV s -t, ■ > sTi'iAzi JPtjpjsy 71 V •:: g “ ' TktßMl'Silto, Sfer ’ttrng-' “ Maidr.,-3Kr»j3w.. 38* T- 1 ; ; a* >t '■ 4HSS- xvsst SW4BKW- *• tdVigNitlw-riJsA-'Vsst fife;- Jwiw-.s..o'p> i).»i: and dl 51- jtoiaottTftifekwaik 'Ss»r-Vv:'i.'- -,.ss tisr -gy |vswj»te-t.k ajfc.-‘g; Uti“ > s'- s ties s 3; Jw 3sr-a«sk. "Uk icuse 0 . ... ’ ss sAtEgaiaWjy’Sffirifc.’iig r ■•- - . ... ~-dli.oT i. seui. IT-gr .... . > ..C AtojAE IX ««Jt. L »««• n" 1 *” SAMBmfeUiSC. StTftets its’' w. Av » ikNit Sp.-fjgw tkki'Jt gr 4, rfe? sciiitwcws -w atwatjrsw ikkfijkfA «f*sfe Oidfei-rUinof uiiuiGto: ■wase jwc wtsfe -Hs© sOiijoiTss; und it iNti. Wisssow. 3St Aoafefi us guiihy gC tu.- T g'.MeiiT-.ife. itoeuiasroSh*'- 'S»ft •riiAi, jwmt tAvirtewPi. we w-athwi: *.i3rss3c-. 0-s?© aiTos-it"-. is te tisii. itottfr i-seass.l'- wsi. wto’'- tmwilsl ronk .. •>. ijA’SiKWV*' '»U; k :a.q; «»fW' of Ttto- Bsw- -if 43* JBWkujs SSixvlfcnitjafc MSe* • 'M: Trafeoxiefe, **.4i 'to-ewch rite Bis*wb 4sww :to*d iris «s«t te te. -wotu '-ve to I V . 35.-3 : -s-gcufe 1..1 "- feT. " <■& 'tek dtf? atFjy -nx v 4»t»ST.'ii3!. ! W»- ’-was •sgijroay ?M*e Jew W; -;J»spct»eC tse U>* 0*193*1- Vjjttft* '"'g' OT* s>«si a HhusQsju; tikoissa*’.- toss *»i TagittHuT&ut riiyur- SSSJkI T? 3- *U WHB- “Allifelt.riy.- iiftT' - |sfc» k t?s *;- :y. fe weskhtoh. -■ ■ ’ fi ty tis a i s«w.-v t. Trot' fit i:..qg ribtt rite w hwite- '--trot, ftetdi w !|; ge Uv «-- • ■ . ' v viif «iv»art*Vvv ’■»« •StoStA.-- tow •JN.nttHits.4cy dfxtjjjfci ti Tri TtVAU S ' t -ss: trv-di v'ui'' -v --- 1 - . ~ -*a-.-_-. ;*fk-. .*iir aefe te iute Triimnu 1033-. ®r iasve t-iSLL l'-at.‘":*|- O: Ts ,w . 333. wsnar off or ;• vuE*c tfri.i.. vrr.s.t. -anas tu d«tiinu>c r. jac sorry. —.m n at aw tut- nqpuruiiiL iff iosnae a non:, 'friter sign.- •iff I'Jlf . _ -IT - . T *imrjaae mzu>s±. imz hl • 72frr II—TIP Ml 11 wrjiiii : JB3SX^l?mm zLiLss>+*r pftr m. Hitt— :* nz ur w-iifct* ossm 2-catiio. t .jzum&ziL - *ff ts&szr! r* zsf~ .:ir*r u j l Jk g- jtf a: 1» iiUnJ- L-- -SB. i. -ar,”. Keh; >oW=4g T •€»!. a*- 1 + 1 «SOr tMWo*SOW.feK.*at:.«(Mfc. ■*' GiwcA’U shrs. ® tiiSlk iaa.u- 'irt- .’cr .-e* -I -cr -’4X. 5fL. IL. JL. iA -;cv : rib? ~k '.niliL 4^-- * k, iJ. ■- r i. .-jijr.*-: U X. i**43iMfcw -i-u> .CTb;. t. 2 . * % .■•:* ‘J; S<t; 'ii ■q. -. IK‘ V ,rs w •** i.-- > I -7 Oflra 5> 4m :;k - L -.sr «4-3s 'dß-iarrk. in; - crp. ..-ess fer ioubtosS’ dkajicr y <to«-. a£ ICyitoss dJoruacseti 1g a’tAtmiSy-in.-sit ubs edjutut - ' 'JMek «w» 'His Wit uw* uit.*-* •-**£• u. Is caa. * cai.tli ts« a4{t. C’ iji iito E'litft fbe sdtt' ivijs ■'-t y -itss iii. -Acme. m.*;; iwfce .;MC ;ss diiftsiii' ®ou;x- Wtassicss. lucieii wr.ro bs «S3fc iiinatuig 0. unasgeseEu, litags 4;u .tiutpes'-tPix-. wc w ysur u»g.v was*. iisN.*i-o3 a ugizr-biA&itiC tkiuecai Uli*v;.. si. C.,. oiiu; .*s «w Uiduroit iir. M«iii mnuty waiii Cie- Store It tecua - fi. tow 3?i«tiaiiii HrOttwA. r dfie Saw# Uauu&s t-He stiufijing o -c “iiii. 36,. JU” <ftt tt&w Stwe-u. jCk’s*- ■j&tipi,. iw«;:>aaw mss i.-snij auo&- uie ngM- ”.*«iiu.ifcs ato-uifi ttUe- ifheiimi 3»«tecwisiiE !}*&* ii-ff l£-'pr;saßsat -1';. -s. ... ■ s, sflokfCi; u:j.«d .Ui- us .llloi'i" sr->. cjge !i: poic " i-d^^ or* ..... ..-usMiijr m. tjj.s- ■ i'll}-0)1*13 "V Uj'i; IC’Otmfc utiei ' Six mistires- it hUj-'H* wuhT semi: nfista. 5u JCuai/'a.Wii'i-nhiissiH' .«bMTg.i’v*-fiy.. Etf - - tgp 3l oSwegjia. tdißtsr its uo. sna. why '*»;• 'Sgmusst)! c:. s .iv .e;ir wu 3*3-0, in." i'gjiS. boiiis Sjqol As .LM -: to Niue u. . u. t:ije>uijgii.ti Ttaiin. Uho .irijiijut* s* oic- u>- ii. l l udr.eii tails®. . 'o l.a'iL tusje an-: gc k“*;ssiAW- scryliss ns-a, ciifr .- •!. V. -i. T-op el- SiSJi.'k Uj! -iistk; ■■ in 5:1,11) siHfw get euot. bsU?«r ' TihiiY. ; 76f!iil' ,, '3B'dJA. Ut. ce aaiil oujrfk iiywh vi isi. i 'c-mr. 3fi>w&(K niglto ■URiI. itC 3>Wlfc jsituisa. ««».• ' ufint Ut-iQpS ft and 1 ■“litliat:-ilfifhe ail tftu- tjuribc espll'rfc - ’idElg TILT-buEUihg: oil;uJL i'/re tile ; in... or-, A w’nHijg itoifw wipe happen*}!! ? 5- ; ..ii sre-ijimiocuiltehe-mme-igiiveclte* U4fci4 , :i.. U)ilit3JH* tfe'H Wt««S cJMSUgmSfiad; vui U.scms* uifikulty.. Uhlss-Ass* stj)life,stt s .'“C;i ! 3;kh-T> agpua ■" ■ u.lfc ! *trror. 36e.. fifeusy iPeau,. ugsd over ‘“-gh. y y i’ltk. wipj I'ms usui- fitn.mk.tan.. %?*«• ri;:' •• “ iir ‘. if 5: SU-’Ct iISCSCKU,. TC'-oi. - IS IJOGU- tsh. k: ffitJ.-eiL i' oGUiS in uuc if! tiivir baicjt- Deflrv scvj .tu. doUitrs- oi -i‘.l)L riinT • v,lliEii. ttUjpf cVi,; liJTiyc Cos., asu hnis. UUiis. wtijifc ti)»;- ucuiik,. tons. Cotta. aSKv Atineii; .iini. :ihr trab' ues- wroia- u ttttib v oijstttiojJiirb-w-ji)« ’ijseu.Y<n;y.. A-v ui. ;i.ds unmet tn.eeEmjg of sip*. s' -l-j il&as'icC The AHiicrie asidGiult’ ii. - oi>i. fit seemed 5e- be euaswiered tiM " TIC Sili<3 pip. ro.vf few gosi-p.-(iioi lipiiii ;-iie-iPrst of ttSTs 36-s-d-s. ■!’ Hi: Bsuthci.v. L. ffisre uhius lui.d Oi. E- 'Oi.omu>s wee* ig'gmnEeiii ut leuutnijsne ; ; q. muncuiv e.-vui.iiue the wSßOttiis and wife lieeswit-sv aad mate smdiisugsststjwinsats olb’W de*;taed gco gm: iir. iteiuiiff vtf ttflw-uußaolhinße-Ji bunds liui.Ubiis. kSaiHk. iftotsa:. The-TPetiioeuu.'-ie yurty uisegtualrogiu. iieajaykkiws- in rue Sinfir ©is; t-en, taking; t»r ou»e Blnury Speec u«- Uui<diauiieuir«su»iiUu£e sot Uougses sii.’Uidiiutieiss. s&uwi'uagjje to be wills iutg ts 1 .uri)i« rfie deeifeiuii-. of tin* part yl 'le- oh /ns us* his awn. Ilf ire- cakes* aa ■ nil i.' uiiwuir scuiiil. ilere- is our v-ote tw. G; .;i:n. StaiJii tv y.oui; c iors in. -s'llifi glhriluLSs ye Demoeej.es of tile Ain.U..and ifc**:|i trti.e- loileysuiieutlifas tymiizees; Jtr hi)mm. Du not dude* to-. tssiac tteai. tie tike Uiwto • >£' Cougttetss - tliuk wiiilir to 13j it oPeim. Otoryares is dtos tike ere (life and -pldiig: hiittlt *s t-tre- i»u» bond i.y (Ctttftain 'kliliiun. fafrory- Wiujils,. eke auiitomfe tatisroi your eipy;.is i&e. tdisi-ueoUife of •‘tofeUliifg tjiie (mslia* and :mEsuitgtdP* ijfDQjgtefe iuto full stcengfek iacfi tjowsr. Bias jiiia- itd’Jtr- s bofoco- Tile jjjiutr Ei.mtiiue- fe'emmittee. iu wuleii tie itteiLdy liieuussed cue lidvunCu re j: of Tutuilutgumiltesed ben'lte.and tits pec*, semi, liflbcbs 'lia-lugr rile gemieuew of uisniii.mi'f tauuii. to do wifeti tiie Saa-f feisulh. The If’estiii nu of t-he Sta’:>u3day >f."oi -,’bu -’euciyu hits- app-.itttK<£- *he~ f •dhWßUjr- • tsmtmai. -itiibtpttr's- »... the. V ttutg eT-Ct’-s- OidsHmr Ass;>eia&i>nr <t u;- "u i>ju ametatig'ite JScwuou .tpr:?* 3k -T _1 • '•"ho- W. t Smith* j it ■ .. : W. O ’ on: r. minimi.: * Brute. Lutnioiieim, t». T i mi’., rpitcta: Kov.. G; Jt 'i-anno.y,. u. iu> . aU ’S. 3B r ■ ,1. Q. rh-u :;us tsk. U'i• - ur . i j/nr spe— •-«». n ullimt .it (v>vatf:i)wSo hi.Di . - .fii- it riitc Liiiormi.. .-id •’ ■■■< i :ms rpgolllHid.Fi t .sLu Bil*> n.s :.. s:u. C 1L tr.. iLJLSaJ’: t.sroO.. cf a.;: u. «li wot tilt tffcsc - > rihunre hut -i- ruS cT" t-ai Eiliixi trie Siuu.- T11..U -iter'ii n. JGc Earn Jt Surra. - . jaf • "ica. Hmrttmr at Jfcs fMcmr .wo? m, vucil *m (iwraa: <j£ fGuwaaruc upiuitr. nut l nntnttiltHg Sic Stace •IduiuiaiLX a mi.y. v.utnnt: ripin.mnei. li* T.-dtaf guthiMii-i ; L surt scuintr true Hr. IT runt iL Huenimio. at rmc i -iUiIAVf it UK. uni bills- “H WiiL uewg n t WIUI :U*. e*< W lOiiiJJlirr -seena. nim.- uL U mifUm- iliem.eas- rh^rt ai. mu iimoKur ’ Jr mmr&a* lilatta -wan m.-aiug- rSi® ue*:«n it uut utm. tiuwhf aiumiuutt ~1 ,uu mt gan Jtui, jni| sa j/el ’