The weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-1861, July 03, 1861, Image 2

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■w OEOHGIA • pubTk wlU reed with netted totrrert i of Wire B. Ba-fcid. atMraiaed to Hrf «*<*?. erflrtMthrd in tot of today Thfe letter N> the i tree * Irate, the nplotat of wGI euSdestf whirl into mid-airi isriora aholitton freemen!- Befare proem! farther, we met the Prat of the Botuh will Indulge m to u few ertretkeu, which we deem grrawin in the eerithtg quertina now beferr tu. > JArrrvrg Daw IU Arro reub i been troederfUly Boutbem end urratefetty true. It. logic bee bene utrueuln telMte, Who! I' bee oppoeed, to thu rad has come trader pddto inoaeav natWec Whet ttbeeeofipnrted heetntunph- rot 'A thread The early friend of Calhoun, far year. Me only ItiAoemiel euppnrter, It Made today above that peal mea n pare, te ae> Me praUctloaB Mtbid ea<l to wluteae the whole ejHUeed work' agitated by lot. priaUpfca. But while the adeoeaUT of tlie Ee» Catena eehool ran apprertafr tjgtc and philosophy of the Marxry, wo eon feel to be unable to onatprahrad the wonderful inaUuet by which It Men* t apparently t ruling eaaeea leading lo peat W. fL Uulburt A simple name. The peataei of Poete an thore le nottilog In a wane. Hot the TharleHon Reentry, by MK efttraardiucry Impnloe, notlcee the BMW. An Ute demot anti nt-ttrraent of the timra, all the tunoke and eonloelon of war,.deee tun lorn aalde the wonderful in- alert of wkton we bare epekee. The Honlh OuoHaa btaod-kouiyt tehee ihe ..Militia totwald and urged with tbla view, and The ea they want him la that city, and will pro bably be mat to South Caroline, In a few day*. I am requested by Got.Latcherio ntwiala hare Aw a day « two, until a Heal dhpnrttfa.fenmtl.of Hurtban The eatable feeling la thfe -*y agate HurBrert berry rtrosf, aad If lamod loaae bene, ha weetld an dote be aanuaarlly dealt with. He It looked upon here, by all r«r- «*•. escape W. X. Browwa, aa a bold aad aadaoloaa man, a bluer aaaaay of the South tad her iaeUtutioao, aa abolltioa writer known to the Jt-wth aad to Europe aw the pern twelve yaari, aad a wboleeale eleadtrir of Hoot hem urate la peraoe and ataaaera, be baa all the appearance of a geaUamaa. He la a daa aebelar, a maa of vary myartot lalrwlt aad anrnaaplbfeinian, aad of vary treh-.oattag addmm, ail of which taken toto ctwrtderatha, roahea him fee mar* frifepr oa* than an ordinary man art hoped that juetlcr will ha eMWToul to Ma. tut. 8. BASSKORD Pan the Cfafaa Oreg hTbypatbiimd abiaM I In reply-in Ihte Inquiry M ns aak If It hat not heretofore been hypothecated at home 1 Certainly h haa. Haa it been paid tor at ll certainly haa not. P*bl for abroad, the foreign BUIa repreeent- lag lu nine being made payable cbledy la London and Parle. If It haa been to easy, eu aefe aad ao prod table to hypothecate or u anticipate" at boon a crop oonaamad and paid for abroad, (brand It ho ao vary dUA- eult lo Meet IH hypothecation In the entta- triea where the cotton la actually continued aad Anally paid fori The truth la, op whole Banking ayatoin, Mte oar commercial and political relatione, uecdr revolutionizing. The plenlcr In the old Union wee n hewer of wood and drawer of water to New York, paying an uaurloua peine for the nee of hie own money. We have determined upon political indepeu- daaca; we hive determined upon trimmer dal Independence, bat Snnudal indepen dence tine nt the bottom of both, end the Booth muel have fret* trade and direct trade in the cheap money of the old world. The direct hypothecation of Ute cotton crop lo Europe, at European retd of Infer net, la the great Aical meaiure of Ute South for which the frlcmla of direct trade have for yean been working. The loan Bill oi tbs Confederate Government wae brought The euldlcr hiking hit life for nil country, 1 uck, Merer eemrf, war, m be It the feet tenu to allow any at- however welective niwoya pramwted lo ataithlnd a MbUme i D yoe Stale right-, aa wtfrroae hi. feucr to aad heroic pbfera, «t Indeed, which mo the Maryland CommiwtaBcre. lie wa- the not hot command fympelhy and latpiread- Mewl of Out Brown In 1W0. Be labia mfeatkm The atddler expose**, by hie i Meod now, aad we deeply regret that Col aay, the dlvlac ■ my country." The were going Is Bartow ahoold have allowed Wiimdf lo be t: "My life I gleelo ! |daced In apoeitfea which be cannot inala. We have published hie fetter, be- for the aoldtor and who iloea not appreciate rauK relocated u, do ao, and beam* the the naerfOee be makee, la nil u. Are The original correapondcocc appeared Arat in gat taut defender, of Southern toll, who i aow breaatlng the atom, of iavadua la Vir- tbe toftUrgrrMr. We fthaT. cooUaua to aa|U port Unv. Brown ao long aa lie maintain! gtafe, hear wait Ihmn the praymtt, the Mere-! u„ prftudpfe, in which aeceaekm or laga aad Ike hopes, of a grateful people.- j (gjoalod, ami » defond which we are wlll- Ha who rnlee all fhlaga look, down ; j n . g^e approvingly ..poo them Ooaeplrtwn. a-1 gutub, *. the boo ! herauw we frar aod dnoMlM. We will authority oi Uie State, We bold to direct opposition to Col. Bartow, tliat a Ss'toSy put uule. I prefer io bo judged ■MMtetedtete d||g action!. Hit not true, that •roe* the aret-l hum, Bee 4i tWorgte, borne by brave benru, and lu fold, will glean- prbaory allegiance U to hit HfoU and wherever the Aght fe hotert, and wherever | gov to the general government An army trail Httrtburt hi arreafed. Here In Allan ta be damaudr to be tent lo ltbbmood. Be it MM test Safely arrival nt our Capitol, Ike plat tfalckOM and new flgutce appear upon the Sage Wat. M. Browne, Oufrimt tf Btirfeurf, lake, a wonderful Intcceat In the cam of Ike spy We qnote front the jdAclal narvatlvr: planter! are rmpondlng promptly to the call. Three lubarrlptkmt «hould therefore be made with the t onvlctioa, Unt the rollon growing lnlcrrel fe ttupporllng the Govern ment and opening the way at the name time to a ( heap money lupply. Thetc attbiicrlp. Ilona In fact altouid lie put In mercantile form now, In anticipation of the crop, in the .hape of acceptance, made payable In Europe.-- Tbir can ouiy he done by the cooperatloti of the Bank. The oeual count hu Iwcn for a planter to draw upon hla factor, who accept, at con- venlrnt datca Three aixepUnm have nau ally been ditmouaUd liberally and met promptly. The certainly of a Foreign tie- under which the factor, could al waya rely for protecting thrnuelrie, caunc! the crop to be grown ami moved on a baati of credit. Now let ui itippoac one tingle tranaaetlon lietwaen a illbarelber la Ute loan. The planter ilrelri* to aid the Goremntcm and ie willing lo put hi. dlipoeition in any form ncceaaary lo Dial end. We will mp poae the iBuacrlptlon amounU to »l<i,0t», ami that a ae« board or local Bank I. willing to aid the Government aiito, anti ii intttincd a. to the aolvency of the planter. In nidi *he rmtlnt, . .f „„|, ||,„ k , ,| r ,„ fe the t’barlreton Jferniry, “here fe a | agalnat the planter who eooepta for *10,000, cuuaiet of the Bank of Bag fW IVBUM-— •Win. M. Browne, amietaiit Secretary ol Bade, tut tut ooorolted by the (tovernmoot, yet be gave 11 aa bla opinion and ripremad U with gnat boldtua, t„ai Ilurlhurt wa a Mead to oar Government and ought to he nit aaad at oooe. I taka occasion fe My, that Mr. Browne b the only man In or out at the Government that I have met with In ■fehamd who tlaree to eiprcre tueh an Aad who fe Mr. Browne! And bow COMBthat tfcfecpy fe hfe Mend? Why •haaM Hartbnrt ao aaroutly deatre to be amt to Rkhraoad wherehta“Mimd" Browne waaf Why ahtntld Btawnc. the “Wend" of the My, trttfcwf Wnp mtiuIM, thu. autve taabatta Hun buna num of amt We rnaaa Mare and wa know more Gian it fe rlMitahl! to aaprre. at thu time. We only , pcesetteea a At- 'ffe pot- We all haow with what raw car- tain aooompUahed “profoulonal wrlfen"cnn endoreed, w. have « U»e tnrmy tnmy bn Nor will Ibn rhlrairy oi HcrannaU rr wire a dUbooorabU stain on that bloody Add. Nor will (Jie gallant Bartow Marti when lha wagerot battleroma* IftieblU, U will be at ths bead of bis men, with bis “f*p« tar»Ml t« Horn mmI fata U tl* t*c." It be cornea back sgaiu. to tread the soil ot his native Hute, it will lie, we are sure, covered whh honor, aiMl bearing on hia no ble breast the scars a soldier covet*. This Is but consent with bit well known repu- tation, being as be la. a blgbtooed floutitern gentleman, and a Iwsve man. Nor do we find any inconsistency in li»e position Col. Bartow baa been Induced to take, In regard to tbk oont rove ray always l*een, honeatly and sincerely, an abb advocate of tbose principles which claims the citizens jwlaary afteglanoe to be, not to the^Ub, but to (be General Government.—' lie U, In fisct, a leading spirit among those Who in 1800, denied the CoftStHailonsI right of noesaaion, and who in 1M0, have exercised It only s.n wt of “revolution.” Gor Brown and Co! Bartow differed in 1890, they differed in 1880, and they wUl al ways continue to differ on this great princi ple of Btalc Bights. In the contest of 1850, we well remember tlie Utlerncss of feeling which then prevailed, when Gcv. Brown, Gov. McDonald, and Jefferson Davis, were denounced as traitors, nnd the doctrine of secession branded as treason. We are not surprised, therefore, that a dseh on this long mooted question should renew that an tagonism. But we arc surprised, r.nd we do regret, that the clash bus occurred at all. There is an old legal adage, laid deep is a profound knowledge of human nature; H Is tills; A B)unt me the man who hat the fronted motif* for the eotmaieeinn of a giten crime, and f teiU thorn you the criminal" Why this quarrel between Gov. Brown and Pol. Bar tow ? Has Oov. Brown ever refused to biruish or arm fraepa trher. called on to do so by the Confederate Gnvermrnt ? No.— Has Gov. Brown ever, from first to last, wavored In his devotion to Southern honor, States rights, and National independence * Far from It. Year* ago, when the gnilant Col. Bartow, and his poiiticsl friend* were liauded together against the very principles which Gov. Brown now defends, the* latter breasted the wav* of public error side by side with Gov. McDonald and Jeff. Davis, andsufftred with them a common defeat.— Immediately upon Lincoln’s eleetkm, fitev. Brown took up his position, In unity of purpose and harmony of ad ion with South Carolina and Mississippi. Firmly he press ed on Ibe column. Fearlessly he struck blow slier blow at fVsUral authority in Georgia, sending a thrill of exultant delight through the Kiuthem heart, from (’hsrles ton lo 8ao Antonio: nye! even while prom inent men from this Htate were af Wash went to theT/tlKdl; day, the whole concentrated rago of Atudi commission even, cannot absolve State al legiance, and side by side with os in this issue are the many brilliant army officers from Lee, of Virginia, to Van Dom, of Texas, each of whom, at tlie call of his State, baa defied Federal authority, /tit this reepeet for Mat* nUtgytnrc orr federal, thu obedience te mate authority which hoe placed the gallant Colonel Mayrudcr at Bethel, and the eon of /Tarry Zen at hfunamae. It Is this rasped for Slate authority which is the crowning justification of the ga’hnt Ingrauam and Tatosll and the whole list of army and navy officers, who have thrown dawn their corn missions at the feet ol Lincoln ami refosed to obey Ids order-. Bat while we feet with the public that Gov. Brdfeti l« rigid, we lu»V« none oilier bat kind wisher for Off. Bartow. It is his misfortune and not his fault that design! politicnl schemer* have arrayed him agvi the authority of his State. We shall follow bis <otirse with interest. We shall watch for his plume amidst the smoke of every battle In which the flag of Georgia is tm- foried. We part with him for the present, and with tills controversy we boj>c forever with feelings of Indignation only, those, who have induced a brave man and a soldier of Georgia to defy the authority of his State nnd offer a public insult to her Executive. “Ibat It 1* aaldf that lam %c have a fT Now, dr, the foots axe, that under the former Ull, by which twelve months* volunteer* were raked for the war, the President had as much power set, for the war; and It h a mere matter of discretion with him under both acts, wheth er be will or arfll not one the intervention of Stale Executives; aad yet, wldle stepping our of the way, to stab me ia Use back, you seem criminally ignocaut of what you ought to icuow. You have also iiudauated, iu this charge and elsewhere ia your utter, that I have been misled by motives of personal ambi tion. The attribution of low motive* of conduct to o'her* is most frequently the to- *uhof long familiarity with such principle* oftmim. It k dangermw for any man to attribute motive*, >est he foil under the con 'UM - luyOif of the berertt* of the act of Gougrens - by aaeki Mich you 1 unarr i H. I offered sceepted as Captain of my Company, with out any pfolge or unrlerstaading, directly or indirestly, that I was to have another com mission. My juesent office of Offooel of tbk Regiment, has been conferred upon me . aad through the wish, aa I have reason to believe, of every officer and pri vate under my < omnaaiMJ. I bare desfml an office, preferring for maffg r^ssoM, to re main nt the head of my company, between which and myself there has existed a deep- consent that I agn*ed to comm femur *' £7. Xsyiy a# Gal. I. •- Bartow to Oevsrasr Brewa. Bavaxxaii, June 94, 1861. lb the HhUtor of the Morning Seat : Deak Bin:—WUl you be pleased to pub lish the enclosed reply of Col. Francis 8. Bsrtow to the letter of Governor Brown, sddrmsed to him under date of 21 st May Tours, truly, Jso. M. B. Lovr.u„ P. ft-Y(t will also confer a favor by re quiting the pajH'iv in the Kiate that liave published ll e previom. jv*rtion of tits cor- reapon/hHUic, U> pubMah Coh Bartow’s ra- jffy J M. a Ire CAur Cwtiamcr, IIarpkn’m Fkhhv, f June 14tli, 1B91. ( To (toe. Joiujth K. Amii: ult., wliile at Hiclunond. Since the date of ita reception, I have been «»4*• instantly en gaged In the d.itleaof the*ervice I have un dertaken, that I have found no tims which couid b« devoted to an acknowledgement of yoer communication. I now write amidst the hurry ami concision of the ramp, being about to march from this point, we trust lo met the enemy. 1 ha vs little time nnd less ineJiuatfon lo reply In detail to the insolent missive you have thought proper to puhlfeh in rny ab sence. Respect however, for Uie graxl opin ion of the people of Georgia, Induces me, iu | from Georgia, ipie. I had labored a* much aa man lu Georgia to affect tfo- seces-lon of “ ; I had pledged myself to meatjal! ouence* of secession. I ara iiousd. in honor, and still mr*re strongly to be among the foremost in ac- rices which saera tie as well spar \t, and 1 aui willing and it. re»tfu taunt me with dc- r and the defense of my Arc to serve the contmou cause in a more nl niitiintcr climate." I w ishytm were L Ui witness tlie realities of tbk oervfoe m so pfoasanL It would curt you, of sonic of your malicious propm Mie*. You tauat me also, with having ini posed (qton others the doty of fluff rid log the B Which 1 liave ileserted; and yet, when tunned this you knew that you had ily refused to call the volunteer troops of Havannah into servica el any kind; and that you bad called “ many of our bravest yooag men from otbar parts of the State to III our piacso," and defend our homes, while we were permitted h> net in ingforfousease. The volunteer tr*M>ps of fkvannah are aow in service, not through you, hut by tl.e di rect order of the uouitusnder-ia-Chlef of the Confederate force*. All that you m*y upon this subject is Jesuitical, designed to subserve a (MiqKNKi rather tliau narrate the tmtli. 1 have the name right to judge that you have, ns to thcprohability of an attack iq>on Havsunaii. Tiicre is ncarcely a sea board city sfong the Atlantic coast that ha* not its representative* fore ia Virginia.— Why should Havnnnab lie an exception?— Barely one company tould be spared, at ioast, to show that her heart beat true to the common eawie, and that her youth were ready to court danger upon the very iron tiers of tlie \rrr. Bu< h a spirit is not what you have characterized it. It 1* protiably A special mcssrnjjcr from Richmond has duly delivered the threat of W. M. Browne, Msristsai rfoerrtory <rf Bute, at this office, of that gentleman * fetontfam to cutoff hare in Atlanta, the earn of the senior editor of the hUdhigenctr. What offence we have given lo this mighty man of war, as weH aa Btate, we know not Possibly the arrest of Hurlbttt the spy, and personal friend of W. M. Browne, baa enraged the assistant flee- tvry ol Biatgi against it*. Be that as it may, we hope still to wear our ears, notwithstanding this fearful mes sage. But we sincerely urge Mr. Browne not to prcMtroe too much npon the forbear ance of oar psofffe unfJ the Ilnribut case In Anally disposed <»C Then, If there is power to do it, we intend to probe to the bottom the history of his friendship with the New York spy. In the meanwhile, we suggeu that Browne Iw allowed leave of abseace from hisconfldenliai position in the Houtb- ern Cabinet We take this occasion, to recall to the re collection of otir reader*, the order of Wasminoton the day before tlie great and final struggle which secured the indepen dence of <Hir forefathers. That onler »«*, u Put none hut American• at guard to-night.” We approach nearer tlie final conflict.— Clouds may lower over ua Disaster, at first, msy fo-foll ua Darknem may set in. We nay to Jefferson Dsvis, the second WASUtMATV-M of America, "place none hut Southernere an guard to night.” History is but Philoeophy teaching by example*. Lm u* profit by that of Washington. Highly Important from Wa«h- infton. Jett. Davi*’ Letter to Uneeln. Propoaition to Stay Hoetilitiea. Ac., Ac., Ac., We are ia ■ arrangement) of New York dates of the 26th nitre two days lo advance ol telegraphic new*. We find in the /toroid of that dace the following exciting aad Important an- THE HZWH. The Uk'Umond /teaminer of tlie 24th states that it l» proclaimed with confldnsoe jh*u a naval attack on Norfolk will soon Bin —I received your letter of the 21k" iafiove your comprefomalon, but the gener ous arid nohic hearted of my native State will know how to apnroriatc it. And now as to tny snu*. I did not ask you to arm or to equip me. I bail already received from the lain Government of the United fltates, through you, arm* and equipment*, which cmt the Bute of Georgia nothing. They delivered to me ami you took my bond for their safe keeping, unless destroyed in few won!*, to eet right my conduct, which you have taken so much pam* to asperse, rrtd to correct the inlmuwments eud foil bonutations with which your letter aboi the vuhhe trnoire. \ ou have threatened JH with the penalty of the bond. Take it, U yoa can get it. That Is vour remedy. If I bare been wronjt >n taking the arm* away oonrig r say that I have ‘‘commenced dam ci * mate were sr nosu j „ ; sswwrttt SSSSdS paint faatk atdaa of a pktore. Mr. Rrownr uaa ore* (toaaaoiat) with Ute New York Journal sf Cbawreov. ttWn that paper ojv poBtd Ute South. Mr. Browne fe from Ku* feud, and, If we are not mlntakni, la rorj iaUmale nil], oertala partial In Ikllnlmruh. Be May be hiameleM He may Iw Ihe dupe ufHurihurl But there fe loo tnitelt at Make to jatUf t-erernony Browne fe Inn near o»r Gorerautent, loo hmlller wIGt oor plana, •ad by kl. laA.woce In the (bale Depan- atret baa too n.urti power to paralytte and deaKaalfee >nr forelytt policy, to > cient|d Atom aarntbiy. Of one thing wo are f ota- ttre aad that fe, that the Mend of W. H, narlbtut fe not At tn be the autatant ftecre- retaiy of Able and Ute ooakfeatlal adrfeer of Gw Pretab* of Uie SotiUiern Cabinet p to the git ol flfelCTnrt Uths fens tfW.B.Bnrltori Rtciruoan, Va, done Wt, (Ml. To Ho* Jamed I. WntTAsan, May— of AUenta, Ooor*la. lanteefewa with your eedere. Merer. Baoua. Welkin*, Breatet and invielf, feft Atlanta, Ga,on the evenln* ol tbr-Jl.t hal. In ebarte of W. It Borlbnrt, for Kick- Maud, Vlrutnia. We anired in Lynrliburf, V*-,aa Ihreday moreio*. the Mti uaL, where *• were ohHged to reiaatn oeer unUI Moo ’ ibv mnminii u pMiLutunnito day Morning, to eeuuquenor of the traliu U reuning ou Gail road no the Aabhuh. Waarri.ed ia tbferllyon Mentday, the Jk Inal, n baN peat one o’etork P. M Uarfag Huribert in chirgeof Merer*. Bo* gun, Waitdai and Hannintu, 1 proceeded “ to the quartern of Prveident Itea, aad reparted my btulnere The TfoMut was to kind u to give me an ini l Audience I Uid before him vour umhu.Hm fetter of Hon. a C Yancey, and thedhpaukre, exphittin* to him, verbal!* IlM where furtieulari of Ute cnae, btgelber with the haa drawn out. In the ,'lamina aka, by the cnaualttee in Atian!-, u gather *wfeh the Kate of tndla* w'.e ,t etktet! !- the ferae. Will the Bank, on the faith of Utfe accepunee, *lte u» Govarement *t0. 000 and take the Onnfrdernte Bondi T I an, It only remain! for Ute Bank lo decide wltal diapoaiUnu it will make of the plan lert aooeptuncc. Our propoaition fe to aand llieno piantan acceptanc*! Ihnr rationed l.» the Bank NAcera lo Europe (or dlarount— Sock acceptance* rrpreerating one million halt* ol cotton, and gUt-edgm: by Bank an dorecmenl, coultl be dlncounted cither In Ixmdao or Paris. It would enable Ute Go* eminent to otnaln money on the faith of the loan between Uie rabarrtpUoo and the ma turity of the crop, and that fe Ute priming need at Utfe lime It would (brta a legal and binding lieu on the crape, and that ti neceaaary Ibr Ute aecurlty ol the Bank* It would give European capital a property righl io our crop, and <u aeufrwii they could Inafel upon lla eiport, and that I* a qncellnn of high diplomaUc importance. But it will be aaki, “tbb fe a dangermta innovation, Gila ta ialroducing plan tree ac oeptanoea and plantation teomAlei dtrecUy Inlo the cheap money Mafkela of Europe Exactly ao, and there, we apprehend, vtl be the ml* Such a meaiure work* out the financial revoltuhm of Utcra Bute* The planter free, himrelf and mtnm hfe Govern. mom at the tame Urn* Wo adrfee our Banking (Hand* lu go with Ibe Urania, ba- cauae tba piantan o( Ameriet. will take Utli hma tn Ute Client of poeaibly One Hundred and Fitly Million Hollar* aad aa rarely a* the ran Hare la Ute Kua aad eita ta the Were, Jure ao rarely will ihta van aunt, Utui ounaolidalad In the Plantar'! band* bamade the rtualaua of a new fiuuactat ayatata a ki- h •»« dlarount planter! ncoaptauuM and nwp>- Gnta loans upon plantation lecurttire. In London, Pari* Amreetdam, Braarel* Fnvak- fart ami Hamburg, at ft gar near per annum. Dllert tja.e, not only In cheap good* but iu camp money, b oaly a iineaGuu of time. II gore bead In band with the direct by- pothecMhm id the cotton crap ahraa.1. ¥ The Fraideut enuiact all the papen aad iHopatcbec pereomd'y, tm.1 Homed at tetey to niy atafaatint. He called In onaaaltatioa Mr. Toomh* Secretary of State, UM alter a careful weighing of the whole core, the cue to the .condo Hoa that Barlbnrt war a dan-arou! man, an •Mtyto Uie South, andUmi be ought to be ~ ‘A far trial M». Benjamin, the Attorney ■oral, waa *Vc eonwltad, bn I have not bare ftdly apprfeed of Me opinion in Ute nan*. Mr. *Y. M. Brawn* Aaafetant Sacro. taiT cf State, ret* arecouanlved by the Gov I, ytt he gave haa hfe optnlmi, and (riMli It whh grant boldoere that Hurilmn waa n Ikfaaet to oar Government, aad ought fa be Miami! at core i tut orcwtoa to te thu Mr. Browne fe tha oaly aum la, or are of the Government, that I bare met ■whh la Richmond, who dam toerprem WCh aa opinion, ia the hoe of all the facta U the rare, Fraaldaat Davi* fur certain teafactaty .cum* coadaded Ic turn Hnr* hart om fa the amhorbire of the Stale of Wycf Ml,) A (Vrerott Ccaanttcr.—We obanrve Gi*i eevarel leading pM«ra begin already In agi tale the plan of making the Government the direct buyer of the cotton crop, paying Ihnenfar ia Traaaary note.. Tbfe would ha to gin tha Goretuuaiat reel aa owner ■hip ia the cotton, thereby making k contra bead. Tha true plea fe the ooe aow ere.g carded oat. Ire the planter* rabwefbe the proem* of their cotton. Give foreign oqd talfeta the property right ia the growing crap by a prove** of hypothecation abroad Tha hypothecation of the crop In Europe guarantee Ita cmvertabUlty and the eon eertahUlty of the croton rnp la (he IIA and •oul of the South. Ire the planter rapport the I .van Bill tlunhun could bo directed at Uie South, there are five ohjert* upon which It would thaten. There are, W. L. Yancey, of Alahaina, HouGi Carolln* Henry A. W!ac, of Virgin!*, doeeph K. Brown, of Goorgtu, defihraon Davi* of Mimitnlppi. Tltoac indeed are the Are pillar, tqion which haa been aucrewfriHy reared Ibe ee- neMlon and Independence nfttte alave Shite*. Haa Gov. Brown been wanting In duly hi Uie volunteer* of Georgia ! Lei the public voice reply lu the pending election, l et the home* of Georgia anawer. Hlatory will recnrtl, how, with aleepleaa vigilance, untir ing energy and patriotic anal, the Eaecutlve of the State haa dtacuarged the high dull"* which derolved npon him. Would to God, we had had auch men nt Richmond nnd Annapolla I Virginia would nol liave halt ed, nor Maryland hum been betrayed. At homo end abroad, In America and In Sarope, the name nnd acllona of (he Gov ernor of Georgia have become aa “houae- bold won!*" Wc again aak, therefore, why thii difficul ty! We ahare with Uie peofie eftho Slat* the regret every where eiprewed, Uint attch a dllAculty, at auch a time, adiiu'tl aria* OoL Barhitv any* In the very lettei lieforc u* that he would willingly have at -tided Ute Cttuglct with Kvaculive authority ! He alto anya that the net of Ouargraea left k dfeu*e- tlonary with the Prealdrat, lu do aa he thought At in accepting vulunteere. JelTei- aon Davi* true to Ida principle* true to 1th character, Lu cicrelaed that d'.icretlon, ami In doing an "ataim the action ot She Gov ernor ol Ull* SUt* Why did not Col Bar low eaareiae a aimilar dlacreUon » We are aatfefied that Utla unftirtuoale .-ontroreray I* not accidental. It la loo well laid, the train ia too well prepared, the blow delivered at Gov. Brown, and Uie prirfriple* of State* right* which lie reproaeul*, ta too deHherale, loo dtilfut, aad ff etceeeefrtl, loo fatal, lo hr merely an accklenl I We aee the ahatlow "f well known Aguree behind all ibi* noiae aboul "arm*" We detect the “motive" of Iboae, who have beguiled Ool Barlun Into an act koMile lo Stale authority and State* right* and we are the akilfal hand which totkm ot my State haa inferred the to com mead me." I any nut aware that y I were a gl* lu a rontfagenev wlAch, nuder t atlttltlnn, would give the Slate the refee and maintain troop*. mutenre my military career, a* y ; reauuaalttlc. 1 think the power you to dlaurm etuupankm once armed and under bund* at your will, i* lo vay the of It, doubtful. A* I have already . in a funner letter, I would not make , ieane if I could find any way to avoid il I would rathe! yield, than have s ton troveray with any maa where the public ia ■ | ■ afeaafau « r dlwtltedlmwe.J I"" Idaaee. gawd the aag I a* 1 WON. Uke pl*4'<*. TU«? M^titorramtsn fleet fotssr- rive<l tn lfsni|iton Road*. We predict that our land batteries will heat of anr fleet Lin coln can 4vm»moral Wo And tLc foilowinir Hew* io the Balti more Sun of the 22d inst.: COL. WALLACE •OHEOCHDEU. The TariotM nunocs aa to Ute iiropoMtiors (Made bjr the leaden of tfo Southern Con- fedenu j for peace aad rceoMtructioa of the two ncctioo* of the conntry, appear to re solve themselves into the sauq^e fort that, aa we learn, Jefferson Davis has addressed a coamiaaication to President Lincoln, pro- poaine p«u«, on the grounds merely that, oa the united Hutes government must be con vinced of ibe impossibility ot conquering the Hrrnth, it should do now wliat It must eventually do after a long and bloody war ifcderacr. lie does not propose that Congress shall |mum any act relative to slavery, nor does he refer to the payment of the expenses of the war, ot the withdrawal of troops, as reported in other quarters, but simply that, as the sanction of otqpxaa will be necessary to ratify the re - -1 - -- e.f 11* re U/.il!hwr.. m n amiifiit Ik*. cognition of the foMKheru government, he suggests that no progress be mode oc either side until Congress meets; ami be pledges himself that no aggressive set the pnrt of the Houtb shall take place if hit proposition is favorably ennaidered, until It ia aaceruin- ed how (Congress will act in the premises. He gives a succinct statement ot the »t length and resources of the South, nnd compli ments the United Hutes government for the activity with which H is pouring troops into the Acid, and he. concludes hts totter by say ing that “the spectacle of four hundred tlioa- asnd men—let me say brothers—tbus array ed against each other, with the moat de structive weapons of modern warfare in their hands, is a sight from which '.he pa triot turns away appalled. In Heaven's uame tot us not drive them into actual con flict. If (Miasible let us avert a collision the There is an agitation Jfeg o* Go*** The Consignees of European specie have iw i fifed instructions frun tfouad—flirt, not to h wst any mote mmey b Lin tod Stelasae- ol Jea. Second, to taveat in Soothtft “Stole" saenrities. Beunett’s mouey writer ragw ormc this matter Hau- him: Thors wa* quite a niovement ia stock* dxy, based partly on s foreign demand for * serartuea, and ,*rtjy paedknfed < " nonaenaknl rnmora of < -*nqv«>mke. B»H we hefieve that the toaarfer* who lately ridfed Washington were aaaurvd by member* of the Cabinet that the only Southern proposal which would he entertained by the govern ment would be at Hfrr to lay" down sr**- retera to the old alfegiamv, nnd MirrMMkr the riagfeadm ml the rHa*Ulon for trial by the proper courts. In Wall street, Uovrsrer. the most absurd rumor- often obtain c*e deoee for a f ime. llAMaisnino. June M.—Gov. Curtin last i horrors of wbkii will have no parallel. night received a dispatch frwot Col. Wei- I No answer ha* yet been returned to this tod that, if he waa not reinforced iismedi ; premise ‘»r entering into any negotiation auqy, lie would be coatpdled to retreat iuu. | with the rebels, upon the bnairof Mr. Davis’ Fennsytvanto, aa lie waa hemmed in on the • l«v*poaiUon. Ttfae a<!rauce in Houtiiern securities Might, ,4 cuarae rerelvrol Ito aaavrer (tom j ta Tntamt, am! Gretlv, . threat to throw the Lincoln Government if the Con the operator. This morning he again l. le graphed ordfn to have reinfon emenU sen! i feleraie Government U realized, i immediately to CoL Wailac«'. A passenger who had arrive*! at Bedford confirms this news A later telegram from Harrisburg stab* that additions! fim-ewharr I wen dispatched t<» the relief of Wallace.— give color to thia startling intclligenor. LATER. After the above waa put in type, w reived the following summary, tlatodat Ba)- The t'onfefitoratea are S,.10U stroag. They dinore on the 2&th, of the letter of Presl have destroyed bridges of the B. A O. R. dentlmvls, and whkh we hasten to place Road and telegraphic wirva. The following adroit Southern move in Maryland Is folly confirmed: THE KAitti.AKDI.EUial.ATimK AKbTNE VED EEAI. WAR DEBT. The House adopted, on Friday, a rwdu lion submitted by Mr. Gonkm, of Alfegha ny. declaring that the debt aow Iwing incur- j before our readers 1 have good authority for saying that Jeff. Daria has actually mads overture* of peace to the government at Washington; but those overtures contained but a single, unqualified proposition. The purport and general terms 4if the prnp<»«ition of Mr. Davis, were as follows: 1. That the United flutes government ny, uecutrtng that the 4lebt now firing incur-j *• « ««* >«e i>niie*i imues gtivernmem re«l l»y the Executire lfe|Mrtioeul of the »»»* now lie oonvince<t of the utter hnpos United Htales in the prosecutmn of the war, j Ability of subjugating or conquering the is unconstilutional and unauthorized, and Is j Houth. And here followed a not binding ujmmi any <»f the fltate* which ! military strength oral resources of the dc raR consent thereto; and the Htate of! Southern Confederacy, made, K was said, not iNiastlngty, but simply as aa eaiolag tot, but to giv« 2. Mr Davis ur^rd its citizens Itouml for the payment of any : “■ Mr. Ih*' part of said debt; and it will resist the pay j kis Cabinet went thereof by every means hi Its power. I “»»** erentumlly ilo, after iperhaps) a long T . v . .. . * »nd bloody war -nanwly, recognize the h»- The Ni w \ork Zleraid says the Foreign tlependeut nationality of the Houtiiern Con- Banker* have determined not Ui take any more of the Lincoln loan, aim! holds out the Me* that step* should be taken fo fore* tlependeut nationality feceracy. Tbia was the simple propoaiti •ral the oaly one nuule by Mr. Itavfe. There I I was nothing mid about wittolrawing troops; a4fanthrezzzzzz.^ ~~ dye force to prevent Foreign Bankers i ing penuitte<1 to carry on the Southern The allutiing to Ibe effret of the new ^ dgn order* upon Houilicm securities fhe Bcrald sum : North CaroUnas advao-N-i! 4 per cent; Tennessee*, 1; Virginia 2 ; Missouriit f It seems that some parties in Europe are sending our railway bonds home aad pot ting the money in the depreciated stocks of the slave States, doubt le-* under Uie impres sion that slaverp w ill disappear in the coarse of this wnr, ana that then slave fltate stocks will be as valuable as those of free fltate*. With tlie exception of a few of the older slave Stale stock*, foreigner* have always been shy of buying securities where value was in any way contingent upon slave labor. Mark the significance of these quotations! Tennessee, where Andy Johnson has a par ty, aclvance* only j per cent. Missouri, where Lincoln has concentrated half of hie Western force, advances only j pet <eot. But Virginia, with 160,(W» Southern troop* on her soil, and North Carolina, who *bow- ' her teeth for the first time t.uring this Wi.i at Bethel, advance* in the con Silence nl foreign capitalists in New York 4 per cent! Well may Chase threaten to seize the for eign specie deposits now 'tuN** w irfeL* But tell the money writer of Uie York lit mid, to keep bis eye upon the ji cnedings of the Cotton Plauten*’ Cooven tiou, to be held at Macon on the 4th July. The silver iMlotn will soon be knocked o< t of the Ysukee tub. re...a * utlt ««! C fteRfR! UJ | V* Troll JI Id HI % IrglUlS. 1 OU IIISKl the tloybd*,rote SUiteeeu the oMcer upon whom j here again your common error, of suppos the Constitution (to which Georgia is a par- ing that yon are the State if Georgia a mis ty) “ha* conferred the right to command j take i» which I do not participate. You It fe true that I tendered, under in will not be jh nnitusl to a!*enat« htmi stmctlons (ruin u,/ com|>any, their service* j esteem and affection of those we leave be fo the Confederate States through yoo. in J hind, anil whom we love so dearly. H foe first instance^ this, however^ «m iim- j "««Ty you have undertaken so ungracious a —.W ..... erottvni. W« -Ull ■. ply liccause the Presidcut ha<l mlopted that task. a matter ofi mod* of obtaining troop* public convenience, and any Constitution Im to appeal to the Htate Executive, i Dow long rUII leas la there any ground for your “ * ■ HR. kou aay, “ that, at pmeut, I am beron<l d nat hmtuM theme | fo<* trech of Htate authority, and Htate fineo, law which re- j *» far as 1 am c«>ncerned, arc obliterated.— ty remain so," you my, “de|icntl* upon Uto ilevclopmeuts of the fu *—- ,4 — i ■*:, ,) and !*e Uon that the rights’of die Htate* tre viola tore." I trust, If God spares my life, I shall tod by the fVesident receiving troops dl ' *«t f«x»t again on lie soft ol Georgia, nscUy without the Intervention of the Gov- well oiwured tliat 1 nc more fear enemies at home than I now no labor, and have constantly labomfi, ( enemies of my country abn>#4l. t my > meet the under Uie erroneous impression that you the Htate or Georoi I bog leave to pro tosi against Uiiz coneluaion, in which, 1 as. out ftw a grand financial i Otorgia Flock- fihtrt reconi sf a Oeorgia cflksr. In the ofilciai report of the battle of Vera Cruez, during the Mexican w ar, we find the following mention of a Georgir soldier . “In these affair*, even officer aad mau engaged, diw'harged hi* duly with gallantry and steadiness.” In the list of woumied we find the short but expressive report: “B. F. McDonald. Georgia Regiment severely" (wounded ) On page 479 of Prr*khnt Polk's message to the American Congress, 1847, lExecutira Docunienf, No. 1.) «ve find th«* following: “I must beg leave to fortber mention Lieut B. F. McDonald, 3d Artillery, who was sent with an order into the town (Maa- mantla,) previous to my entry, accompanied by Mr. Braillay, of the Quarter Master's de partment. lie was surrounded by lancers, but succeeded in escaping.” This report fe *igne«l by old “Jo«-Lane." a On |Hige H7, of Executive Document Nia 1, (184H,| gallant old Joe Lane say* ot Mc Donald : “Lieut. McDonald, :inl Artillery, ailing assistant (Juaiter Master, wa* with me in the cbar*»(liaulc of Matamoros) and tiehavnl moat gallantly, os be ew ha* done, upeu all former occasions.” Sj»eaklng of the battle o( Gminvar*. Gen. Ijxne, all tilling !o a charge ii|*»n the enemy by Ool. Jack Hays, say*: Ic promptly repufeeil them (the enemy) and with Captain Roliert* and (’ompnay, and IJeut*. Ridgeley, Whipple, Water*, McDowaLD, Hlake, and my private fleere i tary, Mr. I*hel^ nnmliering in all about JI men, gallanUy chargeil, b»ok«* ami |mn»ue«1 the enemy." wtoi Tiro Cintinneti CtnnnroreUI, »t!rr Irevlee ! *"*" <* **» litre —I* «*. *ut..l pointment* uuule from Ohio,’’ trembles for ! tire, must have the aanctkm of t ongs*,*, the fate of the abolition army “ If a similar j ***** *• *^ e w * r bail l*eer> I'ominenceii lack of Judgment and di*rriminaiion has 1 wilhou *..**• mMlon of thrtbody, m, he With due rmpm-t, 1 iteve tlie honor io be. Your moel utrollrat, KHANC18 ». BARTOW DKr.\rnTt’ee or l^uron. —The Altente [ , Irora merle in the whole lint.' The hlocknile hoiriin to tell on the price of North weetorn bretulrtufi, en.1 proriehine Thi, will noon work loerfrtll/ upon tiro “ howt lery ijetem" ol the Yankee. There- lore, it fe .liferetire to oom|iere the prices oi mure nl tne IraJIr., nrtldra of witwfe- lenre, na they were qttote.1 in Northern unt Houltrora morkotr. ilurinq the pert wrek - We will lake corn for inetnnoe: , * rb T?r_ Nr» OfWftltf Teh* far cnnefcleratio. iron tire ertlcle of fttrar; •nt meet fe oh»rfraUlo 'wi?h ' q Volunteer!, Cept. Woddnll. left our city yes- | S-T5U:: o( peace ar.l war, and ha* the exclusive ‘erday for Rich mom 1. Lfeut. Castleberry ! aurtZST Halit htlTO-lll if. rereree. r.f I re. re-ire.. ... I .... i . . 1 I ..IS to ettetate* fer tot •ts and maintain armies. The Congress, and ^ ,, . ' "7 «««- not the Qovtna.1 of State*, are entrusted " * members to m*ke the ranks of this |*>rk (a the Northern and Southern States: with tbe power to raiao theae armies; and I l oni P* n y complete, aa the Constitution i* bix>ad and unqualified The Newtoo Rirti f[y‘ ***?ton county, pasaeil ihrotigh t sutctoil In the mode iu which ii shall bc o\ i.„ ,[ , . erclsed. The President of the v oufedeml, un,,cr * he ro,um * n - Rifies, ftwm Conyers, New- city Captain J. A. Htate* fe the Commander-In-Chief of tbein* ^wart. Tlielr desti-taUim U Camp Me armies, tuue raised, for a oonmuti cause; Donald. and the Governor* of States havo ra>t, so far aa I am aware, any Jurisdiction tbla subject, no.! The * ati Hdllip* Rifle*, Caatoto for *a >Mtriotfem ! ^ oni,r, ‘*k. from this place, also left at the may induce them to cooperate* with the i * MM ** me »tleatination Oatnp McDonald. General (fovernmem In lime of great cmer A Company from Pfekeos county, Aia gency and (Unger. Your conclusion, there «- n mute for Li nchbur* Va >i« »M-jf-P"-w- omi zr z t„: who.. MmmUi ... NtiOrhiiw SS’ rtt « I lire Trot. •« »| Mratea .. e« well ewnra. could the PnnidenL the Secrotnrjr of Wet, rad Gera Soott to ernuira the in,.ventral! of troop, that no promt* ntwd he nude on either cite before Cotroraw erernililre And he pledftnd hin.e.11 in cnae hi. praporithro wai favoraMr coeridered, that no eftfraMive ecu on the pen of the Sonlh ebouhl fake piece until K waa eeeo how Oonftien ww dfepotwtl to act He did not propoer en eradttiee until Jnlv 4. hut it wee evident that be would oheerfiillv eoqtti race In nieicuininn the prearal fait* euo. No anawer hue been made to there over ture*. It fe certnin they hove not teen re jected, nnd II h aehl Hut the Preeldent end one member of the Cabinet, ere in favor of Coefrrm* ’'’’bfen'’^ wlI,lt,ticr ” n,it The fbiiowhqp i. the eubefaoce, and very hear tlie faneua^e of the ron.-lu.Mor reeleh 9“ of the letter of Mr Itevfe lo rtmldral IJnroln. My informant Iuu not reen the letter, hot heard a copy of It reed, end fe positive to iu general lentun .: Afior paying a deecrved oomplimeut l.: c eorrjtr of Mr. Unooln, end to the promt, ude with which the MMlODO Nortirore lure ; troope have nrehed lo emu, IT re “ihit the raeefade of ft00,aw men-let me !• re ro**"' te Gut ttuuy lt.ue urat ml eon rererel. :.fa .1 . l J Jerateflifatethent Suu^ the prate | t. blc what ii is at Ike great depot* of tbe ! turn* away appalled. In Hi destruc- warfore in their right irnm which the (MUriot l us not drive them info actual ounflicL If . ' : tlllticr WBM-lt .I,-,,,,-!, I go, fea palpable encroachment upon the ! ngbu of the fltatiw," does not in tli« feast So "*b 9teme fo b« aroused aud her )ieopfe li*turb me. Neither e|M>u reason ornuriior inarms Who can conquer u* f ity do 1 (Mushier the opinion of much ttofoe. -i ,i m l think most pamffn will prefer the n*»-i oi •»>«• Ceiafoderaic C-ougrcaa mim President of thu ifonfedimte States, ^avu the act theh deliberate .(auction. You have follcn info another ernw tMa subject. Yon say “that I , to the C-Mifoleratc C«*ogres«, ot wl a member, ami that a bill was |wm Rupposr, rhirfiy by toy Influence, vhi Uiorizestha Ihwsitiem to nsvive tin ry forces ot the Htstea oyer tbe he- independent of Htate authority. Vc ther say that, “under thi* a(H I was a-repi has induced him fo write a letter tliat, to te|K3! ed info sendee with >i Itted IW" Fairfox flution ia often confounded Fairfov Court House. Tlie firnuer fe led ou the Orange an.i Alexandria rail l eighteen miles from Alexandria, and House 4ir in Minty seat ol' Fairfox countp fe a village about fimrtern iuife« feom Alexandria, on t» wagon ros! ie.t>ling to Warreulon. And the same may be *aUI of M*nn**n*Oap and Monassw* Juncthm The - m*. . re rare • , ^ H 1 *'** *• where the rebel soldier* are your oomwofand ® aoiu, H* d ' ** *'* mi mde* from Alex ‘ 111 *“ ilrin. The Gap fe in Ute valley of Virgin- leave Savannah and |je to re.... re ...... rein,, HI -ray V. , , . ,, | ' IF »•> • r — J » 11 the leant, fe moot tliroourtenm >n.l which X'-T? 1 *: - f*T‘. re * fte. th«' I ie, running Ihroup. the Ittnc llhtgr Munn -n. ro- c ... • «t.ell never think II necemery , will we eUJ la the fame uf the eulluu But If Ike t-enple regret thu mnlratreray whh n .llvi.led eympnthy between e gelleul enti e uohle Gaverehr, iteop tthnnhl he their la.tign.tion egauM tiro nmi who hew iujuigetert the quervei We ail know how Patrick Henry rennrged with hie indig- SotrttD Vtnwt—The Augneta OtfeNhe trouAr, le ee able article npnn oar Interne tin eel reialluna, lays But how will the Mencheeter npinnera tray far the cotton ualere Rritfeh good, an el inwed tn come In? It would anon hnnk the cotton they will went, end not Brhfeh gohi, fe whet our petmle went in ntchenwn. The gold w-t ran netthet ant nor wear. The OonA derate Sum wonhi ant By raqtteat of the Preadent, Mr Toornla eocotnpente.1 me to Gov. Letcher, Irofhre erfaJtn the whole cate wee Uid. Gov Irotch Jef orate to the iniae concluekw concerning the cone, arrived at by Pnaidtoc I)evu rad Mr. Tuerabe, aad drtanaise.1 to emd Hurl ,tet fa Cheiieatoa, oa the warrant .4 Jr.dgc OMttvi, OorJrdarate Bum Cotunheioner WtpW'Tme have beet. receire-ICr.«u Uiirire ; froatthn CoafcderMe Sutra Comma r, end etfaero, to hold t* to Ho!»«t, oosaMmacn a policy of keeping up “■ * ‘ ' ‘ Mr tfch products-• Odin in exchange to. her policy Spain Ined, end law Ike'gram »dly sOc the eiileeatk century -when her ge.- fauae p. hi red kilo her lea Ike vert gold pro- dan of her South AtaeSrati ootonfee. Thfe le a cteer eutereeat of the whole iptertkta ie • fcw wnrde If Kogteed raa “ lo an, rtro wBI aot he able fa hay eourenl to enter the eerviee ot my (toentrv , Ulni,eed alwntdft mile. fra« the Jaaetinra Snfi fnftikt that i ihouhi ever fall eu low. : 4hi* But to your chetge. 1 know not to wh.t ' «> t you refer, ee Ute one under which Tlte euddra fall In lire bt.wd.ttifir end pro- I * uoll “^>; torat vfeh.« merkei of Eureqro give, a do.! kick 1 ’"■ iCh W '“ te downward fendraey.‘dohn Bull, I Germany end Pram, wili Serere faZ, the grain they went by the In j;I '*rtl, who b« promulgrtrol the fallow- Hcplcro':.. and then look out! The Northern pa|wnt ere preparing the public mind far direct uintion, retd il fe now preeihle tlte 1*. S. rump Confrere, may re- fart to it If U.fe U .lone and tiro Morrill Wamiisotov, Jene JH, 1861. TV Or .treurartef Prem . —The UjU ia yet to be eeeu in Waihington who hMaeen oy IlMn nf ll.o oraooreirei -II --ft a . hand was nrer I wo bund ns I In the genera! report, the commanding ofllivr again refer* to McDonald’* bravery : “Lieut. Water* and Lieut McDoraI4> dfetingufehed theinselvc* in thfe action, ad vancing with the first and retiring only with Uie last.” It fe only necessary for us to record, that the gallant son of a noble sire, survived hfe wounds to draw hfe sword in defence of those principles of which hfe father, Gover nor McDonald, of Georgia, waa an early and distinguished ex|mundcr. Joe leone fe known in thfe fltate, and the praise of such a man fe a fitting and honorable tribute of which any Southerner may he proud. heard of the ivanpromiac alleged to hate becu proposed by Jefferson Dsvfetotke Ad “ W, Seward. ininfetistion I.!u ,f .-8* - •*- ll will certainly Tlie New York 1 the impending fondue at the ! the peace current r humane—bow i\>nsideratc. in regard Houth! II. Mexico fe hailing between the “tale" fj. 8, and the Confolemte Government • When one f-ing and that ia, that the Herald feprxs fe greatly exerefeed ' luring to head the “reaction” ami go with setting in at the Another Kite at Northwestern BRRAwnrrr*—From (Mir special life* of Spaniard holt*, he stops, and when Lp Z a ,Im? ^*ce, *1 am nan*, ne sto,w, and wben he stop, j we |he M]owrmg ^ ^ aci-cptod into service; but I will infom that the act under which I serve fe entid.d **$??** aecm»plW»«* writer and able “An act *o raise additional forces to »riv i c . n 5** ,s , ln *jjf i-rim$ Ike war." Thfe rat, to Ihebretof 'tihorial .leliartmcnt of the Atlanu Inteiii .11, " I gaocre. We iH.ngn.tnh.te the re.,Ira. of S!lr,r»: i .TTL^rrsax ■«*- ly to the value aud useftilneiv nf the intaUi g«*ncer.—Marietta Admente. We arv indebtid to the Marietta i thmary fother*, cried, “BrcKr, Hrpt " Ho ! ply Rn set authorizing the PrcakWtrt fo fame future orator or hirtorian will ,-onrtra ! •“* tevlre. of volunteem fur the », r .; “ ZO'ZZV wh “ r k: ;! asrijjsj! i to aow fifeemi between mroh ora a. Jwi «,(. utuirr which vuluntem haw been Snrl, of antroval of nor 'jUlwoTjSI'jLTifJZZ''*’ “• Brnrow. fa Orttor fa ^ ter ^ ^ ***” "* Egl r- chairman, perfVdc.1 by it. ami pmaat hy I ■+, the t'Oeigreaa. Ii met lire a|q«v.val .4 lire ] Tun Cyan or T.-Oui Chief Kt-Sh?, 1 ^ T . h,.u. gaMrtl hy Oongrem aa lire Ih mmi „ "Lrom have rrairoret to our .tty, having rafee an effli tent army, so alnolntclv <v- j toWy delivered W. HL Hurihut, to Ihe au- quirrd for the wicked invndon *-l *m ikorilie* of the t’on*ederal«- Stat^ In com- ’ Mr. Wnyi't, M tfawgu, i.trotewd a M|| £*■“ f WhtUker. which doe* zinhorizc tkeVmudent, wiifonM ' T * ,rw ' *' ,n,,,ww Ibelr ***fetanta, iwlling upon Ike tfovernor* of Hm- Hutnt, to | W. S. Raaofotd and Wiu. wvept the services of voluntern at the arr entitled to much cmlit for the tallhful itsEssfaSttr.tyts i:! «--p- der it* forms *for hmi 1 anv agency in pro- UMl tni '* *° *^ e>1 ^ curing iu introduction .vr ensetmert. O H Rr unto*. Ike rocccseor .d Senator te t^ihl ^ra *>«*** kaftHtoka a particular frirad oi 4 Ufa btlTaml that l^iav ita » Linohl'A tod hit appointment fe gvoerally avail tnyaelf oi il> Iwtrofiu hi owe ainl.itton ; who, In fan, la ihe mhha .4 our rtrjggte far tuAepemiraoe, reugragate together la weret piece., ami whfe(»r lu euefc othere euro,, .rora-tt," The poUGral lean ■ u . fumrter more .hugraare to til Repuhth-a, ami raw iteleaulAe where erav Svuu.t The .reurfau. Juw, who fire touadafi hfe pouau ol human Amh, fe trot more mercllma lima the pothlrtaa who would roek. Uirougi. the heart-! Mood of hfe owu pnqfie, fa gain a marrehM party at krtr. yoo^ao.4 move Mm.- Ho my. the old | ** Lw V. S. Government lecuritiee are draging la Wall atreet at BftfkBftJ ami heavy at that. In .Hamming a cunparfeon of revooroea ihe Yai.kre writer! hare become audfieuly „t>- Uriott! to Aguree ne well as fact., and deal in grand eweeplng, high ammdlng, gener aiixlag lire The New Y*ork Hrraht of the 'il-t Ande great eoufalaiion tu the aitcrevl fane ol the tog rapid program. [COMUntTCATUU] Villa Rica, Intro 3Bth, Util. Maeeaa. Rmroaa:—Wheal crop In thfe vicinity are all gathered, and the yield » tuoei eaeellent The oela harvrrt la now corn utenred, ami It ii eahl fa he good; ami Ihe com look! very promising, we kevlng a good rain during Ihe week, upon tbe whole, our people tave much fa be thankful far, aa regard! coUou, our fallu did not pfeul much, erhal then fe of it looka well. One week age to-day, the “ViUa*Rica Mi- uera," a due company eotupoeed of our best boya, omruumled hy a veteran of the Crcrk Indian War, Captain John T. Chajabey, now orer aiity year, ol age, he carrier whh him three of hfe none The company numbered over litly. They have gone lo Cmnp Me- Donald, eltaa “Big Hhnnty." The Goardiof t'Anotfa.i, under Captain Ezra Cnrtfe, are also gone there. In Col. (I.rtreil'e Regiment now to Virginia, fe another com irony from Carroll, under Capt A. T. Bnrkr, Bo you tea Mr. Rditor that oM Carroll bar aow three emi.peniea of her hcyi ia the held, and that Ii not all. Knacker Powell, of the Ikh .I'etriet, ha- ..ow nearly got a fall comjrony, auolber iu Uie Sth, one In the 4lk, nnd in the 9th and t Ith, melt hare got con. panfee. nigh .into bring ready fa o»rr Aw n place to Aght far the Sunt and Bara. 0.1 Doggrrn wae at one time naked hy a politician what rnajority Carroll wotddgira, he replied: “Jo«t let her km.w whet fe need • ed, and .he will gire it ” It will now apply to Governor Brown, Juet let (-arro!l know how many faldirre Jeff. Derfe wnnle, and lie will get them. Truly Y.mra, DIXIE.' With growl ero(». In Ragland, Germauv, Prance, Riteefe, Ac., the ooly -need" nf B. r. -pe a ill he Ainertcan ronton. 1 hat nrcrec eity hegtoe <m Uie tat of September Urn Cairo Vafan the liana. Ihe New York JViiwarthe Seth,.wnila prem Bennett afeo ereka U> gire mtirely »• mnienal eorrent eommereia! the Yankees ■ by reporting Im * OTImpofttM nrwe lr..m California wae reeeivrel in Wtehington, on the Aftth, fa the effect that the people of that State are about to proclaim the anothera |mrthm nf it hr tow AAAO a erparate Slate, aad fa ally Urom icire. with theTVattheni Coofideraey It fe mid that a Urtmg party In New Mevieo, Ar Oor Brown haa mainmined Ike korow end dignity of the Bute. He will not go whh the ramnl now, hot a ill auiul Arm ta he . J? did to IM. Jrfa mm Dnvia fe the law maa i g M outeaiu. e Inauthordtoatton to lime of You go c * ■'**' '-outaratui UB.1.T E* 1 extreme nraeau l.yje- ■btor a'J.m | .wire in—i leaflet .ante and dfeguttiag io Ibe pending famine in Ruaeia, thereby creating a market far North-weetero grain and pro- tiaiomc Aud Utfe too in Ihe fate of derlin ing market, io Europe, and com railing at IV at Chicago! Bah! The moony writer in Ute N. T. UrroU, in quoting the continued decline of IT. R aeeu riliee in London, makee the pillowing ran did atatement A letter from a well informed aoUuwity ! N wr to ■aye that our aect-rttira are mninroi |rortlv to rouaequencc .ff a general hzUef that there virw, and Ita daily financial arUolc When Mkl N *‘ T *' b T «ritory t* in fovor »,f Greeley fiads thing* in Wall street so hod ' I*** pri ^ fct ’ pn T*' n ‘ d *° »*• R that he ranuot even extract a folsrbood ^ ^ *b* t T - H. (foverni ftran them, ilesperstc imleed mint be the 1 ***** T ** ritoa * fo«*R*«>res to n*p»ess this move- financial condition of New York. Tiro UrroU, however, aroeW! He fortitude , nt in the Goblet. State. Htnumrr, ran Sro, eoata -The Hteh the writing ptunt, nnd thrown out another mood Stouter mm thrt Ita " epv hi. ZZ ^ ■*—>P- -to-" A J. i'rarare hi. th r' ,‘‘T “ ip c " 1 " *' om lime in Virgiah) fa, fakrorope Kugtbh, IVeneh and German coonral. Eiactly. Beit If throw - birde nf a Buvue. HvaixutD TwocevM. Bauca.— will be nol ighting after all, (Hit that our ! The Montgomery OurfUtratuo Irante from Anther" time “Aorit fagrthrr," ou a fa.I limb of Ibe lire will W. M. Browne, the friend" of Ibe epy, perch? liurthwt. Crane, qaarrel will rad to eonro romipcombe. ; the moel reiiabir auilmrit. I far the nr,..,!r ,1kI Browne. A mow beautiful trio trody - When Ibr —• -r - - I , . autnonty, .list the people a. War,.,. ,u. -re—a- v ,c 7 - of Southern victoriei t g^ Ihrtaigh rete Europe, grert will he ihe fan of Writ | Hepreramrtivm, th UI mbreribr ,t faou 700, >■— 000 balee toward. Um ft»,00ll,0o0l.«u. We lean. I.y our fete p^ronlhai Mr. Van- j honor to the pm rioter of a gramme and I the faMowiag aaarazacTtarai ** ,h * “Wend" of the ipy, fe 1 efetant Secretary of Stair, caanoi Caatta, the spy’s eoune.-l, be made Aeafetant Attor ney General? Nuw Oautatu, Jaao fttk- Sii regtoirale 000.000 of the hrou