The weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-1861, July 03, 1861, Image 4

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11 J " look tolerably well l let crop of oottou rod eom rondtam- m»» j™ pkrajbad nil rarenty flrr erawi of ontoo rod plrutad cron. Ihereqab mejlaf prf*« ud tryinf to Ax ap to lira M bote. Ill aukotoora com then I and, tire CVrofrdro •to Annjr b wdeome to M. Tinmen, O*., June IS.—lb regard to crop Trroparu, of wblofc j<m rtquaat hifcr malice from who may write you—tbere b drought of tSree week, leugtb proratlm* bare, wUeh h (tot cutting abort the prorpect of .centre crope of upland com, ftea mato- HaHy lajorod oat., aao b badly hurt to* ear daa vegetable* Wheat » betog rat aan l« very good, end the weather bfKmftr earlr* thuTfor reeaele of war and uraona them one t the tnrore, aro. Jra-a. run, *t Jew of*thc jarrrrt darn rtad-pStd etoetnen,; An eye wltaeee of the ight »t Booat bum aooottUag to the Impart* 1 . plane - I Honda, bat, at 8 A. It, about ale nrflea They h»»eea.ple btode. end I bdo, tiurt Iowa, flee. u. Ibe .ubjolaed •caution that a mat reach of ooaatro pro■ during cold, rosoi'jc through portions of utcU- North »n«! f&>uth (frolic* and Georgia, per- ! Hsjor-Oerpral Price *u ill on Sonda/, tiolly m<1 very buprrfcciiy explored worn* I and heued an older for the retirement gjthe jemn ago, hot been discovered upon more > Stair I/ _ thoron** and scientific tovertbretlon to be m self, left for I- home nl Bruns w ire The rich ns California, to to be credited, they will force* under General Lyon lauded rear alifornk, k to be crexllted, they r».. mm. ■- !■ — noon here nU toe funds they can require.- 1 Knebeport, on the Hoorii side of the Mh This k ssssrtad here, nnd Jw discovery k I soar! rlrer, snd marched three© totmd sold to have brew oaaftnaed within the Urt ; Boonvtlle. A fewcompaaleaof Buietroam tost them about six miles below Boon nils, and attacked Lyor.’* fwres, Company B, Blair*■ Raiment, living the |*arty mwfvicg ■ .the bra. About ten of mid company were Home days aloes, w« had s abort editorial killed and wounded, as the result of that * lew oi the nttgn ill cent c.-uf* ol ! fire. The company firing then retreated.— now Mafharvtakd, and of j flevenri other State ootnj^niem, at thta point bW fair toV ©ven morn sUin of time, kept firing froiu difermt direct* «s upoo the people the Importance , on Lyon'* Urn * Gen Inm then planted Cm™-* L - — - fit 1 *kcannon, ami fired about twenty rtnrnda i to art the grata. It bk . compliance with your request, 1 will fire you a short detail of tmr crop* Wr are now ban sating wheat la tbk secUon. Ik how a wall understood g “ k to inrt two lie cultivated ■■^■irttr •town nefbr© in (hi or say other country, and following, aa it dues, a aeawm in which **m»e k very fine, sod some poor. affected it a llttie, but the wet spring more. Corn k backward in consequence of the wet spring snd late planting, but loo planting, hut looks well. The rart” has made It* appearance in the oats, and 1 hear of some cutting to make hay, hut I yet hope it will not min the crop. < a**ani»xa, Walker County,C*a., June 14. We bare commenced harrowing here, and our wheat k only tolerably good. It k in Jurcd by ftte Rock Braiwo, Walker County, Oa., June of wheat harvest The wheat geoeraJly good, aome Indifferent on account of rust— a large surplus will fie made In this county. Oata pretty good, aome complaint of mat. Coro In small, but in tine growing condition. Out gardens show aome want of rain, not haring had hut Ilttb within the last twelve days. Lot:uu, Ala., Juno 11.—Our farmers are about through harvesting the wheat crop, and all pronounce It a good crop, Indeed the Huwaxnkk CocMTf, Kart Florida, June 12.—A word about the crops In this section of Florida I nave beard several penous raiy wall .... — ty good. Corn looks very well, and most ol the people are done “laying (t by.” Oats are tolrrahte about here, and cotton very 1 the f t grape and balL- - Hon I number of Afteer or twenty, and throe |» known to tie killed. These prlsooera were taken, and the men killed afte- a retreat was » flour into the Stale, beyond our ! orderetl by the officers commanding the home peodlrtiftl, k suggestive of the a o .hat piddle k being turned to the anffloct; an J article referred to. we have raertred several letters, detailing the experience of i the subject It h known that in kvorabtr State troops. The flute tr<Mips reared in more than three hundred b the skirmish. Some ten troops were killed, and as many as from twenty to thirty wounded, some mortally. in good onto, sot laving engagnl in <»f the Federal wheat has ba*-s kejH good amend thousand CoL Marmaduke ixmimanded the State troops, and (iov. Jacksou was in person on , the ground. No cannon were captured by of Egypt, grains : the Federal troops; all having !*eeo saigp, i which had been i except aome pieces which were thtown iato tbe MoUtor of Victor Emaaoat, Count Ca- ronr couflnort btaeolf to a umftrmi* oppo- niioo In panic, wkHe caaonaOh* Ike King in private. In Octobsr. 18M, Cot was called upon to take oAea u constitution which he had been u Kinieter oI A^rtoulloro nnd Cacunenx. Ida .bility van at once rneonniaed. both br hi. colk*nee and to the pnW end ha took a lead like to tito tntoietry and in the Cham bar. Cnhiu* urkh tbe popular qrmpatbiee the diadpiine of tbe ariatocrat, be apeodflr took a portion of comnund. nUhoofh bfc /rare Within the Irf, W ^^b^^~befof«~thaTi^roe <»f i tbs river, these having iiaea placed in ps«i } he returned to'tbe serv «c of Lis Mivereiga w u*-a nUniMd hsre ■ tk»n on the nver, four miles South of lksm u Preshlent of tfie Cabinet, without any Count favour coo turned tbe life iat/r. After the later epoch lie endeavored, u*Nigfc unaumaafttny. himsHf to form a goremment, by a specks of ‘'coalition," com posed of the more moderate men of his own sod other partka. He failed; bot in tbe following year ha was more n twasftii, and ever since he has been fVime Ifinkter. Du ring the interval between kU first appoint ment, ol the death of Hanta Roan, and hk accession u> the Frrmierahin, he has sooera- sivdy filled the ofthws of Mkkter of Agri culture. Minister of On—srrr, Mlnku-r <if Finance, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Presilient of Council In lfie'i* there occurred a atruggk between the Count and Mai into d’AxegTto, Minirtar of Foreign Affair*, and Fraud* nt of the Council, which concluded by the Count Ca- rour becoming possessed of this portion also, bu: on the ftld of May, lflSi, hr gave ih his resignatkm, and then traveled through France and Fagknd ia a condoned triumph Honored by all tbe first men of England, and caressed by the Emperor of the French, Abraham, and which, when planted, have tk>n germinated, and produead good crops. The | vlllr. two rUunvlitrlmUji of these tombs, which i (ien. Paraous, with some we should now turn our Attention to, are mb-. ordnanea, was advancing hi meet sence of light and absence of mokture. And j troojn, at the time they were retreating, oven if *t' had not the discoveries in Kgyp- these were saved. No word of dMbam tlan tomtit., to support the theory, we should t tl»« WIU eT ^ r j ,e * rr * naturally be led to experiment in this dim; the flight of Governor Jack**, who, Uon. contrary, coolly remsioed two iwiurs But, ag*ln, perheps thc wont danger we j the retreat ofUie ^ tMr * ^ here to gusrd against In saving corn k from sw* k now with his men ; the order t the weevil. We are not aware that the ns treat was given on HuixUy, jwrely as s tural history of the corn weevil (a very dif- tfgetk m.>yemant; Whik—e of Ae 1 y. er ? rerent insect from the wheat weevil of the ■ dHerniined to have the fun of making of the Cabinet, without any condition whatever. He had obtained un popularity, and bad the destiny of all great tnan ia tncrtlng with calumny at eve- Although a nan of exlreaae affability, ‘ Cavoar was of sl impasaioued char- and of great activity both of body and His aupearsnea was in harmony ii» general character; them was a un ion of the arictocrat of the old stock and the modern citizi-n He Was of middle sUt marfcaUe ot the ariatocrat with and tbe amalgam is by no means accidental; it k the ot hk inward nature, of all hkth of all bis aspiratfciM. Although the k still ia the vigor of life, he seem. - to remain a bacnelor to the iaat this be the case a nephew, who is at present ; a diplomatic career, would become CITATIONS OMrsu-gsius usaty. To A* CUrk •/ tk4 Inferior (\*r1 •/ Fu*m f^OAH HOX.HSBT v? ** fTTtfc SUOUt, G M., taNi rt iq Ims m, a* as tssf, lafcaai <*• •* *• ■! Mai Um alt !Uak HaraaSj, la asU mmmtj ^4 Dtacrtr*. a MtoMah.BtflS wmtkt^Ur. ^ar «Mt wa Um* fKaM-rUrtU I mg mtyknm, ! _ Sm«U art U graaus *art « Ol.rn MtoWr m, kuit st c4ke«, thb tW Sttfc U.j, M (HCJ C KIM OrAaarjr. UMrgU, rattan t aaat/i M. TaaSaaM, law «f *«H a iHSwutuu «a4 m Sw casrt rt ae>ay, ? IS* Majr Mna Mai rtSw C«an •< OrUaarr tw mU tmmf.wky UUar« mi It.liKlta A-wU mmt immt U . M MKAl), Ora*mj. UMIUA-Vsltss Csaaty. W HU(U.Mm o. tKr. luov Mr. Laruliiar (i. Wiwt.‘>, fcr letter* o« K-lnlai tea k t«—M naiatlh.iSnSiikyiKywaM t *a«*ras4. f k* a*4 aw*** st ■/ •SMawMM*Um Sr»iM—4*y la July taU, taUww ow, If say Omy Sst«, rate tatter* sat tv frsarrt ' •Sa, thta U 4ar i U. MKAD, Ortaaary. t.rorgl* —I'allun i •■■tf. ’ 7 •V M | w a olicsity, amt posaras Vv ». tire, slightly in* lined to ol*c«ity, and posaeas VI mmi with .ll ia*M*i rf ikiaa* i ed or a i-'Hinta-nancc expressive of frank new. *4. r*yr**»«rt* u U>« o»art to'+1 <*** t - - '■ I ———* • tha* h* ha* f*kr ada4 Northern flutes) has ever been given to flu- Uvwkr* smdl burning gun-mwik, «V- i and good nature, UkwUa,MI forehead has | pulillc in a iiKUD.r U) reach the eye of the howr j and the attack was in*d« with the > hare ccmparai with thy of the flirrtJiapoie certain, how distinct purisiM* of retreating immediately ; on, and a smile, somewhat irovicai, ‘ was i*~y <**. .if mki are laid I Altarwnnl. It wai; currently reportaWfcl i sUreotyperl on bk Ups, altogeUier tliere was ! lta*hdtrator tawats—* h« tatani ta* k*r * | in SUF — corn In a Urge 1 ^ re *h* HiaU* troops had lieen rontinsrd, celebrate*! staiesman, and the trmtly benevo- j 9 hean underiroes whether k 1s nut in wet or l,e niust have ordered a retreat. Tbe Fed-1 ience of hk heart mi no less awake to the ~ 37U37SVi «-;««.««* jwr tort totarart ! ro^rin* p.« ,.,an L-U. *Ma .be bu« I < probably In C*l alTaiVept Unto dnp.»l!«l I >>»• #« , b»i toe Klato Iroop. In toe ouulrte lever of ram. il.nca, la lore.- '-X » w.KtoUan.l, end flrcl (rot J U. MKaD, Ortaaary. eral forces somkI their groum! and returned suffering p were wjvurrd , of his sfreetion different di- Tin- Turin cornnpondcnt of i lOariU-Killo* Coaaty. ^ * srijjs j Sissr 'z.s'a ^ ^ VI nw *ta*te ml tetert. MuntateT. S»wa*a4. yrtta* London | ia a* (or utter* W 1W— tarns hi. ait AiUlota than More corn has lieen plnntod this year c ; n|rt ^ kul#d t y Uhls last, snd tha —kh for a good crap „ r k ar« worked cot the near _ It k believed by tkre who have ha*! otoat The Stats troops are win ,,f the fount’s manners and appearance Mkatagaisi.iu kteSrrS U* cnSwiot *art K a. * point fifteen or twenty nie* Count favour knows himself, and knows ^ won rule, and are organizing, and j those about him: be esteems them little, and ! |oi i««ur«Tt «*e»,keWf> u^aidao* w« r™»u/ {mTi ! preparing fully for the conflict, aw**! " rn { ' u lHich, k i-> -uted, is i rte or four feet, the centra Is sound and proclamation. ^ | f , roodi and tola )• broaJto all II,v wrarU to *• • l»*« nfttoaavlwtoly aSra Lnunl Oar, ! *!.. r-ft-.ira. hare lirvn kllltel Lt tM* fi-tinen i '•rst of B*einv be makes the mMake of letting them see lu i He does not tolerate equals, mrt having been j A poor Industrious moo iftljilfi vif^By, MTOrlenS^haMrUrn wWnot T wo5*lnaIr ■ Tl ^ ol> . ! ** fl<l<1 . n> V > y-... i rT g| 7 . w> *° [ tixafMiU-H»r*ites < >■■«> tight, dark orlha. Experience h the bes* with 10,000 who Joes sll h!* own work, U» wba barely made a support lart year, aaya that with Ud- cm hie luck now he will make enough to spare one hundred and fifty bushel* of corn to help to feed our soldiers. f (Mrs ih* trtil incus*!, try to tut trtsolr ptscs rtki »K« awe«>***l, tUrr rate wMhhi her lahid AS«MfSlk<U of MM tiMrcul? |'*cr, A sWsanMttasa'mcat snd ui<n«an*it, Xet efesi H h, ts **1» »M *tr)*n lot'scr A |«^te swMta sway Ok grtaf of r*ar*. Boih iravrl-wurn, h* mm«d, sod poort* clwt. >*’had Ouf tor tofrnS«r *SA saruwn ». -rn ; T*t nawitoi •( flrsv* m»l ny h*d Thai tow e -aTil got* at with unitisp*r«a » StosoMDienBBOf **» i.tAu.lful, but *ad. Hi too, psrebsnct. had known u tool sod Bonin All tbit *h« noted, alio k o MBit* b**«* *M tum*l, lUtetahsftfR uCi * A» for At*J griff* tvsg rtsr* tgr A* grimf a ad Jo* alte-nat* wak* tad *tarp, foor *o«i, BlM fw», Mm Ufo war* and cal* tainted si ones s wrrow and a balm. WlUds tb^te tyn wa* »pbrr*d s lift a dlrtnr, Who** mild, priladd r*y htd p*,*»r io gain te frrronr yrndte ^nd benign traiwjutUhlar, Xalsr*. in *11 h»r w|£* eXt*r tUb-dde. - 1 fhi. he t ztu. • looked • wa* a Jew, it* a XntnaHtan, sd Stiwo natloM r.rt*. ttlM MMM AJfVl Mam*4 ckMiu, fr«*a whstenvarr r> BartU xchingr dUtesm, Al Uvta, a*(,«tatate moHK Mr.. And icrnia* u, mm* *cm In , . . _ ->d *U *tv*> Asd icri.ia* U) mm *rrr«l lufiarnce tad, el.r *c*rr* knn j* what, her thought* s **a*r, “U*w ta 1, Nr a Hebrow ikonld ,l.-n\»n,l Water of me, born In temaila’* land H* then, returning, aniwtr m«de again , Wv* !le*rnl,f atthner »o«l. "If thou l.ul knn Thai, watch U warning, an (Ung* m In * tin, Th* gift nt Ood. alW. ^ i« UvTVw • "r If Uto ftouflu ihr mind doth MtenaJn Ud b«il *4iU- Uor bg it Ur lui* nbo III*, that here «*.P" ,a'errd I f «h* *sr. •tee i*r S tfrtata* kWh id, I ot then iiHUf small, and suffering very much. Dalton, Go., June 32.—Our wheat li about saved, la some sections ol tha conn ty k very good, in others the mat and wet weather in the spring Injured It very much —upon the whole onr crop k much better than for the two fc_. years. Our oat crop k good. Corn k now suffering fbr rain. Health of our county good. Pickens OotmTY, Oa., June 19.—Wheat la Ibis county nearly harvested and fine. We are suffering now little by two weeks drouth in the com crop, but everywhere It looks well. Taking oil together we have 1 grain. Monrok Corntt, June 23.—Our wheat crop, (through the mercies of an Allwise Benefactor) Ts abundant Our crop of corn, excessive dry pie of Mouroearo coming up to their duty U Ueiatan % pa t mf abuiitWtaA BB|I to the Southern Confederacy; a great many besides much grain We may have a hard struggle, hut we -he light. feel assured we will whip Ihell pect fbr a good crop were, until a tsw days past, good. Corn I* now wanting rain very much. Terrell has sent one company in the Fifth Regiment, snd we have a second company now in oamp waiting orders, and eager to be called out. FKOM KUkOPX —flpaeial Fork CsrrsepmaiaM of tha ft. Y Vtwi Paris, May 27, IH6I Tbe position of England in your Ameri o*n quarrel, which U now the thorns of all toaguea, la ftilly indorsed. At flr»t the Jm- Dayton was recel' a quiet conversation or two with that gen- tlemau, a |Mruaal of Secretary Seward’s sb- "0, tUufhter ef rsnurli TVoa »*«ta n art SffiSaSSfiH*.--- ““ Wi bare um smkevtt*. n sotrirt, thai 4WI il«l»r teaklsg I .• tbv, ■■1.1. SUMbla *prA*te-**a»r, Ibntei kta amJui man* <t'ir*.cn; t.rt, NS te«| a*n. lu Sah. ta** h« ehu. ,.l RtW. IVJSt Hr ska, I mull 111* nlo* ot aunrl ofth* N*ten'B|«ai tsitartISterter w** — *■ — * t*ter*or**M4, eauM n (htetOcf - Wkal lu-ui It “ ws.; Wr**itlA| »tik Uw*|k'e K fcvas He v«-*Ora* w'o$, a a»al te R«Me, That tea* kaita **n.n ** moot* iMMtfk ik» ( teo« It ta M* *mm tor sumstai pHA*. Wklcta ttawo te A*r»A **i>t pit.* i»*«t |»r* mb tor k .tmteua* hv.Tr* Id wm<-] iWlh vrovU*. Sa Umii, *ta* in bmi knot U nay app«*r, It ta DS^Dt ta gain a *l« Ut imm flfar antics practiced here Clay and Hanford, have wrought a won drous change. 1 will not say bow tnnch tbe Empcroi's reference to his old books of American secret annals on tile in the arch ives cf France and a ‘•poiir-parler’* over the wires with Pam., the magician, have hod to do with this, but you may ’’guess." 1 give you here a squib Just ss I get It from a friend, whose hecaflcos, by the way, sre unexceptionable. I will not vouch fbr It, as I am mit a chronicler. Mexicans keep corn from rear to dtn In the (i and bottom. earth, and protect tbe rein. The corn 1s thus kept air tight, and away from light, and may lie preserve*! L Hire arfrtw 1« B. * farmers in the State, lias a large brick crib, built about fifteen feet high, accessible only by a hole In the gable end. Tbk Is floored with brick, laid in cement (t Is filled with corn, and the door closed tightmg' ggs|gg rimes county, Las an old ^ugar house, built on descending ground, tbe lev*'! of one psrt Of which Is some feet Mow the bal to cotton, he used the house for a corn Without particularly noticing thk lower part, the corn was used out down to the lev el of the upper part from year to year far five years, witty, far some roam, heardered ihe house to he cleaned out la doing this lie found a body of corn in th* lower pari that hod bren put In there five year* be ore, perfectly sound and good. Refer eaoe hw* I sen made In these columns to a roll cub, In which corn wss oovere*! some inches deep on th« sides and top with pot ‘— ‘ ‘ *—■* ia way for tgi «H- mle* of the Htatc and its institutlcns. Those men who have been forced by waatol bread to entri the Fe*ieral service, have aothiifir to fear, either In war or peace, fr*wa Abe mail government of the Htste, or from the flute troops, who may be made prisoner* of thk his sharp or.d obruiK manner, carwlere of other people * snscopUbilHIea, tbe sarraa r-*m *|»|H«rsn< film s chance of In Ids little jMditcn.^s anil flatteries towards those whom he wishes U» wtiemlir, Ilia abrrj*t <>r embarrassed w«v of »i*-*king, —K. rrateiscsi usiy. , h|a rffirp metalic voice, which makes a ■ l.outrt''nwD.U t.-oar, lUtie , flr .l imprrtoioo, en.i ktalMM, jerky r ,, u - to llr htoto ; —^ lllY . , m i y MI complete the J.Murr ol b «l «!,_ 1.1. Premier of the line,Ion, of Iljly, | E Hho wo J, ( , ...-Lb v < Csust Do Oavt Uwrita, D*a*ikC*BBlri- W2 CtaresS Ho*Aay Is **P*t (M*M«aA«r *r **rr tsth, tsst. •Am, Ueb SBk Aar o# J**- I. •. W1LSUN. OrAtrerr. •Iate*man in Europe, bk Iom to the country whose tMidding regeneration he had Ju*t wanned Into Hr**, will Im* felt, not so much, t>erba|vs, as a visitation of affliction td the hearts of bis countrymen, hut ss a great po litical loss,'difficult. If not impoAsibw U he repaired. Dead. Iiefan' tbe great work of union and OMimilation he had rommtycod could lie c*»mpleted, and when ihc >WtaU togs of anotlier *torm nuy be beard« frooi tbv Alp*. He died ot congestion J brain, <>n the 4th Inst., after an illness of days. Count Cavonr conducts f Ur*rcta-l'MlUB CsiBly. Y^UKKXA* Jck* Krlly, late exkteoce—oa if lis were in hk drawingroom i rtBi irr ininfin i- r-t *nt ri-n-r 1 -^ *u **a *i* among hk frieada—especially when be i* (uumm>toArsd**Aerartu**-f **m AmnnI u. bored He talks, he laaxha. he turoa his 1 •** *(»•*' sa By »Ate* *mm* u>* Umo prom SahSiaajaigft. j. y.wBB < ■*' with hit ' 04v** MMkvr my kaoA. •eklsMy, si *Ate if be had ft, 1ML J. M. mkai>. colleagues, twists scout th* velvet Ubk cover paper knife, and makes epigiams; •Sta*. PobrKmrj fount f’avour was bom in Tui 10th of August, ItWV Of an an wlikBi of iWttaont. and r with the nioM iiotdtnnousvs of that ton reedrtarhV.di k*p» years. All these thing* seem to p*iint io the idea the young Devour hid been appointed wc have taken up, that If moisture light yet a mere youth, a page at the King’s are both excluded corn will keep sound for | Here the causticity of his wit, and th* years. What will keep wrasoon*! will keep pendenev of his character, toon " wheat ranch belter, We must not ncgln't to aud that the cv l>crlcnt» of sevcre.rwboiii we liave consult- a*l, favor the pint: of housing corn just after a rain, that k, when It k damp. Thk of Jeonrsc Induce* fermentation, and increase* the heat, which kills the wwvil. W- are not, however, well Mtisflisl thet it does not injure the genu of the grain, fltdl anothu- plnn we have heard of being auccessfully pursued, I* to sprinkle each layer of com quite heavily with soil, ns It It placed In the crib. Wa kept these suggestions may lie of some advantage to our rradorn, and that they may [ of a portion ot oui that it may lie kept Out up thk Ahm*.—We understuud tlmt Governor Brown b sending in all direction** through the fltato, kw the return of all anus which have heretofore Wn iuond U\ \o\- UuUht ('onipanies and whi«:h have not lieen considered proper lor the Confederate ser-! •»» *"• eng nice.a. vice. Almost every village iu Georgia can | fr,,r *» U»o authority of the college pnifra- American habits he would put hia feet oa tbe official table. He sees ao one there but the majority—that k to my, hk feithful friends. Count ('scour Is notan orator in tlie French English of the worth he ia ooe, rather, to the ise. it has a difficulty in speak ^iBAlflKuwkh to —“ rUh to togUk' ftxrwff^tbv. i f»Bstr. t. co**Li7n«*»to^5SnK!lI^B5of w c*l him. though not in him a favorite of courtier*. The Independent character and ready causticity of Cavonr were too positive for the Atmosphere be breathed; he wss 11 jamitoed from the body of young (wsraaltes that were clingtag onmnd loyalty, anil, from the disgrace at Court, was iooked upon coldly by the noble*. Far from lieing saddened by this first ckeck, the spir ited Tad declared loudly he considered him. self very fortunate to have got rid of hk pack- exact wiBbralo^.B. n<.*» Html far the ( nainbvr, but lor Europe. He has a -*-- n n-Mr si did, connected and lucid manner affl nine Ire .l»». imrehra Ure hrart .rflb.. *»,»>> ion, Botl If Ire i« not .IwMys right, hr al' uu.Mp re H«r..-T> Co..... ., m. -„,. M , never falls Into platitude* and romnvKi , M a«**i taw* AtaBtaata*. r Mr k*M oOtataMr st OOk* Aptfl to. Irtl l>, OrAUimrr where he obtained the rank < Engineers. Rut. although of a high anti wealthy family, lie waa but a ca<‘ ' Piedmont mlliL wealthy family, he waa Piedmont military promotion deAe almost the sole privilege of Uic favored children of birth sud fortune. N«r had he made friends at Ihe Court Even at thk early period hia masculine mind was leant never places. Tire following fnwi Coopor'i 'Ih- ol to. great stateaman, is an admirable picture vathekkas. sihum e sus*ta*iA * PP ite* i- »* r« of the man, and will be found highly inter- | *niITi^T *^*** ^ reting : Ttaw Of* U mwoty *M ******* co*c*r**«t ta Nothing seems to the count noire precious saA*re»M ** my *su* «atat» J- n** promt*** w, than time. He indulge* hlmnvli with no If*, more than foar hours' sleep, oml has used Jo** mam «* mb -re r t*4, himself to do without IhiatcgjsUflcations and rt North, itei. uio c. KINO. OrAi**rjr. pleasure* which arc the Uiicvw of time. Io i>ria*ik 4 c* M ty 1 cadet; and in llie Ktidlencea which he graata, lie k Ibr the -ssrura was at that first frw moatente affkblc, agreeable and con-; >Y *ra turned to questhms of moment, and the Ka glisli cconomkt* were the authors lie prefer red; statistic* became hia dominant passion; yet his studies were ao varied that he left college not only with rekf far hk,I to thl. requUltom wlih lu huwlrrrt I *«. JM» •>« >reg*n «n »tlrB!i»« rtirtr ol to. of old muskets, anu we doubt not that, unon ; world in which he wot to live. The un- a .uircfti! and thorough scrutiny, at doubt not Uial, upon *» u "0 m wniru nr wa* io nvr. i nr un- g torutiny at kart five 1 ixwndeil iisnghtincs* and ignorance of his Uiousaud could he nmsteml in the Bute.— ! I^ 1 * fi*®d the sruUmeat# o4 Cavour Into Tire Emperor wm glaring orrr . l»to |rerl,.ro m,»u ofllrem, .ro,i I tou, aocrt«l litre,wIImb. II. Oul re.w.ll Amrto.n pTprr, In wllfrh . toglrt Imll^,- "rolp.U.n.u.d wrIraru Hurt Ihr IrethBOroro^roww of tort, qptoly dwhr- iillon ol your foreign Krorrl.ry wu com- Qo,c ( , ' ur «rra»r"' "‘Hi Mem. llodg ; ,-,>lnU«re, tml .t once throw np bw ooo.- mented upon, snd Tn an odjacent oolunu .caught a phraae from that distin guish *d Ainctioaary’s grandiloquent tulvice to European stotcamen. With a tw»rl of tbo Imperial moustache, tha Imperial lips were heard to utter: ** Cu doit rtre Mrn m>i> >Hh m —Il inurt be very ill, (Art.'* That th© , ill for England. Ofcee or- slon to th© pereuaaioa lock. Wklt this i <* l i»c *41 ‘»f Albion, he pursued with change, hwether with whatevor repairs ‘utenaa arflur those reaeorchre which may lie neaScd, these gut ‘ ‘ B ^ jgB weapons os a soldier 1 lore© of the “oa" isinitniubie. Wliat th© great man meant k more than I can- tell j had already won ao much of hk attention. rivaled him, am) hr rxsmird with raatUius » fat toy oilrnialMrstive ludrii Question." The l\rp$, cdlteii by on© of the ablest publicists In France, has, from the very flirt, most ably and consistently point td out the folly of civil war, and In Ita sue* ceaslvc articlee has exhibited a thorough ac quaintance with American htwr Institutions and hahiu of thought. The (*pi**o* M«• ..... . , itariv© energy all those details which form mirahie a whole; the only vartoy In hk pha Hwea wa* |Mttsnng from th© to the commends) points «rt I | ernmeot. l .ivour was simply ■MAfa mtry; hut when latgriy ivnrtitu • » - ■ , 1 k.»m xwe ftuhtiu l\ioy are more plucky than the men..’ an i,. t „„rt ol Sardinia; the p A ^"1*^!. i raprt. wul «.m to,, high ,Ur»,, cilve thnu and m*rch hi avuugs sinn of Virginia. Jfkhaki Tm*t. Iff* Smarting un«\er the keen lash of a |Mtrio: lady, one of the m«ny * officers in UmoaVwben"he IcfTidf couatry; Alexandria ktc»y remarked to anothri -I h«> returned to it he wa* lata-e “The*© Virginia ladles are very fearless’ lJo ral. Pnijects of refa liioy are more nluckv than the men..' I .1 n....«. "fllr ucooJav which long waged an arwuutoaU war with th© ftegs, at lart admits that bulk of Ik cotemporariao, Inciudlag even the groat official transcript, lb© JJohiUnr, really side with th© latter. The Journal-U» r-' , ,l», yon will | |v ,^,i , v , y ■Blnlon' .Awrehro, . wklow I to 1MT li,' ha,I alrrady nrot. i ty Ool Wilcox, j |[Ural noinlrittly to PtBreuht descending, but if his visitei wastes won I* ot wanders from lltc point, hk countcnaacr at once assume* a grave and chilling expres sioo. n> his uneasy movements he gives tb© |arson to understand that he quite com prehends the matter, and that the iMiaincsa commcottol to hk attention shall not be neg lected. On the other hand, if the party promptly takes bk leave altar a brkC com pendious statement of w hat he has to say or with a L Joint P. ttarUl, ml* te h** tar tatter* w —— tsttw ytromm **A pmpmty B ■rorjaus »t t%lhp Ihuttmm, do rtrating Itx-k, and the ironical smile plays about his mouth, have a dampening effect 00 low bows and oourtkr like phrases. Such is Count favour's (tearing to hk Cabi net and In the management of hk official business. But if one mark him to the social circle, U k impossible to observe, without a sort of admiration, how tbo isroe man, whose forehead has been wrinkled all day long with the rm-«t of State, gives veot to •allies ol the most brilliant humor, and car riea himself with all the ease of a complete limn of the world. But ©van on these occa sions the natural lifetimes and restieaaneas of his mint) tietrays itself. He talks for a moment now with thk person, now with the other, and changes from one language to another in the course of the conversation almost as often. Sometimes you hear him t>w SMI «rMS<s*0M*»A «unK»i Mtatan*** .‘lU stte*A* DUh •!' h«r teaoA . Wtar*. ..«*A ta m B mmk «l.*rr«u roctU flUmtoafl te wwm fc* BklA vk-VHmA* «k*at.. l '4.i.,)N>sit*ji *cwM*AuMc*r Gov Cf MMUNf Rrtl'RXINU rt> GKOROU. —The Salt Lake correspondence of the New York Tinu*\ writing on May 24th, fT?*** Lott k T*d sy srtermmu, iu '•f way^depart©, 1 fiots Ihk « Excel lency Gov. CummU'g and lady, foi their ttoorgia home on the 8a\ annab, he having obtained iesve of aternee vbr some seven mouths, though it k generally believed that ha will never again cart his eyca upon the Halt Lake country . There was no formal odteu, ao uoieauriou* farewell, no cxanpll- ineniarv dinner or snppar. no eulogistic tyecshtficattoa counectesi with his depart wm. Indead, th-togb areetbody understood he waa going, very tew ptrson* knew when uutll be was rkau guud. According to the Organk act, and tha Governor’ll published notice. Secretory Wooten *it« to ih© Gubrrnatonal Chair pre Johnsc-a. of Tcnm Buvact Hou«r, ii a large gathering **f dri-1 1 must not forget to inentioa a rumor that acoa. lit loft at 16 o'clock Ins', sight for a dkUnguWhed French general sailed, some arrived here yester- change vour oninit la<fy, when offeret! . r _ . ■ **« to «nrt from Ato«n.1rt. «o,t trei nrar Ulc to, iMtoro.ntIt 'tmrol i, “A VlrrtniB » , ta .ly lilreral ren.Uri.; y« >lv, on \ irfioi. roll .,,.! d», < ht«; „f * \ lr ,|„ ,ri,t,reraUc .pint <re. irgwilLt .lot. •t.lMtuo, rtlrtBin. to ore roll) •, p«w, iu Wlclwk H „ u , w „ . from a wicked Invader f When warned _ , - ^sKraoiifw that the «©ntinelfi might molest her, she said Dttxit*, " hlto fliutlnf fruit with too rtt, of lf ,lrey dw rto wonld rond thorn to thotr tho aroraalooM. ,reo*. yo( w.rmly ,„r honor InwrocUon Who o,rrto,l emtw tho wu, »n,t «oouu ,1 too prop,rot to ! too dop, nnd trarola u.ho IK*. •nhj,ig«lc tor Souto The (Arororomo,lry« tot roo publtrtrd » #oo rrtiolo writlon by fa Stauprom ItpBO—MovwMB.yTT To Griltrodrt, wh,ro polfahod ud troachut reOtokVorTun VtwontiA, *r.—f.ore, to.', 1*0 WM JO* domertlrated tn Now lork, Om.fy, m, Jvnt 18. -T. IV Burho, » wre. ite article*. H© asaistial at the tho Picdinontes Parliamentary 1st© King Carlo Alberto had Ing the tendency of Ihe time*, his anty©rts a constitutional form of govern- mootes dialect, at or German, all of which languages, with exception of German, bespeak* with pu- ond Huency. In the street, and under Crter, Um U*Ar«A W mM ctaUAn*. uA U ,4Mn oom- ^ ‘BW* » sa4 opfomr a* my «0te*. wltkte iht A— law. v, .*•« raw*, if mmj ihoy kat«, *h« m 4 te Ita* avctaanv. Sc*. MarttaM!.. l*Al. J. ta. WILSON, OrJ’y. fit*rgls, rayelt* ( •■■tf XJLT wm, tekSnm 3*ms a*A Sr .JP - TV Mtetalratef* <m Ute «ui» ol Jmtph (kol**, do ila*44a^*la» pom at aAteo, sa or Mm Ita I* MoaAarta krgm ‘ “ (U any *atau) why uM W.wrtol 4U PROFESSIONAL CAROS 4S& WHITAXEk A WATKINA i*—, —r**rf WlAtetasB s*4Akk*y yreta. P. a HARPEH* A n*rm*y si ta. A Amu u. nna THOMAS A ABBOTT. A,. al Low. iUror. Or. I ro>,<ro.| wrroirt rwro. Gao. K TOomaa t A Ite*. W, lsAT ly CURE NervousHeadache '-*3^ Headache m VKW LAW rtBN Sr Um ssoof doom nil* u» imteAU a*tofteo( Jteve* RUTHERFORD A HARR It. Vf iref, «A.—wm prmtkw LAW ta m a^iotaiuc coutta. oud talk* f *MM Itestav* la MWtata-* a b*< viutMMaikr b*!: p .*r«M •• ostelft •* PRICE 33 CENTS- 4t Ctkxr fitretL Syr I"L >t.|x»WINO MPOMKXK.*feif SPALDING’S (KPII4LH PILLS, } cfl ^ 3 JL, + . atu. oonvinck all wbo urm rnuM «*lil;5 HEADACHE, 2 z l * h |fig SPEEDY AND SURE CUBE II S' .<M by Mr. W*M rol«T of lAIr truly ocirutlff Oiorvrtry. Utf. tAop nJUr.l Gm /omtu-oofUr p t 0 * * L Li # ? REMOVAL. I h*». irVA yum Crehrtta «X». or* / UAr t A Lai t pm Irma you. i amis B«xx»r trrL.rS, fa., 1^.4,1«« 8. B. ROBSON A CO., Grocers and Produff Healers, H to ihrlr NEW STORK, a* 41*0*- B*a Btn ^ “ • te *c*4 *.» a** iu,,r«- Lo* <>( t*W Cq|t»r* ' rooHrod u prowl nj krorjA/HmAtm. x vr, "Tggffa mmqprjV. _ r Crook, Mui,|fn(t«* 0* , II aa street, *p|nwllf Wae«B art M. H Ita- pul, a..,I ha.e M< i* Km mud U, A LAHRE taTIH'IA Mew Orleans Sugar and Syrup. Coffee, Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, Flour. Com, krtS txory Utlnc In Cwtr tin* ■ ( Iraita, whirl. Ihe* an prYpa/erlrt. nf rr .lUto To H AST foMtBLK ml- X- a wM *ta*m- ***4 a>« fen* U.n.i tnMM.Ha .in ol your CopkoAr ROBERT MOORE 6c CO. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 49 WALNUT ST. -t LNC^NATl, < >J I It >. t. S. I Acirt hm.1 <mo taa. of p JOHN X. SIMOKS Mn* rwtwflml. Henry C. WpoUAo,, Rro, flroro Oml nmUotd lw< tAr too! r*U ! burro Ilia. Tbty wro irmly . l*TOVKt, P. M. I. C, torn, I wtata ta* ***** tareaiar* nr It mirra i,Tr‘" OtM of mjr c*BooMr«, who I* »ut Mradarhv (aaoajtr ImAIo* l*» .Ur*i '*■■—in* UMifla-rayfU* ( o**i) i W HKKKAO, Hrnry Mllchlrl, Ki rest nr of th* lata will a.-J tesaww* ol Daa rite MtacMta, laU of .ate nfrwnij^rtjeaaoMl'a^Oaa te b* for tatter* of i8—ilwttat TV* ar* tlfrafor* te dte a*4 ataaaatah aU person* oomworwod, to Sw* tpmo. If any Uwy Lava, wLLta Ui* Amo prtaoBAod Ly law. why ooid Itate** ataosM mmk Ur H 'T C A hoi ot ••Otytafie Mtta> tanJ to arhlrvaa r*U*f. KrrnnlAbor. Praaklta Co., Ohio. r Milt uwrt UAt w rJutrm -mr* I TpaMantl, MM. , Jan 14. II Nta h«t *tae* I ***t io yww for a boa of C*phalh t»r \Uo euro ol Ih* Narrnoa H*a,lacli« and (joslvu aaatr, aad tbry Aim/ ao pood no e ro ta mud tur mwrt. rotoommoU. IRrect te A. X. WIIKKLKX, tknt Jw yp no month, aArt date oppMcoiUe wilt hr mmdr te > A Um Cnwrt ta Ordinary ta IhKata eMMtay, tar laavt . ;i a ueyro romm, by tk, na»* ol Attain, aboal ST | XMomli ,l,rt ^'torhni^beW-.Hrtef y, xh, «*at* aiwt P ayta( **pena«* already Uc*n*4 <>« account i Frum Ik* Kmminrr, SorfoU, J Cephalt, rtlh ar-t.mpMak Um abject Am wMrtT Ih rare moAm, via; Cara ta Lndacho la aU Ma tamia. t Arwmimrr, MorAJA, ? JAMU W. CROCKrrr, BaanAan T WO MONTH* after data, appOcattaa the Cowrt af Ordinary ol Payette row Um rart oatete bekrotylDi u Marti. I. lor Um r. or hav* been tTMhlcd w!Oi the head*, rtaresSSf* P1ll>) Um( h Otetya, rayetir r«*«aSf. W HBtUIMa l W\itek*v, Kxscwter, Pvar***, RieawtHi ta th* tart will aa aata rwaatv, * tea A.a aaid *: ta OS, pkteSMtar The*# ar-e Ihirtatr* to «ite Ita aSwiaWh all >»r**a* oourwrwr I to w and appear at my oMoo wfthtelWter law, ami ahow *aa*. If a»y they Lave, wky a*ld latter* thoaid ata L* granted. | Utv*a a*Sr? «*y kata m aJte* ILL IStL day ta Jaaiy IMS. OPO. C. KINO. Ordlaary. LKORM traDrKilk I wmmAj. \\rn Wa «. and te.,w ca«ae If any Uro, hare, why **LI letter, ta •utinbtraUrr* aho«U tad he yraated the aepll am roM,„re,rej. .rrerow.roroJ *»;»«»■.**■«**. «* tQ O, « t»- co'orod© «»n the bsnks of tbe Pu, Use ph‘ J. K WILSON. OrtWr, and is now wielded with power again! your war. The IV*ss# folly agrees with it. The Atari*, the CWstakt«<*>***{, the Ommt» drs TVikffMVX are all of the same mind, and a very widely circulated and influential pa per, the Journol du Jforrr, like the rart ma jority of the provlnrkl sheetis ■ be the horror of tbe age. They dte whb mingled sttiytriM anti Indignstkm the bitter, blood tblnity tone ol the w* cullcti Republi can papers of the Northern Mates, and Inti- forced t<» make such a concession, fltill was but rite resolve, not the e tettohon--for which, indeed, a more astute and enlarged inintl titan that of Carlo Albevto night bare Iteorsht-Ptfriu t.*«m • friend, with whom lie seems rather kktmkkras Jem, a*n*u*« an dte* u mm VMtm tilling a discuasioil or talking <T>UnCil " *r A tadn-traUroa, «M to* e*t*te ta David Barta on imiMirtant conocrua, thou to be engaged 1 *** «*m <ss*»y to roroll Ulh. HUcortanlr. nraroly t Jrreh, . i very simple, sitmrtimcB i*y4ty*r. Alt hough I Ly tew. utatew r *«**. ir **/*•* v» why *au totter* decorated with many order* no cnms or star , MmwL< om l* yraMed ih* %©**<■*-.. k erer to be seen; indeed, he may be said, ..J}™ ***** ** Vinu to general, to display gieal indiffruwee with ! ‘ ,BU ' C ’ ° T *** n re*n©»i to title* ami marks of dhulnction. gkoms^I A—tewrtsia 4 *«m>. To see Count Cavour oa be k. he sltnuld i r *" A ' ***^ ttmnp Omdrrm : to the Chamber mi the Minlrtrrial) T'HUJfJSJlgfSh^SrSl^J'DeRtfotw LKOKUU, DfK*lb<*unltt *tx »»>* f* ■•» C„»riu Wtmai* o. 1 Lavtaf ated Kh pertina te ymper fon* to i matetl that war ctwtlurted n|*m principle* 1,1 rwl ao defiant of reasoo, rivittaational and inter j \\\ t |„. paper* ol the flute we hav. 1 trmmk-4 mid ai-i-ilr v my teta at omio , Am any Urey h*v«, why uM tetter* l * rrm **' Mnmmwko Vwllrp Mar, gfamte, Va. •A* sgH^:--* ... ... w* oro out* M>*l yw.« —erteg wtte Um heart*, l.e, J——ry SSth, • C. KINO. Or B«*rfts -Psites r**niy. ^ Y\f NKXCAS Naory Darby, aprHe* t" aw fo* letter* of yowr'tetalnmay eaa »m aJalerl Iro lhe ateraJy Daaro.Tto* H a, Mi altar, elL etealr of Aifre* W. Chop- I tot that N*e reetaveS KeataH. that m oUmt M«H*rrw From lAr .troWAer-a pwtkjlmdtr, .Vew C UoUc PUb) te ta wrrM,r : , **t , * rt * M ' H-.nvr. From tb, Doily Xta., .Vr, tUTmZ PIU* are taAtef th* pUtu my Lave. I from At* Omonmrrlal MuOr*im m IkrOommtrdal, I'lnriwwll, OMo A4teilMla«r*t»r*a Sale. 1ST VIKTt’X ta a* ar4ar ta the Oowt ta Oitateary of l>'aroMtatat County *Uk**M before Um eaart homm door to Utewtto Oommtf. wttOte Um bwai Low* ta *si>. i Mikearn fate ; L; May aeo •*• fn« ta Uud tytmg ‘ * te.'to* ta written I Cfcerafcr* now w» a. No. fo lr .oU Dtetrht - A telle Lottie ta ftPALDINOTf tWAtl IXK will wu ic* Um tu took mnuUy al U-pAte Cwmmky . know* *. J Abo a«* U* I* the Iwetft* Hbt.l No. LIS. Mt m Um yrryerly ta 4ee**or4. Ante toe SPtLBIHi’S PRRPARRD U&CKI NrtLDIIUW PHKPtHKU GLt'VCt SPALDIVbm PKKP.tRKB t.LI K! taCMHteenOMWty 4 a. & poervx, A4» w k pi acre. DtaPATl'N tvs»Ki*s.” mi . feTJjftfipfeF* 1 svm k scB refill*ted faa.t he* L h v*ry 4r^raM* te hare mb* rhea* mud rout* I a teat way for rre*M*f Parabarv, Tan. Cra*L*ry. Sr ,-VX — —I. ta*. A* boob aoa, with the i morkt 4 Thcrona* N. Oliver*, So- j te L* b always rawly. a*S a* te U nrtiorol tow will not bo |H>rt»lltrot hr Ih,' (h „ , Hlmnlru , ,ho roMorl, ut. fro .rant amity of nrltour. I nn, Iron, r rapid ro , h „ , b , /.tout Irou a «n>,lr.l. >n,t Tlrw of other rontlnroifnl Jonnuh ihrl tor Hut roprorooutou In tire lorn bran. I, ttmr U»t|wrralty nroralV , tire Ire*W!touro I. to W to tire In Grrairny thrrolr otoro v.lremnti do | .htrehLae^ttavrt, ^ teri i'olonel l)ttrando(UM'n Generrt find Min ister of War anti Marine, i and the Count Ca mille Ike t avour. It k sahi that when tbs King beapl tbk last name mentioned, Jm* at _ the teMAtlrr WMrttfout ami it ion The single i, iMirtUon orator* inscribed have hod their say before rising to defend hia policy, and meets aU the objections and attacks of the oppiwi- . .. 7 : ; : , . new \ 'hisii tiro Prorotkrro i« rapidly dtworoHnr wb.« | drnmrtion. Urey mtfcbl h«ro fotUHl out lret* r«o, rir, |f ,ut, br tor trnr corolructton ,>f Ure nrw that the slavery uorelhui has lierei used at 1 - wi ‘ this was that the King finally restored to perfect hk Idea. Ho rolled aro i»d him the . tion in the luni|L Althoiigh not su impasa ioned, nor oven a very fluent speaker, he commands hk aud»ei|c« by the enargy Whi* thoughts, byhk wealth to pruok, sjsd by the rata—Pay *U# Usstf. llTxt A* |/*L f UlaVMk apl-Le* t« we ft ta OsanUtetefop ta Um Itemurn ita pf-i A**, UlUteB ita *ova CWaMwte, *laor ta CVarte* UterUt, tote ta «*M nBty, Servw ro», total *e*. Mil ta klatta aU an4 oppom ok Um awst Vr* « Um Oaart af Or’Sna.y ta *tad wsroty, ita *fo>w I If any they eaa, why totter* ta n tMtetiBallia, k* »«•, wOfc wta atetita, (boats rota L» |t**ita i rzzifsa.* omrn, tetly tbte SIM *m IN KVXBT BO(*SK" •> testa ■•«■*•«*» h ittie. rtL-ertcK MXJflT C SPALDINd, N# is CKDAB Street, Network. wr .*T“ t tioout,UrotacI I gkr-SPAUN Vtrs^x* V A^KDOuT'j PXVPAKXD 01.1 K ol ; all ntOer* are •wiaJutef rrowo Sk .rirtimr oSSmtS flmttorents ! ft fcT ^*T I yrr '"' h "Ci.srtre"-whieU, however, was UtlSSSi^Sl ^ * «■* ~*.&S**, woek.littkmore tori root drro~roqirorr o ratoroaro w to- j J, Atadrowita down-ThctoL fr“>>ro I , hM rat MUn rro errkrd nn,!w torreu. rrrnultr ; h |,i„ be b-ftti unpltratlonnod ! "X.r upon Houtorrn rlnrory Ttrev non t»«t.. to ; u h ruo.l.nrent»t, rnd Ure try tbrt tor romr dnrenranulii* 4romU rJ*urr ndbnHro ta> -o. . | iroopr, nrr ire ,r. inrmoll bre yonn, ! brnuid tor r that have kept Eum|m> trig overthnm the law and | pfirit beyond the itossibUity of cavil. funviamental, and the j \ 7 aa aistul l-t he trsuipJetl tin subject sboum r*e ex- j ^ j the n>|Nil»licans of Kt lvuary, 183R „-.j Cavour took escorted *w the depot by a fop military force. the %btk and Tenth Hefmxnu of In dtona volanteurs. Colnnrts BcDbam and M'-kason, passed through last nigh* for Tlr- struct ive Ugbt and heavy orduawoe kuow» the French service 1 give you the re i the Southera Btates are Itere, uegotia Lhlsevening for Cincinnati, fletaaum-: but tvahy are here, aad Chpt. Barker’* I a*e. part os minister tn the organixation of the new coastitutioa, held a distinguished poririon in the Sea His attitude, like hk character, choker (Engtandl house state* that it *ill hk unquestionable Uleat cummanded re- — “— — ' drestded Ms oris- J spect even from thw who toerath' spirit So l<iug u d'Ar^glio wqs L» law a*4 tawtw Vs*y Utey w, why wta le*L P Mater* teo-M VLtete4 wOL tL* B*M4temLto aa k*7*4 te* I'M *-*4vt sty L**4 aUktaly at aUtec, Ute fLattlS ta A *|—v, JtaB. 880 a KINO, OHteary perspicuity ofhh style, whklb t hong tog bv turns fnuu the humorous u> Ukj sen wjo, rrever faikof pmdtuing a striking irn preusion. Ilk elotiuvnee never earn©* awty J the Msmubty wna* ho rttfrUHW, Ut it wins ^ Tntrr, or u Ut co^pdr htowM* I Tnnle ud Trumit Burdlaf. low himsltaulively to the ewd. GiAel with lair j ss ■MK8BTM. m vLtOtiisn* an extraordinary memory, he has often been fj H<w4rr»*'» CarrUa^M--^*? uta «. w heard to ilevetop© ia 8 speech of three or - four k»uni tbe m«Mi difftetdt economical an.i J X. WILSON, Or4*ary. LKOKLlt, S'*y©He t eBBty. (Xtri t Ofk *. htArtrr -hurt Fob », 1M1. ,,Tul 'j' JtaMM* ta‘th«S(8UDtoUVC "• M /irote'lJte" * H PhtOf*- "•* ta Um JaMicva ta thv Prar* ter *ata \»t|| ■ ss, rrijr *■ *•« ***• * ■*- *™> t tor., b —ire—, to—r. tow—1. ( —” ( »* — *' Itnancinl ^urotinro, »nd ID dir .ifltr- nrra rnd reroMor wtto tor r Ur on •murrey, witoout haring ronrorar tn notro Count Crour tr • arm rtf wodmte aiar, but pore I A rare, qnfek ud aMady in kit jmit, ly In t* oanraraMkro, ud of, irnipm- Hroiy jaBSSMSBlB^re^^^* Hut rrodl. rXi'ttrd, nay, .ran Uprtaoro- Thaptrotaityudcuolnaaroftka dqdorart Ur kadora rot f urororj b»l bit kot aonto an kiood h oadar tor onMrd nf u acuta fnarUad, ud r prordant raJcnUtton of naua to rad. Hb, reVdr mtarlro prrarau n ro- to.,—--' - "1. emom BAPTIST COLLEGE r*Msilh, Vmmm Canty, tea. 8UKM te dl«# Pay* fas «e rnmytm tlAAm. hmmrd totyaq. warHtef,ftrta a*4 »tfotolte«t4vuh ter a ymumg 8 THOONTON, C DMixta Vallaa < r**Bty. \mrnK8KA* n. j- Baa , TV ten ta Oa* W. Comp te *aM*iy a 0. la. hMta ftwai Mtew Seeirtir I Oaart, la tevwr ta Jrota Kactrr mum Um **M jfe W I'amv. MS tosta ta la»4 *4v«tUm4 te (tate'r Mm rual "•■HI* Prwv^ty potmkod oot Ly taateMC May SfoOSS H. W. PARIS, PhrrUt. K > TT ten ta Oaarfsss'# to Um ptowom mud propotXy ml — ' *«*•> H. mmd rttMSML 8 Ovsrtey, mphmmm ot A IL TW. art % ct—ta. (t Mtatta. a*4 a .sB*#*te iJAm. teta* a • rvcwtv*4 at aay >Ute ta yrsyrtaliv*. a*4. ar MV*»«MNMr Bsywrti te PMB Trtlte* PSTSM* aa4vaan^^ Maar8*|i* yrOato h*M»r*. In. T. IAMBADT.L te D. Pm. or Ptta J. D OOteUMl, A. M. ten taVsn* K. 8 foriaff Tnb tryru fBMSay, ten. 11, ISSL | taLte Le mmd oppomr ml mo it* wkLki Mm Maw pro otrtUrd Ly law Mm* mud tkr-* te St** chm, V any *te» Law, rtty **M ItateM Mm«M BM L< yrwta* * to Um sghMrt Olrva water ay ha»] ro48c«rty, ta aOe*. Utl* 40. 4ay i JONES a WOOD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, lauta* (htrfl*. s 8 wty NarttaU Street P r. JONBS Jianary ViSM-MswIy. k 1 A