The banner of the South and planters' journal. (Augusta, Ga.) 1870-18??, February 10, 1872, Page 7, Image 7

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ttclcgrajilpc. FItOM WASHINGTON. Washington, February 9.—Full Cabi net to-day; routine proceedings. John X. Elile, of the Third Auditor's office, is held in SIO,OOO bail for defraud ing the Government. The jury, in the trial of ex-Congress man Stokes, of Tennessee, stood nine for conviction and three for acquittal. Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins is assigned to the command of the Atlantic squadron. CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, February 9.— Senate— A resolution calling for information re garding treaty affairs was discussed all the morning. It went over on a motion to table. , j Amnesty resumed. The clauses af- i fecting naturalization in Sumner's I amendment were discussed. The treaty | with China, forbidding the naturalization j of Chinese, is a stumbling block in Sumner's path. Finally, Sumner’s amendment was adopted by the casting vote of the Vice-President, Colfax; and the amnesty bill, thus amended, failed i of a necessary two-thirds vote. Nays—Blair, Boreman, Davis, Goldth waite, Hill, Johnson, Kelly, Logan, Mor rill of Maine, Norwood, Suulsburv, Stewart, Stockton, Thurman, Tipton, Trumbull, Vickers, Wright—l 9. The ayes were 3d. Adjourned till Monday. House. —Several bills were offered ex tending New England patents, but none of direct interest to the South passed. A bill authorizing an abatement of the tax on certain tobacco burned in Lousi ana and Missouri passed. The Election Committee's report, ousting Edwards and seating Bowles, from Arkuusas, was adopted. Bowles was seated; exit Edwards. A bill appropriating sixty-five thou sand dollars to William and' Mary Col lege, of Virginia, was discussed without action. Adjourned. GENERAL SUMMARY. Sr. Paul, Febniary 9.—Rev. Peter Cuthwright, 87 years of age, is hope lessly paralyzed. Ex-Senator Grimes is dead. Chetenne, February 9.—There is a poor prospect for a train this week either way. Albany, February 9.—The Legisla ture, by a party vote, rescinded the resolution withdrawing the ratification of the 15th amendment. St. Louis, February 9.—The coroner’s jury rendered a verdict that 1- red K. Baker, conductor, was principal, and Patrick Halpine, engineer, accessory to the accident near Alton. Cincinnati, February 8. —ln the House a bill was introduced to repeal the Ciuciunatti and Southern Railroad act, and authorizing the city to give bonds I in a sum not exceeding three millions to I any person who will build said road. FOREIGN. Liverpool, February 9, noon.—Efforts to save the Colorado failed. The steamer is broken in two and will prove a total loss. Boston, February 9.—/f Halifax special says, upon trustworthy authority, that a treaty exists between Great Britain I and Canada for separation. Since the treaty British troops have gradually withdrawn, till now there is scarcely a British soldier in the Dominion outside j of Halifax. The treaty will be pro- j claimed in case of a rupture between England and the United States, thus 1 relieving England from the duty of de- i fending the colonies. London, February 9, noon.—lt is re- 1 ported that Americans in Liverpool do j not approve of claims for indirect dam- j ages. The 7 hues to-day declares that Eng land has not revoked, and never will re voke, the treaty of Washington. She is still ready and resolved to stand by it, but cannot and will not embark in an altercation specially designed to close the door on all hopes of a settlement. MONEY markets. London. February 9, noon.—Consols, 917. Bonds, 91 J. Lateb— Consols, 92. Bonds, Oil. Fp.ankfobt. February 9, noon.—Bonds, 95}. The difficulty about the Alabama claims has a depressing influence on American securities in continental markets; sixty-twos have declined here since Wednesday, and the market is heavy. Pabis, February 9, noon.—Rentes. 56f. 35c. Specie has increased one and a quarter million francs. New Yobk. February 9. noon.—Stocks steady. Gold steady at 1101. Money firm at 7. Gov ernments dull. Exchange—long, 9J; short, 9j. New Yobk. February 9, p. m.—Money abun dant at 6@7. Sterling. 9}®9J. Gold, 110}@ 110}. Bonds closed active at advance. Southerns firm—new South Carohnas, 30}. New Orleans, February 9. —Sterling, 19}. Sight, } discount. Gold, 111. banner of the south and planters’ journal. COTTOX MARKETS. Livebpool. Febniary 9, noon.—Cotton opeu j ed flat—Uplands, lljjd.; Orleans, lljd; salos. 10.000: sales of the week, 117,000; export. ■ 14.000: speculation, 45,000: stock. 499.000, of ; which 157.000 are American : receipts of the I week 98,000. of which 39,000 were American; ] actual export 11,000; nealy due from New Or j leans, 11 fd. i Lateb— Cotton flat—Uplands. lIRBUJd; Or -1 leans. 11 pi: cotton afloat 414.000, or which 202,- 000 are American. Liverpool. February 9, evening. — Cotton closed flat—Uplands. ll}<S'll}d; Orleans, lllfo) llfd; nearly due from New Orleans, ll}d; ship ping at New Orleans. 1 l»d; at Savannah or Charleston, lljd. Manchester advices leSB fa vorable causing dullness. Havre, Febroarv 9. noon.—Cotton heavy— Low Middling. 137@138. New /York. February 9, uoou.—Cotton dull ■ and nominal—Uplands, 23; Orleaua 23}. ’ 128* New York. February 9. p. m.—Cotton quiet— j sales, 81)1 ; Uplands, 23; Orleans. 23J. Sales Cotton for future delivery to-day 22,800 i bales, as follows : February, 223, 22 5-ifi, 221; | March, 221, 225. 22 0-16, ‘22 11-16, 22}. 22j; j April, 22J. 22 13-IG, 22£, 23, 22 15-16. 22 31-32, 23|. 23}: May, 23, 23j, 23}, 23 1-16: Julie, 23], Galveston, Febniary 9, p. ra.—Cotton dull and nominal—Good Ordinary, 19}; net receipts, 514; exports to Great Britain, 3,295; coastwise. 1,110; sales. 550; stock, 49,058; net reoeipts of . the week, 5,383; exports to Great Britain, 4,993, 1 coastwise. 1.555; sales of the week, 4,900. Mobile, February 9. p. m.—Cotton dull and nominal—Middling. 22; net receipts. 907; i exports coastwise, 1,327; sales, 400; stock, ! | 64,527; net receipts of the week, 7.982; exports Ito Great Britain. 6,280; coastwise, 5,153; salos i of the week, 7.400. Columbus, February 9. n. m.—Cotton dull— receipts of the week. 620: shipments. 1.072; sales, 2,260; stock, 1871, 18.205; 1872, 9,915. Macon, Febniary 9, p. m.— Cotton dull—Mid dling, 21: net receipts of the week, 990; ship ments. 313; stock, 1871,16,665; 1872, 12,041. Philadelphia, February 9. p. m.—Cotton nominal—Middling. 23; net receipts of the week, 1.481; gross, 4.359. Memphis, February 9, p. in. Cotton dull j and nominal Middling, 22} ft) 221; receipts, 2,182; shipments, 2,765; stock. 1871. 49,069; 1872, 32,265: net receipts, of the week. 11,002; shipments, 9,395; Hales of the week, 12,000. Norfolk, February 9, p. m.—Cotton—noth ing doing: net receipts. 665; exports coastwise, 720; stock, 2,829: net receipts of the week. | 6.879; exports to Groat Britain, 503; coastwise, 6,411; salos of tlio week, 960. Providence, February 9, p. m.—Cotton net receipts of the week, 6‘i; stock. 17.000. Selma, February 9. p. in. -Cotton—stock. 1871, 10,775; 1872, 4,580; net receipts of the week, 975: shipments, 1.670. Baltimore, February 9, p. in. Cotton firm —Middling, 222(523; net receipts, 421; gross, 2.868; sales, 692: stock, 2,535; net receipts of the week. 1,504; press, 2.868; exports to Great Britain, 54; to the continent, 974; coastwise, 1.032; sales of the week, 2,661. Savannah, February 9, n. m. -Cotton—buy ers and sellers apart and tendency downward; Middling, at}; not receipts. 1,836; exports coastwise,»s29; sales, 900, stock, 79.892; net receipts of the week. 15.154; exports to Great Britain. 2,664: coastwise, 3,368; sales of the week, 11,850. Wilmington, February 9, 'p. m.— - Cotton firm Middling. 22?,: net receipts, 278; exports coastwise. 321; stock, 4,610; net receipts of tine, week, 1,397; exports coastwise-, 674; sales of the week, 1,021. Charleston, February 9. p. ra.—Cotton dull—Middling nominally. 22}; net receipts, 1,044; gross, 1,073; exports coastwise, 1.383, sales, 100; stock, 30.028: net receipts of the week, 6,457; grosG, 6.486; exports coastwise, 8,659; sales of the week, 4,000. New Orleans, Febniary 9, p. ra. —Cotton irregular and Middling nominally 224/5:22}; net receipts, 5.394: gross, 5,455; exports to Great Britain, 4,046: to Bremen, 2,623; to Galveston. 250; sales, 2.500; stock, 248,612; net receipts of the week, 35,225; gross, 37,009: exports to Great Britain. 14,798; tc the continent. 7.509; coastwise, 8,098; sales of the week, 28,000. Boston, Febniary 9, p. m. Cotton quiet— Middling. 234 ; net receipts, 78 ; gross, 781 : exports to Great Britain. 457: sales, 500; stock. 8,000; net receipts of the week, 1,320; gross, 8.934; exports to Great Britain, 750; sales of the week. 4.000. Nashville, February 9, p. m.—Cotton de moralized—Middling. 21: net receipts of the week, 3.606: stock. 1871, 7,584; 1872, 4.798. PRODUCE MARKETS. Liverpool, Febniary 9. noon.—Breadstuff's firm. Coni, 295. 9d. Tallow, 455. 6d. New’ York, February 9, nooir.—Flour a shade firmer. Wheat held quiet. Corn firmer. Pork dull—new £l4 12/514 37. Lard quiet at 9£(6)9;. Turpentine unchanged at 79(5794. Bonin quiet at £4 50(54 55 for strained. Freights (inner. New York, Febniary 9, p. m.—Flour firmer and fairly activo— common to fair extra, £6 87 (57 40; good to choice, £7 45(5)7 50. Whisky lower at 93. Wheat decidedly active, and 2(53 higher with brisk export demand—Winter Bed western, £1 63(5)1 67. Coni 1 higher with fair export home demand at 72(5)74. Kice quiet at 8(6)8}. Pork a shade easier at £l4 124(514 25. Lard, Navals and Tallow’ unchanged. * New Orleans. February 1). p. m.—Flour firm—superfine, £6 87}; double. £7 50; treble. £8(58 124. Corn lower and held —mixed, 82; white, 83. Oats dull at 65. Bran, £1 75. Hay quiet—prime, £3l 05; choice, £34 05. Pork firm at £ls 75. Bacon quiet at 7. 9(6)10; sugar cured hams dull at 12(5124. Lard firm—choice. 94@10}; keg, 1085104. Sugar quiet—inferior. 6(57}; common. 7](6)8; fair to fully fair, 8}(594; prime to strictly “prime, 94(510. Molasses in good demand and supply light—inferior, 30(5 35; common, 35(540; Centrifugal, 35(6)48; fair. 45(546: prime to strictly prime. 48(6)53. Coffee quiet at 20(5)22’. Whisky, 95(6>&1. Baltimore, February 9, p. m.—Flour ac tive and very firm, and favors sellers. Wheat firmer. Com quiet. Oats, 52(554. Bye. £l(s 1 05. Provisions steady. Whisky, 95(6)954. Cincinnati, February 9, p. m.— Flour in fair demand family, £7 20 (q) 7 35. Com steady. Pork quiet and unchanged, £l2 25. Lark. B}(6)9}. Bacon drooping—shoulders. 6}; ! sides, 7}. whisky, 86(587. Louisville. February 9. p. m. Bagging firm at 14(515. Flour active—family. £6 50. Com active at 58. Provisions steady. Whisky. 87c. Cuttings from Sweet PorxTOE Vines.— Correspondence of the Geor gia Telegraph has the following: The sweet potato vine may be saved during the winter and used the follow ing spring in propagating anew crop. I have tried the experiment during this year to my entire satisfaction. In the fall (at any time before the frost) the vines may be cut in any convenient length and placed in layers on the sur face of the earth to the depth of twelve or eighteen inches. Cover the vines while damp with partially rotted straw pine or wheat will answer) to the depth of six inches, and cover the whole with a light soil about four iuches deep. In this way the vines will keep during winter, and in the spring they will put out sprouts as abundant ly as the potato itself when bedded. The draws or sprouts can be planted first, and the vine itself can be subse quently cut and used as wc generally plant slips. St. Louis, February B.—A concurrent resolution to pay maturing State bonds in currency passed the House over the Governor’s veto. Passengers on the train which colli ded near Alton, caught by the feet only, were burned to death. Our friends of the farm and garden will find in our columns, an advertise ment from that enterprising Seed pro ducer of J. J. 11. GREGORY, Marble head, Mass. Mr. Gregory, is the originator of many of our first class vegetables and makes the seed of new and rare vege tables a specialty. lie now supplies more than fifty thousand customers an nually. Illustrated catalogues sent free to all. | Ykas and Neighs. —ls horses could make themselves understood in human language, they would signify by an univeral “Yea." their assent to t he statement that the Mus tang Liniment is the best remedy extant for all these external ailments, and by a | most emphatic “Neigh !’’ show' their dis pleasure at every attempt to use any other preparation in its stead, liver since its in troduction at. Si. Louis, at the close of the Mexican Wat *n, 1840. it has proved u sig nal blessing to horse and man--curing, with absolute certainty and wonderful despatch, such equine diseases ns spavin, ringbone, poll evil, scratches, hoofale, &<•., and re lieving and finally removing the painful af fections which attack the muscles, sinews and external glands of human beings. It is a fact beyond contradiction that for all injuries or complaints of man or quadrupeds to which an external remedy is applicable, the Mustang Liniment is preferable to every other. It EXAMPLE FOB THE LADIES. IV. Kelly, of "Amsterdam, N. V., earned with a Wheeler & Wilson Machine, in 14years, $14,564, in making coats; an average of more than s2oa week, with but a few cents for trifling repairs. It Having been the first to introduce to the public the Hubbard Squash, American Tnrhpn Squash, Mar blehead Mammoth Cabbage, Mexican Sweet Com, Fbtmiey V Water Melonaßrown’s New Dwarf Mairow fat Pea, Boston Curled Lettuce, and other New and Valuable Vegetables, with the return of another season, I am again pre pared to supply the public with Vegetables and Flower Seeds of the purest quality. My Annual Cat alogue is now ready, and will be sent Fbkf. to all. It has not only all novelties, but the standard Vegeta bles of the Farm and Garden, (over one hundred which are of my own growing), and a carefully se lected list of Flower .Seeds. On the cover of iny Cata logue will be found copies of letters received from farmers and gardeners residing in over thirty different Staten and Territories who have used my Seed from one to ten years, I warrant—l*/; That all vumeu sent shall. reach me. 2: That all Seed order'd shall "each the purchaser. 3d: That my Seed shall be fresh, mnd true to name. Catalogues free to all. , JAMES J. 11. GREGORY, feblO—4t Marblehead, Mass. START A NURSERY. HOW TO —Third edition. Price 25c. Price List No. 2, for Spring of 1872, free. II BIKES’ NURSERIES, Dayton, Ohio. Established 1822. feblC—lt. I¥ew and Rare Vegetables. I ranke the seed of New and Rare Vegetables a sp< - cially, besides raising all the common varieties. On the cover of my Catalogue will be found extracts from letters received from farmer* and uardeners residing in over thirty States and Territories who have used my seed from one to ten year*. Catalogues sent frer to all. SPf" I grow over one hundred varieties. Get your seed directly from the grower. JAMES J, H. GREGORY, Marblehead, Kms. febl.—6t MONUMENT TO THE CONFEDERATE DEAD OF GEORGIA, And those Soldiers from other Confed erate States who were killed or died in this State. THE MONUMENT TO COST $50,000 The Corner Stone it is proposed shall be laid as soon as the receipt< will permit 2,000 Prizes, valued at ($500,OOf) Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. That amount only, in Tickets, to be sold. For every Five Dollars subscribed before the first day of February, 1872. and for every Ten Dollars alter that date, there will he given a cartificate of Life Membership to the Monumental Association. This certificate will entitle the owner thereof to an equal interest in the following property, to be distributed hs soou a„ the requisite number of shares are Bold, to wit: First. Nine hundred and one acres of land in Lincoln County, Georgia, on which are the well known Magru der Gold and Copper Mines valued at $1 JO,OOO And to seventeen hundred and forty four shares in one hundred thousand dollars of ITnitedStates currency to-wit: 1 Share of SIO,OOO SIO,OOO 1 “ ot 5,000 5,000 2 “ of 2,500 5,000 10 “ ox 2,000 20,000 10 “ of 1,000 10,000 20 “ of 500 10,000 100 “ of 100 10,000 200 “ of 50 10,000 400 “ of 25 10,000 1,000 “ of 10 10,000 SIOO,OOO From the first-class real estate, offered bv well known patriotic citizens, to the Confederate Monu ment il Association, the following have been selected ana added to the foregoing Shares : Ist Berzelia. This well-known resort, with the largo residence, store, etc , and four hundred acres of land, immediately on the Georgia Railroad, twonty miles from Augusta. Paying an annual yield of Fif teen thousand dollars 2d—The well-known City Hotel, trotting on Broad Street. The building is of brick, throe stories high, 134x70 feet Valued at $20,0"0 3d.—The Solitude Plantation, in Russell Ocunty, Alabama, on the Chattahooeheo River, with elegant and commodious improvements. The averagesßental since 1804, haH been over Seven Thousand Dollars. 4tli—That largo Brick Residence and B.ore, on Northwest corner of Broad aud Centre Streets, known ai the Phinizy or Baudry House. Rent, Two Thou sand dollars. 6th —The Rogers' House, on Greene Street, anew and elegant Brick Residence in most dssirable portion of that beautiful street. Valued at $16.01 0 Gth—Flat Bush, with 120 Acres of Land, half a rtfllc from the city limits, tty* elegant Suburban Resi dence of Antoine poullaiti, 12sq. t in good order, Valued nt $16,000 7th.—The Dealing House, a large and commodious Residence, with Thirty City Lots 60x210 feet, fronting on McKinne and Carnes streets. Valued at $16,000. Bth.—Stanton lies?deuce and Orchard, on the Geor gia Railroad. Valued at $5,000. Also—l Share of One Hundred Balog of Cotton ; 1 Share of Fifty Bales ; 1 Share of Twenty-live Bales; 244 Shares of One Bale. The Bales to average 400 pounds, aud class Liverpool Middling. The value of the separate interest to which the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be de termined by the Commissioners, who w ill announce to the pubdc the manner, the time and place of dis tribution. The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commmissloners, and will either by a Committed 1 from their own body, or by Special Trustees, appoint ed by themselves, receive and take proper charge of the money for the Monument, as well as the Real Es tate and the U. 8. Currency offered as inducements for subscriptions, and wi'l determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscription thereon, the site therefor, select an oiator for the occasion, aud regu late the ceremonies to be observed when the Corner- Stone is laid, to-wft; Generals L. McLaws, A. R. Wright, M. A. Stovall, W. M. Gardner, Goode Bryan, Colonels C. Snead, Win. P. Crawford, Majors Joseph B. Cum ining, George T. Jackson, Joseph Gan ahl, I. P. Girardey, lion. IL H. May, Messrs. Adam Johnston, Jonathan M. Miller, W. 11. Goodrich, ,T. D. Butt, : Henry Moore, Dr. W. E. Dealing. Agents are allowed twenty per cent They are re- I qnired to pay their own expenses ; Tickets aud Cir- j onUrs alone being furnished to them. They will re mit Weekly the amounts from sa c* received, les* | their commission. (No Commissions will be deduct ductod Irom simple contributions. 'J ho price of tickets (five dollars) will be the same until the Ist d*y of February next, on and after which day it is proposed that one-half the tickets then unsold will be withdrawn, the remainder to be sold at Ten Dollars eich, the mirchaser to be on the same fooling in every particular with those previous ly sold. On jccount of the very great labor required of the General Agents, the offered services of one or more prominent gentlemen, well and favorably known throughout the South, will bo accepted to act with us. parties desiring to contribute to the Monument, and who do not wish to participate in the award, will receive a special receipt. The money will be turned over to the Treasurer, and will be appropriated to the Monument without any deduction whatever. L. & A. H. McLAWS, Gen. Agt’s, No. 3, Old P. O. Rauge, Mclntosh St., HON. JAEE3 M. BMYTHE, Traveling Agent. Every Planter Should Have Them! FIFTKRN VALUABLE VETERINARY RECIPES FOR FIVE DOLLARS. A disabled Confederate Soldier offers fifteen Valua ble recipes for the treatment of diseases oi horses and cattle, including Fistula, Pole Evil, Glanders, Pliarcy Rinboue, Lice, Coughs, Grubs, Colic, Worms, Scours* Sweeny—fully tested before and since the war—for $5. They have proved almost certain reme dies in almost every instance. If parties who pur chcae are not satisfied after tair trial, the money will be lefunded. Address, inclosing by Registered Let * ter JaMES H. PRICE. dec9— tj Box No. t, Scoltsvilie, Va. j RIFLES, SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVER, GUN MA- I TEHIAL. Write for Price list, to Great Western Gnn Works, Pittsburg, Ps. Army Guns. Revolvers, Ac., bought or traded for. Agents Wanted. angl.*>--Sm [ SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PREMIUM MEDALS AWARDED mTHE GREAT lUamifhctory. i WM. KNABE & CO, Manufacturers of | GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT ! PIANO FORTES. BALTIMORE, ML. I These Instruments hsve been before the public i for Learly Thirty Years, and upon their excellence I alone attained an unpurchased pre-eminence, which I pronounces them unequaled in I TONE, TOUCH ; I WORKMANSHIP, And DURABILITY. Ail our Square Pianos have our New Im proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffk Tbeblk. We would call special attention to our late Patented Improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS, found in no other Piano, which brings the piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. Ws are by special arrangement enabled to fur nish PARLOR ORGANS arul MELODEONS of the most celebrated makers, Wholesale and Retail at Lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues aud Price Lists promptly furnished on application to WM. KNABE k CO., Baltimore, Md, OR TO P. Brenner, Sole Agent, Augusta, Ga. oct2B- -6m 1871. Fall Trade. 1871 GUNS. GUNS. GUNS. Double and Single Barrel Guns, Breochloading and Muzzleloading Guns, of English, French aud Ger man manufacture, AT ALL PRICES. Single Ouns at $2 50, *4.00, *O.OO, *3 00, *12.00 to *2O each. Double Guns from *7.00 to *2OO each. PISTOLS. PISTOLS. PISTOLS. Smith k Wesson, Colt’s. Allen’s, Sharp's, and all the popular and approved kinds. Ammunition for Guns, Pistols and Rifles. Sportsman’s Goods of Great Variety. TIEST QUALITY AND AT LOWEST PBICES. Country Merchants and Sportsmen are invited to call and examine our large and well selected stock of the above goods, which we import direct and buy from the manufacturers. We guarantee qua.ity equal to, aud prices as 10-v as any responsible house in this country. Orderp by mail filled promptly, aud sent by ex press, C. O. D. FOULTNEY, TRIMBLE & fO., 20R YV. Baltimore Street. Baltimore, Md aplß—l y—sep2 Eumelan Grapes- THE BEST WINE AND TABLE GRAPE OF AMERICA. The Subscriber is prepared to furnish a limited number of this new and very Superior *irapeviue at $1.60 each, by mail; sl6 per dozen; $125 per hun dred. It. is earlier aud more productive than the Hartford, hardier and more vigorous than the Con cord, and equal in quality to the Delaware, and su perior as a Red Wine Grape to the Nbrton. Compe tent judges everywhere pronounce it as the best black and Red W ine Grape of America. HENRY M PRICE, Enmelan Vineyard and Nursery, C« ntral Plains. Fluvanna co..nty, Virginia. aplß—ly (Established 1820.) W. J, Young & Sons. Successors to Wm. J. Young &C'o., Wm. J. Youkg&Soxs, Wm. J. Young. MATHEMATICAL AND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS, At their old location, NO. 43 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have so increased their facilities as to believe they can in future keep a full supply of instruments on baud. Tapes, chains, stations!/, draughting instruments and all supplies for field or office. ieblß—ly ROYAL VICTORIA HOTEL, NASSAU, N. P., BAHAMA!-!. Arrangements have now been completed by which travelers in the Southern States may visit this favor ite winter resort before returning North. The first-class steamers of the Atlantic Mail Steam • shin Cos., leave Key West for Nassau direct as follows; MISSOURI, Capt. T. H. Mobton, Jan. 6. COLUMBIA. Capt. E, Van Sice, Jan. 20. MORRO CASTLE, Capt. It. Adams, Feb. 3 ; and every fortnight thereafter until further notice. • Persons visiting Nassau may return North by New York direct, or via Havanna. St. Thomas and Jamai ca. Bjard $3 per day American gold. LEWIS F. CLEVELAND, Proprietor, dec23—lm BRINLY PLOWS MUST AND CHEAPEST IN MI, Have taken over 2AO Premiums at Fairs throughout the South. Send for •• 22 • illustrated Catalogue with 2£3 jb VEsp&wu Price List,and certificates c t 2 “ of planters who use them. 6 a -3 sole manufacturers: 2 £ * BRINLY, MILES IL HARDY. S H Louisville, Kt. auglfi—6cn AVOID QUACK&—A victim of early indiscretion, causing nervons debility, premature decay. Ac., hav ing tried in vain every advertised remedy, has dis covered a simple means of self-cure, which he will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. H. KF VVKS, 78 Nassau st., N. Y. aug.. lv (hQrrc A MONTH—Expenses’ aid—Male or Fe / Oma!e Agents—Horses and outfit furzuihrcL Aduress, Noviltt Cos., Saco, Me. w vIH-I3t 7